EXAM 1z0 071 Sample
EXAM 1z0 071 Sample
EXAM 1z0 071 Sample
Sample Questions
Answer is: A
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Hint: go to https://livesql.oracle.com
And select the schema called SH , you will find all theses tables
Answer is: C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: B & E
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
SELECT TO_CHAR(to_date('11-oct-2007'),'fmDdthsp "of" Month,Year') from dual
SELECT TO_CHAR(to_date('11-oct-2007'),'fmDdspth "of" Month,Year') from dual
Answer is: C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: A , C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
SELECT prod_NAME || q'\'s\'||' category is ' || prod_category
Answer is: C , D
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: B
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: D
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: A
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: D
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
select department_id, sum(salary)
where department_id >30 --the where will be exected first
group by department_id
having avg(salary)>10 -- I USED here avg and it is not in the select
Answer is: A , C
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
No The default is zero
No In PUMP you can create dump files, but in loader only read data
Answer is: D
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: B , E
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: B , D
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com
Answer is: A
Prepared By :Khaled AlKhudari www.maxvlearn.com