Cement-Treated Base (CTB)
Cement-Treated Base (CTB)
Cement-Treated Base (CTB)
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Home > Cement & Concrete Applications > Paving > Cement-Treated Base (CTB)
The aggregate/granular material, cement, and water are typically mixed in a central mixing plant. Central
plants can either be continuous-flow or batch-type pugmill mixers. CTB can also be mixed-in-place using
transverse-shaft pulvermixers or traveling mixing machines.
The thickness of Cement-treated Bases is less than that required for granular bases carrying the same
traffic because CTB is a cemented, rigid material that distributes the load over a large area. Its slab-like
characteristics and beam strength are unmatched by granular bases that can fail when interlock is lost. This
happens when wet subgrade soil is forced
up into the base by traffic loads. Hard, rigid
CTB is practically impervious. It resists
cyclic freezing, rain, and spring-weather
damage. Cement-treated base continues to
gain strength with age even under traffic.
This reserve strength accounts in part for
CTB's excellent performance.