Intellectual Property Rights Handout

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III yr II Sem.

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Intellectual Property Rights and Patents-II

Intellectual Property Law Basics

The ideas of the human minds are the outcome of intellectual property which generates a tremendous commercial
value to them. This property value is provided with certain limited time period to the inventors. After that completion
period, the invention is then entered into the public domain. Exclusive rights granted to the inventor under the
intellectual property are the intellectual property rights and the law dealing with the protection those rights is the
intellectual property law.

If any other individual tries to utilize the right of the inventor, that person would be liable for violation or infringement
of IP.

Types of Intellectual Property

The idea may be in different ways such as technological invention, design, book etc. which are bifurcated into
different types of intellectual property. Those types each have different rights of protection.

The common types of intellectual property are:

1. Patents

2. Copyrights

3. Trademarks

4. Trade Secrets

5. Industrial Designs

6. Integrated Circuits

7. Geographical Indications

8. Traditional Knowledge

9. Plant Varieties

Although Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Trade Secrets are the major types, remaining are the recent
developments of the intellectual property. The major types discussed here are

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1. Patents

A patent is an intellectual property with a set of exclusive rights granted by the government to an inventor or
their assignee for his/her novelty or non-obviousness invention for a limited period of time in exchange for public
disclosure of the invention to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention.

The patentable invention must be:

 Novelty
 Non-obvious
 Useful

Novelty: It should be a new invention which is not anticipated in any publication of the prior art or used by the public

Non-obvious: It should not be obvious, that a person skilled in that particular field should not find it as a general

Useful: It should have industrial applicability which can be manufactured at any times for further use

Intellectual property right is a protection for a new product or technology before its publication. Maximum period
of time given for a patent is about 20 years from the date of filling with a mandatory payment of annual renewal fee.
In India, the patent duration is for 14 years from the date of filing the complete specification and 7 years in the case of
food, drug and insecticide patents.

Exclusive rights given to the patentee during the 20 years period:

 Enjoy monopoly rights over the invention

 Cease others from making, using, selling, importing, offering for sale or distributing the patented invention
without his/her permission
 Monetize his patent by selling or licensing

2. Copyrights

Copyright is an economic right given to authors of work that covers creative, artistic, literary and scientific
works. Exclusive rights are granted for a limited period of time. Copyright protection comes into existence at the
moment the work is created. Duration of protection varies with different works. General duration of the period is life
of the author plus an additional 70 years. Once the period elapses, the copyright protection expires and the work falls
into the public domain.

3. Trademark

A ' trademark' or a ‘service mark’ is a sign, word or invented word, device, brand, letter, numeral, heading,
label, name written in a particular style, the shape of goods other than those for which a mark is proposed to be
used, or any combination thereof or a combination of colors and so forth. Simply, it is the mark used by an individual,
business organization, or other legal entity to identify for consumers regarding their products or services to
distinguish them from the products of another. Trademark may also be symbolized by the name of a person, living or
dead. Trademark protection exists once a person or organization makes use of a mark in commerce or after getting

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registered. In general, the term of a trademark is ten years from the date of its registration and can be renewed time
to time for a period of ten years.

4. Trade Secrets

It’s an intellectual property that protects confidential information which forms part of most businesses. The
business information must have independent commercial or economic value which assists in organization
development. Examples include recipes, manufacturing techniques, chemical formulations, experimental conditions,
production methods etc. Particular type of filing is unnecessary for a trade secret whereas only certain steps must be
met in order to maintain confidentiality.

Agencies Responsible for Intellectual Property Registration

The main busiest agency of all government agencies within the U.S. Department of Commerce is the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It maintains all granted patents and registered trademarks. International
organizations and agencies that protect the intellectual property are

 International Trademark Association (INTA) - It’s an international association for trademarks and offers a
wide variety of educational seminars and publications.
 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - It is a specialized agency of the United Nations and
administers 24 treaties dealing with intellectual property, including the Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol,
the Trademark Law Treaty, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and the Berne Convention. More than 180 nations
are members of WIPO.
 World Trade Organization (WTO) – It deals with rules of trade among its more than 150 member nations. It
resolves trade disputes and administers various agreements, including those relating to intellectual property.
 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (the Berne Convention) – It protects
literary and artistic works that comes under copyrights and has more than 160 member nations. The Berne
Convention is administered by WIPO.
 Madrid Protocol - It allows trademark protection for more than 80 countries, including the European Union
countries, by means of a centralized trademark filing. It permits a U.S. trademark owner to file for
international registration in any number of member countries by filing a single application form with the
USPTO, in English, with a single set of fees procedure.
 Paris Convention – It is first treaty or “convention” designed to address trademark protection in foreign
countries and facilitates the international patent and trademark protection. It is administered by WIPO.
Foreign trademark and patent owners may obtain in a member country the same legal protection for their
marks and patents as can citizens of those member countries.
An applicant for a trademark has a priority period of six months after filing an application in any of the more
than 170 member nations to file a corresponding application in any of the other member countries of the
Paris Convention. And the priority period for utility patent applications is one year.
 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – It is adhered to by the United States, Canada, and Mexico
and made some changes to U.S. trademark law primarily that included geographical terms.

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 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) - It is administered by the World Trade
Organization. It establishes minimum levels of protection that computer programs must be protected as
copyrightable literary works, and countries must prevent misuse of geographical names such as Roquefort or

Agencies responsible for intellectual property registration in india:


With the advent of the new knowledge economy, the old and some of the existing management constructs and
approaches would have to change. The knowledge economy places a tag of urgency on understanding and managing
knowledge based assets such as innovations and know-how. The time for grasping knowledge has become an
important parameter for determining the success of an institution, enterprise, government and industry; the shorter
the time better are the chances of success. Intellectual property rights (IPR) have become important in the face of
changing trade environment which is characterized by the following features namely global competition, high
innovation risks, short product cycle, need for rapid changes in technology, high investments in research and
development (R&D), production and marketing and need for highly skilled human resources. Geographical barriers to
trade among nations are collapsing due to globalisation, a system of multilateral trade and a new emerging economic
order. It is therefore quite obvious that the complexities of global trade would be on the increase as more and more
variables are introduced leading to uncertainties. Many products and technologies are simultaneously marketed and
utilized in many countries. With the opening up of trade in goods and services intellectual property rights (IPR) have
become more susceptible to infringement leading to inadequate return to the creators of knowledge. Developers of
such products and technologies would like to ensure R&D costs and other costs associated with introduction of new
products in the market are recovered and enough profits are generated for investing in R&D to keep up the R&D
efforts. One expects that a large number of IP rights would be generated and protected all over the world including
India in all areas of science and technology, software and business methods. More than any other technological area,
drugs and pharmaceuticals match the above description most closely. Knowing that the cost of introducing a new
drug into the market may cost a company anywhere between $ 300 million to $600 million along with all the
associated risks at the developmental stage, no company will like to risk its intellectual property becoming a public
property with out adequate returns. Creating, obtaining, protecting and managing intellectual property must become
a corporate activity in the same manner as the raising of resources and funds. The knowledge revolution will demand
a special pedestal for intellectual property and treatment in the overall decision- making process. It is also important
to realize that each product is amalgamation of many different areas of science and technologies. In the face of the
competition being experienced by the global community, many industries are joining hands for sharing their expertise
in order to respond to market demands quickly and keeping the prices competitive. In order to maintain a continuous

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stream of new ideas and experimentations, public private partnership in R&D would need to be nurtured to arrive at
a win-win situation. Therefore all publicly funded institutions and agencies will have to come to terms with the new
ground realities and take positive steps to direct research suitably to generate more intellectual property rights,
protect and manage them efficiently.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Intellectual property rights as a collective term includes the following independent IP rights which can be collectively
used for protecting different aspects of an inventive work for multiple protection:-




Registered ( industrial) design

Protection of IC layout design,

Geographical indications, and

Protection of undisclosed information

Nature of Intellectual Property Rights

IPR are largely territorial rights except copyright, which is global in nature in the sense that it is immediately available
in all the members of the Berne Convention. These rights are awarded by the State and are monopoly rights implying
that no one can use these rights without the consent of the right holder. It is important to know that these rights have
to be renewed from time to time for keeping them in force except in case of copyright and trade secrets. IPR have
fixed term except trademark and geographical indications, which can have indefinite life provided these are renewed
after a stipulated time specified in the law by paying official fees. Trade secrets also have an infinite life but they don’t
have to be renewed. IPR can be assigned, gifted, sold and licensed like any other property. Unlike other moveable and
immoveable properties, these rights can be simultaneously held in many countries at the same time. IPR can be held
only by legal entities i.e., who have the right to sell and purchase property. In other words an institution, which is not
autonomous may not in a position to own an intellectual property. These rights especially, patents, copyrights,
industrial designs, IC layout design and trade secrets are associated with something new or original and therefore,
what is known in public domain cannot be protected through the rights mentioned above. Improvements and
modifications made over known things can be protected. It would however, be possible to utilize geographical
indications for protecting some agriculture and traditional products.


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A patent is an exclusive right granted by a country to the owner of an invention to make, use, manufacture and
market the invention, provided the invention satisfies certain conditions stipulated in the law. Exclusive right implies
that no one else can make, use, manufacture or market the invention without the consent of the patent holder. This
right is available for a limited period of time. In spite of the ownership of the rights, the use or exploitation of the
rights by the owner of the patent may not be possible due to other laws of the country which has awarded the
patent. These laws may relate to health, safety, food, security etc. Further, existing patents in similar area may also
come in the way. A patent in the law is a property right and hence, can be gifted, inherited, assigned, sold or licensed.
As the right is conferred by the State, it can be revoked by the State under very special circumstances even if the
patent has been sold or licensed or manufactured or marketed in the meantime. The patent right is territorial in
nature and inventors/their assignees will have to file separate patent applications in countries of their interest, along
with necessary fees, for obtaining patents in those countries. A new chemical process or a drug molecule or an
electronic circuit or a new surgical instrument or a vaccine is a patentable subject matter provided all the stipulations
of the law are satisfied.

The Indian Patent Act1

The first Indian patent laws were first promulgated in 1856. These were modified from time to time. New patent laws
were made after the independence in the form of the Indian Patent Act 1970. The Act has now been radically
amended to become fully compliant with the provisions of TRIPS. The most recent amendment were made in 2005
which were preceded by the amendments in 2000 and 2003. While the process of bringing out amendments was
going on, India became a member of the Paris Convention, Patent Cooperation Treaty and Budapest Treaty. The
salient and important features of the amended Act are explained here.

Definition of invention

A clear definition has now been provided for an invention, which makes it at par with definitions followed by most
countries. Invention means a new product or process involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application.
New invention means any invention or technology which has not been anticipated by publication in any document or
used in the country or elsewhere in the world before the date of filing of patent application with complete
specification i.e., the subject matter has not fallen in public domain or it does not form part of the state of the art.
Inventive step means a feature of an invention that involves technical advance as compared to existing knowledge or
having economic significance or both and that makes the invention not obvious to a person skilled in the art.

" capable of industrial application means that the invention is capable of being made or used in

an industry"


An invention will be considered novel if it does not form a part of the global state of the art. Information appearing in
magazines, technical journals, books, newspapers etc. constitute the state of the art. Oral description of the invention
in a seminar/conference can also spoil novelty. Novelty is assessed in a global context. An invention will cease to be
novel if it has been disclosed in the public through any type of publications anywhere in the world before filing a
patent application in respect of the invention. Therefore it is advisable to file a patent application before publishing a

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paper if there is a slight chance that the invention may be patentable. Prior use of the invention in the country of
interest before the filing date can also destroy the novelty. Novelty is determined through extensive literature and
patent searches. It should be realized that patent search is essential and critical for ascertaining novelty as most of
the information reported in patent documents does not get published anywhere else. For an invention to be novel, it
need not be a major breakthrough. No invention is small or big. Modifications to the existing state of the art, process
or product or both, can also be candidates for patents provided these were not earlier known. In a chemical process,
for example, use of new reactants, use of a catalyst, new process conditions can lead to a patentable invention.

Inventiveness (Non-obviousness)

A patent application involves an inventive step if the proposed invention is not obvious to a person skilled in the art
i.e., skilled in the subject matter of the patent application. The prior art should not point towards the invention
implying that the practitioner of the subject matter could not have thought about the invention prior to filing of the
patent application. Inventiveness cannot be decided on the material contained in unpublished patents. The
complexity or the simplicity of an inventive step does not have any bearing on the grant of a patent. In other words a
very simple invention can qualify for a patent. If there is an inventive step between the proposed patent and the prior
art at that point of time, then an invention has taken place. A mere 'scintilla' of invention is sufficient to found a valid
patent. It may be often difficult to establish the inventiveness, especially in the area of up coming knowledge areas.
The reason is that it would depend a great deal on the interpretative skills of the inventor and these skills will really
be a function of knowledge in the subject area.


An invention must possess utility for the grant of patent. No valid patent can be granted for an invention devoid of
utility. The patent specification should spell out various uses and manner of practicing them, even if considered
obvious. If you are claiming a process, you need not describe the use of the compound produced thereby.
Nevertheless it would be safer to do so. But if you claim a compound without spelling out its utility, you may be
denied a patent.

Non patentable inventions

An invention may satisfy the conditions of novelty, inventiveness and usefulness but it may not qualify for a patent
under the following situations:

(i) An invention which is frivolous or which claims anything obviously contrary to well established natural laws e.g.
different types of perpetual motion machines.

(ii) An invention whose intended use or exploitation would be contrary to public order or morality or which causes
serious prejudice to human, animal or plant life or health or to the environment e.g., a process for making brown
sugar will not be patented.

(iii) The mere discovery of a scientific principal or formulation of an abstract theory e.g., Raman effect and Theory of
Relativity cannot be patented.

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(iv) The mere discovery of a new form of a known substance which does not result in enhancement of the known
efficacy of that substance or the mere discovery of any new property or new use of a known substance or the mere
use of a known process, machine or apparatus unless such a known process results in a new product or employs at
least one new reactant. For the purposes of this clause, salts, esters, polymorphs, metabolites, pure form, particle
size, isomers, mixtures of isomers, complexes, combinations and other derivatives of known substance shall be
considered to be the same substance unless they differ significantly in properties with regard to efficacy.

(v) A substance obtained by a mere admixture resulting only aggregation of the properties of the components thereof
or a process for producing such substance.

(vi) The mere arrangement or rearrangement or duplication of features of known devices each functioning
independently of one another in a known way. If you put torch bulbs around an umbrella and operate them by a
battery so that people could see you walking in rain when it is dark, then this arrangement is patentable as bulbs and
the umbrella perform their functions independently.

(vii) A method of agriculture or horticulture. For example, the method of terrace farming cannot be patented.

(viii) Any process for medical, surgical, curative, prophylactic, diagnostic, therapeutic or other treatment of human
beings, or any process for a similar treatment of animals to render them free of disease or to increase economic value
or that of their products. For example, a new surgical technique for hand surgery for removing contractions is not

(viii) Inventions relating to atomic energy;

(ix) Discovery of any living thing or non-living substance occurring in nature;

(x) Mathematical or business methods or a computer program per se or algorithms;

(xi) Plants and animals in whole or any part thereof other than microorganisms but including seeds, varieties and
species and essentially biological processes for production and propagation of plants and animals;

(xii) A presentation of information;

(xiii) Topography of integrated circuits;

(xiv) A mere scheme or rule or method of performing mental act or method of playing games;

(xv) An invention which, in effect, is traditional knowledge or which is aggregation or duplication of known
component or components. Computer program per se as such has not been defined in the Act but would generally
tend to mean that a computer program with out any utility would not be patentable. Protection of seeds and new
plant varieties is covered under a different Act, which provides a protection for a period of 10 years. Similarly,
topography of integrated circuits is protected through yet a different Act.

Term of the patent

Term of the patent will be 20 years from the date of filing for all types of inventions.

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In respect of patent applications filed, following aspects will have to be kept in mind:-

• Claim or claims can now relate to single invention or group of inventions linked so as to form a single inventive

• Patent application will be published 18 months after the date of filing

• Applicant has to request for examination 12 months within publication or 48 months from date of application,
whichever is later

No person resident in India shall, except under the authority of a written permit sought in the manner prescribed and
granted by or on behalf of the Controller, make or cause to be made any application outside India for the grant of a
patent for an invention unless (a) an application for a patent for the same invention has been made in India, not less
than six weeks before the application outside India; and (b) either no direction has been given under the secrecy
clause of the Act or all such directions have been revoked.

Provisional Specification

A provisional specification is usually filed to establish priority of the invention in case the disclosed invention is only at
a conceptual stage and a delay is expected in submitting full and specific description of the invention. Although, a
patent application accompanied with provisional specification does not confer any legal patent rights to the
applicants, it is, however, a very important document to establish the earliest ownership of an invention. The
provisional specification is a permanent and independent scientific cum legal document and no amendment is
allowed in this. No patent is granted on the basis of a provisional specification. It has to be a followed by a complete
specification for obtaining a patent for the said invention. Complete specification must be submitted within 12
months of filing the provisional specification. This period can be extended by 3 months. It is not necessary to file an
application with provisional specification before the complete specification. An application with complete
specification can be filed right at the first instance.

Complete Specification

It may be noted that a patent document is a techno-legal document and it has to be finalized in consultation with an
attorney. Submission of complete specification is necessary to obtain a patent. Contents of a complete specification
would include the following

1. Title of the invention.

2. Field to which the invention belongs .

3. Background of the invention including prior art giving drawbacks of the known inventions & practices.

4. Complete description of the invention along with experimental results.

5. Drawings etc. essential for understanding the invention.

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6. Claims, which are statements, related to the invention on which legal proprietorship is being sought. Therefore the
claims have to be drafted very carefully.

Compulsory license

Any time after three years from date of sealing of a patent, application for compulsory license can be made provided

1. reasonable requirements of public have not been met

2. patented invention is not available to public at a reasonably affordable price

3. patented invention is not worked in India among other things, reasonable requirements of public are not satisfied if
working of patented invention in India on a commercial scale is being prevented or hindered by importation of
patented invention.

Applicant's capability including risk taking, ability of the applicant to work the invention in public interest, nature of
invention, time elapsed since sealing, measures taken by patentee to work the patent in India will be taken into
account. In case of national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency or public non commercial use or
an establishment of a ground of anti competitive practices adopted by the patentee, the above conditions will not

A patentee must disclose the invention in a patent document for anyone to practice it after the expiry of the patent or
practice it with the consent of the patent holder during the life of the patent.

Patenting of microbiological inventions

The Indian Patent Act has now a specific provision in regard to patenting of microorganisms and microbiological
processes. It is now possible to get a patent for a microbiological process and also products emanating from such
processes. As it is difficult to describe a microorganism on paper, a system of depositing strain of microorganisms in
some recognized depositories was evolved way back in 1949 in USA. An international treaty called "Budapest Treaty"
was signed in Budapest in 1973 and later on amended in 1980. India became a member of this Treaty, with effect
from December 17, 2001. This is an international convention governing the recognition of deposits in officially
approved culture collections for the purpose of patent applications in any country that is a party to this treaty.
Because of the difficulties and virtual impossibility of reproducing a microorganism from a description of it in a patent
specification, it is essential to deposit a strain in a culture collection centre for testing and examination by others. An
inventor is required to deposit the strain of a microorganism in a recognized depository, which assigns a registration
number to the deposited microorganism. This registration number needs to be quoted in the patent application
dealing with the microorganism. Obviously a strain of microorganism is required to be deposited before filing a patent
application. It may be observed that this mechanism obviates the need of describing a microorganism in the patent
application. Further, samples of strains can be obtained from the depository for further working on the patent. There
are many international depositories in different countries such as ATCC, DSM etc. which are recognized under the
Budapest Treaty. The Institute of Microbial Technology(IMTEC), Chandigarh is the first Indian depository set up under
the Budapest Treaty.

Mail box provision

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TRIPS requires that countries, not providing product patents in respect of pharmaceuticals and chemical inventions
have to put in a mechanism for accepting product patent applications with effect from 1 January 1995. Such
applications will only be examined for grant of patents, after suitable amendments in the national patent law have
been made. This mechanism of accepting product patent applications is called the "mail box" mechanism. This system
has been in force in India and now such applications are being taken up for examination.

Exclusive Marketing Right

TRIPS requires that member countries of the WTO not having provision in their laws for granting product patents in
respect of drugs and agrochemical, must introduce Exclusive Marketing Rights (EMR) for such products, if the
following criteria are satisfied:

1. A patent application covering the new drug or agrochemical should have been filed in any of the WTO member
countries after 1 January 1995;

2. A patent on the product should have been obtained in any of the member countries (which provides for product
patents in drugs and agrochemical) after 1 January 1995;

3. Marketing approvals for the product should have been obtained in any of the member countries;

4. A patent application covering the product should have been filed after

1 January 1995 in the country where the EMR is sought;

5. The applicant should apply seeking an EMR by making use of the prescribed form and paying requisite fee.

EMR is only a right for exclusive marketing of the product and is quite different from a patent right. It is valid up to a
maximum period 5 years or until the time the product patent laws come into effect. The necessary amendment to:
the Patents Act, 1970 came into force on 26 March 1999. The provision is applicable with retrospective effect from 1
January 1995. As per the 2005 amendments in the Patents Act, the provision of EMR is no longer required. However,
These rights were awarded in India from time to time and there have been some litigations as well where the courts
came up with quick decisions.

Timing for filing a patent application

Filing of an application for a patent should be completed at the earliest possible date and should not be delayed. An
application filed with provisional specification, disclosing the essence of the nature of the invention helps to register
the priority by the applicant. Delay in filing an application may entail some risks like (i) other inventors might forestall
the first inventor by applying for a patent for the said invention, and (ii) there may be either an inadvertent
publication of the invention by the inventor himself/herself or by others independently of him/her. Publication of an
invention in any form by the inventor before filing of a patent application would disqualify the invention to be
patentable. Hence, inventors should not disclose their inventions before filing the patent application. The invention
should be considered for publication after a patent application has been filed. Thus, it can be seen that there is no
contradiction between publishing an inventive work and filing of patent application in respect of the invention.

Protecting new plant variety

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New plant varieties can now be protected in India under the New Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Protection Act in
2001. New plant varieties cannot be protected through patents. However, the Act has not become operational as
subsidiary legislation is yet to be put in place. India has enacted the which, in addition to meeting the technical
features of UPOV, provides rights to farmers to use the seeds from their own crops for planting the next crop. Further,
there are provisions for benefit sharing with farmers, penalty for marketing spurious propagation material and
protecting extant varieties. There is a provision for protecting extant variety and farmers’ varieties as well. The total
period for protection is 10 years from the date of registration.

There are 5 main criteria to arrive at a decision whether a plant variety is really new or not. These are distinctiveness,
uniformity, stability, novelty and denomination. The variety shall be deemed to be distinct if it is clearly distinct from
any other variety whose existence is a matter of common knowledge at the time of filing of the application. The
variety shall be deemed to be uniform if, subject to the variation that may be accepted from the particular features of
its propagation, it is sufficiently uniform in its relevant characteristics. The variety shall be deemed to be stable if its
relevant characteristics remain unchanged after repeated propagation or, in the case of a particular cycle of
propagation at the end of each such cycle. The variety shall be deemed to be new if, at the date of filing of the
application for breeders right, propagating or harvesting material of the variety has not been sold or otherwise
disposed of to others, by or with the consent of the breeder for the purpose of exploitation of the variety. The variety
shall be designated by a denomination, which will be its generic designation. The premise that the variety
denomination must be its generic designation class for a requirement that 'denomination must enable the variety to
be identified.


Copyright is a right, which is available for creating an original literary or dramatic or musical or artistic work.
Cinematographic films including sound track and video films and recordings on discs, tapes, perforated roll or other
devices are covered by copyrights. Computer programs and software are covered under literary works and are
protected in India under copyrights. The Copyright Act, 1957 as amended in 1983, 1984, 1992, 1994 and 1999
governs the copyright protection in India. The total term of protection for literary work is the author’s life plus sixty
years. For cinematographic films, records, photographs, posthumous publications, anonymous publication, works of
government and international agencies the term is 60 years from the beginning of the calendar year following the
year in which the work was published. For broadcasting, the term is 25 years from the beginning of the calendar year
following the year in which the broadcast was made. Copyright gives protection for the expression of an idea and not
for the idea itself. For example, many authors write textbooks on physics covering various aspects like mechanics,
heat, optics etc. Even though these topics are covered in several books by different authors, each author will have a
copyright on the book written by him / her, provided the book is not a copy of some other book published earlier.
India is a member of the Berne Convention, an international treaty on copyright. Under this Convention, registration
of copyright is not an essential requirement for protecting the right. It would, therefore, mean that the copyright on a
work created in India would be automatically and simultaneously protected through copyright in all the member
countries of the Berne Convention. The moment an original work is created, the creator starts enjoying the copyright.
However, an undisputable record of the date on which a work was created must be kept. When a work is published
with the authority of the copyright owner, a notice of copyright may be placed on publicly distributed copies. The use
of copyright notice is optional for the protection of literary and artistic works. It is, however, a good idea to
incorporate a copyright notice. As violation of copyright is a cognizable offence, the matter can be reported to a police

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station. It is advised that registration of copyright in India would help in establishing the ownership of the work. The
registration can be done at the Office of the Registrar of Copyrights in New Delhi. It is also to be noted that the work
is open for public inspection once the copyright is registered.

Computer program in the Copyright Act has been defined as a set of instructions expressed in words, codes, schemes
or any other form, including a machine-readable medium, capable of causing a computer to perform a particular task
or achieve a particular result. It is obvious that algorithms, source codes and object codes are covered in this
definition. It is advisable to file a small extract of the computer program at the time of registration rather than the full
program. It is important to know that the part of the program that is not being filed, would remain a trade secret of
the owner but would have to be kept well guarded by the owner. It may be noted that computer programs will
become important in the area of medicines when one talks about codification of DNA and gene sequencing.
Generally, all copyrightable expressions embodied in a computer program, including screen displays, are protectable.
However, unlike a computer program, which is a literary work, screen display is considered an artistic work and
therefore cannot be registered through the same application as that covering the computer program. A separate
application giving graphical representation of all copyrightable elements of the screen display is essential. In the
digital era, copyright is assuming a new importance as many works transacted through networks such as databases,
multi media work, music, information etc. are presently the subject matter of copyright.

Coverage provided by copyright

(i) Literary, dramatic and musical work. Computer programs/software are covered within the

definition of literary work.

(ii) Artistic work

(iii) Cinematographic films, which include sound track and video films.

(iv) Recording on any disc, tape, perforated roll or other device.

Infringement of copyright

Copyright gives the creator of the work the right to reproduce the work, make copies, translate, adapt, sell or give on
hire and communicate the work to public. Any of these activities done without the consent of the author or his
assignee is considered infringement of the copyright. There is a provision of ‘fair use’ in the law, which allows
copyrighted work to be used for teaching and research and development. In other words making one photocopy of a
book for teaching students may not be considered an infringement, but making many photocopies for commercial
purposes would be considered an infringement. There is one associated right with copyright, which is known as the
‘moral right’, which cannot be transferred and is not limited by the term. This right is enjoyed by the creator for
avoiding obscene representation of his /her works. Following acts are considered infringement of copyrights:-

(a) In the case of literary, dramatic or musical work, not being a computer program-----

(i) to reproduce the work in any material form including the storing of it in any medium by electronic means; 11

(ii) to issue copies of the work to the public not being copies already in circulation;

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(iii) to perform the work in public, or communicate it to the public;

(iv) to make any cinematography film or sound recording in respect of the work;

(v) to make any translation of the work; to make any adaptation of the work;

(vi) to do, in relation to a translation or an adaptation of the work, any of the acts specified in relation to the work in
Sub-clauses (i) to (vi);

(b) in the case of computer program -

(i) to do any acts specified in clauses (a);

(ii) to sell or give on hire, or offer for sale or hire any copy of the computer program, regardless of whether such copy
has been sold or given on hire on earlier occasions;

(c ) in the case of an artistic work –

(i) to reproduce the work in any material form including depiction in three dimensions of a two dimensional work or
in two dimensions of a three dimensional work;

(ii) to communicate the work to the public;

(iii) to issue copies of the work to the public not being copies already in circulation;

(iv) to include the work in any cinematography film .

(v) to make any adaptation of the work;

(vi) to do, in relation to a translation or an adaptation of the work, any of the acts specified in relation to the work in
sub-clauses (i) to (vi);

(d) in the case of a cinematography film -

(i) to make a copy of the film including a photograph of. any image forming part thereof;

(ii) to sell or give on hire or offer for sale or hire, any copy of the film, regardless of whether such copy has been sold
or given on hire on earlier occasions;

(iii) to communicate the film to the public;

(e) in the case of sound recording -

(i) to make any other sound recording embodying it;

(ii) to sell or give on hire or offer for sale or hire, any copy of the ,sound recording, regardless of whether such copy
has been sold or given on hire on earlier occasions;

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(iii) to communicate the sound recording to the public; Explanation :- For the purpose of this section, a copy which
has been sold once shall be deemed to be a copy already in circulation.

Computer program

A Computer includes any electronic or similar device having information processing capabilities. Computer program
means a set of instructions expressed in words, codes, schemes or any other form, including a machine-readable
medium, capable of causing a computer to perform a particular task or achieve a particular result. It is now possible
to have copyrights both on object code and source code. Generally, all copyrightable expressions embodied in a
computer program, including screen displays, are protectable. However, unlike a computer program, which is a
literary work, screen displays are artistic work and cannot therefore be registered in the same application as that
covering the computer program. A separate application giving graphic representation of all copyrightable elements of
the screen display is necessary. In the case of a program made in the course of author's employment under a contract
of service or apprenticeship, the employer shall, in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, be the first owner
of the copyright. However, works created by third parties on commission do not automatically vest the copyright in
the commissioning party. If the third party is an independent contractor, it is essential for the commissioning party to
obtain the copyright through a written deed of assignment. It is a common misconception that the copyright
automatically belongs to the commissioning party. Thus, it is only where the developer is an employee creating the
work under a contract of service that the rights belong to the employer.

Transfer of copyright

The owner of the copyright in an existing work or prospective owner of the copyright in a future work may assign to
any person the copyright, either wholly or partially in the following manner.

i. for the entire world or for a specific country or territory; or

ii. for the full term of copyright or part thereof ; or

iii. relating to all the rights comprising the copyright or only part of such rights.

Special provisions for computer programs

Following tasks will not be considered infringement as they are legally allowed under the Indian laws:- the doing of
any act necessary to obtain information essential for operating inter-operability of an independently created
computer program with other programs by a lawful possessor of a computer program provided that such information
is not otherwise readily available;

(i) the observation, study or test of functioning of the computer program in order to determine the ideas and
principles which underline any elements of the program while performing such acts necessary for the functions for
which the computer program was supplied;

(ii) the making of copies or adaptation of the computer program from a personally legally obtained copy for non-
commercial personal use.

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One of the important requirements of copyright is that the work / expression should be fixed in a tangible medium
for copyright protection. Protection attaches automatically to an eligible work of authorship, the moment the work is
sufficiently fixed. A work is fixed when it is sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced,
or otherwise communicated for a period of more than a transitory duration. A work may be fixed in words, numbers,
notes, sounds, pictures, or any other graphic or symbolic indicia; may be embodied in a physical object in written,
printed, photographic, sculptural, punched, magnetic, or any other stable form; and may be capable of perception
either directly or by means of any machine or device now known or later developed. Basically, the fixation of a work
should allow perceiving, reproducing, or communicating the work either directly or thorough some machine. For
instance, floppy disks, compact discs (CDs), CD-ROMs, optical disks, compact discs-interactive (CD-Is), digital tape, and
other digital storage devices are all stable forms in which works may be fixed and from which works may be
perceived, reproduced or communicated by means of a machine or device.

A simultaneous fixation (or any other fixation) meets the requirements if its embodiment in a copy or phonogram
record is "sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated for a
period of more than transitory duration. "Works are not sufficiently fixed if they are "purely evanescent or transient"
in nature, "such as those projected briefly on a screen, shown electronically on a television or cathode ray tube, or
captured momentarily in the 'memory' of a computer." Electronic network transmissions from one computer to
another, such as e-mail, may only reside on each computer in RAM (random access memory), but that has been found
to be sufficient fixation.

Industrial Design

We see so many varieties and brands of the same product (e.g. car, television, personal computer, a piece of furniture
etc.) in the market, which look quite different from each other. If the products have similar functional features or have
comparable price tags, the eye appeal or visual design of a product determines the choice. Even if the similarities are
not close, a person may decide to go for a more expensive item because that item has a better look or colour scheme.
What is being said is that the external design or colour scheme or ornamentation of a product plays a key role in
determining the market acceptability of the product over other similar products. If you have a good design that gives
you an advantage, then you must have a system to protect its features otherwise there would be wide scale imitation.
Design as per the Indian Act means the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or
colours applied to any article - whether in two dimensional or three dimensional or in both forms - by any industrial
process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which in the finished article
appeal to and are judged solely by the eye; but it does not include any mode or principle of construction or anything
which is in substance a mere mechanical device. In this context an article means any article of manufacture and any
substance, artificial, or partly artificial and partly natural; and includes any part of an article capable of being made
and sold separately. Stamps, labels, tokens, cards, etc cannot be considered an article for the purpose of registration
of design because once the alleged design i.e., ornamentation is removed only a piece of paper, metal or like material
remains and the article referred to ceases to exist. An article must have its existence independent of the designs
applied to it. So, the design as applied to an article should be integral with the article itself.

The essential requirements for the registration of design

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1. The design should be new or original, not previously published or used in any country before the date of
application for registration. The novelty may reside in the application of a known shape or pattern to a new subject
matter. However, if the design for which the application is made does not involve any real mental activity for
conception, then registration may not be considered.

2. The design should relate to features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation applied or applicable to an
article. Thus, designs of industrial plans, layouts and installations are not registrable under the Act.

3. The design should be applied or applicable to any article by any industrial process. Normally, designs of artistic
nature such as painting, sculptures and the like which are not produced in bulk by any industrial process are excluded
from registration under the Act.

4. The features of the designs in the finished article should appeal to and are judged solely by the eye. This implies
that the design must appear and should be visible on the finished article, for which it is meant. Thus, any design in
the inside arrangement of a box, money purse or almirah may not be considered for showing such articles in the open
state, as those articles are generally put in the market in the closed state.

5. Any mode or principle of construction or operation or any thing, which is in substance a mere mechanical device,
would not be a registrable design. For instance, a key having its novelty only in the shape of its corrugation or bend at
the portion intended to engage with levers inside the lock it is associated with, cannot be registered as a design under
the Act. However, when any design suggests any mode or principle of construction or mechanical or other action of a
mechanism, a suitable disclaimer in respect thereof is required to be inserted on its representation, provided there
are other registrable features in the design.

6. The design should not include any trademark or property mark or artistic works.

7. It should be significantly distinguishable from known designs or combination of known designs.

8. It should not comprise or contain scandalous or obscene matter.

Duration of the registration of a design

The total term of a registered design is 15 years. Initially the right is granted for a period of 10 years, which can be
extended, by another 5 years by making an application and by paying a fee to the Controller before the expiry of
initial 10 years period. The proprietor of design may make the application for such extension even as soon as the
design is registered.

Strategy for protection

First to file rule is applicable for registrability of design. If two or more applications relating to an identical or a similar
design are filed on different dates, the first application will be considered for registration of design. Therefore the
application should be filed as soon as you are ready with the design. After publication in the official gazette on
payment of the prescribed fee all registered designs are open for public inspection. Therefore, it is advisable to
inspect the register of designs to determine whether the design is new or not. There is yet another important
provision for ensuring that the design is different from anything published anywhere in the world. This is quite a strict

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condition. There would be many designs, which are not protected, and these would not be part of any database
maintained by design offices. An applicant has to take the responsibility of ensuring that he has done an extensive
search and satisfied himself of the novelty of his design. However, in practice as the cost involved in filing and
obtaining a design registration is not high, a design application is made if the stakes involved are not high and you
have not copied any design. The application for registration of design can be filed by the applicant himself or through
a professional person (i.e. patent agent, legal practitioner etc.). An agent residing in India has to be employed by the
applicants not resident of India.


A trademark is a distinctive sign, which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific
person or enterprise. Trademarks may be one or combination of words, letters, and numerals. They may also consist
of drawings, symbols, three dimensional signs such as shape and packaging of goods, or colours used as distinguishing
feature. Collective marks are owned by an association whose members use them to identify themselves with a level
of quality. Certification marks are given for compliance with defined standards. (Example ISO 9000.). A trademark
provides to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to
authorize others to use it in return for some consideration (payment). Well-known trademark in relation to any goods
or services, means a mark which has become so to the substantial segment of the public which uses such goods or
receives such services that the use of such mark in relation to other goods or services would be likely to be taken as
indicating a connection in the course of trade or rendering of services between those goods or services and a person
using the mark in relation to the first-mentioned goods or services.

Enactment of the Indian Trademarks Act 1999 is a big step forward from the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act 1958
and the Trademark Act 1940. The newly enacted Act has some features not present in the 1958 Act and these are:-

1. Registration of service marks, collective marks and certification trademarks.

2. Increasing the period of registration and renewal from 7 years to 10 years.

3. Allowing filing of single application for registration in more than one class.

4. Enhanced punishment for offences related to trademarks.

5. Exhaustive definitions for terms frequently used.

6. Simplified procedure for registration of registered users and enlarged scope of permitted use.

7. Constitution of an Appellate Board for speedy disposal of appeals and rectification applications which at present lie
before High Court.

Well-known trademarks and associated trademarks

A well-known trademark in relation to any goods or services, means a mark which has become known to the
substantial segment of the public that uses such goods or receives such services. Associated Trademarks are, in
commercial terms, marks that resemble each other and are owned by the same owner, but are applied to the same
type of goods or services. For example, a company dealing in readymade garments may use associated marks for

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shirts, trousers etc. means trademarks deemed to be, or required to be, registered as associated trademarks under
this Act.

Service marks

The Indian Act of 1958 did not have any reference to service marks. Service means service of any description that is
made available to potential users and includes the provision of services in connection with the business of industrial
or commercial matters such as banking, communication, education, financing, insurance, chit funds, real estate,
transport, storage, material treatment, processing, supply of electrical or other energy, boarding, lodging,
entertainment, amusement, construction, repair, conveying of news or information and advertising. Marks used to
represent such services are known as service marks.

Certification Trademarks and Collective Marks

A certification trade mark means a guarantee mark which indicates that the goods to which it is applied are of a
certain quality or are manufactured in a particular way or come from a certain region or use some specific material or
maintain a certain level of accuracy. The goods must originate from a certain region rather from a particular trader.
Certification marks are also applicable to services and the same parameters will have to be satisfied. Further these
marks are registrable just like any other trademark. Agmark used in India for various food items is a kind of
certification mark although it is not registered as a certification mark; the concept of certification mark was not in
vogue at the time of introduction of Agmark. A collective mark means a trademark distinguishing from those of
others, the goods or services of members of an association of persons (not being a partnership within the meaning of
the Indian Partnership Act, 1932), which is the proprietor of the mark.

Term of a registered trademark

The initial registration of a trademark shall be for a period of ten years but may be renewed from time to time for an
unlimited period by payment of the renewal fees.

Protection of Geographical Indications

Indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a member or a region or a locality in that territory,
where a given quality reputation or other characteristics of the good is attributable to its geographical origin. The
concept of identifying GI and protecting them is a new concept in India, perhaps in most developing countries, and
has come to knowledge in these countries after they signed the TRIPS Agreement. It may be noted that properly
protected GI will give protection in domestic and international market. Stipulations of TRIPS would be applicable to all
the member countries. According to TRIPS, GI which is not or cease to be protected in its country of origin or which
has fallen into disuse in that country cannot be protected. Homonymous GI for wines will get independent protection.
Each state shall determine conditions under which homonymous indications will be differentiated from each other.
Principles of national treatment and fair competition are applicable. TRIPS provide for seizure of goods bearing false
indications of GI. TRIPS provide for refusal or invalidation of registration of a trademark containing a GI with respect
to goods not originating in the territory indicated. The Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection)
Act came into being in 2000. (The Act is not implemented at the time of writing the article as the rules have not been
notified.) The term GI has been defined as "Geographical Indications", in relation to goods, means an indication which

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identifies such goods as agricultural goods, natural goods or manufactured goods as originating, or manufactured in
the territory of a country, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other
characteristics of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and in case where such goods are
manufactured goods one of the activities of either the production or of processing or preparation of the goods
concerned takes place in such territory, region or locality, as the case may be.

Applicants for GI's registration

Any association of persons or producers or any organization or authority established by or under any law for the time
being in force representing the interest of the producers of the concerned goods, who are desirous of registering
geographical indication in relation to such goods shall apply in writing to the Registrar in such' form and in such
manner and accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed for the registration of the geographical indication.

Non-registrable geographical indications

Geographical indications having following cannot be registered :

• .the use of which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion or contrary to any law.

• .which comprises or contains scandalous or obscene matter or any matter likely to hurt religion susceptibility of any
class or section of citizens of India.

• which would other wise be disentitled to protection in a court. .which are determined to be generic names or
indications of goods and are,

• therefore, not or ceased to be protected in their country of origin or which have fallen into disuse in that Country.

• which, although literally true as to the territory, region or locality in which the goods originate, but falsely represent
to the persons that the i goods originate in another territory, region or locality, as the case may be.

Punishment for falsifying GI

A sentence of imprisonment for a term between six months to three years and a fine between fifty thousand rupees
and two lakh rupees is provided in the Act. The court may reduce the punishment under special circumstances.

Term of GI protection

The registration of a GI shall be for a period of ten years but may be renewed from time to time for an unlimited
period by payment of the renewal fees.

Protection of Integrated Circuit Layout Design (IC)

It provides protection for semiconductor IC layout designs. India has now in place Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
Layout Design Act, 2000 to give protection to IC layout design. Layout design includes a layout of transistors and other
circuitry elements and includes lead wires connecting such elements and expressed in any manner in a
semiconductor IC. Semiconductor IC is a product having transistors and other circuitry elements, which are

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inseparably formed on a semiconductor material or an insulating material or inside the semiconductor material and
designed to perform an electronic circuitry function. The term of the registration is 10 years from the date of filing.

An IC layout design cannot be registered if it is

1. Not original

2. Commercially exploited anywhere in India or in a convention country;

3. Inherently not distinctive

4. Inherently not capable of being distinguishable from any other registered layout design.

Note: Design not exploited commercially for more than 2 years from date of registration of application shall be
treated as commercially exploited for the purpose of this Act. Reproducing, importing, selling, distributing the IC
layout design for commercial purposes only constitutes infringement. A person when creates another layout design
on the basis of scientific evaluation of a registered layout design shall not be causing any infringement.

Protection of undisclosed information

The protected subject matter is information lawfully within the control of a natural person or legal person that is
secret that has commercial value because it is secret and that has been subject to reasonable steps by the person
lawfully in control of the information, to keep it secret. Secret is defined as “ secret in the sense that it is not , as a
body or in the precise configuration and assembly of its components known among or readily accessible to persons
within the circles that normally deal with the kind of information in question.” Undisclosed information, generally
known as trade secret / confidential information, includes formula, pattern, compilation, programme, device,
method, technique or process. Protection of undisclosed information is least known to players of IPR and also least
talked about, although it is perhaps the most important form of protection for industries, R&D institutions and other
agencies dealing with IPRs. Protection of undisclosed information / trade secret is not really new to humanity; at
every stage of development people have evolved methods to keep important information secret, commonly by
restricting the knowledge to their family members. Laws relating to all forms of IPR are at different stages of
implementation in India, but there is no separate and exclusive law for protecting undisclosed information / trade
secret or confidential information. The Contract Act of 1872 would however cover many aspects of trade secrets. It is
difficult to define the term in its entirety but, for an easy understanding, it may be said that a piece of undisclosed
information or a trade secret can be as simple an item as a company's customer list or as complex as a formula for a
product or a process. Broadly speaking, the term would encompass information, including a formula, pattern,
compilation, program, device, method, technique or process that provides the owner with an advantage over his
business competitors who do not know or use it and is of significance or importance to the business of the company
holding the information. Expanding it further, it may include new product plans, product costing, best material to use,
sources of materials, financial standing of the business, accounting information, employee records, credit rating of
customers, production information, manufacturing methods and processes, business methods, blueprints, test data,
research reports, professional pollsters, technical drawings and organisational structure, specifications, process
manuals, written instructions for operating the process and analytical means to check and control the product and
processes, details of workshop practice, technical training and personal visitation and inspection. On the software

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side it would include source code, the data file structure, the structure sequence and organisation of computer
program. It may also include information relating to a patented invention not included in the patent specification,
inventions capable of being patented but not patented, inventions incapable of being patented in a particular country
because of the subject matter being excluded in the patent law of that country, inventions incapable of being
patented by reason of lack of inventiveness, industrial designs capable of being registered but not registered,
industrial designs having functional characteristics and skills, experience and craftsmanship of technicians. The
information can be intangible and invisible as well and can take myriad forms, and therefore, any attempt to define it
in an exhaustive manner would be practically meaningless.

A trade secret is a valuable piece of information with the essential requirement that the information be treated as
such, i.e. as a secret. The value of a trade secret resides in the fact that competitors or other interested parties do not
have access to it. Therefore, a trade secret must be kept secret so that no one could, with out the consent of the
owner, acquire it. Trade secrecy is basically a do-it-yourself form of protection. You do not register with the
government to secure your trade secrets. The only way to acquire it with out the consent of the owner would be
through devious or unlawful means. The owner has the exclusive right to use / exploit a trade secret as long as it
remains a secret. As a result, theoretically speaking, the term of a trade secret could be indeterminate or infinite. It is
said that the trade secret of Coca-Cola still has not entered the public domain despite the fact that the common
ingredients of Coca-Cola are known. A chemical composition falling in this category need to be protected through a
trade secret rather than patent which is a publicly known document. It is usually said that the term of the trade secret
relating to a machine tool is only as long as the company keeps it internal secret. The moment the product is in the
market, many people will know how to copy the product and the moment the product is copied the trade secret
associated with the copied aspects will no longer remain valid and secret, hence the protection will be lost and the
term of the protection will be over. By and large this would be true for design features but trade secret can be
maintained about say, composition of materials used and the process conditions adopted for manufacturing.

Other related legislation

India enacted the Biodiversity Act 2002 to ensure maintenance, sustenance and development of its biodiversity. The
Act has specific provisions about ownership of intellectual property rights associated with exploitation of biodiversity.
Industries have to have the prior informed consent of the National Biodiversity Authority before exploring the
biodiversity in India. In the event of R&D based on exploitation of biodiversity and associated local knowledge, there
is a provision for sharing of benefits of such work with the local community. No direct flow of funds is expected to the
community. In stead the Union Government will reach the benefits through State Governments to the community.
The other Act having its influence over other Acts related to IPR is the Information technology Act, 2000 which looks
at the security aspect of material being transacted on internet.

Cyber Crime and E-Commerce

Cyber Crime

It is the latest and most complicated problem in the cyber world. It is the unlawful activity carried by the
criminals where computer is taken as a tool or target or both. It includes criminal activities such as financial crimes,
sale of illegal articles, pornography, online gambling, intellectual property crime, e-mail, spoofing, forgery, cyber
defamation, cyber stalking, unauthorized access to Computer system, theft of information contained in the electronic

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form, e-mail bombing, physically damaging the computer system etc. Some would be hackers vandalizing your site,
viewing confidential information, stealing trade secrets or intellectual property with the use of internet. Also others
include ‘denial of services’ and viruses attacks preventing regular traffic from reaching your site.

Cyber criminals constitute of various categories that include-

 Children and adolescents

 Organized/ Professional hackers
 Disconnected employees

Cyber crime classification

It is classified into different categories such as

1. Against individuals – This includes persons and also their property.

Crimes committed against individuals are
 Harassment via E-Mails
 Cyber-Stalking
 Dissemination of Obscene Material
 Defamation
 Unauthorized control/access over computer system
 Indecent exposure
 E-Mail Spoofing
 Cheating & Fraud

Crimes committed against individual property are

 Computer vandalism
 Transmitting virus
 Netrespass
 Unauthorized control/access over computer system
 Intellectual Property Crimes
 Internet Time Thefts

2. Against Organization – This includes government, firm, company, group of individuals.

Crimes committed against Organization are
 Unauthorized control/access over computer system
 Possession of Unauthorized Information
 Cyber Terrorism against the government organization
 Distribution of pirated software etc.

3. Against Society at large

Crimes committed under this are
 Pornography(basically child pornography)
 Polluting the youth through indecent exposue
 Trafficking
 Financial Crimes
 Sale of illegal articles

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 Online gambling
 Forgery

Prevention measures

Certain measures must be taken by every citizen to prevent these cyber crimes while operating with the internet.
Some of the measures to be taken such as

 avoid disclosing any personal information to strangers via e-mail or while chatting
 avoid sending any photograph to strangers by online
 always use latest and update anti-virus software and also keep back up volumes so that one may not suffer
data loss in case of virus contamination
 never send your credit card number to any site that is not secured
 always keep a watch on the sites that your children are accessing, to prevent any kind of harassment or
depravation in children
 Use a security programme that gives control over the cookies and send information back to the site as leaving
the cookies unguarded might prove fatal
 Web site owners should watch traffic and check any irregularity on the site using host-based intrusion
detection devices on servers
 Use firewalls
 Web servers running public sites must be physically separately protected from internal corporate network


Electronic commerce is a wide range of online business activities for products and services where sale and
procurement of supplies and services using information systems technology is carried out. It is the use of electronic
communications and digital information processing technology in business transactions to create, transform, and
redefine relationships for value creation between or among organizations, and between organizations and individuals.

Intellectual Property law plays a major role in the success of E-Commerce. The various IP laws of copyrights,
trademarks and patents each contribute to the E-Commerce by protecting intangible assets valuable to business.

When a trademark is composed of a domain name neither the URL( nor the TLD(Top Level
Domain) (.com, .org, .net, .edu) have any significance as an indication of source, since they must be used by every
Internet site as part of an address. In the realm of e-commerce, a company’s domain name choice can be a key
marketing tool. Users regularly try to guess a company’s Internet location by typing the name of the company
followed by the .com top level domain name. It therefore goes without saying that the proper domain name is a vital
element to e-commerce success.

For e-commerce businesses, a primary source of protection for their intellectual property is copyright law.
Material that can be protected through copyright law includes the software that runs programs on the web site, the
text and photos on the page, audio components, and databases. Within the e-commerce several rights are granted
for copyright owners such as Right to reproduce, Right to create derivative works, Distribution right, Public
performance right, Public display right, Public performance right for sound recordings.

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Patents provide an increasingly important form of protection for intellectual property in the E-Commerce
arena. Patents protect the software underpinning E-Commerce transactions and the graphical representations
associated with E-Commerce. In the realm of E-Commerce, two patentable subject matter areas are particularly
important: business methods and software. An additional important patentable subject matter area is found in design
patents, where graphical icons and other screen visuals may be found protectable.

International Aspects of Computer and Online Crime

Computer crime cases primarily include computer manipulation, computer sabotage, computer espionage
and the illegal use of computer systems. Various international and supranational organizations provided international
harmonization of the respective laws regarding the transactional character of computer crime. International
harmonization of law includes various legal actions that influenced and co-ordinated the legal development of
national laws. These laws deal with computer-related infringement of privacy, computer-related economic crime,
intellectual property protection, illegal and harmful contents, computer-related procedural law and legal regulations
on security measures.

More Info on this available at: pdf doc sent across

Case Studies:

Tiffany & eBay:,_Inc.

Research in Motion Ltd. V. Georges Elias:


S Paul Raj v. TCS (Tata Consultancy Services):

Edison v. Sawyer and Man:

Ford v. George Selden: ( /

The Manipal Academy Case:

RG Anand v. Delux Films:

Warner Bros. v. Cinema Paradiso:

MGM v. Grokster:,_Inc._v._Grokster,_Ltd.

Case Study : Jet Mosquito 1

Mr. S.K. Matlani is an entrepreneur based in Indore.

In 1985, he quit his job as a clerk in a bank and started a small business of manufacturing

plastic buttons and pipes.

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In 1986, he started manufacturing mosquito repellent mats after a visit to Malaysia where he saw the project and the
technology involved.

Mr Matlani fabricated a small machine inhouse and his company began selling mosquito repellent mats based on his
indigenous chemical formulation under the trademark JET.

The total investment in the project was around Rs. 2.5 to Rs. 3 million

In 1995, M/s Godrej Sarah Lee Limited struck a deal with Jet Home Care Products Ltd for buying the JET trademark for
Rs. 30 crore.

The factories set up by Mr. Matlani as well as the other tangible assets of the company remained with him.

The acquisition by Godrej involved exclusively the trademark which had acquired a good reputation in the Indian

Food King:

E.Sarathbabu after passing out from IIM started a catering business of his own, inspired by his mother who once sold
idlis on the pavements of Chennai, worked as an ayah in an Anganvadi to educate him and his siblings. As a child, he
also sold idlis in the slum where he lived.

In August 2006, Sarathbabu's entrepreneurial dream came true with Foodking. Today, Foodking has six units and 200
employees, and the turnover of the company is Rs.32 lakh a month.

Coffee Cup:


…..Culprit is sentenced to hang….

…..Culprit is sentenced to hang till death….

Case Description:

• Introduction of Parkel & and his colleague

• Reasons for an invention – missing coffee mug, hole to the mug

• Spark in the invention – election night, in his note book

• Patent – Coffee mug with a key to prevent others from use

• Commercialization

• Increase in sales for 9 months and then decrease in sales

• Discovery of similar mug in the market

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• Colleague has launched the mug

• Hole on the bottom, slits in middle of the holes to stop rapid flow, using a unique key and increases the look
of the cup.

• Parkel has filed an infringement case

Petitioner Patent:

• A hole on the wall of the cup ex side wall

• Rapid flow of the coffee or the liquid

• A key to stop the flow of the cup

Defendant's Product:

• A hole on the bottom of the cup

• Slits in the hole to reduce the flow of the liquid to avoid accidents

• Unique key to plug the hole


• US 5960411 - Method and system for placing a purchase order via a communications network

• Prior art

• Virtual shopping cart, purchaser identity, billing and shipping address, and credit payment method

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• One –click – Based on purchaser’s previous visit information is stored in database

• Validity of patent is questioned by three prior art references

• COMPUSERVE TREND SYSTEM – subscribers can select stock chart and click 50 cents button to buy and it is
immediately delivered electronically

• Book written by Magdalena Yesil entitled creating a Virtual Store written in 1996

• - Merchants also can provide shoppers with an instant buy button for some or all items, enabling them to
skip check out review. This provides added appeal for customers who already know the single item they want
to purchase during their shopping

• “Oliver’s Market” ordering system A single click on its picture is all it takes to order an item


• Biggest issues in cyberlaw

• How do we safeguard citizens’ rights to protect the “intellectual property” they create with freedom of
speech and freedom of the press?

• Key question for Web page designers: Can you legally link to any Web site you want to?

• Misappropriation

• Definition: The unauthorized taking of someone else’s investment of time, effort and money. Also called

• Evolving law of linking

• 5 types of links have caused legal problems for Web site owners:

• Framing links

• Deep links

• Inline links

• Links to third-party material

• Links to content that infringes copyright

• Framing

• What it is: Technique that lets Web page designers split Web pages into multiple regions that can be scrolled

• First became possible in 1996 with Netscape 2

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• Has provoked lawsuits when used by Web page A to link to and display the content of Web page B inside a
frame or border that makes it look as if A generated the content that was actually produced by B.

Washington Post v.

• February 1997: The Washington Post, CNN, Time, Dow Jones, Reuters New Media and other organizations
sue, charging that TotalNEWS had:

• Misappropriated their content

• Infringed on and diluted their trademarks

• Infringed on their copyright

• Results:

• settled out of court and agreed to stop framing the news organizations’ stories

• The organizations dropped the lawsuit

• Most lawyers who advise Web site clients urge them to avoid using framing links

Deep links

• What they are: Linking to a page other than the home page, in other words to a page “deep” within the Web

• Has provoked lawsuits when they provide a shortcut that allows Web page users to bypass advertising on
the home page or other early pages in a Web site

Ticketmaster v. Microsof

• Microsoft’s, a guide to the city of Seattle, included deep links to the page in the
Ticketmaster Web site where surfers could buy tickets to Seattle concerts.

• These direct links allowed surfers to bypass the Ticketmaster home page and other Ticketmaster pages that
contained advertising.

• The problem: Ticketmaster wasn’t recording as many page views as it would have if people directed to the
site by had started at the home page.

• April 1997: Ticketmaster sued, claiming:

• Microsoft had deprived Ticketmaster of the right to control its trademark

• Microsoft had diluted Ticketmaster’s trademark

• Microsoft had falsely suggested an association between Microsoft and Ticketmaster

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• Parties settled out of court in January 1999

• Microsoft agreed to link only to Ticketmaster’s home page.

• Some scholars thought deep links could be seen as violation of the Lanham Act, as part of federal trademark
law that makes it illegal for businesses to knowingly create confusion over a trademark

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