Allotment of Rakes 0109
Allotment of Rakes 0109
Allotment of Rakes 0109
Allotment of Rakes
1. (a) All demands for dispatch of goods in wagon loads/train loads should be
entered in the wagon demand/priority register separately for train load and
wagon load traffic maintained at the station/goods sheds open for booking of
goods in wagon loads/train loads traffic. The signature of the sender or his
representative should be taken in the appropriate column provided in the
register after duly filling in all the other columns. The prescribed registration
fee will be paid by his sender or his representative at the time of registration
of demands for wagons.
(b) In the case of sidings which are captive to a particular industry, the siding
owners may be allowed to load wagons allotted against a particular indent to
another destination provided it is not restricted or inconvenient to railways on
a particular day due to certain operating constraints.
In the case of sidings, where there is only one indentor while “Wagon
Demand/Priority Register” should be maintained at stations/goods sheds and
in the case of private/Assisted sidings only a “Demand Register” may be
maintained, which will serve as a repository for making allotments, having
regard to the Preferential Traffic Schedule, quotas restrictions and other
operating considerations. In the absence of a specific allotment by control, the
siding owners may be permitted to select the destination on day-to-day basis.
(b) When limits are placed on the registration of goods in the manner
indicated above, full details there off will be exhibited at stations.
Type of Gauge Registration Fee per Wagon Registration Fee per Rake
(Rs.) (Rs.)
BG 500 15,000
MG 400 12,000
NG 300 1,500
(a) Traffic in any commodity offered by Platinum & Gold Card holder from
their siding.
7. Railways may restrict from time to time the type of wagon (covered or
open) that will be supplied in respect of specified commodities. Railways do
not guarantee to supply at stations wagons of any particular type or carrying
12. Receipt for wagon registration fee collected – A separate receipt shall be
given to the indentor for the registration fee paid for each wagon. The receipt
foil will consist of two portions. The upper portion will be retained by the
indentor and the lower portion will be returned to the Station Master duly
signed by the receiver when the registration fee is refunded.
Programmed Traffic:
15. No refund can be allowed unless the original receipt foil issued at the time
of payment of the amount is surrendered. In cases where the original receipt
is lost, the refund is to be made only on the authority of a stamped Indemnity
16. Refund of registration fee will be made only to the person mentioned in
the receipt or his authorized agent, after obtaining his acknowledgement.
17. General – Fees collected for one indent cannot be adjusted against
another nor wagons allotted to one indentor be allowed to be used by