Jurnal Pemeriksaan Glukosa Darah
Jurnal Pemeriksaan Glukosa Darah
Jurnal Pemeriksaan Glukosa Darah
2-Assistant Professor,
1-Associate Professor,
Faculty of Computer and Information Systems,
Faculty of Computer and Information Systems,
The Islamic University of Madinah,
The Islamic University of Madinah,
Al Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia – 42351
Al Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia - 42351
Email Id: yalsaawy@iu.edu.sa 2
Email Id: a.ali@iu.edu.sa , aali7pk@hotmail.com
Corresponding Author: Dr. Arshad Ali, Faculty of Computer and Information Systems, The Islamic University
of Madinah, Prince Naif Ibn Abdulaziz Road, Al Jamiah Al Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia – 42351
Email: a.ali@iu.edu.sa , aali7pk@hotmail.com
Mobile: 00966 59 964 2899
Abstract- The monitoring of real time Blood Glucose level in Key works: Continue Glucose Monitoring, Blood
diabetes patient is a big problem to be addressed in near future Glucose, Vector Support Engine, Root Mean Square Error,
to treat patients efficiently. There are some kind of the Weight Factor
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (GCM) sensors available in
market but very expensive to use for long term to monitor 1. INTRODUCTION
glucose level continuously. To overcome this problem a In the second half of the last century diabetes patient
combination of the real time monitoring of glucose is used to increased exponentially in the world and governments are
predict the glucose concentration at a particular time. There spending billions of dollar every year to treat the patients.
are various prediction techniques are available and used to Un-interrupted glucose monitoring sensor systems are
predict glucose concentration in blood. For the purpose of available to monitor the blood sugar continually for several
prediction of glucose level in this research, four different days (max. 14 days). Continues monitoring systems
parameters are considered to predict glucose concentration by measures the glucose level every 5 to 10 minutes and sent
using Kriging prediction algorithm. First, the CGM data is the reading to portable device (IPad, Mobile, etc.) by using
calibrated accurately. Secondly, the CGM data is filtered to Bluetooth communication. In the figure below CGM sensor
increase signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Thirdly, prediction of is planted to the arm of the patient for monitoring glucose
future glucose concentration is predicted by using appropriate level continually.
modeling techniques. Based on the study and experimentation In the beginning of this century, the first continues glucose
Kriging based algorithm for prediction is performed very well monitoring sensor system was introduced and the instrument
as compared to other prediction technique with the lowest was used to monitor glucose concentration and last for up 72
mean square error. hours consecutively with the purpose of enhancing
knowledge about blood sugar variations and dynamic,
skimpy hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic episodes that were
difficult to detect by using sparse SMBG measurements [27].
Manuscript received April 5, 2019
Manuscript revised April 20, 2019
212 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.19 No.4, April 2019
As continues glucose monitoring sensor system is improved glucose monitor with him 24/7.The measurement of BG of
by embedding new properties of the real-time measurement the patient is varies due to the health conditions and other
of blood sugar and its fluctuations. factors. Most doctors suggest and agree the patient who are
on insulin need to measure glucose level every six to eight
hours daily, usually during fasting, just before taking meals
and just before going bed for sleeping in the night. But
sometimes it is hard to monitor regularly, but, it is possible
that patients cannot often maintain this control, because
working hours or travels. Due to these reasons the correct
prediction of the blood sugar is very much important for self-
monitoring and self-administering the health situations. A lot
of research has been done into the automatic prediction of
blood glucose using machine learning algorithms. There has
Figure 1: Continue Glucose Monitoring Sensor been lot research work is done by researcher for automatic
blood Glucose prediction by using different algorithm
For preventing hypoglycemia and better control of blood developed by the researcher. For example, in the Artificial
glucose levels, it is necessary to monitoring and measure the Pancreas Project [2], blood sugar level is predicted for the
glucose level at regular intervals and patient profiles should better insulin flow in the patient body to regulate the blood
be available online for the corresponding health sugar in the body. Regardless of the research work done by
professionals. By self-monitoring the glucose levels by researcher to predict BG level correctly and made
individuals and updating the personal profile will give recommendations for individuals. The prediction models
benefit to control glucose level in blood. By maintaining the which exist can be categorized as population based
individual profile of the patient it will give the edge to the prediction [3–6] or patient-based prediction [7–10].
doctors for better treatment plan. Also, it will enable the
family and patient to update the patient everyday diet plan Kriging prediction techniques are used in different type of
physical activities and medicine dose. [1] problems e.g. signal coverage, temperature prediction,
location prediction and mineral prediction [11-13].
In [14-15], author used the Kriging prediction technique to
predict coverage and location by using ground and aerial
sensor along with Kriging prediction. This topic need to
consider to solve the problem of diabetes to reduce the death
risk. Millions of dollars have spent to provide medical
services to the diabetes patients. Every year two million
people died in 2017 due to diabetes and this number quoted
by World Health Organization (WHO) in document released
on 17th November 2017.The number of diabetes patients has
increasing day by day and in 2017, 8.8% of the total world
Figure 2: Insulin producing organ in human body
population has diabetes which is 700 million and it is
forecasted in 2045 the number diabetes patient will touch one
But on the other hand it is very hard to measure the glucose
billion. The above explained topic is very important to be
level regularly and it is not possible the patient to carry blood
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.19 No.4, April 2019 213
considered as research topic and provide a better and cheaper It can be shown that the optimal weights λi for the Kriging
solution to monitor the blood glucose level of the patient. interpolator can be computed from the following system of
According the studies of some organizations, there is 336 linear equations as described by [12].
million people are affected by diabetes. The number is Λ = A−1 B,
expected to rise to 550 million by 2030 according the world λ1 −1
.. γ(t1 ,t1)………γ(t1 ,tn ) γ(t1 ,t∗ )
.. ..
.. .. .
health organization. Due to diabetes, there 4.6 million death ( ... ) = ( .. ) ( ... ),
λn γ(tn ,t1 )………γ(tn ,tn ) γ(tn ,t∗ )
every year or one diabetic patient dies every 7 seconds. It is
one of the top ten reasons which cause disability and other where Λ is a vector comprising the weights, A is the spatial
heart problems and stroke and blindness. Unluckily, 50 correlation matrix of sample with time difference t1, t2, . . .,
percent of people with diabetes are undiagnosed. tn and b is a vector whose elements represent the spatial
correlation between t0 and each ti { t1, t2, . . . , tn }. All
correlations are based on an appropriate variogram model
defined for the spatial phenomenon under observation as
described by [14].
In this research work above explained problem in existing
approaches are addressed by using real time patient data
analysis and Kriging prediction to improve the prediction of
blood sugar up to one hour. In this research work
personalized real time data based predictive model is
Figure 3: Diabetic monitoring system by using CGM sensor and
mobile application
proposed to predict patient blood glucose level automatically
The researchers have proposed several algorithms for the based on their daily activities collected from their digital
emphasized, together with a short description of minimally precision of CGM data by eliminating the random noise
invasive and non-invasive CGM devices. component which overlapped to the glycemic signals, 3.
Figure below shows the Dexcom sensor for continues improving the accuracy and eliminating the systemic error.
glucose monitoring and it lasts for 7 days and it cost around These three main challenges need to overcome by
$150. introducing the smart algorithm for CGM sensor systems
which consists of following three modules (i) denoising; (ii)
enhancement; and (iii) prediction. In this research more
importance is given to the prediction module by using the
Kriging prediction technique by using Matlab simulation.
The daily activities of the patient is recorded by using smart
phone application and blood glucose level is stored manually
which are measured by using the smart sensor system. The
recorded data is used to predict the blood glucose level of the
monitored patient ahead and then compared with measured
Figure 4: Dexcom Glucose monitoring via mobile application by using
CGM level. By using the measured and predicted levels the root
The number of diabetes patients has increasing day by day mean square error(RMSE) is calculated to verify the
and in 2017, 8.8% of the total world population has diabetes algorithm and the results which are presented in the later part
which is 700 million and it is forecasted in 2045 the number of this research work is very much reliable and give almost
diabetes patient will touch one billion. 95% accuracy.
Lot of research is done to study the risk prediction for
diabetes patients. Artificial neural network based prediction 3. CONTINUES GLUCOSE MONITORING (CGM)
In the beginning of the 21st century, CGM sensors have been
model is proposed in [23], to predict the onset of diabetes
developed by various companies but still it is very expensive
mellitus in the Indian female population of Pima near
for the common man and its life is also around 14 days. There
Phoenix, Arizona. More recently, Choi et al. two models of
two type of CGM sensors available which can be categorized
pre-diabetes screening using an artificial neural network and
as: implantable needle-type enzyme sensors, and systems
a Vector Support Engine (SVM) performed a systematic
based on the use of a micro-dialysis probe coupled with a
assessment of models through internal and external
glucose biosensor. A mobile based application is used to
validation [24]. The researcher quantified the potential
communicate with the CGM sensor by using Bluetooth
benefits of glucose prediction in reducing the frequency /
connection to read and store the most recent measured blood
duration of hypoglycemia [20]. For the patient with the type
glucose level to be used for in future for monitoring and
1 diabetes (T1D) and insulin pump, the University of Ohio
treating the patient accurately.
developed the intelligent decision based support system to
treat these patients [21].Another important application of
CGM sensors online is the generation of alerts when it is
In [25, 26], proposed Kalman filtering method in which past
predicted that the glucose concentration is higher than the
CGM data is used by supposing a double integrated random
thresholds of the normal range [22].
walk as prior for glucose dynamics. For the prediction and
To enhance the CGM sensor system performance following
detection hypo-glycaemia, the authors in [26] used simulated
three area are identified: 1. improving the life span of the
data to explain the effect of measurement sapling intervals
sensor system for hyper/hypoglycemic alert by predicting
for prediction threshold. Statically, Kalman filter is a linear
the future blood sugar concentration, 2. improving the
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.19 No.4, April 2019 215
prediction model and algorithm which use series of presented in the later part of this research work. The Kriging
measurement for long intervals which includes the statistical based algorithm for prediction is applied the same patient
noise along with other factors data to predict future blood glucose level and is be compared
In [27] the approach was used on 13 time series relative to to exiting algorithm and real time data.
hypo-glycaemia clamps, in which glucose concentration was In ordinary Kriging, a spatial phenomenon Z is assumed to
measured with the Medtronic CGMS sensor (sampling be represented by its realizations Z(t1), Z(t2). . . Z (tn) at time
period of 5 min). Over all the dataset, the sensitivity and t1, t2. . . tn. Then the Kriging interpolator of Z at time t0 is
specificity of hypo-glycaemia (defined as glucose lower given below
than70 mg/dL) prediction were calculated, for different PHs Ẑ (t 0 ) = ∑i=1( λi Z (t i )),
ranging from 5 to 30 min and different prediction thresholds, where λi are the weights fulfilling the normalization
from 60 to 90 mg/dL, for hypo-glycaemia detection. condition, i.e., ∑ni=1(λi ) = 1 and the expected error is
𝐸[ Ẑ(t 0 ) − 𝑍(t 0 )] = 0 as used. The Kriging technique
provides an optimal estimate in the sense that it minimizes
The proposed algorithm is implemented by using the Matlab the estimation variance and is unbiased as described by [12].
simulator along with the real time data collected from It can be shown that the optimal weights λi for the Kriging
diabetes patients and following steps are key part of the interpolator can be computed from the following system of
1st Prediction
5h Prediction
at 10th
15th Prediction
20th Prediction
% Decrease at
( ... ) = ( .. ) ( ... ),
λn γ(tn ,t1 )………γ(tn ,tn ) γ(tn ,t∗ )
MSE (K) 2
MSE (K) 2
Glucose level(mmol/l)
For the purpose of the performance assessment of the
algorithm, couple of the patient’s real time blood sugar data 150
and for the comparison purpose Kalman filter is also used to Figure 5: Measured glucose vs predicted
predict the blood glucose level. From the results below we In Figure 6 below root mean square error is plotted for both
can deduce that performance of the Kriging algorithm is predictors. RMSE is calculated by using the real time values
better than Kalman filter. Kriging based algorithm learn vs the predicted value by the Kriging and Kalman filter
quickly as compared to Kalman filter. predictor. It shows that Kriging algorithm learn quickly as
compared to Kalman filter, as Kriging predictor predict
Procedure Measure the blood sugar level
closer value to the real time glucose level. By using more
1- Train the predictor to predict next values
data for the predictor, it shows at the end the root mean
2- Measure again and integrate with existing data
square error is very small as compared to initial stage.
for prediction
for: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)
4- Set loops = 0; Set MaxLoops =MAX LOOPS; 14
5-Accept & integrate for all ({b1, b2, ···, bm})
6- Predict Blood sugar 30 minutes ahead 8
7- Measure blood sugar level 6
8- Calculate RMSE 2
𝑛 0
1 p
RMSE = 𝑠𝑞𝑟𝑡( ∑(𝐵𝐺it − BGi )2 )
𝑖=1 Time in Hours
9- End; Stop; RMSE (Kriging Predictor) RMSE (Kalman Predictor)
150 hyperglycemic alerts and based on the alert the patient takes
the dose of insulin to maintain the blood glucose level. The
proposed prediction algorithm for the blood glucose
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