Allotment of Rakes 0109

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Allotment of Rakes


1. (a) All demands for dispatch of goods in wagon loads/train loads should be
entered in the wagon demand/priority register separately for train load and
wagon load traffic maintained at the station/goods sheds open for booking of
goods in wagon loads/train loads traffic. The signature of the sender or his
representative should be taken in the appropriate column provided in the
register after duly filling in all the other columns. The prescribed registration
fee will be paid by his sender or his representative at the time of registration
of demands for wagons.

(b) In the case of sidings which are captive to a particular industry, the siding
owners may be allowed to load wagons allotted against a particular indent to
another destination provided it is not restricted or inconvenient to railways on
a particular day due to certain operating constraints.

In the case of sidings, where there is only one indentor while “Wagon
Demand/Priority Register” should be maintained at stations/goods sheds and
in the case of private/Assisted sidings only a “Demand Register” may be
maintained, which will serve as a repository for making allotments, having
regard to the Preferential Traffic Schedule, quotas restrictions and other
operating considerations. In the absence of a specific allotment by control, the
siding owners may be permitted to select the destination on day-to-day basis.

2. A forwarding note duly filled in should be tendered by the sender at the

time of registration of demand for supply of wagons.

3. (a) A limit may be placed by Railways on the quantity of goods

permitted to be registered at a time by one indenter.

(b) When limits are placed on the registration of goods in the manner
indicated above, full details there off will be exhibited at stations.

4. When booking is restricted to a particular station or by a particular route,

full details regarding the restrictions will be exhibited at the station.

5. The prescribed wagon registration fee is as follows:

(Refer Railway Board’s letter No 99/TC-I/101/2 dt 20/01/06
RC No.7 of 2006), issued through this office Rates advise No.1 2006
dt 30/01/06 reproduced below)

2.0 Wagon Registration Fee

Sanction of the Central Government is hereby accorded to revise the

Wagon Registration Fee to be deposited at the time of registration of indents
as under:

Type of Gauge Registration Fee per Wagon Registration Fee per Rake
(Rs.) (Rs.)
BG 500 15,000
MG 400 12,000
NG 300 1,500

Accordingly, Rule 201(5) contained in Chapter-II of Goods Tariff

No.41Pt.I (Volume- I) may be modified.

3.0 Exemption from payment of Wagon Registration Fee

No Wagon Registration Fee will be required to be paid in respect of

the following traffic:

(a) Traffic in any commodity offered by Platinum & Gold Card holder from
their siding.

(b) Container Traffic booked by CONCOR.

(c) Railway Materials and Stores booked by Railway officials in their

official capacity.

(d) Household Kit of Railway employees on transfer.

(e) Military Traffic booked on Military Credit Notes.

(f) Certain traffic subject to road competition specifically notified by the

Railway Administration as exempt from payment of Wagon Registration
Fee. (In granting exemptions to the Railway Administration should see
that such exemptions do not result in inflated and fictitious demands for
Accordingly, Rule 201(6)(c ) contained in Chapter-II of Goods Tariff
No.41 Pt.I (Volume-I) may be modified.

Para No.1411 in Chapter-XIV of the Indian Railway Code for Traffic

(Commercial) Department, Revised Edition-1993 may also be modified. An
Advance Correction Slip No.15 to this Code is enclosed for information and
necessary action.

4.0 Lump sum deposit in lieu of Wagon Registration Fee

Lump sum deposit for Government Department shall be Rs.10, 000/-

(Ten thousands only).

The parties having regular transactions with a Railway may be

permitted, at the discretion of the Railway, to pay a lump sum deposit in lieu
of payment of registration fee each time an indent is made for wagon supply.
The lump sum deposit payable will be fixed by Railway in such cases taking
into account the number of wagons that the parties concerned have to
register at a time.

Accordingly, Rule No.201 (5) and Rule No.201 (20) contained in

Chapter-II of Goods Tariff No.41 Pt.I (Volume-I) may be modified.

5.0 Forfeiture of Wagon Registration Fee

It has been decided that Wagon Registration Fee will be

forfeited when a wagon indent is cancelled by the indentor within 10 days
from the date of registration, irrespective of the commodity.

6. The type of wagon required, whether open or covered, should be indicated

in the Wagon Demands/Priority Register by the consignor or his authorized
agent. If the consignor is prepared to load either an open or a covered wagon,
both the types should be shown in the Wagon Demands/Priority Register and
which ever type is available first will be supplied

7. Railways may restrict from time to time the type of wagon (covered or
open) that will be supplied in respect of specified commodities. Railways do
not guarantee to supply at stations wagons of any particular type or carrying

8. The Wagon Demand/Priority Register should be open for inspection by

merchants and traders during the hours of working of goods sheds at stations.
9. Allotment/Loading orders – Each item of wagon registration is given a serial
number in the order of registration. Allotment/Loading orders are issued in
accordance with the priority of registration and also having regard to
preferential schedules prescribed by the Railway Board, quotas and
restrictions in force and other operating considerations.

10. The Allotment/Loading Orders should be exhibited on the Notice Board of

the station for the information of the public.

11. Change of Commodity – Change of Commodity is not permitted in a

registration already made.

12. Receipt for wagon registration fee collected – A separate receipt shall be
given to the indentor for the registration fee paid for each wagon. The receipt
foil will consist of two portions. The upper portion will be retained by the
indentor and the lower portion will be returned to the Station Master duly
signed by the receiver when the registration fee is refunded.

13.Allotment on this Railway is done as per the guidelines issued by Ministry

of Railways (Railway Board) vide preferential Traffic Schedule G.O.NO.83.The
same is reproduced below.


15th August, 2009)
System of acceptance of rake demands for loading iron ore:

1. A customer can register a maximum of 3 demands per destination per

type of rake (BCN / BCNHL / BOXN) at a time.
2. A customer can register a fresh demand only after loading/ canceling /
forfeiting existing demand.
3. A customer cannot have more than 3 demands at any time for any
particular destination per type of rake (BCN / BCNHL / BOXN) at a
4. This procedure is applicable for all customers coming under ‘C’ and ‘D’
5. The existing instructions apply in case of OYWS / WIS indents.

At stations, where a customer has more than 3 pending demands for a

particular type of rake (BCN / BCNHL / BOXN) for a particular destination,
further demands should not be accepted from that customer for such
destinations till the number of pending demands come below 3.

Programmed Traffic:

As per above No.3 of preferential Traffic Order (G.O.No.3) in force from

01-JULY-2010 TO 30-09-2010 SWRly has programmed movement of iron ore
under priority ‘C’.

This will be reviewed on quarterly basis as per Railway Board policy.

The list of customers under priority ‘C’ is:
1. JSWT Toranagallu
2. JSWT Salem
3. Sesagoa
4. Lanco Industries
5. TATA Metallic
6. Aparant Steel Industries
7. BMM Ispat Ltd
8. ISPAT Industries Ltd
9. SAIL, Bhadravathi
10. SBQ Steels
11. Kirloskar Steels
12. Kalyani Steels

System of Rake Allotment:

SWR Rakes are allotted as per the following priority.

1. C priority: Allotment of Rakes to Programmed Traffic under priority ‘C’.
2. Various Domestic and Export Customers other than under ‘C’ come
under ‘D’ priority.
3. WIS/OYS/TIELS, Round the clock working, Mechanized loading and Lead
of 800 Kms and above are taken into consideration for allotment of

14. Refund of registration fee –

(a) Station Masters are unauthorized to refund the registration fee on

surrender of the receipt foil by the indentor in cases where the fee is not
forfeited under para 15 except where the registration fee is paid by
Credit Note. In the latter case, the claimant should apply to the Chief
Commercial Manager of the Railway for refund.
(b) In the case of “Paid” consignments, the wagon registration fee will
be adjusted against the freight charges to be recovered.

15. No refund can be allowed unless the original receipt foil issued at the time
of payment of the amount is surrendered. In cases where the original receipt
is lost, the refund is to be made only on the authority of a stamped Indemnity

16. Refund of registration fee will be made only to the person mentioned in
the receipt or his authorized agent, after obtaining his acknowledgement.
17. General – Fees collected for one indent cannot be adjusted against
another nor wagons allotted to one indentor be allowed to be used by

18. Public Sector Undertakings/Corporations and the private sidings having

regular transactions with a Railway may be permitted at the discretion of the
railway, to pay a lump sum deposit in lieu of payment of registration fee each
time and indent is made for wagon supply. The lump sum deposit payable
should be fixed equivalent to three days average level of loading based on the
peak months figures during the previous 12 months, for each individual case.
The maximum number of indents pending at any given time for that
siding/customer should also be limited to the number of rakes equivalent to 3
days loading for which the lumpsum deposit has been deposited by the

The rules regarding forfeiture of Wagon Registration Fee will be applicable in

the instant case. However, the amount to be forfeited will not be entire lump
sum deposit but specific amount pertaining to individual rake which will only
attract forfeiture. In such cases, the customer will have recoup the amount
forfeited so that lump sum amount is maintained at the stipulated level.

Public Sector Undertakings/Corporations shall be allowed to place indents

more than the aforementioned limit by enhancing the lump sum registration
fee proportionately.


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