AHPCON-2020 First Announcement Brochure 18th Nov 2019
AHPCON-2020 First Announcement Brochure 18th Nov 2019
AHPCON-2020 First Announcement Brochure 18th Nov 2019
Indira Gandhi Medical College & Hospital (IGMC), Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
For any query please contact: 9911186486, 7678670642, e-mail ID: gs.jfmti@gmail.com, follow www.jfmti.com for updates
On behalf of Joint Forum of Medical Technologists of India, we would like to cordially invite you to participate in the 4 th National
Allied Health Professionals’ Conference (AHPCON-2020) of JFMTI scheduled to be organized on 11th -12th April, 2020 at Indira
Gandhi Medical College & Hospital (IGMC), Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, (India).
The AHPCON is a common national scientific and professional conference of all Allied Health Professions (AHPs) represented by
JFMTI. It is a biennial conference organized with the aim of sharing latest scientific developments and common professional issues of
allied health sciences and medical technology professions in India.
Joint Forum of Medical Technologists of India is an apex professional registered national organization of five major Allied Health
Professions i.e. Medical Laboratory Sciences, Radiology and Imaging Technology, Radiotherapy Technology, Anesthesia &
Operation Theatre Technology, Dialysis Technology etc. JFMTI is also a member organization of Global Health Workforce Alliance
(GHWA) under World Health Organization (WHO). It is actively engaged in standardization and advancement of Allied Health
Services in India. Since its inception, JFMTI has been striving hard for establishment of a central regulatory body for all major
unregulated streams of allied health sciences and medical technology and is also supporting/ contributing in all Governments’
initiatives related to the augmentation of AHPs.
The present Scientific Conference (AHPCON-2020) is a great opportunity for all allied health professionals including
teachers/faculties and students to exchange the knowledge about their professions face to face. The theme of Conference “Allied
Health Sciences: Transforming Healthcare" has a great significance when Advanced Technologies have developed in leaps and
bounds with various applied techniques standardized for better services rendered by AHPs. Therefore, it becomes our duty and we are
devotedly bound to provide the most up-to-date scientific program in the present conference to justify our mettle The participants will
not only gain insights to the professional knowledge but will also get the opportunity to discuss about all emerging professional
challenges and opportunities. We would also like to invite all potential participants to submit their related scientific abstracts and
present their expertise in the conference.
We look forward to welcome you to join this conference and discover beautiful Shimla during the spring season of 2020.
Abstracts should be written in English. Abstract should not exceed 300 words. It must be prepared in MS Word format, A 12 point,
Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing should be used. Abstract should be structured with following sub-headings indicated in bold
i.e. Background; Objectives; Methods; Results; Conclusion. Please define abbreviations and acronyms including standard measures.
Please send your abstract at- gs.jfmti@gmail.com. The submitted abstract will be reviewed by the expert committee of related
profession and the authors will be notified about the acceptance by e-mail. If accepted for oral presentation, the selected author will be
invited and informed by 10th March, 2020 to present the scientific paper/lecture in conference. Registration will be mandatory for every
participant. Spot registration will be done through Cash only. The Abstract Submission Deadline is 29th February, 2020
Please follow-www.jfmti.com for all Conference updates
4 National Allied Health Professionals Conference of
Joint Forum of Medical Technologists of India
11th -12th April, 2020
Indira Gandhi Medical College & Hospital (IGMC) Auditorium, Shimla
Registration Form
IMPORTANT NOTES: (Please read carefully before filling this Registration Form) Kindly fill all details in BLOCK LETTERS.
Registration fee can be paid through any online transfer mode i.e. NEFT/UPI/IMPS in JFMTI Bank Account: Name
of Account: JFMTI, Name of Bank: Punjab National Bank, Account No. 0153000110056600
Registration fee can also be paid through Multicity Cheque/DD etc. in favour of JFMTI Payable at New Delhi
The duly filled & signed registration form along with the proof of payment/net banking voucher/detail to be sent
through email to gs.jfmti@gmail.com
Designation: ……………………………………................Department....................................................................................
Hospital/Institution: ………............................................................................................................…………………………...
Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................
The payment to be sent by Multicity Cheque/ DD in favour of “JFMTI” payable at New Delhi. Cash/ NEFT/ Cheque/
Demand Draft Reference No.: ....................................................................................Amount Rs. ........................................
Date ..........................................Bank Name & address: ........................................................................................................