Guideline Adherence Rates and Interprofessional Variation: Commentary
Guideline Adherence Rates and Interprofessional Variation: Commentary
Guideline Adherence Rates and Interprofessional Variation: Commentary
Guideline adherence rates and ondary care than from primary care—
even though many more patients are
treated in the latter setting—because the
interprofessional variation infrastructure to support trials is less
well developed there. As a result, there is
R Peveler far less evidence about the treatment of
mild depression than of severe forms of
the condition. This alone may explain
Variation in professional practice is a complex issue, but why specialists’ decisions are closer to
guidelines than those of non-specialists.
probably largely reflects differences in training, and there is In addition, more evidence is available to
evidence that guidelines and education alone have little guide drug treatment than psycho-
impact on professional behaviour. therapy because medication trials are
more likely to be funded by the manu-
facturers of patentable products. There
he increasing recognition of depres- impact on the treatment decision. In the
sive illness as a major public health UK most general practitioners have very are also difficulties in the “conscientious,
problem1 has intensified research limited access to psychotherapeutic explicit and judicious” application of
efforts and also highlighted the extent of treatments, so it would be expected that evidence to individual patients when
variation in professional practice. Be- other professionals would recommend systematic diagnostic and psychopatho-
cause depressive illness is so prevalent, such approaches more often, simply logical evaluation does not form part of
most cases are not managed by special- because the patient would have been routine practice in primary care, simply
ists. Although healthcare systems differ, referred by a general practitioner (and because there is not time to do it.
general medical practitioners are the usually would already have had a trial of The vignette study by Tiemeier et al
professional group most often involved. pharmacological treatment). Profession- leaves unanswered the question of where
The training in mental health provided als are more likely to choose treatments patients’ preferences for treatment fit in.
for such doctors is variable, but usually which they know are available to their Difficulties arise from the fact that there
does not mirror the high prevalence of patients, whatever guidelines may sug- is wide variation in patients’ beliefs and
the common conditions—for example, in gest. expectations about the treatment of
the UK less than half of general practi- The study highlights the important depression. Medical practice, like poli-
tioners may receive specialist training fact that overtreatment is as important a tics, is the art of the possible, and many
experience in mental health. There is problem as undertreatment, an issue will find the considerable time and effort
similar variation in the training of other which has had too little attention in pre- needed to persuade a reluctant patient to
professional groups. It is therefore no vious work. The observation that profes- accept antidepressant medication too
sionals may “undertreat” patients with demanding in the context of busy
surprise that there is variation in profes-
dominating psychosocial problems is general practice.
sional practice both within and between
also valuable, and consistent with both
such groups, as shown by Tiemeier et al2 Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:208
clinical experience and newly emerging
in their vignette study published in this
evidence. .....................
issue of QSHC.
One hope attached to “evidence-
This study creates an odd world of Correspondence to: Professor R Peveler,
based” practice is that variation between
hypothetical patients. While the presen- Professor of Psychiatry, University of
professionals might be reduced. Clearly
tation of an apparently uniform stimulus Southampton, Royal South Hants Hospital,
there is a tacit assumption that reduction Southampton SO14 0YG, UK;
to groups of health professionals has in variation must necessarily represent
superficial scientific appeal, extrapola- an improvement in quality of care, and
tion of findings to clinical practice is lead to better patient outcomes. In the REFERENCES
extremely difficult. It is revealing that early 1990s such hopes gave rise to the 1 Murray CJL, Lopez AD. The global burden of
the “gold standard” for comparison pur- proliferation of guidelines, and publi- disease: a comprehensive assessment of
poses could not be derived from pub- mortality and disability from diseases, injuries
cation of studies such as the Gotland and risk factors in 1990 and projected to
lished evidence but had itself to be gen- study3 which suggested that educating 2020. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
erated by panels of “experts”. Until the general practitioners could lead to a Press, 1996.
levels of agreement between such ex- 2 Tiemeier H, de Vries WJ, van het Loo M, et
measurable improvement in clinical out- al. Guideline adherence rates and
perts are known, surely it is premature to comes. However, a large well designed interprofessional variation in a vignette study
conclude that views of others are “inap- randomised controlled trial of guideline of depression. Qual Saf Health Care
propriate” simply because they disagree? based education in the UK4 was unable 2002;11:214–8.
3 Rutz W, von Knorring L, Walinder J.
Although carefully designed and con- to demonstrate expected benefits in out- Long-term effects of an educational program
ducted, the study is also compromised by comes. Although it is possible that this for general practitioners given by the Swedish
the low response rates among some study was not sufficiently powerful to Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of
Depression. Acta Psychiatr Scand
groups. detect benefit, any hypothetical benefit 1992;85:83–8.
It seems questionable to “pool” the can at best be only modest in size. More 4 Thompson C, Kinmonth AL, Stevens L, et al.
judgements of professional groups and likely, the failure to demonstrate benefit Effects of a clinical practice guideline and
then to compare each with the pooled reflects either the ineffectiveness of edu- practice-based education on detection and
outcome of depression in primary care:
scores. This implies that the context of cation or the lack of validity of current Hampshire Depression Project randomised
the clinical encounter would have no guidelines. controlled trial. Lancet 2000;355:185–91.
Length of in-hospital stay and its time for the investigations included in
the treatment score such as an echocar-
diogram to be undertaken, but it might
relationship to quality of care also allow for the patients’ health to start
to improve over time thus improving the
A Clarke discharge score as well. In this case the
effects (improvement in indices of qual-
ity) may not precede the cause (LOS). It
is possible that the indices of quality may
Ensuring the delivery of appropriate care and treatment is not be independent of LOS.
crucial for quality of care; length of stay in hospital may be
irrelevant to this process. “The problematic nature of
the relationship between
he relationship between length of history was an item in the admission
in-hospital stay (LOS) and quality of score, daily weight measurements were LOS and quality needs to
care is difficult. LOS is determined included in the treatment score, and be acknowledged”
by a complex interweaving network of improvements in clinical signs in the
multiple supply and demand factors discharge score. In one institution (their
own) the authors found a statistically sig- Where does this leave us? It appears
which operate at macro-, meso-, and
nificant association between longer LOS that a longer LOS does not (and cannot)
micro- levels. These factors range from
and treatment and discharge scores, hav- “cause” an increase in quality on its own.
organisational culture and hospital bed
ing adjusted for relevant confounding fac- Both very good and very poor quality of
availability, through availability of “step
tors such as age, comorbidity and severity. care can be provided with the same LOS
down” or intermediate care services, to
This finding of an association does not, for the same condition. This problematic
the customs and cultures of the local
however, tell us about the causal nature of nature of the relationship between LOS
populace.1–3 On top of these many factors
the relationship found. Bradford-Hill and quality needs to be acknowledged.
there is also usually an underlying
originally described the basic criteria for LOS is most likely to have an inverted “U”
downward trend in LOS for any one par-
assessing causality when an association shaped relationship to quality of care.
ticular condition over time.3
has been found.11 One of the most impor- Above and below a certain optimum LOS,
In health policy terms, LOS remains
tant is the strength of any relationship, quality may deteriorate. The optimum
an easily measurable index of “effi-
and consistency describes the repeatabil- LOS for any one condition will have a
ciency” and is quoted as such in one of
ity of the finding. A dose-response rela- range which depends on local supply and
the most recent publications of the UK
tionship or biological gradient indicates demand factors such as the individual
Department of Health NHS performance
how the dependent variable—in this case, patient’s needs or the availability of the
indicators.4 In this publication the per-
quality—varies in line with the independ- relevant community services.
centage “improvement” or percentage
ent variable—LOS (“longer LOS, more Current patterns in health care—
reduction in LOS compared with the including the increasing role of interme-
quality” or, conversely, “shorter LOS, less
previous year is plotted for each local diate, primary, and community care in
quality”). Coherence, biological plausibil-
area. The clear message from the UK many industrialised countries—point to
ity, and analogy all relate to whether a
Department of Health is that reductions a decreasing role for the hospital. We
plausible mechanism for a causal chain of
in LOS are expected to be achieved year need to move away from an obsession
events is possible. However, the sine qua
on year and represent “efficiency” of non for causality is temporality. The cause with LOS. The “right” care needs to be
local health services. must precede the effect.12 provided in the “right” place.13 This study
Much of the literature in this area would How can these criteria be used in by Kossovsky et al is a useful addition to
support or certainly not refute this policy assessing whether a relationship found the literature on LOS and quality.10 I
drive by the UK Department of Health. between quality and LOS is causal? The would concur with the authors’ conclu-
Many of the studies that have been under- strength of the relationship is not at all sions that LOS should not be reduced
taken show that quality of care or health clear. Studies have been published which without consideration of care pathways
outcomes do not appear to be compro- suggest an increase in quality with both and appropriate treatment patterns, but
mised by reductions in LOS,5–7 and for a a shorter and a longer LOS, and this I would go further—ensuring the deliv-
long time there have been suggestions that finding does not easily comply with the ery of appropriate care pathways and
LOS could itself be a cause of increased consistency or biological gradient crite- treatment patterns is crucial for quality
morbidity resulting, for example, from ria. Plausible reasons for the relationship of care; LOS itself may be irrelevant to
increased risks of hospital acquired infec- between LOS and quality of care can be this process.
tion or thromboembolic disease.8 9 put forward to support either a longer or
In contrast to this view, Kossovsky and shorter LOS—for example, a longer LOS Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:209–210
colleagues have produced some interest- might be thought of as allowing more .....................
ing findings in their study of the relation- time for appropriate investigation and
ship between LOS and quality of care in treatment while a shorter LOS may be Correspondence to: Dr A Clarke, Health
congestive heart failure.10 In their paper consistent with a rapid, ordered and sys- Services Research Unit, London School of
published in this issue of QSHC they Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street,
tematic care pathway. The criteria of London WC1E 7HT, UK;
looked at the relationship between LOS coherence, biological plausibility, and
and three validated indices of quality of analogy are therefore not particularly
care—an admission score, a treatment useful in this context. The criterion of REFERENCES
score, and a discharge score. Within each temporality is one of the most impor- 1 Westert GP. Variation in use of hospital care.
index there were a number of items which tant, however, for considering the causal Assen, Netherlands: van Gorcum, 1992.
2 Roemer MI. Bed supply and utilisation: a
were obviously directly related to relationship between LOS and the qual- natural experiment. J Am Hosp Assoc
quality—for example, taking an adequate ity of care. In the study by Kossovsky et 1961;35:34–42.
3 Clarke A. Why are we trying to reduce 6 Clarke A, Rowe P, Black N. Does a shorter hospital stay and trends in postoperative wound
length of stay? Evaluation of the costs and length of hospital stay affect the outcomes and infection. Am J Infect Control 1993;21:201–4.
benefits of reducing time in hospital must start costs of hysterectomy in southern England? J 10 Kossovsky MP, Sarasin FP, Chopard P, et al.
from the objectives that govern the change. Epidemiol Community Health Relationship between hospital length of stay
Qual Health Care 1996;5:172–9. 1996;50:545–50. and quality of care in patients with congestive
4 Department of Health. NHS performance 7 Bundred N, Maguire P, Reynolds J. heart failure. Qual Saf Health Care
indicators. London: Department of Health, Randomised controlled trial of effects of early
11 Hill AB. The environment and disease:
2002 ( discharge after surgery for breast cancer. BMJ association or causation? Proc R Soc Med
nhsperformanceindicators/2002/ha/). 1998;317:1275–9. 1965;58:295–300.
5 Cleary PD, Greenfield S, Mulley SAG, et al. 8 Asher RAJ. The dangers of going to bed. 12 Rothman KJ. Modern epidemiology.
Variations in length of stay and outcomes for BMJ 1947;ii:867–8. Massachusetts: Little Brown, 1986.
six medical and surgical conditions in 9 Kandula P, Wenzel R. Postoperative wound 13 Clarke A, Rosen R. Length of stay: how short
Massachusetts and California. JAMA infection after total abdominal hysterectomy: a should hospital care be? Eur J Public Health
1991;266:73–9. controlled study of the increased duration of 2001;11:166–70.
Pediatric Peri-Operative Cardiac does not exist. In the current media cli-
mate it is important that the medical
ith rare conditions, or specific the bias that exists when data are ric specific template, the Utstein tem-
events which do not occur very collected from a single institution. plate, was published.7 This is a standard-
often, it can be difficult to per- This study draws on the audit system ised method which allows for the
form prospective studies which yield established by the American Society of collection of data from different clinical
sufficient data from which meaningful Anaesthesiology Closed Claims Project5 situations in a comparable form. Several
interpretations can be made. The inci- whose database has already proved to be studies from the US have been published
dence of cardiopulmonary arrest from an effective means of describing rare
using this template, but relatively few
any cause—an especially rare event in events and identifying possible causative
exist for the UK. However, the collection
children—remains at a level such that mechanisms. To establish such a data-
of such data has enormous implications.
the collection of quality data is a rarity. base in other countries such as the UK
With internationally agreed standards,
Numerous historical studies have re- would require the formation of a central
not only is it possible to compare
ported the incidence and causation of coordinating centre with further “panel
outcomes within different scenarios, but
cardiopulmonary arrest,1–3 but most of members” nationwide, all of which
also within different patient groups from
these use retrospective data, addressing would require staffing and subsequent
funding. It is, however, equally impor- geographically diverse populations using
different variables and outcome meas- different types of services. The inter-
ures which make a comparison of the tant to acknowledge the initial enthusi-
asm that existed to establish the Regis- national community will benefit as more
data impossible. However, the existence data can be collected, incidence rates
try. Posner et al4 state that in 1994
of the Pediatric Peri-Operative Cardiac truly calculated, causative factors identi-
“anaesthesiologists from over 50 hospi-
Arrest (POCA) Registry described in this fied, and processes which have better
tals throughout the United States and
issue by Posner et al4 shows that collec- outcomes can be adopted while less
Canada expressed an interest in contrib-
tion of large amounts of data from a favourable processes can be readdressed.
uting data to a registry to investigate
widely spread geographical population With the expectations of healthcare
causes of cardiac arrest among paediatric
using a sound methodology is, in fact, a professionals to practise evidence-based
anaesthetic patients”. From 1994 to 2002
realistic possibility. medicine and the availability of numer-
the number of institutions involved in
The success of the POCA Registry can ous sources of information, it is logical to
the Registry has remained relatively
be attributed to its disease specific standardise data collection inter-
stable at approximately 60. Two factors
approach. Despite the fact that paediatric nationally. By using processes such as
have led to this.
perioperative cardiac arrest remains a the POCA Registry, methodologically
relatively rare occurrence, by concentrat- • With sound methodology, anonymity
sound systems are established which
ing on this one specific well defined is maintained. This subsequently
allow information on rare events/
event the data collected covers most of minimises under-reporting of cases as
conditions to be shared with the inter-
the centres in North America where fear of litigation is reduced because it
national community. Such information
anaesthetics are administered to chil- is impossible for cases to be traced
will allow the individual practitioner to
dren. In this data retrieval system events back to their original institutions.
ensure that information made available
occurring within different types of insti- • There is a commitment to ensuring to the patient is not only standardised,
tution providing services for different that the Registry remains relatively but also up to date, accurate, and
populations are included, and the quality high profile by persistently advertising comparable across nations. This, in turn,
of the data is improved by minimising its existence at annual meetings. will allow valid comparisons of outcome
and causality to be made, resulting in an Correspondence to: Dr A Raffles, Child Health 4 Posner KL, Geiduschek J, Haberkern CM, et
Department, East and North Herts NHS Trust, al. Unexpected cardiac arrest among children
improvement in clinical performance during surgery: a North American registry to
Queen Elizabeth 2 Hospital, Howlands,
and the development of valid clinical Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 4HQ, elucidate the incidence and causes of
standards against which unit and UK; anesthesia related cardiac arrest. Qual Saf
Health Care 2002;11:252–7.
individual performance can be 5 Cheney FW. The American Society of
measured. REFERENCES Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project. What
1 Young KD, Seidel JS. Pediatric have we learned, how has it affected practice,
Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:210–211 cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a collective and how will it affect practice in the future?
review. Ann Emerg Med 1999;33:195–205. Anesthesiology 1999;91:552–6.
..................... 2 Schindler M, Bohn D, Cox PN, et al. 6 Dick WF. Uniform reporting in resuscitation.
Outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac or Br J Anaesth 1997;79:241–52.
Authors’ affiliations respiratory arrest in children. N Engl J Med 7 Zaritsky A, Nadkarni V, Hazinski MF, et al.
S Jones, A Raffles, Child Health Department, 1996;335:1473–9. Recommended guidelines for uniform
East and North Herts NHS Trust, Queen 3 Fiser D, Wrape V. Outcome of reporting of pediatric advanced life support:
Elizabeth 2 Hospital, Welwyn Garden City, cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children. the pediatric Utstein style. Resuscitation
Hertfordshire AL7 4HQ, UK Pediatr Emerg Care 1987;3:235–8. 1995;30:95–115.
National Service Frameworks into the reasons behind the fall off in
................................................................................... prescribing, it is hard to draw any
conclusions about what is actually hap-
ne of the main challenges cur- timely. By examining the extent to which
the recommendations in the coronary place. The decision whether or not to
rently facing all health systems is
heart disease NSF are implemented once take powerful drugs with many potential
the need to improve standards by
patients have returned to the community side effects should be taken by patients
reducing unjustified variations in care. A
following an acute coronary event, the in partnership with their personal physi-
variety of approaches have been adopted
authors are focusing on an issue of wider cians, and should occur in the context of
around the world to meet this challenge.
significance—namely, the sustainability an holistic assessment of the patients’
In this issue of QSHC, Underwood and
of a system wide quality improvement psychological and social, as well as
Beck1 describe the use of National
initiative. The results indicate that initial physical, needs. Staff in primary care
Service Frameworks (NSFs), one part of
improvements in clinical care were not need support from their secondary care
an ambitious programme of health sys-
maintained and they argue that this is, in colleagues as well as prompt and com-
tem reform introduced in the UK in
part, because the issue of sustainability prehensive discharge information to
is not adequately addressed in the help them in this process. They do not
National Service Frameworks are
framework. need more secondary care input in the
weighty documents produced by “expert
In this context, two issues seem to be community.
reference groups”. These groups consist
important. Firstly, NSFs and other “top Where we would agree with the
of representatives from general practice,
down” quality improvement pro- authors is in their assessment of the
the Royal Colleges, hospital specialists, grammes are based on an underlying need for greater resources. Helping pa-
and patient advocacy groups. In addition assumption that patients’ interests are tients to make truly informed decisions
to setting national standards for clinical best served by following a biomedical about their lifestyle and medical treat-
care, they also define models of service model which implements the results of ment is labour intensive, and at present
provision and establish performance randomised controlled trials. This ap- primary care in the UK is grossly under-
measures. Progress against these per- proach, as others have noted,5 6 is not provided with the resources to make this
formance measures will form part of the without problems. Such “generalisable” happen. The NSFs cannot be imple-
assessment of healthcare providers by a results conceal important variations, and mented, and early gains will not be sus-
newly established UK inspection agency, the conditions under which randomised tained, unless extra resources accom-
as well as forming part of a new controlled trials are performed are very pany the additional work. The recent
appraisal process for individual practi- different from “real life”. It is therefore announcement of a cash injection for the
tioners. Their successful implementation possible that the fall off in prescriptions NHS indicates that this message is at last
is thus an important issue for all organi- is actually a function of the transfer of getting through.
sations within the UK NHS. evidence to the real world of clinical
The coronary heart disease NSF used practice in which patients have their own Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:211–212
by Underwood and Beck was the second ideas about the appropriateness of medi-
framework to be published and, as far as cal advice. There is some evidence that,
the recommended pathways and stand- when presented with good evidence Authors’ affiliations
K Checkland, M Marshall, National Primary
ards are concerned, probably the most about risks, patients may make choices Care Research and Development Centre,
straightforward to implement.3 4 Under- that are different from those we might University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL,
wood and Beck’s evaluation is therefore expect.7 Without a deeper investigation UK
Correspondence to: Dr K Checkland, National 2 Department of Health. The new NHS: modern, 6 Charlton B. The new management of
Primary Care Research and Development dependable. London: The Stationery Office, 1997. scientific knowledge in medicine: a change of
Centre, 5th Floor, Williamson Building, 3 Rogers A, Campbell S, Gask L, et al. Some direction with profound implications. In: Miles
University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, National Service Frameworks are more equal A, Hampton JR, Hurwitz B, eds. NICE, CHI
than others: implementing clinical governance and the NHS reforms: enabling excellence or
for mental health in primary care groups and imposing control? London: Aesculapius
trusts. J Mental Health 2002;11:199–212.
Medical Press, 2000: 13–31.
4 Campbell SM, Sheaff R, Sibbald B, et al.
REFERENCES Implementing clinical governance in English 7 Protheroe J, Fahey T, Montgomery AA, et al.
1 Underwood P, Beck P. Secondary prevention primary care groups/trusts: reconciling quality The impact of patients’ preferences on
following myocardial infarction: evidence from improvement and quality assurance. Qual Saf the treatment of atrial fibrillation:
an audit in South Wales that the National Health Care 2002;11:9–14. observational study of patient based
Service Framework for coronary heart disease 5 Haycox A, Bagust A, Walley T. Clinical decision analysis. Commentary: patients,
does not address all the issues. Qual Saf guidelines: the hidden costs. BMJ preferences, and evidence. BMJ
Health Care 2002;11:230–2. 1999;318:391–3. 2000;320:1380–4.
uality improvement (QI) projects
are now an integral part of the OF MEDICAL PRACTICE correlations are identified—and repeat-
strategy of healthcare systems Healthcare providers often do not con- edly so—between what has been done
towards accountability. While sider themselves as part of healthcare and what has happened, the project will
the immediate audience of the outcomes research. In fact, this chasm separates be unable to answer the “so what?”
of such projects is internal to the care the concepts of a “QI project” from a “QI question from sceptics or those unwill-
providing organization, accountability to program”. When seen as a “project”, the ing to challenge the status quo. In
external audiences (communities, gov- incentives for a change in practice style contrast, when causal or correlative
ernment, payers, business coalitions) is or in a system’s processes are practically associations are demonstrated, cost/
increasingly demanded.1 Indeed, while non-existent. The reason is that a project benefit analyses can follow to show the
in the past decade outcomes research has an end point which predisposes goodness, acceptability, or affordability
was primarily the domain of healthcare those who do not want a change to see it of the performance.4 Thus, the way is
professionals, now it seems the corner- as a passing fad, inconsequential to their paved for a sustainable ongoing pro-
stone of any accountability strategy. In beliefs and traditions. A higher likeli- gram, able not only to help providers
the US such strategies are translated into hood for success exists for approaches learn about themselves, but also to shape
“report cards”, in the UK to “league that are designed as programs that are their accountability strategies towards
ongoing, continuous, and both epide- various audiences.
tables”, and elsewhere to “hospital rank-
miological and clinical in nature. These Multi-site programs (regional, na-
ing reports”. Even when the methods of
programs are best when they provide, tional, or international) are ideally suited
analysis have not changed—variation,
through comparative analysis, perform- for demonstrating performance good-
observed to expected ratios, statistically
ance profiles which providers can emu- ness. The comparative analysis such a
significant differences in utilization or
late and outcomes they want to achieve. setting allows across providers, severity
outcomes rates—the landscape has been
This attribute of a QI program reporting of disease stratified patient groups, or
expanded to encompass numerous from the field contrasts with the sheer
groups asking for accountability.2 variation in organizational structures is
distribution of “best practice” guidelines essential for a convincing QI method-
To achieve responsiveness to various suggested by experts.
audiences, QI projects should measure ology. Once the baseline of comparative
temporal trends in performance, link performance profiles is established, each
outcomes to processes, and ascertain the “the success of a QI project site may proceed with its own assess-
extent of organizational readiness for may be its ability to ment of acceptability and affordability.
Eventually, a “value” will be shown to
promoting higher quality and safer sys- metamorphose into a QI local audiences interested in knowing
tems of delivery. Epidemiological meth-
ods of measurement and analysis, spe- program” how well the healthcare system is doing
cially based on rates, are necessary for a by them.
successful QI program, yet not sufficient. The QI report by Freeman et al3 in this
Indeed, the key determinant may lie in issue of QSHC elegantly describes the CONCLUSIONS
the very distinction between a “project” importance of the multi-site comparative I venture to suggest that a true perform-
and a “program”. analysis and the challenges associated ance measurement and improvement
model would not only be an ongoing quantitative strategies towards account- Dr Vahé A Kazandjian is the President of the
program, but something that has to ability. As a gesture of true professional- Center for Performance Sciences, a global
become part of the very fabric of ism and timely self-evaluation, the Char- outcomes research organization, and
A/Associate Professor, the Johns Hopkins
medicine. When the practice of medicine ter supports the notion that QI projects Bloomberg School of Hygiene and Public
is intertwined with its simultaneous aiming at accountability need to incor- Health, Baltimore, Maryland. He is the
evaluation as to its impact on restoring porate epidemiological tools of counting, original architect of and is responsible for the
health or improving functional status associating, and preventing undesirable Maryland Quality Indicator Project (QIP), the
and quality of life, then we can have a processes. To do so, the performance of continuous performance improvement pro-
true discussion about quality and ac- individuals and organizations should be gram used worldwide over the last 18 years by
more than 2000 healthcare organizations. In
countability. After all, the term “ac- continuously measured, not in a desire to the UK alone, over 125 hospitals from the
countability” is derived from the French reprimand or punish but to enhance and NHS and the private sector have participated
“compter”, requiring an inherent charac- celebrate. Until performance measure- in the international component of the QIP
teristic of measurement. Yet measure- ment and improvement are seen as since 1992.
ment without a road map would remain parallel tracks to the practice of medi-
exploratory and miss its destination of cine, there can be only research studies REFERENCES
responsible professionalism. It is perhaps that may have much less ability to alter 1 Bindman AB, Weiner JP, Majeed A. Primary
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been revisited and updated. Indeed, in an ingly leads the way to such considera- accountability in health care? Ann Intern Med
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