BSBMGT517 - Develop An Operation Plan
BSBMGT517 - Develop An Operation Plan
BSBMGT517 - Develop An Operation Plan
Rachel Manansala
- BBQfun's operational plan is engaging with customers via marketing, research, and
personalized service, building a reputation for quality products and quality customer
service, supporting people to perform via training and performance management,
increasing sales revenue, and reducing direct and indirect costs of operations.
An outline of the BBQfun policies and procedures that directly relate to the
operational plan are:
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and
selection of employees. BBQfun aims to attract and employ the most suitable person
for the position who will support the organization’s values, culture and goals in order
to achieve its strategic directions.
Staff training (Online 1 August 2019 Les Goodale, $3,000 per staff
customer service Human Resources member = $24,000
training) (HR) Manager
Total $861,000
Description of payment:
_______________________________ ______________________________
Signature of person verifying payment Signature of delegated manager
Approved: Date:
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
Finance Manager:
____________________ ____________________
1. Type of Interview
2. Objectives
Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate 2%
Numbers of
coaching sessions 100 % Completed
Increasing sales
Profit $1,792,286
wastage and
Expense $5,004,714
Number of returned
Complete surveys
Completion of Two research per
customer surveys. year.
One research per
Completion of quarter
reports to identify
- Identify at least three risks to the implementation of the operational plan and develop
a contingency plan for each risk (you may use the contingency plan template
provided in Appendix 4). Risks must include:
Contingency Plan
Contingency Plan
Name Position
Kim Chen Operations General Manager
Les Goodale Human Resources(HR) Manager
Sam Lee Marketing Manager
Risk identified:
- Medium risk of poor online sales
- High risk of customer service quality problems for online customers leading to a
breach of consumer law
- High risk of staff misunderstanding changes and considering online sales as a
threat to jobs
- Medium risk of not being able to recruit fully trained online staff
- Low risk of loss of IP relating to confidential information contained within the e-
commerce strategy when employees leave the organization
- Medium risk of loss of IP ownership if a relationship with the website developer
contract ceases
- Low-level risk of not complying with WHS legislation through lack of risk
assessment conducted on potential musculoskeletal disorders resulting from poor
customer service workstation design
- Medium risk of wastage due to the overstocking products in anticipation of
increased online sales.
- Defining customer
buying processes
and preferences
- Validating and
effective sales
process, selling
stages, and activities
to align with buyers
- Establishing optimal
sales management
cadence and
methods for
Developing essential selling
- Providing
salespeople with
repeatable sales
methodology and
messaging that are
aligned with buyer
behavior and
- Providing sales
managers with
process and skills for
developing sales
teams and coaching
- Providing continuous
learning and
reinforcement to
master essential
selling competencies
- Enabling easier
sales process
execution through
the use of CRM-
integrated tools and
streamlined reports
- Providing guided
selling applications
with embedded
learning and
reinforcement based
on winning sales
- consider to hire
consult companies to
manage at the short
- Training staff to
support position that
- According to research from the website. The eCommerce becomes more popular
because time plays an important role in both the business and consumers. The
eCommerce makes it more cost-effective because the company doesn’t need more
human resources, Capital…etc. Therefore, low capital makes high quality then make
more profit. So the company makes a faster, easy for the consumers to use the
eCommerce that would-be winner.
- breakdown of costs:
Resources Costs