Cantilever Slab

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Date : 10-Jan-2020
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Subject : Design of Cantilever Slab Date :

Slab Identity : P
Concrete fc' = 28 MPa W
Steel Fy = 420 MPa
Concrete Unit Wt. gc = 25.00 kN/m3 L
Span Length L = 2.80 m
Min. Reqd. Th. tmin = 280 mm [ACI 318M-05, Table 9.5(a)] - Span Length/10
Thickness Used h = 300 mm OK
Width b = 1000 mm
Cover to main steel c = 30 mm

Super Imposed Dead Load

-Finishes + MEP wF = 1.00 kN/m2 PF = 0.00 kN/m
-Partitions wP = 0.00 kN/m2 PP = 0.00 kN/m

Live load wL = 5.00 kN/m2 PL = 0.00 kN/m

Self weight ( gc* h/1000 ) = 7.50 kN/m2

Total DL wD = 8.50 kN/m2 PD = 0.00 kN/m

Total ult (1.2DL+1.6LL) [ACI 318M-05,9.2.1]

wu = 18.20 kN/m2 Pu = 0.00 kN/m

Design for flexure

Main Steel

Mu = wu*L2/2 + Pu*L = 71.344 kN-m/m .

Effective depth d = 264 mm ( d - c - 0.5 * f )
Steel Ratio rreqd. = 0.2776 %
Area of Steel (req) Ast reqd = 733 mm2/m
db =
( √ )
Bar Diameter 12 0 . 85∗f c ' 2∗M ult∗10 6
ρreq = ∗ 1− 1−
Reqduired Spacing S = 150 mm Fy 0 . 9∗0. 85∗f c '* b∗d 2

Temperature Steel
Reinforcement ratio = 0.18% [ACI 318M-05,]
Temp. steel area At = 540 mm2/m
Bar Diameter db = 12
Reqduired Spacing S = 200 mm


Top Steel : f 12 @ 150 mm C/C , Ast prov. = 754 > 733

Main direction OK

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Date : 10-Jan-2020
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Subject : Design of Cantilever Slab Date :

Temperature steel: f 12 @ 200 mm C/C , Ast prov. = 565 > 540

Transverse direction OK

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Design by :
Date : 10-Jan-2020
Project : 0 Checked by :
Subject : Design of Cantilever Slab Date :

Deflection nAs

k d

Gross moment of Inertia Ig = b * h3 / 12 = 2.250E-03 m4

n = Es / E c = 8.042
B = b / (n * As) = 0.165
k = [√(2*d*B+1)-1]/B = 50.84 mm
Ec = 4700 * √fc' * 1000 = 24870062 kN/m2
Inertia of cracked section Icr = b*k /3 + n*As*(d-k)
3 2
= 3.19E-04 m4

Modulus of rupture fr = 0.62 * √fc' = 3.28 MPa

Cracking moment Mcr = fr * 106 * Ig / (h/2) = 49.21 kN-m
Max. Moments Ma = WL+D*L2/2 + PL+D*L = 52.920 kN-m
Mc/a = Mcr / Ma = 0.930

Effective M. of Inertia Ie = Mc/a3*Ig+[1-Mc/a3]*Icr = 1.87E-03 m4

For the above equations refer to ACI 318M-05,

Instantaneous Deflection * * * Excluding self weight * * *

Deflection S.D.L. (UDL) Δ1w = WF+P*L4 / (8*Ec*Ie) = 1.65E-04 m = 0.1650 mm
Deflection due to PD Δ1P = PF+P*L3 / (3*Ec*Ie) = 0.00E+00 m = 0.0000 mm
Deflection LL (UDL) Δ2w = WL*L4 / (8*Ec*Ie) = 8.25E-04 m = 0.8252 mm
Deflection due to PL Δ2P = PL*L3 / (3*Ec*Ie) = 0.00E+00 m = 0.0000 mm

Total Instantaneous Deflection = Δ1w + Δ1P + Δ2w + Δ2P = 0.99 mm

Long time Deflection

Period 5 years and more r' = 0 ( Compression steel assumed zero )

Time-dependent factor x = 2
Multiplication factor l = 2.00 [ACI 318M-05,]

Deflection S.D.L.+S.W.(UDL) ΔWSS= WD*L4 / (8*Ec*Ie) = 1.40E-03 m = 1.40 mm

Deflection S.D.L.+S.W.(P) ΔPSS= PF+P*L / (3*Ec*Ie)
= 0.00E+00 m = 0.00 mm

Long Time Deflection = l * (ΔWSS + ΔPSS) = 2.81 mm

Total Deflection (mm)

ΔTotal = 0.99 + 2.81 = 3.80 mm

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Design by :
Date : 10-Jan-2020
Project : 0 Checked by :
Subject : Design of Cantilever Slab Date :
ΔTotal = 3.80 mm < Δ Allowable = L * 1000 / 240 = 11.67 mm

1 Structural Concrete, Theory and Design
M. Nadim Hassoun

2 ACI 318M-05
Diameter Area
#6 6 28.3
#8 8 50.3
# 10 10 78.5
# 12 12 113
# 14 14 154
# 16 16 201
# 20 20 314
# 25 25 491
# 28 28 616
# 32 32 801
# 40 40 1256
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Design by :
Date : 10-Jan-2020
Project : Checked by :
Subject : Design of Cantilever Slab Date :

Checking if section need compression steel

f = 0.9
fc' = 28 MPa
fy = 420 MPa

bt = 0.85
b = 1000 mm
d = 264 mm

rmax = 0.02064

fMn = 444.78 kN-m > Mult = 71.34 kN-m

No need for compression steel .

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Design by :
Date : 10-Jan-2020
Project : Checked by :
Subject : Date :

Rho Max




0.003 0.004
Cmax = d - Cmax

Cmax = * (d - Cmax)

Cmax = 0.75 d - 0.75 Cmax

Cmax = 3/7 d

A s Fy = 0.85 * fc' * b * amax

A s Fy = 0.85 * fc' * b * bt * (3/7)*d

= 0.85 * (3/7) * (fc'/Fy) * bt

As = 0.85 * b * d (3/7) * (fc'/Fy) * bt

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