Battery Service Manual

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The document discusses battery maintenance, safety procedures, inspection, testing, repair and record keeping.

Proper safety equipment should be worn, batteries should be handled carefully and charging areas should be well ventilated due to toxic fumes. Acid spills should be cleaned promptly.

Batteries should be visually inspected for cracks, leaks or corrosion. Measure the specific gravity and voltage to check state of charge. Capacity and electrode tests can further diagnose battery health.

Service Manual


WABASH, IN 46992

PHONE (219) 563-0551 (800) 443-3492 FAX: (219) 563-8245

Table of Contents Periodic Battery and Charger Inspection
The Purpose and Frequency of Inspections ........ 20
Description and Theory How to Inspect a Battery ...................................... 20
How a Battery is Constructed .................................1 Troubleshooting and Testing
How a Battery Works ............................................. 2 Some Diagnostic Hints .........................................22
How a Battery is Rated ...........................................3 Capacity Testing .................................................. 22
Safety Cadmium Electrode Testing ................................. 23
Handling and Changing Batteries ........................... 4 Troubleshooting Chart .................................... 24, 25
Charging Batteries ................................................. 5 Battery Repairs
Handling Acid ........................................................ 7 Repair vs. Replacement ....................................... 26
Repairing Batteries ................................................8 Disassembly and Reassembly Instructions ........... 26
Installation Acid Replacement and Adjustment of
Receiving a Battery ................................................9 Specific Gravity ............................................... 29
Placing a Wet Battery in Service ........................... 9 Accessories and Testing Equipment ...... Rear Cover
Routine Maintenance
Instruments for Inspecting Batteries .....................10
Battery Charging.................................................. 11
Types of Charging ............................................... 11
The Charging Process .........................................12
Treatment of Sulfated Batteries ............................ 14
Adding Water ...................................................... 15
Cleaning .............................................................. 16
Some DOs and DON’Ts for Effective
Battery Maintenance ............................................ 17
Battery Records
The Purpose of Record Keeping ..........................18
Types and Forms and Their Use ..........................18 Published 1993

Introduction Caution
The experienced battery maintenance and repair man
Batteries have been so much a part of our life style for
is aware of the dangers involved with the handling of
so long that many people tend to take them for granted.
lead-acid industrial batteries, and with the acid and
They expect batteries to perform reliably and trouble-
gases which are ever present with such batteries. As a
free with little or no attention. In plant environments,
reminder to this battery specialist and particularly to
where many materials must be moved, this lack of
plant personnel who may not fully understand these
proper attention can result in reduced battery life,
dangers, Bulldog Battery labels each battery they ship
inefficient materials handling, damage to lift truck
with the following warning label:
equipment, and a poor return on capital investment.
Because they play such a vital role in materials
handling in virtually every segment of industry, DANGER DANGER
batteries should receive a great deal of attention in any DO NOT smoke or use an SULFURIC ACID, which is
plant program of care and maintenance. open flame. corrosive and may cause
DO NOT create arcs or burns, has been diluted with
Ideally, batteries should be handled by trained and sparks, and water to form the liquid in this
skilled personnel—not only because of the financial DO NOT use other sources of battery. Keep it away from
ignition near this battery. the eyes, skin and clothing.
investment involved, but also because of the inherent HYDROGEN GAS, which In case of contact, flush
dangers involved with battery handling and may explode if ignited, is immediately with water.
maintenance. The purpose of this manual is to help the produced by this battery, Always obtain medical
men responsible for this care and maintenance to get especially when on charge. attention when the eyes are
Good ventilation will reduce affected.
the most efficient service from their batteries, and work the explosion hazard.
with procedures that provide the safest possible
environment. The design of charging rooms vary Additional precautions and safety measures to be
widely depending on space limitations. Contact your observed by those handling batteries are covered in
local Bulldog Battery representative or write Bulldog the section entitled “Safety.” Before handling or
Battery for recommendations based on your specific repairing batteries we strongly recommend this section
needs. be read.
Description and Theory
How a Battery is
A lead-acid motive power battery is a
portable power source for supplying direct
current (DC) electricity to electric vehicles.
It consists of 6 or more cells connected in
series and assembled into a metal or
fiberglass tray. This type of battery comes
in a wide variety of shapes, voltages, and
ampere hour capacities.
Each cell of a battery contains a group of
positive and negative plates, interleaved so
that positives and negatives alternate. The
negative plates outnumber the positives by
one. The positive plate consists of the
active material, lead peroxide, held within
the positive grid structure. In the Bulldog
Industrial Battery, the active material is
held firmly against the grid framework with
a retention system consisting of glass mat,
a fiberglass mat and a sleeve separator.
The negative active material is held by the
thinner negative grid. No retention system
is used because there is only slight
shedding of the active material throughout
its normal service life.
The plates are insulated from each other
by the sleeve separator. All the positive
plates are connected to the positive strap
and the negative plates to the negative
strap. The positive and negative plates and
separators are submerged in a solution of
sulfuric acid and water, called electrolyte,
and are held in an acid-proof container
called a jar.
Each cell has a nominal voltage of 2 volts.
Thus, a 6-cell battery is called a 12-volt
battery, and an 18-cell battery a 36-volt
battery, etc. Increasing or decreasing the
number of plates or the size of the cell has
no effect on its voltage. It does, however,
affect its capacity.

Description and Theory

How a Battery Works

A battery releases power by the reaction of the sponge lead (Pb); and the electrolyte, which has a
electrolyte with the positive and negative plates specific gravity of about 1.280, is a solution of sulfuric
(electrodes). A fully charged battery reflects the acid (H2SO4) and water. The open circuit voltage is
following internal condition: the positive active material approximately 2.12 volts per cell.
is lead peroxide (PbO2); the negative active material is

The chemical reactions of charging and discharging batteries are reversible.

The Discharging Battery As the battery discharges, the electrolyte approaches

When a battery is placed in use (connected to an the specific gravity of water (1.000) with a simulta-
electrical load), the stored chemical energy is released neous decrease in voltage. The specific gravity of a
in the form of DC electrical energy. During the pro- discharged battery reads between 1.100 to 1.160,
cess, the internal components of the battery cells depending on the type of battery, and the open circuit
undergo a chemical change. The sulfuric acid (H2SO4) voltage reads from 1.98 to 2.01. The exact figures can
combines with the lead peroxide (PbO2) of the positive be determined from manufacturer’s specifications. The
plates, and the sponge lead (Pb) of the negative plates graph on page 15 shows the final discharged specific
and transforms them to lead sulfate (PbSO4). The gravities of various types of Bulldog Batteries.
reversible reaction is shown as follows:
The Charging Battery
The chemical energy in the battery is restored by
Pbo2 + Pb + 2H2So4 discharge 2PbSO4 + 2H2O
charging the battery, thereby reversing the discharge
lead + sponge - sulfuric charge lead + water reaction. During the charge and especially toward the
peroxide lead acid sulfate end of it, hydrogen and oxygen gas are produced by
the electrolysis of water. Chemically, the reaction is:
2H2O 2H2 + O2
water electricity hydrogen + oxygen

Description and Theory

How a Battery is Rated Ampere Hour Rating = current (in amperes) X time
(in hours)
The vehicle configuration, application and type of work Examples:
to be performed by the vehicle usually determine the 300 amperes for 1 hour = 300 ampere hours
battery voltage and ampere hour capacity selected. A (at one-hour rate)
battery is rated by its capacity to deliver or discharge 100 amperes for 6 hours = 600 ampere hours
electrical energy over a period of time, and the (at 6-hour rate)
capacity is expressed in ampere hours. For example, a
battery rated at 300 ampere hours at a 6-hour rate Kilowatt Hour (KWH)
means that it can deliver 50 amperes continuously for Watt Hour Rating = current (in amperes) X time
6 hours before it reaches a discharged condition. The (in hours) X average voltage
6-hour rate is the time standard used by the battery = ampere hours X average voltage,
industry when measuring battery capacity. A variety of as designated by the battery
factors that include the plate size, the number of plates manufacturer.
in a cell, the specific gravity of the electrolyte and the
Kilowatt Hour Rating = watt hour rating ÷ 1000
discharge rate, all help to determine the ampere hour
= ampere hours X average
voltage ÷ 1000
Another measure of battery capacity takes both the Example:
ampere hours and voltage into consideration. This What is the KWH rating of an 18 cell, 600 ampere
measure of capacity is called watt hours or kilowatt hour battery with an average discharge voltage of
hours (watt hours ÷ 1000). Kilowatt hour (KWH) 34.95 volts?
capacity indicates the power a battery can deliver
KWH Rating = 600 ampere hours X 34.95 volts ÷ 1000
under certain conditions. This relationship is explained
= 20.97 KWH
by the definitions of battery capacity terms and the
explanation of battery capacity testing. Standard Test Conditions
Ampere Hour (AH) Time—6 hours
Final Battery Voltage—1.70 volts per cell X number of
cells in the battery
Temperature—77°F (average)
Capacity Discharge Test
A capacity discharge test determines if a specific
BULLDOG battery delivers its rated capacity. “Capacity Testing”
TM is explained on page 22.
Ampere Hours per Positive Plate
BATTERIES This term is defined as the rating of a specific size or
type of positive plate expressed in ampere hours at the
& 6-hour rate. There is one more negative plate than
positive plates in a cell. Therefore to calculate the
CHARGERS ampere hours per positive plate in a specific type of
battery, first subtract one from the total number of
plates in the cell and then divide by two.
Determine the ampere hours per positive plate in a
type 18-85B-17 battery which is rated at 680 ampere
hours. The “17” indicates there are seventeen plates
per cell.
17 - 1 = 16
16 ÷ 2 = 8 positive plates per cell
680 ampere hours ÷ 8 positive plates = 85 ampere
hours per positive plate

A lead-acid motive power battery can be an extremely The Safety Procedures
useful, safe source of electrical power. On the other In 1970, Congress passed the Occupational Safety
hand, if improperly used, it can be an extremely and Health Act (OSHA). The act established the
dangerous piece of equipment. The difference minimal acceptable standards for safe and healthful
between the two conditions is determined by the care working conditions. The act not only pinpoints the
and safety procedures exercised in handling batteries. responsibility of employer and employee, but also
Before considering the safety procedures, first establishes the penalties for disregarding the
consider the hazards inherent to a lead-acid battery. standards. It would be well to remember that OSHA
The Hazards standards are minimum requirements. The safety
procedures suggested in this manual have been
A lead-acid battery, by its very construction, exposes
compiled from standards developed over the years by
working personnel to four potentially dangerous
professional and technical organizations and by
elements: sulfuric acid, explosive gases, electricity and
battery manufacturers and users who have had the
heavy weight.
experience necessary to create the most effective
A sulfuric acid solution is used as the electrolyte in safety standards. They exceed the minimum standards
lead-acid storage batteries, and has a concentration of of OSHA for personnel safety, and include procedures
approximately 37% by weight of sulfuric acid in water. for safeguarding equipment as well.
Even in this diluted state, sulfuric acid is a strong
For the purposes of making the information easier to
oxidizing agent and can burn the skin and eyes; and
find, the safety procedures have been grouped
“eat” holes in clothes made of many common materials
according to where they would logically be needed
such as cotton and rayon.
while working with batteries or charging equipment.
An explosive mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is The groups are identified as (1) Handling and
produced in a lead-acid storage battery during the Changing Batteries, (2) Charging Batteries, (3)
charging process. The two gases can combine Handling Acid, and (4) Repairing Batteries.
explosively if a spark or flame ignite them. Because
hydrogen is so light, it normally floats away and
The information presented is of a general nature. It
disperses into the air before it can collect into an
explosive mixture. However, if it accumulates into gas
pockets, it will explode when ignited.
Electricity is produced by the battery on discharge, Handling and
and while most persons cannot “feel” voltages through
their bodies below 35 or 40 volts, all motive power
Changing Batteries
batteries should be regarded as potentially dangerous.
A lead-acid battery is capable of discharging at Wearing Jewelry
extremely high rates, and under conditions of direct Personnel who work around batteries should not wear
shorting can cause much damage and serious injury. jewelry made of conductive material. Metal items can
The weight of these heavy batteries can crush hands short circuit a battery, and in the process become hot
and feet if care is not taken when changing and enough to cause a severe burn.
handling them. Adequate and proper handling
Removing Batteries
equipment should be provided. The average lift truck
battery weighs over 2000 pounds. If a battery is to be removed from a truck, (1) open the
electrical circuit of the truck (turn key or switch off),
(2) set the brakes or chock the wheels, and (3) unplug
the battery. The same procedure applies if the battery
is to be charged in the truck. Never try to move a
battery by pulling its cables.
Batteries should be changed or charged only by
personnel who are trained and authorized to perform
these jobs.


can damage the steel tray.

Protected Chain Hoists
For handling batteries, chain hoists should be Battery as a Counterbalance
equipped with a chain container or bucket to prevent a In most industrial trucks, a battery is used as a
dangling chain from shorting the battery. If a container counterbalance for a carried load. Before installing a
or bucket is not available, the battery may be covered new or different battery, check the manufacturer of the
with a non-conducting material such as plywood or truck for the recommended range of battery weight.
plastic. An insulated battery lifting beam can be used The battery service weight is usually stamped into the
with any type of overhead hoist. A description of the battery top lead on the same intercell connector with
adjustable, insulated battery lifting beam appears on the battery serial number. A battery with the wrong
weight can change the center of gravity of the truck
and cause it to upset.

Charging Batteries
Charging Rooms
Plants that change batteries at the end of each shift
should have one or more centralized areas designated
for battery charging. These battery charging areas
should be equipped with overhead hoists, conveyors,
and cranes or their equivalents for handling batteries
safely and conveniently.
Battery charging areas should be adequately
ventilated, either through natural or forced ventilation.
“Adequate ventilation” is difficult to define as it is
dependent on a variety of factors such as: number and
size of batteries being charged at one time, room size,
ceiling height, air-tightness of the building, etc.
No Smoking, No Open Flame
The safe way to lift a battery uses an insulated lifting Because an explosive mixture of gas can exist in and
beam. It reduces the possibility of damaging the tray around charging batteries, anything that could ignite
and shorting the cell connectors. the gas, such as open flame, an arc, spark, or
smoking should be prohibited in battery charging It is
the back cover. recommended that “No Smoking” sign be posted
Protective Eyeglasses and Headgear prominently in charging areas.
The use of safety glasses and safety hats made of a Insulated Battery Charging Racks
non-conducting material is suggested when batteries When batteries are charged in racks, the racks should
are being handled or serviced. be insulated to prevent the possibility of sparking. The
Lifting Batteries supports on which a battery rests should be made of
non-conductive materials or be suitably insulated.
Steel trayed batteries have holes or eyes for lifting.
The eyes used in conjunction with an insulated battery Charger Connections
lifting beam and an overhead hoist is the Before connecting a battery to, or disconnecting it
recommended way to lift a battery. If a battery is lifted from a charger, the charger should be turned off. Live
with two chains attached to a hoist at a single, central leads can cause sparking and arcing, plus undesirable
point forming a triangle, the procedure is unsafe and pitting of the contact surfaces of plugs or connectors.
Firefighting Equipment
In addition to automatic sprinkler equipment that might
be present, charging areas should be equipped with
suitable hand-operated fire extinguishers. Consult local
fire authorities or your insuring carrier for the class

and size needed, and recommended locations for

mounting them. To determine exactly how much hydrogen is released
by a battery at any moment of the charge is rather
difficult, as each case will be different. However, the
Ventilation total amount released may be approximated by the
The ventilating system in a charging room should following method. It is based on the concept that a
conform to local codes and ordinances. If the average completely discharged 100 AH battery requires 100
hydrogen concentration throughout the charging room AH of charge to bring it to full charge, plus overcharge
does not exceed 1.5 percent by volume, or exceed 2 needed to make up for inefficiencies of charging such
percent by volume in any one location, the ventilation as heating and gassing. The calculation assumes all
is considered to be satisfactory. (Concentrations the overcharge is used to produce gas.
between 4% and 74% are explosive.) A variety of
K equals the number of cells in the battery.
instruments such as combustible gas indicators and
flammable vapor indicators are commercially available W equals percentage overcharge assumed to be
for continuous and automatic analysis of hydrogen given to the battery. Assume this is 20%
concentrations in the air. Contact Bulldog Battery if unless the actual percentage is known.
more information on these indicators is desired. This is the percent of the charge which is
“wasted” in creating heat and gas.
When charging an enclosed or covered battery,
Further, assume it is all used to create
whether it remains in the truck or is placed on the
rack, always keep the battery tray cover and the truck
compartment cover open throughout the entire B equals the volume of hydrogen produced by one
charging period. Opening the covers will help cool the ampere hour of charge. Use 0.01474 to
battery and disperse the gases. get cubic feet. Use 0.418 to get liters.

Battery Gassing C equals rated 6-hour capacity of the battery in

ampere hours. This is also the number of
The gases given off by a lead-acid storage battery on ampere hours a fully discharged battery
charge are due to the electrolytic breakdown must accept to be fully charged.
(electrolysis) of water in the electrolyte to produce
hydrogen and oxygen. Gaseous hydrogen is produced H equals the volume of hydrogen produced during
at the negative plate, while oxygen is produced at the the charge.
positive. Hydrogen is the gas which creates the (H) equals (K) times W/100 times (B) times (C)
problem. It will burn explosively when ignited if the air H = KWBC/100
contains between 4 percent and 74 percent of it (less
than 4% or more than 74% hydrogen will not explode). For example:
Hydrogen, which is the lightest known gas, is fourteen How many cubic feet of hydrogen are released while
times lighter than air, and rises and disperses very charging an 18-75B-15 (18 cell) battery (525 AH
rapidly. capacity) if it receives 20% overcharge?
Normally, insignificant quantities of gases are released H = KWBC/100
by a battery during the first part of the charge, as most H = (18) (20) (0.01474) (525)/100
of the charging current is used in charging the battery.
Only during the last stages of the charge does the H = 27.9 cubic feet of hydrogen
process become inefficient, so that an increasing Assume this gas is released during the last four hours
portion of the current is used up by the creation of of an 8-hour charge; then calculating a rough rate of
heat and gases. hydrogen release is possible.
If, instead of being used to charge the battery, an Example
ampere-hour of charge is used completely to produce 27.9/4 equals approximately 7 cubic feet per hour.
gas, it will create 0.01474 cubic feet, or 0.418 liters, of
hydrogen per cell at standard temperature and
pressure. Stated another way, 68 ampere hours of
charge, used completely to produce gas, will create
approximately one cubic foot of hydrogen per cell.

Handling Acid
Eye-wash and Emergency Shower Facilities
The kinds of equipment available for eye-wash and Acid Splash in the Eyes
acid neutralization vary widely as to capability and
cost. Regardless of the equipment selected, it should Acid splashing into the eyes is the most dangerous
be located in the immediate work area. The three most condition possible while handling higher specific
popular types of equipment are described below. gravity acid or electrolyte. If it happens, the eyes
should immediately be flooded gently with running
· Chemical Burn Station—This is the lowest cost type water for at least 15 minutes, followed as quickly as
of safety equipment. It consists of a plastic squeeze possible with an examination by a physician. Special
bottle containing a buffering solution for the relief of care should be taken to check for persons wearing
acid burns on skin, clothing or in the eyes. The bottle contact lenses. The lenses should be removed if acid
usually holds about a quart of solution. It is held in a gets into the eyes, then the eyes thoroughly rinsed with
brightly-colored, molded receptacle about 1 1/2 feet water.
square that can be mounted on the walls of the
battery charging areas or battery repair shops. Its WARNING: Do not place a buffering or neutralizing
use is practical in smaller battery charging areas and agent in the eyes without the expressed approval of
at battery repair shops where acid with a specific your Safety Department.
gravity of 1.400 or higher is not handled. Before Acid Splash on Skin
installing chemical burn station equipment, check to Acid or electrolyte spilled or splashed on the skin
see if it is acceptable to your company Safety and should be washed off under running water. If a burn
Medical Departments. develops, it should be reported to a supervisor and
· Eye-wash Fountain—A water fountain-type of device treated medically.
with two openings that facilitate washing both eyes at
Acid Splash on Clothing
once. This type of safety equipment is useful when
1.400 specific gravity acid is regularly used for When acid is splashed on clothing, use a weak
gravity adjustment, etc. solution of bicarbonate of soda to neutralize the acid.
When clothes are soaked or splashed over large
· Deluge Shower—This is a shower-type of device areas, they may be removed, the acid neutralized with
with a handle or foot treadle for turning it on full force. bicarbonate of soda, and/or rinsed in running water
When high specific gravity sulfuric acid (above until free of acid. The sooner the clothing is rinsed, the
1.400) is handled regularly, it is recommended that a less chance of damage to the material.
deluge shower and an eye-wash station be installed.
Care should be taken not to spill acid into acid-
Vent Caps Stay In resistant boots. Boots should be checked prior to each
Keep the vent caps in the cells at all times, except wearing to make sure that they are dry and that no
when removal is necessary to service or repair the acid or chemical has been left inside.
cells. This precaution reduces the probability of
Protective Clothing
electrolyte splash, and prevents foreign matter from
entering and damaging the cells. Normal work clothing can be worn in battery charging
and battery repair areas for routine battery work. Acid
resistant clothing is not as susceptible to acid damage
as garments made of cotton, rayon or similar
materials. If sulfuric acid with specific gravity higher
than 1.400 is handled during gravity adjustment, etc.,
the following protective clothing and equipment can be
·acid resistant gloves
·acid resistant arm gauntlets
·acid resistant apron
·acid resistant boots
·plastic face shield

Pouring Acid strong chemical that requires special equipment and

A carboy tilter or safety siphon shall be used when care in handling. When properly used it is an effective
acid is removed from a carboy container. A venting neutralizing agent. Since no carbon dioxide bubbles
device in a carboy will provide uninterrupted flow and are released to indicate when neutralization is
prevent splashing. Never move a carboy of acid complete, pH (acidity) control equipment is
without its protective box. Store acid carboys in a cool recommended. The use of caustic soda is usually
place, and keep them out of the direct rays of the sun. restricted to large installations with automatic
neutralizing equipment.
Mixing Electrolyte
NOTE: All of these neutralizing chemicals can be
Always add acid to water. Never pour water into strong
purchased from chemical supply firms.
acid. When mixing electrolyte, add the sulfuric acid to
the water slowly, while stirring the mixture. Stirring
prevents the acid from settling to the bottom. The
mixing container should be heat and acid-resistant. Repairing Batteries
Using sulfuric acid above 1.400 specific gravity is
Disconnect the Battery
seldom required and is not recommended.
Concentrated acid is extremely dangerous. When it A battery should not be handled or repaired while on
must be used, special precautions must be followed charge or discharge. Disconnect the battery from the
and supervisory personnel should oversee the truck or charger first.
Storing Acids and Electrolyte Remove the Gas Before Working
Battery electrolyte and sulfuric acid solutions should be Before working on a battery, remove all of the vent
stored only in covered containers made of chemically caps and flush each cell with a gentle stream of air by
inert material such as lead, glass or acid-resistant fanning each vent opening with a stiff piece of
plastics. Avoid using nylon containers because nylon cardboard or other suitable non-conductor.
has poor acid-resistant properties. Sealing Compound
Protecting Floors in Battery and Charger Rooms When melting sealing compound in a melting pot, be
The floors in battery and charger rooms should be careful not to puncture the top section of unmelted
sloped toward a sump. Acid spillage should be compound with a sharp or pointed object. A build-up of
neutralized before discharging into a sewer. Even pressure from the melted compound in the lower
though the floor is protected with an acid-resistant section of the pot, may cause liquid compound to
coating, it should be washed down with water after an squirt and inflict a severe burn.
acid spillage. It is recommended that local ordinances Insulated Tools
be checked to see if discharging any flow into the
Use insulated tools whenever possible when working on
sewer complies with their regulations.
batteries. If possible, cover the terminals and
Neutralizing Acids and Electrolyte connectors of a battery with a sheet of plywood or
Sulfuric acid can be neutralized with several different other insulating material.
chemicals. All should be handled with care.
1. Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda (NaHCO3) is a
relatively harmless chemical with no marked effect on
the skin or clothing. As it neutralizes it releases
bubbles of carbon dioxide. When the bubbling action
stops, the acid neutralization is complete.
2. Soda ash or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is also
relatively harmless and has no marked effects on skin
or clothing. It also releases carbon dioxide bubbles
while neutralizing.
3. Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a

Receiving a Battery installed in a new jar, fill the jar with electrolyte of the
Inspecting the Shipping Container—Immediately upon same specific gravity as the rest of the cells in the
receiving a battery, inspect the outside of the battery at the time of the spillage. Charge the battery at
corrugated container (or crate) and the pallet. Look for the finishing rate (refer to “The Charging Process” in
wet spots on the sides and bottom. Wet spots generally the Routine Maintenance Section, page 10, until the
indicate that the battery jars are broken, or that the battery specific gravity stops rising. If the specific
battery was tipped over in transit. gravity in the cell being repaired is lower or higher than
Making a Claim—Shipments are generally made FOB, the normal reading for a fully charged battery, follow
Bulldog Battery Plant or stocking location. Therefore, the instructions outlined in “Acid Replacement and
making a claim to the carrier is the responsibility of the Adjustment of Specific Gravity,” page 29.
customer. If there is evidence that the battery was
damaged in shipment, a proper claim should be filed
with the carrier. Placing a Wet Battery
The services of a professional industrial battery in Service
repairman may be required to evaluate the extent of
After determining that a battery was not damaged in
the damage. Contact Bulldog Battery or the nearest
shipment, give it a freshening charge of three to six
Bulldog Battery representative.
hours, then install the battery. (See “Freshening
Lifting Batteries—The ideal rig for lifting batteries is an Charge” for more details, page 12.)
overhead hoist equipped with an adjustable, insulated
battery lifting beam as illustrated on page 5. When Installing the Battery
attached to the lifting “eyes” of a battery, the lifting The battery compartment of the vehicle must be well
beam exerts a vertical pull on the eyes. This method ventilated to allow the heat generated by the battery
prevents damage to a battery that would occur using during discharge to dissipate. The battery
lifting methods that tend to squeeze or stretch the compartment should also have drain openings in the
battery tray. If there is a possibility that the chain or floor. Most vehicle manufacturers are aware of both
cable of the hoist might come in contact with the these needs and have provided the necessary louvers,
battery post, cover the battery with a piece of plywood slots and/or holes in the battery compartment. If the
or another type of non-conducting material. battery is to be installed in a metal compartment, make
sure the compartment is clean and dry prior to
Immediate Repairs to Damaged Batteries—If the
electrolyte level in a particular cell drops quickly after
water is added, the jar in this cell is leaking and should Seat the battery in the compartment firmly and evenly.
be replaced. When service facilities and personnel are Then block it in position. Many vehicles adjustable clips
available, replacement of the leaking jar should be for blocking the battery into place. 1/4" to 1/2"
made within one week of discovery. (See section on clearance between the block (or clip) and the battery
“Battery Repairs,” page 26.) If repairs cannot be tray. Do not wedge the battery into the compartment
made, contact the nearest Bulldog Representative or because some room is needed for expansion.
Authorized Service Location for other arrangements. All vent caps must be in place. Uncapped cells will
Treatment for Repaired Cells—After the element is allow the electrolyte to splash and cause corrosion to
the tray and vehicle.

Routine Maintenance
Today’s industrial battery is designed and built to give
anywhere from 1000 to 2000 operation/charge cycles,
depending on the application and the operating
environment. If such a battery were to complete one
cycle per work day, the life expectancy would be 4 to 8
years. Exactly how much life a battery will provide
depends to a great extent on how well you take care of
your battery. The following maintenance procedures,
properly carried out at the proper time, will go a long
way toward prolonging the life of the battery and
making it more efficient.
Routine battery maintenance consists of four
·Properly charging the battery
·Adding water as needed
·Cleaning as required
·Maintaining battery at proper temperatures When reading a hydrometer, it is important to hold
Instruments for Inspecting the syringe at eye level, and in a vertical position. Be
sure the float does not stick to the hydrometer barrel
Batteries and is floating freely, not in contact with either the top
or bottom of the barrel. The correct hydrometer
Three testing instruments are required to check
reading is an imaginary line drawn across the scale
batteries accurately and efficiently: a voltmeter,
at the lowest level of the electrolyte. To prevent
hydrometer and thermometer. All three testing
splashing the electrolyte on clothing, keep the tube of
instruments appear in “Accessories and Testing
the hydrometer in the cell vent hole.
Equipment” on the back cover. The specify gravity and
open circuit voltage readings are normally in direct
proportion to each other; therefore, a voltmeter or
hydrometer can be used to check the battery. The use
of the voltmeter is a faster method of approximating the
individual cell state of charge, and can reduce
dramatically the time required for routine battery
checking. When using the voltmeter method of battery
checking, take specific gravity readings on the two
cells having the highest and lowest voltage readings.
This will confirm both cells’ state of charge and
accurately pinpoint the difference in the state of
charge between them. The voltmeter is used when on-
charge or on-discharge voltage readings are needed.
A battery thermometer is read like any normal
thermometer. If the thermometer does not have
specific gravity corrections marked on its scale, refer
to the “Temperature Correction Chart” on the next
page to determine the specific gravity correction.
The Bulldog Hydrometer has an extra-long scale to To read the individual cell voltages of a battery, place
make reading more accurate. For ease of correcting the positive lead of the voltmeter on the positive
for temperature, the specific gravity corrections are terminal of a cell, and the negative lead of the
marked on the scale of the Bulldog thermometer. The voltmeter to the negative terminal of the same cell.
Bulldog Cell Tester (voltmeter) is a digital meter for Cell voltages must be read to the 1/100th of a volt.
more accurate readings. Example - 2.12, 2.09 etc.

Routine Maintenance
and adjustment of the equipment. Periodic inspection
and adjustment of the charging equipment can be
performed by an outside professional charger
repairman. Contact your Bulldog Battery
However, a basic knowledge of what is involved in the
charging operation, plus a brief description of the
more important types of charging and when they
should be used, should provide valuable information in
the event of automatic charger malfunction, or for
charging operations not using fully automatic

Types of Charging
There are a number of different charging methods, but
for purposes of this manual, only three need
explanation. These are: Cycle Charge, Equalizing
Charge, and Freshening Charge.
Cycle Charge
This is the complete recharge of a battery after it has
been fully or partially discharged during normal
operation. Typically, a cycle charge is based on an 8-
hour charging cycle, but can, depending on need, be
Equalizing Charge
Each cell of a battery has slight differences in
uniformity of construction and content. These slight
differences cause some cells to take less charge than
the other cells in the battery. After a time, the state of
charge of the cells which require more charge than the
others will drift back in capacity, and the battery will
not deliver its full capacity. To bring the cells with a
lower state of charge up to the same level as the
Specific Gravity Correction Chart. For an accurate others, the battery is given an “equalizing charge.” The
specific gravity reading, the temperature point cells with a higher state of charge will be overcharged
correction must be added to or subtracted from the somewhat, in order to bring the cells with a below
hydrometer reading. normal state of charge up to full charge.
Years ago, when lift trucks and mine locomotives were
Battery Charging used lightly or sometimes stored during slack seasons,
frequent equalizing charges (sometimes weekly) were
By far, the most important part of routine maintenance
recommended by battery manufacturers. Today, this
is the proper charging of the batteries. Generally
inflexible kind of equalizing schedule is not
speaking, lead-acid batteries may be charged at any
recommended. Instead, the recommended frequency
rate of current which does not cause excessive
of equalization is dependent upon how often the
“gassing” of the electrolyte, and does not produce
batteries are cycled, and the depth of the cycles. The
temperatures in excess of 115°F (125°F is acceptable
frequency of equalization can dramatically affect the
for infrequent, short periods). Fortunately, today’s
operational costs of the vehicle. Unnecessary
automatic voltage controlled chargers, like the Bulldog
equalizing charges, in addition to consuming
Battery Charger, take the guess-work out of charging.
electricity, can result in significant loss of battery life
Providing the battery is well maintained, as described
caused by unnecessary overcharge. The following
later in this section, all that is necessary for routine
examples will give you a good idea of a reasonable
charging is knowledge that the charger is functioning
battery equalizing schedule for a specific battery
properly. This is accomplished by periodic inspection

Routine Maintenance

·For batteries that are cycled only once or twice a approximately 5 hours of charge, when the battery is
week to an average depth of 30 to 60 percent, a about 85% of its nominal full charge, the charging
monthly equalizing charge is sufficient to keep them current is reduced sharply to a level which is
fully charged. maintained until charging is complete. When the
·Batteries that are discharged regularly—three or more battery is fully charged, the current is stopped or
cycles per week, and to an average discharge depth of should be reduced to a very low rate.
60 to 80 percent of their rating—can be kept healthy
Determining if a Battery is Properly Charged
by equalizing them every two months.
·Batteries that are cycled four to eight times a month at If the battery charging equipment is the counter voltage
any depth require equalizing about every month to sensing type and is functioning properly, and if the
keep them in a healthy condition. battery is in a healthy condition, there is little chance
·Batteries that are cycled five or more times a week at for an improperly charged battery. If some doubt about
an average discharge depth of 60 to 100 percent never its operation exists, the following checks are a quick
need equalizing charges unless stored. way of determining a proper, fully charged battery:

Freshening Charge ·Charging current readings will level off to the finishing
A freshening charge is used to bring a battery to a ·Charging voltage stabilizes
fully charged condition before it is placed in service, or ·No rise in specific gravity
when it has been standing idle for a short period. It ·Normal gassing (excessive gassing is defined on the
takes about three hours at the finish charge rate (3 to next page under “Gassing.”)
6 amperes per 100 ampere hours of the battery’s 6-
hour capacity rating). Overcharging
An excessive amount of charge results in high battery
temperature, reducing the battery’s service life.
The Charging Process Overheating
When a battery is placed on charge, the opposite To obtain maximum service life from a battery, it should
action of battery discharge takes place; that is, the be charged and operated at temperatures below
sulfate in the active material of the plates is driven back 115°F. Above this temperature, overheating occurs.
into the electrolyte. This reduces the sulfate in the Overheating can damage the battery and shorten its
plates and increases the specific gravity of the normal expected service life. The extent of the damage
electrolyte, an electrochemical process which and service life loss depend on how high the
continues until the on-charge cell voltages reach 2.50 temperature, how often the overheating occurs, and
to 2.70 volts per cell, dependent upon the type of how long the batteries are subjected to high
charging equipment used. The illustration and formula temperatures.
on page 2 explains the charging process in more
A healthy battery charged on a properly functioning
charger will have a 10 to 20°F rise in temperature
Finish rate or “normal” rate is that current which can when fully charged from a completely discharged
be used safely any time charging is required, and state. What causes a battery to go beyond this range
which can be continued after the completion of the and overheat? The temperature rise is affected by
charge without causing excessive gassing or high several variable factors:
temperature resulting from overcharge. The finish rate
·Age and condition of the battery
is shown on the nameplate of Bulldog Batteries.
·Battery temperature compared to ambient temperature
Generally speaking, it is 5 amperes per 100 hours of
·Start, intermediate and finish rate of the charger
the battery’s 6-hour rate capacity.
·The amount of overcharge given the battery
A partially, or completely discharged battery can safely
In lift truck operations, a battery can overheat because
handle currents much higher than the finish rate, but
of the operating requirements of the truck, as well as
as it approaches full charge, whatever charging rate is
the operating environment. If a lift truck requires almost
used must be reduced to the finish rate. The chart
continuous current draws that are higher than normal,
“Typical Recharging Characteristics,” page 14, shows
the temperature will rise. Ideally, for this operation, a
this finish charging rate. The curves are typical of the
“cool” battery whose temperature is 90°F or lower
recharge of an 18-cell battery which was discharged
should be installed in the truck. However, if the lift truck
725 ampere hours, and shows specific gravity,
operation starts with an overheated battery whose
current, voltage and cell temperature. Note that after
Routine Maintenance
chargers, we recommend the use of plugs and
temperature is above 115°F, the continuous high connectors of different types or the use of keyed and
current draws will tend to make the temperature rise color-coded connectors. Contact the nearest Bulldog
even higher and battery damage is likely. Typical Battery Sales Office or Service Location, if more
working environments where batteries must operate in information on the various kinds of charging plugs and
an overheated condition are in a foundry, where connectors is desired.
ambient temperatures reach 120°F and higher; and in
heavy-duty operations where they must be changed
every 5 to 6 hours with no time for cooling before a
charge. The latter problem can often be alleviated by
having more than two batteries per truck. For the
former, an inexpensive way to cool the battery is by
directing a fan over its intercell connectors and since
they conduct about 60% of the heat out of the battery,
the battery will cool rapidly. Charge with battery covers
Operating and charging batteries at elevated
temperatures is a frequent cause of battery damage
and reduced service life. An experienced lift truck
batteryman, given the levels of operating and charging
temperatures, and the time span for which they are
held, can estimate the percentage of service life lost.
The estimated loss expressed as a percent, can serve
as the basis for deciding whether to invest in extra
batteries, higher capacity batteries or battery cooling
equipment. If this kind of professional judgment is not Keyed connectors eliminate the possibility of hooking
available in your plant or operation, contact your up a battery to the wrong charger or vehicle. The
nearest Bulldog Battery Sales Office or Service differently keyed connector housings prevent these
Location. connectors from being inter-connected.
When a battery is charging, the electrolytic breakdown
of the water in the electrolyte produces oxygen on the
positive plate and hydrogen on the negative plate. This Vent Opening
is normal. However, if a high charging rate is Cover
continued after the battery has been brought to its
gassing voltage, the gassing becomes excessive, and
abnormally large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen
gases are produced. The best indication of excessive
gassing is very noticeable “bubbling” action of the
electrolyte and high electrolyte temperature.
Keyed Connectors
Sometimes, batteries of several different voltages and
ampere-hour capacities are charged at the same
centralized location. Precautions must be taken to
make sure that batteries are charged on chargers with
matching voltages and ampere-hour ratings. Rather Liquid Level Jar
than rely on the persons placing the batteries on the
The electrolyte level must be kept between the
“high watering level” and the separator protector is
shown in the sketch. Caution—Do not overfill.
Moisture on the tops of the batteries indicates
overfilling has occurred.

Routine Maintenance

Typical Recharging Characteristics

Typical charge return to an 18-cell battery discharged 725 ampere hours, using a Bulldog Charger.

Hydrogen is a highly combustible gas and will explode 1.Thoroughly clean the battery. See page 16 for
on ignition when its concentration in air reaches any battery cleaning instructions.
level between 4 percent and 74 percent. (Below 4% the 2.Bring the electrolyte level to proper height by adding
concentration is too weak; above 74% there is not water.
enough oxygen left in the air to support combustion.) If
you have reason to suspect excessive gassing, 3.Put battery on charge at the prescribed finishing rate
troubleshoot the battery and charging equipment. An until the rated ampere-hour capacity has been
unusually high usage of water indicates that excessive returned to the battery. Record the voltage and specific
gassing is occurring. A list of eight probable causes gravity readings. Correct the specific gravity readings
and possible remedies are outlined in the “battery using the chart shown on page 11. If temperature at
overheats during charge” section of the any time during these procedures exceeds 115°F, stop
“Troubleshooting Chart” on page 24. A section entitled the charger and allow the battery to cool to 90°F or
“Battery Gassing” on page 6 shows how to calculate below, before continuing the charge. Continue
the rate of hydrogen release for a specified battery. charging the battery until the specific gravity shows no
change during a 4-hour period taking hourly readings.
Undercharging With automatic charging equipment, the battery may
Undercharging a battery, even to a small degree, if have to be placed on equalizing charge two or three
continued, leads to excessive “sulfation.” The same is times. If a battery is badly sulfated, the specific gravity
true of batteries which have been left standing in an may rise only 30 or 40 points (.030 to .040) during this
uncharged state for an extended period. High first charge.
temperatures rapidly accelerate sulfation when 4.Place the battery into service and discharge it to a
batteries are left standing in a partially charged fully discharged condition. The chart on the opposite
condition. The cells of a sulfated battery will give low page shows the specific gravity of a 100 percent
specific gravity and open circuit voltage readings. On discharged battery. (The battery can be discharged
charge, voltage readings will be unusually high. The through a bank of resistors, if desired.)
battery will not become fully charged after a single
5.Charge the battery again until the specific gravity
normal charging when sulfation has taken place over a
shows no change during a 4-hour period.
prolonged period.
6.Repeat the charge/discharge process until the
specific gravity rises to within 30 points of a fully
Treatment of Sulfated charged battery. Then place the battery back into
normal service. Although the specific gravities may be
Batteries lower than normal, they should not vary much from cell
Careful attention to the following steps often will restore to cell. If they do, problems other than sulfation
a sulfated battery to a good operating condition.

Routine Maintenance
may be present. If the spread between the highest and charging cycle. Overfilling is the most common
lowest specific gravity readings is 50 points (.050) or more, error made when watering because it can cause
refer to the “Troubleshooting Chart” on page 24 to help tray corrosion and loss of capacity. Since that
identify the problem. corrosion can cause EXTENSIVE DAMAGE to
If the battery has not responded to the above treatment, it batteries and vehicles, extreme caution must be
should be replaced. taken to avoid overfilling the batteries. The
information in “Tray Corrosion” below identifies the
cause and effects, and suggests how to prevent it.
The information in “Watering Schedule” page 16,
can help you establish a reasonable and
economical watering schedule.
Water Suitability and Water Analysis
Most tap water in the United States is suitable as
replacement water in lead acid storage batteries.
There are a few locales where certain quantities of
specific impurities will reduce battery life
significantly enough to justify the use of distilled or
a more “pure” water. The NEMA recommendation
for battery replacement water lists the following
maximum allowable impurities (parts per million):
Total solids 350 ppm
Chlorides as Cl 25 ppm
Nitrates as NO3 10 ppm
Iron as Fe 4ppm
Occasionally tap water has a small amount of
nickel, manganese, chromium or copper
contamination. Depending on the quantity, these
contaminants also can significantly affect battery
If the suitability of the tap water for watering
batteries in your locale is questionable, Bulldog
Battery can provide a water sample analysis test.
For details and the cost of the test, phone or write
the nearest Bulldog Battery Representative.
If the Bulldog analysis indicates that the tap water
in your locale is not suitable for batteries, it is
possible that a more suitable tap water might be
found within a reasonable distance and
transported to your location more economically
than purchasing distilled water or water purifying
Specific Gravity vs. Percent Discharge equipment.

Adding Water Tray Corrosion

Most trays for motive power batteries are made of
Generally, a certain amount of water loss is normal in all steel that is protected with an acid resistant
batteries, and it should be replaced with “pure” tap water or coating. Regardless of how good the coating is, if
distilled water. In some areas around the country, tap water a break in the coating exposes the steel tray to the
may contain chemicals or other impurities harmful to sulfuric acid spilled from the battery, the acid will
batteries. If in doubt about the suitability of the local tap corrode the tray. How quickly the tray corrodes
water, read the information entitled “Water Suitability and depends on how much and how often acid is
Water Analysis.” If water is needed, add just enough to spilled on top of the battery, and how often the
bring the electrolyte to the proper level as illustrated in the battery is cleaned.
“Ten Commandments of Good Battery Care” available upon
request. Batteries should be filled only at the end of the
Routine Maintenance

steel tray where bare steel is exposed. Make sure that

the negative probe penetrates the paint to the steel. To
detect the location of the ground, move the positive
probe from intercell to intercell connector until the
lowest voltage reading is found. This will be the
grounded cell.
To clear the ground, clean the top of the battery of
acid and corrosion and dry. If the ground is still
present, remove the cell and check for leaks. Reseal
using the Bulldog Plastic Welder, if necessary.
Watering Schedule
Low electrolyte level in a cell can cause the plates to
oxidize and shorten the life of the cell and the battery.
To prevent this needless and wasteful damage, water
Tray corrosion can shorten battery life significantly. It
should be added often enough to keep the electrolyte
is most often caused by over-watering.
level above the perforated separator protectors. Ideally,
a watering policy or schedule should be adopted and
The major cause of tray corrosion is overwatering or
followed strictly. One of two systems can be used. In
overfilling a battery. When overfilled, the electrolyte will
the first, the electrolyte level of two or three cells is
spill on top of the battery. Although the water in the
checked each time the battery is charged. In the
electrolyte will evaporate, the highly concentrated acid
second, water is added to all of the batteries assigned
solution remains and gives the appearance of
to each charging area on a regular time schedule. The
dampness. If the acid is not removed, the tray will
electrolyte levels are also spot checked periodically to
eventually corrode. To prevent corrosion, batteries
determine if the proper levels are being maintained, if
should be cleaned any time the accumulation of
the second method is used.
dampness or acid becomes significant.
Determining a reasonable and proper battery watering
The only way to prevent overfilling is by not exceeding
time schedule could be easy or difficult, depending on
the level pointed out in “The Ten Commandments of
how widely the following three factors vary:
Good Battery Care.” A good technique to follow in
watering batteries is to use a flashlight focused on the ·Frequency of charge (daily, 1 1/2 times a day, three
vent hole being watered. Visually, watch the level of the times a week, etc.)
electrolyte rise, and stop the watering the instant the ·Water storage capacity of the specific cell type
proper level is reached. Each cell is filled in the same
way. Cell filling equipment that automatically fills ·Age and condition of the battery
batteries to the proper level is available. Contact the Older batteries and those in poor condition will
nearest Bulldog Battery Service Location for details. consume water more rapidly than newer batteries and
In addition to causing tray corrosion, the accumulation those in good condition. Also some cell types have a
of acid in conjunction with the corrosion can cause greater water storage capacity than others.
grounds. Two significant grounds can create an Depending on the preceding variable factors, the
external short through the case of the battery. As a batteries assigned to a specific charging area will
result, some or all of the cells will continually require watering at different intervals. The frequency of
discharge. And as the current carrying ability of the watering is best determined by first-hand experience.
multiple grounds increases, further complications such EXAMPLE: If some batteries have low electrolyte levels
as jar leakage, overheating, cell failure, etc., can when a weekly watering schedule is followed, change
occur. Furthermore, grounds can also cause serious the schedule to twice a week.
problems or failures in the electronic controls or
electrical components of the vehicle.
To test for a ground in a battery, set the voltmeter to Cleaning
handle the full open circuit voltage of the battery being To prevent tray corrosion and the resultant problems,
tested. Place the positive probe on the positive terminal batteries must be cleaned and dried routinely.
of the battery and the negative probe on a spot of the

Routine Maintenance

Sometimes minor spills or overflows of electrolyte 1. DO maintain the proper electrolyte level. Avoid
occur due to overfilling. Instead of giving the battery a overfilling, as this damages the battery.
general cleaning at this time, the moisture can be 2. DO charge properly. Check charger controls and
removed with rags or paper towels. (These should be instruments periodically. Calibrate meters as needed.
immediately disposed of.)
3. DO repair damage promptly. Major damage means
The frequency of a general cleaning depends upon an idle investment; minor damage, if not quickly
two factors: repaired, can soon lead to major damage.
·How quickly dust, dirt, oil and other foreign matter 4. DON’T overcharge. Many batteries deliver short
accumulate on the top of the battery, and service life from too much charge.
·How quickly the electrolyte spillage accumulates. 5. DON’T discharge over 80% for maximum battery
When the top of a battery is “dirty” or looks damp, it is life. Overdischarging is one cause of less than normal
ready for a general cleaning. It could be as often as battery life. And, as a battery nears complete
every two weeks or as infrequent as every six months, discharge, its operating efficiency decreases
depending on the battery’s environment and the care it substantially.
receives. The average battery needs a general 6. DO use batteries according to the manufacturer’s
cleaning every three months. recommendations. Using a smaller capacity battery
To give a battery a general cleaning, use hot water than is called for is a sure way of ruining an expensive
(130° to 170°F) with a neutralizing detergent solution. investment.
The neutralizer/detergent solution is made by mixing 1/ 7. DON’T place metal objects on a battery. They can
2 pound of baking soda, or 1/2 pint of household “arc” or short circuit the battery.
cleaning ammonia, with the recommended amount of
detergent for general cleaning with one gallon of clear 8. DO replace at 80% of capacity. When a battery
water. cannot deliver more than 80% of its normal capacity
after a charge, it’s time to replace it. A battery in poor
Apply the solution with a clean paint brush to the top of condition can cause low voltage operation in the
the battery, working it under the intercell connectors vehicle and result in substantial damage to its electrical
and the terminals to loosen the grime and neutralize components.
the acid. If baking soda is in the solution, apply the
mixture until the “fizzing” action stops. (An ammonia 9. DO keep accurate records. They not only provide
solution will not “fizz.”) Then rinse the battery with an accurate history of the battery and permit
clear, hot water from a low pressure hose to remove all replacement of worn units in time to forestall
traces of the solution and loose dirt. Cold water works, production stoppages, they also indicate whether a
but hot water cleans better. battery is being abused.
DURING ANY CLEANING, BUT PARTICULARLY 10. DO give periodic equalizing charges as described
SOLUTION, MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL VENT CAPS 11. DO check batteries periodically-cell voltages,
ARE TIGHTLY IN PLACE. specific gravities and electrolyte levels.
Some DOs and DON’Ts for 12. DO make regular visual inspections to determine
spillage, corrosion, damage to the case, and similar
Effective Battery problems.
Maintenance 13. DO keep idle batteries charged. When stored for
extended periods, batteries should be given a
As is true with almost any piece of industrial
freshening charge periodically and immediately before
equipment, proper maintenance not only keeps it
operating to its design specifications, it also helps
prolong the service life of that equipment. Industrial
batteries are no exception. The following maintenance
tips, if followed, can help achieve top performance
over thousands of hours of operation.
Battery Records

Types of Forms and

The Purpose of their Use
Record Keeping Many types of recording “forms” have been created by
Plants with more than just a few batteries find that companies for their own private use. These forms,
records of battery cycles, maintenance and repair are although similar in many respects, vary according to
indispensable for an effective battery maintenance the individual plant’s needs. The forms shown here are
program. In developing a records system, a number of offered as examples of how cycle and maintenance
procedures should be considered: records can be kept.
1. Establish a battery identification system, giving each The obvious and primary value of these types of
battery a code number. A multiple-digit system, such records is that they provide historical records of the
as 1001,1002, etc. for all 36-volt, 750 ampere-hour performance of individual batteries, the tests
batteries and 2001, 2002, etc. for all 12-volt, 450 performed and repairs made on them. A closer look at
ampere-hour batteries, etc. any individual battery’s records can reveal a number of
other interesting and helpful pieces of information.
2. The specific gravity of the “pilot” cell or cells of a
battery should be recorded before and after each ·Recording specific gravity at the beginning and end of
charge. Pilot cell(s) are one or more designated cells each cycle will pinpoint any irregularities in the
whose specific gravity is checked to determine the condition of the battery or its use in operation.
general state of charge in the battery. Pilot cells are ·Records of specific gravity of the battery when it is
usually identified with their vent caps colored brought in for recharging indicate whether the battery
differently than the rest. is being abused and used in a low-voltage condition.
3. Provide a means of recording the number of cycles ·Maintenance and repair records often point to battery
on a cumulative basis to date; plus maintenance and abuse and also gauge a specific battery’s
repair information. performance.
·Continuing monthly and yearly records help to
pinpoint a battery’s cycle “age” and control the battery
inventory and replacement programs.

Battery Records
Battery Cycle Card. Daily Battery
The specific gravity Record.
for each cycle of the The information on the
battery is recorded “Battery Cycle Card”
is posted to this card,
plus repair and cycle
test information. These
monthly records can
be filed and kept
throughout the life of
the battery.

Battery Cycle and

The information on
the “Daily Battery
Record” card is
posted on this card.
It serves as the
“master” battery

Periodic Battery How to Inspect a Battery
Inspection The more complex and extensive battery inspecting,
testing and diagnostic work is often best handled by
experienced motive power battery technicians. This
manual is not intended to be a complete source for the
The Purpose and Frequency training of a battery technician, although it provides a
good foundation. The following instructions can show
of Inspections an electrician or vehicle repairman how to gather and
The investment in motive power batteries can be record basic information that can help him to pinpoint
considerable. To protect this investment, it is the source of a battery problem.
recommended that both batteries and chargers be 1. if the battery is still in the vehicle, turn off the power
inspected periodically. This general type of inspection, switch and disconnect the battery by unplugging it
which is a form of preventative maintenance, should not from the vehicle.
be confused with the inspection carried out for
2. Allow the battery to remain on open circuit (without
troubleshooting a battery to pinpoint a specific problem.
charging or discharging) for 30 minutes or longer.
If minor problems in batteries and charges can be
3. Prepare a form similar to the illustrated “Battery
identified early, then adjusted or repaired, battery
Inspection Form.” Fill in the necessary data on the top
damage can be avoided. A battery inspection often
of the form, i.e., battery type, serial number, etc.
reveals improper routine maintenance and operational
procedures, which can lead to extensive battery and 4. Read and record the specific gravity and open
vehicle damage. Inspection can also identify batteries circuit voltage (cell volts) for all cells of the battery. The
in poor or bad condition so that they can be replaced positive terminal cell of the entire battery is recorded
immediately or at some suitable time in the future. as cell No. 1, etc., following the intercell connectors to
the last cell which is the negative terminal cell of the
Establishing a battery inspection timetable suitable for
all users is difficult, because battery usage and the
quality of routine maintenance differ from one plant to 5. Read and record the pilot cell temperature. If the
the next. However, if routine maintenance is average, battery is being tested on charge or discharge, record
and the batteries are cycled once a day, five days a the “reading at . . . . . amps.”
week, an annual inspection should be frequent enough 6. If desired, record the temperature corrected
to identify the problems. specific gravity readings in the “Positive Cadmium”
With rare exception, few vehicle repairmen have the columns. Use a temperature correction thermometer,
necessary training and experience to identify and or refer to the “Specific Gravity Temperature
correct the subtle battery and charger problems that Correction Chart” on page 11 to correct the specific
can occur. But, it is relatively easy for the experienced gravity reading for temperature. Use the pilot cell
professional serviceman equipped with special temperature for the temperature correction of all the
instruments and tools to identify the problems. If your battery’s cells. It is not necessary to read the
organization does not have a trained battery and temperature of every cell unless the temperature
charger repairman, we recommend that you contact the difference between the center cells of the battery and
nearest Bulldog Battery Service Location to inquire the outside cells of the battery is 12°F or more.
about the cost of these periodic inspections by a
A troubleshooting procedure, chart and list of
diagnostic hints appear in the “Troubleshooting” section
of this manual on pages 22 through 25.

Periodic Battery and Charger Inspection

Toubleshooting length and push the post of the battery up until it
becomes noticeable. The positive post of every cell
cover in the battery will be higher than the negative
and Testing post, and the covers appear to be tilted. When the
positive posts of all the cell covers are 3/16" to 1/4"
There might be times when a battery does not perform higher than the negative posts, the battery is probably
to expectations; or times when a specific symptom worn out and beyond economical repair.
such as overheating, high water usage, etc. indicate 10. Most battery problems can be avoided or corrected
that a problem exists or indicates the possibility of by following strictly the “Ten Commandments of Good
impending trouble. To help identify conditions, pinpoint Battery Care.”
problems and offer solutions is the purpose of the
Troubleshooting and Testing Section. Diagnostic hints, Capacity Testing
detailed instructions for capacity and cadmium A capacity test is sometimes desirable to determine the
electrode testing plus a troubleshooting chart can go a actual capacity that a battery delivers as compared to
long way in helping to correct minor problems before its rated capacity. If all other testing methods fail, this
they become major expenses. test can help determine if a battery should be replaced.
When a battery delivers less than 80% of its rated
Some Diagnostic Hints capacity, the remaining capacity will rapidly decrease
These hints can help pinpoint the source of battery with each additional cycle. Logically therefore, it
problems: should be replaced before some of its cells fall and
cause low voltage operation of the vehicle and result in
1. While a battery is on charge, feel the intercell
damage to its electrical system.
connectors. A hot connector usually indicates an
overheated battery, defective cell or a bad connector A capacity test is performed by discharging a fully
burn. charged battery at a fixed rate while carefully following
2. An accumulation of moisture and/or tray corrosion specific test conditions, methods and procedures.
on the bottom of a battery or a vehicle battery Example:
compartment often indicates that one or more jars are
leaking. A fully-charged 600 ampere-hour battery, at 77°F, at
the 6-hour rate, is discharged at 100 amperes (600
3. Unequal cell specific gravities in a newer battery
ampere hours ÷ by 6 hours) until it reaches a final
indicate that the battery might have been tipped over
battery voltage of 1.70 volts per cell times the number
and the cells with the lower specific gravities have lost
electrolyte. of cells in the battery. If this final battery voltage is
reached in five hours, the battery delivered 83.3% of
4. If a battery is inspected shortly after it is watered its rated capacity.
and prior to charging, the specific gravity readings
may be low and uneven. The specific gravities will level 5 hours/6 hours X 100% = 83.3%
out after it is fully charged. It is essential that, unless the battery’s electrolyte
5. Watering to the proper level is the most difficult temperature is between 70°F and 85°F a temperature
procedure to control in routine battery maintenance. correction be made to the required time.
Overwatering causes tray corrosion and results in the This is a simplified example of discharge per the graph
multiple problems discussed on pages 15 and 16. on page 23. If tests are to be made, it is recommended
6. A defective or out-of-adjustment battery charger can that the test conditions, methods and procedures
create considerable damage before the cause is specified in NEMA Standards Publication No. IB2-
discovered. Vehicle operators should be trained to 1974 entitled “Determination of Capacity of Lead Acid
report “hot” batteries; battery maintenance personnel Industrial Storage Batteries for Motive Power Service,”
should report to their supervisors chargers that do not be followed. Copies of this standard publication can be
reduce the charging rate at the end of every charge. obtained at a nominal cost.
7. Continual overdischarge dramatically shortens Address inquiries to:
battery life. Avoid overdischarging by using battery
protectors in the lift trucks; or, obtain more batteries— National Electrical Manufacturers Association
with higher capacity, if possible—and charge them Department of Engineering and Safety Regulations
more frequently. 2101 L Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20037
8. If the spread between the lowest and highest cell
specific gravity in an older battery is .050 or more, the The rated capacity of a Bulldog Battery is indicated on
battery will probably deliver less than 80% of its rated the nameplate. If it is not legible, contact the nearest
capacity and may need to be replaced. (Read Bulldog Battery Sales Office or Service Location.
“Capacity Testing” for more details.)
9. As a battery ages, the positive plates “grow” in
Troubleshooting and Testing

In order to prepare the surface of a new cadmium

electrode, it should be soaked in sulfuric acid for
several days. If it was stored dry before use, re-soak it
for at least thirty minutes so that the readings will be
accurate. Use the format shown on the “Battery
Inspection Form” on page 21 to record the various
readings and the other data such as battery type,
serial number, etc. To take the positive cadmium
reading of a cell, connect the cadmium electrode to the
negative lead of a voltmeter with a 0-3 volt full scale
Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter by probe to
the positive terminal of the cell. Immerse the cadmium
electrode in the electrolyte of the cell (see photo) and
move it around frequently to prevent the formation of
gas bubbles and provide a good, positive cadmium
Take and record the positive cadmium readings for all
the cells of the battery while on charge. Record the on-
charge cell voltages and specific gravities of all cells of
the battery on a form similar to the one shown on page
Cadmium Electrode Testing By way of illustration, the example below shows the
Cadmium electrode testing is a more detailed test of a positive cadmium readings of the cells of a battery in a
cell, and is used to determine whether internal fully-charged condition at a temperature of 77°F.
inspection or repair of the cell is required. The Cell No. On-Charge Positive Negative
cadmium electrode test is given at the end of the Voltage Cadmium Cadmium
charge while the battery is still on charge at the finish
rate. 1 2.65 2.45 -.20
2 2.45 2.50 +.05
3 2.66 2.51 -.16
4 2.45 2.26 -.19
5 2.65 2.45 -.20
6 2.65 2.45 -.20
Referring to the table, note that cell number 4 has a low
on-charge voltage of 2.45. This fact, plus the fact that
the positive cadmium reading is also quite low, is an
indication that the cell should be inspected internally
for trouble. Cell number 2 also shows a lower than
normal on-charge voltage. Notice that in both cases, a
problem is indicated by a cell voltage reading being out
of line with the other cell voltage readings in the
battery. However, in the case of cell number 2, the
positive cadmium reading is normal, suggesting
possible trouble with the negative plates. Several
conditions such as contaminated electrolyte can cause
this. The “Unequal Cell Voltage” section of the
Troubleshooting Chart on page 25 lists other possible
If any doubt exists as to whether a cell should be causes of a below-normal cell voltage.
removed from the battery for inspection or repair, the
cadmium electrode test can help make the decision.
TroubleShooting and Testing

Troubleshooting Chart
Symptom Probable Cause Possible Remedy

Battery overheats 1. Malfunctioning charging equipment. 1. Replace or repair defective charger parts (timer,
during charge voltage sensitive relay, control board, etc.).
2. Charging equipment out of adjustment. 2. a. Adjust start and/or finish charging rates.
b. Adjust charge termination, voltage sensitive
electronic device or relay.
3. Weak or defective cell(s). 3. Replace or repair problem cell(s). (See page 26.)
4. Battery beyond economical repair. 4. Replace battery. (See page 26.)
5. High resistance connection within the battery. 5. Check for hot wires, cells, intercell connectors,
charging plugs, etc. Repair or replace defective
6. Low electrolyte level. 6. Water battery to proper level and charge
immediately after cooling.
7. Battery charged in the vehicle with battery 7. Open the compartment during charge or charge the
compartment closed. battery out of the truck with the tray cover opened.
8. Battery over 115°F when placed on charge. 8. Allow battery to cool below 90°F before charging.
Use cooling fans to speed the process.
Battery overheats 1. Any probable cause listed under 1. Any possible remedy listed under
during discharge “Battery overheats during charge”. “Battery Overheats During Charge.”
2. Worn out bearings, brakes dragging or other 2. Repair or replace defective lift truck parts.
vehicle problem causing high current draws.
3. Overdischarge of battery. 3. a. Require drivers to return battery for recharge
when vehicle begins to slow down.
b. Install battery protector on vehicles.
Battery not 1. Battery not fully charged before placed into operation. 1. See that battery has reached full charge specific
completing gravity before placing into operation. Full charge
full work gravity is 1.280 corrected for temperature
shift variations.
2. Leaking, weak or defective cell(s) in the battery. 2. Repair or replace battery. (See page 26.)
3. Shorts or grounds in the battery. 3. Remove grounds or shorts. (See page 15.)
4. Battery beyond economical repair. 4. Replace battery with equal or higher capacity
5. Battery too small for the job. 5. a. Replace battery with batteries having higher
b. Purchase extra batteries with higher capacity if
6. Mechanical or electrical problems in vehicle. 6. Troubleshoot vehicle and repair.

Troubleshooting and Testing

Symptom Probable Cause Possible Remedy

Low electrolyte level 1. Broken or cracked jar(s). 1. Replace jar(s) and adjust gravity.
2. Cell missed when watered. 2. More careful attention when watering.
3. Weak or defective cell(s). 3. Repair or replace cell(s). (See page 26.)
4. Frequent overcharge. 4. See items 1 and 2 in “Battery overheats during
charge,” on opposite page.
5. Battery not regularly watered. 5. Water battery regularly. (See page 16.)
Unequal cell voltages 1. Grounds in battery. 1. Clean battery. (See page 15.)
2. There is a “tap” off the battery for auxiliary 2. a. Change location of the battery “tap” periodically.
equipment. b. Equalize battery regularly.
3. Battery sluggish due to lack of work. 3. a. Give battery a deep discharge and equalizing
b. Equalize the battery periodically.
4. Leaking cover or cell. 4. Replace jar or cover and adjust gravity.
5. Weak or defective cell(s). 5. Repair or replace defective cell(s). (See page 26.)
6. Battery beyond economical repair. 6. Replace battery.
7. Acid loss in a few cells by tipping battery over. 7. Adjust specific gravity. (See page 29.)
8. Frequent overwatering causing electrolyte 8. Fill to proper level (see page 13)
loss due to flooding.
Unequal specific 1. Any probable cause listed under 1. Any possible remedy listed under “Unequal cell
gravities between cells “Unequal cell voltages”. voltages” above.
2. Battery just watered and water not mixed 2. Place battery on charge and read 1 hour after it
with electrolyte. begins to gas.
3. Improper gravity adjustment after a cell change. 3. Adjust gravity. (See page 29.)

Battery Repairs Disassembly and
Reassembly Instructions
Repair vs. Replacement Caution:
There are times when a decision to repair or replace a Repairs attempted by inexperienced personnel can be
damaged battery is clear cut. Frequently, however, a dangerous because they expose personnel to several
decision either way is debatable. The following
potentially dangerous elements. Therefore, the “Safety”
information is offered as a guideline to help decide
section of this manual should be reviewed before
when to repair and when to replace.
handling the battery or beginning repairs. lf the
The normal service life that can be expected of a fork slightest doubt exists about the ability of the personnel
truck battery in a specific operation can be determined to perform the repairs, play it safe. Call your nearest
by experience and by keeping life records. A service Bulldog Battery Sales Office and arrange to have the
life of 6 years or 1800 cycles is not unusual when the battery repaired at an authorized Bulldog Battery
depth of cycle, operating temperatures, quality of Repair Facility, or at your plant by professional battery
maintenance, etc. are properly controlled. repairmen.
A good, general rule is this: If a battery has one or two Disassembling and reassembling battery components
years of one cycle per day service, and has not been are described in a step-by-step procedure.
exposed to overcharging, over-discharging, high
operating temperature or other misuse, and the repair Removing Connectors
costs do not exceed 50% of the replacement cost, it is 1. Using a connector drill, drill out the cover post holes.
probably more economical to repair it than to replace Having the right tools, in this case the connector drill,
it. Remember, that a physically damaged battery or
one that is damaged by overcharge may have hidden
Before undertaking major repairs, give the battery an
equalizing charge and read all of the specific gravities.
Instructions on “How to Inspect a Battery” are on page
20. If all of the undamaged cells are within .030 points
of specific gravity of a fully charged battery (see chart
on page 15 for the proper, full charge specific gravity),
the battery is probably economically repairable.
An older battery, or one that has extensive damage,
requires a closer look at the economics of repair
versus replacement. A battery that has 900 to 1500
cycles (or 3 to 5 years of service) and requires repairs
totaling 25% or more of the replacement cost, probably
should be replaced instead of repaired. The
determination depends mainly on how many more
cycles or years of service the battery can be expected
to deliver after the repairs are completed. This kind of
estimate can be made by an experienced industrial
battery repairman If you do not feel confident in
making this judgment, contact your local Bulldog
Battery Service Location. A professional battery simplifies and speeds the repair procedure.
serviceman can estimate the remaining service life
expected of the battery if the necessary repairs are
After estimating the remaining service life, the final
decision to repair or replace is made by arithmetic.
For example, if the estimated cost of repairing the
battery is $200 and its replacement cost is $1200, the
estimated remaining service life must exceed 1 year
(or 300 cycles) to justify the repair. Otherwise it is
more economical to replace the battery.

Battery Repairs
2. Lift off the connector with a pair of trimmer or
channel lock pliers.
3. When the walls of the jar are free, the cell can be
lifted out by using a cell puller on the negative posts.
4. With the cell out of the tray, neutralize any acid in
the tray with a soda solution and clean up the residue.
Removing the Element
1. Remove the connectors (see “Removing
Connectors,” opposite page).
2. Using cell pullers, pull the cell-complete with cover,
out of the jar.
3. Cut the jar below the cover locating pins.
4. Examine the cover and jar for cracks and leaks.
5. Examine the positive and negative plates and
separators for damage. Also check for particles of
materials, which may cause short circuit.
6. Any work done on the element must be done as
quickly as possible. Unless the repairs can be made
After drilling the post holes, the intercell connector within 20 minutes, the element must be covered with
can be removed with a large pair of trimmer or wet cloths to prevent heating. If repair of the cell is
channel lock pliers. delayed more than 1 hour, store the element in
electrolyte of the same specific gravity as in the cell.
Removing a Complete Cell
Note: Elements exposed to air can be damaged by
1. Remove the connectors oxidation of the negative plates.
(see “Removing Connectors” previous page).
Reassembling the Battery
2. Cut the compound to isolate the cell from the
adjacent cells using a putty knife or similar tool. Make Plastic Welding
sure to cut the compound at the jar line, and not at the 1. If the element was removed from the jar, insert the
cover line. element into the jar. Check for correct polarity.
2. Using ammonia as a neutralizing agent, clean and
neutralize the jar, especially in the area to be welded.
Allow to thoroughly dry.
3. Observing the correct polarity, install the
replacement cover onto the cell. At this time the
grommets should be seated only deeply enough to hold
the cover in place during the welding operation. Again,
observe correct polarity indication.
NOTE: The welding operation may be easier if the cell
is in a horizontal position. To prevent leakage of
residual electrolyte, raise the cover end slightly. A
block of wood placed under the cover end of the jar will
4. Plug the welder into a 120 VAC grounded outlet, the
compressor will begin operating. Turn on the switch to
the heating element and allow the welder to warm-up
for three or four minutes.
5. Cut a length of 1/8 inch or 5/32 inch polypropylene
welding rod. The rod should be at least four inches
longer than the length of the weld. Cut the end of the
rod to a 60° angle with cutting pliers.

Battery Repairs
4. Next, heat the asphalt sealing compound and pour it
into the channel between the cells and tray wall.

6. Preheat the cover and the jar at the start of the weld
by fanning the heat 1/2 inch from the surface. NOTE:
Do not start the weld on or near the jar corners. Hold
the rod perpendicular to the joint of the jar and cover,
continue the fanning motion, and press the rod to the
joint. Heat the tip of the rod and the starting point of the
joint until they become tacky. Press the end of the
welding rod firmly into the joint with the point of the rod
away from the direction of the weld. Start heating the The asphaltic sealing compound should be hot and
welding joint and rod together with a fanning motion in free-flowing to make a good seal.
line with the direction of the weld. Maintain a firm
downward pressure on the welding rod at a right angle 5. Now, fill the channel to the top with compound.
to the work. The rod will begin to move forward. The Gently flame it around the top to seal the cell and
welder is fanned at a 45° angle between the welding battery. Use a flame from a source such as hydrogen,
rod and the joint. This heats all surfaces equally. Only natural gas or acetylene and oxygen. Be careful not to
the outer surfaces of the rod, jar and cover are melt the plastic jar or destroy the coated surfaces of
heated. the tray.

As the welding continues, a small bead should be 6. Rebuild the terminal posts with a post mold and a
forming along both sides of the welding bead, and a burning nut.
small roll forming under the welding rod, both of which 7. Install the connectors to the terminal posts. Melt the
would continue along the weld. connectors to the posts with a torch or carbon arc.
7. At the end of the weld, overlap the start of the road
at least 1/4 inch, then, cut away the excess rod with
rod pliers.
8. At this time, seat the grommets. The cell should then
be air pressure tested for leaks. This can be done with
a radiator tester modified to accept a vent cap. The cell
should withstand a pressure of four PSI for fifteen
Complete Battery Assembly
1. Insert the complete cell (element and jar) into the
battery tray if the complete cell has been removed from
the tray. Check for correct polarity.
2. Fill the cell with an electrolyte that has a specific
gravity approximately the same as the surrounding
3. Flush the cell and its surrounding cells with a gentle
stream of air to eliminate trapped hydrogen gas. (See Post molds, burning nuts and button burning molds
“Remove the Gas Before Working”, page 8). are used to build up posts and post buttons.

Battery Repairs

Acid Replacement and charged specific gravity (1.280). The final specific
gravity of all the cells in the battery should be adjusted
Adjustment of Specific to within ±.005 (5 points) of proper, full charge specific
Gravity gravity.

Under normal circumstances, a battery should never Example:

require the addition of acid to increase the specific The specific gravity of a battery with a proper, full
gravity of the electrolyte. However, when upsets, jar charge specific gravity of 1.280 should range between
breakage, overflushing or careless use of the 1.275 and 1.285. Correct the gravity for temperature
hydrometer cause a loss of electrolyte and a variation by using the “Specific Gravity Temperature
corresponding loss of battery capacity, the lost acid Correction Chart” on page 11.
should be replaced. 5. If the specific gravity in a cell is too high, remove
Caution: the electrolyte with an acid-proof syringe and replace it
with water. Charge the battery for one hour at the
Before adding acid to a cell or to an entire battery with
finish rate. Read the cell specific gravity and correct
low specific gravity readings, try to raise the specific
for temperature if necessary. If the specific gravity is
gravity by charging as described on page 14 under
still too high, repeat the process until it reaches the
“Treatment of Sulfated Batteries.” Only if the charging
proper full charge specific gravity.
is unsuccessful should an attempt be made to increase
the specific gravity with acid.
To replace acid, use the following procedure with a
sulfuric acid having a specific gravity of 1.400.
1. Battery must be in fully charged condition, topped
off with an equalizing charge (see page 11 for
definition and description), with the electrolyte freely
2. Add the acid slowly to the cell while it is still charging
and gassing so that the acid mixes thoroughly. If
added too fast, the acid will drop to the bottom of the
cell. The acid will not diffuse immediately and the
specific gravity reading will be inaccurate, i.e., on the
low side. Further additions of acid can be harmful
especially when the battery is returned to service and
complete diffusion results in a high specific gravity.
About 1/4" of 1.400 specific gravity acid will increase a
cell’s specific gravity about 5 points (.005).
3. After adding the high specific gravity acid, leave the
battery on charge for one hour so that the higher
specific gravity acid is thoroughly mixed with the
electrolyte. Read and record all the cells’ specific
gravities. If the specific gravity readings are too low,
corrected for temperature, use an acid-proof syringe
to remove the electrolyte down as far as the perforated
separator protector to provide the necessary space for
more high specific gravity acid. Add a quantity of high
gravity acid to each cell as required to bring the
specific gravity to the proper level.
4. Continue to remove electrolyte and add high gravity
acid until all cells of the battery reach the proper, full
Accessories and
Testing Equipment

Bulldog Hydrometer and Hyrdometer Float Digital Voltmeter for accurate voltage readings
A specially designed hydrometer for the accurate
specific gravity readings required for motive power
battery inspections. The 3 inch long float scale allows
more accurate readings. The scale is divided into .005
segments. To reduce replacement costs, replacement
floats are available.

Bulldog Thermometer
A rugged thermometer designed to read motive power
battery temperatures. The temperature correction
scale built into the thermometer provides quick,
accurate temperature correction factors.

Hollow Post Drill Bit

A hollow post drill allows easy removal of intercell

Bulldog Battery Lifting Beam

A Battery lifting beam offers the best and safest
method of changing lift truck batteries. Meets OSHA
standards. “Select or better” grades of laminated
hardwood are used for lasting strength, along with
Button Mold Post Mold heavily coated zinc plated steel parts to guard against
A button mold allows for A post mold forms a post
burning perfectly formed to attach connectors. Model Type Lifting Capacity
buttons. BD-6000 Adjustable (26" to 40") 6000 lbs.

Bulldog Battery Corp.

P.O. Box 766, 387 S. Wabash St. Phone: 800-443-3492
TM Wabash, IN 46992 FAX: 219-563-8245

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