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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Mental health in elite athletes: International Olympic
Committee consensus statement (2019)
Claudia L Reardon, 1 Brian Hainline, 2 Cindy Miller Aron, 3 David Baron,4
Antonia L Baum,5 Abhinav Bindra,6 Richard Budgett,7 Niccolo Campriani,8
João Mauricio Castaldelli-Maia, 9,10 Alan Currie, 11,12 Jeffrey Lee Derevensky, 13
Ira D Glick,14 Paul Gorczynski,15 Vincent Gouttebarge,16,17 Michael A Grandner,18
Doug Hyun Han, 19 David McDuff, 20 Margo Mountjoy, 21,22 Aslihan Polat,23,24
Rosemary Purcell,25,26 Margot Putukian, 27,28 Simon Rice,29,30 Allen Sills,31,32
Todd Stull,33 Leslie Swartz, 34 Li Jing Zhu,35,36 Lars Engebretsen37,38
For numbered affiliations see ABSTRACT ►► to review the literature describing and estab-
end of article. Mental health symptoms and disorders are common lishing recommendations for non-pharmaco-
among elite athletes, may have sport related logical and pharmacological management of
Correspondence to mental health symptoms and disorders in elite
manifestations within this population and impair
Dr Claudia L Reardon,
Department of Psychiatry, performance. Mental health cannot be separated from athletes
University of Wisconsin School physical health, as evidenced by mental health symptoms ►► to provide recommendations on how to mini-
of Medicine and Public Health, and disorders increasing the risk of physical injury and mise negative impacts of the sport environment
Madison, WI 53719, USA; delaying subsequent recovery. There are no evidence on mental health symptoms and disorders in
clreardon@wisc.e du
or consensus based guidelines for diagnosis and elite athletes.
Received 14 February 2019 management of mental health symptoms and disorders This consensus paper fulfils the IOC charge
Revised 3 April 2019 in elite athletes. Diagnosis must differentiate character by addressing the multifaceted aspects of mental
Accepted 3 April 2019 traits particular to elite athletes from psychosocial health symptoms and disorders in elite athletes. The
Published Online First intended audience includes sport and exercise medi-
15 May 2019
Management strategies should address all contributors cine physicians and other clinicians (including phys-
to mental health symptoms and consider biopsychosocial iotherapists and athletic trainers), psychiatrists and
factors relevant to athletes to maximise benefit other licensed mental health providers, other mental
and minimise harm. Management must involve health and performance professionals who work with
both treatment of affected individual athletes and elite athletes, researchers in the fields of elite athlete
optimising environments in which all elite athletes mental health and clinical or institutional leaders/
train and compete. To advance a more standardised, administrators who are stakeholders in sport.
evidence based approach to mental health symptoms
and disorders in elite athletes, an International
Olympic Committee Consensus Work Group critically Methods
evaluated the current state of science and provided Planning for the consensus meeting began in June
recommendations. 2017 (figure 1). The initial organising group
included IOC leadership (RB and LE) and the
meeting co-chairs (CLR and BH). They identified
members of an expert panel, comprised of 23 indi-
Background viduals from 13 nations with expertise in the mental
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) health of elite athletes. Panellists were identified
convened a consensus meeting on 12–14 November based on their publications in the past 5 years, as
2018 in Lausanne, Switzerland, at which experts determined by a literature search, and invited based
reviewed the scientific literature addressing mental on their clinical and/or scientific understanding of
health symptoms and disorders in elite athletes. specific topics concerning mental health symptoms
The participants analysed the current best evidence and disorders in elite athletes.
to provide a consensus statement for clinical prac- The meeting work group included the invited
tice and individual and systemic interventions to panel of experts, the organising committee
improve mental health among elite athletes. We members, four representatives from the IOC
define elite athletes as those competing at profes- Medical and Scientific Department and two elite
sional, Olympic or collegiate levels. Collegiate athlete representatives. Of the expert panel invited,
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2019. No athletes often train and compete at levels similar to one did not reply to the invitation and thus was not
commercial re-use. See rights professional athletes, and including them expands included, and one was removed after initial inclu-
and permissions. Published the research we can draw on for this paper. sion due to lack of follow-up. The final work group
by BMJ. The group was charged with the following tasks: included psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care
To cite: Reardon CL, ►► to review the literature describing prevalence, and orthopaedic sports medicine physicians, exer-
Hainline B, Aron CM, diagnosis and impact on athletic performance cise scientists, a neurologist, a neurological surgeon
et al. Br J Sports Med of mental health symptoms and disorders and a social worker, and the work group repre-
2019;53:667–699. within elite athletes sented Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Italy,
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
co-chairs took notes during the discussions to capture all
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
research exists on different psychotherapeutic treatments for
Box 1 Guidelines to overcome common obstacles that
substance use disorders in this population.53 54
can interfere with psychotherapy with elite athletes Compared with non-athletes, elite athletes may present with
sport related issues that may pose a challenge in psychotherapy
►► Clinicians should:
and make it more difficult to tailor therapeutic interventions.
–– be flexible about timing of sessions (although without
These issues can include the following: diagnostic challenges (eg,
allowance of persistent cancelling of sessions)55
overtraining syndrome vs major depression); aggression; narcis-
–– urge couples or family therapy when relational issues
sism; and entitlement.52 Insight oriented therapy, such as time
impact functioning or performance55
limited psychodynamic psychotherapy, may be indicated for elite
–– recommend psychotherapy plus pharmacological therapy
athletes with challenging personality and behavioural issues.55
when indicated for cases of moderate to severe mental
In these situations, therapy should first focus on maladaptive
health symptoms or disorders
behaviour patterns because personality traits tend to be more
–– obtain collateral information from close informants, with
appropriate consent, for athletes with severe mental resistant to change.55
health symptoms or disorders55 When engaging elite athletes in the psychotherapeutic
–– insist that the athlete undergo substance use disorder
process, the clinician must be mindful of how the athlete’s char-
treatment if needed55 acteristics may impact treatment. For instance, elite athletes may
►► Clinicians should not: anticipate receiving preferential treatment from their healthcare
–– agree to see a surrogate (such as a coach or trainer) for providers.55 While a degree of flexibility may be needed to main-
psychotherapy sessions55 tain patient privacy and accommodate travel schedules, perpetu-
–– provide experimental treatments, which may give false ating a pattern of preferential treatment may lead to unintended
hope to athletes55 boundary violations.49 Box 1 guides clinicians as to how to over-
come common obstacles that can interfere with treatment in elite
Clinicians should not compromise on delivering other appro-
that puts the athlete at the centre and addresses the full range priate treatment, including medications and hospitalisation as
of emotional, mental, physical, social, spiritual and environ- necessary, during psychotherapy with elite athletes.55 While
mental influences that may affect a person’s mental health. A barriers exist that may prevent elite athletes from seeking,
personalised management strategy should be used to address accepting or effectively using psychotherapy, elite athletes also
mental health symptoms and disorders while striving to maintain possess skills and personality characteristics—notably discipline
optimum well being. The strategy should take into consideration and compliance with recommended regimens—that make them
the elite athlete’s particular needs and circumstances, utilise the especially good candidates for psychotherapeutic interventions.49
most appropriate consensus or evidence based interventions
from a variety of scientific disciplines, and recognise differences
across countries and cultures. Pharmacological treatment
A core challenge in developing this consensus statement was Although psychotherapy is generally regarded as the firstline
that the evidence comes predominantly from high income coun- treatment for those with mild to moderate symptoms of mental
tries, which have more health services compared with low and illness,51 medications may be needed in those with more severe
middle income countries41–43 where many athletes reside. There psychopathology.56 Box 2 outlines four important considerations
is debate concerning the range of ways in which mental health particular to elite athletes when prescribing psychiatric medica-
symptoms and disorders can be managed in culturally appro- tions. Common side effects that may negatively impact athletic
priate ways, drawing on resources from other health sectors and performance include: sedation; weight gain; cardiac side effects
community carers, for example,44–46 with increasing evidence (including orthostatic hypotension, hypertension, tachycardia,
that intervening in ways that support existing community palpitations, arrhythmias and electrocardiographic changes
strengths may be of benefit to people with these conditions.47 48 such as QTc prolongation); and tremor.56 57 Other relevant side
It is important to consider this global context throughout this effects include: impaired concentration; muscle rigidity; motor
statement. changes (including akathisia and bradykinesia); weight loss;
blurred vision or dizziness; anxiety or agitation; and insomnia.56
Psychotherapy The distinction between therapeutic and ergogenic perfor-
Psychotherapy is defined as the treatment of mental health mance enhancement that may result from a medication is
symptoms or disorders or problems of living, and/or facilitation important for all classes of medication.58 For example, an athlete
of personal growth, by psychological means; it is often based who is performing poorly because of uncontrolled anxiety may
on therapeutic principles, structure and techniques. Psycho- gain a therapeutic performance enhancing effect by taking sero-
therapy, with or without pharmacologic therapy, is effective tonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, there is no
for the treatment of mental health symptoms and disorders but evidence that they provide ergogenic performance enhancement,
is commonly underprescribed.49 Moreover, studies on specific and thus they are not prohibited substances in elite sport.57 59 60
types of psychotherapy in elite athletes are lacking. Individual Indeed, stimulants are the only class of psychiatric drugs clas-
psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), sified as prohibited substances, and they are prohibited only in
is efficacious for treating depression and anxiety disorders in the competition; research suggest they could enhance performance
general population.50 In many situations, psychoeducation and/ beyond a pharmacological therapeutic effect.59
or counselling (broadly defined) are considered the treatment of Finally, safety risks are paramount with certain psychiatric
choice for athletes.51 Depending on the sport, the athlete and medications, as elite athletes commonly exercise at much higher
the family dynamics, family therapy may be helpful.52 Further, intensity than the general population.61 For example, medica-
although substance use may be problematic in elite athletes, little tions with blood levels that must be tightly regulated, such as
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
sleep the night prior to competition.72 Sleep deprivation impairs
Box 2 Four key considerations relevant for elite athletes athletic performance across many sports73–96 and sleep improve-
when prescribing psychiatric medications57 ment leads to improved performance.78 83 97–100 Sufficient sleep
is important to avoid overtraining82 87 92 101 102 and maximise
►► Potential negative impact on athletic performance
training gains by regulating adaptive release of hormones such as
►► Potential therapeutic performance enhancing effects (ie,
testosterone103–106 and growth hormone.107–111 Conversely, sleep-
based on improvement in the condition the medication is iness and fatigue are associated with poor athletic outcomes.83 85
designed to treat) Circadian dysregulation—a misalignment between the individ-
►► Potential non-therapeutic performance enhancement effects
ual’s sleep–wake pattern and the desired pattern or the pattern
(ie, ergogenic effects) regarded as the norm—is common in athletes, especially those
►► Potential safety risks
who frequently travel across time zones. Circadian rhythms
are important for metabolism,112–114 performance,91 115–121
and psychological function.122–126 Disrupted circadian rhythms
lithium, can be difficult to manage in elite athletes whose levels decrease athletic performance.127–129 The timing of sport
might be influenced by hydration status.56 57 training, especially in the early morning, can impair sleep72
The four considerations of prescribing medications to elite and lead to suboptimal performance outcomes. Because of an
athletes listed in Box 2 may vary by the particular sport and its athlete’s chronotype (degree to which an individual is naturally
demands,56 level of performance required,56 time frame within a 'morning' or 'evening' person), timing of training or compe-
the athletic training/competition cycle and anticipated duration tition may not align with their personal time of peak perfor-
of treatment. Ultimately, medication choices must be informed mance.130–132 Persistent circadian dysregulation may contribute
by the need to provide effective clinical care for mental health to neurodegeneration and mental health disorders.133–135
symptoms and disorders.56 Although there are athlete specific Insomnia disorder—a persistent difficulty initiating or main-
considerations within each category of psychiatric medications, taining sleep at least 3 nights per week for at least 3 months (in
there is a paucity of applicable research on the topic.56 60 Available the context of adequate sleep opportunity and accompanied by
studies have methodological flaws, including small sample sizes; daytime impairments)—136 is a major risk factor for mood and
medications are not used in real world dosages or time frames; other mental health disorders137–139 and impaired physical func-
populations studied are not representative of elite athletes; few tion.140 Insomnia disorder may be very common among athletes;
female athletes are studied; performance measures used to deter- approximately 64% of Olympic athletes reported significant
mine if a medication has a negative impact on athletic perfor- insomnia symptoms.79 Insomnia is associated with impaired
mance may not represent actual performance impact; and study athletic performance.141
subjects often lack the mental health disorder that the medica- Sleep apnoea involves periodic reduction or cessation of
tion is intended to treat.60–62 We acknowledge these limitations. breathing during sleep.136 Due to its relationship with higher
Nevertheless, some research is available regarding psychiatric body mass, sleep apnoea is especially common among Amer-
prescribing for athletes, and details are shared as relevant below. ican football players142–145 and many are at high risk for sleep
apnoea.142 146 However, high body mass is not required for
Specific mental health symptoms and disorders in sleep apnoea, and many with the disorder remain undiag-
elite athletes nosed.147 Additionally, training at altitude can produce central
In this section we detail the assessment and management of: sleep apnoea.148 Untreated sleep apnoea, regardless of aeti-
►► sleep disorders and sleep concerns ology, increases fatigue and dramatically impairs athletic perfor-
►► major depressive disorder and depression symptoms mance149–155 if untreated.
►► suicide Addressing sleep problems in elite athletes requires screening
►► anxiety and related disorders for primary sleep disorders (such as circadian dysregula-
►► post-traumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related tion, insomnia disorder or sleep apnoea), since solely treating
disorders comorbid mental health symptoms or disorders (such as depres-
►► eating disorders sion or anxiety) will likely be unhelpful unless any primary sleep
►► attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder disorders are properly treated.156 A questionnaire validated for
►► bipolar and psychotic disorders use in athletes may help identify athletes who need further sleep
►► sport-related concussion assessment.157 At the team level, the sports medicine team can
►► substance use and substance use disorders promote healthy sleep by: (i) ensuring coaches model healthy
►► gambling disorder and other behavioural addictions sleep and schedule training around sleep and circadian rhythms;
Note that we have published separate review papers for several (ii) encouraging healthy sleep as part of the training protocol;
of these conditions. (iii) promoting sleep health education; and (iv) engaging in
proactive tracking and monitoring of sleep.
Sleep disorders and sleep concerns Non-pharmacological treatments are often recommended to
Insufficient sleep is defined as less than 7 hours of sleep for a treat sleep disorders in athletes because many medications are
healthy adult;63–68 adolescents and younger adults need 9–10 associated with increased injury risk and may cause side effects
hours of sleep.67–70 National Collegiate Athletic Association (eg, slowed reaction time, cognitive impairment) that may impair
(NCAA) surveys indicate that over half of collegiate athletes in athletic performance.158 159 Non-pharmacological treatments
the USA report regularly getting insufficient sleep; 50% report (collectively described as 'behavioural sleep medicine') are avail-
less than 7 hours of sleep per night in season and 79% report 8 able for many sleep disorders.160 The recommended treatment
hours or less.71 Data among large samples of elite athletes are for insomnia is CBT for insomnia (CBTI); its effects are at least
sparse, although 49% of Olympic athletes would be classified as good as those of medications,161 162 without the associated
as 'poor sleepers'4 (a term that includes multiple sleep prob- side effects. Further, CBTI is effective in the presence of comor-
lems). Elite athletes are particularly unlikely to get sufficient bidities, such as chronic pain, depression and sleep apnoea.163
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode1
At least 5 symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks (at least 1 of the symptoms must be depressed mood, or decreased interest or pleasure):
►► Depressed mood or (in children) irritable most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either ►► Decreased interest or pleasure in most activities, most of each day
subjective report (eg, feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (eg, appears tearful)
►► Significant weight change or change in appetite ►► Insomnia or hypersomnia
►► Change in activity: psychomotor agitation or retardation ►► Fatigue or loss of energy
►► Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt ►► Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness
►► Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
Sleep hygiene alone is often insufficient for more complex prob- on functioning, but individuals may also experience depressive
lems.83 164 symptoms without meeting the criteria for MDD (table 1).1 An
Athletes taking any sleep aids should be advised of the impor- athlete specific screening tool for depression is reliable and valid
tance of allowing a full night of restorative sleep.60 Melatonin, (Box 3).183 184
which may be prescribed or purchased over the counter, is a The prevalence of depressive symptoms in elite athletes ranges
preferred choice of sports psychiatrists for insomnia.57 Addition- from 4%185 to 68%.35 When the research is considered in its
ally, it is the best studied sleep aid in athletes.57 Neither imme- entirety, the prevalence of depressive symptoms in elite athletes
diate release nor extended release melatonin adversely impact and the general population appears to be similar.186 However,
performance.56 60 165 166 Rarely, melatonin may cause hypoten- elite athletes may not recognise or acknowledge depressive symp-
sion.167 However, although melatonin often helps to ameliorate toms or may not seek support,187 in part related to stigma.188
sleep problems, it may have limited utility for those with more Female athletes may be twice as likely to report depressive
extreme sleep difficulties, including insomnia disorder.168 Addi- symptoms as male athletes.186 Rates of adjustment disorder with
tionally, over the counter melatonin may contain impurities and depressed mood (defined as experiencing more depressive symp-
unknown quantities of melatonin; athletes should purchase it toms than would normally be expected in response to a stressful
only from a reputable company.60 If a supplement such as mela- life event, but not to the point of those symptoms meeting
tonin includes any prohibited substances, and an athlete ingests criteria for MDD)1 and persistent depressive disorder/dysthymic
them unknowingly, the athlete will be held accountable if found disorder (defined as a chronic course of depression lasting at
to have an adverse analytical finding for a prohibited substance. least 2 years)1 in elite athletes are unknown.
Ignorance of ingredients or improper labelling of supplements Different sports are associated with different risks for depres-
is not excusable under the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sive symptoms and MDD. French athletes who took part in
code.60 aesthetic or fine motor skills sports were at greater risk of expe-
If melatonin does not help an athlete with insomnia, trazodone riencing depressive symptoms than those who took part in team
and gabapentin are sometimes used, although they have not been ball sports.185 Among North American athletes, track and field
studied specifically in athletes,57 and there is no evidence base athletes had the highest rates of MDD compared with those in
to support their efficacy for insomnia disorder.168 Imidazopyr- other collegiate sports.29 Depressive symptoms may be more
idines (eg, zolpidem and zopiclone) may be options if needed57 prevalent in individual sport athletes compared with team sport
and are effective medications for insomnia disorder.168 They athletes.12 29 189
have less of an impact on next day physical performance than Risk factors associated with depressive symptoms and MDD
benzodiazepines.169–173 Among the benzodiazepines, agents with in elite athletes include: genetic factors (eg, family history);
longer half lives have a more detrimental impact on next day environmental factors (eg, poor quality relationships, lack of
physical performance compared with shorter acting agents.174 social support);61 190 injury;39 competitive failure;39 retirement
This finding must be considered alongside the knowledge that from sport;191 pain;192 and concussion.193 After athletes retire
benzodiazepines with shorter half lives are more likely to cause from elite sport, those with lower levels of physical activity have
physical dependence and substance use disorders.175 higher rates of MDD.194
For sleep apnoea, the recommended treatment is usually posi- Non-functional overreaching (NFO) and overtraining should
tive airway pressure therapy.176 Oral appliances are also recom- be considered as possible relevant factors in athletes who present
mended for some individuals,177 and in rare cases, airway surgery with depressive symptoms. There are no generally accepted diag-
may be required.178 For circadian rhythm disturbances, mela- nostic criteria for NFO and overtraining. NFO is often defined
tonin is the treatment of choice and has established efficacy in as the accumulation of training load without compensatory
many populations,179 although its dose and timing for schedule recovery, with resultant performance decrement and the need
shifting are different than for sleep promotion. Typically, this for more prolonged recovery.195 196 Overtraining is an extreme
involves lower doses timed earlier in the evening (for advancing form of NFO that results in a prolonged performance decre-
sleep) or the end of the night (for delaying sleep).180 181 Timed ment (usually longer than 2 months) and more severe psycho-
bright light exposure is also routinely used to shift circadian logical and/or neuroendocrinological manifestations.197 198 Both
rhythms. Bright light at night can delay sleep onset, and early are associated with depressed mood.199 Symptoms that overlap
morning light can advance sleep onset the next night.181 182 with MDD may include fatigue, insomnia, appetite change,
weight loss, amotivation and diminished concentration.200 In an
Major depressive disorder and depression symptoms 11 year study of 400 competitive collegiate swimmers, mood
Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) experience state disturbance increased with training stimulus during the
depressed mood and/or little interest or pleasure from activi- season, and then fell to baseline as training load diminished.201
ties on most days over at least a 2 week period, in addition to One possible difference between NFO/overtraining and MDD
associated physical, psychological and cognitive symptoms.1 A in some athletes may be the nature of the dysfunction—athletic
diagnosis requires at least five symptoms and a negative impact performance in NFO/overtraining versus social, cognitive and
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
inhibitors are sometimes regarded as relatively energising,60 but
Table 2 Risk factors for suicide27 217–219
one small study suggested that a norepinephrine reuptake inhib-
►► History of childhood trauma ►► Anxiety itor may be performance limiting.212 Tricyclic antidepressants
►► Agitation ►► Aggression and mirtazapine may cause sedation and weight gain.60 Further-
►► Impulsivity ►► Hopelessness more, supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias have been
►► Interpersonal conflict ►► Drug and alcohol described in young, healthy people taking tricyclic antidepres-
use sants.213 Blood levels of tricyclic antidepressants could become
►► Physical illness/injury ►► Prior suicide toxic in athletes who sweat heavily, although this concern has
attempts not been confirmed in research among elite exercisers.214 In
►► Sleep disturbance summary, the evidence suggests that tricyclic antidepressants
should be avoided as firstline medications in athletes56 60 and, if
prescribed, blood levels should be monitored.60
work performance in MDD.193 Cessation of training in athletes
with NFO or overtraining often improves mood and associated
symptoms, whereas depressed athletes who do not exercise may Suicide
experience worsened mood and lose the antidepressant effect of In the largest study of suicide in elite collegiate student athletes
exercise.61 in the USA, 7.3% of all deaths were attributed to suicide.215
Depressive symptoms and MDD may result in decreased Overall, the rate of suicide was 0.93/100 000 in collegiate
performance, adverse effects on personal life or an exit from athletes per year. The mean age of suicide was 20 years, and male
sport.192 MDD is also highly associated with suicide and suicidal collegiate athletes who participated in American football were at
ideation.202 203 Treatment of depressive symptoms and MDD greatest risk. However, collegiate athletes still had a lower rate
depends on the severity of symptoms but usually consists of of suicide than individuals of the same age in the general US
psychotherapy, often with medication. population (11.6/100 000 per year).216
In an international survey of sports psychiatrists, most of Suicide prevention interventions should be multimodal,
whom treat elite athletes, bupropion was described as a top evidence based and range from interventions to manage stress
choice for use in athletes with depression without comorbid and distress to addressing symptoms of MDD and overt suicidal
anxiety.57 Bupropion’s relatively energising properties and lack ideation.202 203 Risk factors (table 2) should be assessed and, where
of weight gain as a side effect may have contributed to its top possible, mitigated.27 217–219 To promote help seeking behaviours
selection.57 However, it is not available worldwide,56 and should and to potentially reduce the risk of suicide, greater awareness of
not be prescribed in athletes with an eating disorder because it risk factors for suicide may be needed among coaches, medical
increases the risk of seizure—a potential complication of eating professionals and others who work with athletes.27 29 215 Strat-
disorders.204 Preliminary evidence suggests that bupropion egies to understand and modify environmental stressors for
potentially enhanced performance in endurance athletes who elite athletes—such as improving social networks, athletic and
used a single, high dose (600 mg) in warm climates.205 Perfor- personal life balance, team cohesion, and coach and team expec-
mance enhancement was not observed with longer term ther- tations—should be considered in conjunction with treatment for
apeutic bupropion treatment.206 Performance enhancement has mental health symptoms and disorders.215 With retired athletes,
been noted with 300 mg dosing the night before and morning careful consideration must be given to both mental and other
of a cycling time trial in warm climates, but not at doses less medical aspects of health while addressing social isolation and
than 300 mg.207 The research on bupropion suggests that it may other stressful aspects of transition from sport.217
allow athletes to push themselves to higher core body tempera-
tures and heart rates (thus improving performance) when used Anxiety and related disorders
at higher doses and in acute rather than chronic doses.205 Bupro- Individuals with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) expe-
pion is currently on WADA’s Monitoring Programme list in rience excessive anxiety and worry, with symptoms noted in
competition.59 At present, however, it can be prescribed without table 3. GAD in elite athletes ranges in prevalence from 6.0%
a therapeutic use exemption (TUE), which is a process that for a clinician confirmed diagnosis185 to 14.6% using self-re-
allows athletes to request permission to take a medication that is port measures.14 Consistent with the general population, GAD
on the WADA prohibited list. symptom ratings tend to be higher for female athletes than
SSRIs are also often prescribed to treat depression in male athletes.20 24 30 190 220–222 Injured athletes appear to report
athletes.56 57 In particular, fluoxetine has no demonstrated more severe GAD symptoms than their non-injured counter-
negative impact on performance,208 209 and has emerged as an parts.11 20 30 223 224 From the limited data available regarding
antidepressant of choice for athletes.56 57 210 211 Serotonin and prevalence of other anxiety disorders and related disorders in
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants elite athletes (table 4), self-reported estimates include 14.7%
(eg, nortriptyline, amitriptyline) and mirtazapine have not been for social anxiety,11 5.2% for obsessive–compulsive disorder225
studied in athletes.60 Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake and 4.5% for panic disorder.11 Rates of GAD and these other
Table 3 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 diagnostic criteria for generalised anxiety disorder1
►► Excessive anxiety and worry, occurring most days for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities, with the individual finding it difficult to control the worry
►► At least 3 additional symptoms must be present:
Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge Being easily fatigued
Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank Irritability
Muscle tension Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep)
►► The anxiety, worry or physical symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in important areas of functioning
►► Symptoms are not better explained by another medical condition, including another mental disorder, or by a substance
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 4 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 diagnostic criteria for selected other anxiety and related disorders1
Social anxiety disorder Obsessive–compulsive disorder Panic disorder
►► Marked fear or anxiety about one or more social ►► Presence of obsessions, compulsions or both: ►► Recurrent unexpected panic attacks, which are
situations in which the individual is exposed to Obsessions: recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges or abrupt surges of intense fear or discomfort that
possible scrutiny by others impulses that are intrusive and unwanted, and that typically reach a peak within minutes, and during which
cause marked anxiety or distress several accompanying symptoms occur
Compulsions: repetitive behaviours or mental acts that
the individual feels driven to perform in response to an
obsession or according to rules that must be rigidly applied
►► The individual fears that they will act in a way or ►► Obsessions or compulsions are time consuming or cause ►► At least one attack is followed by 1 month or
show anxiety symptoms that will be negatively clinically significant distress or impairment in important more of persistent concern about additional panic
evaluated areas of functioning attacks or their consequences, and/or a significant
maladaptive change in behaviour related to the
attacks (eg, avoidance of certain situations)
►► The social situations almost always provoke fear ►► Symptoms are not better explained by another medical ►► Symptoms are not better explained by another
or anxiety condition, including another mental disorder, or by a medical condition, including another mental
substance disorder, or by a substance
►► The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the social situation and to the sociocultural context
►► Symptoms must be persistent, typically lasting 6 months or more
►► The fear, anxiety or avoidance causes significant distress or impairment in important areas of functioning
►► Symptoms are not better explained by another medical condition, including another mental disorder, or by a substance
disorders in elite athletes do not appear to differ markedly from from competition performance anxiety, although state and trait
those in the general population.226 227 Rates of specific phobia, anxiety domains can overlap.229 230 In addition, other mental
agoraphobia, obsessive–compulsive personality disorder and health symptoms and disorders, most notably those of depres-
adjustment disorder with anxiety (the latter defined as experi- sion and/or eating disorders, may be coexisting.17 21 39 185 231 232
encing more anxiety symptoms than would normally be expected Pervasive worries or fears that accompany physiological symp-
in response to a stressful life event, but not to the point that toms may qualify for a diagnosis of GAD (if it persists for at least
those symptoms meet the criteria for another specific anxiety 6 months) or panic disorder (if accompanied by an abrupt surge
disorder)1 in elite athletes are unknown. However, adjustment in panic related symptoms).1 Agoraphobia, social anxiety and
disorder with anxiety may be more common than other anxiety specific phobias occur in the context of specific stimuli, whereas
disorders in elite athletes.228 obsessive–compulsive disorder is characterised by intrusive
Among elite athletes, patterns of symptom onset, duration and unwanted obsessions and/or compulsions and obsessive–
and severity should be used to differentiate anxiety disorders compulsive personality disorder by preoccupation with orderli-
ness, perfectionism and control in the absence of obsessions and
compulsions.1 Fear of negative evaluation by others may differ-
Box 3 Baron Depression Screener for Athletes. The entiate aspects of social anxiety from competitive performance
instrument is designed for athletes to self-report; if the anxiety.233 Panic attacks triggered by certain training or compet-
athlete scores >5 they should be evaluated by a mental itive situations may indicate a specific phobia; unexpected panic
health professional183 attacks not triggered by a specific fear more likely signal a panic
disorder.234 Because habitual behaviours are commonplace
Please respond to the following questions utilising the following for elite athletes,235 236 idiosyncratic mannerisms or repetitive
scale: routines alone do not merit a diagnosis of obsessive–compulsive
0-Never disorder in the absence of distress or impairment.1
1-Some of the time (over a 2 week period) Anxiety symptoms are reliably associated with both impaired
2-Most of the time (over a 2 week period) cognitive performance and overall functioning in general popu-
1. I feel sad even after a good practice session or successful lations,237 238 although scant research exists for elite athletes.39
competition. Higher ratings of self-reported anxiety (relative to moderate
2. I rarely get pleasure from competing anymore and have lost ratings) are associated with negative performance outcomes
interest in my sport. and skill errors in elite athletes.230 239 240 Pre-competitive (ie,
3. I get little or no pleasure from my athletic successes. state) anxiety is to be expected among elite athletes competing
4. I am having problems with my appetite and weight. at major events, and the athlete’s interpretation of pre-competi-
5. I do not feel rested and refreshed when I wake up. tive anxiety may mediate the functional impact of symptoms.241
6. I am having problems maintaining my focus and Facilitative, rather than debilitative, perceptions of anxiety
concentration during training and competition. symptoms appear associated with more adaptive coping and
7. I feel like a failure as an athlete and person. behavioural responses.242 243
8. I cannot stop thinking about being a failure and quitting
Anxiety disorders respond well to evidence based psycho-
therapy (eg, CBT), although treatment mechanisms necessarily
9. I am drinking alcohol or taking supplements to improve my
vary by disorder.244 In addition to cognitive strategies addressing
unhelpful thinking patterns or experiential avoidance, treatment
10. I have thoughts of ending my life.
frameworks should emphasise, as needed, graded exposure and
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
behavioural experimentation for cases of social anxiety, response compartmentalise to manage emotions, effectively concealing
prevention for cases of obsessive–compulsive disorder and symptoms of trauma-related disorders.256 Further, dissociative
arousal reduction for those with GAD or panic disorder.245 strategies (eg, blocking of sensory input, as intentionally utilised
Anxiolytic medications may be used to treat anxiety disor- by endurance athletes)257 may conceal trauma symptoms. Adap-
ders in elite athletes, and there are important considerations, tive perfectionism, defined as deriving satisfaction from achieve-
including side effects and performance impairment.61 SSRIs, ment from intense effort and tolerating imperfections without
specifically escitalopram, sertraline and fluoxetine, are sports self-criticism,258 is a useful tool against symptom manifestation
psychiatrists’ top choices for pharmacological treatment of in many sports.259 However, it can evolve into maladaptive
anxiety in athletes.56 57 Buspirone, an antianxiety medication, perfectionism, characterised by setting consistently unrealistic
has received little study in athletes; one small study suggested personal standards.258 This can include manifestations of obses-
it impaired performance among recreational athletes, but only a sive–compulsive disorder, which can be a comorbid condition
single 45 mg dose was tested.246 with trauma-related disorders.259
Short acting medications, such as benzodiazepines, are not Symptoms of trauma-related disorders may negatively impact
usually recommended for performance (situational) anxiety athletic performance.249 260 261 Additionally, fear of re-injury
because they may impair performance.56 165 174 247 Propran- increases the risk of subsequent injuries because of avoidance,
olol and other beta blockers, sometimes used for performance inhibited effort or risk seeking behaviours.249 262 Injured athletes
anxiety in non-sport settings, should typically be avoided in may hesitate to undergo physical therapy because of avoid-
sport60 because they may lower blood pressure in athletes who ance, thus interfering with recovery.260 Psychological distress,
already may have relatively low blood pressure. In endurance commonly seen in trauma-related disorders, reduces immune
sports, beta blockers can problematically decrease cardiopul- function and delays healing, thus impeding the athlete’s ability
monary capacity.248 Because of their effectiveness in reducing to participate in rehabilitation following an injury.261
tremor and thereby improving fine motor control, beta blockers Early identification of and intervention for suspected trau-
are prohibited at all times for archery and shooting, and are ma-related disorders may mitigate associated morbidity.263
prohibited in competition for archery, automobile, billiards, Screening for mental health disorders following a sport-related
darts, golf, shooting, some skiing/snowboarding and some traumatic musculoskeletal injury is recommended.264 Although
underwater sports.59 evidence of impact on ultimate development of PTSD is mixed,
careful, non-compulsory psychological debriefing with a qual-
ified provider for an individual and/or team, with appropriate
Post-traumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related follow-up and support, may reduce distress and enhance group
disorders cohesion in the immediate aftermath of trauma.250 Trauma
Trauma-related mental health disorders in elite athletes are informed management of a traumatised athlete’s team also can
common, with potentially serious consequences.249 These disor- improve outcomes for the traumatised individual.265 Conversely,
ders include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), defined as blaming the individual for the traumatic situation may perpet-
exposure to a trauma followed by at least 1 month of mental uate symptoms of trauma.250 Passive attitudes, non-intervention,
health symptoms; acute stress disorder (similar to PTSD, but less denial and silence by those in power may also compound the
than 1 month in duration); and adjustment disorder (abnormal initial trauma.266 Psychotherapeutic modalities recommended
reaction to an identifiable life stressor).1 Athletes may encounter for the treatment of trauma-related disorders include CBT,
traumatic experiences from inside or outside of sport, and such cognitive processing therapy, cognitive therapy and prolonged
experiences may range from sport injuries to life events indepen- exposure therapy.267 If medications are needed, SSRIs such as
dent of a sport injury.250 251 sertraline and fluoxetine are generally regarded as the agents of
Research on the prevalence of trauma-related disorders in choice268 and overall are reasonable choices for athletes.57
elite athletes is limited. This is particularly true regarding trau-
ma-related disorders stemming from traumas other than sports
injuries. Sport-related musculoskeletal injury is associated with Eating disorders
elevated levels of PTSD symptomology.249 Athletes may also Eating disorders (including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa
experience PTSD symptoms shortly after a sport-related concus- and binge eating disorder) and disordered eating (abnormal eating
sion.252 Traumatic injuries may pose an even greater risk of behaviours not meeting criteria for an eating disorder) (table 5)
progression to a chronic trauma-related mental health disorder among elite male and female athletes are common.25 269–272
in athletes with pre-existing exposure to trauma of any type.253 The estimated prevalence of eating disorders and/or disordered
Diagnosing PTSD and other trauma-related disorders in eating among athletes in general ranges from 0% to 19% in men
athletes can be challenging. Trauma-related symptoms may and from 6% to 45% in women,273 considerably higher than
manifest at any time,254 especially during situations reminiscent in non-athletes.274 Data on elite athletes are sparser, but also
of a prior inciting event.249 255 Such symptoms include: hyper- show significantly greater risk in elite athletes than in non-ath-
arousal (commonly experienced as anxiety); avoidance of phys- letes.23 241 Elite athletes more commonly meet criteria for disor-
ical and psychological reminders; re-experiencing symptoms dered eating than for eating disorders.275 Data have largely
(eg, intrusive thoughts, nightmares or flashbacks); dissociation relied on self-reports. However, athletes are prone to denial of
(feeling detached from one’s surroundings and/or emotions); symptoms, and are more apt to underreport disordered eating
and non-specific symptoms, including irritability and depressed than are non-athletes.23
mood.1 250 Athletes may also develop comorbid substance use Athletes possess some of the same risk factors for eating disor-
disorders or eating disorders.250 Trauma-related disorders may ders as the general population, and some that are sport specific
be associated with inconsistent athletic performance and somatic risks (table 6).273 More than 60% of elite female athletes from both
complaints without evident injury.250 leanness focused and non-leanness focused sports have reported
Athletes may engage in behaviours that can obscure trau- body shaming pressure from coaches.276 Eating disorders are
ma-related symptoms. For example, elite athletes may common in athletes using performance and image enhancing
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 5 Characteristics of eating disorders versus disordered eating in elite athletes1 274 736
Eating disorders Disordered eating
►► Restricting, bingeing or purging often occur multiple times per week ►► Pathogenic behaviours used to control weight (eg, occasional restricting, use of diet pills,
bingeing, purging or use of saunas or 'sweat runs') may occur but not with regularity
►► Obsessions with thoughts of food and eating occur much of the time ►► Thoughts of food and eating do not occupy most of the day
►► Eating patterns and obsessions preclude normal functioning in life ►► Functioning usually remains intact
►► Preoccupation with 'healthy eating' leads to significant dietary restriction ►► There may be preoccupation with 'healthy eating' or significant attention to caloric or
nutritional parameters of most foods eaten but intake remains acceptable
►► Excessive exercise beyond that recommended by coaches may be ►► While exercise may not be regularly used in excessive amounts to purge calories, there may be
explicitly used as a frequent means of purging calories a cognitive focus on burning calories when exercising
drugs, including anabolic androgenic steroids, amphetamine-like may not immediately suffer, typically performance decreases
substances, coffee and caffeine derivatives, synthetic cathinones over time, related to factors such as dehydration, electrolyte
and ephedrine.277 Dissatisfaction with body image may be the disturbances, early glycogen depletion, loss of muscle mass and
strongest predictor of eating disorders in athletes.278 injuries such as stress fractures.274 278 287 288
A diagnosis requires obtaining a detailed current and past Among the challenges in bringing an athlete to treatment are
history (including a corroborative history), a thorough phys- concerns about confidentiality,289 finding access to effective
ical examination and laboratory studies.274 Dual energy X-ray treatment, the athlete's acceptance that there is a problem to
absorptiometry and electrocardiography are sometimes needed treat, the ability to relate—as an athlete—in treatment and the
to assess possible adverse effects on bone and cardiac health.274 possible need to restrict activity on return to play.290 Just as team
Rating scales that have been validated in athletes, such as the culture may engender disordered eating, there may be a role for
Athletic Milieu Direct Questionnaire version 2, the Brief Eating teammates to encourage healthy eating behaviours.291
Disorders in Athletes Questionnaire version 2, and the Physi- One of the first decision points in treatment is what level of
ological Screening Test to Detect Eating Disorders Among care is required. Those who are severely nutritionally compro-
Female Athletes, may be used.279 However, research suggests mised may need hospitalisation.274 In any setting, an interdis-
that personal interviews may be superior to rating scales in diag- ciplinary team is ideal, and may include a psychiatrist, a sports
nosing eating disorders in athletes.280 The usual DSM-5 diag- nutritionist/dietitian, a primary care physician, another licensed
nostic criteria1 may be difficult to apply in athletes51 because mental health provider, an athletic trainer and a coach.274 Once
the adaptive nature of a disciplined training diet and preoccupa- a healthy nutritional status is attained, the psychological and
tion with body shape and weight in sport may confuse the diag- sociocultural underpinnings of the disordered eating may be
nosis.281 Additionally, athletes may present as normal weight, addressed through psychotherapeutic modalities in individual,
with very low body fat but high muscle mass.61 Finally, excessive group or family settings.292 A team may be viewed as a family
exercise as an eating disorder behaviour often used to compen- structure, or a coach–athlete relationship may benefit from
sate for a perceived excess of calories consumed can be chal- therapy.293
lenging to assess in athletes.282 While there is little evidence that medication is helpful for
In elite training, athletes may present with low energy avail- anorexia nervosa, the primary pharmacologic treatments in
ability (LEA), which can occur secondary to inadvertent inade- bulimia nervosa are antidepressants, specifically fluoxetine,
quate intake or from disordered eating. The female athlete triad which has no evident adverse impact on performance.1 208 209 294
was historically denoted by LEA, menstrual dysfunction and low Lisdexamfetamine may be helpful for binge eating disorder295
bone mineral density.51 283 284 Male athletes may present with but it is a stimulant and thus is prohibited in competition at elite
an analogous condition characterised by LEA, hypogonado- levels of competition and requires a TUE.59
tropic hypogonadism and low bone mineral density.285 The IOC Although early detection and treatment are critical, preven-
convened and redefined these entities under a broader umbrella: tion of eating disorders is also important.273 296 Overall, the body
relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S), which addresses the of research on eating disorder prevention programmes with elite
more global impact of relative energy deficiency on physiolog- athletes is small but promising.296 Elements common to seem-
ical function and its psychological consequences and includes all ingly successful prevention programmes include involvement
genders.280 286 of multiple targets for systematic change (eg, athletes, coaches
The fact that an eating disorder impairs athletic performance and sport administration),296–298 and utilisation of interactive
is a powerful motivator for treatment.278 While performance programmes that encourage multiple modes of communication
Table 6 General and sport specific risk factors for eating disorders273 296
General risk factors Sport specific risk factors
►► Low self esteem ►► Weight sensitive sports (eg, weight class sports such as rowing, wrestling and judo; those that may be aesthetic judged such as
gymnastics, artistic swimming, diving, equestrian and figure skating; and gravitational sports in which lower body fat may be
advantageous, such as distance running, cycling and swimming)
►► Depression ►► Team weigh-ins
►► Anxiety ►► Sport specific training before the body is fully mature (which might hinder an athlete from choosing a suitable sport for their adult body
►► Genetic vulnerability ►► Performance pressure
►► Perfectionistic personality style ►► Injury299
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
There are scant data regarding the prevalence of ADHD in
Table 7 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5
elite athletes; however, ADHD may be more common than in
diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder1
the general population, since individuals with ADHD may be
►► A persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes drawn to sport due to the positive reinforcing effects of physical
with functioning or development, with 6 or more symptoms of inattention, and/
activity.306 308 However, the sport-related hyperactivity mani-
or 6 or more symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
fest in some athletes must be distinguished from diagnosable
►► Inattention symptoms: ►► Hyperactivity and impulsivity
Athletes with ADHD who suffer concussions should be eval-
Often fails to give close attention to Often fidgets or taps hands or feet, or
details or makes careless mistakes squirms in seat uated for comorbid or persistent concussion symptoms, since
Often has difficulty sustaining Often leaves seat in situations when
there is symptom overlap between concussion and ADHD.310–314
attention in tasks or play activities remaining seated is expected Both conditions affect similar neurocognitive domains, resulting
Often does not seem to listen when Often runs about or climbs in in possible deficits in memory, attention and concentration.315 316
spoken to directly situations where it is inappropriate (in Collegiate athletes with ADHD are more likely to report a past
adolescents or adults, may be feeling history of concussions than those without ADHD, and ADHD
restless) may be associated with prolonged recovery following sport-re-
Often does not follow through Often unable to play or engage in lated concussion in athletes.317 318
on instructions and fails to finish leisure activities quietly ADHD may negatively affect athletic performance.305 Lack of
school, chores or work focus and concentration, oppositional behaviour, argumentative
Often has difficulty organising tasks Is often 'on the go', acting as if 'driven attitude, frustration, lowered self-esteem and labile mood may
and activities by a motor'
all interfere with performance.305 ADHD may cause academic
Often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant Often talks excessively
difficulties that could threaten the academic eligibility of student
to engage in tasks that require
sustained mental effort
athletes.305 Additionally, commonly described comorbid condi-
tions such as anxiety, depression and substance use disorders
►► Often loses things Often blurts out an answer before a
question has been completed may negatively impact performance.305 However, some individ-
►► Is often easily distracted by Often has difficulty waiting their turn
uals with ADHD naturally excel in sport because of quick and
extraneous stimuli (in adolescents reactive decision making due to inherent impulsivity.319
or adults, may include unrelated In managing ADHD in elite athletes, psychosocial interven-
thoughts) tions should be used;57 these interventions may be as effective
►► Is often forgetful in daily activities Often interrupts or intrudes on others as—and should be considered an alternative to—stimulant medi-
►► Several symptoms were present prior to age 12 years cation in athletes with mild functional impairment.306 309 320–325
►► Several symptoms are present in 2 or more settings (eg, home, school, work or in Depending on the age of the elite athlete, treatment may
social settings) include: behaviour therapy or CBT; individual education plans;
►► The symptoms interfere with or reduce the quality of functioning parent teaching/training and caregiver support; and education
►► The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder, including for athletes, families and coaches.308 321 326
substance intoxication or withdrawal. Stimulants are a primary pharmacological treatment for
ADHD.62 211 306 309 321 322 324 325 327 Such medications, including
those in the methylphenidate and mixed amphetamine salts
(eg, with athletes leading some of the session, use of practical classes, may be ergogenic,328 329 and are misused because of the
skills assignments and provision of a safe space for athletes to perception of performance enhancement.306 322 324 325 327 330 Like
express their experiences of body shape and weight).296–298 classic stimulants, the psychostimulant modafinil reportedly
Athletes should be educated to recognise signs and behaviours may mask symptoms of fatigue.331 Stimulants may be misused
that may be associated with eating disorders and RED-S, for weight loss as a performance advantage in leanness sports
including overexercise, rigid eating patterns, amenorrhoea, a (eg, distance running) or in sports with weight classes (eg, wres-
focus on thinness and a competitive comparison of physiques.299 tling).309 327 Stimulants are prohibited by WADA in competi-
A strong coach–athlete relationship may protect against eating tion,59 332 so athletes taking them for legitimate medical reasons
disorders.300 Coaches need to understand the physiologic must receive a TUE.333
importance of proper nutrition and weight management.301–303 Athletes taking stimulants may be able to exercise to higher
Coaches should feel comfortable discussing eating disorders and core body temperatures without perceived thermal stress,212
RED-S with athletes.299 One strategy to decrease stigma is to thereby raising concerns about both performance enhancement
reframe these disorders as a continuum of sport-related injury and safety.212 Stimulants may cause several side effects, including
and illness.304 insomnia, anxiety, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and
an undesired decrease in appetite, all of which can negatively
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder impact performance and threaten athlete safety.211 306 309 322 324 325
The essential features of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Given these concerns, if medications are necessary for an
(ADHD) are a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyper- athlete with ADHD, non-stimulant medications should be consid-
activity–impulsivity causing dysfunction and present in multiple ered.309 324 327 334 The non-stimulant atomoxetine is a medication
spheres since prior to the age of 12 years (table 7). A formal of choice for ADHD among sports psychiatrists, presumably
diagnosis of ADHD may be made based on patient history, using owing to the regulatory and safety drawbacks of stimulants.57
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.1 Other data, such as those obtained However, it has not been studied in elite athletes. In addition,
from neurocognitive testing, laboratory results and collateral prescribers and athletes should be aware that it takes much
information, may support a diagnosis, rule out other conditions longer to see full benefit from atomoxetine than from stimu-
or both.305 lants,309 and gastrointestinal discomfort and sedation are possible
Using DSM-5 criteria, 30% of those diagnosed with ADHD side effects.327 Bupropion, an antidepressant with some stimu-
in childhood continue to meet ADHD criteria as adults.306 307 lant properties, is sometimes used off label for ADHD,306 322 335
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
especially for individuals with comorbid depression. Clonidine disorders), as the latter may be self-limiting or require only
and guanfacine in extended release formulations are approved in short term treatment (table 8).341 For example, anabolic–an-
some countries for use in children under the age of 18 years with drogenic steroid use may be associated with psychotic, hypo-
ADHD (which could include elite athletes).325 336 These latter manic or depressive symptoms.342 343 Other substances used
two medications have not been studied in elite athletes, but seda- by athletes, including stimulants, cannabinoids and glucocor-
tion and cardiac side effects such as hypotension, bradycardia ticoids, may also be associated with mood or psychotic symp-
and QTc prolongation are possible side effects.336 337 Tricyclic toms.344 345
antidepressants may also be used off label for ADHD,325 but side There are scant data on how bipolar and psychotic disorders
effects such as sedation, weight gain, cardiac arrhythmias and affect athletic performance. The long term course of bipolar
dry mouth may preclude their use in elite athletes.305 disorders is variable, and patients may spend a significant
If stimulants are prescribed and a TUE is approved, it may amount of time in a symptomatic (often depressed) state.346 347
be preferable to start with long acting formulations, which are However, some athletes have achieved sporting success despite
more convenient and less likely to be abused.57 324 An alternative this condition.
potential stimulant prescribing strategy involves use of formu- Cognitive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia cause
lations and timing that allow use only during school, study and significant impairment of function348 349 likely to interfere with
work times—not during practices and competition—thereby the demands of elite sport.51 Conversely, physical activity may
decreasing concerns about safety and impact on perfor- be beneficial for symptoms of bipolar and psychotic disor-
mance.57 324 327 A final important consideration is that prescribers ders,350–352 although some evidence suggests that vigorous exer-
must use caution in prescribing stimulant medication if the cise may exacerbate mania in patients with bipolar disorder.351
athlete is participating in endurance events in hot temperatures Supported strategies to exit from an elite sports level, perhaps
because of the possible increased risk of heat illness.60 306 322 324 to a lower level of participation, should be considered if this
strategy would allow the individual to continue to benefit from
Bipolar and psychotic disorders physical activity.
Bipolar disorders are characterised by major changes in mood There is limited evidence on the treatment of bipolar disor-
with associated functional impairments (Box 4). Mood changes ders and psychosis in athletes,61 and guidance is usually based
may be depressive, hypomanic, manic or occasionally with on expert opinion and individualised prescribing.56 Long term
mixed symptoms.1 Psychotic symptoms need not be present, medication is often needed alongside psychotherapy interven-
but if so are usually consistent with the individual’s mood.1 tions,353–358 including family therapy, CBT and, for bipolar
Psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and related condi- disorder, social rhythms therapy.359
tions are usually characterised by hallucinations and delusions. Sports psychiatrists have reported preferences for lamotrigine
In addition, schizophrenia may involve disturbances in speech, and lithium in athletes with bipolar disorders.60 Lamotrigine has
thought, behaviour, affect and cognition, in addition to social a favourable side effect profile for elite athletes, but does not
deficits and significant functional impairment.1 always prevent or treat mania.56 57 Lithium is a full spectrum
Bipolar and psychotic disorders have not been thoroughly mood stabiliser, but its levels may fluctuate with intense exercise
studied in elite athletes;61 although prominent cases have been and hydration status,360 361 so close monitoring is advised.56 Apart
reported,338 the prevalence is unknown. Both disorders show a from lamotrigine, most medications for bipolar disorder can
peak age of onset coincident with the usual age of peak sporting cause sedation, weight gain and tremor.57 60 Among the atypical
performance;339 thus it is important for clinicians and other key antipsychotics that may be used for bipolar or psychotic disor-
professionals in the world of sport to be aware of their symp- ders, aripiprazole, lurasidone and ziprasidone may be relatively
toms. In cases of mania and hypomania, the diagnosis may be less likely to cause sedation and weight gain.56 57 Ziprasidone
obscured if sport provides a functional outlet for excess energy, may cause QTc prolongation362 and thus may not be a firstline
or if overactivity is normalised.340 choice within this class for athletes.57 Aripiprazole may cause
It is important to distinguish primary mood and psychotic akathisia, which could negatively impact motor performance in
disorders from the impact of substance use (secondary athletes.56 Typical antipsychotics are an infrequent choice for
Table 8 Features that may help distinguish between primary bipolar and psychotic disorders and those secondary to substance use341–343 345 508
Primary disorder Secondary to substance use
History Possible past history of episodes and Use may be acknowledged with sensitive enquiry and corroborative reports (eg, from
family history of disorder and no report of family, friends, etc)
substance use
Clinical features ►► Symptoms may be similar ►► Symptoms may be similar
►► Longitudinal course is more likely to be ►► Episodes may self-limit after a few days
of episodes lasting weeks or more ►► Irritability and aggression are more common
►► Sub-syndromal presentations are more likely than full syndromes
►► Close temporal relationship to use
►► Association with high dose and multiple substance use
Physical exam Signs of increased arousal may be present The following signs may be present:
(eg, increased pulse and/or blood pressure) ►► AAS use – acne, needle marks, female hirsutism, jaundice, gynaecomastia (men),
breast atrophy (women), testicular atrophy or prostatic hypertrophy (men),
clitoromegaly (women)
►► Stimulant use – increased arousal, dilated pupils, tics
►► Cannabinoid use – characteristic smell, conjunctival injection, drowsy, slowed
responses, impaired short term memory
AAS, anabolic–androgenic steroid.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
usually follows a sequential course, but may be prolonged.363
Box 4 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Finally, the signs and symptoms cannot be explained by drugs,
Disorders 5 diagnostic criteria for bipolar I disorder and other injuries or comorbidities.317 364 365 Changes in mood,
bipolar II disorder1 emotions and behaviour are common following SRC; indeed,
in the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool, fifth edition,366 most
►► Bipolar I disorder symptoms overlap with those attributable to anxiety and depres-
–– At least 1 manic episode, defined as a distinct period sion.367–369 Thus SRC may be viewed as a neuropsychiatric
of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or syndrome.
irritable mood, and abnormally and persistently increased Rice and colleagues365 performed a systematic review of
activity or energy, present most of each day for at least a mental health outcomes of SRC in elite athletes; of 103 studies,
week (or any duration if hospitalisation is necessary) 27 met the inclusion criteria for the final analysis. The most
–– 3 additional symptoms (4 if mood is only irritable) are common mental health symptoms following SRC reported
present to a significant degree during the manic episode in these studies were depression, anxiety and impulsivity, but
and represent a noticeable change from usual behaviour: studies were primarily in male athletes, and most were from
–– inflated self-esteem or grandiosity North America. Only one paper was judged as meeting sufficient
–– decreased need for sleep methodological rigour and lack of bias: Vargas et al370 described
–– more talkative than usual depression symptoms in 20% of collegiate athletes following
–– flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts SRC. Vargas et al also reported that predictors of depression
are racing symptoms included baseline depression symptoms, baseline
–– distractibility post-concussion symptoms, lower estimated premorbid intelli-
–– increased goal directed activity or psychomotor gence, non-white ethnicity, increased number of games missed
agitation following injury and age of first participation in organised sport
–– excessive involvement in activities that have a high (more depression symptoms noted in athletes with fewer years of
potential for painful consequences experience in organised sport).
–– The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause Although acute mood and behavioural symptoms may be
marked impairment in social or occupational functioning common following SRC, such symptoms must be differenti-
or to necessitate hospitalisation to prevent harm to self or ated from mental health disorders. For example, Kontos et al371
others, or there are psychotic features reported significantly worse depression symptoms following
–– The symptoms are not better explained by another SRC, but not at the level of major depressive disorder. No high
medical condition, a psychotic disorder or a substance. quality studies exist of other mental health outcomes, such as
►► Bipolar II disorder alcohol or other substance use disorders, personality disturbance
–– At least 1 hypomanic episode, defined as a distinct period or psychotic symptoms, after SRC in elite athletes.365
of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or Most athletes recover from SRC within 7–10 days.372–374
irritable mood, and abnormally and persistently increased However, up to 21% of athletes remain symptomatic after 30
activity or energy, present most of each day for at least 4 days.374 Delayed recovery has often been diagnosed as ‘post-con-
consecutive days cussion syndrome’. This label assumes the presence of common
–– Symptom criteria for a hypomanic episode are the same as influencers of delayed recovery, but it lacks consensus criteria or
for a manic episode (second bullet point above) clinical specificity, and subsumes varied presentations not clearly
–– The hypomanic episode is associated with an unequivocal associated with the concussive injury.1 363 375–383 Since SRC is
change in functioning that is uncharacteristic of the not a homogenous entity, persistent symptoms are increasingly
individual when not symptomatic described within specific, but often overlapping, post-concus-
–– The disturbance in mood and change in functioning are sion subtypes and should be managed as such.384
observable by others The development of depression, anxiety or other mental
–– The episode is not severe enough to cause marked health symptoms or disorders following SRC may adversely
impairment in functioning, hospitalisation or psychosis impact recovery.385 386 Further, pre-injury mood and/or other
–– The symptoms are not better explained by another mental health disorder, family history of mental health disorder
medical condition or a substance and high life stressors before injury all negatively impact SRC
–– At least 1 major depressive episode has occurred (see recovery.387 Multiple SRCs may predispose to the development of
criteria in table 1). clinically significant depression. Kerr et al388 reported a 5.8-fold
increased risk of depression after 5–9 concussions in retired
professional football players, and Guskiewicz and colleagues389
psychotic disorders in athletes because of sedation, motor side described a 3-fold increased risk of depression following three
effects and cardiac concerns.57 or more SRCs among retired football players. Similarly, Kerr et
al390 reported a higher prevalence of moderate/severe depression
Sport-related concussion among former collegiate football players with a history of three
Sport related concussion (SRC) is a traumatic brain injury induced or more concussions. Although Fralick and colleagues391 found
by biomechanical forces. It may be caused by a direct blow to the a twofold higher risk of suicide in individuals who experienced
head, face or elsewhere in the body with a transmitted impulsive concussion and/or mild traumatic brain injury, this study was not
force to the head.363 SRC typically results in short lived impair- athlete or sport specific, and included the general population. Of
ment of neurological function, but signs and symptoms may note, the risk of suicide in former professional football players is
evolve over minutes to hours. It largely reflects functional brain significantly lower than in the general population.392
disturbances, but also may result in neuropathological changes. Diagnosis of SRC and associated mental health symptoms
SRC manifests in a range of clinical signs and symptoms, with or or disorders can be challenging.365 For example, there are no
without loss of consciousness; resolution of signs and symptoms objective imaging or blood biomarkers for SRC.373 Nonetheless,
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
neuropsychological evaluation may help differentiate cognitive ethnicity,439 444 457 reasons for use424 458 and prevalence deter-
from other mental health manifestations.393–397 mination methods.433 459–461 Although self-report surveys and
After an SRC, management of persistent mental health competition day urine drug testing are the most common
symptoms and/or disorders should first address factors that ways of determining use or misuse, these likely are underesti-
can contribute to delayed recovery, which may include several mates.460 461 More reliable measures include: athlete biological
biopsychosocial issues.365 398–401 Because many athletes with passport baselines (obtaining an individual’s profile of biological
prolonged concussive symptoms reduce their daily exercise markers of doping over time); team urine surveillance and post-
markedly, a progressive increase in exercise often ameliorates game testing; repeat testing; hair testing; early out of season
mental health and somatic symptoms.399 400 402 Additionally, testing; attitude scale administration; indirect questioning tech-
social activity, including team activities, should not be restricted, niques; and interviews with athletes, teammates and parents or
as such a restriction has been associated with increased depres- coaches.460–464
sion following an SRC.403 Psychotherapy may be helpful for both A few recent high quality studies have compared substance
mental health and somatic symptoms.375 404 405 Athletes with use among athletes and non-athletes. Using indirect compar-
pre-existing or post-SRC substance use disorders may be more isons among US collegiate athletes and non-athletes, athletes
likely to report more SRC symptoms;406 407 thus ascertaining across all sports report annual use of alcohol, cigarettes, mari-
substance use patterns in elite athletes with SRC is important. juana, amphetamines, anabolic–androgenic steroids, cocaine,
There are no approved pharmacological interventions specific ecstasy and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) at lower rates
to SRC and its sequelae, and evidence to support use of specific than their non-athlete peers.439 465 466 However, in the recent
medications is minimal.408 While the majority of concussed NCAA study (2018) and older US studies that included compar-
athletes recover relatively quickly and thus will probably not need ison groups,432 434 448 467–472 collegiate athletes (especially white
medications,374 when such an approach is warranted, targeted males) in lacrosse, ice hockey, swimming, baseball and wres-
treatment beginning with a lower starting dose and a prolonged tling use more spit tobacco473 and report higher rates of binge
titration interval is generally indicated.409 410 Intervention for drinking and alcohol related problems than non-athletes. Female
insomnia following SRC should focus on sleep hygiene;408 collegiate athletes in ice hockey, lacrosse and swimming binge
however, if a sleep aid is warranted, melatonin may be consid- drink at higher rates than non-athletes, while women ice hockey
ered408 411 412 with trazodone as a second option.374 408 413 414 players use spit tobacco far more often than non-athletes.473
Benzodiazepines should be avoided because of their negative Male and female collegiate lacrosse players have higher rates
effect on cognition.408 413 414 SSRIs may be helpful to treat of use for both cannabis and cocaine.439 465 466 Recent studies
depressed mood following SRC,408 410 413 415 416 and may simul- of professional European football players from five countries6
taneously improve cognition.415 416 Tricyclic antidepressants, and professional rugby players from eight countries19 showed
for example amitriptyline, are sometimes used to treat head- rates of adverse alcohol behaviours (regular, heavy drinking and/
ache, depression, anxiety and/or insomnia in the post-SRC or binge drinking) ranging from 6% to 17%6 and from 8% to
setting374 408 417–419 but side effects may limit their use in elite 21%, respectively, while a 2015 study of elite rugby players from
athletes.60 While some evidence exists for the use of stimulants Australasia using similar measures showed much higher rates of
to manage cognitive dysfunction such as deficits in attention and hazardous alcohol use both before (68.6%) and during (62.8%)
processing speed associated with SRC,408 413 415 420–423 they carry the season.14 At the collegiate level, a 2017 study by Zanotti et al
risks415 and are prohibited in competition by WADA without an using the Psychiatric Diagnostic Survey Questionnaire (N=304)
approved TUE.59 showed rates of DSM IV alcohol abuse/dependence of 7.2% to
10.3%,474 confirming previous reports about collegiate athletes’
relatively high rate of alcohol misuse.432 448 468
Substance use and substance use disorders (ergogenic and The most commonly used substances by elite athletes across
recreational) countries, sports and genders are alcohol, caffeine, nicotine,
Elite athletes use alcohol, caffeine, cannabis/cannabinoids, nico- cannabis/cannabinoids, stimulants and anabolic–androgenic
tine and other substances that can be misused for similar reasons steroids.425 434 435 437 444 459 475–477 Marijuana (inhaled and/or
as non-athletes.345 424 These reasons can include experimenta- ingested) has replaced nicotine as the second most widely used
tion, socialisation, pleasure, boosting confidence and increasing drug among some elite adolescent and collegiate athletes; it
alertness and energy. Elite athletes may also use substances for is more likely to be used in places where it is legal, which are
relief of stress, negative emotions, pain, cravings and with- becoming increasingly common.437 439 478 Despite relatively low
drawal.345 424 Athletes may use ergogenic substances,425 doping rates of use, synthetic cannabinoids479 and cocaine439 appear to
methods such as gene doping426 427 and blood transfusions,428 be a growing problem among collegiate athletes, with uncertain
and neuromodulation (eg, transcranial stimulation).429 430 year round trends for athletes worldwide.
Further, athletes may unwittingly ingest ergogenic substances The sports with the highest general substance use/misuse
by taking dietary substances that contain adulterants.431 These rates across all substances for men’s elite sports are lacrosse, ice
practices seek to enhance performance via hoped for increases in hockey, football, rugby, baseball, soccer, wrestling, weightlifting,
strength, power, endurance, aggression, concentration, oxygen skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh and swimming, and lowest for track,
carrying capacity of the blood and lean body mass; reductions tennis and basketball.439 443 459 480 For women’s elite sports, the
in fatigue and percent body fat; and enhanced recovery from highest rates occur in ice hockey, gymnastics, lacrosse, softball,
exercise and injury.345 424 swimming and rowing, and lowest in track, tennis, basketball
The prevalence of substance use, misuse (defined as heavy, and golf.439 443 459 480 In general, those who participate in team
risky, harmful, hazardous or problem use) or full use disor- sports are more likely to use or misuse substances than athletes
ders as defined in DSM-51 among elite athletes varies signifi- in individual sports.439 442
cantly by substance class,424 432–439 sport,5 439–445 in season Common risk factors for use include: sport context and culture
versus out of season,434 age/level of competition,424 432 438 445–448 (eg, normative beliefs about heavy peer drinking or illicit drug
gender,438 439 445 449 450 country,433 437 445 451–455 sexual orientation,456 use); situational temptation (eg, drinking games); permissive
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
attitudes among athletes, coaches and parents; male sex; use of Nicotine, whether smoked (eg, via cigars, cigarettes or
performance enhancing substances or tobacco; identification as hookahs), used orally (eg, via moist snuff, snus or leaf tobacco)
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer; party lifestyle or or vaped, is also widely used by elite athletes.439 Nicotine
drinking game participation; sensation seeking; overestimating is currently being studied by WADA because of its poten-
peer use; achievement orientation; lower use of protective tial ergogenic effects on performance and because it is so
measures (eg, avoiding serious intoxication, using a designated widely used in some sports, especially baseball, ice hockey and
driver); leadership position; fraternity/sorority membership; lacrosse.59 486 Athletes’ perception of nicotine’s ergogenic effects
problem gambling; and injury.442 443 448 450 452 458 468 481–483 include improved alertness and concentration, increased energy
Intrinsic religiosity has been inversely associated with the use of and focus, increased muscular strength and power, enhanced
alcohol, marijuana and other drugs.484 endurance, relaxation/calmness, weight control and reduction of
Substances most commonly used by elite athletes may cause boredom, although the results of higher quality studies gener-
performance enhancement, decrement or both, and the net ally do not support ergogenesis.424 475 486 Ergolytic effects may
impact may vary by sport and athlete. Some athletes may use include elevated blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and chronic
alcohol before competition to reduce anxiety or tremor and respiratory infections.424 475 486 Potential performance enhance-
improve subjective self-confidence.54 442 485 Alcohol is no longer ment and decrement associated with other substances by elite
a prohibited substance in competition in specified sports.59 athletes, not described in detail here, are documented elsewhere
Post-competition, alcohol is used by some athletes to reduce in the literature.345
stress, boost self-esteem, increase social connectedness, improve Interventions for regular, risky or disordered use of substances
team cohesion, strengthen athletic identity and raise subjective in elite athletes are not well studied. Nonetheless, approaches
happiness.54 442 485 Ergolytic effects of alcohol include dehy- to reducing spit tobacco use among baseball players424 498 499
dration, insomnia, higher injury rates, slower injury healing, and newer approaches to service delivery models for mental
impaired psychomotor skills, hangovers, accidents, lateness, health and substance use disorders in elite athletes provide some
missing important obligations, reduced metabolic recovery/ guidance.339 500 For spit tobacco use, two approaches used the
glycogen re-synthesis, impaired thermoregulation, weight gain pre-season physical and dental examinations as an opportu-
and academic underperformance that can threaten athletic eligi- nity to screen for heavy nicotine use and examine players for
bility.424 485 486 oral lesions. If screening is positive, then a brief intervention
Although some elite athletes speculate that cannabis/canna- by a dental technician or a substance counsellor experienced in
binoids increase the likelihood of obtaining restorative sleep tobacco cessation is delivered. In one study,498 after 10 years of
before a competition, reduce pre-competition stress and anxiety annual oral examinations and dental technician interventions,
to allow for optimal relaxation, or reduce physical pain, no spit tobacco use dropped from 41.1% to 25.6% of players.
studies have shown a beneficial effect on performance.486 487 In In more recent models of service delivery, experienced sports
fact, since cannabis is likely to raise heart rate and blood pres- clinicians are onsite with teams to integrate substance screen-
sure and impair reaction time and coordination,486 it might ings and brief interventions with other health screenings and
be expected to limit performance. Regular or heavy cannabis/ interventions.339 500 One model uses experienced mental health/
cannabinoid use may reduce motivation, activate anxiety, trigger substance providers, who work with the team all year, to conduct
psychosis488 or produce temporary disorientation, delirium or screenings for substance use/misuse at the time of the pre-season
aggression.489 490 physical and carry out follow-up evaluations and treatments for
Ergogenic effects of anabolic–androgenic steroids include those who screen positive. This approach has led to increasing
enhanced muscle mass, improved biomechanical efficiency and service utilisation rates and problem identification at earlier
anti-catabolic effects.491 Potential ergolytic effects include cogni- stages, when problems are easier to treat.424 500 Finally, drug
tive impairment,492 negative mood symptoms,345 psychosis,345 testing is a known deterrent to substance use among athletes,501
aggression345 and injury, especially tendon rupture.345 Some and research suggests that increased frequency of drug testing,
individuals who use anabolic–androgenic steroids have muscle including during high risk time periods (eg, immediately after a
dysmorphia, a preoccupation that one’s body is not sufficiently game when athletes are socialising or early in the post-season),
lean and muscular, often with significant body image distor- may diminish illicit drug use among elite athletes.462
tion.493–495 Cycles of using anabolic–androgenic steroids are Brief individual or group interventions delivered by clinicians,
usually interspersed with drug free periods and are sometimes sometimes with key family members or members of the athlete’s
associated with other drug use (eg, diuretics or benzodiazepines) entourage in attendance, may successfully prevent or diminish
to mitigate side effects.424 491 These other drugs themselves may binge drinking or other substance use in collegiate athletes.502–505
have ergolytic effects.56 165 174 247 Similarly, binge drinking may be successfully diminished when
Stimulants may be attractive to elite athletes because they athletic trainers and academic advisors screen for and deliver
may improve reaction time and concentration, increase arousal, brief motivational interventions.506 Group therapy, as an adjunct
improve memory, boost energy, trigger relaxation and confi- to medication treatment, is effective when addressing substance
dence, and improve energy when fatigued.309 424 475 486 496 497 use disorders among professional athletes.14 478 507 No research
Their negative effects, however, are more apparent in high on the use of self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous
doses or when combined ('stacked'), which may be relatively or Narcotics Anonymous or intensive outpatient or residential
common among male athletes who use performance enhancing treatment of elite athletes is available. While these treatments
substances.424 452 Athletes may knowingly or unknowingly are evidence based in other populations, concerns about confi-
consume large amounts of caffeine in dietary supplements, and dentiality may limit elite athletes’ willingness to participate in
larger caffeine doses do not appear to increase performance self-help groups.508
and indeed are more likely to cause side effects.431 Ergolytic There are no pharmacological studies on treatment of
effects of high dose stimulant use or combination stacking may substance use disorders in elite athletes. Such treatment is gener-
include anxiety, insomnia, gastric irritation, tachycardia and ally grounded in psychosocial modalities, and pharmacotherapy
tremors.309 424 476 486 is used to manage withdrawal and cravings and to treat comorbid
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
mental health symptoms or disorders, such as insomnia, anxiety (13.0% and 7.0%, respectively) compared with non-athletes
or depression.508 There are unique implications for treatment (3.0%). In the NCAA’s study of North American collegiate
of opioid use disorder in elite athletes because treatment often athletes between 2004 and 2016, over 84 000 male collegiate
involves use of opioid agonists (eg, methadone and buprenor- athletes self-reported prevalence rates of disordered gambling of
phine). Since these are prohibited in competition by WADA,59 between 0.7% and 2.0%. However, those athletes at risk (not
elite athletes falling under WADA’s governance require a break meeting the clinical criteria for gambling disorder, but self-re-
from training and competition if such an approach is utilised.53 porting serious gambling related problems) comprised between
Because alcohol is the most commonly used substance among 1.1% and 2.9% of the sample.522 Thus the results suggest that
elite athletes, alcohol use disorder may occur in this population; between 1.8% and 4.0% of respondents have serious gambling
naltrexone, acamprosate and disulfiram are treatment options related problems. Importantly, assessment measures have differed
for this disorder when cravings are strong or persistent and when among studies, as have the availability and accessibility of
the athlete is unable to stop use on their own.53 Since heavy oral gambling opportunities. Additionally, the NCAA study assessed
nicotine use is also seen frequently in some sports and can be athletes where gambling by collegiate athletes was prohibited. In
accompanied by tolerance, physiological dependence and crav- a study among professional athletes from Spain, France, Greece,
ings, pharmacological strategies for moderate to severe nico- Ireland, Italy, Sweden and the UK, 56.6% participated in some
tine use disorders in elite athletes should be considered. These form of gambling during the past year, and 8.2% had a gambling
include nicotine replacement therapy with or without bupro- problem (either current or in the past). In particular, problem
pion, varenicline or bupropion plus varenicline.509–511 Electronic gambling was related to wagering on one’s own team, betting
cigarettes or nicotine vaping devices are not recommended for online and gambling regularly.520
use in elite athletes since their safety and effects on respiratory Several other behavioural disorders, including excessive
function have not been established.512 513 gaming, Internet and social media use, may be of concern in
athletes but are not DSM-5 diagnoses and have received little
Gambling disorder and other behavioural addictions research attention. In one case study, a professional baseball
Many behavioural addictions may negatively impact an athlete’s pitcher experienced an injury after excessively playing a video
functioning, but most studies have focused on gambling game.528 Others have argued that Wii Sports software may be
disorder.514 Gambling disorder, as described by the DSM-5,1 helpful for rehabilitation of athletic injuries.529 Some papers
involves at least 12 months of persistent and recurrent problem- describing excessive professional gaming in electronic sports
atic gambling with resultant negative consequences. Individuals ('e-Sports') have questioned whether professional gamers who
with gambling disorder report decreased athletic and academic spend 10 hours or more a day practising and competing are
performance, comorbid mental health symptoms and disorders 'addicted' to gaming or work.530–532
(eg, anxiety, depression and substance use disorders), interper- While also not included as a behavioural addiction in the
sonal difficulties and legal concerns (theft or embezzlement to DSM-5, excessive exercise shares behaviours with other addic-
support their gambling).514–516 tive behaviours.533 Prevalence rates of 'exercise addiction'
Along with technological advances, attitudes toward gambling among athletes have varied considerably. Szabo and Griffiths534
have changed. It is now a socially accepted, easily accessible form reported that 6.9% of British sports science students were at risk
of entertainment.517 Gambling disorder is regarded as a 'hidden for an exercise addiction. Blaydon and Linder535 reported that
disorder', and mental health professionals have reported rela- 30.5% of triathletes could be diagnosed with exercise addiction,
tive lack of awareness and concern about gambling as a poten- with another 21.6% approaching an addiction. Allegre et al536
tial problem.518 Relatively few studies have examined the impact reported that 3.2% of ultra-marathoners displayed signs of an
of gambling disorder. Elite athletes may be particularly at risk exercise addiction. Several studies have reported a significantly
for gambling disorder, given their overrepresentation of young greater risk for exercise addiction in elite athletes compared
males, which is a known high risk group.514 519–521 Additional with recreational exercisers.537 In the elite population, it may be
risk factors for elite athletes include their desire for competition challenging to distinguish exercise addiction from normative and
and challenges, high levels of sensation seeking and impulsivity, adaptive high level training, but some characteristics may help
and increased risk taking behaviours.522–525 with that distinction (table 9).537 538
Early studies that assessed North American collegiate athletes Eating disorders often are comorbid with exercise addiction
found prevalence rates of disordered gambling between 5.2%526 in athletes.290 539 Some researchers distinguish primary exercise
and 6.2%.527 Weiss and Loubier521 reported that both former and addiction, in which there is no accompanying eating disorder
current athletes had the greatest likelihood of problem gambling and exercise is the primary objective, from secondary exercise
Table 9 Features of 'exercise addiction' versus normative/adaptive exercise in elite athletes538 738–741
Exercise addiction Normative/adaptive exercise in elite athletes
►► Tolerance: the need to increase the exercise duration, frequency and/or intensity to ►► Fluctuation in amount of exercise as expected at various points in the training
perceive the desired benefit and to satisfy 'cravings' for it cycle
►► Withdrawal: depressive or anxious symptoms or irritability when the individual suddenly ►► Mild depressive or anxious symptoms or irritability are possible when the
reduces or stops exercise, with possible difficulty performing professional or social individual suddenly reduces or stops exercise, but these symptoms do not cause
activities as a result of these symptoms functional impairment
►► Continued exercise despite knowing that it is causing physical, psychological and/or ►► Ability to stop or cut down on exercise as recommended (eg, if an injury or
social problems illness could be worsened by continued exercise at the same level)
►► Inability to reduce or manage exercise, despite the desire to do so ►► Feeling of control over exercise, which occurs according to planned training
►► Elimination of other life activities (eg, previously desired social, occupational or ►► While exercise may take a substantial amount of time, other life activities that
recreational activities) to accommodate increasingly time consuming exercise regimens are important to the individual are not completely eliminated
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 10 International Olympic Committee definitions: types of non-accidental violence in sport266
Psychological abuse A pattern of deliberate, prolonged repeated non-contact behaviours within a power differentiated relationship. This form of abuse is at the
core of all other forms
Physical abuse Non-accidental trauma or physical injury caused by punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning or otherwise harming an athlete. This could
include forced or mandated inappropriate physical activity (eg, age inappropriate or physique inappropriate training loads; when injured or
in pain), forced alcohol consumption or systematic doping practices
Sexual abuse Any conduct of a sexual nature, whether non-contact, contact or penetrative, where consent is coerced/manipulated or is not or cannot be
Neglect Failure of parents or caregivers to meet a child’s physical and emotional needs or failure to protect a child from exposure to danger. This
definition equally applies to coaches and athlete entourages
addiction, in which weight loss is the objective, with exces- neglect—requires policies and procedures to protect athletes
sive exercise being one of the primary means in achieving the (table 10).266 Non-accidental violence is the term used by the
objective.540–542 United Nations and the IOC to describe harms experienced by
There is a growing body of clinical evidence that behavioural athletes because of an abuse of actual or perceived differen-
disorders can be successfully treated.514 The most common tials in power, based in a cultural context of discrimination.266
approaches include motivational interviewing and CBT.514 543 Psychological abuse is considered the basis for all other forms
Coaches, trainers and team physicians are in a unique position of non-accidental violence and is the most prevalent in sport.545
to identify and address these concerns.522 544 The four types of non-accidental violence may occur in isolation
or in combination, and may be a one time occurrence, contin-
Major stressors and key environmental factors uous or repetitive. Non-accidental violence can manifest via
that influence elite athlete mental health different mechanisms, including contact, verbal or cyber mecha-
In addition to the specific mental health issues mentioned above, nisms, negligence, bullying or hazing (figure 2).
the IOC expert group also considered the larger social environ- Non-accidental violence occurs in all sports and at all
ment in which elite athletes operate. We share our consensus levels,546–548with a greater risk for psychological, physical and
findings on: harassment and abuse; how injury, performance sexual abuse at the elite level.546 549 High risk sport populations
and mental health interesect; barriers to seeking care for mental for non-accidental violence include: child athletes;550 athletes
health symptoms and disorders; the athete’s transition out of who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender, or queer;551
sport; mental health emergencies; and how it may be possible and athletes with a disability.549 Underreporting is a significant
to create an environment that promotes mental well-being and concern and limits conclusions about the prevalence of non-ac-
resilience. cidental violence of any form among elite athletes.552 Stafford
reports that the prevalence of psychological abuse approaches
Harassment and abuse (non-accidental violence) 75% in youth athletes.553 The reported prevalence of sexual
The risk of non-accidental violence in elite sport environ- abuse in sport ranges from 2% to 49%.554 Although there are
ments—whether psychological, physical or sexual abuse, or few robust prevalence studies on physical abuse and neglect
Figure 2 Framework of non-accidental violence in sport, as adapted from the International Olympic Committee.266
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
in sport, many public reports outline these forms of non-acci- Although there are limited prospective studies coupled with
dental violence in sport. Male perpetrators of sexual abuse are conflicting results regarding risk factors related to injury, life event
reportedly more common than female perpetrators, and female stress and high stress response (ie, negative emotional responses
athletes are reportedly more often victims of sexual abuse after sport injury or other stressful events) consistently demon-
than male athletes.555 Perpetrators of forms of non-accidental strate a relationship with injury risk.223 572 574 578 581–585 Life event
violence may be team physicians,556 coaches, other members of stress and high stress response can cause inattention, distraction
the athlete entourage,557 peers or team mates.558 and increased self-consciousness while increasing muscle tension
The impact of non-accidental violence in sport can be devas- and impaired coordination, all of which can impair performance
tating and long standing,559 including loss of self-esteem, poor and increase the risk for injury.223 572 578 581–585 When team
academic performance, distorted body image, eating disorders, mates and coaches are sources of life event stress, there is an
self-harm, depression, anxiety, substance use disorders and associated increased risk of both acute and overuse injuries.581
suicide.560 Non-accidental violence is correlated with willing- Emotional reactivity (involuntary and overly intense emotional
ness to cheat or dope in sport.561 Psychological abuse can lead reaction) is also associated with poor on field performance and
to impaired athletic performance, reduced medal opportuni- injury.222 586 587
ties, loss of sponsorship and early sport dropout.560 Childhood
psychological abuse is a correlate of long term post-traumatic
Response to and recovery from injury and illness
and dissociative symptoms in athletes.562
Cognitive, emotional and behavioural responses are important
Athletes can also suffer from indirect non-accidental violence
factors associated with outcome following injury.578 The
when they witness such events experienced by others and not
evidence for outcomes following illness is not well evaluated,
stopped by others, including those in authority.563 This phenom-
but the same processes may occur as after injury. Cognitive
enon compounds the psychological trauma of the victim, and
responses to injury may include concerns about re-injury, doubts
deters disclosure by athletes.564 Non-accidental violence in sport
about competency, low self-efficacy, loss of identity and concerns
may also affect the victim’s family, and personal, social and
about competency of the medical staff.588 Emotional responses
work/school relationships outside of sport.565
to injury may include symptoms of sadness, depression, suicidal
An athlete presenting with mental health symptoms to a clini-
ideation, anxiety, isolation, lack of motivation, anger, irritation,
cian should be asked about a history of non-accidental violence,
frustration, changes in appetite and sleep, low vigour, disengage-
either within or outside of sport.566 Sports medicine healthcare
ment and burnout.7 574 Injured athletes report more symptoms
providers should develop the clinical competence to recognise
of depression and of generalised anxiety disorder compared with
non-accidental violence, manage athlete disclosures, report cases
non-injured athletes.11 Whereas emotional responses to injury
and treat victims, their families and their teams.556 It is impera-
and illness vary, problematic emotional responses are those that
tive to ensure immediate athlete safety. Multidisciplinary support
do not resolve, worsen over time or in which the symptoms seem
should be the cornerstone of management.556 Support for team-
excessive.569 Injury (and possibly illness) may trigger or unmask
mates, the athlete entourage and family members may also be
other behavioural responses or underlying mental health disor-
appropriate.556 Depending on laws where the abuse occurred,
ders, including disordered gambling, disordered eating or eating
reporting to legal authorities may be required, for example if a
disorders, and substance use disorders.26 30 35 192 241 389 483 589–595
child has been sexually abused.556
Athletes with more positive cognitive, emotional
and behavioural responses may have improved injury
How injury, performance and mental health intersect recovery.35 573 596–606 Higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy
The relationship of injury, performance and mental health and lower levels of depression and stress are associated with
in elite athletes is complex.322 567–570 Elite sport has specific improved recovery from injury.35 573 596–605 Examples of strate-
stressors that potentially increase the likelihood of injury or gies that support positive return to sport experiences include: (a)
illness, including mental health disorders.222 571–576 Injury also reducing re-injury anxieties using modelling techniques, such as
can potentially unmask or precipitate mental health disorders.574 watching videos of formerly injured athletes discussing how they
Finally, mental health disorders can increase the likelihood of, or overcame their re-injury anxieties, or pairing an injured athlete
complicate recovery from, injury.222 572 573 577 Nonetheless, there with another athlete proficient in certain rehabilitation exer-
is minimal prospective research in this area. cises so the less experienced athlete can learn how to execute
the exercises correctly; (b) fostering athlete autonomy (eg, by
explaining why they are performing rehabilitation exercises); (c)
Injury risk factors
building confidence through functional tests and goal setting; (d)
Psychological and sociocultural factors are potential risk factors
providing social support; (e) keeping athletes involved in their
for injury in sport.569 574 575 578 Psychological risk factors include
sport but avoiding premature return to sport; and (f) stress inoc-
anxiety/worry, hypervigilance, poor body image or low self-es-
ulation training when injury requires surgical intervention.604 606
teem, perfectionism, limited coping resources, life event stress (ie,
perceived strain associated with major life event stressors such as
the death of a family member or starting at a new school), risk Barriers to seeking care for mental health symptoms and
taking behaviours or low mood state. Sociocultural risk factors disorders
include limited social resources, a lifetime history of sexual or Elite athletes may encounter many barriers to seeking mental
physical abuse,579 social pressures, organisational stress (ie, asso- healthcare, including stigma.188 607–615 Public stigma and self-
ciated with an athlete’s appraisal of the structure and function stigma predict a significant detrimental impact on seeking treat-
of their sports organisation),580 stress related to negative self-ap- ment for mental health.616 Additionally, many athletes come
praisal of athletic and academic performance, coaching quality from countries where there are few, if any, mental health services,
(eg, poor athlete–coach relationship and communication) and and where there may also be ways of understanding and treating
the culture of sport and teams (eg, a mindset of 'winning at all mental health symptoms and disorders outside of evidence and
costs' vs striving for continual improvement).223 569 574 581 biomedically based ones.617 618 Other barriers can include lack
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of mental health literacy, negative past experiences with mental microaggressions—in addition to socioeconomic inequities,
health help seeking and busy athlete schedules.188 290 609 610 form barriers that may prevent equal opportunities.650–654 For
Facilitators to seeking mental healthcare among athletes example, access to wealth has predicted participation and success
include: having an established relationship with a mental health at the Olympic Games.655 Importantly, discrimination based on
provider; positive previous interactions with mental health any aspect of cultural identity may come from several sources,
providers; perception of benefits to seeking help; a sense of including coaches, team mates, agents, universities, leagues,
self-efficacy to seek treatment; and the positive attitudes of managers, healthcare providers or others.
others, especially coaches, regarding seeking mental health
treatment.188 619 620 Even for elite athletes with positive attitudes
toward mental health help seeking who express a willingness to Transition out of sport
engage psychological services, many have concerns regarding Epidemiological evidence suggests that elite athletes tran-
how they will be perceived by their peers, coaches and sport sitioning out of sport are at risk of developing mental health
managers.611 612 621 Brief mental health literacy and de-stigmatisa- symptoms and disorders. As in current athletes, most studies
tion interventions improve knowledge and may decrease stigma have relied on self-reported cross sectional data. These reports
but may not be enough to increase help seeking.289 502 505 622–627 show that the prevalence of mental health symptoms and disor-
Negative attitudes about mental health services are associated ders in former elite athletes ranges from 5% for adverse alcohol
with several factors, including identification as male, younger use to around 45% for anxiety and depression.13 16 22 34 590 656–661
age, Black (vs Caucasian) race, US (vs European) nationality, Few studies have prospectively explored mental health disorders
lower measures of openness, higher measures of conscientious- in former elite athletes; those that have done so reported inci-
ness, gender role conflicts and participation in physical contact dence rates from 5% to 30% over a follow-up period of up to
sports.628–632 Conversely, coaches can be important advocates 12 months.13 16 18 662
of promoting positive attitudes about mental health by being While transitioning out of elite sport, generic and sport
mindful of early identification and referral of athletes with specific factors are likely to interact and increase the risk of
possible mental health symptoms and disorders to mental health mental health symptoms and disorders among athletes.31 32 663
services.607 Moreover, athletes with stronger positive coping Undesired and involuntary retirement from sport (eg, because of
skills generally have attitudes more supportive of seeking mental injury or deselection from sport) is especially associated with an
health help.291 Finally, athletes have strong preferences for coun- increased risk of mental health symptoms and disorders among
sellor characteristics, such as familiarity with their sport, same transitioning athletes.8 661 664–668 Concussion in sport is associ-
gender, older but still close enough in age to understand their ated with subsequent mental health symptoms and disorders
lives and geographic proximity to the sports facility.633–636 among retired elite athletes; however, a causal relationship has
Cultural issues within sport have broad reaching effects that not been established.16 390 594 669–672 Other factors associated with
impact elite athletes differently, depending on their own cultural adjustment difficulties and mental health symptoms and disor-
identities, including gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orien- ders among former elite athletes include high levels of athletic
tation, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and religion.55 identity, lack of retirement planning, lower educational attain-
Cultural influences and discrimination related to cultural factors ment, adverse life events, post-sport unemployment and chronic
may leave some athletes at a performance disadvantage and set pain.9 18 662 668 673 674
the stage for mental health symptoms or disorders. Stakeholders in elite sport have considered how to protect
As women continue to engage in elite sport opportunities, their and promote the long term health of elite athletes beyond retire-
participation has led to varying degrees of cultural acceptance.637 ment. For example, an ‘exit health examination’ focusing on
Women competing in sports traditionally considered 'male' may mental health indicators may promote sustainable health and
face being marginalised and stereotyped638 and may experience quality of life.675 676 This could be particularly important for
unequal training opportunities and resources.639 Sexualisation, former elite athletes at risk for mental health disorders, espe-
traditional gender roles, religion and ethnic beliefs all influence cially those retiring from sport involuntarily. Additionally, thor-
opportunities for women.640 For example, women of some reli- ough preparation for post-sport life may help mitigate mental
gions may experience difficulty combining traditional roles with health disorders during transition out of sport.668 Accordingly,
competition as an elite athlete, as related to religious rules about education programmes/seminars, practical resource centres,
the body and presentation in public.640 Tension may also exist and mental and life skills training for career transition could be
between what is functionally optimal for women elite athletes offered to elite athletes across their sport career.668 677 Finally,
to be wearing and what is culturally deemed acceptable.641 642 clinicians can help athletes to become aware of, develop and use
Gender stereotyping in the media may influence how women transferable skills that may provide direction, meaning and moti-
athletes view themselves.641 Women athletes may be stereo- vation in their post-sport life.660
typed as 'lesbian' to keep them from playing certain sports, or
from playing for certain coaches or with certain teams.641 Some
professional women athletes must train outside their native Mental health emergencies
countries643 and may struggle to find a support network and A mental health emergency refers to immediate risk in the
cultural understanding from team mates in their new location.644 context of a disturbed mental state.678 679 Risks are typically to
Sexuality and cultural norms of masculinity in elite sport also the health and/or safety of the athlete or others.678 Data on prev-
impact elite athletes.645 Non-heterosexual athletes face various alence in elite athletes are sparse. Some circumstances within
degrees of acceptance,646 and this may interfere with sports sport may carry an increased risk of mental health emergencies.
performance.646 647 Transgender athletes often have negative For example, deselection is linked to acute adverse emotional
experiences in sports and may struggle to be accepted,648 even reactions.680 Sporting injuries are associated with anger and
after they meet criteria allowing them to participate.649 depression,681 which are in turn associated with an increased
Racial disparities—including those involving exploita- suicide risk.682 Periods of injury may also necessitate time away
tion, player–coach tension, prejudicial treatment and from sport and a further increased risk of suicide.683
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Substances misused by elite athletes may also contribute to a and management of mental health symptoms and disorders by
higher risk of mental health emergencies. Use of anabolic–an- creating a destigmatising environment wherein mental health
drogenic steroids is linked to hypomanic or psychotic symptoms, help seeking is a core function of training and self-care.697 698
aggression and even suicide.342 343 Longitudinal studies lend Coaches can attend to athlete stressors that may diminish well-
support to these links,684 685 and symptoms are more likely with being and predispose to mental health symptoms and disor-
the high doses and multiple agents misused by athletes.341 342 ders, including training load and recovery,699 700 injury,22 322 700
Symptoms can emerge rapidly,686 but may be self-limiting or burnout701 and retirement.241 Coaches can ensure that training
require only short term treatment.341 Current users may expe- is age and developmentally appropriate.702–704 For younger elite
rience mood changes with suicidal thinking and impulsivity; athletes, coaches can communicate the importance of mental
discontinuation leads some to descend into depression with healthcare to parents, thereby managing expectations about
more planned suicidal ideation.687 Both scenarios carry signif- avoiding stressors and seeking care when appropriate.705
icant risks, and death by suicide is 2–4 times greater in male Coaches can foster positive psychosocial development and
athletes who may have used anabolic–androgenic steroids well-being by helping athletes learn to respond to stressors in
compared with the general population.591 Stimulant use may healthy ways.698 706 707 This includes helping athletes learn skills
lead to acute mood disturbance, aggression and psychosis.344 345 that promote resilience,708 psychological flexibility,709 self-com-
Marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids are associated with acute passion710 and adaptation to situational demands while staying
psychosis,688 689 but there are no athlete specific data. consistent with one’s values.709 In day to day training, coaches
Athletes’ patterns of alcohol consumption tend more towards can de-emphasise achievements and outcomes and instead foster
binge drinking;444 thus acute intoxication may be a more likely a process oriented mindset, in which effort and improvement are
emergency presentation than physical dependence and/or with- emphasised.711 Such an approach may help mitigate performance
drawal. Retired athletes may also be at greater risk for mental related anxiety712 and attrition from sport713 while optimising
health emergencies associated with heavy alcohol use compared the positive psychological experiences of sport participation.714
with their non-sporting peers.690 Acute concerns in eating Organisations can support athlete mental health by
disorders are often medical (eg, fracture risk, electrolyte abnor- providing coaching education that is evidence based and effi-
malities and electrocardiographic changes) and may be severe cacious.622 698 715–719 Effective delivery of coaching education is
enough to warrant deselection.274 286 If so, then there is a risk more likely if it falls within the framework of coaching duties and
of emotional decompensation, and urgent clinical evaluation expectations.705 Resource allocation, priorities and outcomes or
may be needed.691 Limited data suggest that borderline (along behaviours that are rewarded (well-being vs win–loss record)
with obsessive–compulsive) subtypes are the the most common show coaches whether mental health is viewed as an organisa-
personality disorders found in sport.692 Borderline personality tional priority. Intentional time allocation in the athlete’s normal
disorder is associated with impulsivity, risk taking, frequent practice schedule for learning positive psychosocial skills is asso-
suicidal behaviours, an unstable affect and interpersonal diffi- ciated with better developmental outcomes.720 Sport governing
culties.1 These features alone, or especially in combination, may bodies can further influence athlete mental health by requiring or
promote an emergency mental health presentation. recommending that coaches undergo mental health training.291
There is little to guide the choice of pharmacological treat- Ultimately, sport can positively influence society to promote
ments for mental health emergencies in elite athletes.57 Benzo- well-being and de-stigmatise mental health help seeking.721
diazepines and/or antipsychotics by oral or parenteral routes are
all used to tranquillise a person with an acutely, severely and
dangerously disturbed mental state.679 693 Sports specific treat- Special considerations: mental health in
ment concerns include the performance impact of motor symp- Paralympic athletes
toms, weight gain or sedation,56 57 but these concerns may be less Paralympic sport is sport for people with disabilities. Paralympic
relevant when only short term treatment is required. athletes use adapted equipment or rules to make sport acces-
When conducting an emergency mental health assessment, sible to individuals with impairments. In general, sport is often
the physical environment should be uncluttered and provide heralded for its ability to promote mental health, and there is a
both containment and escape routes.678 However, such envi- largely unexamined assumption that participation in Paralympic
ronments may be unavailable when assessing an athlete at a sport improves an athlete’s psychological well being.722 However,
training or competition venue.694 Although pathways and avail- research concerning the mental health of athletes with disabili-
able personnel may differ from country to country,339 it is best ties is minimal.723
practice to develop and rehearse a mental health emergency Rates of mental health symptoms and disorders, specifi-
action management plan for all relevant sport stakeholders. This cally depression, among the general population of people with
plan should include clarity on what constitutes an emergency, disabilities are reported to be higher than in non-disabled indi-
who should be contacted and when, and familiarity with local viduals.724 Nonetheless, a review of 12 studies of Olympic and
emergency services and mental health legislation. Plans should Paralympic athletes demonstrated that most indices of well-
be consistent with other emergencies in sport, such as cardiac being (eg, physical confidence, physical self-worth, self-regard,
arrest, heat illness and severe trauma. A review of procedures self-actualisation, self-acceptance, confidence and self-efficacy)
after any incident can be very helpful.567 were similar in the two groups.725 Emerging research suggests
that athletes making a Paralympic team may have lower rates of
depression and anxiety than those trying out for but not making
Creating an environment that supports mental well-being a Paralympic team.723 While eating disorders in Paralympic
and resilience athletes have received little research attention, those who restrict
The diagnosis and management of mental health symptoms and their food intake may be at greater risk for complications from
disorders is a separate but related continuum with athlete well- low energy availability, especially low bone mineral density,
being.695 696 Within sport, coaches are often the primary inter- because of factors such as altered skeletal loading.280 Finally,
personal interface with the athlete. They can support diagnosis athletes with intellectual and physical impairments, as a subset
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of Paralympic competitors, may have unique mental health chal- any emerging evidence and lessons from the global mental
lenges, but specific research is particularly sparse.724 health field.
Elite athletes with disability experience both sport specific 2. More thorough and reliable mental health epidemiology
and disability specific stressors that may contribute to mental in elite athletes is needed, with attention to cross cultural
health symptoms and disorders.724 Stressors that disproportion- differences in manifestations of symptoms and disorders.
ately and commonly affect elite athletes with disabilities include: There are particularly sparse data on bipolar and psychot-
chronic pain; overtraining and injury in often complex medical ic disorders, mental health emergencies and athletes with
situations (eg, with the need to distinguish sport fatigue, discom- disabilities.
fort from the underlying disability and sport injuries); lack of 3. More robust data on pre-existing mental health symptoms
sufficient adaptive sport facilities; logistical difficulties in getting and disorders as risk factors for subsequent concussion, and
to competition sites; challenging sleep conditions and inferior on mental health implications of sub-concussive impact, are
sleep quality in Paralympic villages; recent rapid escalation of needed.
Paralympic sport competitiveness and associated rapid increases 4. While future research should be clear about whether mental
in training demands; malfunctioning sports equipment; costs health symptoms versus full disorders are being measured,
associated with new technology; negative coaching behaviours athletes with symptoms and not full disorders must remain
(eg, demeaning comments); and being ‘misclassified’ or assigned a focus of research attention, as symptoms themselves can
to the wrong disability category for competition.724 726–729 be problematic for elite athletes. Increased understanding
There is little published work on the management of psycho- of risk factors for development of full disorders from earlier
social stressors or mental health symptoms and disorders in symptomatic stages needs clarification within elite athletes.
Paralympic athletes. Studies that exist usually had very small 5. More research on and subsequent recommendations for ex-
sample sizes, did not use standardised measures of psycho- panded mental health screening of elite athletes is needed.
pathology and relied on unsophisticated statistical analysis. Screening is often an important step to ensure that more
Some attention has been given to the use of psychological skills affected elite athletes ultimately receive the treatment they
training to promote peak performance by Paralympic athletes, need. Timing of screening must be carefully considered,
independent of a history of mental health disorders.724 Psycho- given that risks, such as those that occur with injury, may
logical skills training entails systematically training athletes to
increase at various times throughout an elite athlete’s ca-
use mental skills—such as regulating anxiety, sustaining moti-
reer. There may be benefit from athlete specific screening
vation, focusing attention and maintaining concentration—to
tools being developed across diagnostic categories where
enhance sport performance.724 Addressing insufficient sleep may
they do not yet exist, taking into consideration potential
be particularly relevant, as athletes with disabilities may be at
unique manifestations of these conditions in this population
high risk for sleep disorders.730
while also appreciating the limitations to sole reliance on
Given the relative prominence of research regarding social
rating scales in the absence of clinical interview. To be able
factors among athletes with disabilities, disability exclusion may
to develop optimal assessment methodologies and screening
be an important issue when working with these athletes.731 For
tools, we need better understanding of the unique symptom
example, Paralympic athletes may report feelings of power-
manifestations in athletes, which may require both quali-
lessness and invisibility;732 accordingly, athletes with disabili-
tative and quantitative study across countries and cultures.
ties benefit from coaches who are trained to be supportive of
6. A better understanding of physiological recovery and opti-
athletes’ autonomy,733 734 and sport performance may improve
mum readiness—including physical and psychological—to
as a result.735 Additionally, as with non-disabled athletes, retire-
ment from sport is an important time of transition for Paralympic return to play after an injury or illness must be developed.
athletes.724 Many Paralympians start their careers shortly after The impact of sleep on recovery and on optimum readiness
the onset of disability.724 Consequently, with relatively short must be considered in this context.
lived professional sport careers, some face the challenge of 7. Additional research is needed on treatments, includ-
simultaneously needing to adjust to a relatively new disability ing psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment, for
and preparing for retirement from sport; providers should be mental health symptoms and disorders in elite athletes.
aware of these dual transitions.723 724 Methodology should address the limitations that exist in
the pharmacologic research to date. Cross cultural consid-
erations include types of therapies and medications/sup-
Future directions plements disproportionately used in some countries and
The current state of the science of mental health in elite athletes cultures, but for which an evidence base may be relatively
suggests possible future direction for additional research, change lacking. Pharmacological intervention for post-concussion
in clinical practice and optimisation of environmental factors. mental health symptoms also needs further study, for ex-
These include: ample addressing duration of recommended treatment for
1. The relative lack of access to mental health services in apparent new onset depression and anxiety associated with
some countries and cultures must be considered as research concussion.
is undertaken and clinical services developed. A rigorous, 8. Additional prevention strategies for mental health symp-
evidence based approach to mental healthcare should toms and disorders are needed. For example, comprehen-
be utilised across countries, but nuanced approaches to sive strategies for preventing eating disorders and substance
provision of that care might be needed, for example by use disorders, especially within high risk elite sports, are
incorporating into the mental healthcare team people needed. Furthermore, more widespread implementation
such as athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches and of prevention strategies for non-accidental violence in elite
others in the athlete’s entourage and community. If mental sport is needed.
healthcare for elite athletes is to be equitably available 9. Strategies that more effectively overcome stigma for elite
globally, researchers and practitioners must engage with athlete populations must be developed, such that members
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100715 on 16 May 2019. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on December 18, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of this population come to understand that the 'mental Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, The University Of Sunderland,
toughness' required for success in sport is compatible with Sunderland, UK
International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High Risk Behaviors, McGill
mental health help seeking. University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
10. A better understanding of sport as a subculture within 14
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of
society is needed, including which elements of that Medicine, Stanford, California, USA
subculture are particularly conducive to positive mental Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth,
, UK
health outcomes. While much of the research in this area 16
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam,
focuses on coaching interventions, roles for other members Amsterdam Movement Sciences, Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
of the athlete entourage, including parents and other Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports (ACHSS), AMC/VUmc IOC
Research Centre of Excellence, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
caregivers through their involvement in developmental 18
Department of Psychiatry, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
factors that may lead to ultimate positive adjustment 19
Department of Psychiatry, Chung Ang University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of
in elite sport, should be studied. Interventions need to Korea
distinguish between impact on mental well-being, and on Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, USA
actual mental health symptoms and disorders. 21
Department of Family Medicine-Sport, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
11. Olympic villages and similar areas should be designed and Canada
assessed with sleep hygiene in mind. FINA Bureau Liaison to Sport Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland
Department of Psychiatry, Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey
12. Researchers need to better understand the societal and 24
Kocaeli University, Community Mental Health Centre, Kocaeli, Turkey
sport specific impact of sport sponsorship by companies 25
Research and Translation, Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth
that promote alcohol, tobacco and other products Mental Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
associated with adverse mental health outcomes in elite Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria,
athletes. 27
Athletic Medicine, University Health Services, Princeton University, Princeton, New
13. Coaches, athletes and stakeholders should be empowered Jersey, USA
with relevant information so that they recognise the Department of Medicine, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New
Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
importance of creating an environment that supports 29
Department of Research and Translation, Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence
mental wellness and mental health help seeking. in Youth Mental Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria,
Conclusion Australia
National Football League, New York, New York, USA
The IOC has committed to improve the mental health of elite 32
Department of Neurological Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
athletes, recognising that doing so will reduce suffering and Nashville, Tennessee, USA
improve quality of life in elite athletes and serve as a model for Athletic Department, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
society at large. The IOC hopes that all involved in sport will Department of Psychology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, , South Africa
Social Sport, Zheng Zhou University, Zheng Zhou, , China
increasingly recognise that mental health symptoms and disor- 36
Social Aesthetic and Mental Health Institute, Vienna Sigmund Freud University,
ders should be viewed in a similar light as other medical illnesses Vienna, Austria
and musculoskeletal injuries; all can be severe and disabling, and 37
Orthopaedic Clinic, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
nearly all can be managed properly by well informed medical Medical Sciences, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland
providers, coaches and other stakeholders.
Mental health is an integral dimension of elite athlete well- Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge Mary E Hitchcock, Senior
Academic Librarian, Ebling Library for the Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-
being and performance and cannot be separated from phys- Madison, for conducting systematic literature reviews for this manuscript; Sarah
ical health. Mental health assessment and management in elite E Watkins from Raccoona Editing and Laura Arnett, NCAA Sport Science Institute
athletes should be as commonplace and accessible as their other Coordinator, for manuscript preparation; and Torbjorn Soligard, International Olympic
medical care; ideally elite athletes should have access to the Committee Medical and Scientific Department, for participation in the consensus
best interdisciplinary care. To advance a more unified, evidence meeting.
informed approach to mental health assessment and manage- Contributors All authors meet criteria for authorship, as all have contributed in
the following ways: substantial contributions to the conception or design of the
ment in elite athletes, the IOC Consensus Group has critically
work, or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data; drafting the work or
evaluated the current state of the science and practice of mental revising it critically for important intellectual content; final approval of the version
health in elite athletes. published; and agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring
that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
Author affiliations appropriately investigated and resolved. No one meeting the criteria for authorship
Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public has been excluded from authorship.
Health, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Disclaimer This consensus paper provides an overview of mental health symptoms
National Collegiate Athletic Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA and disorders in elite athletes that are important to physicians and other clinicians
Department of Psychiatry, Samaritan Health Services, Corvallis, Oregon, USA who treat elite athletes. It is not intended as a clinical practice guideline or legal
Office of the President, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, California, standard of care and should not be interpreted as such. This consensus paper serves
USA as a guide and, as such, is of a general nature, consistent with the reasonable
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, George Washington University practice of the healthcare professional. Individual treatment will depend on the facts
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, District of Columbia, USA and circumstances specific to each individual case.
Mohali, , India
Medical and Scientific Department, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Competing interests None declared.
Switzerland Patient consent for publication Not required.
Sports Department, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Department of Neuroscience, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo Andre, Brazil
Universidade de Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das Clinicas Instituto
de Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, Brazil References
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