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This case study has been designed for the partial fulfillment of the degree of
Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S.) prescribed in T.U. Syllabus for three years
course. It’s of Deposit Analysis of Nabil Bank Ltd., Kantipath.

Each chapter contains a number of important and interesting fact taken from
various banking fields .I have done my best to present the topic in easy, clear and
systematic manner. I hope this case of study will be much helpful for the Nabil
Bank and the new comer of B.B.S. 3rd year students.

I would like to express my heartly gratitude to Nabil Bank Ltd, Kantipath and all
the staff members of this bank who provide me the information for preparing this

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my all college teachers and

specially to Mr. Sagar Das Ranjit (Financial Institution & Market Teacher)
for their kind and humble support and encouragement in order to prepare this
project successfully.

Last but not the least; I would like to thank my dear friends for their continued
moral support.

Thank you !

Suman Babu Panta

Public Youth Campus
Dhobichour, Kathmandu
Table of Contents
S.N. Chapters Page
1. Introduction 1-19
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.1.1 Origin of Bank 1
1.1.2 Meaning of Bank 1
1.1.3 History of bank in Nepal 2
1.1.4 Commercial Bank 3
1.2 Introduction of Nabil Bank Limited 3

1.2.1 Branches of Nabil Bank Ltd. 4

1.3 Introduction of Deposit 7
1.3.1 Types of Deposit and its Account Opening 8
A. Types of Deposit 8 Interest Bearing Deposit 8 Non-interest Bearing Deposit 10
B. Account Opening Procedure 11
1.4 Statement of Problems 14
1.5 Objectives of the study 15
1.6 Limitations of the study 15
1.7 Significance of the study 15
1.8 Method of Research 17
1.8.1 Research Design 17
1.8.2 Sources of data 17
1.8.3 Data Processing Techniques 18
1.9 Organization of Report 19

2. Data Presentation and Analysis 20-36

3. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 37-38

3.1 Summary 37
3.2 Conclusion(Major Findings) 37
3.3 Recommendation 38
List of Tables

Table No. Headings Page No.

2.1 Total Deposit Position of NABIL 20
2.2 Current Deposit Position of NABIL 21
2.3 Saving Deposit Position of NABIL 22
2.4 Fixed Deposit Position of NABIL 23
2.5 Interest Bearing Deposit Trend of NABIL 24
2.6 Non-interest Bearing Deposit Trend of NABIL 25
2.7 Interest Expense on Deposit 26
2.8 Cost Position of NABIL 27
2.9 Deposit Lending Ratio 28
2.10 Ratio of Interest Bearing Deposit to Total Deposit 29
2.11 Ratio of Non-interest Bearing Deposit to Total 30
2.12 Ratio of Current Deposit to Total Deposit 32
2.13 Ratio of Saving Deposit to Total Deposit 33
2.14 Ratio of Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit 34
List of Figures

Figure No. Heading of Figures Page No.

1 Equity Ownership Structure 4
2 Product and Services 5
2.1 Total Deposit Position of NABIL 20
2.2 Current Deposit Position of NABIL 21
2.3 Saving Deposit Position of NABIL 22
2.4 Fixed Deposit Position of NABIL 23
2.5 Interest Bearing Deposit Trend of NABIL 24
2.6 Non-interest Bearing Deposit Trend of NABIL 25
2.7 Interest Expense on Deposit 26
2.8 Cost Position of NABIL 27
2.9 Deposit Lending Ratio 28
2.10 Ratio of Interest Bearing Deposit to Total Deposit 29
2.11 Ratio of Non-interest Bearing Deposit to Total 31
2.12 Ratio of Current Deposit to Total Deposit 32
2.13 Ratio of Saving Deposit to Total Deposit 33
2.14 Ratio of Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit 34

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