SUPPLY AGREEMENT One Month Payble Elemut Milk
SUPPLY AGREEMENT One Month Payble Elemut Milk
SUPPLY AGREEMENT One Month Payble Elemut Milk
ADDRESS: City: Addis Ababa Sub City: Bole Worda: _03_ House Number: New Telephone:
+251116672167 TIN NO: 0001615229 here in after referred as the “Customer” on one part.
ADDRESS: City: Addis Ababa Sub City: Yeka werda 04 Kebele 11/12 House Number: New
Telephone: +251115157312 TIN NO: 0005734417 here in after referred as “Supplier” on the
other part.
The objective of this agreement is that supply of different type of product as per the agreed
price, based on the customer’s quality and quantity, demand with the time frame given agreed
up on the customers store (Saro-Maria Hotel)
1.1 The customer shall place order prior to (1) one day or (2) day depending on the type of
the product and delivery date which will be communicated through purchasing
department of the hotel on phone or through L.P.O. (Local Purchase Order).
1.2 The customer is not obligated to accept any item with any defect or below the standard
or poor quality.
1.3 The customer is agreed to settle all payments within 10 working days after the end of
one Ethiopian Calendar Month, all invoice are subject to verification.
2.1 The supplier agreed to supply the entire product based on the order placed by the
customer and on credit base, as per the quality, quantity and type of product on the
exact deliver date.
2.2 The supplier should give 15 days’ advance notice if there is any price Change.
2.3 The supplier should give sales invoice (Credit Sales Invoice) at the time of delivery of
2.4 The supplier agreed to receive payment within 10 working days after the end one
Ethiopian Calendar Month.
2.5 The supplier agreed to source supply to customer all products as per the ordered
This agreement shall be valid for an indefinite time unless terminated on mutual agreement as
here under provided.
Either party may terminate this agreement at any time, by notifying the other party 15 days
prior written notice.