UCSP Quarter Examination (2nd Quarter)

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REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL-IX Malasiga, San Roque, Zamboanga City

Year and Nature of 2nd Quarter Total
Section Activity Examination Score

(1) Read all directions before answering.
(2) Write all answers on these question sheets. Student’s Signature over printed name

Parent’s Signature over printed name

Directions: Blacken/shade the circle that corresponds to your answer.
Teacher’s Signature over printed name

1. Which among the following concepts about social stratification is being highlighted by the
popular Filipino expression “Sana All”?
A. Equity B. Structural Functionalism C. Conflict Theory D. Equality

For items 2-5, please refer to the implementing rules and regulations of the K to 12 curriculum.

2. Which among the government agencies were tasked to implement the provisions of the K to 12
I. Department of Education (DepEd)
II. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
III. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
IV. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
V. Department of Social Welfare and Development
A. I, II and IV
B. III, IV and V
C. II, III and V
D. I, III and IV

3. Based on the implementing rules and regulations (IRR), the K to 12 curriculum is also known as
A. The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2015
B. The Advanced Basic Education Act of 2013
C. The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
D. The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2014
4. Which among the standards and principles of the K to 12 curriculum describes the manner on how
education is carried out inside the four walls of the classroom?
A. Standards and Principle A, B, E, F and G
B. Standards and Principle A, B, C, D and G
C. Standards and Principle B, C, D, E and F
D. Standards and Principle B, D, E, F and H

5. Based on the statements above, what type of Filipino graduates will this curriculum produce?
A. Graduates who possess all of the 21st century skills.
B. Students who are locally and globally competitive
C. Students who are holistically developed
D. Graduates who possess the skills and ability to innovate

For items 6-10, please refer to the article below.

SC orders DOH to answer Dengvaxia petition
Written by:Lian Buan
MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) sitting en banc on Wednesday, January 10, ordered the
Department of Health (DOH) to answer the petition seeking to compel the government to provide free medicine
and hospitalization to children administered with dengue vaccine Dengvaxia.

"The Court directed respondents to comment on the petition for mandamus within a period of ten (10) days from
notice," SC Spokesman Theodore Te said in a news conference on Wednesday.

Gabriela party list, together with families of vaccinated children, filed a petition before the High Court on
December 22, requesting the SC to require the DOH to adopt a policy of free medical services for children who
got the Dengvaxia vaccine.

“These free medical services shall continue until it would have been determined and declared by competent and
medical and/or scientific experts that the threat/s brought about by the Dengvaxia vaccine have been minimized
or eliminated,” the petition stated.

6. C
8. S
9. S
10. S
11. S
12. S
13. S
14. S
15. S
6. Which branch of government does the Department of Health belong?
A. Judicial branch
B. Executive branch
C. Legislative branch
D. Health branch

7. Which branch of government does the Supreme Court belong?

A. Judicial branch
B. Executive branch
C. Legislative branch
D. Justice System

8. Based on the article, how does the Supreme Court checks the function of the Department of
A. By actively hearing all the complaints filed by the citizens.
B. By deciding on cases that involves the implementation of the law.
C. By creating laws that will prevent the Department of Health from doing its job.
D. By scrutinizing the manner of implementation of the different laws in the Philippines

9. Which principle about government and politics is being discussed the article on Dengvaxia?
A. The principle of separation of powers
B. The principle of checks and balances
C. The principle of good governance
D. The principle of function

10. Based on the article, in what way can an ordinary citizen invoke its right to be heard by the
I. Citizens can ask for aid from the government to help them raise their concerns about the
II. Citizens can ask for the intervention of some non-governmental organizations to help
them raise their concerns about the government.
III. Citizens can send letters directly to the president in order for them to get an immediate
IV. Citizens can raise their concerns by rallying on the streets.
A. Statements I and II
B. Statements III and IV
C. Statements II and III
D. Statements IV and I

11. Which among the following theories on social stratification is being described by the statement
from Davis-Moore thesis:
“The theory posits that social stratification represents the inherently unequal value of
different work. Certain tasks in society are more valuable than others. Qualified people
who fill those positions must be rewarded more than others.”
A. Conflict Theory
B. Structural functionalism
C. Symbolic Interaction
D. Social Mobilization

12. What constitutes a country that follows absolute monarchy?

A. The priests posses the power to rule.
B. The family inherits the power of the monarch.
C. The monarchs rule the country with the power from divine origin.
D. The kings and the nobles can impose laws based on the needs of their subjects.

13. Which among the following theories on social stratification is being described by the statement
“Upper-class capitalists raked in profits and got rich, while working-class
proletariats earned skimpy wages and struggled to survive. With such opposing
interests, the two groups were divided by differences of wealth and power. Marx saw
workers experience deep alienation, isolation and misery resulting from powerless
status levels (Marx 1848). Marx argued that proletariats were oppressed by the
money-hungry bourgeois.”
A. Conflict Theory
B. Structural functionalism
C. Symbolic Interaction
D. Social Mobilization

For items 14-16, please refer on the images below.

7Cs of the 21st CENTURY LEARNING

14. Which among the skills are considered as the most important and crucial in the development of
the learners in the K to 12 curriculum?
A. Career and learning self reliance
B. Collaboration
C. Creativity
D. Communication
15. Which among the following generalizations explains the importance of the role of a teacher in
the development of the learners’ skills?
i. The teacher will serve as primary source of information.
ii. The teacher will conduct remedial/enhancement session for the students
iii. The teacher will not fail or give low marks to their students.
iv. The teacher will give formative feedback to their students.
A. Statements I and II
B. Statements II and IV
C. Statements III and IV
16. Which among the skills are being demonstrated when the students are playing volleyball?
i. Cross-cultural understanding
ii. Creativity
iii. Collaboration
iv. Communication
v. Career and learning self-reliance
vi. Critical thinking
vii. Computing Skills
A. Skill set i to iv and including vi
B. Skill set ii and v to vii only
C. Skill set i to vi except v
D. Skills set i to vii

17. Why is structural functionalism considered oppressive by conflict theorists?

i. Classification creates borders between rich and poor.
ii. People who are rich and powerful often create a system that makes them more
iii. There is no proper division of labor vis-a-vis wealth.
iv. Some people find it difficult to cope with the changes in society.
A. Statements I and II
B. Statements II and IV
C. Statements III and IV
D. Statements II and III

18. What are the characteristics of a glocally competitive learner?

i. A learner who can compete both in local and national level.
ii. A learner who possesses all of the 21st century skills.
iii. A learner who possess the skills and competencies that makes them standout from the
iv. A learner who knows how to handle the different stress levels and are competent in
many aspects.
A.Statements I and II
B.Statements II and IV
C.Statements III and IV
D.Statements II and III
For items 19-20, please refer your answers on the article below.

Is Mayor Isko Manila's new 'Master Showman'?

Katrina Domingo, ABS-CBN News
Posted at Oct 10 2019 04:03 PM

Since his upset victory in the May 2019 midterm polls over incumbent Mayor Joseph
Estrada, Moreno has turned the same catchphrase of his entertainment industry mentor
into one of the hallmarks of his leadership.
Moreno's office hours are usually reserved for meetings and courtesy visits. Evenings are
spent on business dinners aimed at luring tycoons to reinvest in the capital city. And
sometimes, he also works after midnight, roving Manila's dank alleys for surprise
inspections and visits.
"Huwag ninyo alalahanin na wala akong tulog. Mas mahirap 'yung walang gising," Moreno
would occasionally say in jest.
(Don't worry about my lack of sleep. It would be worse if I don't wake up.)
"Aral kaya ako kay Kuya Germs (German Moreno), walang tulugan," he said.
(I learned well from German Moreno, no sleep.)
But instead of using the TV medium the way the original "Master Showman" did, the 44-
year-old Manila mayor pivoted through a new stage: social media.

19. Which branch of the government does Mayor Isko Moreno belong?
A. Legislative Branch
B. Executive Branch
C. Judiciary Branch
D. Local Government

20. Based on the statement found in the article “And sometimes, he also works after midnight,
roving Manila's dank alleys for surprise inspections and visits.”, why is it difficult to implement
the rule of law in the Philippines?
A. People find it difficult obey the rules especially when the police are not present.
B. People do not find the presence of the government effective in achieving peace and order
in the community.
C. People are more reluctant to abide by the rules especially when the law is asleep.
D. People should understand that the government works 24-hours a day.


Directions: Complete the table with the correct information. Your work is going to be graded based on the rubrics

Criteria/Standard Rating
Accuracy of information
The output contains accurate information about the given
topic. 4 points - exceeds the standard
The output demonstrate a careful analysis of the given 3 points - meets the standard
topic. An example is given to support their statements.
Neatness 2 points - somehow meets the standard
The output does not contain erasures that affect the
readability of the information. 1 point - does not meet the standard
The insights presented are in a logical manner. The
readers find it easy to understand the information found in
the output.

21. Describe the different functions of the government and the system of checks and balances.

22. Compare and contrast the costs and benefits of the K to 12 curriculum.
Directions. Create/apply the concepts that were discussed through various mediums. (e.g. poster, graphic organizer
etc.) Your work is going to be graded using the analytic rubrics.

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Developing Beginning

Appropriateness of The design is aligned The design is aligned The design is aligned The design is not
Design with the target with the target with the target aligned with the target
skills/competencies. All skills/competencies. All skills/competencies. skills/competencies
elements and its elements/concepts were However, some
supporting details were included in the output. elements/concepts
highlighted through the were not properly
given output. introduced
Application of The output shows a The output shows an The output shows a The output does not
Concepts thorough analysis and adequate analysis and shallow analysis and show an analysis and
reflection of their reflection of their reflection of their reflection of their
experiences. The experiences. The experiences. The experiences. The
students were able to students were able to students find it difficult students did not
show the struggles of narrate the important to narrate the important narrate the important
the community and their lesson of the activity lesson of the activity lesson of the activity
personal experiences. and they were able to and they were able and they were not able
The students were able express their stand on were not able to to express their stand
to narrate the important the issue. express their stand on on the issue.
lessons of the activity the issue.
and they were able to
express their stand on
the issue.
Logical The The The The
Arrangement of the concepts/information concepts/information concepts/information concepts/information
concepts were logically were organized logically were unclear and were not organized
coordinated with the and are easily patially organized logically and are
topic and are easily comprehended. logically. There were difficult to comprehend.
comprehended. The some
arrangement of concepts/information
concepts/information that are not easily
are fluid. comprehended.
Impact The message of the The message of the The message of the The audience were not
output was appealing output was appealing output was not able to relate with the
and was able to convey and was able to convey appealing. The students message of the output.
a positive message to a positive message to were not able to convey
the audience. The the audience. the message to the
output lead to an audience.
engaging academic
between/among their

23. Promote primary education as a human right

24. Suggest ways to address global inequities


Directions. Read and analyze the following questions. Answer the given questions with an intelligent response based
on the concepts you learned in the second quarter. Your work is going to be graded using a holistic rubrics.

Holistic Rubrics for Constructed Response Tests

4 points - There is one clear, well-focused topic. The main idea is clear and described thoroughly. The concepts
presented are relevant and economically sound, and are supported by detailed examples and accurate information.
There are no observable error in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

3 points - There is one clear, well-focused topic. The main idea is clearly described. The concepts presented are
relevant and economically sound and are supported with accurate information. There are no observable error in
grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

2 points - There are two or more conflicting topics. The main ideas are not clearly described. The concepts are not
supported by other details and information. There are some observable errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or

1 point - There is no clear discussion of the topic. The main ideas are not explicitly defined. There is no clear
alignment of the concepts and the details used in the explanation. There are a lot of observable errors in grammar,
mechanics, and/or spelling.

25. Question: Why is the Philippines called a republic?

26. Question: How does equity differ from equality?
27. Question: Based on to the vision of the Department of Education, what awaits the graduates of the K to 12
Prepared by:
Giovanni S. Jasmin

“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”
-Bruce Lee

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