PHAN Catalogue EN 2018
PHAN Catalogue EN 2018
PHAN Catalogue EN 2018
Test Strips
for Urine Analysis
AlbuPHAN URPH0001 50 24 l
GlukoPHAN URPH0002 50 27 l
HemoPHAN URPH0003 50 24 l
KetoPHAN URPH0004 50 30 l
DiaPHAN URPH0005 50 27 l l
IktoPHAN URPH0006 50 24 l l
TriPHAN URPH0007 50 27 l l l
TriPHAN URPH0008 100 27 l l l
TetraPHAN dia URPH0009 50 24 l l l l
PentaPHAN URPH0010 50 24 l l l l l
HexaPHAN URPH0011 50 24 l l l l l l
HexaPHAN URPH0012 100 24 l l l l l l
HeptaPHAN URPH0013 50 24 l l l l l l l
HeptaPHAN URPH0014 100 24 l l l l l l l
NonaPHAN SG URPH0015 100 24 l l l l l l l l l
NefroPHAN leuco URPH0016 50 15 l l l l l
DekaPHAN leuco URPH0017 50 15 l l l l l l l l l l
DekaPHAN leuco URPH0018 100 15 l l l l l l l l l l
UndekaPHAN URPH0019 50 15 l l l l l l l l l l l
MicroalbuPHAN URPH0020 50 21 l l
Ketones KET mmol/l ca 60 s sodium nitropruside 0,1 - 0,2 1,0 - 2,0 mg/dl high for acetoacetic drugs and diagnostics based on
mg/dl in alkaline buffer mmol/l acid, low for acetone, phenolphtalein or sulphophtalein
(Legal‘s test) none for butyric acid
Bilirubin BIL arb.u. ca 60 s reaction of diazonium salt 4,3 - 5,2 0,25 - 0,30 mg/dl specific for conjugated high concentration of UBG and light
in acidic surroundings µmol/l bilirubin
Urobilinogen UBG µmol/l ca 60 s reaction of diazonium salt 6,0 µmol/l 0,35 mg/dl urobilinogen and phenazopiridine, bilirubin and light
mg/dl in acidic surroundings sterkobilinogen
Glucose GLU mmol/l ca 60 s enzymatic reaction 0,9 mmol/l 16 mg/dl specific for D-glucose traces of detergents in the bases
- glucoseoxidase, of peroxides and oxidizing agents
peroxidase, chromogene
Protein PRO g/l ca 60 s protein error of pH 0,15 g/l 15 mg/dl specific for albumin drugs based on quinine and quinoline, alkaline
mg/dl indicator - mixed urine with pH > 8, traces
acido-basic indicator of detergents and disinfectants based on
changes colour quarternaryammonium salt and urine
in the presence of proteins with high buffer capacity
All pads
pH pH ca 60 s mixed acido-basic are protected foreign alkaline and/or acidic substances,
indicator against normal old urine with pH about 9
Nitrites NIT ca 60 s modified Griess‘ reaction 11 mmol/l 0,05 mg/dl specific for nitrite of ascorbic acid. diuresis and phenazopyridine
(70% of bacteriuria)
Ascorbic Acid AA mmol/l ca 60 s reduction of 0,2 - 0,3 3.0 - 5,0 mg/dl non specific oxidation reducing agents present in the urine
mg/dl molybdophosphoric acid mmol/l - reduction reaction
into molybdenum blue
Leucocytes LEU Leu/µl ca 120 s enzymatic reaction - 10 Leu/µl granulocytes alkaline pH, higher SG and high concentration
esterase splits substrate and histiocytes of bilirubin increase the intensity
into free indoxyl, which of colour reaction
reacts with diazonium salt
Microalbumin MA g/l ca 60 s acido-basic indicator 0,03 g/l 30 mg/l specific for albumine drugs based on quinine and quinoline, alkaline
mg/l changes colour urine with pH > 8, traces
in the presence of detergents and disinfectants based on
of albumine quarternaryammonium salt and urine
with a high buffer capacity, high concentration
of creatinine (>26.5 mmol/l)
Creatinine CRE mmol/l ca 60 s Benedict-Behres‘ reaction 0,4 mmol/l 0,04 g/l specific for creatinine urine with high buffer capacity decreases
g/l intensity of colour, high concentration
of acetoacetic acid (>50 mmol/l)