Lasnier, France
Photovoltaic engineering handbook.
1. Solar energy. Photovoltaic conversion
I. Title II. Ang, Tony Gan
ISBN 0-85274-311-4
Lasnier, France.
Photovoltaic engineering handbook/France Lasnier and Tony Gan
568 p. 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-85274-311-4
1. Photovoltaic power generation. 2. Solar cells. 3. Solar batteries.
I. Gan Ang, Tony. II. Title.
TK2960.L27 1990
621.3T244—dc20 90-4286
Preface xix
23 Terminology 522
23.1 Photovoltaic systems terminology 522
23.2 Battery terminology 529
23.3 Economic terminology 534
23.4 Solar geometry 537
23.5 Radiation terms 538
23.6 Radiation quantities 539
23.7 Radiation measurement 540
23.8 Radiation properties and processes 540
Index 543
are listed at the end of each chapter for further in-depth research work.
Although many individuals have participated in one way or another, by
question or comment, to the quality of the present edition, a special word of
thanks has to be addressed to AIT students who helped the authors to find
the right focus of this book, i.e. to answer the regional needs in photovoltaics.
France Lasnier
Tony Gan Ang
June 1989
Part I
Technological Processes
1 Solar Cell Technologies
It has been over 150 years since Becquerel in 1839 first discovered that a
photovoltage was developed when light was directed onto one of the
electrodes in an electrolyte solution. Adams and Day were the first to observe
the photovoltaic ( p v ) effect in a solid (selenium) in 1877. Early solid-state
researchers including Lange, Grondahl and Schottky did pioneering work on
selenium and cuprous oxide p v cells. However, it was not until 1954 that
scientific literature published results on the use of the p v effect in energy
conversion processes.
The wide spectrum of semiconductor-related technologies encompasses
the field of solar cells (see figure 1.5) and all manufacturing processes
described below are derived from and enjoy the latest advances made in
microelectronics. From this point of view, p v converters belong to the so-
called high-technology field and any improvement in that field contributes to
the progress in semiconductor technology as a whole.
The silicon solar-cell-manufacturing process involves basically three
Solar Cells
Silicon- Chips
for Electronic
j r
T hin Sheets Ribbon
Casting Film s Exchange Approaches
Nearly D irectional
Single S o lid ific a tio n
Figure 1.4 Silicon and its various routes of utilization, particularly the solar-cell
6 Solar cell technologies
mass production of solar cells. In the last few years, remarkable progress has
been seen in both physics and technology development of hydrogenated
amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar cells which in a very short period has moved
through all the phases from discovery to industrial production. Nowadays
a-Si solar cells have a considerable market size particularly in the consumer
electronics field such as pocket-sized calculators, wrist watches and battery
rechargers. Although a-Si technical readiness has still to be proven to enter
the power production sector, the basics of the process are reviewed in the
present chapter.
Arc Furnace
automatic vertical regulator
The vapour reacts with impurities such as aluminium, carbon and mag
nesium which then leave the silicon as part of the gas. Through the reduction
of quartzite with coal, MG-Si is produced at a cost of US$1 kg" 1. The purity
of MG-Si is low (98-99%) owing to the low purity of the starting materials.
process, the most energy intensive being the last step, the deposition of silicon
from the gas phase (150 kWh (kg Si)-1). In addition, the deposition process
is characterized by a low yield (26%), a low throughput and a discontinuous
operation (figure 1.7). Analysis of the present module costs show that the
manufacturing of the silicon substrate alone amounts to nearly 50% of the
total cost per peak watt with the remainder being costs of cell fabrication and
Gloss Melt
Heating Element
Thickness Gauge
Pulling Mechanism
black pellets with a hot HC1 solution. The basic chemical reaction of the
process is
S i02(s) + 2C(s)—>Si(l) + 2CO(g).
Figure 1.14 shows a 550 kV A three-electrode arc furnace used for the
carbothermic reduction of the purified silica and carbon in a pilot-scale
3 Graphite Electrodes
Si02 + C
Figure 1.14 Schematic diagram of the 550 kV A arc furnace used in the carbothermic
production of soG-Si (Siemens).
Large-scale production of silicon base material 15
S i P u rific a tio n to
Fin al P o ly cry sta llin e
S o G - S i P ro d u ct
S t ir r e r
obtained in the form of platelets with typical impurity levels lower than
10 at.ppm. Prior to further refining, the product is milled and leached.
The semi-continuous character of the process is one of the preconditions
for guaranteeing low-cost production. Thus recycling of aluminium by
recrystallizing the by-product (A120 3) from the slag system and reducing it
by electrolysis is a rather important part of the process.
In the proposed 50 m tyear-1 plant, chlorine gas (Cl2) will be reacted with
Large-scale production of silicon base material 17
Figure 1.17 Union Carbide silane process flow diagram for the production of
An important effort has been devoted to the definition and the preparation of
soG-Si for replacing the expensive EG-Si. However, solar-grade as well as
electronic-grade materials have to be shaped prior to being processed for p v
cells production (figure 1.12).
Two kinds of method to produce silicon solar cell feedstock material are
investigated although their development stages are quite different.
(i) Bulk growth, leading to ingots which have to be cut into wafers with
optimized slicing techniques.
(ii) Ribbon pulling for which all the limitations bound to slicing are
definitely overcome. The silicon consumption in ribbon-pulling tech
niques is between two and eight times smaller than in sliced wafers
depending upon the different processes.
There is of course an economic advantage to using ribbons as against
ingots (to minimize waste material) but the ribbon-pulling techniques are
much less mature and most of them still have to be proved viable before
being industrialized. Moreover, bulk growth techniques are already in
industrial production, starting with a semiconductor-grade as well as an
electronic-grade feedstock material. Bulk growth techniques can then be
divided into two approaches.
(i) Ingot-pulling technology.
(ii) Ingot-casting technology.
In casting technology, the material is shaped by using a unidirectional
crystallization process in a fixed crucible. For EG-Si casting the process
involves a seed of crystalline silicon which is not required in the soG-Si
casting process.
Finally, two technological routes have to be distinguished. In the first case
leading technological processes for making single-crystal ingots are con
sidered. The second case corresponds to the elaboration of polycrystalline
structures of any kind since attractive physical and economical properties of
such material have been corroborated worldwide. The a-Si thin-film tech
nology, although specifically applied today for the consumer electronics
market, has yet to acquire the technical readiness which will present it as a
major competitor in the p v power market and this will be reviewed at the end
of this chapter.
wafers. New fabrication processes such as dendritic web growth and edge-
defined film-fed growth ( efg ) attempt to reduce cost by growing ribbons that
can be directly formed into usable wafers:
^ Susceptor
Direction of Movement
Molten Silicon of Heater Winding
S i0 2 Liner S in g le -C r y s ta l Ingot
S in g le -C r y s ta l Seed
-P u ll rod
'o' R ing seal
Cooling water
x P ip e fla n g e seal
-Q u a r tz casin g
^Molybdenum chuck
.'See d crystal
^Q uartz crucible
.'Carbon sleeve
^Q uartz liner
1 A d ju stab le
; Cooling water
- G a s out
Therm ocouple
x Q uartz T. C. well
* Bounding Dendrites
(/um) Light
9 Electron
® Hole
Figure 1.24 (a) The lifetime of free charge carriers (which indicates the
time that they are likely to be free before recombining) is strongly
dependent on grain size in polycrystalline silicon. Since it is important
to keep charge carrier combination to a minimum, large-grained poly
crystalline material is necessary for good cell performance. (b) Wide
vertical grains spanning a cell from top to bottom aid cell performance
because light-generated carriers tend to flow vertically without en
countering grain boundaries.
Silicon solar cells feedstock material 25
growth rate of the polycrystalline silicon ingot should not exceed a critical
threshold of 1 m m m in-1 since the crystal structure begins to collapse at
higher growth rates.
This efficient ingot-casting technology is completed with highly efficient
cutting and wafering techniques which produce low-cost silicon wafers at
minimum material loss. Cutting and slicing of the finished ingots are
accomplished by band-sawing and multi-blade slurry sawing. The band-saw
technique contours and portions the ingots and is able to reduce kerf losses
to about 2 mm from the 8 mm incurred in outer-diameter ( o d ) sawing. By
using these techniques a 100 kg ingot can be cut into 16 columns of
10 cm x 10 cm cross section with 82% columns output.
Polyx process (Photowatt)
The furnace allows us to obtain multi-crystalline silicon ingots with a basaltic
structure by means of an unidirectional crystallization method in a fixed
crucible (figure 1.27). The seedless crystallization is operated in a crucible
stationary with respect to the working coils (direct induction in the crucible
walls). Regulation allows us to stabilize the silicon bath temperature, and
silicon solidification is obtained when opening the thermal insulation at the
bottom of the crucible. In comparison with the straight Bridgman process in
which the crucible moves down the thermal gradient, this modified process
leads to a steadier solidification rate and the shape of the solid-liquid
interface is more regular—nearly flat over a substantial extent of its surface.
When the crystallization is finished, the crucible is removed and can be used
again. The ingot is then slowly cooled naturally following a thermal
programme. In order to increase the capacity of industrial furnaces, the
section of the ingot should be increased preferably to increase the height.
Therefore an appropriate adaptation of the rf heating process has been
developed. The rf coil is divided in two separate r f coils: a vertical one for
the crucible walls and a horizontal one for the crucible top wall. Therefore,
better heating control can be achieved by adjusting separately the induced
heat of the two coils. The graph in figure 1.28 shows an example of a
crystallization cycle used to obtain 30-60 kg ingots. The first phase of this
cycle is the fusion of the polycrystalline silicon and takes approximately
2-3 h; the next phase is stabilization which is carried out for j h. Then the
thermal insulation of the bottom is slightly opened in order to obtain heat
dissipation and to start the crystallization (6-8 h). The ingot is unmoulded
from the crucible at the end of the crystallization process and is allowed to
cool through controlled cooling.
Such an industrial casting furnace can produce multi-crystalline ingots of
mass up to 60 kg with 10% conversion efficiency for up to 90% of the ingot.
Edge-supported pulling
esp differs from the efg method in that, here, a foreign material becomes an
integral part of the growing ribbon to stabilize the edges (figure 1.29).
Graphite filaments are immersed in the silicon melt and withdrawn at a
controlled rate, causing a web or ribbon to form between the filaments. The
rigid graphite filaments control the ribbon width and edge geometry in a
manner analogous to the silicon dendrites in the dendritic web process.
Figure 1.29 esp: in seeded esp, a seed crystal between graphite filaments
originally contacts the molten silicon. As the seed is pulled up, a nearly
single-crystal web solidifies between the filaments.
Carbon Ribbon
Burn - Off Step
Etching of Silica
Layer Silicon
1 h. The thin silica film formed on the surfaces of the sheets is then etched
away using an H F -H N 0 3-C H 3C 0 0 H mixture. Subsequent low-
temperature annealing and hydrogenation by implantation have been found
to improve solar cell performance greatly and 4 cm x 4 cm solar cells
fabricated from the polycrystalline silicon sheets have shown efficiencies of
10x10 cm*
Heater Preconditioning
Figure 1.33 Schematic diagram o f the raft : basic principle.
Consumable Layer
Silicon Foil -
4 \
Solid /Liquid
Si Feeder
C - Fiber Net
Figure 1.35 Schematic diagram of the hsw pulling apparatus.
withdrawn from the silicon melt (figure 1.36). Polycrystalline silicon ribbons
about 100 gm thick have been pulled at a rate of 5-6 cm m in-1 . Cells with
large columnar grains 4-5 mm in diameter have been formed with cell
efficiencies of 10.5% for a film 100 /mi thick.
Aluminum Silicate
which touches and coats the ceramic sheets as they are pulled past at a rate of
4 cm m in-1 . The method results in less exposure to impurity contamination
and ribbon silicon with thicknesses of 100-300 pm have been formed. The
s c im method developed by Honeywell has achieved growth rates of
60 cm2 m in“ 1 and cell efficiencies of 10.5%. Figure 1.38 shows how polycry
stalline silicon solar cells are fabricated from the sciM-grown silicon ribbon.
n - Contact Grid p-Contact Grid
Figure 1.38 (a) Contacts can be applied on both sides of an soc cell by
pre-slotting the ceramic base (which does not adversely affect the soc
process) or (b) contacts can be attached at the front by cutting through
the cell’s top layer. The series resistance resulting from the awkwardness
of contacting remains a problem in soc cells.
Silicon-on-silicon method
In the sos method, a polycrystalline silicon film is deposited on impure silicon
substrates through c v d by the reduction of SiHCl3 in H 2 at elevated
temperatures. The substrates can be cz or cast silicon and 10% efficient cells
over 100 cm2 in area have been grown. Cheap MG-Si may also be a suitable
substrate for deposition of purer polycrystalline films.
Silicon-on-inexpensive substrates
Silicon vapour deposition techniques on cheap, easily handled materials such
as steel or glass are applied with a best efficiency achieved of 23.6%.
than thin or thick films in solar cell fabrication processes is that 50% of the
silicon is wasted by the wafering operation.
The technical state of the art in silicon slicing is represented by five
different methods. Some of them are used in practice while the others are still
in the laboratory testing stage.
(i) Internal-diameter ( i d ) sawing.
(ii) Conventional multi-blade slurry sawing ( m b s ).
(iii) Multi-wire slurry sawing ( m w s ).
(iv) High efficiency multi-blade slurry sawing ( h e s s ).
(v) Fixed-abrasive (multi-wire) sawing technique ( f a s t ).
Table 1.2 presents a comparative and qualitative evaluation on operational
conditions of alternative silicon-slicing methods.
( fa st ). Also with regard to the so-called wear ratio G (i.e. work material
removed divided by abrasive layer lost by wear), id sawing with G «
500000 cm2cm - 2 is superior to the fa st process with G % 7500 cm2cm -2 .
In spite of high specific removal rates, id sawing as well as other slicing
processes require a moderate application of coolant when cutting silicon.
As mentioned above, a similar removal process also using electroplated
diamond abrasives bonded to the surface of a wire-type tool is effective in the
f a s t . Figures 1.39 and 1.40 show the general principle of this method, the
main advantage of which is the relative low mass of the moving tool frame
and the relatively high cutting speed vs of 100-150 m m in-1 . However, in
spite of the pre-tensioning of the wires, the effective tool load is rather limited
owing to the elastic deformation of the wires perpendicular to the work
surface. The resulting specific normal forces do hardly exceed 5 gem -1 of
contact length while in the case of id sawing the respective values are 50-100
times higher. Thus, the necessary grooving action with a brittle type of
fracture to separate small particles from the work surface cannot take place
in fixed-abrasive wire sawing with suitable efficiency.
Silicon solar cells feedstock material 39
Surface Cutting force Surface cut In-feed Cutting rate Wafers Wafers Surface
speed (N) (m2) rate (cm2m in_1) per per damage
(m m in-1) (cmmin-1) time length Onn)
(IT 1) (cm "1)
1000 28 — 30 5 50 30 14 10
1200 56 — 40 8 80 48 18 10
the carrier body. The carrier influences dominantly with its form and
material quality the lifetime of the tool and with it the overall output. The
saw band is made from low-carbon steel with a strength of about
MOON m m -2 . It has the dimensions 10500 mm x 80 mm x 1 mm. The
concentration and grain size of the abrasive diamond and the hardness of the
bronze bonding define the cutting rate and quality of the cut surface. In
general the abrasive grains are synthetic diamonds of medium grain size and
concentration. Cutting rates depend on the feeding rate and contact zone
between tool and workpiece. On contouring and portioning 100 kg ingots
with 43 cm x 43 cm cross section and a height of about 25 cm, cutting rates
of more than 120 cm2 min - 1 have been obtained (for a saw blade it is around
70 cm2 m in-1). The cut surfaces are flat; geometric deviations are less than
0.1 mm. The lifetimes of saw bands are comparable with those of o d saw
blades for silicon processing.
Figure 1.41 Review of technical options for the solar cell fabrication
process: S, standardized.
44 Solar cell technologies
P b 2o 3 Solid
P b c i3 Gas
P BBr3 Liquid
n p 2o
5 Solid
n POCl3 Liquid
D iffusion fu rn ace
to furnace to furnace
Q uartz tube
ziToT" Si wafer
\Q ,. 0 0 00
f low
(o )
tl t
to fu rnace
(b ) (c)
phosphorus and then heated, the phosphorus atoms will diffuse into the solid
silicon from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration.
Diffusion is arrested by lowering the temperature after an n-type collector
layer of the proper thickness is formed. The junction area is the narrow
transition region in which the dominant dopant switches from phosphorus to
Figure 1.44 shows the variation in phosphorus concentration with depth
for various diffusion times at a diffusion temperature of 950 °C. The p-n
junction is defined to be located where the phosphorus and boron respective
concentrations become equal.
solid, the projectiles lose their energy by electronic and nuclear collisions.
Nuclear collisions are responsible for the damage which is created in the
single-crystal or polycrystalline structure of the base material, i.e. silicon. In
order to anneal this damage and to put the dopants in substitutional sites, an
annealing procedure is necessary. The silicon wafer is exposed to a beam of
high-energy ions of the desired dopant by means of a glow discharge device;
for example, if the doped base layer is p type, it is exposed to a phosphorus
ion beam. The depth of penetration is adjustable depending on the strength
of the beam. The silicon surface must then be annealed with a high-energy
laser or electron beam in order to remove the damage caused by the
implantation on the crystal lattice and to put the dopant atoms in substi
tutional sites. The resultant p-n junction does not differ much from a
conventional diffusion-formed junction with depths generally about 0.25 /un.
Concentration of dopants varies from 1016 atoms cm "3 at the junction to
1021 atoms c m "3 at the surface. Advantages over the thermal diffusion
process include less energy usage; it is basically a cold process presenting a
greater reproducibility on a large scale because of its greater simplicity and
greater ease of control of junction depth and dopant concentration as well as
dopant profile. In addition, a thin layer of highly doped back-surface field
can be formed on the cell at the same time as the front-surface implantation.
Basically there exist four different procedures to perform dopant
(i) Conventional ion implantation: dopant ions are produced by glow
discharge in a source starting from a gas or vapour compound
containing the dopant atoms (figure 1.45). These positive ions are then
iso la tio n
(W ITH A C C E L E R A T E D S P E E D ) 1 (W ITH E JE C T IO N S P E E D )
S ilic o n w a fe r
(p la c e d in in tim a te
c o n t a c t w ith m a s k )
tI C r u c ib le
Figure 1.49 The use of a metal mask to define the top-metal grid
Silicon solar cells feedstock material 51
contact with a nickel mask for grid definition. On the back side, aluminium
and silver are used successively to obtain Ohmic contacts. Evaporation still
leads to the most reliable contacts, but it is far too expensive and has been
abandoned by all manufacturers.
Ultraviolet Polymerized
iiiiiii / i \ mini umiui
CSSS muni
Silicon chip
( a) (b) (c)
Figure 1.50 Photo-etching technique: {a) masking and exposure to ultraviolet
radiation; ( b) the photoresist after (a)\ (c) after etching.
Figure 1.51 (a) Texturing a cell exposes the tetrahedral surfaces of the
silicon crystal lattice, (6) Light that strikes the cell nearly perpendicularly
can be either absorbed or reflected; if it is reflected, it will strike another
surface and have another chance to be absorbed. Note also that light that
is absorbed is bent at the treated surface, so that it penetrates the cell
obliquely. Because light travels through the cell at an angle, the cell need
not be as thick to absorb as much light, (c) The lower reflectivity and the
longer distance that the light travels through the cell give about a 15%
improvement in cell efficiency compared with smooth uncoated cells.
j — - top loyer
i i
L_ ix* u lt . 1
L igh t is absorbed with Ligh t passes Light is absorbed
a thickness of up to through
about 100/um
E le c tric
Undoped Field
( Intrin sic) 0.5pm Sp an s
Am orphous In trin sic
Silico n Region
n+ Amorphous
S ilic o n +t / +
r v r> 7 r / -
+ 200 A
Substrate and
Back Contact
( S te e l, Aluminum ,of
Conductively Coated
X/ G lass
/ / / / / / /* iu
Figure 1.55 A p -i-n device: most light passes through the top layer and
generates electron-hole pairs in the intrinsic region. An induced field
spans the intrinsic region, sweeping the charge carriers to opposite ends
of the cell.
first 100 h of exposure after which cell parameters remain fairly constant. A
short anneal above 150 °C restores the original state of the cell. Changes due
to degradation consist mainly of a decrease in the fill factor and the short-
circuit current whereas the open-circuit voltage remains almost unaffected.
Common principles to improve the conversion efficiency of a-Si solar cells
are presented in figures 1.54 and 1.55.
Glow discharge deposition method
The glow discharge process involves the decomposition of a gas, i.e. source of
silicon material, in the electric field of a discharge plasma reactor (figure
1.56): a r f plasma is formed between a metallic cathode and the substrate on
which the a-Si will be deposited. Gas can be silane (SiH4) diluted in hydrogen
and, for the purpose of impurity addition, other gases such as B2H 6, PH 3,
FH 4 or CH4 may also be introduced into the chamber. The substrate is kept
at 250-300 °C which can be raised to obtain a microcrystalline layer instead
of an amorphous one. Glow-discharge-deposited films have a much lower
density of defect states in the gap owing to bond saturation by hydrogen
atoms. The hydrogen content which is typically 10-15% determines many of
the film properties such as microstructure, band gap and density of states.
^ J ~ ^ S i H 4 gas flow
R F coil
Figure 1.56 In the glow discharge process, silane gas (SiH4) is passed
slowly through a quartz tube in which is held a substrate heated to
200-300 °C. An r f field is applied inductively through an external coil,
which causes silicon to be deposited gradually as an extremely hard and
stable layer. The thickness of the film can be controlled by varying the
exposure and the flow rate. Doping elements are added to the silane gas
before starting the discharge.
the solar cell device must have a low defect density and low impurity
contamination in order to provide good carrier lifetime. Deposition of high-
quality intrinsic material by glow discharge of silane is a slow process
occurring at a rate of about 0.1 n m s " 1 which will prove to be a limitation in
continuously running automated production lines. Efforts made to increase
the deposition rate include the use of disilane (Si2H 6) rather than monosilane
in the glow discharge deposition of intrinsic layers, which approximately
doubles the deposition rate, although the quality of films obtained so far
using higher silanes is still inferior to that from SiH4.
Multi-chamber a-Si deposition systems are currently perceived as the best
approach to the fabrication of high-quality a-Si solar cells as process gas
intermixing and dopant contamination in the intrinsic layer may result from
repetitive depositions in single-chamber systems.
A continuous mode of fabrication of flexible a-Si:H solar cells on
polyimide substrate by r f glow discharge deposition has been developed by
the 3M Company. A schematic diagram of the deposition system is shown in
figure 1.57. The best cells produced have a fill factor of 0.601, an open-circuit
voltage of 0.919 V and an efficiency of 6.2%. The flexible substrate consists
of a polyimide film 2 x 10 ~ 3 in thick which has been metallized by sputtering
200 A of TiN onto 1000 A of aluminium. The devices consist of p +-i-n +
layers 200, 5000 and 100 A thick on the Al/TiN bottom contact with a
quarter-wavelength indium tin oxide layer as a top contact. The multi
chamber r f glow discharge deposition system consists of four reactors within
one large chamber: the first reaction chamber for hydrogen plasma etching
and bake-out of the substrate before deposition, followed by three chambers
for deposition of p +- i- n + layers. Substrate temperatures during deposition
are 200-250 °C.
Figure 1.57 Commercial p -i-n cells fabricated by r f glow discharge are deposited
in layers as the cells are moved through consecutive isolated chambers.
Pressure Sensor
Figure 1.58 cvd : appropriate gases are introduced into a reactor tube.
The gases react and are deposited on numerous substrate wafers.
rates to values higher than the 1-5 A s -1 rate of the conventional glow
discharge method; however, they have not as yet resulted in films of the same
A continuous mass production process of fabricating a-Si tandem cells by
the plasma c v d method has been jointly developed by Energy Conversion
Devices (ECD) Solar and Sharp. The roll-to-roll plasma c v d machine
schematically shown in figure 1.59 continuously processes a roll of stainless
steel substrate which advances from the pay-off chamber through the gas
gate into the reaction chamber. In the fabrication of the tandem thin-film p v
cell, six amorphous silicon layers are successively deposited onto a roll of
stainless steel substrate 400 mm wide and 500 m long. A typical tandem cell is
shown schematically in figure 1.60. Higher energy conversion efficiencies are
obtained with tandem thin-film cells where the bottom layer has a narrower
Stainless Steel
Gas Gate (anode)
P a y -O ff Take - Up
Vacuum Plasma
>////// RF Generator
13.56 MHz
Figure 1.59 A schematic diagram of a roll-to-roll plasma cvd machine.
Silicon solar cells feedstock material 59
band gap because a wider range of incoming solar spectrum is utilized. The
roll-to-roll process has been able to achieve high rate depositions of up to
18 A s“ 1. When the intrinsic layer is deposited at a rate higher than 10 A s“ \
conversion efficiencies of 8.5% and 8.11% have been obtained for the same
band-gap a-Si:H tandem cell and the dual-band-gap tandem cell using
a-Si,Ge:H and a-Si:H respectively ( a m i ; IOOmWcm-2). The roll-to-roll
process involves control of process gas isolation between adjacent reaction
chambers. Sharp-ECD Solar claim that through the introduction of proper
materials and techniques the process has been able to minimize the
Staebler-Wronski effect to the extent that cell degradation will be kept below
15% over a period of 20 years.
A new method called photo-cvD avoids bombardment of the films by high-
energy particles through the use of ultraviolet light from a low-pressure
mercury lamp to decompose the silanes. Admitting mercury vapour into the
deposition chamber greatly enhances the deposition rate. The mercury-
sensitized photo-cvD method has allowed preparation of a-Si:H layers with
properties very similar to those of glow-discharge-deposited films.
Sputtering deposition is the process whereby the coating material or a
constituent of the coating material is vaporized from a solid target by high-
energy particle bombardment and is deposited as a thin film on a suitable
substrate (figure 1.61). In the magnetron case, ions produced in a plasma
discharge that is magnetically confined to a region adjacent to the target are
60 Solar cell technologies
High- Energy
pv m a n u f a c t u r e i n v o lv e s b a s i c a ll y t h e f o l lo w in g six c o m p o n e n t s :
Photovoltaic modules
p v manufacturing technology based on single-crystal or multi-grain silicon
Reduction to Si
and Purification
(a )
C rysta lliza tio n
to Wafer /Sheet Form
P V A rray
Device Fabrication — ( 3
_Therm al
_Ju n ctio n _ D iffusion
Im plantation
Vacuum Vaporization
- Lapping
development for specific local needs and conditions to the high technology
of silicon purification and solar cell fabrication.
The following options for developing countries exist.
(i) The complete p v system can be purchased from p v system manu
facturers in developed countries with only the design and integration of
the systems performed by local expertise. This strategy is suitable for
countries with limited economic and technological resources and a
small potential for p v systems applications.
(ii) The b o s components can be developed and manufactured indig-
eneously. p v modules purchased from other countries can then be
designed into a complete system together with the locally made b o s
components. This will generate local employment opportunities with
out a need for high investment in pv among manufacturers.
(iii) Finished solar cells can be imported and assembled locally into
modules. A Bos-component-manufacturing industry will then exist
alongside the module assembly industry. This option has the potential
of reducing pv system cost without the need for very high investment in
Silicon solar cells feedstock material 65
Aulich H A 1986 Proc. 2nd Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conf., Beijing,
August 1986 pp 214-7
Aulich H A etal 1984 Proc. 1st Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conf., Kobe,
November 1984 pp 777-80
Boer K W 1987 Solar Wind Technol. 4 21-35
Bolton J R 1983 Solar Energy 31 483-502
Delahoy A E 1987 Solar Cells 21 153-66
Ermer W 1985 Proc. 6th Commission of the European Communities Conf. on
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66 Solar cell technologies
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November 1984 pp 781785
Fuhs W. 1987 Solar Wind Technol. 4 715
Grabmaier J. G. 1984 Proc. 1st Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conf., Kobe,
November 1984 pp 537542
Grabmaier J. G. et al 1986 Proc. 2nd Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conf., Beijing,
August 1986 pp 174177
66 Helmreich D. 1986 Proc. 2nd Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conf., Beijing,
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1986 pp 214217
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1984 pp 791795
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1984 pp 571576
Marshall S. L. 1967 Microelectronic Technology (Boston, MA: Boston Technical Publishers)
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1984 pp 809812
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Vanier P. E. and Su F. C. 1987 Solar Cells 21 167175
Vemstrom G. D. 1987 Solar Cells 21 141146
Werner P. G 1982 Proc. 4th Commission of the European Communities Conf on Photovoltaic
Solar Energy, Stresa, 1014 May 1982 (Dordrecht: Reidel)
October 1981 Westinghouse R&D Center; Monitor 8, vol II, issue IV
1980 Sunworld 4
1988 Solar Cell Technology, Proc. Workshop on Planning of Network Projects in Materials
Science and Solar Energy, Arusha, 2126 November 1988 (Meudon: Laboratoire de Physique
des Solides, CNRS)
December 1985 Summary of Research and Development of Amorphous Solar CellsSunshine
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Electronic regulation
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Power Conditioning
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