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RC Lec01 Dec2019-2020

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Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 1
A plain rectangular concrete beam 300 mm x 500 mm is cast using a concrete strength fc’ = 27.5 MPa.
Allowable tensile stress of concrete is 3.67 MPa.
1. Determine the magnitude of the bending moment that causes the plain concrete beam to crack.
2. If used as a simple beam, what length of beam can cause collapse due to self-weight alone? Assume
weight of concrete to be 23.5kN/m3.
3. If the beam is reinforced with 3 – 22 mmat the bottom placed at an effective depth of 430 mm,
determine the magnitude of the bending moment that cracks the reinforced concrete section.
Assume a modular ratio of 8.
Answer: 45.88kN-m, 10.20 m, 51.5kN.m.

Problem 2
A trapezoidal beam is reinforced with As = 1473 mm2 at the Tension
zone which is located 535 mm below the compression fiber at the top of
the beam. Assume modular ratio of 7.77 Allowable tensile stress of
Concrete to be 2.7 MPa.
1. Determine the cracking moment of the reinforced section.
2. Determine the maximum bending stress in the compression
3. Determine the stress in the tension steel upon cracking.

Answer: Mcr = 44.83kN-m, fc= 2.63 MPa, Fs= 16.50 MPa.

Problem 3
A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has width of 200mm and an effective depth of 500mm is subjected
to a service moment of 120kN-m. The beam is reinforced with 4-25mmre-bars. If modular ratio is 8,
1. The distance of the neutral axis from the top of the beam
2. The maximum stress of the concrete beam.
3. The maximum stress of the reinforcing steel.
Answer: 212.51mm, 13.16MPa, 142.4MPa.
Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 4 CE Board Jan 2008

A rectangular reinforced concrete beam 250 mm x 625 mm is cast using a concrete strength fc’ = 27.6 MPa.
Allowable tensile stress of concrete is 3.28 MPa and Fy=414.7MPa. Tension bars of 1473mm2. Effective
depth of the beam is 575mm. If the beam carries a bending moment of 61kN-m, determine
1. The compressive stress of the concrete beam.
2. The tensile stress of the concrete beam.
3. The tensile stress of the reinforcing steel.
Answer: 3.49MPa, 3.14MPa, 20.8MPa

Problem 5 CE Board Jan 2013

A decorative concrete beam has a tubular section is simply supported on a span of 4.5m. Concrete weighs
1. Compute the cracking moment of the beam if the outside diameter is 600mm and inside diameter
of 300mm. Cracking stress is 3.22MPa
2. What is the concentrated load, in addition to its own weight at mid-span before the beam cracks?
3. Calculate the cracking moment if the hollow core of the tubular section is replaced by a 300mm
square section.
Answer: 64kN-m, 45.45kN, 61kN-m.

Problem 6
From the figure shown, given the following data
Diameter of stirrups = 12mm; clear cover = 40mm; Bottom layer
bars = 28mm; Upper layer bars = 25mm; size of coarse aggregates =
20mm; diameter of vibrator = 50mm, F’c = 20.7MPa, Fy = 415MPa 4-25mm
1. Compute the value of “a” 4-28mm
2. Compute the value of “b”
3. Compute the maximum center to center spacing between bars a
in the layer closest to the tension f ace of the member to limit
the widths of flexural cracks in the beam
Answer: 26.67mm, 366mm, 280mm.

Problem 7
From load analysis shown, the following factored design forces in the girder is obtained. Mu = 440kN-m; b =
400mm; h = 500mm; Fy = 415MPa; max = 0.021; F’c = 21MPa. Concrete covering = 65mm. Determine the
required tension steel reinforcement for the given factored moment.
Answer: 3550mm2
Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 8 CE Board May 2012

A beam section has width of 300mm and height of 450mm with effective depth of 380mm. F’c = 30MPa; Fy
= 415MPa. The beam is simply supported on a span of 5m, and carries a superimposed dead load of
16kN/m and live load of 14kN/m. Concrete weighs 23.5kN/m3. Use 2010 NSCP
1. Compute the maximum moment at ultimate condition.
2. The number of 16mm required if the Mu = 200kN-m
3. The number of 16mm required if the beam carries an ultimate concentrated load of 50kN at the
Answer: 140.6kN-m, 8-16mm, 3-16mm.

Problem 9 CE Board Nov 2009

A beam section has width of 300mm and an effective depth of 460mm with 2-28mm tension bars. If the
F’c = 35MPa; Fy = 350MPa.
1. Compute the depth of compression stress block.
2. Compute the balanced steel ratio.
3. Compute the required number of steel reinforcement.
4. Find the ratio of compression block to the distance of the top fiber to the neutral axis.
5. Compute the depth of stress block under balanced condition.
Answer: 48.29mm; 0.0429; 4,443.6mm2; 0.80; 232.42mm

Problem 10 CE Board Dec 2014

After frame analysis, the resulting bending moments at working loads of a beam are as follows. MDL =
110kN-m; MLL = 65kN-m; MEQ = 50kN-m. If the F’c = 28MPa; Fy = 415MPa; bal = 0.0288; concrete covering
of 70mm. Using required strength U = 1.32DL + 0.55LL + 1.1EQ
1. Find the required depth of the beam if the width is limited to 250mm designed as singly reinforced.
2. Determine the number of 20mm if the section is 300x600mm
3. Compute the ultimate moment capacity of the beam is section is 250x500mm with 3-25mm bars.
Answer: 450mm; 4-20mm; 231.4kN-m

Problem 10a
A simply supported beam is reinforced with 4-25mm bars at the bottom and 2-25mm bars at the top of
the beam. The 6-m span beam has 300x400mm section. If the F’c = 30MPa; Fy = 415MPa; bal = 0.031;
concrete covering of 70mm.
1. Compute the depth of the compression block
2. Determine the required strength using strength reduction factor of 0.90.
3. Determine the concentrated live load at mid-span if addition to 20kN/m dead load.
Answer: 106.52mm; 198.44kN-m; 37.68kN
Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 11 CE Board Nov 2012

A simply supported beam is reinforced with 4-28mm bars at the bottom and 2-28mm bars at the top of
the beam. The 6-m span beam has 300x400mm section. If the F’c = 30MPa; Fy = 415MPa; bal = 0.031;
concrete covering of 70mm.
1. Compute the depth of the compression block
2. Determine the required strength using strength reduction factor of 0.90.
3. Determine the concentrated live load at mid-span if addition to 20kN/m dead load.
Answer: 95.93mm; 253.74kN-m; 60.725kN

Problem 11a CE Board Nov 2013

A concrete beam, 350 mm wide by 400 mm deep is simply supported on a span of 5 m. The beam is
reinforced with 4 – 28 mm ø bars in tension and 2 – 28 mm ø bars in compression.
Concrete, fc’ = 20.7 MPa Steel, fy = 415 MPa
Concrete cover to the centroid of reinforcements = 70 mm
Balanced steel ratio, ρb = 0.021
1. Calculate the depth of the rectangular stress block (mm) based on a uniform compressive stress of
0.85 fc’ and maximum concrete strain, ε = 0.003. For simplification, assume both tension and
compression steel yields. Neglect concrete area displaced by steel.
2. Determine the design bending strength, Mu Capacity reduction factor, ø = 0.90
3. If the beam were reinforced such that the nominal bending strength at factored loads is 400kN-m,
what is the safe concentrated live load at mid-span that the beam in addition to a total dead load of
20kN/m can carry? Use U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL
Answer: 83mm; 252.3kN-m; 128.2kN
Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 11b
Given beam:
b x h = 300 mm x 450 mm
Slab thickness t = 100 mm
S = 2.8 m.
L1 = L2 = L3 = 8 m.
Super imposed loads:
DL = 2.6kPa LL = 3.6kPa
Concrete fc’ = 20.7 MPa
Steel fy = 415 MPa
Concrete unit weight = 24kN/m3
Clear concrete cover to stirrups = 50 mm
Stirrups = 10 mm ø
Concrete column = 300 mm x 300 mm
1. Compute the total ultimate load Wu to design beam I-J-K-L. Ultimate load; U = 1.4 DL + 1.7 LL
2. If the design ultimate load, Wu = 32kN/m, find the negative moment at the end of K of span JK.
3. How many 25 mm ø bars are required at the end K of span JK if the design ultimate load, Wu = 32kN/m.
4. How many 25 mm ø bars are required at the end K of span KL if the design ultimate load, Wu = 32kN/m.
Answer: Wu = 40.3kN/m; MK = - 172.5kN-m; 3-25 mm ø; 4 - 25 mm ø

Problem 12
A reinforced concrete T-beam has an effective depth of 600mm and has reinforcement of 4,926mm 2 at the
bottom. The web has a width of 300mm and the slab thickness is 100mm. The beam is simply supported
beam of 6-m span and spaced 1.8m center to center. If the F’c = 21MPa; Fy = 415MPa
1. Determine the effective width of the flange
2. Determine the depth of compression block.
3. Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the beam.
Answer: 1500mm; 76.35mm; 1,034kN-m

Problem 13 CE Board Nov 2013

An isolated T-beam has a width of flange equal to 700mm and a thickness of 100mm. It has an effective
depth of 450mm and width of the section is 350mm. It is reinforced at the bottom with a steel area of
2,925mm2. If the F’c = 17.24MPa; Fy = 413.7MPa. Use U = 1.2DL + 1.6LL
1. Determine the depth of the compression block
2. Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the beam using moment reduction factor 0.90.
3. Determine the concentrated live load in addition to dead load of 20kN/m, L = 6m
Answer: 135.93mm; 424.35kN-m; 131.8125kN
Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 13a CE Board Nov 2013

As shown in the figure, beam GHI is reinforced as
Main reinforcement at supports:
Top bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – 20 mm ø
Bottom bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 20 mm ø
Main reinforcement at mid-span:
Top bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 20 mm ø
Bottom bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 20 mm ø
Lateral ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mm ø
Material strength:
Concrete: fc’ = 27.5 MPa
Steel: fy = 415 MPa (main bars) 5-20mm
Beam = 350 x 400 mm
Slab thickness = 100 mm 400
Column section = 350 mm x 350 mm
Clear concrete cover to 10mmø stirrups=40 mm
1. What is the nominal moment capacity of beam GHI based on its
flexural reinforcement at supports.
2. Find the factored moment capacity of beam GH at mid-span.
3. If the total ultimate load on beam GHI, Wu = 60kN/m, calculate
the design positive moment. 100
Answer: 196kN-m; 118kN-m; 137kN-m
Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 14 CE Board May 2016

Given the floor framing plan as shown, b x h = 400x600mm with t = 7.5m 7.5m
100mm. Superimposed dead load = 3.2kPa, live load = 3.6kPa, unit
weight of concrete = 24kN/m3. Beam DEF is simply supported at D, E 2.5m
and F. Applying pattern loading and using U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL D E F
1. What is the maximum moment at the interior support E of the
beam DEF? 2.5m
2. What is the maximum reaction at the interior support E? G H I
3. What is the maximum positive moment at span DE if the loads
at ultimate conditions are DL = 24kN/m and LL = 12.2kN/m. 2.5m

Wu Wu


0.4375 0.625 -0.0625 0.375 1.25 0.375

0.4375 0.375

-0.5625 -0.625
0.0957 0.0703 0.0703

-0.0625 -0.125

Answer: -292.64kN-m; 390.19kN; 184.76kN-m

Reinforced Concrete_Lec01_August2019

Problem 15 CE Board May 2013

From the floor framing plan of a proposed five story concrete
building, the beams have 300x400mm section with slab t =
100mm. Clear concrete cover of slab is 20mm; slab
reinforcement of 10mm Dead load = 4.8kPa, live load =
2.9kPa.F’c = 20.7MPa, Fy = 275MPa. Using U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL
1. What is the maximum positive moment at the span
bounded by BEFC?
2. What is the spacing of the 10mm required for
interior beam BE?
3. What is the maximum spacing of the 10mm bars as
prescribed by the design codes?

Answer: 5.2kN-m; 205mm; 300mm

Problem 16 CE Board Nov 2016

6m 6m 7m
From the floor framing plan shown, the beams have A B C D
350x450mm section with slab t = 100mm. Dead load =
5.0kPa, live load = 3.6kPa.F’c = 27.5MPa, Fy = 415MPa. 2.5m
Using U = 1.2DL + 1.6LL E F G H
1. What is the moment at the end of F of beam
EF? 2.5m
2. What is the moment at mid-span of beam FG? I J K L
3. What is the shear at the end of F of beam EF?
Answer: -93.85kN-m; 58.66kN-m; 95.51kN

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