YearBook2016 17
YearBook2016 17
YearBook2016 17
2016- 2017
In the Name of Allah,
the Beneficent, the Merciful
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
Prime Minister
Minister Incharge of
Establishment Division
OUR VISION / OUR MISSION…………………………………………………
FUNCTIONS UNDER R.O.B 1973….………………………………..……1-3
ORGANOGRAM OF THE DIVISION……………………………………....4-5
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………..……………..6
ADMINISTRATION WING…………………………………….……………8-12
CAREER PLANNING WING………………………………………..…….13-24
ESTABLISHMENT WING……………………………………………..…..30-33
REGULATION WING……………………………………………………....34-36
TRAINING WING…………………………………………………………...37-66
MANAGEMENT SERVICES WING………………………………………67-73
The Year Book 2016-2017 highlights the policies formulated directly by this
Division or through its supporting organizations. It is also a brief resume of the major
activities and significant achievements / performance made during the calendar year.
Establishment Division
The management of the administrative system of the Federal Government
in an efficient and effective manner, in keeping with the provisions of the Constitution of
the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the laws enacted there under, and in accordance with
the prescribed rules, so as to make it responsive to the needs of the people; to propose,
effect, and manage change in the administrative system according to an objective
identification of the need for change based on social, economic and political
To create a modern, effective, responsive, capable and motivated public
service based on an Institutionalized Merit System operating within the ambit of Law
and Rules.
(i) Recruitment;
(ii) Promotion;
(iii) Verification of character and antecedents;
(iii) Conduct and discipline; and
(v) List of persons debarred from future employment under Government.
(ii) Special Selection Board, except the Special Selection Boards constituted in the
Divisions relating to selection of officers for posting in Pakistan Missions
(iii) Selection Committee for Provincial Posts borne on All Pakistan Unified Grades;
(ii) Instructions for writing and maintenance of Annual Confidential Reports on Civil
(ii) Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969.
12. Administration of the Civil Servants Act, 1973, and the rules made there under.
15. Periodical review of staff strength in the Divisions, attached departments and
all other Federal Government Offices.
18. Promotion of the knowledge and use of O&M concepts, PERT & CPM
techniques, systems analysis and operations research within all government offices and
19. Idea award scheme.
a) Reorganization of a Division or an attached department or a change in the
status of an Attached Department.
In order to accomplish the functions assigned under Rules of Business, 1973 the
Establishment Division has been composed into the following Wings / Attached Departments:
Administration Wing
Career Planning Wing
Discipline & Litigation Wing
Establishment Wing
Regulation Wing
Training Wing
Management Services Wing
Attached Departments
i. Secretariat Training Institute (STI), Islamabad
ii. Staff Welfare Organization (SWO), Islamabad
iii. Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), Islamabad
iv. AHK, (NCRD)
Autonomous Bodies.
i. National School of Public Policy (NSPP), Lahore.
ii. Pakistan Administrative Staff College (PASC), Lahore
iii. Civil Services Academy (CSA), Lahore
iv. Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds
(FEB&GIF), Islamabad
v. National Institute of Management (NIM), Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore,
Peshawar and Quetta.
vi. Pakistan Academy for Rural Development (PARD), Peshawar.
The aim / objective of Admin Wing is to manage official business of the Division
smoothly, efficiently by providing effective human resource and logistic support to other
wings of the organization. The Admn Wing of Establishment Division performs the following
functions to achieve the goals and objectives:-
1. Personal cases of Officers in BS-17 & above of Establishment Division and Officers
on Special Duty (OSD’s) posted in Establishment Division.
2. Writing and countersigning of Performance Evaluation Reports of Officers of the
Establishment Division.
3. Allocation of subjects to various Section /Wings of the Establishment Division.
4. Pension & Farewell Grant etc. cases of officers BS-17 & above in Establishment
Division including OSD’s.
5. Assistance Package to families of Govt. Officers in BS-17 and above in the
Establishment Division including OSD’s if any who died while in service.
6. NOC-Permission to visit India.
7. Issuance of Gratis Passport.
8. All affairs pertaining to Cabinet Sub Committee on Regularization of contract / daily
wages employees.
9. All matters relating to staff of Establishment Division including Private Secretaries.
10. Provision of staff to the President's Secretariat and Prime Minister's Secretariat from
various Ministries / Divisions.
11. Recruitment and Promotion of staff of BS-01 to BS-16.
12. Posting / Transfers of staff of BS-01 to BS-16.
13. Maintaining Performance Evaluation Reports (PER) record in respect of staff in
BS-04 to 16.
14. Matters relating to pension cases of staff in BS-01 to 16.
15. Census of employees of Establishment Division and its Attached Departments.
16. Assistance Package for families of Govt. employees who died in service.
17. Deal with Finance Division (FA's Organization) for creation of supernumerary posts.
18. Processing of Pension cases of deceased staff and appointment of employees on
contract basis under "Assistance Package".
19. Work relating to Hiring of Official Accommodation for Officers/Officials/OSD’s
(BS: 1 to 22) of Establishment Division.
20. Re-imbursement of Medical Claims of Employees Officer/Officials
(BS: 1-16).Serving & Retired Staff and Ex-Cadres Officers,(Superintendent/PS)
21. Issuance of Temporary Security Passes to the Officers / Officials.
22. Issuance of Security Passes to Retired Govt. Officers / Officials.
23. Initiating & Processing of Permanent Security Passes through M/o Interior.
24. Custody of Booklet on “Security of Classified Matter in Government Departments
and its relevant matters.
25. Disposed of Pension Cases through Pension Cell of Establishment Division.
Achievement and Performance for the year 2016-17:
i. Creation of posts of OSD’s in the Establishment Division is a regular feature. There
were 85 OSD’s from 1st July, 2016 to 30th June, 2017 posts were created and
continued on quarterly basis to enable them to draw their pays and allowances from
the Budget of Establishment Division.
ii. More than 90 cases of Performance Evaluation Repots received from officers of
Establishment Division and forwarded for counter signing officers and finally send to
Director PD.
iii. Preparation of replies to starred and un-starred questions of the National Assembly
and Senate of Pakistan and their timely submission to the relevant forum.
iv. Pension Cases of 18 officers / OSD’s (BS-17-22) were finalized.
v. Farewell grant of 8 officers / OSD’s were finalized.
vi. More than 100 files of Admn-I Section have been scanned and processed for the
purpose of e-filling.
vii. More than 75 medical claims received from the officers of Establishment Division,
OSD, retired officers.
viii. 20 NOC to visit India were issued to the employees of various Ministries / Divisions.
ix. More than 10 education stipends were forwarded to FEB&GIF.
x. Circulated and Up dated seniority lists of employees in BS-01 to BS-16
xi. Promoted 08 employees from LDC to UDC.
xii. Absorption of 02 employees in Establishment Division.
xiii. Processed more than 19 Pension Cases.
xiv. Appointment of more than 5 children of deceased employees on contract basis
under "Assistance Package" for the Government Employees who died during
xv. Recruitment of disabled persons under disability quota is under process.
xvi. Recruitment of Staff BS-01 to BS-16 is under process.
xvii. Hiring sanctioned issued 500
xviii. De-hiring cases processed 52
xix. File transfer cases processed 22
xx. Medical Re-imbursement cases processed 72
xxi. Permanent security passes issued 103
xxii. Temporary security passes issued 203
xxiii. Retired employees card issued 44
xxiv. An amount of Rs. 47.5 Million of allocated budget plus has been expended for Rent
of Residential Accommodation hired for officers/officials of Establishment Division,
within the Finance Year-2016-17.
xxv. In line with Federal Government Policy/Guidelines for better Governance, improved
performance and transparency, Honorable Secretary Establishment envisioned to
switch over from age-old manual Filing System to E-Filling module and Admn Wing
has successfully switched over to 100% E-Filing module in official business.
xxvi. The office of the Review Board has also adjusted the reinstated sacked employees
in service in various Ministries / Divisions / Departments as under:-
o Total number of sacked employees reinstated 525
o Retired 34
o Resigned 08
o Deceased 12
o Adjusted 425
o Remaining unadjusted 46
xxvii 100% Pension cases of the officers / officials of Establishment Division disposed of
during the prescribed time limit.
Pension rules place adequate emphasis on timely finalization of pension
cases. However, the situation on ground often reflects institutional indifference as
pensioners are seen struggling for pension benefits days and even months after their
retirement. Given the magnitude of delays in pension cases a mechanism to ensure timely
processing of the pension cases of the ‘would be retires’ needed to be developed. To this
end, Establishment Division took lead and believing in “timely begun is timely done”,
devised a mechanism to timely initiate and complete pension cases. It is important to note
that this mechanism does not reinvent the process; it rather organizes the process in light
of all relevant laws/rules with a facilitative approach, to mitigate and eliminate suffering of
retiring employees by timely disbursement of pension.
2. The mechanism comprises of four key components, which are briefly given
To accord priority to pension cases, separate Pension Cell has been set
up with dedicated HR headed by a Welfare Officer (Pension) WO (P) and
a job description has been framed to give clarity of his role and
Being head of the Wings, Joint Secretary (CP-I) & Joint Secretary(CP-II) supervise,
monitors and evaluate the cases processed by the Deputy Secretary (CP-I), Deputy
Secretary(CP-II), Deputy Secretary(CP-III), Deputy Secretary (CP-IV), Deputy Secretary
(CP-V) and Director (PD) on the following aspects:-
i) The main function of the Wing is to cater for reasonable opportunities for career
advancement and retaining capable officers to synchronize the individual aspiration
with organizational goals. At the same time it is necessary that the promotion policy/
process be so devised as to harmonize an individual's aspiration for self-fulfillment
and self-development with the employing organization's need for efficient
performance of its function in the public interest.
ii) Accordingly, Promotion Policy and Performance Evaluation Policy are all dealt with
in the CP-II Wing.
iii) Promotion Papers / Working Papers of the officers for placement before High
Powered Selection Board (HPSB), Central Selection Board (CSB), Departmental
Selection Board (DSB) and Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) of the
Establishment Division for promotion of officers of various occupational groups /
services, to BS-22, BS-21, BS-20, BS-19 and BS-18 posts respectively, including
Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), Secretariat Group (SG), Office Management
Group (OMG), other Occupational Groups and Ex-cadre.
iv) Examination of the proposals of DSB meetings for promotion to BS-19 posts in
different Ministries / Divisions and preparation of briefs for the representatives of the
Establishment Division for these meetings.
v) FST/ Court cases on the issues pertaining to seniority, supersession, deferment,
etc. of PSP and Secretariat Group officers. Preparation of parawise comments and
production of record in the courts/FST as and when required.
vi) Promotion of PAS, PSP, SG&OMG officers from BS-17 to BS-18, BS-18 to BS-19,
BS-19 to BS-20, BS-20 to BS-21 and BS-21 to BS-22.
vii) Processing / settlement of the seniority representations/disputes of the said cadre.
viii) To coordinate for the High Power Selection Board (HPSB), Central Selection Board
(CSB), Departmental Selection Board (DSB) of Establishment Division & Different
Ministries/Divisions and Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) of the
Establishment Division for promotion to BS-22, BS-21, BS-20, BS-19 and BS-18
posts in PAS, PSP, OMG and Secretariat Group and other cadres / Ex-Cadres
officers .
ix) Responsible for receipt and collection of annual performance Evaluation Reports
(PERs) in respect of the officers belonging of Pakistan Administrative Service
(PAS), Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), Secretariat Group (SG) and Office
Management Group (OMG) alongwith the entering PERs in automated system,
updating C.R Dossiers, provision of synopsis and quantifications of PERs,
preparation / provision of I.C.P charts, as and when requisitioned alongwith the
maintenance & safe custody of C.R dossiers.
x) Examination of the proposals of DSB meetings for promotion to BS-19 posts in
different Ministries / Divisions and preparation of briefs for the representatives of the
Establishment Division for these meetings.
xi) Processing of cases of retirement of OMG Officers.
xii) Intimation of number of vacancies to Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC)
for holding CSS examination as well as Section Officers Promotional Examination
for OMG.
xiii) Processing of the request of Federal Ministers/Minister of State for posting of
Private Secretaries with them.
xiv) Determination of seniority of PAS officers in BS-17, BS-18, BS-19,
BS-20, BS-21 and BS-22.
xv) Determination of seniority of OMG officers in BS-17 and BS-18.
xvi) Preparation of para-wise comments in cases filed by Officers in various courts
including FST, regarding seniority and promotion issues.
xvii) Catering to the representations of PAS, PSP and OMG Officers (BS-17) for
seniority & promotion.
xviii) Provide the CR dossiers record for Promotion of PAS, PSP, SG&OMG officers from
BS-17 to BS-18, BS-18 to BS-19, BS-19 to BS-20, BS-20 to BS-21 and
BS-21 to BS-22.
xix) The collection of data, maintenance of manual service History Cards of about 2700
officers of PAS, PSP, Secretariat Group and OMG (BS-17-22), keeping posting lists
updated, in coordination with concerned wings of the Establishment Division,
Ministries / Divisions and the Provincial Governments, printing/circulation of
seniority lists to all concerned, preparation of manual Individual Career Planning
(ICP) charts and submission of service history records of these officers to all
concerned sections for various purposes including the HPSB, CSB, DSB and DPC,
are the major duties of PD-I Section.
During Financial 2016-2017, following seniorities were determined with the approval
of competent authority.
a) Provisional Seniority of BS-19 officers of Secretariat Group was fixed and put up
for approval of competent authority.
b) Seniority of BS-20 officers of Secretariat Group was fixed and circulated.
c) Provisional seniority of BS-21 officers of Secretariat Group in process.
A new Objective Assessment Form for evaluation of the officer by CSB has been
approved by Competent Authority and accordingly issued on 18-06-2017.
A new Objective Assessment Form for evaluation of the officer by DSB has been
approved by Competent Authority and accordingly issued on 07-07-2017.
An Office Memorandum has been issued regarding distribution of marks to the civil
servants serving in different training institutes in the wake of change of names of
training institutions and courses as under:-
27 cases of exemption from MCMC, SMC and NMC were received from various
Ministries/Divisions and disposed of as per Rules/Policy.
Case of Provincial Police Cadre received from Government of Sindh was thoroughly
examined and the proposal was regretted with the approval of competent authority.
a) Thirty (30) cases of retired BS-21 and BS-22 officers of Secretariat Group
were recommended by the FR-17(I) Committee, Finance Division for grant of
antedated / proforma promotion to BS-20, BS-21 and BS-22 and notification
issued with the approval of competent authority.
b) All the Departments/ Ministry / Divisions of the Federal Government were
requested to forward their proposals for the grant of meritorious promotions
to BS-21 and BS-22.
BS-20 to BS-21
Recommended Recommended for
Groups/Services Panel Superseded
for Promotion Deferment
PAS 129 31 31 16
SG 48 11 12 02
PSP 51 14 08 06
Other Occupational 05
190 53 70
Ex-Cadre 15 05 03 -
BS-19 to BS-20
Recommended Recommended for
Groups/Services Panel Superseded
for Promotion Acting charge
PAS 93 28 + 06 * 31 02
SG 70 17 16 01
PSP 134 27 + 06* 29 06
Other Occupational 466 134 86 24
Ex-Cadre 212 80 + 01* 38 03
* Recommended for acting charge appointment.
ii) During the year (commencing from July, 2016 to June, 2017) 3626 (Three
Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Six) PERs and 2165 (Two Thousand One
Hundred Sixty Five) Certificate/CR dossier letters were received. Almost
5791(Five Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety One) certificates / CR dossiers
were entered in the automated system and I.C.P charts were updated.
1st August, 2016 21 10 30 00 - 40
9th February, 2017 21 10 49 24 - 83
iv) Number of quantification sheets prepared for NMC/NS&WC, SMC & MCMC.
(a) A number of duplicate PERs were received by CP-XI for record in respect of
the officers belonging to other occupational groups/services and were aptly
placed, as elucidated by the details given below:-
(c). Telephonic communication was also made to officers to complete their PERs
record well before the holding of the meeting of Promotional
Boards/Committees, in order to avoid incomplete records.
(d). 1259 files of officers of PAS, PSP, SG and OMG have been scanned and up-
loaded on e-office data base.
v) The following Posting lists of the Secretariat Group, PAS, PSP and OMG officers
(BS-17-22) were prepared and circulated to the President’s Secretariat, PM’s
Office, all Chief Secretaries and all concerned officers of the Establishment
July 2016 to June 2017:
Name of Number of changes/ updation Number of changes
Group processed regarding posting /transfer updated
PAS 8635 6986
PSP 7910 6750
Secretariat 5505 5750
OMG 6985 4910
Total 29035 24396
viii) About 1800 history cards of officers of PAS, PSP, SG and OMG were updated.
ix) Service proformas of 1069 officers of PAS, PSP, SG and OMG were received and
data was thus consolidated and entered in the data base.
(iv). Six cases relating to interpretation of PER rules according to AGPE, 2004
of Ex-cadre officers/officials were processed.
1. Thirty (30) cases of appeals, under the Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977, were
received out of which Twenty-four (24) were decided by the appellate Authorities i.e.
the Prime Minister and Establishment Secretary.
Six (6) appeals are under process in the Prime Minister’s Office for decision.
2. By persistent efforts, the rate of submission of the Declaration of Assets has
considerably increased over the last few years.
Declaration of Assets of 886 Officers of PAS, PSP, Secretariat and OMG (a total of
1,964 Declaration of Assets) have been received during the year 2016-17.
3. Declaration of Assets of 1,587 Officers of PAS, PSP, Secretariat and OMG scanned.
the due process as indicated to them through the check-list. Thus, at times, the reports are
sent back to the AO to remove and rectify the deficiencies.
There are also cases when de-novo proceedings have to be conducted to
remove the infirmities and lacunae in such cases or when the Authority does not agree with
the recommendations of the AO. Occasionally, disciplinary proceedings stand abated against
accused officers, on their superannuation, because of this inordinate delay. Besides, non-
availability of timeframe in the Rules ibid, for finalization of these proceedings, and inter
Divisional consultation also hamper timely finalization of these cases.
Another very important weak link in this process is that the there is no clause or
rule in the Rules Ibid which outlines any action against the AO or IO, in case, it is observed
that they are delaying the inquiry or, in case, it is observed that they have not diligently
carried out the process.
i. Disciplinary Cases: During the year 2016-17, 162 (one hundred and sixty-two)
disciplinary cases were initiated against the officers belonging to PAS / PSP /
Secretariat Group / OMG / Other Groups and Services, controlled by the Ministries /
Divisions, out of which 55 (Fifty-five) cases have been finalized / closed. During the
year 02 (two) major penalties and 11 (Eleven) minor penalties have been imposed
upon officers and 35 (Thirty-five) officers were exonerated. Action on the remaining
cases is under process.
ii. Appeals / representations cases: A total of 30 (Thirty) cases of appeals, under the
Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977, were received out of which 16 (Sixteen) were
submitted to the Prime Minister’s office for orders of the Prime Minister / Appellate
Authority. The Prime Minister passed orders on 10 (ten) appeals, accepting 02 (Two)
and rejecting 08 (Eight) appeals, while 06 (Six) appeals are pending in that Office.
Remaining 14 (Fourteen) appeals were finalized under the competency of this
Division . In addition to the cases as detailed above, in 22 (Twenty-two) cases of
employees filing appeal in the Courts. Litigation Wing of Establishment Division had
enquired the status of their departmental appeals which were reported to them.
iii. Cases other than representations: 36 (Thirty-six) cases, under Government
Conduct Rules, 1964, Government Servants (Marriage with Foreign Nationals) Rules,
1962, and Assembly Business were processed. Out of these, 33 (Thirty three) cases
have been disposed of while 03 (Three) are under process.
The Litigation Wing of this Division undertook the following number of cases in
various courts/Tribunals during 30-06-2015 to 30-06-2016:-
Institution Total Disposed Remainin
1-7-2016 Cases of during g
Name of Courts on
to upto the as on
30-06-2017 30-6-2017 period 30-6-2017
FST Islamabad,
Lahore and 441 235 676 178 498
Islamabad High 1315 462 1813 332 1481
Court, Islamabad
iv. From July, 2016 to June, 2017, the following number of cases for transfer / posting
of the officers belonging to PAS, PSP, SG, OMG & Others from BS-17 to BS-22
were processed in E. Wing of Establishment Division:-
viii. Postings / transfers of officers of PAS, PSP, SG and OMG, Federal Government
from / to provinces, autonomous bodies, corporations and other posts.
ix. Issuance of notifications regarding proforma promotion of officers to posts in BS-20
and above.
x. Matters relating to the additional charge, current charge, terms & conditions of
deputation, retirement, leave including leave ex-Pakistan, encashment of LPR,
preparation of pension papers etc.
xi. Appointments in the autonomous bodies.
xii. Deputation of Government officers and their terms & conditions of deputation in
autonomous bodies.
xiii. Policy matters relating to Management grades.
xiv. Constitution of the Selection Board of the Corporations.
xv. Appointment against statutory posts.
xvi. Transfer / posting / deputation and settlement of the terms and conditions, of
officers other than Occupational Groups/Services administered by Establishment
Division in BS-17 and above including extension of deputation in individual cases.
xvii. Contract appointment / re-employment in BS-19 and below.
xviii. Secondment and re-employment of Armed Forces Officers (All Graders).
xix. Financial assistance package for families of Government employees, who dies in
service, and its policy matters/implementation.
The Regulation Wing mainly deals with framing, amendment and interpretation of
the Civil Servants Act, 1973 and the Rules made there under other than those framed by
the Finance Division. Regulation Wing is concerned with the interpretation, updating and
amendment of the following Laws, Rules and Policies:-
Civil Servant Act, 1973.
Civil Servant (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973.
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973.
Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1993.
Initial Appointment to Civil Post (Relaxation of Upper age limit), Rules, 1993.
Civil Servants (Confirmation) Rules, 1993.
Civil Servants Appeal Rules, 1977.
There was no specific goal / target assigned during the year 2016-2017 except
routine work.
The following cases received from Ministries / Divisions were disposed off / decided:-
S. No. Nature of Cases Number of
disposed off
1. Amendment in Article 27(1) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 -
regarding extension in the period of observance of regional/provincial quota policy
for a further period of 20 years from 14-08-2013. The official Bill has already been
laid in the National Assembly.
2. Rule 14 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules, 1973 -
amended vide SRO No. 208(1)/2017 dated 28.03.2017 by addition of a proviso for
filling up the post of Head of an Organization on merit.
3. In the light of directions of the Prime Minister’s Office, necessary administrative -
instructions regarding current charge appointments have been circulated on 02-02-
2017 to all Ministries/Divisions for strict compliance.
4. Rule-3 of the Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1993 amended vide S.R.O No.
1078(I)/2016 dated 22-11-2016 for determination of seniority of officers of
Occupational Groups who opt for other Groups/Services on promotion.
5. Up gradation and re-designation of posts. 414
6. Creation of posts except those of Ministry of Finance and Establishment Division. 16
7. Policy matters relating to age of superannuation and fixation of pay. 01
8. Terms & conditions of deputation and interpretation thereof 17
9. Ban Policy. 09
10. Miscellaneous cases of all Sections of Regulation Wing. 514
11. Grant of Ex-officio Secretariat status. 01
12. Acting Charge Appointments 17
13. Interpretation of Civil Servants Act, 1973 and Rules made thereunder. 110
14. Regional/Provincial Quota policy 52
15. Contract appointment, regularization and other matters 109
16. Parliamentary Business of all sections of Regulation Wing 85
17. Interpretation of Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973, 25
withdrawal of LPR and withdrawal of Resignation.
18. Vetting of service rules/regulations in respect autonomous bodies/corporation. 20
19. Cases for advice and interpretation in respect of autonomous bodies/corporations. 50
20. Deputation cases. 68
21. Senior Scale cases 12
22. Seniority cases 16
23. Composition of Departmental Promotion Committee/ Departmental Selection 25
Committee cases.
24. Framing/Amendment in Recruitment Rules 561
25. For Advice/Clarification regarding Roster/Recruitment Rules 08
26. Court Cases 09
27. All matters relating to Ministerial Staff, including Private Secretaries. 195
28. Interpretation of Uniform Recruitment rules of Ministerial posts and Recruitment 80
rules of Private Secretaries (BS-17) to Secretary/Additional Secretary.
29. Vetting/Amendment of Recruitment Rules framed under Civil Servants 30
(Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules, 1973 in respect of different
Ministries/Divisions allocated to R-6 Section.
30. Up-gradation of posts from BS-15 and below 270
31. Court Cases upon Up-gradation of posts from BS-01 to BS-15 140
Grand Total: 2854
The Training Wing is headed by Joint Secretary (T) who is assisted by two Deputy
Secretaries (BS-19) and by Six Section Officers.
This course is conducted for the senior officers of BS-20, who are eligible for
promotion to BS-21. The course is a pre-requisite for promotion to BS-21. The course is
conducted twice a year at National Management College, NSPP Lahore. BS-20 officers
are allowed to undergo either National Management Course or the National Security &
War Course conducted once time each year by National Defense University against the
slots reserved for the civil officers.
During the year 2016-17, 105th NMC, 106th NMC and NS&WC 2016-17 were
conducted. As a result 110 and 27 government officers were nominated for said course
and NS&WC respectively, and 04 officers were nominated for NSW-18, who successfully
completed the courses.
This course is conducted for the middle level officers of BS-19, who are eligible for
promotion to BS-20. The course is a pre-requisite for promotion to BS-20. The course is
conducted twice a year at National Management College, Lahore, National Institutes of
Management Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.
During the year 2016-17, 20th SMC and 21st SMC were conducted and 291
government officers were nominated for the said course, who successfully completed the
The course is mandatory for Civil Servants (BS-18) for promotion in BS-19.
However, officers of Provincial Governments including Gilgit-Baltistan and AJ&K /
Autonomous Bodies / Semi-autonomous Bodies / Corporation have been allowed for the
course. The course is conducted twice a year at National Institutes of Management
Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Islamabad.
During the year 2016-17, 22nd MCMC and 23rd MCMC were conducted and 398
government officers were nominated for said course, who successfully completed the
Training Wing is responsible for nomination of the senior civil bureaucrats (BS-
21/22) for participating in the National Security Workshop conducted by National Defense
University annually. This workshop is organized for the parliamentarians, army officers,
civil officers etc. Training Wing provides funds for this workshop to National Defense
Funds amounting to Rs. 7 million were released for the National Security Workshop
conducted during the year 2016-17. Moreover, four officers were nominated to participate
in the Workshop held during the year.
Training Wing is also responsible for financial management of funds allocated in the
annual budget for incurring expenditure on mandatory career related training courses,
Executive Development Workshop, National Security Workshop and Training of Foreign
Government officers (NMC/SMC) from friendly countries.
Finance Division allocated funds amounting to Rs. 284,400,000/- for the Financial
Year 2016-17 for the purpose. The expenditures were made within the allocated budget
during the year.
All the administrative and financial matters referred to by the above institutes to
Training Wing were dealt with efficiently during the year 2016-17.
i. To process the NOC to avail and apply for open merit scholarships (Full
bright, Chevening & Aus-Aid etc.)
ii. Conducting of 45th CTP
iii. Process cases of foreign postings, of Non-FSP officers and foreign
deputations of all government servants as per rules/policy.
iv. Process cases of grant of diplomatic status to eligible officers posted abroad
as per rules/policy.
1. 85 officers have been given NOC to apply and avail various scholarships.
2. A policy, regarding the uniform treatment of officers proceeding abroad to
pursue higher degree, has been made an Office Memorandum has been
circulated to all Ministries/ Divisions. According to that policy;
a. The inter-se seniority of the probationer shall be fixed with the batch
the probationer completes it CTP.
b. The deferment of CTP may be allowed by the appointing authority
on compelling medical grounds and Prime Minister on cogent
The training wing of Establishment Division is primarily responsible for arranging the
career related training for officers of the Federal Government and their capacity building
through various resources. This purpose is achieved through training institutes. These
institutes are;
(i) Akhtar Hameed Khan, National Centre for Rural Development (AHK
(ii) Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC)
(iii) Pakistan Academy for Rural Development (PARD)
(iv) Secretariat Training Institute (STI)
(v) National School of Public Policy (NSPP)
Akhtar Hameed Khan, National Centre for Rural Development (AHK NCRD)
e. Research on different aspects of rural development.
(iii) AHKNCRD has conducted following training activities during the year 2016-17.
(iv) AHKNCRD also conducted International activities as per detail given below:
examine and timeline the procedures & processes and to curtail the time consumed for
recruitments against federal posts.
a) augment the usage of Information Technology to enhance proficiency of FPSC
b) diagnose the reasons for dismal result in CSS Competitive Examination 2016 and
suggest measures for improvement
c) take steps for implementation of Urdu as official language
I. Achievements
2. CSS Competitive Examination, 2017
Based on the revised scheme and syllabi, written part of CSS Competitive Examination-
2017 was held simultaneously at 19 cities from 16.02.2017 to 25.02.2017. In all, 10250
candidates appeared in the Examination. In compliance with the Cabinet decision, the
upper age limit was enhanced from 28 years to 30 years for fresh candidates and 32 years
for categories specified in Rule 3(ii) of CSS Competitive Examination Rules, 2017.
FPSC conducts Final Passing Out Examination (FPOE) of Probationers after completion of
their Specialized Training Programme (STP) from Training Institutes/ Academies of
respective Groups/ Services. Seniority of Probationers in each Group/Service is
determined after qualifying the FPOE. If a Probationer does not pass this examination in
four attempts, he/she is liable to be removed from service/group. During the period July
2016 to June 2017, the Commission conducted following Final Passing Out Examinations:-
FPOE 2016
S. No. Name of Group/Service Registered
1. Information Group 07
2. Pakistan Administrative Service 54
3. Railways (C & T) Group 03
FPOE 2017
S. No. Name of Group/Service Registered
1. Postal Group 08
2. Inland Revenue Service 98
3. Foreign Service of Pakistan 24
4. Police Service of Pakistan 41
5. Information Group 02
6. Office Management Group 48
7. Military Lands and Cantonments 04
8. Pakistan Administrative Service 65
9. Pakistan Audit and Account Service 24
10. Railway C&T Group 03
11. Commerce & Trade Group ---
12. Pakistan Customs Service 14
5. General Recruitment for Ex-cadre Position
During the period, the Commission finalized 230 cases of recruitment involving 2675 posts
for Ex-Cadre recruitment (including posts pertaining to previous years). 2363 nominations
were made and 312 posts were reported failure due to non-availability of suitable
candidates. A brief summary according to basic scale, applications received/ pre-selected
for interview and nominations made, is as under:-
The final result of 05 posts of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate (BS-18) for Gilgit-
Baltistan Judiciary, earlier advertised in 2012, was finalized during this period. 128
candidates applied, 93 candidates appeared while 35 remained absent. 18 candidates
qualified the written exam and were interviewed by the Commission on 27.11.2016. Out of
18 candidates, 15 finally qualified. The Commission recommended 05 top merit candidates
for the said post. The recommendations were also conveyed to sponsoring departments
on 14.02.2017 after due scrutiny of the documents.
8. Examination for Recruitment of four posts of Assistant Director (BS-17), Survey
of Pakistan 2015
The Commission invited applications for Section Officers Promotional Examination 2017
on 20.11.2016. In written test, 534 appeared out of 1330 registered candidates. Result for
written test SOPE-2017 is still awaited.
10. Designing of Test Schemes and Syllabi for General Direct Recruitment
For mandatory written test for General Recruitment, Curriculum and Research Wing of
FPSC designed schemes and syllabi for 291 recruitment cases for selection against 2782
posts in BS-16 to BS-21 during the period.
After consultation with Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Engineering Council,
112 cases regarding equivalence of degrees and recognition of the educational institutions
were processed by Curriculum and Research Wing for consideration of the Commission.
12. Adoption of Urdu as Official Language: In line with Article 251 of the
Constitution of Pakistan and the decision of the Cabinet, FPSC took a number of
initiatives to promote and implement the national language, as an official language. 8
documents were translated in Urdu in coordination with the National Language Promotion
Department and vetted by the Law Division, which include FPSC Ordinance 1977, FPSC
(Functions) Rules 1978, FPSC (Composition and Condition of Service) Regulations,
1978, CSS Public Notice, Rules for Competitive Examination CE 2017, Instructions to the
candidates for General Recruitment (BS-16 and above), Code of conduct in General
Recruitment Examination and Frequently Asked Questions. The Urdu version is now
available at FPSC website. An Urdu Committee was also constituted to study the issue
and make recommendations for implementation of the decision of the Supreme Court in
letter and spirit.
13. Meetings/Conferences
During F.Y 2016-17 several meetings were held in FPSC. Synopsis of some important
meetings is as under:
II. 154th Meeting of the Commission: 154th Meeting of the full Commission, under
the chair Mr. Naveed Akram Cheema, Chairman FPSC was held on 19.11.2016 at
FPSC HQ, Islamabad. FPSC portfolio was reviewed and key decisions were taken
to diagnose & suggest measures for improvement in CSS CE, to take steps for
implementation of decisions of the Supreme Court for promotion of Urdu and
improving methods of general recruitment.
III. Meeting for Steering Committee: Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed Tarar, Member FPSC
presided the meeting of the Steering Committee for Online Recruitment System
Phase-I project on 20.12.2016.
IV. National Day for Working Women: FPSC celebrated National Day for Working
Women on 22.12.2016 to acknowledge the role of working women in national
development as well as to appreciate the efforts made by the women working at
As per statue of some Federal Universities, it is mandatory that the FPSC should have
representation in the Selection Boards of the Universities. Following Member represented
FPSC in the board’s meetings during the FY 2016-2017:
Under Section 7(b) of the FPSC Ordinance 1977, the Commission is empowered to give
advice on Recruitment Rules for posts which fall under its purview. During the period
under report, it processed 114 cases, 34 got approved by the Commission whereas 80
cases of recruitment rules submitted by various Ministries/Divisions/Departments are
under process. Furthermore, as provided under Section 7(3) of FPSC Ordinance, 1977,
152 appeals/petitions were filed during this period and 130 were decided while remaining
cases were still pending for legal reasons.
Curriculum and Research Wing published 4 quarterly Newsletter and one Annual Report
2015 as required under Section 9 of the FPSC Ordinance 1977. The report was also
presented to the President of Pakistan and on approval was laid in the Parliament.
To conduct research and provide training in Rural Development Administration for the
administrative and supervisory personnel of the federal and provincial services as well as
those of Gilgit-Baltistan and AJK.
“A Centre of Excellence in Training and Research to play pivotal role in Rural
Development through capacity building of concerned service providers and stakeholders.”
“PARD is committed to Rural Development through research and capacity building of
service providers and stakeholders.”
Major functions
Major Functions of the Academy include
a. To impart in-service training to the administrators in development processes with
special reference to rural development;
b. Training of people from community and other organizations who can influence the
process of rural development;
c. Conduct research in the field of rural development and its administration in order to
make the training realistic and meaningful;
01 Capacity building of Government officers in the area of rural
02 Arrange and conduct training for better service delivery in the area
of rural and social development
03 Experimentation projects such as Fish Farming; Masjid Maktab;
Agricultural Farm; Vocational Training Centre for Women; Nursery
Raising, Tunnel Gardening, Trickle Irrigation and Small Hands etc.
04 Conduct social research in the field of rural development and local
a) Training:
During the period from July 2016 to June 2017 , PARD targeted and
conducted 47 training programmes in which a total of 1395 officers representing various
nation building departments from all over the country participated. As per the Academy’s
charter, the training programmes related to diverse themes of local government and rural
development. Major focus was on local government devolution related capacity building
programmes for various stakeholders. Other related areas of training included
Participatory Rural Development, Project Planning and Management, Natural Resource
Management, Agriculture Extension, Environmental Impact Assessment, Gender and
Development and other themes of relevance to rural development.
Various training programmes were conducted in collaboration with other national and
international organizations like CERD,GRAP ,PITE and Directorate of Science &
Technology. During the period July, 2016 to June 2017, 1395 numbers officers/officials,
farmers and elected representatives were trained in various themes related to their jobs.
Year No. KPK Punj Sind Baluchis Azad Gilgit- Feder FAT NGO Tota
of ab h tan Kashm Baltista al A s l
Cours ir n Govt.
2016- 47 128 66 09 06 13 03 09 08 -- 139
17 1 5
Details of PARD Training Programmes Conducted during July 2016 to June, 2017
There was no training during the month of June, 2017 (Ramdan Mubarak)
b) Research
JORDA Vol. XLVI- No.2 (July – December, 2015) is in printing stage and will be
available shortly. Research articles for JORDA Vol. XLVII- No.1 (January–June, 2016) and
Vol. XLVII- No.2 (July – December, 2016) issue have been short listed and are in the
review process.
c) Experimentation
1. Masjid Maktab (Mosque Feeder School Project)
The Academy provides Rs. 1500/- per month as stipend to the Maktab
Teachers. In addition, books, black board and ground mats are provided to each Maktab.
Every year, an official of the Provincial Education Department conducts the examinations,
so that these students can carry government primary certificates for further education. The
course of these schools is the same as of the provincial government schools. The project
is run with the minimum expenses, if compared with the expenses of primary schools in
the Government Sector. The trainees of different training courses of PARD, NIM and
PPSA are also inspecting these schools. The Masjid Maktabs are evaluated regularly.
The Academy had set up an Industrial Centre for Women in March 1966
which was renamed as Vocational Training Centre for Women. Its purpose is to train rural
women in basic skills of home industry to enable them to learn income-earning skills and
thereby to inculcate spirit of self-help and self-confidence among them.
The Vocational Training Centre for Women is located inside the premises of
Academy Campus and is run by qualified lady teachers under the supervision of the
Instructor-Incharge. During 2016-17, thirty eight (38) women were trained in various skills
in the Centre. Vocational Training Centre for Women has imparted skills training to 1923
students so far. The equipments available at the Centre include sewing machines and
embroidery machines which are used for skill learning. A number of different courses on
trades and crafts are taught.
Girls attend the center for varying durations and learn skills which they
prefer. The number of trainees usually increases during vacations, particularly in summer
due to closure of education institutions.
There are two teachers working in the center which impart training in the
following skills:
Tailoring and Dress making
Painting/Glass Painting
Hand & Machine Knitting
Besides, Nazira Quran classes for the girls of the campus have also been
started in the premises of the Centre.
3. Fish Pond
Fish rearing is an effective income generating activity that has the potential
of being used as an important means of poverty reduction amongst the resource poor local
communities. It is an employment generating multi-dimensional activity involving
community mobilization and use of idle local resources.
PARD has established a demonstrative Fish Pond over an area of half an
acre. Seeds of different fish species namely Raho, Silver, Grass and Morvi are stocked in
the pond. The netting ceremony is held once a year through Fisheries Department and
provided to the staff members on subsidized rate particularly to low paid employees of the
Academy. The next netting is expected during September 2017.
d. Agricultural Farm
This project was initiated in May 2006; it covers an area of five kanals of land
where 162 plants of lemon and olive are irrigated through the most advanced trickle
irrigation. This system is very useful for those farmers who are facing irrigational water
shortage. Canal water is used as a source of irrigational water. Experiment is very
successful in achieving its objectives and will be replicated in the farmers’ fields.
b. Integrated Basic Services for Women
i. Provision of services and facilities both in public and private sectors, well-
coordinated and adequately supported by supplies.
ii. Upgrading the skills of rural population to enable them to make the best use of the
services being provided.
iii. Integration of public agencies such as development departments with elected Local
The Project helped in undertaking more clearly the concept, objectives and
principle of rural development, in designing training courses for people involved in rural
development, in preparing reading materials, providing opportunities for practical work by
the participants and formulation of guideline for future course of action.
PARD Agriculture Farm in collaboration with Nuclear Institute for Food and
Agriculture, Peshawar Agriculture Research System, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cultivated
different varieties of Moong Bean (Ramazan & Karak-1 respectively) over an area of
about 4 acres. Harvesting of Moong Bean started on August 17, 2016. A yield of about
38 maunds Moong Bean was achieved from threshing of the crop. Mrs. Nighat Mehroze,
Director General, PARD/ NIM/PPSA inaugurated the harvesting ceremony.
iii) Auction of Maize Fodder & Mott/Rhode Grass
The crops of Mott/Rhode Grass and Maize Fodder, sown over an area of
about 1.5 kanal and 2.5 acre, respectively were auctioned on August 15, 2016. A
revenue of Rs. 53,500/- was attained from auction of the crop.
PARD has established Orchard of various fruits over an area of about 6 acres in 2015-16.
The first picking of Pomegranate fruit was carried out on August 31, 2016. The Director
General, inaugurated harvesting of the fruit. A revenue of Rs.4,400/- was attained from
sale of the fruit.
v) Berseem Crop
Sown Berseem Crop over an area of about 3.5 acres. Mr. Rahimullah Yousafzai, a
renowned journalist inaugurated sowing ceremony of the crop on October 19, 2016. The
crop was auctioned for Rs. 195,040/-.,seed of around 170 Kg. of has also been attained
from harvesting of the crop which is supposed for re-sowing in PARD fields. The additional
seed will be disposed-off/sale in local market/auction.
The crop of Sunflower, which was sown in collaboration with Pakistan Oil
Seed Development Board (PODB), Peshawar was harvested. Harvesting of the crop
was inaugurated by Mrs. Nighat Mehroze, DG PARD/NIM/PPSA ,the crop has given a
yield of around 438 Kilogram of Sunflower Seed. The seed is being used for oil extraction
purpose (for onward sale to staff of the three institutions).
Mushroom farming has become one of the most important of all the
horticultural crops and playing an important role in poverty reduction due to its
economical inputs and high return characteristic. PARD therefore, has also established a
Mushroom Unit in close collaboration with Agriculture Research
Institute (ARI), Tarnab and Agriculture University, Peshawar for demonstration of
trainees and other visitors. Also got trained four PARD staff members in the field of
Mushroom Cultivation at ARI Tarnab to handle the Mushroom Unit efficiently and
Mushrooms harvested during the period were sold to staff of PARD, NIM &
PPSA; and revenue has been deposited in relevant PARD account.
The Honey Bee Keeping venture, which was started early in 2016, gave its
output. Honeys of the following qualities were extracted:
Forty eight kilogram of Ber Honey; and
Sixty seven kilogram Pulai Honey
and sold to staff of the three institution PARD/NIM/PPSA at economical rate. The revenue
of Rs. 78000/- has been generated.
The 8th National Farmers’ Convention was organized during April 26 - 28, 2017
which was participated by more than 100 farmers from all over the country and
provided an opportunity to the small and medium level farmers to directly interact with
related service providers and other stakeholders to deliberate upon farmers; issues and its
possible solutions. The respective experts and stakeholders received full response from
the participating male and female farmers, experts and representatives of public and
private sector organizations.
• Linking up PARD training to the career planning of functionaries of Government line
departments which would create a genuine training need/demand among the participants
and make the capacity building programme being offered by the Academy more
meaningful for the target clientele;
• Better service structure that provides sufficient opportunities of career building to the
Faculty. Present service structure was designed in the 1950s and 1960s and does not
meet the present day requirements.
01 Pakistan Day celebrated with illumination on the office main
buildings; hoisting of National Flag as well as colorful programmes
including speeches and national songs for children.
02 Facilities provided to other departments/organizations for holding the
training programmes at the Academy such as venue; logistics;
hostels; auditorium etc.
03 8th National Farmers’ Convention held during April 26 - 28, 2017.
S. Goals / Targets
i). To bring attitudinal change and equip OMG probationers with basic
knowledge and skills in Office Management enabling them to perform their
job effectively.
ii). To impart knowledge and enhance skills of officers in various disciplines to
prepare them for their organizational needs.
iii). To up-grade the knowledge of the staff in Secretariat Norms, practices,
procedures and rules.
iv). To train Officers and staff in the field of information Technology.
v). To enhance skills of the staff in the areas of shorthand / typing. MIS and
E-Government etc.
vi). To improve performance of the public sector organizations by improving
efficiency of the staff.
vii). To organize courses for officers and staff in Daftri Urdu and Urdu Composing.
viii). To enhance skills of the officers & staff to develop capacity in Urdu
correspondence in pursuance of Government’s resolve to give preference to
Urdu as an official language.
S. No. of No. of
No. Courses Participants /
(Financial year 2016 - 2017)
conducted Beneficiaries
i). Specialized pre-service training for Section
02 67
Officer (OMG)
ii). Courses conducted under Executive
Programme for officers in BS-17 to BS-19 on 22 610
various management disciplines.
iii). Staff Development Courses relating to Service
18 931
Laws and Procedures (BS 01- 16)
iv). English Stenography Courses 11 572
v). Urdu Stenography Courses / Urdu computer in-
07 232
viii). Customized Training Programmes on special
request of Ministries / Divisions Departments in 05 338
addition to Annual Training Calendar.
ix). IT Courses for officers and officials 13 392
Total 78 3142
Functions of NSPP
To serve as a research institute for the Federal Government on matters of public policy
and to advise the Federal Government on such policy matters as are referred to it.
7. The National Management Course (NMC) takes place at the National Management
Wing of National Management College, Lahore for Basic Scale-20 officers. It requires the
course participants to learn strategic skills and understand the factors bearing on
formulation, implementation and perspective of policy making at the national level.
8. The Executive Development Institute (EDI), established in 2007, offers short
courses to meet the learning needs of senior leaders of public and private sectors,
engaged in legislation, law business, executive, industry, journalism and academia.
9. The National Institute of Public Policy (NIPP) is a ‘research institute for the Federal
Government on matters of public policy’. Though, in the formative phase, however, it is
growing well and emerging as a ‘Think Tank’ for the Government of Pakistan on Public
policy-related issues and concerns. It has undertaken a number of wide-ranging research
studies of national importance.
10. The NSPP functions under the Board of Governors, headed by the President of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The affairs of the NSPP are managed through the BOG and
its Executive Committee. During the period under review, the 13th meeting of the Board of
Governs took place on 19th April, 2017. Furthermore, 20th, 21st & 22nd meetings of the
Executive Committee took place on 1st September, 2016, 17th October, 2016 and 14th
June, 2017 respectively.
Objectives Achievements
Institution Course Period No. of
1. To provide pre- National 105th NMC 01st August, 56
service and in- Management 2016 to 30th
service training to all College, December,
the nominees of the Lahore 2016
Establishment 106th NMC 20th 56
Division at the February,
Integral and 2017 to 21st
Constituent Units of July, 2017
the NSPP 20th SMC 15th August, 91
2016 to 30th
21st SMC 6th March, 68
2017 to
21st July,
National 22nd MCMC 22nd August, 36
Institute of 2016 to 25th
Management, November,
Islamabad 2016
21st SMC 6th March, 37
2017 to
21st July,
National 20th SMC 15th August, 52
Institute of 2016 to 30th
Management, December,
Karachi. 2016
21st SMC 6th March, 43
2017 to
21st July,
22nd MCMC 22nd August, 50
2016 to 25th
23rd MCMC 20th 43
2017 to 26th
May, 2017
National 22nd MCMC 22nd August, 50
Institute of 2016 to 25th
Management, November,
Lahore. 2016
23rd MCMC 20th 53
2017 to 26th
May, 2017
National 22nd MCMC 22nd August, 55
Institute of 2016 to 25th
Management, November,
Peshawar. 2016
23rd MCMC 20th 50
2017 to 26th
May, 2017
National 22nd MCMC 22nd August, 24
Institute of 2016 to 25th
Management, November,
Quetta. 2016
23rd MCMC 20th 37
2017 to 26th
May, 2017
2. To conduct Executive 13th 15th August, 18
special programmes Development Executive 2016 to 19th
for the Federal and Institute, Developme August, 2016
Provincial Lahore nt
government Programme
employees in BS 21 “
and above which Strategic
may also include Dimensions
nominees from the of China-
private sector and Pakistan
members of Federal Economic
and Provincial Corridor”
14th 08th May 11
Executive 2017 to
Developme 12th May,
nt 2017
in Food
The officers participated in programmes and procedures (Grand 830
3. Research Projects National The following research projects were
completed Institute of completed during 2016-17
Public Policy, Review of outcomes of 7th NFC Award
Lahore in the context of 18th Amendment for
Health and Education Sectors in Punjab
and Sindh
A case study on NEPRA
Socio Economic Impact of China
Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
Medium Term Budgetary Frame Work
Issues, Challenges and Prospects
Policy Implementation in Pakistan Case
Study of Higher Education Commission
Local Government Finance in France:
Lessons for Pakistan
In Progress
Youth Bulge for Gainful Employment
Retooling Governance for Improving
Public Service Delivery: Case Study of
Right to Public Services Commission
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
E-Governance and Land Record in
13. It is pertinent to mention that the National School of Public Policy successfully
concluded its regular academic activity and training courses during the specified report
period. It has been ensured that by aligning its procedures and processes, the National
School of Public Policy adheres to the spirit and dynamism of Vision 2025. We pray to
Almighty Allah to help us to efficaciously continue NSPP’s mission of improving
governance through effective capacity building of public servants.
2. The task assigned to the Management Services Wing falls into three broad
categories viz., Consultancy, Training and Research. As mandated by the Federal
Government Rules of Business, 1973, Establishment Division (Management Services
Wing) offers management consultancy services to the Federal Government organizations,
to assist them in solving the specific management problems and undertaking re-
organization/management studies focusing generally on rationalization of their
organization structures, logical distribution of functions, and simplification of operational
procedures, developing performance standards and recommending effective staff strength
for their smooth functioning. Training programmes are also offered by the Wing which is
aimed at developing and upgrading the skills of the Federal Government Employees and
to keep them updated on the latest developments in the field of Management. In addition,
the following functions have also been allocated to M.S. Wing in the Secretariat Instruction:
“75. To prevent unnecessary expansion of the Government and to avoid
duplication/overlapping of functions allocated to Ministries/ Divisions under
Schedule II to the Rules of Business, all the Ministries/ Divisions shall comply with
the following directions:–
(i) Utilize the free consultancy services of Management Services Wing as far as
possible and save expenditure on foreign/local consultants.
(ii) Involve Management Services Wing at the time of expansion also.
Expansion in their activities and/or in number of personnel should be got
cleared by the Management Services Wing.
(iii) Give representation to the Management Services Wing on all
Commissions/Committees concerned with the re-organization of
government machinery.”
The achievements of the Management Services Wing during the year 2016-17, are
briefly as under:-
i) During the period under review, the Wing has received 228 references /
consultancy assignments / receipts on various administrative, procedural,
operational as well as management related issues referred to it by the
government organizations. Out of which 123 assignments have
successfully been completed. Whereas, the remaining assignments are in
progress. In addition, the Wing has also disposed off 125 miscellaneous
cases received from different Ministries / Divisions / Organizations. The
advice rendered therein by the Wing facilitated these organizations in
solving their management problems.
ii) Six (06) short term training courses were conducted under the Managerial
Effectiveness Program during the period. Details are as under:-
iii) The Wing has also dealt with 1441 cases related to Surplus Pool and
implementation of recruitment policy as per details below:-
iv) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in respect of BS-17 and BS-18 positions
of all Ministries/ Divisions have successfully been completed in line with the
requirements of New Assessment Report Form.
4. The following activities have been performed in the context of post devolution
Certification process was carried out in Establishment Division. To manage these affairs,
an ISO Cell was established in the Management Services Wing in 2016. In addition, an
ISO Steering Committee was also constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary
Establishment to oversee the ISO Certification process and extend support, when needed.
The ISO Cell with the technical assistance of consultant firm namely M/s Institute of
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (IOSHE) Pvt. Ltd. And with the assistance of
ISO Coordinators nominated from each Wing has developed the Quality Management
System based on ISO 9001:2015 in Establishment Division. The activities were performed
i) Training sessions on various aspects of QMS (ISO 9001:2015);
ii) Gap Analysis Exercise;
iii) Extensive meetings / consultation with ISO Coordinators, officers / officials of
Establishment Division for developing the following ISO mandatory and
Technical Documents and compilation of the same in the form of Quality
Manuals (Wing-wise) for implementation. These manuals contain the following:
Establishment Division’s Quality Policy.
Wing-wise Quality Objectives.
Wing-wise Identification of relevant interested parties / stakeholders.
Functions of each Wing of Establishment Division.
Job descriptions of each position of Establishment Division.
Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the process in vogue in
Establishment Division.
iv) Conduct of Internal Quality Audit, generation of Internal Audit Reports and
taking corrective action for removal of non-conformities identified in the
v) Convening of ISO Steering Committee meetings on regular intervals to apprise
the members with the progress of certification process;
vi) Conduct of External (Third Party) Certification Audit in May, 2017 through the
audit team of “M/s National Quality Assurance (NQA), Pakistan”, an Accredited
Certification Body of United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS);
vii) Award of ISO 9001:2015 Certificate to Establishment Division by M/s NQA
after verification of QMA in Establishment division in June 2017.
6. After award of the ISO 9001:2015 Certificate, the next stage is the maintenance
and making improvement in the system, which is a continuous process. Therefore, the ISO
Cell with the assistance of ISO Coordinators will continue to work for making improvement
Pakistan Public Administration Research Centre (PPARC)
As is obvious by the name itself, Research aims to discover new methods
and procedures, and is vital for development through constant up-gradation of existing way
of doing the things. For the conduct of administrative research a distinct unit exists as a
part and parcel of Establishment Division, with the name Pakistan Public Administration
Research Centre. The Centre is responsible for the performance of the following
2. The above functions are performed by three Sections viz (a) Statistics (b)
Manuals & Publications (c) Research. The detail of activities & achievements made by
these Sections during the financial year (2016-2017) is as under:-
A manual on Appoint, Promotion and Transfer Rules (Edition-2016) (under
Bill Book (under print).
Organization & Functions of Federal Secretariat (Part-II) (under Print).
Quarterly reports on recording, indexing of files and weeding out of old
As per para 6 of the System of Financial Control and Budgeting (September, 2006),
in each Ministry/ Division, there shall be a Chief Finance and Accounts Officer (CF&AO)
under the Principal Accounting Officer who shall assist him and report to him as part of his
team. The CF&AO shall be a well-trained and experienced officer and equivalent to Joint
Secretary or Deputy Secretary, as may be appropriate, to assist the Principal
Accounting Officer in matters relating to risk management, asset protection, internal
control/audit, reconciliation of accounts, monitoring and coordination with DAC,PAC
and financial proprieties of expenditure and receipts. The CF&AO shall have such
supporting officers and staff as may be necessary. The CF&AO and the officers/staff
under him shall be under the administrative control of the Ministry/Division to which he is
Planning & Monitoring Cell (PMC) comprises Chief Finance & Accounts Officer, a BS-20
Officer of Audit & Accounts Group, as its Head, Deputy Secretary (PMC), Section Officer
(Budget), Section Officer (F&A), Section Officer (Internal Audit) and Assistant Chief
(PMC). The Chief Finance & Accounts Officer works directly under the Principal
Accounting Officer (Establishment Secretary) and coordinates his work with the Financial
Advisor's Organization.
Approval of the Budget Estimates of Current Expenditure/Receipts and Foreign
Exchange in respect of Establishment Division and its Attached
Departments/Organizations in accordance with Medium-Term Budgetary
Framework (MTBF).
Release of funds to the Attached Departments/Organizations of the Establishment
Division from the allocated Budget of Financial Year 2016-17.
Approval of budget from PSDP in respect of development projects of
Establishment Division and its Attached Departments/Organizations.
Scrutiny and processing of all development projects up to approval by
Monitoring and implementation of the development projects of Establishment
Division and its attached Departments/Organizations.
Observance of Internal Control prescribed by the CGA in the Ministry/Division,
Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices.
Conducting the Internal Audit of the Ministry/Division, Attached Departments and
Subordinate Offices and incorporate the results of these inspections in the form of
an inspection report and furnished the Internal Audit Report to the Principal
Accounting Officer.
Work relating to Public Accounts Committee and audit observations on
appropriation accounts.
Compliance with the recommendations of DAC and PAC.
Ensure compliance of all other rule and orders contained in Treasury Rules,
General Financial Rules and instructions issued by the Finance Division from time
to time.
Tender advice in the delegated field where called upon.
Processing of cases with Ministry of Finance.
Reconciliation of accounts of all Demands of Establishment Division.
Settlement of audit objections other than cash.
Preparation of Budget of Establishment Division (Main).
Examination/Coordination of Budget Estimates of Current Expenditure, Receipts
and Foreign Exchange in respect of Attached Departments/Organizations of the
Establishment Division.
Release of funds to the Attached Departments/Organizations of the Establishment
Supplementary Grants and Re-appropriation of Funds in respect of Establishment
Division and its Attached Departments/Organizations.
Re-appropriation of funds requiring the approval of the Finance Division under the
Demands relating to the Establishment Division.
Creation of posts in Establishment Division including the posts of OSDs.
Reconciliation of expenditure on monthly basis.
Provision of reconciliation statements to Finance Division in respect of Attached
Departments/ Organizations of Establishment Division along-with a statement
containing Demand wise analysis.
Collection of expenditure reports as required by the Finance Division in
respect of Attached Departments/Organizations and furnishing to the Finance
Convening meetings of DAC to discuss Appropriation Accounts/Audit Reports.
Coordinating work relating to meetings of PAC and Sub Committees of PAC.
To conduct the Internal Audit for the F.Y. 2015-16 in respect of Establishment
Division (Main).
Convening meetings of the Departmental Development Working Party (DDWP)
To follow up action on the decisions taken in the meetings of Pre-CDWP,
CDWP/ECNEC for development projects
To process re-appropriation of funds and supplementary grant of development
To follow up action on the decisions taken by the Priorities Committee.
To follow up actions on the decisions taken by Annual Plan Coordination
Committee (APCC).
Online entry and follow up of development schemes into the PMES System of
Planning Commission.
Coordinating the work of the following development Projects included in PSDP
o Construction of Auditorium for 500 persons at Civil Services Academy,
Walton, Lahore.
o Construction of Overhead Tank and Turbine Including Up-gradation of
Auxiliary Services at Civil Services Academy, Walton, Lahore.
o Refurbishment of Old Fatima Hostel at Civil Services Academy, Walton,
o Construction of Hostel for Female Federal Government Employees at Wafaqi
Colony, Lahore.
o National University of Public Policy and Administration (NUPPA). Lahore (Un-
o Creation of Sports Facilities/Construction of two (02) Squash Courts at
Community Center, Aabpara/Improvement/Upgradation of Day Care Center,
G-6 & Ladies Industrial Home at F-6/4, Islamabad.
o Construction of Holiday Home at Keenjhar Lake, Thatta.
o Establishment of IT Wing and Online Training Facility at NSPP, Lahore.
01 To take such welfare measures that would make Government service more
lucrative so as to attract the best possible talents;
02 To fill those gaps in the provision of such services to Government servants
which are not being provided by the agencies concerned.
03 To meet the economic, social and psychological needs of all Government
servants in every sphere of their community life.
04 Direct Financial assistance
05 Indirect economic relief
06 Provision of recreational facilities
07 Provision of auxiliary services
01 Payment of Stipend Award
02 Federal Staff Relief Fund:
03 Rehabilitation Aid:
04 Day Care Centre:
05 Holiday Homes:
06 Ladies Industrial Home:
07 Ambulance, Mortuary Van Service/Coaster Service:
08 Vocational Training Centre /Trade Training Centre:
09 Multipurpose Community Centre/Community Clubs:
10 Hostel for Federal Government Female Employees:
11 Sports and Cultural Activities:
12 Quranic Classes:
13 PSDP Schemes for Welfare of Federal Government Employees
Target Achievements
01 Award of Stipend: An amount of RS 116.613 million was disbursed to 52785
Federal Government Employees for the payment of tuition fee, purchase of
books for their children. Cash Award to students for obtaining
02 Federal Staff Relief Fund: Amount of RS. 16.670 million was disbursed to
the 3952 Federal Government employees on account of death and/or their
dependents / prolonged illness and purchase of optical.
03 Rehabilitation Aid: The rehabilitation aid provided to 181 disabled Federal
Government employees and their dependents in shape of rehabilitation items
(Hearing Aid, Wheel Chairs, Tricycle, and Artificial Limbs) costing to Rs. 3.725
million to rehabilitate them and to make them self-supporting.
04 Day Care Centre: The project / scheme aims to meet the requirements of
working mothers who have no family member in their homes to look after the
children. 33 children of working women benefited with the facility of Day Care
Centre at Islamabad and this activity generated revenue of RS 0.065 million.
05 Holiday Homes: Holiday Home at Murree, Sandspit Karachi and Ziarat
(Baluchistan) were established to provide excursion facilities to the Federal
Government Employees and their dependents. 3323 families of the Federal
Government Employees availed the facilities of Holiday Homes at Murree,
Sandspit & Ziarat. Through this facility, revenue of RS 2.446 million was
06 Ladies Industrial Home: The aim of this project is to provide training in
useful and employment oriented skills such as knitting, embroidery etc. to the
female dependents of Federal Government employees. LIH at Islamabad has
further introduced new courses of short duration in market-oriented skills.
These are computer courses, Beautician, Cooking, Handicraft work which are
of great help in supplementing the income of the families. Computer courses,
Beautification courses, Cooking, Handicraft works, Beads, Interior Decorations
and training is provided for capacity building of the staff. About 10735 female
completed different skill trainings/Certificate/Diploma courses and RS. 0.539
Million were earned as revenue.
Work-order-centres: Two work-order-centers are established at Islamabad
and one at Peshawar to provide full support to the ladies to support their
families’ income and booked 2290 work-orders and generated Rs.0.065
Million as revenue.
07 Ambulance, Mortuary Van and Coaster Service: The ambulance service is
provided to the Federal Government employees and their family members in
case of illness to pick and drop to hospital/residence. The Service Charges are
very nominal and service is being provided round the clock at Islamabad,
Peshawar, Lahore and Quetta within the municipal limits.
A mortuary van service is provided to carry the dead bodies of Federal
Government Employees and / or their dependents from residence to native
town within a radius of 350 K.M. which is only available at Islamabad.
atmosphere and to provide entertainment to the children of Federal
Government Employees. Total 62 number of Sports programs was held during
the year.
Cultural programs were also arranged at Regional Offices of Staff
Welfare Organization to increase their mental approach and to celebrate
National days and Religious festivals. Total 99 numbers of Cultural Programs
were held.
12 Libraries: An amount of Rs.0.020 Million generated from 7 Libraries.
Approximately more than 30,000 library members benefit with books,
magazines etc. each year.
13 Quranic Classes: For teaching the Holy Quran free of any charges, Quranic
classes have been arranged. Dependents of Federal Government employees
were taught the Holy Quran at the Regional offices at Lahore, Peshawar and
Quetta. About 844 F.G. Employees benefited from this program.
14 Grant-in-Aid: An amount of Rs.0.300 Million under grant in aid is provided to
16 clubs/welfare agencies of Federal Government Employees and their
dependents to encourage the employees to utilize their leisure time in healthy
activities and to arrange tournaments
Project Status
Creation of sports facilities at 33.961 The project is ongoing scheme with
community center G-6 & up Million total cost of RS. 33.961 (M). the
gradation of Day Care Centre at G- project will be completed upto
6 and Staff Welfare D.G. Office, 31/12/2017.
Construction of Holiday Home 13.952 It is an ongoing schemes will be
Kinjhar Lacke Thatta. Million completed upto 30-09-2017.
Staff Welfare Organization started to provide the Rehabilitation Aid to the
Federal Govt. Employees and their dependent at their doorstep. For collection
1 and deposit of stipend forms, camp offices were established for the
convenience of the Federal Govt. Employees at Pak Secretariat, Ministry of
Defense, Rawalpindi and M/O CAD, H-9, Islamabad
More Ambulances/Coasters including Furniture/Fixture of Holiday Home
2 Murree have been replaced with new one. Moreover, some
repair/Maintenance work has also been carried out there.
SWO submitted various Development Schemes for the Financial Year 2016-17 to
achieve 100 % Goals/Targets.
The total revenue amounting to Rs.15.103 Million generated from SWO’s different
schemes was deposited into Government Treasury during the Financial Year 2016-17. It is
too difficult to maintain SWO buildings/infrastructure in the absence of allocation of budget
for repair maintenance of SWO buildings.
Non-availability of finances for development project badly affected the projects and
completion of such projects also delayed for many years.
SWO is providing its facilities to the F.G. Employees & their dependents throughout
the country with its full dedication, zeal and enthusiasm and working day and night for
accomplishment of its set Target/Goals. During last Financial Year 2015-16 SWO
completed/achieved its 100% targets and goals pertaining to the regular schemes. While
targets pertaining to Development projects, SWO succeeded to achieve more than 70% of
its Target / Goals.
It is fact that few reforms have been introduced such as, increase in SWO
schemes. Revision of SWO schemes rates charges and introduction of new
market/employment oriented courses in LIH, VTC and TTC, we can not only serve in a
better way to the F.G. Employee & their dependent but also can get handsome increase in
There is always room for improvement and to run SWO business in a better way
the Officers and Staff are committed but there is need of support by superiors and
sufficient funds so that SWO may address maximum number of Federal Government
The Federal Employees Benevolent & Group Insurance Funds (FEB&GIF) were
established in April 1969 through promulgation of the FEBF & GI Act, 1969. Objective of
launching the FEBF & GI scheme is to provide financial relief in the shape of Benevolent
Grant, Sum Assured and other benefits to the Federal Government/autonomous bodies’
employees and their families. Presently, it is covering more than 649,000 employees.
2. The basic role of the Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds is
to provide financial relief to the Federal Government employees/their family members. The
Funds collect contributions from the employees, invest surplus funds and provide financial
benefits under its welfare schemes as admissible under the provisions of the Federal
Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 and the Rules made
thereunder. The FEB & GIF are managed by a Board of Trustees constituted under
Section 4 of the FEBF & GI Act, 1969.
- Rule 19 of FEBF & GI Rules, 1972
viii. Annual Cash Awards on Essay Writing Competition among children of Federal
Government employees.
d. Preparation of proposals for further improvement in the benefits admissible under the
Federal Employees Benevolent Fund & Group Insurance Act, 1969 and the Rules made
e. Utilization of surplus funds by introducing new schemes for the welfare of the employees
and their family members.
4. Provide common benefits to the Federal Government employees and certain autonomous
bodies and to provide for their group Insurance Fund.
Targets set for the year 2016-17
a) There was a total receipt of Rs. 8,938.11 million on account of contributions,
investment income and BF building rent while total grants paid by the FEB & GIF
under its welfare schemes were Rs. 5,593.989 million.
b) The Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan approved enhancement in amount of
Marriage Grant from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 100,000 on marriage of one orphan
daughter of a Government servant who dies after retirement. In this regard,
necessary amendment in Rule 19 of the FEB & GIF has been made and notified in
Gazette Notification on 03-01-2017.
7. With a view to construct buildings for raising rental income of the Funds, development
work on two valuable plots of the FEB & GIF is in hand. Latest actions in this regard are
as under:
Construction of BF Tower on plot in Blue Area has been started in October, 2017. It
is a 30 level tower with Shopping Mall, Cineplex, Food Court, Health Club, Office
floors and Roof top restaurant.
8. Objective of launching the FEB & GIF schemes, as specified in the preamble of the
Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and
Grants disbusres during 2016-17 (Rs. in million)
Group Insurance Act, 1969 was to provide
common benefits to the Federal Government
employees and certain autonomous bodies
and to provide for their Group Insurance Fund. 1215.98
9. In addition to the above objectives of
the Funds, Sections 14-A, and 17(5) of the 337.02
11. The Board of Trustees of FEB & GI Funds is conscious of the fact that
maximum benefits should be extended to the employees/their families and every year, the
Board reviews the position of benefits in light of the recommendations of Consultant
Actuary. During the last five years, the Funds position was as under:
12. The above table reveals that a total amount of Rs. 5,593.989 million has
been disbursed to the 150,940 beneficiaries during the year 2016-17 while contributions to
the tune of Rs. 6,517.930 million were received from the employees.
13. Sections 12 & 18 of FEBF & GI Act, 1969, specifies that every Federal
Government employee is liable to contribute an amount specified in Rule 6 of FEBF & GI
Rules, 1972. The contributions towards Group Insurance Fund in respect of the non-
gazetted employees are not recovered from their pay; these are paid by the Finance
Division vide their letter No.F.6.II/69-B.III-703 dated 15.08.1982. It has been observed that
the contributions payable by the Finance Division are neither released in time nor is the
entire amount of contributions paid which causes difficulties for the FEB & GI Funds
towards releasing financial benefits to the non-gazetted employees and their families. For
the year 2016-17 Finance Division has not paid Rs. 5,019.14 million of its committed
Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 and the Rules made
thereunder. The BoT also makes efforts to generate additional resources to maximize
benefits under its welfare schemes.