Unit 1 Perdev
Unit 1 Perdev
Unit 1 Perdev
- Means making use of all personal - stress arises from uncertainty in an unknown
resources-- talents, skills, energy and situation when a lack of information creates the risk
time of negative consequences.
to enable you to achieve life goals. - it increases efficiency in the actively changing
- your knowledge of yourself and how you environment.
manage yourself nimpacts directly on
your n effectiveness. 5. Problem- Solving Skills
- keys to improving your personal
- help cope with problems encountered with lack of
* being self-aware
* making the most of your - increases efficiency by adopting new ways of
strengths achieving goals
* learning new skills and
techniques 6. Creativity.
* behavioural flexibility - allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out
- Our personal effectiveness depends on a specific action that no one has tried to use.
our innate characteristics—talent and
experience accumulated in the process - can lead to a decrease or an increase of costs.
of personal development. 7. Generating Ideas.
- Talents first are needed to be identified
and then developed - helps you achieve using new, original,
- Experience includes knowledge and unconventional ideas.
skills we acquire in cognitive and
- Idea i s a mental image of an object formed by the
practical activities.
human mind, which can be changed before being
- Knowledge is required for setting goals,
implemented in the real world.
defining an action plan to achieve them
and risk assessment. - for generating ideas, you can use mental maps,
- Skills also determine whether real which allows you to materialize, visualize and
actions are performed in accordance scrutinize all your ideas which in turn contributes to
with the plan. the emergence of new ideas.
● Skills that increases the efficiency of any
person who owns them:
1. Determination.
2. Self- Confidence.
3. Persistence.
4. Managing Stress.
1, Physical Self.
- Of how well you reason and solve problems, your - relate to the body.
capacity to learn and create.
2. Intellectual and Conscious.
3. Emotional Self.
- relate to the mind.
- Typical feelings you can have, feelings you
3. Emotional and Intuitive.
seldom have, feelings you try to avoid…
- relate to the spirit.
4. Sensual Self.
* The body provides a place to house the
- What sense do you most use—sight, hearing,
spirit (often expressed feelings) and the
speaking, smelling, and touching.
mind (often expressed as thought).
5. Interactional Self. * The mind is important as it direct the two
other aspects.
- Include description of your strengths and * The mind provides access creativity and
weaknesses in intimate relationships serenity which are necessary for such
6. Nutritional Self. processes as prayer, forgiveness,
acceptance, passion.
- How do you nourish yourself?
What the mind believes, the body manifest or acts
7. Contextual Self. on, and the emotions responds with it.
- Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance The human emotions are the most feared aspect
of your living environment: reaction to light, of the self.
temperature, space, weather, colours, sound and
seasons. - (ANALOGY) Managing feelings is like
trying to hold water in the palm of your
8. Spiritual Self of Life Force, hand.
- They are illusive and deceptive
- Write words or phrases which tell about how you
- A decision made under emotional stress
feel in this area.
and strain usually impacts emotions
- This could include your feelings about yourself negatively.
and organized religion, reactions about your
Negative emotions that are not managed are
spiritual connections to others, feelings about your
stored and repressed.
spiritual development and history, and thought
about your spiritual regimen or routine. -Repression is destructive to a content self since
all feelings, are stored away.
Self- Concept.
2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role. Living mindfully is like being an artist: you need the
right tools to practice your craft, and you need to
3. Accepting one’s physique.
constantly refine your technique to achieve your
4. Achieving emotional independence of adults. creative potential.
eing Happy
Reading: B