Iip3 Guido
Iip3 Guido
Iip3 Guido
Aneta caressed by the window’s light - ph: Guido Argentini
Tin alone in her room - ph: Guido Argentini
Ananta the infinite space - ph: Guido Argentini
and all 90s an amazing magazine. The editorials a digital Canon 5d Mark II with 85 f1.2 or 35
there were great, same with French Vogue in the f1.4 and no lights. I stopped using lights a few
70s and 80s… Today I cannot find any magazi- years ago. I just use what is available in the room
ne that really “fulfills my eyes”… Sad but true. where I shoot, a window, a desk lamp… Never
Every magazine that tried in the past to create liked reflective panels and I used flashes just for
an artistic photographic publication specialized selective projects. I try not to use a tripod when
in “fine art nudes” ended up closing very soon. I can. It anchors you to a place and you end up
“Not only BW” in Australia, “Photographer’s “missing” on shooting from different angles.”
collectors” in the US… they both lasted only a Film and/or digital?
few years.” “I have been shooting digital for 2 years now.
Very little film these days. Digital, if you know
Photography. how to “treat” it, can give you amazing results.
By the way, I always scan my films and then I
“I never studied photography, I learned by looking work in Adobe Photoshop the way I used to
at the work of the photographers I loved growing work in the darkroom. It is just the most sophi-
up. The first camera is like the first love, you never sticated darkroom ever existed!”
forget it: Olympus OM-1. Then Nikon FM2 and Do you do your own postproduction?
Nikon F3 and I still have these cameras…” “I always do my own postproduction.”
Like us, you think that the medium is not im- The market increasingly requires also the
portant, but one of your peculiarities is that use of videos; how are you getting organized
you work alone, without assistants, and this on this front?
makes our readers all the more curious. To ”I am working on a documentary at the mo-
make the model feel comfortable it helps not to ment. A film on myself and my photography.
have people around, yet it is not easy in terms My film will have pieces shot on dv, some in dv
of organization. So, what is your favorite travel hd, some with Canon mark II and some with
equipment? RED camera. I will become a film maker when I
“I use an analog Hasselblad with an 80mm and have a story to tell.”
Bring the dream into existence - ph: Guido Argentini
teresting. Look at the work of Cindy Sherman you show a part of yourself. If I did not want to
for example. She has now a retrospective at the show who I am I would not publish my work. I
MOMA in NY and one of her pictures 18x24cm always believe in “sharing beauty”. To take pic-
(8x10”) edition of 10 was sold a couple of weeks tures just for myself would be a very selfish act.
ago for $750,000.00 at Sotheby’s. Are Sherman’s If any artist kept his or her work “private” there
pictures about beauty? Everybody has a different would be not art at all.”
approach when it comes to art. My approach, What meaning do you attribute to the word
from now on, is to still use beauty in my photo- “decency”?
graphy but just as one of the elements I need in “The meaning I give is not important. Everybo-
order to be able to tell a story. A concept must be dy has a different concept and idea of that. It is
supporting the new body of work.” the same with Love. Is not “what it is” but always
Have you ever realized or regretted baring “what we make of it”…”
through your images a part of you that you did In one of your videos you said that the most
not know or want to come to the surface? important things in selecting the most suitable
“Every time you take pictures and you publish models are attitude, artistic fit and the sha-
them and make them available to the public ring of the project. In fact, you consider these
Can we remember that we really are immortals? - ph: Guido Argentini
Are there any guarantees in terms of print qua- to publish with teNeus, also in financial terms?
lity? Is the printer chosen by the publisher or “Between the time I published “Silvereye”
by the photographer? (2002) and the time I did “Shades of a woman”
“The printer is chosen by the publisher. The (2010) the publishing industry changed drasti-
photographer should be present for the printing cally. Publishers have become more difficult in
process and I have always been there...” terms of investing money in new projects.”
Was it always the same printer? Is that why you decided to publish your own books?
“Every one of my books has been printed by a “I just printed “Shades of a woman” with the help
different printer.” of a sponsor but the book is now distributed by Da-
How involved is the artist, or how free is the miani. You need a publisher if you want the books
artist, in choosing the photos and when is the to be in bookstores worldwide. The goal is to have
choice made by the publisher? as many people as possible access my books.”
“I always chose all my pictures and made my The production of books and print boxes for
own layout.” collectors with sophisticated packaging im-
The same publisher published two more books plies a long and accurate search for the right
of yours. What does it mean for a photographer suppliers…
The immovable is in the moving - ph: Guido Argentini
“It is a long and difficult process. The best prin- work with. I’m trying to develop the relationship
ters for photography books are probably in Nor- with the Italian one at the moment…”
thern Italy. I printed my books with different In addition to your website, your books are
companies and I had good and bad experiences. sold in selected galleries worldwide. Do you
I’m still looking for the “perfect printer”…” have a distributor or have you established di-
Is there a particular aspect of book printing rect ties that you manage personally?
that you find most satisfactory? “With galleries I work directly but they don’t sell
“When I print books they must be in offset prin- most of the books… Books sell through booksto-
ting. Unless you make a dummy in a few copies, res and Amazon, where you can buy “Private Ro-
digital is way too expensive. I used different papers oms”, “Reflections”, “Shades of a woman” and
and I like the spot varnish but it all depends on the the limited edition of “Silvereye” and “Shades of
project. What is important are images more than a woman”.”
size, the paper or the way you varnish them.” Have you ever advertised your books on search
Where did you find the right supplier for the engines or social networks?
packaging? “Just on Facebook when my last book
“I have one in Italy and one on East Coast that I came out.”
person a few years ago. He has been a collector You say that you did not want to work on the reco-
for 7 years already. He has probably the biggest gnizability of your photos from a technical point
collection of nude photography in the world…” of view. What are the traits you would like to be
Do you ever take private commissions? remembered for one hundred years from now?
“Yes I did it in the past and I’m willing to do it in ”I’d love to be remembered for who I was and for
the future, if the idea and the money are good.” what I told people with my work. I’m just begin-
When you work for a new photo project, are ning to do what will be my best work…”
you more naturally intrigued by the idea of a
book or that of an exhibition?
“The book is where everything begins. The exhi-
bition is a follow-up to a book…”
If you could make a wish, in which museum
would you like to exhibit your photos?
“MOMA in NY and Modern Tate in London. In
a few years…” w w w. gu i d oargent i ni .com