HDL 6-A Road Test
HDL 6-A Road Test
HDL 6-A Road Test
y company, Trinity Productions is intended to afford the transducers with An RCF HDL 6-A compact line
(Tracy, CA), has been doing live added protection from dust. array module.
sound and production since Going into this evaluation process, I
2005, and we’ve always felt that “bigger wasn’t totally skeptical; I think “cautious”
is better” when it comes to loudspeakers would be the word. We’d heard the HDL one module after another with ease, and
for live production with the festivals and 6-A in demo rooms where it was finely the 3-point rigging system was as fast as
events that we serve. The challenge for us tweaked and EQ’d for the room and setup any I’ve seen. Wham, 30 minutes and all of
(well, me) is wrapping my head and ears to give a pristine demo experience, but the boxes were open, two carts were down,
around a loudspeaker system that touts how would that translate to a mid-sized and 12 loudspeakers were assembled into
some pretty impressive numbers while sound company doing events for 1,500 arrays with cables, ready to go.
using small drivers and cabinets. Enter to 3,000 while also providing a “wow” The fly bar attached at the top with
the RCF HDL 6-A. listening experience for the crowd? ease, and with five to six boxes per cart,
Introduced last year, the HDL 6-A is a When we agreed to deploy HDL 6-A arrays it quite balanced for transport and not
compact, active line array with two 6-inch for the main stage at the recent Blues and at all top-heavy. We also put the 12-inch
woofers and an ND 340 compression Brews instead of our usual PA for the event, sub on top just to see how the weight
driver (1.7-inch voice coil) mounted on I was concerned with how six boxes per side distribution went and was quite surprised
a 100- x 10-degree (H x V) waveguide. were going to supply acceptable coverage. that with a little assistance we would be
These components are driven by a Further, what would be the comparison with able to put the entire rig with the 12-inch
2-channel class D amplifier with stated the previous system? The HDL 6-A proved sub attached into the truck for transport,
maximum (peak) power of 1,400 watts. quite impressive in both regards. strapped ‘er down and ready to roll.
Also onboard is DSP with RCF’s new FiR-
PHASE algorithms to manage crossover, PUTTING IT TOGETHER GOOD TO GO
phase correction, limiting and protection. Let’s start with the setup and assembly Event day – how quick was that? This
The amplifiers have a mechanical alumi- of the arrays. For this evaluation, RCF was the question I asked our A1 and A2.
num structure that lends stability during also provided a lot of bells and whistles: It took longer to get the lifts out of the
transportation and also helps with heat a dozen HDL 6-A modules joined by two truck than it did to deploy the arrays.
dissipation. The input board presents both HDL 12-AS (single 12-inch) subwoofers, Once set, the loudspeakers were rolled
XLR/jack balanced inputs, XLR output along with carts, fly bars, rain covers, up to the Sumner lifts, shackles attached,
link, volume and a switchable EQ Mode. shackles, pole mounts – the works. and up they went. Yes, it was that easy.
The cabinet, which measures 9.3 x 18.5 The assembly process started with the I don’t think the lifts even knew the
x 15 inches (H x W x D) and weighs 25 carts/trollies; they come with wheels on loudspeakers were there; at least in crank-
pounds, is made of polypropylene com- and gear down, ready for action. Locking ing them up it almost felt like there was no
posite material designed to dampen down brakes made opening and setting the first load due to the light weight of the loud-
vibrations. The integrated mechanics box a breeze. The carts’ hardware aligns speakers and overall rig. That is a big plus.
allow the building of J-shaped or spiral with the detents in the loudspeakers so that We had determined the array deploy-
arrays. Foam backing inside the cabinet everything just falls into place. We stacked ment ahead of time utilizing RCF Easy
Shape Designer software, based on the at 110 Hz, off and running. In addition, outdoors. My A1 was on stage and had to
number of boxes and anticipated lift the HDL 12-AS 12-inch subs provided stop what he was doing to listen; he also
height (about 16 feet in the air). The an excellent transition from the TTS couldn’t believe the output and quality. The
software also gave us the initial pinning subs, and with the 110 Hz output, really sound was smooth – I mean, smooth – most
for the bottom boxes, and we did some allowed us to push the HDL 6-A arrays. likely due to the 900 Hz crossover point for
final tweaking, including adjusting the the main arrays as well as the FiRPHASE
splay angles of the bottom three boxes WORKING FOR A LIVING DSP. The SPL and overall output from the
for some added down fill. Low-end duty “No freak’n way.” This was the first com- onboard amplifiers proved to be plenty in
was handled by our RCF TTS 26-A subs ment out of my mouth on firing up the helping to deliver even coverage all the way
centered in a cardioid configuration. rig. Connected to an Allen & Heath dLive to the rear of the audience area.
The input and configuration setup was console surface and a MixRack, this system Blues and Brews kicked off at noon,
also a breeze – into the sub, crossover out dropped my jaw, particularly since we were going non-stop until 6 pm. Events don’t
get any better, and the HDL 6-A arrays
did not let us or the bands down all day
long. No issues at all. Clean, smooth and
fantastic coverage. I took the liberty of
walking the venue during one of the sets,
and from side to side and front to back,
SPL was consistent with the sound quality.
The event went off without a hitch, and
the compliments on the mixes and sound
were made by event attendees throughout
the day. My initial hesitation in using the
HDL 6-A was completely nullified that day.
Kudos to RCF and a design well done. If
you’re looking for a small-format line array
at an attractive price point with the ability to
do anything from small to, well, large events,
and do it with a miniscule footprint, the
HDL 6-A comes up a true winner in my book.
The ease of transport, setup and deploy-
ment was one of the fastest we’ve ever done,
and on striking, the system came right down
and bam, it was back in the truck. Don’t be
fooled by the compact, lightweight nature
of this system; it’s an audio beast.
U.S. MSRP: $2,199 per module LSI