Valerie A. Briginshaw - Dance Space and Subjectivity
Valerie A. Briginshaw - Dance Space and Subjectivity
Valerie A. Briginshaw - Dance Space and Subjectivity
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Briginshaw, Valerie A.
Dance, space, and subjectivity / Valerie Briginshaw.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
List of Illustrations xi
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xviii
1 Introduction 1
Where bodies meet space 2
Currency of ideas about space 5
Questions of subjectivity 6
Reading dances 7
Bounded bodies 9
In-between spaces 14
Inside/outside interfaces 17
viii Contents
Appendix 207
Notes 209
Bibliography 213
Index 223
List of Illustrations
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Preface to Second Edition
Despite being published eight years ago in 2001, the core ideas in Dance,
Space and Subjectivity concerned with the ways in which dances con-
struct space and subjectivity and the meanings that result, are still per-
tinent today. No other texts in dance studies have dealt since, at length,
with ideas about the spatiality of subjectivity in dance in any detail. The
premises and arguments on which the original text was based are still
current and relevant as is the content in the form of the ideas explored
and the dances discussed. Most of the choreographers whose dance
works are examined are important national and international figures
whose choreography is still very much at the centre of current debate
in dance scholarship. They continue to occupy an important position
in the dance world today as they did when the first edition appeared,
and they remain worthy of serious study. The close readings of dances
in Dance, Space and Subjectivity can also serve as useful models for explor-
ing dance in-depth in practice and in writing within dance and perfor-
mance studies courses.
The revisions I have made for this edition are therefore relatively
minor and largely in the form of correcting one or two minor typo-
graphical and grammatical errors that slipped into the first edition, and
updating information in the text, particularly in Appendix 1. This has
been completely re-written since it indicates details of the availability
of recordings of dance works discussed.
I thought long and hard about the use of the term ‘postmodern’ in
this second edition. It is a contentious term that was the subject of much
debate throughout the 1980s and 90s in which I and others participated
(see Briginshaw, 1988, 1996). Re-reading my contributions to the
debates and the very first footnote of this text, where I qualify my use
of the term with reference to dance, with which I still concur, for me,
these clarify understanding of the term in general and my use of it in
particular. It was through my engagement with various facets of what
was termed ‘postmodern theory’ that I became aware of ways in which
the notion of ‘subjectivity’ could be opened up. Discussions of the ‘crisis
in subjectivity’, often deemed ‘postmodern’ at the time, heralded
further discussions and debates about what subjectivity is, which have
informed explorations that are at the heart of this text. It is my con-
tention that readers will inevitably come across the term ‘postmodern’
xiv Preface to Second Edition
Chichester, 2009
In drawing together the issues of dance, space and subjectivity, this book
centres on dance analysis, but it also draws on a number of different
fields which extend beyond dance studies. For the past two decades
I have been engaged in research that has taken as its focus the field
of dance analysis, evidenced in my contributions to publications in
the eighties and nineties, including the book Dance Analysis: Theory
and Practice. Since then I have become increasingly interested in con-
temporary critical theories, beginning with feminist theory, and more
recently with postmodern, postcolonial, queer and post-structuralist
theories. I find these theories compelling because of the ways in which
they bring to the surface issues and debates about the nature of human
existence and human relationships, that have remained hidden for far
too long.
These issues and debates concern similarities and differences between
people that begin with where, when and to whom we are born. They
are fundamental because they are political; they result in power differ-
entials and discrimination. These similarities and differences evolve in
complexity for each of us with passages through different times and
spaces. Crucially these similarities and differences, which make up our
subjectivity, determine our life experiences. All of this may seem very
obvious, but when we look around and see large numbers of people
whose life experiences and expectations are so much less than those
of others, somehow it doesn’t seem fair. I believe, perhaps somewhat
naively, that this lack of justice or fairness can be alleviated with the
greater understanding of its root causes and factors that perpetuate it,
that feminist, postmodern, postcolonial, queer and post-structuralist
theories can provide.
My knowledge and understanding of these theories has been contin-
ually challenged and stretched by my own and others’ attempts to
explore them alongside dance and to explore dance alongside the the-
ories. This book sits happily in the middle of this open field of mutual
application and engagement where insights gained in one area of cul-
tural practice or theory can illuminate another. These mutual illumina-
tions, which open up rather than close down issues and areas of debate
and contention, for me, are extremely productive. The major impera-
tive behind this book is to share this productivity.
xvi Preface
Over the years my focus in dance analysis has been on those post-
modern dances which lend themselves to analysis informed by
contemporary critical theories of this kind. This book consists of
close readings of selected examples of postmodern dance that I have
chosen because of the ways in which the dancing bodies in each
construct subjectivity and the different roles that space plays. I
therefore, develop frameworks for analysis in the book which relate to
other frameworks focusing on the contributions of space and the
dancing bodies to constructions of subjectivity. One main aim in all this
is to call into question traditional notions of subjectivity which see it
as fixed, and to suggest more interesting alternatives which recognize
its capacities for change. In this sense it is important to stress the
complex and changing nature of my own subjectivity which plays an
important role in the writing. My subjectivity and that of any writer or
dance critic is made up of several layers that are continually changing
over time and in different spaces. This is why, although I present par-
ticular readings and interpretations of the dances I write about, I stress
that these are not the only possible readings. I hope that these will open
up the dances and provoke and stimulate further interpretations of
these dances and maybe even of works with similar qualities in other
cultural forms.
Another incentive for illustrating the reciprocity of dance and a range
of different theories in this book is to demonstrate the broad relevance
of dance as a subject of study that can illuminate other areas of cultural
practice. In this sense this book should be of interest to a readership
that extends beyond students and researchers of dance. Many of the
dances that feature, for example, are films or dance videos and so
the analysis draws on film theory. In its readings of postmodern dances
the book engages with topics of cultural study as diverse as travel, the
city, beaches as leisure spaces, environmental change, the spatializa-
tion of desire, displacement and cultural identity, medieval and
Renaissance art and literature and deconstructive architecture. In this
sense it should appeal to students and scholars in the fields of cultural
history and geography, visual culture, feminism, postcolonial, queer
and gender studies as well as cultural and critical theory more gener-
ally. At the heart of the analyses of all the dances, however, is a focus
on bodies and space. The treatment of the ways in which perform-
ing bodies engage and interact with actual spaces and embody ideas
associated with metaphorical spaces, and how this contributes to con-
structions of subjectivity, should also be of interest to students and
Preface xvii
I would like to acknowledge and thank the following people for their
invaluable help, advice, guidance and support in the writing of this
book. Special mention goes to Ramsay Burt who over many years as a
friend and colleague has shared ideas, challenged and stretched my
thinking, encouraged, prompted and supported me. He read most of the
chapters at various stages in their development, and he read the man-
uscript in its entirety. His constructive criticism has been invaluable.
Thank you Ramsay. My good friend and colleague Geoff Seale also read
the whole manuscript. As he comes from outside the field of Dance his
detailed comments and suggestions tended to touch on a broad range
of issues and to stimulate revisions which I hope have made the
book more user friendly, particularly for those readers not necessarily
acquainted with the dances or theories discussed. Other friends and
colleagues have read drafts or early versions of chapters and given
feedback. They are Christy Adair (Chapters 5 and 7), Johannes Birringer
(Chapter 1), Ruth Chandler (Chapters 5 and 8), Emilyn Claid (Chapters
5 and 9), Diana Crampton (Chapter 8), Isla Duncan (Chapters 2 and 5),
Ben Noys (Chapter 9), Ann Nugent (Chapter 10), and Sarah Rubidge
(Chapter 6). I should also like to thank Daniela Adriana Pegorer, for
advice concerning the tango for Chapter 5 and Saul Keyworth for
reading Chapter 7 and giving advice concerning break dance and hip
hop. I am grateful to all of the above for their advice but I take full
responsibility for what remains.
Some of the chapters or parts thereof have been presented as confer-
ence papers, research seminar papers, lectures or have been published
elsewhere. Parts of Chapter 2 were presented at the Border Tensions Con-
ference at the University of Surrey in 1995. Chapter 3 grew out of a con-
ference paper presented at the City Limits Conference at Staffordshire
University in 1996, a chapter Helen Thomas asked me to write for
her edited collection Dance in the City published by Macmillan (– now
Palgrave) in 1997, and a chapter in Bell and Haddour’s edited col-
lection City Visions published by Pearson Education Limited in 2000.
Chapter 5 grew out of two conference papers: the first presented at a panel
on ‘Dance and Sexuality’ convened by Susan Manning for the Society of
Dance History Scholars Conference at the University of Oregon in 1998,
and the second presented at the Society of Dance History Scholars Con-
Acknowledgements xix
This book is about relations between bodies and space in dance and the
role they play in constructing subjectivity. Why, at the beginning of the
new millenium, are relationships between dance, space and subjectiv-
ity so important? The postmodern debates about ‘crises of subjectivity’,
that were current at the turn of the twentieth century, raised questions
about who ‘we’ are, and our relation to the world we live in. Although
voiced increasingly sceptically now, these questions are still, it seems to
me, just as pressing as ever. Postmodern dance contributes to these
debates vitally and imaginatively, because it is constantly engaging and
negotiating with body/space relations in immediate and challenging
ways.1 I use the oblique (/) here between ‘body’ and ‘space’ to indicate
the conjunction of two concepts creating an interface. It allows the pos-
sibility of rethinking concepts or ideas normally seen as separated, as
interconnected. Thinking things differently in this way is a key strategy
employed throughout the book, often indicated by the use of the slash.
The conjunction of bodies and spaces is important because it is
through this interface, through our material bodies being in contact
with space, that we perceive the world around us and relations to that
world. Exploration of these relations and debates is particularly perti-
nent right now because of the openness and scope that postmodern
approaches have brought to questions of existence, identity and sub-
jectivity. The limitations of the perspective of an ideal, unified, male,
Western, white subject have been exposed – presenting the point of view
from this subject position as ‘the way things are’ is no longer accept-
able. Many other possibilities are now viable. Through in-depth analy-
ses of selected postmodern dances, informed by developments and
debates in current critical theory, this book identifies some of these
other possibilities of subjectivity. In dance the limits and extent of
2 Introduction
Closing his mouth, he raises his head, helped and supported by her
hand until he is facing the young white woman to his left who was first
seen at the beginning of the line. He rubs noses with her three times
turning her face to camera as he does so, and another series of intimate
gestures begins.
The spaces between and around the dancers set up particular
resonances. Throughout the sequence the performers come very
close to each other, often touching and maintaining eye contact, sug-
gesting intimacy and affection, which is enhanced by the slow, soft
accompanying music and camera close-ups. The head and shoulder
shots focus attention on the kinds of people that are touching;
their faces foreground marks of identity such as age, gender and ‘race’.
Intimate gestures such as kisses and nose rubbing normally occur
between youngish people of different genders and the same ‘race’.
This is not the case here, contact is made between young and old,
people of different ‘racial’ origins, and not only between male and
female, but also between females and males, possibly suggesting differ-
ent sexualities. The norm is challenged; other possibilities of who is
allowed to kiss or intimately touch who, of what is ‘acceptable’, are pre-
sented. Later it becomes apparent that three of the six performers are
in wheelchairs. In these opening moments of Outside/In the space
around the dancers, which is limited by the closeness of the camera
focusing on heads and shoulders, foregrounds certain aspects of
identity; age, gender and ‘race’, while temporarily hiding another; the
dancers’ abilities.
The borders and limits of bodies and space come into contact in a
very graphic way. Mouths, ears and noses which feature, are all bodily
orifices, thus directing attention in an immediate way to the actual
boundaries of the body, and the extent to which they are fluid and can
be blurred and merged. The merging of bodies and space is emphasized
in the choreography by the passing on from one dancer to the next of
a ‘piece of space’ in the form of air which disappears into bodies through
mouths and ears, for example. Mouths, lips, tongues, ears and noses are
both inside and outside the body as is skin. Seeing edges of bodies and
space as both inside and outside in this way allows for ambiguities and
ambivalence; opening up rather than closing down possible readings.
Playing with boundaries and border zones in this way is both actually
transgressive and metaphorically so because of the different bodies
involved and the intimacies exchanged. At these limits and extremes of
bodies and space, at the edges and in the border zones, meanings, which
contribute to ideas about subjectivity, are continually being negotiated.
4 Introduction
other bodies, and, as has been indicated, in this sense it is a most per-
tinent arena for exploring questions of subjectivity.
Questions of subjectivity
hold connotations and associations. They are not empty. Like bodies,
they can be gendered, ‘racialized’ and sexualized. What happens when
dance is set in such places? What effect does this have on the choreog-
raphy?; on the spaces?; on ideas concerning subjectivity? How does the
space between dancers, and between dancers and spectators, affect con-
structions of subjectivity? How can investigations of body/space rela-
tions in dance contribute to rethinking notions of subjectivity, to
opening up possibilities for previously excluded subjectivities?
Subjectivities have been excluded in the past because differences have
not been recognized. Constituents of difference that make up subjec-
tivity and identity, specifically gender, ‘race’, sexuality and ability, and
how they are represented in postmodern dance, are a focus of my explo-
ration of body/space relationships. My interest in these constituents of
identity stems from a longstanding engagement with feminist theories,
and more recently, with postcolonial and queer theories, all of which
have emphasized the power differentials inherent in language and
discourse which value one idea or concept over another resulting in
discrimination and oppression. In each chapter selected examples of
postmodern dance are read in the light of some of these theories in
order to explore relationships between space and bodies in dance in
ways that can aid an understanding of how identities and subjectivity
are negotiated, constructed and resisted. In the process the power dif-
ferentials at work are exposed, and ways of reading ‘against the grain’
in order to eliminate any potential for discriminatory or oppressive
practices are suggested.
Reading dances
Bounded bodies
Desire relates to perspective in the sense that it is also traditionally
dependent on a vanishing point for its comprehension. It convention-
ally relies on the separation of subject and object and the distance
between them, which also depend on a notion of space as empty or
lacking. In this sense ‘space . . . unleashes desire. It presents desire with
a “transparency” which encourages it to surge forth in an attempt to lay
claim to an apparently clear field’ (Lefebvre, 1991: 97). The constructed
nature of ‘transparency’, which Lefebvre puts in inverted commas here,
and the use of the word ‘apparently’ are important, for they suggest that
space is not empty or transparent, but for certain purposes it can appear
so. Lefebvre terms this the ‘illusion of transparency’ (ibid: 27–8) because
he claims that the socially constructed nature of space is in part con-
cealed by this illusion. Some of the ways in which space is seen as trans-
parent in this sense and linked to a masculine gaze which genders space
are explored in Chapter 2. The ways in which subject and object, self
and other, performers and audience and dancers and other dancers are
thought, conceived of and seen as separate and distanced, depend on
this view of space as empty or ‘transparent’. This in turn ‘unleashes
desire’ in a traditional sense which, linked to the ideas about perspec-
tive and the single masculine viewpoint cited above, can also be seen as
limiting and reductive.
These operations of desire are directly confronted and challenged
by the image of the muddy bunny girl in Lament. The ways in which
the mud on the bunny girl link her to the surrounding hillside
initially and then later in the film to the country road stretching
between muddy fields, displace her from her metaphorical pedestal
where she appears separate, in a clear field, as an object of desire for
the masculine gaze. The mud and the countryside space have inter-
rupted or got in the way of the distance necessary for desire to
operate in the traditional spatial sense described above. There are many
images that disrupt the conventional spatial workings of desire in this
way in Lament. Throughout most of the film women and men are seen
14 Introduction
In-between spaces
The bodies and the spaces in Lament are at times ambivalent and blurred
in this way. They are not private or public, but both. The ‘natural’ and
the ‘cultural’, the ‘psychical’ and the ‘social’ overlap and blur because
of the radical juxtapositions created. The bunny girl who stumbles
around on a muddy hillside is an ambivalent body in this sense, as is a
man who attempts assiduously to shave crouching in a wet gutter,
getting soaked by the spray of passing cars. These images transgress and
blur boundaries because the characters are out of their ‘normal’ place.
They create and play in spaces in between. The bodies act as ‘border-
line concepts’ in Grosz’s terms.
The potential of in-between bodies and in-between spaces, which
exist at borders and in frontier zones, has been examined by, among
others, postcolonial theorists, Homi Bhabha and Paul Gilroy. Bhabha,
whose theories are discussed in Chapter 6, explores the ways in which
concepts of the ‘in-between’ in terms of spaces and subjects can be
mobilized to rethink identity. He argues:
Inside/outside interfaces
These then constitute the ideas and theories behind this book. Each is
discussed, explored and expanded in relation to specific postmodern
dances. The theories outlined are not discussed or explored in any
logical, linear or indeed chronological manner. Rather they ‘come and
go’ throughout the text in a fluid fashion deemed appropriate given
their non-linear character and notions of interconnectivity which they
embrace. To a certain extent, chapters and parts of the book stand
alone and there is no one recommended way of reading. The book
is loosely organized in three parts: ‘Constructions of space and
subjectivity’, ‘Dancing in the in-between spaces’, and ‘Inside/outside
bodies and spaces’, with a final chapter that shows how the concerns
of all three parts can overlap. In the first part, site specific dances are
examined focusing on the ways in which the actual spaces of their
location – the particular places in which they are set – are constructed,
and in turn contribute to constructions of subjectivity. In Part II there
is a shift from these specific places – these actual spaces – to virtual or
metaphorical spaces in the dances seen as in-between. These are created
as in-between by the choreography and, in some cases, the filming. They
are ambivalent and indefinite, neither one thing nor the other. Conse-
quently they suggest possibilities for rethinking and challenging con-
structions of subjectivity as fixed. In Part III the focus shifts to the
dancing bodies, specifically to the inside/outside spaces of their borders
and boundaries, and the ways in which these can trouble and subvert
traditional constructions of subjectivity and make room for previously
excluded subjectivities. The final chapter illustrates that these focuses
are not mutually exclusive, but overlapping; they interconnect in
various ways which are apparent throughout the book. The material for
some of these chapters started life as chapters of other books and con-
ference papers published elsewhere, but in bringing it together and
reworking it, key arguments that cohere around a set of interrelated
ideas about bodies, space and subjectivity are developed, which call into
question traditional notions of subjectivity and suggest possibilities for
rethinking it.
In the first part of the book entitled ‘Constructions of space and sub-
jectivity’ different ways in which spaces and dancing bodies can be seen
to construct each other and the implications for subjectivity are exam-
ined. The first chapter focuses on four site specific dance films by Euro-
pean and British choreographers and directors, which all focus on travel
of one form or another and are set in different spatial locations. It
explores the extent to which the gendering of the spaces is hidden or
revealed by the choreography, performance and filming, together with
22 Introduction
In the next three chapters, dances set in mainly outdoor spaces are
examined, focusing on the ways in which the physical spaces of their
location can be seen to be constructed in part by the dances, and in
turn can contribute to constructions of the dancing subjects. The role
gender plays in these constructions is a focus.
This chapter explores the treatment of travel, space and subjects in
four site specific dance films and videos which focus on travel of various
kinds. The ways in which travel is portrayed are bound up with the loca-
tions used, the particular places in which the dances are set, and how
these spaces are constructed. The interest in travel as subject matter for
dance parallels the use of travel metaphors in recent postmodern theory.
The crisis in subjectivity inherent in postmodernity has been described
in terms of metaphors associated with travel such as nomadism. The
complexities of the crisis evident in fragmented subjectivity and in
changing conceptions and experiences of space, it has been suggested,
require navigation or mapping. It has been argued that these travel
metaphors, like real travel, are gendered (Wolff, 1993). It has also been
argued that social constructions of space are gendered (Rose, 1993a,b).
The ways in which constructions of travel, of the spaces of travel and
of the subjects that travel in them, are gendered, are identified in the
dances as either hidden or revealed. I argue that revealing the ways in
which travel, space and subjects are gendered can point to new ways of
conceiving subjectivity.1
After briefly outlining some uses of travel metaphors in postmodern
discourse and showing how travel and space are gendered, examples of
the gendering of travel, spaces and subjects are identified in the dance
28 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
that culture as a ‘rooted body that grows lives and dies is questioned’
and replaced by ‘constructed and disputed historicities, sites of displace-
ment, interference, and interaction’ (Clifford, 1992: 101). Recognition
that the terrain is varied and complex results in an extension of these
travel metaphors to include the notion of worldviews becoming ‘maps’,
‘topographies’ or grids with ‘coordinates’ as reference points. The notion
of ‘cognitive mapping’ as a postmodern way of ‘seeing the world’ has
been championed by the American Marxist critic, Frederic Jameson
(1988) and the term ‘conceptual map’ (Connor, 1989) has also been
used. As indicated in the introduction to this volume, several post-
modern texts have emerged with ‘mapping’ in their titles. Given that
everything, from identities to ideas to cultures characterized as post-
modern, is essentially fluid, forever shifting and changing, on the move,
it is perhaps not surprising that travel metaphors of various kinds have
become current in postmodern discourse.
ture to the ‘promised land’ of the USA. Prior to the title credits, an enig-
matic female figure with feathered turban and trailing tail, a mythical,
half-woman, half-bird, surreal creature of flight, is seen ascending a ver-
tical metal runged ladder. She appears repeatedly throughout the film,
often in high places looking down on the quayside and the migrants,
who seem oblivious of her. The publicity synopsis states, ‘A woman
appears. . . . Is she real or just the reflection of a desire to know the other
side of the ocean?’ In between her appearances, the migrants are seen
standing in a line in the water up to their ankles facing out to sea, some
holding suitcases or boxes; standing, sitting and dancing on the harbour
wall; walking, running and dancing in the dock area among warehouses
and packing cases; and running and lifting each other up and down the
gangplanks of a boat. Pedestrian movements are mixed with more
expressive contemporary dance movements of the kind associated with
1980s ‘Euro-crash’.4 Carnets is accompanied by natural sounds – the
dancers’ feet on the harbour wall, ships’ sirens and seagulls – occasion-
ally interspersed with Jean-Jacques Palix’s music of accordion chords,
drum rolls and a persistent metallic sounding beat.
The publicity for La Deroute (26 mins), choreographed by Tedi Tafel
and directed by Rodrigue Jean who also both perform, states the film
is ‘about immigrants battling the elements in a cruel and unfamiliar
land’. Filmed in monochrome, it opens with a scene of about forty men,
women and children standing alone or in small groups spread out across
a windy beach. These people by their dress of current day coats, trousers
and skirts, look more like contemporary migrants than those in Carnets.
The film follows a central female character as she wanders along a shore-
line, across various tracts of open windswept land; from the beach to
mud flats, to grasslands, to sandbanks in water, through a dense wood
out into the open to further expanses of flat land and marshes. She is
occasionally followed or accompanied by a man and she encounters
other travellers along the way. As in Carnets the movement material
mixes pedestrian postures – walking and running – with more expres-
sive contemporary dance movements. Perhaps the similarity of style is
not surprising since the two pieces are featured on the same video,
Rodrigue Jean, the filmmaker of La Deroute, performs in Carnets,
Johanne Charlebois, the choreographer of Carnets, is credited as Assis-
tant Realisateur on La Deroute, and the two works share a dancer,
Veronique Favarel. The accompaniment for La Deroute is a mixture of
natural sounds such as the wind, peoples’ distant voices and people
walking through water and occasional atmospheric music by Monique
Jean when percussion or violins suggest suspense or solitude.
34 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
people in the various locations. Unlike the other three pieces Cross-
Channel is filmed in colour and in a mixture of urban and rural, peopled
and empty spaces. The movement material is pedestrian throughout but
it is often repeated and patterned in the choreography so that it looks
performed. For example, the men’s circular cleaning of the boat
windows becomes a repeated rhythmic phrase, as does their dealing of
playing cards in a tent when camping. Cross-Channel is accompanied by
Steve Blake’s jazz music – a continuous beat on saxaphone, trombone,
bass and drums – over which natural sounds, such as the train and ferry
announcements, can be heard.
Transparent space
The gendering of space and travel that is evident in some postmodern
discourse is also apparent in the dance films. Land-Jäger and La Deroute
feature wide open spaces of the kind that Rose suggests can be rendered
‘transparent’ by the geographer’s gaze. In both films figures are seen in
the distance, running across windswept, open expanses of grassy fields.
The filming and choreography construct the space as infinite and
unbounded and, following Rose, viewed from a masculine perspective.
There is also a sense in three of the films – Carnets, Land-Jäger and
La Deroute – that the space appears innocent and ‘transparent’
because it is not clearly identifiable as a specific place. A generalized,
almost abstract sense of space, rather than a specific place is being
Massey suggests that what is needed to expose the ‘transparency’ at
work is ‘a progressive sense of place’, ‘an understanding of “its charac-
ter”, which can only be constructed by linking that place to places
beyond’ (1993: 68). Massey is suggesting dismantling the binary of
‘space’ and ‘place’. She continues, ‘it would be about the relationship
between place and space . . . a global sense of the local’ (ibid: 68). This
is what is presented in Cross-Channel. The characters in the dance are
clearly situated, they are identified with places beyond the channel cross-
ing and the French coast by markers on their journey, including, for
example, London’s Victoria Station and Dover’s white cliffs. Importantly
also the social construction of the space, and the role that gender plays
in the construction, are not concealed by the illusion of transparency.
Signs of gender self-consciously characterize the places passed through
on the journey. The group of women dressed stylishly in their fifties-
36 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
style white dresses, looking like fashion models from Vogue magazine,
are seen at Victoria Station, on a train, on a cross-channel ferry and in
a hotel. They are clearly gendered traditionally feminine. The construc-
tion of their femininity is underlined by repetition of costume, all wear
colour co-ordinated variations of the same fifties-style dresses, by inclu-
sion of specifically feminine postures and gestures, such as photo poses
with one hand behind the head like a model and adjusting their sun-
glasses affectatiously and by the filming. When on the train one of the
women’s faces is filmed in profile, in close-up, looking out of the
window, the camera lingers on her made-up face and neatly styled hair.
Associations with ideals of femininity featured in adverts are suggested.
These women feminize the spaces, in the way that models do on tourist
brochures, they make them seem attractive. Their femininity is not
hidden or masqueraded as ‘natural’, it is rather paraded as constructed.
By association, the places they inhabit and pass through and the mode
of travel they engage in are also gendered glamorously feminine.
Nostalgic space
The feminist art critic Sarah Kent claims that postmodern painting is ‘a
form of mourning for lost power, lost belief and lost confidence, in
which actual significance is replaced by overblown self-importance . . .
It is a masculine artform – a witness to the crumbling of certainty’ (1984:
61). In a similar sense the use of travel metaphors in postmodern dis-
course can also represent mourning, but for different kinds of lost
masculine, colonial power. Some theorists have proposed that post-
modernism is ‘a response by intellectuals to their own discomfiture,
their sense of dislodgement from previous authority’ (Massey, 1991: 33).
Practices of decentering and destabilizing that postmodernism champi-
ons, clearly pose threats to established, centered power bases which are
traditionally masculine. A mode of thinking which sets up a centre and
a periphery in opposition to one another, apart from being modernist,
is also imperialist and colonialist (Docherty, 1993). As the postmodern
theorist, Steven Connor, suggests, the use of ‘metaphorical–topograph-
ical terms of space and territory’ which include ‘centre and margin,
inside and outside, position and boundary . . . can conjure up an oddly
antique-seeming map of the world and global political relations, when
struggles for power and conquest could be represented in much more
reassuringly visible terms.’ He continues, ‘in their mimicking of this
. . . vanished territorialization of power relationships, these metaphors
also seem to embody a nostalgia for what has been lost with that sort
of map of the world’ (1989: 227).
Gendered Constructions of Travel, Spaces and Subjects 37
for ‘self’. There are repeated shots of one or two men walking away from
camera across a grass field towards a wood, although there is no appar-
ent destination, a sense of purpose is indicated by repetition. Absence
of a clear destination and proximity to nature often characterize roman-
tic quests. Romantic ballet narratives such as La Sylphide (1832) and
Giselle (1841) come to mind, where male heroes pursue female spirits
of nature in search of an ideal. The feathered female figure, who mys-
teriously haunts Carnets, is like a Romantic ballet spirit in her potential
for flight and symbolism of freedom. She is often seen ascending, above
the migrants, looking down over them, or into the distance. They do
not acknowledge her, she seems to be from another world. As the pub-
licity states, ‘Is she real or . . . the reflection of a desire to know the other
side of the ocean?’
This ‘desire to know the other side of the ocean’ is also evoked
in Carnets by dancing set on the quayside or harbour wall often
involving looking out to sea. There is a sense in which postmodern
tensions between the global and the local, or space and place, could
be said to be suggested by relations that are constructed between
the performers and the land and seascapes presented. Distance shots of
land or sea and sky show horizons which have a particular metaphori-
cal, also often romantic or mythic resonance, in terms of travel, espe-
cially when figures are placed looking towards them as they are in
Carnets and Cross-Channel. Such scenes conjure up images from
familiar Romantic paintings such as Caspar David Friedrich’s ‘The
Monk by the Sea’ (1808–10), where the size of the figure – small, almost
minute – in relation to the size of the land or seascape – vast – is pow-
erfully evocative of a certain kind of liminality. This is a romantic,
masculine view of the world where nature is seen as ‘other’, evoked
in Carnets by several shots of people looking out to sea, one of which
significantly ends the film. In Cross-Channel performers are also seen
looking out to sea, but they are constructed differently. Instead
of a single, lone figure gazing romantically towards the horizon, there
is a line of equally spaced figures gazing out to sea at sunset. Their per-
formance self-reflexively underlines the image’s construction. They act
out the cliché prevalent in romantic fiction and film. They are not
44 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
The conceptual focuses of sixties artists on the avant garde use of site
specific performance spaces which stretched audience perception, on
a particular urban sensibility and on blurring boundaries, such as
inside/outside, private/public and art/everyday life, paved the way for
what was to follow. Examples of this work by American choreographers,
Lucinda Childs, Meredith Monk, Twyla Tharp and Trisha Brown provide
an historical context for the later works.
Sixties precedents
In New York in the sixties dances were often set in city spaces such as
streets, museums, lofts and parking lots. The significance of using such
spaces had been proposed by artists such as Allan Kaprow and Claes
Oldenburg when they began to stage ‘Happenings’. Kaprow, who
wanted to blur the boundaries between ‘art’ and ‘life’, wrote, ‘we must
become preoccupied with . . . the space and objects of our everyday life
. . . our bodies, clothes, rooms. . . . Forty-Second Street . . . happenings
and events, found in garbage cans, police files, hotel lobbies; seen in
store windows and on the streets’ (in Artnews in 1958 quoted in Crow,
1996: 33). Oldenburg used the Judson Memorial Church gallery space
in Washington Square, New York, which he and friends had established
in 1959, for his installation The Street in 1960. It consisted of ‘crudely
fashioned props and figures . . . intended to evoke the . . . life of the poor
neighbourhoods . . . where he . . . lived and worked’ (Crow, 1996: 34). In
The Street he staged a Happening entitled Snapshots from the City – 32
tableaux each appearing briefly before being blacked out. Oldenburg
stated he was coming to grips ‘with the landscape of the city, with the
dirt of the city, and the accidental possibilities of the city’ (ibid: 34). A
similar urban sensibility informed certain dance performances in sixties
New York, and infuses the recent fascination with the city evident in
the two dance videos examined later.
In 1964 Lucinda Childs, one of the dancers from the Judson Dance
Theater, named because of their performances in the eponymous
church, created Street Dance. She and another dancer performed in the
street four or five floors below the Cunningham dancer, Judith Dunn’s
studio, where a tape instructed the spectators to watch from the
window. Childs said, ‘The dance was entirely based on its found sur-
roundings . . . we were engaged in pointing out . . . details and/or irreg-
ularities in the façades of the buildings: lettering and labels, the . . .
displays in the store fronts. . . . While the spectators were not able to see
in . . . detail . . . what it was we were pointing to, they could hear the
Transforming City Spaces and Subjects 45
Constructed spaces
Spaces, through their construction, are invested with power. The post-
modern city, like the postmodern subject, is fractured and fragmented,
it is falling apart and full of contradictions. It is utopian and dystopian,
attracting and alienating. It is constructed as labyrinthine, free-flowing
and uncontrollable, but also as containing and trapping. The effects of
this for some women can be negative; they can be isolated, excluded
and constrained in these mainly public spaces historically constructed
by men for men.
The two dance video texts discussed here provide examples of differ-
ent kinds of constructed city spaces invested with power. In Muurwerk
the deserted alley in the centre of old Brussels can be seen as alienating
and trapping, the sort of inner city space that women are warned about
and expected to avoid. This is the kind of city space that connotes male
freedom associated with the nineteenth-century notion of the flâneur.
In Step in Time Girls the rooms of the London flat and its environs can
be seen as unsympathetic urban spaces which isolate, contain and con-
strain the women that inhabit them. They appear to be a legacy from
the ‘culture of separate spheres’ that the feminist cultural theorist Janet
Wolff argues grew up in the nineteenth-century but still persists to a
certain extent today. In this culture male and female are closely aligned
with public and private spheres respectively giving rise to ‘the domes-
tic ideology of the home as haven and women as identified with this
private sphere’ (1988: 119).
In the dance video texts, the choreographers and filmmakers use dis-
courses which can either reveal or hide ways in which the bodies and
spaces are constructed and invested with power. I explore how these
texts reveal in a problematic way the possibilities for reclaiming ways
of inhabiting the city, which turn anonymous spaces into situated
places, by negotiating their negative and alienating characteristics for
women. In the process I suggest these choreographers and filmmakers
demonstrate possibilities for affirmation and empowerment through
defining new relationships with city spaces.
Transforming City Spaces and Subjects 51
In each of these dance video texts the dancers’ bodies interact with the
city in different ways. These interactions, which involve the physical
contact of the dancers’ bodies and the fabric of the city, are explored
focusing on the mutual construction and definition of bodies and cities.
Elizabeth Grosz’s notion of the body as a surface of inscription, which
she derives from Nietzsche, Foucault and Deleuze, can inform an analy-
sis of these texts in the sense that the power invested in the city spaces
inscribes movement patterns on the women’s bodies in different ways.
Grosz is ‘concerned with the processes by which the subject is marked
. . . or constructed by the various regimes of institutional, discursive and
non-discursive power’ (1995: 33). These values and regimes of power,
determined by the ways in which the world is seen and conceived,
include strands of this conception and construction such as gender. In
this inscriptive process ‘the body’s boundaries and zones are constituted
. . . through linkages with other surfaces and planes’ (ibid: 34). In these
two dance videos the boundaries and zones of the performers’ bodies
are partly constituted through their linkages with the surfaces and
planes of the city. In this sense bodies and cities are ‘mutually defining’
(ibid: 108).
I am arguing that this process of mutual definition can inform read-
ings of these dances and that through it, the dancing bodies become
subjects and the spaces of the city settings become places. This is
because exceptionally in the choreography and filming of the dance
videos the women go beyond the confined urban spaces. Consequently
the mutual definition which occurs can affirm identities for the women
contrary to what’s expected of them in these city spaces.
The choreography of Muurwerk consists largely of repetitive phrases of
rolling, spinning along and jumping up and kicking the walls of the
deserted Brussels alley, which appears drab and lonely in this black and
white film. There are very few moments when one or other part of
Roxanne Huilmand’s body is not in contact with the alley’s surfaces. The
rhythmic phrases of rolling and spinning along the walls of the alley
are interspersed with Huilmand, rolling across the alley floor into the
gutter defiantly revealing her substantial white knickers and with her
circling round on the ground from sitting to rolling onto hands and
feet. The tactile nature of these interactions is emphasized in three ways:
through camera close-ups; choreographically, through persistent repeti-
52 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
tion and dynamic contrasts of speed and body tension; and aurally, in
the soundtrack where the brushing and scraping of body on walls and
ground is heard.
As Huilmand repeatedly leans on, pushes off, slides, drags and brushes
her body up against the stone sides and pavement of the alley, her rela-
tionship with it seems to become increasingly affectionate. The camera,
by closing in on her movements, allows her to perform more intimate
movements designed to be seen close up, while also emphasizing the
intimacy of the space, as it caresses the alley walls and floor. The window
ledges, cracks, nooks and crannies become known as they are repeat-
edly traversed by Huilmand’s body. The filming and Huilmand’s
performance construct and play with ‘femininity’ in various ways. Huil-
mand veers between being seductively sensual – when the camera
lingers on a close-up of her face as she brushes her hair behind her ear
– and aggressively violent as she repeatedly runs, jumps up and kicks
against the walls. She teases and titillates through the dynamics and
pace of the choreography by very slowly repeating and building up pat-
terns of rolling or spinning along the walls only to abruptly interrupt
and change the action before a climax is reached. In this context I
suggest that as Grosz argues: ‘the practices of femininity can readily
function . . . as modes of guerrilla subversion of patriarchal codes’
(1994b: 144). The brazen confidence of Huilmand’s apparently fearless
performance of a limited but thoroughly known and worked through
vocabulary, etched with a subtle playfulness, enables her to transform
the normally alien space of an inner city alley into, for her, an intimate
place of play and fantasy. Whereas the sixties artists raised audiences’
awareness of urban environments and stretched their perception
through avant garde uses of space, eighties and nineties’ choreog-
raphers, such as Huilmand, challenge audiences to rethink traditional
gendered relations between female subjects and city spaces.
The choreography and filming of Huilmand’s performance make it
seem rebellious, and new meanings are created for this body in this city
space as they mutually define each other. ‘The city . . . divides cultural
life into private and public domains’ (Grosz, 1995: 109). A public alley-
way such as this is considered a threatening space for women. Follow-
ing Wolff’s identification of the ‘culture of separate spheres’, it is likely
to keep women in their place, in the private, domestic, supposedly safe
space of the home. The possibly expected reading of the situation por-
trayed in Muurwerk; a young woman, dressed in a sleeveless, low backed,
short skirted dress, alone in a deserted alley, often literally pinned to
the walls or floor, is that this woman is likely to be courting danger,
Transforming City Spaces and Subjects 53
that she could be a prostitute. This reading is evidence of the social rules
and expectations which are part of the institutional power of the city.
As Grosz indicates, ‘the city’s form and structure provides the context
in which social rules and expectations are internalized and habituated’
(1995: 109). The form and structure of the alleyway provide a context
for expecting women to be in danger and possibly to be prostitutes if
they are in such a place. However, this reading is averted by the cho-
reography. Rather than appear vulnerable as might be expected, Huil-
mand, because of her defiant performance, seems to be making a more
affirmative statement about her ability to confidently occupy and
inhabit the space of the alley. Her bodily brushes with the fabric of the
alley are unremittingly confrontational. Her performance, combined
with the choreography and filming, overcomes the expectations asso-
ciated with her gender in such a city space. She transforms it into a non-
threatening place of surfaces and textures for rolling and spinning along
in which she seems at home.
The insistent repetition of what appear to be sometimes angry, some-
times mesmeric, caresses and collisions with concrete in Muurwerk flies
in the face of any suggestion of vulnerability, which looks instead as if
it is being worked out of the dancer’s system cathartically. When Huil-
mand rolls into the gutter and her skirt flies up revealing her knickers,
she seems to be defiantly saying ‘so what!’ As Grosz claims, ‘the form,
structure and norms of the city seep into and affect all the other ele-
ments that go into the constitution of corporeality. It affects . . . the
subject’s understanding of and alignment with space . . . comportment
and orientations. It also affects the subject’s forms of corporeal exertion’
(1995: 108). Despite the city’s impact on corporeality and its power to
inscribe a sense of vulnerability on a young woman like Huilmand, as
Grosz argues, there is the possibility of a reciprocal reinscription. She
suggests, ‘the body (as cultural product) transforms, reinscribes the
urban landscape according to its changing . . . needs, extending the
limits of the city’ (1995: 109). In her dancing Huilmand seems to be
doing just this, to be at least partly creating her own labyrinth in the
alley, discovering new movement and identity possibilities and the
potential of new relationships with the city and its spaces. She appears
to be reclaiming the space for herself, but differently from the sixties
artists such as Tharp and her dancers. Huilmand and Kolb, the film-
maker, are working with discourses of the body and film developed since
the sixties, which reveal ways in which Huilmand’s gendered body and
the space of the alley are constructed and invested with power. They
reveal possibilities for reclaiming a way of inhabiting the city, which are
54 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
reversed and repeated twice. With the reversal and repetition of the
choreography a rhythm and phrase are established which appear to be
performed and enjoyed for their own sake. The sheer energy and
momentum of the dancing takes over. Jumping onto the table, spin-
ning round on it and jumping off again are actions that, because of their
audacity in the context of the domestic space in which they are per-
formed, can be seen to be empowering and affirming. The dancer is
reclaiming and taking over this urban space for herself. It has become
her place.
There are several other examples of choreography where the women
appear to stretch and in some cases exceed the constraints of the space.
All three women throw their jackets across the space of the flat at one
point: the ‘contemporary’ woman lobs hers up against a window, picks
it up and repeats the gesture; three times the ‘wartime’ woman hurls
her jacket at a wall and then ‘catches’ it on her back as it slides down
the wall; the ‘Victorian’ woman flings her jacket across the room onto
a chair. Straight after this the ‘wartime’ woman spins along a win-
dowsill, jumps up to sit on it and then comes down and, while still
holding the upright window support, jumps her hips up high in the air
using her other hand to push up from the windowsill. This is repeated.
There is a sense in which she is exceeding the limits of the space by her
actions, emphasized by the low angled shot which shows her filling the
screen. Immediately afterwards the ‘Victorian’ woman is seen silhouet-
ted against an open window rocking back slowly in her chair balancing
on the back legs only, until she tips a little further back and the chair
leans against the wall, her image also fills the screen. She then returns
forward to repeat the movement – in all it is repeated fourteen times.
The last eleven times she raises her arms as her body tips back adding
to the momentum. The camera focuses on her feet pushing off the floor
and then dangling in mid air as she holds the balance, and on her hands
as they are held suspended above her. The movement is slow, it becomes
increasingly mesmeric with repetition.
At these moments it seems as if the women have appropriated the
space of the flat for their own personal gymnastic or exercise routines.
They are enjoying rocking, stretching, balancing and jumping up, using
the walls, floor and furniture as apparatus to assist them. This seems
particularly the case when much earlier in the video the ‘contemporary’
woman bursts through the serving hatch, head first, stretching her arms
to the side horizontally, holding a gymnast’s pose. She balances on her
stomach briefly and then drops her upper body down to repeatedly
swing it along the wall below. In the next shot she is balancing on her
56 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
thighs bracing herself with her feet on the upper lintel of the hatch still
swinging her torso from side to side along the wall below. She then rocks
her upper body away from and towards the wall several times before
lowering herself through the hatch down onto the floor in a somersault.
These acrobatic and athletic feats go way beyond the norm for women
in a domestic interior. This city space is transformed from a containing
unsympathetic environment and reinscribed as an imaginative play-
ground where the women revel in the experience of their bodies con-
tacting and rebounding off walls and furniture. This choreography uses
the surfaces of the London flat to challenge the capabilities of the
dancers in a similar way to Trisha Brown’s equipment pieces. However,
where Brown was concerned with challenging audiences’ perceptions of
what and how the human body could perform, Snaith and her dancers
in their enjoyment of physicality in this urban environment, challenge
viewers to rethink their expectations of feminine behaviour in such
spaces. The fact that the three women from different periods perform
similar movements in the same block of flats also suggests linkages and
connections through time that add to the dancers’ construction as sub-
jects. The urban spaces of the London flat and its environs connect the
three women as subjects in the city. In these ways Step in Time Girls
reveals through its choreography and filming possibilities for reclaim-
ing city spaces as places for women. The bodies and the spaces mutu-
ally define each other to suggest new meanings.
Beaches and the sea, like cities (see Chapter 3), are constructed spaces
resonant with connotations. Seaside spaces, and the bodies that inhabit
and play in them, mutually construct each other. However, this is no
straightforward, simple matter. As leisure spaces, beaches and seaside
resorts have associations with activities such as swimming, sunbathing
and seaside entertainment. The sea is also a source of imagery in folk-
lore and mythology and a powerful, sometimes dark, environmental
force. The British postmodern choreographer, Lea Anderson, has drawn
on these very different sources as inspiration for Out on the Windy Beach
(1998) which is performed on and around a beach hut, set in a range
of outdoor locations near water. The piece demonstrates the complexi-
ties and fluidities inherent in the mutual construction of subjects and
Citing the beach as a key leisure space, the French post-Marxist Henri
Lefebvre suggests: ‘typically, the identification of sex and sexuality, of
pleasure and physical gratification, with “leisure” occurs in places spe-
cially designated for the purpose – [such as] sun-drenched beaches’
(1991: 310). As a result Lefebvre claims ‘such leisure spaces become
eroticized’ (ibid). They function as spaces of consumption in Lefebvre’s
terms – ‘the consumption of space, sun and sea, and of . . . eroticism’
(ibid: 58) – exemplified by the growth of the resort around such spaces.
Resorts, products of the leisure and tourist industry, are constructed
spaces with histories. The ways in which resorts and bodies construct
and eroticize each other in Out on the Windy Beach, together with impli-
cations for the construction of subjectivity, specifically in terms of
gender, are explored in the first section of this chapter.
60 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
Beaches also exist between land and sea. As shorelines, they form
borders and boundaries. They are particular liminoid or in-between
spaces. These coastal borderlines are explored and exploited in Ander-
son’s choreography. In the second section of the chapter entitled ‘Bodies
and boundaries’, the movement of dancing bodies across and between
the borderlines, and the effect of the coastal environment on the bodies,
are explored. These provide specific examples of the fluid nature of the
mutual construction of bodies and spaces, that focuses on the limits or
edges of both. In this sense there are implications for constructions of
Coastal environments are continually changing because of environ-
mental factors such as erosion and pollution. This is part of their con-
struction that appears ‘natural’. These environmental changes are
increasingly seen as threatening the stability of existence in a fixed,
unchanging world. In some senses these changes parallel human con-
structions and reconstructions, evident in cloning, cosmetic surgery or
body ornamentation and decoration, which can also be seen to threaten
the stability and assurance of notions of fixed subjectivity. Ideas sur-
rounding these environmental and human constructions and recon-
structions are generated and fuelled by futuristic predictions on the
one hand and science-fiction fantasy on the other.
Anderson explores constructions of this kind ironically in Out on the
Windy Beach. The ways in which the American feminist Donna Haraway
sees nature as constructed were referred to in Chapter 2. She claims, ‘the
certainty of what counts as nature – a source of insight and a promise
of innocence – is undermined, probably fatally’ (1990: 194). This is
evident on one level in the erosion and irreversible change of the nature
of coastal environments, and on another level in changes to human
‘nature’, both of which are referenced in Out on the Windy Beach.
Changes in the nature of the human organism are at the centre of
Haraway’s manifesto for ‘cyborgs’, which are fabricated, futuristic,
hybrids of organisms and machines, central to her ‘effort to build an
ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism and materialism.’
(ibid: 190). Partly because of the parallels in Anderson’s and Haraway’s
postmodern, ironic strategies, but also because they both draw on
science-fiction generated fantasies and futurology, and because a key
feature of the cyborg is ‘an intimate experience of boundaries, their con-
struction and deconstruction’ (ibid: 223), there is a sense in which the
dancing bodies in Out on the Windy Beach can be seen to be cyborgian.
In this sense because Haraway sees the cyborg as ‘an imaginative
Coastal Constructions in Lea Anderson’s Out on the Windy Beach 61
resource suggesting some very fruitful couplings’ (ibid: 191), there are
implications for ways of rethinking constructions of subjectivity. These
theories, which are explored alongside Out on the Windy Beach through-
out but specifically in the third section of the chapter entitled ‘Seaside
surrealism’, aid an understanding of some of the more subversive ele-
ments of the dance.
Out on the Windy Beach (1998) was made for six dancers from Ander-
son’s two companies; three from the all-female Cholmondeleys and
three from the all-male Featherstonehaughs. Anderson decided to make
an outdoor piece because she wanted to tap the potential for picking
up new audiences who would not normally go and see her work. She
likes taking dance to where people are. She began her career taking work
to night club venues. In 1996 when she made Car set in and around a
Saab car, performed in a range of outdoor public spaces, she was fasci-
nated by the reactions of passers-by. She also said that she knew beach
huts and beaches were ‘a very fruitful kind of area potentially’ (Ander-
son, 1997). She had used a beach location for part of her dance film
Cross-Channel (1992) (see Chapter 2), and she conducted an eight day
residency with dance students at a beach location in 1997 which pro-
vided her with the opportunity to begin to research and develop ideas
and material for Out on the Windy Beach.
Out on the Windy Beach is an hour long piece accompanied by Steve
Blake and Dean Brodrick playing a range of instruments, including saxa-
phone, bassoon, banjo, mouth harp and percussion, live on stage. They
composed the accompaniment, which is inspired by a mixture of sea
shanties, Amazonian Tea Dance and Appalachian Old Time music. Some
of the dancers occasionally join the musicians singing or playing for
their fellow performers. The set for the work, designed by Andrew White,
consists of a wooden beach hut mounted centrally on the higher level
of a two tiered wooden platform (Plate 3). The hut is placed at the centre
back of the platform which is edged by four steps leading down to a
lower level jetty-like stage, which forms a promontory about twice the
width and depth of the hut. The beach hut has a veranda at the front
and a central hatch-like opening in the wall, in front and below which
is set a bench. The musicians play to one side of the hut on the higher
platform. The set, which is painted pale sea green, is framed by a string
of fairy lights and two distinctive large cerise flags, which act as markers
signalling the venue from a distance. The piece, which was commis-
sioned by the Brighton Festival, was performed at a range of waterside
locations mainly around Britain, between May and August 1998.
62 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
abstract space contains much, but at the same time it masks (or
denies) what it contains rather than indicating it. It contains specific
imaginary elements: fantasy images, symbols which appear to arise
from ‘something else’. It contains representations derived from the
established order. . . . Such ‘representations’ find their authority and
prescriptive power in and through the space that underpins them
and makes them effective. [his emphasis]
(1991: 311)
The beach hut set for Out on the Windy Beach was placed in its
various performance locations within view of and facing the water.
The edges of the beach hut veranda, the steps down to the platform
and the edge of the platform itself all form parallel lines with the
66 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
They never leave the platform by moving onto the ground in front
of it, two or three feet below them, instead by their gestures and
performance of diving poses, they ironically give the impression of water
below. The connotations of the limits and constraints of this particular
boundary or borderline, as well as its ultimate artificiality and con-
structed nature, are highlighted by the choreography and performance.
At times it is as if the dancers are riskily flirting with this boundary in a
cyborgian manner. Haraway claims, ‘my cyborg myth is about trans-
gressed boundaries, potent fusions and dangerous possibilities’ (1990:
The dancers’ dramatic exits and entries through the beach hut hatch,
head or feet first, slithering through the opening, foreground this
boundary and, in this instance, its unruly transgression. The manner of
entrance and exit is so unusual that it attracts attention and further
highlights the constructed nature of the boundary being crossed and
the bodies performing. These actions are decidedly not natural, the
boundary transgression is so bizarre it suggests possible ‘potent fusions
and dangerous possibilities’ in the manner of Haraway’s cyborgs.
Boundaries or borders are also reiterated by lines of dancers in the
choreography. Dancers sit in a line on the veranda bench, and on the
steps that lead down to the jetty from the hut, they stand in a line at
the edge of the jetty, and pose in racing dive positions on the same jetty
edge. The distinctive land/sea border is thus repeatedly stated. The
continual crossings and recrossings of these stated boundaries, while
emphasizing their constructed nature, also point to their fluidity and
that of the boundaries of the performers. If boundaries of space and
bodies are seen as constructed and fluid in this way, then they can
be open to possibilities for change and reconstruction.
This fluidity is particularly evident in patterns of back and forth travel
across the jetty-like platform. If the performers are not advancing or
retreating towards or away from the water, they are, for much of the
time, gesturing towards and away from it. The ebb and flow of the
choreography titillates and teases, playing with the ‘no-man’s land’ of
the jetty perched between sea and shore. This spatial dimension of the
choreography, predominantly towards and away from the beach hut
and the sea or water, foregrounds the construction of this space as
special. It marks the place where the land ends and the sea begins. The
continual movement back and forth and looking out to sea which dom-
inate in the choreography, as well as the nature of the movements per-
formed, emphasize the socially constructed nature of the space. The
choreography also foregrounds and plays with the actual fluidity of the
68 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
borderlines between land and sea which continually change with the
tide. Horizontal lines of performers walk in unison back and forth
across the platform towards and away from the water repeatedly, some-
times accompanied by raised outstretched arms broken at the wrists
with hands pointing down. These simple gestures are almost cartoon-
like, they look like pastiches of children’s drawings of birds. The sim-
plicity of the back and forth walking and the bird-like arm gestures
which occur towards the beginning of the dance set the scene for what
is to follow. Simple movement statements and gestures indicate the
influence or effect of the coastal environment on the choreography and
the performers. At the same time these are not subtle connections with
tides and sea birds as for example in Merce Cunningham’s dance, Beach
Birds (1992). The movements and gestures are crude and obvious, per-
formed in a self-reflexively postmodern, ironic, manner typical of
Anderson’s choreography (see Briginshaw, 1996). Their performance
deliberately exposes their artificial or constructed nature while also
revealing ways in which seaside spaces are constructed by cultural
These excerpts emphasize the range of borderlines and boundaries of
bodies and space that can be explored in this coastal environment. The
choreography foregrounds the constructed nature of spatial borderlines
where land meets sea. It reveals them to be cultural constructions; lines
drawn on maps to mark out territory, but it also shows, often in a cybor-
gian manner, how the fixity can be broken and boundaries blurred,
allowing potential for change through fluidity. Another example of the
fluidity of boundaries, but this time bodily boundaries, is evident in the
references to mermaids, who are creatures whose bodily boundaries are
necessarily blurred. The implications for subjectivity of blurred bodily
and spatial boundaries, which can suggest blurred conceptual bound-
aries, are taken up in the next section.
Seaside surrealism
described. At another point when the dancers are in pairs, one of them
lies on the ground, whilst their partner leans over them, lifting and low-
ering limbs and placing hands on them. They look as if they are tending
and caring for them, perhaps suggesting the kind of supportive and
responsible connections Haraway posits.
Anderson’s blurring of a range of boundaries in her choreography has
already been mentioned in connection with Haraway’s references to
blurred binaries. Haraway argues, ‘science fiction is generally concerned
with the interpenetration of boundaries between problematic selves
and unexpected others and with the exploration of possible worlds’
(1992: 300). By bringing sci-fi elements into a postmodern dance
piece Anderson has brought together science and culture, blurring a
key binary. Haraway also sees her own work as rooted in the premise
that ‘science is culture’ (ibid: 296). Central to Haraway’s cyborgian
vision for the future is the appropriation of science and new technolo-
gies, particularly communication technologies, for her own feminist
ends. She sees these technologies playing an important part in re-
thought, embodied subjectivities. She claims ‘communications tech-
nologies and biotechnologies are the crucial tools recrafting our bodies’
(1990: 205), and ‘myth and tool mutually constitute each other’ (ibid:
206). This mutual construction parallels that of bodies and seaside
spaces evident in Out on the Windy Beach. These elements have been
seen to eroticize each other, but they also, by their juxtaposition, have
been seen in a subversive and ironic cyborgian manner, to construct
each other as surreal.
There are several ways in which the choreography of Out on the Windy
Beach explores and plays with interfaces between bodies and coastal
environments. The bodies and spaces in Out on the Windy Beach have
been seen to eroticize each other through the inclusion of images of
mermaids, bathing belles and beauty queens, and of popular, enter-
taining dance numbers. Interfaces between bodies and coastal spaces are
also foregrounded and played with in the choreography, which empha-
sizes the land/sea spatial dimension, through the continual reiterating
and crossing of borderlines and boundaries. Spaces and bodies have
been seen to mutually construct each other, with gender at times
informing the construction process. Importantly the dances also fore-
ground the fluid nature of the constructed boundaries of bodies and
spaces, indicating that these constructions are not fixed but open to
74 Constructions of Space and Subjectivity
78 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
Lesbian Desire’ explicitly states her aim to ‘think desire beyond the logic
of lack’ (1994a: 69). Both the Cartesian notion of a material body and
immaterial mind or spirit, and the Freudian notion of a normatively
heterosexual desire predicated on a perceived lack, which requires an
other, who is marked as different, are based on binary oppositions.
Desire based on lack is characterized by binary oppositions of not only
self/other, but also subject/object, active/passive and presence/absence.
This chapter argues that non-dualistic ways of thinking which blur
binary oppositions offer ways of theorizing theatre dance to reveal
the potential in it for refigured desire. Grosz describes desire as lack
in spatial terms as ‘an absence, lack, or hole, an abyss seeking to be
engulfed, stuffed to satisfaction’ (ibid: 71). In these descriptions space
is conceived as empty, unproductive, a void waiting to be filled. In
the theories of Grosz , Deleuze and Guattari, and Irigaray, and in the
dances examined here, I argue that space, desire and bodies need to
be rethought as reciprocally productive, that is that they continually
produce and are produced by each other.
After briefly outlining key concepts such as assemblages and becom-
ing (from Deleuze and Guattari), which inform Grosz’s notions of refig-
ured desire, and the imagery of two lips (from Irigaray), the spatial
configurations associated with these are employed to describe interfaces
between bodies, and bodies and space in two dance video duets and two
solos. These spatial configurations all focus on the productive inter-
connectivity between bodies and space, allowing space to be seen as dis-
cursively constructed and sexualized, and subjectivity to be rethought
in terms of a fluid notion of becoming rather than a fixed idea of being.
Reservaat and Between/Outside were each made as dance films for two
female performers, respectively in the Netherlands in 1988 and in
London in 1999. Virginia Minx at Play and Homeward Bound are both
solos danced by the choreographers and first performed at the Riley
Theatre, Leeds in 1993 and at Chisenhale Dance Space, London in 1997
In her essay ‘Refiguring Lesbian Desire’ Grosz suggests that desire when
seen ‘primarily as production rather than . . . lack’ (1994a: 74) can be
conceived in terms of ‘the energy that creates things, makes alliances
and forges interactions between things’ (ibid: 75). She draws on the
work of Deleuze and Guattari because they see desire as ‘immanent,
positive, and productive, as inherently full’ (ibid) and ‘as . . . what
Desire Spatialized Differently in Dances that can be Read as Lesbian 79
Reservaat, made by Clara Van Gool in 1988 and filmed in black and
white, is set in a country park or reservation with trees and a lake, where
Martine Berghuijs and Pépé Smit dance a tango (see cover photo).1 It
has been screened at various lesbian and gay film festivals in North
America and Europe throughout the nineties.2 Between/Outside, filmed
and choreographed by Lucille Power in 1999, in which she performs
with Sarah Spanton, is set in a concrete stairwell of a block of London
flats. Both dance films last about seven minutes and are accompanied
by the sounds of the performers: the crushing of leaves underfoot by
the tango dancers in Reservaat, and the dancers’ echoey footsteps on the
uncarpetted stairs in Between/Outside. Whereas tango dance steps con-
stitute the choreography in Reservaat, pedestrian movement, mainly
walking up and down stairs and sitting, is used in Between/Outside. In
both, the women are always close to each other and touch, in Reservaat
maintaining the tango embrace throughout. The intensity that the
proximity of the dancers creates is a key focus in both works. I explore
the spatial configurations in the interfaces between the dancers and
their implications for refiguring desire. The ‘Watch me witch you’
section (10 mins) from Virginia Minx at Play (77 mins) choreographed by
Emilyn Claid in 1993, and Homeward Bound (33 mins) choreographed
82 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
by Sarah Spanton in 1997 are danced on bare stages. They both create
androgynous characters, a Latin American dancer and a sailor respec-
tively (Plates 4 and 5). The choreography, costumes and music are
crucial in character construction. In Virginia Minx at Play, Claid, per-
forming virtuoso Latin dance vocabulary, wears black, close-fitting,
high-waisted, silk trousers, a deep pink sequined fringed waistcoat,
matching pink long satin gloves and a black velour fedora hat. She is
accompanied by a Latin style song entitled ‘Sombrero’, sung live on
stage by a female musician, Heather Joyce. In Homeward Bound, Spanton
performs a mixture of traditional nautical dance steps such as the sailor’s
hornpipe and other movements that evoke the swell of the ocean. She
is dressed in a white sailor suit with blue square collar, and she has a
lilo as a single prop. She dances partly in silence but mainly to record-
ings of eleven sea shanties sung by male folk singers in both the male
and female third and first person. In both works tension builds as
the spaces between parts of the dancers’ bodies and between the per-
formers and spectators are played with in performance.
The cultural contexts of the tango in Reservaat and of the broader Latin
dance conventions in Virginia Minx at Play inscribe the dancing bodies
in particular ways. As Grosz, following Foucault and Butler, argues,
‘bodily materiality . . . through corporeal inscriptions . . . is constituted
as a distinctive body . . . performing . . . in socially specified ways’
(1994b: 118). Bodies perform in distinctively gendered and sexualized
ways and these performances are often underlined and embellished
with other conventional performances, such as those of tango and
Latin American dance. Grosz continues: ‘Bodies are fictionalized . . .
positioned by various cultural narratives and discourses, which are
themselves embodiments of culturally established canons, norms, and
representational forms . . . they can be seen as living narratives’
(ibid). As the dance theorist Marta Savigliano demonstrates,
tango is a rich living cultural narrative with its own canons, norms and
contesting representational forms. Like many Latin dance styles it is
imbued with associations of the erotic and exotic and its rendering of
heterosexual desire masks the many tensions in its narrative that Sav-
igliano reveals. This provides an important context for readings of Reser-
vaat and Virginia Minx at Play in the sense that the narratives and
discourses of Latin dance conventions construct the dancing bodies in
these two works initially as contained, and part of the traditional het-
erosexual narrative of desire as lack. It is only when these dance forms
are played with in specific ways in the performances, that possibilities
for a more productive notion of desire spatialized differently become
Desire Spatialized Differently in Dances that can be Read as Lesbian 83
Surfaces in contact
feature again – hair and silk. Irigaray has suggested: ‘When I touch
myself I am surely remembering you’ (1985b: 215). Importantly for
Irigaray this ‘you’ is another woman, partly because she sees the
power of touch coming from the original sensation of connection
with the mother in the womb. She argues, ‘the singularity of the body
and the flesh of the feminine comes . . . from the fact that the sensible
which is the feminine touches the sensible from which he or she
emerges. The woman being woman and potentially mother . . . the two
lips . . . can touch themselves in her . . . these two dimensions . . . are
in her body. And hence she experiences it as volume in a different
way?’ (her emphasis) (1993: 166).
After the opening glimpses of the hand on fur in Reservaat, the shot cuts
to the dancers’ intertwined legs in knee length dark suede boots and
black opaque tights, performing a sandwich (or mordida when one
partner’s foot – usually the woman’s – is sandwiched between those of
her partner – usually the man). They then turn and walk sideways, mir-
roring each other, in typical tango style, ending with an embellishment.
Only the sounds of the wind and what could be a bird in the distance
are heard. When the legs disappear, the camera lingers on a shot of the
undergrowth. In these opening moments the focus is on connections
between parts of bodies – hand on fur and intertwined legs – and on
the reservation environment. An interconnectivity between the parts
of the two bodies, and between them and the surrounding environ-
ment is immediately suggested. Grosz claims: ‘to use the machinic
connections a body part forms with another . . . is to see desire and
sexuality as productive . . . a truly nomad desire unfettered by any-
thing external for anything can form part of its circuit and be absorbed
into its operations’ (1994a: 79). In Reservaat I am suggesting that the
habitat of the reservation forms part of the circuit of desire and is
absorbed into its operations. The emphasis in the filming and choreog-
raphy seems to be on the two dancers becoming one with each other
and with the environment. Grosz describes the Deleuzian notion
of becoming as, ‘entering into a relation with a third term and with
it to form a machine’ (ibid: 78). In Reservaat the habitat environ-
ment of the reservation could be seen as representing a third term
in a machinic transformation with the two dancers, and in Between/
Outside, the dull and empty, yet containing, stairwell might also be seen
86 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
in this role. It provides a space for the two women’s brief encounters
and its ordinariness enhances the encounters’ frisson, making them
seem unlikely.
In Reservaat, a few minutes into the film the two dancers are seen,
heads and shoulders only, slowly turning as they travel in their tango
embrace, they look around, at and past each other. The shots jump
quickly from a dancer’s foot noisily crushing a twig, to a fox looking
out of a hole and howling, then to a close-up of a dancer’s eyes turning
to look, presumably at the fox, or for the source of the sound. After
close-ups of her partner’s eyes and ear, and her own eyes, the dancers
look back at each other and, maintaining their tango embrace, jump
together. There follows a pattern of steps in the milonga style ending in
an embellishment. The fox is then seen disappearing down a hole and
the couple dance off in the distance.
The dance is clearly not presented as a ‘normal’ tango. The setting,
costume and lack of tango music, as well as the performers’ gender,
suggest otherwise. It seems more likely that the machinic connection
of the tango embrace, given the setting, the fur costumes and the jux-
taposition with a fox in the filming, could be read as a Deleuzian
instance of ‘becoming animal’. Making reference to Deleuzian notions
of becoming, Grosz argues:
Read in this way, perhaps the unlikely costume, setting and filming of
the tango in Reservaat begin to make some sense, via Grosz’s reading of
Deleuze. The myriad of flows and proliferation of connections of a thou-
sand tiny sexes, suggests the polymorphous perversity of a refigured pro-
ductive desire no longer based on lack.
Spanton’s performance in Homeward Bound might also be read in
terms of a kind of becoming or transformation, since elements of her
performance are most certainly ‘inherently unstable and changing’
(ibid: 80). This is evident in her deliberate performance of ‘sailor boy’
Desire Spatialized Differently in Dances that can be Read as Lesbian 87
For most of Between/Outside, Power and Spanton are seen walking up and
down stairs usually passing each other, occasionally walking side by side,
with hardly any signs of acknowledgement. Although the performers are
near each other throughout, they are only seen to touch four times. The
first touch occurs near the beginning when the dancers are sitting side
by side on chairs. It seems significant because it occurs during a forty-
five second long shot, noticeably longer than any previous shot, and
quite long shots follow almost immediately, totalling one-and-a-half
minutes in all, about a quarter of the video. Up to this point there is no
indication that the women know each other, they simply keep passing
on the stairs. They may be neighbours or complete strangers.
The sequence begins with Power entering from the front, turning and
sitting next to Spanton to face camera. Neither woman acknowledges
the other’s presence. They continue looking straight ahead, as if they
were sitting in a public place. There then begins a series of moves where
each of them smooths their clothes underneath them and their skirts
on their knees. In between this, Spanton sits on her hands, shifting her
weight from side to side placing her hands under her, then removing
them. Power places her hands first at her sides, then in her lap, crosses
and uncrosses her leg, and looks slightly to the side away from Spanton.
They then each look slightly towards each other, but their eyes never
meet, they never acknowledge each other’s presence. Throughout this,
their inside forearms and elbows have been brushing against each other,
almost imperceptibly. They appear rather like two people, possibly on
a first date, gingerly seeing if chance touches might become something
more. The performers’ relationship is intensified by repetition within
the choreography (each performer adjusts her position about eleven
times in the course of one-and-a-half minutes), and by the mounting
tension of these moments in and out of contact. The touches and the
space between the women increasingly become centres of attention.
This initially mundane contact starts to take on the character of a kind
of foreplay or mating ritual. Two short shots between the three longer
Desire Spatialized Differently in Dances that can be Read as Lesbian 89
shots of the women sitting, also suggest contact. The women’s legs and
feet only are seen crossing a stair as if passing on a narrow ledge. The
dancers must be very close, possibly holding each other in order to keep
their balance. As Power (1999) says of Between/Outside: ‘Video can sug-
gest things by what it leaves out.’
In this excerpt when the dancers’ arms are very close, the space
between them increasingly becomes animated by choreographic repeti-
tion and by the duration of the phrase. The contrast with the lack of
contact between the dancers in the rest of the piece renders these
moments of touching particularly special. There is something about the
ordinariness and drabness of the two women’s appearance and situa-
tion in the impersonal, dull and empty stairwell that enhances the
potential warmth and desire inherent in these unexpected moments of
contact. It is often impossible to distinguish toucher from touched. This
blurring of boundaries between the two results in an interconnectivity
which is continually changing, creating a kind of machinic assemblage
in a fluid state of becoming and transformation. Grosz, when discuss-
ing refigured lesbian desire, argues, ‘the ways in which (fragments of)
bodies come together . . . produce what Deleuze has called a machine
. . . or assemblage’ (1994b: 120). She explains that these interactions
and linkages can be seen as both inside and outside (ibid: 116). The
spatiality of the touches in this phrase is a continuous link from inside
the subject to outside and from outside to inside. This blurs and decen-
ters the boundaries of the two selves touching, eluding any kind of
binary opposition. Precisely because it is impossible to distinguish
toucher from touched and the image is of an assemblage, it is impossi-
ble to distinguish any clear unidirectional dynamic of desire between a
self and an other marked as different. The desire is mutual and for the
same. As Deleuze and Guattari state, ‘the notion of behaviour proves
inadequate’ because it is ‘too linear, in comparison with . . . the assem-
blage’ (1988: 333). Initially the repetition in Between/Outside appears
innocent, but as it increases it becomes apparent that this is an unfaith-
ful repetition of performative acts in Butler’s terms.3 These women are
not simply adjusting their clothing and sitting positions. There is much
more at stake. This performance is clearly staged and constructed reveal-
ing the performativity and the discursively constructed nature of gender
and sexuality.
Characteristics of Irigaray’s ‘two lips’ imagery also apply. For example,
she has stated: there is no ‘possibility of distinguishing what is touch-
ing from what is touched’ (1985b: 26). She writes of ‘exchanges without
identifiable terms, without accounts, without end’ (ibid: 197) and of
90 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
less apparent. The spatial dynamic is not about the binaries of presence
and absence or activity and passivity, signalled when the desire of a
subject is for an object marked as different. It is rather about a more pro-
ductive desire for the same. In Between/Outside, where it is easier to dis-
tinguish between the dancers’ legs because of their different shoes, the
moves made by each are the same, blurring the binaries of active/passive
and presence/absence. In both pieces, this intertwined machinic assem-
blage, as Grosz argues, provides ‘a way of problematizing and rethink-
ing the relations between the inside and the outside of the subject, its
psychical interior and its corporeal exterior’(1994b: xii). The value of
machinic assemblages is that they recognize, fit and reveal the com-
plexities and multiplicities of desire seen as productive. In this sense
these very different spatial linkages in the dances and the ideas of desire
they suggest, whether they are concerned with arms almost impercep-
tibly touching, coats being put on, or legs intertwining, are all in Deleuze
and Guattari’s terms ‘syntheses of heterogeneities’. As they state, ‘these
heterogeneities are matters of expression . . . their synthesis . . . forms a .
. . machinic “statement” or “enunciation”. The varying relations into
which a . . . gesture, movement or position enters . . . form so many
different machinic enunciations’ (their emphasis) (1988: 330–1).
In these four dances when the touching, meeting and parting of the
women’s bodies, which are key threads that run throughout, are seen
non-dualistically in terms of their spatialization as machinic assem-
blages, sometimes taking on the characteristics of ‘becoming animal’ or
‘becoming imperceptible’ with resonances with Irigaray’s imagery asso-
ciated with two lips, it becomes possible to conceive desire differently.
The possibility of seeing desire spatialized in terms of linkages, con-
nectivities and transformations suggests that desire can be seen as
productive rather than as lack. This is because the boundaries of
binary oppositions of self/other, subject/object, activity/passivity and
presence/absence are often blurred in the dances allowing for a dif-
ferent spatialization of desire, emphasized in various ways by the chore-
ography, and in Reservaat and Between/Outside, also by the filming. As
Grosz indicates at the end of her essay on refiguring lesbian desire,
98 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
Jeyasingh has stated ‘it’s not a matter of choosing between this or that,
we are already in a situation where the interconnections are so complex
that we have enough work to keep track of that’ (Romance with . . . foot-
notes video, 1994) and she writes of ‘a blurring of a simple East West
divide’ (1997b: 32). Through dismantling the oversimplified binaries
of East and West in her work, Jeyasingh is concerned to reveal the
100 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
This opening sequence sets the tone for Duets with Automobiles.
Having the Indian dancer caress St Paul’s foregrounds the ambiguity and
hybridity of this icon. The intimacy of the looks and gestures of the
Indian dancer soften the historic formality of the recognizably British
public building, making it ‘homely’ and personal, private rather than
public. The filming and choreography bring the two initially distinct
elements together rather than placing them in opposition, creating an
in-between space of hybridity, ‘[a] cultural space for opening up new
forms of identification that . . . confuse the continuity of historical
temporalities, confound the ordering of cultural symbols, traumatize
tradition’ (Bhabha, 1994: 179).
Relations between space, power and difference are not simple and
straightforward as these opening moments of Duets with Automobiles
indicate. Towards the end of the film the complexities of hybrid in-
between spaces, with ‘new forms of identification’ that ‘confuse’,
‘confound’ and ‘traumatize’ in Bhabha’s terms, become particularly
evident. When a dancer kneels down on the classically, geometric
designs inlaid in a marble floor, and traces with her palm some of
the diagonal and circular lines of the pattern, she appears, in an act
of reverence, to be making connections with the precise curved and
linear pathways she has just traced in her performance of classical
Indian dance. The ‘mapping’ refers to a parallel historical journey
whose geometrical traces remain in the cultural products of dance,
architecture and design. However, Jeyasingh, is also making a state-
ment about the contemporary fluidity and movement of cultures and
borders that currently allow such comparisons to be made. Talking of
her work she has said she is concerned with ‘the changing borders
raging all around’, the ‘dynamism of journeys’, and ‘a pattern of belong-
ing that is multi-dimensional’ ( Jeyasingh, 1995: 191–3). About her
piece Making of Maps (1992/3), Jeyasingh said that it started as ‘a process
of inventing my own heritage’. One of the images that informed
the piece was of someone playing music on a radio, twiddling the
knob and sampling music from different countries. Jeyasingh wanted
to express some of this ‘amazing accessibility and openness of the
universe that was there for the taking’ (ibid: 193). Her mapped
statements in Duets with Automobiles about traced connections between
‘race’, space and power, have resonances with the positioning, con-
trolling and colonizing characteristics of real maps, inherited from
history and demonstrated in dance, architecture and design (see Chap-
ters 2 and 10). But they also challenge notions of identities and her-
itages fixed by borders by pointing to the fluidity of contemporary
102 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
urban existence. This extract from Duets with Automobiles is a rich illus-
tration of Bhabha’s statement that,
her hands on her shoulders. The first is then turned and she leans back
towards her partner who takes her body weight again, before sending
her back towards the pillar. Touching it she turns and slides her back
and the sole of her foot down it. The contact with the pillar and the
interchange of weight between dancers are illustrations of Jeyasingh’s
concern to ‘humanize’ the buildings through touch and intimacy.
The hints of female solidarity suggested also have connections with
Braidotti’s project to ‘evoke a vision of female feminist subjectivity’
(1994: 1).
As the dancers complete their interchange of weight, they are joined
by a third and all begin to sink into full plié, where, in the next shot, they
are seen with hands together in front of their chests in Bharata Natyam
style. They stare out confidently to camera in front of the distant London
skyline viewed through a glass wall. They rotate their hands in unison to
form clenched fists, which they sustain as they turn and lower themselves
diagonally onto their right knees. The image conveys their strong female
presence. The clenched fist – a mudra called mushdi – was an important
motif for Jeyasingh throughout Duets with Automobiles expressing
strength and determination (Jeyasingh, 1997a). Next a single dancer
leans forward on her knee and bows her head to the ground, where she
rolls over onto her back and is seen in close-up, lying on the floor. Much
of her body is touching the floor. The proximity, emphasized by the
almost intrusive close-up shot, suggests an intimacy between the dancer
and the building. She seems ‘at home’, inwardly confident, affirming an
identification as a contemporary woman. All three dancers are then seen
from outside, through the glass, sitting, staring out confidently through
the transparent wall. They look to the side in unison. The shot changes
briefly to a view of the London traffic, locating the dancers clearly in a
modern, metropolitan environment.
The interdependency of women has been identified as a central theme
in Jeyasingh’s work. A Company monograph states Jeyasingh’s ‘double
consciousness’ of the Indian classical tradition and of contemporary
urban cultural concerns is articulated when ‘she introduces a new . . .
relationship between her dancers through . . . extensive use of touch
and weight giving’ (Rubidge, 1995: 38) and ‘she deliberately subverts
the image of goddess or submissive, coy female . . . prevalent in the clas-
sical tradition, substituting . . . images . . . which more clearly express
the behaviours of the contemporary Indian woman’ (ibid: 34). Certainly
in the excerpts just described there are examples of the dancers’ inter-
dependency through giving and taking weight and confident looks to
camera suggesting strong, contemporary women.
104 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
in turn transformed by what occurs in it. One of the ways in which the
space is transformed is through a particular bodily relationship with the
architecture when the dancers repeatedly caress and hug pillars. This
illustrates the complexity of the ‘creative conflicts’ between home and
‘back home’. On one level this physical embrace of the modern urban
building appears to be suggesting a metaphorical embrace of contem-
porary urban life. There is a sense in which intimate gestures such as
these show the dancers making themselves at home in these empty
offices, inhabiting them, humanizing them and making imaginary
homelands out of them. However, Jeyasingh has indicated that she also
had in mind the image of a yakshi; a female tree spirit often seen in clas-
sical Indian architecture touching a pillar or the building with a part of
her body, usually her feet. This ‘young fecund sort of female often with
very big breasts’ would be standing, carved into pillars of buildings sym-
bolizing a source of energy since ‘she’s the creative principle making
the tree or pillar come to life’ ( Jeyasingh, 1997a). Throughout Duets with
Automobiles subtle references are made to this tree spirit through dancers
sliding their feet down or hugging pillars. Bound up in these gestures
are ideas about female energy or strength from the yakshi that relate to
Braidotti’s notions of female subjectivity, references to classical Indian
architecture ‘back home’ and the transformation and translation of
the gesture by its reinscription on the pillars of a contemporary London
building. The gesture could be said to transform the building by making
a metaphorical ‘home’ or ‘bedroom’ out of it at the same time as breath-
ing energy into it or humanizing it through reference to yakshi. The
dialogues and interactions between these different cultural ideas and
images illustrate the complexities of the hybridity and nomadic sub-
jectivity being explored.
There are many ways in which new identities for the dancers and the
buildings are suggested in Duets with Automobiles, since they mutually
construct each other. Parallels can be drawn with the mutual inscrip-
tions of bodies and cities that occur in Muurwerk and Step in Time Girls
discussed in Chapter 3. In all three works the dancers transform the city
spaces making them theirs, but the ways in which the choreography
and filming achieve this are very different, as are the dancing bodies
and city spaces involved.3 In Duets with Automobiles there is a series of
shots of the dancers seen from outside the buildings through glass walls.
This is followed by an interior view of two dancers, one in the fore-
Hybridity and Nomadic Subjectivity 107
What Jeyasingh said about the end of Making of Maps (1993) might also
apply here. Talking of the role of urban sounds in the piece, she said
For me it was very important to bring back the sounds of the city
. . . it was the only way to end the dance. The whole dance was . . .
a questioning journey that an Indian dancer in Britain was asking
about where she belonged, so it was fit and proper that the dance
actually started with the street sounds because that is where we live
. . . in these big cities, at the same time . . . we carry the very Indian
Hybridity and Nomadic Subjectivity 109
they take each other’s weight. In this sense, they illustrate Braidotti’s
stress on female solidarity within nomadic subjectivity which, accord-
ing to her, constructs ‘new forms of interrelatedness’ and connected-
The new forms of interrelatedness in Duets with Automobiles occur in
the in-between spaces created and foregrounded between dancers, and
between dancers and buildings representing city spaces associated with
Western, male power. In this sense, the dancers in Duets with Automo-
biles through their interconnectedness with each other and the build-
ings have enunciated a new kind of empowering, female subjectivity,
which through its hybridity, also forges new relationships with the cul-
tures of old and new homes. They are able to do this because of the
ways in which the choreography and filming show them ‘at home’ in
the city office spaces and at the same time making a ‘bedroom’ out of
the traditions of the ‘awesome public building’ of Bharata Natyam.
In the next chapter actual and metaphorical in-between spaces
created by constructions of cultural difference on both sides of the
Atlantic are explored in two works focusing on issues of identity, power
and difference. While experiences of displacement and subjection are
seen to contribute to constructions of cultural difference, resistance is
revealed as empowering, suggesting possibilities for fluid identities and
subjectivities with space for celebrating difference.
1 Film still of Roxanne Huilmand in Muurwerk courtesy of argos international
film distributors.
4 Photograph of Emilyn Claid in the 'Watch me Witch You' section from Virginia
Minx at Play by Eleni Leoussi reproduced with her permission.
5 Photograph of Sarah Spanton in Homeward Bound by Michelle Atherton
reproduced with her permission.
6 Still from Duets with Automobiles from the series 'Dance for the Camera'
courtesy of Arts Council/BBe.
7 Photograph of Ellis Island by Bob Rosen reproduced with his permission.
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 113
and forth across the Atlantic in search of his roots. These works, by
revealing the roles which space and place play in identity formation
and the construction of difference, expose some of the causes of dis-
placement. In-between spaces formed by the construction of borders
are key in both works. The immigrants on Ellis Island are displaced in
a liminal, in-between space on the borders of the state they wish to
enter. Jonzi D experiences the marginality of displacement in Britain
and the in-betweenness of not belonging as he crosses borders on his
The role of power in creating identities based on difference that result
in feelings of displacement is exposed in both works. The French post-
structuralist Michel Foucault’s theories of disciplinary technologies of
power when explored particularly alongside Ellis Island reveal the ways
in which power creates ‘others’ through constructions of difference.
Both works show how these discourses of power are perpetuated and
how their effects, which importantly include resistance to power, con-
struct and contribute to experiences of displacement, but also to alter-
native subjectivities where difference is valued.
I see Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man as complementary. Where Ellis
Island focuses on institutional mechanisms which construct subjects
of difference, Aeroplane Man explores the results of this construction
in an individual’s experience. They are also complementary in their
spatial and temporal treatment of these issues revealing the interde-
pendence of these two dimensions. Their exploration of in-between
spaces draws on and points to histories of racial and colonial oppres-
sion while indicating their contemporary relevance. Ellis Island shows
the immigration centre in operation at the turn of the century and as
contemporary ruined buildings which tourists are shown around. In
Aeroplane Man Jonzi D, drawing on history, travels to Africa and the
Caribbean in search of his roots, but his performance reveals that these
journeys are prompted by his contemporary experience of racism in
Britain. Both works explore history and memory but ‘re-order them
within patterns of meaning which belong to the present’ (Betterton,
1996: 175).
The in-between spaces of Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man are in the
margins, characterized by the African American feminist bell hooks as
being ‘both sites of repression and . . . resistance’ (1990: 342). Mecha-
nisms of institutional repression are portrayed in Ellis Island. In Aero-
plane Man the repression of contemporary racism in Britain is depicted.
Resistance is evident in affective elements in the works which exist
outside the symbolic boundaries of the contained subject constructed
114 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
Meredith Monk is a white Jewish American woman in her late 50s whose
career spans almost forty years and Jonzi D is a black British male in his
20s. Although of different backgrounds, gender and generations, their
works share certain key characteristics. Both are semi-autobiographical
drawing on ‘racial’ and family histories, both use travel as an image to
explore identity construction, and both are multi-media works blurring
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 115
the boundaries between dance, film, theatre, music and text. These
common features are significant in the explorations of displacement in
Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man.
Meredith Monk began performing in New York in the early sixties
and formed her own semi-communal performing arts company,
The House, in 1968. Key features of Monk’s work evident in Ellis
Island are her use of pedestrian movement, ritual, archetypes, cinematic
syntax and tableaux1 to portray humanity and a sense of community.
She has said that she wants to give audiences the opportunity ‘to sense
the fullness of their experience and the fullness of all the aspects of them-
selves’ (in Zurbrugg, 1993: 98). She clearly values the differences evident
in world cultures and there is a sense in which Ellis Island celebrates this.
Her non-linear plays with time, including past and present in the same
work, with her use of radical juxtaposition, give her work a dreamlike or
surreal quality. Her interest in space and history has resulted in several
site specific works and a focus on archaeology. Monk has said, ‘when you
create . . . it’s really a process of uncovering’ (in Baker, 1984: 3). Ellis
Island featured originally as a seven minute film in Recent Ruins (1979),
one of a series of archaeology based pieces. It was extended to 30 minutes
and filmed in 35mm colour and black and white in collaboration with
filmmaker Bob Rosen and photographer Jerry Panzen.2 Broadcast in West
Germany, the USA and Britain, and released on video, it has won many
awards. Filmed in the derelict, abandoned Ellis Island immigration
centre, its black and white sections consist of a collage of images of the
place, objects within it, and tableaux of immigrants posing for pho-
tographs, being measured, examined and labelled. There is hardly any
‘realistic’ sound, the accompaniment is a selection from Monk’s own
haunting vocal compositions. These historic images are interspersed
with film shot in colour with naturalistic sounds of contemporary guided
tours of the centre.
Jonzi D (actual name David Johns) started rapping and breaking3 in
1984, graduated from the London Contemporary Dance School in 1992,
and was appointed choreographer in residence at the associated Place
Theatre in 1998. His background is in South London hip hop culture
which he merges with his conventional dance training. He formed
Lyrikal Fearta, a company of rappers, dancers, musicians and a DJ, to
fuse abstract imagery and hip hop culture. He sees his work as ‘the voice
of the underclass in . . . capitalist society’ ‘the very personal honest
expression of how I see the world’ (Jonzi D, interview on Aeroplane Man
video, 1997). Aeroplane Man existed originally as a short solo within a
full-length show, The Requel (1997). It has since been videoed as part of
116 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
The Place Spring Loaded 3 (1997) series and extended for a full evening
performance, lasting approximately one hour and 45 minutes, at The
Place for a week in April/May 1999. The seven minute video of Aero-
plane Man consists of Jonzi D performing his rap solo in a single spot-
light, centre stage. The rap relates his experience of racism as a British
black and his consequent decision to leave in search of his roots. ‘Call
up Mr Aeroplane Man’ is a repetitive refrain that Jonzi sings while
jogging, he asks ‘Mr Aeroplane Man’ to jet him to Grenada, Jamaica,
America and Africa. On each ‘visit’ Jonzi D performs the typical ver-
nacular dance of the place and enacts encounters with people he meets.
The piece ends with him jogging, asking ‘Mr Aeroplane Man’ to ‘Keep
on flying’. Throughout Jonzi D is cheered by the audience. In at
least one live version of this (1997) production the piece opens with a
film showing Jonzi D jogging through London heralding his arrival in
the performance space (Leask, 1997: 38). In the extended version of
Aeroplane Man Jonzi D is joined by a company who perform the dances
and music of the places he visits. There is also an opening mime scene
where Jonzi D, lying under a Union Jack covered duvet centre stage, has
neatly folded piles of clothes representing figures of authority; a police-
man, a judge and a teacher, placed around him. The piece ends with
Jonzi D being stripped to his Union Jack underpants by the Africans he
meets and then going through a ritualistic, transformatory healing or
cleansing rite of passage with a traditional African female ‘witch doctor’
figure. This is partly symbolized by her dressing him in white trousers
and top, but also by his angry exclamations about Britain which he gets
out of his system, and by four other performers dressed in black lifting
and moving Jonzi D through the air in a slow motion dream-like
sequence. The piece closes with him repeating ‘many manifestations of
meaning’ over and over until his final line: ‘this brown frame has found
his name’, indicating the completion of his rite of passage and the
beginnings of a new subjectivity, that is open rather than fixed – he
doesn’t state his ‘name’. Aeroplane Man includes improvisatory ele-
ments, each version is different, although the basic structure of Jonzi
D’s journey remains the same.
The infectious style of this semi-improvized African format, valuing
sponteneity and audience interactions typical of a community of shared
values, is like Aeroplane Man’s ending, appropriately open rather than
fixed. Jonzi D has a photograph of Rennie Harris, the African American
hip hop dancer/choreographer, who also employs Africanist improviza-
tion, on one of his programmes. The statement of African American
dance theorist Brenda Dixon Gottschild that Harris’s ‘intention is to
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 117
allow dance to be the connective tissue for bridging and embracing the
seemingly contending opposites: black–white, male–female, self–Other’
(1996: 159) could also apply to Jonzi D. Harris’s ‘qualities of openness
and giving’ which point towards ‘a potentially multicultural world
in which difference is celebrated’ (ibid) seem to be an inspiration, and
Harris’s statement that ‘I’ve decided to start a healing process that will
enable me to face my deepest fears . . . by healing myself I’m healing
my oppressors’ (1994: 17) seems particularly pertinent to Jonzi D’s
Aeroplane Man.
At the centre of Aeroplane Man there is a frustrated search for lost origins
that might inform identity, and in Ellis Island immigrants’ identities and
differences are foregrounded. As I indicated in the Introduction both
sameness and difference lie at the heart of subjectivity, both these works
demonstrate this fundamental instability and the complex constructed
nature of identity, as a key constituent of subjectivity.
to fix – all Mexicans eat beans, all Irish eat potatoes. This kind of
fixity is as unstable as the notion of origins. Eating beans does not
mean being Mexican and ‘being Mexican’ is not a simple unified
concept. Identity is a social construction which is fragmentary, com-
plex, multifaceted and changeable. It is made up of many factors includ-
ing nationality, ‘race’, class, gender and so on. Each person’s identity is
constituted through an interaction of these factors. Juxtaposing fixed
images of plates of food with fixed images of people suggests
that this is how the immigration authorities saw the immigrants. The
portrayal of plates of food as oversimplistic markers reveals them as
contingent constructions, and suggests that similar oversimplistic
markers were used to construct the immigrants’ identities, based on
notions of fixed origins which, by juxtaposition with the food, are
revealed as contingent.
The fragmentary and multiple characteristics of identity are repeat-
edly emphasized in Ellis Island. History and genealogy are referenced
through archaeology. A wall is shown marked at different levels
with dates ‘1890’, ‘1920’, ‘1954’ and ‘1985’ like an archaeological exca-
vation. Juxtaposed with parallel views of the past and present immi-
gration centre, accretions of time, geologically apparent in layers
of earth, but also in people’s lives and histories, are revealed. The
film is suggesting that an individual’s consciousness and unconscious
identity, like the earth, are layered, forming multiple, fragmented
subjects. By including archaeological metaphors alongside the tableaux
of immigrants a kind of ‘counter history’ is revealed. This, as Grosz
has argued, is ‘uneven’ and ‘scattered’, made up ‘of interruptions,
irruptions, outbreaks and containments’ characteristic of subordinated
social groups (1990: 78). The non-linear form of Ellis Island structured
as a collage of images, mirrors the non-linear fragmented histories of
the people it depicts. The Ellis Island immigrants are diasporic. They
have undertaken between them multiple journeys and dispersed from
different places or ‘homes’. Diaspora is concerned with historical dis-
placement and often ‘home’ is ‘a place of no return’ (Brah, 1996: 192),
as is evident in the discussion of notions of ‘home’ in Chapter 6. On
Ellis Island between 1892 and 1927 approximately 3000 rejected immi-
grants ‘committed suicide . . . rather than face deportation to their
country of origin’ (Ellis Island Publicity Flier, 1981). For them, home was
a place of no return. In this context discourses of fixed origins and
simple, unified identities deriving from a ‘home’ to which it is possible
to return, are meaningless, the concept of diaspora critiques them (Brah,
1996: 197).
120 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
Identity as process
‘Since identity is process, what we have is a field of discourses, matrices
of meanings, narratives of self and others, and configurations of
memories . . . Every enunciation of identity . . . in this field of identifi-
cations represents a reconstruction’ (ibid: 247). Aeroplane Man and Ellis
Island contain enunciations of identity that can be seen as reconstruc-
tions. Each time Jonzi D visits a foreign land in search of his roots, he
engages with ‘fields of discourses, matrices of meanings, narratives of
self and others and configurations of memories’. He is going to those
places because of what he ‘knows’ about them, because of what he has
been told (stories about Grenada by his parents), because of what he
has read (about Africa), because of what the media has shown him of
America. He raps hopefully: ‘Jet me to America land, on TV and music
video we see enough black man, seems like they’ve got a plan’. What
Aeroplane Man reveals is that the discourses, memories and narratives
Jonzi D takes with him are part of complex ever changing configura-
tions and matrices of meanings that constitute a field of identifications.
Each of Jonzi D’s encounters with different people and places is an
enunciation of his identity that also proves to be a reconstruction
through displacement. In each place Jonzi D’s versatile body, energized
by Caribbean, American hip hop or African musical sounds, slips easily
into the vernacular dance style. His performance explores possible iden-
tities informed by the cultural histories of the places he visits. His
encounters change and displace him. On another level Jonzi D’s rap is
a narrative which ‘plays a central role in the constitution and preser-
vation of identity. It is a carrier of meaning, the channel through which
[Jonzi D] . . . tells himself and others the tale of his place in the world’
(Schick, 1999: 21). It is an example of identity as an effect of narrative
or discourse.
In Ellis Island identity in the making is accentuated by being revealed
as a process of ‘becoming rather than being’. In one scene a uniformed
official asks an immigrant his name. No dialogue is heard, the official’s
lips mouth the word ‘Name?’ which appears on the screen. The back
of the immigrant’s head is seen moving, presumably he is saying his
name. ‘Ellessen Rahmsauer’ appears on the screen, followed by a series
of misspellings of the name until it becomes ‘Elie Ram’. The absurdity
of what is occurring is emphasized by the final two names that appear,
‘Eli Sheep’ and ‘Eli Lamb’. Sheep are notoriously docile animals that
‘follow’ and they have a reputation for going ‘astray’. These associations
could be seen to apply to the Ellis Island immigrants. Their passivity
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 121
renders them docile and their homeless status makes them appear
‘lost’. The application of Foucault’s theories of subjectification explored
later shows how the disciplinary technologies revealed in Ellis Island
produce ‘docile bodies’. ‘Ellessen Rahmsauer’ has gone through several
transformations to become ‘Eli Lamb’. Becoming rather than being
is evident in this incident where time and history are fast forwarded
revealing genealogy as process. By escalating the process and includ-
ing the ludicrous changes from ‘Ram’ to ‘Sheep’ to ‘Lamb’ the film
underlines the lack of respect of the officials for the immigrants
accentuating the power differential between them. This deconstruction
makes the recording of immigrants’ names seem like some bizarre
word association game. The naming that occurs shows identity as a pro-
cess of becoming in an authoritarian context which attempts to fix it.
Another example from Ellis Island illustrates how identity is con-
structed and the power operations that work to fix it. When the
word SERB is written next to a man’s face, this labelling classifies him.
Classification is a process of fixing, involving selection and ranking,
championed in the name of science. ‘[The] hegemonic project [of
science] confidently stalked the world identifying . . . and classifying
fauna, flora and peoples; asserting its “scientific neutrality” while
marking hierarchies of “race”, class, and gender’ (Brah, 1996: 221). The
key word here is hierarchies; classification of this kind shows the opera-
tions of power at work that underlie racism. By showing the labelling
of an immigrant as SERB alongside other inscriptive processes, the film
reveals the contribution of Ellis Island’s immigration project to the
broader hegemonic project, and exposes the racist identity forming
inherent in it.
Aeroplane Man demonstrates that identity is not simply a fluid ever
changing process. There are actual groundings in terms of the effects of
identity that have to be faced. The opening mime scene in the extended
version is evidence of this. The slow ritualistic placing of piles of neatly
folded clothes by a white male pacing out a triangle in the semi-
darkness around a presumably sleeping Jonzi D, under the Union Jack
duvet, is an eerie beginning. In the half light spectators can gradually
perceive the piles of clothes as a policeman’s uniform, a judge’s robes
and wig, and a mortarboard and gown – all signs of authority figures
that perhaps recur in Jonzi D’s dreams. They and the British flag, the
ultimate sign of the nation state, surround and cover/smother the body
underneath. They situate and ground Jonzi D’s black British identity.
In the 1997 video record of Aeroplane Man Jonzi D begins his rap
enacting a racist incident, playing the racist himself. Standing with his
122 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
‘There are two meanings of the word subject,’ Foucault writes, ‘subject
to someone else by control and dependence, and tied to his own iden-
tity by a conscience or self-knowledge. Both meanings suggest a form
of power which subjugates and makes subject to’ (1982: 212). The
opening of Aeroplane Man works by allusion to suggest Jonzi D’s status
as a British subject and how this status relates for him to figures and
institutions of authority and control such as the state, the law and edu-
cation. It suggests ways in which he is subject to someone else by
control and dependence illustrating Foucault’s first meaning of subjec-
tification. Throughout most of the rest of Aeroplane Man spectators
witnesses Jonzi D exploring his identity and subjectivity which are con-
structed through travels prompted by his conscience or self-knowledge,
illustrating Foucault’s second meaning of subjectification. In Ellis Island
Foucault’s first mode of subjectification is only too apparent as the
immigrants are subjected to various technologies of power such as meas-
urement, classification and medical examination by the authorities.
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 125
When they are named and registered they become legal subjects. There
is also evidence of the immigrants colluding in some of these processes,
for example when one of the immigrants measures himself. This is an
instance of Foucault’s second meaning of subjectification involving self-
discipline and self-subjectification.
Foucault terms the workings of power ‘disciplinary technologies’ and
as the American postmodern geographer Edward Soja indicates, these
‘operate through the social control of space, time and otherness to
produce a certain kind of “normalization”’(1996: 161). The aim of dis-
ciplinary technologies, according to Foucault, is to forge a ‘docile body
that may be subjected, used, transformed and improved’ (1977: 198),
and space plays a role in this because ‘discipline proceeds from an orga-
nization of individuals in space, and it requires a specific enclosure
of space’ (Rabinow, 1984: 17). The immigrants in Ellis Island are seen
as enclosed and contained in that space facilitating their organization
and subjectification. One of the roles space plays in the subjectification
process in Ellis Island is evident in the filming and performance
which evokes Foucault’s notion of panopticism. Foucault cites the
British philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s (1748–1832) Panopticon; a
circular viewing tower within prisons to ensure permanent surveillance
of the prisoners whose cells surrounded it. Surveillance of this kind
is suggested in Ellis Island when the camera slowly pans round a space
in the abandoned building. Later a series of pans of another decaying
room occur with a group of about 12 performers in contemporary black
tops and trousers and dark glasses, repeatedly running across the space
as a group in and out of the camera’s field of vision. Some immigrants
are also in the space but they appear unaware of the running group,
who look as if they are trying to stay out of the range of the camera but
fail to do so. The camera behaves like a preset surveillance camera as it
pans back and forth stopping at regular intervals. The group dressed in
black both emphasize and resist the surveillance by their bizarre per-
formance, showing how the immigrants also resist the camera’s nor-
malizing gaze, as it is impossible to see what either group are doing
when they are out of shot. In terms of the subjection processes at work,
both groups evade them, by either repeatedly dodging in and out of
view of the camera or by often being out of range. In this sense they
are performing a ‘repetition which does not consolidate . . . the subject,
but which proliferates effects which undermine the force of normaliza-
tion’ (Butler, 1997: 93).
Various other spatial organizations of immigrants are presented in
the enclosed space of Ellis Island. Some of these ‘organizations’ seem
126 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
Normalization is a term Foucault uses to describe a process of measur-
ing up to standards, of conforming to recognized codes or norms. It
includes ‘all those modes of acculturation which work by setting up
standards or “norms” against which individuals continually measure,
judge, “discipline” and “correct” their behaviour and presentation of
self’ (Bordo, 1993: 199). Measuring is presented as a theme throughout
Ellis Island by the inclusion of archaeological black and white striped
measuring sticks of different sizes (Plate 7). These first appeared in Recent
Ruins, where ‘generations of archeologists are presented . . . all . . . com-
pulsively measuring’ (West, 1980: 50). In Ellis Island initially the meas-
uring rods are seen placed alongside or underneath objects, such as a
wheelchair and a kidney dish, as if they are there to indicate size. Next
they are seen in still shots of people posing for photographs. In each a
stick is held against them by an arm in a white sleeved coat, as if meas-
uring. One young man has a large stick thrown to him, which he catches
and holds at his side looking up at it, measuring himself against it. These
sticks operate as visual indicators of assessment. Foucault claims: ‘the
success of disciplinary power derives . . . from the use of simple instru-
ments: hierarchical observation, normalizing judgement’ (1977: 170).
The immigrants are being measured or measuring themselves against
the sticks, providing evidence of both of Foucault’s kinds of subjectifi-
cation. Juxtaposing images of people and sticks with images of objects
and sticks suggests comparison. The measurement of the people objec-
tifies them. This and the variable sizes of the sticks – some are a few
inches long, others several feet long – deconstructs and exposes the
operations of power at work.
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 127
Examinations of various kinds in Ellis Island provide further evidence of
Foucault’s subjectification and normalization processes at work. Accord-
ing to Foucault, ‘the success of disciplinary power derives . . . from . . . a
procedure that is specific to it – the examination’ (1977: 170). The section
on ‘The Examination’ in Foucault’s Discipline and Punish begins,
upon it, they invest it, mark it, train it . . . force it to carry out
tasks, to perform ceremonies, to emit signs’ (ibid: 25). The ‘body’ is
judged according to how it performs, whether it measures up to
certain standards. On the basis of her performance, the woman is
accepted or rejected, she either passes or fails this examination. As
Lingis suggests in an article discussing Foucault’s theories, ‘norms are
produced by the comparison surveillance makes possible between the
levels, abilities, and performances of different individuals’ (in Welton,
1999: 292). The film leaves the result of this test open, there is no indi-
cation whether the woman is successful or not. She does not arrange the
squares to form the most ‘obvious’ pattern, but another pattern. The
immigrant has travelled from symbol systems of her own indigenous or
peasant culture into the symbol systems of modern, scientific discourse
whose ‘logic’ she cannot fathom. It seems that Monk is being playful
here. The woman is being imaginative, exhibiting a form of intelligence
that the test cannot measure. In this sense the woman is resisting
The operations of administration, documentation and organization
depicted in Ellis Island are further examples of Foucault’s disciplinary
technologies of power; for example, the official who asks an immigrant’s
name, writes in and rubber stamps a ledger. Immigrants in the film
are seen with numbers pinned to their clothing. Much of Ellis Island
consists of ‘snapshot images’, tableaux of immigrants posing for
photographs and shots of faces with measurements and labels like SERB
and ‘J’ for Jew written across them. All of these administrative processes
‘subjugate’ the immigrants ‘by turning them into objects of knowledge’
(ibid: 28). They become ‘cases’ for documentation, statistics for dossiers.
As Foucault argues: ‘the examination, surrounded by all its
documentary techniques, makes each individual a “case”, a case which
. . . constitutes an object for a branch of knowledge and a hold for a
branch of power’ (ibid: 191).
By depicting examination and documentation processes Ellis Island
exposes ‘a policy of coercions that act upon the body . . . a machinery
of power that explores it, breaks it down, and rearranges it’ (ibid: 138).
Bodies are explored by ‘doctors’, broken down into parts when
examined or labelled, and rearranged for numerous photographs in
Ellis Island. These disciplines produce subjected and practised bodies,
‘docile bodies’ in Foucault’s terms. The marks of these disciplinary
practices of subjectification are still apparent as, in another context,
Aeroplane Man indicates. Jonzi D’s visible sign of difference from
130 Dancing in the ‘In-Between Spaces’
In Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man language is inscribed with power and
contributes to the displacement experience. The use of language to label
in Ellis Island, and the translation and transformation that occurs in the
recording of names, demonstrate language’s ‘power to name, identify,
classify, domesticate and contain’ which ‘simultaneously doubles as the
power to obliterate, silence and negate’ (Chambers in Chambers and
Curti, 1996: 48–9). When only the back of an immigrant’s head is seen
as he gives his name, and when his name is changed radically, he is
effectively being ‘obliterated’ and ‘negated’. The lack of a ‘natural
soundtrack’ accompanying the immigrants’ scenes both situates the
film temporally alongside silent movies, and ‘silences’ the immigrants
– they are given no voice. This is underlined by the contrast with the
‘contemporary scenes’, which have ‘normal’ sound, and with a language
lesson, where only the teacher speaks.
This language lesson in Ellis Island shows that the ‘“official” norma-
tive language of colonial administration’ is also the language of ‘instruc-
tion’ (Bhabha, 1990: 73). The immigrants mouth after a teacher words
such as ‘vacuum cleaner’, ‘Empire State Building’, and ‘microwave’. The
teacher’s words are heard on the soundtrack but the immigrants’ are
not, they are silenced. Discussing the role of language in colonialism,
Tarasti suggests, ‘very often the subordinated voices can speak – have
their voices heard – only after they have adopted the langue of the
dominant culture’ (1999: 75). This language lesson is another example
of Foucault’s disciplinary technologies of power deployed to subjectify
the immigrants. This class of immigrants sitting behind desks obedi-
ently repeating words, is an example of Foucault’s ‘docile bodies’ being
‘transformed’ and ‘improved’. By including the Empire State Building,
not just a national monument, but at one time the tallest building in
the world, the ultimate sign of American phallic power, Ellis Island sug-
gests that this is not only a language lesson. It is also a presentation of
the dominant power’s culture and achievement, designed to impress,
subdue and, in the process, oppress. By including words such as
‘microwave’, which did not exist when Ellis Island was operative, the
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 131
This chapter has shown how Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man examine
issues of identity, difference and power, and demonstrate their com-
plexity. The works reveal that identity is not a monolithic, static
concept, with identifiable, fixed origins, but that it is a process or mode
of differentiation that is changeable and bound up with systems of
power that operate spatially. Both Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man demon-
strate how particular in-between spaces and places play a part in the
construction of identity. The journeys of Jonzi D and the immigrants
through these liminal spaces show them crossing literal and conceptual
thresholds in their rites of passage. Existing both inside and outside
these in-between spaces, and at times exceeding them, effectively blurs
boundaries and challenges notions of a rigid, self contained subject with
a fixed identity. The blurring of boundaries is also evident in the way
both pieces, by employing several different media, demonstrate what
Monk terms ‘a mosaic way of perceiving’ (in Zurbrugg, 1993: 98). In
Aeroplane Man the in-between, unfixed nature of the improvized per-
formance format, resulting in no one performance being the same, also
troubles notions of fixity. Both Ellis Island and Aeroplane Man blur
boundaries to suggest fluid subjectivities and identities that celebrate
In both works ‘themes of identity have been explored . . . through the
relation of personal to historical memory, through journeys, both real
and metaphorical, and through the representation of self from the point
of view of those displaced from the “centre” by . . . race’ (Betterton,
Crossing the (black) Atlantic 135
While the focus in the last three chapters has been on actual and
metaphorical indeterminate hybrid in-between spaces, the concern in
this and the next chapter shifts to bodies, specifically the actual and
conceptual boundaries of bodies where bodies meet space, and where
inside and outside are difficult to distinguish.
This chapter focuses on the choreography of the inside/outside
borderlines where bodily flesh, fluids and folds meet space in If You
Couldn’t See Me (Brown, 1994), the dance film, Joan (Anderson, 1994)
and Blind Faith (Snaith, 1998). The American choreographer Trisha
Brown’s solo choreography for her naked back in If You Couldn’t See Me
directs the audience’s attention to the flesh, folds, muscles and bone
structure of this relatively unfamiliar body part (Plate 8). Joan, also a
solo for the British choreographer, Lea Anderson, is inspired by Carl
Theodor Dreyer’s (1928) film, The Passion of Joan of Arc. Both works focus
on Joan’s spirituality merging with her fleshy corporeality. The British
choreographer Yolande Snaith’s Blind Faith is inspired by the work of
Leonardo da Vinci, particularly The Last Supper (1498) and by Renais-
sance anatomical experiments evident in paintings such as Rembrandt’s
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp (1632) (Plate 9).
The materiality of corporeality is central in these dances. In If You
Couldn’t See Me spectators’ attention is drawn to the moving flesh, mus-
culature and skeletal structure of Brown’s back by her low backed
costume, by side-lighting, the plain darkness that surrounds her, and
the fluidity of her loose-limbed movement style. In Joan the material-
ity of corporeality is foregrounded through close-ups of ‘Joan’s’ face and
head, the use of the camera to get ‘inside’ her body, and through video
140 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
special effects. Bodily flesh, fluids and folds are emphasized in Blind
Faith through choreography based on contact improvization and
through the dancers’ portrayal of the investigation through manipula-
tion of the near naked matter of bodies. In all three works there is much
imagery of folding, and in Joan and Blind Faith, of fluid and fleshy matter
such as water, wine, blood, tears, saliva and bodily innards. All pieces
also make extensive use of light to highlight fleshy surfaces and to evoke
mystical, sometimes trance-like moments or transformatory bodily
If You Couldn’t See Me is a movement based piece with no obvious ref-
erences to anything outside of itself. The focus is Brown’s choreographic
exploration of the performance potential of her back. The visual theatre
style of Joan and Blind Faith is very different. There are references to
painting, sculpture and film – both Anderson and Snaith had a visual
art training1 – and the pieces are historicist and include religious refer-
ences to body/soul relations and the mortality of the body. However,
whether through imagery that is movement based or in a visual theatre
style, all three dances explore anti-dualistic ideas that focus on female
The dualism of the French philosopher René Descartes (1596–1650),
sees the mind and body as separate entities where the body materially
occupies space and is a container for the conscious mind. From
this philosophical perspective, outlined in the Introduction and
examined in Chapter 10, perception is organized around a series of
binary oppositions such as mind/body and self/world, where the first of
the pair is associated with the masculine and valued over the second
which is associated with the feminine. By putting the body at the
heart of their explorations, the dances are reinstating it and its associ-
ations with the feminine as central to subjectivity. In the dances central
female figures in different ways infuse the works with particular kinds
of embodied energy. I argue that there are resonances between this
energy and that theorized by the French post-structuralist Gilles
Deleuze as inherent in the fold, and that the focuses on flesh I identify
in the works can be informed by the French based Bulgarian feminist
Julia Kristeva’s theories of abjection associated with the feminine. These
theories are explored, together with the American theorist Susan Bordo’s
feminist account of Cartesian philosophy, to aid analysis of the dances.
They all allow a focus on the body and subjectivity from an anti-
Cartesian perspective, although the epistemologies of Deleuze and Kris-
teva have very different bases. Deleuze critiques psychoanalysis whereas
Kristeva draws explicitly on it, but they are both interested in new,
Fleshy Corporealities 141
Gilles Deleuze’s theories of ‘the fold’ are derived from his radical
conception of the Baroque read through an interpretation of the
seventeenth and eighteenth-century philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibniz. Deleuze draws on Leibniz because he ‘was the first thinker to
“free” the fold, by taking it to infinity’ and on the Baroque because
it ‘was the first period in which folding went on infinitely’ (Deleuze,
1995: 159). The Baroque style in art, which straddled the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries – evident in painting, sculpture and architec-
ture particularly in Italy – was developed to act on the emotions of the
spectator, conveying, for example, the agonies and ecstasies of the
saints. It did this through creating an illusion of movement through
light and colour effects on folds of cloth, figures and flesh, to express
profound and passionately felt religious emotions. Deleuze claims,
‘without the Baroque and without Leibniz, folds wouldn’t have
developed the autonomy that subsequently allowed them to create so
many new paths’ (ibid). Key characteristics of folds that Deleuze
explores and that suggest ‘new paths’ are the energy and force inherent
in folding that ‘spills over’ infinitely resulting in movement bound up
in the form of folds.
Deleuze’s theories of the fold work on many levels. I am exploring
Deleuzian folds which are conceptual alongside dances where many of
the folds are actual and evident in the dancing bodies. Deleuze,
however, derives his ideas from matter citing the body as one possible
source (1993: 34). He explores Leibniz’s ideas of perception in part
through the body and its relation to the world emphasizing sensuality
over sole dependence on the visual. This contributes to the critique of
Cartesian body/mind separation which is fundamental to Deleuze’s
position. The sensual characteristics of folds derived from the Baroque,
which challenge the separations inherent in Cartesian dualism, focus
on multiplicity, excess, connectivity, particularly that of bodies and
souls, and a wave-like force, energy or movement. Productivity and
142 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
slightly different perspective to bear on If You Couldn’t See Me, Joan and
Blind Faith, the ways in which they overlap and inform each other, when
explored alongside the dances, challenge traditional notions of subjec-
tivity and suggest new possibilities.
The dances
onto her knees, her arms outstretched heavenwards. The ‘corpse’ ‘comes
to life’ and dances its own macabre solo with postures reminiscent of
the Renaissance anatomist Andreas Vesalius’s famous drawings (Plate
11). Dances suggesting compulsive and perhaps transformational states
are performed, where all the dancers walk around the table progressively
increasing speed, imitate Snaith jumping on the spot repeatedly, and
finally gaze as if transfixed into lights shining up through the table.
Ecstatic and trance-like dances follow, one culminating in Clayden
having a kind of fit, where he spits on the table. A series of tableaux of
near naked bodies are created on the table (Plate 12) emphasizing the
visual theatre style of the piece, also enhanced by special lighting effects
including a panel of lights over the table as in an operating theatre, and
the use of blue and gold washes which transform the appearance of the
flesh of the near naked bodies from cold to warm, dead to live. These
effects, when combined with tableau-like poses of groupings of bodies
are reminiscent of imagery from Renaissance and Baroque, often reli-
gious, paintings. The dance ends with tableaux from The Last Supper,
characterized by Baroque-like, flowing and flame-like postures and ges-
tures of the ‘disciples’ culminating in a reconstruction of the painting
with Snaith in Christ’s position.
Blind Faith centres round investigations of corporeality. The whole
dance seems to focus on bodies and their materiality. It does this in the
context of particular historical, philosophical and religious ideas evident
in strong visual tableau references to Renaissance and Baroque art. Cor-
poreality is foregrounded through a focus on anatomy at the outset in
visual references to anatomy lesson paintings, and reiterated through
references to Vesalius’s and Leonardo da Vinci’s anatomical drawings
which emphasize the flesh and musculature of the body. There is a sense
in which the dance moves from ‘flesh made word’, evident in anatomi-
cal references, to ‘word made flesh’, apparent in The Last Supper
worked with Brown and known her over a thirty five year period since
they performed together in the Judson Dance Theater (see Chapter 3),
wrote at some length about If You Couldn’t See Me in a letter to Brown
published in Contact Quarterly (1995). Given his informed perspective,
Paxton’s letter is treated as a special source of particularly insightful
information about the dance.
Paxton suggests that focusing on the flesh of Brown’s back gives the
body transformative potential, in the sense that a range of different
images can be read into it. He describes Brown as ‘a woman with a whole
scene on her back’ (1995: 94). He writes,
cal ambiguity of Joan’s mortal status. Now you see her, now you don’t.
The camera focuses on ‘Joan’s’ ear again, getting closer and closer, as in
Dreyer’s film where ‘giant close-ups’ revealed ‘startingly individual con-
tours, features and skin’ (Kael, 1970: 329). The image changes to inside
a long curving paper tunnel, followed by shots that resemble an ear’s
interior, with red and white cavernous spaces traversed by pulsating
fleshy membranes. This internal journey through the ear’s caverns has
affinities with anatomical drawings of folded flesh such as those of
Vesalius, and with Deleuze’s description of matter, as offering ‘an infi-
nitely porous, spongy, or cavernous texture . . . caverns endlessly con-
tained in other caverns . . . pierced with irregular passages, surrounded
. . . by . . . fluid’ (1993: 5). A shot of a road tunnel follows and,
when light is seen at the end of it, a close-up of ‘Joan’s’ eye, with tears
rolling down her cheek, replaces it. ‘Joan’s’ body has been invaded
through her ear, her link with her creator. Views of the inside of her ear
and head have been constructed by film. The road tunnel seems to
suggest an internal journey to her soul, her spiritual quest. When the
camera appears to enter her head, distinctions between body and soul
become unclear. This invasion seems to illustrate Deleuze’s claim that
‘souls are everywhere in matter’ (ibid: 11). This is also evident when
‘Joan’s’ head is filmed alternately in positive tones (a dark image on a
white ground) and in negative tones (a luminous white image translus-
cent like an X-ray against a golden ground, reminiscent of the mystical
imagery of haloed saints). These plays with the image of her head,
including an X-ray shot, blur inside/outside boundaries and the
body/soul dualism suggesting the closeness of ‘Joan’ with her god. There
are parallels here with Paxton’s description of If You Couldn’t See Me
moving ‘from positive dancing figure on black to negative dancing
figure in front of . . . empty space’ which he saw as ‘mythic and wholly
theatrical’ (1995: 94).
When ‘Joan’ rips apart the front of her leather jerkin to reveal a com-
puterized rendition of an abject fleshy pulsating interior (Plate 10), any
expectations of objectification associated with disrobing are denied. The
subject/object binary is disrupted, opening up possibilities for ‘Joan’
having a new identity, where inside and outside spaces of the body
coexist in one image. This illustrates the ambiguity of the abject which
is ‘the space between subject and object’ (Gross, 1990: 94) that is ‘unde-
cidably inside and outside the body’ (ibid: 90). Deleuze identifies the
connectivity of inside and outside spaces as a trait in the Baroque, where
he argues: ‘the infinite fold . . . moves between matter and soul . . . the
outside and the inside’ (1993: 35). The connotations of this hybrid fab-
rication of ‘Joan’, through deeply religious experiences of immortality,
150 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
However, the Anatomy Lesson presents another view of the body, also
developed in Blind Faith. The painting portrays a theatrical performance
acted out for a paying audience where the surgeons are also paid to
‘star’. This visual theatre harks back to ‘the Jacobean spectacle of
the . . . body in extremis . . . to the overt, celebratory bodiliness of the
dramatic and penal scaffold’ (ibid: 65) also evident in the French
post-structuralist Michel Foucault’s discussion of the seventeenth-
century ‘Spectacle of the Scaffold’, where he argues ‘the condemned
man published his crime and the justice that had been meted out to
him by bearing them physically on his body’ (1977: 43) The body
in the painting is that of a thief, hence the dissection of the arm –
the offending member. The visual theatre of the Anatomy Lesson is
evident in the body undoing itself, holding open the folds of flesh in a
highly Baroque way, derived from Vesalius’s drawings, which reveal the
unfurling layers of tissue and muscle down to the bone. The washing,
examination, manipulation and dancing of the ‘corpse’ in Blind Faith
are also visually theatrical. These theatrical bodies refer back to earlier
notions of the body at one with its soul as part of the medieval uni-
verse, when ‘subject and object are united through shared meanings,
rather than rendered ontologically separate’ (Bordo, 1987: 69).
Rembrandt’s painting and the dance seem to be representing both a
body at one with its soul and a Cartesian soulless body textualized as
an object of science. This is another instance of the Deleuzian notion
that sameness and difference can occur simultaneously in one entity;
that body and soul are both one and the same while also being differ-
ent. The connectivity of body and soul and the accommodation of
two opposing positions, are anti-Cartesian challenges to ‘masculinized
thought’ which insists that ‘each “sphere” remain distinct and undi-
luted by the other’ (ibid: 114).
Fleshy corporeality is further foregrounded in Blind Faith when the
dancers manipulate each other’s near naked bodies on the table. Every-
one is lifted, carried, turned around and over by their partners, in a more
mutually supportive manner than earlier. This multiple animation,
often using movement derived from contact improvization, emphasizes
the materiality of corporeality by repetition. Everybody becomes both
subject and object in this fluid folding of flesh on flesh, which results
in a continual blurring of boundaries, as dancers move back and forth
between active and passive roles, and pieta-like tableaux emerge and
dissolve (Plate 12). The flesh in these ensemble scenes from Blind Faith
is no longer inert matter subjected to the objectivity of science or matter
expelled that needs to be restrained and kept in order. The machina-
152 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
Fluids, fluidity and patterns of flow are evident in all three works. Trisha
Brown’s movement style is often characterized as ‘fluid’. Fluidity or flow
is her hallmark. One critic has identified an ‘incessant wave-like and
spiral flow’ as ‘Brown’s signature’ (Ginot, 1997: 22), reminiscent of the
wave-like characteristics of Deleuze’s folds. Another writes that If You
Couldn’t See Me consists of ‘fluid, limpid phrases’ (Sulcas, 1995b: 38). It
is a prime example of Brown’s fluid style, with its sways and undula-
tions of the torso, and swings, bends, lunges and rotations of limbs.
Brown’s body flows through positions and waves ripple through her
pelvis. The choreography defies containment as parts of her body rarely
seem to be in place or control. She seems to exceed and overflow bound-
aries, opening up possibilities for a new kind of fluid subjectivity. Since
Brown never shows her face, an air of mystery surrounds her identity.
There are parallels with Blind Faith’s mysterious characters and the fluc-
tuating identities of the mythical ‘Joan’.
In Joan and Blind Faith internal bodily fluids are expelled in perfor-
mance: ‘Joan’s’ tears, and Clayden’s saliva in Blind Faith. These fluids
draw attention to the body’s boundaries’ permeability and the difficulty
of distinguishing between inside and outside (Grosz, 1994b). Being
neither inside nor outside, fluids are in between, and attest to the body’s
inability to contain itself. The expulsion of bodily fluids, which Kristeva
terms abject, ‘demonstrates the impossibility of clear-cut borders, lines
of demarcation, divisions between the clean and the unclean, the proper
and the improper, order and disorder’ (Gross, 1990: 89). The abject ‘dis-
turbs identity, system, order’ (Kristeva, 1982: 4). The subject’s reactions
to abjection ‘represent a body in revolt’ (Gross, 1990: 89). The social
imposition of boundaries that limits and orders identity is derived from
Cartesian philosophy, and its disruption, according to Bordo, can be
linked to ideas associated with the feminine and with less fixed identi-
ties. This is what is happening in the dances, the abject is articulated in
bodily fluids and ‘dead bodies’ – for Kristeva, ‘the corpse is the utmost
of abjection’ (1982: 4). By articulating rather than expelling the abject,
the dances open up new possibilities for subjectivity.
Other fluids feature in Blind Faith; the water used to wash Trigg’s foot,
later coloured red, and glasses of ‘red wine’ consumed by the dancers
in the The Last Supper tableaux. When Christ instructs his disciples to
consume bread and wine representing his body and blood, the word (of
God/Christ) has been ‘made flesh’. The tableaux of The Last Supper in
154 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
Blind Faith, provide references to the Passion where the word was made
flesh. In Renaissance ideology ‘the body of the world and that of the
text are frequently identified with each other’ (Barker, 1995: 21). They
are considered at one ‘in the figure of the Passion, where the word and
the body are . . . identified in an act of punishment and signification
from which all other meanings flow’ (ibid). This return to the word
becoming flesh in Blind Faith further emphasizes corporeality and the
permeability of bodily boundaries. The blurring of subject and object,
self and other and mortality and immortality are symbolized in the
Eucharist. In Dreyer’s film, Joan is told that if she signs the confession
her reward will be the body and blood of Christ and she is shown the
Eucharist. The Eucharist’s power resides in its association with Christ’s
Passion and ultimate immortality symbolizing the ambiguity of subjec-
tivity – the possibility of life and death, God and man, subject and
object, inside and outside existing simultaneously in one entity (see
Kristeva, 1982: 118–20). Deleuze in his first book on cinema says of
Dreyer’s film that Joan’s trial ‘is itself Passion’ which ‘enters into a
virtual conjunction with that of Christ’ (1992: 108).
Kristeva’s theories of abjection draw on these aspects of religious dis-
course. She indicates in her analysis of Holbein’s The Body of the Dead
Christ in the Tomb (1521) that ‘because Christianity set that rupture [the
splitting of the subject] at the very heart of the absolute subject – Christ;
because it represented it as a Passion . . . it brought to consciousness the
essential dramas that are internal to the becoming of each and every
subject’ (Kristeva, 1989: 132). At the centre of Kristeva’s theories is the
notion of an unstable subject in process that is the antithesis of a Carte-
sian fixed subject. Kristeva sees ‘holiness’ as a domain where there is ‘an
excessive uncontrolled jouissance of . . . transgressive ecstasy’ (Grosz,
1989: 52).5 She claims: ‘the mystic’s familiarity with abjection is a fount
of infinite jouissance’ (Kristeva, 1982: 127) and that ‘we cannot escape
the dramatic convulsions of religious crises’ (ibid: 209). The transgres-
sive ecstasy and dramatic convulsions evident in Joan and Blind Faith,
in a Kristevan sense, could be said to be foregrounding the subject in
process, thus departing from ideas of a fixed, unified, Cartesian subject.
For Kristeva, ‘abjection’ is caused by ‘what does not respect borders,
positions, rules. The in-between, the ambiguous’ (ibid: 4). This is con-
nected with the feminine because, for Kristeva, the sacred or religious
text is the ‘revelation’ of the feminine chora (Grosz, 1989: 84).6 Religion
displaces the abject associated with the feminine (Kristeva, 1982: 127).
It makes space for the abject, allowing it to exist through transgressive
ecstasy. There is an ‘unrepresented residue . . . that refuses to conform
Fleshy Corporealities 155
female, one male, and when Jones performs, one black body, one white
body). The Deleuzian principle is underlined. Two dancers facing dif-
ferent directions demonstrate that things look different from different
perspectives. Brown has said of the decision to make the duet with Jones
‘it’s important to embrace opposites’ (1996) and she has talked about
counterpoint in her work in terms of establishing the ‘Other’ (in
Boxberger, 1997: 25). She seems to be well aware of the potential of rela-
tionships with ‘otherness’ or ‘opposites’ to affect ideas about identity.
She and Jones have been described in their duet as ‘unstable molecules’
(Wesemann, 1995: 46), a reference perhaps to Brown’s unstable molecu-
lar structures, but also possibly to the instability of identity (see
Chapter 7).
The Deleuzian principle that sameness and difference can occur
simultaneously is also apparent in the three dances because they are
simultaneously visual and non-visual. The visual theatre style of the
works enhanced by lighting, tableaux and foregrounding flesh is appar-
ent, however, paradoxically the focus on corporeality, particularly
its materiality, points to a bodily perception that is also distinctly non-
visual (see Chapter 10). Flesh, fluids and folds are visceral, as the tex-
tural features of flesh indicate. The importance of corporeal perception
as a way of knowing is implicated in the title Blind Faith which suggests
a dependence on senses other than the visual. Bordo links the devel-
opment of perspective, a visual appreciation of the world from a fixed
point, which contributes to a notion of ‘geometrical seeing’ (1987: 67),
with the development of Cartesian philosophy. Both can be seen to be
part of the ‘masculinization of thought’ she identifies, because both rely
on a separation of subject and the world – a sense of distance and
detachment (see Chapter 10). Snaith’s title for her dance and the
emphasis throughout on bodily senses other than the visual, are evi-
dence of a search for a different kind of subjectivity no longer deter-
mined by Cartesian philosophy.
Brown turning her back to spectators is another example that disrupts
the logic of visualization. There is a long tradition in her work of chal-
lenging spectators’ perception, disrupting objectification, by having
dancers on rooftops, walking down walls and floating on rafts, for
example (see Chapter 3). Brown subverts ‘the optical logic and location
of spectatorship’ (Lepecki, 1997: 16). By turning her back to the audi-
ence in If You Couldn’t See Me, Paxton claims, she ‘refutes . . . frontal con-
vention’ (1995: 94). He continues: ‘facing up relieves you of facing
us . . . you aren’t blinking uncomfortably in the light of our avid eye.
You . . . cannot know or concern yourself with how you may look to
158 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
us . . . we are not watchers. . . . You are not our focus.’ (ibid) Objectifi-
cation of Brown’s female dancing body becomes difficult, if not im-
possible. According to one critic: ‘the work is . . . devoid of . . . that
eroticism . . . associated with women putting themselves in front of the
public’ (Felciano, 1996: 11). The importance of the non-visual, is also
apparent in Joan, through ‘Joan’ closing or covering her eyes, and as in
If You Couldn’t See Me, ‘Joan’ turns away from her audience, so that only
the back or top of her head is seen. These departures from the logic of
visualization in the three dances are all evidence of a flight from the
Cartesian masculinization of thought and moves towards a more
embodied, feminine kind of subjectivity.
Ideas of multiplicity, openness and excess in the Baroque and folds
are evident in the dances where excessive and multiple dancing bodies
open up possibilities of new subjectivities. Deleuze’s multiplicity impor-
tantly acts on borders and boundaries, he writes of: ‘the Baroque . . .
dividing divergences into as many worlds as possible . . . by making . . .
many possible borders between worlds’ (1993: 81). Openness, excess
and multiplicity when explored alongside borders suggest a merging of
inside and outside which is evident in the dances. Deleuze argues, ‘the
outside and the inside . . . are . . . not two worlds’ (ibid: 31) and refer-
ring to modern art, ‘Stockhausen’s musical habitat or Dubuffet’s plastic
habitat do not allow the differences of inside and outside . . . to survive’
(ibid: 137).
Brown’s layered choreography has affinities with Deleuze’s notions of
multiplicity and layering implied in folds. By opening up the choreo-
graphic structure of her solo in the duet, You can see us, Brown is expos-
ing how it works. She has done this before, for example, in Opal Loop
(1980) two identical duets are performed simultaneously; one with the
couple together, and the other with them split apart. Brown’s strategies
of accumulation that layer choreographic material in the manner A, AB,
ABC, and so on, are well-known (in for example Accumulation, 1972,
and Split Solo, 1974). Describing her work, the dance critic Rita Feliciano
writes, ‘sometimes . . . there is so much going on within a single body
that it seems impossible to take it all in’ (1996: 7). ‘Little folds . . .
unravel in every direction, folds in folds, over folds, following folds’
(Deleuze, 1993: 86), and ‘physical mechanisms . . . work by . . . commu-
nication and propagation of movement, “like ripples that a stone creates
when it is thrown into water” ’ (ibid: 97). Deleuze’s statements resonate
with Brown’s choreography. Deleuze writes of the force and energy of
folds, stating, ‘movement . . . cannot be stopped’ (ibid: 12), ‘the fold
. . . moves . . . between essences and existences. It . . . billows between
Fleshy Corporealities 159
. . . body and soul’ (ibid: 120). Links between body and soul are con-
tinually suggested in Joan and Blind Faith. When ‘Joan’ looks upwards
towards light, and is diffused with light, her body becomes light, evoking
a connectivity between body and soul. This imagery is inspired by
Dreyer’s film, which Carney suggests ‘link[s] bodies and spirits and
urge[s] their unity’ (1989: 255). Deleuze also writes of the spirituality
in Dreyer’s film stating, ‘Dreyer produces the triumph of a . . . spiritual
perspective’ (1992: 107).
The energy of folds to which Deleuze refers when writing of body/soul
relations is also apparent in the continuous folding of bodies and
‘corpses’ in Blind Faith, particularly with its references to Baroque and
Renaissance paintings and sculptures. These references are given pro-
minence through the device of tableaux, where bodies assemble in
enfolded masses and dissolve only to fold themselves into other
tableaux (Plate 12). The concept of tableau, based on the belief that a
single instant within a narrative was all that could be portrayed within
painting, was dominant in art theory from the mid-sixteenth to the
mid-eighteenth century. The tableau enhances and singles out every-
thing in its field. ‘Everything that it admits . . . is promoted into essence,
into light, into view . . . the tableau is intellectual, it has something
to say . . . it knows how this must be done’ (Barthes, 1977: 70). The
tableaux in Blind Faith show bodies draped over each other like folds
of cloth, limbs intertwining, shoulders, arms, heads cascading down
from above. They resemble characteristically Baroque works such as
Tintoretto’s Paradise (1588), where piles of bodies and limbs coalesce
in an infinitely intricate pattern animated by light falling on folds of
flesh. In tableau ‘an ideal meaning’ (ibid: 74) is ‘communicated at a
glance’ (Burgin, 1986: 88), embodying ‘understanding . . . wisdom and
substance’ (ibid: 90) conveyed through the body and gesture. The art
theorist Victor Burgin suggests that corporeality is often elevated to a
position of mystical significance in tableaux, which have been com-
pared with hieroglyphs which ‘stand outside discourse’ (ibid) and
involve ‘a meaning which will not be pinned down by words’ (ibid).
The tableaux in Blind Faith involve distinctly kinesthetic meanings,
enhanced by the movement of the dancers from one tableau to the next,
which transcend words. The ‘word’ becomes ‘flesh’ further foreground-
ing corporeality within the dance.
The mystical dimensions of the Baroque that permeate Deleuze’s
writing on folds have resonances with mystical elements in the dances.
‘The age of the “Baroque Gothic” witnessed the birth of the mystical
experience . . . characterized . . . by an individual’s account of his or her
160 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
voyage to and from an ineffably universal event, which set the body in
a trance’ (Conley in Deleuze, 1993: xii). Joan and Blind Faith portray
spiritual quests which ‘set the body in a trance’. ‘Joan’s’ relationship
with her god is a spiritual journey culminating in her wandering
through woods, with flames at her wrists and her tunic hem, looking
around, as if searching, and then closing her eyes, appearing mystical
and trance-like as she transcends the flames, unhurt. In Blind Faith
Snaith acts as a catalyst investing the others with energy, light and life,
exploding the notion of a modern, thinking, bodyless subject by
evoking ecstatic, trance-like mystical performances. Blind Faith seems to
encapsulate a spiritual journey. Its Programme note states: ‘the work is
structured in three distinct phases, beginning with “darkness and delu-
sion”, moving through “death and transformation” and opening out
into “light and levitation” ’ (1998).
The excessive trance-like dancing, which evokes the Baroque, has
links with abjection in Kristeva’s theories. She also makes references to
the Baroque, stating, ‘all art is a kind of counter-reformation an accepted
Baroqueness’ (Kristeva, 1987: 253). For her, both art and religion have
excessive Baroque-like qualities in the form of ‘transgressive eruptions’
that enable them to challenge the symbolic (Grosz, 1989: 53). Kristeva
also associates a ‘new baroquism’ with an ‘ambiguisation of identities’
or ‘the fact that people don’t have fixed identities’ (Kristeva, 1984: 23).
The non-fixity of identity which I argue is evident in the dances through
the foregrounding of corporeality, was also a concern of Dreyer, whose
characters have been described as liberating themselves from ‘fixity,
coherence and stability’ in their roles as ‘figures . . . in continuous move-
ment and redefinition’ (Carney, 1989: 96).
Mysticism and spirituality have also been associated with Brown’s
solo where she has been described as dancing with ‘an almost
spiritual intention’ (Wesemann, 1995: 46). Paxton explores these quali-
ties in more depth when he writes, ‘you are . . . a medium mediating
between us and . . . some unknowable or unthinkable vision’ (1995: 94).
Deleuze, writing of folds in painting, claims, ‘in every instance folds
of clothing acquire an autonomy and a fullness. . . . They convey the
intensity of a spiritual force exerted on the body . . . to turn it inside out
and to mold its inner surfaces’ (1993: 122). This force turning bodies
inside out is apparent in the dances. The folds of cloth and flesh in the
intertwined postures and gestures of the disciples in The Last Supper are
animated in Blind Faith. The ‘disciples’ appear to be enfolded together
through the power of the Holy Spirit entering into them at that
Fleshy Corporealities 161
Reading If You Couldn’t See Me, Joan and Blind Faith in the light of the
theories of Deleuze, Bordo and Kristeva, has demonstrated the ways in
which imagery in the dances can be seen to have connotations con-
cerning the fluidity of subjectivity. The materiality of bodies, evident in
flesh, fluids and folds, emphasized through references to painting, sculp-
ture and film, and through the powerful mode of tableau, has fore-
grounded the blurred inside/outside spaces of bodies resonant with new
possibilities for subjectivity. In these in-between spaces bodies are no
longer seen as containers with separate insides and outsides, bodies and
souls, but as fluid transformative entities disrupting hierarchical binaries
bound up with masculine ideas of a Cartesian subject. Flesh, fluids and
folds of bodies have been seen to constitute, shift and transgress bodily
borderlines. By focusing on bodily flesh, folding bodies in close contact,
excessive ecstatic bodies, fluid movement, abject bodily fluids and
corpses, the dances emphasize body/space interfaces, where negotiations
take place concerning the redefinition of identity. As the British feminist
philosophical theorist Christine Battersby observes: ‘Identity as under-
stood in the history of Western philosophy since Plato has been con-
structed on a model that privileges . . . self-contained unity and solids’
‘what is missing from our culture is an alternative tradition of think-
ing identity . . . based on fluidity and flow’ (1993: 34). Exploring the
inside/outside spaces of the dances through a Deleuzian reading of the
Baroque, in conjunction with Bordo’s gendering of Cartesian philosophy,
and Kristeva’s theories of abjection, has revealed ways of thinking iden-
tity based on fluidity and flow. The dances reinstate the materiality of
corporeality and its connectivity with spirituality, associated with a more
embodied and fluid feminine notion of subjectivity.
In the next chapter bodies and their excesses remain the focus, but
the emphasis shifts from the sacred body out of control to excessive
‘grotesque’ bodies associated with the carnivalesque, and the ways in
which they subversively trouble fixed notions of subjectivity associated
with a contained body.
‘Carnivalesque’ Subversions in
Mark Morris’ Dogtown,
Liz Aggiss’ Grotesque Dancer and
Emilyn Claid’s Across Your Heart
‘Carnivalesque’ Subversions 163
which can be applied to other arts, stress the multiple meanings in texts,
the instability of the sign as referent and intertextual relations between
texts, all of which anticipate post-structuralist developments.
The focus of Bakhtin’s theories of the carnivalesque on the body and
performance make them particularly valuable for dance. Bakhtin com-
ments that in Rabelais’ work ‘images of the human body’ play ‘a pre-
dominant role’ and that ‘similar traits’ found in ‘other representatives
of Renaissance literature in Boccacio, Shakespeare, and Cervantes, were
interpreted as a “rehabilitation of the flesh” characteristic of the Renais-
sance’ (Bakhtin, 1984:18). Ideas associated with this same Renaissance
‘rehabilitation of the flesh’ are explored in the previous chapter. Bakhtin
derives this bodily imagery from ‘that peculiar aesthetic concept . . .
characteristic of this folk culture . . . grotesque realism’ (ibid). Bakhtin
argues that ‘all . . . forms of grotesque realism degrade, bring down to
earth, turn their subject into flesh’ (ibid: 20). Degradation and debase-
ment of higher forms are inherently subversive. Carnivalesque perfor-
mances and grotesque bodies degrade officialdom, turning themselves
and it inside out and upside down. Their unruliness threatens the order,
stability, hierarchy and control of a world of binary oppositions.1 The
body’s role is central because the transgressions of boundaries that
Bakhtin identifies ‘are effected through . . . the body’ (Stallybrass and
White, 1997: 301). According to Bakhtin, the ambivalent space of car-
nival creates a topsy turvy world of parody and play where traditional
boundaries between performers and audiences are eroded. The inter-
mingling of performers and spectators in carnival provides ‘interaction’,
‘interchange’ and ‘interorientation’ with the world. Although these
dances exist within the logic of the spectacle of theatrical performance
and not in a carnival context, Bakhtin’s category of the carnivalesque
bridges the extension of carnival categories for use as more general
social critique. In this sense, despite Bakhtin’s theories predating post-
modernism, they are pertinent for these readings of postmodern dance
since, their emphasis on the materiality of the body and its intero-
rientation with the world place them alongside other anti-
dualistic theories and point to possibilities for a rethought embodied
subjectivity. Through an analysis of the grotesque body, they show how
subjectivity can be fluid, ambiguous, multiple and marginal rather than
fixed, and through a focus on bodily imagery and carnivalesque per-
formance, they can point to underlying subversive elements in dance
that might otherwise go unnoticed.
The utopian nature of Bakhtin’s theories and his claims for the radical
and political powers of carnival have prompted criticism. The extent to
164 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
The dances
bockers and white top with white knee-length socks and black flat shoes
for the first half, and long, black, satin, evening gown and stiletto heels
for the second half – emphasize the theatricality of the piece. Various
theatrical shocks are provided by Aggiss’ mood, character and costume
changes; one minute she appears young and eager, the next coy and
teasing, the next haggardly and harsh. The piece’s excessive contorted
movements, its parodic style, transgression of gender boundaries and
plays with performer/audience relationships suggest associations with
the grotesque and the carnivalesque.
Gender and animal/human boundaries are played with in American
Mark Morris’ Dogtown (1983), an 11-minute dance for two men and
five women from the Mark Morris Dance Company, to five songs by
Yoko Ono, including the eponymous ‘Dogtown’. The seven performers,
wearing different coloured bras and panties or trunks over lycra shorts,
execute sequences of repetitive movement often in unison in a ‘doggy’
style, on all fours, frequently in lines. The performers simulate urina-
tion and copulation foregrounding inside/outside body interfaces. The
focus on base behaviour of the lower bodily stratum is a characteristic
of Bakhtin’s grotesque body evident in the excesses of Dogtown. The set
consists of piles of full plastic bags evoking urban rubbish. The cho-
reography ridicules human, urban sexual behaviour, poking fun at the
habits and rituals of supposedly sophisticated inhabitants of modern
towns and cities. There are associations with Bakhtin’s descriptions of
the bestial behaviour at early European carnivals and fairs and of the
frank and free atmosphere of the medieval marketplace.
Across Your Heart, created by the British choreographer, Emilyn
Claid, is a 70-minute work performed by CandoCo, some of whose
dancers have disabilities. To commissioned music by Stuart Jones, it was
created for four women (Helen Baggett, Celeste Dandeker, Charlotte
Derbyshire and Sue Smith) and three men (Jon French, Kwesi Johnson
and Kuldip Singh-Barmi); two of the performers, Dandeker and French,
are in wheelchairs. Theories of grotesque bodies and the carnivalesque
can be particularly pertinent when considering the ways in which
bodies with disabilities are sometimes viewed and treated. Their inclu-
sion in dance, where bodies are typically and traditionally constructed
as classical, bounded and sleek and this is the norm, as Albright (1997)
suggests, can often be disruptive and subversive in a grotesque and car-
nivalesque manner. Across Your Heart, episodic in structure, includes
scenes derived from sexual, religious and other fantasies with bawdy,
overtly sexual dancing, singing, a wheelchair parade (Plate 14) and a
South American carnival. The piece employs parody and humour which
166 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
The openness of the grotesque body and the permeability of its bounda-
ries are seen by Bakhtin as bringing the body of the people closer to
the world. This is graphically illustrated in Bakhtin’s analysis of the story
of Gargantua’s birth in Rabelais’ novel which occurs at a ‘merry banquet’
during the ‘feast of cattle slaughter’ before Lent (Bakhtin, 1984: 220).
Gargamelle, who gives birth, has consumed an excess of tripe
(intestines) from fattened cows at the feast, despite warnings from her
husband that ‘there are no intestines without dung’ (ibid: 223). As a
result, her right intestine falls out which is of an ‘unsavoury odor’ and
it is initially mistaken by midwives for the birth. Bakhtin suggests,
‘Gargamelle’s labor and the falling out of the . . . intestine link the
‘Carnivalesque’ Subversions 167
devoured tripe with those who devour them. The links between animal
flesh and the consuming human flesh are dimmed, very nearly erased.
One dense bodily atmosphere is created’ (ibid: 221–2). Bakhtin argues
that the carnivalesque atmosphere permeating the episode ‘ties into one
grotesque knot the slaughter, the dismemberment and disemboweling,
bodily life, abundance, fat, the banquet, merry improprieties and finally
childbirth’ (ibid: 222). Gargantua is born through his mother’s ear,
which as Bakhtin comments, ‘is a typical carnivalesque turnover’ ‘the
child does not go down but up’(ibid: 226). Employing this imagery in
part for social commentary, Bakhtin concludes that ‘we see looming
beyond Gargamelle’s womb the . . . womb of the earth and the ever-
regenerated body of the people’ (ibid). Thus grotesque bodily imagery
with permeable boundaries brings the ‘body of the people’ closer to a
regenerating earth.
Bakhtin claimed that fifteenth- and sixteenth-century literature of the
kind that Rabelais and others produced, pointed to a world where hier-
archies are diminished and inverted; Gargantua’s birth through the ear
is a physical example and a parody of the religious doctrine of virgin
birth. He saw the blurring of the grotesque body’s boundaries, evident
in the example of Gargamelle’s consumption of tripe and the intestines’
expulsion blurring binary oppositions such as self/other that are part of
the construction of a unified, rational subject, separate from the world,
also discussed in Chapter 8. Bakhtin argues, ‘the grotesque ignores the
impenetrable surface that closes and limits the body as a separate and
completed phenomenon. The grotesque image displays . . . the outward
and inward features . . . merged into one’ (ibid: 318). This is because the
gut as the lining of the intestines, where food passes having entered
through the mouth to exit through the anus, is both inside the body
but also a continuation of the outside. In this sense Bakhtin suggests
that ‘grotesque imagery constructs what we might call a double body’
This concept of a ‘double body’ can inform a reading of Liz Aggiss’
performance in Grotesque Dancer. In her black satin knickerbockers, a
chest flattening white top and boyish haircut, her performance of repet-
itive physical jerks – knee bends, stretches and push-ups – executed
strenuously, emphasizing the musculature in her arms and legs, is decid-
edly masculine. When she later dons her black satin evening gown and
gold stiletto heeled shoes her appearance is transformed from mascu-
line to feminine. Her dance is interspersed with singing at a micro-
phone, in the style of male and female cabaret singers. Throughout
Grotesque Dancer her ‘double body’ transgresses the gender binary, her
168 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
includes much direct eye contact with the audience, particularly when
she is singing, and when she is dancing and displaying her strength
in various physical feats, she raises her eyebrows as if to say ‘look what
I can do!’. The twinkle in her eye suggests she is making fun of her
own performance self-reflexively. This gives Grotesque Dancer a worldly
quality. In Bakhtin’s terms ‘the confines between . . . the body and the
world are overcome: there is an interchange and an interorientation’
(1984: 317). Aggiss is sharing her performance with her audience
knowingly, she is ‘one with the crowd . . . not . . . its opponent . . . [s]he
laughs with it’ (ibid: 167). The ambivalent merging of self and world,
self and other, performer and audience is a blurring of binaries that dis-
rupts the power relationships inherent in oppositions of this kind. As
Bakhtin points out, ‘Rabelais continually used the traditional folklore
method of contrast, the “inside out”, the “positive negation”. He made
the top and the bottom change places [and] intentionally mixed the
hierarchical levels’ (ibid: 403). Aggiss achieves similar objectives in
Grotesque Dancer. By mixing gender values and norms in her grotesque
performance she achieves an ambivalent androgyny, making ‘the top
and the bottom change places’. Her mixture of strength with vulner-
ability is a kind of ‘positive negation’. Her performance challenges
boundaries and binaries, going beyond hierarchical norms and values
associated with a closed, unified subjectivity, suggesting instead a more
multiple, open subject connoted by her ‘double body’.
Carnivalesque’s ability to turn things upside down and inside out
by blurring boundaries and disrupting binaries is evident in Mark Morris’
Dogtown where the boundaries of gender and sexuality are transgressed.
The piece opens with three couples facing front, with partners one
behind the other, the rear dancers’ arms are clasped around the chests
of their partners. Rhythmically miming Ono’s lyrics: ‘let me take my
scarf off, no, no, no, don’t help me’ the dancers in front jerkily pull back
their partners’ arms in an attempt to free themselves, but they are
quickly grasped again. Those behind overpower those in front. Different
actions are repeated to different verses of the song. To the words of the
next verse ‘let me take my blouse off’, the hands of the rear dancers grab
the breasts of the dancers in front who pick them off finger by finger in
a grotesque manner, yanking them away before being gripped again. The
partnerships are differently gendered. Two are male/female; one with the
woman in front, the other reversed, and one consists of two women.
The performance is almost unpleasantly sexual. Given the actions and
words of the song, it appears as if the rear performer is attempting to
forcefully strip their partner against their will. Expectations that the
170 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
Excessive overflows
surgeons’ thin rubber gloves. Given their minimal costumes, the addi-
tion of rubber gloves seems bizarre. They could relate to protection from
the ‘urban rubbish’ surrounding the dancers. However, given all the
simulated sexual activity in the dance, and the time of its creation –1983
– when AIDS had just come to public attention as a subject of concern
in the West, and was regarded predominantly as a sexually transmitted
disease of the gay community, they could also be a reference to one of
the most visible reactions to the disease; wearing rubber gloves to
protect against contact with infected body fluids. Morris is openly gay
and has referred to AIDS in interview indicating that his life expectancy
could be considerably limited (Acocella, 1993: 115). The rubber gloves
are a sign of control of the abject. Having copulating doggy creatures
wear them however, dispenses with any serious notion of control, it is
a bizarre carnivalesque joke. It mocks their normal use and is perhaps
a wry comment on official culture’s reactions to AIDS. Bakhtin, refering
to sexually transmitted diseases, writes ‘gout and syphilis are “gay dis-
eases”, the result of overindulgence in food, drink, and sexual inter-
course. They are essentially connected with the material bodily lower
stratum . . . [and] widespread in grotesque realism’ (1984: 161).5 The
baseness and nearness to the earth of the ‘lower bodily stratum’, a much
cited feature of the grotesque and carnivalesque body, for Bakhtin is an
indication of its positive interconnectivity with the world (see final
section of this chapter).
This interconnectivity with the world is evident in the atmosphere of
the medieval marketplace, associated with the carnivalesque and the
grotesque, some features of which are apparent in Dogtown. The dancers
spend much of their time crawling on all fours like dogs among bags of
rubbish, which they add to by simulating urination. The lyrics of Ono’s
Dogtown which accompany the performance include cries of ‘pease por-
ridge hot, pease porridge cold, some stays in the pot nine years old’.
This nursery rhyme is ‘the rhythmic beat of the vendor’ that Bakhtin
identifies as ‘steeped in the atmosphere of the market’ (ibid: 170) and
‘advertising’ food. Carnival excess is often expressed in feasting. Bakhtin
argues: ‘the banquet images – food, drink, swallowing’ ‘aspire to abun-
dance’ ‘they rise, grow, swell . . . until they reach exaggerated dimen-
sions’ (ibid: 278). Pease pudding is a messy viscous substance that could
be likened to loose excrement, it also encourages flatulence. Bakhtin
claims that ‘the images of faeces and urine are ambivalent, as are all
the images of the material bodily lower stratum; they debase, destroy,
regenerate and renew simultaneously’ (ibid: 151). Kristeva’s concept of
the abject, which includes such substances, is similarly ambivalent
‘Carnivalesque’ Subversions 173
because it exists both inside and outside the body blurring its bounda-
ries. Dogtown’s deliberate foregrounding of the base life of contempo-
rary city dwellers steeped in imagery of waste in general and bodily
waste and fluids in particular, challenges portrayals of the human
subject as controlled, fixed and stable. It also suggests that the per-
formers in Dogtown have sunk to the depths of the city – the sewers –
which Stallybrass and White have argued are ‘low and grotesque’, they
are the city’s ‘lower bodily stratum’(1986: 143, 145). By opening up the
body’s boundaries Dogtown challenges restrictive binaries, and asso-
ciations with the lower bodily stratum portrayed, in Bakhtin’s terms,
ambivalently connote regeneration and rebirth suggesting possibilities
of renewal and change.
At the end of Across Your Heart, Helen Baggett, dressed as a Christ-like
figure is seen hanging upside down over Celeste Dandeker who sits at
the head of a banquet with four of the other dancers. Singh-Barmi, cos-
tumed in his Calibanesque garb, holds a wine glass under the hanging
body as if to catch blood. The glass is filled with a red liquid which he
drinks and then passes to Dandeker who also drinks as the lights fade
signalling the end of the dance. This act has associations with the blood-
thirsty vampire and horror movies which inspired Across Your Heart.
Consumption of the blood of the body of the Christ-like figure also has
connotations with the Eucharist, but this body is female and hanging
upside down in a doubly blasphemous, carnivalesque fashion. Bakhtin
cites ‘oaths and profanities’ as key elements of marketplace and carni-
valesque speech which ‘were mostly concerned with sacred themes’ for
example, ‘ “the blood of Christ” ’ (1984: 188). Bakhtin saw these pro-
fanities, as ‘the unofficial elements of speech . . . as a breach of the estab-
lished norms of verbal address; they refuse to conform to conventions
. . . etiquette, civility, respectability. These elements of freedom . . .
create a special collectivity, a group of people initiated in familiar inter-
course, who are frank and free in expressing themselves’ (ibid: 187–8).
For Bakhtin these carnivalesque utterances were positive challenges to
the language of officialdom, freeing it up and in the process creating
a social ‘body of people’ with the potential for challenging the limita-
tions of symbolic discourse which operates through binary oppositions.
Across Your Heart’s shocking ending challenges the fixity of gender by
having a female Christ, while foregrounding the abject in a doubly
grotesque manner by having her co-performers drink her blood.
For Kristeva, as outlined in the last chapter, when the abject is re-
vealed rather than hidden, the binary coding of the human subject
in terms of inside/outside and self/other is challenged pointing to the
174 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
it, but she is told by French in no uncertain terms to leave him alone
initially. She can be seen as representative of official culture, in Bakhtin’s
terms, trying to maintain order and control. French’s rebuff makes it
clear that although he is dependent, he will not be controlled. After
the parade when all the dancers except Singh-Barmi are in wheelchairs
(Plate 14), several move in, out of and between the chairs upsetting any
sense of uniformity. The messiness of these bodies that exceed their
wheelchairs goes against the traditional aesthetic of controlled, sleek,
effortless, ‘classical’ bodies silently executing ‘beautiful’ moves in more
conventional theatrical dance. It highlights the contrast between what
Bakhtin terms ‘the new bodily canon’ – the ‘finished, completed, strictly
limited body. That which protrudes, bulges, sprouts or branches off . . .
is eliminated, hidden or moderated. All orifices of the body are closed’
(ibid: 320) – and the grotesque. Bodies that do not fit the Western norm
by being overweight or having disabilities can be seen as ‘unfinished’,
‘protruding’ and ‘grotesque’ in Bakhtin’s terms. But Bakhtin’s reappro-
priation of the grotesque interprets it as becoming and regenerative
rather than lacking. Across Your Heart’s excessive overflows, in terms of
bodies with disabilities that exceed ‘normal’ boundaries can be seen as
grotesque in Bakhtin’s terms and hence regenerative. By exceeding the
limitations of the norm, evident in closed, contained, silent, able bodies,
they suggest new ways of perceiving disability specifically and physi-
cality generally.
Carnivalesque parody
Much of the renewable force that Bakhtin claims comes from the
grotesque and carnival is, he suggests, generated by the power and
energy of laughter. Humour is the lifeblood of carnival and the medieval
marketplace. Its power comes from its ability to turn things upside down
and to mock, evident in parodic acts and plays with language. Key con-
tributions come from puns which open language up to the possibility
of double meaning and the performances of clowns who mimic.
Through language and performance, gaps can be opened in the sym-
bolic, otherwise closed, official discourse of the day. These plays and
parodies can allow and encourage critiques of the oppressive regime of
the time. In this sense they reveal positive possibilities for renewal and
change in Bakhtin’s terms. Bakhtin describes medieval laughter as ‘the
social consciousness of all the people’ experienced in the marketplaces
and carnival crowds when ‘man’ ‘comes into contact with other bodies
of varying age and social caste’ as ‘a member of a continually growing
176 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
and renewed people’ (ibid: 92). He claims that laughter presents ‘victory
. . . over supernatural awe, over the sacred, over death; it also means the
defeat of power, of earthly kings, of the earthly upper classes, of all that
oppresses and restricts’ (ibid).
Dogtown is a parody of human urban behaviour and sexual promis-
cuity. The automaton-like movements of the performers in straight
lines, following one another on all fours, makes them look as if they
are programmed. Their close-fitting, colourful, brief, lycra costumes,
possibly refer to similar attire worn to aerobics classes and fitness ses-
sions at city gyms, but the dancers’ bodies do not match the lythe,
sleek ideal associated with such activities and their performance is
mockingly comic and grotesque. Their very funny simulated doggy
behaviour includes ‘urinating’ and ‘copulating’ in time to the musical
beat. Guillermo Resto and Tina Fehlandt alternately rear back and up
on their ‘hind legs’ lifting their rubber gloved hands in the air, one
above the other, paw-like, and mime growling. Yet because of the look
and costuming of the performers, the double meanings of the piece are
only too apparent. It is a playful, carnivalesque, fun-poking dance,
reflecting the mood of Ono’s ironic songs. Through parody it decon-
structs and challenges the norm of the glossy veneer of one version of
contemporary city life.
Grotesque Dancer is also a parody, mimicking and mocking the genre
of female performance where women are on display for the spectators’
pleasure. One reviewer writes, ‘as Aggiss bats her legs in a parody of
high kicks . . . a shocking contrast between aesthetic beauty and un-
glamourised physicality is exposed’ (Farman, 1987: 20). Valeska Gert,
the inspiration for Aggiss’ performance, created her deliberately
grotesque shows for Dadaist venues where she mocked typical Berlin
cabaret acts displaying women as sexual objects (see Jelavich, 1993). As
well as ‘grotesque’, her performances have been described as ‘comic’ and
‘savage clowning’, including ‘satirical imitations of existing dance
styles’ (De Keersmaeker, 1981: 60). These elements of satire and parody
are also evident in Aggiss’ performance, which shifts between different
theatrical modes from singing to dancing to posing in the spotlight,
foregrounding the frame of performance. This is a performance about
performance. One reviewer writes, ‘Grotesque Dancer is heavily stylised
. . . conjuring up images of . . . clowns’ (Farman, 1987: 20). Bakhtin sees
the medieval clown as a key figure of carnivals and fairs who, through
travesty and parody, is able to turn things inside out and upside down.
Aggiss’ performance, through exaggerating typical postures and gestures
of cabaret, mocks its contortions and feats, deconstructing it. This is the
‘Carnivalesque’ Subversions 177
wings, the other performers all in carnival masks wheel the float
forward, they dance around it lewdly gyrating their pelvises and feeling
their crotches. They lick each other’s fingers, kiss and bite each other,
lie across French’s lap, handle breasts and bums and simulate buggery.
This carnivalesque performance, in its focus on bodily orifices and on
base sexually and orally gratifying activity, includes many grotesque ele-
ments that Bakhtin identifies. In another scene the company stage a
wheelchair parade with all seven dancers in wheelchairs creating syn-
chronized designs (Plate 14). A reviewer writes, it is a parody of ‘wheel-
chair formation dancing’ (Howard, 1998: 315). Throughout Across Your
Heart irreverent and unruly behaviour, of the kind Bakhtin describes as
grotesque, dominates. Discussing the role of the image of the Bakhtin-
ian grotesque body in the work of sixties’ artists in Greenwich Village,
the dance theorist Sally Banes argues, ‘it is . . . by means of the image of
this grotesque body of misrule that unofficial culture has poked holes
in the decorum and hegemony of official culture’ (1993: 192). By includ-
ing the raw physicality of the grotesque body in carnivalesque scenes
in Across Your Heart including dancers with disabilities, Claid has
exploded the expectations and norms that often delimit and contain
bodies with disabilities. In this sense the ‘misrule’ of the ‘unofficial
culture’ of Across Your Heart has ‘poked holes in the decorum and hege-
mony of official culture’.
For Bakhtin one of the positive features of the carnivalesque is the close-
ness to the earth often suggested in its imagery. He values this because
of its regenerative traits – the earth is a source of renewal and of rebirth
– and because of associations with interconnectivity with the mass of
the people. For Bakhtin, the lower bodily stratum also symbolizes regen-
erative power since it is where birth takes place and its lowness renders
it near to the earth. Regenerative traits of the grotesque and carniva-
lesque are identified by Bakhtin in frequent references to the ‘lower
bodily stratum’, in the downward thrust and low baseness of much
grotesque movement and in the propensity for grotesque bodies to link
with other bodies.
All three dances include much downwardly directed movement of the
sort Bakhtin describes frequently as ‘downward thrusting’. He claims:
In Grotesque Dancer Aggiss plunges her fists down between her open
knees as if into the depths of her body. A central duet in Dogtown be-
gins with Tina Fehlandt’s arched torso descending dramatically to the
ground. The fight that results in Across Your Heart, when French is tip-
ped out of his wheelchair by Singh-Barmi and Johnson, occurs on the
ground as the three men wrestle and roll over each other, evoking the
‘downward movements’ of the medieval ‘fights, beatings and blows’,
that Bakhtin cites (ibid: 370). When Dandeker is out of her wheelchair
in her metal walking frame, she is only able to make movements that
go down heavily to the earth. All these examples invert the elevation
of classical dance with its emphasis on lightness, uplift and flight asso-
ciated with idealism, in favour of the materialism of the earth. Although
much modern dance is also contrasted with classical dance because of
its earthbound movements and use of gravity, the context and mean-
ings associated with the downward movements of modern dance I
would argue are very different. They are bound up with a modernist
search for and expression of a single ‘self’, ‘meaning’ ‘truth’ or ‘origin’
that postmodern works no longer recognize.
Emphasis on the lower bodily stratum and movement near the
ground is evident in Dogtown where dancers frequently ‘mount’ each
other, sniff each other’s behinds and gesture to their own behinds.
Much of the time the performers are on the floor. They crawl on all
fours, roll over each other, lie curled up on the ground and lie down
with their legs open. They also throw themselves and others to the
ground. There is a vivid moment when one of the women carrying a
man wrapped round her waist flings him to the floor, this is repeated
three times. This emphasizes the earthbound ‘low life’ of Dogtown while
also transgressing ‘normal’ gender boundaries. Morris has said of his
company ‘my guys are articulate and my gals are brutish. And they’re
both both. They can all do everything’ (In Acocella, 1993: 91).
The exaggeratedly grotesque performance style of Grotesque Dancer
often emphasizes the lower part of the body. Aggiss is frequently on the
180 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
ground lying or sitting with her legs open, at times she appears to tie
herself in knots, her legs appear over her head as she rolls over her shoul-
ders. In a physical exercise routine she bends over with her back to the
audience, her knees bend and her behind rapidly bounces up and down
in time to the music. While doing this she looks through her legs and
first one hand is passed through and grabs the opposite calf, then the
other follows. Next she clasps her thighs in a similar fashion, lastly she
places her hands on opposite cheeks of her bottom. This contorted
posture is both gross and freakish. Bakhtin quoting from Schneegans’
History of Grotesque Satire (1894) describes an incident cited from the
Italian commedia dell’arte where Harlequin butts a stutterer in the
abdomen to assist him to get a word out. Schneegans likens this to child-
birth. Bakhtin claims,
When the dancers are seen on and around the carnival float in Across
Your Heart a certain interactivity with the world in Bakhtin’s terms is
evident. They appear as a moving tableau kissing and clasping each
other, often lewdly. They move up, down and over each other’s bodies,
wheelchairs, and the float, in monstrous couplings. At times, inside and
outside body surfaces merge to form one ‘body of the people’. Bakhtin
writes: ‘the pressing throng, the physical contact of bodies, acquires a
certain meaning. The individual feels that he is an indissoluble part of
the collectivity, a member of the people’s mass body . . . people become
aware of their sensual, material bodily unity and community’ (ibid:
255). In this scene from Across Your Heart differences of gender and
ability dissolve into the mass of this becoming body of the people.
and some modern dance. In a piece such as Dogtown for example, the
awkward, ungraceful movement style of this relatively early Morris
work is not immediately noticeable because of the precision and
rhythmical clarity of the performance. Applying Bakhtin’s notions
of the grotesque body and carnivalesque excess has revealed more sub-
versive elements allowing alternative readings. By transgressing the
inside/outside boundaries of bodies both physically and conceptually
in a wide range of often shocking and provocative ways, the three
dances have demonstrated a subversive re-embodiment in their
grotesque and carnivalesque features. Notions of a fixed, stable, com-
plete subject that is not open to change have been problematized. In
their place the dances have suggested ideas of an unfinished and becom-
ing subject in process, that is open and ambivalent with permeable
boundaries, allowing for excessive overflows with the potential for
renewal, and for forgetting the self in favour of submerging and merging
with the ‘body of the people’.
In the final chapter the focuses of each of the three parts of the
book, namely constructions of space and subjectivity, in particular
site specific places, negotiations in actual and conceptual in-between
spaces and the folds and excessive flows of inside/outside body/space
borderlines, are shown to overlap in the readings of dances that
engage with and construct architectural space. The chapter explores
how these dances challenge the logic of visualization, bound up with
the single viewpoint of perspective of the rational unified subject and,
through different ways of experiencing space, suggest other possible
Architectural Spaces in the
Choreography of William
Forsythe and De Keersmaeker’s
Rosas Danst Rosas
184 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
Classical ballet and modern dance in the ways they present the dancer
and represent ‘meaning’ both address and position viewers as rational
unified subjects. Classical ballet does this through its vocabulary and
aesthetic which creates total, harmonious, balanced beings. Parallels
can be seen in Ancient Greek Vitruvian architecture which is based
on a classical, mathematical system of proportions believed to be the
same as the ideal human form. The architect, Daniel Libeskind, who
is often linked with Forsythe because they have worked together and
share a similar approach to space, deconstructs this kind of classical
architecture, just as Forsythe deconstructs classical ballet, refusing to
look at bodies and space in a classical way. In this chapter insights
from Libeskind’s architectural practice are used to illuminate some of
Forsythe’s deconstructive strategies in dance. In modern dance the
dancers appear as beings who are rational, unified subjects because the
body is seen to express inner ‘meanings’ or emotions, in a way that it
‘never lies’. In this sense the body is seen as transparent. De Keers-
maeker’s dancers resist this kind of transparency because of the ways in
which they merge with the architecture and with each other in Rosas
Danst Rosas. They do not appear as separate beings struggling to express
their individuality.
Both Forsythe and De Keersmaeker, in the ways in which their dances
engage with architectural space, are concerned with geometry, but their
handling of geometry is very different. Where Forsythe is undoing the
geometry of classical ballet, De Keersmaeker chooses to use geometry.
Forsythe deconstructs classical geometric proportions, which relate to
space and the human form, in order to find new ways of experiencing
space beyond the linear and the visual, which open up possibilities for
a different kind of unfixed subjectivity. De Keersmaeker seems to be
doing the opposite, although the end result is similar. By accepting
and creating geometrical grids in her choreography excessively, she
denies her dancers an individual subjectivity. They become part of space
through the repetitive geometrical patterns they perform, which deny
them a sense of individuality. Both choreographers in their different
engagements with architectural space and geometry disrupt the logic of
visualization and point to new possibilities for subjectivity.
In this chapter I explore how perspective and the logic of visualiza-
tion are bound up with particular constructions of the subject, and
through examining these choreographers’ works, show how dance,
partly through certain parallels with architecture, can challenge and
disrupt this logic and suggest alternative possibilities for subjectivity.
After a brief introduction to the choreographers and dances, the ways
186 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
and more space. Other dancers become visible; overall there are six
female and five male dancers. Throughout the dance, the lamp, which
appears to be the only source of light, is moved about ten times, some-
times in darkness. Each time it illuminates a different part of the space,
sometimes just showing a solo or duet or at others various groupings.
Highly technically trained balletic bodies performing both non-balletic
and balletic vocabulary such as attitudes, pirouettes and arabesques, but
in an off-balance, off-centre, distorted and fractured manner, charac-
terize these dances. Willems’ electronic score of shattering metallic
sounds often provides a regular beat which dancers pick up and drop
seemingly at random. When they pick it up they occasionally slip into
jazz and street dance forms such as breaking and body popping, which
are frequently mixed with ballet vocabulary. Dancers walk purposefully
across the space to begin their solo or duet, or to go and lean up against
the wall and watch for a while. Every so often performers are seen
running fast round the periphery of the stage emerging from behind
the screen only to disappear again. ‘Lots of things happen at once, so
the eye is drawn hither and thither’ (Gilbert, 1998: 13). ‘The dancers’
space (and the audience’s perspective) is continually modified’ (Sulcas
1991a: 32). A sense of chaos and discontinuity is evident.
Often the lamp illuminates one part of the stage and light spills over
into other parts where dancers in semi-darkness, or shadows of activity
can be glimpsed. What can be seen clearly and what is only in half-
light, shadow, or behind the screen is in a continual state of flux. Seeing
and not seeing, appearance and disappearance, are threads running
through the piece, resulting in ‘no . . . fixed spectatorial vantage points’
(Brandstetter, 1998: 50). The dancers’ black and white costumes en-
hance the sense of appearance/disappearance. The audience has to
look actively to fathom what is going on where at any one point. The
dance critic Rosalyn Sulcas says of Limb’s Theorem, ‘it is . . . [an] investi-
gation and elaboration of the relationships between dance and its per-
ception . . . light is deployed as a means of exploding and contracting
the space, and of disturbing the spectator’s visual certainties’ (1991b:
37). Forsythe comments, ‘It forces you to re-examine those things [that
you take for granted, which perhaps you’ve stopped seeing] and say
“. . .what are these things?” ‘(in Driver et al., 1990b: 93). Forsythe is chal-
lenging spectators to depart from dependence on a single perspectival
viewpoint that fixes and distances. He has stated, ‘let us move into the
text’ (in Brandstetter, 1998: 52) and criticizing proscenium theatres,
‘it would be better if audience and dancers could touch each other’
(in Odenthal, 1994: 33).
188 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
between themselves, and themselves and the building, the camera, and
their virtual spectators. Seeing the performers through windows and
doorways from inside and outside blurs these boundaries, such that the
space becomes fragmented and discontinuous; it is seen from many
viewpoints rather than one.
in Enemy in the Figure is also broken when Forsythe reveals the theatre
walls caught in the beam of the moveable lamp.
Forsythe’s and De Keersmaeker’s dancers’ behaviour in performance
minimizes distance by breaking conventional theatrical frames. They
stand at the side and watch. De Keersmaeker’s dancers drink from
bottles of water and adjust their hair or clothing. In Enemy in the Figure
dancers often look as if they are rehearsing or warming up, at one point
one throws an item of clothing over the screen. In Rosas Danst Rosas
the dancers occasionally exchange looks and smile and look directly at
the audience. De Keersmaeker said: ‘this indicates a relationship . . . to
reality’ (in Sulcas, 1992: 16).
Van der Velde’s practices suggest he had similar views. He designed
building interiors, notably Haby’s barber shop in Berlin (1901) where
water, gas and electric pipes for wiring were exposed (Pevsner, 1960:
101). He criticized the British Arts and Crafts movement interior
designer William Morris and his successors for being ‘too . . . detached
from society’ and he claimed that ‘rebirth of the arts would emerge from
the . . . acceptance of machines and mass production’ (Benevolo, 1960:
273). When he directed the School of Applied Art at Weimar, (later the
Bauhaus), student products were sold providing ‘an unbroken connec-
tion with the professional world’ (Joedicke, 1961: 43).
Libeskind claimed that ‘what . . . Forsythe does with stage space has
to do with contemporary sensibility’ (1999b). A programme note
describes Enemy in the Figure as: ‘bodies struggling against an environ-
ment saturated in technology’ (1998) and one reviewer commented that
it made her think of ‘a world manipulated by the random glare of the
media – individuals suddenly exposed in the spotlight, while others
. . . flail in the shadows’ (Mackrell, 1998: 12). Forsythe’s use of dis-
orienting deconstructive devices, while interconnecting audience,
performers and environments, connotes individuals attuned to the
contradictions of their time. As Sulcas noted: ‘Forsythe’s achievement is
to have connected classical dance to the anxious present’ (1991a: 7).
In an article subtitled ‘Toward a Feminist Architecture’, Deborah
Fausch (1996) describes architectural projects which she claims as
‘feminist’ because of the direct bodily experience of physical, historical
and/or emotional content that they provide. This emphasis on direct
bodily experience she asserts challenges Cartesian dualism that sepa-
rates self from world, because it foregrounds the importance of
physical and sensual perception other than the visual, and of bodily
connectedness with the world. In architecture, this distinctive feature
is identified. In dance, bodily involvement is taken for granted and
194 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
rarely singled out for discussion. Yet a physical and sensual experience
of the world in an obvious sense brings closeness and proximity rather
than distance and separation. In the Rosas Danst Rosas film, the dancers’
physicality, immediately apparent through sounds of their breathing,
sighs, and feet scraping and sliding on the tiled floors, creates a proxi-
mity between them and their virtual spectators. Fausch also mentions
the contribution of architectural features that fail to distance because
they are human-sized. One of the noticeable characteristics of Van der
Velde’s school building is its human-sized proportions. The doorways
and window frames are not large and imposing in an institutional sense.
These features in Rosas Danst Rosas minimize distance by emphasizing
corporeality engaging directly with spectators’ bodily perception giving
them a different, closer experience of space.
Proprioception, which is described as ‘sensitivity to stimuli originat-
ing in end organ tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.)’ (Mattingly, 1999: 27)
and ‘the awareness of what one feels and sees one’s body doing’ (Sulcas,
1995a: 8), is a strategy Forsythe employs to engage with spatial and
bodily perception by drawing on senses other than the visual. He has
likened working in this way to blindness or sight impairment which
can intensify proprioception. Dependence on seeing is relinquished in
the conventional sense, disorientating the body. This is evident in
Forsythe’s Solo (1995) that he created and danced for the BBC2 series
Evidentia and which won the 1996 Grand Prix International Video
Danse first prize. Forsythe’s downward and inward gaze in Solo – he
sometimes has his eyes closed – suggests that he is drawing inspiration
from inner resources rather than from seeing his body in the sur-
rounding space. In this sense he is disoriented and dislocated, or more
positively, attuned bodily to the surrounding space in a relaxed yet
highly perceptive non-visual manner. There are continual shifts in
Forsythe’s centre of gravity so that he is often off-balance and falling.
His pelvis and hips frequently protrude, forward, behind or to the side,
he often goes onto relevé on one foot, only to overbalance and catch
himself somewhere else. He makes use of weight, the floor and gravity,
going down onto one knee and back up, then down onto his back, over
onto one hip, then the other and back up. Forsythe’s ever shifting
weight results in unpredictability and a lack of frontality, his body
appears to be continually destabilized. As one critic has stated Solo
‘explores release from a centrally controlled physicality showing how
letting go of something brings [the] unexpected . . . into play’ (Nugent,
1998: 27). An article about deconstruction on the Ballet Frankfurt
website suggests that a deconstructive reading ‘encounters and propa-
Architectural Spaces in the Choreography 195
Links between sight and reason are prevalent in Western thought. ‘The
mind has been strongly connected with the organ of the eye and the
sense of vision. Philosophers have employed vision as a metaphor for
thought, and light for the faculty of reason’ (Fausch, 1996: 40). ‘I see’ is
synonymous with ‘I understand’. The eighteenth-century Enlighten-
ment philosophy – the term ‘enlightenment’ suggests seeing better – is
bound up with rationality; the Enlightenment has been termed the ‘age
of reason’. Construction of a subject separated from the world, inherited
from the Enlightenment, is bound up with the dominance of reason and
ideas of representation. The French post-structuralist Jacques Derrida has
indicated that the dominance of reason underlies the interpretation of
‘beings as objects’ ‘positioned before a subject’ ‘as representation’, and
that the subject who says ‘I’, ensures his ‘mastery over the totality of
what is’ because representation, protected by reason, dominates (1983:
9–10). The subject thus constructed is not only separate from the world,
Architectural Spaces in the Choreography 199
but certain of himself and his mastery over it and the objects in it. His
position is maintained and protected by the dominance of reason, which
ensures that this way of seeing the world and subjectivity is accepted.
Derrida describes a caricature of this subject, as ‘representational man’
‘with hard eyes permanently open to a nature that he is to dominate, to
rape if necessary, by fixing it’ (ibid: 10).
This connection of sight with reason results in the ‘logic of visualiza-
tion’. This logic arises from and is dependent on the principles of linear
perspective. These principles also underpin the classical ballet aesthetic.
Classical ballet through its perspectival vocabulary, constructs the body
as ideal, separate from the world and uncontaminated by it. Its perfect
proportions derive from the lines, angles and forms of Euclidean geom-
etry. This classical body is logically and linearly structured. The logic of
the combinations of steps and gestures in the ballet vocabulary, and the
rules that connect these, follow geometrical principles based on per-
spective and vision dependent on unbroken lines. Ballet forms a par-
ticular subject according to this logic of clear, visible, geometric
occupation of space, and that visual legibility has, following Derrida,
social and cultural significance.
Forsythe refuses to present the subject in this way. He deconstructs
the classical ballet aesthetic. He considers the unity of the classical ballet
body deceptive and illusory. His work is concerned with interrupting
‘the mechanics of classical ballet syntax’ and with dismantling ballet’s
assumed, logical structures (Baudoin and Gilpin, 1989: 23). Key to this
is his fragmentation of the unbroken lines of the aesthetic. His use of
proprioception results in a discontinuous experience of space, a sense
of disequilibrium and off-balance, or a shift from ballet’s vertical line,
evident in tilts of the torso and limbs. Forsythe interrogates the balletic
assumptions of balance, placement and verticality. In Solo his polycen-
tricity, not only of space but also of the body, results in departure from
the linear. He throws his arms behind him one at a time as if trying to
get rid of them, they distort his torso, momentarily thrusting his ribcage
out. As he tips, turns, twists and gyrates, sometimes jerkily and some-
times fluidly, his moves continually surprise, he looks like he is impro-
vizing. His body never seems coherent or in line, it looks disjointed.
Shifts in the centre of gravity result in ‘a multicentric agglomerate of
points distributed over the body’ (Brandstetter, 1998: 48). His dancers’
bodies have been described as ‘polymorphous figures’ (ibid: 47), and his
choreographic vocabulary as ‘a meandering flow of contortions, which
frays in all directions at once and spreads out amoeba-like . . . an oscil-
lating construction, fickle and fragile, full of unrest’ (Boxberger, 1994:
200 Inside/Outside Bodies and Spaces
32). Gilpin, Forsythe’s dramaturg in the late eighties, has stated that he
‘dismembers the deceptive unity of movement . . . in classical ballet,
[and] explodes it . . . to offer new forms’ (1994: 51).
In Forsythe’s Solo there are no cues for reading the dance linearly, a
dance or ballet style is lacking, as is dance or musical phrasing. The
choreography is unpredictable, without reference points. Jump cuts and
changes of camera angles, together with occasional blackouts or sections
of slow motion, exacerbate the unpredictability. These features are
typical of Forsythe’s work: his Steptext (1984) starts before the house
lights go down and has sections in complete darkness. At the end of
Forsythe’s Solo his hands are held turned in to the body, a reversal of
the classical aesthetic. By challenging the principle of en dehors or turn-
out in ballet, Forsythe ‘plays with this concept of freedom to exploit
movement along a multiplicity of planes’ ( Jackson, 1999: 119). Breaks
with the linear logic of the form such as this suggest different ways of
experiencing space, which interfere with the logic of visualization that
constructs eye/‘I’ subjects.
De Keersmaeker says of linear logical structures: ‘I just think people
should stop making sense. If you want to grasp a linear, logical . . .
understanding of . . . events . . . on stage, then you get in trouble . . . I
like it when a performance makes you think of lots of things . . . I like
the edges. Where you tip over . . . I like . . . working at the limits’ (in
Hughes, 1991: 19). Tipping over the edges blurs boundaries of space and
subjects and opens up possibilities for experiencing space differently.
Linear logical structures result in closed, unidirectional ways of viewing
things, but for De Keersmaeker ‘closed systems aren’t really very credi-
ble any more’ (ibid: 19). She is more interested in openness, which by
working on ‘the edges’ ‘at the limits’, defies linear logic and the con-
struction of eye/‘I’ subjects. Spatial and conceptual openness, central in
deconstructive practices, are also key to Forsythe’s and Libeskind’s work,
as Baudoin and Gilpin claim, ‘what is paramount to . . . Libeskind and
Forsythe is, in Libeskind’s words, that “as language falls and falters the
open is opened” ’ (1989: 19).
been seen to blur with each other and with the architecture of their
By examining a range of different postmodern dances through the
lenses of various post-structuralist theories, focusing on relationships
between dancing bodies and space, it has been possible to show how
the dances can challenge entrenched ways of viewing space and sub-
jectivity. Possibilities for rethinking subjectivity ‘against the grain’ have
become evident. Throughout, space has been seen to play a key role in
the construction of subjectivity. In this sense, the spatialization of sub-
jectivity has been a focus. Perhaps this focus might not have become
evident in quite the same way if dance had not been central. Examin-
ing dances, which inevitably involve interactions of actual bodies
and spaces, has made fathoming the conceptual complexities involved
in rethought notions of space and subjectivity, in some senses, more
immediate. The interconnectivity, which has been seen to characterize
spatialities of subjectivities, has, on another level, been key to this
enterprise. The reciprocal interconnectivity involved in thinking dance
through various theories, and thinking theories through various dances,
has hopefully facilitated a better understanding of the subject matter
of this book – the complex interrelations between dance, space and
208 Appendix
Rosas Danst Rosas (1997) film by Thierry de Mey, choreography Anne Teresa De
Keersmaeker, performers: Rosas Dance Company. Distributed by Total Film
Home Entertainment, Dick Lam, PO Box 37743.
Virginia Minx at Play (1993) choreographed and performed by Emilyn Claid.
Available for viewing only from Laban library, Laban, Creekside, London SE8
3DZ. Tel: +44 (0)20 8691 8600 INFO@LABAN.ORG
1 Introduction
1. With the exception of Carnets de Traversée, Quais Ouest, La Deroute and Land-
Jäger discussed in Chapter 2, I see all the dances discussed in this book as
‘postmodern’ in the sense that they recognize the postmodern ‘crisis in sub-
jectivity’ and present subjects as multiple, embodying differences, frag-
mented, fluid and open to change. The dances between them also exhibit
various other features deemed postmodern such as parody, intertextuality,
self-reflexivity, merging of ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture and so on.
210 Notes
Jeyasingh (see Chapter 6) and Dark Hours and Finer Moments (1994) chor.: Gabi
Agis. For discussion of Freefall, The Lament of the Empress, Circumnavigation,
Topic II, and Dark Hours and Finer Moments see Briginshaw (1997).
2. Street Dance was performed again in 1965 at Robert Rauschenberg’s studio and
the transcript of the accompanying tape was included in ‘Lucinda Childs: A
Portfolio’ in Artforum 11 February 1973 and reprinted in Banes, 1980: 146–7.
The transcript gives precise details of signs, lettering and contents of window
displays that the dancers referred to in their performance.
3. As McDonagh’s interpretation of Blueprint indicates (1990: 115).
4. Space traditionally tends to be feminized deriving from Plato’s notions of the
female chora. In Plato’s view space is conceptualized as ‘a bounded entity’ ‘a
sort of container’ associated with the female body particularly with that of
the mother (Best, 1995: 182). He argues ‘it [the receptacle/space] . . . is a kind
of . . . plastic material on which changing impressions are stamped by the
things which enter it making it appear different at different times . . . we may
use the metaphor of birth and compare the receptacle to the mother’ (quoted
in Best, 1995, p.184).
4 Coastal constructions
1. Gisbourne’s comment forms part of his discussion of the British visual artist
Marc Quinn’s mercury-like blown glass sculptures Morphologies (1996–98),
which have been described as mutations. There are certain parallels with the
mutating couples in Out on the Windy Beach.
2. Anderson also plays with mutations in her Yippeee!!! (2006) which we discuss
in some detail in Briginshaw and Burt (2009).
said that if she were making Duets with Automobiles today she would change
the costume and make-up; removing the bhindis from the dancers’ foreheads.
The costume she would make less silky and in a less bright colour. She stated
that it would be enough for her that the dancers looked Indian through their
skin colour (Jeyasingh, 1997a).
2. In interview, Jeyasingh wanted to emphasize the important role played by
Braun, the director and filmmaker, in the creation of Duets with Automobiles,
which she considered was a true collaboration. She stated: ‘Terry gave me
the room to make . . . what I wanted, he also wanted the same thing’
(Jeyasingh, 1997a). The film was made totally in situ and in dialogue with
the camera and Jeyasingh was present in the editing room throughout. To
indicate this collaboration, Braun and Jeyasingh share the same frame in the
title credits.
3. Terry Braun is the filmmaker for both Step in Time Girls and Duets with
Automobiles and certain similarities in style are apparent.
8 Fleshy corporealities
1. Lea Anderson trained at St Martins School of Art and Yolande Snaith at
Wimbledon School of Art.
2. The duet is variously titled You can see us and You can see me. There is some
video footage of rehearsals for this with Bill T. Jones.
3. Blind Faith had two casts due to Snaith’s pregnancy during the latter half of
1998. The first performance with the first cast was at the Nuffield Theatre,
Lancaster on 3 February 1998. After the first tour, the piece was rehearsed
with a second cast. Henrietta Hale took Snaith’s part and Ruth Spencer took
Clayden’s role, and a duet between Snaith and Clayden was transferred to
Hale and Russell Trigg. The rest of the cast remained the same and the dance
was substantially the same. The second cast gave its first performance in
Germany on 12 October 1998.
4. Here ‘mapping’ is used in the Deleuzian sense – see Chapter 2 note 5, and
not in the sense in which it is referred to in Chapter 2.
5. The term ‘jouissance’ has no equivalent in English, the nearest translation is
the bliss of sexual orgasm. Kristeva’s use of the term refers to a specifically
feminine form of excess (see Wright, 1992: 185–8).
6. Chora derives from Plato and is a general term for ‘place’, ‘site’ or ‘receptacle’,
associated with the maternal functions of femininity. For Kristeva, it is ‘the
site of undifferentiated bodily space’ for ‘the production of the . . . womb and
matter’ that mother and child share (Grosz in Wright, 1992: 195).
212 Notes
9 ‘Carnivalesque’ subversions
1. Except the binary opposition of carnival/normal social life on which these
oppositions depend.
2. Sprechgesang – a theatrical cabaret genre of spoken song often found in Kurt
Weill/Bertold Brecht musical theatre and music hall, for example.
3. Although there are examples of the blurring of high and low culture before
postmodernism, the context is different. Postmodern works deliberately blur
these categories in order to emphasize their refusal to operate traditional
moral–aesthetic valuations (Wheale, 1995: 35).
4. Bakhtin uses the word ‘gay’ throughout his text to refer to the joyfulness of
festivals and carnivals, and to the ‘fullness’, ‘mirth’ or ‘immorality’ of much
festival, marketplace and carnival behaviour. Bakhtin is not using ‘gay’ to
mean homosexual – that use has come about more recently, initially as a slang
term or euphemism, and then reclaimed as a positive descriptor. Bakhtin’s use
of ‘gay’ meaning fullness or overindulgence, often related to sexual promis-
cuity, is a telling reminder of the word’s origins. It also demonstrates the open-
ness of language that Bakhtin theorizes.
5. See note 4.
214 Bibliography
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224 Index
geometric 207
formations,188 hybrid, 60, 62, 64, 102, 139, 149
grids, 185, 204 existence, 100
seeing, 157, 192 identities, 110
structure, 192 see also bodies, hybrid; spaces,
Gert, Valeska, 164, 176 hybrid
Gilpin, Heidi, 190, 199, 200, 201, hybridity, 15, 17–18, 20, 22, 69, 98,
202, 204 99, 101, 102, 106, 107, 109, 111
Gilroy, Paul, 15, 16, 112, 114, 118, see also spaces, of hybridity
122, 131 hybridization, 16
Gottschild, Brenda Dixon, 116
Gough, Orlando, 99, 107 identity, 3, 7, 15, 16, 22–3, 29, 87,
Goulthorpe, Mark, 186, 203 101, 104, 106, 112, 113, 114,
Gross, Elizabeth, 149, 150, 153 124, 134, 149, 157, 161
see also Grosz, Elizabeth ambiguisation of, 160
Grosz, Elizabeth, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, as process, 120–2
18, 19, 20, 46, 51, 52, 53, 57, 77, construction of, 117–23
78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90, enunciations of, 120
91, 92, 95, 119, 153, 154, 155, fixed, 10
160, 211 fluid, 111, 122, 141, 150, 153
grotesque, the, 17, 18, 23, 162, formation, 112, 113
164–5, 167, 170–1, 172, 173, 175, fragmentary, 118–9, 122
177, 178 lesbian, 77
body, 162–3, 165–6, 167, 170, transitory, 88
174–5, 176, 178, 181–2 If You Couldn’t See Me (Brown 1994),
movements, 166 23, 139, 140, 143, 144, 146, 148,
realism, 17, 163, 172, 179 149, 150, 152, 153, 156–8, 161
style, 168, 179 imaginary homeland, 98, 105–6
Grotesque Dancer (Aggiss 1987 revived Imaginary Homelands (Rushdie 1991),
1998), 23, 162, 164–5, 166, 167, 98
168, 169, 171, 174, 176, 177, imagined spaces, 107
179, 207 improvization, 116, 199, 202
Guattari, Felix, 77, 86, 89, 91, 155, in-between bodily fluids, 153
186 in-between spaces, 4, 14–17, 18, 22,
46, 60, 77, 87, 94–5, 97, 101,
Haraway, Donna, 16, 40–1, 42, 60, 102, 110, 111, 112, 113, 134,
64, 66, 67, 69–73, 74 161, 184, 202, 205
Harris, Rennie, 116–17 in-between, the, 154
Holbein, Hans, 154 in-betweenness, 113
Holliday, Billie, 16 inscription, bodily, 20, 51, 54, 57, 64,
home, 50, 52, 58, 98–9, 103, 104, 82, 98, 107, 127, 130
105–6, 107, 108, 110, 111, 119 inscriptive processes, 121
homely places, 105 inside/outside, 3, 9, 10, 17–20, 36,
Homeward Bound (Spanton 1997), 78, 44, 45–6, 50, 54, 89, 91, 92, 107,
81–2, 84–5, 86–7, 95, 207 110, 133, 134, 139, 143, 147–8,
hooks, bell, 113 149, 153, 154, 158, 161, 167,
horizon, 28, 38, 66 173, 181, 189
House, The, 115 bodies, 21, 23, 205
Huilmand, Roxanne, 43, 49, 51–4, 57, bodily borders, 183
Index 229
reinscription, 53–4, 56, 57, 106, 109 Soja, Edward, 125, 132
Rembrandt, 139, 150, 151 Solo (Forsythe 1985), 186, 194–5,
see also ‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. 199–200, 203
Tulp’ space, 1–6, 8–11, 12–13, 28, 30–1,
Renaissance, The, 22, 23, 139, 143, 35–8, 45, 56, 101, 113, 125, 183,
146, 154, 159, 163, 180, 189, 198 184, 194, 205, 210
representation, 6, 7, 87, 102, 184 ambivalent, 15, 21, 163
Requel, The, (Jonzi, D 1997), 115 architectural, 23, 185, 204
Reservaat, (Van Gool 1988), 78, 81, as a bounded entity, 210
82, 83, 85–6, 88, 91, 94–5, 207, as constructed/construction of, 4,
210 12, 13, 16, 27, 35, 47, 50–1, 53,
resistance, 111, 113–14, 124, 126, 59, 64, 67, 68, 78, 107
129, 131, 134 decentered and fragmented, 191
Resto, Guillermo, 176 heterogeneous, 190
rhizomatic experimentation, 186, 191 homogeneous, 190
Roof Piece (Brown 1971), 48 liminal, 60, 113, 134
Rosas Dance Company, 49, 188, 208 limits of, 3, 60, 66, 67
Rosas Danst Rosas (De Keersmaeker nostalgic, 36–7
1983 film version 1997), 23, 45, of bodies, 81
183, 184, 191, 193, 194, 195, organization of, 184
197, 203, 205, 208 private/public, 94–5, 101
Rose, Gillian, 5, 27, 30–1, 35, 38, 65 private, 10, 15, 19, 46, 50, 52
Rosen, Bob, 115, 211 public, 10, 15, 19, 31, 46, 48, 50,
Roy, Sanjoy, 102 52, 61, 88, 95
Rushdie, Salman, 98 static, 202
transparent, 30, 31, 35–6, 39, 41,
Said, Edward, 133 42
sameness, 117, 150, 151, 156–7, 170 urban, 55–6
Savigliano, Marta, 82 spaces, 122
Schneider, Stefan, 34, 207 animated, 94
scopic regime, 198 between borders and boundaries,
self/other binary, 10–11, 13, 14, 22, 104
31, 78, 94, 95, 96, 117, 142, 143, between dancers, 3–4, 7, 82, 88–89,
150, 154, 167, 169, 173 95, 110
self-subjectification, 125 between dancers and architecture,
separation from the world, 157, 184, 109
192–5, 199 between parts of bodies, 82, 84
sexuality, 3, 7, 19, 23, 59, 77, 81, 93, blurred, 64
166, 169–71, 181, 209, 210 coastal, 59–76
Singh-Barmi, Kuldip, 165, 166, 173, hybrid, 14, 98, 101
174–5, 179 interior and exterior, 94
Smit, Pépé, 81, 208 of ambiguity, 14, 17, 20
Smith, Sue, 165 of becoming, 14, 202
Smithereens, The (Anderson 1999), 62 of consumption, 71
Snaith, Yolande, 23, 43, 49, 57, 139, outdoor, 6–7, 27, 34, 47, 59
140, 145–6, 150, 157, 160, 207, positive, 202
211 see also city spaces; urban spaces
Snapshots from the City (Oldenburg, Spanton, Sarah, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86,
1959), 44 87, 88, 90, 93, 207
Index 233