PCL - Boiler O&M - 20may19 PDF
PCL - Boiler O&M - 20may19 PDF
PCL - Boiler O&M - 20may19 PDF
Kind Attention: Mr. Anil Arora, GM / Mr. Rajesh Kumar Rai, Production Manager
Sub: Proposal for O&M of 1.5TPH Boiler and 30Lakhs kcal/H Thermic Fluid Heater
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for the courtesy extended to us during our meeting followed by site visit. With
reference to the said subject, we are pleased to submit our proposal for operations and
maintenance of Boiler and Thermic Fluid Heater located at your Vapi plant with the following
scope of works.
Scope of Services
Our monthly price for managing the above said services shall be ₹5,28,827/- (Rupees Five
Lakhs Twenty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven) only, on lumpsum basis
that is exclusive of taxes as applicable. The above fee includes all statutory payments by GSH
towards PF, ESIC, Bonus, Gratuity and Leave. Uniform, PPEs, were included in the proposal.
GSH will comply with all the required statutory provisions in this regard.
The quoted prices are exclusive of GST and will be charged extra as applicable. At present it is
at 18% on the total cost. This tax is based on current taxation rules. Any changes in the tax
during the tenure of the contract will be adjusted in the final pricing. You may deduct the TDS @
of 2% for Income tax and issue a certificate to the effect.
Payment Terms
The billing will be based on the prices as jointly agreed between. We will submit the bills on or
before 5th every month for the services rendered in the previous month and expect to receive the
payment within 10 days.
The quoted prices are valid for acceptance for a period of 30 days from the date of offer and
thereafter subject to our confirmation.
We hope you will find our proposal in line with your expectations. Please contacts us should you
need any additional information or clarification on the proposal.
Noorul Ameen M
Director – Operations
Manpower Matrix
Shift-wise Manpower
SNo. Description Total HC
1 Site In-charge 1 - - - - 1
• G – General
• A – 1st Shift
• B – 2nd Shift
• C – 3rd Shift
• R – Reliever
• HC – Head Count