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It's hard for me to decide which I like better, being a
Businessman or a Common Man. I love the challenges of
day to day life, whether learning new management or
learning about a new culture. I like mastering the
fundamentals, then learning to apply my knowledge to the
multiple representations of real world problems. I try to
model my own love of learning to my team
As a direct selling company that specializes in Health,
Wellness, and Lifestyle products, Otlar Life aim to help
FOUNDER AND CEO, OTLAR LIFE people take charge of their lives— live healthier, focus on
personal development, improve the quality of their
relationships with their family and friends, and plan for a secure future.
I embrace the constructivist approach to learn and grow as a Businessman I most
. the success of my entire team, who put in lot of efforts to grow with company.

Founder & CEO

Otlar Life Pvt. Ltd

Otlar Life Private Limited was founded with the vision to empower individuals with
personal wellness and being an entrepreneur. They envisioned an educational climate
that would foster the overall intellectual and emotional development of each of the
team member in every aspect of daily life. A company whose members would be held
together by an ethical and profoundly spiritual bond, regardless of individual
backgrounds and beliefs.

The philosophy of Otlar Life is drawn from the vision of our founder Dr. Ram Sharma,
who believed that the environment which encourages the fullest development of a
person's potential is one that affords the opportunity to explore creative as well as
intellectual abilities. We believe in working together in a spirit of cooperation, not
conformity, seeking to cultivate and express what is excellent in each. Intellectual
curiosity and a spirit of inquiry are the activating factors in the educational process,
while active participation in company builds caring and responsible individuals,
promoting lives of integrity, awareness, and purpose.

Otlar life has been brought to you with the aim to bring you business that provides
you the space & scope of being enterprising, innovative & provide you the strength,
power of being independent, self reliable. Once you become a STRIKER with Otlar
ON Life you should go through the The Business Opportunity Book thoroughly to fulfill
your dreams. Otlar life opportunity plan has been designed in a way so that all
Strikers are benefited equally. Otlar life innovative success opportunity plan helps
you grow in a faster way & allow you to fulfill your dreams.

Join as an Independent Striker & receive
1.1 A lifetime Opportunity to work.
1.2 A personalized Management and Training support.
1.3 Ability to earn with Otlar Life Innovative Success Opportunity
Two Group Depth Generation Plan.

2.1 Choose Product of your choice
2.2 Products for you and your family
2.3 Your choice of a one time products will enable you for a
life time income*.

3.1 Share products and Marketing materials with Friends
3.2 Sharing Otlar life products is the fastest way to build your
business & host product parties or meet 1 on 1 with the
people you know.

STEP 4 occurs when

4.1 Sponsor strikers and customers
4.2 Sponsoring online is easy from website and application*
4.3 New Strikers can enroll from website or you can enroll your dreams
them in your Striker Virtual Pannel or by submitting
application cum agreement for strikers at your nearest
center or branch ofce. get biggest
5.1 Earn Commissions & Bonuses than its
5.2 Commissions & Bonuses are calculated weekly and credited to
your account once in a month.

6.1 Build your way to WELLNESS
6.2 Earn fast weekly income DR. RAM SHARMA
6.3 Earn Long term residual income
6.4 Qualify for monthly Turn Over Bonuses & enjoy
unlimited income.
6.5 Enjoy the freedom of your lifestyle.

What Makes US different

a) Accumulation:
You never slide down from your existing level that helps you to lead for higher level of success
b) Carry Forward Team Bonus:
Your TEAM BONUS business never becomes zero untill it’s paid. Hence you and your team earn the basic
income that increases your income potential.
c) No Differential Blockage:
Since OTLAR has a two group depth generation income plan, so it does not effect your income even if your
team reaches on your % level of commission.Your TEAM BONUS help you to achieve your nancial goal. You
get the opportunity to earn all income by managing business in two group without doing any SIDE Maintain
or Stock dumping at the last date of closing for qualifying your levels.

Otlar life offers multiple bonuses to promote As a striker you are entitled to earn prot
your business. In Otlar Life business plan your of 40% on SP (Striker Price) once you have
points are accumulated including yours team purchased one product on M.R.P.
that takes you to the higher level which never
fall back. a) On Using Product you save 40%
These are the bonuses that one can earn b) On Retailing Products earn 40%
through Otlar Life.
Following example will help you in
1 Retail Bonus - 40% understanding Retail Prot
2 Team Bonus - 13-25% Striker Price Saving (margin) MRP
3. Flying Bonus - 2%
4. Accelerator Bonus - 3% 100 + 40 = 140
5. Shelter Bonus - 3%
6. Luxury Bonus - 4% If in a month an individual buy/promotes otlar
7. Otlar Bonus - 1%
products worth Rs. 10,000 (SP) he/she can
8. CAB (Crown Ambassador Bonus) - 5%
earn a retail prot of Rs. 4000.
After doing free registration, direct seller
gets his/her ID & password. The registration TEAM BONUS SCHEDULE (RP)
remains active for 30 days from Date of
Registration. To activate his/her ID direct
seller can purchase products of their choice STRIKER 1000 1000 13%
minimum 500 RP on Striker Price. Any direct 2500 2500 15%
seller registered with Otlar Life is known as
Striker.* STRIKER 5000 5000 17%

RUNNER 10000 10000 19%

TEAM BONUS 13-25 % SILVER 20000 20000 19%

Earn up to 25 percent as commissions on the GOLD 50000 50000 21%

weekly Group Reward Points (Whole
PLATINUM 110000 110000 21%
Increments) accumlated in your organization
of strikers and preferred customers, who like DIAMOND 175000 175000 22%
you, generate volume through product sales.
Because Otlar products are consumable, you BLUE DIAMOND 325000 325000 22%
will have a regular stream of income coming in BLACK DIAMOND 525000 525000 23%
as people re-order.
ROYAL DIMAOND 775000 775000 24%
Otlar does all the work (Taking Orders, Money,
KING STRIKER 1050000 1050000 25%
shipping etc.) and you get all the credit.
A striker has to qualify for getting the Team
Bonus and is entitled to earn the bonuses CROWN AMBASSADOR 5 CROWN 5 CROWN 5%
according to the level qualied.
YOU 25000 28000 20000 3800 5000 8000

The wealth plan is easy to understand. The business

Team Work makes is built on the concept of Independent Striker Point
(ISP), where you build a business by balancing along
“THE DREAM” two sides of your ISP, one on your left and one on your
right. The commissions are generated on group
work Reward Points (GRP) accumulated in your team by
your left and right ISP irrespective of the level that
this sale is generated from.


In the example above, you have two ISP: Sumit on the

left and Gopal on the right. In this particular
business cycle Gopal and his group achieved a RP of
28000 and Sumit and his group achieved a RP of If any striker purchase products of 3000 RP in
25000. As a result you hit the slab of 20000 and single invoice. He/she becomes eligible to get the
were paid Rs. 3800 as a commission this week. You KNIGHT STRIKER special prot in term of
may notice here that while Sumit and his group products worth Rs 500/- on striker price from
achieved RP of 25000, you were only paid on 20000. Beauty Care Range.
The balance 5000 is what we call “Carry Forward”
and these RP gets carried into your next week’s pay
cycle. This effectively mean that you already have the FLYING
benet of a starting advantage for the next week. Silver Striker & above are eligible to enjoy this
This RP gets added to all the volume that Gopal and income for trips to exotic destinations, a well
his group will achieve next helping to raise you to a deserve break to relax & get pampered in luxury.
higher slab. The same is true for Sumit and his Flying bonus is allocated 2% of company’s
group. monthly total RP (major group). Flying bonus may
As your business progresses and both Gopal and vary every month based on overall performance of
Sumit cross 1050000 RP in a weak what you achieve all the strikers in a particular month.
is called the “max-payout”. While your income hits To enjoy this income one must achieve 40000
Rs. 2,62,500 per week, more importantly, you are GRP on each side in a particular month.
now going to experience the real potential of the * The ying bonus will be released every month
business. after achieving accelerator bonus in the
particular month.
When your ISP i.e you hit the max-payout, Now this *Travel bonus will be deducted 5% from the
allows you to earn from the company turn over. payout equal and above than Rs. 20,000 in a
particular month. The maximum deduction in a
month will be Rs. 5000. This amount will be
Key Points:
accumulated for foreign trip to be used with
* RP is precalculated/predecided on all products.
ying bonus.
* TDS as applicable as per govt norms is deducted
* Flying bonus will be hold upto Rs. 30000 &
from payout, those who has not updated PAN
released after that.
number TDS will be deducted 20%.
*Closing is done once in a week and payout is done
once in a month. ACCELERATOR BONUS 3%
* All the RP will be carried forward from both striker
Gold Striker & above will enjoy this income to
purchase car of their choice. Accelerator bonus
* Flush out will be applied for weaker side of
is allocated 3% of company’s monthly total RP
particular ISP that has achieved Max Payout in a
(major group). Accelerator Bonus may vary every
month based on overall performance of all the
* Personal RP gets adjusted automatically to the
strikers in a particular month. After achieving
weaker side of ISP.
Gold Striker level, one can enjoy this beautiful
* To receive team bonus and other bonuses for a
income. To enjoy the benet of this income, one
given month striker must do personal purchase (at
must qualify twice with 50000 RP in a particular
striker price) of the following value in a month
month out of three months closing and then on
a) For All level - 500 RP
qualifying 90000 GRP on both side every month
he will be able to enjoy this income for life time.
*If in any case striker fails to make personal
purchase, the bonus earned in that month is carried
forward and is released in the month when striker
makes the required personal purchase.
*A striker must purchase once in 90 days to keep
his/her ID active to receive the accumulated
commission for last two months.
* If any striker does not fulll 500 RP personal
pruchase in 90 days the RP get lapse for weaker

* The Accelerator Bonus shall accumulate the
company for down payment of the car to be OTLAR BONUS -1%
purchased. Otlar Bonus is distributed 1% of company’s
* A qualifying striker has to buy a car of his own Annual Turn Over (in RP Major Group) among
choice approved by the company to maintain his qualied King Striker and above.
level. To qualify for this income one must achieve Max
* Once you have qualied for Accelerator Bonus, you Payout i.e Rs. 2,62,500 in two weeks from Date
can enjoy the bonus continuously by doing 90,000 of Joining to One Year based on current week
GRP on each side individually every month. business only.
This income is distributed once in a year, in
company’s annual programe “THE IMPACT- The
SHELTER BONUS - 3% Annual Summit”

Platinum Striker & above will enjoy this income to CAK (CROWN AMBASSADOR) BONUS 5%
purchase a house of their choice. Shelter bonus is
CAK (Crown Ambassador King) is the one who
allocated 3% of company’s monthly RP (Major Group).
has 5 Crown King on left and 5 Crown King on
Shelter bonus may vary every month based on overall
performance of all strikers in a particular month.
Our CAK will enjoy this beautiful income. This will
After achieving Platinum Striker level, one can enjoy
be distributed 5% of CAK’s annual income once in
this beautiful income. To enjoy the benet of one must
a year on company’s annual programe.
qualify twice with 1,10,000 RP in a particular month
out of three consecutive months closing and then on
qualifying 1,40,000 GRP on each side individually GLOSSARY OF TERMS
every month he will be able to enjoy this income for life
time. ISP: ISP means Independent Striker Point
RP: Reward Point is pre determined for all
products. All level achievements depend on RP
SP: Striker Price is the special price for
associated Strikers.]
GRP: Group Reward Point is the volume
generated by any particular group.
Self RP: Self RP means reward points earned on
personal ISP.
CRP: Cumulative Reward Point is the business
accumulated in a particular group.
Carry Forward RP: It means the business that
remains unpaid or to be paid when qualied as per
the marketing plan.
*Family: The One who in blood relation (Grand
The Shelter Bonus shall be released after qualifying
for this income. Activities Prohibited
* Once you have qualied for shelter Bonus, you can Any Striker Shall not
enjoy the bonus by doing 140000 GRP every month
on each side individually. 1) Take any debt or incur any liabilities in or on
behalf of the company.
LUXURY BONUS -4% 2) Engage itself or show interest
How does it feel when you get rewarded with luxury. directly/indirectly as agent, servant or licensee
Our Black Diamonds are the one who deserve this for sale of any product/goods other than those of
luxury. This will be paid 4% of company turn over RP the company. in any trade, business or
(major group) over to qualied Platinum Strikers and profession in competition with the company until
above. The Strikers who qualify for 525000 RP in a resigned or taken NOC from company for the
month will be eligible for this income. same.
* To qualify for this income one must achieve 5.25 3) Modify , alter or enter into any contract in the
lacs RP on each side in a particular month individually. name of the company without any prior approval
The luxury Bonus shall be released only if previous from company
income is qualied. 4) Use company’s logo or modify literature.

Terms and Conditions:
The following Terms and Conditions are to be read together with the Striker Application and agreement form (the
“Application”). The Striker Agreement (the ”Agreement”), of which these Terms and Conditions form an integral part,
becomes binding between Otlar Life Private Limited and the identied individual (the “Applicant i.e striker”) if and when
Otlar, in its sole discretion, accepts the T&C mentioned below

* All the direct sellers/strikers are required to adhere to the rules & regulation, policies & procedures governing the
Otlar Life Business. It is the responsibility of strikers to keep themselves updated about the changes in rules &
regulations which will be communicated from time to time .
* One who is 18 years or above is eligible to become the direct seller with Otlar Life. If the applicant wishes to become
Striker as a sole proprietor or partnership using business name or as a rm, the proprietor or managing partner's name
must be including on the striker registration and agreement.
* Once you are registered with Otlar Life, you may activate your ID buy purchasing products of your choice in 30 days of
* Otlar Life reserves the right to refuse any application for becoming the Striker without assigning any reason
* No direct seller/striker shall misrepresent at any time or to anyone that Striker is an employee with Otlar Life.
* Husbands & Wives, married or defector, may sponsor each other they can not have different sponsors. This
restriction also applies to any interlocking directorship or share holding that may exist from a business relationship.
* The direct seller/striker cannot cancel his/her Striker ship and have their spouse join under another Strikership
irrespective of whether the spouse was a co-applicant or not.
*The direct seller/striker cannot resign and rejoin under a different name immediately. A Striker may do so after 6
months from the date of acceptance of resignation.
* Direct Sellers/strikers are not permitted under any circumstances to market any product which are not approved by
Otlar Life in the network.
* Direct sellers/strikers will refrain from making wild or exaggerated claims about future earning potential or promises of
nancial benets and privilege other than those reward provided under the Marketing Plan, which is dependent on each
individual's efforts in the business.
* Direct sellers/stikers will not use any trade name or trademarks , information, literature, meeting or any other Otlar
Life resource to enhance other business interests.
* Direct seller/striker will not make any negative remarks about the company, its products, Strikers, Employees, other
people, their products or rms.
* Company reserves the right to change or alter the Business Plan or product range, at any time without any assigning
reason whatsoever.
* After joining as a striker in no way makes you an employee or agent of the company.
* A Direct seller/striker who does not adhere to these rules can be suspended, pending inquiry or terminated from
* The registration is non transferable.
Amendment of the Agreement by Otlar Life: Otlar Life may from time to time amend the Agreement, inclusive of the
Programe, through notice on its website: If the Striker does not agree to be bound by such
amendment(s), he/she may terminate the Agreement. Otherwise, the Striker's continued relationship with Otlar Life
constitutes an afrmative acknowledgment by him/her of the amendment(s), and his/her agreement.
Termination. The Striker may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving a written notice to Otlar Life.The
Agreement shall terminate automatically, with immediate effect, in the event that the Striker is appointed or
reappointed as an Otlar Life striker. Otlar lIfe may, with immediate effect, terminate this Agreement for cause or due to
legal or regulatory requirements by giving a written notice to the Striker.
KYC: Any striker willing to join with otlar life must submit all KYC document for release of payout.
Cooling off period: The Direct seller/striker has an option to opt out from the Network of Otlar Life Business within 30
(Thirty) days of login date.
Product Return Policy: The Direct Seller may return any Product to Otlar Life within 30 (thirty) days of purchase as
per the Refund Policy. In case of any dissatisfaction or manufacturing or packaging defect any striker can return or
exchange the products. The striker must contact striker or company from whom they have purchased the same within
30 days from the date of purchase. They have to give a reason and return the said products along with original
customer invoice. In such cases, it is the striker’s obligation to satisfy the striker’s need for money refund or
replacements of products. The striker can then return products, with original invoice to the company. The company will
replace these products free of cost or if the striker does not want the same products, the company will give a cash
voucher of the same amount which can be used by the striker within 30 days for purchasing products of their choice.
For product return , Product Return Form, Reason for Return, Copy of Invoice, Products to be returned, these details
are mendatory.
Governing Law. This T&C and all questions of its interpretation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the Republic of India.
Jurisdiction: This Agreement and all transactions between Otlar Life and the Striker hereunder, including pursuant to
the Loyalty Program, are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Chandigarh.

For More Details Contact:
Vedage Tower,
Saidpura Industrial Area, Barwala Road,
Derabassi, Distt.SAS Nagar (140507)
Contact: 0176-2284646
The Wellness Revolution

MRP. 00.00 (Incl of all taxes)

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