Current Botswana Personal Income Tax Calculations (2020)
Current Botswana Personal Income Tax Calculations (2020)
Current Botswana Personal Income Tax Calculations (2020)
Rates of tax
2017/2018 tax year
Resident individuals
P0 – P 36 000 P0 + 0%
P 36 001 – P 72 000 P0 + 5%
P 72 001 – P 108 000 P 1 800 + 12.5%
P 108 001 – P 144 000 P 6 300 + 18.75%
P 144 001 + P 13 050 + 25%
Benefit on the excess of P200,000 will be 15% thereof with a maximum fuel benefit of P5,000.
Where the cost of fuel is paid for by the employee the fuel cost adjustment is deducted from the benefit, but
where the cost is borne by the employer the full benefit is taxable.
Medical contributions
The employer's contributions to a medical benefit fund on behalf of his employee up to an amount equal to
100% of the required contributions shall not become taxable in the hands of the employee.
If not rated:
The lower of (a) or (b) prorated by occupation and reduced by any charge borne by the employee:
Capital allowances
The annual allowance on plant and machinery is between 10% and 25% of the cost incurred. The following are
the rates fixed by the Commissioner General of Taxes as fair and reasonable having regard to the expected lives
of the assets listed.
Capital allowances
Furniture and fittings 10%
Office equipment and machinery 15%
Plant and machinery including farming 15%
Motor vehicles, boats and aircraft 25%
Heavy plant and machinery 25%
Computer hardware 25%
Residents Non-residents
Interest (Note) 10% 15%
Dividends 7.5% 7.5%
Entertainment fee – 10%
Management and consultancy fees – 15%
Commercial royalty – 15%
Rent 5% 5%
Commission or brokerage 10% 10%
Construction contracts 3% 3%
Note: Withholding tax on interest paid to residents is calculated at 10% of interest paid to a resident in excess of
P1,950 in a quarter of a year.
Capital gains tax
Indexation allowance
Paragraph 8 of the Tenth Schedule to the Income Tax Act 1995.
Table of factors from the National Cost of Living Indices.
January 1769.2
February 1772.7
March 1781.5
April 1795.5
May 1799.0
June 1802.5
July 1804.3