Sustainable Ship Designs (Antony Prince)
Sustainable Ship Designs (Antony Prince)
Sustainable Ship Designs (Antony Prince)
This paper contains a brief discussion on the factors that necessitate sustainable ship designs, the measures in place
to ensure sustainability of designs, a designer’s approach towards such designs, and the need for consideration of
recycling during ship design.
Sulphur Limit Control - Exhaust Gas Scrubbers: - Optimizing the fuel consumption
- Detailed space distribution and load optimisation
Sulphur limits can be achieved by purer distillate fuels like - Structural optimisation
MGO (Marine Gas Oil). However, these are twice as expensive - Advanced structural and vibration analyses
as conventional bunker fuels. - Selection of makers for various equipments
- Designing of electrical and piping systems
An exhaust gas cleaning system approved by or on behalf of the - Designing of machinery and structural arrangement
national maritime administration in accordance with guidelines considering operation and maintenance
developed by MEPC 184(59) reducing the total emission of
sulphur dioxide from vessels including auxiliary and main The decisions made at this stage have large impact on the
propulsion engines is considered as a practical alternative to vessels sustainability and operational efficiency.
meet this requirements. The exhaust gas scrubber systems in
market can reduce the Particulate matter - mainly soot - by up to One of the major aspects at this stage – the optimization of fuel
80% and SOX emissions by up to 98 %. consumption is briefly discussed under this section.
NOX Limit Control - Exhaust Gas Recirculation & Selective 5.2.1 Optimization of hull form and propeller
Catalytic Reactors Systems:
In exhaust gas re-circulation system, as the name suggests, some Advanced calculation tools like CFD and increased
amount of engine exhaust gases are send back to the scavenge computational power have given the designer large flexibility
space to mix up with the air to be supplied to cylinder for within the defined boundaries for permutations and
combustion. This reduces the oxygen content of the air and combinations of various hull forms and propellers. MARIN’s
hence reduces formation of NOX CFD tools like PARNASSOS_EXPLORER can evaluate
hundreds of hull form variations in one day which would have
The Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is the most efficient taken months couple of years before.
method to reduce NOX emissions from ships (up to 90-95% of
reduction). In this method, the exhaust gas is mixed by water Increasing the propeller diameter to the maximum possible
solution of urea and then it is passed through catalytic reactor. within the vessel design limits can reduce the thrust loading of
propellers which can improve the propulsive efficiency. In
The major main engine manufacturers are working on addition, the new CFD tools can predict the stern flow quite
improving the emissions from the engines to meet these accurately which allows the designer to extract the maximum
requirements in more cost effective ways. thrust from the propellers by adapting them in the best possible
way to the wake of the vessel.
5.1.4 Ballast Water Management Systems 5.2.2 Usage of Energy Saving Devices
Many treatment systems are now available in the market. There are numerous energy saving devices/methodologies
- Physical Treatments which can be adopted forward, at, and aft of propeller disc.
- Cavitation and Ultrasound Systems These include pre-swirl stators, Mewis duct, Wake equalizing
- Thermal Systems ducts, Contra-rotating propellers, tip loaded propellers, boss cap
- Inert Gas De-oxygenation Systems fins, rudder bulb, twisted rudder etc.
- Ultraviolet Irradiation (UV) Systems
- Chemical treatment plants are also available. A correct combination of these energy saving devices is to be
established by suitable use of CFD and model testing