Electrical Safety As Per NBC 2016

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0k Supply Bureau Under the License from B S for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCT ONMANAPAKKAM CHENNA ON 17 03 2017 09 00 59 (123

63 . 35) valld

2.1.183 Voltage, Medium (M V) The voltage wh1ch of bu1ld1ng (res1dent1al,

commerc1al, normally exceeds 250 V but does not exceed 650 V mercantlle, 1ndustr1al,
retall, conventlon,
2.1.184 Voltage High (H V) The voltage wh1ch exh1b1t1on, hotel, hospltal, 1nst1tut1on, flatted
normally exceeds 650 V but less than or equal to 33 kV factory, group housmg, etc) The wattage per
square feet shall be defined cons1der1ng
2.1.185 Voltage, Extra High (EH V) The voltage,
probable loads as per c1ty gradlng such that
wh1ch normally exceeds 33 kV
future loadlng 1nto the development 1s
2.1.186 Weatherproof Accessorles, l1ght1ng fittmgs, accounted
current-usmg appl1ances and cables are sald to be of b) Addition to an Installation An add1t10n,
the weatherproof type w1th mgress protectlon accordlng temporary or permanent, shall not be made to
to the appl1cat1on, 1f they are so constructed that when the authorlzed load of an ex1st1ng 1nstallat10n,
1nstalled 1n open s1tuatlon they w111 w1thstand the effects unt11 1t has been defimtely ascertamed that the
of ram, snow, dust and temperature vanatlons current carrymg capac1ty and the cond1t1on of
ex15t1ng accessorles, conductors, sw1tches, etc,
2.2 Conventional Symbols affected, 1nclud1ng those of the supply
The archltectural symbols that are to be used 1n all authorlty are adequate for the 1ncreased load
drawmgs, w1r1ng plans, etc, for e1ectr1ca1 1nstallat10ns The Slze of the cable/conductor shall be
1n bu1ld1ngs shall be as glven 1n Annex A sultably selected on the bas1s of the rat1ngs of
the protectlve dev1ces Ratmgs of protectlve
For other graph1cal symbols used 1n electrotechnology, dev1ces and then types shall be based on the
reference may be made to good pract1ce [8 2(1)] 1nstalled load, sw1tch1ng characterlstlcs and
power factor
3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Load assessment and apphcatlon of sultable d1vers1ty
factor to estlmate the full load current shall be made as
3.1 Conformity with The Electricity Act, 2003 and
a first step Th1s should be done for every c1rcu1t,
Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to

subma1n and feeder Power factor, harmomcs
Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 as
(see and effimency of loads shall also be
Amended Up-to-Date
con51dered D1vers1ty factor assumed shall be based
The 1nstallat10n shall generally be earned out 1n on one's own expenence or as per table under
conform1ty w1th the requlrements of The Electrzcztct, Allowance should be made for about 15 percent to 20
2003 as amended up-to-date and the Central Electrictty percent for extens10n 1n near future The w1r1ng system
Authority (Measures Relating to Safetv and Electric should be adopted tak1ng 1nto account the
Supply) Regulations, 2010 framed thereunder and as env1ronmental requ1rements and hazards, 1f any 1n the
amended from t1me-to-t1me, and also the relevant bu11d1ng The Slzes of w1r1ng cables are dec1ded not
regulat1ons of the Electr1c Supply Authorlty concerned merely to carry the load currents, but also to w1thstand
as amended from t1me-to-t1me Extracts from the thermal effects of llkely overcurrents, short c1rcu1t
and Central Electrictty Authority (Measures Relating to also to ensure acceptance level of voltage drop
Safer!) and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 (as
amended 1n 2015), referred to 1n th1s Sectlon, are g1ven 3.4 Power Factor Improvement in Consumers'
1n Annex B Installation
3.2 Materials 3.4.1 Cond1t10ns of supply of electrlclty boards or
All materlals, fittmgs, appllances, etc, used 1n electrlcal l1censees st1pulate the lower l1m1t of power factor wh1ch
and all1ed 1nstallat10ns, shall conform to Part 5 1s generally 0 90 or better
'Bulldmg Materlals' of the Code and other concerned
3.4.2 Pr1nc1pal causes of low power factor are many
Ind1an Standards
For gu1dance to the consumers of electrlc energy who
take supply at low and medlum voltages for 3.3 Coordination with L
a) In all cases, that 1s, whether the proposed to good practlce [8-2(7)]
electrlcal work IS a new 1nstallat10n or
extens10n of an ex1st1ng one, or a mod1ficat10n 3.5 Execution of Work
1nvolv1ng ma] or changes, the electr1c1ty supply Unless otherw15e exempted under the appropnate
undertaklng shall be consulted about the regulat1on of the CEA (Measures relating to Safety and
feas1b111ty, etc, at an early date The wattage Electriczty Supply) Regulations, 2010 as amended from
per square metre and perm1551ble d1vers1ty t1me-t0-t1me, the work of electrlcal 1nstallat1ons shall
cons1derat1on shall be defined as per the type be carrled out by a 11censed electrlcal contractor and


0k Supply Bureau Underthe License from B S for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCT ON MANAPAKKAM CHENNA ON 17 03 2017 09 00 59 (123 63 4 35) valld

under the dIrect superv1s10n of a person holdmg a Installatlon shall take Into cons1deratlon the followmg
certlficate of competency and by persons holdmg a vahd
a) Type of supply, buIldIng ut111ty, occupancy,
permIt Issued and recognIzed by any State government
enVIsaged load and the earthIng arrangement
3.6 Safety procedures and practIces shall be kept 1n VIew avaIlable,
durmg executIon of the work In accordance w1th good b) Prov1s10n1ng of an condItIonIng systems In
practlce [8-2(8)] present and/or future loadIng,
3.7 Safety prov1510ns gIven In Part 4 ue and LIfe c) ClImatIc condItIon, such as coolIng aIr
Safety' of the Code shall be followed temperature, mOIsture or such other condItIons
Wth are lIkely to affect the InstallatIon
TIONS d) Poss1b1e presence of Inflammable or explos1ve
4.1 General dust, vapour or gas,
e) Degree of electrIcal and mechanlcal protectIon
The deSIgn and plannIng of an electr1ca1 w1r1ng
Installatlon Involve cons1deratIon of all prevarllng necessary,
condItlons, and Is usually Influenced by the type and 1) Importance of contInuIty of serv1ce Includmg
requIrements of the consumer VarIous ut111ty serv1ces the possrble need for standby supply,
mcludIng LV systems namely Intercom, data cablIng (see g) ProbabIhty of need for modIfIcatIon or future
Part 8 'BuIldIng SerVIces, SectIon 6 InformatIon and extenSIon,
CommunIcatIon Enabled InstallatIons' of the Code), h) Probable operatlon and mamtenance cost
CCTV, fire alarm shall also be taken Into account w1th takIng Into account the electrICIty supply tarIffs
antICIpated future requIrements A competent electr1ca1 avaIlable,
deSIgn engIneer should be Involved at the plannmg stage J) RelatIve cost of mucus alternatIve methods,
WIth a v1ew to prov1d1ng for an InstallatIon that w111 prove k) Need for radIo and telecommunIcatIon
adequate for Its Intended purpose and ensure safety,
Interference suppress10n,

relrabIlIty and energy eff1c1ency In Its use The
m) Ease of maIntenance,
InformatIon/requIrements gIven In 3 shall also be kept
Into conSIderatIon tle deSIgnIng and plannIng an 11) Safety aspects,
electncal WIrIng InstallatIon WIth the prohferatIon of p) Energy conservatIon,
the use of electrIcal and electromc deVIces 1n buIldIngs q) Importance of proper dIscrImInatIon between
as well as the Increase In the generatIon/dIstrIbutIon protectlve deVIces for contInuIty of supply and
capac1t1es of power systems, the hazards of energy feed lImIted IsolatIon of only the afiected portIon,
to a fault or defect In the electr1ca1 InstallatIon have and
Increased RehabIhty of power supply and contmued r) RelIabIlIty of power supply and redundancy (of
supply even under abnormal condItIons are becomIng sources and dIstrIbutIon paths) to cater to the
very Important not only for the operatIon of serVIces and needs for emergency power and standby power
actIVItIes In a buIldIng, but also for the Me safety of for contInued operatIon of systems as well as
occupants Reference Is drawn to Part 0 'Integrated IntegratIon of alternate sources of energy such
Approach PrereqIte for ApplyIng Prov1s10ns of the as dIesel generatIon, solar energy, wmd power,
Code' of the Code, tch defines the requIrements of etc
InterdISCIplInary coordInatIon rIght from the sketch
deSIgn of the buIldIng ElectrIc1ty Is 11nked to all serv1ces 4.1.2 All electr1ca1 apparatus shall be suItable for the
and addItlon of standby and emergency power supply serv1ces these are Intended for
systems adds to the compleXIty, thus requIrIng proper 4.1.3 Coordmatzon
coordmated deSIgn Generally It Is not drfficult to prov1de
proper pathways and eqqment InstallatIon spaces, If Proper coordInatIon and collaboratIon between the
an Integrated approach 1S taken from the begInnIng The archItect, ClVll engIneer, electr1ca1 engIneer and
deSIgns should also have to keep the ava11ab111ty of mechanIcal engIneer shall be effected from the plannmg
optImum access to InstallatIOns to ensure proper stage of the InstallatIon The electrIcal engIneer shall
mamtenance Cons1der1ng varIous ut111ty serv1ces and be conversant w1th the needs of the electrIcal supply
to av01d conflIct amongst them, It 15 most Important to prov1der for makIng electrlcal supply arrangement
estImate space requ1rement for electr1ca1 work Includmg ElectrIcal supplIer's InstallatIon, as per
RegulatIons, LV systems, at plannIng stage and allocate It In needs to be segregated from
consumer's InstallatIon
consultatlon w1th an archltect/CIVII engIneer Wherever requIred, prIor approval of drawmgs shall
be taken from concerned electr1ca1 supplIer/electrlcal
4.1.1 The des1gn and plannIng of an electr1ca1 w1rmg
Inspector Further, dependIng on load and regulatIon


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