Maths All Chapters
Maths All Chapters
Maths All Chapters
CLASS XI - mathematics
2012 - 2013
Regional Office,
“God is a child; and when he began to play, he
cultivated Mathematics. It is the godliest of
man’s games”
Good Education is defined as acquiring skills. There are many different ways to be educated and
many subjects can be studied. A good education is one that teaches a student to think. Mathematics
develops logic and skill of reasoning among students. Focus of this material is primarily to strengthen
the mind to absorb the concepts and bring in the students the required self-confidence while
learning the subject. Maths should be learnt with interest and it is made simple and approachable.
The material is a supplement to the curriculum and arranged in a chronological manner as published
in textbook. As per CBSE examination pattern Higher Order Thinking Skills questions with solutions
can be found in each chapter. This will definitely facilitate students to approach examinations with
ease and confidence. And finally, let the students remember that success is 1% inspiration and 99%
perspiration. Hard work can never fail and will certainly help them reap rich rewards. Success will
then become a habit for them.
Units Marks
Sets function 29
Algebra 37
Co-ordinate Geometry 13
Calculus 06
Reasoning 03
Total 100
Chapter 1
Concept: Representation of a set
Concepts:- Different types of sets – Subsets- Power sets – Universal set –
Operations on sets – Compliment of a set – Practical Problems.
Note: * Important
** Very Important
Extra/HOT questions
Extra/HOT questions
( ) {
Write the function in roster form and also find the domain and range
of the function.
9. Let A = {1,2,3,4}, B = {-1, 0, 1} and C = {3, 4} then verify the
a) A X (B U C) = (A X B) U (A X C)
b) A X ( B-C ) = (A X B) – (A X C)
c) ( ) ( ) ( )
10. If A = {-3, -2, 0, 2, 3} write the subset B of A X A such that first
element of B is either -3 or +3.
Chapter 3: Trigonometric functions
Supplementary text
Ex:3.5 Questions: 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13,
14**, 15**,16**
1. The angles of a triangle are in A.P and the greatest angle is double the
least. Express the angles in degrees and radians
2. Show that the equation cosec x=4ab/(a+ b)2 (ab>0) is possible if a=b
c) cos 20 cos40cos60=1/8
6. If sin x sin y =1/4 and 3tanx=4tany then prove that sin(x+y)=7/16
7. Prove that
11. Show that for any parallelogram, if a and b are the sides of two non
parallel sides , x is the angle between these two sides and d is the
length of the diagonal that has a common vertex with sides a and b
,then d2= a2+b2+2ab cos x
Chapter 4
Steps of P.M.I
Step V - Thus P(1) is true and P(k+1) is true whenever P(k) is true.
Type I
Eg: Ex 4.1
1) Prove that
1+3+32+………+3n-1 =
Therefore p(1) is true.
Step III: Assume that P(k) is true
i.e 1+3+32+………+3k-1 = ______(1)
Step IV: we have to prove that P(k+1) is true.
ie to prove that 1+3+32+………+3k-1 +3 =
LHS = (1+3+32+………+3k-1) +3
= + 3k from eq(1)
= 3k-1 + 2.3k
= 3.3 – 1 = 3k+1-1 = RHS
2 2
Therefore P(k+1) is true
Step V: Thus P(1) is true and P(k+1) is true whenever P(k) is true. Hence by
Text book
Ex 4.1
Q. 1,2, 3**(HOT), 4, 5*,6*,7,8,9,10*,11**,12,13**,14**,15,16**,17**,
eg 1, eg 3
Type 2
Step V: Thus P(1) is true and P(k+1) is true whenever P(k) is true. hence by
P.M.I, P(n) is true for all natural numbers n.
Ex 4.1 Q. 18,14, eg 7
( )
(Q 18) Prove that 1+2+3+……+n<
( )
Step I : Let P(n): 1+2+3+……+n<
= (2k+3)2
Therefore 1+2+3+…..+k+(k+1)< (2k+3)2
P(k+1) is true.
Step V: Thus P(1) is true and P(k+1) is true whenever P(k) is true. Hence by
P.M.I, P(n) is true for all natural number n.
Prove by mathematical induction that for all natural numbers n.
1) a2n-1 -1 is divisible by a-1 (type II)
2) n7 + n5 + 2n3 - _n_ is an integer(HOT)
7 5 3 105
3) sin x +sin 3x + …….+ sin (2n-1)x = sin2nx (HOT Type 1)
sin x
2n-1 n
4) 3 +3 +4 is divisible by 2 (type II)
5) Let P(n): n2+n-19 is prime, state whether P(4) is true or false
6) 22n+3 ≤ (n+3)! (type III)
7) What is the minimum value of natural number n for which 2n<n! holds
8) 72n+23n-3.3n-1 is divisible by 25 (type II)
5) false
7) 4
Chapter 5
√ ,√ etc do not have values in the system of real numbers.
So we need to extend the real numbers system to a larger system.
Let us denote √ by the symbol i.
ie i = -1
A number of the form a+ib where a&b are real numbers is defined to be a
complex number.
Eg 2+i3, -7+√ i, √ i, 4+1i, 5=5+0i, -7=-7+0i etc
, and &
If b2- 4ac < 0 then
Refer text page 102 the modulus and conjugate of a complex number
properties given in the end. (i) to (v)
Ex 5.1
Q. 3*(1 mark), 8* (4 marks), 11**, 12**, 13**, 14**(4 Marks)
Ex 5.2
Q 2**) Express Z = -√ +i in the polar form and also write the modulus and the
argument of Z
Here a = -√ , b = 1
r = (a2+b2)1/2 = √ =√ =2
-√ +i = 2cosө+ i x 2sinө
Ex 5.2
eg 7**, eg 8**
Ex 5.3
Q 1,8,9,10 (1 mark)
Misc exercise
Q 4**,5**,10**,11**,12**,13**,14**,15**,16**,17*,20**
Supplementary material
eg 12**
Ex 5.4
Q (1 to 6)**
1** Find the square roots of the following complex numbers (4 marks)
i. 6 + 8i
ii. 3 - 4i
iii. 2 + 3i (HOT)
iv. 7 - 30√ i
v. 3 + 4i (HOT)
3 - 4i
i. 3√ +3i
ii. 1–i
iii. 1+i
iv. -1 + √
v. -3 + 3i
vi. -2 –i
1) i) 2√ + √ , -2√ - √
ii) 2 –i, -2 + i
iii) √√ + √√ , √√ + √√ ,
√ √ √ √
iv) 5 - 3√ , -5 + 3√
v) 3/5 + 4/5 i, -3/5 -4/5 i
2) i) 6(cos π/6 + isinπ/6)
8) √ √
x = 0 is y axis
y=0 is x axis
x=k is a line parallel to y axis passing through (k,0)of x axis.
y=k is a line parallel to x axis and passing through (0,k)of y axis.
Note: For the following in equation x ≥ 2, substitute the point (0,0) (left side) in x ≥ 2. Then
we get 0≥2 which is false. Therefore right side is the required region.
Xl 0 1 2 3 X
Y l
Solve graphically: x+y≤4; 2x+y≤6; x,y≥0
x 0 4 x 0 6
y 4 0 y 3 0
C 2x + y = 6
B (2,2)
O A (4,0)
(3,0) X
Solve graphically
x + y 400
Consider x+y=400
x 0 400
y 400 0
Consider 2x+y=600
X 0 300
y 600 0
C 2x + y = 60
B (200,200)
region x + y = 400
O A (400,0)
(300,0) X
x + y ≤ 20
360x + 240y ≤ 5760
Consider x+y=20
x 0 20
y 20 0
3x +2 y = 48
B (8,12)
region x + y = 20
O A (20,0)
(16,0) X
Solve graphically:
• 200X + 100Y ≥ 4000
• X + 2Y ≥ 50
Consider 2x+y=40
X 0 20
y 40 0
Consider x+2y=40
X 0 50
y 25 0
(40,0) Feasible
B (10,20)
(20,0) (50,0)
Solve graphically:
x+3y ≤ 12
3x+y ≤ 12
3x + y = 12
C (3,3)
Feasible x +3 y = 12
(4,0) A (12,0) X
Solve graphically:
x/10 +y/20 ≥ 14
3/50 x+1/10 y ≥ 14
Consider 2x+y=280
X 0 140
y 280 0
Consider 3x+5y=700
X 0 233.3
y 140 0
B (10,20)
(140,0) (233.3,0)
Ex 6.1
1to 4 (1 mark)
eg 15**
Ex 6.3
(8 to 15)**
eg 16**
Misc Ex
1) i) (4,∞)
ii) (-∞, 63/10]
iii) (¼ , ∞)
3 Between 7.77 and 8.67
4 More than or equal to 52 but less than 77
5 9 cm
m ways n ways
Cr = nCn-r
eg 5C3 = 5C2
C5 = 7C2
Cr = n!___, where 0≤r≤n.
n n
Cr = Cs implies r = s or n = r+s (eg 17* ) 1 mark
Cn = nC0 = 1
C1 = n
eg 5C1 = 5
Cr + nCr-1 = n+1Cr
Ex 7.1
1, 2, 4
Ex 7.2
4* , 5* (1 mark)
eg 8* (1 mark), eg 11*, 12**,13**,14**,16** (4 marks)
Ex 7.3
7*, 8*, 9**,10**,11**
Theorm 6 to prove (4 marks)*
eg 17* (1 mark) use direct formula n = 9+8 = 17 since nCr = nCs implies r
= s or n = r+s
eg 19**
Ex 7.4
eg 21**, eg 23*(HOT), eg 24*
Misc Ex
1) How many permutations can be made with letters of the word
MATHEMATICS ? In how many of them vowels are together?
2) In how many ways can 9 examination papers be arranged so that the
best and the worst papers are never together. (HOT)
3) How many numbers greater than 56000 can be formed by using the
digits 4,5,6,7,8; no digit being repeated in any number.
4) Find the number of ways in which letters of the word
ARRANGEMENT can be arranged so that the two A‟s and two R‟s
do not occur together. (HOT)
5) If C(2n,3): C(n,3):: 11:1 find n.
6) If P(11,r) = P(12,r-1) find r.
7) Five books, one each in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and
Hindi are to be arranged on a shelf. In how many ways can this be
8) If nPr = nPr+1 and nCr = nCr-1 find the values of n and r.
9) A box contains five red balls and six black balls. In how many ways
can six balls be selected so that there are at least two balls of each
10) A group consist of 4 girls and 7 boys in how many ways can a
committee of five members be selected if the committee has i) no girl
ii) atleast 1 boy and 1 girl
iii) atlest 3 girls.
1) 4989600, 120960
2) 282240 Hint (consider the best and the worst paper as one paper)
3) 90
4) 1678320
5) 6
6) 9
7) 120
8) n = 3, r = 2
9) 425
10) i) 21
ii) 441
iii) 91
1) nCr = __n!__
(n-r)! r!
2) Cr = nCn-r
C4 = 7C3 = 7 x 6 x 5 = 35
8 8
C6 = C2 = 8 x 7 = 28
n n
3) Cn = C0 = 1
4) nC1 = n
8**) (r + 1)th term in the binomial expansion for (a+b)n is called the general
term which is given by
10*) To find the term independent of x or the constant term, find the
coefficient of x0.(ie put power of x = 0 and find r)
eg 4** (4 marks)
Ex 8.1
Q 2,4,7,9 (1 mark)
13**,14** (4 marks)
32n +2 - 8n - 9 is divisible by 64
eg 5*,6**,7* (4 marks)
eg 8**,9** (6 marks)
Ex 8.2
Q 2,3* (1 mark)
Ex 8.2
Q 10**(6 marks)
The coefficients of the (r-1)th , rth and (r+1)th terms in the expansion of (x+1)n
are in the ratio 1: 3 : 5. Find n and r.
Tr+1 = nCrxn-r
Tr = T(r-1)+1 = nCr-1xn-r+1
3r-3 = n-r+2
n-4r = -5 _________(1)
Cr-1 = 3
Cr 5
simplify as above and get the equation 3n – 8r = -3 ________(2)
solving (1) and (2) we get
n = 7 and r = 3.
1) Using Binomial theorem show that 23n – 7n – 1 or 8n – 7n – 1 is divisible
by 49 where n is a natural number. (4 marks**)
2) Find the coefficient of x3 in the equation of (1+2x)6 (1-x)7 (HOT)
3) Find n if the coefficient of 5th , 6th & 7th terms in the expansion of (1+x)n
are in A.P.
4) If the coefficient of xr-1, xr, xr+1 in the expansion of (1+x)n are in A.P.
prove that n2 – (4r+1)n + 4r2 – 2 = 0. (HOT)
5) If 6th,7th,8th & 9th terms in the expansion of (x+y)n are respectively a,b,c
&d then show that b2 – ac = 4a (HOT)
c2 – bd 3c
6) Find the term independent of x in the expansion of 0 1
(4 marks*)
7) Using Binomial theorem show that 33n – 26n – 1 is divisible by 676. (4
8) The 3rd,4th & 5th terms in the expansion of (x+a)n are 84, 280 & 560
respectively. Find the values of x, a and n. (6 marks**)
9) The coefficient of 3 consecutive terms in the expansion of (1+x)n are in
the ratio 3 : 8 :14. Find n. (6 mark**)
10) Find the constant term in the expansion of (x-1/x)14
11) Find the middle term(s) in the expansion of
i) 0 1 ii) 0 1
An = a + nd = a + n
An = arn-1
( ) ( )
Sn = or if r ≠ 1
S∞ = if | |< 1
then r = ( )
G1 = ar = a ( )
G2 = ar2 = a ( )
Gn= arn = a( )
( )( )
Sn= 12+ 22 + 32 +……+n2 =
* ( )+
Sn= 13+ 23 + 33 +……+n3 =
** → Examples 4,5,6,10,13,18,21
4. Find the sum of all the three digit numbers which leaves the reminder 2
when divided by 5. (Ans.98910)
5. The digits of a three digit natural number are in AP and their sum is 15
.The number obtained by reversing the digits is 396 less than the original
number. Find the number.
6. If pth, qth, and rth terms of GP are in GP. Show that p,q,r are in AP
7. If a,b,c,d are in GP, then show that a2+ b2, b2+ c2, c2+ d2 are in GP
9. The common ratio of a GP is (- 4/5) and sum to infinity is (80/9). Find the
first term. (Ans.7)
10. If S1, S2, S3 are the sums of first n, 2n, 3n terms of a GP. Then Show that
s1 (s3-s2) = (s2-s1)2
13. Find the nth term and the sum of n terms of the series
+ + + ………………
L1 || L2 m1 = m2
L1 | L2 → m1 x m2 = -1
x-axis y = 0
y-axis x = 0
|| to x-axis y = b
|| to y-axis x = a
Having normal distance from orgin P and angle between the normal and
positive x-axis → x cos ω + y sinω = P.
General form → Ax + By + C = 0
** → Example → 2,3,13,14,15,17,19,20,23
1. Find the equation of the line through (4,-5) and parallel to the line joining
the points (3,7) & (-2,4).
2. If A(1,4) , B(2,-3) and C(-1,-2) are the vertices of a triangle ABC . find
a) The equation of the median through A
b) The equation of the altitude through A
c) The right bisector of side BC
3. Find the equation of the straight line which passes through (3,-2) and
cuts off positive intercepts on the x axis and y axis which are in the ratio
4. Reduce the equation 3x-2y+4 =0 to intercept form. Hence find the length
of the segment intercepted between the axes.
5. Find the image of the point (1,2) in the line x-3y+4 =0
6. If the image of the point (2,1) in a line is (4,3) .Find the equation of the
7. Find the equation of a line passing through the point (-3,7) and the point
of intersection of the lines 2x-3y+5 = 0 and 4x+9y = 7.
8. Find the equation of straight lines which are perpendicular to the line
9.The points A(2,3) B(4,-1) & C(-1,2) are the vertices of a triangle. Find the
length of perpendicular from A to BC and hence the area of ABC (Ans.
units & 7 sq.units)
10. Find the equation of straight line whose intercepts on the axes are thrice as
long as those made by 2x +11y = 6
(Ans.2x+11y =18)
Chapter 11
Latus Rectum
Equation of the y =0 x =0
transverse axis
Length of transverse axis 2a 2a
Length of conugate axis 2b 2b
Vertices ( a, 0) (0, a )
Foci ( c, 0) (0, c )
Latus Rectum
* →Example → 4,17,18,19
Extra Questions:
3. Find the equation of the circle when the end points of the diameter are
5. Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines joining the vertex of the
parabola x2 = 12y to the ends of its latus rectum. ( ans : ½ x 12 x 3 sq.units)
6. Find the equation of the ellipse with eccentricity ¾ , foci on y- axis , center at
the origin and passes through the point ( 6, 4) ( ans: 16x2 + 7y2 = 688)
7. Find the length of major axis and minor axis of 4x2 +y2 = 100
8. Find the equation of the parabola with the centre at origin, length of
transverse axis 6 units and a focus at( 0, 4). (ans: 7y2 - 9x2= 63)
10. Find equation of the circle which touches the y – axis at origin and whose
radius is 3 units. ( ans: x2 + y2 - 6x =0 )
Chapter 12
Any point on x – axis - > ( x, 0, 0)
|PQ| = √( ) ( ) ( )
The co- ordinates of R which divides a line segment joining the points
R. / and
S. /
The coordinates of the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are ( x1 , y1, z1 ) ,
( x2 , y2, z2 ) and ( x3 , y3, z3 ) is
( )
Exercise 12 .2 -- 3, 4, 5
Exercise 12 .3 -- 3, 4, 5
Misc Q 1 to Q 6
Extra Questions:
1.Find the distance between ( -3, 4, -6) and its image in the XY – plane.
( ans : 12 units)
2.Find the points on the y- axis which are at a distance of 3 units from the point
( 2, 3, -1)
( ans : ( 0, 1, 0), ( 0, 5, 0) )
3.If A and B are the points ( 1, 2, 3 ) and ( -1, 4 , -3) respectively then find the
locus of a point P such that PA2 - PB2 = 2k2
( ans : 2x – 2y + 6z + 6 + k2
= 0)
( ans : p = 6 , q = 2 )
5. Two vertices of a triangle are ( 2, -6 ,4) , (4, -2, 3) and its centroid is
. / , find the third vertex.
( ans : ( 2,5,2))
Chapter 13
Some standard results on limits
1) ( ) iff ( ) ( )
4) for all n N
5) x c
Algebra of limits
Eg: Evaluate ( ) = 13 – 12 + 1 = 1
** 1) ( ) Ans: 1
** 2) ( ) 60 Ans: 1
√ √
** 3) Ans:2
Eg : Evaluate :
( )( )
( form) =
= ( )
= 12 + 1 + 1 = 3
Evaluate the following limits.
( )(√ )
** 1) ans:
** 2) ans:
2 √
** 3) ans: 0
Type III
Evaluate :
Ans: = = 4 = 4 = 32
1) Evaluate : Ans: 64
Type IV
√ √
Ans: =
⁄ ⁄
1) NCERT Ex 13.1 Q 6
( )
2) ans = – n
( )
3) ans =
( )
( ) ⁄
4) ans =
Type V
Concepts : =1
Evaluate : ans:
Evaluate : ans:
Type VI
NCERT Exercise 13.1 : Q 17
Evaluate :
Type VII
( )
Evaluate :
( )
( ) , ( )-
( ) , ( )-
= =
Textbook Q no: 22
Evaluate 1) ans: 2
2) ans :
3) ans : (–1)
4) ans : ½
( )2
Applying sin C sin D formulae
Evaluate 1)
2) ans : cos a
Type IX
( ) ( )
** NCERT Exercise 13.1 -
1) Q 23
2) Q 24
3) Q 25
4) Q 26
| |
** 5) If ( ) { , find ( )
6) If ( ) { , find ( )
Type X
** NCERT Exercise 13.1 -
1) Q 28
2) Q 30
3) Q 32
Type XI
Exponential Limits
= 1
Type XII
NCERT Exercise 13.2 Q3 , Q5
( )
Type I
Find the derivatives of the following functions from first principle.
4) ( )
6) NCERT Ex 13.2 Q4
** 7) sin x
** 8) cos x
** 9) tan x
** 10) sec x
** 11) cosec x
** 12) sin 2x
** 13) cos 3x
14) x sin x
15) sin2 x
16) sin(x+1)
Type II
* 1)
* 6)
Type III
Ex 13.2 Q1
Ex 13.2 Q2
Ex 13.2 Q3
Ex 13.2 Q5
Type IV
( )= . + .
NCERT Ex 13.2
* 1) Q7 (1),(2)
* 3) Q11 (1)
* 4) Example 18
Type V
( )=
** b) ( )( )
** c)
2. If show that = y.
Chapter 14
Negation of a statement: Denial of a statement is called negation of a
(1) N.C.E.R.T text book page 329
Question no.1(*),2(*),3(*),4(*),5(*)
Quantifiers are phrases like ‘there exists’ and ‘for all’ etc...
Inclusive or exclusive or
Validating statements
Direct method: By assuming that ‘p’ is true, prove that ‘q’ must be true.
Contra positive method: By assuming ‘q’ is false, prove that ‘p’ must be false.
Validating of compound statement
(1) N.C.E.R.T mise exercise –question no.5(*)
Chapter 15
Type – III
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
= –. / or = [ –. / ] where di =
Concept: coefficient of variation C.V = . ̅ / x 100
(1) N.C.E.R.T page 374 example 14(*)
(2) N.C.E.R.T page 376 exercise 15.3 question .5(*)
Type- I
Type- II
Type- III
(a) AUB
(b) A’
(c) B – C
(d) B C
Important concepts
P(E) =
If A and B are any two events then P (AUB) = P(A) + P(B)-- P(A B)
P(not A) = 1—P(A)
Type – I
(7) Three identical dice are rolled . Find the probability that the same
number will appear on each of them.
Ans: 1/36 (hot)
(8) Two dice are thrown simultaneously . Find the probability of getting a
total of 9.
Ans: 1/9 (*)
(9) A bag contains 8 red ,3 white and 9 blue balls. Three balls are drawn at
random from the bag. Determine the probability that none of the balls
drawn is white .
Ans: 34/57 (**)
(10) In a single throw of 3 dice. Find the probability of not getting the same
number on all the dice.
Ans: 35/36 (**)
(11) The letters of the word “SOCIETY “ are placed at random in a row .What
is the probability that the 3 vowels come together.
Ans: 1/7 (**)
(12) Find the probability that in an arrangement of the letters of the word
“DAUGHTER” the letter D occupies the first place.
Ans: 1/8 (**)
(13) Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the
word “INSTITUTION’ the three T’s are together.
Ans: P 1/110 (**)
Type – II
(1) One card is drawn from a set of 17 cards numbered 1 to 17. Find the
probability that the number is divisible by 3 or 7.
Ans: 7/17. (*)
(2) Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that the sum of
the numbers of the two faces is neither 9 nor 11.
Ans : 5/16 (*)
(3) Two unbiased dice are thrown. Find the probability that neither a
doublet nor a total of 10 will appear.
Ans: 7/9 (**)
(4) Two cards are drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards without
replacement .Find the probability that neither a jack nor a card of
spade is drawn.
Ans: 105/221 (**)
(5) If P(AUB)=0.6 and P(A B)=0.2. Find P( ̅) + P( ̅ )
Ans: 1.2
(6) A and B are two mutually exclusive events if P(A) = 0.5 and P( ̅ )
=0.6.Find P(AUB)
Type – III
(2) The probability that a student will get A,B,C or D grade are
0.4,0.35,0.15and 0.1 respectively. Find the probability that she will get
(a) B or C grade
(b) Atmost C grade
(3) In a single throw of 2 dice write the corresponding events and the
probability of getting
(a) A total of 9
(b) Two ones
(c) Atleast one 6
(d) A sum of 9 or 11
(e) A sum of atleast 10
(f) A sum as a prime number
Ans: (a)1/9(b)1/36(c)11/36(d)1/6(e)1/6(f)5/12
6 - 1 6(1) 37(9)
8 1 2 9(3)
9 1* 4(1)
III 10 STRAIGHT LINES 1 1* - 5(2)
12 INTRODUCTION TO - 1 - 4(1)
Section A
1. How many relations can be defined on the set A = { }
2. Find the 4th term in the expansion of ( )
3. Write the equation of the line which is equally inclined to both the axes and passing through the
4. Determine whether this is a statement and give reason for your answer:
The product of (-1) and 8 is 8.
5. Write the negation of the statement: The number 2 is greater than 7.
6. State whether the “Or” used in the following statement is “exclusive” or “inclusive”: All
integers are positive or negative.
Section B
7. If A={3,6,9,12,15,18,21} ; B={4,8,12,16,20} ; C={2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16},find
A B C & B A C
8. Define the following functions and sketch the graphs of:
a. Identity function b. constant function.
9. Prove that :
10. Solve the following:
In any triangle ABC, prove that ( ) ( ) ( )
Find: √
12. How many words, with or without meaning, can be made from the letters of the word MONDAY,
assuming that no letter is repeated if,
a. 4 letters are used at a time?
b. All the letters are use at a time?
c. All the letters are used, but the first letter is a vowel?
13. In how many ways can one select a cricket team of eleven from 17 players in which only 5 players
can bowl if each cricket team of 11 must include at least 4 bowlers? Comment on the importance
of sports in school curriculum.
14. The vertices of PQR are P(2, 1), Q(-2, 3) and R(4, 5). Find the equation of the median through the
vertex R.
In the triangle ABC with vertices A(2, 3), B(4, -1) and C(1, 2), find the equation and length of the
altitude from the vertex A.
15. Draw a rough sketch of the parabola represented by the equation . Also find the
coordinates of its focus, equation of the directrix and length of the latus rectum.
16. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the points (-2, 3, 5)
and (1, -4, 6) in the ratio (i) 2 : 3 internally, (ii) 2 : 3 externally.
17. Evaluate: (√ √ ) (√ √ )
18. Using binomial theorem, prove that always leaves remainder 1 when divided by 25.
19. A person has 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, and so on. Find the number of his
ancestors during the ten generations preceding his own. What is your opinion on joint family
Find if tan x =
23. Find the mean, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the data given below: (use
short cut method)
Marks 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
Frequency 2 1 12 29 25 12 10 4 5
24. Three dice are tossed once. Find the probability of getting:
a. 1 triplet b. 2 on two dice c. sum of the numbers on the 3 dice is at the most 4
25.Prove the following using the Principal of Mathematical Induction for all :
( )( )
( ) .
Prove the following using the Principal of Mathematical Induction for all :
is divisible by 8.
26.(i)Find the derivative from first principles, of ( )
a bx, x 1
(ii) Given f ( x) 4, x 1 . If lim f ( x) f (1) what are the possible values of a and b ?
x 1
b ax, x 1