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Tech. Curriculum 2015-16

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Department of Civil Engineering

Under Graduate Academic Programme

(w.e.f. the session 2015-16)

Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology

Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh-202 002 INDIA


CIVIL Engineering Department of Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology started
in 1942, trains the students for the cause of technical education. The department pursues
education through enrichment of engineering principles, analytical and application skills along
with overall personality development. This has resulted in preparing our students to be ready for
new economic order and challenges, at par with the best of institutes of the country and abroad.

Engineering education has become an international enterprise, following major

internationalization trends in engineering practice itself over recent decades. India has been
admitted on 13th June, 2014 as a signatory of Washington Accord through National Board of
Accreditation (NBA) agency, which is a step ahead towards outcome based education approach.
After successful completion of accreditation by NBA from 2009 - 2014 for five years, the
department is moving towards outcome based education approach by renewing its accreditation
status through NBA in line with the Washington Accord.

The curriculum for undergraduate engineering course has become more structured by the
introduction of courses which demonstrate a range of skills, from technical problem solving to
soft skills and an aptitude for lifelong learning apart from courses which equip engineering
students with a wider horizon of concepts in terms of environmental, economic, and social
attributes, for decision making of sensitive to sustainability issues.

This booklet contains the vision and mission of the department, programme educational
objectives, programme outcomes, ordinances & regulations, revised course structure and syllabi
with course objectives and outcomes recommended by the board of studies of the Civil
Engineering Department, endorsed by faculty of Engineering and Technology and approved by
Academic Council of AMU, Aligarh.

I sincerely thank and express my gratefulness to all the colleagues of the department for their
useful comments and suggestions.

Special thanks are due to Prof. Kausar Ali and Dr. M. Masroor Alam for their efforts in the
preparation of this document.

Dr. Mohammed Arif

Professor and Chairman
Department of Civil Engineering
Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh-202 002, India.

August 3rd, 2015


Page No.

General Information about the Department iii

Vision and Mission of the Department xx

Programme Educational Objectives xxi

Programme Outcomes xxii

B. Tech. Ordinances xxiii

B. Tech. Regulations xxx

Course Structure B. Tech. Civil Engineering 1

Course Syllabi 11



1936 Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology was established

1942 U. G. Course in Civil Engineering was started
1965 P. G. Courses in Civil Engineering was introduced
1969 Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering was started
2009 Five year accreditation awarded by NBA

The Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology has been
constantly contributing to the cause of engineering education and training right since its inception
in the year 1942. Over the last five decades the department has grown manifold and shared
immensely in technology transfer and the propagation of technological advancements to industry
in particular and to the masses in general. With the changing technological order across the
country and globe, the Department too has maintained pace in becoming at par with the latest and
most sophisticated R&D, design, testing, instrumentation and computational facilities etc. The
training and education of the personnel in a wide range of fields has been a constant endeavor of
the Department over these years.

The Department has highly qualified faculty supported by excellent laboratories and state of the
art computing facilities. The Department owns a rich library having over 12000 text and reference
books. Many research projects sponsored by A.I.C.T.E, U.G.C., D.S.T., C.S.I.R.,
D.R.D.O.,C.S.T.(UP), Ministry of Environment and Forest (M.O.E.F), and Indian Oil
Corporation, Govt. of India have been successfully completed and many under progress. The
faculty members have published a good number of Research papers in International and National
Journals as well as in the Proceedings of various International and National Seminars,
Conferences, Symposia and Workshops. The faculty members have also published several
textbooks and prepared appreciable number of Technical Reports, Laboratory Manuals and other
Teaching Aids.

The faculty members have also to their credit many awards such as Khosala Award, Suchit
Kumar memorial Award, Institution of Engineers(I), Khosala Research Prize, ISET Best Prize
award, Deshpande Award (FM &FP, India), Jai Krishna Award, Sir Arthur Cotton Memorial
Gold Medal, Career Award for Young teachers etc. Many faculty members have chaired technical
session of different National and International meets and have also been the members of various
technical committees within the country and abroad as well. The Department organized two
international conferences one in 2009 and other in 2011 in the area of environmental engineering
in collaboration with foreign university. In addition a number of seminars and workshops
including training programmes have also been successfully organized in last five years. The
department has carried out consultancy work for different state and national government and
private organizations. The revenue generated from externally funded R&D projects and
consultancies has been over 950 Lac rupees. The Department has entered into collaborative
Programmes with industry and foreign universities. Collaborative work is in progress with Toledo
University, USA; Youngstown State University, USA; Michigan University, USA; Asia Pacific
University, Thailand and La Sierra University, USA. The National Board of Accreditation
(NBA), New Delhi accredited the department of civil engineering for full five years from 2009-14
and is presently under renewal stage.

At the under graduate level, the Civil Engineering Department offers B. Tech. (Civil) course and
at the post graduate level M. Tech. course is offered in three major fields of specialization viz.
Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, and Environmental Engineering. At the Doctoral
level, the Department offers Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Structures,
Environmental Engineering and Geo technical Engineering. Zakir Husain college of Engineering
and Technology is one amongst the 150 institutes identified by M.H.R.D., Government of India,
for funding under TEQIP-II.


Name of the Programme Duration Intake

B. Tech. (Civil Engineering) 4 60

B. E. (Civil Engineering), Evening Course 4 50

Structural Engineering 2 16

Environmental Engineering 2 16

M. Tech. Hydraulic Structures 2 16

Geotechnical Engineering
2 10
(w.e.f. from academic session 2016-17)

Structural Engineering 12

Environmental Engineering 06
Ph. D.
Hydraulic Structures 08

Geotechnical Engineering 02


Earthquake Resistant Construction
Experimental Stress Techniques and Non-Destructive Testing
Fibre Composites and New Construction Materials
Numerical Modelling and Optimization Techniques
Offshore Structures
Reliability Analysis and Risk Assessment of Structures
Structural Masonry
Transient Dynamic Analysis of Structures
Wind Engineering

Computational Hydraulics
Flow through porous media
Sediment Transport

Air Pollution
Biological Processes for Wastewater Treatment
Corrosion Control
Hazardous and Solid Waste Management
Modeling and Simulation of Treatment Processes
Physio-Chemical Treatment Processes

Flyash Utilization and Disposal
Ring/Annular/Shell and Pile Foundations
Soil Structure Interaction
Environmental Geo-technology
Application of Geo-synthetics in Ground Improvement Techniques
Rock Mechanics


Structural Engineering
 Structural Mechanics Laboratory

 Concrete Laboratory

 Structural Dynamics Laboratory

 Heavy Structures Laboratory

 Polymer Concrete Laboratory

 Composite Materials Laboratory

 Corrosion and Non Destructive Testing Lab (NDT)

 Drawing Hall

Hydraulic Structures
 Hydraulics U.G/P.G Laboratory

 Advanced Hydraulics Laboratory

Environmental Engineering
 Environmental Engineering U.G. Laboratory

 Environmental Engineering P.G. Laboratory

 Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Geotechnical Engineering
 Soil Mechanics Laboratory

 Transportation Engineering Laboratory

 Engineering Geology Laboratory

 Surveying Laboratory

CAD Laboratory


Name of Faculty Highest University Designation Specialization

Members Qualification
DR. MOHAMMED Univ. of Professor
ARIF Ph. D. Roorkee, and Structural Engg.
Roorkee Chairman
MR. M. M. ASHHAR AMU, Aligarh Environmental
M. Tech. Professor
Science & Engg.
ALI ANSARI Ph. D. Roorkee, Professor
DR. MOHAMMAD Hydraulic
Ph. D. IIT, Kanpur Professor
MUZZAMMIL Structures
Ph. D Roorkee, Professor Structural Engg.
DR. IZHARUL HAQ Environmental
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh Professor
FAROOQI Science & Engg.
DR. SHAKEEL Univ. of
AHMAD Ph. D Roorkee, Professor Structural Engg.
MASOOD Ph. D IIT, Roorkee Professor Structural Engg.


Ph. D Roorkee, Professor
Ph. D IIT, Delhi Professor Structural Engg.
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh Professor Structural Engg.
DR. TALIB Univ. of Hydraulic
Ph. D Professor
MANSOOR Roorkee Structures
Dr. ARSHAD UMAR Ph. D IIT, Delhi Professor Structural Engg.
Ph. D. IIT, Delhi Professor Structural Engg.
DR. ANWER Environmental
Ph. D. IIT, Roorkee Professor
KHURSHEED Science & Engg.
DR. KAUSAR ALI Geotechnical
Ph. D IIT, Delhi Professor
Ph. D AMU, Aligarh Professor Structural Engg.
DR. ASIF ALI University of
SIDDIQUI Ph. D. Southampton, Professor
Science & Engg.
M. Tech. AMU, Aligarh Structural Engg.
ALI Professor

DR. MUBEEN BEG Associate Hydraulic
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh
Professor Structures
JAFRI Ph. D. IIT, Delhi Structural Engg.
DR. (MAJOR) Associate
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh Structural Engg.
DR. HASSAN Oxford Brookes Associate
Ph. D. Structural Engg.
IRTAZA University, UK Professor
DR. JAVED ALAM Associate Hydraulic
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh
Professor Structures
DR. MOHD. Assistant
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh Engg. Geology
DR. SOHAIL AYUB Associate Environmental
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh
Professor Science & Engg.
DR. MEHBOOB Associate Geotechnical
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh
ANWER KHAN Professor Engg.
DR. MUJIB AHMAD Associate Hydraulic
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh
ANSARI Professor Structures
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh Structural Engg.
KHAN Professor
DR. MALIK SHOEB Associate Geotechnical
Ph. D. AMU, Aligarh
AHMAD Professor Engg.
DR. NADEEM Associate Environmental
Ph. D. IIT, Delhi
KHALIL Professor Science & Engg.
DR. S. DANISH Associate
Ph. D JMI, Delhi Structural Engg.
HASAN Professor
DR. MOHD. University of
Associate Geotechnical
AHMADULLAH Ph. D Newcastle,
Professor Engg.
FAROOQI NSW, Australia
DR. M. SHARIQ Assistant
Ph. D. IIT, Roorkee Structural Engg.
DR. FARRUKH Assistant Environmental
Ph. D AMU, Aligarh
BASHEER Professor Science & Engg.
DR. AJMAL Assistant Hydraulic
Ph. D IIT, Roorkee
HUSSAIN Professor Structures
DR. M. REHAN Assistant
Ph. D IIT, Roorkee Structural Engg.
SADIQUE Professor
DR. M. ARSALAN Loughborough Assistant
Ph. D Structural Engg.
KHAN University, U.K Professor


Enhance Research and Development Activity

 The impetus on research and development facility and consultancy work was the focus in last
4-5 years which has resulted into funding to the tune of more than Rs. 950 Lacs from various
International and National agencies to the department and individual faculty members.

 The notable agencies are European Union (AMU Share), UNICEF, DST (PURSE), UGC,

 Number of Ph.D. Awarded: 19

 Number of Ph.D. Enrolled: 15

 No. of publications by the faculty members: Total publication = 210 (Journal = 121,
Conferences = 89)

 Books published = 05

 Chapter in edited Books published = 04 + 01 (Accepted)

 Number of patents: The faculty members have filed 06 patents

 The department has organized two international conferences:

 ‘International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment’ organized

in collaboration with La Sierra University, USA and Asia Pacific University, Thailand, co-
sponsored by Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India and AICTE, India (ISBN: 93-
80697-25-2), October 29-30, 2010.
 ‘International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and
Engineering’ organized in collaboration with University of Toledo, USA (ISBN: 93-80043-
40-6), October 26-28, 2009.

 The department has conducted 10 Workshops, 04 Short-term Training Programmes, 05

Extension Lectures and 01 Summer University in last three years.

Closer Institute-Industry Interaction

 Institute-Industry interaction cell in the college has been created which is represented by
faculty member of the department.

 The department is in continuous interaction with industry and government organizations

through consultancy.

 The department is part of MOU signed with Youngstown State University, Ohio, USA
through AMU, Aligarh.

 Department has worked with district administration and NGOs for creating awareness in the
field of disaster management.

 The department has organized a large number of invited talks and training programme with
expert from industry.

Student’s Achievement

 Following are some of the students who have brought laurels by qualifying national level
administrative exams in last three years:

Name Organization
Mr. Raja Yaqoob Farooq Indian Administrative Services (IAS)
Mr. Syed Anwer Ali Indian Engineering Services (Railways)
Mr. Zeeshan Haider Indian Engineering Services (Railways)
Mr. Md Nazibullah Indian Engineering Services (Railways)
Mr. Prateek Rastogi Indian Engineering Services (Railways)
Mr. Rishabh Garg Indian Engineering Services (Railways)
Mr. Mohd. Bilal Indian Defense Services of Engg. (IDSE)
Mr. Tanveer Khan Indian Engineering Services (Railways)
Mr. Mohit Sharma RITES


S. No. Name Period

1. Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahman Khan 1942-43
2. Dr. M. S. Qureshi 1944-45
3. Mr. Sher Ali Ismaili 1945-48
4. Prof. F. M. P. Arbuthonot 1948-49
5. Dr. K. C. Chakko 1950-54
6. Khan Bahadur Hamidullah Khan 1954-58
7. Prof. M. Ather 1958-59
8. Dr. K. C. Chakko 1959-61
9. Prof. M.Y. Ansari 1961-71
10. Prof. Rasheeduzzafar 1971-72
11. Prof. S. Masjood Hasan 1972-73
12. Prof. M.Y. Ansari 1973-75
13. Prof. Rasheeduzzafar 1975-77
14. Prof. Shamim Ahmad 1977-81
15. Prof. M.Y. Ansari 1981-84
16. Prof. S. Masjood Hasan 1984-87
17. Prof. Shamim Ahmad 1987-90
18. Prof. Aslam Qadeer 1990-93
19. Prof. Mohd. Haroon 1993-93
20. Prof. Roshan A. Khan 1993-93
21. Prof. Alimul Qadar 1993-96
22. Prof. R. D. Gupta 1996-99
23. Prof. V. P. Mital 1999-02
24. Prof. S. Qaiser A. Naqvi 2002-05
25. Prof. Mohd. Jamil 2005-08
26. Prof. Razaullah Khan 2008-11
27. Prof. M. M. Ashhar 2011-13
28. Prof. Sarfaraz Ali Ansari 2013-14
29. Prof. Mohammed Arif 2014-

Project Title: Seismic Assessment and Safety of Masonry Heritage
Funding Agency: UGC
Funding Amount: 72 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Prof. Shakeel Ahmad

Project Title: Seismic Reliability Analysis of Cable Supported Bridges

Funding Agency: MRP, UGC
Funding Amount: 10.65 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Rehan A. Khan

Project Title: Integrated Sustainable Power Generation from Short-Rotation Forestry (Enhanced
Biomass) for Rural and Semi-Urban Areas in India
Funding Agency: Ministry of Power, Gol, under NPP scheme (CPRI, Banglore)
Funding Amount: 163.28 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Nadeem Khalil

Project Title: Improved Turbulence Models for computational wind Engineering

Funding Agency: CST, UP, Lucknow
Funding Amount: 7.32 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hasan Irtaza

Project Title: Reliability Analysis of Suspension Bridge under Earthquake Forces.

Funding Agency: UGC
Funding Amount: 3.0 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Prof. Rehan A Khan


Project Title: Development of Corrosion Control Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Composites
using Corrosion Inhibitors
Funding Agency: AICTE
Funding Amount: 10.00 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Prof. Mohammed Arif

Project Title: Behaviour of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperature

Funding Agency: AICTE
Funding Amount: 9.00 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Prof. Amjad Masood

Project Title: Performance Evaluation of Pilot Plant based on Sequencing Batch Reactor for the
Biodegradation of Absorbable Organic Halides (AOX) from Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater.
Funding Agency: MOEF
Funding Amount: 97.368 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. I. H. Farooqi

Project Title: Sediment Control in Canals- A New Approach

Funding Agency: UP-CST
Funding Amount: 6.45 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mujib Ahmad Ansari

Project Title: Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Masonry Structures

Funding Agency: CSIR
Funding Amount: 6.00 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Prof. (Mrs.) T. Naqvi and Prof. Husain Abbas

Project Title: Structural Performance of Polymer Concrete utilizing Recycled Plastic waste Funding
Agency: AICTE
Funding Amount: 11.85 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Fareed. Mahdi
Co- Principal Investigator: Prof. Husain. Abbas and Dr. Asif Ali Khan

Project Title: Petrofacies and Digenetic Evolution of Malani Volcaniclastics Barmer-Jodhpur Area
Funding Agency: DST
Funding Amount: 5.88 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Masroor Alam

Project Title: Sediment Control in Canals- A New Approach

Funding Agency: UP-CST
Funding Amount: 4.65 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mujib Ahmad Ansari

Project Title: Development of Corrosion Arrest Technique in Ferrocement

Funding Agency: UP-CST
Funding Amount: 5.36 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sabih Akhtar

Project Title: Biological Nitrogen removal by Anammox process using Sequencing Batch Reactor
Funding Agency: UGC
Funding Amount: 10.568 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. I. H. Farooqi

Project Title: Performance of Sequence Reactor (SBR) for the Bio-gradation of Phenolic Compounds
Funding Agency: UP-CST
Funding Amount: 6.36 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. I. H. Farooqi

Project Title: Performance evaluation of pilot Plant based on sequencing Batch Reactor for the
Biodegradation of Adsorbable Organic Halides AOX from Pulp and paper Mill wastewater
Funding Agency: MOEF
Funding Amount: 67.22 Lacs
Principal Investigator: Dr. I. H. Farooqi


1. Project titled "Performance level benchmarking for sewage treatment plant" (in collaboration with
IIT Delhi) funding agency MoEF with a grant of Rs 58.5 Lakh (2012-13) under the Co-Principal
Investigator Dr. Nadeem Khalil .
2. Project titled "Integrated system for sewage treatment: A sustainable approach" (in collaboration
with Tohuko University, Japan JICA-JST with a grantof US$ 2.5 Million (2011-2014) under the Co-
Principal Investigator Dr. Nadeem Khalil.
3. SWINGS Project entitled "Indo-Euro Research Project on Water Challenges in India” (Consortia of
21 Partners from Europe and India, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh is the lead Coordinating partner)
funding agency European Union Ministry of Science and Technology with a grant of Rs 2.26 Crore for
AMU (total grant allocation Rs. 4.62 Crore) under the Principal Investigator Dr. Nadeem Khalil.


1. PURSE, DST Rs. 31.86 Lacs
2. TEQIP-II, MHRD Rs. 24.4 Lacs
3. Centre for Disaster Management (Under XI Plan) Rs. 25.0 Lacs
4. Regular Grant Rs. 8.35 Lacs

1. PURSE, DST Rs. 38.00 Lacs
2. TEQIP-II, MHRD Rs. 40.65 Lacs
3. XII Plan Rs. 102.79 Lacs
4. Regular Grant Rs. 8.35 Lacs

1. XII 5 year Plan Rs. 102.79 Lacs
2. Books Rs. 1.14 Lacs
3. Regular Grants Rs. 8.35 Lacs
1. XII 5 year Plan Rs. 21.20 Lacs
2. DST-PURSE Rs. 12.05 Lacs
1. XII 5 year Plan Rs. 15.02 Lacs
2. DST-PURSE Rs. 14.61 Lacs
3. TEQIP-II 14 Lacs


1. Mr.V.K. Agrawal, Former Chairman, Railway Board.

2. Prof.Tahir Husain, Professor, University of New Foundland, Canada.
3. Prof. Shakir Husain, Youngstown State University
4. Prof. S.M.A. Kazmi, Former Professor, IIT-Delhi.
5. Mr. Zafar Iqbal, Former Indian Hockey Captain, Indian Airlines.
6. Mr. M.A.A. Fatmi, Former Minister of State, MHRD, Govt. of India.
7. Mrs. Chitra Verma Engineer in Chief U.P.PWD.
8. Mr. Shamim Khan, Chief Engineer, CPWD.
9. Mr. Shafiq Ahmad, Chief Engineer, UP Irrigation.
10. Mr. Arvind Kumar Gupta, Chief Engineer, UP Irrigation.
11. Mr. Hari Mohan Singal, SE, UP Irrigation.
12. Mr. Ajay Kumar Bansal, SE, UP Irrigation.
13. Mr. Syed Taj Mumtaz, SE, UP Irrigation.
14. Mr. Azhar Ahsan Khan Dy. Commissioner Rajasthan Housing Board Jaipur.
15. Mr. Mohd. Aqil I.P.S. I.G. Haryana Cadre.
16. Mr. Mohd. Sulaiman I.A.S.
17. Mr. Raja Yaqub Farooq I.R.S


To develop a vibrant and broad-based graduate programme with emphasis on up to

date curriculum, quality faculty and staff, field and industrial training to prepare
engineers with state of the art knowledge for professional practice in civil
engineering, guided by strong conviction towards morality and ethics.


1. To rely on basic engineering sciences and contemporary computational tools

for strengthening fundamental precepts of success for our students.
2. To create congenial environment for interaction amongst students, faculty and
technical staff to facilitate open thinking and learning process.
3. Strive to maintain pace with the latest and most sophisticated innovations,
research and development in the field of civil engineering within the ambit of
sustainable development.
4. To be acquainted with requirements of stakeholders to incorporate changes in
curriculum to facilitate acceptance
our graduates
(F) both at the national and
international levels.


PEO1 Graduates will be able to analyze, design and propose a feasible solution to civil
engineering problems by applying basic principles of mathematics, science and

PEO2 Graduates will be inculcated with necessary professional skills, effective oral and written
communication to be productive engineers.

PEO3 Graduates will be able to work as a team in intra and interdisciplinary endeavors for
development of new ideas and products to serve in contemporary societal contexts.

PEO4 Graduates will be able to face challenges of the world economic order by incorporating
expertise gained by faculty in consultancy work, for educating students, involving modern
tools and techniques.

PEO5 Graduates will achieve a high level of technical and managerial expertise to achieve
excellence, outstanding leadership to succeed in positions in civil engineering profession
with higher threshold start in employment background.


Civil Engineering Department of Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology trains the
students for the cause of technical education. In this department, education means enrichment
of analytical and application skills of engineering principles along with overall personality
development. The outcome is that our students are at par with the best of institutes of the
As part of the preparation process, the civil engineering department faculty, has adopted the
specific programme outcomes to be achieved at the civil engineering department are as follows:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve civil engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communicate effectively.
h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of civil engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. A knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for civil
engineering practice.
l. An ability to explain basic concepts and problem solving processes used in management.



Bachelor of Technology in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology

(Effective from the Session 2011 – 2012)

1. Introduction

(a) The Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University offers full-time programme
leading to the Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) degree in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
Petrochemical Engineering.

(b) The medium of instruction in B. Tech. Programme is English.

2. Eligibility

A candidate will be eligible for admission to B. Tech. Programme if he/she has passed the Senior
Secondary School Certificate (10+2) Examination of this University or an Examination recognized by this
University as its equivalent with 50% marks in aggregate of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics,
or have passed the Diploma in Engineering Examination of this University with 50% marks in aggregate.

3. Admission

(a) The admissions to the B. Tech. programmes will be made normally in the Autumn Semester as per
the admission policy approved by the Academic Council of the University from time to time. The
admission of each student will be made in a particular branch.

(b) A limited number of students may be allowed to change over from one branch of study to another, after
first year of study, depending on the availability of seats and their performance in the first two semesters.

4. Academic Session

The academic session is divided into two regular semesters – Autumn and Winter, each of which shall
be of approximately 20 weeks duration. The Autumn semester will normally commence in the month of
July/August every year, and the Winter in the month of December/January. In the beginning of every
session the Dean, in consultation with the Chairmen of the departments concerned, shall notify a
detailed academic calendar indicating the schedule of teaching, examination, and other activities.

5. Duration of the Programme

5.1 Minimum Duration

The minimum duration of the programme shall be eight consecutive semesters after admission.

5.2 Maximum Duration

The maximum duration of the programme shall be fourteen consecutive semesters after admission.

6. Curriculum and Credit System

6.1 Credit System

Each B. Tech. programme will have a curriculum in which every course will be assigned certain credits
reflecting its weight and contact periods per week, as given below:

1 Lecture period (L) per week = 1 Credit

1 Tutorial period (T) per week = 1 Credit
1 Practical period (P) per week = 0.5 Credit

In addition to theory and laboratory courses there may be other courses such as seminar, colloquium,
project, etc., which will be assigned credits as per their contribution in the programme without regard to
contact periods.

6.2 Course Categories

The curriculum for each branch will contain courses in the following categories having credits in the ranges
given below in such a way that the total of all credits will be equal to that required for the award of
degree as specified elsewhere in these ordinances.

(a) Basic Sciences (BS) 20-36 credits

(Courses such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics etc.)

(b) Engineering Sciences & Arts (ESA) 20-40 credits

(Foundation and applied engineering courses that are used across many branches)

(c) Humanities and Management (HM) 10-18 credits

(Language, Social science, & Management)

(d) Departmental Core (DC) 60-116 credits

(e) Departmental Electives (DE) 16-32 credits

(f) Open Electives (OE) 8-16 credits

6.3 Coordinators and Curriculum Development Committee

There shall be a Chief Coordinator, B.Tech. Programmes, to be nominated by the Dean, and a Coordinator,
B.Tech. Programme for each branch in each department, to be nominated by the Chairman of the
department concerned. Normally the Chief Tabulator will be the Chief Coordinator, B. Tech. Programmes.
There shall also be a standing Curriculum Development Committee (CDC), to be constituted by the Faculty.
The Chief Coordinator, B. Tech. Programmes will be the Convener of the CDC.

6.4 The Curriculum Structure

The curriculum for each branch will contain a listing of all courses, with each course having a course
category, course number, course title, number of contact periods per week, number of credits assigned, and
the marks assigned to various components of evaluation. It will also have a list of alternative courses in the
new curriculum for the old curriculum courses and filler courses to compensate for the shortfall in credits
earned by taking alternative courses in any category, if needed. It will also specify all other conditions
required for the award of degree.

6.5 Approval of the Curriculum

The curriculum for each branch of B. Tech. programme will be prepared by the department concerned
and will be approved by the Board of Studies of the department. It will then be vetted by the CDC and will
then be placed in the Faculty along with the recommendations of the CDC for approval. Once approved by
the Faculty, the Curriculum will be implemented. The same procedure shall be used for any modification in
the Curriculum.

7. Registration

7.1 Registration Procedure and Schedule

(a) Every student is required to register, in each semester, for the courses that he/she wants to
pursue in that semester. The registration schedule will be announced by the Dean/Chairman for every
semester. The registration process involves:

(i) Submitting a registration form in the office of the Chairman and obtaining a registration
card signed by the Chairman;

(ii) Paying the required fees.

(b) A student will normally register for higher semester courses only if he has also registered for un-cleared
courses of previous semesters, especially in the case of un-cleared courses of first two semesters.

(c) A student will have the option to add/delete/alter the courses in his/her registration within a week of
the registration subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the department concerned from time
to time.

(d) A student can drop a course from his/her registration by submitting a request to his/her department
coordinator up to a date specified on his/her registration card. A registered course will be counted as an
attempt even if the student remains absent in the Examination(s).

(e) No student will be allowed to register for more than 40 credits in a semester. A graduating course,
however, will not be included in this limit.

(f) A student may be denied registration in a course due to reasons of paucity of staff or space or
other facilities, especially in case the student is registering a course for improving the grade in a
passed course.

(g) If a student fails to register in two consecutive semesters without specific permission from the
Dean, his/her name may be removed from the rolls of the faculty. Such a student may apply to the
Dean for re-admission stating the reasons for not being able to register for two consecutive semesters
and the Dean will take suitable decision on the merit of the case.

7.2 Graduating Course

A student may be allowed to register for one course of not more than 5 credits if he/she is able to graduate
by passing such a course, irrespective of whether the course is being offered in the current semester to
regular students or not, provided that the student has fulfilled the attendance requirement earlier and has
been awarded E or I grade in that course. Such a course shall be known as a graduating course.

8. Attendance (In lieu of Chapter XVII of the Academic Ordinances)

Attendance in each course separately is compulsory at least once. Students who have put in 75% or more
attendance in a course in a semester will be eligible to appear in the End-Semester Examination of that
course. Students who have put in 65% or more but less than 75% attendance in a course may be considered
for condonation of shortage of attendance in that course by the condonation committee. Students whose
attendance in a course is less than 65% or whose shortage in attendance has not been condoned will not
be eligible to appear in the End-Semester Examination of that course and will be awarded grade ‘F’ in that
course and all marks obtained in any component of the course-evaluation will stand cancelled. However,
in case a student is repeating a course and the student has already fulfilled the attendance requirement in
that course, he/she will not be detained due to shortage of attendance in that course during the repeating

9. Examination and Evaluation (In lieu of Clause (9) of Chapter XV of the existing Academic

9.1 Components of Evaluation

Each course will be evaluated out of 100 marks. The courses will normally have the following
components of evaluation:

(a) Theory courses:

Course work 15 marks
Mid-Semester Examination 25 marks
End-Semester Examination 60 marks

(b) Laboratory courses including Seminar, Colloquium, Project, etc.
Course work 60 marks
End-Semester Examination 40 marks

However, for special academic reasons, some courses may have different weight for different components
of evaluation from that given above. Such special reasons will be spelt out clearly in the curriculum.

9.2 Grading System

The combined marks obtained by a student in various components of evaluation of a course shall be
converted into regular letter grades with their equivalent grade points as specified below:

Grade Grade points Description

A 10 Outstanding
B 8 Very good
C 6 Good
D 4 Satisfactory (Minimum Pass Grade)
E 2 Unsatisfactory (Fail)
F 0 Detained due to shortage of attendance
I 0 Incomplete/Absent in the End-Semester Examination
Z 0 Cancelled due to other reasons

The following marks ranges may ordinarily be used for the award of grades to the students in a

Range Grade
75 and above A
60 and above but less than 75 B
45 and above but less than 60 C
35 and above but less than 45 D
Less than 35 E

Two grace marks may be awarded by the examiner for passing a course and one grace mark may be
awarded by the examiner to elevate the grade. Any fraction in any component of evaluation should be
rounded off to the next whole number.

The examiner(s) may propose higher or lower grade ranges depending upon the nature of the course and
general performance of the students in the course, but the final decision rests with the Result Moderation
Committee. However, the minimum passing grade `D` should never be awarded if a student secures
below 35 marks (including 2 grace marks) in a course.

9.3 Evaluation of a Graduating Course

A graduating course shall be evaluated on the basis of the End-Semester Examination component of the
course alone. The student shall appear only in the End-Semester Examination of the graduating course.
Grade D shall be awarded if the student concerned obtains 35 or more of the marks allotted to End-
Semester Examination alone. In case the marks obtained are less than 35, grade E will be awarded. Two
grace marks, however, will be awarded for passing the course.

9.4 Earned Credits (EC)

If a student passes a course by obtaining grade D or above he/she earns the credits assigned to that

9.5 Performance Indices

At the end of every semester a student’s performance will be indicated by Earned Credits (EC), a Semester
Performance Index (SPI), and a Cumulative Performance Index (CPI). The SPI is the credit-weighted
average of grade points of all courses registered during a semester and is computed as follows:

SPI = (C1G1 + C2G2 +……) / (C1 + C2 +…….)

Where C1, C2… are the credits assigned to courses and G1, G2… are the grade points earned in those

The CPI is the credit-weighted average of grade points of all courses passed in all the semesters since

9.6 Repetition of a Failed Course

If a student fails in a course his/her marks of all components of evaluation in that course will be cancelled.
The student will have to register the course again or its alternative and will be required to appear in all
components of evaluation afresh. No previous marks shall be used in any case.

9.7 Repetition of a Passed Course

A student may repeat a course to try to improve his/her grade in that course only once, provided that he/she
has passed that course in a single attempt. In such case the student will have to register the course again
and will be required to appear in all components of evaluation afresh. No previous marks shall be used
in any case. For the purpose of calculating the SPI the recently obtained grade will be considered while for
CPI the better of the two grades will be counted.

9.8 Conduct of Examinations

(a) The examiners for the End-Semester Examination of all theory courses will normally be the
teacher(s) associated with the course. The Seminar, Colloquium courses will be examined by the
teacher(s) associated with the course and one or more examiners from among the teachers of the
department to be recommended by the BOS of the department concerned. The laboratory and project
courses will be examined by the teachers(s) associated with the course and an external examiner not in
the service of the university at the time of examination. In case the external examiner does not turn up
for the examination, the Chairman of the department concerned, in consultation with the course in-
charge, shall call another person to act as the external examiner, even from within the University, if

(b) The End-Semester Examination of all graduating courses shall be conducted simultaneously along
with the End-Semester Examination of regular courses of the current semester examination.

9.9 Moderation Committees

(a) Question Paper Moderation Committee: There shall be a Moderation Committee of the concerned
Department consisting of the following members to moderate the Question Papers of the End-Semester

(i) Chairman of the Department concerned – (Convener)

(ii) One senior teacher of the Department in each broad area of specialization (to be appointed by
the BOS).

Note: The Paper Setter(s) may be invited, if necessary, to clarify the necessary details of the question

(b) Result Moderation Committee: There shall be a Result Moderation Committee of the concerned
Department consisting of the following members to moderate course-wise results of the End-Semester

(i) Chairman of the Department concerned - (Convener)

(ii) One senior teacher of the Department in each broad area of specialization (to be appointed by
the BOS).
(iii) Examiner(s) concerned.

The Result Moderation Committee will examine the result of each theory course and in case of an abnormal
situation; it may take suitable corrective measures in consultation with the examiner(s). The examiner(s) will

place the evaluated answer scripts along with the brief solution and marking scheme before the Committee.
In case of difference of opinion among the members of the Committee, the majority decision will prevail, in
which the examiner(s) will not participate.

10. Degree Requirement

(a) A student who earns 200 credits subject to the break up in various course categories and fulfills such
other conditions as may be mentioned in the curriculum will be awarded the degree of Bachelor of
Technology. He/she must also pay all University dues as per rules. Moreover, there should be no
case of indiscipline pending against him/her.

(b) If a student earns more credits than the minimum required for the award of degree, his/her CPI will be
calculated by considering the best grades subject to fulfilling the criteria of required credits as specified
in the curriculum.

11. Name Removal from the Rolls of the University and Mercy Appeal

11.1 Name Removal

The earned credits (EC) of every student will be checked at the end of even number of semesters and if
the total credits earned by the student are less than the minimum required as given below, his/her
admission to the B. Tech. programme will be cancelled and his/her name will be removed from the rolls of
the University.

Check Point (No. of Minimum EC

semesters after admission) requirement
2 semesters 0
4 semesters 25
6 semesters 50
8 semesters 80
10 semesters 110
12 semesters 140
14 semesters 200

11.2 Mercy Appeal

If the name of a student is removed from the rolls of the University as per provisions of clause 11.1 of these
ordinances, he/she may appeal to the Vice-Chancellor stating the reasons for not being able to earn the
required credits and the Vice-Chancellor, if he is satisfied with the reasons, may allow the continuation of
admission of the student only once during the tenure of the programme, extending the total duration of
the programme by two semesters, at the maximum, beyond 14 semesters, if required. Under no
circumstances a student will be allowed to complete the programme after the lapse of 16 semesters after

12. Result

a) If a student passes all the examinations and fulfills all the requirements for the award of degree his/her
result will be shown as “Graduated”.

b) The Division awarded to “Graduated” students will be based on CPI as given below:

First Division (Honours) CPI ≥ 8.5

First Division 6.5 ≤ CPI < 8.5
Second Division CPI < 6.5

There shall be no formula for conversion of CPI or SPI into equivalent percentage of marks during the
programme. However, once the programme is completed by a student and he/she is graduated, his/her final
CPI will be converted into equivalent percentage of marks by the following formula:

=( − + − )/

Where y is the percentage of marks and x is the CPI.

(c) If a student earns more credits than the minimum required as given in the table in clause 11.1
before fulfilling the degree requirements, his/her result will be shown as “Continued”.

(d) If the name of a student is removed from the rolls of the University as per provisions of clause 11.1
of these ordinances his/her result will be shown as “Name Removed”.

(e) Ranks/Positions will be determined at the end of even semesters. Only those students who fulfill the
following conditions will be eligible for ranks/positions:

(i) They do not have any break in their studies;

(ii) They have passed every scheduled course in first attempt;
(iii) They have passed every course on time as per the curriculum;
(iv) They have earned credits as per the schedule given in the curriculum;
(v) They have not improved grade in any course after passing the course.

The students who violate any of the above conditions will not be awarded any rank/position. The
ranks/positions will be determined on the basis of CPI.

13. Transitory Ordinance

Candidates admitted prior to the implementation of these Ordinances shall be governed by the Ordinances
(Academic) under which they were admitted. Students who fail in the courses that are no more offered in
these new ordinances and new curriculum will be allowed to pass the alternative courses, and in case there
are no alternative courses, the old courses may be offered. For such candidates, any marks obtained earlier
shall not be taken into account for passing the course(s) and they will have to obtain marks in all
components of evaluation afresh. A student admitted previously may apply to the Dean through the
Chairman concerned, to be governed by these ordinances. Such cases may be allowed on a case by case

Regulations to Chapter XXXIV (F) of Ordinances (Academic) for
B. Tech. Degree Programme

1. Explanations

1.1 Course Number

Every course has a course number consisting of 5 characters (minimum) and 6 characters (maximum). The
first two characters are alphabets indicating the department that offers or coordinates the course; the third
character is a numerical digit indicating the year of offering the course in the programme; the fourth character is a
numerical digit indicating the type of course; the fifth character is a numerical digit that does not indicate any
particular thing; and the sixth character is optional.

(a) The first two alpha characters will mean the following:

AC = Department of Applied Chemistry

AM = Department of Applied Mathematics
AP = Department of Applied Physics
AR = Department of Architecture
CE = Department of Civil Engineering
CH = Department of Chemical Engineering
CO = Department of Computer Engineering
EE = Department of Electrical Engineering
EL = Department of Electronics Engineering
ME = Department of Mechanical Engineering
PK = Department of Petroleum Studies
EZ = Departments external to Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology

(b) The third character will be 1, 2, 3, or 4 indicating First Year, Second Year, Third Year or Fourth Year of the
B. Tech. programme.

(c) The fourth character will be interpreted as follows:

1-7 = Theory courses
8 = Courses such as Seminar, Colloquium, Field work, etc.
9 = Laboratory/Practical courses and Projects.

1.2 Faculty Number

Every student has a Faculty number consisting of 8 characters. The first two characters are numerical digits
indicating the year of admission; the third and fourth characters are alphabets indicating the branch of the B.
Tech. programme; the fifth character is always “B” indicating B. Tech. programme; the sixth, seventh and eighth
characters are numerical digits that are for identifying a student of a particular batch.

a) The first two characters will be the right most two digits of the year of admission. Thus students
admitted in 2011 will have the first two characters as 11.

b) The third and fourth characters will be interpreted as follows:

CE = Civil Engineering
EE = Electrical Engineering
KE = Chemical Engineering
LE = Electronics Engineering
ME = Mechanical Engineering
PE = Computer Engineering
PK = Petrochemical Engineering

c) In case of change of branch after First year, a student’s faculty number will be changed as required.

1.3 Marks

a) The combined total marks obtained by a student in the course work and the mid-semester examination will be
called Sessional Marks.

b) The marks obtained by a student in the end-semester examination will be called Examination Marks.

2. Conduct of Teaching

2.1 Course In-charge

Every course will be taught by one or more teachers. The BOS of the concerned department will allocate the
teaching load to the teacher(s) and will also designate a course in-charge for each course. If more than one
department is involved in the teaching of the course, the course in-charge will be from the coordinating department.
The course in-charge will coordinate all the work related to attendance, course work, examination and evaluation.
It is necessary that the students are informed about the course in- charge so that they may contact him/her
about any problems regarding the course.

2.2 Display of Attendance, Marks etc.

It is essential that the attendance should be displayed to the students twice in a semester, once in the
middle and then at the end of a semester by the teacher(s) concerned. The mid-semester marks should be
displayed to students normally within 15 days of the examination. The total sessional marks should be displayed to
the students before the beginning of the end-semester examinations. The course in-charge will ensure that
the teachers associated with the course make such displays and, in case of complaints from the students in
this regard, shall inform the Chairman of the concerned department about the problem.

2.3 Offering Courses

(a) Courses will be offered by the department concerned as per the schedule given in the relevant Curriculum.
Departments may also offer a course in both the semesters even though it may be shown in a particular

(b) Department Elective (DE) courses will be offered depending on the availability of the staff and other facilities
and therefore any particular elective course may not be offered even though it may exist in the list of
possible elective courses.

(c) The advisement for Open Elective (OE) courses in various departments will be based on the guidelines
approved by the respective Board of Studies.

2.4 Syllabus

Each course will have a syllabus which will be distributed to the students. The teacher(s) concerned should
ensure that some portion, beyond the syllabus, should also be covered in the class.

3. Correction of Errors

In case any error is detected in the marks recorded on the award list, the examiner(s) concerned shall make
a request to correct the mistake to the Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. through the Chairman of the concerned
department, and shall attach relevant documentary evidence. A committee consisting of the following members
shall take suitable remedial measures depending upon the merit of the case.

1. Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. (Chairman)

2. Principal, ZH College of Engg. & Tech.
3. Chairman of the concerned department.
4. One senior member of the Faculty, not belonging to the concerned department, to be nominated by
the Dean.
5. Chief Tabulator, B. Tech. Programme.

4. Examinations

4.1 Mid-Semester Examination

Mid-semester examination(s) of each course will be of one hour duration and will be conducted as per norms
and schedule notified by the office of the Dean in each semester.

4.2 End-Semester Examination

End-semester examination(s) of each theory course shall be of three hours duration and will be conducted as per
norms and schedule notified by the Controller of Examination of the University on the advice of the Dean. The
end-semester examinations of laboratory/practical courses, and other courses such as seminar, colloquium, field
work and project etc. shall be conducted as notified by the Dean/Chairman concerned.

4.3 Make-up Test

Students who miss the Mid-Semester Examination in a course due to illness or some other extra-ordinary
compelling situation may contact the teacher(s) concerned of the course with the request to conduct a make-
up test. The teacher(s) shall follow the guidelines in this regard approved by the Faculty from time to time. There
shall be no make-up test/examination for end-semester examinations.

Effective for Students admitted in the Session 2015-16 and onwards.

Effective for Students admitted in the Session 2015-16 and onwards
Total number of contact hours
Course Course Mid- End- Total
Code Course Title Credits Work Semester Semester
Lecture Tutorial Practical Total (CW) Exam Exam
(L) (T) (P) Hours (ME) (EE)

AM-111 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

AM-112 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

AP-111 Applied Physics 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

AC-111 Applied Chemistry 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

AP-194 Applied Physics Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

AC-194 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

EN-101 English 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

EE-111 Basic Electrical & Electronics 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

ME-101 Basic Thermal Sciences 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

ME-111 Applied Mechanics 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

ME-193 Engg. Graphics Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

ME-194 Manufacturing Process Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CO-191 Computer Programming Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 15 25 60 100

CE-111R Environmental Studies 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

27 14 10 51 46


AM-211 Mathematics-III 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-213 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-215 Engg. Geology 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-220 Quantity Survey 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-221 Civil Engg. Materials and 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

Construction Practice
CE-291 Civil Engg. Materials Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-292 Fluid Mechanics Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-293 Engg. Geology Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

15 8 6 29 26


AM-212 Mathematics-IV 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-214 Water Supply and Treatment 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-216 Structural Mechanics 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-218 Surveying 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-219 Hydrology 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-286 Engg. Geology Camp 0 0 0 0* 1.0 60 40 100

EZ-291 Communication Skills Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-294 Structural Mechanics Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-295 Surveying Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

15 8 6 29 27


CE-311 Design of Concrete Structures-I 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-312 Soil Mechanics 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-313 Waste Management 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-389 Colloquium 0 0 0 0* 2.0 60 40 100

CE-391 Soil Mechanics Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-392 Environmental Engg. Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

DE-I Departmental Elective-I 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

DE-II Departmental Elective-II 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

15 7 4 26 26


CE-315 Structural Analysis-I 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-316 Engg. Hydraulics-I 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-317 Transportation Engg. 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-318 Design of Steel Structures 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-384 Survey Camp 0 1 2 3 1.0 60 40 100

CE-395 CAD Lab.-I 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-396 Hydraulics Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-397 Transportation Engg. Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

12 8 8 28 23


CE-411 Design of Concrete Structures-II 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-413 Foundation Engineering 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-430 Structural Analysis-II 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-492 Structural Lab 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-493 CAD Lab.-II 0 1 2 3 2.0 60 40 100

CE-494A Project A 1 2 0 3 4.0 60 40 100

DE-III Departmental Elective-III 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

OE-I Open Elective-I 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

16 9 4 29 28
CE-410 Construction Management 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-414 Engineering Hydraulics-II 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE-415 Irrigation Engineering 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

CE494B Project B 1 2 0 3 4.0 60 40 100

DE-IV Departmental Elective-IV 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

OE-II Open Elective-II 3 1 0 4 4.0 15 25 60 100

16 7 0 23 24

Total 113 61 40 214 200

Seminars, project works may be considered as practical.
* Courses based on field training involving one day to a month.

List of Departmental Elective Courses

Course Course Total

Course Title Credits L T P CW ME EE
Category No. Marks
DE CE-421 Concrete Technology 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-422 Ecology and Environment 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-423 Traffic Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-424 Ground Water Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-425 Advanced Hydrology 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-427 Geo-Engineering of Rocks and Rock Mass 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-428 Dam Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-429 Industrial Pollution Control 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-431 Reliability Analysis of Structures 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-432 Water Power Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-433 Advanced Highway Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-434 Bridge Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-435 Design of Energy Dissipaters 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-436 Sediment Transport 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-437 Pre-stressed Concrete 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-438 Advanced Structural Analysis 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-439 Industrial Structures 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-440 Advance Hydraulic Structures 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-441 Advanced Foundation Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-443 River Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
DE CE-445 Elements of Earthquake & Wind Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100

List of Open Elective Courses

Course Course Total

Course Title Credits L T P CW ME EE
Category No. Marks
OE CE-444 Disaster Management 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
OE CE-481 Advanced Environmental Engineering 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
OE CE-482 Remote Sensing 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
OE CE-483 Water Resources & Watershed Management 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100
OE CE-484 Project Management 4 3 1 0 15 25 60 100

Nomenclature: Degree Requirements
Category Credit
BS : Basic Science BS 28
ESA : Engineering Science & Arts ESA 29
HM : Humanities
HM 10
DC : Departmental Core (Essential)
DE : Department Elective DC 109
OE : Open Elective DE 16
OE 8
Total 200


The B. Tech. programme in Civil Engineering has a strong focus in Mathematics, Sciences, Structural,
Hydraulics, Environmental and Geotechnical areas to give student a sound education to prepare him/her as
a Professional Civil Engineer. The curriculum specifications and faculty qualifications are in consonance
with both criteria specified by ABET and ASCE.

In addition, our programme curriculum is in consonance with the Model Scheme of instruction and syllabi
for UG Engineering Degree Programmes proposed by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),
New Delhi, October 2013.

The first two years include courses that deal with the principles of mathematics, physical and engineering
sciences on which engineering concepts are based, as well as courses in humanities and social sciences and
introductory courses in engineering and design. The last two years are devoted to developing the necessary
technical competence, as well as the ability to apply the knowledge that the student has acquired to the
design and synthesis of complex civil engineering projects. A year-long Project-based learning is the most
important and essential parts of the curricula wherein students get hands on exposure to analyse and design
live projects.

The entire curriculum is oriented to develop student’s ability of logical and critical thinking. Upon
graduation the student will develop the capacity for professional growth, either by opting for higher studies
or as a practicing professional engineer. A student may also use their academic background to venture in
management, administration.

Specific criteria to be met under ABET/ASCE requirements are based on following aspects:

I. Proficiency in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering sciences and humanities

The programme curriculum ensures that all graduates will have proficiency in the following subjects by
completing the indicated courses with a grade of D or better:

 Mathematics through differential equations: [16 credits] AM 111, 112, 211, 212
 Applied Physics: [6 credits] AP 111, 194
 Applied Chemistry: [6 credits] AC 111, 194
 Engineering Sciences: [6 credits] CE 111, 215, 286, 293; CO 191; EE 111; ME 101, 111, 193, 194
 Humanities: [6 credits] EN 101, EZ 291

II. Proficiency in four technical areas of civil engineering

The programme gives emphasis for specialization in four major thrust areas in civil engineering;
Structural, Hydraulics, Environmental and Geotechnical. The students are supposed to acquire
proficiency in these four areas, by completing the following courses with a grade of D or better:

 Structural Engineering: [32 credits] CE 212, 216, 217, 220, 311, 315, 318 and 411
 Hydraulic Structures: [20 credits ] CE 213, 219, 316, 414 and 415
 Environmental Engineering: [4 credits] CE 313
 Geotechnical Engineering: [12 credits] CE 312, 317 and 413

III. Ability to conduct experiments and analyze / interpret data

All graduates shall have laboratory experience to develop the skills to analyze and interpret data
efficiently in the major civil engineering areas, by completing the indicated courses with a grade of D or

 CE 216 Structural Mechanics

 CE 218 Surveying
 CE 291 Civil Engineering Materials Lab
 CE 292 Fluid Mechanics Lab
 CE 294 Structural Mechanics Lab
 CE 295 Surveying Lab
 CE 315 Structural Analysis-I
 CE 384 Survey Camp
 CE 391 Soil Mechanics Lab
 CE 392 Environmental Engineering Lab
 CE 396 Hydraulics Lab
 CE 397 Transportation Engineering Lab
 CE 415 Irrigation Engineering
 CE 492 Structural Lab
 CE 494A Project
 CE 494B Project

In addition, the following focus area-specific courses provide further opportunities for gaining
experimentation, data analysis, technical presentation and managerial skills:

 CE 389 Colloquium
 CE 410 Construction Management
 CE 421 Concrete Technology
 CE 425 Advanced Hydrology
 CE 427 Geo-Engineering of Rocks and Rock Masses
 CE 428 Dam Engineering
 CE 429 Industrial Pollution Control
 CE 430 Structural Analysis-II
 CE 432 Water Power Engineering
 CE 434 Bridge Engineering
 CE 438 Advanced Structural Analysis
 CE 441 Advanced Foundation Engineering
 CE 444 Disaster Management
 CE 445 Elements of Earthquake & Wind Engineering
 CE 481 Advanced Environmental Engineering
 CE 483 Water Resources & Watershed Management

IV. Ability to perform design

To gain the proficiency in designing and analyzing the components of structures by identifying the
different stages. The stages include problem identification followed by fixation of objective, selection of
material, technology, preliminary design; detailed analysis and detailing before execution are integral part
of all the courses and is well distributed throughout the curriculum, to emphasize design experience.
Following courses take care of design aspect in four technical areas, which the students complete with a
grade of D or better:
 Structural Engineering: [44 credits] CE 216, 311, 315, 318N, 395, 411, 430, 434, 438, 493, 494A
and 494B
 Hydraulic Structures: [46 credits ] CE 213, 219, 316, 414 ,415, 425, 428, 432, 483, 493N, 494A
and 494B
 Environmental Engineering: [20 credits] CE 313, 429, 481, 494A and 494B
 Geotechnical Engineering: [30 credits] CE 312, 317, 413, 441, 494A and 494B


Civil Engineering is a society oriented profession that has long been in existence to serve the needs of
mankind. It evolved with the advent of society and for increased mobility and convenience. The role of the
civil engineer has always been one that deals primarily with public works: the planning, design, and
construction of airports, buildings, transportation, bridges, irrigation, flood control, water supply and waste
disposal systems. These civil engineering works not only manage our environment, but are very much part
of the environment itself and have important social and economic impacts.

The most important objective of civil engineer is to design structures keeping in view utility, safety and
cost. The emphasis in undergraduate civil engineering programme is to impart basic knowledge and
acumen towards designing. To achieve this goal various courses have been intentionally incorporated in
the curriculum, starting from basic and engineering science courses and progressing through design
intensive courses to culminate in project design course.

Design in Structural Engineering focus area:

The beginner course in this focus area is ME 111: Applied Mechanics, which is a combination of Strength
of Material and Engineering Mechanics, where the students get a feel of strength associated with any
material subjected to different kinds of deformations and gets a broad view of stability of a rigid body. The
students are able to understand fundamental theories of stress, strain, and deflection of deformable bodies
due to bending, axial force, torsion, and shear. The students are introduced to the procedures for applying
these basic principles to the design of shafts and beams.

The first course is supplemented by Structural Mechanics theory & lab (CE216, CE294) where students
learn principles of strain energy which is the extremum principle of structural engineering. Another
important principle of direct and bending stresses, eccentric loading is taught which is further applied in
design of columns, voussers of Arch. The analysis of framed structure is imparted through Structural
Analysis-I & II (CE315, CE430) course wherein the concept of force and displacement method and
solution of equations are given by iterative as well as closed forms for use as design tools.

Our students are taught design paper in three stages: In first stage, they are taught design philosophy on
empirical basis with deterministic load. In second stage, we teach some deterministic loading and ultimate
load theory. In the final stage, the students are taught Limit State Method which is a probabilistic approach
in material strength and loading.

The above mentioned stages are covered in Design of Concrete Structures-I (CE311) followed by Design
of Concrete Structures-II (CE411). The students are also given exposure into steel structures through
Design of Steel Structures (CE318) course where they apply Limit State Method for designing steel
structures. The students are trained through design tutorials in Steel and Concrete structures. Finally they
draw and detail the design problem by hand sketching as well as through AutoCAD software.

The students are given freedom to choose their final year Project (CE494A/B) in Structural Engineering
based on their knowledge gained through the above courses and design different types of structural
systems including residential and commercial buildings, bridges, flyovers and different types of tanks. In
this programme, our students are exposed and encouraged to use modern engineering softwares like

Design in Hydraulic Structures focus area:

Water being an important natural resource, due credence is given to water resource conservation and its
optimum utilization by mankind in terms of civil water supplies and irrigation potential in civil
engineering. Various hydraulic structures are made to store; raise water level and its distribution through
open and closed channels. This warrants proper understanding of hydrology, hydraulic systems and fluid
mechanics. There are some natural disasters notably flood, storm, cloud burst where immense amount of
water accumulate in a very short time span leading to deluge hence require hydraulic systems to minimize
its effect.

The introduction to water system and mechanics involved therein is first studied through course Fluid
Mechanics (CE213), where students learn the fundamentals of fluid flow, apply continuity and energy
equations to ‘design’ components of hydraulic systems; for e.g. in sizing the pipes, estimating pump
capacity etc under given conditions. They also get an opportunity to conduct laboratory tests on related
topics through lab course on Fluid mechanics (CE292). The students are exposed to various natural
repositories of water, their movement and various hydrological processes in Hydrology (CE219). They are
also taught to measure various hydraulic parameters to be applied in designing of hydraulic structures.
These courses are followed by Engineering Hydraulics I & II (CE316, CE414), where the students are
exposed to various hydraulic parameters, their governing equations and applications in real life problems.
The Hydraulic lab course (CE396) gives an idea of understanding abovementioned hydraulic entities
through experimentation.

Following these courses, students undergo design intensive course of Irrigation Engineering (CE415) and
Design of Irrigation works (CE493), where they learn efficient and proper designing and detailing of some
typical irrigation structures i.e. Earthen canals, Lined Canals, Stable alluvial channel, Canal regulation
structures, Cross drainage works, Diversion headworks etc. The importance and effect of uplift pressure in
the design of hydraulic structures on permeable soils is duly emphasised keeping in view sustainable
design of hydraulic structures on permeable foundations. Due importance is given to proper detailing in the
drawings of hydraulic structures.

Finally, students undertake a Project (CE494A/B) to design structures for flow measurement, regulation,
drainage, energy dissipation, and conveyance. Students apply rainfall, runoff, and flow estimation methods
learnt in CE 219, to develop and establish design criteria based on static and dynamic loads, evaluate
adequacy based on structural stability, capacity, precision and economic performance. In this programme,
our students are exposed and encouraged to use modern engineering softwares like STAAD Pro, MIKE 11,
QUAKE11 etc.

Design in Environmental Engineering focus area:

The beginner course in this focus area is Environmental Studies (CE111), which deals with ecology,
natural processes and chemistry involved in different aspects of environment. This course trains the
students about the water, wastewater characteristics, purification processes, both natural and advanced
techniques. This course also offers a basic knowledge about importance of the solid waste and its
management and air pollution control. This course builds up the basic fundamental background for the
higher environmental engineering courses offered in civil engineering department.

The first course is supplemented by Environmental Engineering theory and laboratory (CE313, CE392)
course where students are made conversant about the environmental pollution problems related to land, air
and water. In this course, students learn about the design of collection and distribution of domestic
wastewater and different techniques of onsite treatment of sewage. They are imparted knowledge for
designing of wastewater treatment processes (Physical, Chemical and Biological) including the latest state
of the art technologies (Sequencing Batch Reactor, Upflow Sludge Blanket Reactor, and Advanced
Oxidation Process, Low cost treatment systems, Stabilization ponds, lagoons, wetlands Septic tank, Sludge
Treatment). A brief idea of solid waste collection, its sources, characteristics and different methods of its
disposal is also given in this course. In the laboratory part, the experiments are designed in such a way that
the students thoroughly understand the practical utility of different water and wastewater analysis and
treatment system design.
In addition to the above courses, department offers departmental elective course titled Industrial Pollution
Control (CE429) for the civil engineering students who wish to learn about the role of science and
engineering in Industrial Pollution Control. In this course, students learn about the severity of the industrial
pollution and design processes involved in the treatment of wastewater, and control of air pollution. They
are taught about pollution abatement in major industries: Textile, Paper and Pulp, Steel, Sugar, Distillery,
Petroleum Refinery. Another part of the course focuses on Air pollution control, methods for removal of
particulates and gaseous pollutants, design principles for controlling devices.

To impart fundamental training and knowledge about this coveted field of engineering & sciences for
students of other departments as well, the department offers open elective course titled Fundamentals of
Environmental Engineering (CE481). This course develop basic understanding about the pollution
control measures for water, air and land coupled with application in the industry of any type. For the
interdisciplinary nature of this course, the role of microbiology in environmentally relevant processes
including bioremediation of pollutants, Mass balance and energy balance approach, Kinetics, Steady-
State Condition for designing of different treatment unit is being taught in this course.

In the final year, students undertake their final year project (CE494A/B) in Environmental Engineering
where they identify and select the relevant environmental problems and then appropriately make use of the
laboratory equipments for the testing and analysis of water/wastewater, solid waste, air etc according to
their topic. During their project, they understand the limitations of different technologies involved in the
solution of environmental problems. On that basis they design there experimental setup and fabricate
different type of lab scale reactors in case of wastewater treatment system and analyze their experiments.

Design in Geotechnical Engineering focus area:

Geotechnical Engineering includes the study of mechanical behavior of geo-materials (soils and rocks), in
relation to design and construction of civil engineering structures such as building foundations, retaining
structures, embankments and excavations. Students learn to analyze and design structural foundations,
assess slope stability of natural and man-made slopes with emphasis on numerical and limit equilibrium
techniques, in addition to natural and man-made hazard mitigation, advanced techniques for site and
material characterization, constitutive modeling of natural materials, design of pavement systems, and geo-
environmental assessment and remediation.

The first course in this focus area is Engineering Geology (CE215), which provides the application of the
science of geology to the understanding of geologic phenomena and the engineering solution of geologic
hazards and other geologic problems for society. This course is well supplemented by Engineering
Geology Lab (CE293) and field training course, Engineering Geology Camp (CE286). In this course,
students acquire the basic background and laboratory skills required for Soil Mechanics and Soil
Mechanics Lab (CE312, CE391), where students learn the main concepts of soil mechanics and soil
engineering as they relate to civil engineering projects, basic soil testing methods and interpretation of the
engineering properties of soils.

In addition to the above courses, Transportation Engineering and Transportation Engineering Lab (CE317,
CE397) courses are being taught at the third year level which applies the knowledge gained in the above
courses for pavement materials design and testing.

Foundation Engineering (CE413) course at the seventh semester level applies the knowledge gained in
previous courses to the analysis and design of shallow and deep foundations in diverse soil profiles and
site conditions, and the calculation of settlements and lateral earth pressures in addition to slope stability
analysis techniques for cohesive and cohesionless soils.

A departmental elective course is offered at the eighth semester level titled ‘Advanced Foundation
Engineering’ (CE441) which takes into account the analysis and design of pile, under-reamed, well
foundations and special case of foundations on expansive soils in addition to wave propagation analysis.
Another departmental elective course ‘Geo-engineering of Rock and Rock Masses’ (CE427) is offered to
students who wish to broaden understanding of earth materials as engineering materials and expand their
knowledge base to include the engineering properties and characteristics of rocks. In this course, the
students learn to apply knowledge for designing rock slopes, rock foundation, underground excavations,
construction and rock support systems.

Finally the students select their Project (CE494A/B) in Geotechnical Engineering in which they work in
groups to perform geotechnical investigations in the area but not limited to Geosynthetics, Ground
Improvement, Transportation Engineering Projects etc. with the help of latest equipments and geotechnical
softwares like PLAXIS, FLAC, GEO5, GEOSLOPE, ABAQUS etc.


Basic Sciences Courses:
Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Applied AP111 Applied BS None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Physics Physics
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To equip the student with a strong understanding of the fundamentals of physics so as to enable him/her to
apply it to his/her field of study.
This course should enable the student to:
1. Explain the behaviour of the physical world around him/her
2. Apply the concepts of physics in his/her field of study
3. Relate the concepts of physics to the advancement of technology.
4. Understand and relate the different phenomena in the world.
5. Approach problems, predict their results in advance, and solve them in quantitative and qualitative
6. Gain a broader understanding of other sciences.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Recognize and present real life examples of the aforementioned concept and interrelate some of them.
2. Describe the link between physics and the technology.
3. Identify technological applications of some of the aforementioned concepts.
4. Describe how he/she can harness the benefits of some of the aforementioned concepts to his /her area
of specialization.
5. Understand the professional and ethical responsibilities of the subject.
6. Communicate effectively while speaking, employing graphics and writing.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Masers and Lasers: Basic principle, Einstein coefficients for Induced absorption, Spontaneous
emission and Induced emission, Ammonia maser and its applications, Ruby and He-Ne Lasers,
Semiconductor laser, Spatial and temporal coherence, Characteristics of lasers and its applications
based on these characteristics (such as in Industry, Science, Medicine, Communications,
Surveying, Holography, Fusion reactors, Isotope separation, etc.).
Fibre Optics: Basic principle, Fibre construction and dimensions, Light propagation in fibres,
Numerical aperture of the fibre, Step index and graded index fibres, Signal distortion in optical
fibres, Transmission losses, Light wave communication in optical fibres, Fibre optics in medicine
and industry.
Unit 2 Semiconductors: Elemental and compound semiconductors, Energy bands, Direct and indirect
semiconductors, Electrons and holes, Effective mass, Intrinsic material, Extrinsic material, Fermi
level, Electron and hole concentration at equilibrium, Temperature dependence of carrier
concentrations, Compensation and space charge neutrality, Conductivity and mobility, Hall effect
in semiconductors.
Superconductivity: Zero resistivity, Meissner effect, Type I and Type II Superconductors, High
temperature superconductors, BCS theory (qualitative), Josephson effect, SQUIDS.
Unit 3 Particles and Waves: Mechanism of X- ray production (continuous and characteristic X-rays,
Duane-Hunt limit), Compton effect, Pair production, Phase and group velocities, Uncertainty
Quantum Mechanics: Introduction to quantum mechanics, Wave function, Conditions necessary
for physically acceptable wave function, Probability density and probability, Schrödinger
equation (Time dependent form and Steady state or time independent form), Eigen values and
eigen functions, Expectation values, Particle in a box (Infinite square potential well), Tunnel
effect (qualitative).
Unit 4 Statistical Mechanics: Statistical distributions, Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics, Molecular
energies in an ideal gas, Quantum statistics, Specific heats of solids, Free electron in a metal,
Electron- energy distribution.
Nuclear Physics: Q-value and threshold energy of nuclear reactions, Cross section of a nuclear
reaction and reaction rate, Breeder reactors, Fusion reactors, Nuclear detectors (names and
general working principle), Gas filled detectors, Scintillation detectors.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Ben G. Streetman, “Solid State Electronic Devices” 5th edition (2000), Prentice-Hall of India Private
Limited, New Delhi.
2. Arthur Beiser, “Concepts of Modern Physics” 6th edition (2003), Mc. Graw Hills Inc. International
3. M. R. Srinivasan, “Physics for Engineers” 1st edition (1996), New Age International (P) Limited,
Additional Learning Source
1. M. R. Wehr, J.A. Richards Jr. and TW Adair III, “Physics of the Atom” 4 th edition (1984), Addison
Wesley / Narosa.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Applied Applied
AP194 BS None Theory 2 0 1 2 3
Physics Physics Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Regular Lab. Assignments (42% record book + 18% viva-voce = 60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)- 2 Hour
Course Objective
This course should enable the student to:
1. Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts with the help of experiments.
2. Familiarize the student with the various experiments of the physical world around him/her.
3. Apply the concepts of physics in his/her field of study.
4. Relate the concepts of physics to the advancement of technology.
5. Allow the student to gain expertise in design and maintenance of experiment setup.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Recognize and present real life examples of various experiment performed.
2. Describe the link between physics and the technology.
3. Understand and explain data analysis and identify technological applications of the experiments.
4. Describe how he/she can harness the benefits of some of the experiments to his /her area of
5. Understand the professional and ethical responsibilities of the subject.
6. Communicate effectively while speaking, employing graphics and writing.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. To determine the moment of inertia, I of a flywheel about its axis of rotation.
2. To determine resistance per unit length, σ of a Carey Foster’s Bridge wire and hence to find the
difference between the two nearly equal unknown resistances.

3. To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire, η by statical (vertical) method.
4. To determine the refractive index, µ of the material of a prism for parrot green line in the mercury
5. To study the variation of semiconductor resistance with temperature and hence to find the energy-
gap, Eg of the semiconductor.
a) To study the V-I and power characteristics of a solar cell and also to determine its fill factor.
b) To study the current versus voltage characteristics of two light emitting diodes (LED) and
hence to determine their cut in voltages.
6. To determine the diameters of three thin wires with the help of a He-Ne Laser.
7. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity, K of rubber in the form of a tube.
8. To convert a Weston type galvanometer into an ammeter (ranges 5, 10 and 15 A) and a voltmeter
(ranges 5, 10 and 15 V).
9. To determine the wavelength, λ of yellow line of shorter wavelength in the mercury spectrum with
plane transmission grating.
10. To determine the specific rotation, αt of cane sugar solution in water using a biquartz polarimeter.
11. To calibrate a given thermo-couple with the help of a potentiometer.
12. To find the operating voltage of a G.M. counter and to determine the absorption coefficient, μ of
copper for gamma rays from 137 Cs source.
13. a) To draw the graph between various values of capacitance and the corresponding frequencies of a
given oscillator and to determine the value of unknown capacitance by using Lissajous Figures.
14. b) To draw the graph between various values of inductance and the corresponding frequencies of a
given oscillator and to determine the value of unknown inductance by using Lissajous Figures.
15. To determine Hall coefficient, RH and majority carrier concentration of a given semiconductor
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Prof. D. S. Srivastava & Dr. Ameer Azam, Laboratory Manual of Applied Physics Experiments, AMU,
2. Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, A Text Book of Practical Physics, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
3. D. P. Khandelwal, A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate Classes, Vani Publication
House, New Delhi.
Additional Learning Source
1. K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta, Practical Physics, Kalyani Publishers, 1981, New Delhi.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Applied Applied
AC111 BS None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Chemistry Chemistry
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments & Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To impart the knowledge of applications of chemical sciences in the field of engineering and technology
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic knowledge of methods of chemical analysis and the instrumentation involved
2. Understand water treatment procedures for municipal and industrial uses
3. Understand about solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
4. Understand about lubricants, types and their applications

5. Understand about corrosion and techniques to control corrosion
6. Understand about polymers and their applications
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Methods of Chemical Analysis: Introduction to chemical analysis, Classification, Qualitative
and gravimetric analysis, (quantitative analysis), Principle of gravimetry. The steps involved in
gravimetric analysis, with special emphasis on precipitation, Digestion, Favorable conditions
for precipitation, Von-Wiemarn ratio, Types of precipitates, Impurities in precipitates and their
minimization. Volumetric Analysis, Titration, Titrant, Analyte Basic requirements of titrimetric
method. Primary and Secondary standards, Basic requirements of primary standard. Types of
titrations, Acid-Base Titration (strong acid versus strong base, pH Titration curve) Redox
titration (Iodimetry, Iodometry), Precipitation titration (Silver nitrate versus sodium chloride),
Chelometric titration (Ca2+/Mg2+ versus EDTA). Absorption Spectrophotometry, Beer and
Lambert’s law (definition and units of terms involved, deviation from Beer Lambert’s law,
numerical problems), block diagram of single beam of UV – Visible Spectrophotometry.
Definition of chromatography, Stationary and mobile phases, Classification of chromatography
on the basis of physical mode and mechanism (adsorption, partition, size exclusion and ion
exchange), RF Value.
Unit 2 Treatment of Water for Municipal and Industrial Use: Uses of water for municipal and
industrial purposes, Sources of water, Impurities in water, Requirements of water for municipal
use, Municipal water treatment methods, Plain sedimentation, Sedimentation with coagulation
and filtration. Disinfection, Requirements of a good disinfectant, Types of disinfecting agents
(Bleaching powder, Liquid chlorine, Ozone, UV radiations and Chloramine), Break point
chlorination, Advantages of break point chlorination, super chlorination and dechlorination.
Requirements of water for industrial use, Hardness of water, Units of hardness, Calculation on
hardness, Theories of estimation of hardness by soap and EDTA methods. Boiler defects
(Sludge and scale formation, Priming and foaming), Boiler corrosion and caustic embrittlement
(Causes and prevention), Removal of hardness, Lime-soda process, Zeolite process, Ion-
exchange process. Advantages and limitations of the process, Calculations based on lime-soda
Unit 3 Fuels and Combustion: Definition of fuels, Classification of fuels, Calorific value and its
determination by bomb calorimeter, Dulong’s formula. Coal, Coal analysis (Boximate and
ultimate analysis), Significance of constituents of coal petroleum, Classification and important
fractions of petroleum and their uses (Petrol, Diesel, Lubricating oils), Synthetic petrol
(Synthesis by polymerization, by cracking, by Fisher Tropsch process, by Bergius process),
Gaseous fuels (CNG, LPG), Advantages and disadvantages of gaseous fuels, Combustion
calculations based on solid and liquid fuels.
Unit 4 Lubricants and Lubrication: Definition and classification of lubricants, Functions of lubricants,
Lubrication (Types of lubrication and their mechanisms). Liquid lubricants (Mineral oils, Fatty
oils, Compounded oils and Silicone fluids), Greases (Types of greases and conditions of their
use, Testing of greases, Solid lubricants and conditions of their use. Testing of liquid lubricants
(Viscosity and viscosity index, Flash and fire points, cloud, pour and setting points,
Saponification value, Aniline point), Selection of lubricants (Cutting tools, Internal combustion
engine, Transformer, Refrigerators).
Unit 5 Corrosion and its Prevention: Definition, Significance (Economic aspect), Classification of
corrosion. Dry corrosion, mechanism of dry corrosion, Types of oxide film, Pilling Bedworth
rule. Electrochemical corrosion, mechanism of electrochemical corrosion, Factors influencing
corrosion rate. Electrochemical series and Galvanic series, Corrosion control methods (proper
design, important designing principles, selection materials, cathodic protection, metallic
coatings (galvanizing, tinning), Organic coatings, types, Paints (Constituents of paints, Drying
mechanism of oil).
Unit 6 Polymers: Definition and classification of polymers (On the basis of origin, synthesis, thermal
response, physical state, applications, chemical structure). Polymerization (Addition and
Condensation), Mechanism of free radical addition polymerization of vinyl chloride,
Difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. Thermoplastics (Preparation,
properties and uses of PE, PVC, Nylons, PTFE). Thermosetting plastics (Preparation,
properties and uses of bakelite, polyesters). Elastomers (Preparation, properties and uses of
NR, BUNA rubbers), vulcanization.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Analytical Chemistry by G. D. Christian, John Wiley and Sons, New York
2. Quantitative Analysis by R. A. Day and A. L. Underwood
3. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by S. S. Dara, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (India)
4. Engineering Chemistry by P. C. Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi
Additional Learning Source
1. Engineering Chemistry by B. K. Sharma, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., Meerut (India)

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
AC194 Chemistry BS None Theory 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Regular Lab. Assignments (42% record book+18% viva-voce = 60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)- 2 Hour
Course Objective
To train the students for the applications of the chemical sciences in the field of engineering and technology
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic methods of chemical analysis and the instrumentation involved
2. Estimate the hardness of water
3. Carry out the proximate analysis of coal and grade the coal for indisutrial purposes
4. Estimate the drop point of grease and its applications
5. Study and explore the nature of the corrosion and its control
6. Know about the determination of the molecular weight by viscometer
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Determine total, permanent and temporary hardness of water in ppm by versenate method
2. To determine the amount of dissolved oxygen in water in ppm units
3. To determine the cloud point, pour point and setting point of an oil
4. To determine the percentage of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching powder
5. To carry out proximate analysis of the given sample of coal
6. To determine the saponification value and percentage of fatty oil in the given sample of compounded oil
7. To determine the aniline point of a given sample of an oil
8. To determine the relative viscosity of an oil by redwood viscometer and to study the variation of
viscosity with change in temperature
9. To demonstrate and explore the electrochemical nature of aqueous corrosion. To study the
electrochemical methods of corrosion control
10. To determine the flash point of an oil by Abel’s and Pensky Marten’s apparatus
11. Determination of iron in a given sample of water with 1, 10 phenanthroline by spectrophotometry
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Lab Manuals provided by the Department.
Additional Learning Source
1. Web
Contact Total
Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Course Title Hours Contact
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
AM111 Mathematics-I BS None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To learn the fundamental concepts of matrices, differential and integral calculus, the theory of differential
equations, applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply tools of the theory of matrices to relevant fields of Engineering.
2. Understand curve tracing and regions between different curves.
3. Expand important mathematical functions in power series and their applications.
4. Apply tools of integration to find length, surface area and volume.
5. Express real life problems into mathematical models using differential equations and analyse their solutions.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Rank of a matrix with applications to consistency of a system of linear equations, eigen-values and
eigen vectors of a matrix, Caley-Hamilton theorem.
Unit 2 Asymptotes and simple curve tracing. Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Taylor and
Maclaurin series with remainder terms.
Unit 3 Applications of integration to lengths of curves, surfaces and volumes of solids of revolution.
Unit 4 Solution of exact differential equations, linear differential equations of second and higher order with
constant coefficients, homogeneous differential equations, simultaneous linear differential equations,
applications to physical problems.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Chandrika Prasad, ″A First Course in Mathematics for Engineers″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
2. Chandrika Prasad, ″ Mathematics for Engineers″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
Additional Learning Source
1. Erwin Kreyszig, ″Advanced Engineering Mathematics″, John Wiley & Sons, INC.

Contact Total
Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Course Title Hours Contact
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
AM112 Mathematics-II BS None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To learn partial differentiation, multiple integration, polar forms of conics, various forms of general equation of
second degree and its tracing, applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:

1. Understand the the theory of functions of several variables and its applications
2. Understand double and triple integrals and use it to find surface area and volume
3. Learn various forms of general equation of second degree and its tracing
4. Understand polar forms of conics
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem, total differential, small errors, change of variables, Jacobians
Unit 2 Taylor series of functions of two variables, approximate calculations, maxima and minima of
functions of two variables, Lagrange’s multipliers
Unit 3 Double and triple integrals, change of variables, change of order of integration, applications to area
and volume
Unit 4 General equation of second degree, tracing of conics, introduction to polar form of conics
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Chandrika Prasad, ″A First Course in Mathematics for Engineers″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
2. Chandrika Prasad, ″ Mathematics for Engineers″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
3. Gorakh Prasad, ″ A text book of coordinate geometry″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
Additional Learning Source
1. Erwin Kreyszig, ″Advanced Engineering Mathematics″, John Wiley & Sons, INC.

Contact Total
Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Course Title Hours Contact
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Applied AM 111
AM211 Mathematics-III BS Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Mathematics AM 112
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To learn vector calculus, complex analysis, boundary value problems.represented by partial differential
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply tools of vector differentiation and vector integration in engineering disciplines.
2. Understand and apply fundamental concepts of complex functions and complex integration.to various
3. Solve and interpret the solutions of one dimensional heat,and wave equations and two dimensional Laplace
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Vector differentiation: scalar fields, gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance, vector
fields, divergence and curl of a vector field and their physical significance, solenoidal and irrotational
fields, determination of potential functions.
Unit 2 Vector integration: line integrals, conservative fields, surface and volume integrals, Gauss divergence
theorem, Stokes’ theorem, Green’s theorem in a plane, applications.
Unit 3 Functions of a complex variable, analytic functions, Cauchy-Reimann equations, integration of
functions of a complex variable, line integrals, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula.
Unit 4 Formation of partial differential equations, concept of boundary value problems, solution of two
dimensional Laplace equation in Cartesian coordinates, solution of one dimensional heat and wave
equations by the method of separation of variables.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Chandrika Prasad, ″Advanced Mathematics for Engineers″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
2. Chandrika Prasad, ″ Mathematics for Engineers″, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
Additional Learning Source
1. Erwin Kreyszig, ″Advanced Engineering Mathematics″, John Wiley & Sons, INC.

Contact Total
Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Course Title Hours Contact
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Applied AM 111
AM212 Mathematics-IV BS Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Mathematics AM 112
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To learn numerical techniques for system of linear equations, non-linear equations, interpolation problems,
numerical integration, numerical solution of differential equations and Laplace transforms.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply numerical methods to solve system of linear equations and non-linear equations
2. Find approximations using interpolation / extrapolations of different problems
3. Find numerical integration and numerical solutions of differential equations
4. Use Laplace transforms method and find the solution of differential equations
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Errors, solution of system of linear equations by Gauss elimination and Gauss-Seidel methods, solution
of a nonlinear equation by general iteration and Newton Raphson methods, applications of Newton-
Raphson method, finite difference operators and tables, detection of errors /missing values.
Unit 2 Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae for equal intervals, Newton’s divided difference
and Lagrange’s interpolation formulae for unequal intervals, numerical differentiation, general
quadrature formulae: Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and Weddle’s rules.
Unit 3 Gaussian quadrature, numerical solution of initial value problems by Taylor series, Euler’s, modified
Euler’s and Runge-Kutta fourth order methods, solution of two point boundary value problems by finite
difference method.
Unit 4 Laplace transforms, shifting theorems, transforms of derivatives and integrals, differentiation and
integration of transforms, inverse transforms, and applications to single and system of linear differential
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. M. K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K. Jain, ″ Numerical Methods for Scientific and engineering computations″,
New age International Publication (P) Ltd.
2. S.S. Sastry, ″Introductory Numerical Methods″, Prentice Hall India Ltd.
Additional Learning Source
1. Erwin Kreyszig, ″Advanced Engineering Mathematics″, John Wiley & Sons, INC.

Humanities & Management Courses
Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
English EN101 English HM None Theory 4
3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To develop reading, writing, communication and presentation skills.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Develop reading and writing skills.
2. Develop comprehension and interpretative skills.
3. Communicate one’s point of view in both written and verbal formats with clarity and grammatically
correct language.
4. Express themselves clearly and appropriately in social and professional fields and strengthen
professional etiquette.
5. Develop effective communication and presentation skills so as to maximize their scope for
6. Enhance attitude for observational and analytical learning.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Comprehensive questions, summary type as well as short answer type and questions on
vocabulary for 10 passages of “Basic Scientific English” by Ewer and Latorre.
Unit 2 Comprehensive questions, summary type or short answer type from “Animal Farm” by G.
Unit 3 Comprehensive questions, summary type or short answer type from “The Time Machine” by H.
G. Wells.
Unit 4 Note taking, note making exercises, report and precise writing exercises.
Unit 5 Grammar, Composition and Spoken English.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Ewer and Latorre, “Basic Scientific English”, Longman Press.
2. George Orwell, “Animal Farm”.
3. H. G. Wells, “The Time Machine”, Macmillan Press.
4. Raymond Murphy, “Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press.
Additional Learning Source
1. Web

Department Course Course Title Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
English EZ291 HM None Lab 2 3 1 0 4
Skills Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work: 60 Marks (60%)
2. End Semester Exam: 40 Marks (40%)
Course Objective
To develop communication and presentation skills using modern tools.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Analyze and apply the basic concepts of communication effectively.
2. Develop written and spoken communication skills.
3. Able to present their ideas rationally and logically.
4. Use modern communication tools for effective communication and presentation.
5. Describe the importance of constructive feedback for consistent self-development.
6. Communicate one‘s point of view with clarity duly attributing courtesy and formality to their conveying.
7. Engage in debates, group discussions and personal interviews.
8. Deliver oral presentation and seminars confidently.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Writing Official Letters: Basic principles, format and type: employment letters, placing orders
enquiry and response letters, letters of complaint and apology, persuasive letters, curriculum vitae.
Unit 2 Business Working:
(a) Glossary of business terms
(b) Drafting business messages: memos, telexes, e-mails, press notice references, tenders and bids,
employment advertisements.
Unit 3 Academic Writing:
(a) Note-making and note-taking, abstracting, use of graphics (tables and free diagrams) preparing
(b) Writing academic papers and reports
Unit 4 Oral Communication in Business Setup: Attending interviews, telephonic conversation, reception of
visitors, holding meetings.
Unit 5 Oral Communication in Academic Setup: Participating in group discussions, Presenting prepared
papers and reports, Seminar Strategies.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Model Business Letters by L. Gartside
2. Modern Business Correspondence English for Business Studies by L. Gartside
3. Notes and Handouts
Additional Learning Source
1. Web

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Construction
CE410 HM None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Management
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To make student conversant with the concepts and importance of the subject of construction management
2. To make student capable, of preparing work break down structure along with network analysis like CPM
and PERT.
3. To make student conversant with the concept of materials management and human resource management
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Develop a management system, incorporating constraints of time, cost, social, legal and ethical aspect of
various phases of project life cycle.
2. Adapt oneself in team work and can interact with the persons of diverse skills and can freely communicate
with fellow engineers and co-workers effectively.
3. Understand the values and ethics of professional practice.
4. Appreciate technological breakthrough and can notice the changes in practice and society.
5. Learn by observation and inference philosophy in all walks of life.
6. Apply knowledge of management directly in engineering and management professional practice.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Fundamental of construction management: Its need, importance, inherent nature and status in India.
Opportunities in construction sector. Fundamentals of project management, Project life cycle, Theory
of interest, Capital theory. Economics of production, consumption and planning.Case Studies and
Field Practice.
Unit 2 Cost concepts: Various types of costs, Social cost benefit analysis, life cycle costing, Cost
management, Fundamentals of contract management, Total quality management, Equipment
management, Depreciation, Specification, Materials management.Case Studies and Field Practice
Unit 3 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Theory of employment, various types of wages,
Fundamentals of labour economics, Construction labour economics, Labour laws, Workman
Compensation and Welfare schemes for labours. Fundamentals of administrative law, Consumer
Protection act.Case Studies and Field Practice
Unit 4 Fundamentals of Business Research Methodology: Introduction to Operational Research, Linear
Programing and Network Analysis, Critical Path Method, Cost Control and crashing of networks,
Case Studies and Field Practice.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Antil and Woodhead, “Critical Path Methods in Construction Practice”, Jhon Wiley, NY, USA.
2. Purifoy, “Construction Planning, equipments and Methods”, McGraw Hill, Tokyo, Japan.
3. Sengupta, B, and Guha, H., “Construction Management and Planning”, TMH, New Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. News Paper
2. Web links to e-learning:nptel
3. Information available on various websites of professional organizations like RIBA,CII

Engineering Sciences & Arts Courses
Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Electrical Electrical &
EE111 ESA None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Electronics
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (10%+5%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to set a firm and solid foundation in Electrical & Electronics
Engineering with strong analytical skills and conceptual understanding of theorems and analysis methods
in electrical and magnetic circuits, electronic devices, circuits, measuring instruments. The course will
familiarize students with various motors, transformers, power generation system.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Analyse electrical and magnetic circuits with moderate complexity applying fundamental laws and
theorems in steady-state as well as transient operation
2. Analyse AC circuits using phasors
3. Converse with transformers, motors, measuring instruments
4. Understand various methods of electrical generation
5. Identify s c h e m a t i c s y m b o l s and u n d e r s t a n d t he w o r k i n g pri n ci p l e s o f electronic devices
e.g. Diode, Zener Diode, LED, BJT, JFET and MOSFET etc
6. Understand the working principles of electronic circuit’s e.g. Rectifiers, Amplifiers and
Operational Amplifiers etc.
7. Understand methods to analyse and characterize these circuits.
Topics Covered
Part A
Unit 1 Circuit and Transformers: Review of dc circuits and theorems, 1-phase circuits, superposition
theorem, thevenin’s theorem and norton’s theorem for ac circuits, RLC series and parallel
circuits, 3-phase balanced ac circuits.
Magnetic circuits, magnetization curve, hysteresis & eddy current effect/losses.
Transformer construction, equivalent circuit, calculation of losses and efficiency.
Unit 2 Introduction to electrical machines, instruments and power system: 3-phase induction motor
and 1-phase induction motors.
Basic elements of an instrument: MC, MI instruments, dynamometer wattmeter, digital
energy meter.
Elements of power system, layout of thermal, hydro, nuclear and gas plants.
Introduction to renewable energy sources and recent trends in generation.
Part B
Unit 3 Diode and BJT: Terminal characteristics of diodes, diodes models; Ideal, constant voltage and
piecewise linear, load line concept, Diode applications; Rectifier, logic gates, Zener diode;
Operation, characteristics, voltage regulation. Bipolar Junction Transistor; Construction,
operation, configurations, characteristics of common emitter configuration, DC load analysis.
Unit 4 MOSFET and OpAmp: Introduction to MOSFET; Depletion MOSFET construction, operation,
Enhancement MOSFET construction, Operation, amplifiers, Operational Amplifiers; equivalent
circuit, ideal behavior, open loop and closed loop concept, concept of virtual short, simple
Opamp applications; Unity gain amplifier, inverting, non-inverting, integrator, differentiator,
subtractor, summer.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Ashfaq Husain*: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 3rd Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
2. R. Boylestad & L. Nashelsky*: Electronic Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall, 1995
3. Hughes: Electrical Technology:7th edition, Addison Wesley
4. A.K. Sawhney: A course in Electrical & Electronics Meas. & Inst., Dhanpat Rai & Sons
5. B.R. Gupta: Electrical Power Systems, Wiley Eastern
Additional Learning Source
1. Mathur, Chadda and Kulshresta: Electronic Devices, Applications and Integrated Circuits, Umesh

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
ME101 Thermal ESA None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To have the basic concepts of thermal sciences and their application to in formulating the thermal
engineering problems.
2. To have a good understanding of first and second laws of thermodynamics and will be in a position to
fully understand the analysis to be taught at the higher levels.
3. To be in a position to check the feasibility of proposed processes and cycles using the ideas of second
law of thermodynamics and entropy.
4. To develop the understanding of basic principles of heat transfer and related simple problems.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of units and dimensions, systems (open and closed systems and control
volumes) and its boundaries, properties, state, process, cycle, quasi-static process etc.- required as
foundation for development of principles and laws of thermodynamics
2. Develop intuitive problem solving technique
3. Develop knowledge of two property rule and hence thermodynamic tables, thermodynamic diagrams
and concept of equation of state; also their simple application.
4. Learn and apply heat, work and first law of thermodynamics, Application of energy balance
5. Relate second law of thermodynamics and its corollaries viz. absolute (thermodynamic) temperature
scale, reversibility, entropy, feasibility of a process based on first law and second law, isentropic
efficiency of adiabatic machines.
6. Have introductory knowledge of power and refrigeration cycles. Their efficiencies and coefficients of
7. Have introductory ideas of heat transfer in conduction, convection and radiation modes. Application of
these concepts to heat transfer in single and combined modes.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Dimensions and units, system, boundary, types of systems and boundaries, property, cycle,
thermodynamic equilibrium and quasi-static process. Pressure and its measurement, zero’th law
of thermodynamics, temperature and its measurement, numerical problems.
Unit 2 Thermodynamic and mechanics’ definition of work, displacement work and its expressions,
engine indicator and indicated work, introduction to 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, heat, work
and heat as energy interactions, Joule’s experiment & mechanical equivalent of heat, first law of
thermodynamics for cyclic and non cyclic processes, definition of energy as a property, internal
energy, enthalpy, specific heats, first law for a control volume, steady flow energy equation
(SFEE), and it’s applications, numerical problems.
Unit 3 Pure substance, different phases of pure substance, two-property rule, property diagrams, tables
and charts, equation of state of an ideal gas, t~τ , t~p, p~v, and p~h diagrams, phase boundaries,
S-L-V region, CP and TP, dryness fraction and its measurement using throttling calorimeter,
limitation of throttling calorimeter, separating & throttling calorimeter, numerical problems.
Unit 4 Limitations of first law , heat engine, heat pump, refrigerator, second law of thermodynamics-
Kelvin Planck’s and Clausius statements and their equivalence, efficiency of heat engine and
coefficient of performance of heat pump and refrigerator, reversible and irreversible processes,
Carnot cycle and its efficiency, corollaries of second law, the thermodynamic temperature scale.
inequality of Clausius, entropy, principle of increase of entropy, isentropic process, t~s and h~s
diagrams (Mollier chart), second law applications, air standard otto, diesel, dual, simple Brayton
and steam power cycles (Rankine cycle), numerical problems.
Unit 5 Modes of heat transfer, Fourier’s law of steady state heat conduction (one dimensional
conduction), thermal conductivity and its unit, conduction through slab or plane wall, hollow
cylinders and spheres conduction through composite walls and hollow cylinders and spheres with
multi-layers, convective heat transfer, Newton’s law of cooling, electrical analogy and overall
heat transfer coefficient, combined conductive and convective heat transfer, radiation and
radiation properties of surfaces, black body, emissive power, Stefan Boltzmann’s law, emissivity,
monochromatic emissive power and monochromatic emissivity, grey body, Kirchhoff’s law,
Wien’s displacement law, numerical problems.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A Boles
2. Engineering Thermodynamics by D.B. Spalding and E. H. Cole.
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K.Nag.
4. Engineering Heat Transfer by C.P.Gupta and R. Prakash.
Additional Learning Source
1. Engineering Thermodynamics by R. Joel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Mechanical Applied
ME111 ESA None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Mechanics
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To give students practice in applying their knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering and to
expand this knowledge into the vast area of Applied Mechanics.
2. To enhance students’ ability to design by requiring the solution of open ended problems.
3. To prepare the students for higher level courses such as courses in Mechanics of Solids, Mechanical
Design and Structural Analysis.
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Work comfortably with basic engineering mechanics concepts required for analyzing static structures.
2. Identify an appropriate structural system to study a given problem and isolate it from its environment.
3. Model the problem using good free-body diagrams and accurate equilibrium equations
4. Identify and model various types of loading and support conditions that act on structural systems.
5. Apply pertinent mathematical, physical and engineering mechanical principles to the system to solve
and analyze the problem.
6. Communicate the solution to all problems in an organized and coherent manner and elucidate the
meaning of the solution in the context of the problem.
7. Develop concepts of rigid body kinematics and dynamics with an emphasis on the modeling, analysis,
and simulation of how forces produce motion of rigid body systems.
8. Determine simple dynamic variables and solve simple dynamic problems involving kinematics, energy
and momentum.
9. Determine internal actions in statically determinate structures and draw internal action diagrams –
Shear Force (SFD) and Bending Moment Diagrams (BMD) for these structures.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Fundamental Concepts and principles of Mechanics. Reduction of a system of forces to a force
couple system, Free body diagrams, equilibrium of rigid bodies in 3 dimensions, reactions,
loading indeterminacy and solvability. Friction forces and laws of dry friction. Principle and
application of virtual work.
Unit 2 Analysis of Multiple particle system: Application of Newton’s laws, linear and angular
momentum, kinetic energy and work energy principle, principle of impulse and momentum to a
system of particles.
Unit 3 Translation and rotation about a fixed axis, general plane motion, absolute and relative velocity in
plane motion, angular momentum of rigid body in plane motion. Problems of motion of rigid
bodies and system of rigid bodies, principle of work and energy, conservation of energy for rigid
body and a system of rigid bodies.
Unit 4 Analysis of stress and strain: Mechanical properties, analysis of simple state of stress and strains,
elastic constants, example of state of tension, compression and shear.
Unit 5 Bending shear and torsion: Concept of bending and shear forces in simple beams, Relationship
between load, bending moment and shear force. Bending and shear stresses in simple beams,
concepts of torsion in circular shafts.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Beer Ferdinand P. and Johnston Jr. E Russel, Vector Mechanics of Engineering: Statics and Dynamics,
Metric edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Popov E., Engineering Mechanics of Solids, PHI, Delhi.
Additional Learning Source
1. Solid Mechanics by S.M.A. Kazmi
3. Web-Learning

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
ME193 Graphics ESA None Theory 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work & Home Assignments (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (60%)- 2 Hour
Course Objective
1. To understand and appreciate the importance of Engineering Graphics.
2. To understand the basic principles of Technical/Engineering Drawing.
3. To understand the different steps in producing drawings according to BIS.
4. To learn basic engineering drawing formats.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the theory of plane geometric projection and its classifications.
2. Use Plane/diagonal/isometric scales in engineering graphics.
3. Apply various concepts like dimensioning, conventions and standards related to engineering graphics
in order to become professionally efficient.
4. Read and interpret drawings of simple machine parts/ sectional views in first and third angle of
projection systems.
5. Explain the conventions and the methods of orthographic projection and isometric projection.
6. Improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in developing new products.
7. Model simple machine parts in isometric projections.
8. Develop skills to communicate ideas and information through engineering drawing.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Introduction to graphic language, Instruments and their use, Conventional Lines and their uses.
Printing of letters and numerals, Methods of dimensioning. Construction and use of scales,
Construction of cycloidal curves and involutes.
Unit 2 Necessity for orthographic projections 1st & 3rd angle methods of projection. Projection of points
& lines on three coordinate planes, Projections of plane surfaces.
Unit 3 Orthographic projections of simple machine parts on different planes. Choice of view, Hidden
lines, Preparation of multi view drawings. Necessity of sectional views and their drawings.
Unit 4 Axonometric Projections. Drawing of isometric projection of simple solids; Development of
surfaces of simple solids. Use and methods of drawing.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. P.S. Gill, “A Test Book of Geometrical Drawing, Katson Pub. House, Ludhiana.
2. Warren J. Lucadder, “Fundamentals of Engg. Drawing, Pren. Hall, N. Delhi.
3. N.D. Bhatt, Elementary Engg. Drawing, Charotar Pub. House, Anand, India.
Additional Learning Source
Web Links :
1. http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses.php
2. www.cognifront.com/engdrawing.html

Department Course Course Title Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Mechanical Manufacturing
ME194 ESA None Theory 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering Process Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Reports/Viva-Voce (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)- 2 Hour
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Knowledge and understanding of various types of ferrous and non-ferrous materials used for manufacturing
2. Understanding and selection of processes based upon jobs drawings used for manufacturing.
3. Basic knowledge of hot and cold working processes.
4. Selection and knowledge of various tools applied for cold and hot working processes.
5. Exposure and understanding of machine tools required for manufacturability.
6. Analyze the job manufactured from practical relevance point of view.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. To prepare through tennon and mortise joint.
2. To prepare a funnel of GI sheet.
3. To perform filling, drilling and tapping operations.
4. To perform electroplating.
5. Preparation of green sand mould and to perform casting process.
6. To prepare a square headed bolt.
7. To carry out gear cutting by simple indexing.
8. To prepare a single V-butt joint by arc welding and study of gas welding process.
9. To perform facing, simple turning, taper turning, threading and knurling operations on a lathe machine.
10. To perform plaining and slot cutting operations on shaper and slotter machines.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Hajra and Chaudhary, Elements of Workshop Technology, 2010, Dhanpat Rai Publications
Additional Learning Source
1. Groover, M. 2010. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing 4th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Department Course Course Title Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CO191 Programmeming ESA None Theory 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
To make students of all branches of B.Tech familiar with the programming concepts and to implement the
algorithmic approach of problem solving in C language to gain working knowledge of C programming.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand programming concepts
2. Develop analytical skills for step by step solution for algorithms
3. Solve problems through programming
4. Relate and extend C programming concepts including control statements, strings, functions and
programming techniques to solve computational problems.
Topics Covered
Introductory discussion of how a computer executes a programme. A brief discussion of high level languages,
e.g., C, and C++ and low level languages, e.g., assembly language and binary code. An introduction to the
translation i.e. compilation process. Experiments to be conducted in the laboratory consist of, but not limited
to, the following:
1. Practice of Turbo C as the development environment
2. Simple introductory algorithms and programmes for getting input, printing formatted output etc.
3. Programmes introducing elementary C concepts, like variable and names
4. Programmes using operators
5. Programmes using control structures
6. Programmes for repetitive tasks and iterations
7. Programmes on arrays and strings
8. Programmes introducing the use of function calls
9. Programmes introducing basic concept of file handling
10. Programmes for using basic concepts of storage classes
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Kemighan, Brian W., and Dennis M. Ritchie. "The C programmeming language."Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (I978).
2. M. Inamullah and S. M. Zakariya. "CO191 Computer Programmeming Lab Course Content and Practice
Schedule", Department of Computer Engineering, A.M.U. (This document can be obtained in PDF format
from the instructor).
Additional Learning Source
1. Gottfried “Theory and Problem of Programmeming with C” Schaum’s Outline Series, TMC (Text book)

Department Course Course Title Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Environmental
CE111R ESA None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Studies
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To make the students conversant with the basic concept of ecology, environment and chemistry involved.
2. To make the students conversant about the air quality and its standards and how to control air pollution.
3. To make the students gain basic knowledge of Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Biological
4. To educationally train the students about the water, wastewater characteristics, purification processes,
both natural and advance techniques.
5. To give basic knowledge about importance of the solid waste and its management.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand fundamental physical and biological principles that govern natural processes.
2. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the sub disciplines within environmental studies (i.e. Biology.
Chemistry, Physics etc).
3. Communicate environmental scientific information to both professional and lay audiences.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of current environmental challenges.
5. Develop a basic fundamental background for the higher environmental engineering courses offered in
civil engineering department.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies- Definition, Scope and Importance, Need for
public awareness, Natural Resources- Renewable and non-renewable resources, Natural resources
and associated problems, Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies.
Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. Water resources: Use
and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-
benefits and problems. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting
and using mineral resources, case studies. Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by
agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water
logging, salinity, case studies. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-
renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. Land resources: Land as a
resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an
individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Unit 2 Ecosystems, Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers,
consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in an ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains,
food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and
function of: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems (ponds,
streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries), Environmental Pollution- Definition, Cause, effects and
control measures of: Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise
pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards
Unit 3 Biodiversity and its conservation- Introduction, Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity, Biogeographical classification of India, Value of biodiversity : consumptive use,
productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, Biodiversity at global, National and local
levels, India as a mega-diversity nation, Hot-sports of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity : habitat
loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Endangered and endemic species of India,
Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, Solid waste
Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes, Role of an
individual in prevention of pollution, Pollution case studies, Disaster management: floods,
earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
Unit 4 Social Issues and the Environment- Unsustainable to Sustainable development, Urban problems
related to energy, Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management, Resettlement
and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case Studies, Environmental ethics: Issues
and possible solutions, Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear
accidents and holocaust. Case Studies, Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism and waste products,
Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and
control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act, Issues involved in
enforcement of environmental legislation, Public awareness.
Unit 5 Human Population and the Environment- Population growth, variation among nations, Population
explosion – Family Welfare Programme, Environment and human health, Human Rights, Value
Education, HIV/AIDS, Women and Child Welfare, Role of Information Technology in Environment
and human health, Case Studies, Field work: Visit to a local area to document environmental assets
river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain, Visit to a local polluted site-
Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural, Study of common plants, insects, birds, Study of simple
ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Venugopala Rao, P., 2006, Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi.
2. Masters, G.M., 1991, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Prentice-Hall International,
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
3. Peavy, H.S., D.R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, 1985, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York.
4. Erach Bharucha, 2nd Edition, Text Book of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Students, UGC.
Additional Learning Source
1. Sawyer, C.N. and P.L. McCarty, 1978, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering, 3rd Edition, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York.
2. Tchobanoglous, G., H. Theisen and S. Vigil, 1993, Integrated Solid Waste Management, McGraw-Hill
Inc. Singapore.

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Engineering
CE215 ESA None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Geology
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To emphasize basic understanding of earth’s exogenous and endogenous environments and forces in
context with application in Civil Engineering.
2. To impart the basic knowledge about minerals and rocks-their inherent properties, deformation
3. To know about the spatial distribution of rocks and geotectonic setup to understand the seismic
zoning and vulnerability of the regions to various natural hazards.
4. To help the students in comprehending physical and mechanical properties of rocks as construction
material and rock mass as founding ground for mega engineering structures such as bridges, tunnels,
dams and reservoir apart from geological and geotechnical considerations and investigations.
5. To make students aware of the groundwater system in soil and rocks to highlight the importance of
water conservation and sustainability.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Realize the importance of the subject within the framework of fundamental concepts of basic
sciences and practical application in civil engineering.
2. Learn about earth processes with which the civil engineers and the structures made by them, come
across in the design life of structure and to model their design as per the requirement.
3. Know about different earth materials and their availability for its optimum utilization and need of
their conservation, particularly resources like groundwater for sustainable development.
4. Identify physical and mechanical properties of rocks through experimentation and will be able to
quantify the properties.
5. Understand the importance of ground investigation for construction projects and predict future
behavior of founding ground and accordingly build necessary database and information required for
design and construction.
6. Produce technical reports for effective communication amongst stakeholders to comprehend
complex problems and accordingly employ state of the art technologies.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 General Geology:
Introduction to the Earth Sciences, Elementary idea about the internal structure of the earth. The
elementary knowledge of the physical properties of the common rock forming minerals.
Introduction to the major group of rocks, mode of origin classification and properties.
Unit 2 Geomorphology and Structural Geology: Fundamental concepts of study of landforms. Elementary
idea of the geological work of glacier, river, sea waves and wind and their engineering significance.
Deformation of the rocks. Dip, strike and structural features including fold, fault, joint and
unconformity and their engineering significance.
Unit 3 Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology and Geological Hazards: Geological Time Scale. Fundamentals of
Stratigraphy. Geotectonic divisions of India. Distribution of rocks of different ages in India.
Concepts of porosity and permeability, water table and types of aquifers. Occurrence and vertical
distribution of water in soil and rocks. Earthquake, causes, types, intensity and magnitude.
Engineering designs and precautions. Landslides, stability of hill slopes and road cuttings.
Unit 4 Geotechnical properties of Rocks, Rock Mass and Site Investigations: Rocks as construction
material. Common tests, occurrence and distribution of the building stones, road and rail ballast in
India. Engineering properties and engineering classification of rock mass. Factors in site selection,
alignment and construction of dam, reservoir, bridge and tunnel.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Subinoy Gangopadhyay (2013), Engineering Geology, Oxford Publications.
2. P.K., Mukherjee (1999), A Text Book of Geology, world Press, Calcutta.
3. F.G., Bell, (2000), Fundamentals of Engineering Geology, Aditya Pubs. Delhi
4. M.C. Kesavalu, (2000), Text Book of Engineering Geology, CBS Pubs. New Delhi
5. P.D., Krynine and W.R. Judd, (2000), Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, CBS Pubs.
New Delhi.
6. Prabin Singh, (2000), Engineering and General Geology, Kataria Pubs. Delhi.
7. M. Masroor Alam (2013), Fundamental of Engineering Geology and Geo-engineering, Axioe books,
8. IS: 2386, Part I to VIII. (1963), IS: 7422, Part I to V (1974), Govt. of India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Websites related to Geology and Engineering Geology

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Engineering 1 Day 1 Day
Civil CE-215 Field
CE286 Geology ESA 1Field Field
Engineering CE-293 Camp
Camp Trip Trip
Course Assessment Method
1. Field Work and Report (60%)
2. Viva-voce (40%)
Course Objective
1. To supplement theoretical knowledge and to give an idea of practical application gained during the
study of theory papers Engineering Geology (CE 215), Geo-Engineering of Rocks and Rock Masses
(CE 427) and the Lab course Engineering Geology Lab (CE 293R).
2. The field work will help in identifying various rock outcrop patterns and the engineering geology lab
has been design to have basics of geological mapping and identification of minerals and rocks.
3. To see and map features in rock mass for rock mass characterization and to develop rock mass models
based on engineering properties.
4. To use basic instruments in the field and to generate data base for rock mass characterization.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Learn about the natural ground surface features with emphasis on practical application in civil
2. Know about different earth materials, their physical properties and their applications seen in natural
3. Identify field characters of rock mass and shall be able to model rock mass based on engineering
4. Produce technical reports based on database generated in the field, supplemented by lab tests for
effective communication amongst stakeholders and to comprehend problems for specific civil
engineering structure, to be erected on rocky ground.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Field identification of Rocks, Structures and effect of Weathering.
2. Measurement of Strike, Dip of Rocks and other Geological Planes.
3. Measurements for Joint Analysis and Rock Mass Characterization.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Prabin Singh, (2000), Engineering and General Geology, Kataria Pubs. Delhi.
2. P.K., Mukherjee (1999), A Text Book of Geology, world Press, Calcutta.
3. F.G., Bell, (2000), Fundamentals of Engineering Geology, Aditya Pubs. Delhi
4. M.C. Kesavalu, (2000), Text Book of Engineering Geology, CBS Pubs. New Delhi
5. M. Masroor Alam (2013), Fundamental of Engineering Geology and Geoengineering, Axioe books, India
6. IS: 2386, Part I to VIII. (1963), IS: 7422, Part I to V (1974), Govt. of India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Through On-field Training

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Engineering
CE293 ESA None Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering Geology Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To supplement theoretical knowledge and to give an idea of practical application of the engineering
geology lab which has been designed to have basics of geological mapping and identification of minerals
and rocks.
2. To understand contour patterns for identifying landforms and topography of an area.
3. To understand and interpret geological maps and to have an idea of rock distribution on ground surface
and in subsurface for given topographic profiles and geological sections for different sets of geological
4. To identify common rock forming minerals based on their physical properties.
5. To identify the character of rocks based on texture, structure and composition.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Learn about the ground surface features based on map patterns of contour within the framework of
fundamental concepts of basic sciences with emphasis on practical application in civil engineering.
2. Know about different earth materials, their physical properties and their application in day to day use.
3. Identify physical and mechanical properties of rock and its application in civil engineering uses.
4. Produce lab and technical reports for effective communication amongst stakeholders to comprehend
complex problems and accordingly employ state of the art technologies.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Topographic and Geological Maps.
2. Geological Sections of Horizontal and Vertical Rocks.
3. Geological Sections of Inclined Rocks.
4. Geological Sections of Unconformable Rocks.
5. Geological Sections of Folded Rocks.
6. Geological Sections of Faulted Rocks.
7. Identification of Minerals on the basis physical properties.
8. Identification of Rocks on the basis of physical properties.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. P.D., Krynine and W.R. Judd, (2000), Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, CBS Pubs.
New Delhi.
2. Prabin Singh, (2000), Engineering and General Geology, Kataria Pubs. Delhi.
3. P.K., Mukherjee (1999), A Text Book of Geology, world Press, Calcutta.
4. F.G., Bell, (2000), Fundamentals of Engineering Geology, Aditya Pubs. Delhi
5. M.C. Kesavalu, (2000), Text Book of Engineering Geology, CBS Pubs. New Delhi
6. M. Masroor Alam (2013), Fundamental of Engineering Geology and Geoengineering, Axioe books, India
7. IS: 2386, Part I to VIII. (1963), IS: 7422, Part I to V (1974), Govt. of India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Websites related to Geology and Engineering Geology

Departmental Core Courses
Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Fluid
CE213 DC ME111 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Mechanics
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
This is the first basic course of fluid mechanics. The main objective of this course is to understand the
fundamentals of the fluid mechanics such as fluid and flow properties, fluid behavior at rest and in motion
and fundamental equations like mass, energy and momentum conservation of the fluid flow. Applications
of these basic equations have been highlighted for flow measurements through orifice, mouth piece, weirs,
Venturimeter, sluice gates etc. The whole course has been divided in four units as described herein.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic properties of fluids, mechanics involved in fluid flow and to designate the types
of flow based on dominant fluid property and space and time.
2. Understand the significance of basic principles of floatation and stability of floating bodies like boats,
ships, naval vessels etc.
3. Apply fundamental concepts of fluid statics in analysing the forces on hydraulic structures such as
water tanks, retaining walls, lock gates, sluice gates, dams etc and also check their stability.
4. Apply fundamental concepts of fluid dynamics in solving problems like computation of force exerted
by water jet on various types of vanes used in pelton wheel turbines.
5. Apply fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics in solving fluid flow problems like computation of
discharge through pipes using orifice meter, venturimeter, and bend meter and through canals using
weirs, sluice gates etc.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Kinematics of fluid flow: Introduction, Fluids Properties and classification; Concept of viscosity,
Compressibility and Elasticity, Surface tension and capillarity. Flow Classification, Stream lines,
Streak lines, Continuity equation, Velocity, Tangential, Normal, Local and Convective
Accelerations, Types of fluid motions, rotation, Circulation, Velocity potential, Stream function,
Unit 2 Hydrostatics: Pascal law, Hydrostatic law, Relative equilibrium, Pressure measurements, Mano-
Meters, Forces on immersed plane and curved surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of floating and
submerged bodies. Free and Forced vortex motions.
Unit 3 Equation of Motion: Bernoulli’s equation, Energy correction factor, Coefficients of contraction,
velocity and discharge, Differential head meters, Analysis of frees liquid Jet, Cavitations’. Linear
momentum equation, Force on pipe junctions and bends, Forces on moving plates and vanes due
to fluid flow, Angular momentum.
Unit 4 Flow Measurement: Orifices, Mouth pieces, Weirs, Flow under sluice gates. Time of empting
tanks with or without inflow, Flow of liquid from one vessels to another.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. A. K. Jain, “Fluid Mechanics”, Khanna Publishers, 2B Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi, 110006.
2. R.J. Garde, “Fluid Mechanics” RPH, Roorkee, India.
3. P.N. Modi and S.N. Seth, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics”, Standard Book House, Delhi, India.
4. S. Ramamnitham, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, India.
5. Shames, “Mechanics of fluids”, Mc Eraw-Hill, Auckland, N. Land.
6. F. M. White, “Fluid Mechanics”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y.,USA.
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to open courseware materials by Henderson, “Open channel flow”
2. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Supply
CE214 DC CE-111R Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering and
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To emphasize on advancement in the water and its quantity required for per capita demand.
2. To explain rigorously complete details about impurities in water and their sanitary significance
together with respective types of treatment and water distribution system
3. To deal with water supply and distribution, design and operation of conventional water treatment plants
for ground and surface water, advance water treatment options
4. To discuss the concept pf water demand, water quality and water treatment systems
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. learn to deal with technical aspects of drinking water treatment and distribution in an integrated way,
paying attention to the choice of technologies and tools, ranging from low cost to advanced options
2. understand the structure of drinking water supply systems, including water transport, treatment and
3. understand water quality criteria and standards, and their relation to public health and environment
4. design water treatment and distribution systems
5. understand importance of stream water chemistry in assessment of fate of pollutants and to assess self
purification capacity of receiving waters
Topics Covered
Unit 1: Units of measurement, Material and Energy Balance, Sources of Water, Water Quality, Inorganic
and Organic Impurities, Waterborne Diseases, water quality standards Chemical Reactions and
Stoichiometry, Solubility Product, Reaction Kinetics.
Unit 2: Methods of Population Forecasting, Components of Water Supply Systems, Water demand and
Use, Design of Water Distribution and Storage Systems, Reservoir Capacity, Hydraulic
Considerations, Water Pumping Station, Equivalent Pipe Method, Hardy Cross Method
Unit 3: Stream Pollution, Dissolved oxygen deficit and its computation, Water Treatment- Treatment
Flow sheets, Intake Structures, Aeration, Coagulation, Flocculation, Sedimentation
Unit 4: Water Treatment- Filtration, Chemical Precipitation, Water Softening, Ion Exchange, Disinfection,
Water Stabilization, Fluoridation, Adsorption, Membrane Processes.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous, “Environmental Engineering”’ McGraw-Hill, Delhi, India
2. Sawyer and McCarty, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering” McGraw-Hill Delhi, India
3. Steel and McGhee, "Water Supply and Sewerage", McGraw Hill International, 1991.
4. Garg, S.K., Water Supply Engineering, Khanna Publication, 2001.

5. Masters and Ela, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, PHI Learning, 2008.

Additional Learning Source

1. Web links to e-learning -nptel
2. CPHEEO, Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, 2nd Edition, Ministry of Urban Development,
New Delhi.

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Structural
CE216 DC ME111 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Mechanics
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an appreciation of forces, analyze and examine stability in simple determinate structures
like trusses, dams, retaining wall and chimneys etc.,
2. To develop basic understanding of three dimensional state of stress in materials and structures.
3. To develop understanding of basic principles and methods of analysis, apply differential equations,
semi graphical method, energy methods and useful theorems for analyzing simple beams and frames.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Develop basic concepts of forces acting on simple structural elements and also the concept of combined
stresses (3D stress state) in materials used in Civil Engineering.
2. Understand the behavior of simple structural elements under applied forces.
3. Understand the basic principles used in the analysis of structural members.
4. Recognize and be able to apply fundamental principles to check the stability of structural elements.
5. Generate an ability to apply the knowledge of stress state in the design of structural elements.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Analysis of statically determinate trusses, Stability of dams, retaining walls and chimneys,
Columns; structural stability, Euler’s formula, end conditions and effective length factor, Columns
with eccentric and lateral load.
Unit 2 Generalized state of stress and strain: Stress and strain tensor, Yield criteria and theories of failure;
Tresca, Von-Mises stress criteria. Unsymmetrical bending and shear centre. Stress analysis of thin,
thick and compound cylinders.
Unit 3 Deflection of beams; Load deflection relationship, Deflection calculation by double integration,
moment area and conjugate beam methods.
Unit 4 Energy methods; Concept of strain energy, Strain energy of axially loaded bars, simple beams in
bending, shear and torsion; General energy theorems, Castigliano’s theorem, Maxwell Betti’s
reciprocal theorem; Virtual work and unit load method for deflection, Application to problems of
simple beams and frames.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Norris, C.H. and Wilber, J. B. and Utku, S. “Elementary Structural Analysis” McGraw Hill, Tokyo,
2. Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, DVNC, New York, USA.
3. Kazmi, S. M. A., ‘Solid Mechanics” TMH, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Norris, C.H. and Wilber, J. B. ‘Elementary Structural Analysis’ McGraw Hill.

2. Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H., ‘Elements of Strength of Materials’, New York.
3. Web links to e-learning:nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE218 Surveying DC None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To learn the different techniques applicable for measurements of distances, directions and elevations,
using simple survey equipments.
2. To understand the procedures of preparations of topographical maps of the areas, layout of curves.
3. To learn about the process of establishment of horizontal control points necessary for carrying out
survey of the area.
4. To learn about the principles and techniques involved in modern surveying instruments.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, it is expected that students shall be able to:
1. Prepare the plan, elevation & sectional detail for different Civil Engineering projects.
2. Calculate qualities of materials used including earth work required in different Civil Engineering
3. Apply knowledge of surveying & use survey instruments in layout of roads, railways line & sewers etc.
Including curves and execution of works with required accuracy.
4. Establish levels, bench mark and position of salient features in Civil Engineering works.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Introduction to conventional surveying methods like chain surveying, compass survey and plane
table survey and use of EDM instruments.
Unit 2 Levelling; definition, instruments, methods of levelling, theory of direct levelling, spirit levelling,
differential levelling, curvature and refraction, reciprocal levelling, profile levelling, cross-
sectioning, Barometric levelling; Sensitiveness of bubble tube, permanent adjustment of level.
Triangulation, classification of triangulation system, triangulation figures, signals and towers,
phase of signal, inter visibility and height of stations.
Unit 3 Curves – Study of simple, compound, reverse, transition and vertical curves.
Unit 4 Theodolite and traverse surveying; essential parts of transit theodolite, temporary and permanent
adjustment of transit theodolite; Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles; Methods of
traversing, closing error, balancing of traverse, traverse table, omitted measurements. Tachometry,
stadia system, influence of staff tilt, anallactic lens, tangential and subtense systems.
Base line measurement between triangulation stations, corrections to measured length;
Measurement of horizontal angles; satellite stations, reduction to centre.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Kanetkar, T. P., “Surveying and Leveling” Vol I and II, Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune, India.
2. Punmia, B. C., “Surveying vol I, II and III” Laxmi Publications, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE219 Hydrology DC None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an appreciation of need, importance and scope of hydrology in Indian perspective.
2. To develop an understanding of various components of hydrological cycle, their behaviour and factors
3. To discuss the importance of estimation of runoff, analysis of rainfall data and various hydrographs
such as unit hydrograph, flood hydrograph and synthetic unit hydrograph.
4. To develop technical skills for preparation of water resources project documents by knowing the design
parameters based on the knowledge of various types of hydrological parameters.
5. To build the necessary theoretical background of ground water hydrology, types of aquifers and their
6. To solve simple problems on water -budget, infiltration, measurement of average rainfall, evaporation,
potential evapo-transpiration and flood hydrographs.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of hydrological cycle, occurrence and distribution of surface, sub
surface and deep ground water.
2. Understand the significance of various hydrological parameters, types and forms of precipitations.
3. Apply the knowledge in watershed management and reservoir yields.
4. Estimate the efficacy of raingauge network, runoff from a catchment and ground water recharge.
5. Apply S-curve method for changing the duration of a given unit hydrograph and estimation of peak
flood for un-gauged catchments.
6. Create the necessary theoretical background for computing the peak flood for a water resources project
based on the unit hydrograph approach.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Scope and applications of hydrological cycle, Hydrology applied in Engineering, Precipitations
types and measurement, Rain gauge, Network analysis of rainfall data, Probable maximum
Precipitation, Probable maximum flood.
Unit 2 Evaporation, Evapo-transpiration, Consumptive use, infiltration and percolation, methods of
determination, factors affecting, Stream gauging and stage discharge relationship.
Unit 3 Surface runoff, factors affecting, measurement of runoff, Analysis of runoff data, Hydrographs,
Mass curve and Flow duration curve, Concept of Unit Hydrograph, Methods of Estimation of Unit
Hydrograph, Derivation and application. Synthethic hydrograph, peak flood.
Unit 4 Ground Water Hydrology, Definitions, Types of Aquifers and Wells, Occurrences, Distribution,
Darcy’s law and its limitations, Well hydraulics. Flood routing.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. K. Subramanya, “Engineering Hydrology”, TMH, New Delhi, India.
2. Chow V.T, “Hand book of Applied Hydrology”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., USA.
3. Wister, and Kohler and Paulhus, “Hydrology”, McGraw Hill, Tokyo, Japan.
4. Linsley, Kohler and Paulhus, “Applied Hydrology”, Mc Graw Hill, N.Y., USA.
5. D.K Todd, “Groundwater Hydrology”, John Wiley, N.Y., India.
6. J. Nemec, “Engineering Hydrology”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Hydrology and water resources engineering by K.C., Patra Engineering hydrology by C.S.P. Ojha.
2. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Quantity
CE220 DC None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Survey
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop basic understanding of Civil Engineering Drawings, measurement of quantities of
construction materials used and their estimate in Civil Engineering projects.
2. To develop knowledge of specification of different items in construction projects, methods of rate
analysis, preparing detailed estimates and contract documents.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand and interpret civil engineering construction drawings.
2. Prepare Bill of Quantities (BOS), Bill of Materials (BOM) and Labor statements strictly adhering to the
specifications and the construction drawing.
3. Develop insight in tendering of new projects and related contract documents.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Plan, elevation and sectional elevation of building drawing, Key or Index Plan, Parts and types of
stair cases, Exposure to AutoCAD.
Quantity Survey and its requirements, types of estimates, methods of estimates, Principle and units
of measurements, rules of measurements.
Unit 2 Analysis of rates, Purpose and requirements of rate analysis, Factors affecting rate analysis,
Analysis of rates for main items. Abstract of Cost.
Unit 3 Specifications – Definition and Types of specifications, Specifications of main items, Different
areas in a building, Capital cost of a project, Material Statement, Area requirements for different
functions, building by-laws.
Unit 4 Detailed Estimate: Detailed estimates of buildings, Abstract of Cost, Bill of quantities,
Contingencies, Work charged establishments. Tenders and Contract.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Civil Engineering Contracts and Estimates by B.S Patil, Orient Longman
2. Estimating and Costing by B.N Dutta
3. Text and documents published by various professional bodies & CED like CPWD
Additional Learning Source
1. Handbook of Construction Management by P.K. Joy, Orient Longman
2. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE221 Materials and DC None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To learn about the properties of commonly used natural civil engineering materials and manufacturing of
different construction materials and composites like cement, steel, concrete, bricks, masonry.
2. To understand basic principles of planning of building, building laws and types of different components
of buildings.
3. To develop understanding of different construction techniques.
Course Outcomes
1. Understand the basic properties and use commonly used construction material
2. Gain knowledge of Building by laws, basic principles of planning of building and purpose & geometry
and shape of different components as per need including effect of environment on the buildings.
3. To have basic ideas of different construction techniques used in Civil Engineering projects.
Topics Covered
Unit 1: Cement, Aggregate and cement concrete: Methods of manufacturing of cement and its chemistry,
Types of cement, Hydration mechanism, Testing of cement and aggregates, Properties of fresh
and hardened concrete and their tests, Introduction to mix design.
Unit 2: Conventional and Non-conventional construction materials: Bricks - Constituents of brick earth
and their properties, Manufacture, Classification and tests. Types of masonry bonds. Timber -
Structure and characteristics of hard and soft wood, Engineering applications: Defects, Seasoning,
Preservation, Fire proofing. Steel - Types and mechanical properties of various structural steel.
Unit 3: Building bye laws: Planning, Site selection, Orientation, Set-back limits, Component of buildings
and their purposes and types: Foundations, walls, columns, roofs, doors, windows; Bands and
openings in masonry buildings. Damp proofing - Materials and methods used. Terminate
proofing: pre and post construction treatments. Thermal insulation and its methods, Fire protection
of buildings. Routine maintenance of civil engineering structures.
Unit 4: Construction Techniques: Excavation, dewatering, shoring, underpinning and scaffolding, drilling,
blasting, well sinking and pile driving, cofferdams, form work-fabrication and use. Construction
techniques for special structures such as high-rise buildings, road construction, dams bridges,
offshore platforms.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Naville, A.M., “Properties of Concrete”, Longman,
2. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology”, TMH, New Delhi, India
3. Singh, S., Engineering Materials”, Konark, Delhi, India,
4. Eldridge, H.J. “Construction Defects in Buildings”, HMSO, BKJT Printer Ltd., London, UK
5. Sing, G. “Building Construction Engineering”
Additional Learning Source
1. Site visits, Publications of Public Works Departments, Development Authorities and other technical
bodies in Civil Engg. Constructions.
2. Web links to e-learning:nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Design of
CE311 Concrete DC ME 111 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To introduce basic principles of analysis and design of reinforced concrete elements.
2. To develop understanding of design procedures and behaviour of reinforced concrete components and
systems subjected to static loads.
3. To understand specifications and procedures of design and analysis as per relevant BIS codes.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Recognize the design philosophy of the reinforced concrete structures.
2. Understand the structural behaviour of different reinforced concrete structural elements
3. To learn procedures of analysis and design of different elements of reinforced concrete structural
4. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for design and detailing.
5. To learn the basic recommendations of standard Codes of Practices with special emphasis to Indian
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Load and stresses, load combinations, RC design philosophies: working stress, ultimate stress and limit state
approach, a comparative study. Concept of axial loads, bending, shear, bond and torsional stresses in RC
sections. Analysis and design of RC sections in bending – Rectangular and T-sections (singly and doubly
Unit 2 Design for shear and bond, Mechanism of shear and bond failure, Design of shear using limit state concept,
Development length of bars; Design of sections in torsion. Reinforcement detailing as per IS code of practice.
Design of one way and two-way slabs, Rankine-Grashoff and I.S. code method. Design of flat slab – direct
method. Introduction to Circular slab and Voided slab.
Unit 3 Design of compression members, Short column, Columns with uni-axial and bi-axial bending; Long
columns, use of design charts. Design for torsion in beams and columns.
Unit 4 Design of foundation: Wall footing, Isolated and combined footing for columns.
Design of masonry columns, walls and footings.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Jain, A. K. “Reinforced concrete- limit State Design” NCB, Roorkee, India.
Reference Books
1. Karve and Shah “Limit State Theory and Design of Reinforced Concrete” VGP, Pune, India.
2. Pillai and Menon “Reinforced Concrete Design”, TMH, New delhi, India.
3. Verghese, P. C. “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design” PHI, Delhi, India
4. Winter, G. “Design of Concrete Structures” McGraw Hill, Tokyo, Japan.
5. Evans and Cook “Reinforced and Pre- stressed Concrete” TN, London, U.K.

Selected B. I .S Codes
1. IS 456-2000-Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, BIS, New Delhi, India.
2. IS 875 -1987(Part I & II)-Code of Practice for Design Loads(other than earthquake) for Building and
Structures, BIS, New Delhi, India.
3. IS 1893-1984-Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, BIS, New Delhi, India.
4. IS 4326-1993-Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings, BIS,
New Delhi, India.
5. IS 13920- Ductile detailing of reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic forces, BIS, New
Delhi, India.
6. SP 16 -Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS:456, BIS, New Delhi, India.
7. SP24 -Explanatory Hand Book of I.S. Code for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, BIS, New Delhi, India.
8. SP34 - Hand Book of Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing, BIS, New Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. George Winter “Design of Concrete Structures”, McGraw-Hill, USA
2. Kong and Evans “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete”, ELBS, Low Priced Edition.
3. Web links to e-learning:nptel
4. Study through refreed National and International Journals

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Soil
CE312 DC None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Mechanics
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an appreciation of soil as a vital construction material, so that it may subsequently be used
in the design and construction of foundation for civil engineering structures.
2. To develop an understanding of the relationships between physical characteristics and mechanical
properties of soils.
3. To inculcate the basic knowledge of soil such as its identification and classification, determination of
various engineering properties and its suitability as a foundation/subgrade material.
4. To understand and experience experimental measurement of the physical and mechanical soil properties
commonly used in engineering practice.
5. To develop good technical reporting and data presentation skills.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concepts of Mathematics, Laws of Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics to obtain the
solution of soil mechanics/foundation engineering problems.
2. Understand the significance of the properties of soils, and also the experimental methods used to
measure them.
3. Recognize and be able to apply fundamental soil mechanics principles underlying common Civil
Engineering applications.
4. Understand both the applications and limits of engineering methods commonly used to solve soil
mechanics problems in Civil Engineering.
5. Aware of more advanced techniques those are available for common and difficult problems.
6. Recognize the importance of good written communication skills, and know how to write professional,
clear, concise technical reports and letters to clients and colleagues.
7. Build the necessary theoretical background for design and construction of foundation systems, with
utmost safety and economy.
8. Develop the understanding of various BIS and ISO standards and to design the foundations of structures
in conformity with these codes.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Soil Properties and Stress Distribution: Preliminary definitions, phase diagram, interrelationships.
Sieve and hydrometer analyses, Atterberg’s limit. Classification systems – Unified soil and IS soil
classification systems. Soil structures. Compaction of soil – Theory of compaction, laboratory
compaction tests. Field methods and compaction control. Stress Distribution in Soil: Stresses in soil
mass due to surface loading. Boussinesq and Westergaard’s equations for point load. Applications
of Boussinesq equation. Vertical pressure under various uniformly distributed loaded areas.
Newmark’s influence chart. Approximate methods.
Unit 2 Permeability and Seepage: Soil water, effective and neutral stress. Darcy’s law, factors affecting
permeability of soil. Laboratory determination of permeability of soil. Permeability of stratified
soils. Seepage, quick sand conditions, and liquefaction of soil. Flownet and inverted filters.
Unit 3 Compressibility and Consolidation: Definition of the terms. Virgin compression curve. Terzaghi’s
one dimensional consolidation theory. Laboratory consolidation test, height of solids and change in
voids ratio methods. Determination of coefficient of consolidation by log of time fitting and square
root of time fitting methods. Consolidation settlement.
Unit 4 Shear Strength of Soil: State of stress at a point, Mohr’s stress circle. Mohr-Coulomb failure
envelops. Shear strength of soil, Direct, Triaxial, Unconfined and Vane shear tests, principles of
drained and undrained tests. Stress path.

Text Books and/or Reference Materials

1. Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R.Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International (P) Ltd,
New Delhi.
2. Alam Singh, “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice”, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. V.N.S.Murty, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Sai Kripa Technical Consultants,
4. Som and Das, “Theory and Practice of Foundation Design”, PHI, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. K.R.Arora, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi.
2. M.J.Tomlinson, “Foundation design and construction”
3. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Title Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Waste
CE313 DC CE-111R Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Management
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The overall aim is
1. to give deeper knowledge in the problems and possibilities of waste management from a national and
global perspective.
2. to discuss both wastewater and municipal solid waste issues.
3. to explain the design concept of sewer lines and waste treatment plants
4. to employ a holistic view on solutions as well as technical aspects.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental principles of existing and emerging technologies for the treatment of waste
and recovery of value from waste
2. Appreciate the increasing importance of waste and resource management in achieving environmental
3. Identify and assess the characteristics of wastewater and their impacts Plan and design the components of
wastewater treatment systems
4. Understand underlying principles of processes involved in secondary wastewater treatment systems
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Design Principles of Wastewater Collection Systems- Wastewater Generation, Separate, Combined
and Semi-Combined Sewers, Sewer Pipe Hydraulics, Sizing of Pipes and Design, Pumping Station,
Manhole Chambers, Design of Sewerage Systems, Sewer Appurtenances
Unit 2 Wastewater Characterization, Batch Reactor, Completely Mixed Reactor, Plug Flow Reactor,
Wastewater treatment- Primary Treatment, Screens, Grit Removal, Sedimentation,
Unit 3 Wastewater Treatment- Secondary Treatment, Activated Sludge Process, Trickling Filter, Anaerobic
Digestion of Sludge, UASB Reactor, Stabilisation Ponds, Septic Tank, Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Removal and Sludge Treatment
Unit 4 Municipal Solid Waste- Characteristics, Collection, Disposal, Land filling, Incineration, Composting,
Air Pollution-Particulates and Gaseous Pollutants, Measurement, Effects of Air Pollutants on
Human, Vegetation, Atmosphere and Materials, Indoor Pollution, Noise Pollution- Concept, Health
Effects, Noise Measurement and Control
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Howard S. Peavy, et. al, “Environmental Engineering”’ McGraw-Hill, Delhi, India
2. Steel & McGhee, “Water Supply and Sewerage”, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
3. Metcalf and Eddy, et. al., “Wastewater Treatment Disposal and Reuse” McGraw-Hill, Delhi, India.
4. Tchobanoglous, G., H. Theisen and S. Vigil, 1993, Integrated Solid Waste Management, McGraw-Hill
Inc. Singapore.
5. Pandey V., Noise Pollution, Meerut Publishers, 1995.
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course material from IITs
2. CPHEEO, Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment , Ministry of Urban Development, Delhi.
Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Structural
CE315 DC CE216 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Analysis-I
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an understanding of the behavior and stability of special structures such as arches, cables and
suspension bridges and their methods of analysis under static loads.
2. To learn various special procedures/ theorems of analysis like Mohr’s theorem, method of consistent
deformation, reciprocal theorem, Betti’s theorem, energy theorem etc. for statically indeterminate
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concepts of mathematics, statics, mechanics of deformable bodies, and principle of
dynamics to the solution of fundamental civil engineering structural analysis problems.
2. Apply structural codes and standards such as IS 1875 (part-2&3) and IS: 1893 (Part-I) to model dead,
live, snow, wind, and earthquake loads on structures.
3. Understand the deformations of structures under loading and be able to apply various methods to
determine the deformations.
4. Solve statically indeterminate structures using classical methods.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Indeterminate structures; Static and kinematic indeterminacy, Analysis of indeterminate beams,
moment area method, Effect of yielding of supports, Consistent deformation method, Three moment
Unit 2 Displacement methods; Slope deflection method, Moment distribution method, Application to
continuous beam, non-sway and sway frames.
Unit 3 Analysis of indeterminate pin jointed perfect and redundant frames.
Three hinged, two hinged and fixed arches, analysis by energy and force method.
Unit 4 Analysis of cables and suspension bridges, Two hinged and three hinged stiffening girders

Text Books and/or Reference Materials

1. Reddy, C. S., “Basic Structural Analysis” TMH, Delhi, India.
2. Vazirani and Ratwani, “ Basic structural analysis” Khanna, Delhi, India.
3. Punmia, B. C., “Strength of Material and Mechanics of Structures” Vol. I&II, Laxmi pubs. India.
4. Gupta, Pandit and Gupta, “Theory of structures Vol.” I &II
Additional Learning Source
1. Structural Analysis by T.S. Thandavamoorthy (Oxford University Press).
2. Elements of Structural Analysis by N C Sinha (New Central Book Agency).
3. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Engineering
CE316 DC CE213 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Hydraulics-I
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop the fundamental concept for methods of dimensional analysis and models studies.
2. To develop an understanding of the viscous flow and its governing equations.
3. To understand the basic concepts of boundary layer and theory of boundary layer flow.
4. To develop an understanding of the turbulent flow and its governing equations.
5. To apply the theories of laminar and turbulent flow to solution of some typical pipe flow problems in the
field and boundary layer theory to estimate the drag and lift for various shapes of the objects.
6. To understand the design philosophy of turbines and pumps.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Carry out model studies of various hydraulic structures such as weir, barrages, dams, bridge piers,
spillways, energy dissipaters, flood embankments.
2. Solve various viscous flow problems such as flow through porous media, blood circulation in human body,
design of settling tank, dusting in atmosphere, leakage through cracks in water tank.
3. Apply the theory of boundary layer flow to estimate the lift and drag on various shapes of the objects.
4. Solve the turbulent flow problems relating pipe flow and open channels
5. Apply the theories of laminar and turbulent flow to solution of pipe flow problems in the field.
6. Design various types of turbines and pumps.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Laminar flow, Navier’s-Stokes equation of motion for laminar Flow; Laminar flow between two
parallel plates, laminar flow through pipes, Dimensional Analysis & Modal Studies. Velocity
distribution in turbulent flow; shear stress due to turbulence, turbulent flow in circular pipes,
resistance of smooth and artificially roughened pipes, General resistance diagram.
Unit 2 Boundary Layer Theory: Introduction, Development of boundary layer over a flat plate, boundary
layer thickness, displacement, momentum and energy thicknesses, Application of momentum equation
to boundary layer flow, local and mean drag coefficients, Hydro-dynamically rough and smooth
surfaces, boundary layer separation and its control, Forces on Immersed bodies: Drag and lift, drag on
flat plate, sphere, cylinder and disc, development of lift, Magnus effect and circulation, theoretical lift
on rotating cylinder.
Unit 3 Pipe Flow Problems: Losses in pipe flow, pipes in series, pipes in parallel, branching pipes, siphons,
multi-reservoir problems, pipe net works, unsteady flow in pipes, water hammer analysis. Power
transmission through pipe lines.
Unit 4 Hydro-electric Power plant, Components and functions, Turbines: classification of tribunes, Impulse
and Reaction turbines, characteristic curves, draft tubes, Pumps: classification of pumps, Reciprocating
and centrifugal pumps, efficiency and power, Output of centrifugal pumps, characteristics curves.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. V.L. Streeter, “ Fluid Mechanics”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y, USA.
2. R.J. Garde “Fluid Mechanics” RPH, Roorkee.
3. Shames , “Mechanics of fluids” Mc Graw-Hill (Int. St. ed.) Auckland, NZ.
4. A.K. Jain “Mechanics of fluids”, Khanna Publisher., Delhi.
Additional Learning Source

1. Shames, “Mechanics of fluids” Mc Graw-Hill (Int. St. ed.) Auckland, NZ.
2. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Transportation
CE317 DC None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To give an overview of the transportation engineering.
2. To describe the basic characteristics of transportation planning and of the models used by transportation
3. To describe highway design objectives, constraints and controlling factors.
4. To describe the criteria, standards and engineering procedures used to design principal elements of the
highway alignment, and highway cross sections.
5. To understand the process of collecting information necessary for successful design of flexible and rigid
pavements, including traffic data, material properties and other environmental factors.
6. To give an insight about the basics of Railway and Airport Engineering.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of geometric design of highways by applying fundamental concepts of
Mathematics and Laws of Mechanics.
2. Propose a feasible solution to fundamental highway engineering analysis/design problems.
3. Apply condition monitoring and maintenance of road pavements.
4. Conduct experiments on materials for Highway Engineering.
5. Develop technical skills for operations and design of road junction.
6. Develop technical skills for road pavement construction.
7. Design both flexible and rigid pavements.
8. Recognize the importance of good written communication skills, and know how to write professional,
clear, concise technical reports and letters to clients and colleagues.
9. Develop the understanding of various BIS, IRC and ISO standards and to design the highways in
conformity with these codes.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Highway Material and Construction: Properties of sub-grade and pavement component material, tests
on stone aggregates and bituminous materials. Highway construction – WBM, WMM, bituminous and
cement concrete pavements.
Unit 2 Highway Geometric and Pavement Design: Design of geometric elements of road. Design factors for
flexible and rigid pavements. Group Index and CBR methods for flexible pavement design. Analysis of
wheel load stresses in rigid pavement. Westergaard’s method for design of rigid pavement.
Unit 3 Railway Engineering: Gauges, Short and long welded rails. Wear of rails. Sleepers, ballast and
formation. Track geometry, points and crossings. Station and yard. Tractive effort. Hauling capacity of
a locomotive.
Unit 4 Traffic and Airport Engineering: Traffic studies. Intersection design. Traffic signs and signals.
Selection of site for an airport. Airport obstructions. Imaginary surfaces. Runway orientation. Wind
Rose diagram. Design of runway, basic runway length, corrections for runway length. Airport
classification, geometric design. Airport capacity, Aircraft parking systems. Wind and landing
direction indicators.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. S. K. Khanna and Justo, C. E. G., “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand & Bros. Roorkee, India.
2. Chandra S, and Agarwal, M.M. "Railway Engineering", Oxford.
3. K.F. Antia, “Railway Engineering”, New Book Company, Bombay, India.
4. S. K. Khanna & M. G. Arora, “ Airport Planning and Design” , Nem Chand & Bros. Roorkee, India.
5. Saxena and Arora, “A Text Book of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, India.
6. S. P. Bindra, “A Course in Highway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, India.
7. J.S., Mundry, “Railway Track Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. S. P. Bindra, “A Course in Highway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, India.
2. K.F. Antia, “Railway Engineering”, New Book Company, Bombay, India.
3. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Design of
CE318 Steel DC ME 111 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To introduce the significance of construction with steel and develop basic concepts of analysis and design
of steel structures.
2. Develop understanding of the behavior of steel structural components subjected to gravity loads, using
basic design concepts, and relevant Indian codal recommendations, develop design ability for structural
members like tension, compression, flexural member, plate girder, and foundations.
3. Learn computer based analysis and basic concepts of Design of roof trusses and its connections including
detailed drawings (manual and with AUTOCAD).
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Recognize the design philosophy of the steel structures
2. Understand the structural behavior of different steel structural elements and their analysis
3. Analyze and design different elements of steel structural elements under gravity loads and submit the
designs in complete and concise manner.
4. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for design and detailing.
5. Analyze and interpret the results using analytical tools and further plan design and detail different civil
engineering components of structures.
6. Design a structure/component, to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economy,
environment friendly, safety, viable construction and its sustainability as per the codal provisions
7. Follow relevant and upcoming BIS standards and design philosophies prevalent in the world.
8. Interact and manage work with professionals.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Properties of materials; loads and stresses, Design of semi-rigid, rigid and moment resistant
connections; Built up sections. Design of tension and flexure members, splicing of tension member
Unit 2 Design of compression members, Beam-column connections, Design of columns and their bases.
Unit 3 Design of Plate girder; loads, specification and design. Industrial buildings; loads, design of purlins,
trusses, bracings; gantry girders.

Unit 4 Introduction to Plastic analysis; Simple cases of beams and frames.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Kazmi, S. M. A. and Jindal, R.S. “Design of Steel Structures” PHI, New Delhi, India.
2. Arya and Ajmani “Design of Steel Structures”, NCB, Roorkee, India.
3. Ramamrutham “Design of Steel Structures” DhanpatRai, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
Web links to e-learning: nptel and insdag.com
Selected B.I.S. Codes
1. I. S.:800-2000-Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel, BIS, New Delhi, India.
2. I. S. Steel Tables containing Properties of Steel sections, BIS, New Delhi, India.
3. I. S.:802-1992-Code of Practice for use of Structural Steel in Transmission Line Towers”, BIS, New
Delhi, India

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Design of
CE411 Concrete DC CE 311 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. Develop concepts of analysis and design of structural elements not covered under Ist course on the subject
i.e. CE311 and some new structural components suchas Continuous beam, Tanks, Prestressed Concrete
Structures, Bridges, Staircases and Retaining walls etc..
2. To enable the students execute the drawing with adherence to specification mentioned.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply basic design and analysis concepts in the design of RC structural elements ordinarily used in every
day construction.
2. Identify the various types of deformations in different structures e.g. compression tension hoop occurring
at a particular structure atleast qualitatively.
3. Develop the wisdom of structural engineering i.e. the application of the knowledge in that area which was
not taught specifically in the course.
4. Explain the deformation/structural action of any constructed, field, monumental structure
5. Diagnose the damaging cause/ lapses happened leading the structure unfit for the use.
6. Comment on the overall performance of the structure and can predict useful life of the structure.
7. Prepare models for engineering solution of any problem qualitatively and this knowledge acquired by the
student can be used directly and indirectly developing/ repairing of any household product.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Design of continuous beams and building frames, Moment redistribution, Estimation of wind and
seismic loads, Desirable features of earthquake resistant construction, Detailing for earthquake
resistant construction – ductility criteria
Unit 2 Water tank and staging; Introduction, Design criteria, Design of rectangular and circular water tank,
Design of Intze tank, Staging for overhead tank. Design of staircases.
Unit 3 Introduction to bridge engineering, Investigation for bridges, IRC loadings, Design of slab culvert.
Design of cantilever and counter-forte type retaining wall.
Unit 4 Pre-stressed concrete, Introduction, pre-stressing system, losses in pre-stress, Design of simple span
girders, Design of end block.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Jain, A. K. “Reinforced concrete- limit State Design” NCB, Roorkee, India.
2. Raju, N.K. “Pre-Stressed Concrete” TMH, Delhi, India.
Reference Books:
4. Karve and Shah Limit State Theory and Design of reinforced Concrete VGP, Pune, India
5. Pillai and Menon “Reinforced Concrete Design” TMH, New Delhi, India
6. Verghese, P.C. “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design” PHI, Delhi, India
7. Winter, G. “Design of Concrete Structures” McGraw Hill, Tokyo, Japan.
8. Evans and Cook “Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete” TN, London, UK
9. Lin, T.H. and Burns, H.N., “Design of Pre-stressed Concrete”, Wiley, Canada
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel
Selected B.I.S. Codes
1. I. S.:456-2000-Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, BIS, New Delhi, India.
2. I. S.:875 -1987(Part I & II)-Code of Practice for Design Loads(other than earthquake) for Building and
Structures, BIS, New Delhi, India.
3. I.S.:1893-1984-Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, BIS, New Delhi, India.
4. I.S.:4326-1993-Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings, BIS,
New Delhi, India.
5. I.S.:13920- Ductile detailing of reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic forces, BIS, New
Delhi, India.
6. S.P.:16 -Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456, BIS, New Delhi, India.
7. S.P.:24 -Explanatory Hand Book of I.S. Code for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, BIS, New Delhi, India.
8. S.P.:34 - Hand Book of Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing, BIS, New Delhi, India.
9. I.S.:1343-1980-Code of Practice for Pre-Stressed Concrete, BIS, New Delhi, India.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Foundation
CE413 DC CE 312 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The objectives of the course are as follows:
1. To introduce the theory and application for analysis and design of earth retaining structures, slope stability
analysis, shallow and deep foundations and machine foundations.
2. To understanding the behavior and design of rigid, flexible walls and pile foundations of the structures
subjected to static and dynamic loads.
3. To develop an understanding to perform site investigations and to determine the soil parameters needed to
carry out foundation design.
4. To learn the subsurface exploration techniques and apply them to design the foundations and retaining
5. To enable students to prepare professional reports for design projects and data presentation skill and to use
computers and some computer graphics.

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concept of mathematics, statics and mechanics to understand the essentials of the
method of bearing capacity and stability analysis.
2. Analyze and design a variety of geotechnical engineering structures including foundations, piles, retaining
walls, slopes and interpret data.
3. Recognize behavior of soils in slopes, behind retaining structures and phenomena affecting foundation
capacity and settlement.
4. Determine allowable bearing pressures and load carrying capabilities of different foundation systems.
5. Evaluate appropriate bearing capacity correction factors and apply related equations in design.
6. Evaluate effects of water and layered soil systems on foundation performance.
7. Identify the appropriate deep foundation type for different soil profiles.
8. Specify pile material types for various applications and calculate side/tip capacity of driven piles in clay
and sand.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Earth Pressures and Retaining Walls: Active, passive and pressure at rest, Rankine’s and Coulomb’s
theories; influence of surcharge, layered soil and water table. Rebhann’s and Culmann’s graphical
constructions of active pressure for cohesionless soil. Simplified procedure for design of sheet pile
walls and anchored bulk heads.
Unit 2 Stability of Slopes: Infinite slopes and their stability, total and effective stress analysis, concepts of
factors of safety. Method of slices, Friction circle and Bishop’s simplified methods. Taylor’s stability
number, Effect of steady seepage; Sudden draw down and submergence.
Unit 3 Shallow and Machine Foundations: Definitions of terms. Bearing capacity of footings. Terzaghi,
Mayerhof and Skempton’s analyses. Effect of water table on bearing capacity. Permissible, total and
differential settlements as per IS Codes. Plate load test, standard and cone penetration tests.
Introduction to machine foundations. Design criteria. Free and forced vibrations for single degree of
freedom system: undamped and damped case, Barkan’s method for natural frequency.
Unit 4 Deep Foundations and Site Investigation: Boring and sampling techniques and sampling disturbances.
Introduction to pile foundations. Load carrying capacity of piles by Engineering News and Hilley’s
formulae. Bearing capacity of single pile and pile groups by static formulae.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Kaniraj, S.R., “Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Tata Mc Graw Hill New
Delhi, India.
2. Khan I. H., “A text Book of Geotechnical Engineering”, Prentice –Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India.
3. Arora, K. R., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, India.
4. Richart, F. E., Jr., and R. D., Woods, “Vibrations of Soils and Foundation”, Prentice Hall, N. J., USA.
Additional Learning Source
1. M.J. Tomlinson, “Foundation design and construction”
2. Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R. Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International (P) Ltd, New
3. V.N.S. Murty, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Sai Kripa Technical Consultants,
4. www.ce.washington.edu/~geotech/courses/cee523/manuals/
5. www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/tccc/tutorial/shafts/index.htm
6. www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/tccc/tutorial/piles/index.htm
7. www.dfi.org/

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Engineering
CE414 DC CE 316 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Hydraulics-II
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The main aim of this course is to understand the basic theories of open channel flows such as depth- energy
relationship, uniform flow and its application to design of efficient channel sections of various shapes,
hydraulic jump and its application to the energy dissipation devices, gradually varied flow and its application
in computation of typical water surface profiles, unsteady flow and its practical application, model studies and
their application in open channel flow etc .
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concepts of Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics and Specific energy to the solution of
critical flow and transition problems.
2. Understand the significance of critical flow and uniform flow and apply these concepts in gradually varied
flow problems.
3. Estimate flow rate using control structures.
4. Design the most efficient channel section for carrying maximum discharge.
5. Develop models and perform studies for various hydraulic structures like dams, spillways, and barrages
cross drainage works.
6. Build the necessary theoretical background for design of water resources systems.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Basic Principles: open channel flow and its classifications, and properties, energy and momentum
principles, Critical flow computation and its applications, transitions with sub critical and super
critical flows.
Unit 2 Uniform flow, roughness coefficient, computation of uniform flow in prismatic channel, design of
non- erodible channels for uniform flow, Most efficient channel section, compound sections.
Unit 3 Gradually varied flow: Theory and analysis, gradually-varied flow computations in prismatic channels,
gradually varied flow in non-prismatic channels. Rapidly varied flow: Theory of hydraulic jump,
evaluation of jump elements in rectangular and non-rectangular channel, location of jump on
horizontal floor, channel controls and transitions, free over fall, thin plate weirs, broad crested weirs,
and sluice gates
Unit 4 Application of model studies to free surface flow problems, waves and their classifications, celerity of
a wave, surge formation, equation of motion, rapidly varied unsteady flows.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1.Subramanya, “Flow in Open channels”
2. K G Ranga Raju, “Flow through open channel”
3. V.T chow “Open channel Hydraulics”
4. Bakhmeteff, “Hydraulics of open channel”
5. Henderson, “Open channel flow”
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Irrigation
CE415 DC CE 414 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The main theme of this course is to understand the theory and design of irrigation structures in the Indian sub-
continents. The course covers the major topics such as assessment of water requirement for various crops,
design of canals, headwork, regulation works, cross drainage works and river training works etc. Various
types of irrigation and the related problems such as water alkalinity and water logging are also highlighted.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Realize the importance of optimal water use for growing the crops and apply methods for saving land
from water logging.
2. Apply knowledge for efficient design methods for rapid conveyance of water with lesser loss in irrigation
3. Apply the silt control devices in canals and natural channels for long life of irrigation schemes i.e. Silt
excluders, Silt ejectors, Sediment transport in alluvial channels and reduction of channel resistance due to
silt deposition on the bed and sides of canals.
4. Apply the knowledge in the design of hydraulic structures to be constructed at junction of natural and
manmade channels with obstruction free flow.
5. Formulate irrigation networks across the country to make itself self reliant in food grain production.
6. Emancipate the need of water resource conservation and management to overcome the natural calamities
such as drought.
Topics Covered
Unit 1: Irrigation development in India, present status of irrigation in India, methods of irrigation, silt control
in canal, canals outlets. Water requirements of various crops and land leveling, Irrigation schedule.
Unit 2: Canal losses, water-logging drainage, sodic soils, lining of canals; Regime theories for the design of
earthen channels, elementary ideas about sediment transport theory, incipient motion of sediment.
Modes of sediment transport.
Unit 3: Theory of uplift pressure, canal headwork, river training works.
Unit 4: Canal regulation and cross drainage works.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. P.N. Modi, “Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power”
2. Bharat Singh, “Irrigation Engineering”
3. S. K. Garg “Irrigation Engg. and Hydraulic Structures”
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Structural
CE430 DC CE 315 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Analysis-II
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an understanding of theory and application of the various advanced methods of structural
2. To understand the analytical procedure related to the analysis of building frame by some classical methods
viz. Kani’s methods and approximate methods of analysis.
3. To understand matrix method and its application for computer based analysis of structure.
4. To develop the skill to deals with the problems of moving loads in the structures and their analysis
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concept of mathematics, statics and mechanics to understand the essentials of the
advanced method of structural analysis.
2. Understand the structural actions viz. rotations and displacements, especially in building frames subjected
to vertical and lateral loadings.
3. Generate mathematical expressions involving all possible structural actions.
4. Analyze building framing system and its components under the action of gravity and lateral loads and
thereby developing database for the design of the structure.
5. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems and to effectively use and apply the computer friendly
structural analysis techniques viz. stiffness and flexibility methods to the field problems.
6. Deal with the problems of moving loads in the structures and their analysis techniques such as influence
line diagram.
7. Use the techniques and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
8. Recognize the importance of good written communication skill and to know how to compile the analysis
results so that it can be effectively used for the design of the structure.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Analysis of building frames; Kani’s method and Approximate methods
Unit 2 Stiffness and flexibility matrix method; Application to simple problems of beams and frames
Unit 3 Moving loads for determinate beams; Different load cases, Influence lines for forces for determinate
and indeterminate beams using Muller Breslau principle.
Unit 4 Influence lines for pin jointed trusses, arches and stiffening girders.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Wang, C. K., “Elementary Structural Analysis” McGraw Hill, New York, USA.
2. Reddy, C. S., “Basic Structural Analysis” TMH, Delhi, India.
3. Levisley, “Matrix Method of structural analysis”, Pergamon, London, U.K.
4. Morice, B.P., “Linear Structural Analysis” Thames and Hudson, London, U. K.
5. Pundit, G. S. and Gupta, S.P., “Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach” TMH, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Hibbeler, R.C., “Structural Analysis” Pearson Education, India.
2. Morice, B.P., “Linear Structural Analysis” Thames and Hudson, London, U. K.
3. Pundit, G. S. and Gupta, S.P., “Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach” TMH, Delhi, India.

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE291 Engineering DC None Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Materials Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To understand experimentally the behavior of conventional civil engineering materials such as cement,
aggregate, fresh and hardened concrete.
2. To learn standard principles and procedures of testing materials & concrete mix design including field
3. To learn practical applications of the tests and writing technical reports.
Course Outcomes
Learn test procedure prepare test specimen required tie for experiments.
1. Understand the behavior of cement, aggregate & fresh hardened concrete subjected to different structures
2. Visualize the deformation and crack pattern in specimens subjected to different types of loads.
3. To learn working & collaborate in groups and feel responsibilities in among group members.
4. Analyze and interpret test results and prepare technical test reports.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
 Test on Cement
1. Normal Consistency of Cement
2. Setting Time of Cement
3. Compressive Strength of Cement
 Test on Aggregate
1. Silt Content in Fine aggregate
2. Bulking of Sand
3. Particle Size Distribution of Coarse and Fine Aggregate by Sieve Analysis
 Test on Fresh Concrete
1. Workability of Concrete by Slump Test and Compaction Factor Test
 Test on Hardened Concrete
1. Effect of W/C Ratio on Crushing Strength of Concrete
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Lab manual provided by the department
2. Neville, A.M., “Properties of Concrete”, Longman, India
3. Neville, A.M. and & Brooks J.J. “Concrete Technology”, Longman, India
4. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology”, SCC Ltd., New Delhi
Additional Learning Source
1. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology”, TMH, New Delhi, India
2. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE292 Mechanics DC None Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
The main objective of this lab course is to make the students in better understanding of fluid mechanics
phenomena such as variation of velocity and pressure, measuring head loss in terms of differential head,
liquid jet forces acting on various type of vanes and measurement of flow rate by various devices such as
orifice meter, weir etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Design intricacies of hydraulic structures such as dams, spillways, weirs, sluice gate etc.
2. Design water and waste water disposal system.
3. Design and select appropriate rotodynamic system.
4. Use appropriate type of flow measuring devices.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Flow over weirs and notches
2. Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem
3. Discharge through an Orifice
4. Centre of Pressure
5. Impact of Liquid jets
6. Head losses through sudden contraction and enlargement
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. P.N. Modi and S.N. Seth, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics”, Standard Book House, Delhi, India.
2. S. Ramamnitham, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, India.
3. Shames, “Mechanics of fluids”, McGraw-Hill, Auckland, N. Land.
4. R.J. Garde, “Fluid Mechanics” RPH, Roorkee, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. V.L. Streeter, “Fluid Mechanics”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., USA.

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE294 Mechanics DC None Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To understand characteristic of selected Civil Engineering Material like metals, Bricks, Blocks, Timber
etc. under different loading condition.
2. To learn standard principles and procedure of testing materials &prepare specimens for tests.
3. To learn practical applications of the tests and writing technical reports.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Learn test procedure for testing material under different loading conditions.
2. Know the practical significance of each experiment.
3. Visualize the behaviour of material at different stress levels and failure pattern under different type of
4. Infer results and prepare test reports.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
Experiment No. 1: To determine the impact value of the given specimens by Izod impact testing machine
Experiment No. 2: To determine the transverse modulus of elasticity by plotting the load deflection curve
Experiment No. 3: To determine the buckling load on columns for different end conditions
Experiment No. 4: Verification of bending moment and shear force in beams
Experiment No. 5: To determine the shear modulus by plotting the torque twist diagram for a circular shaft
Experiment No. 6: To determine the Brinell’s Hardness number for different materials
Experiment No. 7: To understand the behaviour of a mild steel bar under tension by plotting stress-strain curve
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Lab manual provided by the Department
Additional Learning Source
1. Mechanics of material by B. C. Punmia
2. Solid Mechanics by S.M.A. Kazmi
3. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Surveying
CE295 DC None Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To understand the measurement techniques and equipments used in conventional methods of surveying.
2. To gain an appreciation of recent changes in survey procedures and equipments.
3. To use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice and working as
a team.
4. To understand the importance of professional licensure to protect the public in the practice of cadastral
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Learn use of simple instruments used in land survey.
2. Use of modern survey equipment including understanding of the principles and operation of Total Station.
3. Improve ability to function as a member of a survey team in completing the assigned field work.
4. Prepare topographical maps of areas, volume of building materials used in civil engineering projects.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Conventional method of measuring horizontal distances
2. Plane tabling by (i) radiation method, (ii) intersection method and (iii) solution of two and three point
problems by resection method
3. Differential Levelling
4. Longitudinal levelling and Cross sectioning
5. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles with a theodolite
6. Determination of gradient of a line using stadia and tangential tacheometry
7. Analytical solution of three point problem and determination of the omitted portion of a base line
8. Determination of the height of an object by trigonometrical observations
9. Setting out of a simple curve
10. Setting out of a Building
11. Total station surveys (control establishment and detail plotting)
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Kanetkar, T. P., “Surveying and Levelling” Vol I and II, Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune, India.
2. Punmia, B. C., “Surveying Vol I and II” Laxmi Publications, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
6-Day 6-Day
Civil CE 218 Field
CE384 Survey Camp DC 1 Field Field
Engineering CE 295 Camp
Visit Visit
Course Assessment Method
1. Field Work (60%)
2. Viva-Voce Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To work on a real problem of land survey in a chosen field.
2. To get knowledge of the different field based problems related to the survey of the area and to propose
3. To understand the field problems related to the preparation of topographical map of an area and work in
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Assess the nature of the field area, for the planning and construction of any engineering project.
2. Acclimatize with a variety of survey instruments.
3. Prepare detailed topographical map of the area that would be helpful in planning of engineering projects.
4. Estimate the volume of earthwork required and to plan the layout of engineering projects like roads,
canals, sewers, etc.
5. Recognize the importance of time management in achieving a targeted work
Topics Covered/List of Experiments Covered
1. Traversing by Theodolite and Tacheometer
2. Latitude and Departure
3. Plane Table Survey
4. Differential Levelling
5. Longitudinal and Cross-Sectioning
6. Contouring
7. Total Station Based Surveys
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Kanetkar, T. P., “Surveying and Levelling” Vol I and II, Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune, India.
2. Punmia, B. C., “Surveying vol I, II and III” Laxmi Publications, Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil EN101
CE389 Colloquium DC Theory 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering EZ291
Course Assessment Method
1. Minor Presentation (40%)
2. Major Presentation (60%)
Course Objective
1. To encourage the students to read, study and understand articles published in literature.
2. To help in presenting different topics of civil engineering and related subjects to supplement theoretical
knowledge gained in class.
3. To acquire good oral and written communication skills.
4. To promote the habit of life-long learning.
5. To prepare students develop adequate soft skills to be able to present their topic effectively to listeners.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Analyse and interpret about contemporary issues in civil engineering and allied areas through literature
2. Know about state of the art and relevance of the topic in national and international arena.
3. Demonstrate good oral and written communication skills.
4. Comprehend problems and accordingly speak and defend their topic.
5. Produce poster and power point presentations for effective communication amongst stakeholders.
Topics Covered
1. Any relevant topic related to civil engineering from within or beyond the syllabus
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Websites relevant to the field of study selected
Additional Learning Source
1. Paper presented in Journals of Civil Engineering

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE391 Mechanics DC None Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To introduce soil mechanics laboratory techniques to civil engineering undergraduate students.
2. To familiarize students with common geotechnical test methods, test standards and technology.
3. To understand, interpret and properly apply laboratory results obtained using standardized method for
construction of structures.
4. To understand the analytical techniques for understanding (a) Darcy’s law for permeability and seepage
(b) Stoke’s law for hydrometer analysis of particle size distribution of cohesive soils (c) Mohr-Coulomb’s
analysis for shear strength parameters of soils.
5. Enable students to prepare professional reports for design projects and data presentation skill and to use
computers and some computer graphics.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Classify the soils and predict its behavior in terms of mechanical properties i.e. strength, compressibility
and permeability.
2. Predict behavior of soil under field loading for safe design of structures over or under the soil.
3. Quantify the mechanical properties of soil based on standardized laboratory tests.
4. Analyse and Design a variety of geotechnical engineering structures including foundations, piles,
retaining walls, slopes and interpret data for different laboratory/field conditions.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Specific gravity of the soil by Density Bottle and Pycnometer methods.
2. Field density by Core Cutter method
3. Field density by Sand Replacement method
4. Liquid limit and plastic limit of soil by Casagrande Apparatus method
5. Liquid limit and plastic limit of soil by Cone Penetrometer test method
6. Shrinkage limit of soil by Mercury method
7. Grain size analysis of soil by Mechanical and Hydrometer methods
8. Permeability of the soil by Constant head method
9. Permeability of the soil by Falling head method
10. Standard Proctor’s compaction test.
11. Direct shear test for shear strength parameters of soil.
12. Triaxial shear test for shear strength parameters of soil.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Khan, M.A. and Ahmad, M.S. “Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual”, Aligarh Book Sellers and
Stationers, Aligarh, India.
2. Shamsher Prakash and Jain, P.K. “Engineering Soil Testing”, Nem Chand & Bros. Roorkee, India.
3. Braja M. Das, “Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual”, Oxford University Press, USA.
4. Alam Singh, “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice”, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Ranjan, G. and Rao, ASR. "Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics." New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi.
Additional Learning Source
1. Prakash and Jain, “Soil Testing”, Nem Chand & Bros. Roorkee, India.

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE392 Engineering DC CE 111R Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To learn the handling of different equipments related to water and wastewater analysis
2. To learn about the preparations of stock and standard solutions, their handling, storage, etc.
3. To understand the different experiments involved in water and wastewater analysis.
4. To learn more about the titration techniques of chemical analysis
5. To develop skills related to report writing.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Characterize water and wastewater samples
2. Predict the quality of treated water and wastewater samples
3. Evaluate the efficiencies of the water and wastewater treatment plants.
4. Make decisions regarding dosing of different chemicals involved in water treatment processes.
5. Select the appropriate technologies for wastewater treatment
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Determination of pH and Alkalinity of Water and Synthetic solution.
2. Determination of Hardness of Water sample and Water Softening experiment.
3. Determination of optimum Alum Dose by Jar Test Apparatus.
4. Determination of available Chlorine in Bleaching Powder
5. Determination of Residence time for PFTR
6. Determination of Oxygen Transfer Capacity of the Laboratory aeration system
7. Determination of BOD
8. Determination of COD
9. Determination of Sulphates
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Laboratory Manual of Environmental Engineering provided by the department
2. Chemistry for Environmental Engineers - Sawyer and McCarty Tata McGraw Hill Publications
3. Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, Mc Graw Hill, International Edition
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links related to Environmental Engineering and Environmental Engineering Lab

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil CE311
CE395 CAD Lab-I DC Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering CE315
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To introduce computer aided analysis and design of reinforced concrete and steel structures, using simple
examples of structural elements.
2. To understand interpretation of results obtained from software package.
4. To compare results obtained with computer aided analysis and design and manual methods of analysis
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand basics and commands of computer based design & analysis.
2. Better understand and compare the behavior of different structural member under gravity loads.
3. Prepare design reports interpret results obtained with computer aided analysis and design.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. To analyze and design reinforced concrete structural members like beams, slab, foundation, simple frame
and stair case etc. using computer aided analysis and design software(s).
2. Validation of results obtained with computer aided design software and conventional methods of analysis
and design.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Web link: bentley.institute@bentley.com
2. Examples on YouTube
3. Manual/Help provided with software packages
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: nptel and insdag

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil Hydraulics CE 213
CE396 DC Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering Lab CE292
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To study the law of resistance and estimate the pipe friction factor
2. To train the students to calibrate flow measuring instruments
3. To apply the concepts of viscous flow theory in the field of viscometer
4. To visualize various types of flow in pipe
5. To apply the concepts of normal and tangential acceleration in pipe bend for flow measurement
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Solve the laminar and turbulent pipe flow problems
2. Calibrate any flow measuring devices
3. Apply Stokes law in design of a settling tank
4. Apply the theory of laminar flow for development of viscometer
5. Apply the visualization technique in understanding of mechanics of flow
6. Utilize pipe bend as a meter for discharge measurement in a pipe
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. Flow through pipes
2. Flow through Venturimeter
3. Determination of viscosity by capillary tube viscometer
4. Determination of viscosity by falling sphere viscometer
5. Flow visualization using Reynolds apparatus
6. Flow through bend meter
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. V.L. Streeter, “Fluid Mechanics”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y, USA.
2. R.J. Garde “Fluid Mechanics” RPH, Roorkee.
3. A.K. Jain “Mechanics of fluids”, Khanna Publisher., Delhi.
Additional Learning Source
1. Shames , “Mechanics of fluids” Mc Graw-Hill (Int. St. ed.) Auckland, NZ.
2. Web links to e-learning: nptel

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
Civil CE213
CE397 Engineering DC Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering CE292
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To carry out tests on construction materials for their suitability and economic utilization.
2. To identify and classify the pavement materials into different groups according to their characteristics.
3. To make aware the students about the classification, suitability, strength and stability of pavement
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Monitor and maintain road pavements.
2. Develop insight for characterization of materials for highways and railways
3. Develop Job mix for various types of bituminous constructions such as WMM, SDBC, BC, DBM and BM
4. Develop technical skills for pavement and rail construction.
5. Prepare the testing reports related to highway engineering works.
6. Develop the understanding of various BIS, IRC and ISO standards and to design the highways in
conformity with these codes.
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
1. California bearing ratio test on sub grade soil sample.
2. Determination of hardness of stone by Los Angeles abrasion test.
3. Determination of toughness of stone by Impact test.
4. Specific gravity and water absorption of stone aggregate.
5. Flakiness and Elongation indices tests on stone aggregate.
6. Soundness test on stone aggregate.
7. Deval attrition test on stone aggregate.
8. Crushing strength test on stone aggregate.
9. Ductility test on bitumen.
10. Softening point test on bitumen.
11. Flash and Fire point test on bitumen.
12. Penetration needle test on bitumen.
13. Viscosity test on bitumen.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Ahmad, M.S. and Khan, M.A. “Laboratory Manual Transportation Engineering”, Aligarh Book Sellers
and Stationers, Aligarh, India.
2. Khanna, S.K. and Justo, C.E.G. “Highway Material Testing”, Nem Chand & Bros. Roorkee, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Khanna, S.K. and Justo, C.E.G. “Highway Material Testing”, Nem Chand & Bros. Roorkee, India.
Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
CE492 Structural Lab DC CE 315 Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. To learn where to load the unsymmetrical sections.
2. To learn how to find forces in different members of the truss.
3. To learn how to use compatibility equations & compare the deflections in perfect & redundant trusses.
4. To learn how to find modulus of elasticity for brittle materials.
5. To learn how a beam deflects in pure bending under one & two point loading.
6. To learn how to make use of non-destructive testing methods.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Load the unsymmetrical sections at proper locations to avoid shear stresses
2. Know different methods of finding forces in the members of a truss
3. Know that redundant trusses carry more loads in comparison to the perfect trusses
4. Plot stress strain diagram and find modulus of elasticity by offset method
5. Find deflections at different locations of the beam
6. Use PUNDIT and rebound hammer for finding compressive strength of concrete
Topics Covered/List of Experiments
Experiment No. 1: To determine the shear centre for unsymmetrical sections.
Experiment No. 2: Study of stress in pin jointed trusses.
Experiment No. 3: Verification of compatibility equation and comparison of deflections of a Perfect and
Redundant truss.
Experiment No. 4: Determination of modulus of elasticity of mild steel bar by simple tensile test.
Experiment No. 5: Load deflection test on simply supported MS I section under flexure.
Experiment No. 6: Assessment of strength of concrete cubes using non-destructive tests.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Lab manual provided by the department
Additional Learning Source
1. Basic Structural Analysis by C.S. Reddy
2. Mechanics of materials by B. C. Punmia
3. Structural Analysis (Vol.1 & 2) by Vazirani and Ratwani

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
CE - 213
Civil CAD Lab- CE - 219
CE493 DC Lab 2 0 1 2 3
Engineering II CE - 414
CE - 415
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. End Semester Examination (40%)
Course Objective
1. The objective of CE493 is to introduce the analysis and design of various hydraulic structures such as
dams, canal, canal falls, retaining walls, tunnels, sewerage system, septic tanks etc. based on computer
aided design software. The main focus of this course is to understand the computer aided analysis and
design of massive structures like dams, tunnels and water distribution system.
2. The student will be able to use the computer skills in the analysis and design dams, retaining walls,
foundation and water distribution system.
3. To understand the interpretation of results obtained by using computer aided analysis and design tools.4. To
get the knowledge and confident by comparing the results between manual and computer aided analysis
and design.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
4. Use computer aided design tools necessary for the analysis and design of many hydraulic structures,
tunnels, foundations and water distribution systems etc.
5. Interact with the field and design engineers with full of confident, strong background and knowledge of
analysis and design of dams, retaining walls, foundation and water distribution system.
6. Submit the design reports with better understanding of analysis and design.
Course Contents
1. To analyze and design of dams and canal falls using computer aided design software.
2. To analyze and design of tunnels, retaining wall and foundations using computer aided design software.
3. To analyze and design of water distribution system using computer aided design software.
4. To analyze and design of flexible and rigid pavements.
Additional Learning Source
Web links to e-learning
Text Books and or Reference Materials
1. Softwares such as ANSIS ( FLUENT), MIKE-11
2. Examples of You –Tube
3. Few books on Hydraulic structures, Irrigation Engg., Soil Mechanics and Environmental Engg.

Contact Total
Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Course No. Hours Contact
Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
All Core
CE494A/B Project A/B DC Civil Engg. Lab. 4 1 2 0 3
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60%)
2. External Viva-Voce (40%)
Course Objective
1. To develop basic understanding of Civil Engineering projects and to simulate and solve them using relevant
2. To train students to handle real-life Civil Engineering projects.
3. To teach students how to analyze the factors governing problems to work out sustainable and economical
4. To impart adequate training and build confidence in students to handle field projects.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concept of planning and design of different Civil Engineering structures.
2. Understand the drawings of Civil Engineering works.
3. Recognize and be able to apply fundamental principles to check the stability of Civil Engineering structures.
4. Build the necessary theoretical background for the design, drawing, estimating and cost analysis.
5. Understand the performance of Civil Engineering structures under anticipated load conditions such as water,
wind, earthquake etc.
6. Develop the understanding of various design codes.
7. Write comprehensive technical report.
Topics Covered
1. Structural design of multistoried buildings like shopping malls, hospitals, residential and commercial
2. Design of tall towers and chimneys.
3. Design of different types of bridges.
4. Design of massive hydraulic structures like dam on excel sheet.
5. Design of cross drainage works.
6. Rain water harvesting.
7. Rainfall-runoff study of Indian catchment.
8. Design of water distribution system.
9. Design for wastewater disposal system.
10. Design of oxidation ponds, septic tank etc.
11. Design for treatment plants for effluents from different industries.
12. Design of tunnels, retaining walls, footings etc.
13. Design of flexible and rigid pavements.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Books related to core Civil Engineering.
2. Handbooks and Design Manuals of different areas.
3. Different design codes.
4. Comprehensive documents from design industries.
Additional Learning Source
Journals related to Civil Engineering.
Departmental Electives Courses

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Concrete
CE421 DE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Technology
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To understand the properties of concrete ingredients i.e. cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water by
studying and conducting different tests.
2. To learn mix design procedure as per standard codes.
3. To understand the factors affecting the properties of fresh and hardened concrete and new forms of
4. To learn the application of admixtures in order to improve the properties of concrete.
5. Infer the test results as per relevant IS provisions.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Know the materials and methods used to make concrete, including their sources, production and
2. Explain the properties of fresh and hardened concrete.
3. Design normal concrete mixes and apply statistical quality control techniques to concrete quality.
4. Identify, describe and chose suitable form of concretefor a particular use at site.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Constituent materials of Concrete; Types, Properties and Tests as per Code,
Concrete; Production, Properties, tests and Quality Control, Introduction to Non-destructive Tests.
Unit 2 Concrete Mix Design; Concepts, Methods , Sample problems using IS code method
Characteristic and Target strengths, Sampling and acceptance criteria
Equipments and methods for mixing, compaction , curing
Unit 3 Admixtures and construction chemicals; Types, method of mixing, Effect on different properties of
concrete, Behaviour of Concrete in Extreme Climate: Permeability & Durability, Effect of
Temperature, Saline Environment, Sulphate & Acid Attack, Corrosion and Fire Resistance.
Unit 4 Special forms of Concrete: Ferrocement, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Polymer Concrete, Light Weight
Concrete, High Density Concrete etc., Gunite and shortcreting.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Neville, A.M., “Properties of Concrete”, Longman, India
2. Neville, A.M. and & Brooks J.J. “Concrete Technology”, Longman, India
3. Shetty, M.S., “Concrete Technology”, SCC Ltd., New Delhi
4. I.S: 456-2000- Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
5. S.P.:16- Design aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS:456-2000
6. S.P.:23- Handbook on Concrete Mixes
Additional Learning Source
1. Gambhir, M.L., “Concrete Technology”, TMH, New Delhi, India
2. Web links to concrete technology, Nptel etc.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Ecology and
CE422 DE CE111R Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Environment
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To understand how individuals interact with members of their own species and with organisms of another
2. To explain how populations of a species grow, change and are distributed across the range of their suitable
3. To appreciate how communities of species are assembled and how they interact on an ecosystem level,
across short and geological time-scales
4. To demonstrate that understanding biological and ecological principles can be used to solve real-world
problems that we are facing
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. To apply the underlying theory and basic principles of ecology learned throughout the course to
understand the changes that are occurring as a result of human activity
2. Understand fundamental concepts of ecology.
3. Identify components of ecosystems and their interrelationships
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Principles of ecology, Food chain, Trophic levels, Ecosystems
Unit 2 Biochemistry of natural compounds, Classification of microorganisms, Growth pattern of
Microorganisms, Biochemical Reactions
Unit 3 Microbiology of aerobic and anaerobic processes, Biochemical pathways, Metabolism, Energy
Concepts, Pathogenic diseases,
Unit 4 Basic microbiology of water air and soil, Application of microbiology for pollution control,
Laboratory Practice.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Edward Kormondy, Concepts of Ecology, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall Publishing
2. Eugen Odum, Fundamentals of Ecology, 5th Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishers
3. Edward Rubin, Introduction to Engineering and Environment, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2001.
4. Ralph Mitchell, Environmental Microbiology, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2009.
Additional Learning Source
Weblinks to e-learning-nptel

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Traffic
CE423 DE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To introduce students with the responsibilities and ethics of traffic engineering profession.
2. To familiarize students with the basic mathematical models employed for trip forecasting and
transportation planning and level of service.
3. To expose students with the design of various traffic engineering components, like traffic signs and
signals, and control devices, parking, highway lightings, etc.
4. To introduce students with various traffic studies, their importance, procedures, data collection, and
5. To explain established standards and engineering procedures for the design of intersections on the basis of
data obtained from traffic studies.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the transportation planning process and develop basic transportation forecast models.
2. Execute traffic studies, analyze and interpret the obtained data, and understand their application
3. Design various transportation facilities including traffic signs, signals, other control devices, traffic
islands, road markings, highway lightings, and parking
4. Understand the type of intersection to be provided on a given road junction and design it on the basic of
data obtained from traffic studies
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Traffic and Transportation Planning: Object, scope and function of traffic engineering. Traffic and
transportation planning process – inventories, trip generation, trip distribution, traffic assignment, plan
preparation and evaluation, the traffic problems.
Unit 2 Traffic Characteristics: Road user and vehicular characteristics. Traffic flow characteristics, traffic
volume, Origin & Destination study, speed and delay study. Accident studies and safety, methods for
the reduction in accident rates. Environmental effects on highway traffic noise and pollution.
Unit 3 Traffic Facilities Design: Design of intersections – principles of intersection design, rotary
intersections, grade separated intersections, grade separation structures. Design of parking facility.
Highway lighting, design of highway lighting system.
Unit 4 Traffic Signals and Vehicle Safety: Traffic regulations, controls on vehicles, drivers and flow, one
way street, basics of traffic control devices, traffic signs. Traffic signals and their design. Traffic
islands and markings.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Matson, T.M., Smith, W.S. and Hurd, F.W., “Traffic Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, NY, U.S.A.
2. Salter, R.J. “Highway Traffic Analysis and Design”. The Macmillan Press Ltd., London, UK.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G. Justo, “Highway Engineering”. Nemi Chand and Bros., Roorkee
4. Subhash C. Saxsena, “A course in Traffic Planning and design”, Dhanpat Rai Sons, Delhi, India.
5. Louis J. Pignatro, “Traffic Engineering Theory and Practice” Printice- Hall, New Jersey, USA.
Additional Learning Source
Web links to Traffic Engineering, Nptel etc.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Ground Hydrology,
CE424 Water DE Irrigation Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The main aim of this course is to get insight of the ground water resources, the fundamental principle of the
ground water flow, well hydraulics, ground water exploration, and pumping test etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
Know the availability of water, water profile and characteristics of aquifers, Mechanism of flow in the
aquifers, well hydraulics and ground water exploration.
Topics Covered
Unit 1: Ground water Resources, Occurrence of Ground Water, Flow of Water through porous Media,
Aquifer properties, Flow net.
Unit 2: Ground water flow problems. Steady flow in unconfined Aquifer with recharge. Steady flow in
confined Aquifers of constant and variable thickness, Tile Drain Problem.
Unit 3: Well Hydraulics. Steady Radial Flow into well, Partial Penetrated well, Spacing of wells, well losses.
Design of water wells, Methods of well construction.
Unit 4: Ground water Exploration, Pumping Test. Introduction to Unsteady flow into wells. Flow through
leaky aquifers.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Bauwe, H., “Ground water Hydrology”
2.Chow V. T., “Hand Book of Applied Hydrology”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., USA.
3. K.C. Patra, “Hydrology and water process Engg.”
4.G.L. Asawa, “Irrigation Engg” , New Age, New Delhi, India.
5.M.C. Graq, “Ground water Resoucess Evaluation” McGraw-Hill, N.Y., USA 1970
6.Todd D.K., “Ground water Hydrology”, John Wilay and Sons, N.Y.,USA.
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course materials from different IITs.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Advanced
CE425 DE CE 219 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Hydrology
Course Assessment Method
4. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
5. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
6. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
This is the second course of the hydrology at the undergraduate level. It covers the interaction between
meteorology and precipitation, intensity – duration frequency analysis, flood estimation and flood routing,
Statistical methods in the hydrologic analysis and design and some advanced topic in hydrograph analysis
have also been covered.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge in estimation of discharge for designing a drain, culvert etc.
2. Apply statistical knowledge in modeling of random process
3. Estimate the flood discharge for planning and management of water resources projects
4. Apply the flood routing techniques in designing river protection works and implementing the various
types of flood control measures
5. Apply the various concepts of hydrograph in the watershed management
Topics Covered
Unit 1: Water availability, Meteorology, Probable maximum precipitation, Depth area duration relationships,
Frequency of point rainfall, Intensity Duration frequency relationship.
Unit 2: Flood estimation and flood routing: General, Design flood, estimation for ungauged and gauged
water sheds, probable maximum flood, Routing classification, Reservoir routing, Hydrological
Channel routing.
Unit 3 Statistics in Hydrology: General probability distributions, Moments of distribution, Distribution
characteristics, Forms of Probability distributions, frequency Analysis, Reliability of Statistical
analysis, fitting of a Probability distribution.
Unit 4 Unit Hydrograph, Unit Hydrograph for ungauged water sheds, Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph,
Bernard’s distribution graph.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. K.C. Patra, “Hydrology Water Resources Engineering.”
2. P. J. Reddy, “A Text Book of Hydrology”
3. K. Subramanya, “Engineering Hydrology” TMH, New Delhi, India.
4. S. N. Davis and R. J. M. Deisiest, “Hydrology”, Mc. Graw-Hill, N.Y.,USA.
5. D. K Tood, “Ground Water Hydrology”, John Wily, N.Y., USA.
Additional Learning Source
NPTEL course materials from different IITs.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Engineering
CE427 DE CE215 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering of Rocks and
Rock Mass
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
Geo-engineering of Rocks and Rock Mass, has been designed to give emphasis more on the engineering aspect
as compared to geology and to act as the bridge course for the students offered M. Tech. by different IITs on
“Underground Construction” or “Rock Mechanics”. It will help in developing:
1. Concepts of rock mass properties governed by deformation of rocks and development of discontinuity
2. Insight to presence of in-situ and forced stresses in rock mass, their measurement will be able to solve
engineering problems.
3. Safe excavation techniques for construction of underground structures.
4. Knowledge of ground improvement techniques with special reference to rock mass.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand geotechnical properties of rocks within the framework of fundamental concepts of basic
sciences and with emphasis on their practical utility in civil engineering.
2. Learn about various natural inherent weaknesses in rocks and rock masses, their quantification and its use
in designing.
3. Justify importance of residual stresses in rock mass and to model the redistribution of stresses during
loading and unloading.
4. Model physical and mechanical properties of rocks and rock mass through quantification.
5. Identify and predict future behavior of founding ground and accordingly build necessary database for
design and construction.
6. Interact with stakeholders in mega construction project and to be aware of more advanced techniques and
state of the art technology available for unusual problems.
7. Recognize the importance of good written communication skills, and know how to write professional,
clear, concise technical reports and letters to clients and colleagues.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Rocks and its Physical Properties: Genetic and mineralogical classification of rocks, Mode of
occurrence, form, and structure of rocks, Rock textures, grain size parameters and petrological fabric
of rocks, Effect of physical, chemical weathering and deterioration of rocks
Unit 2 Natural Forces and Deformation of Rocks: Genesis of natural forces and theory of plate tectonics,
Mechanics, classification and effects of folding, faulting and joints. Shear zones, rock cleavage and
discontinuities in rocks and rock mass fabric
Unit 3 Mechanical Properties of Rocks and Tests: Factors controlling the mechanical properties of rocks
Density, porosity, sorption and permeability of rocks, Elasticity, compressive, shear and tensile
strength of rocks, Engineering performance of rocks
Unit 4 Methods of Rock Mass Investigation and Improvement: Interstitial water and seepage flow in rock
mass, Residual stresses, In-situ tests for deformability and strength of rock mass, Geomechanical
classification and geotechnical description of rock mass, Rock mass problems in slopes, excavations
and underground openings, Rock mass improvement, grouting, guniting and rock bolting , Geological
mapping and engineering geology maps, Exploration pits, trenches, drifts and drilling
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. P. D. Krynine and W. R. Judd, (2000), Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, CBS Pubs.
New Delhi.
2. F. G. Bell, (2000), Fundamentals of Engineering Geology, Aditya Pubs. Delhi
3. T. Ramamurthy ( 2014), Engineering in Rocks for Slopes, Foundation and Tunnels. PHI Publiccations
4. M. P. Billings (2002), Structural Geology, PHI Pubs. New Delhi.
5. B. Singh and R. K. Goel (2000), Rock Mass Classification for Civil Engg., Elsevier, Amsterdam.
6. B. P. Verma, (2000), Rock Mechanics for Engineers, Khanna Pubs. New Delhi.
7. M. Masroor Alam (2013), Fundamental of Engineering Geology and Geo-engineering, Axioe books, India
8. IS : 2386, Part I to VIII. (1963), IS : 7422, Part I to V (1974), BIS, Govt. of India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Websites related to Mega Engineering Projects

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Dam CE 219
CE428 DE Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering CE 415
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The course emphasizes on the basic design principle of the gravity dam, earthen dam, arch and buttress dam,
spillways and energy dissipaters etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of dam engineering, its necessity and importance.
2. Apply the knowledge in selecting a suitable materials, site and a suitable dam for the given site conditions.
3. Understand the significance of various forces acting on gravity dams.
4. Estimate forces acting on dams under various design conditions and earthquake zones.
5. Design the economical section for a gravity dam corresponding to a given full reservoir level.
6. Create the necessary theoretical background for design of water resources projects.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Types of Dam, merits and demerits, dam site selection, selection of dam, Forces acting on gravity
Dam, Methods of analysis of gravity Dam, Modes of failure and stability requirements, Design criteria
and factor of safety.
Unit 2 Elementary profile of a gravity dam, Low and high gravity dams, Zoning of dams, Galleries in dams,
Temperature control in mass concrete; gravity dams subjected to earthquakes.
Unit 3 Buttress and Arch dams, Types, selection, merits and demerits, Elementary design Principles of Arch
and Buttress dams
Unit 4:Earth Dam their component and functions, causes of failure. Factors influencing the design of an earth
dam. Design criteria for Earth Dam. Elementary idea of design for spillway and energy dissipaters.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. R.S. Varshney “Concrete Dams”, by 1982, NCB, Roorkee
2. IS: 6512-1984, Is Code for criteria for Design of solid Gravity Dams.
3. Design of Swell Dams, USBR 1960, Calcutta, Oxford and IBH
4. W.P. Creager, J. Justin,.Daud Hinds, “Engineering for Dams” vol.I-III, Wiley, N.Y., USA.
Additional Learning Source
NPTEL course materials from different IITs.
Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil CE 111R
CE429 Pollution DE Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering CE 313
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To teach essential principles used in industrial pollution abatement.
2. To impart fundamental training and knowledge about the science & engineering of the industrial pollution
3. To develop basic understanding about the pollution types, its effects on the environment & human health,
and their control measures.
4. To give students an in-depth importance and understanding of the severity of the industrial pollution and
processes involved in the treatment of wastewater, and control of air pollution.
5. To train the students to present a case of any industry and its environmental management programme to
build a direct transition in between the theory and practical.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. analyze the characteristics of industrial wastewaters and the effects of disposal of industrial wastes
2. identify and design treatment options for handling industrial wastewater
3. understand different types of wastes generated in an industry,
4. understand the different unit operations and unit processes involved in treatment
5. understand the atmospheric dispersion of air pollutants, and operating principles, design calculations of
particulate control devices
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Characterization of liquid waste survey, sampling and material balance, segregation and equalization;
Disposal of waste in environmental, effects on land receiving waters, standards.
Unit 2 Overview of wastewater treatment, Wastewater reclamation and reuse in industry, Pollution abatement
in major industries: Textile, paper and Pulp, Steel, Sugar, Distillery, Petroleum Refinery.
Unit 3 Sources and generation of gaseous pollutants, Effects on materials, health and plants, Air quality
monitoring. Dispersion of air pollutants
Unit 4 Air pollution control, methods for removal of particulates and gaseous pollutants, design principles.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. S.P.Mahajan, ‘‘Pollution Control in Industries’’, McGraw Hill Co.
2. Eckenfelder, W.W, Industrial Water Pollution Control, Mc Graw Hill 2004.
3. Rao & Dutta, ‘Industrial Wastewater Treatment’, Oxford & IBH Publishers.
4. Rao, M.N. and Rao H.V.N, Air Pollution, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi 1993.
Additional Learning Source
1. Wark & Warner, ‘Air Pollution –Its Origin and control’ Harper and Collins, New York 1991.
2. Rao, C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International Publishers, 2005.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
CE431 Analysis of DE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
4. Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
5. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
6. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To understand the use of mathematical tools for quantifying uncertainties using theories of probability,
random variables and random processes.
2. To develop the theory of methods of structural reliability based on concept of reliability indices. This
includes FORM and SORM.
3. To introduce methods of reliability analysis such as FORM, SORM, Rackwitz-Fiessler transformation
method (R-F method) and Hasofer-Lind transformation method.
4. To develop Probability-based models of loads and resistance.
5. To provide the necessary background to carry out reliability analysis of Civil Engineering structures.
Course Outcomes
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand use of general concepts of statistics for probabilistic analysis.
2. Understand the basic concepts related to reliability analysis of structures.
3. Understand the concept involved in the development of Probability-based models.
4. Analyze and design the Civil Engineering structures for various reliability indices.
5. Undertake the research in the area of Structural Reliability
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Role of reliability in civil engineering; Historical background, random events, random variables,
model uncertainty; Common probabilistic models; Important statistical parameters and their
estimations, normal, lognormal, extreme value distribution.
Unit 2 Fundamental concept of structural reliability; Derivation of stress-strength interface equation,
graphical representation, Cornel reliability index, reliability and failure probability computations for
simple linear functions.
Unit 3 Second moment concepts, First order second moment theory, Hasofer-Lind transformation, Linear
and non-linear limit state functions, Solution schemes, geometric interpretation of solution scheme,
Rackwitz-Fiessler transformation, First order reliability method
Unit 4 Stochastic models for material strength and loads, Reliability assessment of structural component and
simple civil engineering structures.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Ranganathan, R., Reliability Analysis and Design of Structures, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1990.
2. C (Raj) Sundararajan, 1995, Probabilistic structural mechanics handbook, Chapman and Hall, NY.
3. Y K Lin, 1967, Probabilistic theory of structural dynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York.
4. Haldar, A., and Mahadevan, S. (2000). Probability, reliability and statistical methods in engineering
design. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
5. J R Benjamin and C A Cornell, 1970, Probability, statistics and decisions for civil engineers, John Wiley,
New York
Additional Learning Source
NPTEL course materials from different IITs.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Water Power CE 213
CE432 DE Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering CE 219
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The main aim of this course is to provide the basic concepts of water power engineering such as power
potential of streams, firm power and secondary power, intake structures, turbines, surge tanks, hydropower
plants, water hammer analysis etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Gain knowledge regarding the various sources of energy available in nature and technology to harness
them especially hydropower.
2. Generate basic database about river morphology, discharge, flow velocity, pondage, storage, minimum
flow, river ecology and related environmental issues prior to planning and construction of hydroelectric
3. Learn about planning, designing of various types of hydroelectric schemes, their efficiency, plant, load
and utilization factors.
4. Select location and function of various components of hydroelectric schemes such as intake, penstock,
surge tank, draft tube, etc.
5. Distinguish the turbo-machines such as turbines, pumps and their selection based on type, speed and
setting vis-à-vis problem of water hammer and cavitations phenomena.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Introduction, sources of energy, water power development, power requirements, load studies, power
available, power potential of stream, storage and pondage studies.
Unit 2 Hydro-power plants, classification, elements, Firm and secondary powers, load factor, utilization
factor, plant factor.
Unit 3 Intakes, tunnel, penstocks and draft tubes, Water hammer analysis, surge tanks, classification,
working principle.
Unit 4 Turbines, main features, performance, selection, capacity, salient features.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Dandekar and Sharma, “Hydro Power Engineering”
2. Varshney, “Hydro Power Structures” NCB, Roorkee, India.
Additional Learning Source
NPTEL course materials from different IITs.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
CE433 Highway DE CE 317 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The objective of this module is to understand the process of collecting information necessary for successful
design of flexible and rigid pavements, including traffic data, material properties and other environmental
factors. Some other objectives are as follows:
1. Pavement design based on empirical and mechanistic relations between materials, geometry and
2. Analysis and construction of hilly roads.
3. Design of surface drainage system.
4. Construction and maintenance of roads.
5. Design of overlays, use of Benkelman beam deflection method for flexible overlays.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concepts of mathematics and hydraulics to the design of highway drainage.
2. Apply condition monitoring and maintenance of road pavements.
3. Conduct field testing for design of overlays especially in case of bituminous constructions.
4. Develop technical skills for maintenance of flexible and rigid pavements.
5. Understand the basic concepts of geometric design of highways by applying fundamental concepts of
mathematics and laws of mechanics.
6. Recognize the importance of good written communication skills, and know how to write professional,
clear, concise technical reports and letters to clients and colleagues.
7. Develop the understanding of various BIS, IRC and ISO standards and to design the highways in
conformity with these codes.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Pavement Design: Design wheel loads, Modified Westergaard’s analysis. IRC: 37 methods for flexible
pavement design. Evaluation of temperature, warping and frictional stresses. Design of joints, dowel
and tie bars in cement concrete pavements. IRC: 58 methods for design of rigid pavements.
Unit 2 Hill Roads: General considerations, classification of hill roads, alignment and geometrics of hill roads.
Design and construction of hill roads.
Unit 3 Highway Drainage: Importance, significance and requirement of highway drainage system. Surface
and sub-surface drainage, construction of roads in water logged areas. Drainage of slopes and erosion
Unit 4 Highway Maintenance: Causes and types of pavement failure, maintenance of flexible and rigid
pavements. Strengthening of existing pavement - objects, types and design of overlay by Benkelman
beam deflection technique.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. G. V. Rao, “Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering”, Tata Mc Graw- Hill, New Delhi,
2. S. K. Khanna and Justo, C. E. G., “Highway Engineering”, Nemi Chand & Brothers, Roorkee, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. Open courseware related to traffic and transportation engineering

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Bridge CE 311
CE434 DE Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering CE 395
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To introduce different types of highway and railway bridges, Types and materials used
2. Introduction to different types of loads standardized by Indian Road Congress (IRC) and Indian Railway
Standard Code of Practice for Bridges.
3. To learn selecting a specific type of concrete/steel bridge to be constructed at a particular location
4. Understand different methods of analyses and their application for designing concrete bridges and steel
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Relate different design philosophies of the highway and railway bridges.
2. Understand the structural behaviour of different components of a reinforced concrete and steel bridge.
3. Analyze and design different components of a highway and railway bridge, to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economy, environment friendly, safety, viable construction and its
sustainability under loads as per Indian Road Congress (IRC) and Indian Railway Standard Code of
Practice for Bridges respectively and submit the designs in complete and concise manner.
4. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools and softwares necessary for design and detailing.
5. Analyze and interpret the results using analytical tools and further plan, design and detail different bridges
using relevant and upcoming BIS standards.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 General; classification, site selection, Geometric and hydraulic design consideration, loading
standards for highway and railway bridges, general design consideration
Unit 2 Concrete bridges; Introduction, T-beam bridge, balanced cantilever bridge, cable stayed bridge,
arch bridge.
Unit 3 Steel bridges Introduction, plate girder bridge , truss bridge, suspension cable bridge, cable stayed
Unit 4 Substructure; design of piers and abutments, Pile and well foundation, Bearings, Seismic design

Text Books and/or Reference Materials

1. Victor “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford, New Delhi, India
2. Arya &Ajmani “Design of Steel Structures”, Nem Chand, Roorkee, India
3. Punnuswamy “Bridge Engineering” Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, India
4. Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges
a. Section I, General Features of Design , IRC:5-2000
b. Section II, Loads and Stresses, IRC:6-2000
c. Section III, Cement Concrete (Plain and Reinforced Concrete), IRC:21-2000
d. Section VII, Bearings, IRC:83-1987,1999 and 2002
e. Section IX, Foundations and Substructure, IRC:78-2000
f. Section VII, Steel Road Bridges, IRC:24-2001
5. Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Railway Bridges
a. Indian railway Standard Code of Practice for the Design of Steel or Wrought Iron Bridges carrying
Rail, Road or Pedestrian Traffic, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Railways, 1962
b. Indian railway Standard Code of Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction, Govt. Of India,
Ministry of Railways, 1962
6. I.S: 875-1987 Part 1 and 12 - Code of Practice for Design loads for Buildings and Structures, BIS, New
Delhi, India
7. I.S: 1893 2002- Indian Standard Code of Practice for Structural Safety of Structures, BIS, New Delhi,
8. S.P.:34- Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing, BIS, New Delhi, India
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course materials from different IITs.
2. Study through Journal Papers

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Design of channel
CE435 Energy DE flow, Dam Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Dissipaters Engineering

Course Assessment Method

1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to provide basic concepts of various types of Energy dissipating devices and their
functions, Stilling basins, High pressure gates and Valves, Erosion process below hydraulic structures, modal
testing and similitude.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to design and select an
appropriate type of energy dissipating device, stilling basin for a particular hydraulic structure. The students
will also be able to know about the functioning of outlets , gates and valves , soil erosion below structures as
well as the performance of prototype after carrying out modal test.

Topics Covered
Unit 1 Functions of Energy dissipaters, Diversion Structures, Drop structures. Energy Dissipation through
hydraulic jump in rectangular and non rectangular Channels. Bucket type Energy dissipaters.
Unit 2 Hydraulic jump type stilling Basins, Its applications, stilling Basin Appurtenances.
Unit 3 Stilling Basins for small outlet works, low and High spillways. Stilling Basins for large outlet works.
Unit 4 Outlet works control mechanisms. High pressure gates, Valves,. Erosion below dams, Model Tests
and Hydraulic similitude.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. W.H Graf, “Hydaulics of Sediment Transport”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y.,USA.
2. R.G. Grarde and Ranga Raju, “Mechanies of Sediment Transport”, Wiley, New.Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course materials from different IITs.
2. Published reports on various hydraulic structures like Energy dissipating devices
3. Other reputed journals
Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Sediment CE219
CE436 DE Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Transport CE415
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to provide basic concepts of sediment transport such as sediment properties, initiation
of sediment motion, flow regime, sediment load assessment and river models etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
Know about the sediment and its mode of transport in canals and rivers. They may know about different types of
sediment load and their estimations by various approaches which may be helpful in the design of canals,
desilting chambers of hydro power houses etc. The model laws governing Froude and Reynolds law will be use
full in appropriate analysis of sediment load in actual prototypes.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Introduction: Properties of sediment, Settling Velocity of particles, Effect of particles on the viscosity.
Unit 2 Scour Criteria and Related Problems. Critical Velocity equations Critical Shear- stress equations. Lift
force Mechanism.
Unit 3 Introduction, Bed Load equations, Schoklitch type equations, Einstein’s Bed load equation, Suspended
load, Total load.
Unit 4 Bed Form Mechanism, Sediment Measuring Devices, Model Laws
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. W.H Graf, “Hydaulics of Sediment Transport”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y.,USA.
2. R.G. Grarde and Ranga Raju, “Mechanies of Sediment Transport”, Wiley, New.Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course materials from different IITs.
2. Published reports on various Model testing
3. Other reputed journals

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Pre-stressed CE 311
CE437 DE Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Concrete CE 411
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To introduce students to the fundamental principles about the structural behaviour and design criteria of
prestressed concrete Structures as per the codal provisions.
2. To present the fundamental mechanics to define the internal forces and to review the current technology
available to prestressed concrete structures and to derive the formulae to estimate the initial and time-
dependent losses.
3. To present the serviceability limit states critical for the design of conventional prestressed concrete
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Obtain the internal forces due to the prestressing in a prestressed concrete structure, being able to identify
the primary and secondary components of the total internal forces
2. Evaluate the initial and time-dependent losses
3. Propose an appropriate system to prestress a particular structure
4. Design the prestressing layout and the prestressing force that fulfils the relevant limit states
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Pre-stressed concrete, basic concept; pre-stressing material and pre-stressing systems; losses of pre-
stress, end anchorage and cable layouts.
Unit 2 Analysis and design of pre-stressed concrete flexure members, simply supported beam and slabs.
Unit 3 Analysis and design for shear, bond and bearing. Analysis and design of pre-stressed concrete
continuous beams.
Unit 4 Analysis and design of pre-stressed concrete compression and tension members.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. N. Krishna Raju “Pre-Stressed Concrete” McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. S. Ramamrutham and R. Narayan, Prestressed Concrete, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co., New Delhi.
3. P. Dayaratnam, Prestressed Concrete Structures, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. I.S.:1343-2012 Code of Practice for Pre-Stressed Concrete, BIS, New Delhi, India
Additional Learning Source
1. T. Y. Lin Design of prestressed concrete structures, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1995.
2. S. K. Mallic and A. P. Gupta, Prestressed concrete, Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 1997.
3. N. Rajagopalan, “Prestressed Concrete”, Alpha Science, 2002.
4. G. S. Ramaswamy, Modern prestressed concrete design, Arnold Heinimen, New Delhi, 1990.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
CE438 Structural DE CE 430 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
4. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
5. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
6. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an understanding of theory and application of the various advanced methods of stress analysis
in engineering materials and structural elements.
2. To understand the analytical and experimental stress analysis techniques.
3. To understand finite element method and its application for computer based analysis of structure.
4. To equip students with finite element analysis fundamentals and formulate the design problems.
5. To develop the skill to apply the concept of finite element method to the common civil engineering
6. To enable students to perform engineering simulation using FEM software ANSYS.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concept of mathematics, statics and mechanics to understand the essentials of the
advanced method of stress analysis.
2. Understand the structural actions viz. stress and strains, especially in various structural components under
various types of loadings.
3. Generate mathematical expressions involving all possible structural actions and applying the same for
various laboratory/field situations.
4. Identify and formulate mathematical models for solution of simple and common engineering problems
into finite element.
5. Solve structural, impact, crash problems and fluid structure interaction problems.
6. Appreciate the importance of ethical issues pertaining to the effective utilization of FEA.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Principles of dynamics: Formulation of equations of motion by different methods, single degree of
freedom systems, free and forced response, effect of damping.
Elasticity: Introduction, Components of strain and strain, Hooke’s law, Plane stress and plane strain,
Equations of equilibrium and compatibility, Boundary conditions, Two dimensional problems in
rectangular and polar coordinates, Bending of simple and cantilever beams.
Unit 2 Formulation of structure property matrices, Eigen values problems, Modes shapes and
orthonormality of modes, Approximate methods of extraction of eigen values, idealization of
structures to mathematical models, examples of wind, earthquake and impact.
Model Analysis: Structural similitude, Direct and indirect model analysis, Model material and model
making, Measurement for forces and deformations
Unit 3 Introduction to Finite element method for structural analysis; Review of principle of virtual work, Ritz
method, Discretization of domain, Basic element shape, Discretization process
Unit 4 Application of finite element method to one and two- dimensional plane stress strain elements.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of structures, Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering. Pearson
Education, 2004.
2. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Prentice Hall of
India, 2006.
3. S.L. Kramer, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Pearson Education, 2004.
4. Mario Paz, International Handbook of Earthquake Engineering: Codes, Programs, and Examples,
Springer Verlag, 1995.
5. Zienkwicz, O.C., “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, McGraw Hill, London, U.K.
6. Krishnamoorthy, E. V., “Finite Element Analysis and programming” TMH, London, U.K.
7. Tripathi, R., Chandrupatla, A. and Belegundu, D., “Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering”,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. www.mece.ualberta.ca/tutorials/ansys/
2. www.colorado.edu/engineering/cas/courses.d/IFEM.d/

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Industrial
CE439 DE CE318 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Structures
Course Assessment Method
4. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
5. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
6. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
This course deals with some of the special aspects with respect to Civil Engineering Structures in industries.
The main objectives are:
To study the requirements of Industrial structures
To carry out planning of Industrial structures.
To design Industrial structures
Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to plan industrial structures for functional requirements.
They will be able to design Bunkers, Silos and other industrial structures.
Topics Covered
Classification of Industries and Industrial structures, General requirements for industries like cement,
chemical and steel plants. Planning and layout of buildings and components.
Lighting and Ventilation, Accounts, Fire safety, Guidelines from factories act.
Design of single and multi bay industrial structures
Design of Silos and bunkers.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Reinforced Concrete Structural elements by P. Purushothaman
2. Design of Steel Structure by PasalaDayaratnam
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design by N. Krishna Raju (CBS Publishers & Distributors).
4. Design of Steel Structures by Arya&Ajmani.
5. Design of Steel Structures by S. K. Duggal.

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Advance CE316
CE440 Hydraulics DE CE414 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Structures CE415
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
This course covers the advanced topics of hydraulic structures and their detailed design.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. The basic knowledge about the various types of hydraulic structures such as weirs, barrage, anicut,
spillways and their functions
2. Student may learn about the planning, designing and construction of various types hydraulic structures
such as canal drops, cross drainage works and sediment control devices etc..
Topics Covered
Unit 1: Introduction: Minor Irrigation Projects, crops and crop seasons, Canal Irrigation, Canal outlets, Canal
Regulation, Design of retaining walls.
Unit 2: Design of Canal falls, Design of distributaries’ head Regulator and Cross Regulator, Canal Escapes
Design of Intakes and Canal Drop.
Unit 3: Design of Cross- Drainage structures, uplift pressure under weir, protection works.
Unit 4: Sediment Control Devices.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. C. S. Murty, “Design of Minor Irrigation and Canal Structures”
2. Baban, “Design of Diversion Weirs”
3. G. L. Asawa “Irrigation Engineering”
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course materials from different IITs.
2. Published reports on various hydraulic structures like Cross-drainage works, regulation works, sediment
controlling measures
3. Other reputed journals

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE441 Foundation DE CE 413 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
4. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
5. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
6. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To develop an understanding of theory and application of the various advanced methods of bearing
capacity analysis.
2. To understand the analytical procedure related to the analysis of foundation design in cohesive and non-
cohesive soils by Hensen’s, Vesic’s bearing capacity theory, Terzaghi’s analysis and IRC-21 method.
3. To develop the skill to deals with the problems of single and multi-bulbs under reamed piles in expansive
soils and their analysis techniques.
4. To enable students prepare professional reports for design projects and data presentation skill and to use
computers and some computer graphics.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concept of mathematics, statics and mechanics to understand the essentials of the
methods of load carrying capacity of under-reamed piles and well foundations.
2. Generate mathematical expressions for design of various foundations and applying the same for different
laboratory/field conditions.
3. Use the techniques and advanced engineering tools necessary for sinking of wells especially in case of
bridges subjected to vertical and lateral loadings.
4. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems and to effectively use and apply the computer skill for
pile foundation analysis techniques such as cast in-situ, bored and pile load test methods to the field
5. Design components of under-reamed and well foundations to meet desired needs within the manageable
and realistic constraints such as economy, environment friendly, safety, viable construction and its
sustainability as per the codal provisions.
6. Estimate and apply soil-structure interaction, time-rate of foundation settlement concepts and identify
appropriate deep foundation type for different soil profiles, types including expansive soils.
7. Evaluate pile capacity in the field using load tests, pile driving equations, and wave equation analysis to
account for seismic loading.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Foundation in Expansive Soil: Clay mineralogy, basic structural units of clay minerals; kaolinite,
illite and montmorillonite mineral. Preventing the swelling, isolating the structure. Load capacity of
belled pier, single and multi under reamed pile foundation, IS: 2911 (part 3). Methods of installation of
under-reamed piles.
Unit 2 Shallow Foundations: Hansen’s and Vesic’s bearing capacity theory, IS code method for bearing
capacity. Bearing capacity by plate load and penetrations test methods. Effect of rising and lowering of
water table on bearing capacity and settlement. Raft or mat foundations. Influence of inclined and
eccentric loads.
Unit 3 Deep Foundations: Indian standard for pile load test. Bearing capacity of pile groups in cohesive and
cohesionless soils, shear and settlement criteria for design of pile foundations. Bearing capacity of
well foundations.
Unit 4 Wave Propagation: Waves in an infinite, homogeneous and isotropic elastic medium, longitudinal,
shear and Rayleigh waves. Elements of seismic methods. Direct arrival, reflection and refraction
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Shenbaga R. Kani Raj, “Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Tata Mc Graw-
Hill, New Delhi, India.
2. H.A. Buchholdt, “Structural Dynamics for Engineers” Thomas Telford Publications, New York, USA.
3. Joseph E Bowels, “Foundation Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, India.
4. T William Lambe and Robert V. Whitman, “Soil Mechanics”, John Wiley, New York, USA.
Additional Learning Source
1. www.ce.washington.edu/~geotech/courses/cee523/manuals/
2. www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/tccc/tutorial/shafts/index.htm
3. www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/tccc/tutorial/piles/index.htm
4. www.dfi.org/

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil River
CE443 DE CE415 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Engineering
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The main objectives of this course is to give insight about the sediment, their properties, bed form and
estimation in various modes such as suspended load, bed load and total load. The knowledge of scour,
degradation, aggradations meandering of rivers and river trading works as well as the model testing of rivers
will provide knowledge to the student for the designing of any hydraulic structures along or on the river
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
The basic concepts of sediment motion in rivers, its modes of transport and estimation. Since many hydraulic
structures such as weir, barrage, hydropower houses are to be constructed on or along the river course its
morphology is very impotent. The behavior of river and scour mechanism, degradation/aggradations etc may
be studied in the form of model testing.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Sediment properties, bed forms in alluvial streams and their prediction, Résistance to flow in alluvial
Unit 2 Transport of sediment load, estimation of bed load, suspended load and total load, Aggradation and
degradation, Local scour, Hydraulic geometry of alluvial streams, cross section, longitudinal profile
and plan forms, meandering of rivers, geomorphic cycle.
Unit 3 Type of river training works, guide bunds, Groynes, levees, cutoff, pitched island, temporary spurs,
stabilization of rivers.
Unit 4 River models: choice of scale for different entities, distorted models, distortation of scale, simulation
of sediment transport and the geometry.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. W.H Graf, “Hydaulics of Sediment Transport”, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y.,USA.
2. R.G. Grarde and Ranga Raju, “Mechanies of Sediment Transport”, Wiley, New.Delhi, India.
Additional Learning Source
1. NPTEL course materials from different IITs.
2. Published reports on various hydraulic structures like guide bunds, levees, river models etc.
3. Other reputed journals

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Elements of
Civil Earthquake
CE445 DE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering and Wind
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To gain knowledge on basic seismology like the causes of occurrence of earthquake and its
characterization hazards and its consequences, earthquake measurement and instrumentation.
2. To develop an understanding of structural dynamics of simple systems subject to harmonic, impulse
and/or arbitrary loading
3. To develop an understanding of construction of eigen value solution algorithms
4. To impartknowledge of analysis for lateral loads and codal provisions for earthquake resistant design of
structures as per Indian Standards
5. To impart knowledge on different types of damages caused due to earthquake and retrofitting techniques
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Suggest possible causes for the movements of the plates and different types of plate boundaries.
2. Describe elastic rebound theory as it is related to seismic activity.
3. Distinguish between earthquake magnitude and earthquake damage (intensity).
4. Understand why earthquakes occur, how they are measured and categorized and the effect they may have
on engineering structures.
5. Understand the concepts of seismic forces and how they relate to structures.
6. Develop an understanding of structural dynamics of simple systems subject to harmonic, impulse and/or
arbitrary loading and predict its response.
7. Construct eigenvalue solution algorithms.
8. Employ the response spectrum analysis method for earthquake resistant R/C Buildings.
9. Apply the basic codal provisions for earthquake resistant design of structures as per Indian standards.
10. Understand the concepts retrofitting of structures.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Seismology and Earthquake Inputs: Earth's interior and plate tectonics; causes of earthquakes and
seismic waves. Measurement of earthquakes and measurement parameters. Predictive relationships for
earthquake parameters. Ground motion characteristics. Concept of response spectrums of earthquake.
Combined D-V-A spectrum and construction of design spectrum. Modification of earthquake due to
the nature of soil. Seismic hazard analysis
Unit 2 Dynamics for Earthquake Analysis: Equations of Motion for SDOF and MDOF Systems. Undamped
Free Vibration of SDOF and MDOF Systems. Mode Shapes and Frequencies of MDOF System.
Rayleigh Damping Matrix. Modal Analysis in Time Domain
Unit 3 Design and retrofitting of buildings: Introduction, salient features of IS:1893 and IS:13920, IS
earthquake design philosophy, permissible stresses and load factors. Determination of design lateral
forces: Equivalent lateral force procedure and dynamic analysis procedure using IS and UBC codes.
Definition of retrofitting, failure mode of buildings, types and methods for retrofitting of buildings.
Unit 4 Earthquake damages in buildings and its remedies as per IS codes: Introduction, salient features of
IS:13935 and IS:4326; Identification of damage in RC buildings: soft storey failure, plan and mass
irregularities, poor quality of construction material and corrosion of reinforcement, pounding of
buildings; damages to structural and non-structural components; damage to water tank, parapets and
staircase. Effect of structural irregularities on buildings: introduction; vertical irregularities: vertical
discontinuities in load path, irregularities in strength and stiffness, mass irregularities, vertical
geometric irregularities, proximity of adjacent buildings, plan configuration problems.
Provision of different types of bands in masonry buildings. Salient features of IS:13920
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Seismic Analysis of Structures by T. K. Datta , Wiley Publications
2. Dynamics of Structures - Application to Earthquake Engineering by A. K. Chopra
3. Clough R.W. and Penzien J., 'Dynamics of Structures', McGraw-Hill,
4. Newmark N.M. and Rosenblueth E., 'Fundamentals of Earthquake Engg.,' Prentice Hall,
5. David Key, 'Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings', Thomas Telford, London,
6. Ellis L. Krinitzsky, J.M. Gould and Peter H. Edinger, 'Fundamentals of Earthquake Resistant
Construction', John Wiley,
7. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, 'Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures', PHI,
8. I.S. Codes No. 1893, 4326, 13920 etc.
Additional Learning Source
Web links related to Earthquake and Wind Engineering

Open Electives Courses
Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Disaster
CE444 OE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Management
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To create awareness amongst students to basic issues of natural and manmade disasters.
2. To ensure the understanding of the disaster management cycle and relationship amongst vulnerability,
preparedness, prevention and mitigation.
3. To invoke minimum ability and sensitivity amongst students to respond to disasters in their area of living
and working.
4. To develop technical prowess and to mitigate the effects of disasters by capacity building amongst
engineering fraternity towards formulation and implementation of disaster management strategies.
5. To relate amongst the basic approaches adopted in disaster risk reduction and institutional mechanism
adopted in country towards creating resilient society.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand genesis and causes of natural and manmade disaster within the framework of fundamental
concepts of basic sciences and engineering.
2. Perceive the vulnerability of their living and working places and level of preparedness within the
existing setup of disaster management.
3. Analyze and critically examine the vulnerability of a region and to employ adequate strategy and tools
of intervention.
4. Build capacity to use specialized problem solving skills, methodologies and technology.
5. Setup priorities to develop coherent and adaptable disaster management plan.
6. Produce technical reports and database for effective communication amongst stakeholders to
comprehend the problems of disaster management and to device improved technologies for future
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Natural and Man Made Disasters: Meaning and nature of natural disasters, their types and effects.
Floods, drought, cyclone, earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, Climatic change
and extreme climate. Global warming, Sea level rise, ozone depletion. Nuclear disasters, chemical
disasters, biological disasters, building fire, coal fire, forest fire, oil fire, Pollution and environmental
degradation. Road, rail, sea and air accidents.
Unit 2 Earthquake and Cyclone: Understanding dynamics of earth’s interior and plate tectonics. Causes and
classification of earthquakes. Seismology and methods of earthquake measurement. Concept of
seismic zonation and micro-zonation. Earthquake and associated hazards. Preparedness, mitigations
and civil engineering interventions. Climatology, Cyclones and tropical cyclones, Naming and
radius of cyclone, monitoring of cyclone, Categories of Cyclonic disturbances, Causes of disaster
during cyclone, damage and vulnerability assessment due to cyclone.
Unit 3 Landslide and Flood: Understanding mass wasting and movement. Causes and classification of
landslides. Landslide monitoring and landslide hazard zonation. Slope stability analysis and
stabilization methods. Preparedness, mitigations and civil engineering interventions. Understanding
hydrosphere and hydrologic cycle. Causes and classification of floods. Preparedness, mitigations
and civil engineering interventions.
Unit 4 Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation: Human behavior and response. International and National
Strategies for disaster reduction. Concept of disaster management. National disaster management
framework. Central, state, district and local administration; Armed forces, police, NDRF in disaster
response, rescue and relief. Role of NGOs, community based organizations and media. Role of
different engineering disciplines in preparedness, response, rescue, rehabilitation recovery,
prevention and mitigation.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Bryant Edwards (2005): Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, U.K.
2. Carter, W. Nick (1991): Disaster Management – A Disaster Manager’s Handbook, A.D.B., Manila.
3. Goel, S.L. (2006): Encyclopedia of Disaster Management, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.
4. Government of India (2009): National Disaster Management Policy, New Delhi.
5. Gupta etal. (2001): Manual of Natural Disaster Management, IIPA, New Delhi.
6. Harsh Gupta (2003): Disaster Management, Universities Press.
7. Kapur, Anu (2010): Vulnerable India: A Geographical Study of Disasters, Sage Publishers, New Delhi.
8. Monappa, K.C. (2004): Disaster Preparedness, Akshay Public Agencies, New Delhi.
9. Narayan, B. (2000): Disaster Management, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. Sahni, Pardeepetal(2002): Disaster Mitigation Experiences and Reflections, Prentice Hall of India, New
11. Turner, B. &Andnick, F. (1997): Man Made Disasters, Betterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
12. Vinod K. Sharma (ed.) (2010): Disaster Management, IIPA, New Delhi.
Additional Learning Source
1. https://www.ndma.gov.in
2. https://www.nidm.gov.in
3. https://www.nicee.org
4. http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/

Department Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact Total

No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Contact
L T P Hours
CE481 Environmental OE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To impart fundamental training and knowledge about this coveted field of engineering & sciences for
students of other disciplines as well (like Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Petro-Chemical,
Architecture etc.)
2. To develop basic understanding about the pollution control measures for water, air and land coupled with
application in the industry of any nature.
3. To provide students an in-depth importance and understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological
processes involved in the treatment of water, wastewater, air pollution control and disposal of solid
4. To develop a basic foundation for higher studies and research in both basic and applied environmental
disciplines and provides a direct transition to the post-graduate engineering programmes.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Differentiate between environmental sciences and engineering
2. Address the importance of the environment in general and may apply fundamental concepts of
Environmental Engineering & Sciences in any field of their career.
3. Capable to face challenges and apply their knowledge in the areas of infrastructure development schemes,
industry, and environmental remediation.
4. Hands-on basic design procedure, field studies, and trips provide an understanding of the problems at
hand and thus make them capable to undertake any relevant task independently or as a team.
5. Motivate and create some awareness about the environment.
Topics Covered
Unit 1 Fundamentals of chemistry concept in environmental engineering: Water and Wastewater Quality
Parameters, their units, laboratory techniques for measurement, significance and adverse impact on
environment and human health
Unit 2 Fundamentals of microbiology in environmental engineering: Role of microorganisms in
environmentally relevant processes including bioremediation of pollutants, biological treatment
systems like activated sludge process, UASB etc.
Unit 3 Fundamentals of physio-chemical and biological processes of water and wastewater treatment:
Screening, Grit Removal, Coagulation & Flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, biological systems,
sludge treatment.
Unit 4 Mass balance and energy balance approach: Material Balance, Types of Reactors, Reactor Kinetics,
Steady-State Condition, Introduction to Air Pollution, their sources, standards, health effects,
Introduction to Solid Waste Management and Noise Pollution and its control.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Howard S. Peavy, et al., 'Environmental Engineering’ Mc Graw- Hill Book Co.
2. Sawyer and Mc Carty, ‘Chemistry for Environmental Engineering’ Mc Graw- Hill Book Co.
Additional Learning Source
1. Ross E. McKinney, ‘Microbiology for Sanitary Engineers' Mc Graw- Hill Book Co.
2. NPTEL course material from IITs

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Hours
Department Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Remote
CE482 OE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Sensing
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To understand the principles, applications, trends, and pertinent issues of remote sensing (RS), and global positioning
systems (GPS) with special reference to civil engineering.
2. To gain an understanding of vector and raster spatial data, particularly with regard to local/state/national issues,
emphasizing land use pattern and infrastructural development.
3. To develop applications of remote sensing and GIS to enhance service delivery to land use management, urban planning,
geo-environmental concerns, surface and ground water prospects and management and disaster management etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand geo-information available in time and space and problems encountered in professional practice.
2. Apply appropriate methods for collecting, acquiring and verifying spatial data;
3. Will be able to develop appropriate methods for studying and/or solving the problems;
4. Evaluate and apply relevant and appropriate methods and models for data analysis and problem solving;

5. Apply practical skills to carry out an independent assignment and will be able to communicate results of their studies.
Topics Covered
Unit 1. Remote Sensing : Basic Principles
Introduction. An overview of concepts of Remote Sensing. Electromagnetic spectrum and its properties. Sources of
electromagnetic radiation and interaction with Earth’s atmosphere. Radiation laws, Kischoff ‘s, Stefan – Boltzman
and Wein's displacement laws. Interaction with Earth’s surface
Unit 2. Remote Sensing Platforms and Sensors
Introduction and characteristics of imaging instruments of remote sensing.
Spatial, spectral and radiometric resolution. Optical, near infra-red and thermal imaging sensors ( ASTR, AVHRR,
Microwave imaging sensors (ERS 1/2, JERS, SAR, RADARSAT, SIR).
Unit 3.Remote Sensing Image Interpretation and Analysis
Introduction, Elements of Image interpretation.
Type of multispectral images, black and white and false color composite images. Data format for digital satellite
imagery, Image classification (supervised and unsupervised). Image interpretation and digital processing techniques
Unit 4. Remote Sensing Applications
Geomorphologic studies, morphometric analysis, terrain evaluation and digital elevation modeling. Geological
mapping with the help of recognition elements and image characters. Interpretation of rock types, deformation
features, tectonic features and ground water potential.
Application of GPS and GIS in civil engineering for study of environment, natural hazards, water resources, built-up
urban system.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. Bhatia, G. (2008) Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press
2. Lillesand, T M and Kiefer, R W (2010), Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. George Joseph (2008), Fundamental of Remote Sensing, University Press. India
4. James B Campbell (2007), Introduction to Remote Sensing, The Guildford Press, New York.
Additional Learning Source
ERDAS Field Guide, ERDAS LLC (1999)
ESRI Inc. (1990) Understanding GIS

Contact Total
Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit
Department Hours Contact
No. Title Designation Requisites Type Hours
L T P Hours
Civil Resources and
CE483 DE None Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Watershed
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
The basic aim of this course is to understand the surface water resources and its management including
environmental impact assessment, project economics, water quality management planning, and design of
water resources systems etc.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Apply fundamental concepts of water and land resources management to solve water shortage problems.
2. Understand the importance of optimal water use and to disseminate knowledge in society to keep water
resources unpolluted and its judicious uses.
3. Implement collection and storage of water through rainwater harvesting for sustainable development in
the perspective of increasing population and changing life styles of the society.
4. Solve the dual problems i.e. shortage of water in drought prone areas and safety of area against floods due
to flood prone rivers.
5. Apply the knowledge in the management and development the water resources and to be able understand
the importance of water quality and water born diseases to solve the health and environmental hazards
Topics Covered
Unit 1:Types of watershed and their characteristics. Purpose of planning of watershed projects, Guidelines for
project formulation, Management strategies, system concept, systems components and constraints.
Unit 2:Hydrologic cycle and its effect on man’s activity, erosion process and sediment yield, conservation
practices, water resources and environmental problems, water quality management planning, Design
of water resources systems
Unit 3:Environmental impact assessment, adverse effects of dams and reservoir on environment, watershed
management with multiple use concepts.
Unit 4:Project economics: pattern of financing and credit, cost benefit analysis, Economic evaluation, project
implementation and management, problems of execution and management.
Text Books and/or Reference Materials
1. K.C. Patra, “Hydrology and water Resources Engineering”
2. S. K. Garg, “ Irrigation Engineering”
Additional Learning Source
1. Web links to e-learning: Nptel
2. Web pages related to water resources engineering and management

Course Course Course Pre- Course Credit Contact

Department No Title Designation Requisites Type Hours Hours Total
Civil Project OE None
CE484 Theory 4 3 1 0 4
Engineering Management
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments and Oral Quizzes (15%)
2. Mid-Semester Examination (25%)- 1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60%)- 3 Hour
Course Objective
1. To make the student familiar with project , non project activity and various types of project , diversified
application of project management knowledge.
2. To make the student conversant with fundamentals of management knowledge and various frontiers of project
3. To make the student conversant with notion of cost and cost accounting
various types of cost
4. To make the student conversant with the phrase estimate is an opinion price is policy and cost is a fact
5. To make the student conversant with the realm of Net-work Analysis, Statistical Analysis and basic Research
6. To make the student conversant with principles of purchasing ,pricing policy, value analysis and specification
7. To make the student conversant with the importance of human capital , wage concepts , human resource
planning and development
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Distinguish between project and non project activity ,should be able to prepare Work Break-Down Structure
of simple projects
2. Identify need specific project estimate
3. Analyze various types of cost involved in project
4. Apply principles of Research Methodology
5. Apply basic principles of Purchase Management and Pricing Theory
6. Apply coordinal principles of wage policy and Human Resource Maqngement
Topics Covered
Unit-1 Management Fundamentals
Introduction to realm of management and concept of project and project managements, definition of project and
epistemology of project management knowledge, inherent characteristic of project, project life cycle and various phases
of project in detail, classification of projects , introduction of cost , classification of cost and its application, uses of cost
data ,recording of cost and its importance ,types of estimates and accuracy , concept of Ceiling Limit , case studies and
professional practice
Unit-2 Network Analysis
Introduction to pictorial presentation of data , merits and demerits of various techniques , work breakdown structure ,
network analysis like CPM and PERT, critical path and crashing , over-view of statistics , application of statistics in
management , model building and uses of model in management , theory of knowledge and research methodology in
management , case studies and professional practice
Unit 3 Materials Management
Introduction to purchase management , objectives of purchasing activity, specification , fundamentals of materials
management , pricing theory and general economic considerations , principles of negotiations ,
discount and quality assurance , different types of purchasing , make or buy decision , value analysis , process of
standardization and patenting , BS and ISO standards , case studies and professional practice
Unit 4 Human Resource Management
Introduction and importance of human capital , dynamics and dualism in the labour market in India , labour supply,
participation rates, and working hours , wage concept, various types of wages, wage fixation, punishment , rewards and
benefits for human resource , history of HR in India , HRP role and effectiveness , HR planning , HRM Information
system , performance measurements and employee carrier , strategic HRP in project management , case studies and
professional practice
Text Books and / or Reference Materials
1. Antill, James M., Woodhead, Ronald W, "CRITICAL PATH METHODS IN CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE", John Wiley, NY,
USA [ISBN: 0471866121]
2. Peurifoy, Schexnayder and Shapira, "CONSTRUCTION PLANNING, EQUIPMENTS AND METHODS", McGraw Hill, Tokyo,
JAPAN [ISBN:13: 978-. 0130426727.]
3. B. Sengupta and H. Guha, "CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, INDIA
[ISBN : 0074623982]
4. Patil B.S., "CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTS AND ESTIMATES (Vol-1 and Vol-2)", Orient Longman Limited, New Delhi,
INDIA [ISBN: 10:8173715599, ISBN: 13:9788173715594]
5. P.K.Joy, "HAND BOOK OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT", Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi, INDIA [ISBN:
6. Mark Saunders, "RESEARCH METHODS FOR BUSINESS STUDENTS", Pearson Education Limited [ISBN: 978-81-317-0115-
7. Donald Dobler, LaMar Lee and David N. Burt, "PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT", McGraw Hill [ISBN: ISBN-
13: 978-0070370890, ISBN-10: 0070370893]
CONTROLLING", Wiley Publications [ISBN: 978-1-118-02227-6]
9. Kenneth K. Humphreys, "JELEN'S COST OPTIMIZATION ENGINEERING", McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 1991
[ISBN 10: 0070536465 ISBN 13: 9780070536463]
Education, 2010 [ISBN: 0070144958, ISBN: 9780070144958]
11.James Arthur Finch Stoner, R. Edward Freeman, Daniel R., Jr. Gilbert, "MANAGEMENT", Prentice
12. Hall, 1995 [ ISBN 10: 0131087479, ISBN 13: 9780131087477]

13. BiswajeetPattanayak ,"HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT",PHI Learning, 2010[ISBN: 978-81-203-4962-9]
14."QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE", The Publication Department on behalf of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, A94/4 Sector-
58, Noida-201 301, INDIA [ISBN: 978-81-8441-036-5]
Additional Learning Resources:
1. Publication of Construction Industry Institute , CII, www.construction-institue.org
2. Publication of RIBA, England
3. Publication of FIDIC, France
4. Publication of AGC, America
5. Publication of PMI, America
6. Publication of NIDM, New Delhi



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