Ulste June 2019

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The document appears to be an issue of Ulster Tatler magazine, containing articles and advertisements related to lifestyle, fashion, and events in Northern Ireland.

Advertisements include furniture stores like Keens Furniture and Collins & Hayes, as well as aesthetic clinics like Therapie Clinic offering services like laser hair removal and anti-wrinkle injections.

Events mentioned include the Balmoral Show and articles discuss topics like investing in a personal trainer and the influence of celebrities on cosmetic surgery trends.

n o rt her n i re l a n d ’ s n o1 g lo ssy

Ulster Tatler
ulster tatler

June 2019 £3.20

£3.20 (€4.55)
JUNE 2019

Volume 53 no.6 ulstertatler.com

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ead physician and Medical With TV dominated by shows cosmetic tweak, it is becoming
Director at The Aesthetic following ‘real housewives’ and ‘the new norm’.
Skin Clinic [ASC], Dr John social media channeling showbiz
Not a day goes by without
Curran, and Hayley Jordan, lead and gossip stories 24/7 it’s
the impossibly tiny waists and
aesthetic nurse, tell Ulster Tatler impossible to not be influenced
the enhanced bottoms of the
how getting a ‘cosmetic tweak’ by what’s happening around us.
Kardashians or Blac Chyna
is becoming mainstream in every Our lives are flooded with glamorous appearing on our social media
day life, and why it is more images and ways of how to recreate feeds or on showbiz columns. Peer
important than ever to make the look. As more celebrities are pressure has never been such an
good cosmetic choices. openly and honestly opting for a issue within the beauty industry.
Many youngsters are turning to ‘Whether celebrities have had an
cheaper, unreliable treatments in influence on this or not, it can’t be
a bid to get the look they are after. denied that cosmetic procedures,
Hayley said it wasn’t uncommon especially non-surgical treatments,
for a person looking for a specific have become incredibly popular.
cosmetic treatment to bring along We understand that patients are
a photo of a celebrity, asking the seeking a certain look, therefore
surgeon to replicate the nose, we create bespoke treatments for
eyes or lips. every individual. Communication
and counselling is an extremely
‘With these people having a certain important part of the consultation
power in the public eye, it’s hard for
process. So, whether you want to
us to not take at least some notice.
look a little more like your favourite
We must take special care to make
celebrity, or just a plumper-lipped
sure the treatment is suitable for
version of yourself, we can hopefully
them and that it looks and feels
as natural as possible.’ create the results that you desire.’
said Hayley.
Dr Curran said great cosmetic work
could really help people feel better Hayley recently completed her
about themselves. Masters Level 7 prescribing
qualification with Southampton
‘However, you only have to look at University. She has continued
‘Botched Bodies’ to understand how ‘With these people to develop her extensive skills,
bad work can destroy lives. As a
medical practice our primary duty of having a certain power experience, and knowledge in
Aesthetics, specialising in
care is to ensure that all treatments in the public eye, it’s hard advanced medical skincare. She
are appropriate, safe and effective; for us to not take at least is knowledgeable in medical lasers
and that patients are fully informed
before undertaking any procedure
some notice. We must take and skin tightening technologies
special care to make sure the and has also attended a master
and expert support is available
class in fillers and Botox.
for aftercare. treatment is suitable for them
She is passionate about helping
‘One of the biggest challenges is and that it looks and feels
managing young people seeking everyone to feel confident and to
as natural as possible.’ make cosmetic choices that are
treatment which is often driven
by social pressures rather than suitable and safe.
true need. Counselling, support ‘I love everything about my job.
and saying no is usually the most If I had to pick a couple of points,
70% increase in this treatment,
appropriate management,’ he said. it would be the ability to help such
which is now becoming one of
Lip Fillers have become positively the most frequently requested a diverse range of patients, using
mainstream – in and out of the cosmetic procedures. As we reach the latest leading technologies
celebrity world. When Kylie Jenner 2018, treatments such as Botox in an exceptionally professional
confessed to undergoing a lip filler and fillers account for nine out environment and working with
procedure in 2015, it sparked a of ten procedures. an amazing team,’ she said.

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June 2019
F E AT U R E S 116

The newest addition to
the Royal Family 88 ARTS DIARY
18 IAN SANSOM 64 MY STYLE The latest cultural events
Love and marriage 146 ROYALLY REWARDED Fashion inspiration for
Birthday and New Year’s local trendsetters
Our top picks of Honours 66 FASHION FIX IN FOCUS
the month TAHLIA Leather at 123 LISBURN,
UT’s columnist Kitchen designers guide 68 MODELS: THEN & NOW
Nuala Meenehan Alison Clarke and Zoe 193 SAINTFIELD,
Get voting Full coverage 71 HAIR MATTERS
232 MOTORSCOPE Style and substance 208 FINAGHY
INTERVIEW The latest car reviews 75 BEAUTY MATTERS
Author Jan Carson 237 KNOW THE LAW Start your new skincare
How to best protect your routine
The benefits of one-to- family business 81 THE IRISH MAKE UP
one training AWARDS
240 LOOKING BACK Time to celebrate
109 ULSTER TATLER Ulster Tatler over the
Local readers’ weddings

n o rth er n i r el an d’s no 1 glo s sy

This month’s front cover features a matching
Ulster Tatler diamond encrusted bracelet and necklace
set, along with a brilliant cut diamond, solitare
June 2019 £3.20

Ulster Tatler At: UK - £30.00 RoI - £60.00

ring from Gardiner Brothers Jewellers.
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44-46 Waring Street, Belfast

MEETS T: 028 9023 4271
JAN 39 Boucher Rd, Belfast BT12 6UT

FOCUS DISCOVER Tel: (028) 9066 3311
1 Jan to 31 Dec 2018 follow us on twitter www.ulstertatler.com
Model: Tori McAleer, ACA Models
& MORE PERSONAL @ulstertatlermag or like e-mail: info@ulstertatler.com
Hair: Laura Banford – Hearts & Minds
MY STYLE us on facebook
Barber Emporium
CIRCULATION VERIFIED BY THE AUDIT Ulster Tatler Groups is a name used by Ulster Journals Ltd. Company registered in

Makeup: Samantha Weightman

BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS Northern Ireland, registration number NI005037, registered office as listed.


We speak to
Advice when
considering the experts at
cosmetic surgery River Medical 
What’s the most important piece of advice when
considering cosmetic surgery?
Do your research and ask plenty of questions at
your consultation. You want to ensure you are in
the safest and most experienced of hands.

What exactly should would-be patients look

out for?
It’s important that your Surgeon is a “Consultant
Plastic Surgeon” and qualified to the absolute highest
level. I would also ensure that your surgery takes
place in a hospital and that you stay overnight.

How important is aftercare? River Medical is the leading provider of cosmetic surgery in Northern Ireland. Established
Aftercare is incredibly important, you want
to make sure your provider has medical care in the Republic of Ireland since 2008, the Malone Road, Belfast clinic has reported a rising
available to you 24/7. demand for cosmetic surgery. At River Medical, breast augmentation surgery continues to
be the most common surgery carried out followed by facial, tummy tuck and liposuction
What is the most common cosmetic surgeries.
surgery procedure?
Breast Augmentation continues to be the most
common, followed by breast reduction, liposuction “There’s no typical patient profile, said Registered General Nurse, Aoibhin Cronin. We see
and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). Facial surgery is men and women of all ages. Our Consultant Plastic Surgeon specialises in a wide range of
also on the increase. Advancements in techniques cosmetic surgery procedures from breast augmentation, liposuction and abdominoplasty to
allow beautifully subtle and sophisticated results. facial surgery including eye lifts and brow lifts. He is actually the only Surgeon I have worked
Again, the key is choosing only the most reputable
and experienced of providers. The skill of your with who can do a facelift procedure with such minimal scarring which is obviously key to
Surgeon is of paramount importance. achieving superior results. Interestingly many of our recent Facelift patients have been in
their 50s who really just want a fresher look, nothing obvious; just to look good for their age”,
What about size, what is the average increase?
The majority of our patients go from an A cup
to just a C cup. We’re talking a subtle increase
in volume, a more feminine shape and most
importantly, natural looking results.
“I’m overwhelmed with the result, it
What about the pain factor? really is exactly what I wanted. I went
Naturally it depends on the surgery and everyone
for one of the smallest implants and
recovers differently but for Breast Augmentation
surgery for example patients tend to describe the I couldn’t be happier with the result,
feeling of stiffness and tenderness, that feeling you they look amazing!”
get when you over do it in the gym.

What about recovery?

Recovery naturally depends on the type of
surgery but for example, breast augmentation
patients usually take a week off work. If your job The best advice when considering any cosmetic surgery procedure is to do your research,
is physical you’ll need to take a little more time only talk with a reputable provider, ask lots of questions so you can make an informed decision.
but this is discussed in detail at consultation
River Medical is located on the Malone Road in Belfast.
If you are considering any type of cosmetic surgery
procedure, the best advice is to speak with the To book a consultation contact River Medical on
most reputable of providers, do your research so 028 9560 7585 or visit www.rivermedical.co.uk
you can make an informed decision.
Editor’s Letter

Holy Cow Editor:

Christopher Sherry

Assistant Editor:
Kellie Burch
have been a city dweller was there I was gob smacked by just how much
Editorial Manager:
for all of my life, so the was going on. There were literally hundreds of James Sherry
Balmoral Show has not exhibitors and most aspects of life in Northern
UT Woman:
really been something Ireland were represented. Naturally, the show Joanne Harkness
that was on my radar. attracts a lot of people from a rural background
Editorial Assistant:
To be frank, when it was but its appeal is much broader. To give you a Chloe Heaney
based in south Belfast, I flavour turn to page 216 of this edition, where Hannah Reilly
Michaela Colgan
largely associated it with we have a selection of images from the 2019
traffic jams. Last month, show. Sales & Marketing
however, I decided to I think there is just about enough room for Lorraine Gill
pay it a visit. It has clearly me to mention that voting closes in the Ulster Gerry Waddell

come on leaps and bounds since it moved Tatler Awards on Sunday 23rd June. If you Copy Controller:
from the King’s Hall Complex. I’m sure I’ll be haven’t had a chance to vote, please do so. If Gemma Johnston

contradicted, but I can’t think of any other event you do you will be in with a chance of winning Production Manager:
of as large a scale in Northern Ireland. In order a VIP trip to the awards. Just turn to page 58 Richard Sherry

to properly experience everything that the or go to ulstertatler.com; it only takes a few Production/Design:
Tatler Type
show has to offer one would need to devote a seconds.
full day to it. Unfortunately, I was only able to
spend a few hours there on a Thursday evening. Chris Sherry
Only NI based social
Nevertheless, within the short period of time I Editor, Ulster Tatler
magazine audited by ABC.


“Our greatest glory is not in never falling,

but in rising every time we fall.”
Confucius (551-479 BC) Chinese philosopher 9,734
1 Jan to 31 Dec 2018
BD_GetTheGlow_UlsterTatlerAd.pdf 2 03/08/2018 17:10













Column / Life & Times

Finalist Ppa Independent

Publisher Awards 2018-
Writer Of The Year

Ian Sansom
Ian Sansom writes for the Guardian. He is the author of the County Guides and the Mobile
Library series of novels. His most recent book is December Stories I (No Alibis Press).

Love and marriage

This month, Ian Sansom talks weddings.

T “ I don’t think
his month I’m going to England: my friends have been threatening for years to
sister’s getting married. Remarried, I take us to a proper 3 day Hindu wedding.
should say. Married again. Whatever’s
the appropriate term. This is her second I’ve ever been to To be honest, I can’t do much more than a
couple of hours at most social events before
marriage: her new partner’s on her third. My
wife has already vetoed most of my jokes for a wedding when I need a bit of a lie down. Fortunately, there
are so many of us are staying at my mum’s
the speech - third time lucky, good to see so
many familiar faces, and various hilarious
I haven’t shed for the wedding that we’ve sent a couple of
spare mattresses over in the post. You won’t
riffs on the theme of the triumph of hope over
experience. Basically, all I’ve got left is mazel
a lot of tears - believe how much it costs to send a mattress
in the post - but it’s going to be worth it.
tov. (I’m not even allowed to quote Oscar Wilde.
I was planning a complex reinterpretation
tears of joy.” The thing I really must remember to do is
to bring plenty of tissues. I don’t think I’ve
and regendering around his remark that ever been to a wedding when I haven’t shed a
‘When a woman marries again it is because pickled herring out of a barrel on Petticoat lot of tears - tears of joy. My wife, a Northern
she detested her first husband. When a man Lane market. Now suddenly I’m the funny Protestant, is always amazed at my family’s
marries again it is because he adored his first old uncle in an ill-fitting suit, telling stories propensity to burst into tears - men and
wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs.’) about the first time I saw the Clash, and the women - at any and every family occasion. But
We haven’t had a family wedding for a while first Chinese takeaway back home in Harlow. surely if you’re not going to cry at a wedding,
- the children are too young, and the rest of I was talking to my friend Jimmy in when are you going to cry? A wedding is such
us too old. I’d forgotten all the hoo-hah that work and he was saying that he’d been to a wonderful, ludicrous expression of hope in
comes with a wedding. In the Marvelous Mrs a wedding recently that had started out the face of the overwhelming logic of despair,
Maisel - Amazon Prime, highly recommended, in Belfast and ended up two days later in what else can you do but cry? We swim in
if you like your New York Jewish period Dublin - which is quite a do. And our Indian an ocean of tears. Like I say, mazel tov!
comedy drama - the eponymous Mrs Maisel is
planning her second wedding with her mother,
Rose. A first wedding is a proper sit-down meal, Illustration by Jacky Sheridan
says Rose. A second wedding is just family and
friends for lunch. ‘And a third wedding?’ asks
Mrs Maisel. ‘Over my dead body,’ says Rose.
Times have changed. My sister’s wedding is
a sit-down meal, an evening do, a band - the
full works. One of our sons has agreed to
DJ, though exactly how his taste in obscure
electronica, grime, trip-hop and noise is
going to go down remains to be seen: all the
guests are going to be gagging for ‘Oops
Upside Your Head’ and ‘We Are Family’.
Fancy dresses - matching suits, in fact, for
the brides-to-be - have been purchased.
Hairdresser appointments have been booked.
And I have been told to go to the barber for
my annual beard trim. (Any barbers in the
Greater Belfast area, if you’re reading this,
when I say ‘trim’ I really do mean ‘trim’ - at
my age I really can’t carry off that designer
stubble look, or the ornate hipster thing with
the curly moustache and the sharp angles.
When I say trim what I mean is leave it exactly
the way it looked before, only more so.)
It’ll be nice to see everyone - the cousins,
the nephews and nieces, the few remaining of
the old guard. It seems like just a few years
ago that I used to go to weddings with all these
funny old uncles - men in ill-fitting suits
telling stories about the good old days, how
they snuck into the FA Cup Final under the
fence, and how you used to be able to buy fresh

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top picks

1. 2.

3. 4.

1. Check Out 4. OUT & ABOUT

Visitors to Malmaison Belfast Northern Ireland’s leading
will be wowed by the recent hospitality group, Beannchor
renovation of its Chez Mal has completed a £500,000
Bar, set to become the investment of The Cloth Ear.

latest luxury hotspot on the The owners of the popular
Belfast bar scene. The uber- bar, which is part of The
chic space is a mix of bright Merchant Hotel in Belfast’s
colours, sumptuous sofas bustling Cathedral Quarter,
and quirky accents. Enjoy have described the evolution
Instagram-friendly, custom- of the venue as a ‘traditional
made neon artwork, stunning Irish Victorian pub, reimagined.’
metallic chandeliers and a Ulster Tatler gives you our top picks Following the significant
ceiling adorned with luscious for this month. refurbishment, the interior
foliage and hanging plants. has been totally transformed.
Chez Mal Bar has a distinctly Featuring a bold blue colour
opulent feel, perfect for lively scheme, salvaged floors laid
after-work cocktails or a the stadium, access to the award-winning Education & Heritage in a herringbone pattern, an
stylish Saturday night out on Centre at 12 noon, followed by a buffet lunch and drink in the exquisite ornate ceiling and
the town. Renowned for its George Best lounge. a reclaimed Victorian back
delectable cocktails, Chez Mal bar and fireplace, the stylish
Bar is delighted to introduce its To book tickets email: events.nfs.sl.uk@sodexo.com space is warm and inviting.
latest cutting-edge ‘Malchemy’ Serving food daily from 12pm,
cocktail menu. The Cloth Ear will serve up
an all-day menu of traditional
34-38 Victoria Street, Belfast An old, beautiful building has been brought back to life pub grub with a classic twist,
in Belfast, with the opening of Café Cuan. They serve up alongside an Irish Gin serve
ethically sourced, locally roasted Boden Park coffee and epic menu; an expanded range of
2. VISIT sandwiches. As well as delicious sandwiches packed with beers from across Ireland; a
Treat your dad this Father’s Day smoked chicken, crispy pork belly and beef brisket, they also range of ‘Hoptails’ - cocktails
to an exclusive Father’s Day have a seperate vegan/veggie menu. A breakfast menu is made using beer; and an
experience at the National also available with a range of stuffed croissants and breakfast ever-changing wine list, with
Stadium at Windsor Park. toasties. selected wines by the keg.
Tickets are priced at £20 and
this includes a guided tour of 161-165 Cromac Street, Belfast 16 Skipper Street, Belfast

Diamond House, 63 Hill Street, Newry, BT34 1AF
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Nuala meenehan
Nuala Meenehan works in the media and is a leading model.

Jackie Baker, Lynne Crowther and Emer Dooris.

Zoe Salmon.
Michael Stewart, Sinead Campbell and
Lynn Denvir-Watson.

Cheers to
Chez Mal Yazz Zemmoura and Ibe Sesay.

Media personality and TV presenter Zoe Salmon

partied the night away at Chez Mal, the beautifully
transformed cocktail bar at Malmaison Belfast. The
former Blue Peter presenter joined award-winning
milliner and multitalented designer Gráinne Maher
along with over 100 guests for an evening of fabulous
food and mouth-watering cocktails.
The uber-chic Belfast city cocktail bar is a mix of
bright colours, sumptuous sofas and custom-made neon
artwork. Stunning metallic chandeliers and a ceiling
adorned with luscious foliage and hanging plants make Gráinne Maher and
for a super chilled vibe. Chez Mal Bar has a distinctly Nuala Meenehan.
opulent feel, perfect for lively after-work cocktails or Sharon Curran and Katrina Doran.
a stylish Saturday night out on the town. The cutting
edge ‘Malchemy’ cocktail menu will delight fans with
a range of concoctions inspired by the legendary tale
of Napoleon and Josephine, and their passionate time
together at the Chateau de Malmaison in Paris. Cocktail
aficionados can try Power is My Mistress, with Belvedere
vodka, Lillet Blanc, sugar and vanilla bitters, or That’s
Amore, with Amaro Montenegro, Italicus, lemon,
orgeat, and egg. Award-winning hairdresser Andrew
Mulvenna and DJ husband Sean McCann made
sure the party continued into the small hours as Sean
took to the turntables. The chic cocktail bar comes to
life through the week with events and regular acoustic
musicians. On Saturdays lovers of brunch and bubbles
are in for a treat with two whole hours of unlimited
Aaron Logan,
prosecco or Heineken coupled with scrumptious Sinead Scott and
brunch for £24.95. Cheers to Chez Mal! Michael Aaron.

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Nuala meenehan
Nuala Meenehan works in the media and is a leading model.

Artist Elin Johnston. Suzanne Doran, Sharon Curran and Gráinne Maher.

Award-winning designer Gráinne Maher
joined local artist and jewellery designer
Elin Johnston and artist and designer Prof. Karen Fleming
Rachel Fitzpatrick for a unique exhibition and Robert Martin.
of work at the Island Arts Centre
Lisburn. Collected Presence was inspired
by Northern Ireland’s heritage with linen
and the linen industry. Gráinne has been
creating bespoke headwear for the past
10 years. Her most recent leather florals Sisters Deirdre Scott and Maureen Hanna.
collection combined the finest metallic and
nappa lambs skin, Swarovski wirework and
eye-catching shapes, to create her new
signature style. For this exhibition Gráinne
combined her leatherwork with linen for the
very first time, drawing on the local legacy
of this material to create a series of couture
millinery pieces. Local artist and jewellery Amelia, Maria, Adrian and Adrian McColgan.
designer Elin Johnston, who specialises in Stuart Drennan, Tara Millar and Christopher
creating one–off and limited edition pieces
in precious metals, created a collection
interpreting and honouring the associations
and ties between the linen industry and
the people who committed their lives to
it. Rachel Fitzpatrick works at the interface
of art and design using a variety of tactile
materials. In keeping with the deep–rooted
crafts and linen heritage of a rural society,
the artist and designer transformed heavy–
duty industrial textiles and fabrics into Exhibiting artists Rachel Fitzpatrick,
beautiful works of art. Imelda and Gerry O’Neill. Gráinne Maher and Elin Johnston.
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the scene

Sarah Cunningham, Sasha Boyle, Rachel Jones Sarah Connolly, Rabann Makepeace, Tori McAleer,
and Nicola Montgomery, ACA Models. Naomi Mulhern and Zoe Stewart.

Miss ni 2019
The most glamorous night of the year saw Lauren Leckey
being crowned Miss Northern Ireland 2019. The exclusive
gala final was held at the Europa Hotel and was hosted by
broadcaster, Robbie Kane and television presenter, Zoe
Salmon who was celebrating the 20th anniversary of her Miss
NI win from 1999. Guests were treated to a fabulous drinks
reception hosted by Schweppes, followed by a delcious
four-course meal. Runners up on the evening were Heather
Alexandra Burton from Dundonald and Chloe Spence from
Belfast. Last year’s winner Katharine Walker was there on the
night to hand over her crown after an incredible year as Miss
NI to 20-year-old Lauren Leckey from Stoneyford.

Lauren Leckey, Katherine Kirk and Emma Young.

Former Miss NIs; Mary McCartney, Alison Clarke, Katharine Walker,

Conor Clarke, Alison Clarke, Gill O’Rouke and Stuart Campbell. Meagan Green, Anna Henry, Catherine Jennings and Zoe Salmon.

Mr NI, Adam Steenson and James Stewart. Lauren Quinn and Fionnula Mooney. Jack Brien and Tiffany Brien.
Continued on page 28

View our new and exclusive luxury large-format marble effect porcelain collections in our Banbridge showroom.
the scene

Continued from page 26

Hannah Thompson, Robyn McAlonan, Gina Hackett Abagail Parkinson, Harleigh Lagdon, Caoimhe
and Katy Steele from Purple Lashes. Anderson and Heather Alexandra Burton.

James McCafferty, Taylor Kirk and Steven Davidson

from Schweppes. Fred Walker, Wendy Walker, Katharine Walker and Jack Brien.

Hannah Reilly, Sarah Sherry, Richard Sherry and

Mark Skinner, Jacqueline Baker, Karen Lagdon and Keith Flemming. Joanne Harkness from Ulster Tatler.

Marette Mooney, Hilary McMurray and

Anna Henry and Meagan Green. Mary and Terry McCartney. Kirsten Ono from Skinician and He-Shi.

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The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are pictured

meeting Howard Hastings at the Grand Central Hotel, Belfast.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall with

members of the public from Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall recently enjoyed
a cross-border visit of the island of Ireland. During their tour
of the Republic of Ireland, they attended an event at a peace
centre, meeting the Irish President Michael D Higgins. Prince
Charles and Camilla also travelled to Northern Ireland, making
stops in County Fermanagh, where they were greeted by
guests at the Northern Ireland secretary’s garden party, which
took place in Castle Coole, Enniskillen, and later travelled to
Grand Central Hotel in Belfast. Their final engagements were
at the Palace Demesne and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh.
Their Royal Highnesses cut a cake together during a community event.

Castle Coole’s longest-serving voluteers:Thomas Maguire, Joan

The Prince of Wales watches Fermanagh black bacon being cooked. Hill and Lizzie Hogg.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are pictured

meeting Lady Joy Hastings at the Grand Central Hotel, Belfast. Members of the public excited to meet Their Royal Highnesses.
Continued on page 32
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the scene

Continued from page 30

The Duchess of Cornwall pictured meeting people at

The Prince of Wales pictured at St Patrick’s Cathedral. the Belfast Welcome Organisation in west Belfast.

NI Chairman Dr Bob Brown, Regional Director Heather McLachlan Her Royal Highness is presented with flowers by
and General Manager of Castle Coole Jim Chestnutt. Sandra Moore at the Belfast Welcome Organisation.

His Royal Highness pictured with Ulster and Ireland Rugby star
Rory Best and Manager of Armagh County GAA, Kieran McGeene. The Duchess pictured with Hasting Hotels James McGinn.

The Prince samples Belfast Black with The Prince of Wales signing the
Bernard Sloan of Whitewater Brewery. Restauranter Michael Dean with the Duchess of Cornwall. visitors book at the Palace Demesne.

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the scene

Gerry McCullough and Belinda Bennett. Catherine McDonagh and Gerry McCullough.

Book launch
Bestseller Gerry McCullough released her 14th book Hel
Heroes 2: Christie & The Pirate, the second in its series.
The book launch took place in Downpatrick, with music
from Raymond McCullough and Cara (Christine Evans),
renowned harpist. The distinguished crowd included
writers, painters and musicians. Gerry’s first book, Belfast
Girls (‘Book of the Month’ in the Ulster Tatler), has been
read by approximately 70,000 people.
Andrew Young, Rev Caroline Burns, Rev Paul Burns.

John McCauley, Angela McCauley, Brendan McCauley,

Elaine Kelly, Raymond McCullough and Beth Herron. Linda Ross-Kennedy and James G Kennedy.

Anne and Tamara Watson

Carol and Alan Ince. and Gloria Kearney. Gerry McCullough.

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the scene

Former President Jim Neilly with Club President Michael Copeland. Former President Harry Sproule, Alex Graham and Brian Gordon.

A Farewell to
Alex Graham
To mark Alex Graham’s retirement from the Ulster Reform
Club, a special cava and canapé reception was held on
Thursday 9th May, offering members the opportunity to
show their appreciation and share their stories of the club
under Alex’s reign. The club’s current President, Mr Michael
Copeland along with past Presidents, Mr Andy Wells, Mr
Bill Caldwell and Mr Jim Neilly, joined Alex in entertaining
the assembled one hundred or so members with their tales
of the last twenty one years. Alex specifically thanked Lorna
McCrudden for her support and wished her every success as
she takes over the reins.
Lorna McCrudden, Alex Graham, Christina Johnston and Katie Wamsley.

Brian Gordon, former Presidents Andy Wells and Dermot Brooks. James Fairbairn and Ian Bamford.

Alex Graham receives a presentation

Alex Graham and Terry Loughins. Murray Barnes, Dr Frances Costello, Jim Fitzpatrick and Gordon Irwin. from Club President Michael Copeland.

D r Patrick Campbell gives us the low-down on ViveveTM - a new,
painless vaginal rejuvenation treatment he has introduced to
his practice at the Cosmetech Clinic in Holywood.
How is ViveveTM treatment given?
A treatment tip (the size of a thumb) is inserted just inside the vaginal
opening. This tip is circumferentially moved around the opening of the
vagina delivering alternating pulses of heating and cooling. ViveveTM is
What is vaginal laxity? painless, dignified and delivered in a single 30-minute treatment session.
Just like skin, vaginal tissue relies on collagen for its support. The vaginal
tissues can become overstretched and damaged during childbirth and What is the recovery time?
further weakening occurs through the aging process. The result is a Women can return to normal activities immediately.
feeling of vaginal looseness called laxity. This can be associated with
reduced sensation during sexual intercourse as well as urinary What are the risks?
incontinence. There have been no reported side effects as the vaginal walls are not
injured and there is no pain during or after the procedure. You can’t have
Is vaginal laxity a common problem? the treatment if you are pregnant or have an implantable device like a
Approximately 1 in 3 women who attend specialist gynaecology clinics pacemaker.
report a feeling of vaginal laxity and this impacts on quality of life as
much as other pelvic floor problems. We know that vaginal laxity is What are the results?
under-reported by women, overlooked by doctors and often wrongly Everyone’s baseline level of laxity and natural response mechanisms
dismissed as a ‘normal’ consequence of childbirth and aging. vary but results typically peak at about 90 days. In a large placebo -
controlled trial in the US (VIVEVE 1), women who received the ViveveTM
What is ViveveTM? treatment showed statistically significant and sustained improvements in
ViveveTM is a non-invasive treatment for vaginal laxity that uses tiny vaginal tightness, sensation and satisfaction at 12 months. A recent study
pulses of radio-frequency (RF) energy to gently heat the deeper layers of in Canada has shown significant improvements in symptoms of stress
vaginal tissue whilst simultaneously cooling and protecting the delicate urinary incontinence following ViveveTM treatment.
surface. In the same way that RF energy is used to rejuvenate the skin
on the face, the body responds by developing healthy, new collagen in Other treatments
the vaginal tissues. Importantly, ViveveTM is not necessarily about Anti-Wrinkle Injections - to relax lines and wrinkles.
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the scene

Fiona Jess, Stephanie Murray,

Pamela Smyth, Sarah McCormack and Barbara Kerr. Ita Hamill and Kerry Cardinalli.

53rd annual
N o r t h SO u t h
During Mental Health Awareness week, the Soroptimist 53rd
Annual North South Dinner took place at The Burrendale
Hotel, Country Club and Spa, Newcastle. A number of women
made speeches at the event including Margaret Ritchie, Donna
Monteith and Nicola Mallon. The topics were focused on
mental health and championing social change.
Mel Douglas and Mark Murnin.

Pat Braiden and Breda Crehan-Roche. Elizabeth Walsh, Catherine Giblin and Tess Hogan.

Catherine Milhench, Jan Hemlin, Mark

Margaret Lark, Jennifer Loughridge and Margaret McGowan. Murnin, Sue Williams and Isobel Smith.
Continued on page 40

The Wedding Pavilion at The Rosspark
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the scene

Continued from page 38

Margaret Ritchie, Mark Murnin and Lady Bloomfield. Niamh Tierney, Patricia Tirrell and Margaret Geraghty.

Patricia Kean, Theresa Leavy, Rachel Magee, Gemma Cassidy, Olivia

Watson and Jen Watson; FR: Hannah Cassidy, Miriam Cassidy, Mel
Hazel Holmund, Babara Harrison and Rita Allen. Douglas, Catherine Milhench, Anne-Marie Blaney and Ann Kerrin.

Hannah Cassidy, Mel Douglas and Miriam Cassidy. Nancy Dearby, Lady Bloomfield and Theresa Nixon.

Aleen Jones, Sarah Carroll, Vi Leckey, Jacqui Burns, Kate

Courtney, Ruth Carroll, Jackie Gilmour and Isobel Holmes. Ann Kerrin and Mel Douglas.

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the scene

Aidan McGrath, RSUA president Joan McCoy and Ian McKnight, RSUA president Joan McCoy and Alistair Hall with the
Kieran McGonigle, winner of House of the Year. Liam McCormick Prize for Northern Ireland’s Building of the Year.

RSUA Design
A w ards
The RSUA Design Awards took place in The
Ulster Museum, Belfast. The night hosted by
William Crawley began with a champagne
reception followed by a speech from RSUA
president Joan McCoy. Guests enjoyed
a three-course meal before the winning
announcements. The winner of the Liam
McCormick Prize for Northern Ireland’s
Building of the Year award was the CTC
Transport Hub by Hall McKnight.
Champagne reception at Ulster Museum.

Una McCormack and Mark Nutt. Sarah and James Macauley. Chris Sherry, Kari Simpson, Karen Latimer and Dermot MacRandal.

Gerry Millar, Sinead Grimes, Scott Host William Crawley and

Stephanie and Pedar Murphy. Symington and Joris Minne. RSUA Director Ciaran Fox.
Continued on page 44
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the scene

Continued from page 42

Ciaran Mackel, Colin Maxwell and Cathy Mackel. Stephen Miskelly and Andrew Haley.

Michael Gibson, Jane Neill, Ivor Neill and Seamus O’Kane. Fiona Loughrey, Clodagh Loughrey and Jessica McGarry.

Jonathan Cleary, Damian Boyd John Collins, Grahame Holmes, Eamon McCormack, Una
and Feargal Harron. McCormack, Jonny Eastwood, Luke McBride and Ian Lowry.

Martina Murphy Karen Treharne Patrick Wheeler

and Cathy Mackel. and Jayne McFaul. and Jane Larmour.

the scene

Team of the Year; Northern Health and Social Care Wendy Close, Louise Harley, Lee Panglea, Caroline van der Feltz,
Trust. Photograph by Brian Thompson Photography. Lydia Gourley, Paul Gillen and Sara McCracken.

Northern Ireland’s top performing people professionals
and best HR and L&D initiatives were recognised at the
7th annual CIPD Northern Ireland Awards at Titanic Belfast
on 16 May, hosted by Q Radio breakfast show presenters,
Stephen Clements and Cate Conway. Big winners on
the evening included Danske Bank, who picked up the
awards for Best L&D Initiative and Best Talent Management
Initiative and Northern Health and Social Care Trust who
won the prestigious HR/L&D Team of the Year award.

Lauren Henry, Maxwell Braiden, Colleen Henderson,
Cliona Austin and Emma Orchin.

Katie Buchanan, Toni Fitzgerald Gunn,

Con Lam, Ryan Calvert, Janet Kerrigan and Louise Smyth. John Kelly, Amy Barr and Karen Nicholl.

Stephen Clements Jacqui Reid, Lynn Carson, Joy McGimpsey Aine Bradley, Samantha Fitzpatrick,
and Cate Conway. and Elizabeth Brownlees. Katie Forker and Yeeling Wong.

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the scene

Deborah McCabe, Dr Carl Thornfeldt and Martine McCabe. Kerry Patterson, Rachel McCollum, Dr Carl Thornfeldt and Susan Houston.

hosts epionce
skincare event
Dr Carl Thornfeldt, dermatologist and founder of the award-
winning skincare line Epionce, hosted an exclusive event at
Malone House recently and shared his knowledge on the
future of skin health and how Epionce can deliver beautiful,
healthy skin for life. With 30+ years of clinical research, Dr
Carl Thornfeldt has created the gentle, yet transformational
Epionce range which is formulated with potent botanical
ingredients in proven concentrations using a highly effective
delivery system.
Dr Mervyn Patterson, Medical Director of Eden Aesthetics, and Tiffany Brien.

Kathryn O’Brien, Deborah Flanagan and Dr Mervyn

Patterson, Medical Director of Woodford Medical. Dr Carl Thornfeldt and Eileen Quinn.

Trish Stack, Head of Marketing of

Tiffany Brien and Fiona McCartan. Avril Keys and Dr Carl Thornfeldt. Epionce Skincare and Lindsay Gray.

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the scene

Peter Fox, Edward McParland and UAH Chairman David Johnston. Harvey Bicker and Richard Parsons.

‘Buildings of
south county
down’ book
Ulster Architectural Heritage (UAH) launched its latest title,
Buildings of South County Down, compiled by Philip Smith
with superb new photographs by Alan Turkington. The book
was launched by UAH Vice President Dr Edward McParland at
Ballydugan Mill near Downpatrick. Everyone with an interest in
Ulster’s built environment and history, particularly in relation to
South County Down, and all those who already own copies of
the preceding well-known and highly regarded UAH ‘Buildings
of…’ series, will certainly want to ensure that they obtain a
copy of this latest book. Derek and Ann Shaw with daughter Catherine Campbell.

Lady and Lord Dunleath and Alastair Rankin. Edward McParland, Rebecca Deeny and Karen Latimer.

Book photographer Alan Turkington

Noel Killen with Paul Harron and Marcus Patton. Rebecca Deeny and Melanie O’Reilly. and author Philip Smith.

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the scene

Jolene Carey from Randox (sponsor) presents Rebecca

McRoberts with Fresher of the Year (Coleraine) award.
David Longstaff (CEO, UUSU) presents Aoife Callaghan (left) and Kollyns Scarborough
(right) from the Ulster University Elks Womens Basketball with Club of the Year award.


UUSU Sport hosted its annual Colours Awards Ceremony on Saturday (4th
May) at the Coleraine Campus to celebrate the Ulster University Coleraine
campus 50th Year Anniversary. The gala ceremony, sponsored by Randox,
celebrated and rewarded the achievements of both individuals and sporting
teams at the University. Emma Bonner, Sports President, said: “This event
is the pinnacle of our sporting year. It is a great night of celebration and
also reward for all of the hard work and successes of athletes across the
Silver Salver is presented to Jack McMillan
For more information visit www.uusu.org (Swimming) by Professor Cathy Gormley-Heenan,
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research & Impact).

Ulster University Ladies Gaelic Football won Team of the Year. UUSU Sport Team with Denise Watson (centre) L-R David Flynn,
L-R: Sean O’Kane, Claragh Connor, Blaithnaid McLauglhlin and Tommy Coleman. Susan Logan, Paul Doherty and Ciaran Chambers.

L-R: Jack Lewis, Aimee Gorman, Paul Doherty, Chris Chambers,

Charlotte Loughead, Kenton Bell, David Flynn and Ciaran Chambers.

the scene

L-R Paul Doherty, Brendan Murphy, Niamh Nugent, Catherine McAlorum, Aimee Gorman, Jim Toland, Eoghan Gallagher.

Chris Lundy presents Joseph McKinney from the Professor Alastair Adair presents Jonny Wilson
Coleraine Judo club with the Chris Lundy Rose Bowl. (soccer) with the Carson Clarke award.

Niamh Lammond (Chief Operating Officer, Ulster University) Ulster University Ladies Gaelic Footballers Claragh Connor
presents Stevie Small (Soccer) with the Coach of the Year award. and Blaithnaid McLauglhlin with Professor Alastair Adair.

Avril Honan (Director of Membership Services, UUSU)

The Ulster University Elks Women’s Basketball won Club of the Year. L-R Maeve presents Joseph McKinney from the Coleraine Judo
Deery, Jenna Kaufman, Enya Maguire, Kollyns Scarbrough and Ruth Neill. Club with the Jim Allen Merit award.

the scene

Maria McAllister, Bernadette Sexton, playwright James Skivington,

Mary English, Mary Kearney and Elizabeth Connaughton. Tracey Kernaghan, Alex Kernaghan and Zara Palmer.

A Streetcar
named desire
Guests were welcomed to the Lyric Theatre, Belfast, recently
for the opening night of A Streetcar Named Desire, the
Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Tennessee Williams. Directed
by Irish Times Theatre Award-winning director, Emma Jordan,
A Streetcar Named Desire follows wilting Southern beauty,
Blanche DuBois (portrayed by Aoibhéann McCann), as she
attempts to escape her former life and past trauma. But as
details of Blanche’s past come to light, she incurs suspicion
and wrath, and her sense of reality begins to shatter. The
play runs until 8 June 2019. Select photography courtesy of
Johnny Frazer.
Will Corrie, Zoe Salmon and Joe Salmon.

Deputy Lord Mayor Emmet

Shraddha Parchani and Hollie Morrison. Simone Collins and Sophie Robinson. McDonough-Brown and Geri Wright.

Stella McCusker (Blanche DuBois at the Lyric in 1985) with

Conor and Colette Maguire. Aoibhéann McCann (current Blanche DuBois at the Lyric). Mrs O’Hara and Seamus O’Hara (Harold ‘Mitch’ Mitchell).

the scene

Aoibhéann McCann and director Emma Jordan. James Agnew and Hannah Reilly. Meghan Tyler (Stella Kowalski), Erica Murray, Rebecca Mairs.

Sir Bruce Robinson (Chair of the Lyric Theatre), Frances Ruane

(Chair of the Abbey Theatre), Jimmy Fay (Executive Producer). Aimee Yates, Tracey Linsay, Erin Charteris, Sophie Thompson.


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the scene

John Devitt, Ecclesiastical Insurance, Nora Smith, CO3, Senator George Mitchell,
David Abrahams, Marsh, Andrew McCracken, Chair, CO3.

SENATOR GEORGE Rev Billy Davidson, Rt Rev Dr Charles McMullen,

Rev Brian Anderson.

American statesman George Mitchell has been honoured for his contribution
to the peace process at a special ceremony held by CO3, sponsored by
Ecclesiastical Insurance and Marsh. Senator Mitchell, who brokered the
Good Friday Agreement, was presented with the award for leadership and
peacebuilding by Andrew McCracken chair of CO3, which represents charity
leaders. During the evening there were warm tributes from two former
politicians who took part in the talks process that led to the 1998 agreement.
Baroness May Blood and Dawn Purvis praised him for his extraordinary
patience and courtesy during the fraught and fractious negotiations that
preceded the settlement.

www.co3.bz Celine McStravick, NCB NI, Paula Jennings,

Stepping Stones, Anne-Marie McClure, Start360.

Sir John Elvidge, Carnegie UK Trust, Aideen McGinley, Carnegie UK Trust, Billy Miskimmin, East Belfast Enterprise, Erskine Holmes,
Paul Donaghy, OCN NI, Roisin McDonough, Arts Council, Ian Walters, OCN NI. UCIT, Jonathan McAlpin, East Belfast Enterprise.

Brenda McMullan and Courtney Girvin John McMullan, Social Enterprise NI,
of Halifax Foundation for NI. Dame Judith Hill. Guests networking.

the scene

Erskine Holmes, UCIT, Kevin Roland, Teneo, Alan Moneypenny, UCIT, Andrew McCracken, Chair, CO3, Celine McStravick, NCB NI,
Sir Ronald Weatherup, Belfast Charitable Society. Billy Gamble, Equality Commission for NI, Con Collins, CO3.

Tracey McCreanor, CO3, Sr Nuala Kelly, Depaul, Deirdre Canavan, Depaul. Group of guests from Women’s Tec.

John Devitt, Ecclesiastical Insurance, Tom McQuillan, Marsh, Anne-Marie McClure, Start360, Celine McStravick NCB NI,
Mike McClean of Friends in Action. Cara Cash-Marley, Groundwork NI.

Senator Mitchell shared reflections on his Senator George Mitchell with his Honorary Award
leadership style and the importance of cultivating for Leadership & Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland, Baroness May Blood sharing her reflections
patience, humility and listening skills. presented by CO3 Chair, Andrew McCracken. on Senator George Mitchell.

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Get voting and be in with a chance of winning a VIP trip to the Awards.

01 02 03 04
think deserves to win the
YEAR THE YEAR title of Spa of the Year. Which hotel stands
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locally owned boutique. let us know the name wonders for you? in everything from
The category covers of your favourite hospitality to food
everything from clothes Interior Designer. service? Here’s your
stores, to shoe shops and chance to recognise
everything in between. their effort.

09 10 11 12

All we need is the name For this category just let OF THE YEAR All you need to do is
and sport of the person us know the name and In this category we are submit up to 500 words
you are voting for. profession of the person looking for the name of the plus a selection of images
you are voting for. travel agent that you think which illustrate why your
goes above and beyond home should win.
the call of duty to provide
an excellent service.
05 06 07 JUN CLO!
08 2
In this category you can Tell us the best coffee Where have you had your HAIRDRESSING
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Ulster. Which beauty to lately? Simply let us us know the name of your THE YEAR
salon do you always leave know where you think favourite restaurant.
feeling amazing. deserves to be crowned In this category just let
coffee house of the year. us know the name of
your favourite
hairdressing salon.



13 14
15 16
Previous recipients include
THE YEAR All we need is the name This accolade will be former Ulster rugby coach
and company of the judged and awarded at Brian McLaughlin, the
All we need is the name
person you are voting for the Ulster Tatler Awards Northern Ireland football
and company of the ceremony. This category is
person you are voting for along with a statement of team and Ulster rugby
up to 500 words on why not voted on by the public. legends Ruan Piennaar
along with a statement of
they should win. and Tommy Bowe. This
up to 500 words on why award is not voted
they should win. on by the public.

Partners TM



This award is given to someone who has made
significant contribution to life in Northern Ireland. THE CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATIONS IS MIDNIGHT ON SUNDAY 23RD JUNE 2019.
Past winners include Ciaran Hinds, Marie Jones,
Gerry Armstrong, Michael TERMS AND CONDITIONS
How to vote? It’s simple, just pick the category and the company/person you want to vote for at ulstertatler.com,
Longley, Barry McGuigan, following the guidelines below. Just remember that we are looking for local companies/people who have made
a significant contribution to life in Northern Ireland and you can vote for as many categories as you want.
Dame Mary Peters, Brian A shortlist for each category will be published in the August edition of Ulster Tatler. An independent judging
panel will then decide on the winner for each category. Please note that the decision of the judges is final and no
Friel, Sir James Galway, Gloria correspondence will be entered into. If you are voting for someone in categories 1 to 11, all you need to do is let
us know the name of the person or company you are voting for, along with their company contact details, where
Hunniford, Phil Coulter and appropriate.
For categories 12 -14 in addition to their name, contact details and category, please forward a short statement
Terri Hooley. This category is (maximum 500 words) on why the entry should win. For category 12 please also submit a selection of images.
Categories 15-17 are not voted on by the public.
not voted on by the public. Whoever you vote for must be from Northern Ireland or based here. All short listed nominees must be prepared
to take part in pre and post show event publicity. In order for your vote to count you must fill in all your contact


Jan Carson’s novel, Fire

Starters, has gained rave
reviews for its portrayal
of a dystopian Belfast. She
discusses magic realism,
male narrators and
her passion for Agatha
Christie with Jane Hardy.

Jane Hardy
is a feature writer who has interviewed a few of
the big names from Arlene Foster to Mrs Thatcher.

Roddy Doyle signed off his review of Jan curls into the corner of my neck to doze” - and organising all their tea dances. If you’ve worked
Carson’s new novel, Fire Starters, by saying his fears about her future, then makes you with teenagers then old people arrive who are
she’d created a whole new version of Belfast feel the tension in the Agnew household as not sullen and they thank you for things and
in her “gripping, surprising, exhilarating” the older parents hear their murderous son bring buns, it’s nice.”
fiction. He’s not wrong. Although the walking about his room. “Neither of them loved Jan Carson’s interest in language also
summer epidemic of gigantic bonfires bears Mark. It was entirely possibly no one in the made her keen to understand how those with
some relation to our summer headlines, the world loved Mark.” Jan Carson, who doesn’t aphasia and increasingly gappy vocabularies
“unfortunate children” who pop up, including have children herself, reveals she drew on her cope. She became interested in the linguistics
a little girl with wings and a boy born with experience at home for the positive stuff. “My and is conducting research into the subject.
wheels under his feet (“greased lightning on mum was a childminder so when I was growing Unsurprisingly, she is also writing some related
the hills”), are off any realistic graph. The plot up, I was always carting a baby around.” She fiction: “In August I will be writing a number of
concerns fathers coping with problem children, adds that her niece and nephew, now eight and short pieces in what I’d call a dementia voice.
one a possible siren-baby equipped with lethal 11, live down the road. “They’re beyond the Then they’ll be passed on to a musician and a
charm, the other a boy addicted to violence. It’s carting around stage but I’ve been there from choreographer and a photographer for their
a funny, scary, persuasive, dystopian world. day one as a very hands-on aunt. It’s much response.” Sylvia Plath said everything in life
As Jan (39) says over coffee in one of the better than actually having a child.” Jan Carson is potentially good copy and Jan says, “We want
cafes she regards as the office, her first words is writing a young adult book with her nephew, to get it across that we don’t just do this work
indicated the imaginative dilemma. “The first Caleb, who is 11. “It’s about the near future in because we’re lovely people but because there’s
sentences I wrote were ‘This is Belfast. This is Belfast and is dystopian.” something in it.” She talks about approaching
not Belfast.’” The hesitation is partly because, The Fire Starters isn’t a post-Troubles book the problem of dementia not via memory but
as Ms Carson explains, she can only see her but addresses the continuing divisions through via sufferers’ imagination. “In workshops with
version of the city. “There’s no fixed reality. its characters’ lives. The recent death of writer them, I’ve come across amazing work.”
There are 100,000, or 500,000, different Lyra McKee recalling a tough past exacts a Ms Carson wants her own amazing second
versions of Belfast.” Magic realism is her bag thoughtful response from Jan Carson. novel to fly. It nearly vanished when she lost
and as she says later, she can’t understand why “One of the things I wanted to say here was the manuscript on her computer in Edinburgh
we’re so hooked on realism. peel back the layers. I didn’t know her but when station. She says: “It would be great PR if I
“I am probably a magic realist first and something like Lyra’s death happens, it’s very won the Costa prize as the baristas who found
foremost and love the absurd, the ultra-real, the easy to point the finger and blame the people my pc worked in a Costa.” But she has the
exaggerated take on reality.” who were directly responsible for firing the prestigious EU Prize for Literature 2019 to be
She values imagination - “it’s what writers gun. Yes, there is a level of blame there, but going on with.
do” - but reveals she got the inspiration for you have to question the society behind that. Ms Carson feels life is too short for Netflix.
Fire Starters on a writing tour. “The idea came I wanted to think about the young men, and “I don’t have a television so go to the Queen’s
when I was giving a talk in Washington DC have written passages about the community in Film Theatre a lot, maybe three times a week.
about bonfires and some of the symbols of east Belfast. I wanted to challenge the idea that If anything threatened the QFT, I’d chain
Loyalist culture. I began to talk about these people join the paramilitaries for one reason, myself to the railings. Most recently I saw
sixty to seventy foot bonfires, and people in because of a creed. It’s because they want Capernaum there, a film about refugees
the audience said they were magic realism too, community, and they like violence. Getting back and acted by refugees which wasn’t an easy
which I’d mentioned. That was when the spark to Derry, those young men are a product of lack watch.” The Sunflower is Jan’s pub of choice
went off, no pun intended.” She adds: “There of community and unemployment.” in Belfast but she hangs out much of the time
is something magical about them in the true Ms Carson, who came to writing late at the at cafes. “I don’t write at home, it’s too quiet.
sense, that is fantastical. They’re large like the age of twenty-five, has always had plenty to I write in cafes, and have a holy triangle near
Lambeg drum.” do. After Cambridge House Grammar School, me, including Clements at Ballyhack and
Born in Ballymena, Jan Carson now lives she attended Queen’s University, studying Connswater Starbucks where there’s a great
near the Holywood Arches in east Belfast. She English, then theology for a Master’s degree. “I table I go to for people watching.”
says: “I live in a terraced house and the very come from a Presbyterian background and I’ve A self-confessed overachiever, Jan Carson
physicality of our spaces blurs the line between always been interested in religion. I worked for believes in lifelong learning. “I’ve noticed there
public and private. I’ve been thinking recently churches for several years, always in the arts. are two sorts of people, those who stop doing
about writing about things from within. You My dissertation was about Bob Dylan and the things at 60 and those who go on trying new
feel physically placed in a community unlike rhetoric in the gospels. It was great fun to write things because they like learning.”
in suburbia where there’s a lot of distance but totally useless. I did one article on the back She is also, unsurprisingly, a voracious
between people. I can hear my neighbours and of it so it’s hardly made my fortune,” she says reader with a 200 a year book habit, Ms Carson
my front door opens onto the street.” with a laugh. has one surprising enthusiasm, though. “I’ve
The novel is relayed by two men, Dr Jonathan Creatives nowadays don’t exist in garrets; been reading Agatha Christie since I was eight
Murphy, father of water baby Sophie, and they travel the world discussing literature and and finished everything in the kids’ section.
Sammy Agnew, ex-killer and father of his work hard in community arts or education. Jan Now I am reading the novels in order, one a
spitting image son, Mark. Was taking on the Carson’s cv contains an impressive range of month. She wrote over a great span of history
male voices tough? Apparently not, as Ms jobs. She went to the States in 2005, returning and you see attitudes change. The early ones
Carson explains: “I actually find it easier to only when her work visa ran out in 2009. are amazingly xenophobic and misogynist, the
write as a male. I don’t know why but think While there, Jan started an art house cinema later ones less so. I love the bloody ones but
because I am a woman, there’s a responsibility and can still work the projector. She has also my favourite Agatha Christie is probably The
when writing as a woman to get all the aspects been an arts co-ordinator for elderly people, Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It’s intriguing and I
right. Writing as a man, there’s not the same some dementia sufferers, for several years. always like an unreliable narrator.”
pressure.” But Ms Carson rejects the idea she got into
The relationships between the fathers and this because of family members experiencing Jan Carson will appear in the Jaipur
their offspring are superbly done. Carson the illness. “Honestly, no. I slid into this as I Literature Festival when it comes to Belfast
describes the doctor cradling his child - “she was working at the Ulster Hall and ended up from June 21-23.

the scene

Chairwoman of Federation of WI Northern Ireland,

WI ladies with the Calendar Girls cast. Collette Craig with Calendar Girl Julia Hills.

Calendar Girls
Gary Barlow and Tim Firth’s award-winning musical Calendar
Girls came to the Grand Opera House in Belfast recently.
This award-winning musical comedy, which arrived in Belfast
straight from London’s West End, boasted a stellar cast
including Sarah Jane Buckley, Sue Devaney, Julia Hills, Judy
Holt, Lisa Maxwell, Rebecca Storm and Lesley Joseph. Based
on a true story about a group of ordinary ladies who did
something extraordinary, Calendar Girls will leave you crying
with laughter and full of positivity and pride. The opening night
attracted a sell out crowd, including ladies from the WI who
had the chance to meet the cast of the show. The WI ladies: Irene Sproule, Pamela Brown, Collette Craig, 
Edwina Marr, Marleen Walsh, Sophia Maybin.

Conor O’Neill and Una McCartney. Kellie Burch, Calendar Girl Lisa Maxwell and Gemma Johnston.

Actress Lisa Maxwell with WI Sue Devaney, Marleen Walsh

Julia Hills with Cathy Martin. Vice-Chairwoman Edwina Marr. and Sarah Jane Buckley.



Style Watch
Niamh Anderson and Rebecca McConnell,
pictured at the RSUA Design Awards at the
Niamh Anderson and Ulster Museum, went for eye-catching looks
Rebecca McConnell. wearing this season’s hottest styles: dramatic
prints and vibrant hues.

As said by fashion guru Coco Chanel: “fashion changes, but style endures“. Each issue, we introduce you to
stylish local people who enviably manage demanding work schedules while looking polished to perfection.

Orláith Forsythe
Member of Northern Irish band,
Dea Matrona

How would you describe your style?

Funky with a rock edge.

What are your wardrobe staples that you can’t live

Since I first tried on a pair of flared trousers a couple of years
ago, I can’t step out of the house without any form of a flare in
my trousers. I don’t think I’ve worn skinny jeans in two years.

Do you have a favourite designer or high street brand?

I love nothing more than finding clothes that are unique and
different. I rarely shop in high street shops and most of the
time find the funkiest clothes in the most random places.
There’s lots of great vintage shops in Temple Bar in Dublin
which have some great finds.

Do you have any style icons?

I have too many! Though I would have to say my main style
icons are Stevie Nicks and Cher. They were both so ahead of
their time with their style in the 60s/70s and I love how they
took risks with their fashion. Stevie Nicks’ bell sleeved tops
from the mid 70s are a personal favourite of mine as well as
Cher’s daring and sassy outfits she wore during her time in
“Sonny & Cher”. I also love Pattie Boyd’s psychedelic street
style from the 1960s as well as Debbie Harry’s iconic looks.

Do you have a different wardrobe for your work life and

social life?
My work life differs everyday, one day I can be in my gig outfit
at 9am in the morning, and the next day I could be in the
recording studio with my trusty Zeppelin band tee and flared
jeans. As for nights out, it’s very similar to outfits I would wear
on stage.

How has your style changed over the years?

Whenever the band first started, I would only ever wear
black as that was our go to colour. My outfits outside of the
band usually consisted of skinny jeans and jumpers. Now the
all black days are gone and I am a bit more daring with my
fashion choices adding more colour to my outfits and lots
more funky accessories to go with it.

What are your fashion pet peeves?

I don’t really have any, I think everyone’s fashion is different
and that’s cool.

Orláith Forsythe is part of Dea Matrona, a Northern

Irish rock trio consisting of sisters Mollie McGinn and
Mamie McGinn. The band is influenced by artists such
as Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. Dea
Matrona will play the Dalriada Festival (13 – 14 July) main
stage on Sunday 14 July. For ticket details and further
information visit www.dalriadafestival.co.uk or Dalriada
Festival on Facebook and Twitter #DALFEST19



Adam Steenson
Mr Northern Ireland

How would you describe your style?

I would describe my style as simple but sleek.

What are your wardrobe staples

that you can’t live without?
I could not live without my personally fitted
Robinson’s Shoes. My look is quite casual
day-to-day and with a good pair of shoes
you can make a simple everyday outfit look
sophisticated. At more high end events, I
complete the look with a suit.

Do you have a favourite high street or

designer brand?
My favourite high street brand has got to be
Zara. I love how they update their range so
often and their simple styles can go a long

Do you have any style icons?

When I’m dressing down socially I love to
keep my eye on reality TV stars, like Jack
Fowler, for fashion inspiration. When it
comes to dressing up, as I do so for events or
appearances as Mr Northern Ireland, I like to
look at David Beckham and his fashion sense
is smart wear.

Do you have a different wardrobe for your

work life and social life?
Being a student, a lot of my fashion sense is
casual for class and everyday life, but I always
finish my look with my smart shoes. Finding
the balance of relaxing wear but looking the
part as Mr Northern Ireland is something I
have really enjoyed.

How has your style changed over the

It has definitely got better and some would
argue still has a bit to go, but I enjoy dressing
pretty simply with a plain t-shirt and a jacket
or shirt over it. I have realised over the years
how important a good pair of shoes are-
after my personal fitting at Robinson’s shoes
I realised it is possible to be wearing the
wrong size dress shoe and now that I have
my personalised pair wearing a smart shoe is
definitely more comfortable and makes me
look and feel way better.

What are your fashion pet peeves?

I really am not a fan of patterns on t-shirts,
as I say you can’t go wrong with a plain
t-shirt and a good shirt or jacket to
accompany it.

Nuala meenehan
Nuala Meenehan works in the media and is a leading model.

Elaine Dobson and Pamela Ballantine.
Models: Chloee Scott, Meagan Green, Danielle Callaghan and Nuala Meenehan.
Picture courtesy of Johnny Jameson.

Luxury at its best!

An invitation to spend any afternoon in the Merchant Hotel is
my idea of heaven! But when it’s coupled with a showcase
A of this
season’s stunning collection by local luxury leather brand Tahlia
Leather, I’m in seventh heaven! Clearly I’m not the only one as
over 100 glamorous gals headed to the super stylish event. Fans
including Pamela Ballantine settled into the Rita Duffy Suite for an
Max Mara,
afternoon of fabulous fashion and afternoon tea. Tahlia (meaning
‘morning dew – lambkin’) was established in 2017 by Elaine
Dobson. Elaine believes TAHLIA Leather fills a gap in the Northern
Irish fashion market for local and sustainable luxury fashion. Based
in Moira, county Armagh, Elaine and her team work tirelessly to
source the highest quality of lambskin for the TAHLIA Leather Nicholle Dunlop (fourth from right) celebrating
her birthday with friends and family.
Collection. The buttery soft leather that goes into creating each
beautiful Tahlia Leather piece comes from the Welsh valleys,
Yorkshire Dales and farms on the Emerald Isle. Tahlia then manage Verity Quinn and
the tannery as the leather is carefully dyed into unique bespoke and Maureen Young.
beautiful shades to suit everyone. Each piece is 100% lambskin and
handcrafted to give the entire range its luxury finish. The collection
includes lusted after ladies’ and gents’ jackets, coats and shirts,
beautiful handbags and accessories. There is also a particularly
special bridal collection of capes. Bridal gowns showcased on the
day were courtesy of Marie Me Bridal and headpieces were by
Deborah K Design.
Other highlights included pop up shops with some of the most
exciting home grown beauty brands on the market, including
Lusso Tan - which was created by Secret Day Spa proprietors
Lynsey Bennett and Leah White alongside their sister Sarah
White; and Tonya Kidd-Beggs, who’s nose for business led her
to launch the high-end fragrance range Stories by Eliza Grace.
For further information, to shop the TAHLIA Leather collection, or
to book your personal shopping appointment, visit:
Stephanie and
Aisling Rea.
Styling consultant
Samara Prentice
Deborah McCann and Lynsey Bennett. and Elaine Dobson
from Thalia.

Ruth Cunningham,
Angela Porter and
Sylvia Graham.

Katie Marks, Adele Uprichard and Nichola McStea.

Karen McConnell and Hilary Callaghan Tonya Kidd-Beggs and

Angela Farquhar.
M O D E L S : T H E N & N O W


Then & Now

This month Ulster Tatler speaks to Alison Clarke and Zoe Salmon about their modelling careers and how it
shaped them as the people they are now.

their PR department and I spent several

years there working for the remarkable
late John Kenny who taught me a lot about
PR and journalism.
However, I guess my hobby turned into
my career when I left the bank on 31st
October 1990 and set up my model agency
the very next day on 1st November 1990,
now the longest running agency in Ireland.

Do you have any regrets, something you

wish you did or didn’t do?
Back in the early 80s Belfast I used to meet
up with Eamonn Holmes who was a good
friend and we used to chat about what we
were going to do. He was the new boy star
on UTV and I was Miss NI, we were like
local celebs!
I considered moving to London but I was
very comfortable as a big fish in a small
pond here in NI and I didn’t have the guts
to do what he did and take the leap to

A l i son
mainland UK. What may have been? But I
don’t regret not going at all. However I do

C la r k e
sometimes wonder, what if?

What era of fashion was your favourite?

I guess it has to the 80s, glam and stylish.
Princess Diana, bows, shoulder pads and
When did you start your stylish suits. I never went for anything
modelling career? OTT, but I did, and do still, love the
I started when I joined the Ulster Bank as glamorous look.
Alison Smyth in 1979 when I moved to live
in Belfast. I went to an evening modelling What is your advice for young people
course, however I never ever got one paid today looking to get into modelling?
job from them. Don’t know whether it was Don’t do what I did and pay any money
me or them? to do a modelling course. If you are good
enough the agency will see the potential
Were you scouted or was it something you in you and teach you the ropes and guide
set out to do? you through various jobs and roles until
I lived in a student type house with a few you start to get established.
girls in Belfast, one of whom was Judith
Quinn, from Portstewart. I used to go and What qualities and skills did you learn
spend weekends at the coast with her and from your modelling career?
we went regularly to The Strand Hotel. who ran an agnecy called Catwalk. She I can turn on a smile for the camera at any
They ran a heat of Miss Northern Ireland was well connected in Belfast at that time minute of any day! I was never so good at
there and a heat of Miss North West 200 and did get me a lot of work. the pout! I do know how to pose the most
on the same night. I was lucky and won flattering way in front of the camera…usually.
Miss Strand which got me through to the What has been the stand out moment in I am a hard worker, I never stop; I have
Miss Northern Ireland Final in 1982 and your modelling career and why? to get everything completed correctly
that’s really where it all started for me. I was always part time modelling and and on time. I am never late for important
continued to work full time in the bank at events; I never ever let anyone down, if I
Did you have a particular mentor or the time. As Miss Northen Ireland, I then commit to something I follow through. I
someone you looked up to for advice? qualified for the live televised Miss United used to be absolutely ecstatic when I got
When I won Miss Northern Ireland it was Kingdom final in London. I came runner jobs, I would have never said no to any job
organised by a lady called Kathy Anderson up, I won £1000. The Bank moved me into offer. I always try to be well groomed.

come true. All these years later it still
feels like a dream, I don’t think I’ll ever
forget the shock and surprise when they
announced my name as the winner. It
was a stand out moment not only in my
modelling career but in my life too. It
was a very special time as I got to share
the moment with my family as they were
there to support me. It was the best and
happiest of memories because we were
all together.

What is your advice for young people

today looking to get into modelling?
If you are passionate about a career
in modelling then follow your dreams.
You don’t know unless you try - have no
regrets. Personally, I loved every minute
of it - from the range and variety of work,
to the fantastic people you meet along
the way, plus you get to travel far and
wide. I love how the world of modelling
has become so much more accepting
and inclusive - we see models such as
Kate Grant making an impact and carving
a successful career for herself. I think
it’s long overdue and I look forward to
seeing more people like her enter the

industry - we need all walks of society
represented, modelling should reflect

real life and real people.

Do you have any regrets, something

you wish you didn’t do?
I only ever regret the things I didn’t do
but not the things I did do. As for all the
When did you start your modelling I used the photos from the shoot with things I have done, no regrets, just great
career? my classmate to enter myself into the stories or lessons well learnt. I love this
I did some bits and pieces of modelling Miss Northern Ireland contest. I had quote from Nelson Mandela, “I never
in my teenage years but it wasn’t until I always admired the previous winners lose. I either win or learn.”
was 19 and won Miss Northern Ireland and each year I would look forward
that I got my first modelling contract and to seeing who our new Miss Northern
that was with ACA Models. It was such an Ireland would be. It still feels surreal that
exciting time and an amazing opportunity I’m now a previous titleholder alongside
to start a modelling career. I loved all all those girls I looked up to.
aspects from the photographic to the
catwalk - it was all a dream come true. Did you have a particular mentor or
Several years later in my twenties I was someone you looked up to for advice?
then signed by Storm in London which At the helm of ACA, Alison Clarke
was so surreal to be in the same agency has always been the ultimate mentor
as Kate Moss and Cindy Crawford, my throughout my reign as Miss Northern
modelling heroes and the biggest and Ireland and my modelling career. She
best supermodels of our generation. was only ever a phone call away and
she always kept me right. Her guidance,
Were you scouted or was it something direction and advice is always incredible
you set out to do? but that’s why she’s so successful. Alison’s
I got asked to model at my secondary knowledge and experience in the
school’s fashion show and also a local modelling industry here is phenomenal.
fashion show in town. Also, a classmate Her remarkable professionalism shines
asked me to join her on a photoshoot through everything she does. I couldn’t
after school one day. I couldn’t believe have asked for a better mentor and
that I had been asked to be on the someone who I can now call my friend.
catwalk or to do the photoshoot. I had
so much fun doing both and it gave What has been the stand out moment in
me a little bit of confidence to pursue your modelling career and why?
modelling, something that I’d been It has to be winning the title of Miss
interested in from a young age. Northern Ireland. It truly was a dream

s f

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Column / Hair Matters

Style scales Style &

It’s the must-have ingredient
of the moment, featuring in

everything from Schwarzkopf with Kevin
Professional’s Sun Protect Kahan
range to Elemis’ Ultra Smart Pro
Collagen collection, the latter Kevin Kah
an is one o
of which is clinically proven respected f the most
names in m
to reduce deep set lines and hairdressin odern
g, with a co
wrinkles. Consider us sold. in the Briti veted place
sh Hairdre
Hall of Fam ssing Awa
e. His Bang rds
a hair and or salon is
beauty hav
an extensi en, offerin
‘MIUCCIA MIGRaiNE’ ve menu o g
stunning, a f services in
We’re all about Prada’s ward-winn a
month, he ing space.
stunning satin headbands tells us how This
brunette sh to update
– but not so crazy for ade and w a
headache’ h y ‘headban
the headaches we’re is the fash-p d
experiencing after a few complaint ack
of the Sum
hours sporting these snug- mer…
fitting accessories. Give us
the humble hair clip any day!

Kevin’s kit
BC Sun Protect Prep &
Beauty spot Protection Spritz is my
Katherine Sykes, Make-up Artist @ Kevin Kahan hero from the newly-
Over 40? Then my top tip is to never be without revamped Sun Protect
blush. Adding a pop of colour to your cheeks can range. This easy-to-use
bring your skin back to life and add a youthful glow fine spray mist prepares,
to even the dullest complexions. My favourite is protects and nourishes hair
Youngblood Mineral Pressed Blush in Sugar Plum, £24, a soft pinky before and during sun
peach tone with light reflection that glides on with ease and stays exposure, preventing
put all day! Plus, it’s vegan and cruelty free! from damage and
colour fade.

Words of wisdom
Q. I’d like to update my brunette shade but don’t
want to commit to a complete change of colour. Is
there anything you can recommend?

A. What about trying a few flashes of bold colour?

There’s a big trend this season for brunettes shot
through with paintbox brights – think royal blue, Most Wanted!
bubblegum pink or striking purple. The brilliant new
Here’s a throwback to last year
Igora Vibrance range by Schwarzkopf Professional is a
when I won the Hair Trend
dual-system application, designed to create bespoke category at the Creative Head
colour with a beautifully glossy finish. The Tempting Most Wanted awards. It’s a huge
Tones Colour Placement service would be perfect for adding some bright competition and so respected
within the industry – it was a real
panels through the hair. Many of my clients choose to have the colour placed
‘pinch me’ moment!
discreetly, meaning that it can’t be seen unless the hair is worn up in a certain
way, such as in a high ponytail. This is ideal if your job won’t allow such bold
style statements. [Image courtesy of Schwarzkopf Professional]

Kevin Kahan Hairdressing and Beauty

99 High Street,
Bangor BT20 5BD
Tel: 02891 455431


Building confidence from the outside in
Ulster Tatler’s Hannah Reilly talks to Danné Montague King, owner of DMK during his recent visit to The MAC in Belfast.
DMK is a skincare company based in over 30 countries worldwide, and with over 3000 trained therapists providing the
company’s innovative treatments, DMK is a leader in paramedical skin revision, providing profound and long-term results
to skin conditions such as rosacea, acne and psoriasis.
Tell us a little about DMK. we should be looking at things in terms of ‘skin er! It’s called The
DMK focus on the revision of skin anomalies, conditions’. Skin type suggest that the issue is Maybelline Prince and
such as acne, and treat the skin at cellular level. singular, but stressful events (marriage, moving it’s available on Amazon
We are given a natural moisturiser at birth, house) can cause changes and irregularities to – profits from the sales
known as the acid mantle. In the 1960s, the de- the skin at any stage of a person’s life. At DMK, go to The Harvey Milk
velopment of beauty creams led to a marketing we are focused on long-term revision and Foundation, of which
ploy that tried to convince women that their skin maintenance, through treatments in the clinic I am an ambassador.
needed added moisture, which wasn’t the case. and also home prescriptives. While the base in There is a chapter called
Rather than develop something that interrupts our cremes are the same, they are also tailored ‘Irish Eyes Do Smile’ that
the skin’s natural processes, I decided to repli- to each condition. would be of particular
cate the action of natural moisturiser in the skin. What also sets us apart is our ability to treat interest.
Often you hear about a wonderful, exotic new the skin without causing any major trauma to
treatment that is meant to work wonders, but if it – treatments such as dermal fillers and micro Why are you visiting Belfast this week?
the body’s skin cells don’t recognise it as part of needling are effective in the short-term, but Would you travel often for conferences and
their genetic blueprint, they will reject it. There- can often result in long-term trauma to skin talks?
fore, our treatments are dedicated to bringing cells. When dealing with the revision of major I have visited Belfast and the south of Ireland
skin back to the way it is supposed to be using skin trauma, we do not shy away from working many times before, but I don’t travel as much as
raw, natural materials. together with surgeons and alongside other I used to. Jenna and Mark Mulholland are the
DMK is built around the philosophy of medical treatments to provide the best results brand representatives for Northern Ireland, and
‘Remove, Rebuild, Protect and Maintain’ – by for a client. We care about changing skin, and they are very supportive in promoting DMK’s
removing the cuticle build-up of dead skin ultimately, changing lives. philosophy and concept. Social media has be-
cells without causing trauma to the skin, we come such an influence for us as well, as clients
provide the body’s skin cells with what it needs Your treatments mainly focus on skin condi- are putting up their before and after images
to rebuild and heal. Our treatments and home tions and age management – what kind of online to show how effective our treatments
prescriptives work within the skin rather than treatment would you recommend for me as have been. We are visiting Belfast to encourage
on its surface. Enzyme treatments, one of our a female in her early 20s who has few skin more clinics to train in using our treatments and
first and most popular treatments, deals with problems, but is concerned about the future represent the DMK brand.
the enzymes in the body directly rather than the of her skin?
enzymes found in the products – our products In your case, the treatment would look at For those who would like to get involved in
are merely tools which help to provide balance preventative measures – I would recommend supplying and promoting DMK’s treatments,
and harmony to the skin. The DMK Limited A 2 Z Revitalising Tinted Day is a background in biochemistry necessary?
DMK are also in the business of age manage- Crème, which is a good base, isn’t too heavy A background in biochemistry isn’t necessary,
ment – note that I didn’t say anti-ageing, as there and has SPF 30. Using this at the age of 22, I am and full training will be provided by Jenna. What
is no such thing. We are all ageing. Notice how sure that you will eventually look pretty much you do need is passion and support for the
the skin on women’s breasts looks cleaner and the same at 32, even 42! While you are not fully brand, as well as a professional attitude. Once a
whiter compared to the skin on their face – such therapist completes training and is ready to de-
skin actually shows a woman’s real age. The skin liver the treatment, it is important to be as honest
on our face is greatly affected by exposure to to the client as possible during consultation – do
outside elements – the sun, our diet, what we put not be afraid to use professional terminology
on our skin. Unless you lived inside a cave your when describing the treatment process. You
whole life, your skin is susceptible to natural and have to establish your credibility. Another im-
chemical forces. With ongoing treatment, we portant thing to do is to remove the sales aspect
can certainly manage the effects of ageing by from the consultation – DMK therapists do not
focusing on maximising the tissue so that it will sell, they prescribe people with something that
be at its healthiest. will change their lives.
Being the face of the company, I work hard
at looking as good as possible – it is important What are your plans with DMK this year?
to look the part. Looking at me, you wouldn’t We will be in Vegas in mid-June at a World of
believe that I am in my late 70s, but it is all to do experiencing the effects of global warming over Confidence conference, where I will be introduc-
with lifelong management of the skin. Age does here in Ireland, the ozone layer is getting thinner ing our new Probiotic range Enbioment: 3 new
not matter to me, but looking good does. and it will be getting hotter, eventually exposing products which will work with the microbiome
you to lethal carcinogenic rays. It is important system in the body. It will be unlike anything you
What sets DMK apart from other skincare to be in protection mode at all times, and you have ever seen.
brands on the market? need precursors and back support for every
Though many competitors have tried to copy us contingency. It is never too early to start looking You are obviously very dedicated to your
in the past, there is nothing quite like DMK. We after your skin. research and the promotion of DMK – how do
are the only ones to put forward the concept of you relax in your spare time?
skin revision, a term I coined many years ago. It Your work has been pioneering in marrying a When I get a chance, I play the piano – my
is our concept of skin revision that is key to our person’s biological makeup with appropriate dream would be to hold a concert one day. I am
success, not one particular product or treatment. skin treatments – what would you say has in the process of winding down and passing the
DMK focuses on providing an immediate, been the highlight of your career? management of the company to my nephew,
in-depth diagnosis of clients – many people My book is something I am quite proud of and I who will eventually take over the whole opera-
talk about ‘skin types’ which don’t exist – rather, would recommend reading it – it is a page-turn- tion of the business.

DMK Distribution NI Ltd 585 Lisburn Road, Belfast

Tel: 07718 145750

Kath and Annie - An
at New York Beauty,

Jenna and Mark Mulholland

- DMK Northern Ireland

Andrea Moorehead - Dermalife,

Ballynahinch and Jane Bell -
Beau and Belle, Limavady.

Tanya and Laura -

Tanya Rolf Beauty and
Andrea Moorehead -
Skin Clinic, Lisburn
Dermalife, Ballynahinch.

Ashley Leckey and

Emma McMillan and Stacey Jo Ashleigh Thompson
(Rose Lane Advance
McDowell - House, the home of d Skin Clinic, Belfa
with Danné Monta st)
Beauty and Spa, Glengormley. gue-King (Creator
of DMK)

Salon, Moira
Kerry Anne McCourt - IHB
with Danné Montague-Kin

Aine Scullion and Lisa

Doole - Cherished
Annie Duffin and Beauty, Magherafelt
Jenna Mulholland with Jenna Mulholland
. Images by Conor Quinn
UT Style

This Consists of:

• DMK Skincare
• Alexandria Professional
Body Sugaring 
• Nouveau and Noble Semi
Permanent Eyelash extensions 
• LvL Lashes
• HD Brows
• Advanced Waxing
• Reflexology 
• Aromatherapy 
• Indian Head Massage 
• Training in Enhanced Skills in
Belfast model Eden McAllister has won a place in the prestigious UK
Complementary therapies for Power Pageant Grand Final on 9th June in Lancashire. The current
treating Cancer patients  Miss Newcastle International 2019 is studying Criminology & Forensic
Science at Northumbria University, and has worked with Insanity Tan
since her early days as a cheerleader with the Belfast Giants.
No stranger to pageants, Eden won Miss Galaxy Teen Ireland in
2016, and competed in the Galaxy World Finals in Florida. After
holding her crown for the year, Eden entered Miss World through
her home country Northern Ireland and finished Top 5 winning Miss
World Social Media and Miss World Talent.
Insanity Tan Managing Director, Gerry McBride, says, “We’re
delighted to sponsor Eden as she competes in the UK Power
Pageant. She is an amazing brand ambassador for Insanity Tan
and is always a pleasure to work with. Her dedication and ability to
successfully combine her studies with her modelling and charity work
is impressive.”
Eden has raised thousands of pounds for various charities and
this year she is working towards raising funds and awareness for The
Christie Charity. The Christie NHS Foundation Trust are the leading
experts in cancer care, research and education.
Annie at NewYork Beauty , Insanity Tan is a Northern Irish owned brand that is a natural and
18b Thomas Street, Ballymena BT43 6AU organic tanning range and is available in 5 beautiful colour options.
Eden, pictured, is wearing an Insanity Tan spray tan at the recent Miss

Tel: 028 2565 7257 Northern Ireland Final. Insanity professional and retail products are
available in salons nationwide

Visit www.insanitytan.com to find your nearest stockist.

Deborah Elwiss-McNally Jackie Donnelly
Deborah is an advanced Jackie Donnelly is proprietor of The Clinic
aesthetic nurse practitioner. on Belfast’s Lisburn Road.

Start your new skincare

routine with Epionce
Pretty shelves and even better skin – the power of a good routine.
No matter your age or aesthetic, good skin is always on trend and
suits everyone. Whilst it can be tempting to buy your skincare routine
based on how good it will look on your
shelf, it only works if you use it and
consistency is key to get the
results you want.

At The Clinic, proprietor Jackie Dr. Carl Thornfeldt

Donnelly uses, stocks and
recommends Epionce skincare.
She recently attended an
invitational symposium with the
renowned founder of the brand, Boost, Renew & Fortify, Protect & Prevent
Dr. Carl Thornfeldt in Belfast and then post-treatment care – more on that
where he discussed the Epionce below!
philosophy for skin health and the
power of clinical results. Epionce treatments
Designed for use alone, or ideally
Epionce leverages years of scientific in tandem with the skincare range,
research to help you build the perfect Epionce offer skin peels to address a
skincare solution to meet any goals. multitude of skin issues. These gentle
Whether you choose one product chemical peels are the perfect way
from the Epionce System or more, your to reveal fresh new skin, as the chemical
choices are simple and your skin will solution causes the dead layers of skin to
speak for itself. peel off and stimulates the production of
healthy new skin cells.
The Epionce skincare system
Your skincare regimen starts with your skin type Something a little extra
first, to provide a healthy foundation from which to With a consistent skincare routine,
build. Dependent on your needs, you can customise built to tackle all of your individual skin
your regime to produce a specific aesthetic result or requirements your skin should flourish, and
help diminish a specific skin condition such as acne or your concerns disappear. But for those who
psoriasis. want (or need) that little bit of extra help,
dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections are
Dr Carl R. Thornfeldt, the CEO and Founder of Epionce is always an option.
a practicing dermatologist with over 25 years of skin research
experience. So when you are considering the Epionce skincare range, All procedures are administered by a fully qualified advanced
you know each product has been created from research and in-depth aesthetic nurse practitioner. Prior to any treatment, the team at The
understanding of the skin. Clinic will discuss any questions or concerns you might have.

Each set of products is broken down into different areas relating to For more information, please contact Jackie Donnelly
your skincare system, starting with Cleanse & Prepare, Correct & T: 028 90 663063, 184 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6AL

UT Style

living in luxury
Ulster Tatler chats to Máire Morris, Director of Morris Fashion Consultancy.

Can you describe for me how the business was started up and made what it is
MFC are a full service consultancy for the luxury fashion & lifestyle sector. We
specialise in helping our valued clients to blend the creative aspects with the practical
and commercial side of the business, ensuring that not only do they create beautiful
product ranges, but that their business structure and strategy is solid to ensure global
success. Ultimately what we do is develop an environment that designers can have the
freedom they need to create their products to the highest possible standards, whilst
mastering their business management skillset to enable them to grow hence our work
with start ups and emerging brands. We work globally and have offices in Dublin,
Dubai and Hong Kong.

What major challenges has the business faced and how were these overcome?
Maintaining our high standard of work and communication in all locations globally is
always on our minds as a challenge as it is integral to our brand ethos that our clients
are well looked after weather they are in Dublin or Dubai or a large scale client or
someone just setting up on a small scale. I hand pick all of our team in each region
myself to ensure that this never becomes an issue and managing timezones and
staffing is an important part of that for us.

Do you have any plans for expansion in the future?

We have recently just opened another office in Dubai design district which gives us
an even stronger presence in the Middle East so that has been super exciting and our
focus for the foreseeable is Ireland,Uk, Europe and the Middle East. Even though a lot
of our projects are large scale, It’s important for us that we can help those starting out
too so we try to put on cost effective Masterclasses and private consultancy pop ups as
often as we can too such as the Masterclass coming up in Belfast at the Hilton hotel on
July 6th & 7th. There is also an early bird price for readers of Ulster tatler with the code
EARLYBIRDBELFAST while tickets last. 2 days 9am – 5pm €395 (€695 original price).


Summer Sale
Starts Now

570 WAS
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WAS: £6000
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2-4 Market Square North, Lisburn, BT28 1XB

Web: www.shannonsjewellers.co.uk
Tel: (028) 92664866
UT Style

THERMIva cosmetic surgery
Rediscover your younger self River Medical is the leading provider of cosmetic surgery in
Northern Ireland and has revealed that demand is on the
increase. Nurse Aoibhin Cronin said: “I think that as we have
Do you suffer from any of the become more established in Northern Ireland, we’ve become
the “go-to” clinic. We’re long established in Dublin since
following post childbirth symptoms? 2008 and here in Belfast since 2014. I’m proud to say that our
patient care really is second to none. We offer 24/7 and lifelong
• Mild to moderate incontinence aftercare. I’m always at the end of the phone for any patient
0% Finance
• Urinary urgency Now Available* which is the way it should be. We get so many word of mouth
recommendations from patients which is so rewarding to hear.
THERMIva®, a new non-invasive treatment,
is now available in Northern Ireland at Cosmetech. “Even though surgery is a
personal decision, patients
Complimentary Consultation. Quote Ulster Tatler when booking.
do discuss with close family
and friends. My advice
Professor Jim Dornan has delivered over 6,000 babies and was for anyone considering
known for decades in Northern Ireland as ‘the baby doctor’
cosmetic surgery is to do
and remains very well regarded by his patients for his care and
attention through pregnancy and childbirth. He is now offering
your research, only talk to a
ThermiVa. reputable provider and take
your time in making your
decision. I’m glad to answer
“THERMIva® offers a non-surgical solution to many common gynaecology
problems that can arise after giving birth. Rediscover your younger self today” any questions you may
Professor Jim Dornan MD (Hons) FRCOG FRCPI have.”

Contact us today to find out more about the procedure and our prices.
028 9042 3200 *Finance provided by MediFinance.
Contact River Medical,
Terms and Conditions apply. 93 Malone Road:
phone 028 9560 7585 or
Finance subject to status.
Over 18s only.
www.cosmetech.co.uk 6-12 month terms available.
email info@rivermedical.co.uk.

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‘Ultra-lift’, the latest triple lift technology, exclusively
available at the Aesthetic Skin Clinic, boasts to be the
latest, safest and most effective combination skin-
tightening program available – proven to lift, contour
and rejuvenate all layers.

We ask Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner, Hayley Jordan

from the ASC what is unique about the new Ultralift,
This triple lift technology offers the most advanced skin
tightening available. The focused Ultrasound specifically
targets the deep fibrous SMAS layer, which has
previously only been addressed by cosmetic surgery.
Now true laxity can be managed without cutting or
disrupting the surface of the skin. The Fractional micro
needling boosts the collagen in the dermis, creating
transformational changes in the quality of the skin and
radiofrequency causes superficial tightening. Combining
these three technologies in the Ultralift has created
the most comprehensive non-surgical up-lift currently
available and our patients love it.

For more information on this treatment call:

028 9031 9060, or visit: www.askinclinic.co.uk.

A harmless mole, or potential
skin cancer?

Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK,

however most skin cancers can be cured if detected early.

At the Belfast Skin Clinic we offer general skin checks, mole scanning and skin
cancer screening services.

For more information or to book a consultation call Belfast Skin Clinic on

028 9066 7077 or email info@belfastskinclinic.com


UT Style


Inked Beauty ♥ Chanel recently launched their
N˚5 L’EAU in-shower gel and

fresh lotion. Created by Olivier

• Advanced Cosmetic Tattooist using
Organic and Vegan Pigments
Polge in cooperation with the
Fragrance Laboratory, N˚5 L’EAU

• Specialist in Natural Hairstokes,
Powder Brows, Ombre, henna brows
is a fresh interpretation of the
House’s iconic fragrance. This
year, Chanel introduces two new
• Lipliner & Blush ways to wear N˚5 L’Eau with N˚5
• Eyeliner L’Eau In-Shower Gel and N˚5
L’Eau fresh lotion, two must-
• 15 years beauty experience
haves housed in minimalist and
• Free Consultation travel-friendly bottles.
A true moment of well-
being, N˚5 L’Eau In-Shower Gel

awakens the senses with its

delicate scent on the skin. Its fine,
fluid texture comes in a practical
twist-and-slide capped bottle.
N˚5 L’Eau Fresh Lotion is a
body moisturiser that leaves
the skin soft, supple and subtly
bathed in the fresh and dynamic
trail of N˚5 L’EAU.

N˚5 L’Eau In-Shower Gel:

Available by appointment in Glass Dolls beauty, £35.00
Temple and various locations in belfast N˚5 L’Eau Fresh Lotion: £44.00
Tel: 07545 759201 www.chanel.com


Beautiful and striking hats can define an outfit, designing for Royalty and Hollywood stars. A
whether it is for a wedding, a day at the races selection of Philip Treacy’s hats can be found at
or another special ocassion. Philip Treacy is The Hat Shop in Lisburn.
the world’s most in demand hat designer, www.thehatshoplisburn.com

Sarah Carr Studio, Newry.

Fifth Avenue, Nails, Skin and Beauty.

The second
Irish Make-Up
Awards 2019
The Irish Make-Up Awards recently welcomed 400 guests at
Crowne Plaza Dublin Airport Hotel for a big celebration of
the Irish make-up industry.
The talent within the make-up sector has shown no sign Sparkle Beauty Clinic, Carrickmacross.
of shying away and some of the most successful businesses
and professionals from all over the country came together the diverse establishments from across Ireland are recognised for their
on Sunday to celebrate their achievements at the Irish Make- exceptional work.
Up Awards 2019. The winners are chosen by members of A spokesperson for the Irish Make - Up Awards, said: “We are very
the Irish public and they are a true reflection of the talent, delighted to have welcomed such great finalists and winners at the
creativity and impeccable customer service- three key second Irish Make-Up Awards. “It was a very inspiring night dedicated to
features that enhance the reputation of the Irish make-up those who have spent their whole career in making people look beautiful.
industry nationally and internationally. “The make-up industry plays a vital role in the Irish economy and we are
The glamorous night was hosted by Andrea Hayes, who very honoured to see that our attempt to acknowledge and reward the
gave away 14 awards to the deserving winners. meritorious professionals of the sector has been successful. “We would
Several of the awards were split into local regions to ensure like to congratulate all finalists and winners for their achievements!”
Continued on page 82

• Semi permanent
make up
• Semi permanent eyebrows,
fully blushed lips, Eyeliners
• Shadowing eyebrows
• Ombre Eyebrows
• Training also available

141 Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5AJ

Tel: 07517 427103
Email: beautyinkbyr@gmail.com www.beautyinkrd.co.uk


Continued from page 80

Among those recognised on the night were, Face Forward

Makeup from Butlers Bridge, Cavan who won Outstanding
Makeup Business of the Year, Beauty Ink by R.D in
Stranmillis, Belfast who were awardedSemi-Permanent
Makeup Specialist of the Year, Sarah Carr Studios Newry
who won Creative Makeup Artist of the Year, Fifth Avenue
Skin Nails & Beauty Clinic by Belinda Hamill in Monaghan
who were awarded Beauty and Makeup Team of the Year
and also MS Studios in Portadown who won Makeup Salon
of the Year. Sparkle Beauty Clinic in Carrickmacross won
Make Up Salon of the Year Overall Winner. The awards
also provided the opportunity to fundraise for a worthwhile
cause, raising money for the official charity partner, Make
A Wish Ireland, who grant magical wishes to children and
young people fighting life-threatening conditions.

Face Forward, Cavan.

Aveline Casey, MaiJa Zaboroveca, Belinda Hamill (propreitor),

Rachel Meehan and Emily Ma Caffrey.

Beauty Ink by R.D.

Unit 1, Old Cross Square

Tel: 00 353 4738784

MS Studio, Portadown.

Irish Make-up Awards special focus

The Story of Face Forward Make-Up

My love and passion for makeup began deep within me. He taught me how to love honour for me; it is a huge accolade in the
many years ago. As a teenager, I had major myself from within, and how makeup was so beauty industry. I can’t even begin to explain
insecurities and self-esteem issues due to much more than covering up imperfections. how grateful I am to all my beautiful clients
having acne. Makeup to me was so much He taught me how to enhance my natural for their love and continued support. I’d like
more than just a ‘pretty face’. Makeup gave beauty with makeup, how to express myself to take this opportunity to thank them all so
me a sense of control and empowerment on through makeup and how to help others much and remember to Face Forward in life
tough days, reassuring me that I can do this. feel beautiful wearing makeup. It was so no matter what.
When I had a bad day I would do some bright, empowering and to this day, I stand by it.
wacky eye makeup looks, contour my face I promised myself one day if I ever opened
heavily (before KKW made it what it is today), my own makeup business I would call it FACE
and push the boundaries. It was my shield FORWARD and that’s exactly what I did in
between my inner-self and the world, and it May 2017. I feel so honoured to have trained
made me feel happy. with some of the best in the industry and I am
Not having access to the likes of YouTube, proud of my journey so far. I will continue to
Instagram or blogs at the time, I found myself learn and grow as an artist in this profession
in libraries looking up makeup books to alongside my fellow MUAs, supporting and
educate myself on how to best apply makeup encouraging each and everyone of them. All
and what worked best for me. My very first the long hours, missed gatherings, parties
book was by an American Makeup Artist etc. have all been worth it to bring me to this
called Kevyn Aucoin; a legendary MUA who point of my career.
sadly passed very young. His book ‘FACE Winning the Best Outstanding Makeup
FORWARD’ changed my whole life from that Business of the Year in Ireland at the Irish
point on. His words of wisdom resonated Makeup Awards recently is such a great

Coolboyogue, Cavan T: +353 87 744 9315 Pam Busschots

Facebook: Face Forward Makeup Instagram:@faceforward_makeupcavan

MS Studio, a hair and makeup business, has been trading

for over two years, with owner Maria having trained with
many established makeup artists such as Ciara Daly,
Rebecca Rose and Rachel Ferron. With this experience
she has picked up many different techniques and
developed her own unique approach on makeup.
The salon has expanded and now offers a wide range
of services, with four talented hairdressers working alongside Maria; Cora,
Sarah, Layes and Keythe as well as, Ruth who offers beauty services. They
provide makeup application, makeup lessons, lash lift extensions and tints,
precision brows waxing, facials, acrylic and gel nails.
MS Studio provide a range of hair services, including Brazilian blow-dry,
keratin treatments and hair extensions. They accommodate group booking such as Hen Parties,
Bridal Parties, work parties and anything in-between. They also have a range of staff who are
trained in different hair - such as Afro and Caucasian, as well as hair correction and restoring
damaged hair.

MS Studio Portadown, 5a Woodhouse Street, Portadown Tel: 028 3815 5791

Irish Make-up Awards special focus

A l i t t l e abou t
ou r s e l v e s 
This year has brought
massive changes for
us here at The Ivy Skin
and Laser. We have
just recently moved
into our new premises
on O’Neill Street
and rebranded from
Sparkle Beauty Clinic
where we were based
on the Main Street of

We pride ourselves
on our customer
service and our love
of the industry. We have a team of eight therapists who
are exceptional at all aspects of beauty, skin and laser
treatments. We have been very fortunate to showcase our
work in multiple competitions. At present we have many
trophies and awards under our belt, some of which are;

• Irish Beauty Show 19: 1st Place in Permanent Polish

• Irish Beauty Show 18: 1st Place in Permanent Polish
• Irish Beauty Show 19: 2nd Place in Creative
Kathleen McCreery, Chloe Morgan, Sarah Carr and Caribbean themed make-up
Jen Harbinson. • Irish Make-Up Awards 19: Best Make-Up Salon
Borders and Overall Best Make-up Salon
Creative Make up Artist of the year We are extremely passionate
overall winner: about skin and laser. Our
Candela laser hair removal
Sarah Carr Studios, Newry machine is one of only eight
in Ireland, with guaranteed
in the Irish Beauty awards 2019 90% hair reduction. We tailor
facials to suit the need of the
client as we offer a full range of
ENVIRON, IMAGE and Caudalie.
We bespoke bridal packages
to suit the brides needs and
budget, so pop into us and
your big
day with a glass of bubbles.

We just want to say a massive

thank you to all our customers,
without you none of this was

Unit 1, Old Cross Square


00 353 4738784
Sarah Carr Studios
7 Main Street,
Carnlough, Newry
BT35 7JG

5 O’Neill Street, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan
028 3027 8217 Tel: 00 353 42 969 0364

the scene

Meghan McAvoy, Ann McAvoy, Katie McAvoy, Majella Magliocco, Bronagh McElroy,
Sarah McAvoy and Dr. Mervyn Patterson. Deborah Flanagan and Meagan Johnston.


Deborah Flanagan of ReFresh Clinic, Warrenpoint, recently hosted a
glamorous Epionce Skincare event in The Whistledown Hotel. Guests
enjoyed a champagne reception served with handcrafted canapés.
Dr. Mervyn Patterson and Kerry Blain-Patterson, two highly esteemed
Aesthetic Practitioners of Woodford Medical in Belfast and UK,
presented an exceptional evening on skincare and the science of skin,
demonstrating the benefits of the clinically proven Epionce range.
Guests enjoyed a relaxed one on one consultation discussing their
skin needs from anti-ageing to acne, Rosacea and dermatitis and sun
damaged skin. It was an incredible honour to have such inspirational
pedagogic skin professionals. A night enjoyed fully by all who attended.

32 Newry Street, Warrenpoint Dr. Mervyn Patterson, Noleen Ohanlon with

her daughter Meadhbh and Theresa Walsh.

Kerry Blain-Patterson, Deborah Flanagan and Dr. Mervyn Patterson. Bridgeen King and Deborah Devlin.

Dr. Mervyn Patterson, Medical

Director of Woodford Medical and
Deborah Flanagan, ReFresh Clinic. Mary O’Flaherty and Rose McGuinness. Kerry Blain-Patterson providing a consultation to guests.


Every issue Ulster Tatler Style showcases the hottest look of the month.

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blou p
Navy l and pai s.
flor a er
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Column /
“The story ...
Arts Diary wonderfully captures
the magic of the
showband era”
Kellie Burch

The sounds of the golden era of the Showbands
returned to Belfast recently as Keep Telling Me Lies
- written by Brenda Winter-Palmer and developed
by Antoinette Morelli and The Karma Theatre
Company - enjoyed its world premiere at The MAC
as part of the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival.
On arrival, guests, including playwright Michael Jeremy Bell and Libby Smyth.
Cameron; founders of Apollo Arts Robin Elliott
and Pauline Carville; singer-songwriter Anthony
Toner; and radio and TV personality George Jones,
were welcomed by the dulcet tones of the ‘queen
of the showbands’ and Eurovision star, Muriel Day.
The play, which tells a fictional story, was inspired
not only by the life of Newtownards musician Muriel,
but also by the life of Antoinette’s father, Tony
Morelli, who was the lead singer in The Witnesses Anne Brant and
Playwright Brenda Winter-Palmer with grandson
Showband. It tells the story of two sisters who, Cathy McCullough.
Thomas Palmer and Bronagh Noade.
against the backdrop of the now derelict Floral
Hall, recall the fateful night they met their musician
husbands there.
Presented by David Hull Promotions, the
production was beautifully staged, with the once
iconic Floral Hall dominating the stage. As well as
developing the play, Antoinette Morelli takes on
the role of Rose whilst Bernadette Brown portrays
her sister Lena. As the pair meet at the opening of
the play, reunited after many years by the death
of Rose’s husband Rob, it is immediately apparent
there is tension between them. As their stories
unfold and they reminisce about their pasts, they
are joined on stage by incarnations of their younger Lloyd Edgar and 1969 Eurovision singer Muriel Daye
selves (played by Mary Frances Loughran as Karen Scott. with Robin Elliott and Pauline Carville.
young Rose and Brigid Shine at young Lena). The
combination of having both the adolescent and
adult versions of the sisters on the stage together
- and at times interacting - is a stunning theatrical
device. The music of the showbands is also a
significant part of Keep Telling Me Lies and the
audience is taken on a journey with live renditions of
such classics such as ‘Save The Last Dance for Me’,
‘She Wears My Ring’, ‘The Wanderer’ and ‘Candy
Store’. The vocals from Brigid Shine and Matthew
Forsythe (who plays Rob) are exquisite and are
perfectly accompanied by musician Rod McVey.
Keep Telling Me Lies is an impressive production. Andrea Montgomery, Anthony Toner, Pam and Michael Cameron.
Each of the actors is enthralling, with Morelli and Caroline Shanks and David Hull.
Brown in particular giving stand out performances.
The story has real heart and, in addition to
captivating musical interludes, wonderfully
captures the magic of the showband era whilst
also highlighting the struggles women faced and
the sacrifices they had to make in such a male
dominated world. As the play came to an end, it was
quite emotional to hear many audience members
applaud the production for its ability to replicate the
showband era whilst bonding over their own tales of
sneaking out to the Floral Hall in their youth.
Keep Telling Me Lies ran from 9-12 May 2019. Daniel McSherry and show production
George Jones and Robin Elliott. manager Michelle Young.

Arts Diary

Blackwell’s Bookshop recently held a launch party
at its new premises on University Road, Belfast. The
Queen’s University bookshop, which is also open
to members of the public, was officially opened by
renowned local playwright and author Paul McVeigh.
Managed by the remarkable Aine Feeney, the
bookshop stocks a fantastic mix of titles, from academic
texts to bestselling fiction, and also boasts a literary
treasure trove of goodies including stationery,
children’s fiction and board games. This centrally Paul McVeigh an
located bookshop is spread over two levels and has a d David Presco
Ann, William, Aine and Bill Feeney.
truly eye-catching decor - the wallpaper in particular
being a real talking point - making it the perfect haven
to lose yourself in a good book.
Guests at the opening, including poets Patrick
McGarry and Francis O’Hare; Aine’s family, Ann, Bill
and William Feeney; and Blackwell’s staff members
Louise Sloan, Chris Disley and Megan Stith, were
treated to light bites from Dante’s Catering Group
and live music from David Ferris and Ryan Dodson.
Speaking at the launch, Blackwell’s chief executive
David Prescott spoke of how the company, being
known as an academic specialist, had coveted an
affiliation with Queen’s University and paid them
special thanks for, “finding this great space for us and Louise Sloan, Chris Disley Charlene Doyle, Imogen
the significant commitment and investment they’ve and Megan Stith. Page and Lauren Devlin.
made in transforming this building and allowing us to
be here.”
Also addressing the congregated crowd, Paul
McVeigh discussed the magic of books and how they
enjoy a range of ‘international languages’ that can
be universally understood. As Paul then pronounced
the store officially open, it was lovely to have the
opportunity to soak up the atmosphere in the newest
addition to the literary scene in south Belfast.
The official opening of Blackwell’s Bookshop took Patrick McGarry, Kellie John Devlin, Paul Laverty David Ferris and
place on 30th April. Burch and David Prescott. and Francis O’Hare. Ryan Dodson.

A wa y F rom T he T ide ep la u nch

It is not every day you get to live like a rock star. However,
I recently had the opportunity to join Co Down girl band
Dea Matrona as they toured the streets of Belfast - aboard
a Belfast Sightseeing Bus - to promote their new EP, Away
From The Tide. The three-piece band, made up of Orláith
Forsythe and sisters Mollie and Mamie McGinn, are
already making waves after securing their biggest gig
to date, supporting Feeder as part of the Harmony Live
Festival in Hollywood on 1 June, as well as being added to
the Dalriada Festival lineup in July.
Originally established as a duo, Orláith and Mollie, who
Amy and Emma Noble. were best friends at school, began their musical journey by
busking. However, last year, after being joined by drummer
Mamie, Dea Matrona was born. As I got to chat to the girls
between pitstops, they revealed their influences - both
musical and fashion - are rooted very much in the classical
rock era of the 70s but expanded they are also huge fans of
Irish singer/songwriter Imelda May.
As Dea Matrona belted out a diverse mix of songs from
originals to covers of classics, they were cheered on by Mari
and Garry Jackson from the Harmony Live festival; school
Dea Matrona: Mamie McG friends Amy and Emma Noble; and family members, Jaine
inn, Harmony Live Festival director Mari Jackson with Forsythe, Linda Kerr and Nicola McGinn.
Orláith Forsythe and Mo
lly McGinn. Linda Kerr, Jaine Forsythe and Nicola McGinn. Away From The Tide was launched on 28th April.

Arts Diary

Karen Todd, Dr Patrick Harriott, Alfie Wong,

Beth Wickham-Thomas and Evvie Bishop.

Andrea Montgomery, Philip and Irene

McAleese and Beth Wickham-Thomas.

Vaishali, Suyesh and Arya Kokate.

Fatima Benayad and Lydia De Baulieu and Laura Dunn.

Raquel McKee.

Philip McAleese and Andrea Montgomery with

Maurice Kinkead. Irene Stanex and Suzanne Brookes. Tony and Lesley McAuley.

A mids u mmer ’ s night ’ s dream

The sun was shining as I recently made my and Lysander, who have been prevented but had comedic gold weaved throughout
way to Newtownards to see Terra Nova from marrying by Hermia’s father and her every layer of this multifaceted production.
Production’s telling of William Shakespeare’s betrothed Demetrius, plan to elope. As they Whilst there were laughs galore, the more
A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream. head into the woods, they are chased by serious theme of peace also resonated
The evening commenced with a drinks Demetrius and lovestruck Helena, who wants throughout. Supported by the European
reception in the wonderful surroundings of to make Demetrius her own. Unbeknownst Union’s PEACE Programme, managed by
the Ards Art Centre. Artistic Director of Terra to the lovers, they stumble right into the the Special EU Programmes Body, Andrea
Nova Productions, Andrea Montgomery, path of the warring fairy king and queen. Montgomery’s decision to incorporate a cast
was on hand to chat to guests including, King Oberon teams up with his mischievous of diverse cultures and flipping the gender
EastSide Partnership’s Maurice Kinkead, servant Puck to punish Queen Titania whilst of various roles created a wonderful dynamic
author Tony Macaulay and Queen’s aiming to help the lovers find a happy and consequently made certain scenes all the
University’s Professor Mark Burnett. ending. However, things do not go to plan more poignant.
The production itself was staged in the and the results are spectacularly hilarious. Terra Nova’s A Midsummer’s Night’s
Queen’s Hall, Newtownards, and seamlessly A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream is one of Dream was not only a thoroughly entertaining
melded a core professional cast with Shakespeare’s most popular comedies and evening but its imaginative retelling also
community groups. This intercultural and Terra Nova’s unexpected staging does it acted as an affecting commentary on the
innovative adaptation of A Midsummer’s complete justice. From Patrick McBearty’s society we live in whilst also illustrating the
Night’s Dream opened on the eve of the character ‘Bottom’ - who had me in stitches true importance of the arts for the community
wedding between Queen Thesea and as he was transformed into an Elvis inspired on a very intimate level.
Warrior Hippolytus. As the town prepares Donkey - to the WI’s play in the wedding A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream ran from
for the wedding festivities, lovers Hermia Masque, this telling was far from traditional 2-5th May.

“this telling was far from traditional but had comedic gold
weaved throughout every layer of this multifaceted production”
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Q: How are skin lesions removed?

“In most cases these can be done under a local anaesthetic. If there
are no concerns about its nature they can be either shaved off, or
excised. Some skin lesions can also be treated by freezing the skin
– termed cryotherapy. All options are discussed with the patient

Q: Does it hurt having these removed?

“Since these are treated under local anaesthetic it shouldn’t! The
worse bit is having the injection of anaethetic, which many patients
describe as a mild stinging sensation. Cryotherapy does not even
need an anesthetic.”

Q: How long does the procedure take?

“This depends on what’s being done, but most procedures take
between 15 and 30 minutes or so.”

Q: Can I drive home afterwards?

“That depends on you! If you are the sort of person who can drive
home after a filling at the dentist then there should be no reason why
not. But if you are a bit squeamish, best to bring someone with you.
They can at least tell you how brave you were, even if they don’t need
to drive!”

Q: What about aftercare?

“If stitches have been necessary these are generally removed after 5 –
7 days. For best results a combination of steristrips and scar massage
are required and which you need to do will be discussed.” WANT TO FEEL CALMER
Q: Will I have a scar? AND MORE CONFIDENT?
“Scarring is an inevitable consequence of surgery in anyone’s hands,
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everything is designed to minimise this. It’s best to consider this as hypnotherapy sessions.
replacing one cosmetic blemish with another one, which should be ”Most people don’t expect a lesson on how the brain works
much better. But it is unrealistic to expect an invisible scar no matter when they first come to my clinic. But the response I usually get is
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For further information or to book a complimentary consultation explanation and, more importantly, that there is a way to change
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*Non clinical consultation with Patient Care Coordinator.
Tried & Tested

“Apex Headache Clinic cleared

my 8 year migraines”
For over eight years, 42 year-old Margaret Watson from
Belfast was living with horrendous migraines. Thinking this
was due to stress, Margaret believed that migraines were
something that she would have to live with for the rest of her
life. After a friend recommended Apex Headache Clinic, she
booked an appointment in desperation to see if she could
get any relief at all. Here, Margaret shares how the clinic’s
unique regime of specialist manual physiotherapy treatment
for headaches and migraines, called The Nelson Headache
Approach™, cleared her migraines, meaning that she could
finally enjoy life again.

Margaret, when did your migraines begin?

My migraines started about 8 years ago, around the time my
youngest was born. She was born with down syndrome and
spent two months in hospital, so I thought the onset of migraines
was due to stress. Once they arrived, they never left. I had a
migraine every single day for these eight years. In 2013, I had
a CT scan of my brain, which was clear and I therefore believed
this was just something I was going to have to live with. The GP
prescribed a nerve drug and I was taking paracetamol daily.
Neither did anything to cure my migraines, only ever easing the
pain slightly.

How did the pain affect your life?

It was awful. I would wake up in the morning, get the kids
ready for school and just go back to bed again. It was no life. I
wasn’t sleeping at night because I knew I would wake up with a
migraine. I had no option but to just get on with things but it was
a struggle.

What led you to Apex Headache Clinic?

One day, when my migraine was particularly bad, I put a post on How has Apex Headache Clinic changed your life?
Facebook asking if anyone knew any remedies. To my surprise, My life has drastically changed. I am now able to get the kids off
a few friends contacted me and recommended Apex Headache to school and get on with my day, rather than having to climb
Clinic. After going onto the website and doing a bit of research, back into bed due to the pain. It’s the best thing I ever did and
I called and booked an appointment straightaway. I had nothing definitely money well spent.
to lose.
During my first appointment, Nicola diagnosed my migraines What advice would you offer someone suffering from
as stemming from my neck. I couldn’t believe it! I was so relieved migraines?
to finally know what the cause was. I began attending physio I can’t recommend Apex Headache Clinic highly enough.
twice a week initially and we gradually spaced the appointments Anytime anyone mentions suffering from headaches or
out. After less than a month, I noticed a drastic improvement. migraines, I tell them to book an appointment. My life has
I remember waking up one day and wondering where my changed and so could so many others with their treatment.
migraine was. It felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my
shoulders. I’ve been off painkillers for two months now and in To book an appointment at Apex Headache Clinic, call 028
that time I haven’t had a single migraine. 9048 4153. No GP referral is necessary.

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Column / Physiotherapy Matters

Rebecca Nelson
Rebecca is founder and Director of Physiotherapy at Apex Clinic and Apex Headache Clinic.

Apex could help clear

your back pain
This month, Rebecca provides useful tips on how to avoid back pain this summer.

Avoid Suffering Back Pain This Summer

At Apex Clinic, Belfast every summer we frequently hear how
back pain has ruined many people’s annual holiday. What should
be a relaxing and fun time is ruined by pain from long flights,
uncomfortable mattresses and hours spent lounging on sun-beds, all
of which may be doing more damage than you realise. With many of
us planning our summer holidays this month, Apex Clinic Founder and
Spinal & Headache Physiotherapy Specialist, Rebecca Nelson, shares
some valuable advice on keeping your back pain-free this summer.

Sitting comfortably?
Long haul flights are one of the major causes of lower back pain, but
thankfully, this can be reduced, simply by reclining your chair back for
as far as possible for the duration of the flight. Positioning your seat at
the optimum reclined angle of 35-45 degrees is perfect for reducing
the load through your back discs, making it less susceptible to injury. walking in the water forwards or backwards or treading water to
Plus, getting up regularly and walking in the aisles will also reduce the provide some kinder exercise for your back.
risk of injury.
Stay on level ground
Don’t overdo it on arrival By exposing our lower backs to lots of potential risks on holiday, we
The first 24 hours after flying is when your back is most vulnerable to recommend minimising walking/running uphill to avoid placing a
injury so taking care of it during this timeframe is crucial. Upon arrival, high load on back discs, which can lead to extreme pain. Keep to
minimise the lifting of heavy suitcases and avoid running or walking flat surfaces such as the beach, which also offers shock absorption,
uphill where possible as these activities can cause lower back injuries, reducing the risk of injury.
so are best avoided for 24 hours.
Your mattress matters
Use sun loungers wisely If your mattress on holiday is too soft and you experience back pain in
Relaxing by the pool is definitely a highlight of a holiday, but sitting the morning, ask for a firmer one. If this isn’t an option, we recommend
incorrectly could play havoc with your lower back. However, following taking your bedding to the floor and sleeping there in order to reduce
these simple tips can go a long way to reducing the load on your back. the risk of waking up in pain.
Firstly, raise your lounger to an angle of between 35 to 45 degrees
from the vertical position to avoid lying horizontally. Secondly, roll up Apex Clinic can clear back pain in most cases
two towels and place them under both knees to create a slight bend. At Apex Clinic, Belfast we have an extremely high success rate in
When it comes to lying on your stomach, towels also come in handy clearing back pain, even when patients have had many unsuccessful
here. This time, fold a beach towel to create at least four layers and treatments in the past elsewhere. We offer a unique specialised
place it under your stomach to stop your lower back joints jamming manual treatment regime called The Nelson Spinal Approach™
together. Finally, break up prolonged sunbathing with brisk walking which isn’t available at any other clinic in Northern Ireland and has a
on the flat or swimming to reduce the risk of a flare up of lower back very high success rate at clearing pain. If you suffer from back pain
problems. or sciatica, help is at hand. Book an appointment with one of our
specialist physiotherapists to clear your pain.
Swim safely
Warm weather calls for a dip in the pool to cool down but we If you would like to book an appointment at Apex Clinic, contact
recommend breaking up swimming by gently jogging on the spot, us on: 028 9048 4153. No GP referral is necessary.

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028 9048 4153 apex ™

clinic headache clinic

physiotherapy podiatry chiropody massage
Ireland’s leading physiotherapy & sports injury clinic
5-11 Summerhill Avenue
info@apexclinic.co.uk info@apexheadacheclinic.co.uk Belfast
www.apexclinic.co.uk www.apexheadacheclinic.co.uk BT5 7HD


Personal Trainers
his month we are focusing on personal trainers and the benefits that they
can bring you. Having a personal trainer to guide you through your fitness
routine will help make sure you are spending time on the proper types
of exercise. If you only have a limited amount of time to work out, a personal
trainer will make sure you get the best results possible for the amount of time
that you put it. Most people have multiple goals when working out, the most
common being fat loss and muscle gain. It’s often hard to find the right balance
between these two, and a personal trainer can help you find the right exercises
to achieve all of your goals. A personal trainer will teach you the proper form and
technique to use during your workout so you can stay safe and injury-free. When
you hit a plateau in your exercise routine, it can be hard to push through and stay
motivated. A personal trainer can help you understand why you hit a plateau and
find ways for you to work through it and see more results.


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Personal Trainers special focus

top tips FOR YOUR

Ulster Tatler chats to Jade Rodgers, personal
trainer at Prana Yoga and Fitness, Belfast, and
founder of Jade Rodgers Dance and Fitness.

What has been your career path to

date and what brought you to personal
I was working in the dance industry as a
teacher, choreographer and performer, this
led to me teaching zumba and dance fitness
classes. I have always been interested in
health and fitness for myself, but watching my dance fitness students
grow in terms of fitness and strength - which came with confidence -
really fuelled my interest and passion for helping people achieve their
own goals and brought me to personal training.

Describe a typical day at work for you.

A typical day for me flits between dance workshops, which take place
Welcome to Forest Fitness NI in different spaces across Belfast, and personal training sessions
at Prana Yoga and Fitness. This private fitness studio, located on
We are all about community, and want to make a University Street, Belfast, enables me to work 1:1 with my clients;
difference to peoples’ lives this includes young people. there are no distractions, only good vibes, making it ideal for focusing
We are passionate about this and regularly support and each individual on their goals and working with their body and any
mental hurdles. My days range from early mornings to late evenings.
organise charity events.
Are there differences in training regimes for women and men?
Our team always goes over and above to help people There is of course a difference in male and female bodies and how
reach their goals. they respond to different exercise, nutrition etc. But I find all of this
can get a bit overwhelming, especially if you are new on your fitness
Other Activities include Mud runs, Archery Tag, Bush journey. There are basic rules that apply to both sexes in terms of
craft Camps, Boot camps, Team Building, Nerf Wars, training - for example, to lose weight you must be in a calorie deficit.
Assault course, Soft archery, More activities coming It is challenging making new decisions to adapt to a healthier lifestyle,
soon. Suitable for Schools, Community groups, so my advice is keep it simple: exercise, make good dietary decisions
Church groups, Corporate team building days. and drink lots of water.

Are you bored of the gym but are still looking to get What is your favourite part of the job?
fit? Want to push the boundaries and try something Watching people feel the benefits of a healthier lifestyle, smash
their goals and grow their confidence is by far my favourite thing.
I consider myself privileged to be let into somebody’s life on such
a personal level, after all, this is an area where many people carry
Then get in touch with us as we offer an array of exercise a lot of pain and insecurity. I know the feelings of negative body
classes that will surely tickle your taste buds: image and weight issues can bleed into other aspects of a person’s
Outdoor military style boot camps life. Embarking on a fitness journey is often not just about a person
Indoor Box fit and Hi-BT changing the size of their waist, it can also totally alter how they see
Strength classes themselves and the positive knock on effect from that is priceless; I
Weekly Running Club (open to all levels) literally watch people step more into themselves and who they are
Personal Training 1 to 1 and small group training. supposed to be.

What are your top tips for someone wanting to adopt a healthier
• Drink loads of water
• Eat well - people generally know what ‘healthy’ food is but the
difficulty comes from changing your habits to make healthier
choices. I always say “baby steps, it’s all progress” and I mean it.
Doing the small things will overall have a big impact.
• Find something you enjoy to help you move or exercise. If you
absolutely hate spin classes, don’t do it; find another thing that
you love and use that to help you. Try not to create negative
connotations with exercise. That’s why I love dance fitness classes - I
love dance and it helps me stay on top of my fitness but it is a laugh.
• I also find having somebody to check in with very helpful. A trainer.
A friend. A family member. Whatever. But just somebody who will
keep you encouraged when you’re feeling rubbish or want to sit
For more information on any of and binge. If you don’t have anybody, try joining a class. Having a
the above or simply for a natter get in sense that you’re not alone and part of a community really helps
touch with Lea on 07799 533248, send us
a FB Message or check out the website: For more information contact Jade Rodger on
jade.dance.ni@gmail.com or visit
Jade Rodgers Dance and Fitness on Facebook.

Personal Trainers special focus

The days of slogging it out on a treadmill are well and truly gone!
Just like our lifestyles in 2019, we want our choice of exercise
to be fast, yet efficient - hence the trend in high-intensity group
fitness classes.
Fitness franchise 9Round has been growing in the UK at a steady
pace and is already loved by many. It is a full-body kickboxing
workout which promises results in just 30 minutes! The classes are
already popular in the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Rather than running on a set schedule, a new 9Round session
starts every 3 minutes. There’s a new workout every day which
includes a range of weight resistance, cardio and core-strength
training and you can essentially show up at anytime to have one
of their Personal Trainers guide you through the session.
9Round are one of the first brands in the UK to utilise wearable
heart-rate technology. Class participants wear heart rate monitors,
which are hooked up to a big screen in the gym. This allows the
Personal Trainers to monitor how hard you are pushing yourself and
that you are in the correct zone to see results.

9Round Belfast will be opening on 30 May

2019. It is located right in the heart of the
city on Franklin Street at the Grand Central
Hotel. Opening membership is available now.
For more information please visit our website -

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Personal Trainers special focus

speaking with the expert

Ulster Tatler chats to Personal Trainer Warren When it comes to working out, people will subconsciously use the
Corad who is currently working from Pure Gym, technique trial and error. What they enjoy, what works for them, what
Adelaide Street, Belfast. exercises they like and dislike. This can take years for people to figure
out how to get the best out of themselves. A professional can do all this
What has been your career path to date and in a shorter space of time to enable the client to train as effectively as
what brought you to personal training? possible. This will save time and leap frog the trial and error process.
After I finished my GCSEs I didn’t know what Sometimes people lack motivation, they can be stuck at the same
to do with my life so I went out and got a job weight or they can’t gain weight. Very often, people don’t know if they
that I hated just to earn some money. I was doing things correctly or they may want to take things to the next level.
just out of school, overweight, had acne, I would strongly recommend booking some sessions with an expert,
and was depressed. A new gym opened up in Belfast that I heard and smash your goals! I believe in structuring your training and diet
about so decided to join to see if it was for me. I absolutely loved it! around your lifestyle, not vice versa.
I was training nearly every day as I found it to be almost my place of
sanctuary. I enjoyed it so much one day I enquired through the gym What is your favourite part of the job?
the process of becoming a personal trainer, so I started a course My favourite part of the job is without doubt seeing client’s mindsets
through the gym in conjunction with doing my daytime job and eight change from hating their body to loving it and smashing personal
months after I started I passed my exams and practical and as they goals and targets which we have set together. The satisfaction I get
say, the rest is history! I want to give to other people what the gym had from that is unrivaled. I try to instill in my clients to live and maintain a
given me through exercise - strength, confidence, goals, and a feeling healthier lifestyle which is sustainable whether that be through the gym
of control over my health. or nutritionally. So when they achieve this it feels amazing as I know
that I have had a positive impact on someone’s health and well being!
Describe a typical day at work for you.
A typical day would consist of coming in to work at 7am to start my For someone who is new to exercise and healthy eating and wants
morning clients, right up to 12pm, then I would get some lunch and to begin making changes to their lifestyle, what advice would you
have a training session of my own, this will be followed by preparing give them?
client programming for my evening sessions. Then I will have my late Ask a lot of questions! The first thing I will always say to new clients
afternoon/evening clients, I will also be taking various group exercise who come to me looking to make changes to their lifestyle will always
classes like spin, circuits and legs, bums and tums. No day is ever the be that it’s a process which is based on consistency through following
same but that is what makes it so enjoyable. I love what I do because of the correct training programme and nutritional advice; it is not an
the variety! overnight fix. Above all else, enjoy it!

What would you say are the benefits of working with a personal Contact thcoard1@gmail.com or phone 07703778471 for a
trainer? bespoke tailored fitness plan


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Personal Trainers special focus

fitness talk
Ulster Tatler chats to Darren Tweedy
of DT Fitness.

What has been your career path

to date and what brought you to
personal training?
I’ve always had an interest in fitness
Zest Natural Health offers health foods, and training but worked in construction
supplements, natural toiletries and sports from when I left school. I shattered my wrist in an accident in 2006
nutrition products; all of the products you and was advised to seek alternative employment. It was then that I
would expect in a health store. started going to the gym consistently to strengthen my wrist (and the
rest of me) and got hooked! So I started my level 2 gym instructor
course, completed that and then did my level 3 PT course in Belfast
Browse our online store and enjoy Met to help others in a similar situation to myself get stronger, fitter,
free delivery within the UK and Ireland healthier and as a consequence have a better quality of life.
for all orders over £40. Our site is completely
secure with all payments handled by PayPal. Describe a typical day at work for you.
My typical day usually consists of getting up at 5am, seeing my first
client at 5.45am, I will take my first class at 6.45am, then I will see
If you are in local area of Armagh you are
more clients. I can also be found cleaning and tidying the gym and
very welcome to drop in to see us and doing admin work in between clients and classes. I will then find
browse our products in person. We can offer time to train myself between 12-3pm. I will then pop home to see
my family and have dinner and then have more clients / classes until
9.30pm. I will then get the gym ready for the next day, lock up, go
home to see my
kids, fall into bed
and then repeat!

What would
you say are
the benefits of
working with
a personal
The benefits of
working with a
PT in my opinion
are as follows:
Kate Staunton and Caroline McElvogue.
they can help
you achieve your
goals quicker,
expert advice from our expert nutritional be that fat loss
therapist that can help you to sift through the or muscle gain,
overwhelming information out there and guide they also keep
you to the product that would benefit you the you accountable
and can help
most. you when
you’re lacking
Please contact us if you have any questions. motivation or
willpower. Some
people lack
confidence to use
the equipment
at the gym on
their own and a PT will know how to perform the correct exercises to
achieve their goals correctly and with correct form to avoid injuries. If
your training stalls we can help you overcome any plateaus you may
encounter and to help you find a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

What is your favourite part of the job?

Meeting and helping many different people from different
22 Upper English Street backgrounds that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. It’s also a lot of fun!
Armagh Do you have any stand out career moments?
BT61 7BH Plenty, but the stand out moment for me is, and may always be, the
Tel: 028 3751 1651 moment that I became the owner of my own gym, DT Fitness. It was
a very proud time and it took a lot of hard work from my family and
Web: zestnaturalhealth.co.uk
me. I would not have been able to do it without them so I’ll take this
e-Mail: info@zestnathealth.co.uk opportunity to thank them for everything they’ve done and continue
to do for me.

Transform Your Life
After a lifetime of obesity I had actually given up any
hope of ever tackling my weight issue. I have all too
vivid memories of school yard bullying and name
calling that continued into my teens. Setting that
aside, I beat myself up plenty too, which led to binge
and secret eating, escalating in my 20’s. I’d starve
for as long as possible every day but eventually give
in and the onslaught would begin. I could polish off
3-4000 Kcals of junk food in a 30 minute drive home
from work with ease and it wouldn’t end there!
I was almost 40 when I had a trigger moment one
Saturday afternoon. I’d been sent to buy a suit and
the reality hit me like a sledge hammer! I was 21 stone
and I had a 44 inch waist and I was miserable. It took
me asking for a 38” waist and realising I couldn’t get it
past my knees to finally wake up.
I joined the gym that Monday and in 5 months had
lost 5 stone. I quickly realised that nutrition was the
key. More important than anything to me now I started
to study. I soaked up every Nutrition and Sports
Nutrition qualification I could and in the process took
my body to a whole new place. I lost 7 stone and
made that 44” waist a 32”.
I had so many people contacting me for help that I
felt compelled to start helping others do the same and
took a massive leap of faith opening my own Private
Transformation Gym in Limavady. I was very quickly
fully booked with a long waiting list and decided to
add Online Coaching to my services. It exploded!
I now get to help clients all over the world whether
they have many stones to lose like me or just want
to feel fit, healthy and comfortable in their clothes.
My results are well known. I’m as passionate a coach
as they come for the simple reason that I’ve been
there myself, I know how it feels and I understand my
clients’ struggles.
My 6-week Online Coaching Programme has seen hundreds of clients carry on working
with me to drop stones, up to seven stones in fact. I work 1-2-1 online on a totally private,
confidential basis with my clients, building a customised approach to their nutrition that
works around their lifestyle, exercise and social life. There’s no perfect day, week or
month to change your body, so the approach has to be flexible enough to fit every day
life! However I still place a strong emphasis on accountability and my clients love my no-
nonsense approach (they don’t always admit it, but I know they do!)
In the last few years my life has transformed in the most amazing way. I sometimes can’t
believe how far I’ve come so quickly. I’ve been on stage competing on four occasions,
picking up a couple of titles along the way. I married the girl of my dreams who now
coaches alongside me in my gym. Most important of all I’ve found happiness, true
happiness! My days of crying myself to sleep over my weight are finally over and each
and every day I get to help others fix themselves too.

20 Windyhill Road, Newtown Limavady

www.samconleyfitness.com T: 07841 103288 | E: sam@samconleyfitness.com
Personal Trainers special focus

What has been your career path to date and what

brought you to personal training?
Wanting a career in personal training came later to
me in life than a lot of other trainers. After finding
out I was getting made redundant from my job as a
manager in Michelin, I panicked about my health, I was
feeling overweight and started going to a local studio
to get myself into a better condition both physically
and mentally. Within six months, I was hooked and
rediscovered a love for exercise. So I decided to take
the plunge and started studying for my personal
training qualifications.

Describe a typical day at work for you.

A typical day for me starts early with morning classes
starting at 6.15am then training clients during the day
on a 1:1 basis and classes again in the evening. It’s
usually a long day but that goes with the job.

What would say are the benefits of working with a

personal trainer?
There are endless benefits with availing of a Personal
Trainer. You get a bespoke individual plan. Someone who can encourage you, point you in the right
putting the direction and keep you safe when exercising.

personal in What is your favourite part of the job?

personal My favourite part of the job has to be seeing people change and accomplish things they thought they
weren’t capable of. I’m also Exercise Referral qualified too so I train clients who have certain medical

training conditions which can make it more challenging for them.

Do you have any stand out career moments?

Ulster Tatler talks to Amanda Buying our studio, refurbishing it and creating a safe space where people can train without having
Laurenson from Elite Personal to feel like they don’t fit in. We pride ourselves on putting the personal back into the term Personal
Training Studio. Training. At the end of the day I’m just an ordinary middle aged lady who wants to help people be
comfortable and be healthy for the long term.

• Reflexology
• Pregnancy
• Aromatherapy
• Hot stones
• Dermomassage
• Sports massage
• Cupping therapy
Motiv8 Personal Training • Infrared therapy
Studio is celebrating
its 20th Anniversary in • Body wraps
Holywood this year. The
first Personal Training • Body polish
Studio in the country
has just undergone a

refurbishment with new

flooring being installed,
incorporating an artificial
grass lane for the latest
PERSONAL TRAINING in functional training
& WELLNESS STUDIO methods. Motiv8 offers
a more private training
environment based in the heart of Holywood with beautiful views
across the lough. We cater for weight loss (including dietary
protocols), functional training, strength and conditioning as well as
age related general fitness and sports performance.
114b Longstone Street, Lisburn
Contact John on 07778705085 or message Jordan via our Tel: 07477 953157
Facebook page - ‘Motiv8 Personal Training Studio Holywood’ Email: info@elysiumbylaura.co.uk
for a free introductory session. Web: www.elysiumbylaura.co.uk

The Gym Newry, is the only gym in Northern
Ireland to be nominated, ‘Irish Gym of the
Year’, at the Irish Fitness Industry Awards.
It has been an amazing journey so far for
the 24 hour gym, building something that
you could only dream about. Besides the
amazing layout and dream selection of
Equipment, Declan Trainor, Health and
Declan Trainor, Health & Fitness, NI Gym Manager of the Year. Fitness Awards, NI Manager of the Year, has
created the perfect team that together have
built an amazing community, changing
lives for the better - making people both
physically and mentally stronger. Showing
that we are all human and we can overcome
anything with the right support around us
and if you want something bad enough and
work hard enough you can achieve it!

Declan’s aims to make The Gym Newry, the

best gym all-round, not just through its fit-
out, but with classes, as they now have one
for instance their Spinning Classes cater for
up to 45 people per class! In addition going
above and beyond to give members the
best facility in the country, they now have
up to one hundred plus weights machines
and fifty pieces of Cardio - not including
spin Bikes or boxing facilities.

The new Supplement Shop is open and

fully staffed from 9am - 9pm for quality
service. One of Ireland’s best fitted out
Gyms, Open 24 hour. Join from as little as
£14.99 a month.

Unit 7 , 52 Armagh Road, Newry Call 07841 641000

Kennedy & Co is a new men’s grooming line made in Ireland, by TV
presenter, style entrepreneur and fashion columnist Darren Kennedy
who is regarded as one of Ireland’s most stylish men and top lifestyle
influencers. Each of the Kennedy & Co products are enriched with
vitamins and emollients designed to help maintain a young, fresh
and healthy look. The five piece collection includes Hair Clay, Daily
Moisturiser SPF 20, Beard Oil, Revitalising Eye Gel and Peat Scrub.
The Kennedy & Co range is vegan friendly, cruelty free, sulphate free
with no harsh chemicals. Darren recently visited Belfast for a lunch at
Bullit Hotel to celebrate the launch of his new collection.

Kennedy & Co is available to purchase in Bradley’s Pharmacy Group,

has recently launched into Gordons Chemists and available in selected

pharmacies across Northern Ireland.

The Word


Making a Will is an important consideration for everyone and
for most people it is relatively straightforward. Your solicitor can
guide you through the process, plus it’s relatively inexpensive
to do. If you die without a Will (and your estate is worth over
£10,000) it will have to be distributed according to a very strict set
of legal rules. Without a Will you can’t specify who should benefit
from your estate and if you have no heirs, the Government will be
your beneficiary.

Leaving a gift to charity in your Will

Chest, heart and stroke illnesses can affect anyone at any age and
there are currently 335,000 people living with these conditions in
Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke (NICHS) is the only local
charity dedicated to the prevention of chest, heart and stroke
illnesses and the care of chest, heart and stroke survivors. NICHS
also dedicates a considerable amount of its income to researching
the prevention and diagnosis of chest, heart and stroke illnesses.
It relies on the generosity of its supporters and the people of
Northern Ireland who provide over 80% of its income through
donations. After family and friends are taken care of, leaving a gift
in your Will to NICHS could make a huge difference to the lives of
chest, heart and stroke survivors throughout Northern Ireland.
If you are making a Will and do decide to leave a charitable gift,
please bring along the Charity’s registration number and address.
For NICHS this is NIC103593, 21 Dublin Road, Belfast, BT2 7HB.

For further information on leaving a gift in your Will to NICHS,

please contact supportercare@nichs.org.uk
or visit: www.nichs.org.uk/giftsinwills

Your Legacy Of Hope And Care

- a gift in your Will to Northern
Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke
A gift in your Will to NICHS research that will change For a leaflet or further
could not only help your the future for families at risk information on leaving
loved ones, but leave a from our biggest killers. a legacy to NICHS,
legacy of hope for please call us on:
generations to come. The smallest investment 028 9032 0184,
or write to NICHS Gifts
can lead to the biggest
in Wills, 21 Dublin Road,
In Northern Ireland almost breakthrough.
Belfast, BT2 7HB
half of all adult deaths are
caused by chest, heart and Please visit our
stroke illnesses. NICHS website to see how
are working to change this our Medical Research
through funding research Programme has
and caring for those who already supported
are affected by devastating groundbreaking
health conditions every day. projects and is
committed to many
A gift to us in your Will could more over the coming
be invested in critical local years. www.nichs.org.uk

Charity Reg No. NIC103593

Ulster Tatler

GU I DE 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 2 0

Blackwood Crops.indd 2 20/03/2019 13:00

b e a u t y l F A S H I O N l W e d d in g d a y d i a r i e s l E X P ERT AD V I C E


Watters & Dalzell

The recent wedding of Stephanie Watters and Matthew Dalzell
from Glenville Manor, Newtownabbey, took place in the
Blackwood Suite, Clandeboye Lodge, Bangor. The newlyweds
spent their honeymoon in Lanzarote.

Photography by Mark Barnes.

Enhance your Curves at
Perfect Day

88 WILLIAM STREET. LURGAN T: (028) 3832 1607 E: perfectdaylisa@hotmail.co.uk



Waddell & Herlihy

The recent wedding of Amy Waddell from Darragh Cross, Co Down, and
Cathal Herlihy from Knockanore, Co Waterford, took place in Rathfeigh Parish
Church followed by a reception in Ballymagarvey Village. The bride is the
daughter of Paul and Geraldine Waddell and the groom is the son of Liam
and Mary Herlihy. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon touring Sri Lanka
and Dubai.

Photography by Agnieszka Marsh Photography.

Society Weddings


The 4 Star Roe Park Resort, nestled on the
edge of ancient woodlands in Limavady,
has become one of Northern Ireland’s most
desirable wedding destinations. With its own
18-hole parkland golf course, luxurious spa and
health club with gym, pool, sauna and Jacuzzi,
as well as a cosy bar and two award-winning
Having recently undergone a significant
refurbishment, the Roe Park Suite has been
transformed to accommodate over 300
guests, boasting its own private bar and
entrance, giving your special day the VIP
touch it deserves. The grounds have also
been landscaped to create a picture-perfect
backdrop for your official photographs or
drinks reception. A romantic setting unlike any
other! Give your guests a slice of heaven thanks
to the newly refurbished, spacious, bedrooms,
giving your wedding a hint of modern luxury
with the timeless charm of a country house.
At the Roe Park Resort they thrive on creating
a bespoke service which meets their couples’
every need, and this investment will allow
them to go one step further in seamlessly
orchestrating your big day. The resort also guarantees a one wedding per day policy ensuring privacy and exclusivity for your event.
So whether you’re planning an intimate destination wedding or a lavish celebration, the Roe Park Resort can help you realise your dream
wedding with a choice of stylish function rooms and award-winning catering. With prices starting from £45pp, get in touch with one of their
dedicated wedding planners today, and together let them create an unforgettable day of magic for you at the Roe Park Resort.

For more information visit www.roeparkresort.com

Unique and
Newly refurbished
Roe Park Suite catering
up to 300 guests

+44 (0) 28 777 22222

Society Weddings

Clare Makem and Frankie Ahern Eimear McAlorum and Miceal Hughes were
were recently married at St recently married at Glenn Chapel and held a
Mochua’s and then held a reception reception to follow at Darver Castle.
at The Ballymascanlon Hotel.

Karen Gilmour and Colm Grant were recently

married at St Ronan’s Brookeborough and held a Aishling Heaney and Eamon Mulholland,
reception at The Slieve Russell, County Cavan. who were recently married in St Patrick’s
Aghagallon and held a reception to follow at
Corick House Hotel & Spa.


In this edition of Ulster Tatler we feature

a selection of recent weddings with
photography by Ciaran O’Neill.

Alternative. Relaxed. Exceptional.

These days people expect more from their
wedding day. Weddings have become a
means of self-expression. Couples want to
share the things they treasure with friends
and family.
Interest in new and alternative wedding
locations has been rising. However,
although some locations bring with them
a unique charm, they can also have their
challenges – access, facilities, catering,
management, experience – the elements
that underpin a wonderful day.
Clandeboye Lodge is the perfect fusion
of the individual spirit and the expert touch.
As a venue it is overflowing with character
that sets it apart, but at the heart of its
success story is a wedding team who have

years of experience and a passion for creating special days for couples and their family
and friends.
At Clandeboye Lodge there is a real sense that the whole team comes together to
ensure that each wedding day is a true expression of the excitement, joy, passions and
love of the people involved. At every turn you encounter a special touch, a perfect serve, a
helping hand and a beautiful moment. You will have to go a very long way to find better!

Talk to the Wedding Team today on 028 9185 2500,

or visit wedogreatweddings.com for more details.
Society Weddings

McLean & McGillian

Miss Catherine McLean recently married Darren
McGillian. The ceremony and reception took place
in Leighinmohr House Hotel in Ballymena. The
couple honeymooned in Dominican Republic.

Photography by Chloe Heaney Photography

“We’re just thrilled to have our “It’s magic, it’s pretty amazing. I mean, I have the two
own little bundle of joy. - Harry best guys in the world so I’m really happy.” - Meghan

It’s a Boy!
Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was born at 05:26 on Monday 6th May. He is the first child of
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and is seventh in line to the throne. Archie weighed 7lb 3oz and The
Duke of Sussex was present for the birth. An easel was placed on the forecourt at Buckingham Palace
to announce the birth. .

S E C T I O N T I T L E 127

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We also stock a great selection of ring

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Murray & Co.

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Cathedral Quarter
It’s A Boy!

“Having joined the crowds at the

joyful Royal wedding of Meghan
Markle and Prince Harry for the
Ulster Tatler last year, I wondered
how it would all pan out. The birth
of Archie Harrison a year on - great
names by the way - is exciting. The
first child of an American mixed
race star and an English prince, how
could it not be? And he looks very
cute. I just hope this will stop the
slight negativity around the no doubt
forceful Duchess of Sussex, and they
should get Thomas Markle over.”
- Jane Hardy, Freelance

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It’s A Boy!
“I was absolutely delighted to hear about the Royal Couple’s news and
to see the first pictures of them holding their beautiful baby boy Archie
Harrison Mounbatten-Windsor. I along with millions of people from
across the world, am just delighted that both Harry and William have
found the happiness they both deserve. Although I do wonder what Royal
toddlers paint on their mum and dad’s or even their grand parents’ freshly
painted walls, the mind boggles!” -
Nuala Meenehan, Ulster Tatler’s Girl about Town

“How can you not love a Royal Baby? It gives everyone something
positive to celebrate amidst all the difficulties being faced in the UK
right now. Meghan is absolutely glowing and I’m sure she and Harry
will have some amazing times ahead! Of course, Harry and Meghan
being Baron and Baroness of Kilkeel adds to our excitement here in
Northern Ireland as they’ve delivered their first child.”
- Lauren Leckey, Miss Northern Ireland 2019

Something To Smile About

off newborn gifts to day-to-day work-wear What do you enjoy most about your job?
and bridal wear. Our aim is to take an idea The most enjoyable part of my job is
that you have and bring it to life, should it be knowing that the majority of things I make
an adorable outfit for your daughters 2nd are purchased to make people smile! I
Birthday or a batch of t-shirts for your best completed an order for a customer recently
friend’s hen party! who was taking an adorable printed newborn
baby vest with her on holiday to Las Vegas to
What is your job role? Describe a typical announce her pregnancy to her husband after
working day for you. five years of trying! Things like this give me
I am the founder and owner of Marshmellow great joy knowing that I had even the smallest
Gifts. I complete all tasks from taking orders, part to play in someone’s life changing event!
advertising, and liaising with customers to the
actual design work and printing of goods! What advice would you give to new
A typical working day for me is crazy! I work parents?
from home so on a typical day, I drop my two Everyone’s journey is so different,
young daughters to school and try to cram circumstances are different, babies are
Ulster Tatler chats to Carly Falconer of as much as I can into their school hours so unique. My advice is build a network of
Carrickfergus based printing service & that when they return home they have my support. Parenthood, especially in the
unique gifts supplier, Marshmellow Gifts. undivided attention to complete homeworks early days can be a lonely journey. Mums
and talk about their day! Some days, like on maternity leave can sometimes feel so
Tell us a bit about Marshmellow Gifts and everyone I am super organised and it is a alienated and alone and fathers returning to
what they sell? breeze, other days I am dropping them to work feeling like sleep-deprived robots. Find
Marshmellow Gifts is a Carrickfergus based dance class to run home and complete an and build a network of like-minded people
printing service and unique gifts supplier. We order and get it in the post whilst sweating to share your journey with. It makes it easier
design and supply a wide range of unique and drinking coffee from a travel mug in the when you can ‘vent’ your woes or listen to
personalised clothing and gifts from one car! someone elses.

Buying for Bump,
Baby and Beyond
Sandra’s Nursery Corner is one of Belfast’s longest
running independent nursery stores, family owned
and running for over 40 years helping the needs of
Belfast and beyond.

In store you are given a warm welcome by a group

of experienced ladies with a lot of knowledge
within the nursery industry. They pride themselves
on giving new mums, dads, grannies and grandas
a more personal and relaxed experience when

With a bit of chit-chat we get to know what our

customers are looking for so we can provide them
with our honest opinion, not just for a sale but
because we know parenthood can be a daunting
and expensive journey. We enjoy meeting new
parents to be and also returning customers, as
their babies are now having babies. Understanding
that every customer has a different lifestyle and a
budget is very important when trying to advise on
what products they may or may not need. Since
our doors first opened we have offered ‘Sandra’s
Baby Club’, this allows customers to hold items
over with a 20% deposit until their baby arrives. 
We stock a wide range of products; prams,
strollers, nursery furniture, bedding, car seats,
baby monitors, accessories and like to keep up
to date with all the latest trends and fashions. We
stock a wide range of brands including; Venicci,
Bebecar, Baby Style, Egg, Silver Cross, Cosatto,
Hauck, Maxi-cosi, Quinny, BRbaby, East Coast,
Shnuggle, Angelcare and Vtech… the list goes on. 
We offer various options on delivery and assembly
of nursery furniture, details can be found in store
and online.  Located on the Shore Road, across
from Crusaders football grounds with on street
parking available.
Open 6 days a week, late night Thursday 
Monday: 9.30am – 5.30pm 
Tuesday: 9.30am – 5.30pm 
Wednesday: 9.30am – 5.30pm 
Thursday: 9.30am – 8.30pm 
Friday: 9.30am – 5.30pm 
Saturday: 9.30am – 5.00pm 
Sunday: Closed
Over the last 12 months we have been selling a lot
more products online, this will never take over the
in-store experience you receive when purchasing
your first pram, but it does help with those quick
purchases which you know you are going out to

88 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 3PZ

T: 028 9077 0639 www.sandrasnurserycorner.com
the scene

Aimee Daly from Tyrone pictured with

her parents, Deborah and Dermott and Megan O’Boyle, Sorcha McCartan
sisters Erin, Ellie and Aoife. and Rosemary Colgan from Kilkeel. Fergal, Anna and Marilyn O’Keefe from Belfast.

The Ulster Post Primary School inter provincial
squad were presented with their awards at a
presentation night in Kelly’s Inn for their outstanding
performances in Gaelic Football. They were
entertained by the young musicians from Fintona
CCE. Gerry Doherty was the MC and welcomed
everyone to the gala. Ulster Schools Chairman
Paddy Donnelly and Ulster President Eileen Jones
addressed the attendees and a four course meal
was enjoyed by everyone. After dinner, each girl
received their All Star award from President Jones.
Maria Hanna, Ciara Brown and Lara Dahunsi from Belfast.

The McCarvill family from Knock; The Drury family from Castleblaney; Aoibhean,
Joe, Aoibheann and Cecila. Steve, Marie, Jayne, Dean Carragher and Mark.

The Smith family from Ballynahinch;

Paul, Aine and Donna. UPPS award winners.

Focus on

and Moira
s the third-largest city in Northern Ireland, Lisburn is a lively retail and arts centre. Known
as one of the main cities in NI for shopping, Lisburn is home to both Bow Street Mall and
Sprucefield Shopping Centre. The city is regarded as the birthplace of Ireland’s linen industry,
which is celebrated in an exhibiton in the Irish Linen Centre. There is no shortage of natural beauty
in and around the city, with Wallace Park and the beautiful Hillsborough Castle and Gardens being
popular spots for both residents and visitors. Hillsborough itself is within the Lisburn and Castlereagh
District Council area. The historic centre of the village contains significant amounts of Georgian
architecture. Also part of the Council area is Moira, a village located in Co. Down. Moira is considered
to be a ‘commuter town’ for those who work in Lisburn, Belfast and Craigavon, and is known for housing
McCartneys of Moira, a 140-year-old family butchers.

Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

why i love lisburn

Ulster Tatler chats to Fred Dalzell of Fred Dalzell Estate Agents.

Tell us a bit about your role and describe a typical working day
for you.
My role varies from day to day. I’m generally involved in most aspects
of estate agency and professional services. Although my name is
over the door, I have been fortunate in having the same staff for
over 15 years. As I’m ‘getting on a bit’, delegating work to my fellow
directors and staff is important but I still enjoy getting out around
houses, farms and our new housing developments. I always treat a
£50,000 property in the same manner as a £1 million property.

What do you like most about living / working in Lisburn?

I have lived in the Lisburn area since I was two years old and went
to Brownlee Primary School and Friends’ School. Lisburn is very
convenient to Belfast and with a good railway system. I like places
like Wallace Park, which the council must be congratulated on the
way they have improved and maintained the park. I enjoy watching
cricket in the park in the summer months. In the winter, I like to go to
Ballynahinch to watch rugby and generally travel to away matches
around Ireland – my mini holidays.

Where do you like to dine and socialise in the area?

I have three favourite restaurants in Lisburn; Square Bistro in Lisburn
Square, Pizzarellys on Bachelors Walk and The Carden on Bachelors

Does Lisburn have any hidden gems?

They will not be hidden gems if I talk about them! However, I like
Jim’s DIY shop in Smithfield Square and a little further afield, Denis
Wilson of Glenavy – you can spend a whole day there. I also think the
work the council has recently done to the woodland Park at Duncan’s
Dam will prove a ‘hit’ with the locals.

• Fresh Vegetables
• Fresh Fruit Service • Repair • Diagnostics
• Fruit Baskets All makes & models catered for...
• Vegetable Boxes • Car interior repairs
• Biker leather repairs
Unit 10a Argyle Business Centre
North Howard Street
• Leather sofa repairs Belfast BT13 2AP
• Leather handbag repairs Tel: 07793 462072
• Leather clothing alterations Email: leather-clinic@hotmail.co.uk
• Leather cleaning and restoration www.leatherclinicbelfast.co.uk

• Fresh Flowers
• Bunches
• Bouquets
• Arrangements
Get your garden in shape
• Easy Parking at the Door • • Sand and Gravel • Artificial Grass
• Decorative Stone • Bark & Compost
187 Moira Road, Lisburn BT28 1JA • Builders’ Stone • Screened Top Soil
Open Monday to Saturday 8.00am - 6.00pm • Rockery Stone • Fencing Materials

Tel: 028 9266 6507 ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR

Email: evansfarmshop@outlook.com COLLECTION AND DELIVERY
www.evansfarmshop.co.uk 10 Lower Ballinderry Road, Lisburn BT28 2JB
Tel: 028 9265 1298

The Speckled Hen
Passionate Hospitality since 1660

Award Winning Pub & Dining Room

New Saturday Brunch.
OF THE YEAR Commencing on June 1st. 11am - 3pm. YEAR 2017
2018 With live music by Chris Keys
and Simon Storey.

47 Derriaghy Road, Lisburn BT28 3SH 

Tel: 028 9061 1113 
Email: speckledhenlisburn@gmail.com 
Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

Revolutionary motorhomes
brought to you by Camper NI
Camper NI in Hillsborough are one of
Northern Ireland’s leading suppliers of new
and used motorhomes.
Their dealership at 67 Moira Road offers
full onsite aftersale facilities and boasts an
extensive modern workshop.
The firm’s wide-ranging service includes
the fitting of all accessories such as solar
panels, bike racks, refillable gas systems,
Camper NI, based in Hillsborough, Co Down, have a
awnings and satellite systems.
strong selection of industry leading motorhomes.
Factory trained technicians specialise
in engine/chassis servicing, habitational
Class up to 8.6m are available. Along with their trade partners they are
servicing, damp work and insurance approved
New Pilote motorhomes start from £49,400. able to offer over 300 used campers and
accident repairs - a full one stop shop.
motorhomes – the largest choice available
Following on from the recent success of
BENIMAR motorhomes are manufactured in to local customers. They pride themselves
adding premium French brands Pilote and
a new state-of-the-art production facility near in presenting every used motorhome to the
Le Voyageur to their portfolio, Camper NI
Valencia in Spain. highest standard.
have now been appointed as sole distributor
Born 40 years ago, Benimar are owned by All motorhomes pass a stringent quality
for the largest selling imported motorhome
the Trigano group, who are Europe’s largest check before resale and come complete
brand in Ireland and the UK - Benimar.
producer of motorhomes and caravans with with a comprehensive warranty and service.
PILOTE and LE VOYAGEUR have been 32 separate brands. High quality control
and leading edge technology have allowed To enjoy the very best experience of
building motorhomes in France for over 50
Benimar to virtually eliminate wood in the purchasing and owning a motorhome talk to
years and have been pioneers of innovation
bodywork structure of its motorhomes with the experts at Camper NI.
and design. They also invented the low
profile concept in 1985 which has been the use of composite damp proof materials.
Benimar have a pricing policy of including Camper NI, the dedicated leisure division
replicated by many manufacturers since.
many manufacturers’ changeable options of Provincial Group, is located half a
Extensive use of GRP composite and double
as standard fit – solar, insurance, trackers, mile off the main A1 Belfast to Newry
floored construction methods in their low
satnav and reverse camera to name a dual carriageway and two miles from the
profile and A class motorhomes provide
few – all included in the standard price. Sprucefield M1 junction.
industry leading levels of insulation and
energy efficiency. Van conversions, compact low profiles and
overcabs are also available. JUNE SALES PROMO OFFER –
Always at the forefront of customer
New Benimar motorhomes start from £43,995. All motorhomes sold in June will qualify
satisfaction, Pilote remain one of the few
for Free 12 months Road Tax – first 5
privately owned motorhome manufacturers
Camper NI also carry a wide selection of motorhomes sold in June will also qualify
in Europe. A full range of models from van
quality used motorhomes to suit all budgets. for a refillable LPG gas bottle system.
conversions, compact low profiles and A


CALL 028 92682220

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Affordable warmth grants scheme contractors
Replace old uPVC windows & doors with new

energy efficient products.


• White £1,150 plus VAT Located just 2 miles from the historic Georgian village of
• Oak/ Mahogany/ Rose wood £1,350 plus VAT Hillsborough, BTB is surrounded by beautiful countryside
• Black/ Cream £1,450 plus VAT views which can be enjoyed from every window of the cosy
(average prices including fitting) stonewall cottage.
Built in 2002, the detached building has recently
DOORS from only £460 undergone a meticulous renovation, with all new fixtures
• Conservatories, Sunrooms, Fascia Systems and furnishings selected with your comfort in mind.
and all types of window and door repairs You will receive a warm welcome from the owner, Susan,
• Replacement of double glazing units CALL NOW who will ensure that your stay is both enjoyable and
FOR A FREE memorable.
51A Edentrillick Rd, Hillsborough BT26 6PG
Tel: 028 9267 5738 or 0777 598 6881
Tel: 02892 683427 www.baytreebandb.com
Email: susan@baytreebandb.com



• All aspects of joinery 

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Ladies & Gents Tailoring Alterations

Recently refurbished guest house REVAMP YOUR WARDROBE

Play park facilities • A barbeque station
COMING SOON IN-HOUSE - Moira Canal Bistro Cafe
- perfect place for late breakfast, themed dinner nights and bbq evenings Specialist in

Guest house and Self catering Cottages - Formal dresses, Bridesmaid dresses,

Sleeps 50. 4 star NITOURISM Approval.


2 min walk To Moira Train Station, 10 Min walk to Moira Village, overlooking
Wedding outfits, suits and many more
Moira Canal and towpath, immediate access to M1J9 Moira roundabout.

2a Glenavy Rd, Moira, Craigavon BT67 0NE

CALL: 028 9260 3858
T: 028 9261 1923 www.ballycanalmoira.co.uk 07811 407588


Living in Northern Ireland you have one of the very best hat
shops in all of the UK and Ireland on your doorstep.

The Hat Shop’s spacious, modern premises in Lisburn are

just a few miles from the junction of the M1 and A1 and
there is metered parking just outside. Their dazzling
selection of hats is ranged over two large airy
floors, with private changing rooms allowing
you to try on the hats with your outfit.
Whether it be Royal Ascot, the Galway
Races or a family wedding, the Hat
Shop has something to suit all
occasions. They stock every style
and colour and keep something
for every pocket. So if you
are looking for a hat that
won’t break the bank or
the latest styles from luxury
brands such as Philip Treacy,
you will find it there. They also
offer a range of bridal headwear,
diamante combs and headbands, as
well as a wide selection of shoes, bags
and jewellery… offering a one stop for both
the bride and her mother! Responding to the
needs of customers they have recently opened a
new hire section within the shop and have entered
the online market with a small range of casual and
occasion hats for the modern woman.
Dedicated to the high quality service and
personal touch that they have become known
for; whether you want to have a quick look or
bring in an outfit for advice on colour and style
matching, their knowledgeable assistants are
always happy to help. Pop in and have a look –
we promise that you won’t be disappointed!

Visit: 8 Bridge St, Lisburn, www.hatshoplisburn.com

BT28 1XY Social Media: @thehatshoplisburn
Call: 028 9267 2110 Email: info@thehatshop.com
Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

Hazel Lysk, John Kindness and Carol Graham.

Stuart Campbell, Emma Lawthers,
Wills McNeilly and Gill Allmond.

One of Northern Ireland’s best loved artists has created a new
artwork, which was officially unveiled recently at Hillsborough
Castle and Gardens. Belfast-born John Kindness, who is best
known for the Salmon of Knowledge sculpture in Belfast City
Centre, also fondly known as ‘The Big Fish’, was commissioned
by Historic Royal Palaces, the independent charity that cares for
the Castle, to create a large artwork for their new community
space, Clore Learning Centre, located at Hillsborough Castle.
The final creation, ‘A Mummer’s Banquet’ is a six-metre-long
frieze of striking, fantastical characters which recognises the
fascinating history of hospitality and entertaining at Hillsborough
through the centuries. Karen Latimer, Jason Diamond
and Riann Coulter.

Jackie and Grant Robinson, Ms Heather

Colette McGoldrick, Brenda Hannawin, Anna Nolan and Marie Abbott. Deedman and Malcolm Kindness.

Lydia Stevenson and John Nolan introducing artist John Kindness at the
Nuala McGreevy. unveiling of his piece, A Mummer’s Banquet. Michael and Deirdre McCrory.

Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

Caruzzo by Leolux with free matching LK Lashes and Beauty are based
footstool worth (£770) until 30 September in Drumbo, Lisburn and have over
2019. Available from Beaufort Interiors. 17 years’ experience in holistic
therapies and beauty.

Experiencing professional treatments

allows you to unwind and destress,
so combining this with treating
yourself to something that will also
benefit you physically makes sense.

Treatments on offer have the benefit

of reducing pain and muscle tension

dream and can also be useful for anxiety, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia,
headaches, insomnia and injuries.

interiors Why not treat yourself to some of the treatments offered below:
• Aromatherapy Massage • Eyelash Lift and Tint
Brokis Muffin Lamps set for (£2360). • Sports Massage • Waxing and Tinting
Exclusive to Beaufort Interiors. • Indian Head Massage • Spray Tanning
• Reflexology • Gel Polish
• Semi- Permanent Eyelash

Special Offer June

Reflexology £25.00
Round Mirror
(£900); Glass
Half Body Massage £20.00
Console (£2460)
& Lamps (£710), For bookings and more information please contact Lynn on
available from
Beaufort Interiors. 07939579945

• Residential Cleaning • Ironing • Corporate Office / Business cleaning

Evvr Services comprises of Evvr Clean a domestic and commercial cleaning service and For Evvr Ironing which is a
professional stress-free ironing service operating in Hillsborough, Lisburn, Ballynahinch and the surrounding area.

Unit 9-11, Itec Business Park, 52 Armagh Rd, Newry BT35 6DN T: 028 300 50330
19 Ballynahinch Street, Hillsborough BT26 6AW T: 028 9264 6718
Email enquiries@evvrclean.co.uk

In preparation for our next term in September we are holding

play and stay days for Play school and Forest school.

We provide places in our Forest school and Play school for

children from 2 years and 10 months up to school age. It runs
from 9.30am – 12.00pm Monday-Friday at our second nursery on
the Ballynahinch road just across from Downshire P.S.

Forest school meet and walk across the road to the park gate
where their morning of adventure begins. They go out and PLAY AND STAY DAYS IN JUNE:
explore in all weather in their waterproof Didrikson suits to learn Forest -school: 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th
from the natural environment. from 10.15-11.15am
Play-school: 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th
Our Play-school is excellent to get your child prepared for their from 10.15-11.15am
Pre-school year as we promote learning through stimulating play.
If you would like more information or if the dates
Our program is in accordance with the NI Preschool Curriculum above do not suit we can arrange an alternative date
and focuses on six key areas of learning, with special visitors and for a private viewing. Please contact Victoria on
028 92682794 or peters-patchdaynursery@live.co.uk
outside play every day.
Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus


Ulster Tatler chats to Susan McCague,

owner of Bay Tree Boutique B&B in Hillsbourough.

Tell us a bit about your role and describe a typical working day
for you.
I am the owner of Bay Tree Boutique B&B which opened two years
ago. I took early retirement after a long primary school teaching
career. I have a passion for cooking, baking, gardening and interiors.
I look after my guests from first point of contact, finding out a little
about them, so I am able to customise their stay to suit the occasion.
At any one point, I only have four guests staying, so I am able to
personally look after their every need.

Describe a typical working day for you.

I am in the kitchen early in the morning, preparing breakfast for my
guests. I particularly enjoy this interaction, and in the past two years
have met people from all walks of life, and from all over the world.
Many of my guests return again and again, and become friends.

What do you like most about living / working in Hillsborough?

I feel very fortunate to live so close to the beautiful village of
Hillsborough, which I believe is the hidden gem of the NI crown. This
is further reinforced by the re-opening and re-branding of stunning New boutique!
Hillsborough Castle now owned by Historic Royal Palaces. It has so
much to offer visitors: independent gift shops, clothes boutiques, and Fashion and shoes.
a wealth of high quality restaurants. and coffee shops.There are many
beautiful places to walk, surrounded by so much history. Indeed,
Joules Whitestuff
you any even be lucky to catch a glimpse of a member of the Royal inwear part two.

Attending any weddings

this summer?


Jacksons of Moira, 98-100 Main Street, Moira.

Phone: 028 9261 3660

Hillsbourough Castle.

Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

hillsbouough castle
After five years, and a £24 million investment, the official residence of HM The Queen in
Northern Ireland and home of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Hillsbourough Castle
and Gardens has been completely transformed by independent charity Historic Royal Palaces,
revealing the intriguing tapestry of stories from within.
Explore the Castle’s rich heritage by stepping into the exquisite State Rooms that have been
beautifully re-presented by a team of expert curators and conservators working alongside
local craftspeople. New decorative schemes and artworks reflect the numerous tales that this
famous residence has to tell, including a stunning loan display from Royal Collection and a
contemporary Irish art hang in the Drawing Room. These plush interiors will be brought to life
on guided tours led by the Castle’s team of expert explainers.
New research has uncovered fascinating stories from the Castle’s past, from family home to
the Marquesses of Downshire to its importance as a venue for political negotiations
in the Peace Process in Northern Ireland in the 1980s. Discover them all in the new
Lower Visitor Centre complete with new café set within the majestic estate. Follow
the footsteps of previous guests including American founding father Benjamin
Franklin, Eleanor Roosevelt, George W Bush and Dwight Eisenhower. Explore the
Red Room where HM The Queen and Mary McAleese met as two Heads of State
on British or Irish soil for the first time.
Nestled in over 100 acres of grounds, Hillsborough Castle’s gardens are a
delight to the senses throughout the seasons with many hidden gems to uncover.
The breath-taking four-acre Walled Garden
is a feast for the eyes, and a team of local
gardeners are cultivating fresh produce in
the very spot that would have once served as Kitchen Garden and chief supplier to the residents of the
house. Along with the famous Moss Walk and Parterre Garden, all of the gardens have been lovingly and
meticulously restored for all to enjoy.
Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall visited Hillsborough Castle
and Gardens, in Northern Ireland, ahead of its official public re-opening in April. During the visit Their
Royal Highnesses toured the new Lower Visitor Centre and met with representatives from Historic Royal
Palaces along with craftspeople and builders involved in the project. The Prince and the Duchess then
joined a small reception on the terrace where His Royal Highness said a few words, after which Their Royal
Highnesses jointly unveiled a commemorative plaque.

For more information and to book tickets, visit hrp.org.uk/hillsborough-castle

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Country Kitchen was established in 1980 by Bill and Roberta Ferguson as a new business venture. It
is now a busy Retail and Wholesale business employing nearly 40 staff and is run by their son Chris
who is the head baker and his wife Christine. Country Kitchen provides businesses and residents of
Lisburn and the surrounding areas with freshly baked breads and pastries.

Our restaurant has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where customers can enjoy our famous all day
breakfast or choose something else from our menu. If you are in a hurry we also offer a wide range of
wraps and sandwiches from our sandwich bar.

Country Kitchen can supply catering for a wide range of events in the Lisburn area, the team are
dedicated to providing first class foods.

5 7 - 6 1 SL OA N ST R E E T, L I SBU R N BT 2 7 5 AG T: 0 2 8 9 2 6 7 1 7 3 0
Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

an evening
with paul
Top Northern
Irish hairdresser
Paul Stafford
took an audience
back in time
at a special
sell-out event in Courtney Lyness, Heather McKay, Holly Lewis and
the Island Arts Amy Cartwright.
Centre, Lisburn.
The multi-award
winning stylist
shared stories
from his youth
growing up
in Belfast in
the 1970s and
1980s. The
stories formed
the backdrop
to his stage and
film show called
Modern Life
which premiered
in Dublin last
Barbara Patton, Suzanne Matthews,
Paul Stafford. Leisa Stafford and Rebecca Ewing.

Ciaran Stewart, Melanie McNeill, Wenda Davidson and Chris Gibson. Tiarnan O’Kane, Cathy Moran and Shane Breslin.

Jim Crone and Janine Canessa. Una Reid, Anne Browne and Antoinette McVeigh. Julie Gordon and Liz Patterson.

Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

Love Local
Ulster Tatler’s Chloe Heaney chats to Kellie McIlroy, manager of The Speckled Hen in Lisburn.

Tell us a bit addition to myself and my Dad, my mum During May we introduced our refreshed
about The and uncle also work in the pub. Having menu with an emphasis on lighter summer
Speckled Hen dropped the kids to school my day consists fare. Seasonal vegetables and fruit are always
and its history. of checking the premises are clean, that the a key element of our evolving menus. Our
The Speckled bars are stocked and dining rooms prepped new sweets use lots of fresh fruit and local ice
Hen, known in for service. I also work on menu planning and creams.
earlier times as team member rota. I liaise with the kitchen
the Travellers with regard to event planning and brief the Tell us a bit about the bar section of The
Rest and The team on menu specials, food and drink. I will Speckled Hen? What makes it unique?
Village Inn, is review bookings and arrange table allocation. While the Hen’s Dining Room has a
one of Ireland’s I also serve in the dining room and pub as I contemporary feel the bar and Snug Dining
oldest pubs believe it’s important to have close interaction Room are very traditional. The seating and
dating to at with our customers. It’s really satisfying to see tables are an eclectic mix of old Irish and
least 1660. It is the great reviews we get. When we see a poor French country furniture. The walls and
claimed Daniel O’Connell, the Irish statesman, review it just drives us on to try and do better. shelves are piled up with old memorabilia
stopped at the pub on one of his trips to gathered up by my Dad or brought in by
Belfast. In 1937 Will’s the English cigarette What type of food does The Speckled Hen customers. The bar serves a broad range of
company commissioned paintings for a set offer? draught beers and ciders. In addition we stock
of cigarette cards and the pub is featured on We won a Pub Food of the Year award in over sixty bottled craft beers and thirty ciders.
card No11. During 2014 the pub was in the 2018. Our aim is to offer a broad range of The pub has its own brewery, The Black
process of closing down and so my Dad and I traditional pub food including an extensive Mountain Brewery which supplies a weekly
decided to take the pub over and reinvent it. range of small plates, sharing platters and guest beer. During the summer it specialises
My Dad came up with the name The Speckled pub classics. We also offer a large selection of in fruit beers. We also produce our own
Hen. He recalled as a child his granny telling vegetarian dishes and vegan options. During spirit range, The Hen’s Blend. It includes our
him her speckled hens were very friendly 2017 we opened our Pod di Pizza and serve Derriaghy Irish Whiskey and Milltown Dry Gin
hens, they produced the best eggs and were traditional stone baked pizza throughout the which is one of five gins we produce. The
very tasty. pub and its dining rooms. Where possible we most popular being our Strawberry & Lemon
use locally sourced ingredients. One of our Gin. The pub has a beer garden including
Tell us a bit about your job role and most popular pub snacks is our Cheeky Chips. summer cabanas and a dining terrace. We are
describe a typical working day for you. in the process of developing a kitchen roof
I am the manager and a part owner. As a What changes will you be making to the garden.
family business we are very hands on. In menu for the upcoming summer months?

Location Electrics.com
Sound . Stage . Set . Light . Video . Broadcast

Location Electrics is a Craigavon based,

audio, video, lighting, and staging –
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Event services
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drainage services include: system evaluation, design, installation,
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Tel: 07766 618689
18 Slievenaboley Road, Dromara BT25 2EN
Tel: 028 9753 2653 Mob: 078 7941 1334 Email: info@locationelectrics.com

Primary School

Downshire Primary School enjoys a very pleasant

situation on the edge of the picturesque and historic
village of Hillsborough. Our children experience a
warm, caring and stimulating environment where
they are encouraged to investigate and take
advantage of innovative teaching approaches. We
endeavour to make school an exciting experience
and one which will help children to foster a love of
learning which is essential for success in today’s
busy and changing world.

Comments from our pupils:

“I love learning new things and
meeting new friends.”
Katie P3

“The teachers are kind to me.”

Sophie P5

“Outside play is great!”

Mani P2

“PE is my favourite.”
Matthew P1

Downshire Primary School

Principal: Mr John Knaggs B.Ed. DASE Cert. PDE PQH
7 Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough
Co.Down BT26 6AR
t: 028 9268 0640 f: 028 9268 0644
e: info@dps.hillsborough.ni.sch.uk

Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged

Education Authority SE Region and Everyone Achieving
design / photography / print / williamstudio / 028 9756 1581
Lisburn’s Carpet, Flooring,
Rug and Furniture Superstore.
Over 2500 rugs on show, individually displayed
and at internet prices.
Northern Ireland’s custom stair carpets specialist. Cotton,
leather and jute taped edging done in store to customer’s
requirements and fitted by our highly skilled fitting team.

42-58 Chapel Hill, Lisburn, BT28 1BW

Tel: 028 9266 3587/9267 3930
Lisburn, Hillsborough & Moira special focus

what’s on in lisburn Martins Discount Stores

Est 1973
this summer
Summer Festival Of Racing • 21 Jun - 22 Jun 2019
Over two days of racing 15,000 people will visit the racecourse to
witness the action and soak up the atmosphere of one of the biggest
highlights in the Northern Ireland social and sporting calendar,
synonymous with quality, style and unparalleled racing. The event is
also famous for its “Best Dressed Lady Competition”, which attracts 4’6 or 5’ 2000 Indulgence
stylish ladies from all over the island of Ireland, so dress to impress for Modern Round Glass Top Pocket Spring
a guaranteed memorable day out, this summer. table & 4 chairs Anti Gravity foam mattress with matching

www.downroyal.com ONLY £349.00 base & headboard in Luxury fabric

Chairs available in 6 colours.

Bed Deal Price £499.00

Lisburn Coca Cola HBC Half Marathon, 10k Road Race And 3k White & Oak Triple Wardrobe usp £799.00
Fun Run • 19 Jun - 19 Jun 2019
Get on your marks for one of Northern Ireland’s largest sporting
OUR PRICE £699.00
events. The route is renowned for being ‘flat and fast’, making it an Full matching range of bed frames and bedroom
furniture in stock. Also available in Grey & Oak.
ideal route for competitive runners aiming for personal bests and
beginners alike. The Fun Run is the perfect race for anyone wishing Lift & Rise Electric Recliners
to run with family and friends and experience a little fun while getting
active! All events are inclusive and are open to wheelchair and hand
FROM ONLY £399.00
cycle participants. Matching Settee available £499.00
Manual recliners from only £179.00
This is only some of many great offers
throughout our stores, call in and
Hilden Beer & Music Festival • take a look.

23 Aug - 25 Aug 2019 Free Assembly

Free Delivery

Great beers, great music and great 29-31 Market Square, Lisburn BT28 1AD T: 028 92 668625
craic, the annual Hilden Beer &
5 Dobbin Street, Armagh BT61 7QH T: 028 37 525805
Music hits all the right notes. Held
in the grounds of Hilden Brewery 1-3 Cecil Street, Portadown BT62 3AT T: 028 38 393553
and Hilden House the ever popular
three-day ale tasting event proudly
boasts all that is great in terms of craft beers and ciders from the UK
and Ireland, gourmet food and a huge range of live musical acts.

Ballance House Strawberry Tea Fair • 27 Jul 2019

The annual Strawberry Tea Fair will take place on 27 July 2019.
Complimentary strawberries Our services:
and cream/ice cream with your • Litigation • Family Matters • Administration of Estates • Wills
• Criminal Matters • Employment • Debt Recovery • Company Law
entrance and lots of fun outdoor • House Sales and Purchases
games will be on offer for the
kids, along with face-painting
and take-home crafting activities. Shaw & Company Solicitors,
Guided tours of the house will be 13 Lisburn Street, Hillsborough BT26 6AB
available, enjoy some lunch in the Tel: 028 9268 2500
Email: info@shawandco.org
tea barn, browse the craft stalls.

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the scene

Michael Hewitt, Peter Todd, James Morton, Ritchie

McGrath and guests ready to enjoy the festivities.
Deputy Head of School Nkosinathi Khumalo
and his partner ready for the evening to begin.


Inst’s Upper Sixth Formal was once again a huge success, the boys and
their partners celebrated their time at RBAI in style at the Clandeboye
Lodge Hotel, Bangor. The boys looked extremely dashing and were
accompanied by a host of beautiful guests.
The event was well-organised and enjoyed by the staff present as much
as by the boys and their partners! This was one of the last events the boys
attended as pupils of the school, so it was also an emotional one. Many
thanks to photographer Adam Tate for all his hard work on the night.
This has been a special year group: tight-knit and hard-working. The
staff of the school wish Year 14 all the best as they take on their final
exams as Inst pupils.

www.rbai.org.uk Captain of the 1st XI Hockey Squad

Harry McNellis and his partner.

Carter Hayes, Mark Greer, Luke Warrener and Daniel Stewart, prominent
The ladies thoroughly enjoyed the formal. members of the CCF, enjoying one of their last events as RBAI pupils.

Ralf Stewart and his partner taking

Marco Deane, Luke Robb and Matthew advantage of the luxurious setting
Johnston dressed to impress. of the Clandeboye Lodge in Bangor.

the scene

William Hurst and his partner. Joel Carson and his date.

Harry McNellis, Svetozar Zdravkov, Paddy Hanna, Aaron Marshall, Luke Robb,
Senior Prefect Ewan Magee and his partner having a great evening! Aaron Tate and Rhys Waterworth are ready to take on their next challenge.

Friends Aaron Marshall, Ben Ritchie, Daniel Ramsey, Michael Wilson, Matthew
Kelso, Iain Frazer, Lewis Curry and Matthew Lloyd celebrate their years at Inst.

Peter Adair, Stuart Cameron and Max Preston

William Quinn and his guest received an award on the evening. looked extremely dashing at the formal.


Royally Rewarded
This month Ulster Tatler features a selection of investiture photographs from those members of the
community recognised in the Birthday and New Year’s Honours.

David Hammerton (second from left) pictured with his son Iain, the Lord Lieutenant for Co.
Armagh, Rt. Hon. The Earl of Caledon KCVO JP, his wife Jackie and daughter-in-law Claire. David Hammerton BEM pictured with his wife Jackie.

DaVID Hammerton bem

David Hammerton from Co Armagh was recognised recently with a BEM, for services to police and military families and the community.
Mr Hammerton served five years with the UDR, 27 in the police and currently holds administrative offices with the Royal British
Legion, RUC GC association and Co Armagh Phoenix Group. He is also an observer and mentor for Lisburn Advanced Motorcyclist
Group, chairman of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Seniors Network and a committee member with the Police Insignia Collectors
Association (PICA).
Mr Hammerton received his BEM from the Lord Lieutenant for Co. Armagh at a service at Hillsborough Castle. He was accompanied
by his wife Jackie, son Iain and daughter-in-law Claire.

Billington MBE

Receiving an MBE for services to

Economic Development for Northern
Ireland is Declan Billington, Chief
Executive of Belfast based animal feed
company John Thompson and Sons Ltd.
 A former Chairman of the CBI in
Northern Ireland, the NI Food and Drink
Association and the Northern Ireland
Grain Trade Association, Declan has also
participated in a number of government
advisory Boards including the Agri-
Food Strategy Board , the Energy and
Manufacturing Advisory Group and
the Skills Sub Group of the Economic
Development Forum, which he also
 Born in Holywood Co Down, and
graduated from Queen’s University,
Belfast, he is the third generation within
his family to receive such recognition.
Declan Billington pictured with his wife Francesca, son John and daughter Ellen.


Director of
charis cancer
care centre
receives mbe
Mrs Imelda McGucken, Director of Charis Cancer Care
Centre received her MBE Award from Prince William at
Buckingham Palace on Thursday 2nd May 2019. Imelda
from Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, attended this prestigious
event with her husband Andy, her children, Gavin, Duane
and daughter Andrea. Also present was her amazing
mother Sadie, who took her first trip out of the country,
accompanied by her brothers, sisters and extended family The family gather at the gates of Buckingham Palace to celebrate Imelda’s MBE.
Imelda said; “I am absolutely delighted to have received
this MBE for services to nursing and palliative care in
Northern Ireland in the New Year’s Honours list. I feel very
humbled as I love the work I do and it’s a privilege to be
given recognition for something I am so passionate about.”
Imelda has dedicated her life to nursing since 1979,
starting her career in South Tyrone Hospital Dungannon
and community nursing. Imelda also worked in Mid Ulster
Hospital before moving on to complete her BSc in Cancer
and Palliative Care with Marie Currie. Previous awards
include Marie Curie Nurse of the year and more recently
led and directed the Charity to be voted the best Holistic
Cancer Care Centre in Northern Ireland.


Imelda and her husband Andy.

Imelda pictured with her husband, children and mother.

Imelda’s mother Sadie is the same age as the Queen at 92 years old. This
Imelda McGucken MBE. was her first time out of the country to see her daughter receive her MBE.

the scene

Year 11 pupil Dylan McBride celebrates Intermediate sprinter Adam Sykes proudly
following his gold medal-winning performance displays his three gold medals from this
in the Intermediate Boys 1500 metres – his year’s Championships – in the 100 metres, Grosvenor Grammar School’s Intermediate Boys and
third Ulster Schools’ gold in as many years. 200 metres and 4 x 100 metres sprint relay. Girls sprint relay teams, both of whom secured gold.


Congratulations to Grosvenor Grammar School’s hugely talented athletes
who enjoyed incredible success at the Ulster Schools’ Track and Field
Championships 2019, held at the Antrim Forum on Friday 17th and Saturday
18th May. In particular, the School’s boys team performed superbly to win the
overall Team Trophy for the first time in its history – a truly remarkable feat.
Amongst a string of outstanding performances, arguably the highlight of the
day was the gold medal secured by the Intermediate Boys 4 x 100 metres
relay team of Lewis Hamilton, Nathan Stewart, Joseph McNaughten and Adam
Sykes, whose incredible time of 44.00 seconds broke the Ulster Schools’ record
that had stood for 21 years – a phenomenal accomplishment.
Well done to all of Grosvenor Grammar School’s athletes, along with their
dedicated coaches, for their outstanding achievements; we wish them every
success in the upcoming All-Ireland Schools’ Track and Field Championships.

Year 11 pupil Jenna Breen with her gold

medal from the Intermediate Girls 300 metres.


Let us take you on a journey to one of the their belt, Hollypark is continuing to thrive your child; graduate led staff team, small
most prestigious nurseries in Northern within the community and has recently class sizes, a large outdoor play area and
Ireland. Based in Portadown, Co Armagh opened the doors of a new purpose built a homely environment , it’s exactly what
Hollypark is the place where dreams come Toddler Room and Après School Room. young children need to develop and
true, laughter rings out and memories are These new play rooms are a wonderful flourish to their full potential. Hollypark’s
made that will last forever. Hollypark offer addition to the nursery and provide the educational enrichment programmes
a high standard of care and education children with opportunities for meaning are developed and woven into the daily
provided to children from 6 weeks to 12 and purposeful play experiences through a curriculum to ensure that every child
years old. Parents can put their trust in range of activities including music, creative receives a well-balanced, educational
Hollypark’s highly qualified and skilled art, gardening, imaginative play and experience regardless of their age.
early year’s professionals to fulfil their construction.
children’s individual needs. Hollypark ticks all the boxes when it Put your trust in Hollypark today!
With almost six fabulous years under comes to providing the best care for www.hollyparknursery.co.uk

Deputy Mayor Cllr Karen Douglas with Ashley Forsythe-Bradley. Rhys, Rachel and Colin McDonnell.

‘life stories’ by
terry bradley
Launching his new ‘Life Stories’ collection, artist Terry Bradley welcomed
guests to his busy Bangor gallery. Life Stories is his most personal work
to date, a collection of 15 intimate pieces, each with its own unique story
and influence from Terry’s past, affording an authentic insight into Terry’s
thoughts and struggles.
Terry has been open about his mental health issues, suffering from
depression and anxiety. He hopes this new collection of work will provide
a different insight into the difficulties of those with ill mental health.

View ‘Life Stories’ at the Bradley Galley,

High Street, Bangor.
Sarah Mathews and Gayle Williamson.

Lucy McCreery and Jason Shankey. ‘Life’ by Terry Bradley . Jackie Dickson and Grace Forsythe.

Rachel Johnston and Stacey Brown. Ryley Conroy and Ella Bradley. Pauline and Gary Mitchell with their new painting ‘Bleue’

Ulster Tatler speaks to artist, Terry Bradley.
How did you end up following this career path, was being an artist more direction in the past, I had to figure out a lot of stuff on my own, I
something you had always envisioned doing? never knew how to clean brushes so I had to keep buying new ones. I
I have always drawn since I was a child. I grew up in a working class guess it’s a bit like singing, there are people who can just sing naturally,
environment and art would never have been considered as a career. without any training but training can help.
The people I knew worked in factories and big companies, that was what
I was expected to do. I just used my art as escapism, there was a lot of Your new collection ‘Life Stories’ has just launched, what was the
trouble on the streets around where I grew up and I wasn’t allowed out inspiration behind this collection?
much, drawing became my refuge. These pieces are very important to me. I’ve been going through a hard
time in my life recently. There is something about reaching some of your
How did you get to where you are now? goals that is very unsettling. It’s ok when you’re young and working with
I was always creative and started various businesses in my teens. I your head down to pay the next bill but I suppose I’ve hit a bit of a mid
opened a clothes shop called ‘Retro’ opposite Queen’s University in life crisis. I have so much work I want to do in my head but I don’t have
Belfast, I had DJ’s playing on a Saturday and I hand painted jeans behind the same challenges so I’ve become more introspective. My anxiety
the counter. I had no experience in business though and no money is pretty bad a lot of the time and I still use drawing and painting as an
behind me so I had to close it. I then moved to Dublin to hang out and escape. Some of the pieces in this collection are very close to home
do a bit of modelling. It was in Dublin that I met John Reynolds, the emotionally but I need to put them out there and let people see them.
owner of the PoD nightclub. He was the first person to believe in me, he
knew I could paint and he insisted I have an exhibition in ‘The Chocolate Who do you think these art pieces will appeal to?
Bar’. He sorted the whole thing out and it was a huge success, I never I honestly don’t know. I have a lot of people who say that they connect
could have done it without him. with the emotions in my art. I do believe that there is something
there that I can’t put my finger on but that other people feel as well.
What has been the highlight of your career? Sometimes it’s pain, or fear or bravado or sheer bloody mindedness
I’ve had a lot of highlights over the years. My first exhibition was a big but I want people to know that you can keep going and that somebody
moment but I was so naïve that I didn’t really think it meant much, it was understands and is going through the same thing.
just a night out.
What is your process for creating artwork, is there a technique you
Do you believe art is something that can be taught or a talent you use that makes you unique?
are born with? I pretty much paint as I feel. I use paint, charcoal, pen, pencil. Sometimes
I’ve never had an art class in my life, my work is pure emotion and comes I paint on canvas or wood or paper. I quite often take a hand sander to
from within. I know when something works, there is a moment that goes pieces on wood to take them back a bit and distress them. I want the art
beyond the paint and canvas and creates that emotion on the page, to be lived in and distressed but still beautiful.
those are the paintings that mean the most to me. Saying that, I do
For more information visit www.terrybradley.com
believe that you can learn a lot from art school. I sometimes wish I’d had

the scene

Team Kier rowing team. Samantha Brown, Maia Devaney and Danielle Hill.

WHarf viking
boat race
A charity boat race was held on the River
Lagan in aid of NSPCC Northern Ireland.
Teams raced in long ships as featured on the
hit TV series Vikings. The day was filled with a
range of activities including falconry displays,
fancy dress, raffles, music and a barbeque
Viking boat race on the River Lagan.

NSPCC fundraising team Christy Donaldson,

The Ferris family: JP, Danielle, Jack, Ben and Jerome. Susan Smith and Elizabeth Whiteside.

Noeleen Jackson, Ciara Donnelly, Bradley

Darcie and Lucy Bolton. Gilman, Sharon Brown and Aoife Brown. Harry and Karen Parkinson.

only 2 hours from belfast
more willing to improve rather than
move,” Tom continues. “However, over
the past six to twelve months, the cost of
labour and building materials has rocketed
and actually it can be better value to
move home rather than carry out vast
improvements. It’s also a good time for
first time buyers to make their purchase,
before house prices further increase.”
In addition to residential sales, Neill
Estate Agents also covers commercial
sales and auctions, and has a thriving
letting and property management service.
In fact, explains Sales and Lettings
Neill Estate Agents are delighted to sponsor East Down Cyclists by providing new club t-shirts. Director Mark Brewster, the rental market
Managing Director Tom Drumgoole (centre) presents the new shirts to John Gerard Dorrian (front
right) and members of the group. is extremely buoyant at present: “The
rental market is electric and demand is so
good that properties are being let within

Unrivalled Reputation
a matter of weeks. We have some great
properties to let at the moment but they
are being snapped up quickly.”
For home owners interested in putting
Neill Estate Agents and Chartered has 30 years of experience in the industry. their property on the market for sale or to let,
Surveyors, based in Bangor and Its recent expansion into Newtownards Neill Estate Agents offers a free, no obligation
Newtownards, is an independent estate town centre sees the business adding property appraisal. They also provide
agent which has gone from strength to properties up and down the Ards Peninsula accompanied viewings for clients, which
strength in its 100 year history, building an as well across North Down to its wide removes the interaction between vendor and
unrivalled reputation as the go-to agency portfolio. And if you’ve been toying with viewer, invariably leading to more honest
in North Down and Ards. the idea of selling up, now could be just the feedback and a quicker response time.
The team of 12 highly trained and time explains Tom. With their excellent local knowledge and
professional staff is headed up by “House prices rose by 5.5 percent across expertise as well as great value for money,
Managing Director Tom Drumgoole, who N. Ireland last year and this year they are the staff at Neill Estate Agents will guide
already up by as much as 10 percent in you through the sales process and take the
Managing Director stress out of your move.
North Down. However, the amount of
Tom Drumgoole.
houses coming on the market has been
decreasing over the last 18 months, and in Check out Neill Estate Agents on
fact there is a shortage of housing stock. Facebook or pop into their offices on
Therefore properties are in high demand – Main Street, Bangor and High Street,
it’s a seller’s market,” he says. Newtownards for a chat. You can also
“Selling up has become a much more email them at:
thoughtful process with home owners chat@neillestateagents.co.uK

Introducing our
Now open for business at 40 High Street, Newtownards, BT23 7HZ
Sales and
Email: ards@neillestateagents.co.uk Website: www.neillestateagents.co.uk
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Palio by Karndean
Palio by Karndean is a stunning collection of luxury vinyl flooring available
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For an on-trend modern interior, why not choose one of the beautiful
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and add accents in pops of bold mustard to effortlessly create a clean,
fresh look.
If your style is more traditional, it’s easy to create a sophisticated look
with a wood design in one of the many rich shades available, from
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and textured accessories such as cushions and throws, a Palio floor will
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For the look of natural stone, Palio by Karndean offers a wide selection
of designs from the palest ivory shades to deepest charcoal. Perfectly
suited to busy spaces prone to spills and splashes, such as bathrooms,
kitchens and utility rooms, a Palio floor is waterproof and easy to clean.
Not only that, it’s surprisingly warm and comfortable underfoot and
suitable for use with underfloor heating for extra comfort.
The Palio Core range is a great choice for upstairs rooms, such as
apartments and flats, in playrooms, home offices and loft conversions.
The construction of the board, with its integrated foam backing, can
reduce noise transfer to rooms below by to 19dB without requiring a
separate underlay.
Suitable for laying over more uneven and existing subfloors, including
ceramic, parquet and floorboards, Palio Core can be fitted quickly
without the need for extensive floor preparation, perfect for busy family
If it’s important to preserve the existing floor, or if you like to change
your look frequently, Palio by Karndean offers a loose lay format. The
LooseLay range has a unique friction grip backing which keeps the floor
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Hard wearing with a lifetime guarantee, a Palio by Karndean floor is an
ideal choice for a new look and will look great for many years to come.

See the full range at your nearest Hafele store.

Unit 1 Abbey Business Park, Mill Road, Newtownabbey BT36 7EE www.hafele.ie T: 028 9085 9416

P o r ce l a i n & C e ra m i c T i l e S p e c i a l i s t s
Porcelain & Ceramic Tile Specialists
Choice | Value i ce | Va l u e
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r v i ce
Tiles w



Exquisite Tiles are delighted to announce that our new internal procedures from preparation and fixing we
showroom will open 8th June 2019 in Downpatrick! provide a complete tiling service using the market leading
adhesives, sealants and grouts so you can trust that your
With over 20 years of experience in the tiling industry we tiling is finished to the highest industry standards.
bring the latest design trends to life and straight to your
door. We offer an extensive range of the highest quality A large proportion of our work comes from customer
Italian and Spanish porcelain wall and floor tiles to suit all referral and repeat business. Our reputation is important
purposes and locations, tastes and budgets for bathrooms to us and we strive for excellence in everything we do.

and kitchens, domestic and commercial premises. Whatever the size of your project you can be sure you
will receive the same high quality customer service and
Our elegant and luxurious tile collections have been satisfaction.
hand-picked by our team of professional designers for the
ultimate in quality and aesthetic appeal. Whether it’s self-build, large or small developments, bars,
shops or hotels, Exquisite Tiles can offer you a wide range

G JUNE 2019
With our long and close relationships with the most of high quality innovative products, excellent customer
innovative and creative Italian and Spanish manufacturers, service and a personal, friendly approach.
we are able to source the highest quality porcelain tiles at
a wide variety of price ranges. So why not drop in and have a look round our specially
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Not only can we supply the finest porcelain tiles that popular wood effect, to the concrete industrial feel or the


influence the latest product trends we can also install classic polished porcelain….we hope it will inspire you to
your chosen tiles. Fully experienced in all aspects of choose your own exquisite tile.

UT Living


A kitchen is the heart of the home and at the
newly rebranded, Mode German Kitchens
they offer a style to suit all lifestyles within their
choice of different ranges. If you are looking for
a new kitchen that reflects your lifestyle, look
no further than Mode’s German engineered
product, which brings quality and style to every
home. Modern, contemporary furniture with
over 150 door designs, and colours to suit all
tastes from the beautifully bold, to softer, neutral
hues, and a variety of space saving functional
options are available. All covered by a full 5-year
You can see the furniture, work surfaces,
sinks and taps, and appliances within the Mode
showroom in Belfast, at 162 Lisburn Road,
Belfast, where they are pleased to discuss your
requirements over a cup of tea or coffee. This
free consultation should take perhaps no more
than one hour.
Kitchens and appliances are just a part of their
complete kitchen service. The Mode showroom
is owned and managed by a genuine kitchen
specialist, John Herron. This means that your
kitchen is designed specifically to make your life
more comfortable. Installation, which would be
the bugbear of many suppliers, is carried out by their professional installation team with minimal disruption and a respect for your home.
Having come from an installation background, with 34 years’ experience, John Herron will be able to look after the kitchen design from
concept to completion; survey, design, ordering, as well as co-ordinating with builders, electricians, plumbers, tilers, and other relevant trades.
Mode German Kitchens’ longstanding reputation for great products, great designs, and great service ensures you’ll feel great from the
moment you walk into their showroom.

For more information visit www.modegermankitchens.co.uk

creating beautiful spaces

From award-winning contemporary
designs to traditional homes that
exude elegance, 2020 encapsulate all
architectural styles and tastes. Whether it’s
an ultra-modern extension to complement
an existing home, or a large bespoke
Edwardian house that oozes grandeur,
they cover projects of all shapes and sizes.
They know it’s a bit of a cliché, but at
2020, they really do turn dreams into
reality. Working closely with you, right
from the very start of your journey, they
take all your ideas and inspiration and
help you create the perfect space for you.
Whether it is a small refurbishment of an
existing home, a new bespoke house or a
large commercial project, their approach
to design is the same…collaborating with
you, to ensure you are as much a part of
the design process as they are.
Situated on the North Coast, 2020 are
passionate about pushing the boundaries
of design, demonstrating a practical
commitment to enhancing the overall
experience of architecture. This is evident
in their design of projects across the
country – which boast a design aesthetic
which has become synonymous with 2020 Architects.
From originally specialising in high-end bespoke homes, increased publicity and recognition has led to 2020 being commissioned for a
number of prestigious commercial projects, where design is at the forefront of the client’s priorities. 2020 now cover a wide range of disciplines
from small residential renovations to large commercial projects, not only in Northern Ireland, but across all of Ireland and the UK.

For more information visit www.2020architects.co.uk

Sponsored Feature

Bathroom bliss: Creating a modern oasis with Bassetts

Gone are the days when modern meant cold and clinical; in 2019, we’re
embracing all the mod-cons in our bathrooms whilst maintaining an oasis of
calm. After all, stats show that we spend on average one and a half years of our
life in this oft-neglected room.
From TVs seamlessly installed in the walls, to spa-like wooden elements and
jacuzzi baths, now more than ever we’re investing in creating a welcoming and
relaxing bathroom space.
Helping you achieve the ultimate in bathroom bliss, Simply Bathrooms by
Bassetts’ Boucher Crescent branch in Belfast offers a wide range of boutique-
style offerings. From modern luxe ranges such as Catalano, to quirky bathroom
furniture from eclectic Spanish brand Salgar, this state-of-the-art bathroom
showroom showcases a beautiful and extensive bathroom and tile range.
The showroom also offers visualiser technology, allowing greater interactivity
for clients in the decision-making process. Bassetts’ expert team are on hand
to explore a range of bathroom design concepts, which can be fully customised
using the visualiser technology to create the client’s desired look in photo-
realistic settings.
Giles Strutt, Showroom Consultant at Bassetts tells us: “More and more
often we’re seeing our clients move away from stark whites and chromes in the
bathroom. Whether it’s brassware, vanity units or even tiles, vibrant colours
have really taken off! We are noticing more and more of our customers stepping
out of their comfort zone to bring their personalities into bathroom décor.
“Bassetts 3D bathroom design service and Visualiser technology has helped
our clients to create some striking colour combinations, from matte black taps
with a powder pink vanity unit, to brushed gold taps and showers combined
with an old navy unit— it’s a breath of fresh air. We’ve also expanded our tile
offerings to respond to consumer demand with an even wider spectrum of
multi-coloured tiles in all shapes and sizes. Brick, hexagonal and large format
tiles in pastel colours and marble-effect finishes have been particularly popular.”

To find out more about the latest in bathroom tech, or to browse the gorgeous
range of bathroom furniture and tiles, pop into Simply Bathrooms by Bassetts’
Boucher Crescent showroom or visit www.bassettsonline.com.

UT Living

the expert choice KEY TRENDS AT KEENS

The Mono is a beautiful sumptious fabric sofa, set of by the dynamic

print accent cushions - one of the many new arrivals at Keens
Furniture, Belfast.

Autolawns specialise in supplying the best robotic lawn mowers from

the world’s leading manufacturers. Autolawns is the authorised dealer
in Northern Ireland for products by Robomow, Wiper Premium
Robots and Belrobotis, to name a few.

Autolawns work directly with customers to ensure that they are

choosing the best and most appropriate product for their lawn.
For those who are unsure of the size of their lawn and need some
guidance, Autolawns provide a free lawn survey service. During
consultation, they will bring one of their robot mowers along to
demonstrate its operations on a small part of your lawn. By supplying
high-quality products from established manufacturers, you can be
assured that Autolawns are providing the best on the market. Mustard is a key colour trend for this year. Brighten up your room
with the Roxanne Sofa Collection from Keens. Available in a choice of
For more information please contact Jason: 07719222388 fabrics, from only £899.
autolawns.com For more information visit www.keensfurniture.com


With summer around the corner, what and the World War 1 Trench Experience
events will be happening in Cavan? – the only true-to-life replica WW1 Trench
The UNESCO Geopark in West Cavan and in Ireland or the UK. The museum is also
Fermanagh run a fantastic programme of fantastic and showcases a wide range of
exciting outdoor-based events across the exhibitions and installations. Cavan Burren
summer. Guided walks, cycles and canoe Park in the west of the County is definitely
trips, gourmet tours, bio-diversity trails, cave worth a visit with its breath-taking views and
tours, megalithic tombs and loads more! Visit ancient megaliths. Visit the park’s information
www.thisiscavan.ie for all the information. centre or take a wander along one of
four marked trails. Finally, for a tour with a
The Taste of Cavan is taking place in difference, take a boat trip to the island castle
August, what can visitors expect from this of Clough Oughter. Extraordinarily beautiful in
event? its isolation, Clough Oughter Castle stands
The 9th and 10th August this year sees the like a silent sentinel on an island in the centre
return of the annual Taste of Cavan Food of the lake. Tours by boat, kayak or canoe Centre can provide some high-octane fun
Festival – the ‘food event of the summer’! The can by arranged by visiting Cavan Adventure for kids (and big kids) with hovercraft drift
event takes place over two days just outside Centre or RuralAdventure.ie experiences, clay pigeon shooting, paintball
Cavan town and is a superb two days of and ‘Dirt Dudes Buggy Racing’ for the
family fun, showcasing a mouth-watering Keeping kids entertained over the holidays younger ones.
selection of the very best local and regional can be tricky, what does Cavan have to
food and drinks produce. Some of the offer to suit kids? Are there any hidden gems in the area?
country’s best chefs will be there including Cavan has four absolutely beautiful forest Cavan has an amazing food experience to
Neven Maguire, Simon Delaney, Jeeny parks – Killykeen; Dun an Ri; Deerpark offer. Restaurants such as MacNean House in
Maltese, Gearóid Lynch, Brian McDermott, and Castle Lake – each of these parks Blacklion, the Olde Post Inn in Cloverhill; the
Shane Smyth, Adrian Martin and Máire has a number of marked trails for cycling Oak Room, Cavan and Virginia Park Lodge
Dufficy, not to mention a host of workshops, and walking which are ideal for children. are multi-award winning and deservedly
masterclasses and activities for everyone. Cavan Adventure Centre also caters for so. Food experiences in all our hotels – the
To find out more, visit TasteOfCavan on kids of all ages with double kayaks and the Slieve Russell; Farnham Estate; Cavan Crystal;
Facebook or twitter. really popular giant inflatable slide. Bear Crover House; The Hotel Kilmore and Cabra
Essentials visitor centre offers Teddy Bear Castle are all to die for as well. Cavan is an
What are the top three things to visit in craft workshops for kids and adults and also exciting, enticing, historic and scenic county
Cavan? houses a large collection of hand-made bears with a passion for the arts, good food and
Make sure to visit Cavan County Museum which are just adorable. ODD Adventure amazing hotels. Definitely worth a visit.
Check out www.thisiscavan.ie

Lighten up
your room with an
electric fire.
Modern and

find us on

Writers and festival participants Glenn Patterson, Dawn Watson and Sharon
Dempsey, Festival Director, Roger Courtney, Sonya Whitefield (Arts Council of
Northern Ireland) pictured with actress Louise Parker.

The 9th Belfast Book Festival, which runs from 7-16 June, was
launched recently at rooftop bar Babel. This year’s festival features
over 80 events showcasing high profile writers and personalities
from home and further afield. From Bake-Off’s Prue Leith, Irish
novelists Roddy Doyle and John Boyne to former hostage Terry
Waite. The line-up also includes ex- politicians Lord David Owen
and Alan Johnson, television presenter and satirist Will Self,
Poet Laureate of the United States Tracy K Smith and renowned
journalists Reni Eddo-Lodge and Paul Mason. For more information
and to book tickets go to BelfastBookFestival.com.

Writers Heather Richardson and Jan Carson with
Jennifer Shepherd from the Open University.

146 Pomeroy Road, Donaghmore,

Dungannon Co. Tyrone BT702TY
T: 028 8776 1252
Manuela Moser (Festival team) and
Rachel Brown (Seamus Heaney Centre Lucy Lewis (Book Trust NI)
at Queen’s University Belfast). and writer Sharon Dempsey.

UT Living


Based in the historical city of Armagh,
ADL Tile & Stone is proud to be
the leading natural stone and tile
specialists and suppliers in Ireland. Its
aim is to inspire all who walk in to its
showroom, a colossal space boasting
10,000 square feet of exclusive natural
stone, marble, quartz, porcelain
and ceramic, all of which have been
sourced world-wide and are beautifully
exhibited through in-house displays.
The company is committed to not
only providing impeccable products
but also capturing the ideas of its
customers through its bespoke design,
manufacturing and installation team.
Choosing tiles or creating your
dream staircase, worktop or shower tray
begins in the company’s showroom,
with the hands-on design team who
have over 30 years’ experience within
the interior and construction sector.
They take every aspect into
consideration while assisting you on
your design journey, from selecting the
most suitable material, whether that be tiles, marble, quartz or natural stone. The team are here to ensure you get the most out of the space and
budget you have available.
ADL Tile & Stone offer innovative design and layout concepts, as well as site visits to all its clients, no matter how big or small your project is.

Follow ADL Tile & Stone on Facebook and Instagram for inspiration on your next design project.

Spring has sprung!

Musgrave Park Industrial OPENING TIMES

Estate Mon-Wed: 9:00 - 5pm
Unit 1 Stockmans Way Thurs: 9.00 - 8pm
Belfast, BT9 7ET Fri: 9.00 - 3.45pm
enquiries@glenhill.co.uk Sat: 9.00 - 1.30pm
02890 669444 Lunch: 12.45 - 1.30pm

This month Ulster
Tatler is giving you
a comprehensive
kitchen designers
guide, packed with
tips and everything Kuppersbusch.
Available from
you need to know for Ness Appliances.
creating your dream

hether cooking, relaxing or
socialising, the kitchen is the
hub of any home. It has long
alternated from being merely a space for
practical and domestic use, and instead
has become an integral part of the home,
nurturing social interactions with both family
and friends. Consequently, when designing your
kitchen space it is important to factor all elements
into the design, from cooking to recreation.
The key to a timeless kitchen is to balance a practical space
with aesthetic appeal. One of the best ways to achieve this
is with the addition of a statement island counter. As well as
adding additional work top space and storage possibilities, an
island counter is a flexible area where it is possible to explore plan living by creating an interconnected space but it also
with colours, materials, patterns and textures to give your designates distinct zones, which are constructed by the use
kitchen a contemporary feel without overpowering it. of different floor finishes, split-levels and semi-permanent
Colour is returning to the kitchen with a bang. Whilst the partitions, such as bookcases, folding doors or screens, so
grey and neutral palette that has proven very popular is set you can still maintain a sense of mystery, especially when it
to remain, it will evolve to be complemented with bold pops comes to hiding the washing up when entertaining.
of colour to create a fun but sophisticated look. From bold Tech is being even further integrated into the kitchen in
yellow stools to cobalt blue kitchen island counters, siren red 2019 with the presence of internet-connected appliances
appliances or pastel splashed shelving, this trend will create and cooking gadgets. Products such as touch screen
a lively feel to any room. refrigerators, smart ovens, stoves and dishwashers, and
If bold colours are not for you, 2019 also sees metal, connected countertop screens with artificially intelligent
being used to make a statement. From stunning metallic assistants that react to spoken commands, ensure this is
accessories, such as sinks, taps and lighting to splash backs one trend that is set to continue to revolutionise kitchens. If
and wall tiles, this is the perfect way to add a bit of glamour you are keen to transform your kitchen, Ulster Tatler have
to your kitchen. created an exclusive kitchen designer guide, tailored toward
Black and copper is on trend for 2019. Broken plan the traditional or modern, depending on your preferred style.
maintains the same spatial and sociable benefits of open The guide will assist you in planning your dream kitchen.

design house

winner - best KITCHEN RETAILER



Temple Cross, Lisburn, BT27 6YL 028 9263 9964 info@wrightsdesignhouse.com wrightsdesignhouse.com


Paul Mason.

INSPIRATIONS FOR SUMMER Our handmade kitchens have a Award recognised the best design while
signature architectural, understated look meeting the client’s wish-list and coming
Interior360 design unique kitchens in influenced by contemporary design while in under a budget. The winning design
a vast range of kitchen styles, finishes our contemporary range showcase the was this stunning handle-less kitchen
and sizes, placing great importance on very latest in German, sleek, minimalist with walnut panel detail and breakfast
excellent, high-quality, globally inspired looks, with state-of-the-art engineering bar. Interior360 were also delighted
kitchen design. Being one of the UK and high-tech functionality. that the House of the Year (2019) won
and Ireland’s premier kitchen design With two decades of experience in by BGA Architects Ltd. featured an
companies, we try to offer our clients designing and installing fine kitchen Interior360 kitchen.
something different. Founded by furniture, our design team will ensure
architects and driven by a passion for your every requirement is fulfilled Interior360 Design
beautiful functional design, Interior360 from planning through to installation. Locksley Business Park,
create bespoke kitchens and furniture Creating schemes for all styles of 39 Montgomery Road, Belfast
with a discreet aesthetic, using a huge home – traditional interiors, chic, classic Tel: 028 9070 9360
range of innovative materials, texture environments and uber contemporary www.interior360.com
and colour. Vibrant, long lasting colours spaces. info@interior360.com
with ultra smooth finishes, timeless Interior360 has been awarded ‘Best Opening Hours: Monday to
sophistication and elegance, perfect Contemporary Design Project up to Wednesday & Friday 9am-5pm
balance of textures pay homage to £25/€30K’ at the recent Ireland’s Thursday: 9am-6pm
kitchens from Interior360. Kitchen Trade Awards 2018-2019. This Saturday: 9am-4pm

T I L E • S T O N E • B AT H R O O M S

5-7 Glenmachan Place, Boucher Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT12 6QH
Tel: 028 9023 0433 
 | carlanto.com

alwood by alfred briggs

IRELAND’S ORIGINAL KITCHEN our designs. With Wilson Briggs at the the way in bespoke kitchen and furniture
COMPANY helm our design team are experts in innovation.
creating designs to encompass all of our
Alwood by Alfred Briggs is the oldest and customer’s needs. BESPOKE BEDROOMS
most innovative kitchen manufacturer To ensure our customers truly realise Throughout the years, as well as our
in Ireland, having been working for our their perfect kitchen, our designs and remarkable kitchens we have been asked
customers since 1933. With our rich quality workmanship are coupled with to help complement our customers’
history of designing and manufacturing the finest appliances. Working alongside home with bespoke bedroom furniture.
award winning, bespoke kitchens and world renowned brands such as Aga, Our showroom has a great selection with
bedroom solutions worldwide, we Neff, Miele, Wolf, Siemans, Sub Zero, intuitive storage solutions.
place our customer at the forefront of Quooker and Gaggenau we ensure that
everything we do. not only will your kitchen stand the test
Our kitchen designers have a of time but your appliances will also.
reputation for designing stunning In our 86 years of experience we Call or email our team to book an
bespoke kitchens, which our customers have designed everything from the appointment with our team:
fall in love with. Each year our team perfect hidden pantry, to kitchen islands Shaerf Drive, Lurgan BT66 8DD
attend design shows in Milan, Cologne designed to entertain. With a passion Tel: 028 3832 3296
and London to discover the latest trends for quality and a thirst for success we at E: mail@alwood.co.uk
and technologies to incorporate into Alwood by Alfred Briggs continue to lead www.alwoodkitchens.com


a. Robinson Interiors

Robinson Interiors has been voted techniques. The team at Robinson’s and this matters. It provides real insight
‘Kitchen Retailer of the Year’ on five are a group of professionals that are into the purpose, form and function you
occasions. Mark Robinson heads up not only technically astute but are also desire. It’s not simply about kitchens,
one of the most talented kitchen design highly creative. “A dedicated interest rather creativity and detail. It’s about
teams in the country. Established over in the entire cooking process is critical ensuring storage and food preparation
30 years ago, Robinson Interiors is a to achieving a safe and ergonomic areas work together, about the precise
multi award-winning company, driven to environment,” Mark believes. integration of ‘multi-purpose’ cooking,
the top by Mark and his brother Stuart. “As kitchens are increasingly part dining and living spaces – including
Mark holds prestigious accolades of open plan dining and living spaces, flooring and lighting. Above all, it’s about
such as the first Irish kitchen designer Robinson Interiors’ full interior design your experience, about giving you a
to win the coveted No.1 U.K. Master skills are even more sought after. We space that looks great and performs
Kitchen Retailer Award. The design bring added value to the client with equally well – every day!
team at Robinson’s includes five advice on lighting, flooring and general
professional designers including décor,” says Mark. BUSINESS EXPERTISE
architectural graduate Mike Grant. As you’d expect, Robinson Interiors
Modern techniques are used for DESIGN PASSION has perfected the home transformation
designing, and are prepared using both Here, every designer is as passionate process. From first consultation, to
‘hand drawn’ and Computer Aided about food as they are kitchen design final install, each step is a carefully
co-ordinated, tried and tested process
offering you total peace of mind,
reassurance and minimal disruption.
Don’t take the company’s word for
it! Look at the industry recognition
backing its claims. These awards
prove exceptional quality standards
and offer you absolute confidence in
Robinson Interiors’ financial strength,
professionalism and management
Mark’s award-winning showroom at
10 Boucher Way has over 5,000 square
feet of life-sized contemporary and
classical kitchens on view. The smell of
freshly brewed coffee and the sound of
light jazz in the background help clients
relax and focus on choosing their dream
kitchen design.

A Robinson Interiors
10 Boucher Way, Belfast, BT12 6RE
028 9068 3838


Contemporary Chic

White contemporary kitchen by

Mode German Kitchens.

Outdoor living, spring/summer dining collection from Next.

Henley, flax blue kitchen by Neptune.

Novy ZEN 120cm recirculation island hood, Dark hues, a stylish
available from Ness Appliances. kitchen by Poplar Design.

Northern Ireland's only gold approved retailer of
Moduleo luxury vinyl tiles.

02840 662540
C a r p e t s , V i n y l a n d W o o d e n f l o o r s
9 Castlewellan Road, Banbridge

Refresh And Repair With Tile
And Grout Solutions
ile and Grout Solutions are porous substance and absorbs dirt
a family run business, based and grime from its surroundings.
in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, No matter how hard you clean grout
specialising in the cleaning, repair it will continue to discolour. At Tile
and restoration of tiles and grout. & Grout Solutions, we use a special
With over 30 years experience in sealing agent to seal grout and
tile restoration and repair we can protect the colour. Our grout colour
transform old, tired and broken tiles sealer penetrates the existing grout,
and leave them looking fresh and sealing up those pores and leaving
feeling luxurious. your grout easier to maintain. The
We have experts on our team who grout sealer comes in a range of
have many years experience working colours to complement whatever type
with a range of materials including of tiles the customer has.
marble, terrazzo, travertine, slate, In addition to problems with tiles Tile and Grout solutions work all
ceramic and stone. and grout, many of our customers over Ireland and the UK. If you’re a
also have discoloured and unsightly cleaning contractor and do not have
silicone joints. This is a very common the resources to handle specialist tile
problem in wet environments such cleaning services, you can leave the
as bathrooms. When we clean and job to us. We also undertake larger
restore tiles and grout in a bathroom contracts and have refurbished
we will also replace the silicone existing tiles in bathrooms in many
leaving everything looking fresh and large hotels.
bright. We undertake both commercial and
domestic repairs and replacements.
We have many years of experience in
this field, offering top quality services.

If you have a crack in a tile and no

spare tiles left it can be a real problem.
We frequently meet customers who
have spent years hiding a cracked
tile with a rug or a piece of furniture.
At Tile and Grout solutions we
have developed many innovative
techniques to repair cracked tiles
and save you from having to replace
a floor just because of a few cracks.
With the passage of time grout can
become stained and dirty. Grout is a

For tile cleaning, repairs and replacements, call: 028 9030 8472 or 075 9468 6003.
Visit our website at www.tileandgroutsolutions.co.uk
the scene

Trevor Parker and Katrina and Jim Fitzpatrick. Lee Williamson, Louise Smyth, Chef Derek Patterson and John Leckey.

Smeg cookery
At the recent Smeg cookery demonstration hosted by Bodel
Distributors, over 20 people enjoyed different dishes prepared
by local chef Derek Patterson.

These dishes were created using the latest Smeg Linea

cooking appliances. A traditional Italian rustic pizza was
cooked using the Smeg pizza stone on the pizza oven function.

The Smeg combination steam oven was used to produce a

fantastic Mediterranean roast chicken dish. The Red Smeg
standmixer was also used to make the dough for the wheaten
bread which was then baked in the Circulaire oven.
Louise and Danny O’Reilly.

Cyril White, Louise Smyth and Lee Williamson. Chef Derek Patterson at the Bodel showroom.

Guests enjoying the cooking demonstration. Chef Derek Patterson showing his cooking skills.



Classic Kitchen
Stone and marble look porcelains
continue to be a classic choice. These
porcelains offer a luxurious feel without
the need for special maintenance.
Available in large formats, and rectified
to minimise grout joints they offer a
timeless elegant feel to any kitchen.

Decorative kitchen
One of the most notable trends this year
is for highly decorative patterned floor
tiles in particular Terrazzo look porcelains
which offer a contemporary twist.
Clients now have a plethora of choices in
sizes, formats, colours and finishes. The
use of these fabulous decorative tiles
are perfect for creating a very individual
looks. This trend is a particular favourite
with designers and we anticipate that the
used of these highly patterned tiles will
continue to grow in popularity.
As with any room in the house, the floor With the trend towards the Handmade
is often the first thing you see when you Aesthetic, wood tiles are tactile, For expert help in choosing the right
enter a space. In the kitchen, not only do decorative and have a unique and tile for your kitchen visit Porcellana Tile
you want your floors to look good, but individual feel. Decorative tiling patterns Studio, Belfast’s most exclusive boutique
they also need to be practical. Choosing such as a herringbone or a modern tile studio, where its award winning staff
to tile your floor will help achieve chevron pattern are layouts which are will be delighted to help you achieve
these requirements. But with so many increasingly popular this year. your perfect scheme.
flooring options now available, the task
of choosing the right floor tile for your Free parking available.
kitchen can seem daunting.

Whether you want to create a

contemporary kitchen, a classic kitchen,
or a modern open plan family space.
Porcelain tiles offer an abundance of
choice. Lets take a look at some of the
current trends.

Wood Look tiles in an open plan kitchen

Wood look porcelain floor planks make
a gorgeously sleek and stylish option for
your kitchen flooring and throughout the
house. Easy to care for and hard wearing
they fit perfectly with any kind of decor.
Due to recent advances in technology,
they offer the same timeless beauty as
traditional wood flooring whilst offering
the practicality that only tiles can. They
are ideally suited for use with underfloor
heating and perfect for high traffic or
water sensitive areas, they won’t bleach
in areas that receive a lot of sunlight
and can run seamlessly between rooms
offering homeowners limitless design

Porcellana Tile Studio, Studio B, The Carnegie Building, 121 Donegall Rd, Belfast
www.porcellanatilestudio.com T: 028 9024 0040

Credit: Design Yard


porcellana T I L E S T U D I O

Studio B, The Carnegie Building, 121 Donegall Road, Belfast.

Call us on 028 9024 0040 or find us online at porcellanatilestudio.com

spice up your kitchen

This month we take a look at some of the hottest trends in

kitchens at the moment.

Decades ago, the kitchen was hidden in the back of the house.
It was a place where meals were prepared and dirty dishes
were washed. Fast forward to 2019 and the kitchen has a much
different role. Today, the kitchen is the focal point of the home,
the place that brings everyone together at the start of the day
or after a long day way. Now instead, the kitchen is paraded in
all its beauty and warmth at the very center of the house.

Kitchens have changed a lot over the decades and planning for
your kitchen remodel is very important. Technology advances
and changing social dynamics have contributed greatly to the
rise of the modern kitchen. There is a far bigger focus on open
concept homes that revolve around the kitchen so everyone
can be together. As with any modern design trend, clean and
simple styles have become favorites for homeowners with
natural light becoming an essential aspect of the overall look
and function of the kitchen space. Cabinet Colours
Although white cabinets are a classic look that can be used in
Here are some of the top trends in kitchen design that are almost any kind of kitchen style, we are slowly starting to see
big in 2019. them fade out. We expect white to start declining in popularity
throughout 2019 .To break up the all-white kitchen expect to
Clever storage solutions see islands in a variety of different paint colors or wood stain
People are now starting to gravitate towards concealed and colors. The mixing of finishes create a needed accent piece and
clean integration in kitchen design, with maximised and clever additional pops-of-color for the brave of heart. Dark kitchen
storage solutions. cabinets portray elegance and a deep rich luxurious atmosphere.

Single Level Multipurpose Kitchen Islands

Kitchen islands are no longer an afterthought or something
small to squeeze into the space. They have become focal
points and the hub of the kitchen. One of the changes emerging
is the single level larger sizing, serving multiple uses; especially
since we are seeing less wall cabinet space in kitchen design.
The kitchen island is meant to create an impact, and its design
must make a statement.


Backsplashes can be a fun part of the house to decorate.
However, these tile backsplashes in kitchens always seem to
have new trends and styles. With all the constant change, who
can keep up? We are here to help, with your guide to 2019
backsplash trends and styles.

Coffee Machines
Coffee machines come in all shapes and sizes and they have
become an essential part of the modern kitchen.

Pewter and Gunmetal Hardware

Pewter and gunmetal are the trends that are really in. They’re
not as harsh as matte black or as specific as brass or gold, but it
gives fixtures some texture and depth.

Open Shelving
BEFORE A big trend at the moment is replacing kitchen upper cabinets
AFTER with metal, wood or glass shelving. Inspired by hotel and retail
We specialise in cleaning
spaces, this adds to the overall bold statements many want to
• Ovens • Agas & Rayburns • BBQs • Extractors • Ranges make in their homes, forgoing the minimalism that was popular
in years past.

Coloured upholstery
In 2019 we are officially closing the door on pure white kitchens.
Even if it’s just one element of accent color -- blue counter
stools, a patterned roman shade or powdered coated island
pendants–pops of color will be sneaking into the pure white
blank slate of kitchens past.


Kitchens & Bedrooms

9a Bluestone Business Park, Craigavon, BT65 5HU

9a Bluestone Business Park, Craigavon, BT65 5HU
075 96 101390
075 96 101390

At the heart of Fisher & Paykel

refrigerators is the ability to
sense and respond to daily
use in an intelligent way. The
combination of temperature
sensors with smart electronics
and variable speed fans creates
a controlled environment and
optimum temperature for
better food care. We call it
ActiveSmart™ Technology.

Model shown RF540ADUX4

fisherpaykel.com/IE sales@fisherpaykel.ie + 353 (1) 8077960


mountfield kitchens

“The Kitchen” or the heart of the twist on the more traditional painted kitchen manufacturers in Ireland. We
home needs to be both functional and we have them all on display together plan on creating an efficient high quality
practical but never dull, boring or mass with a complete range of work surfaces design and manufacturing business and
produced! from Quartz to Granite. The showroom guiding Mountfield Kitchens to the next
Each client brings to us a completely will encourage you to interact with the level while maintaining and building on
new challenge as no person, taste cabinetry and appliances giving you a the strengths and qualities that we have
or space is ever the same. With the feel for how they will work within your become synonymous for in almost 40
emphasis on getting an understanding home. We also have an exceptional years of business, an achievement that
of our clients’ tastes, styles and wish range of bedroom furniture on display we are very proud of. Centrally located
list essentials, this helps us to get an covering modern walk in wardrobe within Northern Ireland, we are just
appreciation of how they visualise their fittings to the more luxurious and classic over 1 hour away from either Belfast,
ideal kitchen and how it will work for the built in furniture. We are passionate Londonderry and the ROI and offer
whole family, reflecting the personality about what we do and our in-house exceptional parking facilities so you
and lifestyle of those who use it. We design team will work together with you can relax, have a coffee and enjoy the
therefore ensure that every kitchen to realise your dreams. Mountfield experience without having to
is individually created with you at the Building on what we started in April worry about parking tickets or fines!
centre of the design and will provide 1979 we believe it is important to
you with service that is second to none. always look and plan forward. We are
With an ever changing market, we a proactive business, investing in highly Mountfield Kitchens
are excited that our newly refurbished skilled staff and the latest technology 3 Mulnafye Road, Mountfield,
showroom was specifically designed to ensure our kitchens and bespoke Omagh, Co.Tyrone BT79 0PG
to provide you with all the inspiration furniture are amongst the best in the T: 028 8077 1226
you will need. Be it the ultramodern industry and for us to be one recognised E: mountfieldkitchens@outlook.com
high gloss ranges or a contemporary as one of the elite showrooms and www.mountfieldkitchens.co.uk

E l e c t r i c a l

Specialists in built in and free standing appliances. Massive Choice to suit every pocket.
Buy now pay later on everything over £199

High Street Ballynahinch Tel: 028 9756 2443

www.mccoubreyselectrical.co.uk email: sales@mccoubreys.co.uk

modern spaces

Typhoon, modern storage

tin from Harvey Norman.

Fisher & Paykel RF540ADUB5 American style

freestanding fridge freezer in black steel.

Modern kitchen by Johanna Montgomery. Henley, flax blue kitchen by Neptune.

german kitchens

c r e at i n g t h e d i f f e r e n c e

handmade kitchens

Supplier of

4 F a l c o n R o a d , B o u c h e r R o a d , B e l f a s t B T 1 2 6 R D T e l : 0 2 8 9 0 3 1 2 0 8 3 l W e b : www . c r e a t i v e l i v i n g n i . c o . u k

Designer kitchen

CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY imagination. Every project is completely The company provide a full design
DESIGNS unique and fully bespoke, allowing the and project management service,
personal style preferences of each client ensuring the quality of each installation
Over the last number of years Armagh to become fused with years of award meets the expectations of the most
based company Designer Kitchen winning design expertise and a wealth discerning clientele.
by Morgan has picked up numerous of practical knowledge.
international design awards, making Using only the finest materials and
them one of the most successful and finishes, Designer Kitchen by Morgan Designer Kitchen by Morgan
instantly recognisable names in the field design, manufacture and install luxury 4 Upper Darkley Road,
of kitchen and bespoke furniture design. bespoke kitchens and custom made Keady, Co. Armagh BT60 3RE
This family-run company encourages furniture for every room in the home, T: 028 3753 9173
clients to become immersed in the delivering furniture and interior design E: info@designer-kitchen.com
design process, allowing them to solutions that are spatially aware, www.designer-kitchen.com
create both classical and contemporary functionally precise and aesthetically Studio by appointment
designs that are only limited by the desirable.

Paint like no other.

Northern Ireland’s only stockist of Benjamin Moore Paints

Unit B1, Woodside Road Industrial Estate, Ballymena T: 028 2565 2444 | www.bespokedecorni.com
Images by: Dicksondigital.com

Jodie and Rory Best with Ellvena Graham.

Sarah-Louise Busby, Jim Neilly and Ashley Morrow.

ulster rugby
Ulster and Ireland legend, Rory Best scooped the Heineken
Personality of the Year prize, at the Ulster Rugby Annual Peita McAlister, Laura Magennis and Emma Jordan.
Awards ceremony, which took place at the Crowne Plaza
Hotel, Belfast. Stuart McCloskey won both the Player
of the Year and Supporters’ Player of the Year. Ireland
international, Claire McLaughlin was named Women’s Player
of the Year.

Audrey Robinson, Karen Brown, Maeve Bogie and Claire Mitchell.

Ian and Miriam Sheppard with Jonny Petrie.

India Daley, Zara Flack and Katie Hetherington. Louis Ludik and Jacob Stockdale.






Rory Best receives the Heineken Ulster Rugby Personality of the

Year Award, from Pat Maher.

Kelly McCormill, Mya Alcorn, India Daley, Zara Flack,

Katie Hetherington.

Billy Burns, Jordi Murphy, Fiona Hampton and Will Addison.

Simon Keogh and Eric O’Sullivan.

Nigel Brady, Sarah Sherry and Chris Hagan.

Stuart McCloskey and John Cooney.

David Creighton and Daniel Soper. Darren Cave, Iain Henderson and Kyle McCall.
Tracey Mc Verry at

Nestled in the rolling hills of beautiful south Armagh in the

townland of Ballymoyer, professional artist Tracey Mc Verry
creates sculptural glass art from White Rock Glass Studio,
situated at her 200-year-old family homestead.

Tracey hosts full day fused glass sessions at her White Rock Glass
Studio throughout the year. Here participants are invited to immerse
themselves in the art of glass making whilst creating their own
masterpiece in the unique surroundings of her working studio. This
is a relaxed and creative experience where Tracey invites participants
to learn many skills in the production of fused glass artworks from
conception of idea through to execution, firing and finishing of the
artwork. Refreshments and a home cooked meal are also provided in
Tracey’s unique family home.
Tracey also hosts open studio days where the public are invited to
gain an insight into the many facets of a working artist. Visitors will
be immersed in whatever project Tracey is working on at that time
and will also enjoy the unique surroundings of her working studio and
family home.
Why not treat yourself to a little creative ‘you’ time and visit
White Rock Glass Studio on your next trip to the hills. You won’t be
Tracey specialised in Fine Art Sculpture with a MFA in 2002 at
the University of Ulster. She has been working within the field of
sculpture and glass since 2003 after she trained with artisan brothers,
Gianni and Massimo Bracciai in Sienna, Italy, at Vitrate Artiste
Toscana. Here she assisted in the creation of large scale ecclesiastical
glass installations sited in places of worship across the United States.
This is where the seeds were sown for her passion for glass as a www.whiterockglassstudio.com
medium of transferring the ethereal qualities of glass.
Tracey’s glass work, which incorporates large scale public info@whiterockglassstudio.com
sculpture, private commissions and glass craft sculpture can be Tel: 07732264848
found across the island of Ireland in external and internal public
spaces and private collections.
Her work is inspired heavily by her strong association with light,
celestial movement, natural form and phenomenon. Tracey gains white/rock glass studio
inspiration from her natural surroundings particularly the movement
found in the ever changing Irish weather system, seasonal change
and the mysterious qualities found in her local landscape.
Focus on

Carryduff and
his month we are taking a closer look at Saintfield, a thriving Co. Down village with a strong
community spirit. Saintfield is home to the stunning Rowallane Garden which is a National Trust site.
The Garden was laid out in the mid-1860s by the Reverend John Moore. He built a walled garden,
created the Pleasure Grounds and planted many trees. Co.Down town Carryduff lies just a short distance
away. Carryduff is also known for its natural beauty, having been awarded Best Kept Small Town twice by
the NI Amenity Council. Nearby Ballynahinch was originally a market town. The town lies on the main A24
Belfast to Newcastle road, 15 miles south of Belfast. Ballynahinch includes a leisure centre, trendy shopping
boutiques, bridal boutiques, interior design showrooms and a host of delicious restaurants
and quaint cafes.

Rowallane Garden

saintfield, carryduff, Ballynahinch special focus

Watson & Browne Home Interiors are a and interiors created by the friendly team. to lighting and all furniture needs. Curtain
newly established furniture and interiors The floor layout is cleverly divided by 20ft design and personal interior consultations
store in Carryduff, within the Cyril Johnson gothic style doors from the Dracula movie are available by appointment. The
Centre and beside Woodlawn Garden & filmed here in Northern Ireland last year. business adds a very personal touch to the
Lifestyle. Proudly launching their HALO Home to luxury brands such as Duresta, experience with the young entrepreneurial
gallery in September of this year, stock Wade, Hypnos and Stone International- couple bringing new and exciting interiors
is arriving in anticipation of this unique there is an essence of elegance and to Northern Ireland.
lifestyle brand. The store itself is like no comfort for any home. Watson & Browne
other in the province, with unique style offer everything for interiors from flooring www.watsonbrowne.co.uk

Let’s Go Hydro is situated on the stunning forested
grounds of Knockbracken Reservoir, boasting
views across Belfast. The site has been developed
into an international watersports mecca and
features Northern Ireland’s only cable wake park.

Let’s go Hydro offer a range of accommodation

options such as, glamping, luxury pods, a safari
lodge or on lake pods. Whatever your party size,
Let’s Go Hydro can accomodate. The waterpark
has become a popular option for birthday parties.
They also offer school packages and corporate
and team building activites. In July, the park is
holding a screening of Steven Spielberg’s 1975
classic film, Jaws, giving guests the opportunity to
watch it from a rubber ring on the water.

Visit letsgohydro.com to avail of their new online

booking system and see the exciting events that
are coming up over the summer months.

127-131 Ballynahinch Road Carryduff, Co. Down, BT8 8DJ
(Within Cyril Johnston’s, beside Woodlawn Garden Centre)

Tel: 028 9081 3007

Find us on facebook
saintfield, carryduff, Ballynahinch special focus


Ulster Tatler’s Kellie Burch chats to Lisa Chambers, office manager of Chambers Insurance in Ballynahinch.
Tell us a bit about What do you enjoy most about being based in Ballynahinch?
your role at Chambers We are very central; if we want a good cup of coffee we can head
Insurance and your to Rhoda Stewart’s or Mauds. The people are also very friendly,
career to date. Ballynahinch is a large town but with a village feel about it.
Chambers Insurance is
a family-run business What are your favourite hidden gems in Ballynahinch?
and so I have been B+M Bargains or the Pound Shop are always worth a visit. Fashionistas
involved in the company are catered for with shops like Isabella Paige, Magowans and Dress,
from a young age. We also, not forgetting the gentlemen who can find the latest styles at
have two branches, Joseph Morrows. The kids are also catered for with Global Adventure
one in Kilkeel and the and Colours Paint Your Own Pottery Studio. On those occasions when
other in Ballynahinch, the sun makes an appearance, it is hard to beat the beautiful walks at
where I am office Montalto Estate which boasts wonderful trails and gardens.
manager. As well as
overseeing the running of the office, I specialise in commercial lines Describe Ballynahinch in three words?
of insurance, helping businesses secure the appropriate coverage for Friendly, accessible and bustling.
their company. From shops and offices to restaurants and farms, we
work with a diverse range of businesses and help them find the right
policy for their individual circumstances taking into considerations such
aspects as liability and commercial lines.

How do you spend a typical day?

My day consists of talking to customers, sending emails and doing up
submissions for customers to get them the most competitive prices on
the market.

What would be your top tips for customers when it comes to choosing
an insurance company?
Choose a company that is a good standard rated insurer and has
longevity with a good claims handling experience. The old saying also
is true: “If something seems too good to be true it normally is.” My best
advice is always read the small print or go to a broker who will do that
for you.

The newly refurbished Ivanhoe Hotel, perfect for weddings,

private functions and conferences.

Winner of Hotel of The Year 2018 and Hotel

Restaurant of The Year 2019.

556 Saintfield Road, Carryduff BT8 8EU

Tel: 028 9081 2240 Email: ivanhoecarryduff@gmail.com
Web: www.ivanhoeinn.co.uk

saintfield, carryduff, Ballynahinch special focus

A family run business with over

20 years’ experience. 
We offer a wide range of
fireplaces and stoves that
meet individual tastes,
property styles and budgets.
We pride ourselves on our
principles of excellence
and tradition by combining
design with attention to
detail and quality of finish.

warm your home Our team of experts has

the extensive knowledge
and experience needed to
install all types of fireplaces,
DP Fireplaces & Stoves is one of the leading fireplace suppliers in
stoves and flue systems.
Northern Ireland. They supply and install a wide range of fires and
stoves, including gas, electric, woodburning and multifuel. There are Our complete service offers a full package from site visit to installation,
varied options of surrounds available. Their friendly staff will help you including any plumbing, building and plastering work required. All work
find a fireplace that complements your interior decor and keeps your guaranteed.
home warm. You can visit their showroom in Ballynahinch to take a
look at the wide range of products they have to offer. 21A  Brookside Road, Ballynahinch BT24 8LE
Office - 02897564949 Mobile - 07884346297
21A Brookside Rd, Ballynahinch BT24 8LE 028 9756 4949 www.dpfireplaces.com


Helping You...
Protect Your Assets
• Property • Business • Motor

A self-build project requires a special type of insurance policy in

order to provide you with protection against a range of financial Expertise
risks associated with such projects.
Many people are under the impression that their standard home + Products + Price + Service
insurance policy will provide them with all the cover they require,
but usually this is not the case. There are areas where a claim could = Real Value
arise, including loss or damage to the building works, temporary
works, tools and equipment, injury to employees or visitors on site.
Normally where a lender is involved it will be a condition
that insurance cover is operative. At Kerr Group, they have 028 9756 3114
a competitive specialist policy designed for clients who are
completing a new self-build or extension, renovation or conversion
to an existing premises. The policy is also available where you w w w. k e r r g ro u p . c o . u k
have commenced work with no insurance yet in force. 2 3 H i g h S t re e t , B a l l y n a h i n c h B T 2 4 8 A B
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FRN 308073
For further information or a quotation give Kerr Group,
Ballynahinch a ring on 028 97563114
saintfield, carryduff, Ballynahinch special focus

To advertise in the montalto estate

Ulster Tatler
Keeping you in the picture

call us now on
028 9066 3311 or email:

Upholstery & Loose Cover Specialist • Reupholstery services

• Loose covers
Ballynahinch Upholstery • Leather repairs
• Upholstery repairs
Services • Soft furnishing repairs
• Curtains and soft
• Caravan reupholstery

Unit 5
81 Dromore Road
Ballynahinch BT24 8HS
Tel: 028 9756 4467
or 07929 771 105


Montalto, nestled beautifully in the heart of the picturesque Co.

Down countryside in Ballynahinch, is a privately-owned demesne
which dates back to the early 1600s. In pre-plantation times the
estate was originally owned by Patrick McCartan. However, due to
his involvement in the 1641 Rebellion, his Ballynahinch lands were
confiscated, and in 1657 the townland was purchased by Sir George
Rawdon. Circa 1765, his descendant Sir John Rawdon – First Earl of
Moira – built a mansion property on the estate: this is the house that
we now know as Montalto House.

The estate has been almost exclusively, a family home since Lord
Moira built the first house here. Nowadays Montalto offers visitors the
use of 400 acres of rolling Irish countryside, which includes wonderful
trails and gardens and a chance to explore this historic demesne and
reconnect with nature.
Century Bar This purpose-built conferences and events venue, with an 1850s
listed mill building at its heart, can accommodate a broad spectrum of
activities suitable for both corporate and private clients. These include
clay shooting, zip line, fly fishing, falconry, archery, wine tasting,
kayaking, cookery demonstrations and much more...

8 Church Street, As well as weddings and corporate business, they can also
Ballynahinch, accomodate a wide range of alternative events, ranging from
Co. Down, BT24 8AF intimate private parties to high octane car rallies. Throw into the mix
country game fairs, TV filming and trail racing...and it’s clear that the
Tel: 028 9756 3912 possibilities are endless.

Saintfield, carryduff, ballynahinch special focus

Watsons Wedding
• Friendly efficient service • Wedding specialists
•Bespoke design service • Venue styling
• Chair cover, candelabra and fairy light backdrop hire
Main Street Ballynahinch

Telephone Louise: 028 9756 1444


off any treatment

when quoting

New arrivals
A fun and lively colour palette
which creates a fresh and
contemporary aesthetic for your


Jacksons of Moira, 38-54 Main Street, Saintfield

Phone: 028 9751 1429 @manorhousesaintfield @manor_house_of_beauty

28 Main Street, Saintfield | Tel: 028 9751 9897

saintfield, carryduff, Ballynahinch special focus

Your invitation to celebrate with

Smyth Patterson
Lisburn’s family owned department store
is celebrating the opening of its recently
renovated showrooms and creation of
a free customer car park at the rear. The
Celebration and Summer Sale will begin
with a series of special events commencing
on Thursday 20th June at 1.50pm.

Over the past 12 months part of the

building has been demolished to allow
for the creation of a new shop front and
customer car park. Commenting on the
project Colin Patterson said, “We are
delighted to be at the end of the first
phase of our plans. Our new car park and
entrance will be convenient for customers
and has made this area of the city much
more attractive.”

Thursday 20th June at 1.50pm will see

an official opening ceremony along with
the beginning of the Summer Sale. There
will be big savings throughout the shop
in furniture, sofas, electrical appliances,
garden furniture, cookware and toys. Whilst the sale will continue beyond the weekend, for the first three days there will be music, product
demonstrations and an opportunity to play pickleball.

So what is pickleball? Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. Players use solid paddles made
of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a Wiffle Ball, over a net. It is one of the fastest growing sports in the USA
and you have the opportunity to see it during the celebrations at Smyth Patterson’s.
More details can be found on www.smythpatterson.com

Engineering Services
With spring underway and summer just around the corner, now is the
perfect time to buy everything you need for outdoor living. At Millen
Engineering Services we specialise in manufacturing mobile clothes lines
and clothes line sheds you can walk into. With the dry weather coming in
there is no need to use tumble driers, giving you the opportunity to cut
down on your electric bills. We can tailor make the clothes lines to suit your
needs and fit them perfectly into the space provided. We also manufacture
BBQs and rocket stoves, ideal for summer nights in the garden. General
welding and fabrication services are also available, whether it be for
agricultural gates or animal pens.

• Outdoor team building events

• Kayaking and orienteering
• Adventure boot camps
• Bushcraft (wilderness/survival skills)
• Airsoft combat games 
• Kids outdoor activities

Predator Combat Games

49 Newcastle Road BT24 8NF Tel: 028 9756 5651
Email: info@predatorcombat.com T: 07595 896543

imagine a fireplace. . . . . . as a stunning
centrepiece for your
home, creating an
exclusive atmosphere,
in harmony with
today’s lifestyle.


Only the finest materials used, marble, granite, limestone, slate and quartz etc View our range of fireplaces individually designed and
manufactured by Mourne Fires ‘The Fireplace Design Centre’ and hand crafted to the highest standards. Also view our wide range of
woodburning and multi-fuel stoves, gas fires, electric fires and accessories, many which are under fire and exclusive to Mourne Fires.

Mourne Fires
Why not call and visit our extensive range in our 12,000 sq ft showroom.

Carryduff Business Park, Comber Road, Carryduff, Belfast Tel: 028 9081 5115 | Email: info@mournefires.com
Opening Hours: Monday - Wednesday 9am – 5pm, Thursday 9am – 8pm, Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday 9am – 1pm
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title sponsor

A lmost 600 people attended a gala dinner on March 22nd to

celebrate the incredible work carried out by Mrs Joan Christie
CVO, OBE throughout her 11 years in office as Lord-Lieutenant of the
County of Antrim.

Friends and family joined the celebrations in the Tullyglass Hotel, along
with members from the Armed Forces, voluntary and community
groups, schools, cadets and the local business community.

It also brought together council representatives from Antrim and

Newtownabbey, Causeway Coast and Glens, Lisburn and Castlereagh,
and Mid and East Antrim.

Guests were treated to performances from Sandelford School, The

Priests and Mrs Christie CVO,OBE’s cadets.

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE with her children Joanna,

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE addresses her guests. Harriett and Marcus.

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE’s cadets, Rebekah McFetridge and Yasmin

Adoro Choir delivered a performance at the gala dinner. Andrews, delivered a show-stopping performance.

The Priests Marcus Christie delivered

heart-warming speech
about his mother.


Mrs Christie CVO,OBE joins Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Paul Michael,
Mayoress Angela Michael, Deputy Mayor Councillor John Smyth, Deputy Mayoress Carol Smyth, Mrs Joan Christie CVO,OBE and
Mrs Jacqui Dixon Chief Executive, Rev. Campbell Dixon MBE, Elected Members and officers. Mrs Jacqui Dixon Chief Executive.

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE, Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey

Councillor Paul Michael and Mayoress Angela Michael.

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE joins Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey,

Councillor Paul Michael, Mayoress Angela Michael, Deputy Mayor
Councillor John Smyth, Deputy Mayoress Carol Smyth, Rev. Campbell
Dixon MBE and Mrs Jacqui Dixon Chief Executive.

Mrs Christie CVO, OBE with Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey,

Councillor Paul Michael, Mayoress Angela Michael, Deputy Mayor
Councillor John Smyth, Deputy Mayoress Carol Smyth,
Mrs Jacqui Dixon Chief Executive, Rev. Campbell Dixon MBE
and Elected members.


Mrs Joan Christie CVO,OBE pictured at the gala dinner with

Councillor Stephanie Quigley and the Pipe Major.

Mrs Joan Christie CVO OBE pictured with Councillor Angela Mulholland,
Councillor Stephanie Quigley and Councillor Joan Baird OBE.

Mrs Joan Christie CVO,OBE pictured

with some of the guests who attended
the gala dinner in the Tullyglass Hotel
to celebrate her tenure as Her Majesty’s
Lord Lieutenant for the County of Antrim.


Mayor Councillor Uel Mackin and Mayoress Jennifer Mackin Mrs Christie CVO,OBE with Mayor and Mayoress Mackin and David
with Mrs Christie CVO,OBE. Burns, Chief Executive of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council.

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE with elected members and representatives of

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

Mrs Christie CVO,OBE and

Dr Janet Gray MBE,
Freeman of Lisburn . Mrs Christie CVO, OBE and Margaret Tolerton, former Mayor of Lisburn.

Mrs Christie CVO, OBE and David Burns, Chief Executive of

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council


Elected members and officers from

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

(L-R) – Paul Givan MLA, Sir William Wright CBE, Mrs Joan Christie CVO, Chief Executive of Mid and East Antrim Borough
OBE, Lady Ruby Wright, Chief Executive of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, Anne Donaghy, with
Council, Anne Donaghy and Jonathan Buckley MLA. Mrs Christie CVO,OBE.

Focus on

inaghy, situated on the Upper Lisburn Road in south Belfast, is a small but vibrant area. The name
Finaghy is translated from the Irish Fionnachadh, meaning ‘the white field’. At the heart of Finaghy
lies the crossroads, which links the Lisburn Road with Finaghy Road North and Finaghy Road
South. For both visitors and residents, there is an array of food establishments, salons and independent
businesses in Finaghy. Home to Rathmore Grammar School, Hunter House, St. Anne’s Primary School and
Finaghy Primary School, the area is also a bustling educational hub.


Ulster Tatler
chats to
Amanda Hicland
of Vanity Beauty.

feel good
in finaghy
Tell us a bit about your role at the
salon and describe a typical day
for you.
I am the proprietor of Vanity. A
typical day in the salon would be
spent doing nails and waxing. I love
what I do! I enjoy making people
feel brand new when they leave my

What are the latest trends in

The latest beauty trend are false
lashes and brows.

What do you enjoy most about

being based in Finaghy?
I really enjoy the buzz about the
place, eveyone is lovely and will
always say hello if they pass you.

Does Finaghy have any hidden

Finaghy itself is a hidden gem
there are so many fantastic local
businesses to support .

Finaghy special focus

Reputation For Quality

Finaghy Cleaning & Support Services Limited have
evolved over the past 30 years into one of the largest,
leading specialised cleaning firms in Northern &
Southern Ireland and the UK.

Director, Maurice Dunlop has built the business to what

it is today by offering his clientele fair competitive prices LOOK GOOD, FEEL
for a super quality, friendly and courteous service. Their
unique hands on approach, and the service they put in
place to deliver on promises, ensure they consistently
deliver a professional and reliable service.
• Over 12 years experience as a Nail Technician, with
skills in all nail techniques
• Waxing available using the amazing Harley wax, which
is great for all skin types, especially sensitive skin as it
causes little to no redness and removes hair as short
as 1mm
• Microneedling for anti-ageing and reducing acne
• Pedicures and manicures using Himalayan rose salt,
which has anti-inflammatory properties and is great for
detoxifying the skin, promoting cellular regeneration
and healing dry skin
• Competitive prices in beautiful surroundings
• We use top quality products in all our treatments

“ Specialising in Dermaplaning this facial

removes 3 times more dead skin than a
microdermabration also getting rid of the peach

fuzz giving you brighter smoother skin

Amanda Hickland,

Services we offer: • Window Cleaning

• Duct Work Cleaning • Industrial Cleaning
• CCTV Surveys • Commercial Cleaning
• Fire Damper Inspections • Facilities Management

149A Upper Lisburn Road

BT10 0LH Belfast
Unit 223 City Business Park, Belfast, BT17 9HY
T: 028 9062 6190 028 9543 9862

Finaghy special focus

A new taste

Hannah Reilly
VISITS Sarpn Group
Restaurant in
Finaghy, Belfast.

iners are spoiled for choice when they the perfect setting in contrast to the slightly option for him, as well as for anyone who feels
decide to visit the vibrant Lisburn Road inclement conditions outside. Music played a little tentative around spice. The meat in the
for a meal, and many times I have had softly in the background, and despite the mix was tender and the nature of tandoori-style
arguments with my partner or family members gradual bustle of the restaurant, the aura of cooking gave the dish a smoky flavour. The
over how I would like to visit a new restaurant the room was still relaxed and private. The portions of the starter were big enough that we
instead of our usual spots. SarpN Group restaurant’s manager, Narayan, took the time were able to try each other’s dish, while also not
Restaurant, nestled just beside the Finaghy to come over for a chat about our choice of feeling too full ahead of our mains.
crossroads, provided the perfect opportunity for meals, informing me that the Nepalese dishes I opted for another Nepalese dish for my
me to experience cuisine I have never had the were developed using authentic and traditional main, a popular recipe in Nepal called Choyla.
pleasure of enjoying before. recipes, stemming from his own Nepalese Compared to other Nepalese dishes on the

My companion and I entered the restaurant heritage. menu, such as the Nepalese Chilli, Choyla is
on a damp Tuesday evening, and were quite tame in terms of heat, but by no means
greeted by open and welcoming staff. Seated less flavoursome. Served with homemade
by the window, we had an enjoyable view
of the bustling main road outside, and were The décor Nepali spice, green chillis and peppers,
tomatoes, onions, and coriander, the dish can
presented with a plate of light papadums and a
selection of dipping sauces, each varied in their
provided a be cooked with king prawns, chicken or lamb.
I decided on the king prawns, which were
spice content (the yoghurt dip was a personal
favourite of mine). The restaurant’s menu was
warm and cosy sweet against the slight heat of the sauce that
enveloped them.
extensive and varied, with a range of Indian,
Nepalese (SarpN being the first restaurant in
environment; the While I chose Nepalese cuisine, my
companion followed a different route and chose
Northern Ireland to serve Nepalese cuisine) and perfect setting Rogan Josh, a staple of Indian cuisine. The dish

in contrast to the
European dishes – there was something to cater can be served with a variety of meats and there
for everyone’s tastes. is also a vegetarian option. Garnished with

slightly inclement
With a plan to try dishes I was unfamiliar blended tomatoes, onions and coriander, and

with, I decided to peruse the Nepalese menu, served with a creamy sauce, Rogan Josh is the
and was faced with a wide selection of dishes
of varying spice. After ordering our food, my conditions outside. perfect choice for diners who prefer a milder
meal. Both dishes were served with pilau rice,
companion and I took in our surroundings. The and we shared a generous plate of garlic naan
décor provided a warm and cosy environment; bread. The meals were truly a taste sensation,
Our starters were presented to us promptly and our taste buds were engulfed in the flavours
and we dug in, grateful for hot food on such for the remainder of the evening.
a dull, wet evening. My Nepalese starter By the time we left the restaurant, the room
was the Chicken Momo, which are steamed was filled with diners sitting down for meals,
dumplings filled with minced chicken. The or patiently waiting for their takeaway orders
care and precision involved in the making of - impressive for a Tuesday evening. SarpN is
the dumplings was obvious, and they were clearly a popular, standout member of the
aesthetically pleasing as well as being totally eclectic mix of restaurants that make up the
delicious. The accompaniment of a hot chilli Lisburn Road, and I look forward to visiting
sauce gave an unexpected kick to the dish, and again to taste more of the restaurant’s authentic
was a spicy foil to the mildness of the dumplings. Nepalese cuisine.
For his starter, my companion chose the
Tandoori Mix – a selection of tandoori chicken, SarpN Group Restaurant
chicken tikka, lamb tikka and seekh kebab. As 128 Upper Lisburn Rd,
someone who recently underwent surgery, my Belfast BT10 0BE
companion was advised by doctors to not eat 028 9060 0100
spicy food, and the tandoori mix was the perfect sarpngroup.co.uk

Finaghy special focus

a cut above the rest

Tell us a bit about your role colour and cut so we design a bespoke hair plan to suit you and
at the salon and describe a recommend the best service for you on your journey to your dream
typical day for you. hair. Our team members are all colour specialists and we will always
My day starts early, dropping advise what’s best for your hair. We also have a wide hair extension
off my two kids to school, range, we have tried and tested different quality of hair to bring you
then its straight to the salon the world’s highest quality in human hair extensions.
to start my day.
My day is usually booked What do you enjoy most about being based in Finaghy?
solid with clients from Finaghy is so under rated in my opinion, such a great buzz as you
9.30am, we have a very walk around, perfect for young families like my own, it has great
large colour clientele. We schools, shops and most of all hair salons! I love the thought
are a L’Oréal professional of supporting all local shops in the area, I am so excited for my
salon. Last year we decided upcoming wedding in The Doyen, Finaghy this October, and of
to challenge our creativity course I had to get my dress from my neighbour at Forever Bridal.
and enter the L’Oréal You will know if you have ever driven past her window display that it is
colour trophy in Northern out of this world.
Ireland. Up against many
Ulster Tatler chats to Leighann Rea of talented local salons – we Does Finaghy have any hidden gems?
Leighann Rea Hairdressing, Finaghy. won ‘Best in Region’ and White Field coffee has to be the heart of Finaghy, we are lucky to
secured ourselves a place have a great relationship with all our neighbours, Ciaran from White
in the grand finals in London amongst the best hairdressers in the Field keeps us busy girls well fed and fuelled with their delicious
country. The experience was amazing, I learned so much from the coffees, and of course the boys at Simon Flannery are the first to
competition and we love seeing our fellow hairdresser’s creations help if anything breaks. While I may have achieved my initial dream
every year. I have made some great friends with other salons through of opening a salon, I am ambitious, not in terms of size of salon and
this competition and we all respect and support each other. team but to maintain a salon with the highest standards of work. I
have a small team so I am able to monitor the quality of hairdressing
What are the latest trends in hairdressing? service the clients receive. As we have a small but mighty team, you
Balayage is still huge, I use it everyday on some level. Golden blonde may have to book an appointment well in advance, but I promise it
is also becoming so popular, when I say golden blonde, clients will be worth it. If you need an updated precision haircut, a bespoke
automatically think ‘brassy’ but it’s completely the opposite, it’s soft, colour or the long hair of your dreams, then please give us a call,
feminine and complements more skin tones and eye colours than we are more than happy to accommodate you. To all our existing
ash blondes. Blunt bobs and wavy blowdries are massive in my salon. clients, I would like to thank you for making my dream come true and
Healthy hair is our main priority, condition is key to a beautiful hair supporting me so I have the salon I have always wished for.


Opening my first salon in 2016, was a long held dream. Years Our aim is to provide a professional, high quality service
of training and developing my skills in the most prestigious with creating amazing hair. The salon has been designed
salons in New York and Belfast had given me the courage to specifically in every area, neutral yet comfortable and
start my own business. luxurious. Clients can leave the worries at the door when they
The original plan was to have a small safe haven where come in, enjoy a speciality tea, or choose from our coffee
my clients could come and relax, get their hair done and bar and Prosecco. Our backwash area has been designed for
feel fantastic leaving. Never in my wildest dreams did I think privacy and relaxation, with our back massaging wash basins
it would become the success it has. The salon grew from and a complementary head massage.
strength to strength and we decided to push our creativity I have even designed every plug socket to have USB phone
and enter the L’Oréal colour trophy; we won the ‘Best in charging at each hair station and free WIFI throughout the
Region’ and gained ourselves a place in the Grand finals in salon.
London amongst the best hairdressers in the country. I knew Healthy hair is our main priority, condition is key to a
I couldn’t keep progressing in a smaller space so I took a leap beautiful hair colour and cut. We can design a bespoke hair
of faith and signed the lease for the salon you see today on plan to suit you, and recommend the best service for you on
the ever so sought after Upper Lisburn Road. your journey to your dream hair.

Unit 3, Tivoli Court, Finaghy T: 028 9543 0404 /Leighann Rea Hairdressing

Finaghy special focus
In 1912 Mr W.J. Ross opened his
‘To Finaghy and Beyond’ ‘Finaghy Cash Stores’ (left in the
1930s) on the corner of ‘Finaghy
‘Belfast Through Time’ by Aidan Campbell was published in May 2016 at Lane’ which by the 1930s had
become known as ‘Finaghy Road
Hillmount Garden Centre, Gilnahirk and is available from all good booksellers. North’. Interesting that the sign on
Aidan takes a look at the history of Finaghy in South Belfast and how it has the gable wall declares ’Finaghy
changed over the years. Refreshment Rooms’ which today
I was travelling along the Lisburn Road and followed a courier delivery van we would probably call a coffee
shop. Mr Ross continued in business at these premises until the 1930s.
with the liveried message ‘To Finaghy and Beyond’, which was the direction.
I was travelling and it got me thinking: ‘What is the source of the ‘Finaghy’
name? As Finaghy began to grow in the 1930s the increasing population
The ‘Dictionary of Ulster Place-Names’ explains it is from Gaelic ‘An brought with it the need for more churches. Lowe Memorial Presbyterian
Fionnachhadh’ meaning ‘the white field’ and is situated in the townland of Church (known as Finaghy
Ballyfinaghy, a suburb 5k m south west of the centre of Belfast. Today the Presbyterian Church in the
1939 Belfast Street Directory)
Finaghy crossroads junction is a well-known area for shopping and there had was founded in 1936 and
probably been a small village here since the 1700s connected with the linen is located at 191 Upper
industry, thus the name. The Finaghy area may be considered as starting Lisburn Road. Not far away St
at the King’s Hall, Balmoral and extending along the Lisburn Road to the Polycarp’s Church of Ireland
outskirts of Dunmurry. The modern built up surroundings began to shape in was established just a few
years earlier in 1932.
the 1920s and a few images of the past remind us of how it looked years ago.

In 1896 The Royal

Ulster Agricultural
Society moved from
The Markets, Belfast
to a new grander 32-
acre site at Balmoral
and the King’s Hall
(above in the late
1940s) became
the centerpiece
Above: In 2019 Finaghy has no pubs or betting shops. building of the
This is due to clauses in historical deeds for the land complex in 1934. It
belonging to Ballyfinaghy House (above), the ancestral closed in 2012 and
home of wealthy linen merchants, the Charley family the Balmoral Show
from the late 1600s. Ballyfinaghy House, now a listed moved to the former
building, was their family home for over 150 years and Maze prison site near
by the 1960s it was converted into a 24-bed residential Lisburn.
home known today as ‘Faith House’.

Growing Commercial
Already a popular place to live, with its high
124B Upper Lisburn Road,Belfast, BT10 0BD T: (028) 9060 1616 standard of housing, from starter homes to
large mansions; Finaghy is also an area of great
potential for young entrepreneurs looking to start
up or expand their business.
In particular, the Upper Lisburn Road offers a
great opportunity for coffee shops and retailers,
due to a high footfall and volume of traffic passing
Gareth J Gibson through daily. There is also the added bonus of
FRICS, from generally low rental costs. It is clear to see the
Douglas Huston, growing success of the area for businesses, as
Chartered the vacancy rate of commercial property is much
Surveyors and lower than on the average high street. 
Estate Agents, At Douglas Huston we have agreed two larger
outlines the retail units one to an established local business
many business relocating and another to an established multi-
opportunities branch business that sees the huge potential of
in the Finaghy the area. 
area. In addition we have several fantastic commercial
properties within the Finaghy area which would
be suitable for a range of businesses, including
opportunities for a dance or yoga studio, café
and traditional office space. However, as there is
limited availability it is essential to be proactive.
We expect to see the continued success of
Shop online at www.fleuriste.co.uk Finaghy for many years, given the schools,
residential housing and vibrant existing businesses
@fleuristebelfast @fleuriste_belfast @fleuriste_bfs @fleuriste_bfs and new start-ups, wanting to get into this growing
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Finaghy special focus

Car Sales .com

Great Service, Opening times

Great Food Monday 08:30 - 18:00, Tuesday 08:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 18:00, Thursday 08:30 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday 10:00 - 14:00, Sunday Closed
Wah Fu is a family owned Chinese restaurant based in the heart of
Finaghy. Serving traditional, high-quality cuisine at affordable prices,
Wah Fu is a fantastic local spot for a casual lunch or dinner, as well 243A UPPER LISBURN ROAD, FINAGHY,
as for events and functions. Open seven days a week, customers can
take advantage of the restaurant’s fantastic set menus, or opt for a
tasty takeaway if they prefer to stay at home for dinner. T: 028 90601913  M: 07885 402577
028 9062 2142


Sunday to Thursday 5.00pm to 7.00pm Monday to Friday 12noon to 1.45pm

Early Bird Set Menu 3 Course Lunch Set Menu

3 course £14.00 £8.50
4 course £16.50
157 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT10 0LJ
T: 028 9030 1970 | 028 9062 2124 | www.wahfuchineserestaurant.co.uk

Finaghy special focus

HUSTON Since 1894
At Douglas Huston we have an increasing demand for
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and renters registered on our database.
Sales | Letting | Management
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Malone Kindergarten is building on its reputation as a leading

early years setting for supporting children with SEN with an
exciting new venture offering bespoke support services for
children & their families. This includes delivery of an SEN nurture
nursery, individual and small group interventions, and
informal drop-in consultation service for parents. The aim
is to provide a calming, therapeutic environment to promote
innovative multi-agency working with educational psychology
and allied health professionals.

Simply Summer of Sport at Malone

The Kindergarten is also promoting physical and emotional Coffeys Butchers
wellbeing in their unique outdoor, natural environment with
specialised and focused Early Years sports summer 126 Upper Lisburn Road, Finaghy BT10 0BE
programmes delivered by qualified sports coach including
Movement skills for SEN, Mini Hockey & Simply Fit Kids.
Tel: 028 9061 1982
Email: finaghy@coffeysbutchers.co.uk


• South Hair Boutique is a
non-appointment based salon
• Using the highest quality
products at affordable prices
• Highly professional staff with
knowledge in all hairdressing
• Situated in the heart of

2D Finaghy Road South, Belfast

T: 07563 988243

South Hair Boutique

the scene

Francis Purvis, Creagh Ellen Woods, Caroline Johnston and Gillian McKibben and Denize McKeown
Concrete. Ann Morgan from Linwoods. from Ciara Daly Makeup.

Balmoral show
This year’s Balmoral Show was another great success with a
record attendance of over 120,000 visitors throughout the
four days. The vast number of attractions included motorcycle
performances, show jumping, walkabout acts, an amusement
park and of course the traditional farming competitions for
prized red rosettes and prestigious Balmoral Championship
titles. Balmoral Show will return to Balmoral Park, Lisburn
from 13th to 16th May 2020.

Victoria Allen and Gillian Allen from the

Mayor’s Charity, Cancer Fund for Children.

Nick Allen and Lauren Brown, Rachel, Susanna and Sarah Boothe with Susie Howe,
Donnelly Group. Anna Howe, Tom Howe, Jack Howe and Joshua Boothe. Chris Pike and Natasha Sayee, SONI.

Roger Pollen, Fiona Quinn Andrew Brown, Amy Glass, Cerys Sharkey,
and Graeme Weir, FSB. Rachel Ramage and Corey Mitchel. Paula Briggs and Danielle McClelland.

the scene

Steven Kennedy, Stephanie McCarroll, Paula Johnston, Ian Perry, Linda Kennedy, Debbie Burns
Rachel Gilmore and Jonny Agnew, Spar. and Alan Burns, Antrim and Newtownabbey BC.

Ruth Gamble, Paparazzi. Diane, Oscar, Valerie and Harvey McMurray. Lauren Reilly and Ciara Scullion, bPerfect.

Wesley Weston, Diane Dodds, Ivor Ferguson, Arlene Foster,

Victor Chestnutt and Michelle McIlveen. Clare Kane and Aidan Burns.

Michelle Maguire, Samantha McCleary, Matthew Brian Conn and Rebecca

Ireland’s Blue Book. McCleary and Laura Dunne. Johnston, McCalls of Lisburn.

the scene

Huw Worthington, Louise McAloon, Amy Hamilton Maria Rica, Sarah Armstrong and
and Niall McMullan, Worthingtons Solicitors. Christine Gibney, Charles Hurst.

Hannah Glasgow and Louise Reid, Action Cancer. Emily, Alan, Helen and Victoria Moore.

Zara, Danny and Andrew Clarke. Lucinda Kinnaird, Hillsborough Castle.

Gerard, Anna-Rose and David and Frances Jebb with Linda,

Aileen Murnion. Aaron Shannon, Knox Claton. Jessica and Luke and Niall McMullan.

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Inishowen Peninsula, Moville, Co. Donegal *Subject to availability. T&C’s apply

Eat : Stay : Relax

Fish City Wins Again

Fish City, based in Belfast’s city centre, scooped the prestigious ‘Best
Eatery/Coffee Shop’ award, at the recent Belfast Business Awards.
This follows winning Seafood Establishment of the Year 2019 at The
Northern Ireland Food Awards - the second time the city centre
based restaurant and takeaway has won the award since they opened
in 2016. The award-winning, and classic Fish and Chips are still by far
the most popular dish on the menu, but it is the extensive seafood
menu, which focuses on sustainable sourcing, served alongside a
great selection of fine wines and local craft beers and gins, that has
resulted in Fish City proving very popular with both local restaurant
goers and tourists looking for something different on the Belfast city
centre casual dining scene. As one of the finalists in the UK’s Top 12
Seafood Restaurant of the Year in 2018, awards for sustainability and
healthy eating, it is great to see a local restaurant achieve so much in
such a short space of time...Definitely one to watch.

For more information visit www.fish-city.com

Coach House & Olde Bar

Glaslough, Co Monaghan
The Coach House & Olde Bar is situated in the picturesque village of Glaslough,
Co. Monaghan, Ireland’s Tidiest Village 2018. Here you can enjoy a drink
surrounded by old world charm with live music every weekend. It is the perfect
venue for pre and after- wedding parties with a beautiful garden and courtyard

We are located adjacent to Castle Leslie, just a few mintues from the
Armagh/Tyrone border.

Irish Restaurant Awards Ulster (Co. Monaghan) Pub of the Year Regional Winner 2019

Main Street, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan, Ireland of
/CoachHouseOldeBar Tel: 00353 4788 106 Mobile: 00353 8682 42677 pub
220 Ulst
The address above the rest ...
The Ivory offers fantastic food and breathtaking views in stylish surroundings.

Restaurant of the Year
the scene

Beth Simms, Audrey Wales, Anne Donaghy, Agne

Konochovaite, Julie Flaherty and Stacie Agnew. Presenting the cake to guests.

grand opening of ma
berry’s at mcconville’s
in portadown
A Co. Armagh bar complex dating back more than 150 years has unveiled
the latest string to its bow. McConville’s in Portadown has been a fixture
in the town since the 1860s, drawing in generations of local punters and
visitors alike. Current proprietor Andy Robinson has ensured the much-
loved community pub’s future is also in safe hands, putting the finishing
touches to a £300,000 refurbishment of the adjoining Ma Berry’s which
has seen the venue completely transformed. He said: “McConville’s is part
of the fabric of Portadown and the name of the bar is known right across
Northern Ireland. We’re proud of its rich history and heritage, and its place
in the heart of local people. “I’m delighted so many friends, families and
fellow business owners joined us for the official opening of Ma
Berry’s new 3,000 foot extension, which will offer something
completely different to the area.” Mrs Anne Robinson pictured with Adrian
Farrell, Mayor of Armagh, Banbridge and
1-3 Mandeville Street, Portadown
Craigavon Julie Flaherty and Andy Robinson.

Mrs Anne Robinson pictured with her family at McConville’s bar. Bar Manager Willard d’Barbour with his parents.

Robert Douglas, Anne Donaghy, Andy Mayor of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon
Robinson, Audrey Wales and Chris Wales. Julie Flaherty and the Robinson family. Ma Berry’s at McConville’s bar.

Tuk Tuk Asian Bistro
Asian Bistro
and a menu featur
traditi onaling
dishes and
from across
a menu featuring
East Asia.
from across
South East Asia.
All our ingredients are bought fresh daily and we also provide
outside catering for private parties and corporate events.
We are a full service restaurant with take out availability. Keep an
All our ingredients are bought fresh daily and we also provid
eye on our facebook page for updated opening hours, news and any
outside catering for private parties and corporate events.
last minute availability.
We are a full service restaurant with take out availability. Keep an
So whether you are looking for that one special dish you’ve tasted on
eye on our facebook page for updated opening hours, news and any
your travel’s to the far east or just a simple, relaxing dining experience with
last minute availability.
asian ambiance, tuk tuk asian bistro is the place to experience it all!
So whether you are looking for that one special dish you’ve tasted on
your travel’s to the far east or just a simple, relaxing dining experience w
asian ambiance, tuk tuk asian bistro is the place to experience it all!

6 William Street 23-25 Main Street

Newtownards Greyabbey
T: 028 9181 2101 T: 028 4278 8774
T: 028 4278 8866 (takeaway)
6 William Street 23-25 Main Street 2018 /2019
tuktukbistro.com tuktukTOGO
Newtownards Greyabbey
T: 028 9181
6 William 2101 Newtownards
Street, T: 028 4278
T: 0288774 9181 2101
23-25 Main Street, Greyabbey T: 028 4278 T: 028 4278T: 8866
8774 028 (takeaway)
4278 8866 (takeaway) ULSTER WINNER
tuktukbistro.com tuktukTOGO BEST WORLD CUISINE
Ulster Tatler retailer of
the month

‘best product
from a small
at nifda awards

160 Tanderagee Road, Pomeroy Co. Tyrone BT70 3HS

Basil Millar is pictured with Ulster Tatler’s Ann Armstrong Robinson’s
Email: info@cloughbanefarm.com www.cloughbanefarm.com
Spar in Crawfordsburn.

Hot Diggity dog!

happyDOG is a gourmet hot dog house based in Stranmillis, offering
a varied selection of delicious and freshly-made signature DOGs
that are styled according to your tastes. With six different sausages
to choose from (including a vegetarian option based on a burrito),
there is something for everyone. Using high-quality, locally-sourced
ingredients, happyDOG are committed to creating the tastiest hot
dog you have ever eaten. To accompany your hotDOG, you can add
fries or a drink to build your DOG into a meal – with three types of
bread, three salad options, ten sauces and eleven toppings to choose
from, the combinations are endless!

11 Stranmillis Rd, Belfast BT9 5AF

028 9009 8999

Pictured is Lorna and Sam Robinson along with their sons Robert
and Richard, who run and manage Cloughbane Farm since opening
in 2013. Cloughbane now produce a range of premium quality
ready meals including Cottage Pie, Lasagne, and Pastry Pies from
their Farm in Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone. This year, due to the demand of
market trends, Cloughbane have developed a range of Vegetarian
and Vegan meals including a Spicy Lentil and Root Vegetable
Casserole which won Best Product from a Small Company at the
NIFDA Awards.

Restaurant Review
Restaurant Review

a spicy
chloe heaney
visits indie spice
in stranmillis.

All week I had been looking forward to brought up on spicy curries as a child. the mains came out.
my Sunday evening meal at Indie Spice in For my starter dish, I was torn between a I love potatoes so for my main dish, I
Stranmillis. Who doesn’t love a bit of spice few of the vegetarian options, the classic asked them if they could cook me up the
and flavour on a Sunday evening before onion bhaji, the vegetable pakora and the aloo chana as a main instead of a starter,
settling into the weekly routine? After chana chaat (chickpeas tossed on a pan to which they happily obliged! I was
hearing wonderful things from colleagues with tangy, sweet sauce and served on a delighted as this is my all time favourite
and friends and getting a sneak peek at fried pancake). I adore the fried pancakes Indian dish. It was bursting with unique
their new menu online, I was buzzing to so decided to go for the aloo chaat dish and fresh flavours that worked amazingly
try it out. What I love most about Indian (chickpeas and potatoes with a fried together.
cuisine is that it feels like a real treat but pancake) as my starter. The pancake was
isn’t unhealthy for you. It is a fantastic way cooked to perfection and complemented My friend is relatively new to curry houses
to ensure you get plenty of vegetables and the softly done potatoes beautifully. It all but loves spicy foods so he felt this was
legumes into your diet - balance! melted in my mouth for a classic flavour a real treat. He opted for the lamb rogan
fusion. josh. It came out presented beautifully,
It was a rainy evening and our table was marinated in a blend of spices and cooked
booked for 9pm, it was just starting to get with chopped onions and tomatoes in the
dark as we arrived. I was thrilled at the sauce. He was in awe of it and commented
ample parking along the road, meaning on how tender the meat was.
we didn’t get drenched en route and
I could dress up a bit and wear heels The portion sizes were great, we did not
without worrying about a long trek to go hungry that night, we didn’t even leave
the restaurant. There was a chilled vibe room for dessert! We ended up taking
in the restaurant. On arrival my friend a ‘doggy bag’ home with us as our eyes
commented on how clean and hygienic were bigger than our bellies and we
it was. We were seated in the middle of couldn’t stand the thought of wasting any
the restaurant in a comfy booth next to of the good food.
the front bar area, the perfect seats to lap
up the relaxed atmosphere around us. It Indie Spice is conveniently close to the
also gave us the opportunity to chat to iconic Lyric Theatre, it would make for the
the friendly knowledgeable waiters about My friend went for the mixed tandoori perfect dining spot before seeing a show
some of the tasty dishes on offer. starter dish. This was a combination of as they have an early bird / pre theatre
murgh tikka (chicken fillets), seekh kebab menu which is decently priced. The meal
We both ordered Cobra which was (minced lamb with fresh garlic/ginger) and went down a treat for both of us and we
recommended to us by the waiter. It was a jhinga tandoori (king prawns marinated left feeling very satisfied and excited to
toss up between Cobra or Tiger beer. The in lime juice). My friend was so impressed return soon!
perfect smooh companion for the spicy with all the variety of meat on his plate and
treats which lay ahead of us. commented on how perfectly cooked each Indie Spice
part was. He was blown away by how tasty 159 Stranmillis Rd,
The menu was brimming with delicious it all was. Belfast
dishes. There were so many to choose BT9 5AJ
from. I felt totally spoilt for choice but We were also treated to some yummy T: 028 9066 8100
knew what my favourites were from being papadums with dips to keep us going until www.indiespice.com/belfast
the scene


The Northern Ireland Ten Pin Bowling Federation and Lisburn Bowl
welcomed competitors and supporters from England, Scotland, Wales and
Ireland to Lisburn for the 2019 Senior Triple Crown. Over the three days of
play male and female competitors competed in Singles, Doubles and Team
Bowling Events and an awards dinner Gala took place in Blaze Grill. Lisburn
Bowl were honoured that the Federation chose the centre for their turn in
hosting such a prestigious event on the bowling calendar. Host country
Northern Ireland couldn’t have asked for a better conclusion to this year’s
Senior Triple Crown with the team of Kevin Horton, Sam Hull, Paul McCauley
and debutant Ken Harrison winning the Men’s Team Gold and Team Ireland
secured the Ladies Team Gold Medal.



The Moorings Restaurant were thrilled to win Restaurant of the

Pizza Pomodoro has added to their growing award collection by Year in County Fermanagh at the recent Food Awards Northern
winning the Best Italian Establishment at the recent Food Awards Ireland. This adds to their other recent award of Restaurant
Northern Ireland. Pictured on the night receiving their award is Boris Manager of the Year at the Irish Restaurant Awards, awarded to
Farani and Kamilla Wisniewski. Charlie Oldcroft.
www.pizzapom.co.uk 154 Derrylin Road, Bellanaleck

the scene

Sarah Gaw, Jamie Adams, Carmel Kernahan, Billy Wilson, Caroline McKinley, Irene McCann,
Ciara McAlinden, Natasha Franklin and Fiona Anderson. Michelle McCann and Robert Butler.

Start360 delivers a range of person-centred
services to young people, adults, families and
communities across Northern Ireland. Recently
in The Duke of York, staff, family and friends
of Start360 were on top form at a pub quiz
pitching against each other. The money raised
will help fund a creative writing residential in
Arvon, Yorkshire.

To learn more visit www.Start360.org

Janet McDowell, Christine Peacock, Jim McDowell and John Peacock.

David Scott, Kirsty Armstrong, Katie McAllister, Hannah Gourley and Emma McClelland. Ciara McAlinden, Brian Loney and Maria Grego.

Carmel Kernahan and Stephen Barr. Start 360 CEO Anne-Marie McClure and Lynn Hill. Marion, Ben and Cathy Ritchie.

DANSke bank and ulster university launch
apprenticeship programme

Stacey Irvine-Herald, Danske Bank, with Timothy Moruzzi from Ulster University and student Lauren Hamilton.

Danske Bank and Ulster University are inviting applications for a

unique apprenticeship programme that offers school leavers the “By enabling students to earn
opportunity to get paid work experience in the banking sector while
studying for a degree.
First launched last autumn, Danske Futures is a three-year higher-
money and gain valuable
level apprenticeship programme for students who have completed
their A- Levels.
experience while studying for
Ten new apprentices will take up a role within Danske’s Personal
Banking and Small Business team or Operations team, while studying a fully-funded degree, Danske
part-time for a fully funded BSc Hons degree in Managing the
Customer Contact.
Lauren Hamilton from Belfast joined the programme when it first
Futures provides a fantastic
launched last year. She is currently working in Danske’s Mortgages
Customer Support team. Lauren said: “I had just finished a gap opportunity for ambitious
year and was ready to get started on my career journey. This
apprenticeship appealed to me as I could work and study at the same young people to get ahead in
time. I would definitely recommend it. Everyone is so supportive
and wants me to get as much as I can from the experience. As well as
learning on the job, I’ve been given lots of development opportunities.
their career”
I have learned so many things in a short period of time and really feel
that I can make a difference.”
Caroline van der Feltz, HR Director at Danske Bank, says the
programme presents a unique opportunity: “By enabling students to
earn money and gain valuable experience while studying for a fully- Contact is a market- leading course, and as far as we know it’s the only
funded degree, Danske Futures provides a fantastic opportunity for higher education programme of its kind in the world. The partnership
ambitious young people to get ahead in their career. We’re delighted with Danske Bank will see students have the opportunity to put their
to support some of Northern Ireland’s brightest young talent achieve learning into practice day-to-day in an industry leading organisation.”
their full potential, and it benefits us by bringing new skills and fresh
ideas to our business.” The closing date for applications is 12 June 2019. Visit
Timothy Moruzzi, Programme Director and Apprenticeship Lead danskebank.co.uk/careers for more information and details of
at Ulster University, added: “The BSc in Managing the Customer how to apply.

the scene

NANCY Pelosi
US Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy
Pelosi, and her delegation visited Stormont recently
where they were greeted by Northern Assembly
speaker Robin Newton. She opened her speech by
paying tribute to all who had gathered and thanked
two schoolgirls who had spoken about their hopes for
the future, adding that she enjoyed listening to young
people when she travelled across the world. The Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Robin Newton, and US Speaker of
the House, Nancy Pelosi, pictured with her delegation and local NI politicians.

Mrs Pelosi and Mr Newton viewing Robin Newton and Nancy Pelosi pictured
Nancy Pelosi and Robin Newton. a portrait of Mr Ian Paisley. at Stormont with her delegation.


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Column / Know the Law

Jayne Gibson,
Insight.Out Financial

Spring Clean Your Finances

With Insight.out Financial
With the retirement age increasing and JAMs (just about it’s not too late! As people reach their 30s, they’ve progressed
managing) making up a sizeable chunk of the population, it’s in their career, are more considered about their futures and
time to break bad habits and embrace new ways of living, and committed to making long-term decisions.
saving, with a financial Spring clean! - See a Financial Advisor. They will assess your current position,
Named as the Best Financial Advisor in Scotland and outgoing and make a financial plan for your future
Northern Ireland at the Women in Financial Advice Awards - Make the most of your available tax allowances and are not losing
2018, Jayne Gibson from Insight.Out Financial is one of the out on your personal income tax allowance and child benefit.
leading lights when it comes to lifetime financial planning. - With a plan in place look to protection to make sure it stays on
From advising clients in their 20s to guiding clients in track even if the unthinkable happens.
retirement, here Jayne outlines some valuable financial advice
regardless of what stage you’re at in life. 40s | Although you might still feel like you’re 20 and wonder how
It’s never too late to make a difference and with you’re now in your 40s, it’s really time to think about your future.
determination to improve your finances, and a commitment You’re half way into your working life and reassessing your current
to a new financial routine, some solid planning could pay financial situation, combined with where you’d like to be in the
dividends in the future. future is important.
Reflecting on good practice throughout the decades, Jayne’s If you have additional funds, speak to a lifetime financial planner
advice is as follows: about investments. If you’re already on the investment ladder,
diversity investments and assess risks and rewards.
20s | Whether having just finished University with huge loans Estate planning is a reality of life, and it’s something that should
or in the first rungs of your career, creating a lifetime financial be considered in your 40s if not before. Combining estate
plan is not a priority for many people in their 20s. In addition, the planning with your retirement goals will give a Lifetime Financial
changing nature of work means that there’s more people self- Planner a clear outline of where you’d like to be, and they can help
employed, freelancing and in more fluid positions – ‘jobs for life’ to ensure the steps are in place to make this a reality.
are a thing of the past.
Ironically, this is why it’s even more important than ever before - Consider your future lifestyle after retirement, and not just in
that people have a financial roadmap. The huge pension pots that terms of your finances. What are the goals, how do you see your
many people in their 20s would have heard about from parents retirement, what are your lifetime ambitions?
are now hearsay and there’s an increasing reliance for people to - This is the decade when you can really make a difference to
create their own nest eggs for future years. building your wealth. Aim to contribute as much as you can
Becoming a prudent saver and starting to create positive to pension and ISAs as these help your money work more
spending and saving habits, will be of huge benefit in future efficiently for you
decades, especially when mortgages, children, and life’s ‘curve - Consider annual reviews with a Lifetime Financial Planner
balls’ are thrown in. - Make sure your plans remain well protected
- Speak to a qualified financial advisor who will create that
Five takeaways for building up a healthy pension:
roadmap for you and review it annually. A little effort will help to
1. Even the smallest amount will make a difference. Start building
generate huge rewards.
your savings from your first full time job
- Start saving for your future as early as possible – ideally when
2. As your salary increases, gradually build up your contributions
you first start work
3. Prioritise a pension
- Small amounts in the early years are worth more as they have a
4. Get solid advice. Meet with a lifetime financial planner who will
longer period to grow in value
- All companies are now required to offer a workplace pension, set in place a financial plan for your future
with contributions from the business and the individual. Choose 5. Schedule financial reviews with a qualified advisor who will be
to opt in. able to help keep your plans on track and help to make any
adjustments needed to deal with life’s hiccups.
30s | This is the decade when thoughts about retirement start Insight.Out Financial offers independent financial advice and is
to kick in and the financial freedom of your 20s seems like a long committed to upholding high professional standards. We provide
time ago. lifetime financial planning, and this can include pension transfer
As you hit your mid to late 30s, the practicalities of reaching and advice, investment planning, financial and tax planning, personal
preparing for a good retirement are important. protection, and business financial planning. Our aim is to help
It can seem difficult to manage your finances as often mortgages, clients to understand and achieve their financial goals.
childcare and everyday bills are at a premium in your 30s however
with solid advice, developing a practical pension plan is the best Insight.Out can be contacted on 028 9590 2280 or via email:
way to navigate your finances. info@insightoutfinancial.com The company is located at 137 -
Finding spare cash can be a struggle but prioritise it - it’s as 141 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 3BE.
important as a weekend away or your TV subscriptions. Rethink
your budget and stay on top of debt repayment. Risk warning: The value of investments and the income from them
If you have children, it’s not just their needs right now that need to be can fall as well as rise and past performance is not a guide to
considered, but their future requirements such as further education. future performance. You may get back less than you invested as
If you haven’t started to plot your financial future, remember… investment returns are not guaranteed.

Sleek and Curvy
Is this the best looking affordable hatchback the Mazda feel like a very refined car indeed. to project your speed on the windscreen.
out there? Mazda has raised their game with The diesel was at home on the demanding This is additional to a repeater from the sat
the latest generation of the 3. This is a sleek terrain with a nice surge of power to regain nav that reminds you of the speed limit. The
and curvy little car that will catch your eye pace after each sharp bend or hill crest. It speedo also warns with a trailing red line
and that of many admirers. is rated at 116PS giving a useful everyday behind the needle when you are over the
This is their latest evolution of the ‘Kodo’ range of power. Its emissions are stated at limit.
design language that makes a car look like it 107g/gm. This is a most impressive new car from
is moving when it is stopped! It takes the look The 2.0 petrol is even more hushed Mazda which represents a lot of development
up into another league for the Hiroshima- and has a long-legged feel. Slightly more work and produces a quality that the posher
based company. The dynamic appeal of powerful on 122PS it eats up the miles with names would be worried about!
the Mazda3 is also much improved as I ease. The CO2 emissions from 117g/km is Despite this,the price range starts from a
discovered on a challenging drive through a commendable result of the latest SkyActiv keen £20,595 for a petrol car in SE-L trim.
the Scottish Borders and over the Pennines. engineering - this now includes a ‘mild’ The diesels start from £22,395. There is a
Potholes, sheep and blind stone bridges hybrid system to recoup energy. walk up through SEL-lux, Sport and GT trims.
- the tarmac was throwing everything at me A radical new petrol engine is to join these The diesel GT Sport with automatic gearbox
so I really needed a car that knew what it was two later this year. Called the SkyActv X, tops out the launch range at £27,470.
doing. This one did and didn’t put a wheel this new compression ignition unit is said to
wrong in five hours of solid driving. It was combine the advantages of diesel and petrol
obvious that the suspension has been revised power. FACT FILE
as well as practically everything else on the Inside, the Mazda3 has more of a premium Mazda3 2.O SE-L
car. feel. The clear round dials remind me of a
Mazda has imbued its hatchback with BMW or an Audi. There is a head-up display Engine - 2.0-litre petrol mild hybrid
some of the sporting joie de vie of the MX-5
producing 122PS
sports car. The manual gear change is a treat Performance - 0-62mph in 10.2
to use with its fast and precise action.

seconds, 122mph top speed
I sampled two engines - a 1.8 diesel and
a 2.0 petrol both developed with the Mazda Economy - 45.6mpg combined
Skyactiv engineering to be as clean and Emmissions - 117g/km carbon dioxide
efficient as a conventional engine can be. Price - from £20.595
Both were impressively quiet and really made




Power and Grace
Derek Black takes the new BMW M850i through its powerful paces.

How do you brighten up a dull, wet afternoon But it can stop with equal urgency thanks to wheel drive system) which is good to have,
in early March? You take a drive in BMW’s big disc brakes. Born to deal with Germany’s particularly on a wet day. It is a clever
new flagship Grand Touring coupé with unrestricted autobahns, it just laps up our M1 system giving a touch of the traditional rear-
its warp factor acceleration and burbling as if it was a country lane. drive feel in normal driving but cutting in
V8 turbo-charged engine. It is more than Grand Touring cars were invented for long automatically when needed.
enough to put a smile back on the most continental journeys to luxury destinations Inside, the car is a delightful blend of
cynical of faces. in the south of France, Monte Carlo or the stitched leather - red in my white car - and
The new M850i is one of the finest of Italian coast. They need to combine a lot high tech instrumentation. There is a 12-inch
BMW’s range of fine driving machines. Even of power with a high level of comfort. The screen on which ‘digital’ instruments are
when hunkered down at rest, the styling M850i lives up to brief very well indeed. displayed. (Your speed is also projected onto
says power and grace. Yet when easing my The V8 engine - and the V6 of the 3.0 the wind-screen.) A central screen is used for
way through the Boucher Road traffic I don’t turbo diesel in its sister M840d - is mated to sat nav and infotainment featuring ‘gesture
feel intimidated by the thought that there is BMW’s eight-speed automatic gearbox. You control’ - just wave your finger in a circle to
500bhp under that long bonnet. can manually operate the gears with paddles turn up the volume.
With four-wheel steering, the 850i behind the steering wheel or just let it get on The M850i is a two-door four seater with
responds like a smaller car - you notice this with its job. It does this very effectively in the a huge boot. Later a convertible model will
in the car park or when changing lanes on background until you need to overtake when be offered, together with a four-door Grand
the motorway. This is a car that inspires a kick down delivers instant punch. Coupé. Oh, and there will be an even more
confidence as it has the power and the This is accompanied by a rather gratifying powerful M8 version!
handling to deal comfortably with whatever sound from under the bonnet. The intensity This is an expensive car but it feels
the road throws at you. of the roar depends on whether the car is worth it in terms of finish, performance and
Acceleration from rest to 62mph takes just in Comfort or Sport settings. Both models sophistication. As BMWs go, it more than
3.7 seconds and that has to be respected. are equipped with BMW’s Xdrive (four- lives up to their old slogan of ‘the ultimate
driving machine’.
The diesel 840d xDrive option has 320bhp
from its turbo 3.0-litre engine and can
accelerate to 62mph in 4.9 seconds. Priced
from £76,270 this one is rated at 46mpg with
emissions of 160g/km.

BMW M850i xDrive
Price - from £99,525

Engine - 4.4-litre V8 turbo

Power - 523bhp
Eight-speed automatic, four-wheel drive
Acceleration - 0-62mph: 3.7 seconds
Top speed - 155mph (limited)
Economy/CO2 - 29.1mpg/221g/km

the scene

Ciaran O’Hare, Ciaran Maguire, James Ferris and Conor Woods.

Event sponsors Traction; Jim McGuire, David

bsa annual
McWilliams, Paul McGuire and Paddy Murney.

golf event
The fine weather ensured a high turnout of participants at this year’s BSA
Annual Golf Event hosted by Belvoir Golf Club.
Traction Finance, our Event Sponsor, celebrated something of a
milestone this being their fifth year of continuous involvement with our
Association’s flagship event.
The BSA has long supported local charities and we were delighted to
announce that this year’s nominated charity is N.I Chest, Heart and Stroke.
A final word of thanks should go to our prize sponsors, namely Hanna
Fine Art, Goldblatt McGuigan Chartered Accountants and Suitor Brothers
Menswear, who provided a range of quality prizes.

The Sheridan Leonard Solicitors team.

District Judge Steven Keown, Conor Owens, Eamon O’Connor and Frank Cleary. Eoghan McKenna, Gareth Prior, Connor Woods and Ciaran O’Hare.

BSA Hon. Secretary Ciaran Maguire, From Liverpool Law Society; Gary Hogan, Jonny Berkson,
Paddy Murney from event sponsor Traction. Steph Ellis (NICHS) and Paddy Murney. Valentine Duggans and Brian Lawlor.

the scene

Ciaran Maguire presenting Mark Taylor, back 9 winner, with a prize. Gareth Prior, front 9 winner receiving his prize from Ciaran Maguire.

Team winners, the Sheridan Leonard Solicitors team. District Judge Steven Keown and guests.

Ciaran Maguire presenting a gift to Jonathan

Berson from the Liverpool Law Society. Paul McGuire from event sponsors Traction and colleagues.

Overall winner, Gareth Magee receiving his trophy from Ciaran Maguire. Ciaran Maguire presenting the prize to Runner-up, Martin Small.

HER MAJESTY THE Queen’s birthday
marked in Carrickfergus by
21-gun salute
Crowds gathered in Carrickfergus on Easter Monday a 21-gun salute. Prince William and the Duchess of
to witness a royal gun salute in celebration of Her Cambridge, meanwhile, were granted the titles of
Majesty the Queen’s 93rd birthday. The grounds of the Baron and Baroness Carrickfergus to mark their
town’s iconic castle proved the ideal backdrop for the marriage.
event, attended by more than 1,000 members of the
public. Mid and East Antrim Borough Council elected
representatives and officials, along with special guests,
joined the public to mark the celebration in fine
sunshine at 12 noon. The event reinforces the town’s
strong links to the Royal family and the military. Last
year Prince Philip’s 97th birthday was also marked with www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Column / Know the Law

Catherine Cooney
Catherine Cooney is a Partner in Worthingtons Solicitors, Belfast who specialises in corporate, commercial and charity law.

How best to protect your

family business
This month, Catherine emphasises the importance of contracts in family businesses.

Northern Ireland has a buoyant family business sector with a higher Your lawyer should work with the family to draw up an agreement
ratio of family run businesses than any other region in the UK, proof of which addresses all of these issues and clearly sets out the future
our resources and highly skilled labour. strategy of the family business. In our experience these discussions
also help draw out the worries of individual family members and can
Whether joining a family business or thinking of retiring from one, it is neutralise potential disputes from an early stage. For example, what is
important to consider the future plan for your business. If you haven’t the criteria for employing family members? One of the most common
already done so, you need to consider drawing up a plan whether it problems is the perception that one family member isn’t pulling their
is in the form of a shareholders’ agreement, a family charter or family weight in the family business. Ensure that an employment contract is
constitution. put in place, set and monitor targets to manage an underperforming
family member and decide who approves increases in renumeration.
Not every question is appropriate for every family or family business Perhaps family members should be obliged to retire at a certain age
but this article should highlight some of the main issues to consider. when enthusiasm and commitment is waning?

Have you thought about external investment, would you ever consider Ensure that your lawyer also reviews your Will when drafting the
selling the business, what is your retirement plan, what investment is shareholders’ agreement. Your lawyer should also provide for cross
required for your growth targets in the short, medium and long term options within the shareholders’ agreement. This means that on the
and can the required investment be sourced from family members, death of a shareholder, the other shareholders have an option to
what are the core values of the family business and are there any buy the deceased’s shares from their personal representatives. An
aggravating external factors (e.g. Brexit)? insurance policy can be taken out on the life of each shareholder.

Ownership of the family business can give rise to expensive legal One particular area of dispute that arises time and time again is
wrangling if it isn’t dealt with in a transparent way from the outset or what information should be shared with family members who are
prior to any changes including life changes e.g. death or marriage. shareholders but not directors. It is important that these practical issues
are outlined in any agreement. Consider how disputes should be
The shareholders’ agreement (or family charter/constitution) should resolved and put a mediation process in place to minimise legal costs.
clearly set out who should own the shares of the business, who should
have voting control, whether a number of voting should be restricted These rules also apply neatly to other types of businesses, e.g. friends
so that decisions can be reached more easily, who inherits shares and setting up in business together or a mixture of family and friends.
what would happen if a family member wishes to sell their shares. Any Taking expert legal advice early is the key to
agreement should also clearly set out how the share price should be minimising damaging family disputes in the
calculated. future.

If you are the principal majority owner (e.g. a founder) it is important to For legal advice please contact
think about how you view your shares, are they a capital investment or Catherine on 028 9043 4015.
an asset passed to the next generation? catherine@worthingtonslaw.co.uk

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The Word


Associate Solicitor, Maria McNally has completed
her training with the Institute of Professional Legal
Studies (IPLS) to become a qualified Mediator. The
IPLS Mediation Course provides training in Civil and
Commercial Mediation. As advocates of Alternative
Dispute Resolution, Maria will add to the Dispute
Resolution team’s expertise at Cleaver Fulton Rankin.
Maria joins an experienced and specialist team of
Mediators at Cleaver Fulton Rankin, where the firm
currently has five fully qualified Mediators. In addition,
Directors Patrick Fleming and Aaron Moore recently
obtained a Diploma in Adjudication in the Construction
Industry, giving them a market leading qualification,
which many of their competitors do not hold. The
Dispute Resolution team is well equipped to provide a
full suite of dispute resolution advice for any dispute.
Maria McNally, Associate Solicitor, added, “The
IPLS Mediation Course has been both valuable and
enjoyable. The course has developed my practical
knowledge and skills thereby enabling me to
comprehensively advise clients on alternative dispute
resolution options available.
“Mediation is an effective means of dispute
resolution and is a process that offers potential cost
savings, flexibility and confidentiality to parties involved
in a dispute. At Cleaver Fulton Rankin, we continue to
promote the benefits of engaging in the process.”

For more information visit www.cfrlaw.co.uk

Arthur Dodds & Company Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


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Each month we look back at what was making headlines in past editions.
This month we revisit our June 1996 issue.

3 4 5
1. Third year students from University of pictured at the Downey House School Newtownards. The successful evening was
Ulster, Jordanstown, pictured at the PTA May Ball. hosted by Rose Neill and proceeds from
advertising and marketing formal. Back the charity collection went to Northern
row: Helen Kee, Kevin McCreesh, Adrian 3. Jeremy Nelson, guest of honour Lisl Ireland Mother and Baby Appeal.
Green, Lee Campbell, Shane Carmichael, Biggs-Davison, Jeffrey Donaldson and
Caiomhe Mullan, Sarah Owen. Front row: Alistair B. Cooke at a reception and dinner 5. Pictured at the launch of the 1996 Lunn’s
Julie Emerson, Gillian Pollock, Bridgeen held in the Ulster Reform Club for the Polo Cup, held at the Maze Polo Field,
Rea and Julie Kearnan. John Biggs-Davison Memorial Trust. were David Weale, Chairman NI Polo
Club; Peter Lunn, JH Lunn (Jewellers) Ltd;
2. Patricia Coburn, Patricia Douglas, 4. One of the bridal designs on display International polo player Jamie Dickson
Rosemary Orr and Joanne McMahon at a bridal evening held in Wardens of with ‘Rosita’ and Michelle McTernan.

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