Labor 2 Cases Digest Templado
Labor 2 Cases Digest Templado
Labor 2 Cases Digest Templado
reckoned from the date of appointment up to apprised of the standards upon which his
the regularization would be based. He reported for
same calendar date of the 6th month following. work on May 27, 1996. As per the company’s
Since, the number of days of a particular month policy, the probationary period was from three
is irrelevant, petitioner was still a probation ary (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months.
employee at the time of his dismissal. Applying Article 13 of the Civil Code, 31 the
Wherefore, the petition is dismissed. probationary period of six (6) months consists
one hundred eighty (180) days.32 This is in
03 MITSUBISHI MOTORS PHILIPPINES conformity with paragraph one, Article 13 of
UNION Civil Code, which provides that the months
and NELSON PARAS which are not designated by their names shall
FACTS: understood as consisting of thirty (30) days
Nelson Paras was hired on a probationary basis each. The number of months in the proba
as a manufacturing trainee at the Plant tionary
Engineering Maintenance Department of period, six (6), should then be multiplied by the
Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporation number of days within a month, thirty (30);
(MMPC). hence, the period of one hundred eighty (180)
He and the new and re-hired employees were days. As clearly provided for in the last
given an orientation respecting the company’s paragraph of Article 13, in computing a period,
history, corporate philosophy, organizational the first day shall be excluded and the last day
structure, and company rules and regulations, included. Thus, the one hundred eighty (180)
including the company standards for days commenced on May 27, 1996, and ended
regularization, code of conduct and company- on
provided November 23, 1996. The termination letter
benefits. Paras started reporting for work on dated November 25, 1996 was served on
May 27, 1996. As part of the MMPC’s policy, respondent Paras only at 3:00 a.m. of
Paras November 26, 1996. He was, by then, already a
was evaluated by his immediate supervisors Lito regular
R. Lacambacal and Wilfredo J. Lopez7 after six employee of the petitioner under Article 281 of
(6) months, and received an average rating. the Labor Code.
Later, Lacambacal informed Paras that based on
performance rating, he would be regularized. 04 ROBINSONS GALLERIA/ROBINSONS
However, the Department and Division SUPERMARKET CORPORATION and/or JESS
Managers MANUEL, petitioners, vs. IRENE R. RANCHEZ,
reviewed the performance evaluation made on respondents.
Paras. They unanimously agreed, along with
Paras’ immediate supervisors, that the FACTS:
performance of Paras was unsatisfactory. 11 As Respondent Ranchez was a probationary
a employee for 5 months. She was hired as a
consequence, Paras was not considered for cashier by Robinsons sometime within that
regularization. On November 26, 1996, he period. Two weeks after she was hired, she
received reported the loss of cash which she had placed
a Notice of Termination dated November 25, in the company locker. She offered to pay for
1996, informing him that his services were the lost amount but the Operations Manager of
terminated effective the said date since he Robinsons had her strip-searched then reported
failed to meet the required company standards her to the police even though they found
for nothing on her person. An information for
regularization. Qualified Theft was filed with the Quezon City
Regional Trial Court. She was detained for 2
ISSUE: weeks for failure to immediately post bail.
WON Paras, who continued to be employed Weeks later, respondent Ranchez filed a
even after the 180th day, had become a complaint for illegal dismissal and damages. A
regular employee year later, Robinsons sent to respondent by
mail a notice of termination and/or notice of
HELD: expiration of probationary employment.
YES. Paras was employed as a management The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for
trainee on a probationary basis. During the illegal dismissal, alleging that at the time of
orientation conducted on May 15, 1996, he was filing respondent Ranchez had not yet been
terminated. She was merely investigated. In the instant case, based on the facts on
However, the NLRC reversed this ruling, stating record, petitioners failed to accord respondent
that Ranchez was illegally dismissed and that substantive and procedural due process.The
Robinson's should reinstate her. It held that haphazard manner in the investigation of the
Ranchez was deprived of due process when she missing cash, which was left to the
was strip-searched and sent to jail for two determination of the police authorities and the
weeks because such amounted to constructive Prosecutor's Office, left respondent with no
dismissal, making it impossible for the choice but to cry foul.Administrative
respondent to continue under the employment. investigation was not conducted by petitioner
Even though she was merely a probationary Supermarket.On the same day that the missing
employee, the lapse of the probationary money was reported by respondent to her
contract did not amount to a valid dismissal immediate superior, the company already pre-
because there was already an unwarranted judged her guilt without proper investigation,
constructive dismissal beforehand. and instantly reported her to the police as the
The NLRC denied Robinson's motion for suspected thief, which resulted in her
reconsideration. The CA affirmed the decision languishing in jail for two weeks.
of the NLRC. The due process requirements under the Labor
Code are mandatory and may not be replaced
ISSUE: with police investigation or court proceedings.
Whether respondent was illegally terminated An illegally or constructively dismissed
from employment by petitioners. employee, respondent is entitled to: (1) either
reinstatement, if viable, or separation pay, if
HELD: reinstatement is no longer viable; and (2)
The petition is unmeritorious. backwages. These two reliefs are separate and
LABOR LAW: Probationary employees; distinct from each other and are awarded
termination of employment conjunctively.
There is probationary employment when the In this case, since respondent was a
employee upon his engagement is made to probationary employee at the time she was
undergo a trial period during which the constructively dismissed by petitioners, she is
employer determines his fitness to qualify for entitled to separation pay and backwages.
regular employment based on reasonable Reinstatement of respondent is no longer viable
standards made known to him at the time of considering the circumstances.
engagement. DENIED
A probationary employee, like a regular
employee, enjoys security of tenure.However,
in cases of probationary employment, aside 05 ST. PAUL COLLEGE QUEZON CITY, SR. LILIA
from just or authorized causes of termination, THERESE TOLENTINO, SPC, SR. BERNADETTE
an additional ground is provided under Article RACADIO, SPC, and SR. SARAH MANAPOL,
281 of the Labor Code,i.e., the probationary Petitioners, v. REMIGIO MICHAEL A. ANCHETA II
employee may also be terminated for failure to and CYNTHIA A. ANCHETA, Respondent.
qualify as a regular employee in accordance
with reasonable standards made known by the FACTS:
employer to the employee at the time of the Remigio Michael was hired by the St. Paul
engagement.Thus, the services of an employee College (SPCQC) as a teacher in the Gen.
who has been engaged on probationary basis Education Dept. with a probationary rank in SY
may be terminated for any of the following: 1996-1997 which was renewed the following
(1) a just or year. His wife, Cynthia was was also hired as a
(2) an authorized cause; and part time teacher of the Mass Comm Dept in
(3) when he fails to qualify as a regular the 2nd Sem SY 1996-1997 and her
employee in accordance with reasonable appointment was renewed for SY 1997-1998.
standards prescribed by the employer. February 1998, the spouses both wrote a letter
Article 277(b) of the Labor Code mandates that addressed to Sr. Lilia asking for their contract to
the employer shall furnish the worker, whose be renewed which was indeed granted by the
employment is sought to be terminated, a College Council as evidenced by a letter sent by
written notice containing a statement of the petitioner.
causes of termination, and shall afford the latter April 22,1998, a letter, whose signatures
ample opportunity to be heard and to defend includes that of the respondents, was sent to Sr.
himself with the assistance of a representative Bernadette. The said letter contain teachers
if he so desires, in accordance with company sentiments regarding school policies. However,
rules and regulations pursuant to the guidelines April 21, 1998, a letter written by the latter was
set by the Department of Labor and shown, reiterating the conversation of Sr.
Employment. Bernadette and Remigio regarding the non
On February 26, 2010, the CA reversed the petitioners failed to comply with the
NLRC. The petitioners sought reconsideration requirement of a written notice. Notably, Sy
but it was denied. was merely verbally informed that her
Hence, the present petition before this Court. employment would be terminated as admitted
by the petitioners. Considering that the
ISSUE: petitioners failed to observe due process in
Was the termination of Sy, a probationary dismissing her, the dismissal had no legal
employee, valid? sanction. It bears stressing that a workers
employment is property in the constitutional
HELD: sense.
Even if probationary employees do not enjoy
permanent status, they are accorded the
constitutional protection of security of tenure. 07 Manila Electric Co. vs. Gala, G.R. No. 191288
They may only be terminated for a just cause or & 191304, March 7, 2012
when they otherwise fail to qualify as regular
employees in accordance with reasonable Facts:
standards made known to them by the Respondent Jan Carlo Gala was hired by
employer at the time of their engagement. petitioner Meralco as a probationary lineman
*** on March 2, 2006. On July 27, 2006, barely four
One of the conditions before an employer can months on the job, Gala was dismissed for
terminate a probationary employee is alleged complicity in pilferages of Meralco’s
dissatisfaction on the part of the employer electrical supplies, particularly, for the incident
which must be real and in good faith, not which took place on May 25, 2006. On that day,
feigned so as to circumvent the contract or the Gala and other Meralco workers were
law. Here, absent any proof showing that the instructed to replace a worn-out electrical pole
work performance of petitioner was at the Pacheco Subdivision in Valenzuela City.
unsatisfactory, We cannot conclude that While the Meralco crew was at work, one
petitioner failed to meet the standards. This Noberto Llanes, a non-Meralco employee,
absence of proof leads Us to infer that their arrived. He appeared to be known to the
dissatisfaction with her work performance was Meralco foremen as they were seen conversing
contrived so as not to regularize her with him. Llanes boarded the trucks, without
employment. being stopped, and took out what were later
found as electrical supplies. Aside from Gala,
The power of the employer to terminate an the foremen and the other linemen who were
employee on probation is not without at the worksite when the pilferage happened
limitations. Here, the petitioners failed to were later charged with misconduct and
convey to Sy the standards upon which she dishonesty for their involvement in the incident.
should measure up to be considered for Unknown to them, a Meralco surveillance task
regularization and how the standards had been force was monitoring their activities and
applied in her case. Petitioners dissatisfaction recording everything with a video camera.
was at best self-serving and dubious as they Gala denied involvement in the pilferage,
could not present concrete and competent contending that even if his superiors might have
evidence establishing her alleged committed a wrongdoing, he had no
incompetence. Failure on the part of the participation in what they did. He claimed that:
petitioners to discharge the burden of proof is (1) he was at some distance away from the
indicative that the dismissal was not justified. trucks when the pilferage happened; (2) he did
*** not have an inkling that an illegal activity was
The law is clear that in all cases of probationary taking place since his supervisors were
employment, the employer shall make known conversing with Llanes, giving him the
to the employee the standards under which he impression that they knew him; (3) he did not
will qualify as a regular employee at the time of call the attention of his superiors because he
his engagement. Where no standards are made was not in a position to do so as he was a mere
known to the employee at that time, he shall be lineman; and (4) he was just following
deemed a regular employee. The standards instructions in connection with his work and
under which she would qualify as a regular had no control in the disposition of company
employee not having been communicated to supplies and materials. He maintained that his
her at the start of her probationary period, Sy mere presence at the scene of the incident was
qualified as a regular employee not sufficient to hold him liable as a conspirator.
Assuming that Sy failed to meet the standards Despite Gala’s explanation, Meralco terminated
that was made known to her, the termination his employment. Gala responded by filing an
was still flawed flawed for failure to give the illegal dismissal complaint against Meralco. The
required notice to Sy. In this case, the Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for lack
of merit. She held that Gala’s participation in responsibilities.” He failed to qualify as a regular
the pilferage of Meralco’s property rendered employee.
him unqualified to become a regular employee.
On appeal, the NLRC reversed the labor
arbiter’s ruling. It found that Gala had been 08-09 Armando Ailing vs. Jose B. Feliciano
illegally dismissed, since there was “no concrete
showing of complicity with the alleged The Facts
misconduct/dishonesty. The CA denied Via a letter dated June 2, 2004, 6 respondent
Meralco’s petition for lack of merit and partially Wide Wide World Express Corporation
granted Gala’s petition. It concurred with the (WWWEC) offered to employ petitioner
NLRC that Gala had been illegally dismissed. It Armando Aliling (Aliling) as Account Executive
opined that nothing in the records show Gala’s (Seafreight Sales), with the following
knowledge of or complicity in the pilferage. compensation package: a monthly salary of PhP
13,000, transportation allowance of PhP 3,000,
Issue: clothing allowance of PhP 800, cost of living
Whether or not Gala was illegally dismissed. allowance of PhP 500, each payable on a per
month basis and a 14 th month pay depending
Held: on the profitability and availability of financial
We find merit in the petition. Contrary to the resources of the company. The offer came with
conclusions of the CA and the NLRC, there is a
substantial evidence supporting Meralco’s six (6)-month probation period condition with
position that Gala had become unfit to continue this express caveat: Performance during [sic]
his employment with the company. Gala was probationary period shall be made as basis for
found, after an administrative investigation, to confirmation to Regular or Permanent Status.
have failed to meet the standards expected of On June 11, 2004, Aliling and WWWEC inked an
him to become a regular employee and this Employment Contract7 under the following
failure was mainly due to his “undeniable terms, among others:
knowledge, if not participation, in the pilferage Conversion to regular status shall be
activities done by their group, all to the determined on the basis of work performance;
prejudice of the Company’s interests.” and
As probationary employee, his overall job Employment services may, at any time, be
performance and his behavior were being terminated for just cause or in accordance with
monitored and measured in accordance with the standards defined at the time of
the standards (i.e., the terms and conditions) engagement. 8
laid down in his probationary employment Training then started. However, instead of a
agreement. Under paragraph 8 of the Seafreight Sale assignment, WWWEC asked
agreement, he was subject to strict compliance Aliling to handle Ground Express (GX), a new
with, and non-violation of the Company Code company product launched on June 18, 2004
on Employee Discipline, Safety Code, rules and involving domestic cargo forwarding service for
regulations and existing policies. Paragraph 10 Luzon. Marketing this product and finding daily
required him to observe at all times the highest contracts for it formed the core of Alilings new
degree of transparency, selflessness and assignment.
integrity in the performance of his duties and Barely a month after, Manuel F. San Mateo III
responsibilities, free from any form of conflict (San Mateo), WWWEC Sales and Marketing
or contradicting with his own personal interest. Director, emailed Aliling9 to express
On the whole, the totality of the circumstances dissatisfaction with the latters performance,
obtaining in the case convinces us that Gala thus:
could not but have knowledge of the pilferage Armand, My expectations is [sic] that GX
of company electrical supplies on May 25, 2006; Shuttles should be 80% full by the 3 rd week
he was complicit in its commission, if not by (August 5) after launch (July 15). Pls. make that
direct participation, certainly, by his inaction happen. It has been more than a month since
while it was being perpetrated and by not you came in. I am expecting sales to be
reporting the incident to company authorities. pumping in by now. Thanks.
Thus, we find substantial evidence to support Nonong
the conclusion that Gala does not deserve to Thereafter, in a letter of September 25, 2004,
remain in Meralco’s employ as a regular 10 Joseph R. Lariosa (Lariosa), Human Resources
employee. He violated his probationary Manager of WWWEC, asked Aliling to report to
employment agreement, especially the the Human Resources Department to explain
requirement for him “to observe at all times the his absence taken without leave from
highest degree of transparency, selflessness and September 20, 2004.
integrity in the performance of their duties and Aliling responded two days later. He denied
being absent on the days in question, attaching
to his reply-letter 11 a copy of his timesheet12 WWWEC also attached to its Position Paper a
which showed that he worked from September memo dated September 20, 2004 21 in which
20 to 24, 2004. Alilings explanation came with a San Mateo asked Aliling to explain why he
query regarding the withholding of his salary should not be terminated for failure to meet the
corresponding to September 11 to 25, 2004. expected job performance, considering that the
In a separate letter dated September 27, 2004, load factor for the GX Shuttles for the period
13 Aliling wrote San Mateo stating: Pursuant to July to September was only 0.18% as opposed
your instruction on September 20, 2004, I to the allegedly agreed upon load of 80%
hereby tender my resignation effective October targeted for August 5, 2004. According to
15, 2004. While WWWEC took no action on his WWWEC, Aliling, instead of explaining himself,
tender, Aliling nonetheless demanded simply submitted a resignation letter.
reinstatement and a written apology, claiming In a Reply-Affidavit dated December 13, 2004,
in a subsequent letter dated October 1, 200414 22 Aliling denied having received a copy of San
to management that San Mateo had forced him Mateos September 20, 2004 letter.
to resign. Issues having been joined, the Labor Arbiter
Lariosas response-letter of October 1, 2004, 15 issued on April 25, 2006 23 a Decision declaring
informed Aliling that his case was still in the Alilings termination as unjustified. In its
process of being evaluated. On October 6, 2004, pertinent parts, the decision reads:
16 Lariosa again wrote, this time to advise The grounds upon which complainants dismissal
Aliling of the termination of his services was based did not conform not only the
effective as of that date owing to his non- standard but also the compliance required
satisfactory performance during his under Article 281 of the Labor Code,
probationary period. Necessarily, complainants termination is not
Records show that Aliling, for the period justified for failure to comply with the mandate
indicated, was paid his outstanding salary which the law
consisted of: requires. Respondents should be ordered to pay
PhP 4,988.18 (salary for the September 25, salaries corresponding to the unexpired
2004 payroll) portion of the contract of employment and all
1,987.28 (salary for 4 days in October 2004) other benefits amounting to a total of THIRTY
Earlier, however, or on October 4, 2004, Aliling PESOS (P35,811.00) covering the period from
filed a Complaint 17 for illegal dismissal due to October 6 to December 7, 2004, computed as
forced resignation, nonpayment of salaries as follows:
well as damages with the NLRC against Unexpired Portion of the Contract:
WWWEC. Appended to the complaint was Basic Salary P13,000.00
Alilings Affidavit dated November 12, 2004, 18 Transportation 3,000.00
in which he stated: 5. At the time of my Clothing Allowance 800.00
engagement, respondents did not make known ECOLA 500.00
to me the standards under which I will qualify as P17,300.00
a regular employee. 10/06/04 12/07/04
Refuting Alilings basic posture, WWWEC stated P17,300.00 x 2.7 mos. = P35,811.00
in its Position Paper dated November 22, 2004 Complainants 13th month pay proportionately
19 that, in addition to the letter-offer and for 2004 was not shown to have been paid to
employment contract adverted to, WWWEC complainant, respondent be made liable to him
and Aliling have signed a letter of therefore computed at SIX THOUSAND FIVE
appointment20 on June 11, 2004 containing the HUNDRED THIRTY TWO PESOS AND 50/100
following terms of engagement: (P6,532.50).
Additionally, upon the effectivity of your For engaging the services of counsel to protect
probation, you and your immediate superior are his interest, complainant is likewise
required to jointly define your objectives entitled to a 10% attorneys fees of the
compared with the job requirements of the judgment amount. Such other claims for lack of
position. Based on the pre-agreed objectives, basis
your performance shall be reviewed on the 3rd sufficient to support for their grant are
month to assess your competence and work unwarranted.
attitude. The 5 th month Performance Appraisal WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered
shall be the basis in elevating or confirming your ordering respondent company to pay
employment status from Probationary to complainant Armando Aliling the sum of THIRTY
Failure to meet the job requirements during the PESOS (P35,811.00) representing his salaries
probation stage means that your services may and other benefits as discussed above.
be terminated without prior notice and without Respondent company is likewise ordered to pay
recourse to separation pay. said complainant the amount of TEN
of his employment and of the terms of standard in her affidavit referring to the fact
advancement therein. Precisely, implicit in that petitioner did not perform well in his
Article assigned work and his attitude was below par
281 of the Labor Code is the requirement that compared to the companys standard required
reasonable standards be previously made of him. (Emphasis supplied.)
known by the employer to the employee at the WWWECs contention is untenable.
time of his engagement (Ibid, citing Alcira is cast under a different factual setting.
Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc. vs. There, the labor arbiter, the NLRC, the CA, and
NLRC, G.R. No. 132564, October 20, even finally this Court were one in their findings
1999).28 that the employee concerned knew, having
From our review, it appears that the labor been duly informed during his engagement, of
arbiter, and later the NLRC, considered Aliling a the standards for becoming a regular employee.
probationary employee despite finding that he This is in stark contrast to the instant case
was not informed of the reasonable standards where the element of being informed of the
by which his probationary employment was to regularizing standards does not obtain. As such,
be judged. Alcira cannot be made to apply to the instant
The CA, on the other hand, citing Cielo v. case.
National Labor Relations Commission,29 ruled To note, the June 2, 2004 letter-offer itself
that petitioner was a regular employee from the states that the regularization standards or the
outset inasmuch as he was not informed of the performance norms to be used are still to be
standards by which his probationary agreed upon by Aliling and his supervisor.
employment would be measured. The CA WWWEC has failed to prove that an agreement
wrote: as regards thereto has been reached. Clearly
Petitioner was regularized from the time of the then, there were actually no performance
execution of the employment contract on June standards to speak of. And lest it be overlooked,
11, 2004, although respondent company had Aliling was assigned to GX trucking sales, an
arbitrarily shortened his tenure. As pointed out, activity entirely different to the Seafreight Sales
respondent company did not make known the he was originally hired and trained for. Thus, at
reasonable standards under the time of his engagement, the standards
which he will qualify as a regular employee at relative to his assignment with GX sales could
the time of his engagement. Hence, not have plausibly been communicated to him
he was deemed to have been hired from day as
one as a regular employee.30 (Emphasis he was under Seafreight Sales. Even for this
supplied.) reason alone, the conclusion reached in Alcira is
WWWEC, however, excepts on the argument of little relevant to the instant case.
that it put Aliling on notice that he would be Based on the facts established in this case in
evaluated on the 3rd and 5th months of his light of extant jurisprudence, the CAs holding as
probationary employment. To WWWEC, its to the kind of employment petitioner enjoyed is
efforts translate to sufficient compliance with correct. So was the NLRC ruling, affirmatory of
the requirement that a probationary worker be that of the labor arbiter. In the final analysis,
apprised of the reasonable standards for his one common thread runs through the holding
regularization. WWWEC invokes the ensuing of the labor arbiter, the NLRC and the CA, i.e.,
holding in Alcira v. National Labor Relations petitioner Aliling, albeit hired from
Commission31 to support its case: managements standpoint as a probationary
Conversely, an employer is deemed to employee, was deemed a regular employee by
substantially comply with the rule on force of the following self-explanatory
notification provisions:
of standards if he apprises the employee that he Article 281 of the Labor Code ART. 281.
will be subjected to a performance evaluation Probationary employment. - Probationary
on a particular date after his hiring. We agree employment shall not exceed six (6) months
with the labor arbiter when he ruled that: from the date the employee started working,
In the instant case, petitioner cannot unless it is covered by an apprenticeship
successfully say that he was never informed by agreement stipulating a longer period. The
private respondent of the standards that he services of an employee who has been engaged
must satisfy in order to be converted into on a probationary basis may be terminated for a
regular status. This rans (sic) counter to the just cause or when he fails to qualify as a
agreement between the parties that after five regular employee in accordance with
months of service the petitioners performance reasonable standards made known by the
would be evaluated. It is only but natural that employer to the employee at the time of his
the evaluation should be made vis--vis the engagement. An employee who is allowed to
performance standards for the job. Private work after a probationary period shall be
respondent Trifona Mamaradlo speaks of such
First off, the attendant circumstances in the Code. One is analogous to another if it is
instant case aptly show that the issue of susceptible of comparison with the latter either
petitioners alleged failure to achieve his quota, in general or in some specific detail; or has a
as a ground for terminating employment, close relationship with the latter. Gross
strikes the Court as a mere afterthought on the inefficiency is closely related to gross neglect,
part of WWWEC. Consider: Lariosas letter of for both involve specific acts of omission on the
September 25, 2004 already betrayed part of the employee resulting in damage to the
managements intention to dismiss the employer or to his business. In Buiser vs.
petitioner for alleged unauthorized absences. Leogardo, this Court ruled that failure to
Aliling was in fact made to explain and he did so observed prescribed standards to inefficiency
satisfactorily. But, lo and behold, WWWEC may constitute just cause for dismissal.
nonetheless proceeded with its plan to dismiss (Emphasis supplied.)
the petitioner It did so anew in Leonardo v. National Labor
for non-satisfactory performance, although the Relations Commission36 on the following
corresponding termination letter dated October rationale:
6, 2004 did not even specifically state Alilings An employer is entitled to impose productivity
non-satisfactory performance, or that Alilings standards for its workers, and in fact, non
termination was by reason of his failure to compliance may be visited with a penalty even
achieve his set quota. more severe than demotion. Thus, [t]he
What WWWEC considered as the evidence practice of a company in laying off workers
purportedly showing it gave Aliling the chance because they failed to make the work quota has
to explain his inability to reach his quota was a been recognized in this jurisdiction. (Philippine
purported September 20, 2004 memo of San American Embroideries vs. Embroidery and
Mateo addressed to the latter. Garment Workers, 26 SCRA 634, 639). In the
However, Aliling denies having received such case at bar, the petitioners' failure to meet the
letter and WWWEC has failed to refute his sales quota assigned to each of them constitute
contention of non receipt. In net effect, a just cause of their dismissal, regardless of the
WWWEC was at a loss to explain the exact just permanent or probationary status of their
reason for dismissing Aliling. employment. Failure to observe prescribed
At any event, assuming for argument that the standards of work, or to fulfill reasonable work
petitioner indeed failed to achieve his sales assignments due to inefficiency may constitute
quota, his termination from employment on just cause for dismissal. Such inefficiency is
that ground would still be unjustified. understood to mean failure to attain work goals
Article 282 of the Labor Code considers any of or work quotas, either by failing to complete
the following acts or omission on the part of the the same within the allotted reasonable period,
employee as just cause or ground for or by producing unsatisfactory results. This
terminating employment: management prerogative of requiring standards
(a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience may be availed of so long as they are exercised
by the employee of the lawful orders of his in good faith for the advancement of the
employer or representative in connection with employer's interest.
his work; (Emphasis supplied.)
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee In fine, an employees failure to meet sales or
of his duties; work quotas falls under the concept of gross
(c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of inefficiency, which in turn is analogous to gross
the trust reposed in him by his employer neglect of duty that is a just cause for dismissal
or duly authorized representative; under Article 282 of the Code. However, in
(d) Commission of a crime or offense by the order for the quota imposed to be considered a
employee against the person of his employer or valid productivity standard and thereby validate
any immediate member of his family or his duly a dismissal, managements prerogative of fixing
authorized representatives; and the quota must be exercised in good faith for
(e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing. the advancement of its interest. The duty to
(Emphasis supplied) prove good faith, however, rests with WWWEC
In Lim v. National Labor Relations as part of its burden to
Commission,35 the Court considered show that the dismissal was for a just cause.
inefficiency as an analogous just cause for WWWEC must show that such quota was
termination of employment under Article 282 of imposed in good faith.
the Labor Code: This WWWEC failed to do, perceptibly because
We cannot but agree with PEPSI that gross it could not. The fact of the matter is that the
inefficiency falls within the purview of other alleged imposition of the quota was a desperate
causes analogous to the foregoing, this attempt to lend a semblance of validity to
constitutes, therefore, just cause to terminate Alilings illegal dismissal. It must be stressed that
an employee under Article 282 of the Labor even WWWECs sales manager, Eve Amador
(Amador), in an internal e-mail to San Mateo, counsel if the employee so desires, is given
hedged on whether petitioner performed below opportunity to respond to the charge, present
or above expectation: his evidence or rebut the evidence presented
Could not quantify level of performance as he against him; and
as was tasked to handle a new product (GX). (c) A written notice [of] termination served on
Revenue report is not yet administered by IT on the employee indicating that upon due
a month-to-month basis. Moreover, this in a consideration of all the circumstance, grounds
way is an experimental activity. Practically you have been established to justify his termination.
have a close monitoring with Armand with In case of termination, the foregoing notices
regards to his performance. Your assessment of shall be served on the employees last known
him would be more accurate. address.
Being an experimental activity and having been MGG Marine Services, Inc. v. NLRC38 tersely
launched for the first time, the sales of GX described the mechanics of what may be
services could not be reasonably quantified. considered a two-part due process requirement
This would explain why Amador implied in her which includes the two-notice rule, x x x one, of
email that other bases besides sales figures will the intention to dismiss, indicating therein his
be used to determine Alilings performance. And acts or omissions complained against, and two,
yet, despite such a neutral observation, Aliling notice of the decision to dismiss; and an
was still dismissed for his dismal sales of GX opportunity to answer and rebut the charges
services. In any event, WWWEC failed to against him, in between such notices.
demonstrate the reasonableness and the bona King of Kings Transport, Inc. v. Mamac39
fides on the quota imposition. expounded on this procedural requirement in
Employees must be reminded that while this manner:
probationary employees do not enjoy (1) The first written notice to be served on the
permanent status, they enjoy the constitutional employees should contain the specific
protection of security of tenure. They can only causes or grounds for termination against them,
be terminated for cause or when they and a directive that the employees are given the
otherwise fail to meet the reasonable standards opportunity to submit their written explanation
made known to them by the employer at the within a reasonable period. Reasonable
time of their engagement. 37 Respondent opportunity under the Omnibus Rules means
WWWEC miserably failed to prove the every kind of assistance that management must
termination of petitioner was for a just cause accord to the employees to enable them to
nor was there substantial evidence to prepare adequately for their defense. This
demonstrate the standards were made known should be construed as a period of at least five
to the latter at the time of his engagement. calendar days from receipt of the notice xxxx
Hence, petitioners right to security of tenure Moreover, in order to enable the employees to
was breached. Alilings right to procedural due intelligently prepare their explanation and
process was violated As earlier stated, to effect defenses, the notice should contain a detailed
a legal dismissal, the employer must show not narration of the facts and circumstances that
only a valid ground therefor, but also that will serve as basis for the charge against the
procedural due process has properly been employees. A general description of the charge
observed. When the Labor Code speaks of will not suffice. Lastly, the notice should
procedural due process, the reference is usually specifically mention which company rules, if
to the two (2)-written notice rule envisaged in any, are violated and/or which among the
Section 2 (III), Rule XXIII, Book V of the Omnibus grounds under Art. 288 [of the Labor Code] is
Rules Implementing the Labor Code, which being charged against the employees
provides: (2) After serving the first notice, the employees
Section 2. Standard of due process: should schedule and conduct a hearing
requirements of notice. In all cases of or conference wherein the employees will be
termination of given the opportunity to (1) explain and clarify
employment, the following standards of due their defenses to the charge against them; (2)
process shall be substantially observed. present evidence in support of their defenses;
I. For termination of employment based on just and
causes as defined in Article 282 of the (3) rebut the evidence presented against them
Code: by the management. During the hearing or
(a) A written notice served on the employee conference, the employees are given the
specifying the ground or grounds for chance to defend themselves personally, with
termination, and giving to said employee the
reasonable opportunity within which to explain assistance of a representative or counsel of
his side; their choice x x x.
(b) A hearing or conference during which the (3) After determining that termination is
employee concerned, with the assistance of justified, the employer shall serve the
employees a written notice of termination monthly salary, until the finality of this Decision.
indicating that: (1) all the circumstances This disposition hews with the Courts ensuing
involving the charge against the employees holding in Javellana v. Belen: 40 Article 279 of
have been considered; and (2) grounds have the Labor Code, as amended by Section 34 of
been Republic Act 6715 instructs:
established to justify the severance of their Art. 279. Security of Tenure. - In cases of regular
employment. (Emphasis in the original.) employment, the employer shall
Here, the first and second notice requirements not terminate the services of an employee
have not been properly observed, thus tainting except for a just cause or when authorized by
petitioners dismissal with illegality. this Title. An employee who is unjustly
The adverted memo dated September 20, 2004 dismissed from work shall be entitled to
of WWWEC supposedly informing Aliling of the reinstatement without loss of seniority rights
likelihood of his termination and directing him and other privileges and to his full backwages,
to account for his failure to meet the expected inclusive of allowances, and to his other
job performance would have had constituted benefits or their monetary equivalent computed
the charge sheet, sufficient to answer for the from the time his compensation was withheld
first notice requirement, but for the fact that from him up to the time of his actual
there is no proof such letter had been sent to reinstatement. (Emphasis
and received by him. In fact, in his December supplied)
13, 2004 Complainants Reply Affidavit, Aliling Clearly, the law intends the award of backwages
goes on to tag such letter/memorandum as and similar benefits to accumulate past
fabrication. WWWEC did not adduce proof to the date of the Labor Arbiters decision until the
show that a copy of the letter was duly served dismissed employee is actually reinstated. But
upon Aliling. Clearly enough, WWWEC did not if, as in this case, reinstatement is no longer
comply with the first notice requirement. possible, this Court has consistently ruled
Neither was there compliance with the that backwages shall be computed from the
imperatives of a hearing or conference. The time of illegal dismissal until the date
Court need not dwell at length on this particular the decision becomes final. (Emphasis supplied.)
breach of the due procedural requirement. Additionally, Aliling is entitled to separation pay
Suffice it to point out that the record is devoid in lieu of reinstatement on the ground of
of any showing of a hearing or conference strained relationship.
having been conducted. On the contrary, in its In Golden Ace Builders v. Talde,41 the Court
October 1, 2004 letter to Aliling, or barely five ruled:
(5) days after it served the notice of The basis for the payment of backwages is
termination, WWWEC acknowledged that it was different from that for the award of separation
still evaluating his case. And the written notice pay. Separation pay is granted where
of termination itself did not indicate all the reinstatement is no longer advisable because of
circumstances involving the charge to justify strained relations between the employee and
severance of employment. the employer. Backwages represent
Aliling is entitled to backwages and separation compensation that should have been earned
pay in lieu of reinstatement As may be noted, but were not collected because of the unjust
the CA found Alilings dismissal as having been dismissal. The basis for computing backwages is
illegally effected, but nonetheless usually the length of the employee's service
concluded that his employment ceased at the while that for separation pay is the actual
end of the probationary period. Thus, the period when the employee was unlawfully
appellate court merely affirmed the monetary prevented from working.
award made by the NLRC, which consisted of As to how both awards should be computed,
the payment of that amount corresponding to Macasero v. Southern Industrial Gases
the unserved portion of the contract of Philippines instructs:
employment. [T]he award of separation pay is inconsistent
The case disposition on the award is erroneous. with a finding that there was no
As earlier explained, Aliling cannot be rightfully illegal dismissal, for under Article 279 of the
considered as a mere probationary employee. Labor Code and as held in a catena of cases,
Accordingly, the probationary period set in the an employee who is dismissed without just
contract of employment dated June 11, 2004 cause and without due process is entitled to
was of no moment. In net effect, as of that date backwages and reinstatement or payment of
June 11, 2004, Aliling became part of the separation pay in lieu thereof:
WWWEC organization as a regula employee of Thus, an illegally dismissed employee is entitled
the company without a fixed term of to two reliefs: backwages and reinstatement.
employment. Thus, he is entitled to backwages The two reliefs provided are separate and
reckoned fro the time he was illegally dismissed distinct. In instances where reinstatement is no
on October 6, 2004, with a PhP 17,300.00 longer feasible because of strained relations
between the employee and the employer, employee generated what may be considered
separation pay is granted. In effect, an illegally as the arbitrary dismissal of the petitioner.
dismissed employee is entitled to either Following the pronouncements of this Court
reinstatement, if viable, or separation pay if Sagales v. Rustans Commercial Corporation,43
reinstatement is no longer viable, and the computation of separation pay in lieu of
backwages. reinstatement includes the period for which
The normal consequences of respondents illegal backwages were awarded:
dismissal, then, are reinstatement without loss Thus, in lieu of reinstatement, it is but proper to
of seniority rights, and payment of backwages award petitioner separation pay
computed from the time compensation was computed at one-month salary for every year of
withheld up to the date of actual reinstatement. service, a fraction of at least six (6)
Where reinstatement is no longer viable as an months considered as one whole year. In the
option, separation pay equivalent to one (1) computation of separation pay, the
month salary for every year of service should be period where backwages are awarded must be
awarded as an alternative. The payment of included. (Emphasis supplied.)
separation pay is in addition to Thus, Aliling is entitled to both backwages and
payment of backwages. x x x separation pay (in lieu of reinstatement) in the
Velasco v. National Labor Relations Commission amount of one (1) months salary for every year
emphasizes: of service, that is, from June 11, 2004 (date of
The accepted doctrine is that separation pay employment contract) until the finality of this
may avail in lieu of reinstatement if decision with a fraction of a year of at least six
reinstatement is no longer practical or in the (6) months to be considered as one (1) whole
best interest of the parties. Separation pay year. As determined by the labor arbiter, the
in lieu of reinstatement may likewise be basis for the computation of backwages and
awarded if the employee decides not to be separation pay will be Alilings monthly salary at
reinstated. (emphasis in the original; italics PhP 17,300.
supplied) Finally, Aliling is entitled to an award of PhP
Under the doctrine of strained relations, the 30,000 as nominal damages in consonance with
payment of separation pay is considered an prevailing jurisprudence44 for violation of due
acceptable alternative to reinstatement when process.
the latter option is no longer desirable or viable. Petitioner is not entitled to moral and
On one hand, such payment liberates the exemplary damages
employee from what could be a highly In Nazareno v. City of Dumaguete,45 the Court
oppressive work environment. On the other expounded on the requisite elements for a
hand, it releases the employer from the grossly litigants entitlement to moral damages, thus:
unpalatable obligation of maintaining in its Moral damages are awarded if the following
employ a worker it could no longer trust. elements exist in the case: (1) an injury
Strained relations must be demonstrated as a clearly sustained by the claimant; (2) a culpable
fact, however, to be adequately act or omission factually established; (3) a
supported by evidence substantial evidence to wrongful act or omission by the defendant as
show that the relationship between the the proximate cause of the injury sustained by
employer and the employee is indeed strained the claimant; and (4) the award of damages
as a necessary consequence of the judicial predicated on any of the cases stated Article
controversy. 2219 of the Civil Code. In addition, the person
In the present case, the Labor Arbiter found claiming moral damages must prove the
that actual animosity existed between existence of bad faith by clear and convincing
petitioner Azul and respondent as a result of evidence for the law always presumes good
the filing of the illegal dismissal case. Such faith. It is not enough that one merely suffered
finding, especially when affirmed by the sleepless nights, mental anguish, and serious
appellate court as in the case at bar, is binding anxiety as the result of the actuations of the
upon the Court, consistent with the prevailing other party. Invariably such action must be
rules that this Court will not try facts anew and shown to have been willfully done in bad faith
that findings of facts of quasi-judicial bodies are or with ill motive. Bad faith, under the law, does
accorded great respect, even finality. (Emphasis not simply connote
supplied.) bad judgment or negligence. It imports a
As the CA correctly observed, To reinstate dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity and
petitioner [Aliling] would only create an conscious doing of a wrong, a breach of a
atmosphere of antagonism and distrust, more known duty through some motive or interest or
so that he had only a short stint with ill will that partakes of the nature of fraud.
respondent company. 42 The Court need not (Emphasis supplied.)
belabor the fact that the patent animosity that In alleging that WWWEC acted in bad faith,
had developed between employer and Aliling has the burden of proof to present
evidence in support of his claim, as ruled in contention that his liability is merely joint, the
Culili v. Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Labor Arbiter ruled:
Inc.: 46 According to jurisprudence, basic is the Such issue regarding the personal liability of the
principle that good faith is presumed and he officers of a corporation for the
who alleges bad faith has the duty to prove the payment of wages and money claims to its
same. By imputing bad faith to the actuations of employees, as in the instant case, has long been
ETPI, Culili has the burden of proof to present resolved by the Supreme Court in a long list of
substantial evidence to support the allegation cases [A.C. Ransom Labor Union-CLU vs. NLRC
of unfair labor practice. Culili failed to discharge (142 SCRA 269) and reiterated in the cases of
this burden and his bare allegations deserve no Chua vs. NLRC (182 SCRA 353), Gudez vs. NLRC
credit. (183 SCRA 644)]. In the aforementioned cases,
This was reiterated in United Claimants the Supreme Court has expressly held that the
Association of NEA (UNICAN) v. National irresponsible officer of the corporation (e.g.
Electrification Administration (NEA),47 in this President) is liable for the corporations
wise: obligations
It must be noted that the burden of proving bad to its workers. Thus, respondent Yupangco,
faith rests on the one alleging it. As the being the president of the respondent YL Land
Court ruled in Culili v. Eastern and
Telecommunications, Inc., According to Ultra Motors Corp., is properly jointly and
jurisprudence, basic is severally liable with the defendant corporations
the principle that good faith is presumed and he for
who alleges bad faith has the duty to prove the the labor claims of Complainants Alba and De
same. Moreover, in Spouses Palada v. Solidbank Guzman. x x x
Corporation, the Court stated, Allegations of xxxx
bad faith and fraud must be proved by clear and As reflected above, the Labor Arbiter held that
convincing evidence. respondents liability is solidary.
Similarly, Aliling has failed to overcome such There is solidary liability when the obligation
burden to prove bad faith on the part of expressly so states, when the law so
WWWEC. Aliling has not presented any clear provides, or when the nature of the obligation
and convincing evidence to show bad faith. The so requires. MAM Realty Development
fact that he was illegally dismissed is insufficient Corporation v. NLRC, on solidary liability of
to prove bad faith. Thus, the CA correctly ruled corporate officers in labor disputes, enlightens:
that [t]here was no sufficient showing of bad x x x A corporation being a juridical entity, may
faith or abuse of management prerogatives in act only through its directors, officers and
the personal action taken against petitioner. 48 employees. Obligations incurred by them,
In Lambert Pawnbrokers and Jewelry acting as such corporate agents are not theirs
Corporation v. Binamira,49 the Court ruled: but the direct accountabilities of the
A dismissal may be contrary to law but by itself corporation they represent. True solidary
alone, it does not establish bad faith to liabilities may at times be incurred but only
entitle the dismissed employee to moral when exceptional circumstances warrant such
damages. The award of moral and exemplary as, generally, in the following cases:
damages 1. When directors and trustees or, in
cannot be justified solely upon the premise that appropriate cases, the officers of a corporation:
the employer dismissed his employee without (a) vote for or assent to patently unlawful acts
authorized cause and due process. of the corporation;
The officers of WWWEC cannot be held jointly (b) act in bad faith or with gross negligence in
and severally liable with the company directing the corporate
The CA held the president of WWWEC, Jose B. affairs;
Feliciano, San Mateo and Lariosa jointly and xxxx
severally liable for the monetary awards of In labor cases, for instance, the Court has held
Aliling on the ground that the officers are corporate directors and officers solidarily
considered employers acting in the interest of liable with the corporation for the termination
the corporation. The CA cited NYK International of employment of employees done with malice
Knitwear Corporation Philippines (NYK) v. or in bad faith.
National Labor Relations Commission50 in A review of the facts of the case does not reveal
support of its argument. Notably, NYK in turn ample and satisfactory proof that respondent
cited A.C. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU v. NLRC.51 officers of WWEC acted in bad faith or with
Such ruling has been reversed by the Court in malice in effecting the termination of petitioner
Alba v. Yupangco,52 where the Court ruled: Aliling. Even assuming arguendo that the
By Order of September 5, 2007, the Labor actions of WWWEC are ill-conceived and
Arbiter denied respondents motion to quash erroneous, respondent officers cannot be held
the 3rd alias writ. Brushing aside respondents jointly and solidarily with it. Hence, the ruling
Article 281 of the Labor Code, i.e. the we can only consider the first apprenticeship
probationary employee may also be terminated agreement for the purpose. With the expiration
for failure to qualify as a regular employee in of the first agreement and the retention of the
accordance to the reasonable standards set by employees,Atlanta had, to all intents and
the employer. Punctuality is a reasonable purposes, recognized the completion of their
standard imposed on every employee, whether training and their acquisition of a regular
in government or private sector. This, together employee status. To foist upon them the second
with absenteeism, underperformance and apprenticeship agreement for a second skill
mistake in clearing a check are infractions that which was not even mentioned in the
cannot be tantamount to satisfactory standards. agreement itself, is a violation of the Labor
In addition to the abovementioned, it has been Code’s implementing rules and is an act
previously held in PDI vs. Magtibay, Jr., that the manifestly unfair to the employees, to say the
second requirement under Article 281 does not least.On the supposed apprenticeship
require notice and hearing. Due process of law agreements they entered into, Costales,
for this second ground consists of making the Almoite, Sebolino and Sagun refuse to accept
reasonable standards expected of the employee the agreements’ validity, contending that the
during his probationary period known to him at company’s apprenticeship program is merely a
the time of his engagement. By the very nature ploy “to continually deprive [them] of their
of probationary employment, the employee rightful wages and benefits which are due them
knows from the very start that he will be under as regular employees.” The petition is denied.
close observation and continuous scrutiny by
his supervisors. If termination is for cause, it
may be done at anytime during the probation. 12 GREGORIO V. TONGKO v. THE
SEBOLINO, KHIM V. COSTALES, January 26, 2011 Taking from the November 2008 decision, the
ALVIN V. ALMOITE, and JOSEPH S. SAGUN, facts are as follows:
Manufacturers Life Insurance, Co. is a domestic
FACTS: corporation engaged in life insurance business.
The complainants filed a case against Atlanta De Dios was its President and Chief Executive
Industries Inc. for non-regularization, Officer. Petitioner Tongko started his
underpayment, nonpayment of wages and relationship with Manulife in 1977 by virtue of a
other money claims, as well as claims for moral Career Agent's Agreement.
and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees Pertinent provisions of the agreement state
against the petitioners Atlanta Industries, Inc. that:
They alleged that they had attained regular It is understood and agreed that the Agent is an
status as they were allowed to work with independent contractor and nothing contained
Atlanta for more than six (6) months from the herein shall be construed or interpreted as
start of a purported apprenticeship agreement creating an employer-employee relationship
between them and the company. They claimed between the Company and the Agent.
that they were illegally dismissed when the a) The Agent shall canvass for applications for
apprenticeship agreement expired. Atlanta Inc. Life Insurance, Annuities, Group policies and
argued that the workers were not entitled to other products offered by the Company, and
regularization and to their money claims collect, in exchange for provisional receipts
because they were engaged as apprentices issued by the Agent, money due or to become
under a government-approved apprenticeship due to the Company in respect of applications
program. The company offered to hire them as or policies obtained by or through the Agent or
regular employees in the event vacancies for from policyholders allotted by the Company to
regular positions occur in the section of the the Agent for servicing, subject to subsequent
plant where they had trained. Then the labor confirmation of receipt of payment by the
arbiter dismiss the complain but the CA Company as evidenced by an Official Receipt
reversed it. issued by the Company directly to the
ISSUE: b) The Company may terminate this Agreement
Whether complainants are employees of for any breach or violation of any of the
Atlanta and entitled to be payed. provisions hereof by the Agent by giving written
notice to the Agent within fifteen (15) days
HOLDING: from the time of the discovery of the breach.
Yes, Even if we recognize the company’s need No waiver, extinguishment, abandonment,
to train its employees through apprenticeship, withdrawal or cancellation of the right to
A new ruling recognizes that casual employees Petitioner Exodus International Construction
are covered by the security of tenure and Corporation (Exodus) is a duly licensed labor
cannot be terminated within the period of his contractor for the painting of residential
employment except for cause. Despite this new houses, condominium units and commercial
ruling, it is not the intention of the Court to buildings.
make the status of a casual employee at par In the furtherance of its business, Exodus hired
with that of a regular employee, who enjoys respondents as painters on different dates.
permanence of employment. The rule is still Guillermo, Fernando, Ferdinand, and Miguel
that casual employment will cease filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and non-
automatically at the end of the period unless payment of holiday pay, service incentive leave
renewed as stated in the Plantilla of Casual pay, 13th month pay and night-shift differential
Employment. Casual employees may also be pay.
terminated anytime though subject to certain The Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision
conditions or qualifications. Thus, they may be exonerating petitioners from the charge of
laid-off anytime before the expiration of the illegal dismissal as respondents chose not to
employment period provided any of the report for work. However, she allowed the
following occurs:(1) when their services are no claims for holiday pay, service incentive leave
longer needed; (2) funds are no longer pay and 13th month pay. The Decision was
available; (3) the project has already been affirmed by the NLRC and the CA. They opined
completed/finished; or (4) their performance that in a situation where the employer has
are below par. complete control over the records and could
Equally important, they are entitled to due thus easily rebut any monetary claims against it
process especially if they are to be removed for but opted not to lift any finger, the burden is on
more serious causes or for causes other than the employer and not on the complainants.
the reasons mentioned in CSC Form No. 001.
The reason for this is that their termination
from the service could carry a penalty affecting
their rights and future employment in the ISSUE:
government. Whether or not the CA erred and committed
In the case at bench, the CSC itself found that grave abuse of discretion in ordering the
Lapid was denied due process as she was never reinstatement of respondents to their former
positions and affirming the award granted by independent source of livelihood. He claimed
the lower tribunals. that he rendered service to DMCI continuously
for almost 31 years.
HELD: DMCI denied liability. It argued that it hired
The petition is partly meritorious. Jamin on a project-to-project basis, from the
LABOR LAW: Illegal dismissal start of his engagement in 1968 until the
In illegal dismissal cases, it is incumbent upon completion of its SM Manila project on March
the employees to first establish the fact of their 20, 1999 where Jamin last worked. With the
dismissal before the burden is shifted to the completion of the project, it terminated Jamins
employer to prove that the dismissal was legal. employment.
Here, there was no evidence that respondents The LA dismissed the complaint for lack of
were dismissed nor were they prevented from merit. On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the
returning to their work. It was only decision of the LA. On further appeal, the CA
respondents’ unsubstantiated conclusion that reversed the NLRC decision and ruled that
they were dismissed. Jamin was a regular employee. Hence, DMCI
Clearly therefore, there was no dismissal, much seeks a reversal of the CA rulings on the ground
less illegal, and there was also no abandonment that the appellate court committed a grave
of job to speak of. The Labor Arbiter is therefore error in annulling the decisions of the labor
correct in ordering that respondents be arbiter and the NLRC.
reinstated but without any backwages.
However, petitioners are of the position that ISSUE:
the reinstatement of respondents to their Whether or not Jamin is a regular employee
former positions, which were no longer existing,
is impossible, highly unfair and unjust. HELD:
Petitioners are misguided. They forgot that Yes. CA Decision Affirmed.
there are two types of employees in the Labor Law
construction industry. The first is referred to as Once a project or work pool employee has
project employees or those employed in been: (1) continuously, as opposed to
connection with a particular construction intermittently, rehired by the same employer
project or phase thereof and such employment for the same tasks or nature of tasks; and (2)
is coterminous with each project or phase of these tasks are vital, necessary and
the project to which they are assigned. The indispensable to the usual business or trade of
second is known as non-project employees or the employer, then the employee must be
those employed without reference to any deemed a regular employee.
particular construction project or phase of a While the contracts indeed show that Jamin had
project. The second category is where been engaged as a project employee, there was
respondents are classified. an almost unbroken string of Jamins rehiring
Petition is PARTLY GRANTED. from December 17, 1968 up to the termination
of his employment on March 20, 1999. While
the history of Jamins employment (schedule of
15 D.M. CONSUNJI, INC. and/or DAVID M. projects) relied upon by DMCI shows a gap of
CONSUNJI, Petitioners, v. ESTELITO L. JAMIN, almost four years in his employment for the
Respondent. period between July 28, 1980 (the supposed
completion date of the Midtown Plaza project)
FACTS: and June 13, 1984 (the start of the IRRI Dorm IV
Petitioner D.M. Consunji, Inc. (DMCI), a project), the gap was caused by the companys
construction company, hired respondent omission of the three projects above
Estelito L. Jamin as a laborer. Sometime in 1975, mentioned.
Jamin became a helper carpenter. Since his To reiterate, Jamins employment history with
initial hiring, Jamins employment contract had DMCI stands out for his continuous, repeated
been renewed a number of times. On March 20, and successive rehiring in the companys
1999, his work at DMCI was terminated due to construction projects. In all the 38 projects
the completion of the SM Manila project. This where DMCI engaged Jamins services, the tasks
termination marked the end of his employment he performed as a carpenter were indisputably
with DMCI as he was not rehired again. necessary and desirable in DMCIs construction
Jamin filed a complaintfor illegal dismissal, with business. He might not have been a member of
several money claims (including attorneys fees), a work pool as DMCI insisted that it does not
against DMCI and its President/General maintain a work pool, but his continuous
Manager, David M. Consunji. Jamin alleged that rehiring and the nature of his work
DMCI terminated his employment without a unmistakably made him a regular employee.
just and authorized cause at a time when he Further, as we stressed in Liganza, respondent
was already 55 years old and had no capitalizes on our ruling in D.M. Consunji, Inc. v.
NLRC which reiterates the rule that the length Labor Arbiter pointed out that the complainants
of service of a project employee is not the were required to perform several projects that
controlling test of employment tenure but were not at all directly related to URSUMCOs
whether or not the employment has been fixed main operations, and that they were project
for a specific project or undertaking the employees, they could not be regularized since
completion or termination of which has been their respective employments end upon the
determined at the time of the engagement of completion of each project. Also, complainants
the employee." were not entitled to the benefits granted under
"Surely, length of time is not the controlling test the CBA that, as provided, covered only the
for project employment. Nevertheless, it is vital regular employees of URSUMCO.
in determining if the employee was hired fora 7, out of the 22 original complainants, appealed
specific undertaking or tasked to perform the Labor Arbiters ruling before the NLRC. NLRC
functions vital, necessary and indispensable to reversed the Labor Arbiter's ruling; it declared
the usual business or trade of the employer. the complainants are regular URSUMCO
Here, private respondent had been a project employees because they performed activities
employee several times over. His employment which were usually necessary and desirable in
ceased to be coterminous with specific projects the usual trade or business of URSUMCO, and
when he was repeatedly re-hired due to the granted their monetary claims under the CBA.
demands of petitioners business.Without NLRC denied petitioners motion for
doubt, Jamins case fits squarely into the reconsideration.
employment situation just quoted. Petitioners elevated the case to the Court of
PETITION DENIED Appeals (CA) via a petition for certiorari.
The CA granted in part the petition. It pointed
out that the primary standard for determining
16 UNIVERSAL ROBINA SUGAR MILLING regular employment is the reasonable
CORPORATION and RENE CABATI, Petitioners, v. connection between a particular activity
FERDINAND ACIBO, ROBERTO AGUILAR, EDDIE performed by the employee vis-vis the usual
BALDOZA, RENE ABELLAR, DIOMEDES ALICOS, trade or business of the employer. As the
MIGUEL ALICOS, ROGELIO AMAHIT, LARRY complainants have been performing their
AMASCO, FELIPE BALANSAG, ROMEO respective tasks for at least one year, these
BALANSAG, MANUEL BANGOT, ANDY BANJAO, same tasks, regardless of whether the
DIONISIO BENDIJO, JR., JOVENTINO BROCE, performance was continuous or intermittent,
ENRICO LITERAL, RODGER RAMIREZ, constitutes sufficient evidence of the necessity,
BIENVENIDO RODRIGUEZ, DIOCITO PALAGTIW, if not indispensability, of the activity to
ESTRABELA, DANNY KADUSALE and ALLYROBYL benefits, however, the CA ruled that the
OLPUS, Respondents. complainants were not entitled to receive them.
CA pointed out that the CBA covered regular
FACTS: employees of URSUMCO performing tasks
URSUMCO is a domestic corporation engaged in needed by the latter for the entire year with no
the sugarcane milling business; Cabati is regard to the changing sugar milling season. For
URSUMCOs Business Unit General Manager. collective bargaining purposes, they constitute a
The complainants were employees of bargaining unit separate and distinct from the
URSUMCO, and were hired on various dates regular employees.
between 1988 and 1996, and on different The petitioner filed a petition for review on
capacities, i.e., drivers, crane operators, bucket certiorari after the CA denied their motion for
hookers, welders, mechanics, laboratory partial reconsideration.
attendants and aides, steel workers, carpenters,
among others. The complainants signed ISSUE:
contracts of employment for a period of 1 Whether or not the respondents are regular
month or for a given season, and were employees of URSUMCO?
repeatedly hired to perform the same duties
and, for every engagement, were required to HELD:
sign new employment contracts for the same The respondents are regular seasonal
duration of one month or given season. employees of URSUMCO
On August 23, 2002, the complainants filed LABOR LAW : regular seasonal employees
before the Labor Arbiter complaints for Article 280 of the Labor Code provides for three
regularization, entitlement to the benefits kinds of employment arrangements, namely:
under the existing Collective Bargaining regular, project/seasonal and casual.
Agreement (CBA), and attorneys fees. The Labor Regular employment refers to that arrangement
Arbiter dismissed the complaint in the decision whereby the employee has been engaged to
dated October 9, 2002, for lack of merit. The perform activities which are usually necessary
or desirable in the usual business or trade of the This regular and repeated hiring of the same
employer. By way of an exception, paragraph 2, workers (two different sets) for two separate
Article 280 of the Labor Code also considers seasons has put in place, principally through
regular a casual employment arrangement jurisprudence, the system of regular seasonal
when the casual employees engagement has employment in the sugar industry and other
lasted for at least one year, regardless of the industries with a similar nature of operations.
engagements continuity. The controlling test in Therefore, the nature of the employment does
this arrangement is the length of time during not depend solely on the will or word of the
which the employee is engaged. employer or on the procedure for hiring and the
Project employment, on the other hand, manner of designating the employee. Rather,
contemplates on arrangement whereby the the nature of the employment depends on the
employment has been fixed for a specific nature of the activities to be performed by the
project or undertaking whose completion or employee, considering the nature of the
termination has been determined at the time of employers business, the duration and scope to
the engagement of the employee. The services be done, and, in some cases, even the length of
of the project employees are legally and time of the performance and its continued
automatically terminated upon the end or existence.
completion of the project as the employees The NLRC acted in grave abuse of discretion
services are coterminous with the project. when it declared the respondents regular
Seasonal employment operates much in the employees of URSUMCO without qualification
same way as project employment, albeit it and that they were entitled to the benefits
involves work or service that is seasonal in granted under the CBA, to URSUMCO's regular
nature or lasting for the duration of the season. employees. We also find that the CA grossly
To exclude the asserted seasonal employee misread the NLRC ruling and missed the
from those classified as regular employees, the implications of the respondents regularization.
employer must show that: (1) the employee To reiterate, the respondents are regular
must be performing work or services that are seasonal employees, as the CA itself opined
seasonal in nature; and (2) he had been when it declared that private respondents who
employed for the duration of the season. are regular workers with respect to their
Hence, when the seasonal workers are seasonal tasks or activities and while such
continuously and repeatedly hired to perform activities exist, cannot automatically be
the same tasks or activities for several seasons governed by the CBA between petitioner
or even after the cessation of the season, this URSUMCO and the authorized bargaining
length of time may likewise serve as badge of representative of the regular and permanent
regular employment. employees.
Casual employment refers to any other Petition for review on certiorari is partially
employment arrangement that does not fall granted.
under any of the first two categories.
In the case at bar, the respondents were made
to perform various tasks that did not at all
pertain to any specific phase of URSUMCO's
strict milling operations that would ultimately
cease upon completion of a particular phase in 17 JOSE Y. SONZA vs. ABS-CBN BROADCASTING
the milling of sugar; rather, they were tasked to CORPORATION
perform duties regularly and habitually needed
in URSUMCO's operations during the milling FACTS:
season. The respondents duties as loader ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation (ABS-CBN)
operators, hookers, crane operators and drivers signed an Agreement (Agreement) with
were necessary to haul and transport the the Mel and Jay Management and Development
sugarcane from the plantation to the mill; Corporation (MJMDC). ABS-CBN was
laboratory attendants, workers and laborers to represented by its corporate officers while
mill the sugar; and welders, carpenters and MJMDC was represented by SONZA, as
utility workers to ensure the smooth and President
continuous operation of the mill for the and General Manager, and Carmela Tiangco
duration of the milling season, as distinguished (TIANGCO), as EVP and Treasurer. Referred to in
from the production of the sugarcane which the Agreement as AGENT, MJMDC agreed to
involves the planting and raising of the provide SONZAs services exclusively to ABS-CBN
sugarcane until it ripens for milling. They as
perform activities that are necessary and talent for radio and television. ABS-CBN agreed
desirable in sugarcane production. Also, the to pay for SONZAs services a monthly talent fee
respondents were regularly and repeatedly of P310,000 for the first year and P317,000 for
hired to perform the same tasks year after year. the second and third year of the Agreement.
ABS-CBN would pay the talent fees on the 10th consider all
and 25th days of the month. On 1 April 1996, the circumstances of the relationship, with the
SONZA wrote a letter to ABS-CBNs President control test being the most important element.
regarding the resignation of Mr. Jose Sonza,
consequently serving notice of rescission of said 17.1 FARLEY FULACHE, ET. AL. vs. ABS-CBN
Agreement. SONZA filed a complaint against BROADCASTING CORPORATION
ABS-CBN before the Department of Labor and
Employment, National Capital Region in Quezon FACTS:
City. SONZA complained that ABS-CBN did not Farley Fulache, Manolo Jabonero, David Castillo,
pay his salaries, separation pay, service Jeffrey Lagunzad, Magdalena Maligon
incentive Bigno, Francisco Cabas, Jr., Harvey Ponce and
leave pay, 13th month pay, signing bonus, travel Alan C. Almendras and Cresente Atinen (Atinen)
allowance and amounts due under the filed two separate complaints for regularization,
Employees Stock Option Plan (ESOP). ABS-CBN unfair labor practice and several money claims
filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground that no (regularization case) against ABS-CBN
employer-employee relationship existed Broadcasting Corporation-Cebu. Fulache and
between the parties. The Labor Arbiter Castillo
rendered his were drivers/cameramen; Atinen, Lagunzad and
Decision dismissing the complaint for lack of Jabonero were drivers; Ponce and Almendras
jurisdiction, and that Sonza cannot be were cameramen/editors; Bigno was a
considered PA/Teleprompter Operator-Editing, and Cabas
as an employee by reason of the peculiar was a
circumstances surrounding the engagement of VTR man/editor. They alleged that ABS-CBN and
his the ABS-CBN Rank-and-File Employees Union
services. That he was engaged by respondent by (Union) executed a collective bargaining
reason of his peculiar skills and talent as a TV agreement (CBA) where they learned that they
host and a radio broadcaster. Unlike an ordinary had
employee, he was free to perform the services been excluded from its coverage as ABS-CBN
he undertook to render in accordance with his considered them temporary and not regular
own style. Whatever benefits complainant employees, in violation of the Labor Code. They
enjoyed arose from specific agreement by the claimed they had already rendered more than a
parties and not by reason of employer- year of service in the company and, therefore,
employee should have been recognized as regular
relationship. The fact that complainant was employees entitled to security of tenure and to
made subject to respondents Rules and the privileges and benefits enjoyed by regular
Regulations, likewise, does not detract from the employees. ABS-CBN explained the nature of
absence of employer-employee relationship. the petitioners employment within the
ISSUE: of its operations. It further claimed that to cope
WON employer-employee relationship existed with fluctuating business conditions, it
between Sonza and ABS-CBN. contracts on a caseto-case basis the services of
persons who possess the necessary talent, skills,
HELD: training, expertise or qualifications to meet the
NO. Independent contractors often present requirements of its programs and productions.
themselves to possess unique skills, These contracted persons are called talents and
expertise or talent to distinguish them from are considered independent contractors who
ordinary employees. The specific selection and offer their services to broadcasting companies.
hiring of SONZA, because of his unique skills, ABS-CBN alleged that the petitioners services
talent and celebrity status not possessed by were contracted on various dates by its Cebu
ordinary employees, is a circumstance station as independent contractors/off camera
indicative, but not conclusive, of an talents, and they were not entitled to
independent regularization in these capacities.
contractual relationship.If SONZA did not
possess such unique skills, talent and celebrity ISSUE:
status, WON they are ABS-CBNs regular employees
ABS-CBN would not have entered into the entitled to the benefits and privileges of
Agreement with SONZA but would have hired regular employees.
through its personnel department just like any HELD:
other employee. In any event, the method of They are ABS-CBNs regular employees entitled
selecting and engaging SONZA does not to the benefits and privileges of regular
conclusively determine his status. We must employees. These benefits and privileges arise
Ronaldo for his alleged participation in the Rogelio Ramos, an executive of Philippine Long
strike, which is not allowed under the Labor Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), she has
Code for he is a managerial employee. Desipeda three children whose names are Rommel, Roy
also fired Merceditha on the ground that she is Roderick, and Ron Raymond. Because of the
the wife of Ronaldo who naturally sympathize s discomforts somehow interfered with her
with him. normal ways, she sough t professional advice.
The Labor Arbiter ruled that there was no Illegal She
Suspension for there was no employeremployee was told to undergo an operation for the
relationship because the hospital has no control removal of a stone in her gall bladder. She
over Ronaldo as he is a doctor who even gets underwent
shares from the hospitals earnings. series of examination which revealed that she
The National Labor Relations Commission as was fit for the said surgery.
well as the Court of Appeals reversed the Through the intercession of a mutual friend, she
LA. and her husband met Dr. Osaka for the
first time and she was advised by Dr. Osaka to
ISSUE: go under the operation called cholecystectomy
Whether or not there is an employer-employee and the same was agreed to be scheduled on
relationship? June 17,1985 at 9:00am at the Delos Santos
Medical Center. Rogelio asked Dr. Osaka to look
HELD: for a good anesthesiologist to which the latter
Yes. Under the control test, an employment agreed to. A day before the scheduled
relationship exists between a physician and operation, she was admitted at the hospital and
a hospital if the hospital controls both the on the
means and the details of the process by which day of the operation, Erlinda’s sister was with
the her insider the operating room. Dr. Osaka
physician is to accomplish his task. There is arrived
control in this case because of the fact that at the hospital late, Dr. Guttierez, the
Desipeda schedules the hours of work for anesthesiologist, started to intubate Erlina
Ronaldo and his wife. when
The doctors are also registered by the hospital Herminda heard her say that intubating Erlinda
under the SSS which is premised on an is quite difficult and there were complications.
employer-employee relationship. This prompt Dr. Osaka to order a call to another
There is Illegal Dismissal committed against anesthesiologist, Dr. Caldron who successfully
Rolando for there was no notice and hearing intubated Erlina. The patient’s nails became
held. It was never shown that Rolando joined bluish and the patient was placed in a
the strike. But even if he did, he has the right to trendelenburg position. After the operation,
do so for he is not a part of the managerial or Erlina was diagnosed to be suffering from
supervisory employees. As a doctor, their diffuse
decisions are still subject to revocation or cerebral parenchymal damage and that the
revision by Desipeda. petitioner alleged that this was due to lack of
There is Illegal Dismissal committed against oxygen supply to Erlinda’s brain which resulted
Merceditha for the ground therefor was not from the intubation.
mentioned in Article 282 of the Labor Code.
When is Control (One of the Four Tests of ISSUE:
Employer-Employee Relationship) Absent? Whether or not the doctors and the hospital are
Where a person who works for another does so liable for damages against petitioner
more or less at his own pleasure and is for the result to Erlinda of the said operation.
not subject to definite hours or conditions of
work, and is compensated according to the HELD:
result Yes. The private respondents were unable to
of his efforts and not the amount thereof, the disprove the presumption of negligence on
element of control is absent. their part in the care of Erlinda and their
negligence was the proximate case of her
20 Ramos vs Court of Appeals piteous
FACTS: Nevertheless, despite the fact that the scope of
Plaintiff Erlinda Ramos was, until the afternoon res ipsa liquitor has been measurably
of June 17, 1985 a 47-year old robust enlarged, it does not automatically follow that it
woman. Except for occasional complaints of apply to all cases of medical negligence as to
discomfort due to pains allegedly caused by mechanically shift the burden of proof to the
presence of a stone in her gall bladder, she was defendant to show that he is not guilty of the
as normal as any other woman. Married to ascribed negligence. Res ipsa liquitor is not a
person in complete charge of the surgery room Fuentes operated on Natividad with the
and all personnel connected with the operation assistance of the Medical City Hospital’s staff,
res ipsa loquitur not a rule of substantive law, composed of resident doctors, nurses, and
hence, does not per se create or constitute an interns
independent or separate ground of liability,
being a mere evidentiary rule mere invocation
application of the doctrine does not dispense FRANCISCO SIQUIG, as Union President,
with the requirement of proof of negligence JOSELITO
Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes LARIÑO, VIVENCIO B. BARTE, SATURNINO
damage to another, there being fault or EGERA and SIMPLICIO AYA-AY vs. NATIONAL
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, TRYCO
done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no PHARMA CORPORATION, and/or WILFREDO C.
preexisting contractual relation between the RIVERA
parties, is called a quasi-delict and is governed
by the provisions of this Chapter. FACTS:
ART. 2180. The obligation imposed by Article Tryco Pharma Corporation (Tryco) is a
2176 is demandable not only for one’s manufacturer of veterinary medicines and its
own acts or omissions, but also for those of principal office is located in Caloocan City.
persons for whom one is responsible. Joselito Lariño, Vivencio Barte, Saturnino Egera
The owners and managers of an establishment an d
or enterprise are likewise responsible for Simplicio Aya-ay are its regular employees,
damages caused by their employees in the occupying the positions of helper, shipment
service of the branches in which the latter are helper
employed or on the occasion of their functions. and factory workers, respectively, assigned to
Employers shall be liable for the damages the Production Department. They are members
caused by their employees and household of Bisig Manggagawa sa Tryco (BMT), the
helpers acting within the scope of their assigned exclusive bargaining representative of the rank-
tasks even though the former are not engaged andfile employees. Tryco received a Letter from
in any business or industry. the Bureau of Animal Industry of the
xxxxxx Department of Agriculture reminding it that its
The responsibility treated of in this article shall production should be conducted in San Rafael,
cease when the persons herein Bulacan, not in Caloocan City, hence, Tryco
mentioned prove that they observed all the issued a Memorandum dericting petitioner Aya-
diligence of a good father of a family to prevent ay to report to the company's plant site in
damage. failed to adduce evidence showing Bulacan. When petitioner Aya -ay refused to
that it exercised the diligence of a good father obey, Tryco reiterated the order. Subsequently,
of a through a Memorandum, Tryco also directed
family in the accreditation and supervision petitioners Egera, Lariño and Barte to report to
private hospitals, hire, fire and exercise real the company's plant site in Bulacan. Petitioners
control then filed their separate complaints for illegal
over their attending and visiting ‘consultant’ dismissal, underpayment of wages,
staff control test is determining for the purpose nonpayment of overtime pay and service
of allocating responsibility in medical negligence incentive leave. The alleged that the
cases, an employer-employee relationship in management transferred petitioners Lariño,
effect exists between hospitals and their Barte, Egera and Aya-ay from Caloocan to San
attending and visiting physicians Rafael, Bulacan to paralyze the union. In their
ART. 1869. Agency may be express, or implied defense, respondents averred that the
from the acts of the principal, from his petitioners were not dismissed but they refused
silence or lack of action, or his failure to to comply with the management's directive for
repudiate the agency, knowing that another them to report to the company's plant in San
person is Rafael, Bulacan.
acting on his behalf without authority.
By accrediting Dr. Ampil and Dr. Fuentes and
publicly advertising their qualifications, the
hospital created the impression that they were ISSUE:
its agents, authorized to perform medical or WON management’s prerogative of transferring
surgical services for its patients doctrine of and reassigning employees from one
corporate negligence or corporate responsibility area of operation to another in order to meet
knowledge of any of the staff of Medical City the requirements of the business constitutes
Hospital constitutes knowledge of PSI constructive dismissal.
It is worthy to note that Dr. Ampil and Dr.
Yes. Given the discretion granted to the various collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or any
divisions of SMC in the management provision of the Labor Code
and operation of their respective businesses
and in the formulation and implementation of ISSUE:
policies affecting their operations and their Whether the management may be compelled to
personnel, the no time card policy affecting all share with the union or its employees
of its prerogative of formulating a code of
the supervisory employees of the Beer Division discipline.
is a valid exercise of management prerogative.
The no time card policy undoubtedly caused HELD:
pecuniary loss to respondents. However, YES. PAL asserts that when it revised its Code on
petitioners granted to respondents and other March 15, 1985, there was no law
supervisory employees a 10% across-the-board which mandated the sharing of responsibility
increase in pay and night shift allowance, in therefor between employer and employee.
addition to their yearly merit increase in basic Indeed, it was only on March 2, 1989, with the
salary, to cushion the impact of the loss. So long approval of Republic Act No. 6715, amend ing
as a companys management prerogatives are Article 211 of the Labor Code, that the law
exercised in good faith for the advancement of explicitly considered it a State policy "(t)o
the employers interest and not for the ensure the
purpose of defeating or circumventing the participation of workers in decision and policy-
rights of the employees under special laws or making processes affecting the rights, duties
under valid agreements, this Court will uphold and
them. welfare." However, even in the absence of said
clear provision of law, the exercise of
management prerogatives was never
26 PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC. (PAL) vs. NLRC considered boundless. Thus, in Cruz vs. Medina
(177 SCRA
FACTS: 565 [1989]) it was held that management's
Philippine Airlines, Inc. (PAL) completely revised prerogatives must be without abuse of
its 1966 Code of Discipline. The Code discretion.
was circulated among the employees and was In San Miguel Brewery Sales Force Union
immediately implemented, and some (PTGWO) vs. Ople (170 SCRA 25 [1989]), we
employees upheld
were forthwith subjected to the disciplinary the company's right to implement a new system
measures embodied therein. Thus, the of distributing its products, but gave the
Philippine following caveat: So long as a company's
Airlines Employees Association (PALEA) filed a management prerogatives are exercised in good
complaint before the National Labor Relations faith
Commission (NLRC) for unfair labor practice for the advancement of the employer's interest
with the following remarks: "ULP with arbitrary and not for the purpose of defeating or
implementation of PAL's Code of Discipline circumventing the rights of the employees under
without notice and prior discussion with Union special laws or under valid agreements, this
by Court will uphold the.
Management". In its position paper, PALEA All this points to the conclusion that the
contended that PAL, by its unilateral exercise of managerial prerogatives is not
implementation of the Code, was guilty of unlimited. It is circumscribed by limitations
unfair l abor practice. PALEA alleged that copies found in law, a collective bargaining agreement,
of or the general principles of fair play and justice
the Code had been circulated in limited (University of Sto. Tomas vs. NLRC, 190 SCRA
numbers; that being penal in nature the Code 758 [1990]). Moreover, as enunciated in Abbott
must Laboratories (Phil.), vs. NLRC (154 713 [1987]),
conform with the requirements of sufficient it must be duly established that the prerogative
publication, and that the Code was arbitrary, being invoked is clearly a managerial one.
oppressive, and prejudicial to the rights of the
employees. PAL filed a motion to dismiss the
complaint, asserting its prerogative as an 27 WILTSHIRE FILE CO., INC., vs. NLRC and
employer to prescibe rules and regulations VICENTE T. ONG
employees' conduct in carrying out their duties FACTS:
and functions, and alleging that by Vicente T. Ong was the Sales Manager of
implementing the Code, it had not violated the Wiltshire File Co., Inc. ("Wiltshire"). As such, he
received a monthly salary excluding
commissions from sales. He also enjoyed as violation of law or merely arbitrary and
vacation leave malicious action is not shown.
with pay, as well as hospitalization privileges The determination of the continuing necessity
per year. Upon private respondent's return of a particular officer or position in a
from a business corporation is management's
business and pleasure trip abroad, he was prerogative, and the courts will not interfere
informed by the President of Wiltshire that his with the
services were being terminated. Ong maintains exercise of such so long as no abuse of
that he tried to get an explanation from discretion or merely arbitrary or malicious
management of his dismissal but to no avail. action on the
When private respondent again tried to speak part of management is shown.
with the President of Wiltshire, the company's
security guard handed him a letter which REDUNDANCY ISSUE:
formally informed him that his services were Redundancy in an employer's personnel force
being terminated upon the ground of does not necessarily or even ordinarily
redundancy. refers to duplication of work. That no other
Ong filed a complaint before the Labor Arbiter person was holding the same position that
for illegal dismissal alleging that his position private
could not possibly be redundant because respondent held prior to the termination of his
nobody (save himself) in the company was then services, does not show that his position had
performing the same duties. He further not become redundant. Indeed, in any well-
contended that retrenching him could not organized business enterprise, it would be
prevent surprising to find duplication of work and two
further losses because it was in fact through his (2) or more people doing the work of one
remarkable performance as Sales Manager that person.
the Company had an unprecedented increase in Redundancy exists where the services of an
domestic market share the preceding year. For employee are in excess of what is reasonably
that accomplishment, he continued, he was demanded by the actual requirements of the
promoted to Marketing Manager and was enterprise. Succinctly put, a position is
authorized by the President to hire four (4) redundant
Sales Executives five (5) months prior to his where it is superfluous, and superfluity of a
termination. Wiltshire alleged that the position or positions may be the outcome of a
termination of Ong's services was a cost-cutting number of factors, such as overhiring of
measure: that the company had experienced an workers, decreased volume of business, or
unusually low volume of orders: and that it was dropping of
in fact forced to rotate its employees in order to a particular product line or service activity
save the company. Despite the rotation of previously manufactured or undertaken by the
employees, it continued to experience financial enterprise. The employer has no legal obligation
losses and Ong's position, Sales Manager of the to keep in its payroll more employees than are
company, became redundant. During the necessarily for the operation of its business.
proceedings before the Labor Arbiter, Wiltshire
notified the DOLE that it would close its doors
permanently due to substantial business losses.
Controller that should his position or It is a well-settled rule that labor laws do not
department which was apparently a one-man authorize interference with the employer's
department judgment in the conduct of his business. The
with no staff becomes untenable or unable to determination of the qualification and fitness of
deliver the needed service due to manpower workers for hiring and firing, promotion or
constraint, he would be given a three (3) year reassignment are exclusive prerogatives of
advance notice. In the meantime, the standard management. The Labor Code and its
cost accounting system was installed and used implementing Rules do not vest in the Labor
at the Raytheon plants and subsidiaries Arbiters nor
worldwide. Almodiel was summoned by his in the different Divisions of the NLRC (nor in the
immediate boss and in the presence of IRD courts) managerial authority. The employer is
Manager, Mr. Rolando Estrada, was told of the free to determine, using his own discretion and
abolition of his position on the ground of business judgment, all elements of employment,
redundancy. He pleaded with management to "from hiring to firing" except in cases of
defer its action or transfer him to another unlawful discrimination or those which may be
department, but he was told that the decision provided
of management was final and that the same has by law. There is none in the instant case.
been conveyed to the Department of Labor and
Employment. Thus, he was constrained to file
the complaint for illegal dismissal. Petitioner 29 PRIMO E. CAONG, JR., ALEXANDER
claims that the functions of his position were J. TRESQUIO, and LORIANOD. DALUYON,
absorbed by the Payroll/Mis/Finance Petitioners,- versus - AVELINO
Department under the management of Danny REGUALOS, Respondent
Ang Tan
Chai, a resident alien without any working Facts:
permit from the Department of Labor and Petitioners Primo E. Caong, Jr. (Caong),
Employment as required by law. And granting Alexander J. Tresquio(Tresquio), and Loriano D.
that his department has to be declared Daluyon (Daluyon) were employed by
redundant, he claims that he should have been respondent Avelino Regualos under a
the Manager of the Payroll/Mis/Finance boundary agreement, as drivers of his brand
Department which handled general accounting, new jeepneys. On November 4, 2001 a meeting
payroll and encoding. As a B. S. Accounting was conducted by respondent.During the said
graduate, a CPA with M.B.A. units, 21 years of meeting, respondent informed his employees,
work experience, and a natural born Filipino, he includingpetitioners, to strictly comply with the
claims that he is better qualified than Ang Tan policy regarding remittances and warnedthem
Chai, a B.S. Industrial Engineer, hired merely as that they would not be allowed to take out
a the jeepneys if they did notremit the full
Systems Analyst Programmer or its equivalent amount of the boundary. Despite the said
in early 1987, promoted as MIS Manager only reminder given by therespondent, Daluyon,
during the middle part of 1988 and a resident Tresquio and Caong failed to remit the entire
alien. Petitioner also assails Raytheon's choice amount ofboundary on November 7, 8, 9, 2001,
of respectively, and when they returnedfor work
Ang Tan Chai to head the Payroll/Mis/Finance after their rest day, respondent barred them
Department, claiming that he is better qualified from driving because ofthe deficiency in the
for the position. boundary payment. They pleaded with the
respondent toallow them to drive but to no
HELD: avail. Thus, they filed an illegal dismissal
It has been consistently held that an objection caseagainst the respondent. During the
founded on the ground that one has mandatory conference, respondentmanifested
better credentials over the appointee is that petitioners were not dismissed and that
frowned upon so long as the latter possesses they could drivehis jeepneys once they paid
the their arrears. Petitioners, however, refused to
minimum qualifications for the position. In the doso. On March 31, 2003, the Labor Arbiter
case at bar, since petitioner does not allege that decided the case in favor ofrespondent.
Ang Tan Chai does not qualify for the position, Petitioners appealed the decision to the
the Court cannot substitute its discretion and National Labor RelationsCommission (NLRC). In
judgment for that which is clearly and its resolution] dated March 31, 2004, the
exclusively management prerogative. To do so NLRCagreed with the Labor Arbiter and
would dismissed the appeal. It also denied petitioners’
take away from the employer what rightly motion for reconsideration.
belongs to him as aptly explained in National Forthwith, petitioners filed a petition for
Federation of Labor Unions v. NLRC: certiorari with the CA.In its Decision dated
December 14, 2006, the CA found no discipline onhis employees and to impose
graveabuse of discretion on the part of the penalties, including dismissal, ifwarranted, upon
NLRC. According to the CA, theemployer- erring employees.
employee relationship of the parties has not This is a management prerogative. Indeed, the
been severed, butmerely suspended when manner in which management conducts its own
respondent refused to allow petitioners to affairs to achieve its purpose is within the
drivethe jeepneys while there were unpaid management’s discretion.
boundary obligations. The CA pointedout that The only limitation on theexercise
the fact that it was within the power of of management prerogative is that the
petitioners to return to work isproof that policies, rules, andregulations on work-related
there was no termination of employment. The activities of the employees must always be
condition thatpetitioners should first pay their fairand reasonable, and the corresponding
arrears only for the period of November 5- penalties, when prescribed,commensurate to
9,2001 before they can be readmitted to work is the offense involved and to the degree of
neither impossible norunreasonable if their the infraction.
total unpaid boundary obligations and the need Petitioners’ concern relates to the
to sustain the financial viability of the implementation of the policy, which is another
employer’s enterprise—which wouldultimately matter. A company policy must be implemented
redound to the benefit of the employees—are in such manner aswill accord social justice and
taken intoconsideration.The CA went on to rule compassion to the employee. In case
that petitioners were not denied their right ofnoncompliance with the company policy, the
todue process. It pointed out that the case does employer must consider thesurrounding
not involve a termination ofemployment; circumstances and the reasons why the
hence, the strict application of the twin-notice employee failed tocomply. When the
rule is notwarranted. According to the CA, what circumstances merit the relaxation of the
is important is that petitioners weregiven the application of thepolicy, then its noncompliance
opportunity to be heard. The meeting must be excused.In the case at bench, private
conducted by respondent onNovember 4, 2001 respondent, upon finding thatpetitioners had
served as sufficient notice to petitioners. During consistently failed to remit the full amount of
the saidmeeting, respondent informed his theboundary, conducted a meeting on
employees, including petitioners, to November 4, 2001 informingthem to strictly
strictlycomply with the policy regarding comply with the policy regarding their
remittances and warned them that theywould remittancesand warned them to discontinue
not be allowed to take out the jeepneys if they driving if they still failed to remitthe full amount
did not remit the fullamount of the boundary. of the boundary.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition
Issue: is DENIED. TheCourt of Appeals Decision dated
Whether or not the petitioners were illegally December 14, 2006 and Resolution datedJuly
dismissed by the respondent andthat such 16, 2007 are AFFIRMED
dismissal was made in violation of the due
process requirements ofthe law.
The petition is without merit.The Labor Arbiter,
the NLRC, and the CA uniformly declared that FACTS:
petitionerswere not dismissed from Alicia Laplana was the cashier of the Baguio City
employment but merely suspended Branch Office of the Philippine
pendingpayment of their arrears. We have no Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. PT & T's
reason to deviate from suchfindings. treasurer, Mrs. Alicia A. Arogo, directed Laplana
Indeed, petitioners’ suspension cannot be to transfer to the company's branch office at
categorized as dismissal, considering that there Laoag City. Laplana refused the reassignment
was no intent on the part of respondent to and
sever theemployer-employee relationship proposed instead that qualified clerks in the
between him and petitioners. In fact, it Baguio Branch be trained for the purpose. She
wasmade clear that petitioners could put an set
end to the suspension if they only paytheir out her reasons therefor in her letter to Mrs.
recent arrears. As it was, the suspension Arogo. Mrs. Arogo reiterated her directive for
dragged on for years because of petitioners’ Laplana's transfer to the Laoag Branch, this time
stubborn refusal to pay. It is acknowledged that in the form of a written Memorandum,
an employerhas free rein and enjoys wide informing Laplana that she will be reassigned to
latitude of discretion to regulate allaspects of Laoag branch assuming the same position of
employment, including the prerogative to instil branch cashier and ordering her "to turn over
her accountabilities and files to Rose Ca ysido that the employer was transferring Laplana to
who will be in charge of cashiering in Baguio." another work place, not because she would be
Apparently Laplana was not allowed to resume more useful there, but merely "as a subterfuge
her work as Cashier of the Baguio Branch when to rid . . . (itself) of an undesirable worker," or
the time came. She thereupon wrote again to "to penalize an employee for . . . union
Mrs. Arogo advising that the directed transfer activities.
was unacceptable, reiterating the reasons . . ." The employer was moreover not unmindful
already given by her in her first letter. Laplana of Laplana's initial plea for reconsideration of
later received a telegram from Mrs. Arogo the directive for her transfer to Laoag; in fact, in
requiring her to report to Manila for a new job response to that plea not to be moved to the
assignment, that failure to report shall Laoag Office, the employer opted instead to
constitute abandonment of her job, which transfer her to Manila, the main office, offering
might constrain them to impose disciplinary at
actions against her. Laplana in turn sent a telex the same time the normal benefits attendant
message to Mrs. Arogo refusing the job offer in upon transfers from an office to another. The
Manila and requested that she be retrenched situation here presented is of an employer
instead. Termination of Laplana's employment transferring an employee to another office in
on account of retrenchment thereupon the
followed. Laplana then filed a complaint against exercise of what it took to be sound business
PT & T its "Baguio Northwestern Luzon Branch, judgment and in accordance with pre-
Baguio City," and Paraluman Bautista, Area determined
Manager. In her complaint, she set forth and established office policy and practice, and
substantially the facts just narrated, and of the latter having what was believed to be
alleged, as right of action, that "when she legitimate reasons for declining that transfer,
insisted on her right of refusing to be rooted in considerations of personal
transferred, the Defendants made good its convenience
warning by terminating her services on May 16, and difficulties for the family. Under these
1984 on alleged ground of "retrenchment," circumstances, the solution proposed by the
although the truth is, she was forced to be employee herself, of her voluntary termination
terminated and that there was n o ground at all of her employment and the delivery to her of
for corresponding separation pay, would appear to
the retrenchment;" that the company's "act of be the most equitable. Certainly, the Court
transferring is not only without any valid ground cannot accept the proposition that when an
but also arbitrary and without any purpose but employee opposes his employer's decision to
to harass and force . . . (her) to eventually transfer him to another work place, there being
resign." In answer, the defendants alleged that no bad faith or underhanded motives on the
Laplana "was being transferred to Laoag City part of either party, it is the employee's wishes
because of ncrease in sales due to the that should be made to prevail. In adopting that
additional installations of vodex line and the proposition by way of resolving the controversy,
company the respondent NLRC gravely abused its
"was exercising management prerogatives in discretion.
transferring complainant . . . and there is no
showing that this exercise was arbitrarily and
whimsically done;" 31 BLUE DAIRY CORPORATION vs. NLRC and
WON Laplana was illegally dismissed. FACTS:
processing of dairy and chocolate products,
juices and vegetables, hired Elvira R. Recalde as
HELD: a food technologist in its laboratory. Recalde
NO. In this case, the employee (Laplana) had to accompanied Production Manager Editha N.
all intents and purposes resigned from Nicolas in conductin g a sensory evaluation of
her position. She had unequivocally asked that vanilla syrup in one of the outlets of a client.
she be considered dismissed, herself suggesting While on their way back to the office a post fell
the reason therefor –– retrenchment. When so on
dismissed, she accepted separation pay. On the the company vehicle they were riding due to a
other hand, the employer has not been shown raging typhoon damaging the vehicle's
to be acting otherwise than in good faith, and in windshield and side mirror. Later, Recalde was
the legitimate pursuit of what it considered its transferred from the laboratory to the
best interests, in deciding to transfer her to vegetable
another office. There is no showing whatever processing section where she cored lettuce,
minced and repacked garlic and performed limits thereto. The managerial prerogative to
similar transfer personnel must be exercised without
work, and was restricted from entering the grave abuse of discretion, bearing in mind the
laboratory. She was unhappy. She considered basic elements of justice and fair play. Having
her the
new job humiliating and menial. She later right should not be confused with the manner in
stopped reporting for work. The following day which that right is exercised. Thus, it cannot be
she used as a subterfuge by the employer to rid
sent a letter to Blue Dairy Corporation that she himself of an undesirable worker. In particula r,
will no longer report for work because of their the
drastic and oppressive action. Recalde then filed employer must be able to show that the
a complaint against Blue Dairy Corporation for transfer is not unreasonable, inconvenient or
constructive dismissal and non-payment of prejudicial to the employee; nor does it involve
premium pay. Petitioners contended that a demotion in rank or a diminution of his
Recalde salaries, privileges and other benefits. Should
was given a less sensitive assignment outside of the employer fail to overcome this burden of
the laboratory on account of her dishonesty proof, the employees transfer shall be
which resulted in loss of trust and confidence. tantamount to constructive dismissal, which has
They seriously took into account the result of been
the defined as a quitting because continued
investigation that Recalde was actually scouting employment is rendered impossible,
for a new residence using company vehicle unreasonable or
without prior permission from the General unlikely; as an offer involving a demotion in
Manager and during office hours, in violation of rank and diminution in pay. Likewise,
par. constructive
IV, subpars. B and G, of the company's General dismissal exists when an act of clear
Rules and Regulation, to that effect such act of discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an
dishonesty could even have merited dismissal employer has
from employment had they adhered simply to become so unbearable to the employee leaving
jurisprudential rule but took into account him with no option but to forego with his
instead the spirit of the approaching Christmas continued employment In the present case,
season. The Labor Arbiter rule that petitioners petitioners failed to justify Recaldes transfer
were guilty of constructive dismissal as he from
found the position of food technologist in the
the justification for Recaldes transfer laboratory to a worker in the vegetable
unreasonable. Petitioners insist that the processing
transfer of section. In petitioners view, she was dishonest
Recalde from the laboratory to the vegetable such that they lost their trust and confidence i n
processing section was effected i n the exercise her. Yet, it does not appear that Recalde was
of provided an opportunity to refute the reason
management prerogative. for
the transfer. Nor was Recalde notified in
ISSUE: advance of her impending transfer which was,
WON Recaldes transfer was unreasonable. as we
shall elucidate later, a demotion in rank. In Gaco
HELD: v. NLRC we noted - While due process required
YES. It is the prerogative of management to by law is applied in dismissals, the same is also
transfer an employee from one office to applicable to demotions as demotions likewise
another within the business establishment affect the employment of a worker whose right
based on its assessment and perception of the to continued employment, under the same
employees qualifications, aptitudes and terms and conditions, is also protected by law.
competence, and in order to ascertain where he Moreover, considering that demotion is, like
can dismissal, also a punitive action, the employee
function with maximum benefit to the being demoted should, as in cases of dismissals,
company. This is a privilege inherent in the be given a chance to contest the same.
right to control and manage his enterprise
effectively. Th e freedom of management to 32 PHARMACIA and UPJOHN, INC. vs. RICARDO
conduct P. ALBAYDA, JR
its business operations to achieve its purpose
cannot be denied. But, like other rights, there FACTS:
Ricardo P. Albayda, Jr. was an employee of memorandum was then sent notifying Abayda
Upjohn, Inc. in 1978 and continued working of the
there until 1996 when a merger between company’s decision to terminate his services
Pharmacia and Upjohn was created. After the after he repeatedly refused to report for work
merger, despite due notice, Abayda filed a Complaint for
Abayda was designated by Pharmacia and constructive di smissal but was later dismissed.
Upjohn (Pharmacia) as District Sales Manager
assigned to District XI in the Western Visayas
area, where respondent settled in Bacolod City.
district meeting was held in Makati City wherein WON Abayda’s reassignment was a valid
one of the topics discussed was the district exercise of petitioners management
territorial configuration for the new marketing prerogative.
and sales direction. Later, Abayda received a
Memorandum announcing the sales force HELD:
structure and that he was reassigned as District YES. Jurisprudence recognizes the exercise of
Sales management prerogative to transfer or
Manager to District XII in the Northern assign employees from one office or area of
Mindanao area. Abayda questioned his transfer operation to another, provided there is no
from demotion in rank or diminution of salary,
District XI to District XII, that he has always been benefits, and other privileges, and the action is
assigned to the Western Visayas area and that not
he felt that he could not improve the sales of motivated by discrimination, made in bad faith,
products if he was assigned to an unfamiliar or effected as a form of punishment or
territory. He then concluded that his transfer demotion without sufficient cause. To
might be a way for his managers to dismiss him determine the validity of the transfer of
from employment. He added that he could not employees, the
possibly accept his new assignment in Cagayan employer must show that the transfer is not
de Oro City because he will be dislocated from unreasonable, inconvenient, or prejudicial to
his family; his wife runs an established business the
in Bacolod City; his eleven- year-old daughter is employee; nor does it involve a demotion in
studying in Bacolod City; and his two-year-old rank or a diminution of his salaries, privile ges
son is under his and his wifes direct care. and
Petitioner then deny the request of Abayda to other benefits. Should the employer fail to
be overcome this burden of proof, the employee's
reassigned to the Western Visayas area. It transfer shall be tantamount to constructive
explained that the factors used in determining dismissal. Petitioners posture that the transfer
assignments of managers are to maximize of
business opportunities and growth and respondent was a valid exercise of a legitimate
development management prerogative to maximize business
of personnel. Abayda likened his transfer to opportunities, growth and development of
Mindanao as a form of punishment. He argued personnel and that the expertise of respondent
that was
Chu failed to face and address the issues he needed to build the companys business in
raised regarding the loss of his family income, Cagayan de Oro City which dismally performed
the in
additional cost of housing and other additional 1999, that the reassignment of respondent was
expenses he will incur in Mindanao. Abayda was not a demotion as he will also be assigned as a
then given an option to be assigned in Metro District Sales Manager in Mindanao or in Metro
Manila and is entitled to Relocation Benefits Manila and that the notice of his transfer did
and not indicate that his emoluments will be
Allowance pursuant to the companys Benefits reduced. He was even entitled to Relocation
Manual and was then directed to report for Benefits
work and Allowance in accordance with petitioners
in Manila . However, Abayda did not replied to Benefits Manual. The allegation of complainant
their last memorandum and was warned that that his income will be affected because his wife
the same would be a final notice for him to who is doing business in Bacolod City and
report for work in Manila within 5 working days earns P50,000.00, should not be taken in
from receipt of the memo; otherwise, his consideration of his transfer. What is
services will be terminated on the basi s of contemplated
being here is the diminution of the salary of the
absent without official leave (AWOL). A complainant but not his wife. Besides, even if
basic due process and fair play in employment alleged that the transfers were made in the
relations. lawful exercise of its management prerogative
were done in good faith. The transfers were
34 PHILIPPINE TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE aimed at decongesting surplus employees and
CORPORATION vs. CA, NLRC, detailing them to a more demanding branch.
The petitioner is a domestic corporation WON private respondents transfers were made
engaged in the business of providing telegraph in the lawful exercise of its management
and communication services thru its branches prerogative. WON it was transfer or promotion.
all over the country. After conducting a series of
studies regarding the profitability of its retail
operations, it came up with a Relocation and
Restructuring Program designed to (a) sustain HELD:
its (PT&Ts) retail operations; (b) decongest NO. The increase in the respondents
surplus workforce in some branches, to responsibility can be ascertained from the scalar
promote efficiency and productivity; (c) lower ascent of their job grades. With or without a
expenses corresponding increase in salary, the respective
incidental to hiring and training new personnel; transfer of the private respondents were in fact
and (d) avoid retrenchment of employees promotions, following the ruling enunciated in
occupying redundant positions. Cristina Rodiel, Homeowners Savings and Loan Association, Inc.
Jesus Paracale, Romeo Tee, Benjamin v. NLRC: [P]romotion, as we defined in Millares
Lakandula, Avelino Acha, Ignacio Dela Cerna and v, Subido, is the advancement from one position
Guillermo Demigillo received separate letters to another with an increase in du ties and
from the petitioner, giving them the option to responsibilities as authorized by law, and
choose the branch to which they could be usually accompanied by an increase in salary.
transferred. Thereafter they were directed to Apparently, the indispensable element for there
relocate to their new PT&T Branches. They were to be a promotion is that there must be an
directed to report to their respective relocation advancement from one position to another or
assignments. Meanwhile, the petitioner offered an upward vertical movement of the employees
benefits/allowances to those employees who rank or position. Any increase in salary should
would agree to be transferred under its new only be considered incidental but never
program. Moreover, the employees who would determinative of whether or not a promotion is
agree to the transfers would be considered bestowed upon an employee. This can be
promoted. However, private respondents likened to the upgrading of salaries of
rejected the petitioners offer. Petitioner sent government employees without conferring
letters upon the, the
to the private respondents requiring them to concomitant elevation to the higher positions. ]
explain in writing why no disciplinary action An employee cannot be promoted, even if
should be taken against them for their refusal merely as a result of a transfer, without his
to be transferred/relocated. Private consent. A transfer that results in promotion or
respondents demotion, advancement or reduction or a
explained that: the transfers imposed by the transfer that aims to lure the employee away
management would cause enormous difficulties from
on the individual complainants. For one, their his permanent position cannot be done without
new assignment involve distant places which the employees consent. There is no law that
would require their separation from their compels an employee to accept a promotion for
respective families. Dissatisfied with this the reason that a promotion is in the nature of
explanation, a gift or reward, which a person has a right to
the petitioner considered the private refuse. Hence, the exercise by the private
respondents refusal as insubordination and respondents of their right cannot be considered
willful in law as insubordination, or willful
disobedience to a lawful order; hence, the disobedience of a lawful order of the employer.
private respondents were dismissed from work. As such, there was no valid cause for the
Respondents then filed their respective private respondents dismissal.
complaints against the petitioner declaring that
refusal to transfer could not possibly give rise to 35 PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY AGENCY
a valid dismissal on the ground of willful CORPORATION vs. VIRGILIO DAPITON & NLRC
disobedience, as their transfer was prejudicial
and inconvenient; thus unreasonable. Petitioner FACTS:
Petitioner hired Dapiton as a security guard. His WON petitioner was constructively dismissed.
initial assignment was at PCIBank in
Caloocan City. During his tour of duty at HELD:
PCIBank, Dapiton had a heated argument with YES. Constructive dismissal is defined as a
his quitting because continued employment is
fellow security guard. The incident almost led to rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely;
a shootout. Respondent was suspended from as an offer involving a demotion in rank and
work for seven (7) days. Petitioner alleged that diminution in pay. On the other hand,
respondent did not serve his suspension and abandonment of work means a clear, deliberate
instead went on a leave of absence. and
Nonetheless, he was assigned at the BPI Family unjustified refusal of an employee to resume his
Bank in employment and a clear intention to sever the
Navotas when he reported back for duty. employer-employee relationship. Abandonment
Allegedly, respondent refused to accept his is incompatible with constructive dismissal.
assignment. Respondent was assigned at Sevilla In the case at bar, we hold that there was no d
Candle Factory in Malabon. Three (3) weeks eliberate intent on the part of the respondent
later, he abandoned his post and went on to
absence without leave (AWOL). Respondent abandon his employment with petitioner. The
was clear evidence that respondent did not wish to
given another assignment at Security Bank and be separated from work is that, after his last
Trust Company. He was required to report for assignment he reported to petitioners office
an interview and to undergo a neurological regularly for a new posting but to no avail. He
examination. Respondent refused and allegedly then lost no time in filing the illegal dismissal
again went on AWOL. Petitioner sent a telegram case. An employee who forthwith takes steps to
to respondent to report to its office for a protest his layoff cannot by any logic be said to
conference. Respondent did not show up. have abandoned his work. Moreover,
Instead, on April 22, 1994, respondent filed the respondent's failure to assume his posts in Sevi
present illegal dismissal case. Respondent lla Candle
denied petitioners allegations. He claimed that Factory and the Security Bank and Trust
after Company is not without reason. He explained
he served his suspension, he was assigned at that he
BPI Family Bank in Navotas. He accepted the requested for a transfer of assignment from
new Sevilla Candle Factory because he feared for his
post. However, after a short period, he was life
relieved and was transferred to the Mercury after he witnessed shabu dealers doing their
Drugstore in Grand Central, Kalookan City. business in his workstation. As regards the
Again, after a brief tour of duty, he was Security Bank assignment, he failed to take the
relieved. He neurological test for lack of money to pay for
was posted at Sevilla Candle Factory. While on the examination fee. Petitioner cannot
duty, he witnessed some shabu dealers doing overinflate the significance of the fact that
their illegal trade. Fearful for his life, he left his respondent
post and requested petitioner to transfer him to often absented himself from work without an
another post. He admitted that his assignment approved leave. It is a settled rule that mere
at Security Bank did not materialize for he failed absence or failure to report for work is not
to take the neurological test. He explained he tantamount to abandonment of work. Even the
could not pay the examination fee in the failure to report for work after a notice to
amount return to work has been served does not
of P250.00. He asked petitioner to pay the said necessarily
amount but it refused. Respondent alleged that constitute abandonment nor does it bar
thereafter, he was reduced to a mere reliever of reinstatement. The burden of proving that
absent security guards and was frequently respondent
transferred from one post to another. His last has abandoned his job rests with petitioner.
assignment was at the Philippine Savings Bank However, petitioner failed miserably to
(PSB) in Makati. It lasted for only one (1) day. discharge
Since April 13, 1994, he was not given any the burden. The records show no memoranda
assignment. He reported to petitioners office concerning respondents alleged unauth orized
regularly for his posting but to no avail. absences and refusal to work. Even the
Consequently, on April 22, 1994, he sued telegram petitioner sent to respondent after he
petitioner for illegal dismissal and asked for allegedly went on AWOL merely required
separation pay. respondent to report to its office for a
conference but
ISSUE: did not mention anything about his absences.
We find it incredible that petitioner did not Meanwhile, his normal sales route was
even temporarily suspended until further notice but
write respondent on his alleged refusal to he was
accept the posts assigned to him and the instructed to report daily to the head office in
abandonment of his posts considering that such Pasig City. Baron submitted his answer. Private
acts constitute willful disobedience and gross respondent was required to submit his written
neglect of duty which are valid grounds for explanation on the poi nts indicated within a
dismissal. period of seven (7) days from receipt of the
memorandum and was also requested to
36 CONSOLIDATED FOOD why no additional action should be taken
CORPORATION/PRESIDENT JOHN GOKONGWEI, against him for his continued absence. vs. NLRC AND Petitioners
WILFREDO M. BARON sent notice to private respondent requiring him
to explain within ten (10) days why he should
FACTS: not be dismissed from the service for having
Consolidated Food Corporation (CFC) is a been absent without leave (AWOL). Baron sent
domestic corporation engaged in the sale of a
food products. Wilfredo M. Baron was a Bonded letter to petitioners stating that he was advised
Merchandiser at CFC, was thereafter assigned by his doctor not to report for work because he
as Acting Section Manager for Northern Luzon was sick and would have to take his medication.
(NL) — 2 Area covering Baguio City, La Trinidad Baron then filed a complaint with the Labor
and Benguet. He was tasked, among others, to Arbiter for constructive dismissal, non-payment
deliver for sale CFC Presto Ice Cream Products of salaries, commissions, service incentive
to leave pay and allowances.
stores and outlets in Baguio City, make
inventories thereof, replace or retrieve bad HELD:
orders or A valid exercise of management prerogative is
damaged ice cream stocks, and to handle funds one which covers hiring, work
in relation to his functions. A killer earthquake assignment, working methods, time, place and
hit Baguio City causing severe damage in the manner of work, tools to be used, processes to
area. Power lines were cut off and the roads to be followed, supervision of workers, working
and from the city became impassable. Hence, regulations, transfer of employees, work
the Presto ice cream products in the possession supervision, lay-off of workers and the
of customers and sales outlets in Baguio were discipline, dismissal and recall of workers.
damaged and became bad orders. Unit Mgr. Except as
Abalos issued an Action Plan which provided provided for or limited by special laws,
among others the cut-off audit of Wilfredo M. employers are free to regulate, according to
Baron to determine accountabilities that should their own
be liquidated on account of non -sales discretion and judgment, all aspects of
operations. The Field Audit Group of CFC employment. Re-assignments made by
conducted an audit on the accountabilities of management
Baron pending investigation of irregularities allegedly
that reflected a shortage of P1,985.12 in the committed by an employee fall within the ambit
cash purchase fund and expense allowance of management prerogative. The purpose of
fund. reassignments is no different from that of
Unit Mgr. Abalos requested a field audit of the preventive suspension which management could
area to further evaluate private respondent's validly impose as a disciplinary measure for the
exposure, particularly on sales account, freezer protection of the company's property pending
and bad orders stocks. Baron was then directed investigation of any alleged malfeasance or
to temporarily stop routing in his assigned areas misfeasance committed by the employee. The
until such time that the complete audit of the audit result also showed that Baron failed to
customers' bad orders stocks within the area account for his expense allowance fund.
had been finished and was ordered to turnover Although Baron had given his written
his accountabilities Calura, who is to take over explanation,
the route operation of Baguio City as Baron’s petitioners found it unsatisfactory and his
presence would be required in the audit being defense inexcusable. While there may be no
conducted on bad orders stocks caused by the direct
earthquake. A memorandum was sent to Baron evidence to prove that Baron actually and
informing him of the discrepancies appearing in deliberately committed fraud or
the audit of accountabilities and giving him misappropriation of
opportunity to explain his side in writing. Company funds, there was substantial proof of
the existence of irregularities committed by him Yes. An employer has the inherent right to
in the use of the funds. We have ruled that transfer or assign an employee in pursuance of
substantial proof, and not clear and convincing its legitimate business interest, subject only to
evidence or proof beyond reasonable doubt, is the condition that the move be not motivated
sufficient as basis for the imposition of any by bad faith. Having lost his trust and
disciplinary action upon the employee. The confidence in petitioner, respondent Delfin had
standard of substantial evidence is satisfied the right to transfer her to ensure that she
where would no longer have access to the companies’
the employer has reasonable ground to believe confidential files. Although it is true that
that the employee is responsible for the petitioner has yet to be proven guilty,
misconduct and his participation therein respondents had the authority to reassign her,
renders him unworthy of the trust and pending investigation.
demanded by his position.
We find that petitioners' acts of conducting 38 WENIFREDO FARROL vs. CA and RCPI
audits and investigation on the alleged
irregularities committed by private respondent FACTS:
and in reassigning him to another place of work Wenifredo Farrol was employed as station
pending the results of the investigation were cashier at RCPIs Cotabato City station. RCPIs
based on valid and legitimate grounds. As such, district manager in Cotabato City informed their
these acts of management cannot amount to main office that "Peragram funds"[ from said
constructive dismissal. It is worthy to note that branch were used for the payment of
petitioners gave Baron every opportunity to retirement benefits of five employees. Farrol
raise his defense and fully explain the verified as
discrepancies in the funds in his possession. In correct RCPIs Field Auditors report that there
fact private respondent i nformed petitioners was a shortage of P50,985.37 in their branchs
that he would be returning for work on 5 March Peragram, Petty and General Cash Funds.
1991 after his sick leave. But instead of doing Consequently, petitioner was required by the
so, he filed a complaint for constructive Field
dismissal before the Labor Arbiter. Auditor to explain the cash shortage within 24
hours from notice. The next day, petitioner paid
to RCPI P25,000.00 of the cash shortage. RCPI
37 Josephine Ruiz vs Wendel Osaka Realty required petitioner to explain why he should
Facts: be dismissed from employment. Two days
Petitioner was hired as secretary to respondent thereafter, petitioner wrote a letter to the Field
(Delfin), the president of DMWAI there after Auditor stating that the missing funds were
appointed as executive assistant to the used for the payment of the retirement benefits
president of respondent WORC. Sometime in earlier referred to by the branch manager and
2002, the BIR informed Delfin of the tax that he had already paid P25,000.00 to RCPI.
deficiency allegations against his companies. On After making two more payments of the cash
November 2002, he discovered that “various shortage to RCPI, petitioner was informed by
very important files”11 of DMWAI were missing. the
He required the employees to answer a district manager that he is being placed under
questionnaire but the petitioner failed to preventive suspension. Thereafter, he again
comply. ThusDelfin sent a letter17 to petitioner paid
informing her that she would be placed under a two more sums on different dates to RCPI
30-day preventive suspension and another 15 leaving a balance of P6,995.37 of the shortage.
days with pay. After 45 day period, she reported RCPI
back to work and was transferred to the Cavite claims that it sent a letter to petitioner
city branch. Thereafter, petitioner amended her informing him of the termination of his services
Complaint for illegal suspension to include on the
constructive illegal dismissal. ground that the position of Station Cashier is
CA ruled, that the transfer of petitioner was one which requires utmost trust and
justified, considering the gravity of the offense confidence.
she was being charged with.41 Unaware of the termination letter, Farrol
requested that he be reinstated considering
Issue: that the
w/n the transfer is valid. period of his preventive suspension had
expired. He likewise manifested to RCPI his
Held: willingness
to settle his case provided he is given his
retirement benefits. However, RCPI informed appears that this is the first infraction
petitioner that his employment had already committed by petitioner. Although the
been terminated earlier employer has the
prerogative to discipline or dismiss its employee,
HELD: such prerogative cannot be exercised
In cases involving the illegal termination of wantonly, but must be controlled by substantive
employmen t, it is fundamental that the due process and tempered by the fundamental
employer must observe the mandate of the policy of protection to labor enshrined in the
Labor Code, i.e., the employer has the burden Constitution. Infractions committed by an
of employee should merit only the corresponding
proving that the dismissal is for a cause sanction demanded by the circumstances. The
provided by the law[ and that it afforded the penalty must be commensurate with the act,
employee conduct or omission imputed to the employee
an opportunity to be heard and to defen d and
himself The employer must comply with the imposed in connection with the employers
twin disciplinary authority. RCPI alleged that under
requirements of two notices and hearing. The its
first notice is that which apprises the employee rules, petitioners infraction is punishable by
of the particular acts or omissions for which his dismissal. Petitioner has no previous record in
dismissal is sought, and after affording the his
employee an opportunity to be heard, a twenty-four long years of service - this would
subsequent notice informing the latter of the have been his first offense. The Court thus holds
employers decision to dismiss him from work. that the dismissal imposed on petitioner is
As regards the first notice, RCPI simply required unduly harsh and grossly disproporti onate to
petitioner to "explain in writing why he failed to the
account" for the shortage and demanded that infraction which led to the termination of his
he restitute the same. On the assumption that services. A lighter penalty would have been
the foregoing statement satisfies the first more
notice, just, if not humane. In any case, petitioner paid
the second notice sent by RCPI to petitioner back the cash shortage in his accounts.
does not "clearly" cite the reasons for the Considering, however, that the latter is about to
dismissal, retire or may have retired from work, it would
contrary to the requirements set by the above- no longer be practical to order his
quoted Section 6 of Book V, Rule XIV of the reinstatement.
Omnibus Rules. RCPIs dismissal notice reveals
that it merely stated a conclusion to the effect
that the withholding was deliberately done to 39 MANILA WATER COMPANY, Petitioner,vs.
hide alleged malversation or misappropriation CARLITO DEL ROSARIO, Respondent.
without, however, stating the facts and
circumstances in support thereof. It further PRINCIPLE:
mentioned The grant of separation pay to a dismissed
that the position of cashier requires utmost employee is determined by the cause of the
trust and confidence but failed to allege the dismissal. The years of service may determine
breach how much separation pay may be awarded. It
of trust on the part of petitioner and how the is, however, not the reason why such pay
alleged breach was committed. On the should be granted at all.
assumption that there was indeed a breach,
there is no evidence that petitioner was a FACTS:
managerial employee of respondent RCPI. It Del Rosario was employed as Instrument
should be noted that the term "trust and Technician by Metropolitan Waterworks and
confidence" is restricted to managerial Sewerage System (MWSS). MWSS was
employees. It may not even be presumed that reorganized pursuant to Republic Act No. 8041
when or the National Water Crisis Act of 1995, and its
there is a shortage, there is also a implementing guidelines − Executive Order No.
corresponding breach of trust. Cash shortages 286.
in a cashiers Because of the reorganization, Manila Water
work may happen, and when there is no proof absorbed some employees of MWSS including
that the same was deliberately done for a Del Rosario.
fraudulent or wrongful purpose, it cannot Manila Water discovered that 24 water
constitute breach of trust so as to render the meters were missing in its stockroom. Upon
dismissal from work invalid. Assuming further initial investigation, it appeared that Del Rosario
that there was breach of trust and confidence, it and his co-employee, Danilo Manguera, were
involved in the pilferage and the sale of water has been granted to a legally dismissed
meters to the company’s contractor. employee as an act of “social justice” or on
When Del Rosario was directed to explain, he “equitable grounds.” In either case, “it is
confessed his involvement in the act charged required that the dismissal (1) was not for
and pleaded for forgiveness, promising not to serious misconduct; and (2) did not reflct on the
commit similar acts in the future. moral character of the employee.”
During the formal investigation Del Rosario Citing the leading case of PLDT v. NLRC (247
was found responsible for the loss of the water Phil. 641, 1988), the Supreme Court laid down
meters and therefore liable for violating Section the rule “that separation pay shall be allowed as
11.1 of the Company’s Code of Conduct. Hence, a measure of social justice only in the instances
the dismissal of Del Rosario from employment. where the employee is validly dismissed for
This prompted Del Rosario to fie an action for causes other than serious misconduct reflcting
illegal dismissal claiming that his severance his moral character…”
from employment is without just cause. Del In subsequent cases, the high tribunal
Rosario averred in his position paper that his “expanded the exclusions and elucidated that
admission to the misconduct charged was not separation pay shall be allowed as a measure of
voluntary but was coerced by the company. social justice only in instances where the
Such admission therefore, made without the employee is validly dismissed for causes other
assistance of a counsel, could not be made basis than serious misconduct, willful disobedience,
in terminating his employment. gross and habituals neglect of duty, fraud or
Manila Water answered and pointed out that willful breach of trust, commission of a crime
he was involved in the taking of the water against the employer or his family, or those
meters from the company’s stock room and of reflcting on his moral character…”
selling these to a private contractor for personal Although long years of service might generally
gain. Invoking Section 11.1 of the Company’s be considered for the award of separation
Code of Conduct, Manila Water averred that benefis or some form of fiancial assistance to
such act of stealing the company’s property is mitigate the effcts of termination, this case is
punishable by dismissal. They further averred not the appropriate instance for generosity
that Del Rosario himself confessed his under the Labor Code nor under our prior
involvement to the loss of the water meters not decisions. The fact that private respondent
only in his letter-explanation, but also during served petitioner for more than twenty years
the formal investigation, and in both instances, with no negative record prior to his dismissal, in
pleaded for his employer’s forgiveness. our view of this case, does not call for such
**Labor Arbiter - dismissing for lack of merit the award of
complaint fied by Del Rosario benefis, since his violation reflcts a regrettable
who was, however, awarded separation pay. lack of loyalty and worse, betrayal of the
According to the Labor Arbiter, Del company. If an employee's length of service is
Rosario’s length of service for 21 years, without to be regarded as a justifiation for moderating
previous derogatory record, the penalty of dismissal, such gesture will
warrants the award of separation pay. actually become a prize for disloyalty, distorting
----------- **Separation pay equivalent to one- the meaning of social justice and undermining
half (1/2) month’s salary for every year of the effrts of labor to cleanse its ranks of
service based on his basic salary Php 11,244.00 undesirables.
at the time of his dismissal. This shall be The grant of separation pay to a dismissed
computed from [1 August 1997] up to June employee is determined by the cause of the
2000, the total amount of which is Php dismissal. The years of service may determine
118,062.00. how much separation pay may be awarded. It
**Manila Waters fied a MR to NLRC however, it is, however, not the reason why such pay
is denied. should be granted at all.
**CA – affied the granting of Separation Pay by In sum, we hold that the award of separation
the Labor Arbiter pay or any other kind of fiancial assistance to
Del Rosario, under the nomenclature of
ISSUE: compassionate justice, is not warranted in the
WON Respondent Del Rosario is entitled for instant case. A contrary rule would have the
Separation Pay effct of rewarding rather than punishing an
erring employee, disturbing the noble concept
RULING: of social justice.
No. “As a general rule, an employee who has 40 Salvador O. Mojar vs Agro Commercial
been dismissed for any of the just causes Security Service Agency
enumerated under Article 282 of the Labor
Code is not entitled to a separation pay.” Facts:
However, in exceptional cases, separation pay
Petitioners were employed as security guards applicable here. In Agro, the service contracts of
by respondent and assigned to the various the security agency therein with various
branches of the Bank of Commerce in corporations and government agencies – to
Pangasinan, La Union and Ilocos Sur. Petitioners which the security guards were previously
were relieved from their respective posts and assigned – were terminated, generally due to
directed to report to their new assignments in the sequestration of the said offices.
Metro Manila. They, however, failed to report Accordingly, many of the security guards were
for duty in their new assignments. On 15 placed on floating status. “Floating status”
February 2005, petitioners filed a Complaint for means an indefinite period of time when one
illegal dismissal against respondent and the does not receive any salary or financial benefit
Bank of Commerce, Dagupan Branch. provided by law. In this case, petitioners were
Petitioners claimed, among others, that their actually reassigned to new posts, albeit in a
reassignment was a scheme to sever the different location from where they resided.
employer-employee relationship and was done Thus, there can be no floating status or
in retaliation for pressing their claim for salary indefinite period to speak of. Instead,
differential, which they had earlier filed against petitioners were the ones who refused to
respondent and the Bank of Commerce before report for work in their new assignment. In
the NLRC. They also contended that the transfer cases involving security guards, a relief and
to Manila was inconvenient and prejudicial, transfer order in itself does not sever the
since they would incur additional expenses for employment relationship between the security
board and lodging. The Labor Arbiter rendered guards and their agency. Employees have the
a Decision finding that petitioners were illegally right to security of tenure, but this does not give
dismissed and ordered respondents to reinstate them such a vested right to their positions as
all the complainants to their former assignment would deprive the company of its prerogative to
in Pangasinan with full backwages and if change their assignment or transfer them
reinstatement is no longer possible, to pay where their services, as security guards, will be
separation pay of one month for every year of most beneficial to the client. An employer has
service each of the seven complainant security the right to transfer or assign its employees
guards. On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the LA’s from one office or area of operation to another
ruling, with the modification that the Complaint in pursuit of its legitimate business interest,
against the Bank of Commerce was dismissed. provided there is no demotion in rank or
The CA found the Orders transferring diminution of salary, benefits, and other
petitioners to Manila to be a valid exercise of privileges; and the transfer is not motivated by
management prerogative. The CA further ruled discrimination or bad faith, or effected as a
that the records were bereft of any showing form of punishment or demotion without
that the subject transfer involved a diminution sufficient cause. While petitioners may claim
of rank or salaries. Further, there was no that their transfer to Manila will cause added
showing of bad faith or ill motive on the part of expenses and inconvenience, the court agree
the employer. Thus, petitioners’ refusal to with the CA that, absent any showing of bad
comply with the transfer orders constituted faith or ill motive on the part of the employer,
willful disobedience of a lawful order of an the transfer remains valid.
employer and abandonment, which were just
causes for termination under the Labor Code.
However, respondent failed to observe the due 41 PHILBAG INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING
process requirements in terminating them. CORPORATION, Petitioner, v. PHILBAG
Whether or not an employee may be
considered to have been constructively FACTS:
dismissed if his floating status lasts for more Edwin Mauricio and Zharralyn Camacho were
than six months. employees of the petitioner, Philbag Industrial
Manufacturing Corporation (company), until
Ruling: their dismissal in the second half of 2004.
The Petition is DENIED and the court AFFIRMED Mauricio and Camacho protested their
the Court of Appeals decision. Petitioners argue dismissal, prompting the union and the
that they were illegally dismissed, based on the company to convene the CBAs grievance
1989 case Agro Commercial Security Services machinery in an effort to resolve the matter at
Agency, Inc. v. NLRC., which holds that when plant level. Unable to reach a settlement, they
the floating status of employees lasts for more agreed to have the dispute resolved through
than six (6) months, they may be considered to voluntary arbitration.
have been illegally dismissed from the service. To avoid liability, the company maintained that
Unfortunately, the above-mentioned case is not both Mauricio and Camacho violated company
rules on employee discipline, thereby incurring Jean Aurelio started as clinical instructor of the
demerit points that justified their separation College of Nursing of Northwestern
from the service. It pointed out that Mauricio College (NWC). Later, she was appointed as
was observed idling and wasting company time Dean of the College of Nursing. Again,
for two hours on May 24, 2004 as reported by petitioner
Reinoso who witnessed the incident. With was promoted to College Administrator or Vice-
respect to Camacho, the company stressed that President for Administration, retaining
she failed (1) to follow the procedure in taking a concurrently her position of Dean of the College
leave of absence (filing the required form) or of Nursing, with an increased salary. She was
getting permission from or notifying later promoted to Executive Vice-President. This
management that she could not report for work new management unleashed a series of
from March 15 to 21, 2004 and (2) to have her reorganization affecting the petitioner . Without
medical certificate countersigned by the prior notice, petitioner's office was stripped of
company doctor. its facilities, her salary was reduced from
VA Ancheta declared Mauricio and Camachos P7,500.00 to P5,000.00 then to P2,500.00 a
dismissal valid. With the ruling, VA Ancheta month,
upheld the companys prerogative to impose and while petitioner was absent because of
disciplinary action on its employees who violate influenza, respondents assigned her office room
company rules and regulations. The union to
sought relief from the CA through a petition for the Chairman on Management and Planning;
review under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court. the Nursing conference room was assigned as
CA granted the petition and reversed VA the
Anchetas ruling. It found "no plausible reason lounge room of the members of the Board of
for [the company] to [impose] demerit points Directors. Because of the indignities and
on Mauricio and Camacho as a result of the humiliation suffered by the petitioner, she
subject incidents. wrote a letter informing the President of
The CA thus ruled that Mauricio and Camacho Northwestern College that she was going on an
were illegally dismissed. The company moved indefinite leave. Petitioner sent a copy of the
for reconsideration, which was denied by the letter to the Secretary of DECS for assistance.
CA. The matter of petitioner's resumption of her
position as Dean of the College of Nursing was
ISSUE: addressed by the DECS to the attention of
Whether or not Mauricio and Camacho were respondents but it did not answer. They refused
illegally dismissed? to accept petitioner. Hence, petitioner filed
her complaint for illegal dismissal against
HELD: private respondents. NWC, on its part, was
Court of Appeals decision is sustained. compelled
LABOR LAW to abolish the administrative positions held by
Under the law, the burden of proving that the petitioner, which she did not contest, because
termination of employment was for a valid or they realized after a study of the realignment of
authorized cause rests on the employer. Failure the positions that the fu nctions and duties of
to discharge this burden would result in an Administrator/Vice President for Administration
unjust or illegal dismissal, as aptly pointed out were being performed by the President.
by the CA. We find such a failure on the part of Consequently, the former positions had become
the employer in this case. redundant.
It is obvious that the company overstepped the
bounds of its management prerogative in the ISSUE:
dismissal of Mauricio and Camacho. It lost sight WON the Management is at liberty to abolish
of the principle that management prerogative positions no longer necessary.
must be exercised in good faith and with due
regard to the rights of the workers in the spirit HELD:
of fairness and with justice in mind. YES. The Board of Directors, composed of the
In sum, we find Mauricio and Camachos individual private respondents herein, has
dismissal without a valid cause and, therefore, the power granted by the Corporation Code to
illegal. implement a reorganization of respondent
DENIED. college's offices, including the abolition of
various positions, since it is imp lied or
incidental to
42 JEAN C. AURELIO vs. NATIONAL LABOR its power to conduct the regular business affairs
RELATIONS COMMISSION of the corporation. The prerogative of
management to conduct its own business affairs
FACTS: to achieve its purposes cannot be denied.
Management is at liberty, absent any malice on (SA MGA NAG SLASH NG TOWELS) We find that
its part, to abolish positions which it deems no petitioners were unable to substantiate
longer necessary. Thus, when petitioner was the charge of serious misconduct against the
stripped by the Board of her positions as ones who slashed the towels. They were
Executive likewise denied procedural due process. As
Vice President and Vice President for correctly observed by respondent NLRC,
Administration, with a corresponding reduction petitioners
in salary, failed to afford Macaspac and Albasin the
the Board did not act in a capricious, whimsical, benefit of hearing and investigation before
and arbitrary manner, thus negating malice and termination. It is also our observation that
bad faith. neither did petitioners comply with the
on notices. An established rule of long standing
43 GOLDEN THREAD KNITTING INDUSTRIES, is that to effect a completely valid and
INC., GEORGE NG and WILFREDO BICO vs. unassailable dismissal, an employer must show
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, not only sufficient ground therefor but must
GEORGE MACASPAC, MARY ANN MACASPAC, also prove that procedural due process has
ROMULO ALBASIN, MELCHOR CACHUCHA, been observed by giving the employee two (2)
GILBERT RIVERA and FLORA BALBINO, notices: one, of the intention to dismiss,
respondents. indicating therein his acts or omissions
FACTS: against, and two, notice of the decision to
The complainants alleged that in the first week dismiss.
of May 1992 they organized a labor (SA MGA NATANGGAL FOR REDUNDANCY) The
union. On 22 May 1992 Cristina Balingit, wife of characterization of an employee’s
the union Chairman, was dismissed from services as no longer necessary or sustainable,
emyloyment as sewer. In the last week of May and therefore properly terminable, is an
union Chairman Deogracias Balingit himself exercise
was, of business judgment on the part of the
suspended from work as knitting operator. On 1 employer. (Management Prerogative)
June 1992 petitioners shortened the number HOWEVER, SC
of working days of the union officers and questioned petitioners’ exercise of
members from six (6) to three (3) days a week. management prerogative because it was not
Petitioners contended that they resorted to shown that
rotation of work, which affected practically Rivera and Macaspac’s positions were indeed
all employees, because of the low demand for unnecessary, much less was petitioners’ claim
their towels and shirts. Petitioners also avowed supported by any evidence. It is not enough for
that they validly dismissed five (5) of the a company to merely declare that it has
complainants. According to petitioners, some become overmanned. It must produce
slashed adequate proof that such is the actual situation
several bundles of towels on 3 July 1992, while in
the positions of some became redundant. One order to justify the dismissal of the affected
of them threatened the Personnel Manager and employees for redundancy.
violated company rules by removing her time Furthermore, we have laid down the principle
card from the rack, while another one was not that in selecting the employees to be
dismissed but abandoned his employment on 7 dismissed, a fair and reasonable criteria must be
July 1992. used, such as but not limited to:
LABOR ARBITER ruled that they were validly (a) less preferred status (e.g., temporary
dismissed, while the reduction of working employee),
days and suspension or dismissal of union (b) efficiency, and
officers or members were not shown to have (c) seniority.
been However, no criteria whatsoever was used by
done in retaliation to the complainants’ act of the employer in this case.
organizing a union. Another procedural lapse committed by
NLRC reversed the ruling for a number of the petitioners is the lack of written notice to the
complainants, holding that they were DOLE required under Art. 283 of the Labor
illegally dismissed. Code. The purpose of such notice is to ascertain
ISSUE: verity of the cause of termination of
WON they were validly dismissed employment.
HELD: utterances by an employee of obscene,
affording a
more significant measure of financial security FACTS:
and independence for the retiree who, up till Respondent employed petitioner as a utility
then, had to contend with life's vicissitudes man on March 15, 1987. Petitioner was
within the parameters of his fortnightly or eventually assigned at respondent's Paper Mill
weekly No. 4, the section which manufactures the
wages. Thus we are now seeing many CBAs with company's industrial paper products, as a back
such early retirement provisions. And the same tender in charge of the proper operation of the
cannot be considered a diminution of sections machineries. In a Notice of Transfer
employment benefits. dated March 27, 1999, respondent informed
Being a product of negotiation, the CBA petitioner of its reorganization plan and offered
between the petitioner and the union intended him a position at Paper Mill No. 5 under the
the provision on compulsory retirement to be same terms and conditions of employment in
beneficial to the employees-union members, anticipation of the eventual closure and
including herein private respondent. When permanent shutdown of Paper Mill No. 4
private respondent ratified the CBA with the effective May 5, 1999.The closure and
union, concomitant
he not only agreed to the CBA but also agreed reorganization is in line with respondents
to conform to and abide by its provisions. Thus, decision to streamline and phase out the
it cannot be said that he was illegally dismissed company's
when the CBA provision on compulsory industrial paper manufacturing operations due
retirement was applied to his case. to financial difficulties brought about by the low
Incidentally, we call attention to Republic Act volume of sales and orders for industrial paper
No. 7641, known as "The Retirement Pay products. However, petitioner rejected
Law", which went into effect on January 7, respondents offer for his transfer. Thus, a notice
1993. Although passed many years after the of termination of employment effective May
compulsory retirement of herein private 5, 1999 was sent to petitioner as his position
respondent, nevertheless, the said statute was declared redundant by the closure of Paper
sheds light Mill No. 4.He then received his separation pay
on the present discussion when it amended and thereafter executed a release and quitclaim
Art. 287 of the Labor Code, to make it read as in favor of respondent. On April 5, 1999,
follows: Retirement. — Any employee respondent informed the Dep artment of Labor
may be retired upon reaching the retirement and
age establish in the collective bargaining Employment (DOLE) of its reorganization and
agreement or other applicable employment partial closure by submitting with the said office
contract. an Establishment Termination Report together
In the absence of a retirement plan or with the list of 31 terminated employees.
agreement providing for retirement benefits of Petitioner filed a complaint for illegal dismissal
employees in the establishment, an employee against respondent assailing his termination as
upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years or without any valid cause.He averred that the
more, but not beyond sixty-five (65) years alleged redundancy never occurred as there
which is hereby declared the compulsory was
retirement no permanent shutdown of Paper Mill No. 4
age, who has served at least five (5) years in the due to its continuous operation since his
said establishment may retire . . ." termination.A co-employee, Nestor Agtang,
The aforequoted provision makes clear the confirmed this fact and further attested that
intention and spirit of the law to give several contractual workers were employed to
employers and employees a free hand to operate Paper Mill No. 4. Petitioner also
determine and agree upon the terms and presented in evidence documents pertaining to
conditions the actual and continuous operation of Paper
of retirement. Providing in a CBA for Mill No. 4 such as the Paper Mill Personnel
compulsory retirement of employees after Schedule for July 2-8, 2000 and 23-29, 2000 and
twenty-five (25) Paper Machine No. 4 Production Report and
years of service is legal and enforceable so long Operating Data dated April 28, 2000 and May
as the parties agree to be governed by such 18,
CBA. The law presumes that employees know 2000. In its defense, respondent refuted
what they want and what is good for them petitioners claim of illegal dismissal.It argued
absent any showing that fraud or intimidation that
was employed to secure their consent thereto. petitioner has voluntarily separated himself
from service by opting to avail of the separation
benefits of the company instead of accepting
45 Pantoja v. SCA Hygiene reassignment/transfer to another position of
equal rank and pay. According to respondent, costs by retrenching must be exercised
petitioners discussion on the alleged essentially as a measure of last resort, after less
resumption drastic
of operation of Paper Mill No. 4 is rendered means have been tried and found
moot by the fact of petitioner's voluntary wanting.Giving the workers an option to be
separation. transferred
The Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision without any diminution in rank and pay
dismissing petitioners complaint for lack of specifically belie petitioners allegation that the
merit.Upon appeal by petitioner, the NLRC alleged
reversed the Labor Arbiters Decision by finding streamlining scheme was implemented as a
petitioners separation from employment ploy to ease out employees, thus, the absence
illegal.Aggrieved, respondent filed a petition for of
certiorari with the CA. The CA reversed the bad faith. Apparently, respondent implemented
NLRC's Decision and reinstated the Labor its streamlinin g or reorganization plan with
Arbiters good faith, not in an arbitrary manner and
Decision dismissing the complaint. without prejudicing the tenurial rights of its
Whether or not respondent is guilty of illegal
dismissal. 46 JONATHAN V. MORALES, Petitioner, v.
HELD: Respondent.
Respondent presented evidence of the low FACTS:
volume of sales and orders for the Regularized on 17 November 2000, Morales was
production of industrial paper in 1999 which promoted to Division Manager of the
inevitably resulted to the company's decision to Accounting Department, for which he was
streamline its operations. This fact was compensated a monthly salary of P33,700.00,
corroborated by respondents VP-Tissue plus allowances starting 1 July 2002.
Manufacturing Subsequent to HCPTIs transfer to its new offices
Director and was not disputed by petitioner. at Vitas, Tondo, Manila on 2 January 2003,
Exercising its management prerogative and Morales received an inter-office memorandum
sound dated 27 March 2003, reassigning him to
business judgment, respondent decided to cut Operations Cost Accounting, tasked with the
down on operational costs by shutting down duty of "monitoring and evaluating all
one consumables requests, gears and equipment"
of its paper mill. The determination of the need related to the corporations operations and of
to phase out a particular department and interacting with its sub-contractor, Bulk Fleet
consequent reduction of personnel and Marine Corporation.
reorganization as a labor and cost saving device Morales wrote Singson, protesting that his
is a reassignment was a clear demotion since the
recognized management prerogative which the position to which he was transferred was not
courts will not generally interfere with. In this even included in HCPTIs plantilla. Singson, the
case, the abolishment of Paper Mill No. 4 was Administration Manager, answered by stating
undoubtedly a business judgment arrived at in that the transfer was a management
the face of the low demand for the production prerogative.
of industrial paper at the time.Despite an For the whole of the ensuing month Morales
apparent reason to implement a retrenchment was absent from work and/or tardy. Singson
program as a cost-cutting measure, respondent, issued to Morales a 29 April 2003 inter-office
however, did not outrightly dismiss the workers memorandum denominated as a First Warning.
affected by the closure of Paper Mill No. 4 but In view of the absences Morales continued to
gave them an option to be transferred to posts incur, HCPTI issued a Second Warning.
of equal rank and pay.As can be seen, In the meantime, Morales filed a complaint
retrenchment was utilized by respondent only dated 25 April 2003 against HCPTI, Filart and
as an available option in case the affected Singson, for constructive dismissal, moral and
employee would not want to be exemplary damages as well as attorneys fees.
transferred.Respondent did not proceed LA dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. It
directly to ruled that Morales reassignment was a valid
retrench.This is an indication of good faith on exercise of HCPTIs management prerogative
respondents part as it exhausted other possible which cannot be construed as constructive
measures other than retrenchment.Besides, the dismissal absent showing that the same was
employers prerogative to bring down labor done in bad faith and resulted in the diminution
of his salary and benefits. The NLRC however, work assignments, working methods, processes
reversed the decision. Its subsequent denial of to be followed, regulation regarding transfer of
HCPTIs motion for reconsideration prompted employees, supervision of their work, lay-off
the latter to file a petition for certiorari before and discipline, and dismissal and recall of
the CA. The CA reversed the findings of the workers.
NLRC. Hence, this petition. Although jurisprudence recognizes said
management prerogative, it has been ruled that
ISSUE: the exercise thereof, while ordinarily not
Whether or not petitioner was constructively interfered with, is not absolute and is subject to
dismissed limitations imposed by law, collective
bargaining agreement, and general principles of
HELD: fair play and justice. Thus, an employer may
Yes. CA Decision reversed and set aside transfer or assign employees from one office or
Constructive dismissal exists where there is area of operation to another, provided there is
cessation of work because "continued no demotion in rank or diminution of salary,
employment is rendered impossible, benefits, and other privileges, and the action is
unreasonable or unlikely, as an offer involving a not motivated by discrimination, made in bad
demotion in rank or a diminution in pay and faith, or effected as a form of punishment or
other benefits. demotion without sufficient cause. Indeed,
In cases of a transfer of an employee, the rule is having the right should not be confused with
settled that the employer is charged with the the manner in which that right is exercised.
burden of proving that its conduct and action GRANTED
are for valid and legitimate grounds such as
genuine business necessity and that the transfer
is not unreasonable, inconvenient or prejudicial 47 STAR PAPER CORPORATION vs. RONALDO D.
to the employee. If the employer cannot SIMBOL, ET.AL.
overcome this burden of proof, the employees
transfer shall be tantamount to unlawful FACTS:
constructive dismissal. Josephine Ongsitco is the Manager of the
Record shows that HCPTI miserably failed to Personnel and Administration Department
discharge the foregoing onus. While there was a while Sebastian Chua is its Managing Director of
lack of showing that the transfer or Star Paper Corporation. Meanwhile, Ronaldo
reassignment entailed a diminution of salary D. Simbol (Simbol), Wilfreda N. Comia (Comia)
and benefits, one fact that must not be lost and Lorna E. Estrella (Estrella) were all regular
sight of was that Morales was already occupying employees of the company. Simbol was
the position of Division Manager at HCPTIs employed by the company where he met Alma
Accounting Department as a consequence of his Dayrit,
promotion to said position on 22 October 2002. also an employee of the company, whom he
Concurrently appointed as member of HCPTIs also married. Prior to the marriage, Ongsitco
Management Committee (MANCOM) on 2 advised the couple that should they decide to
December 2002, Morales was subsequently get married, one of them should resign
reassigned by HCPTI "from managerial pursuant
accounting to Operations Cost Accounting" on to a company policy. Simbol then resigned
27 March 2003, without any mention of the pursuant to the company policy. Comia was
position to which he was actually being hired by
transferred. That the reassignment was a the company where she met Howard Comia, a
demotion is, however, evident from Morales co-employee, and whom she later married.
new duties which, far from being managerial in Ongsitco likewise reminded them that pursuant
nature, were very simply and vaguely described to company policy, one must resign should
as inclusive of "monitoring and evaluating all they decide to get married. Comia then
consumables requests, gears and equipments resigned later on. Estrella was hired by the
related to HCPTIs operations" as well as "close company,
interaction with its sub-contractor Bulk Fleet and there she met Luisito Zuiga (Zuiga), also a
Marine Corporation." co-worker. Petitioners stated that Zuiga, a
Admittedly, the right of employees to security married man, got Estrella pregnant. The
of tenure does not give them vested rights to company allegedly could have terminated her
their positions to the extent of depriving servi ces
management of its prerogative to change their due to immorality but she opted to resign.
assignments or to transfer them. By However, Simbol and Comia allege that they did
management prerogative is meant the right of not
an employer to regulate all aspects of resign voluntarily; they were compelled to
employment, such as the freedom to prescribe resign in view of an illegal company policy. As to
the cutter-machine. The policy is premised on received several reminders from his District
the mere fear that employees married to each Manager regarding the conflict of interest
other will be less efficient. If we uphold the which his
questioned rule without valid justification, the relationship with Bettsy might engender. Still,
employer can create policies based on an Tecson married Bettsy. Tecsons superiors
unproven presumption of a perceived danger at informed him that his marriage to Bettsy gave
the rise to a conflict of interest. Tecson requested
expense of an employees right to security of for
tenure. Petitioners contend that their policy will time to comply with the company policy against
apply only when one employee marries a co- entering into a relationship with an employee
employee, but they are free to marry persons of a competitor company. Later Tecson applied
other than co-employees. The questioned policy for a transfer in Glaxos milk division, thinking
may not facially violate Article 136 of the that since Astra did not have a milk division, the
Labor Code but it creates a disproportionate potential conflict of interest would be
effect and under the disparate impact theory, eliminated. However, his application was
the denied. Thus, Glaxo transferred Tecson to the
only way it could pass judicial scrutiny is a Butuan
showing that it is reasonable despite the City Surigao City-Agusan del Sur sales area.
discriminatory, albeit disproportionate, effect. Tecson asked Glaxo to reconsider its decision,
The failure of petitioners to prove a legitimate but
business concern in imposing the questioned his request was denied. Tecson defied the
policy cannot prejudice the employees right to transfer order and continu ed acting as medical
be representative in the Camarines Sur-Camarines
free from arbitrary discrimination based upon Norte sales area.
stereotypes of married persons working
together ISSUE:
in one company. Thus, for failure of petitioners WON Glaxos policy prohibiting its employees
to present undisputed proof of a reasonable from having personal relationships with
business necessity, we rule that the questioned employees of competitor companies is a valid
policy is an invalid exercise of management exercise of its management prerogatives.
YES. Glaxo has a right to guard its trade secrets,
manufacturing formulas, marketing
48 DUNCAN ASSOCIATION OF DETAILMAN- strategies and other confidential programs and
PTGWO and PEDRO A. TECSON vs. GLAXO information from competitors, especially so
WELLCOME PHILIPPINES, INC. that it and Astra are rival companies in the
highly competitive pharmaceutical industry. The
FACTS: prohibition against personal or marital
Pedro A. Tecson (Tecson) was hired by relationships with employees of competitor
respondent Glaxo Wellcome Philippines, Inc. companies
(Glaxo) as medical representative. Tecson upon Glaxos employees is reasonable under the
signed a contract of employment which circumstances because relationships of that
stipulates, nature might compromise the interests of the
among others, that he agrees to study and company. In laying down the assailed company
abide by existing company rules; to disclose to policy, Glaxo only aims to protect its interests
management any existing or future relationship against the possibility that a competitor
by consanguinity or affinity with co-employees company
or employees of competing drug companies and will gain access to its secrets and procedures.
should management find that such That Glaxo possesses the right to protect its
relationship poses a possible conflict of interest, economic interests cannot be denied. No less
to resign from the company. Tecson was than the Constitution recognizes the right of
initially assigned to market Glaxos products in enterprises to adopt and enforce such a policy
the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area. to protect its right to reasonable returns on
Subsequently, Tecson entered into a romantic investments and to expansion and growth.
relationship with Bettsy, an employee of Astra Indeed, while our laws endeavor to give life to
Pharmaceuticals (Astra), a competitor of Glaxo. the
Bettsy was Astras Bra nch Coordinator in Albay. constitutional policy on social justice and the
She supervised the district managers and protection of labor, it does not mean that every
medical representatives of her company and labor dispute will be decided in favor of the
prepared marketing strategies for Astra in that workers. The law also recognizes that
area. Even before they got married, Tecson management
has rights which are also entitled to respect and hamper the performance of his duties.
enforcemen t in the interest of fair play. NLRC affirmed.
CA: the weight standards of PAL are reasonable.
Thus, petitioner was legally dismissed
49 ARMANDO G. YRASUEGUI, petitioners vs. because he repeatedly failed to meet the
PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC., respondents. prescribed weight standards. It is obvious that
FACTS: issue of discrimination was only invoked by
THIS case portrays the peculiar story of an petitioner for purposes of escaping the result of
international flight steward who was his
dismissed because of his failure to adhere to dismissal for being overweight.
the weight standards of the airline company. ISSUE:
The proper weight for a man of his height and WON he was validly dismissed.
body structure is from 147 to 166 pounds,
the ideal weight being 166 pounds, as HELD:
mandated by the Cabin and Crew YES. A reading of the weight standards of PAL
Administration Manual would lead to no other conclusion than
of PAL. that they constitute a continuing qualification of
In 1984, the weight problem started, which an employee in order to keep the job. The
prompted PAL to send him to an extended dismissal of the employee would thus fall under
vacation until November 1985. He was allowed Article 282(e) of the Labor Code.
to return to work once he lost all the excess In the case at bar, the evidence on record
weight. But the problem recurred. He again militates against petitioner’s claims that
went on leave without pay from October 17, obesity is a disease. That he was able to reduce
1988 his weight from 1984 to 1992 clearly shows that
to February 1989. it is possible for him to lose weight given the
Despite the lapse of a ninety-day period given proper attitude, determination, and self-
him to reach his ideal weight, petitioner discipline.
remained overweight. On January 3, 1990, he Indeed, during the clarificatory hearing on
was informed of the PAL decision for him to December 8, 1992, petitioner himself claimed
remain grounded until such time that he that
satisfactorily complies with the weight “*t+he issue is could I bring my weight down to
standards. ideal weight which is 172, then the answer is
Again, he was directed to report every two yes. I can do it now.”
weeks for weight checks, which he failed to Petitioner has only himself to blame. He could
comply ha ve easily availed the assistance of the
with. company physician, per the advice of PAL.
On April 17, 1990, petitioner was formally In fine, We hold that the obesity of petitioner,
warned that a repeated refusal to report for when placed in the context of his work as
weight check would be dealt with accordingly. flight attendant, becomes an analogous cause
He was given another set of weight check dates, under Article 282(e) of the Labor Code that
which he did not report to. justifies his dismissal from the service. His
On November 13, 1992, PAL finally served obesity may not be unintended, but is
petitioner a Notice of Administrative Charge nonetheless
for violation of company standards on weight voluntary. As the CA correctly puts it,
requirements. Petitioner insists that he is being “*v+oluntariness basically means that the just
discriminated as those similarly situated were cause is
not treated the same. solely attributable to the employee without any
On June 15, 1993, petitioner was formally external force influencing or controlling his
informed by PAL that due to his inability to actions. This element runs through all just
attain his ideal weight, “and considering the causes under Article 282, whether they be in
utmost leniency” extended to him “which the
spanned nature of a wrongful action or omission. Gross
a period covering a total of almost five (5) and habitual neglect, a recognized just cause, is
years,” his services were considered terminated considered voluntary although it lacks the
“effective immediately.” element of intent found in Article 282(a), (c),
LABOR ARBITER: held that the weight standards and
of PAL are reasonable in view of the (d).”
nature of the job of petitioner. However, the
weight standards need not be complied with NOTES:
under pain of dismissal since his weight did not The dismissal of petitioner can be predicated on
the bona fide occupational qualification
defense. Employment in particular jobs may not over the management and operations of
be limited to persons of a particular se x, Beautifont, Inc. Nonetheless, respondent Luna
religion, or national origin unless the employer continued working for said successor company.
can show that sex, religion, or national origin is Aside from her work as a supervisor,
an actual qualification for performing the job. respondent Luna also acted as a make-up artist
The qualification is called a bona fide of
occupational qualification (BFOQ). In short, the petitioner Avon's Theatrical Promotion's Group,
test of reasonableness of the company policy is for which she received a per diem for each
used because it is parallel to BFOQ. BFOQ is theatrical performance.
valid “provided it reflects an inherent quality On 5 November 1985, petitioner Avon and
reasonably necessary for satisfactory job respondent Luna entered into an agreement,
performance.” entitled Supervisor's Agreement, whereby said
The business of PAL is air transportation. As parties contracted in the manner quoted below:
such, it has committed itself to safely The Company agrees:
transport its passengers. In order to achieve xxxx
this, it must necessarily rely on its employees, 1) To allow the Supervisor to purchase at
most wholesale the products of the Company.
particularly the cabin flight deck crew who are xxxx
on board the aircraft. The weight standards of The Supervisor agrees:
PAL should be viewed as imposing strict norms 1) To purchase products from the Company
of discipline upon its employees. exclusively for resale and to be responsible
The primary objective of PAL in the imposition for obtaining all permits and licenses required
of the weight standards for cabin crew is to sell the products on retail.
flight safety. xxxx
Separation pay, however, should be awarded in The Company and the Supervisor mutually
favor of the employee as an act of social agree:
justice or based on equity. This is so because his xxxx
dismissal is not for serious misconduct. Neither 2) That this agreement in no way makes the
is it reflective of his moral character. Supervisor an employee or agent of the
Company, therefore, the Supervisor has no
authority to bind the Company in any contracts
50 AVON vs. LUNA with other parties.
3) That the Supervisor is an independent
THE CASE: retailer/dealer insofar as the Company is
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari concerned, and shall have the sole discretion to
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to determine where and how products purchased
reverse and set aside the Decision dated 20 from the Company will be sold. However, the
May 2002 of the Court of Appeals in CAG.R. CV Supervisor shall not sell such products to stores,
No. 52550, which affirmed in toto the Decision supermarkets or to any entity or person who
dated 26 January 1996 of the Regional Trial sells things at a fixed place of business.
Court (RTC) of Makati City, Branch 138, in Civil 4) That this agreement supersedes any
Case No. 88-2595, in favor of herein respondent agreement/s between the Company and the
Leticia H. Luna (Luna), rendered by the Supervisor.
Honorable Ed Vicente S. Albano, designated as 5) That the Supervisor shall sell or offer to sell,
the "assisting judge" pursuant to Supreme Court display or promote only and exclusively
Administrative Order No. 70-94, dated 16 June products sold by the Company.
1994. 6) Either party may terminate this agreement at
will, with or without cause, at any time
FACTS: upon notice to the other.
The facts of the case are not in dispute. As xxxx
culled from the records, they are as follows: By virtue of the execution of the aforequoted
The present petition stemmed from a complaint Supervisor's Agreement, respondent Luna
dated 1 December 1988, filed by herein became part of the independent sales force of
respondent Luna alleging, inter alia, that she petitioner Avon.
began working for Beautifont, Inc. in 1972, first Sometime in the latter part of 1988, respondent
as Luna was invited by a former Avon employee
a franchise dealer and then a year later, as a who was then currently a Sales Manager of
Supervisor. Sandré Philippines, Inc., a domestic corporation
Sometime in 1978, Avon Cosmetics, Inc. (Avon), engaged in direct selling of vitamins and other
herein petitioner, acquired and took food supplements, to sell said
products. Respondent Luna apparently
accepted the invitation as she then became a
Group Franchise Director of Sandré Philippines, our legal rights and be ready to protect
Inc. concurrently with being a Group Supervisor ourselves if they are trampled upon.
of petitioner Avon. As Group Franchise Director, I hope we will all stay together selling Avon
respondent Luna began selling and/or products for a long time and at the same
promoting Sandré products to other Avon time increase our earning opportunity by
employees and friends. On 23 September 1988, engaging in other businesses without being
she requested a law firm to render a legal afraid to
opinion as to the legal consequence of the do so.
Supervisor's Agreement she executed with In a letter dated 11 October 1988, petitioner
petitioner Avon. In response to her query, a Avon, through its President and General
lawyer of the firm op ined that the Supervisor's Manager, Jose Mari Franco, notified respondent
Agreement was "contrary to law and public Luna of the termination or cancellation of her
policy." Supervisor's Agreement with petitioner Avon.
Wanting to share the legal opinion she obtained Said letter reads in part:
from her legal counsel, respondent Luna wrote In September, (sic) 1988, you brought to our
a letter to her colleagues and attached attention that you signed up as Group
mimeographed copies of the opinion and then Franchise Director of another company, Sandré
circulated them. The full text of her letter reads: Philippines, Inc. (SPI).
We all love our work as independent dealers Not only that. You have also sold and promoted
and we all love to continue in this livelihood. products of SPI (please refer for
Because my livelihood is important to me, I example to SPI Invoice No. 1695 dated Sept. 30,
have asked the legal opinion of a leading Makati 1988). Worse, you promoted/sold SPI products
law office regarding my status as an even to several employees of our company
independent dealer, I am sharing this opinion including Mary Arlene Nolasco, Regina Porter,
with you. Emelisa Aguilar, Hermie Esteller and Emma
I have asked their advice on three specific Ticsay.
things: To compound your violation of the above-
1) May the company legally change the quoted provision, you have written letters to
conditions of the existing "Supervisor's other members of the Avon salesforce inducing
Agreement" without the Supervisor's consent? them to violate their own contracts with our
If I should refuse to sign the new Agreement, company.
may the company terminate my dealership? x x x.
On the first issue, my lawyers said that the For violating paragraph 5
company cannot change the existing x x x,
"Agreement" without my consent, and that it The Company, pursuant to paragraph 6 of the
would be illegal if the company will compel me same Agreement, is terminating and
to sign the new agreement. canceling its Supervisor's Agreement with you
2) Is Section 5 of the "Supervisor's Agreement" effective upon your receipt of this notice. We
which says that a dealer may only sell regret having to do this, but your repeated
products sold by the company, legal? disregard of the Agreement, despite warnings,
My lawyers said that Section 5 of the leaves (sic) the Company no other choice.
Supervisors Agreement is NOT valid because it xxxx
is Aggrieved, respondent Luna filed a complaint
contrary to public policy, being an unreasonable for damages before the RTC of Makati
restraint of trade. City, Branch 138. The complaint was docketed
3) Is Section 6 of the "Supervisor's Agreement" as Civil Case No. 88-2595. On 26 January 1996,
which authorizes the company to after trial on the merits, the RTC rendered
terminate the contract at any time, with or judgment in favor of respondent Luna stating
without cause, legal? that:
My lawyer said Section 6 is NOT valid because it WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises,
is contrary to law and public policy. The judgment is hereby rendered in favor of
company cannot terminate the "Supervisor's the plaintiff, and against defendant, Avon,
Agreement" without a valid cause. ordering the latter:
Therefore, I can conclude that I don't violate 1) to pay moral damages to the plaintiff in the
Section 5 if I sell any product which is not amount of P100,000.00 with interest
in direct competition with the company's from the date of this judgment up to the time of
products, and there is no valid reason for the complete payment;
company to terminate my dealership contract if 2) to pay attorney's fees in the amount of
I sell a non -competitive product. P20,000.00;
Dear co-supervisor[s], let us all support the 3) to pay the costs.
reasonable and legal policies of the On 8 February 1996, petitioner Avon filed a
company. However, we must all be conscious of Notice of Appeal dated the same day. In
an Order dated 15 February 1996, the RTC gave violative of law and publ ic policy; and b)
due course to the appeal and directed its whether or
Branch Clerk of Court to transmit the entire not paragraph 6 of the Supervisor's Agreement
records of the case to the Court of Appeals, which authorizes petitioner Avon to terminate
which or cancel the agreement at will is void for being
docketed the appeal as CA G.R. CV No. 52550. contrary to law and public policy. Certainly, it is
On 20 May 2002, the Court of Appeals quite obvious that the foregoing issues are
promulgated the assailed Decision, the questions of law.
dispositive part of which states thus: In affirming the decision of the RTC declaring
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises the subject contract null and void for being
considered, the decision appealed from is against public policy, the Court of Appeals ruled
hereby that the exclusivity clause, which states that:
AFFIRMED in toto. The Company and the Supervisor mutually
ISSUES: xxxx
In predictable displeasure with the conclusions 5) That the Supervisor shall sell or offer to sell,
reached by the appellate court, display or promote only and
petitioner Avon now implores this Court to exclusively products sold by the Company.
review, viaa petition for review on certiorari [Emphasis supplied.]
under should be interpreted to apply solely to those
Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court, the products directly in competition with
former's decision and to resolve the following those of petitioner Avon's, i.e., cosmetics
assigned errors: and/or beauty supplies and lingerie products. Its
I. THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED declaration is anchored on the fact that Avon
SERIOUS ERROR IN DECLARING THAT THE products, at that time, were not in any way
SUPERVISOR'S AGREEMENT EXECUTED similar to the products sold by Sandré
BETWEEN AVON AND RESPONDENT LUNA AS Philippines, Inc. At that time, the latter was
NULL AND merely
VOID FOR BEING AGAINST PUBLIC POLICY; selling vitamin products. Put simply, the
II. THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED products of the two companies do not compete
NO RIGHT TO TERMINATE OR CANCEL THE each other. The appellate court ratiocinated
SERIOUS ERROR IN UPHOLDING THE AWARD OF If the agreement were interpreted otherwise,
MORAL DAMAGES AND ATTORNEY'S FEES IN so as to include products that do not
FAVOR OF RESPONDENT LUNA; and directly compete with the products of
IV. THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED defendant-appellant Avon, such would result in
SERIOUS ERROR IN NOT AWARDING absurdity. x x x [A]greements which prohibit a
ATTORNEY'S FEES AND LITIGATION EXPENSES IN person from engaging in any enterprise
similar or not to the enterprise of the employer
HELD: constitute an unreasonable restraint of trade,
A priori, respondent Luna objects to the thus, it is void as against public policy.
presentation, and eventual resolution, of the Petitioner Avon disputes the abovestated
issues raised herein as they allegedly involve conclusion reached by the Court of Appeals. It
questions of facts. argues that the latter went beyond the literal
To be sure, questions of law are those that and obvious intent of the parties to the subject
involve doubts or controversies on what the contract when it interpreted the abovequoted
law is on certain state of facts; and questions of clause to apply only to those products that do
fact, on the other hand, are those in which not compete with that of petitioner Avon's; and
there is doubt or difference as to the truth or that the words "only and exclusively" need no
falsehood of the alleged facts. One test, it has other interpretation other than the literal
been held, is whether the appellate court can meaning that "THE SUPERVISORS CANNOT SELL
determine the issue raised without reviewing or THE
evaluating the evidence, in which case it is a PRODUCTS OF OTHER COMPANIES WHETHER
question of law, otherwise it will be a question OR NOT THEY ARE COMPETING PRODUCTS."
of Moreover, petitioner Avon reasons that:
fact. The exclusivity clause was directed against the
In the present case, the threshold issues are a) supervisors selling other
whether or not paragraph 5 of the products utilizing their training and experience,
Supervisor's Agreement is void for being and capitalizing on Avon's existing network for
[T]here is no difference in principle between the public good, or contravenes some established
public policy (orden público) in the in interests of society, or is inconsistent with
the two jurisdictions (United States and the sound
Philippine Islands) as determined by the policy and good morals, or tends clearly to
Constitution, laws, and judicial decisions. undermine the security of individual rights,
In the United States it is well settled that whether
contracts in undue or unreasonable restraint of personal liability or of private property.
of trade are unenforcible because they are From another perspective, the main objection
repugnant to the established public policy in to exclusive dealing is its tendency to
that foreclose existing competitors or new entrants
country. Such contracts are illegal in the sense from competition in the covered portion of the
that the law will not enforce them. The relevant market during the term of the
Supreme agreement. Only those arrangements whose
Court in the United States, in Oregon Steam probable
Navigation Co. vs. Winsor )20 Will., 64), quoted effect is to foreclose competition in a
with approval in Gibbs v. Consolidated gas Co. substantial share of th e line of commerce
of Baltimore (130 U.S., 396), said: affected can be
"Cases must be judged according to their considered as void for being against public
circumstances, and can only be rightly judged policy. The foreclosure effect, if any, depends
when reason and grounds of the rule are on the
carefully considered. There are two principle market share involved. The relevant market for
groun ds this purpose includes the full range of selling
on which the doctrine is founded that a contract opportunities reasonably open to rivals, namely,
in restraint of trade is void as against public all the product and geographic sales they may
policy. One is, the injury to the public by being readily compete for, using easily convertible
deprived of the restricted party's industry; and plants and marketing organizations.
the other is, the injury to the party himself by Applying the preceding principles to the case at
being precluded from pursuing his occupation, bar, there is nothing invalid or contrary
and thus being prevented from supporting to public policy either in the objectives sought
himself and his family." to be attained by paragraph 5, i.e.,
And what is public policy? In the words of the the exclusivity clause, in prohibiting respondent
eminent Spanish jurist, Don Jose Maria Luna, and all other Avon supervisors, from
Manresa, in his commentaries of the Codigo selling products other than those manufactured
Civil, public policy (orden público): by petitioner Avon. We quote with approval
[R]epresents in the law of persons the public, the determination of the U.S. Supreme Court in
social and legal interest, that which is the case of Board of Trade of Chicago v.
permanent and essential of the institutions, U.S. that "the question to be determined is
that which, even if favoring an individual in whether the restraint imposed is such as merely
whom regulates and perhaps thereby promotes
the right lies, cannot be left to his own will. It is competition, or whether it is such as m ay
an idea which, in cases of the waiver of any suppress or
right, is manifested with clearness and force. even destroy competition."
As applied to agreements, Quintus Mucius Such prohibition is neither directed to eliminate
Scaevola, another distinguished civilist gives the competition like Sandré Phils., Inc.
the term "public policy" a more defined nor foreclose new entrants to the market. In its
meaning: Memorandum, it admits that the reason for
Agreements in violation of orden público must such exclusion is to safeguard the network that
be considered as those which conflict it has cultivated through the years. Admittedly,
with law, whether properly, strictly and wholly a both companies employ the direct selling
public law (derecho) or whether a law of the method in order to peddle their products. By
person, but law which in certain respects affects direct
the interest of society. selling, petitioner Avon and Sandre, the
Plainly put, public policy is that principle of the manufacturer, forego the use of a middleman in
law which holds that no subject or citizen selling
can lawfully do that which has a tendency to be their products, thus, controlling the price by
injurious to the public or against the public which they are to be sold. The limitation does
good. As applied to contracts, in the absence of not
express legislation or constitutional prohibition, affect the public at all. It is only a means by
a court, in order to declare a contract void as which petitioner Avon is able to protect its
against public policy, must find that the contract investment.
as to the consideration or thing to be done, has It was not by chance that Sandré Philippines,
a tendency to injure the public, is against the Inc. made respondent Luna one of its
Group Franchise Directors. It doesn't take a subject agreement. Being of age, financially
genius to realize that by making her an stable and with vast business experience, she is
important presumed to have acted with due care and to
part of its distribution arm, Sandré Philippines, have signed the assailed contract with full
Inc., a newly formed direct-selling business, knowledge of its import. Under the premises, it
would be saving time, effort and money as it would be difficult to assume that she was
will no longer have to recruit, train and morally abused. She was free to reject the
motivate agreement if she wanted to.
supervisors and dealers. Respondent Luna, who Accordingly, a contract duly executed is the law
learned the tricks of the trade from petitioner between the parties, and they are
Avon, will do it for them. This is tantamount to obliged to comply fully and not selectively with
unjust enrichment. Worse, the goodwill its terms. A contract of adhesion is no
established by petitioner Avon among its loyal exception. The foregoing premises noted, the
customers will be taken advantaged of by Court of Appeals, therefore, committed
Sandre reversible error in interpreting the subject
Philippines, Inc. It is not so hard to imagine the exclusivity clause to apply merely to those
scenario wherein the sale of Sandré products by products in direct competition to those
Avon dealers will engender a belief in the minds manufactured and sold by petitioner Avon.
of loyal Avon customers that the product that When the terms of the agreement are clear and
they are buying had been manufactured by explicit, that they do not justify an attempt to
Avon. In other words, they will be misled into read into any alleged intention of the parties,
thinking that the Sandré products are in fact the terms are to be understood literally just as
Avon products. From the foregoing, it cannot be they appear on the face of the contract. Thus, in
said that the purpose of the subject exclusivity order to judge the intention of the contracting
clause is to foreclose the competition, that is, parties, "the
the entrance of Sandré products in to the circumstances under which it was made,
market. Therefore, it cannot be considered void including the situation of the subject thereof
for and of
being against public policy. How can the the parties to it, may be shown, so that the
protection of one's property be violative of judge may be placed in the position of those
public whose
policy? Sandré Philippines, Inc. is still very much language he is to interpret." It has been held
free to distribute its products in the market but that once this intention of the parties has been
it must do so at its own expense. The exclusivity ascertained, it becomes an integral part of the
clause does not in any way limit its selling contract as though it has been originally
opportunities, just the undue use of the expressed therein in unequivocal terms.
resources of petitioner Avon. Having held that the "exclusivity clause" as
It has been argued that the Supervisor's embodied in paragraph 5 of the Supervisor's
Agreement is in the nature of a contract of Agreement is valid and not against public policy,
adhesion; but just because it is does not we now pass to a consideration of respondent
necessarily mean that it is void. A contract of Luna's objections to the validity of her
adhesion termination as provided for under paragraph 6
is so-called because its terms are prepared by of the
only one party while the other party merely Supervisor's Agreement giving petitioner Avon
affixes his signature signifying his adhesion the right to terminate or cancel such contract.
thereto. [27] Such contract is just as binding as The paragraph 6 or the "termination clause"
ordinary contracts. "It is true that we have, on therein expressly provides that:
occasion, struck down such contracts as void The Company and the Supervisor mutually
when the weaker party is imposed upon in agree:
dealing with the dominant bargaining party and xxxx
is 6) Either party may terminate this agreement at
reduced to the alternative of taking it or leaving will, with or without cause, at any time
it, completely deprived of the opportunity to upon notice to the other. [Emphasis supplied.]
bargain on equal footing. Nevertheless, In the case of Petrophil Corporation v. Court of
contracts of adhesion are not invalid per se and Appeals, this Court already had the
they opportunity to opine that termination or
are not entirely prohibited. The one who cancellation clauses such as that subject of the
adheres to the contract is in reality free to case at
reject it bar are legitimate if exercised in good faith. The
entirely, if he adheres, he gives his consent." facts of said case likewise involved a
[28] In the case at bar, there was no indication termination or cancellation clause that clearly
that respondent Luna was forced to sign the provided for two ways of terminating the
instances where the employee is validly Corporation (ABS-CBN) in 1993 at its regional
dismissed for causes other than serious station in Cebu as a television talent, co-
misconduct or those reflecting on his moral anchoring Hoy Gising and TV Patrol Cebu. His
character. But we must stress that this Court stint in ABS-CBN later extended to radio
did allow the grant of financial assistance as when ABS-CBN Cebu launched its AM station
a measure of social justice and exceptional DYAB in 1995 where he worked as drama
circumstances, and as an equitable and voice talent, spinner, scriptwriter and
concession.There appears to be no reason public affairs program anchor. Like Ymbong,
why petitioner, who has served respondent Leandro Patalinghug also worked for ABS-
corporation for more than eight years CBN Cebu. Starting 1995, he worked as
without committing any infraction, cannot talent, director and scriptwriter for various
be extended the reasonable financial radio programs aired over DYAB. On January
assistance of P18,000.00 as awarded by the 1, 1996, the ABS-CBN Head Office in Manila
Labor Arbiter on equity considerations. issued Policy No. HR-ER-016 or the “Policy on
IV. Granting of a TRO by a justice of Employees Seeking Public Office.”
the CA even without the concurrence of the The pertinent portions read:
other associate justices in the division, is 1. Any employee who intends to run
allowed in cases of extreme urgency. Here, for any public office position, must file
the records of this case would attest to the his/her letter of resignation, at least thirty
urgency of the situation. When the TRO was (30) days prior to the official filing of the
issued, the NLRC Regional Arbitration Branch certificate of candidacy either for national or
No. XI was already in the process of local election.
enforcing the assailed Resolution of the xxxx 3. Further, any employee who
NLRC dated May 9, 2003 as evidenced by its intends to join a political group/party or
issuance of a Notice of Hearingfor a pre- even with no political affiliation but who
execution conference which was impelled by intends to openly and aggressively campaign
a motion made by petitioner. The pre- for a candidate or group of candidates (e.g.
execution conference was conducted as publicly speaking/endorsing candidate,
scheduled, thus, respondents filed with the recruiting campaign workers, etc.) must file
Court of Appeals an Urgent Motion for the a request for leave of absence subject to
Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order management’s approval.
and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction. For this particular reason, the
employee should file the leave request at
least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the
54 ERNESTO G. YMBONG VS. ABS-CBN planned leave period. x x x x3[3] [Emphasis
BROADCASTING CORPORATION, and underscoring supplied.]
VENERANDA SY AND DANTE LUZON, Because of the impending May 1998
VILLARAMA, JR., J.: elections and based on his immediate
recollection of the policy at that time, Dante
Before us is a Rule 45 Petition seeking Luzon, Assistant Station Manager of DYAB
to set aside the August 22, 2007 Decision issued the following memorandum:
1[1] and September 18, 2008 Resolution2[2] TO : ALL CONCERNED FROM : DANTE
of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. LUZON DATE : MARCH 25, 1998 SUBJECT : AS
86206 declaring petitioner to have resigned STATED Please be informed that per
from work and not illegally dismissed. company policy, any employee/talent who
wants to run for any position in the coming
The antecedent facts follow: election will have to file a leave of absence
Petitioner Ernesto G. Ymbong started the moment he/she files his/her certificate
working for ABS-CBN Broadcasting of candidacy. The services rendered by the
concerned employee/talent to this company feel that I’m still an asset to your drama
will then be temporarily suspended for the production department.
entire campaign/election period. For strict I’m looking forward to that day and
compliance.4[4] [Emphasis and I’m very happy and proud that I have served
underscoring supplied.] for two and a half years the most stable and
Luzon, however, admitted that upon the most prestigious Radio and TV Network
double-checking of the exact text of the in the Philippines. As a friend[,] wish me luck
policy and subsequent confirmation with the and Pray for me. Thank you. 1 2 3 4 5
ABS-CBN Head Office, he saw that the policy Very Truly Yours, (Sgd.) Leandro
actually required suspension for those who “Boy” Patalinghug6[6]
intend to campaign for a political party or Unfortunately, both Ymbong and
candidate and resignation for those who will Patalinghug lost in the May 1998 elections.
actually run in the elections.5[5] Later, Ymbong and Patalinghug both tried to
After the issuance of the March 25, come back to ABS-CBN Cebu.
1998 Memorandum, Ymbong got in touch According to Luzon, he informed
with Luzon. Luzon claims that Ymbong them that they cannot work there anymore
approached him and told him that he would because of company policy. This was
leave radio for a couple of months because stressed even in subsequent meetings and
he will campaign for the administration they were told that the company was not
ticket. It was only after the elections that allowing any exceptions. ABS-CBN, however,
they found out that Ymbong actually ran for agreed out of pure liberality to give them a
public office himself at the eleventh hour. chance to wind up their participation in the
Ymbong, on the other hand, claims radio drama, Nagbabagang Langit, since it
that in accordance with the March 25, 1998 was rating well and to avoid an abrupt
Memorandum, he informed Luzon through a ending. The agreed winding-up, however,
letter that he would take a few months leave dragged on for so long prompting Luzon to
of absence from March 8, 1998 to May 18, issue to Ymbong the following memorandum
1998 since he was running for councilor of dated September 14, 1998:
Lapu-Lapu City. As regards Patalinghug, TO : NESTOR YMBONG FROM :
Patalinghug approached Luzon and advised DANTE LUZON SUBJECT : AS STATED DATE :
him that he will run as councilor for Naga, 14 SEPT. 1998 Please be reminded that your
Cebu. services as drama talent had already been
According to Luzon, he clarified to automatically terminated when you ran for a
Patalinghug that he will be considered local government position last election. The
resigned and not just on leave once he files a Management however gave you more than
certificate of candidacy. Thus, Patalinghug enough time to end your drama
wrote Luzon the following letter on April 13, participation and other involvement with
1998: Dear Mr. Luzon, I’m submitting to you the drama department. It has been decided
my letter of resignation as your Drama therefore that all your drama participation
Production Chief and Talent due to your shall be terminated effective immediately.
company’s policy that every person However, your involvement as drama
connected to ABS-CBN that should seek an spinner/narrator of the drama
elected position in the government will be “NAGBA[BA]GANG LANGIT” continues until
forced to resigned (sic) from his position. So its writer/director Mr. Leandro Patalinghug
herewith I’m submitting my resignation with wraps it up one week upon receipt of a
a hard heart. But I’m still hoping to be separate memo issued to him.7[7]
connected again with your prestigious Ymbong in contrast contended that
company after the election[s] should you after the expiration of his leave of absence,
he reported back to work as a regular talent
and in fact continued to receive his salary. explain why he did not tender his resignation
On September 14, 1998, he received a before he ran for public office as mandated
memorandum stating that his services are by [the subject company policy].”12[37]
being terminated immediately, much to his Ymbong’s overt act of running for councilor
surprise. Thus, he filed an illegal dismissal of Lapu-Lapu City is tantamount to
complaint 8[8] against ABS-CBN, Luzon and resignation on his part. He was separated
DYAB Station Manager Veneranda Sy. He from ABS-CBN not because he was dismissed
argued that the ground cited by ABS-CBN for but because he resigned. Since there was no
his dismissal was not among those termination to speak of, the requirement of
enumerated in the Labor Code, as amended. due process in dismissal cases cannot be
And even granting without admitting the applied to Ymbong. Thus, ABS-CBN is not
existence of the company policy supposed to duty-bound to ask him to explain why he did
have been violated, Ymbong averred that it not tender his resignation before he ran for
was necessary that the company policy meet public office as mandated by the subject
certain requirements before willful company policy. In addition, we do not
disobedience of the policy may constitute a subscribe to Ymbong’s claim that he was not
just cause for termination. in a position to know which of the two
Ymbong further argued that the issuances was correct. Ymbong most likely
company policy violates his constitutional than not, is fully aware that the subsisting
right to suffrage.9[9] Patalinghug likewise policy is Policy No. HR-ER-016 and not the
filed an illegal dismissal complaint10[10] March 25, 1998 Memorandum and it was for
against ABS-CBN. ABS-CBN prayed for the this reason that, as stated by Luzon in his
dismissal of the complaints arguing that Sworn Statement, he only told the latter that
there is no employer-employee relationship he will only campaign for the administration
between the company and Ymbong and ticket and not actually run for an elective
Patalinghug. ABS-CBN contended that they post. Ymbong claims he had fully apprised
are not employees but talents as evidenced Luzon by letter of his plan to run and even
by their talent contracts. However, filed a leave of absence but records are
notwithstanding their status, ABS-CBN has a bereft of any proof of said claim. Y
standing policy on persons connected with Ymbong claims that the letter stating
the company whenever they will run for his intention to go on leave to run in the
public office.11[11] election is attached to his Position Paper as
Annex “A,” a perusal of said pleading
Issues: attached to his petition before this Court,
(1) whether Ymbong, by seeking an however, show that Annex “A” was not his
elective post, is deemed to have resigned letter to Luzon but the September 14, 1998
and not dismissed by ABS-CBN. Memorandum informing Ymbong that his
services had been automatically terminated
Held: when he ran for a local government position.
Ymbong is deemed resigned when he Moreover, as pointed out by ABS-
ran for councilor. As Policy No. HR-ER-016 is CBN, had Ymbong been truthful to his
the subsisting company policy and not superiors, they would have been able to
Luzon’s March 25, 1998 Memorandum, clarify to him the prevailing company policy
Ymbong is deemed resigned when he ran for and inform him of the consequences of his
councilor. decision in case he decides to run, as Luzon
We find no merit in Ymbong’s did in Patalinghug’s case. WHEREFORE, the
argument that “[his] automatic termination petition for review on certiorari is DENIED
x x x was a blatant [disregard] of [his] right to for lack of merit. With costs against
due process” as he was “never asked to petitioner. SO ORDERED
YES. While it is true that the union
and its members have been granted union
privileges under the CBA, the grant cannot
be considered separately from the other
of the CBA, particularly the provision on
management prerogatives where the CBA
reserved for
the company the full and complete authority
in managing and running its business. We
nothing in the wordings of the union leave
provision that removes from the company
the right
to prescribe reasonable rules and
regulations to govern the manner of availing
of union leaves,
particularly the prerogative to require prior
approval. Precisely, prior notice is expressly
required under the CBA so that the company
can appropriately respond to the request for
leave. In this sense, the rule requiring prior
approval only made express what is implied
in the
terms of the CBA. The prior approval policy
fully supported the validity of the
suspensions the
company imposed on Mangalino. We point
out additiona lly that as an employee,
had the clear obligation to comply with the
management disapproval of his requested
while at the same time registering his
objection to the company regulation and
action. That he
still went on leave, in open disregard of his
superiors orders, rendered Mangalino open
to the
charge of insubordination, separately from
his absence without official leave. This
59 Negros Slashers, Inc., et al. v. Alvin L. Teng penalty of dismissal. There was no warning
or admonition for respondent’s violation of
Facts: team rules, only outright termination of his
Respondent Alvin Teng is a services for an act which could have been
professional basketball player who started punished appropriately with a severe
his career as such in the Philippine Basketball reprimand or suspension.
Association and then later on played in the
Metropolitan Basketball Association (MBA). 60 VILLARUEL VS. YEO HAN GUAN
Some time in one of his games,
particularly Game Number 4 of the MBA FACTS:
Championship Round for the year 2000 Villaruel filed with the NLRC NCR-
season, Teng had a below-par playing Quezon City a Complaint for payment of
performance. Because of this, the coaching separation pay against Yuhans Enterprises.
staff decided to pull him out of the Petitioner alleged that in June 1963,
game. Teng then sat on the bench, untied he was employed as a machine operator by
his shoelaces and donned his practice Ribonette Manufacturing Company, an
jersey. On the following game, Game enterprise engaged in the business of
Number 5 of the Championship Round, Teng manufacturing and selling PVC pipes and is
called-in sick and did not play. owned and managed by herein respondent
On March 16, 2001, because of what Yeo Han Guan.Petitioner further alleged that
happened, the management of Negros in October 1998, he got sick and was
Slashers came up with a decision, and confined in a hospital; In December 1998, he
through its General Manager, petitioner reported for work but was no longer
Rodolfo Alvarez, wrote Teng informing him permitted to go back because of his illness;
of his termination from the team. he asked that respondent allow him to
continue working but be assigned a lighter
Issue: kind of work but his request was denied;
Whether or not Teng’s dismissal from instead, he was offered a sum of P15,000.00
the Negros Slashers Team was unjustified as his separation pay; however, the said
and too harsh considering his misconduct. amount corresponds only to the period
between 1993 and 1999; petitioner prayed
Ruling: that he be granted separation pay computed
YES. from his first day of employment in June
As ruled in Sagales v. Rustan’s Commercial 1963, but respondent refused.
Corporation, while the employer has the On the other hand, respondent
inherent right to discipline, including that of averred that petitioner was hired as machine
dismissing its employees, this prerogative is operator from March 1993 until he stopped
subject to the regulation by the State in the working sometime in February 1999 on the
exercise of its police power. ground that he was suffering from illness;
In this regard, it is a hornbook after his recovery, petitioner was directed to
doctrine that infractions committed by an report for work, but he never showed
employee should merit only the up. Respondent was later caught by surprise
corresponding penalty demanded by the when petitioner filed the instant case for
circumstance. The penalty must recovery of separation pay. Respondent
be commensurate with the act, conduct or claimed that he never terminated the
omission imputed to the employee and must services of petitioner and that during their
be imposed in connection with the mandatory conference, he even told the
disciplinary authority of the employer. latter that he could go back to work anytime
In the case at bar, the penalty handed but petitioner clearly manifested that he was
out by the petitioners was the ultimate
no longer interested in returning to work and has no other choice but to disassociate
instead asked for separation pay. himself from his employment
However, there is no provision in the
ISSUE: Labor Code which grants separation pay to
is Villaruel entitled to separation voluntarily resigning employees. In fact, the
pay? rule is that an employee who voluntarily
resigns from employment is not entitled to
HELD: separation pay, except when it is stipulated
YES, but only financial assistance as a in the employment contract or CBA, or it is
measure of social justice Article 284 of the sanctioned by established employer practice
Labor Code reads: or policy.
An employer may terminate the Since petitioner was not terminated
services of an employee who has been found from his employment and, instead, is
to be suffering from any disease and whose deemed to have resigned therefrom, he
continued employment is prohibited by law is not entitled to separation pay under the
or is prejudicial to his health as well as to the provisions of the Labor Code.
health of his co-employees: Provided, That **
he is paid separation pay equivalent to at It may not be amiss to point out at
least 1 month salary or to ½ month salary for this juncture that aside from Article 284 of
every year of service whichever is greater, a the Labor Code, the award of separation pay
fraction of at least six months being is also authorized in the situations dealt with
considered as 1 whole year. in Article 283 of the same Code and under
A plain reading of the abovequoted provision Section 4 (b), Rule I, Book VI of the IRR of the
clearly presupposes that it is the employer said Code where there is illegal dismissal and
who terminates the services of the employee reinstatement is no longer feasible. By way
found to be suffering from any disease and of exception, this Court has allowed grants of
whose continued employment is prohibited separation pay to stand as “a measure of
by law or is prejudicial to his health as well social justice” where the employee is validly
as to the health of his co-employees. It does dismissed for causes other than serious
not contemplate a situation where it is the misconduct or those reflecting on his moral
employee who severs his or her employment character.
ties. This Court, in a number of cases, has
The Court agrees with the CA in its granted financial assistance to separated
observation of the following circumstances employees as a measure of social and
as proof that respondent did not terminate compassionate justice and as an equitable
Villaruel’s employment: first, the only cause concession. Taking into consideration the
of action in petitioner’s original complaint is factual circumstances obtaining in the
that he was “offered a very low separation present case, the Court finds that petitioner
pay”; second, there was no allegation of is entitled to this kind of assistance. The
illegal dismissal, both in petitioner’s original Court notes that there is no evidence on
and amended complaints and position record to show that petitioner has any
paper; and, third, there was no prayer for derogatory record during his long years of
reinstatement. This is tantamount to service with respondent and that his
resignation. employment was severed not by reason of
Resignation is defined as the any infraction on his part but because of his
voluntary act of an employee who finds failing physical condition. Based on the
himself in a situation where he believes that foregoing, the Court finds that the award of
personal reasons cannot be sacrificed in financial assistance is deemed equitable
favor of the exigency of the service and he under the circumstances.
61 The University of Immaculate Labor Arbiter. Article 262 of the same Code
Conception vs National Labor and provides the exception. For the exception to
Relations Commission apply, there must be an agreement between
the parties clearly conferring jurisdiction to
FACTS: the voluntary arbitrator. Such agreement
Teodora Axalan is a regular faculty may be stipulated in a collective
member in the University of the Immaculate bargaining agreement. However, in the
Conception holding the position of Associate absence of a collective
Professor II. Aside from being a regular bargaining agreement, it is enough that
faculty member, Axalan is the elected there is evidence on record showing that the
President of the Employees' Union from 18 parties have agreed to resort to
November to 22 November 2002. Axalan voluntary arbitration. As can be gleaned
attended a seminar in Quezon City on from the transcript of stenographic notes of
website development. Axalan then received the administrative hearing held on 20
a memorandum from Dean Maria Rosa February 2003, the parties in this case clearly
Celestial asking her to explain in writing why agreed to resort to voluntary arbitration.
she should not be dismissed for having been
absent without official leave. Axalan claimed
that she held online classes while attending 62 NATIONWIDE SECURITY AND ALLIED
the seminar. She explained that she was SERVICES, INC., Petitioner, v. RONALD P.
under the impression that faculty members VALDERAMA, Respondent.
would not be marked absent even if they
were not physically present in the classroom FACTS:
as long as they conducted online classes. Respondent was hired by petitioner
From 28 January to 3 February 2003, Axalan as security guard. Almost 4 years after, he
attended a second seminar in Baguio City on was relieved from service and was not given
advanced paralegal training on which dates any assignment thereafter. He filed a
Axalan was absent. An Ad Hoc Grievance complaint for constructive dismissal and
Committee was created, and upon its nonpayment of 13th month pay. Petitioner
recommendation Axalan was suspended for presented a different version. It alleged that
a year for her AWOLcharges. On 1 December respondent was not constructively or
2003, Axalan filed a complaint against the illegally dismissed, but had voluntarily
University for illegal suspension and resigned.
constructive dismissal in the Labor Arbiter. The LA declared respondent to have
The University moved to dismiss on the been constructively dismissed. On appeal,
ground that the Labor Arbiter had no the NLRC modified the LA decision. It
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the declared that respondent was neither
complaint. The university maintained that constructively terminated nor did he
jurisdiction lay in the voluntary arbitrator. voluntarily resign. As such, respondent
remained an employee of petitioner. The
ISSUE: NLRC thus ordered respondent to
Whether or not the labor arbiter has immediately report to petitioner and
jurisdiction in the case at bar assume his duty. The CA set aside the
resolutions of the NLRC and reinstated that
RULING: of the LA. The CA sustained respondent’s
No. Although Article 217 of the Labor claim of constructive dismissal and pointed
Code states that unfair labor practices and out that respondent remained on floating
termination disputes fall within the original status for more than six (6) months, and
and exclusive jurisdiction of the petitioner offered no credible explanation
same is valid. Barroga was merely assigned same day, expressing her intention to return
in a temporary capacity, such designation is to work on 15 February 2002 and to call off
terminable at the pleasure of Data College her planned resignation upon the advice of
which made such appointment. her lawyer. On 22 February 2002, Leynes was
further served with a letter and
memorandum relieving her from her
63 NIPPON HOUSING PHIL. INC., and/or position and directing her to report to NHPI
TADASHI OTA, HOROSHI TAKADA, main office while she was on floating status.
YUSUHIRO KAWATA, MR. NOBOYUSHI and Aggrieved, Leynes lost no time in
JOEL REYES,Petitioners, v. MAIAH ANGELA filing against NHPI and its above-named
LEYNES, Respondent. officers a complaint for illegal dismissal,
unpaid salaries, benefits, damages and
FACTS: attorney fees before the NLRC. NHPI and its
Nippon Housing Philippines, Inc. officers asserted that the management
(NPHI) hired respondent Maiah Angela exercise of the prerogative to put an
Leyneson 26 March 2001 for the position of employee on floating status for a period not
Property Manager. exceeding six months was justified in view of
On 6 February 2002, Leynes had a her threatened resignation from her position
misunderstanding with Engr. Honesto and BGCC request for her
Cantuba, the Building Engineer assigned at replacement.During the pendency of the
Bay Gardens Condominium Project (the case, however, Reyes eventually served the
Project), regarding the extension of the DOLE and Leynes with a notice terminating
latter working hours. Aside from instructing her services effective 22 August 2002, on the
the security guards to bar Engr. Cantuba ground of redundancy or lack of a posting
from entry into the Project and to tell him to commensurate to her position at the
report to the NHPI main office in Makati, Project.Leynes was offered by NHPI the sum
Leynes also sent a letter dated 8 February ofP28,188.16 representing her unpaid
2002 by telefax to Joel Reyes, NHPI HR Head, wages, proportionate 13th month pay, tax
apprising the latter of Cantuba supposed refund and service incentive leave pay (SILP).
insubordination and disrespectful conduct. The LA found that NHPI act of putting
With Engr. Cantuba submission of a reply in Leynes on floating status was equivalent to
turn accusing Leynes of pride, conceit and termination from employment without just
poor managerial skills, Hiroshi Takada, NHPI cause and compliance with the twin
VP, went on to issue the 12 February 2002 requirements of notice and hearing.
memorandum, attributing the incident to On appeal, the NLRC reversed the LA
"simple personal differences" and directing decision. Leynes elevated the case to the CA
Leynes to allow Engr. Cantuba to report back on a Rule 65 petition for certiorari and the
for work. CA reversed the NLRC decision.
Disappointed with the foregoing ISSUE:
management decision, Leynes submitted to Whether or not the CA erred in
a letter asking for an emergency leave of finding that Leynes was constructively
absence for the supposed purpose of dismissed when she was placed on floating
coordinating with her lawyer regarding her status prior to her termination from
resignation letter. While NHPI offered the employment on the ground of redundancy?
Property Manager position to Engr. Carlos
Jose on 13 February 2002 as a consequence HELD:
Leynessignification of her intention to Although the CA correctly found that
resign, it also appears that Leynes sent the record is bereft of any showing that
another letter to Reyes by telefax on the Leynes was unacceptable to BGCC, the
evidence the parties adduced a quo clearly Code has been applied to other industries
indicates that petitioners were not in bad when, as a consequence of the bona fide
faith when they placed the former under suspension of the operation of a business or
floating status. Disgruntled by NHPI undertaking, an employer is constrained to
countermanding of her decision to bar Engr. put employees on floating status for a period
Cantuba from the Project, Leynes twice not exceeding six months.
signified her intention to resign from her Considering that even labor laws
position. In her application letter for an discourage intrusion in the employer's
immediate emergency leave, Leynes also judgment concerning the conduct of their
distinctly expressed her dissatisfaction over business, courts often decline to interfere in
NHPI resolution of her dispute with Engr. their legitimate business decisions,absent
Cantuba and announced her plan of showing of illegality, bad faith or
coordinating with her lawyer regarding her arbitrariness. Indeed, the right of employees
resignation letter. to security of tenure does not give them
In view of the sensitive nature of vested rights to their positions to the extent
Leynes position and the critical stage of the of depriving management of its prerogative
Project business development, NHPI was to change their assignments or to transfer
constrained to relay the situation to BGCC them.The record shows that Leynes filed the
which, in turn, requested the immediate complaint for actual illegal dismissal from
adoption of remedial measures from Takada, which the case originated on 22 February
including the appointment of a new Property 2002 or immediately upon being placed on
Manager for the Project. Upon BGCC floating status as a consequence of NHPI
recommendation, NHPI consequently hired hiring of a new Property Manager for the
Engr. Jose on 13 February 2002 as Leynes Project. The rule is settled, however, that
replacement. Far from being the indication "off-detailing" is not equivalent to dismissal,
of bad faith the CA construed the same to be, so long as such status does not continue
these factual antecedents suggest that NHPI beyond a reasonable time and that it is only
immediate hiring of Engr. Jose as the new when such a "floating status" lasts for more
Property Manager for the Project was than six months that the employee may be
brought about by Leynesown rash considered to have been constructively
announcement of her intention to resign dismissed. A complaint for illegal dismissal
from her position. Although she filed prior to the lapse of said six-month
subsequently changed her mind and sent and/or the actual dismissal of the employee
Reyes a letter by telefax on 13 February 2002 is generally considered as prematurely filed.
announcing the reconsideration of her Viewed in the light of the foregoing
planned resignation and her intention to factual antecedents, the Court finds that the
return to work on 15 February 2002, Leynes CA reversibly erred in holding petitioners
evidently had only herself to blame for liable for constructively dismissing Leynes
precipitately setting in motion the events from her employment. There is said to be
which led to NHPI hiring of her own constructive dismissal when an act of clear
replacement. discrimination, insensitivity or disdain on the
The record, moreover, shows that part of the employer has become so
NHPI simply placed her on floating status unbearable as to leave an employee with no
"until such time that another project could choice but to forego continued employment.
be secured" for her. Traditionally invoked by Constructive dismissal exists where there is
security agencies when guards are cessation of work because continued
temporarily sidelined from duty while employment is rendered impossible,
waiting to be transferred or assigned to a unreasonable or unlikely, as an offer
new post or client, Article 286 of the Labor involving a demotion in rank and a
After the NLRC dismissed the BSSI’s not to the present petition; and that Bello-
belated appeal and subsequent motion for Ona has no personal knowledge of the
reconsideration,[9] the latter filed a petition allegations in the petition. On the merits of
for certiorari with the CA. The CA granted the the case, the BSSI contends that the CA
petition,[10] thus reinstating BSSI’s appeal correctly ruled that there was no evidence to
with the NLRC. substantiate the NLRC’s finding of
In its March 26, 2008 resolution, the constructive dismissal.
NLRC affirmed the labor arbiter’s decision,
finding that Bello had been constructively The Issues
dismissed when he was demoted to the The core issues boil down to:
rank-and-file position of traffic marshal after whether the petition should be dismissed
occupying the supervisory position of outright for defective verification; and
assistant detachment commander and whether the CA erred in annulling the NLRC’s
detachment commander.[11] The denial of resolutions.
BSSI’s subsequent motion for
reconsideration led it back to the CA on a The Court’s Ruling
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the The petition lacks merit.
Rules of Court.[12] Verification of a pleading is a formal,
not jurisdictional, requirement intended to
The CA Ruling secure the assurance that the matters
The CA nullified the NLRC alleged in a pleading are true and
resolutions, finding the records bereft of correct.[15] Thus, the court may simply
evidence substantiating the labor arbiter’s order the correction of unverified pleadings
and the NLRC’s conclusions that Bello had or act on them and waive strict compliance
been constructively dismissed.[13] It noted with the rules.[16] It is deemed substantially
that Bello offered no evidence to prove that complied with when one who has ample
there was a series of promotions that would knowledge to swear to the truth of the
justify his claim of subsequent allegations in the complaint or petition signs
demotion. The CA denied the BSSI’s motion the verification, and when matters alleged in
for reconsideration,[14] paving the way for the petition have been made in good faith or
the present petition. are true and correct.[17]
In this case, we find that the
petition’s verification substantially complied
with the requirements of the rules. The SPA
The Petition authorized Bello-Ona to represent Bello in
Bello insists that he was the case entitled “Francis Bello v. Bonifacio
constructively dismissed when he was Security Services, Inc. and/or Samuel Tomas,
demoted to a mere traffic marshal after (CA) Case No. 047829-06; NLRC-N[CR] Case
having been promoted to the positions of No. 00-11-09529-2002”[18] – the case from
supervisor, assistant detachment which the present petition originated. As the
commander, and detachment commander. daughter of Bello, Bello-Ona is deemed to
have sufficient knowledge to swear to the
The Case for the BSSI truth of the allegations in the petition, which
The BSSI prays for the petition’s are matters of record in the tribunals and the
outright dismissal due to a defective appellate court below.
verification, arguing that the special power On the merits of the case, we find no
of attorney (SPA) of Bello’s attorney-in-fact, reason to disturb the CA conclusion that
Geraldine Bello-Ona, was limited to there was no constructive dismissal. Case
representing him in the NLRC case only and law defines constructive dismissal as a
65 United Laboratories, Inc., Petitioner, v. Is constructive dismissal applicable
Jaime Domingo Substituted by his spouse to the respondents?
Carmencita Punzalan Domingo, et al.
FACTS: Constructive dismissal is a derivative
Sometime in 2001, under a Physical of dismissal without cause; an involuntary
Distribution Master Plan (PDMP), Unilab resignation, nay, a dismissal in disguise.It
consolidated its finished goods inventories occurs when there isessation of workecause
and logistics activities (warehousing, order continued employment is rendered
Manager, answered by stating that the overcome this burden of proof, the
transfer was a management prerogative. employees transfer shall be tantamount to
For the whole of the ensuing month unlawful constructive dismissal.
Morales was absent from work and/or tardy. Record shows that HCPTI miserably
Singson issued to Morales a 29 April 2003 failed to discharge the foregoing onus. While
inter-office memorandum denominated as a there was a lack of showing that the transfer
First Warning. In view of the absences or reassignment entailed a diminution of
Morales continued to incur, HCPTI issued a salary and benefits, one fact that must not
Second Warning. be lost sight of was that Morales was already
In the meantime, Morales filed a occupying the position of Division Manager
complaint dated 25 April 2003 against HCPTI, at HCPTIs Accounting Department as a
Filart and Singson, for constructive dismissal, consequence of his promotion to said
moral and exemplary damages as well as position on 22 October 2002.
attorneys fees. Concurrently appointed as member
LA dismissed the complaint for lack of of HCPTIs Management Committee
merit. It ruled that Morales reassignment (MANCOM) on 2 December 2002, Morales
was a valid exercise of HCPTIs management was subsequently reassigned by HCPTI "from
prerogative which cannot be construed as managerial accounting to Operations Cost
constructive dismissal absent showing that Accounting" on 27 March 2003, without any
the same was done in bad faith and resulted mention of the position to which he was
in the diminution of his salary and benefits. actually being transferred. That the
The NLRC however, reversed the decision. Its reassignment was a demotion is, however,
subsequent denial of HCPTIs motion for evident from Morales new duties which, far
reconsideration prompted the latter to file a from being managerial in nature, were very
petition for certiorari before the CA. The CA simply and vaguely described as inclusive of
reversed the findings of the NLRC. Hence, "monitoring and evaluating all consumables
this petition. requests, gears and equipments related to
HCPTIs operations" as well as "close
ISSUE: interaction with its sub-contractor Bulk Fleet
Whether or not petitioner was Marine Corporation."
constructively dismissed Admittedly, the right of employees to
security of tenure does not give them vested
HELD: rights to their positions to the extent of
Yes. CA Decision reversed and set depriving management of its prerogative to
aside change their assignments or to transfer
Constructive dismissal exists where them. By management prerogative is meant
there is cessation of work because the right of an employer to regulate all
"continued employment is rendered aspects of employment, such as the freedom
impossible, unreasonable or unlikely, as an to prescribe work assignments, working
offer involving a demotion in rank or a methods, processes to be followed,
diminution in pay and other benefits. regulation regarding transfer of employees,
In cases of a transfer of an employee, supervision of their work, lay-off and
the rule is settled that the employer is discipline, and dismissal and recall of
charged with the burden of proving that its workers.
conduct and action are for valid and Although jurisprudence recognizes
legitimate grounds such as genuine business said management prerogative, it has been
necessity and that the transfer is not ruled that the exercise thereof, while
unreasonable, inconvenient or prejudicial to ordinarily not interfered with, is not absolute
the employee. If the employer cannot and is subject to limitations imposed by law,
collective bargaining agreement, and reinstate her. It held that Ranchez was
general principles of fair play and justice. deprived of due process when she was strip-
Thus, an employer may transfer or assign searched and sent to jail for two weeks
employees from one office or area of because such amounted to constructive
operation to another, provided there is no dismissal, making it impossible for the
demotion in rank or diminution of salary, respondent to continue under the
benefits, and other privileges, and the action employment. Even though she was merely a
is not motivated by discrimination, made in probationary employee, the lapse of the
bad faith, or effected as a form of probationary contract did not amount to a
punishment or demotion without sufficient valid dismissal because there was already an
cause. Indeed, having the right should not be unwarranted constructive dismissal
confused with the manner in which that right beforehand.
is exercised. The NLRC denied Robinson's motion
GRANTED for reconsideration. The CA affirmed the
decision of the NLRC.
investment which relates to the job, herein petitioner Norman Yabut (Yabut)
work or service to be performed andthe against respondents Manila Electric
employees recruited, supplied or placed Company (Meralco) and Meralco officer
by such contractor or subcontractor are Manuel M. Lopez (Lopez).
performing activities which are directly The petitioner had worked with
related to the main business of the Meralco from February 1989 until his
principal; or dismissal from employment on February 5,
1. ii) The contractor does not exercise the 2004. Meralco's Inspection Office issued a
right to control over the performance of memorandum informing it of an illegal
the work of the contractual service connection at the petitioner's
Under the circumstances, Promm-Gem residence. Given this report, Meralco's Head
cannot be considered as a labor-only of Investigation-Litigation Office issued to
contractor. We find that it is a legitimate the petitioner a notice of investigation.
independent contractor. Meralcos Litigation Investigation
Considering that SAPS has no substantial Office summarized the results of Meralco's
capital or investment and the workers it findings in a memorandum which indicated
recruited are performing activities which are that Yabuts electric service was
directly related to the principal business of disconnected for account delinquency.
P&G, we find that the former is engaged in Notwithstanding the disconnection and the
“labor-only contracting”. fact that Meralcos service had not been
Where labor-only contracting exists, the reconnected, Yabut's meter registered
Labor Code itself establishes an employer- electric consumption. In view of these
employee relationship between the findings, respondent Meralco, issued a
employer and the employees of the labor- notice of dismissaladdressed to the
only contractor. The statute establishes this petitioner. The notice cites violation of
relationship for a comprehensive purpose: Section 7, paragraph 3 of Meralco's
to prevent a circumvention of labor laws. Company Code on Employee Discipline and
The contractor is considered merely an Article 282 (a), (c), (d) and (e) of the Labor
agent of the principal employer and the Code of the Philippines as bases for the
latter is responsible to the employees of the dismissal.
labor-only contractor as if such employees Aggrieved by the decision of the
had been directly employed by the principal management, Yabut filed with the National
employer. Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) a
Petition Granted complaintfor illegal dismissal and money
NOTE: claims against Meralco and Lopez.
1. Respondent filed MR, which was denied. Labor Arbiter Antonio R. Macam
2. In its resolution, the Court upheld its rendered his Decision,declaring the
decision declaring SAPS has no petitioner illegally dismissed from the
substantial capital, therefore, labor-only service and hence, entitled to reinstatement
contractor. plus backwages and attorney's fees.
NLRC rendered its
Resolutiondismissing the herein
72 NORMAN YABUT, Petitioner, v. MANILA respondents' appeal for lack of merit.
ELECTRIC COMPANY AND MANUEL M. CA rendered the now assailed
LOPEZ, Respondents. Decisionreversing the rulings of the NLRC. In
finding the petitioner's dismissal lawful, the
FACTS: appellate court attributed unto Yabut
This case stems from a complaint for authorship of the meter tampering and
illegal dismissal and monetary claims filed by
illegal use of electricity acts which it grave wrong directed against their
regarded as serious misconduct. employer.
Article 282 (a) provides that an
ISSUE: employer may terminate an employment
Whether or not petitioners dismissal because of an employee's serious
is illegal? misconduct, a cause that was present in this
case in view of the petitioner's violation of
HELD: his employer's code of conduct. Misconduct
Court of Appeals decision is is defined as the transgression of some
sustained. established and definite rule of action, a
LABOR LAW forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, willful in
Article 279 of the Labor Code of the character, and implies wrongful intent and
Philippines provides that (i)n cases of regular not mere error in judgment. For serious
employment, the employer shall not misconduct to justify dismissal, the following
terminate the services of an employee requisites must be present:
except for a just cause or when authorized (a) it must be serious;
by this Title. x x x The just causes are (b) it must relate to the performance
enumerated in Article 282, which provides: of the employee's duties; and
Article 282.Termination by employer. (c) it must show that the employee
- An employer may terminate an has become unfit to continue working for
employment for any of the following causes: the employer.
(a) Serious misconduct or willful The dismissal is also justified as the
disobedience by the employee of the lawful act imputed upon the petitioner qualifies as
orders of his employer or representative in fraud or willful breach by the employee of
connection with his work; the trust reposed in him by his employer or
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the duly authorized representative under Article
employee of his duties; 282 (c) of the Labor Code. While the
(c) Fraud or willful breach by the petitioner contests this ground by denying
employee of the trust reposed in him by his that his position is one of trust and
employer or duly authorized representative; confidence, it is undisputed that at the time
(d) Commission of a crime or offense of his dismissal, he was holding a supervisory
by the employee against the person of his position after he rose from the ranks since
employer or any immediate member of his commencement of his employment with
family or his duly authorized representative; Meralco. As a supervisor with duty and
and power that included testing of service
(e) Other causes analogous to the meters and investigation of violations of
foregoing. contract of customers, his position can be
Significantly, tampering with electric treated as one of trust and confidence,
meters or metering installations of the requiring a high degree of honesty as
Company or the installation of any device, compared with ordinary rank-and-file
with the purpose of defrauding the Company employees.
is classified as an act of dishonesty from We emphasize that dismissal of a
Meralco employees, expressly prohibited dishonest employee is to the best interest
under company rules. It is reasonable that its not only of the management but also of
commission is classified as a severe act of labor. As a measure of self-protection
dishonesty, punishable by dismissal even on against acts inimical to its interest, a
its first commission, given the nature and company has the right to dismiss its erring
gravity of the offense and the fact that it is a employees. An employer cannot be
compelled to continue employing an
courtesy and respect due from a subordinate occurred inside the offices of the Surveyors'
to his superior. Indeed, he may have been, Division, more particularly, Mr. Guangco's
consciously or otherwise, precisely sending a office,
signal to his superior officer in whose away from the view of petitioner's
presence he customers or of the general public.
provoked and then engaged in physical Considering that private
violence with his co-worker. Prior to the respondent Bacalso's unruly temper did not
fistfight, become an effective threat to his co-workers
Guangco had warned Bacalso to desist from or the
further provoking his co-worker with safety of the customers dealing with his
insulting employer, or to the goodwill of his employer,
language. This warning constituted an order and
from private respondent's immediate considering further that he had been quite
superior not candid in admitting that he had been at fault
to breach the peace and order of the as
Surveyors'(Admeasurers') Division; Guangco soon as the investigation began in the
was company level, we agree with the NLRC that
obviously attempting to maintain basic termination
employee discipline in the workplace. It does of his services was a disproportionately
not follow, heavy penalty. We believe that suspension
however, that private respondent Bacalso's without p ay
services were lawfully terminated either for three (3) months would be an adequate
under penalty for the assault on a co-worker and
Article 282 (a) of the Labor Code or under the act of
CBA Schedule of penalties. We believe that insubordination that private respondent
not Bacalso actually committed.
every case of insubordination or wilful
disobedience by an employee of a lawful
workconnected order of the employer or its 74 PERMEX INC. vs NLRC
representative is reasonably penalized with
dismissal. FACTS:
For one thing, Article 282 (a) refers to Permex initially hired Emmanuel
"serious misconduct or wilful disobedience". Filoteo on October 1, 1990, as a mechanic.
There must Eventually,
be reasonable proportionality between, on Filoteo was promoted to water treatment
the one hand, the wilful disobedience by the operator, a position he held until his
employee and, on the other hand, the termination on
penalty imposed therefor. Examination of August 29, 1994. As water treatment
the operator, Filoteo did not have a fixed
circumstances surrounding private working schedule.
respondent's assault upon his co-employee His hours of work were dependent upon the
shows that no company's shifting production schedules. N
serious or substantial danger had been One
posed by that fistfight to the well -being of evening he inquire if "butchering" of fish
his other coemployees or of the general would be done so they could start operating
public doing business with petitioner the
employer; and neither did boiler. They were advised to wait from 9:30
such behavior threaten substantial prejudice p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for confirmation. At or
for the business of his employer. The fistfight about
10:00 p.m., Filoteo they were informed that must be supported by clear and convincing
there would be no "butchering" of tuna that evidence. It also means that, procedurally,
night. the
Filoteo then sought permission to go home, employee must be given notice, with
which was granted. Filoteo then hurriedly adequate opportunity to be heard, before he
got his is notified
things and dashed off to the exit gate to of his actual dismissal for cause. In the
catch the service jeep provided by Permex. present case, the NLRC found that the two-
The next fold
day, Filoteo reported for work as usual. He requirements for a valid dismissal were not
then remembered that he had to make a re- satisfied by the petitioners. First, petitioner's
entry in charge
his daily time record for the previous day. He of serious misconduct of falsification or
proceeded to the Office of the Personnel deliberate misrepresentation was not
Manager supported by the
to retime his DTR entry. Later, he received a evidence on the record. Such dismissal was
memorandum from th e Assistant Personnel too harsh a penalty for an unintentional
Officer asking him to explain, in writing, the infraction,
entry he made in his DTR. Filoteo complied not to mention that it was his first offense
and submitted his written explanation that committed without malice, and committed
same evening. Filoteo was suspended also by
indefinitely. His explanation was found others who were not equally penalized. It is
unsatisfactory. Thereafter, he was dismissed clear that the alleged false entry in private
from employment for allegedly violating respondent's DTR was actually the result of
Article 2 of the company rules and having logged his scheduled time-out in
regulations. The offense charged was advance on
entering in his DTR that he had worked from July 31, 1994. But it appears that when he
8:45 p.m. of July 31, 1994 to 7:00 a.m. of timed in, he had no idea that his work
August 1,1994, when in fact he had worked schedule
only up to 10:00 p.m. (night shift) would be cancelled. When it was
confirmed at 10:00 p.m. that there was no
ISSUE: "butchering" of tuna to be done, those who
Whether or not private respondent reported for work were allowed to go home,
was illegally terminated from his including private respondent. In fact, Filoteo
employment. even obtained permission to leave from the
Assistant Production Manager. Considering
HELD: the factory practice which management
YES. To constitute a valid dismissal tolerated,
from employment, two requisites must we are persuaded that Filoteo, in his rush to
concur: (a) catch the service vehicle, merely forgot to
the dismissal must be for any of the causes correct
provided for in Article 282 of the Labor Code; his initial time-out entry. Nothing is shown to
and prove he deliberately falsified his daily time
(b) the employee must be afforded an record to deceive the company. The NLRC
opportunity to be heard and defend himself. found that even management's own evi
This means dence
that an employer can terminate the services reflected that a certain Felix Pelayo, a co-
of an employee for just and valid causes, worker of private respondent, was also
which allowed to go
home that night and like private respondent control procedures resulting in company
logged in advance 7:00 a.m. as his time-out. damages.
supports Filoteo's claim that it was common
practice among night-shift workers to log in ISSUE:
their Whether or not the infraction
usual time-out in advance in the daily time committed by petitioner warrants the
record. penalty of dismissal
despite the fact that it was his first offense
during his eighteen (18) long years of
75 ROLANDO APARENTE, SR. vs. NLRC and satisfactory
COCA-COLA BOTTLERS PHILIPPINES, INC. and unblemished service.
Rolando Aparante, Sr. was first YES. Article 282 (a) of the Labor Code
employed by private respondent Coca -Cola of the Philippines sanctions termination by
Bottlers the
Phils., Inc. (CCBPI), General Santos City Plant employer of the employees services for
as assistant mechanic in April 1970. He rose serious misconduct or willful disobedience
through the ranks to eventually hold the by the
position of advertising foreman until his employee of the lawful orders of his
termination employer or representative in connection
on May 12, 1988 for alleged violation of with his work. In
company rules and regulations. One day, he the instant case, petitioner Aparente was
met an terminated from service after having been
accident wherein he sideswiped a kid. He found
reported the incident to private respondent guilty of driving without a valid drivers
then license, which is a clear violation of the
submitted himself to the police authorities companys rules
at Polomolok, South Cotabato for and regulations. In order that an employer
investigation may dismiss an employee on the ground of
where it was discovered that petitioner had willful
no drivers license at the time of the accident. disobedience, there must be concurrence of
In at least two requisites: The employees
view thereof, an insurer of private assailed
respondents vehicles, did not reimburse the conduct must have been willful or
latter for the intentional, the willfulness being
expenses it incurred in connection with the characterized by a wrongful
kid hospitalization. Private respondent and perverse attitude; and the order
conducted violated must have been reasonable, lawful,
an investigation of the incident where made known
petitioner was given the opportunity to to the employee and must pertain to the
explain his side duties which he had been engaged to
and to defend himself but eventually private discharge. We
respondent dismissed petitioner from have found these requisites to be present in
employment for having violated the the case at bar. The extant evidence on
company rules and regulations particularly record
Sec. 12 of Rule clearly reveals the willful act of petitioner
005-85 for blatant disregard of established Aparente in driving without a valid drivers
charge is the crooked and anarchic attitude cause.On appeal, the NLRC reversed the LA's
of the Decision. The CA affirmed the decision of the
employee towards his employer. Damage NLRC. It held that LREI and Sumulong failed
aggravates the charge but its absence does to establish with substantial evidence that
not the dismissal of Pacia was for a just cause.It
mitigate nor negate the employee's liability. found that Pacias initial reluctance to obey
The fact that a replacement driver was able the orders of her superiors was for a good
to reason.
perform the task could neither alter the
gravity of the charge, this responsibility ISSUE:
being personal Whether or not Pacia was illegally
to the perpetrator. The length of service dismissed.
rendered by the employee is also
inconsequential for it HELD:
does not lessen a bit the rebellious temper Court of Appeals decision is
of the employee object of the charge. We affirmed.
thus find LABOR LAW
no grave abuse of discretion in the finding of The offense of willful disobedience
the NLRC that there is a just ground for the requires the concurrence of two (2)
termination of petitioner from the services. requisites:
(1) the employee's assailed conduct
must have been willful, that is characterized
77 LORES REALTY ENTERPRISES, INC., by a wrongful and perverse attitude; and
LORENZO Y. SUMULONG III, Petitioners, v. (2) the order violated must have
VIRGINIA E. PACIA,Respondent. been reasonable, lawful, made known to the
employee and must pertain to the duties
FACTS: which he had been engaged to discharge.
Respondent Virginia E. There is nothing unlawful in the
Pacia(Pacia)was hired by Lores Realty directive of Sumulong to prepare checks in
Enterprises, Inc.(LREI). LREI's acting general payment of LREI's obligations. The
manager, petitioner Sumulong, on two availability or unavailability of sufficient
occasions, directed Pacia to prepare checks funds to cover the check is immaterial in the
as partial payment for LREI's outstanding physical preparation of the checks. Pacias
obligation to the Bank of the Philippine initial reluctance to prepare the checks,
Islands. Pacia was slow in obeying the however, which was seemingly an act of
order.When asked to explain for her refusal disrespect and defiance, was for honest and
to immediately follow the directive, Pacia well intentioned reasons. Protecting LREI
reasoned out that the funds in LREI's account and Sumulong from liability under the
were not sufficient to cover the amounts to Bouncing Checks Lawwas foremost in her
be indicated in the checks and that she only mind.It was not wrongful or willful. Neither
wanted to protect LREI from liability under can it be considered an obstinate defiance of
the Bouncing Checks Law. Pacia received a company authority.The Court takes into
notice of termination stating that she was consideration that Pacia, despite her initial
being dismissed because of her willful reluctance, eventually did prepare the
disobedience and their loss of trust and checks on the same day she was tasked to do
confidence in her.Pacia then filed a it.
Complaint for illegal dismissal. The Labor DENIED
Arbiter (LA) rendered a decision finding that
the dismissal of Pacia was for a just and valid
he ceased reporting for work from the time on January 20, 2006, informing them of their
he received the memorandum requiring him dismissal for the abovementioned charges
to explain and subsequent to his failure to based on the following acts: fabrication of
submit a written explanation. However, baseless money claims against the company,
there is nothing on record showing that misleading fellow co-workers to sign the
Graphics, Inc. placed its decision to dismiss malicious complaint for money claims
in writing and that a copy thereof was sent against the company, refusal to undergo the
to the petitioner. Dispositive: The petition is company's general drug test, and extorting
DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals money from co-workers to fund activities
in CA-G.R. SP No. 106928 is AFFIRMED with that they were never fully informed of. Also,
MODIFICATION in that respondent New Age petitioner Dacara was dismissed for
Graphics, Inc. is hereby ordered to pay consummating his sexual relations with Co’s
petitioner Billy M. Realda nominal damages helper inside her residence and thus
in the amount of Thirty Thousand Pesos impregnating the help.
(P30,000.00) because such dismissal was for A complaint for illegal dismissal was
a just cause but there is a lack of due process. subsequently filed, alleging that the charges
against them were fabricated and that their
dismissal was prompted by Kingspoint
79 Kakampi and Its Members Panuelos vs. Express' aversion to their union activities.
Kingspoint Express & Logistics The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of the
petitioners as the charges are purportedly
Facts: mere unsubstantiated allegations. This was
Petitioners were former drivers of affirmed by the NLRC on appeal but the
the respondent Kingspoint Express, a sole latter reversed itself on a subsequent MR
proprietorship under the name of Co which filed by Kingspoint. The CA initially reversed
is engaged in the business of transporting the NLRC’s ruling but on an MR, they too
goods. T They were dismissed from reversed their earlier ruling and favored
service on January 20, 2006 on the grounds Kingspoint. Thus, this petition for certiorari
of serious misconduct, dishonesty, loss of before the SC.
trust and confidence and commission of acts
inimical to the interest of Kingspoint Express.
Kingspoint Express issued separate
notices to explain to the individual Issue:
petitioners on January 16, 2006 the charges WON the dismissal was valid.
of dishonesty, serious misconduct and loss of
confidence by filing with the NLRC false, Ruling:
malicious and fabricated cases against the Yes, the dismissal was valid. It is
company, and their allegedly unwarranted fundamental that in order to validly dismiss
refusal to undergo drug testing. They were an employee, the employer is required to
required to submit their answer to the observe both substantive and procedural
charges within forty-eight (48) hours from due process — the termination of
receipt of the notices with a warning that employment must be based on a just or
failure to do so would mean waiver of their authorized cause and the dismissal must be
answer. They were also placed under effected after due notice and hearing.
preventive suspension in the meantime. As to the substantive requirements
Petitioners failed to submit their of due process, the employees' refusal to
written explanation within the stated period. submit themselves to drug test is a just cause
Subsequently, Kingspoint Express issued to for their dismissal.
them separate yet uniformly worded notices
illegal On
dismissal. March 1, 1999, she again failed to properly
count the bundle of socks assigned to her.
ISSUE: Thus, on
WON petitioner was validly March 2, 1999, petitioner terminated her
dismissed for gross negligence and for loss of services on grounds of habitual absenteeism
trust and without
confidence prior leave, tardiness and neglect of work.
HELD: WON Buguat was validly terminated.
YES. Bearing in mind that the position
of cashier is a highly sensitive position, HELD:
requiring YES. One of the just causes for
as it does the attributes of absolute trust and terminating an employment under Article
honesty because of the temptations 282 of the
attendant to Labor Code is gross and habitual neglect by
the daily handling of money, petitioner's acts the employee of her duties. This cause
could not help but sow mistrust an d loss of includes
confidence on the part of respondent gross inefficiency, negligence and
employer. The Court agrees with the carelessness. Such just causes is derived
Commission that from the right of the
the resulting breach of trust constitutes a employer to select and engage his
valid cause for the dismissal of petitioner. employees. In the instant case, there is no
doubt that Buguat
was habitually absent, tardy and neglectful
81 CHALLENGE SOCKS CORPORATION vs. of her duties. Habitual neglect implies
failure to perform ones duties for a period of
FACTS: time. Buguats repeated acts of absences
Elvie Buguat was hired by petitioner without
Challenge Socks Corporation as knitting leave and her frequent tardiness reflect her
operator. In indifferen t attitude to and lack of motivation
the course of her employment, she incurred in her
absences and tardiness without prior work. Her repeated and habitual infractions,
approval and committed despite several warnings,
had been neglectful of her duties. On May constitute
25, 1998, she failed to check the socks she gross misconduct. Habitual absenteeism
was without leave constitute gross negligence
working on causing excess use of yarn and and is
damage to the socks design. She was sufficient to justify termination of an
suspended for employee. We find the penalty of dismissal
five days and warned that a repetition of the from the
same act would mean dismissal from the service reasonable and appropriate to
service. Buguats infraction. Her repeated negligence
On February 2, 1999, she committed the is not
same infraction and was given a warning. tolerable; neither should it merit the penalty
Despite the of suspension only. The record of an
previous warnings, Buguat continued to be employee is a
habitually absent and inattentive to her task. relevant consideration in determining the
penalty that should be meted out. Buguat (3) deliberately instructing the staff to follow
committed her version of the incident in order to cover
several infractions in the past and despite up the lapse; and (4) negligence and
the warnings and suspension, she continued carelessness in carrying out her duty as staff
to nurse-on-duty when the incident happened.
display a neglectful attitude towards her Respondent De Castro, with the
work. An employees past misconduct and p assistance of Medical Center Manila
resent Employees Association-AFW, filed a
behavior must be taken together in Complaint for illegal dismissal against
determining the proper imposable penalty. petitioners with prayer for reinstatement
The totality of and payment of full backwages without loss
infractions or the number of violations of seniority rights, P20,000.00 moral
committed during the period of employment damages, P10,000.00 exemplary damages,
shall be and 10% of the total monetary award as
considered in determining the penalty to be attorney's fees.
imposed upon an errin g employee. The The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of
offenses respondent De Castro, stating that although
committed by him should not be taken singly De Castro committed the act complained of,
and separately but in their totality. Fitness being her first offense, the penalty to be
for meted should not be dismissal from service,
continued employment cannot be but merely 7 to 14 days suspension as the
compartmentalized into tight little cubicles same was classified as a less serious offense
of aspects of under the Employee's Handbook.
character, conduct, and ability separate and The NLRC reversed the decision of
in dependent of each other. It is the totality, the Labor Arbiter, stating that respondent
not De Castro lacked diligence and prudence in
the compartmentalization, of such company carrying out her duty when, instead of
infractions that Buguat had consistently personally checking on the condition of
committed which justified her dismissal. patient Causaren after she fell from the bed,
she merely sent ward-clerk orientee
Guillergan to do the same in her behalf and
82 HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES, for influencing her staff to conceal the
INC.MEDICAL CENTER MANILA, petitioner, incident.
vs. HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES, The CA reversed the NLRC's ruling
INC.MEDICAL CENTER MANILA EMPLOYEES and reinstated the Labor Arbiter's ruling.
CASTRO, respondents. ISSUE:
Whether the CA erred in affirming the
FACTS: illegal dismissal of respondent De Castro.
Respondent De Castro was a staff
nurse at Medical Center Manila. Calixijan, HELD:
HRD Officer of Medical Center Manila issued The petition is unmeritorious.
a notice of termination upon respondent De LABOR LAW - Illegal dismissals;
Castro for alleged (1) negligence to follow negligence
company policy on what to do with patient Article 282 (b) of the Labor Code
RufinaCausaren who fell from a hospital bed; provides that an employer may terminate an
(2) failure to record and refer the incident to employment for gross and habitual neglect
the physician-on-duty allowing a significant by the employee of his duties. The CA ruled
lapse of time before reporting the incident; that per the Employees Handbook of
Yes. Although the dismissal was legal by the bank, and she was reinstated.
, respondent is still entitled to a separation
pay as a measure of financial assistance, co ISSUES
nsidering his length of service and his poor I. Whether the position of a credit
physical condition which was one of the rea investigator is one imbued with the trust and
sons he filed a leave of absence. As a genera confidence of the employer
l rule, an employee who has been dismissed II. Whether the act of falsifying the
for any of the just causes enumerated unde credit and appraisal reports and that of
r Article 282 of the Labor Code is not entitle affixing ones signature in a false report by
d to separation pay. Although by way of exc another is one and the same degree of
eption, the grant of separation pay or some misconduct which warrants the same
other financial assistance may be allowed to penalty
an employee dismissed for just causes on t
he basis of equity, inspired by compassionat HELD:
e and social justice. While it is an employers basic right
to freely select or discharge its employees,
84 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Petitioner, if only as a measure of self-protection
v. DAN PADAO, Respondent. against acts inimical to its interest, the law
sets the valid grounds for termination as
FACTS: well as the proper procedure to be followed
On August 21, 1981, Padao was hired when terminating the services of an
by PNB as a clerk at its Dipolog City Branch. employee.
He was later designated as a credit Thus, in cases of regular
investigator in an acting capacity on employment, the employer is prohibited
November 9, 1993. He was ultimately from terminating the services of an
promoted to the position of Loan and Credit employee except for a just or authorized
Officer IV. cause. Such just causes for which an
In 1994, PNB became embroiled in a employer may terminate an employee are
scandal involving "behest loans" as enumerated in Article 282 of the Labor Code:
anomalous loans were being granted by its (a) serious misconduct or willful
officers. In line with this, Padao was disobedience by the employee of the lawful
administratively charged with Dishonesty, orders of his employer or representative in
Grave Misconduct, Gross Neglect of Duty, connection with his work; (b) Gross and
Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of habitual neglect by the employee of his
the Service, and violation of R.A. No. 3019 duties; (c) Fraud or willful breach by the
(Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act). The employee of the trust reposed in him by his
case against Padao was grounded on his employer or duly authorized representative;
having allegedly presented a deceptively (d) Commission of a crime or offense by the
positive status of the business, credit employee against the person of his employer
standing/rating and financial capability of 13 or any immediate family member of his
loan applicants. After due investigation, PNB family or his duly authorized representative;
found Padao guilty of gross and habitual and (e) Other causes analogous to the
neglect of duty and ordered him dismissed foregoing. Further, due process requires that
from the bank. Padao appealed to the banks employers follow the procedure set by the
Board of Directors. Velasco, Padaos Labor Code. Under Art. 277, workers may be
colleague, was also held guilty of the dismissed only for a just cause and enjoy the
offenses charged, and was similarly meted right of due process which includes notice
the penalty of dismissal. Her motion for and the ample opportunity to be heard and
reconsideration, however, was later granted to defend his or her side.
In this case, Padao was dismissed by doing so, he repeatedly failed to perform his
PNB for gross and habitual neglect of duties duties as a credit investigator.
under Article 282 (b) of the Labor Code.
Gross negligence connotes want of care in
the performance of ones duties, while 85 MANSION PRINTING CENTER and
habitual neglect implies repeated failure to CLEMENT CHENG, Petitioners, v.
perform ones duties for a period of time, DIOSDADO BITARA, JR., Respondent.
depending on the circumstances. Padao was
accused of having presented a fraudulently FACTS:
positive evaluation of the business, credit Petitioners engaged the services of
standing/rating and financial capability 13 respondent as a helper (kargador).
loan applicants. Respondent was later promoted as the
The role that a credit investigator companys sole driver tasked to pick-up raw
plays in the conduct of a banks business materials for the printing business, collect
cannot be overestimated. The amount of account receivables and deliver the products
loans to be extended by a bank depends to the clients within the delivery schedules.
upon the report of the credit investigator on Petitioners aver that the timely
the collateral being offered. If a loan is not delivery of the products to the clients is one
fairly secured, the bank is at the mercy of the of the foremost considerations material to
borrower who may just opt to have the the operation of the business.It being so,
collateral foreclosed. If the scheme is they closely monitored the attendance of
repeated a hundredfold, it may lead to the respondent. They noted his habitual
collapse of the bank. tardiness and absenteeism.
Padao's repeated failure to discharge Thus, petitioners issued a
his duties as a credit investigator of the bank Memorandumrequiring respondent to
amounted to gross and habitual neglect of submit a written explanation why no
duties under Article 282 (b) of the Labor administrative sanction should be imposed
Code. He not only failed to perform what he on him for his habitual tardiness.
was employed to do, but also did so Despite respondents undertaking to
repetitively and habitually, causing millions report on time, however, he continued to
of pesos in damage to PNB. Thus, PNB acted disregard attendance policies.
within the bounds of the law by meting out Consequently, Davis Cheng, General
the penalty of dismissal, which it deemed Manager of the company and son of
appropriate given the circumstances. petitioner Cheng, issued another
The CA was correct in stating that Memorandum(Notice to Explain) requiring
when the violation of company policy or respondent to explain why his services
breach of company rules and regulations is should not be terminated. He personally
tolerated by management, it cannot serve as handed the Notice to Explain to respondent
a basis for termination. Such ruling, but the latter, after reading the directive,
however, does not apply here. The principle refused to acknowledge receipt thereof.He
only applies when the breach or violation is did not submit any explanation and,
one which neither amounts to nor involves thereafter, never reported for work.
fraud or illegal activities. In such a case, one Davis Cheng personally served
cannot evade liability or culpability based on another Memorandum(Notice of
obedience to the corporate chain of Termination) upon him informing him that
command. the company found him grossly negligent of
Padao, in affixing his signature on the his duties, for which reason, his services
fraudulent reports, attested to the were terminated.
falsehoods contained therein. Moreover, by
On even date, respondent met with The imputed absence and tardiness
the management requesting for of the complainant are documented. He
reconsideration of his termination from the faltered on his attendance 38 times of the 66
service. However, after hearing his position, working days. His last absences on 11, 13, 14,
the management decided to implement the 15 and 16 March 2000 were undertaken
Memorandum. Nevertheless, the without even notice/permission from
management, out of generosity, offered management. These attendance
respondent financial assistance in the delinquencies may be characterized as
amount ofP6,110.00 equivalent to his one habitual and are sufficient justifications to
month salary. Respondent demanded that terminate the complainants employment.
he be given the amount equivalent to two (2) On this score,Valiao v. Court of
months salary but the management declined Appealsis instructive:
as it believed it would, in effect, reward xxx It bears stressing that petitioners
respondent for being negligent of his duties. absences and tardiness were not isolated
Respondent filed a complaintfor incidents but manifested a pattern of
illegal dismissal against the petitioners habituality. xxx The totality of infractions or
before the Labor Arbiter. the number of violations committed during
Labor Arbiter dismissed the the period of employment shall be
complaint for lack of merit. considered in determining the penalty to be
On appeal to the National Labor imposed upon an erring employee. The
Relations Commission, the findings of the offenses committed by him should not be
Labor Arbiter was AFFIRMEDen toto. taken singly and separately but in their
Before the Court of Appeals, totality. Fitness for continued employment
respondent sought the annulment of the cannot be compartmentalized into tight little
Commissions Resolution on the ground that cubicles of aspects of character, conduct,
they were rendered with grave abuse of and ability separate and independent of
discretion and/or without or in excess of each other.
jurisdiction. InValiao,we definedgross
The Court of Appeals found for the negligenceas want of care in the
respondent and reversed the findings of the performance of ones dutiesandhabitual
Commission. neglectas repeated failure to perform ones
duties for a period of time, depending upon
ISSUE: the circumstances.51 These are not overly
Whether or not respondent is illegally technical terms, which, in the first place, are
dismissed? expressly sanctioned by the Labor Code of
the Philippines, to wit:
HELD: ART. 282.Termination by employer.-
NLRC's decision is reinstated. An employer may terminate an employment
LABOR LAW for any of the following causes:
In order to validly dismiss an (a) xxx
employee, the employer is required to (b)Gross and habitual neglect by the
observe both substantive and procedural employee of his duties;
aspects the termination of employment Xxx
must be based on a just or authorized cause Clearly, even in the absence of a
of dismissal and the dismissal must be written company rule defining gross and
effected after due notice and hearing. habitual neglect of duties, respondents
We, therefore, agree with the Labor Arbiters omissions qualify as such warranting his
findings, to wit: dismissal from the service.
VISA Credit Card Unit is proper as he is not in terminated Lopez's employment effective
any position to act on them. The processing immediately.[6]
and verification of the identities of the Lopez asked the bank for
applicants would have been done by the reconsideration.[7] In response, the bank,
proper department, which is the VISA Credit through the respondent officers, met with
Card Unit. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Lopez at its headquarters in Cubao, Quezon
Marciana as Unit Head to have performed City on September 25, 2003. Lopez came
her duties. As correctly observed by the with his lawyer (Atty. Edmundo V.
Labor Arbiter, Keppel had gone too far in Buensuceso) and a military man (one Col.
blaming James for the shortcomings and Flordeliza). After the meeting, the bank
imprudence of Marciana. The invocation of found no reason to reconsider and
Keppel of the loss of trust and confidence as reiterated its decision to dismiss Lopez.[8]
ground for James’s termination has Lopez filed a complaint for illegal
therefore no basis at all. Thus, the Court dismissal and money claims against the
declared that such dismissal based on the bank, Bosano and Tong.
ground of loss of trust and confidence was
illegal. The Compulsory Arbitration Proceedings
Therefore, the petition is denied. Lopez alleged before the labor
arbiter that he issued the POs as part of his
strategy to enhance the bank's business, in
90 Elmer Lopez vs Keppel Bank Philippines, line with his duty as branch manager to
Inc. promote the growth of the bank. He claimed
that the bank honored the first PO for P1.8M
The Antecedents from which the bank derived an income of
The facts, as set out in the assailed CA P142,000.00. He added that the second PO
decision, are summarized below. did not materialize because Mr. James Puyat
Petitioner Elmer Lopez was the Concepcion, a Hertz incorporator and
Branch Manager of the respondent Keppel director who opened the Hertz account,
Bank Philippines, Inc. (bank) in Iloilo City. stopped depositing with the bank because of
Allegedly, through his efforts, Hertz the negative credit rating he received from
Exclusive Cars, Inc. (Hertz) became a client of the bank's credit committee. Allegedly, the
the bank. committee discovered that James Puyat
By notice dated August 12, Concepcion had several pending court cases.
2003, the bank asked Lopez to explain in For its part, the bank denied
writing why he should not be disciplined for approving the first PO, arguing that Lopez
issuing, without authority, two purchase did not have the authority to issue the POs
orders (POs) for the Hertz account for the Hertz account as there was a standing
amounting to a total of P6,493,000.00, advice that no Hertz loan application was to
representing the purchase price of 13 Suzuki be approved. It stressed that Lopez
Bravo and two Nissan Exalta vehicles. committed a serious violation of company
Lopez submitted his written rules when he issued the POs.
explanation on the same day,[5] but the bank In a decision dated April 28,
refused to give it credit. Through [9]
2004, Labor Arbiter Cesar D. Sideño ruled
respondents Manuel Bosano III (Vice- that Lopez was illegally dismissed.
President and Head of Retail Banking Accordingly, the labor arbiter ordered
Division/Consumer Banking Division) and Lopez's immediate reinstatement, and
Stefan Tong Wai Mun (Vice- awarded him backwages of P392,000.00,
President/Comptroller), the bank moral and exemplary damages of P8M, and
P550,000.00 -- the purchase price of a
Toyota Revo which Lopez allegedly brought been dismissed on the ground of non-
over from his stint with Global Bank (now perfection; and (2) affirming the decision of
Metrobank). The labor arbiter found that the NLRC that he was dismissed for a just
contrary to the bank's claim, the evidence cause (loss of trust and confidence) and that
showed that Lopez had been issuing POs he was afforded due process.
which the bank had paid, including the first Lopez argues, with respect to the first
of the two POs that led to his dismissal.[10] assignment of error, that the bank failed to
On appeal by the bank, the National comply with Sections 4 and 6, Rule VI, of the
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) 2002 Rules of Procedure of the NLRC.[18] He
rendered a decision on October 11, points out that the bank did not file a notice
2005[11] reversing the labor arbiter's ruling. It of appeal together with its memorandum of
dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. appeal, which in turn was not supported by
The NLRC found merit in the bank's a certificate of non-forum shopping; and
submission that by issuing the questioned neither did the bank furnish him, as appellee,
POs without authority and against the bank's a certified copy of the appeal bond.
express orders, Lopez thereby committed a On the substantive aspect of the
willful disobedience against his superiors -- a case, Lopez posits that the bank failed to
sufficient basis for the bank to lose its trust justify his dismissal on the ground of loss of
and confidence in him as branch manager. It trust and confidence. He insists that, as
thus found that Lopez had been dismissed branch manager, he had the authority to
for cause after the observance of due issue POs as in fact he issued several of them
process. Lopez moved for reconsideration, in the past, which POs were honored and
but the NLRC denied the motion in its paid by the bank. The labor arbiter properly
resolution of January 25, 2006.[12] Lopez relied on the past transactions in his
sought relief from the CA through a petition decision. These included, he reiterates, the
for certiorari, charging the NLRC with grave first PO for the Hertz account which was paid
abuse of discretion for setting aside the labor by the bank on July 18, 2003, a transaction
arbiter's decision. where the bank even earned a substantial
income (P142,000.00). He maintains that the
The CA Decision bank failed to substantiate its position that
On December 19, 2006, the CA he was not authorized to issue the POs. He
rendered its now assailed adds that the bank's claim that his issuance
decision,[13]denying the petition and of the POs exposed the bank to financial loss
affirming the October 11, 2005 decision of is a lame excuse to justify the termination of
the NLRC. It fully agreed with the NLRC his employment.
finding that Lopez had not been illegally Lopez argues that his dismissal was a
dismissed. mere afterthought on the part of the bank
Lopez moved for, but failed to obtain, management, particularly Bosano, to cover
a reconsideration of the CA decision. The CA up its embarrassment when he (Lopez) made
denied the motion on February 7, 2007.[14] inquiries and discovered that Hertz's James
Puyat Concepcion had no pending court
The Case for Lopez cases and was therefore credit worthy. He
Through the present petition,[15] the adds that assuming that he did not have the
reply to the bank's comment dated February authority to issue POs, still, he cannot be
11, 2008,[16] and the memorandum dated held guilty of willful disobedience; even if he
September 22, 2008,[17] Lopez entreats the had been guilty, dismissal was a very harsh
Court to nullify the CA decision, contending penalty.
that the CA erred in: (1) not ruling that the Finally, Lopez submits that the bank
bank's appeal with the NLRC should have failed to accord him due process because the
bank did not give him the opportunity to with his personal decision. It argues that in
prepare for his defense. He points out that this situation, the law (Labor Code) provides
his written explanation (dated August 12, protection to the employer through its
2003)[19] preceded the bank's letter (of the management prerogative rights and the
same date)[20] that required him to explain right to dismiss employees on just and valid
why he issued the POs in question. Lopez grounds.
contends in this regard that on August 12, The bank refutes Lopez's contention
2003, he went to Bosano's office in Quezon that there was no willful disobedience that
City all the way from Iloilo City and there, he warranted his dismissal. It points out that
was cornered by Bosano who verbally there was an order for him not to proceed
instructed him to immediately write down with the Hertz loan application. The order
his explanation even before he was served was very reasonable as it is the standard
with the bank's August 12, 2003 letter. He policy of every bank to conduct an
maintains that Bosano's preemptive move investigation on the credit worthiness of any
deprived him of the opportunity to secure loan applicant. Since it appeared from the
the services of a counsel. investigation of its credit committee that
While Lopez believes his dismissal to James Puyat Concepcion of Hertz had
be illegal, he does not seek reinstatement various court cases, it was only proper for
due to the antagonism that has developed the bank to put on hold the loan application
between him, and the bank and its officers, of Hertz until the adverse finding could be
due to the present case. He only asks for cleared. It insists that Lopez willfully and
separation pay of one month pay for every knowingly disobeyed this order.
year of service, full backwages, allowances Further, the bank questions Lopez's
and other benefits. Additionally, he prays for submission, through a supplemental
moral and exemplary damages, as well as addendum to his position paper, of evidence
attorney's fees, to compensate him for a that it honored and paid POs issued by Lopez
dismissal that was attended by bad faith and in the past. It maintains that it was not
effected in a wanton, oppressive and furnished a copy of this submission; hence, it
malevolent manner. was unable to controvert this evidence.
On the procedural due process issue,
The Case for the Bank and its Officers, the bank denies Lopez's allegation that he
Through its comment to the was not given the opportunity to defend
petition[21] and memorandum,[22] the bank himself. It points out that both the NLRC and
submits that the CA committed no reversible the CA confirmed that Lopez was not
error in denying Lopez's petition deprived the opportunity to be heard; the
for certiorari, and in affirming the ruling of opportunity commenced with: (1) the notice
the NLRC that Lopez was dismissed for a just for him to explain his side regarding his
cause and after due process. unauthorized issuance of POs; (2) the notice
The bank is puzzled why Lopez is of his termination from employment; and (3)
standing firm on his position that he did the hearing called in response to his motion
nothing wrong when he issued the for reconsideration where he was assisted by
questioned POs despite the express directive his lawyer and his soldier friend.
not to proceed with the Hertz loan
application unless its adverse credit The Court's Ruling
investigation report is explained to the
bank's credit committee. It posits that no The procedural issue
bank would gamble to maintain as branch Lopez faults the CA for not ruling that
manager a person who dares to supplant a the bank's appeal to the NLRC should have
major decision of the bank's top leadership been dismissed for non-perfection. He
argues that no notice of appeal accompanied recommend such managerial actions. To the
the memorandum of appeal; neither was second class belong cashiers, auditors,
there a certificate of non-forum shopping property custodians, or those who, in the
nor any copy furnished to him of the certified normal and routine exercise of their
true copy of the appeal bond. functions, regularly handle significant
The procedural question is a non- amounts of money or property.[26]
issue. Lopez did not raise it before the CA; in As branch manager, Lopez clearly
fact, he challenged the NLRC decision of occupies a "position of trust." His hold on his
October 11, 2005[23] on its merits and not on position and his stay in the service depend
its form. We, therefore, see no need to on the employer's trust and confidence in
further discuss this argument. him and on his managerial
services. [27] According to the bank, Lopez
The merits of the case betrayed this trust and confidence when he
On the substantive aspect of the issued the subject POs without authority and
case, we note that Lopez was dismissed from despite the express directive to put the
the service by reason of loss of trust and client's application on hold. In response,
confidence, a just cause for an employee's Lopez insists that he had sufficient authority
dismissal under the law.[24] Lopez insists to act as he did, as this authority is inherent
though that the act which triggered the in his position as bank manager. He points
dismissal action does not justify his to his record in the past when he issued POs
separation from the service. which were honored and paid by the bank
and which constituted the arbiter's
Is Lopez liable for loss of trust and "overwhelming evidence"[28] in support of
confidence for issuing the two disputed the finding that "complainant's dismissal
POs? from work was without just cause, hence,
The right of an employer to freely illegal."[29]
select or discharge his employee is a We disagree with Lopez's
recognized prerogative of management; an contention. Despite evidence of his past
employer cannot be compelled to continue exercise of authority (as found by the labor
employing one who has been guilty of acts arbiter), we cannot disregard evidence
inimical to its interests. When this happens, showing that in August 2003, the bank
the employer can dismiss the employee for specifically instructed Lopez not to proceed
loss of confidence.[25] with the Hertz loan application because of
At the same time, loss of confidence the negative credit rating issued by the
as a just cause of dismissal was never bank's credit committee. We find it
intended to provide employers with a blank undisputed that Lopez processed the loan
check for terminating employment. Loss of despite the adverse credit rating. In fact, he
confidence should ideally apply only (1) to admitted that he overlooked the "control
cases involving employees occupying aspects" of the transaction as far as the bank
positions of trust and confidence, or (2) to was concerned because of his eagerness to
situations where the employee is routinely get a bigger share of the market.[30]
charged with the care and custody of the Lopez's good intentions, assuming
employer's money or property. To the first them to be true, are beside the point for,
class belong managerial ultimately, what comes out is his defiance of
employees, i.e., those vested with the a direct order of the bank on a matter of
powers and prerogatives to lay down business judgment. He went over the heads
management polices and/or to hire, of the bank officers, including the credit
transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, committee, when, based on inquiries he
assign or discipline employees, or effectively made on his own regarding the credit
ofP1 million and a paid-in capital, or capital It is clear that SAPS having a paid-in
available for operations, ofP500,000.00 as of capital of onlyP31,250 - has no substantial
1990. It also has long term assets capital.SAPS lack of substantial capital is
worthP432,895.28 and current assets underlined by the records which show that
ofP719,042.32.Promm-Gem has also proven its payroll for its merchandisers alone for
that it maintained its own warehouse and one month would already totalP44,561.00.It
office space with a floor area of 870 square had 6-month contracts withP&G.Yet SAPS
meters. It also had under its name three failed to show that it could complete the 6-
registered vehicles which were used for its month contracts using its own capital and
promotional/merchandising investment.Its capital is not even sufficient
business.Promm-Gem also has other for one months payroll. SAPS failed to show
clientsaside from P&G. Under the that its paid-in capital ofP31,250.00 is
circumstances, Promm-Gem has substantial sufficient for the period required for it to
investment which relates to the work to be generate its needed revenue to sustain its
performed.These factors negate the operations independently.Substantial
existence of the element specified in Section capital refers to capitalization used in
5(i) of DOLE Department Order No. 18-02. theperformance or completionof the job,
The records also show that Promm- work or service contracted out.In the
Gem supplied its complainant-workers with present case, SAPS has failed to show
the relevant materials, such as markers, substantial capital.
tapes, liners and cutters, necessary for them Furthermore, the petitioners have
to perform their work.Promm-Gem also been charged with the merchandising and
issued uniforms to them. It is also relevant to promotion of the products of P&G, an
mention that Promm-Gem already activity that has already been considered by
considered the complainants working under the Court as doubtlessly directly related to
it as its regular, not merely contractual or the manufacturing business, which is the
project, employees.This circumstance principal business of P&G.Considering that
negates the existence of element (ii) as SAPS has no substantial capital or
stated in Section 5 of DOLE Department investment and the workers it recruited are
Order No. 18-02, which speaks of contractual performing activities which are directly
employees. This, furthermore, negates on related to the principal business of P&G, we
the part of Promm-Gem bad faith and intent find that the former is engaged in labor-only
to circumvent labor laws which factors have contracting.
often been tipping points that lead the Court Where labor-only contracting exists,
to strike down the employment practice or the Labor Code itself establishes an
agreement concerned as contrary to public employer-employee relationship between
policy, morals, good customs or public order. the employer and the employees of the
Under the circumstances, Promm- labor-only contractor. The statute
Gem cannot be considered as a labor-only establishes this relationship for a
contractor. Thus, it is a legitimate comprehensive purpose: to prevent a
independent contractor. circumvention of labor laws. The contractor
On the other hand, the Articles of is considered merely an agent of the
Incorporation of SAPS shows that it has a principal employer and the latter is
paid-in capital of onlyP31,250.00.There is no responsible to the employees of the labor-
other evidence presented to show how only contractor as if such employees had
much its working capital and assets been directly employed by the principal
are.Furthermore, there is no showing of employer.
substantial investment in tools, equipment LABOR LAW
or other assets.
In cases of regular employment, the premised on the fact that the employee
employer shall not terminate the services of concerned holds a position of responsibility
an employee except for a justor authorized or of trust and confidence.As such, he must
cause. be invested with confidence on delicate
In the instant case, the termination matters, such as custody, handling or care
letters given by Promm-Gem to its and protection of the property and assets of
employees uniformly specified the cause of the employer.And, in order to constitute a
dismissal as grave misconduct and breach of just cause for dismissal, the act complained
trust. of must be work-related and must show that
Misconduct has been defined as the employee is unfit to continue to work for
improper or wrong conduct; the the employer. In the instant case, the
transgression of some established and petitioners-employees of Promm-Gem have
definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a not been shown to be occupying positions of
dereliction of duty, unlawful in character responsibility or of trust and confidence.
implying wrongful intent and not mere error Neither is there any evidence to show that
of judgment.The misconduct to be serious they are unfit to continue to work as
must be of such grave and aggravated merchandisers for Promm-Gem. Thus, there
character and not merely trivial and was no valid cause for the dismissal of
unimportant.To be a just cause for dismissal, petitioners-employees of Promm-Gem.
such misconduct (a) must be serious; (b) While Promm-Gem had complied
must relate to the performance of the with the procedural aspect of due process in
employees duties; and (c) must show that terminating the employment of petitioners-
the employee has become unfit to continue employees,i.e., giving two notices and in
working for the employer. between such notices, an opportunity for
In the instant case, petitioners- the employees to answer and rebut the
employees of Promm-Gem may have charges against them, it failed to comply
committed an error of judgment in claiming with the substantive aspect of due process
to be employees of P&G, but it cannot be as the acts complained of neither constitute
said that they were motivated by any serious misconduct nor breach of
wrongful intent in doing so.As such, they are trust.Hence, the dismissal is illegal.
only found them guilty of only simple With regard to the petitioners placed
misconduct for assailing the integrity of with P&G by SAPS, they were given no
Promm-Gem as a legitimate and written notice of dismissal.The records show
independent promotion firm.A misconduct that upon receipt by SAPS of P&Gs letter
which is not serious or grave, as that existing terminating their Merchandising Services
in the instant case, cannot be a valid basis for Contact effective March 11, 1993, they in
dismissing an employee. turn verbally informed the concerned
Meanwhile, loss of trust and petitioners not to report for work anymore.
confidence, as a ground for dismissal, must Neither SAPS nor P&G dispute the
be based on the willful breach of the trust existence of these
reposed in the employee by his circumstances.Parenthetically, unlike
employer.Ordinary breach will not suffice.A Promm-Gem which dismissed its employees
breach of trust is willful if it is done for grave misconduct and breach of trust due
intentionally, knowingly and purposely, to disloyalty, SAPS dismissed its employees
without justifiable excuse, as distinguished upon the initiation of P&G.It is evident that
from an act done carelessly, thoughtlessly, SAPS does not carry on its own business
heedlessly or inadvertently. because the termination of its contract with
Loss of trust and confidence, as a P&G automatically meant for it also the
cause for termination of employment, is termination of its employees services.It is
obvious from its act that SAPS had no other Lastly, under Article 279 of the Labor
clients and had no intention of seeking other Code, an employee who is unjustly dismissed
clients in order to further its merchandising from work shall be entitled to reinstatement
business.From all indications SAPS, existed without loss of seniority rights and other
to cater solely to the need of P&G for the privileges, inclusive of allowances, and other
supply of employees in the latters benefits or their monetary equivalent from
merchandising concerns only.Under the the time the compensation was withheld up
circumstances prevailing in the instant case, to the time of actual reinstatement. Hence,
we cannot consider SAPS as anindependent all the petitioners, having been illegally
contractor. dismissed are entitled to reinstatement
In termination cases, the burden of without loss of seniority rights and with full
proof rests upon the employer to show that back wages and other benefits from the time
the dismissal is for just and valid cause. In the of their illegal dismissal up to the time of
instant case, P&G failed to discharge the their actual reinstatement.
burden of proving the legality and validity of The decision and resolution of the
the dismissals of those petitioners who are Court of Appeals are reversed and set aside.
considered its employees. Hence, the The case is remanded to the NLRC.
dismissals necessarily were not justified and
are therefore illegal.
CIVIL LAW 93 Grand Asian Shipping Lines v. Galvez
Moral and exemplary damages are
recoverable where the dismissal of an Facts:
employee was attended by bad faith or fraud Petitioner Grand Asian Shipping
or constituted an act oppressive to labor or Lines, Inc (GASLI) is a domestic corporation
were done in a manner contrary to morals, engaged in transporting liquified petroleum
good customs or public policy. gas (LPG) from Petron’s refinery in Bataan to
With regard to the employees of Pasig and Cavite.
Promm-Gem, there being no evidence of bad Respondents are crewmembers of
faith, fraud or any oppressive act on the part one of GASLI’s vessels, M/T Dorothy Uno.
of the latter, we find no support for the On January 2000, Richard Abis
award of damages. (vessel’s oiler) reported to GASLI an alleged
As for P&G, the records show that it illegal activity being committed by
dismissed its employees through SAPS in a respondent who would misdeclare the
manner oppressive to labor. The sudden and consume fuel in the Engineer’s Voyage
peremptory barring of the concerned Reports and the save fuel oil were sold to
petitioners from work, and from admission other vessel out at sea (at nighttime). Profits
to the work place, after just a one-day verbal would be divided amongst themselves.
notice,andfor no valid cause bellows After investigation, from the period
oppression and utter disregard of the right to of June 30, 1999 to Feb 15, 2000 the fuel it
due process of the concerned consumption was overrate by 6,954.3 liters
petitioners.Hence, an award of moral amounting to 74,737.86.
damages is called for. Acting upon the anomaly, GASLI
Attorneys fees may likewise be placed respondents under preventive
awarded to the concerned petitioners who suspension and after conducting
wereillegallydismissedinbadfaithandwereco administrative hearings decided to
mpelledtolitigateorincur expenses to protect terminate them for breach of trust,
their rights by reason of the oppressive act commission of crime against employer.
of P&G. Respondents filed with the NLRC
LABOR LAW separate complaint for illegal suspension
salesgirls, had first counted the cash before evidence sufficient to warrant a finding by
placing it in a plastic bag that she deposited the Labor Tribunal of the existence of a just
inside the drawer of the cabinet with the cause for their termination based on loss of
knowledge of the other salesgirls. One of the trust and confidence.
salesgirls however averred that she had left The Labor Tribunal need not have
the petitioner alone because the latter had gone further as to require private
still to change her clothes; and that that was respondent’s conviction of the crime
the first time that the petitioner had ever charged, or inferred innocence on their part
asked to be left behind, for they had from their release from detention, which
previously left the kiosk together. was mainly due to their posting of bail.
Respondent Vina declared that the While there is a valid ground to
petitioner did not call the office of Minex for terminate petitioner, respondent however
the pick-up of the P39,194.50 cash sales on failed to comply with the requirements of
that faithful day in violation of the standard due process prior to the termination under
operating procedure (SOP) requiring cash the implementing rules and regulations of
proceeds exceeding P10,000.00 to be the Labor Code.
reported for pick-up if the amount could not In all cases of termination of
be deposited in the bank. After the employment, the following standards of due
preliminary investigation, the fiscal rendered process shall be substantially observed. For
a resolution finding probable cause for termination of employment based on just
qualified theft and recommending the filing causes as defined in Article 282 of the Labor
of an information against the petitioner. Code:
Thus, she was charged with qualified theft (i) A written notice served on the
before the Regional Trial Court. The employee specifying the ground or grounds
petitioner argued that there was no for termination, and giving said employee
evidence at all upon which Minex could reasonable opportunity within which to
validly dismiss her considering that she had explain his side.
not yet been found guilty beyond reasonable (ii) A hearing or conference during
doubt of the crime of qualified theft. which the employee concerned, with the
assistance of counsel if he so desires is given
Issues: opportunity to respond to the charge,
Whether or not there was valid present his evidence, or rebut the evidence
ground to terminate the petitioner. presented against him.
(iii) A written notice of termination
Ruling: served on the employee, indicating that
The petitioner’s argument is not upon due consideration of all the
novel. It has been raised and rejected many circumstances, grounds have been
times before on the basis that neither established to justify his termination
conviction beyond reasonable doubt for a In this case the respondents immediately
crime against the employer nor acquittal had her arrested and investigated by the
after criminal prosecution was police authorities for qualified theft which
indispensable. Nor was a formal charge in constitutes a denial of her right to due
court for the acts prejudicial to the interest process of law, consisting in the opportunity
of the employer a pre-requisite for a valid to be heard and to defend herself. In fact,
dismissal. The criminal charges initiated by their decision to dismiss her was already final
the company against private respondents even before the police authority
and the finding after preliminary commenced an investigation of the theft,
investigation of their prima facieguilt of the the finality being confirmed by no less than
offense charged constitute substantial Sylvia Mariano herself telling the petitioner
during their phone conversation following National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
the latter’s release from police custody that a complaint for illegal dismissal and
she (Sylvia) “no longer wanted to see” her. suspension, underpayment of overtime pay,
The fact that the petitioner was the and non-payment of emergency cost of
only person suspected of being responsible living allowance (ECOLA), with prayers for
for the theft aggravated the denial of due reinstatement and payment of full
process. backwages.
Meanwhile, an entrapment
operation was conducted by the police
95 Blue Sky Trading Co. vs. Blas, G.R. No. during which Jayde and Helario were caught
190559, March 7, 2012 allegedly attempting to sell to an operative
an ultrasound probe worth around
Facts: P400,000.00 belonging to Blue Sky. Though
Petitioner Blue Sky Trading eventually, Jayde and Helario executed
Company, Inc. (Blue Sky) is a duly registered affidavits of desistance stating that their
domestic corporation engaged in the dismissal was for cause.
importation and sale of medical supplies and The Labor Arbiter denied the claims
equipment. The respondents Arlene P. Blas of the respondents of illegal suspension and
(Arlene) and Joseph D. Silvano (Joseph) were dismissal since they failed in their duties to
regular employees of Blue Sky and they exercise utmost protection, care, or custody
respectively held the positions of stock clerk of respondent's property. Hence, their
and warehouse helper before they were dismissal from the service is warranted.
dismissed from service on February 5, 2005. The first decision of the NLRC ruled
An incident occurred where six pairs that respondents were not holding positions
of intensifying screens were missing. On of trust and must therefore be reinstated
February 3, 2005, Jean B. De La Paz (Jean), and be paid their backwages. Their second
Human Resource Department Head issued decision on the other hand reversed the
notices to explain/preventive suspension to previous one which in turn reinstated the
Arlene, Joseph, delivery personnel Jayde Labor Arbiter’s dismissal of the complaint
Tano-an (Jayde) and saying that respondents were holding
maintenance personnel/driver Wilfredo positions of trust and that the loss of the
Fasonilao (Wilfredo). The notices informed company’s property are substantially
them that they were being accused of gross proven. The CA on the other hand found
dishonesty in connection with their alleged merit on their claims, though found
participation in and conspiracy with other respondents to have positions of trust and
employees in committing theft against confidence, petitioner in this case failed to
company property, specifically relative to sufficiently establish the charge against
the loss of the six intensifying screens. respondents which was the basis for its loss
On February 5, 2005, Jean issued to of trust and confidence that warranted their
Arlene, Joseph, Jayde and Wilfredo notices dismissal.
of dismissal for cause stating therein that
evidence that they had conspired with each Issue:
other to commit theft against company Whether or not respondents Blas and
property was too glaring to ignore. Blue Sky Silvano committed a breach of trust
had lost its trust and confidence on them and
as an act of self-preservation, their Ruling:
termination from service was in order. The rule is long and well settled that,
On February 8, 2005, Arlene, Joseph, in illegal dismissal cases like the one at
Helario, Jayde and Wilfredo filed with the bench, the burden of proof is upon the
employer to show that the employee's that ground lest due process be violated.
termination from service is for a just and Other Matters: (For Discussion Purposes)
valid cause. The employer's case succeeds or Impropriety of the Preventive
fails on the strength of its evidence and not Suspension
on the weakness of that adduced by the The purpose of the suspension is to
employee, in keeping with the principle that prevent an employee from causing harm or
the scales of justice should be tilted in favor injury to his colleagues and to the employer.
of the latter in case of doubt in the evidence The maximum period of suspension is 30
presented by them. Often described as more days, beyond which the employee should
than a mere scintilla, the quantum of proof either be reinstated or be paid wages and
is substantial evidence which is understood benefits due to him.
as such relevant evidence as a reasonable While we do not agree with Blue Sky's
mind might accept as adequate to support a subsequent decision to terminate them from
conclusion, even if other equally reasonable service, we find no impropriety in its act of
minds might conceivably opine otherwise. imposing preventive suspension upon the
Failure of the employer to discharge the respondents since the period did not exceed
foregoing onus would mean that the the maximum imposed by law and there was
dismissal is not justified and therefore illegal. a valid purpose for
We find no error in the CA's findings the same.
that the petitioners had not adequately In lieu of reinstatement, separation
proven by substantial evidence that Arlene pay If reinstatement proves impracticable,
and Joseph indeed participated or and hardly in the best interest of the parties,
cooperated in the commission of theft perhaps due to the lapse of time since the
relative to the six missing intensifying employee's
screens so as to justify the latter's dismissal, or if the employee decides not to
termination from employment on the be reinstated, the latter should be awarded
ground of loss of trust and confidence. separation pay in lieu of reinstatement.
We note that the parties disagree as In the case at bar, Arlene and Joseph
to what tasks were actually and regularly were dismissed from service on February 5,
performed by Arlene and Joseph. They are at 2005. We find that the lapse of more than
odds as to the issue of whether or not Arlene seven years already renders their
and Joseph had custody of the missing reinstatement impracticable. Further, from
screens. We observe though that neither of the stubborn stances of the parties, to wit,
the parties presented any documentary the petitioners' insistence that dismissal was
evidence, such as employment contracts, to valid on one hand, and the respondents'
establish their claims relative to the actual express prayer for the payment of
nature of Arlene and Joseph's daily tasks. separation pay on the other, we find that
The petitioners also argue that if reinstatement would no longer be in the
Arlene and Joseph had not been grossly best interest of the contending parties.
negligent in the performance of their duties, Liability of Corporate Officers
Blue Sky would not have incurred the loss. As a general rule, a corporate officer
We observe though that in the notices sent cannot be held liable for acts done in his
to Arlene and Joseph, first charging them official capacity because a corporation, by
with theft, and later, informing them of their legal fiction, has a personality separate and
dismissal from service, gross negligence was distinct from its officers, stockholders, and
not stated therein as a ground. Hence, members. In illegal dismissal cases,
Arlene and Joseph could not have defended corporate officers may only be held solidarily
themselves against the charge of gross liable with the corporation if the termination
negligence. They cannot be dismissed on was done with malice or bad faith. We find
that the aforementioned circumstance did discovered that Chang had already
not obtain in the case of Jose (vice- redeemed the returned check after paying
president) and Linda (secretary) relative to P15,164.48 to Beltran, who in turn issued an
Arlene and Joseph's dismissal from service. Auxiliary Receipt dated September 30, 1996.
It was also discovered that the payment has
not yet been remitted. This prompted her to
96 Manila Electric Co. vs. Beltran, G.R. No. inquire from Beltran on January 7, 1997
173774, January 30, 2012 about the supposed payment and
immediately ordered the remittance of the
Facts: same. Beltran, however, failed to do so on
Beltran was employed by MERALCO that day and even on the next day when she
and at the time material to this case, she was reported for work. Beltran subsequently
holding the position of Senior Branch Clerk at went on leave of absence on January 9 and
MERALCO’s Pasig branch. While rendering 10, 1997. It was only on January 13, 1997
overtime work on September 28, 1996, a that the money with the pertinent
Saturday, Beltran accepted P15,164.48 from documents was handed over. In a
Collection Route Supervisor Berlin Marcos memorandum dated February 25, 1997, the
(Marcos), which the latter received from investigator found Beltran guilty of
customer Andy Chang (Chang). The cash misappropriating and withholding Chang’s
payment was being made in lieu of a payment of P15,164.48 and recommended
returned check earlier her dismissal from service.
issued as payment for Chang’s electric Beltran filed a complaint for illegal
bill.Beltran received the payment and issued dismissal against MERALCO. She argued that
Auxiliary Receipt No. 87964 which she dated she had no intention to withhold company
September 30, 1996, a Monday, instead of funds. Besides, it was not her customary
September 28, 1996. This was done to show duty to collect and remit payments from
that it was an accommodation, an accepted customers. She claimed good faith, believing
practice in the office. She thereafter placed that her acceptance of Chang’s payment is
the money and the original auxiliary receipt considered goodwill in favor of both
and other documents pertinent to the MERALCO and its customer. If at all, her only
returned check underneath her other files violation was a simple delay in remitting the
inside the drawer of her table. payment, which caused no considerable
Beltran, however, was only able to harm to the company.
remit Chang’s payment on January 13, 1997. In a Decision of the Labor Arbiter
Thus, in a Memorandum dated January 16, regarded the penalty of dismissal as not
1997, she was placed under preventive commensurate to the degree of infraction
suspension effective January 20, 1997 committed as there was no adequate proof
pending completion of an investigation. of misappropriation on the part of Beltran. If
MERALCO considered as misappropriation or there was delay in Beltran’s remittance of
withholding of company funds her failure to Chang’s payment, it was unintentional and
immediately remit said payment in violation same cannot serve as sufficient basis to
of its Code on Employee Discipline. conclude that there was misappropriation of
Garcia, the Administrative Supervisor company funds. In fact, Beltran did not even
of MERALCO’s Pasig branch, on the other attempt to deny possession of, or refuse to
hand, testified that while doing an hand in, the money.
accounting of all outstanding returned The Labor Arbiter thus gave
checks sometime in December 1996, she compassionate consideration for the neglect
noticed that Chang’s returned check was to remit the money promptly, stating that it
missing. Upon further inquiry, she
is excusable for Beltran to commit lapses in January 7, 1997 but denied having been
her work due to serious family difficulties. ordered to remit the money on that day. She
Upon appeal, the NLRC reversed the then reasoned that her continued delay was
Labor Arbiter’s Decision and dismissed caused by an inevitable need to take a leave
Beltran’s complaint against MERALCO in its of absence for her to attend to the needs of
Decision. It found that Beltran withheld her child who was suffering from asthma.
company funds by failing to remit it for MERALCO cannot claim or conclude that
almost four months. The NLRC thus ruled Beltran misappropriated the money based
that MERALCO validly dismissed Beltran on mere suspicion. And even if Beltran
from the service in the exercise of its delayed handing over the funds to the
inherent right to discipline its employees. company, MERALCO still has the burden of
When Beltran brought the case to proof to show clearly that such act of
the CA the NLRC’s ruling was reversed. The negligence is sufficient to justify termination
CA instead agreed with the findings of the from employment. Beltran was remiss in her
Labor Arbiter that there were no serious duties for her failure to immediately turn
grounds to warrant Beltran’s dismissal. The over Chang’s payment to the company. Such
CA held that the penalty of dismissal is harsh negligence, however, is not sufficient to
considering the infraction committed and warrant separation from employment. To
Beltran’s nine years of unblemished service justify removal from service, the negligence
with MERALCO. should be gross and habitual. “Gross
negligence x x x is the want of even slight
Issue: care, acting or omitting to act in a situation
Whether or not Beltran dismissal is where there is duty to act, not inadvertently
valid finding that she is guilty of withholding but willfully and intentionally, with a
company funds. conscious indifference to consequences
insofar as other persons may be affected.”
Ruling: Habitual neglect, on the other hand,
Supreme Court support the CA’s connotes repeated failure to perform one’s
finding that there are no sufficient grounds duties for a period of time, depending upon
to warrant Beltran’s dismissal. For loss of the circumstances. No concrete evidence
trust and confidence to be a valid ground for was presented by MERALCO to show that
dismissal, it must be based on a willful Beltran’s delay in remitting the funds was
breach of trust and founded on clearly done intentionally. Neither was it shown
established facts. A breach is willful if it is that same is willful, unlawful and felonious
done intentionally, knowingly and contrary to MERALCO’s finging as stated in
purposely, without justifiable excuse, as the letter of termination it sent to Beltran.
distinguished from an act done carelessly, Surely, Beltran’s single and isolated act of
thoughtlessly, heedlessly or inadvertently. In negligence cannot justify her dismissal from
addition, loss of trust and confidence must service.
rest on substantial grounds and not on the
employer’s arbitrariness, whims, caprices or 97DOLORES T. ESGUERRA vs. VALLE VERDE
suspicion. COUNTRY CLUB, INC.
In the case at bench, Beltran
attributed her delay in turning over Chang’s FACTS:
payment to her difficult family situation as Valle Verde hired Esguerra as Head F
she and her husband were having marital ood Checker and was promoted to Cost Co
problems and her child was suffering from ntrol Supervisor. The Management found o
an illness. Admittedly, she was reminded of ut that proceeds had been remitted to the a
Chang’s payment by her supervisor on ccounting department for an event were lac
king. There were also unauthorized charges twonotice requirement, no procedural defe
of food on one of the participants. To resolv ct exists in Esguerra’s termination.
e the issue, Valle Verde conducted an invest 2.) Esguerra held the position of Cos
igation; the employees who were assigned i t Control Supervisor and had the duty to re
n that event were summoned and made to mit to the accounting department the cash
explain, in writing, what had transpired. A m sales proceeds from every transaction she
emorandum was sent to Esguerra requiring was assigned to. This is not a routine task th
her to show cause as to why no disciplinary at a regular employee may perform; it is rel
action should be taken against her for the n ated to the handling of business expenditur
onremittance of the Ballroom’s sales. Esgue es or finances. For this reason, Esguerra occ
rra was placed under preventive suspension upies a position of trust and confidence a p
with pay, pending investigation. Unsatisfied osition enumerated in the second class of p
with the explanation, Esguerra was termina ositions of trust(first is for the managerial e
ted. mployees). Any breach of the trust imposed
Petitioner said that she couldn’t be d upon her can be a valid cause for dismissal.
ismissed on the ground of loss of trust and c
onfidence for she was only a regular employ
ee and did not occupy a supervisory positio 98
n vested with trust and confidence. Esguerr MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY (MERALCO) v
a also questions the manner of dismissal sin s. HERMINIGILDO H. DEJAN
ce the notice was insufficient since it failed t
o contain any intention to terminate her. FACTS:
Dejan was then Meralco’s branch re
ISSUE: presentative in its San Pedro, Laguna branc
Whether or not intention to terminate s h. His work consisted of accepting payments
hould be included in the notice of inform of the required fees from applicants for ele
ing of charges against an employee. ctric service installation and issuing the corr
Whether or not Cost Control Supervisor esponding meter sockets/bases after payme
can be dismissed on the ground of loss of nt of a deposit, preceded by an inspection o
trust and confidence. f the premises to be energized by a Meralco
field personnel.
HELD: One afternoon, 20 pieces of meter s
1.) No. The law does not require that ockets take out from the branch and was in
an intention to terminate one’s employme possession of a Meralco field representative
nt should be included in the first notice. It is . Dejan was asked to explain the incident.
enough that employees are properly appris Dejan received a letter charging him
ed of the charges brought against them so t with the unauthorized taking of 20 meter so
hey can properly prepare their defenses; it i ckets, in violation of Section 7, paragraphs 4
s only during the second notice that the inte and 11 of the Company Code of Employee
ntion to terminate one’s employment shoul Discipline, in relation to Article 282 of the La
d be explicitly stated. bor Code. In the Formal investigation, Dejan
The existence of an actual, formal “t alleged that he released the items even wit
rialtype” hearing, although preferred, is not hout authorization as it had been the accept
absolutely necessary to satisfy the employe ed practice in the office, provided the depos
e’s right to be heard. Esguerra was able to p it fee had been paid. Unconvinced, his empl
resent her defenses; and only upon proper c oyment was terminated. NLRC and CA both
onsideration of it did Valle Verde send the s ordered his reinstatement.
econd memorandum terminating her emplo
yment. Since Valle Verde complied with the
No. Meralco cannot be blamed for lo Whether or not an employee acquitt
sing its trust and confidence in Dejan. He is ed of the criminal charge arising from the sa
no ordinary employee. As branch represent me incident which caused his dismissal, can
ative, “he was principally charged with the f be reinstated.
unction and responsibility to accept paymen
t of fees required for the installation of elec RULING:
tric service and facilitate issuance of meter s No. The LA, the NLRC and the CA all
ockets.” The duties of his position require hi acknowledged that, notwithstanding petitio
m to always act with the highest degree of h ner’s acquittal in the criminal case for qualifi
onesty, integrity and sincerity, as the compa ed theft, respondent PLDT had adequately e
ny puts it. In light of his fraudulent act, Mer stablished the basis for the company’s loss
alco, an enterprise imbued with public inter of confidence as a just cause to terminate p
est, cannot be compelled to continue Dejan’ etitioner. Since proof beyond reasonable do
s employment, as it would be inimical to its ubt of an employee’s misconduct is not req
interest. Needless to say, “the law, in protec uired in dismissing an employee. Rather, as
ting the rights of the laborer, authorizes nei opposed to the “proof beyond reasonable d
ther oppression nor selfdestruction of the e oubt” standard of evidence required incrimi
mployer.” For sure, Dejan was validly dismis nal cases, labor suits require only substantia
sed for serious misconduct, and loss of trust l evidence to prove the validity of the dismis
and confidence. sal
However, assuming that he lawfully
possessed the materials, PLDT still had ampl
99ROMEO E. PAULINO vs. NLRC and PHILIP e reason or basis to already distrust petition
PINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE COMPA er. For more than a month, he did not even
NY, INCORPORATED inform PLDT of the whereabouts of the plan
t materials. Instead, he stocked these mater
FACTS: ials at his residence even if they were neede
Members of the PNP, armed with a s d in the daily operations of the company. In
earch warrant, searched the house of Paulin keeping with the honesty and integrity dem
o, Cable Splicer III of PLDT, found items belo anded by his position, he should have turne
nging to PLDT which was in there for 1 mont d over these materials to the plant’s wareho
h and 11 days use.
Petitioner did not present any docu It would have been unfair for PLDT t
ments or requisition slips that would justify o keep petitioner in its employ. Petitioner di
his possession of the materials. Consequent splayed actions that made him untrustwort
ly, PLDT caused the filing of an Information f hy. Thus, as a measure of selfprotection, PL
or qualified theft against him. PLDT then re DT validly terminated his services for seriou
ceived a security report stating that petition s misconduct and loss of confidence.
er had engaged in the illicit disposal of its pl
ant materials, which were recovered during
the search conducted at his residence. He w
as then terminated.Three years later, after t
There was a report regarding “unusu
al contract modifications” in the transaction
s handled by Villanueva. There are discrepa
ncies not covered by any receipt. Pursuant t
o the complaints, a field investigation was c
onducted by the companydesignated investi
gator who was able to obtain sworn statem
ents from nine (9) out of twenty four (24) co
mplaining customers that it was Villanueva
whom they have transacted with.
Meralco denied the request of Villan
ueva’s counsel to crossexamine the witness
es (complaining customers) who were not
Meralco employees. He was then served a n
otice of termination.
No. As the NLRC and the CA found, V
illanueva was afforded due process when h
e was given the required notices. More imp
ortantly, he was actually given the opportun
ity to be heard. On the date of the schedule
d hearing, Villanueva was assisted by couns
el who requested for time within which to s
ubmit a counteraffidavit. He was able to sub
mit it, where he denied the charges against
him. Undoubtedly, Villanueva was afforded
procedural due process even if the crossexa
mination of the witnesses was not permitte
d by Meralco. Where a party is given the op
portunity to explain his side of the case, the
right to due process is deemed recognized f
or what is frowned upon is the denial of the
right to be heard.
101 CARLOS G. LIBRES vs. NLRC & complaint for illegal suspension and unjust
against respondent NSC
Carlos G. Libres, an electrical ISSUE:
engineer, was holding a manageri al position WON Libres was illegally suspended.
with National
SteelCorporation (NSC) as Assistant HELD:
Manager. One day, he received a Notice of NO. His suspension was both fitting
Investigation and appropriate since it singularly addressed
from his immediate superior, requesting him the
to submit a written explanation relative to issue of a managerial employee committing
the sexual harassment on a subordinate. It even
charge of sexual harassment made by Susan invited
D. Capiral, Hynsons secretary, allegedly the attention of the Court to focus on sexual
committed harassment as a just and valid cause for
by Libres, and subsequently to answer termination.
clarificatory questions on the matter. The Whereas petitioner Libres was only
notice also meted a 30-day suspension by the NLRC,
warned him that failure to file his written Villarama,
explanation would be construed as a waiver in the other case was penalized with
of his termination. As Mr. Justice Puno elucidated,
right to be heard. Libres submitted his As a
written explanation denying the accusation managerial employee, petitioner is bound by
against him more exacting work ethics. He failed to live
and offering to submit himself for up to
clarificatory interrogation. his higher standard of responsibility when he
After deliberation, it was concluded succumbed to his moral perversity. And
that the charges against petitioner when
constituted a such moral perversity is perpetrated against
violation of Item 2, Table V, of the Plants his subordinate, he provides a justifiable
Rules and Regulations. It opined that ground
touching a for his dismissal for lack of trust and
female subordinates hand and shoulder, confidence. It is the right, nay, the duty of
caressing her nape and telling other people every employer
that to protect its employees from oversexed
Capiral was the one who hugged and kissed superiors. Public respondent therefore is
or that she responded to the sexual correct in its
advances are observation that the Labor Arbiter was in
unauthorized acts that damaged her honor. fact lenient in his application of the law and
Referring to the Manual of the Philippine jurisprudence for which petitioner must be
Daily grateful and not gripe against.
Inquirer in defining sexual harassment, the
MEC finally concluded that petitioners acts
constituted sexual harassment as charged GOLDEN DONUTS, INC.
and recommended petitioners suspension
for thirty FACTS:
(30) days without pay. Libres filed a
office did you take the client there and even raised
hours, sexual harassment, arrogance and your voice? (Bullshit ka! Okinnam nga babai!
acts unbecoming of a government official. In Apay ta innalam dagita kliyente idiay sanak
another to rinayawan!) She replied that her parents
affidavitcomplaint filed with the Office of the taught
Court Administrator, dated August 28, 2001 them not to answer back at older people. He
, the still shouted: Vulva of your mother! I wish
other complainant Jocelyn C. Paiste charged you will
him with conduct unbecoming of a public die now! Whom are you bragging of? We will
officer try each other. (Okinnam nga babai! Matay
and with violation of the AntiGraft and ka
Corrupt Practices Act for his failure to issue koma itattan! Apay sinno aya ti paglaslastog
official mo? Sige, agpipinnadas tayo. ) Thereafter,
receipt. he
The evidence shows that asked the utility aide to buy him four bottles
complainant Goltiao is a Stenographer I of of beer.
the MCTC of TayugSan Nicolas since 1 997. Goltiao declared that her working
She testified that on August 7, 2000, at about relationship with the respondent is
3:00 p.m., a sometimes good
representative from the Plaridel Insurance and sometimes bad because of his ill temper.
Co. came to their office seeking clearance. He easily gets mad at her even for small,
She trivial
immediately prepared the necessary form mistakes. This situation started, according to
and, together with the representative, went her, when she told him to stop courting and
to see sending her love notes as she is already a
respondent in the courtroom to obtain his married woman. She related an incident
signature. When she asked him to sign the which
document, respondent, who was at that happened early one morning when he asked
time playing tong-its (a card game) at the her to see him inside the judges chamber. At
lawyers table that
with unnamed individuals, got angry and time, the designated judge was not around.
threw his cards. He shouted at her: Why did Once inside, she was told to sit in one of the
you bring chairs
them with you? Did you like them to bring in front of the judges table. The respondent,
me to the Supreme Court? She responded who was sitting at the judges chair, then
that such extended
was not her intention and reminded him of his hand to her, as if he wanted to shake her
his requirement that he must first see the hands. She reciprocated by extending her
applicants before he sign their clearance. He hands
did not sign the clearance, sent then out and and jokingly put his hands on her forehead
shouted Bullshit ka! at her thrice. They all (agmanmano). She afterwards tried to free
then went out of the courtroom and her
proceeded back hands off his but he would no let her.
to the staff room. She went to her table and Instead, he told her, Wait for a while, I would
buried her face in her hands, crying. just like to
Respondent tell you something. I love you, is that okay?
followed her and continued uttering Tell me that you love me too. No strings
unsavory remarks: Bullshit ka! Vulva of your attached.
mother! Why She retorted, As if you are my father.
the judicial service. Conduct violative of this assignment at Pacific Plaza Towers however,
standard petitioners did
quickly and surely corrodes respect for the not report for work because they had
courts. It is the imperative a nd sacred duty subcontracted to perform installation work
of for another
everyone charged with the dispensation of company. Petitioners also demanded for an
justice, from the judge to the lowliest clerk, increase in their wage to P280.00 per day.
to When
uphold the courts good name and standing this was not granted, petitioners stopped
as true temples of justice. reporting for work and filed the illegal
dismissal case.
106 JENNY M. AGABON and VIRGILIO C. WON Agabon’s termination was
FACTS: YES. Abandonment is the deliberate
Riviera Home Improvements, Inc. is and unjustified refusal of an employee to
engaged in the business of selling and resume
installing his employment. It is a form of neglect of
ornamental and construction materials. It duty, hence, a just cause for termination of
employed petitioners Virgilio Agabon and employment by the employer. For a valid
Jenny finding of abandonment, these two factors
Agabon as gypsum board and cornice should be
installers until they were dismissed for present:
abandonment of (1) the failure to report for work or
work. absence without valid or justifiable reason;
Petitioners then filed a complaint for and
illegal dismissal and payment of money (2) a clear intention to sever
claims. employer-employee relationship, with the
They assert that they were dismissed second as the
because the private respondent refused to more determinative factor which is
give them manifested by overt acts from which it may
assignments unless they agreed to work on a be deduced
pakyaw basis when they reported for duty. that the employees has no more intention to
They work. The intent to discontinue the
did not agree on this arrangement because it employment
would mean losing benefits as Social Security must be shown by clear proof that it was
System (SSS) members. deliberate and unjustified.
Private respondent, on the other In this case, petitioners were
hand, maintained that petitioners were not frequently absent having subcontracted for
dismissed an installation
but had abandoned their work. In fact, work for another company. Subcontracting
private respondent sent two letters to the for another company clearly showed the
last known intention
addresses of the petitioners advising them to to sever the employer-employee
report for work. They even talked to Virgilio relationship with private respondent. This
Agabon to tell him about the new was not the first
time they did this. In January 1996, they did System (SSS). When Sato kept on telling
not report for work because they were petitioners to update his premium
working for contributions, he was removed as a grader
another company. Private respondent at operator and made to perform manual
that time warned petitioners that they labor, such as tilling the land in a private
would be cemetery and/or digging earthworks in
dismissed if this happened again. Petitioners petitioner corporations construction
disregarded the warning and exhibited a projects. Thereafter, an inspection team
clear from the SSS went to petitioner corporations
intention to sever their employer-employee office to check its compliance with the SSS
relationship. The record of an employee is a law. Petitioners told Sato that they could no
relevant consideration in determining the longer afford to pay his wages, and he was
penalty that should be meted out to him. advised to look for employment in other
The law imposes many obligations on construction companies. Sato, however,
the employer such as providing just found difficulty in finding a job because he
compensation had been blacklisted in other construction
to workers, observance of the procedural companies and was prevented from entering
requirements of notice and hearing in the the project sites of petitioners.
termination of employment. On the other Respondent Nilo Berdin was hired by
hand, the law also recognizes the right of the petitioners as a steelman/laborer;
employer to expect from its workers not only respondent Anecito S. Parantar, Sr. hired as
good performance, adequate work and a steelman; and respondent Romeo M.
diligence, Lacida, Jr. was as a laborer. At the start of
but also good conduct[19] and loyalty. The their employment, they were required by
employer may not be compelled to continue petitioners to sign several documents
to purporting to be employment contracts.
employ such persons whose continuance in They immediately signed the documents
the service will patently be inimical to his without verifying their contents for fear of
interests. forfeiting their employment.
They were tasked to set up steel bars
used in the building foundation, to mix
107 E.G & I. CONSTRUCTION cement, and to perform other tasks required
CORPORATION and EDSEL GALEOS, of them by petitioners.
Petitioners, v. ANANIAS P. SATO, NILO The project engineer of respondents
BERDIN, ROMEO M. LACIDA, JR., and HEIRS Berdin, Parantar, and Lacida instructed them
OF ANECITO S. PARANTAR, SR., namely: to affix their signatures on various
YVONNE, KIMBERLY MAE, MARYKRIS, documents. They refused to sign the
ANECITO, JR., and JOHN BRYAN, all documents because they were written in
surnamed PARANTAR, Respondents. English, a language that they did not
understand. Irked by their disobedience, the
FACTS: project engineer terminated their
Respondent Ananias P. Sato was employment. On the same date, they were
hired by petitioner E.G. & I. Construction given their weekly wages. However, the
Corporation as a grader operator, which is wages that were paid to them were short of
considered as technical labor. He held the three (3) days worth of wages, as penalty for
position for more than thirteen (13) years. In their refusal to sign the documents. The
2004, Sato discovered that petitioner following day, they were not allowed to
corporation had not been remitting his enter the work premises.
premium contributions to the Social Security
records, remittances, and other similar be absent, Harpoon sent him memoranda
documents which will show that overtime, informing him of his absences, which were
differentials, service incentive leave, and filed with the DOLE on August 15, 2001.
other claims of the worker have been paid Francisco was then terminated on July 30,
are not in the possession of the worker but 2001. With regard to the commissions
in the custody and absolute control of the claimed, Harpoon averred that Francisco
employer. Agabon v.NLRC, G.R. No. 158693, was only a regular employee, with a regular
November 17, 2004 salary, and that the supposed "commissions"
In this case, the submission of were merely additional money recognizing
petitioner corporation of the time records Franciscos efforts.
and payrolls of respondents only on their The Labor Arbiter ruled that
appeal before the NLRC is contrary to Francisco was legally dismissed and that due
elementary precepts of justice and fair play. process was served through the several
Respondents were not given the opportunity memoranda sent to him. It also ruled that
to check the authenticity and correctness of commissions were due Francisco, and gave
the same. Thus, we sustain the ruling of the credence to the vouchers. The NLRC,
CA in the grant of the monetary claims of however, held that Francisco was illegally
respondents. dismissed, for his timecard for June 2001
DENIED. only showed three absences, which could
hardly be called habitual and therefore
cannot be a ground for termination. It
108 HARPOON MARINE SERVICES, INC., ET upheld the Labor Arbiter with regard to the
AL.., Petitioner, v. FERNAN H. FRANCISCO, commissions. The CA affirmed the NLRC, and
Respondents. held that Harpoon president Rosit should be
solidarily liable with the company.
Harpoon Marine Services hired ISSUES:
Francisco as a Yard Supervisor. On June 15, 1. Whether or not Francisco was
2001, Francisco averred that Harpoon illegally dismissed
dismissed him from work but promised to 2. Whether or not he was entitled to
pay his separation pay and accrued his commissions
commissions. He continued reporting for 3. Whether Rosit is solidarily liable
work, but was barred from entering the with Harpoon
premises. He thereafter tried to claim his
separation pay and commissions, but HELD:
Harpoon, through its president Rosit, denied The petition is partly meritorious.
payment of his commissions. Refusing to LABOR LAW: Termination of
sign a quitclaim, Francisco demanded employment; liability of corporate officers.
payment of his commissions, then filed a First issue: The SC held that the
case before the Labor Arbiter for illegal termination was illegal. As stated by the
dismissal. He supported his claim for NLRC, Franciscos timecard only showed
commissions with two vouchers evincing three consecutive absences and no record of
payments for vessel repairs, arguing that he tardiness, which hardly constitutes gross or
was paid P10,000 for each vessel he habitual absence/tardiness. Moreso, the
repaired. reasons for Franciscos three-day absence
Harpoon averred that on June 15, were not contested by Harpoon before the
2001, Rosit merely met with Francisco to Labor Arbiter, and no other evidence was
warn him regarding his habitual absences presented before the Labor Arbiter to prove
and tardiness. When Francisco continued to such "habitual" tardiness/absence. The
argument that Francisco abandoned his may be imposed, as when the officer acted
work and went AWOL also does not hold in bad faith or gross negligence in handling
water, since Harpoon failed to prove that the corporate affairs. Here, the CA imposed
two elements of work abandonment existed: personal liability on Rosit based on bad faith,
namely, that there is absence of failure to even though there was no proof that Rosit
report to work for no justifiable reason, and acted with bad faith or outside of his
that there is intent to sever the employee- authority as company president. At most, his
employer relationship. Here, Harpoon failed acts merely showed the absence of a just or
to prove that it was respondent who valid cause in terminating the employment
voluntarily refused to report back for work of Francisco.
by his defiance and refusal to accept the Petition is PARTLY GRANTED.
memoranda and the notices of absences
sent to him.Harpoon failed to present
evidence that they sent these notices to 109 Alert Security and Investigation
respondents last known address for the Agency vs. Pasawilan
purpose of warning him that his continued
failure to report would be construed as Facts:
abandonment of work. Verily, an absence of Respondents Saidali Pasawilan,
three days does not constitute habitual Wilfredo Verceles and Melchor Bulusan
absence justifying a termination from work. were all employed by petitioner Alert
Second issue: The SC held that Security and Investigation Agency, Inc. (Alert
Francisco was not entitled to the Security) as security guards beginning March
commissions. The check vouchers contained 31, 1996, January 14, 1997, and January 24,
very scant details and did not state that they 1997, respectively. They were paid 165.00
were paid for the construction or repair of a pesos a day as regular employees, and
vessel. They did not state the purpose for assigned at the Department of Science and
which the amounts were paid. Moreover, Technology (DOST) pursuant to a security
the list of vessels presented with the service contract between the DOST and Alert
vouchers does not validate Franciscos Security.
monetary claim for it only contains a list of Respondents aver that because they
vessels, and nothing more. The vouchers were underpaid, they filed a complaint for
patent vagueness makes them unreliable as money claims against Alert Security and its
a basis for Franciscos claim of commissions. president and general manager, petitioner
Entitlement to commissions cannot be Manuel D. Dasig, before Labor Arbiter Ariel
proved by vouchers which are silent as to the C. Santos. As a result of their complaint, they
purpose for which they are issued. were relieved from their posts in the DOST
Third issue: The SC disagrees with the and were not given new assignments despite
Labor Arbiter and NLRC in according solidary the lapse of six months. On January 26, 1999,
liability on Rosit and Harpoon for the illegal they filed a joint complaint for illegal
dismissal. As held in the case ofMAM Realty dismissal against petitioners.
Development Corporation v. National Labor Petitioners, on the other hand, deny
Relations Commission, "obligations incurred that they dismissed the respondents.
by [corporate officers], acting as such Petitioners presented "Duty Detail Orders"
corporate agents, are not theirs but the that Alert Security issued to show that
direct accountabilities of the corporation respondents were in fact assigned to LRTA.
they represent." As such, they should not be Respondents, however, failed to report at
generally held jointly and solidarily liable the LRTA and instead kept loitering at the
with the corporation. The Court, however, DOST and tried to convince other security
cited circumstances when solidary liabilities guards to file complaints against Alert
Security. Thus, on August 3, 1998, Alert accept the allegations of petitioners that
Security filed a "termination report" with the respondents unjustifiably refused to report
Department of Labor and Employment for duty in their new posts. A careful review
relative to the termination of the of the records reveals that there is no
respondents. showing that respondents were notified of
their new assignments. Granting that the
Issue: "Duty Detail Orders" were indeed issued,
Whether respondents were illegally they served no purpose unless the intended
dismissed recipients of the orders are informed of
Rulings: The employer cannot simply
We rule in the affirmative. conclude that an employee is ipso facto
As a rule, employment cannot be notified of a transfer when there is no
terminated by an employer without any just evidence to indicate that the employee had
or authorized cause. No less than the 1987 knowledge of the transfer order. Hence, the
Constitution in Section 3, Article 13 failure of an employee to report for work at
guarantees security of tenure for workers the new location cannot be taken against
and because of this, an employee may only him as an element of abandonment.
be terminated for just or authorized causes We acknowledge and recognize the
that must comply with the due process right of an employer to transfer employees
requirements mandated by law. Hence, in the interest of the service. This exercise is
employers are barred from arbitrarily a management prerogative which is a lawful
removing their workers whenever and right of an employer. However, like all rights,
however they want. The law sets the valid there are limitations to the right to transfer
grounds for termination as well as the employees. As ruled in the case of Blue Dairy
proper procedure to take when terminating Corporation v. NLRC:
the services of an employee. x x x The managerial prerogative to
Although we recognize the right of transfer personnel must be exercised
employers to shape their own work force, without grave abuse of discretion, bearing in
this management prerogative must not mind the basic elements of justice and fair
curtail the basic right of employees to play. Having the right should not be confused
security of tenure. There must be a valid and with the manner in which that right is
lawful reason for terminating the exercised. Thus, it cannot be used as a
employment of a worker. Otherwise, it is subterfuge by the employer to rid himself of
illegal and would be dealt with by the courts an undesirable worker. In particular, the
accordingly. employer must be able to show that the
The Labor Code, as amended, transfer is not unreasonable, inconvenient
enumerates several just and authorized or prejudicial to the employee; nor does it
causes for a valid termination of involve a demotion in rank or a diminution of
employment. An employee asserting his his salaries, privileges and other benefits. x x
right and asking for minimum wage is not x
among those causes. Dismissing an In addition to these tests for a valid
employee on this ground amounts to transfer, there should be proper and
retaliation by management for an effective notice to the employee concerned.
employee’s legitimate grievance without It is the employer’s burden to show that the
due process. Such stroke of retribution has employee was duly notified of the transfer.
no place in Philippine Labor Laws. Verily, an employer cannot reasonably
On the element of the failure of the expect an employee to report for work in a
employee to report for work, we also cannot new location without first informing said
tools, and the like. The employee should not is all. Prior to his termination, respondent
be expected to prove the negative fact that had been performing the same job in
the contractor does not have substantial Polyfoambusiness for almost six (6) years. He
capital, investment and tools to engage in was even furnished a copy of Polyfoam "Mga
job-contracting. Alituntunin at KarampatangParusa,"which
Gramaje claimed that it has embodied Polyfoam rules on attendance,
substantial capital of its own as well as the manner of performing the employee
investment in its office, equipment and duties, ethical standards, cleanliness, health,
tools. She pointed out that she furnished the safety, peace and order. These rules carried
plastic containers and carton boxes used in with them the corresponding penalties in
carrying out the function of packing the case of violation.
mattresses of Polyfoam. She added that she While it is true that petitioners
had placed in Polyfoam workplace ten (10) submitted the Affidavit of Polyfoam
sealing machines, twenty (20) hand trucks, supervisor Victor Abadia, claiming that the
and two (2) forklifts to enable respondent latter did not exercise supervision over
and the other employees of Gramaje respondent because the latter was not
assigned at Polyfoam to perform their job. Polyfoam but Gramajeemployee, said
Finally, she explained that she had her own Affidavit is insufficient to prove such claim.
office with her own staff. However, aside Petitioners should have presented the
from her own bare statement, neither person who they claim to have exercised
Gramaje nor Polyfoampresented evidence supervision over respondent and their
showing Gramaje ownership of the alleged other employees assigned
equipment and machineries used in the toPolyfoam. It was never established that
performance of the alleged contracted job. Gramaje took entire charge, control and
Considering that these machineries are supervision of the work and service agreed
found in Polyfoam premises, there can be no upon. And as aptly observed by the CA, "it is
other logical conclusion but that the tools likewise highly unusual and suspect as to the
and equipment utilized by Gramaje and her absence of a written contract specifying the
"employees" are owned by Polyfoam. performance of a specified service, the
Neither did Polyfoam nor Gramaje show that nature and extent of the service or work to
the latter had clients other than the former. be done and the term and duration of the
Since petitioners failed to adduce evidence relationship."
that Gramaje had any substantial capital, A finding that a contractor is a "labor-
investment or assets to perform the work only" contractor, as opposed to permissible
contracted for, the presumption that job contracting, is equivalent to declaring
Gramaje is a labor-only contractor stands. that there is an employer-employee
Second, Gramaje did not carry on an relationship between the principal and the
independent business or undertake the employees of the supposed contractor, and
performance of its service contract the "labor-only" contractor is considered as
according to its own manner and method, a mere agent of the principal, the real
free from the control and supervision of its employer.In this case, Polyfoam is the
principal,Polyfoam, its apparent role having principal employer and Gramaje is the labor-
been merely to recruit persons to work for only contractor. Polyfoam and Gramaje are,
Polyfoam.It is undisputed that respondent therefore, solidarily liable for the rightful
had performed his task of packing Polyfoam claims of respondent.
foam products in Polyfoam premises. As to Respondent was Illegally
the recruitment of respondent, petitioners DismissedFrom Employment - Respondent
were able to establish only that respondent stated that on January 14, 2000, his time
application was referred toGramaje, but that card was suddenly taken off the rack. His
supervisor later informed him that Polyfoam feasible as in this case, separation pay
management decided to dismiss him due to equivalent to one-month salary for every
infraction of company rule. In short, year of service shall be awarded as an
respondent insisted that he was dismissed alternative. Thus, the CA is correct in
from employment without just or lawful affirming the LA award of separation pay
cause and without due process. Polyfoam with full backwages and other monetary
did not offer any explanation of such benefits.
dismissal. It, instead, explained that DENIED
respondent real employer is Gramaje.
Gramaje, on the other hand, denied the
claim of illegal dismissal. She shifted the 111 GT PRINTERS and/or TRINIDAD G.
blame on respondent claiming that the latter BARBA vs. NLRC and EDWIN RICARDO
in fact abandoned his work.
The LA gave credence to respondent FACTS:
narration of the circumstances of the case. Edwin Ricardo, was employed in
Said conclusion was affirmed by the CA. We 1968 as an apprentice of GT Printers. He was
find no reason to depart from such findings. promoted
Abandonment cannot be inferred to the position of production manager of GT
from the actuations of respondent. When he Printers and became general manager. In
discovered that his time card was off the February, 1985, Ricardo's wife established
rack, he immediately inquired from his Insta Printers, a rival printing press, with
supervisor. He later sought the assistance of Edwin
his counsel, who wrote a letter addressed to Ricardo himself as consultant and owner.
Polyfoam requesting that he be re-admitted Since the establishment of Insta Printers,
to work. When said request was not acted Ricardo
upon, he filed the instant illegal dismissal became a habitual absentee from his job at
case. These circumstances clearly negate the GT Printers. He neglected his duties and
intention to abandon his work. responsibilities, and became lax in directing
Petitioners failed to show any valid or and supervising the work force, resulting in
authorized cause under the Labor Code numerous major printing errors and failure
which allowed it to terminate the services of to meet printing specifications leading to the
respondent. Neither was it shown that rejection of several job orders from regular
respondent was given ample opportunity to customers. Mrs. Barba noticed that Ricardo
contest the legality of his dismissal. No not only
notice of termination was given to him. used GT Printers' bookcloth and other
Clearly, respondent was not afforded due printing materials for his Insta Printers, but
process. Having failed to establish he also gave
compliance with the requirements of specific instructions to the production staff
termination of employment under the Labor to give priority to book and magazine job
Code, the dismissal of respondent was orders for
tainted with illegality. Consequently, Insta Printers. Eventually, the regular
respondent is entitled to reinstatement customers of GT Printers were pirated by
without loss of seniority rights, and other Insta Printers.
privileges and to his full backwages inclusive Ricardo also manipulated price quotations
of allowances and to his other benefits or during the canvassing of bids to favor his
their monetary equivalent computed from own outfit
the time his compensation was withheld up instead of GT Printers. Because of those
to the time of his actual reinstatement. irregularities, GT Printers suspended Ricardo
However, if reinstatement is no longer as general
manager for 30 days. Richard Barba was conclude[d] that . . . there exist visible
designated to take his place. Contracts conflict of interest amounting to willful
concluded by breach of trust
respondent Ricardo thereafter were no and confidence repose (sic) upon him by his
longer honored. However, he continued to employer, . . . as well as (b) habitual neglect
be a sales of his
agent for GT Printers, hence, he continued to duties . . ."
receive commissions. He stopped reportin g
work and soon after filed a complaint for 112 DUNCAN ASSOCIATION OF
illegal dismissal. DETAILMAN-PTGWO and PEDRO A.
WON Ricardo was lawfully dismissed
from employment. FACTS:
Pedro A. Tecson (Tecson) was hired
HELD: by respondent Glaxo Wellcome Philippi nes,
YES. The security of tenure accorded Inc.
to labor under the Constitution does not (Glaxo) as medical representative. Tecson
embrace signed a contract of employment which
infractions of accepted company rules stipulates,
amounting to breach of trust and loss of among others, that he agrees to study and
confidence. The abide by existing company rules; to disclose
right of an employer to dismiss a managerial to
employee for breach of trust and loss of management any existing or future
confidence, as in this case, cannot be relationship by consanguinity or affinity with
doubted. As a measure of self-preservation co-employees
against acts or employees of competing drug companies
inimical to its interests, an employer has the and should management find that such
right to dismiss an employee found relationship poses a possible conflict of
committing interest, to resign from the company. Tecson
acts of dishonesty and disloyalty. The was
employer may not be compelled to continue initially assigned to market Glaxos products
to employ in the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales
such a person whose continuance in the area.
service would patently be inimical to his Subsequently, Tecson entered into a
emplo yer's romantic relationship with Bettsy, an
interest. The dismissal of a dishonest employee of Astra
employee is in the best interest not only of Pharmaceuticals (Astra), a competitor of
management Glaxo. Bettsy was Astras Branch Coordinator
but also of labor for the law never intended in Albay.
to impose an unjust situation on either labor She supervised the district managers and
or medical representatives of her company and
management. Reinstatement would be ill- prepared marketing strategies for Astra in
advised and incompatible with the labor that area. Even before they got married,
arbiter's Tecson
finding that "from those documentary received several reminders from his District
evidences presented by respondent, it can Manager regarding the conflict of interest
be safely which his
relationship with Bettsy might engender. and enforcement in the interest of fair play
Still, Tecson married Bettsy. Tecsons In the
superiors case at bar, the record shows that Glaxo gave
informed him that his marriage to Bettsy Tecson several chances to eliminate the
gave rise to a conflict of interest. conflict
of interest brought about by his relationship
HELD: with Bettsy. When their relationship was still
Glaxos policy prohibiting an in its
employee from having a relationship with an initial stage, Tecsons supervisors at Glaxo
employee of a constantly reminded him about its effects on
competitor company is a valid exercise of his
management prerogative. Glaxo has a right employment with the company and on the
to guard companys interests. After Tecson married
its trade secrets, manufacturing formulas, Bettsy,
marketing strategies and other confidential Glaxo gave him time to resolve the conflict
programs by either resigning from the company or
and information from competitors, asking his
especially so that it and Astra are rival wife to resign from Astra. Glaxo even
companies in the expressed its desire to retain Tecson in its
highly competitive pharmaceutical industry. employ
The prohibition against personal or marital because of his satisfactory performance and
relationships with employees of competitor suggested that he ask Bettsy to resign from
companies upon Glaxos employees is her
reasonable company instead. Glaxo likewise acceded to
under the circumstances because his repeated requests for more time to
relationships of that nature m ight resolve the
compromise the interests conflict of interest. When the problem could
of the company. Glaxo only aims to protect not be resolved after several years of
its interests against the possibility that a waiting,
competitor Glaxo was constrained to reassign Tecson to
company will gain access to its secrets and a sales area different from that handled by
procedures. Glaxo possesses the right to his wife
protect its for Astra. Notably, the Court did not
economic interests cannot be denied. No terminate Tecson from em ployment but
less than the Constitution recognizes the only reassigned
right of him to another area where his home
enterprises to adopt and enforce such a province, Agusan del Sur, was included. In
policy to protect its right to reasonable effecting
returns on Tecsons transfer, Glaxo even considered the
investments and to expansion and growth. welfare of Tecsons family. Clearly, the
Indeed, while our laws endeavor to give life foregoing
to the dispels any suspicion of unfairness and bad
constitutional policy on social justice and the faith on the part of Glaxo
protection of labor, it does not mean that
labor dispute will be decided in favor of the 113 EASTERN OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT
workers. The law also recognizes that CENTER, INC. vs CECILIA BEA
has rights which are also entitled to respect FACTS:
the Acting Director of Nursing Services of the existence of just causes for petitioner’s
Sultan dismissal, however, the appellate court
Qaboos University Hospital where Bea was found that the respondent failed to observe
deployed, petitioner failed to present any the procedural requirements of due process
other and, as a consequence, awarded the
evidence to prove that Beas work petitioner P5,000.00 as Nominal Damages.
performance was indeed poor. Although Issues:
petitioner contends WoN the dismissal based on the
that three separate evaluations of Beas work grounds cited constituted just causes; and
performance were conducted; that after the WoN the amount awarded as Nominal
first Damages of P5,000.00 was valid
evaluation, Bea was notified about the poor
quality of her work; that following the Ruling:
second First, the petitioner’s arbitrary
evaluation, she was given an intensive defiance to Graphics, Inc.’s order for him to
management assistance through a render overtime work constitutes willful
specialized training disobedience. Taking this in conjunction with
program; and, that only after the third his inclination to absent himself and to
evaluation was made that Bea was advised report late for work despite being previously
that her penalized, the CA correctly ruled that the
employment would be terminated, we find petitioner is indeed utterly defiant of the
no error in the findings of the POEA and the lawful orders and the reasonable work
NLRC standards prescribed by his employer.
that these claims of petitioner remain to be Second, the petitioner’s failure to
allegations since no substantial evidence observe Graphics, Inc.’s work standards
was constitutes inefficiency that is a valid cause
presented to prove them. for dismissal. Failure to observe prescribed
In termination cases, the burden of standards of work, or to fulfill reasonable
proving just and valid cause for dismissing an work assignments due to inefficiency may
employee from his employment rests upon constitute just cause for dismissal. Such
the employer, and the latter's failure to inefficiency is understood to mean failure to
discharge attain work goals or work quotas, either by
that burden would result in a finding that the failing to complete the same within the
dismissal is unjustified. alloted reasonable period, or by producing
unsatisfactory results. As the operator of
Graphics, Inc.’s printer, he is mandated to
114 Realda vs. New Age Graphics Inc., G.R. check whether the colors that would be
No. 192190, April 25, 2012 printed are in accordance with the client’s
specifications and for him to do so, he must
Facts: consult the General Manager and the color
Petitioner Realda was dismissed by guide used
Respondent New Age Graphics Inc. for by Graphics, Inc. before making a full run.
unjustified refusal to render overtime work, Unfortunately, he failed to observe this
unexplained failure to observe prescribed simple procedure and proceeded to print
work standards, habitual tardiness and without making sure that the colors were at
chronic absenteeism despite warning and par with the client’s demands. This resulted
non-compliance with the directive for him to to delays in the delivery of output, client
explain his numerous unauthorized dissatisfaction, and additional costs on
absences. The Court of Appeals recognized Graphics, Inc.’s part.
While a penalty in the form of They alleged that they did not voluntarily
suspension had already been imposed on indulge in the said act but were instigated by
the petitioner for his habitual tardiness and a certain
repeated absenteeism, the principle of Jojie Alipato who was introduced to them by
“totality of infractions” sanctions the act of Joseph Ocul, Manager of the Airport
Graphics, Inc. of considering such previous Maintenance
infractions in decreeing dismissal as the Division of PAL. Inside the company
proper penalty for his tardiness and premises, they locked the door and Alipato
unauthorized absences incurred afterwards, lost no time in
in addition to his refusal to render overtime preparing the drugs to be used. When they
work and conform to the started the procedure of taking the drugs,
prescribed work standards. armed
This Court cannot likewise agree to men entered the room, arrested Roquero
the petitioner’s attempt to brush aside his and Pabayo and seized the drugs and the
refusal to render overtime work as paraphernalia used. Roquero and Pabayo
inconsequential when Graphics, Inc.’s order were subjected to a physical examination
for him to do so is justified by Graphics, Inc.’s where the
contractual commitments to its clients. Such results showed that they were positive of
an order is legal under Article 89 of the Labor drugs. They were also brought to the
Code and the petitioner’s unexplained security office
refusal to obey is insubordination that merits of PAL where they executed written
dismissal from service. confessions without the benefit of counsel.
Nonetheless, while the CA finding Roquero and Pabayo then received a notice
that the petitioner is entitled to nominal of administrative charge] for violating the
damages as his right to procedural due PAL Code of Discipline. They were required
process was not respected despite the to answer the charges and were placed
presence of just causes for his dismissal is under
affirmed, this Court finds the CA to have preventive suspension.
erred in fixing the amount that the Company Eventually, they were dismissed by
is liable to pay. The CA should have taken PAL. Thus, they filed a case for illegal
cognizance of the numerous cases decided dismissal.
by this Court where the amount of nominal
damages was fixed at P30,000.00 if the HELD:
dismissal was for a just cause. Roquero is guilty of serious
misconduct for possessing and using shabu.
He violated
115 ALEJANDRO ROQUERO vs. PHILIPPINE Chapter 2, Article VII, section 4 of the PAL
AIRLINES, INC. Code of Discipline which states: Any
employee who,
FACTS: while on company premises or on duty, takes
Roquero, along with Rene Pabayo, or is under the influence of prohibited or
were ground equipment mechanics of controlled drugs, or hallucinogenic
respondent substances or narcotics shall be dismissed.
Philippine Airlines, Inc.. They were caught Serious misconduct is defined as the
red-handed possessing and using transgression of some established and
Methampethamine definite rule
Hydrochloride or shabu in a raid conducted of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of
by PAL security officers and NARCOM duty, willful in character, and implies
personnel. wrongful intent
and not mere error in judgment. For serious WON the laying off of the 15
misconduct to warrant the dismissal of an employees valid
employee, it (1) must be serious; (2) must
relate to the performance of the employees HELD:
duty; Yes. There was justification for
and (3) must show that the employee has reducing the number of workers in
become unfit to continue working for the respondent's
employer. factoryby the introduction of machinery in
It is of public knowledge that drugs can the manufacture of its products. There is no
damage the mental faculties of the user. question as tothe right of the manufacturer
Roquero was to use new labor-saving devices with the
tasked with the repair and maintenance of view to
PALs airplan es. He cannot discharge that effecting moreeconomy and efficiency in its
duty if he is a drug user. His failure to do his method of production. But the right to
job can mean great loss of lives and reduce
properties. Hence, even if he was instigated personnel should notbe abused. It should
to take drugs he has no right to be reinstated not be made a pretext for easing out laborers
to his position. He took the on
drugs fully knowing that he was on duty and account of their unionactivities. But neither
more so that it is prohibited by company should it be denied when it is shown that
rules. they are
Instigation is only a defense against not discharging theirduties in a manner
criminal liability. It cannot be used as a shield consistent with good discipline and efficient
against dismissal from employment operation
especially when the position involves the of an industrialenterprise.
safety of human lives.
corporation engaged in the business of separation pay equivalent to at least his one
offering and providing manpower services to (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month
the public. pay for
Skillpower, Inc., assigned Jenny A. Calibo to every year of service, whichever is higher. x
petitioners Tetra Paster Division. When x x A fraction of at least six (6) months shall
petitioners be
contract with Skillpower, Inc., expired, considered one (1) whole year.
Calibo applied with Lippercon Services, Inc., The law authorizes an employer, like
also a the herein petitioner, to terminate the
corporation engaged in providing manpower employment of any employee due to the
services. installation of labor saving devices. The
Lippercon Services, Inc., assigned her installation of
to petitioners Tetra Paster Division as a these devices is a management prerogative,
cleaning and the courts will not interfere with its
aide. Later, Calibo was terminated from exercise in
service due to petitioners installation of the absence of abuse of discretion,
automated arbitrariness, or maliciousness on the part of
machines prompting Calibo to institute a management,
complaint for illegal dismissal against as in this case. Nonetheless, this did not
petitioner. excuse petitioner from complying with the
In answer thereto, petitioner averred that it required
has no employer-employee relationship written notice to the employee and to the
with private respondent and that the Department of Labor and Employment
dismissal was prompted by the installation (DOLE) at
of labor saving least one month before the intended date of
devices - an authorized cause for dismissal termination. This procedure enables an
under the Labor Code, as amended. employee
to contest the reality or good faith character
ISSUE: of the asserted ground for the termination of
WON private respondent was legally his
dismissed since the termination of her services before the DOLE.
employment was due to a cause expressly The failure of petitioner to serve the
authorized by the Labor Code written notice to private respondent and to
HELD: DOLE, however, does not ipso facto make
YES. Article 283 of the Labor Code private respondents termination from
provides in part that, the employer may also service illegal
terminate the employment of any employee so as to entitle her to reinstatement and
due to the installation of labor saving payment of backwages. If at all, her
devices, x x termination from
x, by serving a written notice on the workers service is merely defective because it was
and the Ministry of Labor and Employment not tainted with bad faith or arbitrariness
at least and was
one (1) month before the intended date due to a valid cause.
thereof. In case of termination due to the The well settled rule is that the
installation employer shall be sanctioned for non -
of labor saving devices or redundancy, the compliance with
worker affected thereby shall be entitled to the requirements of, or for failure to observe
They also assert that petitioner failed to redundancy does not require the exhibition
show that of proof of losses or imminent losses. In fact,
it was suffering from a serious downturn in of all the statutory grounds provided in
business that would warrant redundancy Article 283 of the Labor Code, it is only
given that retrenchment which requires proof of losses
such serious business downturn was the or possible losses as justification for
cause given by petitioner in the termination termination of employment.
letters It is well settled that the
sent to respondents. They also assert that characterization of an employee’s services
their educational attainment is irrelevant as no longer
since the necessary or sustainable, and, therefore,
compelling factor in their acceptance of properly terminable, is an exercise of
separation pay was the dire economic business
necessity to be judgment on the part of the employer.
caused by their impending loss of jobs. However, the wisdom or soundness of such
characterization or decision is not subject to
discretionary review provided, of course,
ISSUE: violation of law or arbitrary or malicious
WON there’s propriety of the action is not shown. In several instances, the
redundancy program implemented by Court has
petitioner; held that it is important for acompany to
have fair and reasonable criteria in
HELD: implementing its
YES. Redundancy exists where the redundancy program, such as but not limited
services of an employee are in excess of to, (a) preferred status, (b) efficiency and (c)
what is seniority.
reasonably demanded by the actual Records shows that respondents
requirements of the enterprise. Succinctly positions were abolished because there was
put, a position is duplicity
redundant where it is superfluous, and of functions of clerk analysts in the Industrial
superfluity of a position or positions may be Engineering Section and finishing production
the clerks in the Operations Department. Even
outcome of a number of factors, such as over the union representatives agreed that
hiring of workers, decreased volume of respondents
business, positions were redundant. Petitioner found
or dropping of a particular product line or that it was more cost-efficient to maintain
service activity previously manufactured or only one
undertaken by the enterprise. That no other employee to handle the computation of
person was holding the same position prior incentives of the production employees with
to the the use of
termination of ones services, does not show computers.
that his position had not become redundant.
Indeed, in any well-organized business
enterprise, it would be surprising to find 121 BONIFACIO ASUFRIN, JR vs SAN
work and two (2) or more people doing the
work of one person. Just like installation of FACTS:
laborsaving devices, the ground of
practice unless it interferes with the its duty to observe procedural due process in
employees’ right to self-organization. effecting the termination of Culili. In Mayon
Hotel & Restaurant v.Adana, SC observed
Issue: that the requirement of law mandating the
Whether or not there was an giving of notices was intended: not only to
illegal dismissal. enable the employees to look for another
employment and therefore ease the impact
Ruling: of the loss of their jobs and the
There was a valid dismissal on corresponding income, but more
the ground of redundancy. There is importantly, to give the Department of Labor
redundancy when the service capability of and Employment (DOLE) the opportunity to
the workforce is greater than what is ascertain the verity of the alleged authorized
reasonably required to meet the demands of cause of termination.
the business enterprise. A position becomes With regard to the impleaded
redundant when it is rendered superfluous corporate officers, they cannot be held liable
by any number of factors such as over-hiring for acts done in his official capacity because
of workers, decrease in volume of business, a corporation, by legal fiction, has a
or dropping a particular product line. Among personality separate and distinct from its
the requisites of a valid redundancy program officers, stockholders, and members. To
are: (1) the good faith of the employer in pierce this fictional veil, it must be shown
abolishing the redundant position; and (2) that the corporate personality was used to
fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining perpetuate fraud or an illegal act, or to evade
what positions are to be declared an existing obligation, or to confuse a
redundant such as but not limited to: legitimate issue. In illegal
preferred status, efficiency, and seniority. dismissal cases, corporate officers may be
The records show that ETPI had sufficiently held solidarily liable with the corporation if
established not only its need to reduce its the termination was done with malice or bad
workforce and streamline its organization, faith.
but also the existence of redundancy in the Culili has failed to prove that
position of a Senior Technician. It was his dismissal was orchestrated by the
decided that, in the judgment of ETPI individual respondents herein for the mere
management, the specialized functions of a purpose of getting rid of him. Hence, the
Senior Technician whose sole function was dismissal is declared valid but Eastern
essentially the repair and servicing of ETPI’s Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. is
telecommunications equipment was no ordered to pay petitioner Nelson A. Culili the
longer needed since the Business and amount of P50,000.00 as nominal damages
Consumer [Accounts] Department had to for non-compliance with statutory due
remain economical and focused yet versatile process, in addition to the mandatory
enough to meet all the multifarious needs of separation pay required under Article 283 of
its small and medium sized clients. It is the Labor Code.
inconceivable that ETPI would effect a
company-wide reorganization of this
scale for the mere purpose of singling out 123 CECILE DE OCAMPO, vs NLRC
Culili and terminating him. What ETPI did and BALIWAG MAHOGANY CORPORATION
was to abolish the position itself for being
too specialized and limited. FACTS:
SC finds Culili’s dismissal was Petitioners are employees of
for a lawful cause and not an act of unfair Baliwag Mahogany Corporation. They are
labor practice, ETPI, however, was remiss in either officers or members of the Baliwag
Mahogany Corporation Union -CFW, the cost saving and cost-consciousness program
existing collective bargaining agent of the in order to improve production efficiency.
rank and file employees in the company. In
1988, Baliwag Mahogany Corporation ISSUE:
(company) and Baliwag Mahogany Whether or not the dismissals
Corporation Union-CFW (union) entered into of petitioners Cecile de Ocampo, Rene
a collective bargaining agreement Villanueva, and Marcelo dela Cruz from their
containing, among other things, provisions positions by the company on the ground of
on conversion into cash of unused vacation redundancy was done in good faith.
and sick leaves; grievance machinery
procedure; and the right of the company to HELD:
schedule work on Sundays and holidays. The YES. Petitioners' dismissal was
union made several requests from the justified by redundancy due to superfluity
company, one of which was the cash and hence legal.
conversion of unused vacation and sick leave We believe that redundancy,
for 1987- for purposes of our Labor Code, exists where
1988 and 1988-1989. The company ruled to the services of an employee are in excess of
allow payment of unused vacation and sick what is reasonably demanded by the actual
leaves requirement of the enterprise. Succinctly
for the period of 1987-1988 but disallowed put, a position is redundant where it is
cash conversion of the 1988-1989 unused superfluous, and superfluity of a position or
leaves. positions may be the outcome of a number
The company issued suspension orders of factors, such as over hiring of workers,
affecting twenty (20) employees for failure decreased volume of business, or dropping
to render of a pa rticular product line or service activity
overtime work on December 30, 1989. previously manufactured or undertaken by
The suspension was for a the enterprise. The employer had no legal
period of three (3) days. On the same day, obligation to keep in its payroll more
the union filed a notice of strike on the employees, than are necessary for the
grounds of unfair labor practice particularly operation of its business.
the violation of the CBA provisions on non- The reduction of the number
payment of unused leaves and illegal of workers in a company made necessary by
dismissal of seven (7) employees. The the
company then issued a notice of termination introduction of the services of Gemac
to three (3) employees or union members, Machineries in the maintenance and repair
namely, Cecile de Ocampo, Rene Villanueva of its
and Marcelo dela Cruz, of the machinery industrial machinery is justified. There can
department, allegedly to effect cost be no question as to the right of the
reduction and redundancy. company to
Petitioners contend that the contract the services of Gemac Machineries
company acted in bad faith when it to replace the services rendered by the
terminated the services of the three terminated
mechanics because the positions held by mechanics with a view to effecting more
them were not at all abolished but merely economic and efficient methods of
given to Gemac Machineries. On the production.
contrary, the company stresses that when it In the same case, We ruled that "(t)he
contracted the services of Gemac characterization of (petitioners') services as
Machineries for the maintenance and repair no
of its industrial machinery, it only adopted a longer necessary or sustainable, and
therefore properly terminable, was an food and beverage business within the club.
exercise of business ACCI subsequently entered into an
judgment on the part of (private agreement with
respondent) company. The wisdom or La Tasca Restaurant Inc. (La Tasca), for it to
soundness of such operate the F & B Department.
characterization or decision was not subject Subsequently, ACCI
to discretionary review on the part of the sent its F & B Department employees
Labor individual letters informing them that their
Arbiter nor of the NLRC so long, of course, as services were
violation of law or merely arbitrary and being terminated one month from the date
malicious and that they would be paid separation pay
action is not shown" (ibid, p. 673). equivalent to one hundred twenty five
In contracting the services of (125%) percent of their monthly salary for
Gemac Machineries, as part of the every year of
company's cost-saving program, the services service. ACCI also informed them that La
rendered by the mechanics became Tasca agreed to absorb all affected
redundant and superfluous, and therefore employees
properly terminable. The company merely immediately with the status of regular
exercised its business judgment or employees without need of undergoing a
management prerogative. And in the probationary
absence of any proof that the management period, and that all affected employees
abused its would receive the same salary they were
discretion or acted in a malicious or arbitrary receiving from
manner, the court will not interfere with the ACCI at the time of their termination. The
exercise of such prerogative. Union, with the authority of individual
filed before the NLRC a complaint for illegal
124 ALABANG COUNTRY CLUB INC. vs. dismissal. The Union and individual
INDEPENDENT alleged that the F & B Division had been
EMPLOYEES UNION reporting gaining profits as shown by the
Statement of
FACTS: Income and Deficit prepared by SGV&Co.
Francisco Ferrer, then President of They thus argued that compliance with the
ACCI, requested its Internal Auditor, Irene standards
CamposUgalde, to conduct a study on the for losses to justify their retrenchment was
profitability of ACCIs Food and Beverage not met by ACCI. ACCI averred, however,
Department that it may
(F & B Department). In her report, it showed exercise management prerogatives to adopt
that F & B Department had been incurring a cost-saving and cost-consciousness
substantial losses. Realizing that it was no program to
longer profitable for ACCI to maintain its improve efficiency in its operations, prevent
own F & B losses, and concentrate on core businesses,
Department, the management decided to and to
cease from operating the department and to lay-off workers and contract out their jobs.
the same to a contractor, such as a ISSUE:
concessionaire, which would be willing to WON the respondents were
operate its own dismissed due to retrenchment.
HELD: such as to minimize expenses and reduce
NO. Retrenchment on the ground of capitalization. In the present case, when
serious business losses is allowed subject to petitioner
the decided to cease operating its F & B
conditions that (1) the losses expected Department and open the same to a
should be substantial and not merely de concessionaire, it did
minimis in not reduce the number of personnel
extent; (2) the substantial losses assigned thereat. It terminated the
apprehended must be reasonably imminent employment of ALL
as such personnel assigned at the department. As in
imminence can be perceived objectively in the case of retrenchment, however, for the
good faith by the employer; (3) closure
retrenchment must of a business or a department due to serious
be reasonably necessary and likely to business losses to be regarded as an
effectively prevent the expected losses; and authorized
(4) the cause for terminating employees, it must be
alleged losses, if already realized and the proven that the losses incurred are
expected imminent losses sought to be substantial and
forestalled, actual or reasonably imminent; that the
must be proven by sufficient and convincing same increased through a period of time;
evidence. However, the case at bar is one in and that the
volving closure of a business undertaking. condition of the company is not likely to
improve in the near future. Petitioners
Retrenchment is the reduction of failure to prove
personnel for the purpose of cutting down that the closure of its F & B Department was
on costs of due to substantial losses notwithstanding,
operations in terms of salaries and wages this
resorted to by an employer because of losses Court finds that individual respondents were
in dismissed on the ground of closure or
operation of a business occasioned by lack of cessation of
work and considerable reduction in the an undertaking not due to serious business
volume of losses or financial reverses, which is allowed
business. under
Article 283 of the Labor Code.
Closure of a business or undertaking
due to business losses is the reversal of
fortune of 125 LOPEZ SUGAR CORPORATION vs.
the employer whereby there is a complete FEDERATION OF FREE WORKERS
cessation of business operations to prevent
further FACTS:
financial drain upon an employer who Petitioner, allegedly to prevent
cannot pay anymore his employees since losses due to major economic problems, and
business has exercising
already stopped. One of the prerogatives of its privilege under their Collective Bargaining
management is the decision to close the Agreement ("CBA") entered into between
entire petitioner and Philippine Labor Union
establishment or to close or abolish a Association ("PLUA-NACUSIP"), caused the
department or section thereof for economi c retrenchment
accorded his right to due process, i.e., he was Respondents alleged that they did
not not voluntarily relinquish their jobs and that
furnished the twin requirements of notice they were required to sign the waivers and
and the opportunity to be heard, the quitclaims without giving them an
dismissal shall opportunity to read them and without
be upheld but the employer must be explaining their contents; and that Plastimer
sanctioned for non-compliance with the failed to establish the causes/valid reasons
requirements of for the retrenchment and to comply with the
or for failure to observe due process. one-month notice to the DOLE as well as the
standard prescribed under the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between Plastimer
128 Plastimer Industrial Corp. v. Gopo, G.R. and the employees. Petitioners countered
No. 183390, February 16, 2011 that the retrenchment was a management
prerogative and that respondents got their
Facts: retrenchment or separation pay even before
The Personnel and Administration the effective date of their separation from
Manager of Plastimer issued a service.
Memorandum informing all its employees of The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of
the decision of the Board of Directors to petitioners. It held that petitioners were able
downsize and reorganize its business to prove that there was a substantial
operations due to withdrawal of withdrawal of stocks that led to the
investments and shares of stocks which downsizing of the workforce; that notice to
resulted in the change of its corporate the affected employees were given on 14
structure. On 14 May 2004, the employees May 2004, 30 days before its effective date
of Plastimer, including respondent Gopo and on 14 June 2004, and it was only the notice
other employees were served written to the DOLE that was filed short of the 30-
notices of their termination effective 13 June day period; that respondents claimed their
2004. Plastimer and Plastimer Industrial separation pay in accordance with the MOA;
Corporation Christian Brotherhood (PICCB), and that respondents could not claim
the incumbent sole and exclusive collective ignorance of the contents of the waivers and
bargaining representative of all rank and file quitclaims because they were assisted by the
employees, entered into a Memorandum of union President and their counsel in signing
Agreement (MOA) relative to the terms and them.
conditions that would govern the On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the
retrenchment of the affected employees. On Labor Arbiter’s decision.
26 May 2004, Plastimer submitted to the The Court of Appeals reversed the
DOLE an Establishment Termination Report NLRC decision and found that petitioners
containing the list of the employees affected have been illegally dismissed.
by the reorganization and downsizing. The The Court of Appeals ruled that there
affected employees, including respondents, was no valid cause for retrenchment; that
signed individual “Release Waiver and while Plastimer claimed financial losses from
Quitclaim.” 2001 to 2004, records showed an
Thereafter, respondents filed a improvement of its finances in 2003; that
complaint against Plastimer and its President Plastimer failed to use a reasonable and fair
Teo Kee Bin (petitioners) before the Labor standard or criteria in ascertaining who
Arbiter for illegal dismissal with prayer for would be dismissed and who would be
reinstatement and full backwages, retained among its employees; that the MOA
underpayment of separation pay, moral and between Plastimer and PICCB only
exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. recognized the need for partial
Kee Bin, dated 28 May 2004, proved that notice of termination, and that his last day of
proper assistance was extended upon work with Petrocon will be on July 1, 1998.
respondents. Hence, we rule that the Petrocon also informed
waivers and quitclaims that respondents respondent that all due benefits in
signed were valid. accordance with the terms and conditions of
WHEREFORE, we SET ASIDE the his employment contract will be paid to
Decision and Resolution of the Court of respondent, including his ticket back to the
Appeals, and hereby REINSTATE the Decision Philippines.
of the Labor Arbiter and the Resolution of Before his departure from Saudi Arabia,
the NLRC upholding the validity of respondent received his final paycheck from
respondents’ retrenchment with Petrocon amounting SR7,488.57.
MODIFICATION that petitioners pay each of Upon his return, respondent filed a
the complaint with the Regional Arbitration
respondents the amount of P30,000 as Branch VII, National Labor Relations
nominal damages for non-compliance with Commission (NLRC), Cebu City, against
statutory due process. petitioner as the recruitment agency which
employed him for employment abroad. In
filing the complaint, respondent sought to
recover his unearned salaries covering the
unexpired portion of his employment
contract with Petrocon on the ground that
129-130 Internation management Services he was illegally dismissed.
vs. Logarta, G.R. No. 163657, April 18, 2012 The Labor Arbiter rendered
judgment in favor of the respondent and
Facts: ordered petitioner to pay the peso
Recruitment agency, International equivalent of US$5,600.00 based on the rate
Management Services (IMS), owned and at the time of actual payment, as payment of
operated by Marilyn C. Pascual, deployed his wages for the unexpired portion of his
respondent Roel P. Logarta to work for contract of employment. The NLRC on
Petrocon Arabia Limited (Petrocon) in appeal affirmed the Labor Arbiter’s decision
Alkhobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in but reduced the award to only US$4,800.00
connection with general engineering or its peso equivalent at the time of
services of Petrocon for the Saudi Arabian Oil payment. The CA likewise dismissed the
Company (Saudi Aramco). Respondent was petition and affirmed the NLRC decision.
employed for a period of two (2) years,
commencing on October 2, 1997, with a Issue:
monthly salary of eight hundred US Dollars Whether or not respondents
(US$800.00). dismissal through retrenchment illegal.
On April 29, 1998, Saudi Aramco
notified Petrocon that due to changes in the Ruling:
general engineering services work forecast No. Retrenchment is the reduction of
for 1998, the manhours that were formerly work personnel usually due to poor financial
allotted to Petrocon is going to be reduced returns, aimed to cut down costs for
by 40% which constrained Petrocon to operation particularly on salaries and wages.
reduce its personnel. It is one of the economic grounds to dismiss
Thus, on June 1, 1998, Petrocon gave employees and is resorted by an employer
respondent a written notice informing the primarily to avoid or minimize business
latter that due to the lack of project works losses.
related to his expertise, he is given a 30-day
Retrenchment programs are purely (5)That the employer used fair and
business decisions within the purview of a reasonable criteria in ascertaining who
valid and reasonable exercise of would be dismissed and who would be
management prerogative. It is one way of retained among the employees, such as
downsizing an employer's workforce and is status,…efficiency, seniority, physical fitness,
often resorted to by the employer during age, and financial hardship for certain
periods of business recession, industrial workers. 28 Applying the above-stated
depression, or seasonal fluctuations, and requisites for a valid retrenchment in the
during lulls in production occasioned by lack case at bar, it is apparent that the first,
of orders, shortage of materials, conversion fourth and fifth requirements were complied
of the plant for a new production program, with by respondent's employer. However,
or introduction of new methods or more the second and third requisites were absent
efficient machinery or automation. It is a when Petrocon terminated the services of
valid management prerogative, provided it is respondent.
done in good faith and the employer As aptly found by the NLRC and justly
faithfully complies with the substantive and sustained by the CA, Petrocon exercised its
procedural requirements laid down by law prerogative to retrench its employees in
and jurisprudence. good faith and the considerable reduction of
Philippine Law recognizes work allotments of Petrocon by Saudi
retrenchment as a valid cause for the Aramco was sufficient basis for Petrocon to
dismissal of a migrant or overseas Filipino reduce the number of its personnel.
worker under Article 283 of the Labor Code. As for the notice requirement,
Thus, retrenchment is a valid exercise however, contrary to petitioner's
of management prerogative subject to the contention, proper notice to the DOLE within
strict requirements set by jurisprudence, to 30 days prior to the intended date of
wit: retrenchment is necessary and must be
(1)That the retrenchment is complied with despite the fact that
reasonably necessary and likely to prevent respondent is an overseas Filipino worker. In
business losses which, if already incurred, the present case, although respondent was
are not merely de minimis, but substantial, duly notified of his termination by Petrocon
serious, actual and real, or if only expected, 30 days before its effectivity, no allegation or
are reasonably imminent as perceived proof was advanced by petitioner to
objectively and in good faith by the establish that Petrocon ever sent a notice to
employer; the DOLE 30 days before the respondent was
(2)That the employer served written terminated. Thus, this requirement of the
notice both to the employees and to the law was not complied with.
Department of Labor and Employment at In the case at bar, despite the fact
least one month prior to the intended date that respondent was employed by Petrocon
of retrenchment; as an OFW in Saudi Arabia, still both he and
(3)That the employer pays the his employer are subject to the provisions of
retrenched employees separation pay the Labor Code when applicable. The basic
equivalent to one month pay or at least 1/2 policy in this jurisdiction is that all Filipino
month pay for every year of service, workers, whether employed locally or
whichever is higher; overseas, enjoy the protective mantle of
(4)That the employer exercises its Philippine labor and social legislations.
prerogative to retrench employees in good Also, respondent is entitled to the
faith for the advancement of its interest and payment of his separation pay. However,
not to defeat or circumvent the employees' this Court disagrees with the conclusion of
right to security of tenure; and the Labor Arbiter, the NLRC and the CA, that
every year of service, a fraction of at least 6 and could not have been an option for
months being considered as one year. petitioner Hotel.
Respondents appealed to the NLRC For the purpose of proving financial
which issued a Decision affirming the ruling losses, petitioner presented the financial
of the Labor Arbiter. After the denial of statements of Waterfront Promotion, Ltd.
respondentsmotion for reconsideration, which petitioner describes as the company
they elevated the case to the Court of which promotes, markets and finances the
Appeals. Club.
Respondents argued that the NLRC A review of the corporate structure
should have considered the financial of the Club as contained in the financial
statements of the petitioner Hotel and not statements submitted by petitioner reveals
merely of the Club, which is only a division of that it is actually a wholly-owned subsidiary
the Hotel. According to respondents, the of Waterfront Promotion, Ltd. Strictly
permanent closure of the Club resulted in speaking, the Club is not related to petitioner
retrenchment but petitioner failed to prove except to say that they are two different
that it complied with the standards for subsidiaries of one parent corporation, i.e.,
retrenchment. On 5 July 2006, the Court of Waterfront Philippines. Petitioner, then,
Appeals rendered a Decision reversing the could have right at the beginning avoided
findings and conclusions of the NLRC. the conflict with respondents by setting itself
The appellate court found that apart from them. Petitioner could have
petitioner Hotel is the actual employer of invoked the separateness from the Hotel of
respondents, thus the evidence of losses and the Club which employed respondents.
closure of the Club is immaterial and Petitioner did not do so. Instead, and at the
irrelevant. outset, it formally presented itself as the
Petitioner filed a motion for respondentsemployer when, through its
reconsideration but it was denied in a Director of Human Resources, it informed
Resolution dated 15 August 2006. Hence, respondents about the temporary
this petition for review on certiorari. suspension of the business of the Club and
forthwith served the notices of suspension
of business on DOLE.
ISSUE: The consolidated financial
Whether or not the evidence of losses statements that were prepared in the name
and closure of Club Waterfront is immaterial of Waterfront Promotion refer to the casino
and irrelevant to the termination of operations of the Club. A consolidated
petitioners? financial statement is usually prepared for a
parent company and its subsidiaries, the
HELD: purpose of which is to provide an overview
The ruling of the Court of Appeals is of the financial condition of the group of
reversed and set aside. companies as a single entity. The Club, being
At the outset, it should be stated that a wholly-owned subsidiary of Waterfront
the respondents cannot be accommodated Promotion, Ltd. operates under the
in other departments of the Hotel. The management, supervision and control of
duties and functions they perform are Waterfront Promotion, Ltd. The relationship
peculiar to the positions they hold in the between these two companies is so
Club. It is likewise undisputed that the Club intertwined that the Club is practically
remained closed and there is no other considered a department or division of
department in the Hotel similar to the Club Waterfront Promotion, Ltd.
and which catered to foreign high stakes A review of the consolidated financial
gamblers. Verily, reinstatement cannot be statement proves petitioner assertion that
the losses there reflected refer to the losses losses which, if already incurred, are not
of the Club. The consolidated financial merely de minimis, but substantial, serious,
statement and the corporate relationships it actual and real, or if only expected, are
indicates, cannot, however, be relied upon reasonably imminent as perceived
by petitioner to avoid this particular labor objectively and in good faith by the
dispute because, as already stated, employer;
petitioner itself has been claiming from the (2) That the employer served written
very beginning that the Club is only a notice both to the employees and to the
division/department of the hotel. Department of Labor and Employment at
Verily, retrenchment and not closure least one month prior to the intended date
was effected to warrant the valid dismissal of of retrenchment;
respondents. Petitioner has not totally (3) That the employer pays the
ceased its operations. It merely closed down retrenched employees separation pay
a department. equivalent to one
Retrenchment is the termination of (1) month pay or at least ½ month pay for
employment initiated by the employer every year of service, whichever is higher;
through no fault of and without prejudice to (4) That the employer exercises its
the employees. It is resorted to during prerogative to retrench employees in good
periods of business recession, industrial faith for the advancement of its interest and
depression, or seasonal fluctuations or not to defeat or circumvent the employees
during lulls occasioned by lack of orders, right to security of tenure; and
shortage of materials, conversion of the (5) That the employer used fair and
plant for a new production program or the reasonable criteria in ascertaining who
introduction of new methods or more would be dismissed and who would be
efficient machinery or of automation.It is an retained among the employees, such as
act of the employer of dismissing employees status, efficiency, seniority, physical fitness,
because of losses in the operation of a age, and financial hardship for certain
business, lack of work, and considerable workers.
reduction on the volume of his business. All these elements were successfully
In case of retrenchment, proof of proven by petitioner. First, the huge losses
financial losses becomes the determining suffered by the Club for the past two years
factor in proving its legitimacy. In had forced petitioner to close it down to
establishing a unilateral claim of actual or avert further losses which would eventually
potential losses, financial statements affect the operations of petitioner. Second,
audited by independent external auditors all 45 employees working under the Club
constitute the normal method of proof of were served with notice of termination. The
profit and loss performance of a company. corresponding notice was likewise served to
The condition of business losses justifying the DOLE one month prior to retrenchment.
retrenchment is normally shown by audited Third, the employees were offered
financial documents like yearly balance separation pay, most of whom have
sheets and profit and loss statements as well accepted and opted not to join in this
as annual income tax returns. complaint. Fourth, cessation of or
Retrenchment is subject to faithful withdrawal from business operations was
compliance with the substantative and bona fide in character and not impelled by a
procedural requirements laid down by law motive to defeat or circumvent the tenurial
and jurisprudence. For a valid retrenchment, rights of employees. Neither is there a
the following elements must be present: showing that petitioner carried out the
(1) That retrenchment is reasonably closure of the business in bad faith. No labor
necessary and likely to prevent business dispute existed between management and
the employees when the latter were the CA to review factual issues in the
terminated. exercise of its original jurisdiction to issue
GRANTED writs of certiorari is based on Section 9 of
Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, which pertinently
provides that the CA “shall have the power
132 Legend Hotel (Manila) vs Realuyo AKA to try cases and conduct hearings, receive
Roa evidence and perform any and all acts
necessary to resolve factual issues raised in
Facts: cases falling within its original and appellate
Respondent averred that he had jurisdiction, including the power to grant and
worked as a pianist at the Legend Hotel’s conduct new trials or further proceedings.”
Tanglaw Restaurant from September 1992 YES. Petitioner actually wielded the
with an initial rate of P400.00/night that was power of selection at the time it entered into
given to him after each night’s performance; the service contract dated September 1,
that his rate had increased to P750.00/night; 1992 with respondent. This is true,
and that during his employment, he could notwithstanding petitioner’s insistence that
not choose the time of performance, which respondent had only offered his services to
had been fixed from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm for provide live music at petitioner’s Tanglaw
three to six times/week. He added that the Restaurant, and despite petitioner’s position
Legend Hotel’s restaurant manager had that what had really transpired was a
required him to conform with the venue’s negotiation of his rate and time of
motif; that he had been subjected to the availability. The power of selection was
rules on employees’ representation checks firmly evidenced by, among others, the
and chits, a privilege granted to other express written recommendation dated
employees; that on July 9, 1999, the January 12, 1998 by Christine Velazco,
management had notified him that as a cost- petitioner’s restaurant manager, for the
cutting measure his services as a pianist increase of his remuneration.
would no longer be required effective July Respondent’s remuneration, albeit
30, 1999; that he disputed the excuse, denominated as talent fees, was still
insisting that Legend Hotel had been considered as included in the term wage in
lucratively operating as of the filing of his the sense and context of the Labor Code,
complaint; and that the loss of his regardless of how petitioner chose to
employment made him bring his complaint. designate the remuneration. Anent this,
Article 97(f) of the Labor Code clearly states:
Issues: xxx wage paid to any employee shall
1. Whether or not petition for mean the remuneration or earnings,
certiorari to the CA is proper. however designated, capable of being
2. Whether or not there is ER-EE expressed in terms of money, whether fixed
relationship. or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or
3. Whether or not retrenchment as a commission basis, or other method of
ground for respondent’s dismissal is valid. calculating the same, which is payable by an
employer to an employee under a written or
Held: unwritten contract of employment for work
YES. There is no longer any doubt done or to be done, or for services rendered
that a petition for certiorari brought to assail or to be rendered, and includes the fair and
the decision of the NLRC may raise factual reasonable value, as determined by the
issues, and the CA may then review the Secretary of Labor, of board, lodging, or
decision of the NLRC and pass upon such other facilities customarily furnished by the
factual issues in the process.8 The power of employer to the employee.
That respondent worked for less than losses. On this matter, Article 283 of the
eight hours/day was of no consequence and Labor Code.
did not detract from the CA’s finding on the The Court has laid down the
existence of the employer-employee following standards that an employer should
relationship. In providing that the “normal meet to justify retrenchment and to foil
hours of work of any employee shall not abuse, namely: (a) The expected losses
exceed eight (8) hours a day,” Article 83 of should be substantial and not merely de
the Labor Code only set a maximum of minimis in extent; (b) The substantial losses
number of hours as “normal hours of work” apprehended must be reasonably imminent;
but did not prohibit work of less than eight (c) The retrenchment must be reasonably
hours. necessary and likely to effectively prevent
The power of the employer to control the expected losses; and (d) The alleged
the work of the employee is considered the losses, if already incurred, and the expected
most significant determinant of the imminent losses sought to be forestalled
existence of an employer-employee must be proved by sufficient and convincing
relationship. This is the so-called control evidence.
test, and is premised on whether the person Anent the last standard of sufficient
for whom the services are performed and convincing evidence, it ought to be
reserves the right to control both the end pointed out that a less exacting standard of
achieved and the manner and means used to proof would render too easy the abuse of
achieve that end. retrenchment as a ground for termination of
A review of the records shows, services of employees.
however, that respondent performed his In termination cases, the burden of
work as a pianist under petitioner’s proving that the dismissal was for a valid or
supervision and control. Specifically, authorized cause rests upon the employer.
petitioner’s control of both the end achieved Here, petitioner did not submit evidence of
and the manner and means used to achieve the losses to its business operations and the
that end was demonstrated by the following, economic havoc it would thereby
to wit: a. He could not choose the time of his imminently sustain. It only claimed that
performance, which petitioners had fixed respondent’s termination was due to its
from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, three to six times “present business/financial condition.” This
a week; b. He could not choose the place of bare statement fell short of the norm to
his performance; c. The restaurant’s show a valid retrenchment. Hence, we hold
manager required him at certain times to that there was no valid cause for the
perform only Tagalog songs or music, or to retrenchment of respondent.
wear barong Tagalog to conform to the
Filipiniana motif; and d. He was subjected to
the rules on employees’ representation 133 DIGITAL TELECOMMUNIC ATIONS PHIL.
check and chits, a privilege granted to other , INC. VS. DIGITEL E MPLOYEES UNION
employees. Relevantly, it is worth
remembering that the employer need not FACTS:
actually supervise the performance of duties By virtue of a certification election,
by the employee, for it sufficed that the Digitel Employees Union (Union) became the
employer has the right to wield that power. exclusive bargaining agent of all rank and file
NO. Retrenchment is one of the employees of Digitel in 1994. The Union and
authorized causes for the dismissal of Digitel then commenced collective
employees recognized by the Labor Code. It bargaining negotiations which resulted in a
is a management prerogative resorted to by bargaining deadlock. The Union threatened
employers to avoid or to minimize business to go on strike, but then the Labor Secretary
assumed jurisdiction over the dispute and cancellation of union registration for lack of
eventually directed the parties to execute a merit. The appeal filed by Digitel with the
CBA. 2 However, no CBA was forged BLR was eventually dismissed for lack of
between Digitel and the Union. Some Union merit in a Resolution dated 9 March 2007.
members abandoned their employment In an Order dated 13 July 2005, the
with Digitel. The Union later became Secretary of Labor directed Digitel to
dormant. commence the CBA negotiation with the
Ten (10) years thereafter or on 28 Union and certified for compulsory
September 2004, Digitel received from arbitration before the NLRC the issue of
Esplana, who was President of the Union, a unfair labor practice. In accordance with the
letter containing the list of officers, CBA 13 July 2005 Order of the Secretary of Labor,
proposals and ground rules. 3 Digitel was the unfair labor practice issue was certified
reluctant to negotiate with the Union and for compulsory arbitration before the NLRC.
demanded that the latter Union show On 31 January 2006, NLRC rendered a
compliance with the provisions of the Decision dismissing the unfair labor practice
Union’s Constitution and By-laws on union charge against Digitel but declaring the
membership and election of officers. dismissal of the 13 employees of Digiserv as
On 4 November 2004, Esplana and illegal and ordering their reinstatement. 10
his group filed a case for Preventive The Union manifested that out of 42
Mediation before the National Conciliation employees, only 13 remained, as most had
and Mediation Board based on Digitel’s already accepted separation pay.
violation of the duty to bargain. On 25 In view of this unfavorable decision,
November 2004, Esplana filed a notice of Digitel filed a petition on 9 June 2006 before
strike. On 10 March 2005, the then Labor the Court of Appeals, challenging the above
Secretary issued an Order4 assuming NLRC Decision and Resolution and arguing
jurisdiction over the labor dispute. mainly that Digiserv employees are not
During the pendency of the controversy, employees of Digitel.
Digitel Service, Inc. (Digiserv), a non-profit On 18 June 2008, CA partially granted
enterprise engaged in call center servicing, the case for ULP, thus modifying the assailed
filed with the DOLE an Establishment NLRC dispositions. The CA likewise sustained
Termination Report stating that it will cease the finding that Digiserv is engaged in labor-
its business operation. The closure affected only contracting and that its employees are
at least 100 employees, 42 of whom are actually employees of Digitel.
members of the herein respondent Union. Digitel filed a motion for
Alleging that the affected employees are its reconsideration but was denied in a
members and in reaction to Digiserv’s Resolution dated 9 October 2008. Hence,
action, Esplana and his group filed this petition for review on certiorari.
another Notice of Strike for union busting,
illegal lock-out, and violation of the ISSUES:
assumption order. On 23 May 2005, the 1) Whether Digiserv is a legitimate
Labor Secretary ordered the second notice contractor; and
of strike subsumed by the previous 2) Whether there was a valid
Assumption Order.5 Meanwhile, on 14 dismissal.
March 2005, Digitel filed a petition with the
Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) seeking RULING:
cancellation of the Union’s registration. In a
Decision dated 11 May 2005, the Regional Digiserv is a labor-only contractor.
Director of the DOLE dismissed the petition Labor-only contracting is expressly
for prohibited by our labor laws. After an
exhaustive review of the records, there is no The NLRC also relied on the letters of
showing that first, Digiserv has substantial commendation, plaques of appreciation and
investment in the form of capital, equipment certification issued by Digitel to the
or tools. The NLRC, as echoed by the CA, did Customer Service Representatives as
not find substantial Digiserv’s authorized evidence of control.
capital stock of P 1,000,000.00. It pointed Considering that Digiserv has been
out that only P 250,000.00 of the authorized found to be engaged in labor-only
capital stock had been subscribed and only P contracting, the dismissed employees are
62,500.00 had been paid up. There was no deemed employees of Digitel.
increase in capitalization for the last 10 The affected employees were
years. 19 illegally dismissed. In addition to finding
Moreover, in the Amended Articles of that Digiserv is a labor-only contractor,
Incorporation, as well as in the General records teem with proof that its dismissed
Information Sheets for the years 1994, 2001 employees are in fact employees of Digitel.
and 2005, the primary purpose of Digiserv is The NLRC enumerated these pieces of
to provide manpower services. In PCI evidence, thus:
Automation Center, Inc. v. National Labor The remaining affected employees,
Relations Commission,20 the Court made the except for two (2), were already hired by
following distinction: "the legitimate job DIGITEL even before the existence of
contractor provides services while DIGISERV. Likewise, the remaining affected
the labor-only contractor provides only employees continuously held the position of
manpower. The legitimate job contractor Customer Service Representative, which was
undertakes to perform a specific job for the earlier known as Traffic Operator, from the
principal employer while the labor-only time they were appointed on March 1, 1994
contractor merely provides the personnel to until they were terminated on May 30, 2005.
work for the principal employer." The Further, the Certificates issued to
services provided by employees of Digiserv Customer Service Representative likewise
are directly related to the business of Digitel. show that they are employees of DIGITEL,
It is undisputed that as Take for example the "Service Award" issued
early as March 1994, the affected to Ma. Loretta C. Esen, one of the remaining
employees, except for two, were already affected employees. The "Service Award"
performing their job as Traffic Operator was signed by the officers of DIGITEL – the
which was later renamed as Customer VP-Customer Services Division, the
Service Representative (CSR). It is equally VPHuman Resources Division and the Group
undisputed that all throughout their Head-Human Resources Division. It cannot
employment, their function as CSR remains be gainsaid that it is only the employer that
the same until they were terminated issues service award to its employees. 22 As
effective May 30, 2005. Their long period of an alternative argument, Digitel maintains
employment as such is an indication that that the affected employees were validly
their job is directly related to the main dismissed on the grounds of closure of
business of DIGITEL which is Digiserv, a department within Digitel.
telecommunications. In the recent case of Waterfront Cebu
Furthermore, Digiserv does not City Hotel v. Jimenez, 23 we referred to the
exercise control over the affected closure of a department or division of a
employees. Digiserv shared the same Human company as retrenchment. For a valid
Resources, Accounting, Audit and Legal retrenchment, the following elements must
Departments with Digitel which manifested be present:
that it was Digitel who exercised control over (1) That retrenchment is reasonably
the performance of the affected employees. necessary and likely to prevent business
losses which, if already incurred, are not part of the employees and orders the
merely de minimis, but substantial, serious, employer to maintain the status quo.
actual and real, or if only expected, are There is no doubt that Digitel defied
reasonably imminent as perceived the assumption order by abruptly closing
objectively and in good faith by the down Digiserv. The closure of a department
employer; is not illegal per se. What makes it unlawful
(2) That the employer served written is when the closure is undertaken in bad
notice both to the employees and to the faith. In St. John Colleges, Inc. v. St. John
Department of Labor and Employment at Academy Faculty and Employees Union,26
least one month prior to the intended date bad faith was evidenced by the timing of and
of retrenchment; reasons for the closure and
(3) That the employer pays the the timing of and reasons for the subsequent
retrenched employees separation pay opening.
equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least ½
month pay for every year of service,
whichever is higher; 134 J.A.T. GENERAL SERVICES & JESUSA
(4) That the employer exercises its ADLAWAN TOROBU vs. NLRC & JOSE F.
prerogative to retrench employees in good MASCARINAS
faith for the advancement of its interest and
not to defeat or circumvent the employees’ FACTS:
right to security of tenure; and Jesusa Adlawan Trading & General
(5) That the employer used fair and Services (JAT) hired Jose F. Mascarinas as
reasonable criteria in ascertaining who helper
would be dismissed and who would be tasked to coordinate with the cleaning and
retained among the employees, such as delivery of the heavy equipment sold to
status, efficiency, seniority, physical fitness, customers.
age, and financial hardship for certain Initially, private respondent was
workers.24 Only the first 3 elements of a hired as a probationary employee and was
valid retrenchment had been here satisfied. paid P165 per day that was increased to
Indeed, it is management prerogative to P180 in July 1997 and P185 in January 1998.
close a department of the company. Digitel’s In October 1997, the sales of heavy
decision to outsource the call center equipment declined because of the Asian
operation of the company is a valid reason to currency
close down the operations of a department crisis. Consequently, JAT temporarily
under which the affected employees were suspended its operations. It a dvised its
employed. The fifth element regarding the employees,
criteria to be observed by Digitel clearly does including private respondent, not to report
not apply because all employees under for work starting on the first week of March
Digiserv were dismissed. 1998.
The instant case is all about the JAT indefinitely closed shop effective
fourth element, that is, whether or not the May 1998.
affected employees were dismissed in good A few days after, private respondent
faith. We find that there was no good faith in filed a case for illegal dismissal and
the retrenchment. Prior to the cessation of underpayment
Digiserv’s operations, the Secretary of Labor of wages against petitioners before the
had issued the first and second assumption NLRC. On December 14, 1998, JAT filed an
order. The effects of the assumption order Establishment Termination Report with the
issued by the Secretary of Labor are two- Department of Labor and Employment
fold. It enjoins an impending strike on the (DOLE),
YES. Petitioner Almoites work as an proceeds from the erroneous premise that
oiler for both the wet line and dry line has only
become those exclusively assigned to the wet line can
redundant or superfluous following the be declared redundant. The mere fact that
closure of the wet line. By and large, the an
determination employee was performing support services
of whether to maintain or phase out an for both the wet and the dry line does not in
entire department or section or to reduce any
personnel way exclude him from being declared as
lies with the management. Thus, his redundant. On the contrary, with the closure
termination on the ground of redundancy is of the
an authorized wet line and the consequent scaling down of
cause for termination under Article 283 of activities requiring support services, it stands
the Labor Code. to
As concluded by the NLRC: reason that there was already an excess of
xxx employees performing support services.
There is no dispute as to the fact that Respondent
there was a partial closure or cessation of had therefore all the reason to include such
operations with the mothballing of the old employees among those whom it considered
wet-process production line of the company redundant.
situation which falls among the authorized
causes for termination allowed under Article 136 MAYA FARMS EMPLOYEES
the Labor Code. REALTY & LIVESTOCK,
Neither is there any dispute that the FLOUR MILLS, INC.
logical and consequence [sic] of such partial
cessation of operations was to render FACTS:
certain employees redundant. Obviously Maya Farms, Inc. and Maya Realty
enough, since and Livestock Corporation belong to the
there was a curtailment in operations, Liberty Mills
certain activities were rendered either group of companies whose undertakings
excess or no include the operation of a meat processing
longer necessary, hence, redundant. plant
xxxx which produces ham, bacon, cold cuts,
The only ostensible argument sausages and other meat and poultry
presented by appellant is the bare allegation products.
that most of Petitioners, on the other hand, are its
them were not exclusively assigned to the exclusive bargaining agents of the
wet process line but were performing employees. Private
support respondents announced the adoption of an
services for both the wet line and the dry early retirement program as a cost-cutting
line. Therefore, they argue that they could measure
not be considering that their business operations
declared redundant by virtue of the closure suffered major setbacks over the years. The
of the wet line alone. This line of argument is program
non was voluntary and could be availed of
sequitur, fallacious and totally untenable. It originally only by employees with at least
cessation of
business operations. (a) service of a written Facts:
notice to the employees and to the DOLE at Petitioner Juliet Apacible was hired
least sometime in 1994 by respondent. She rose
one month before the intended date from the ranks to become Assistant Area
thereof; (b) the cessation of or withdrawal Sales Manager for Cebu Operations, the
from business position she held at the time she was
operations must be bona fide in character separated from the service in 2003.
and (c) payment of termination pay On August 4, 2003, petitioner was
equivalent to at informed by respondent Marlene Orozco
least one-half month pay for each year of (Marlene), her immediate superior, that she
service, or one month pay, whichever is would be transferred to the company's main
higher. office in Pasig City on account of the ongoing
The records reveal that private respondents reorganization. Petitioner requested that
complied with the aforecited requirements. her transfer be made effective in October or
MAMEs employees were adequately November 2003 and that she be given time
informed of the intended business closure to discuss it with her husband and daughter.
and a written A week later, however, or on August
notice to the Regional Director of the 11, 2003, petitioner was informed that her
Department of Labor and Employment transfer would be effective August 18, 2003.
(DOLE) was filed On even date, she was placed under
by private respondents, informing the DOLE investigation for the delayed released of
that except for winding-up operations, BCRs (cash budget for customer
MAME will representation in sealed envelopes which
be closed effective March 8, 1993. Similar are given to loyal clients) which she received
notices were served by Lydia V. Sison to the for distribution earlier in July 2003.
Social Finding that the delay in releasing the
Security System (SSS), Bureau of Internal BCRs amounted to loss of trust and
Revenue (BIR), Department of Trade and confidence, petitioner claims that in a
Industry meeting with the respondents, she was
(DTI) and the Municipal Licensing Division of given four options: resignation, termination,
Antipolo, Rizal. Thus, the licenses and availment of an early retirement package
registration worth P40,000, or transfer to Pasig City.
of respondent MAME with the SSS, the Without availing of any option, petitioner
Municipality of Antipolo, Rizal and the DTI took a leave of absence on August 28, 29 and
were September 1, 2003.
subsequently canceled and/or withdrawn. On September 3, 2003, respondent
Further, private respondents closure company sent petitioner a memorandum-
of business was bona fide and that private directive for her to immediately report to the
respondents did not engage in the operation head office in Pasig City and to return the
of run-away shops. Finally, since private company vehicle assigned to her to the Cebu
respondents cessation and closure of Office within 24 hours. Petitioner did not
business was lawful, there was no illegal heed the directive, however. She instead
dismissal to filed an application for sick leave until
speak of. September 11, 2003, and another until
September 27, 2003.
On October 6, 2003, petitioner
138 Apacible vs. Multimed Industries Inc., requested that she be given her daily work
G.R. No. 178903, May 30, 2011 assignment in Cebu, which request was later
to be denied by Olga by letter dated October equity and social justice. The same, however,
8, 2003. On October 7, 2003, petitioner was has been curbed and rationalized in
given a show cause notice for her to explain Philippine Long Distance Telephone
in writing why she should not be sanctioned Company v. National Labor Relations
for insubordination for failure to comply Commission. In that case, we recognized the
with the transfer order. harsh realities faced by employees that
On November 4, 2002, respondent company forced them, despite their good intentions,
sent petitioner a notice of termination to violate company policies, for which the
effective November 7, 2003 for employer can rightly terminate their
insubordination, prompting petitioner to file employment. For these instances, the award
a complaint for illegal dismissal, non- of financial assistance was allowed. But, in
payment of overtime pay, 13th month pay, clear and unmistakable language, we also
service incentive leave pay, separation pay, held that the award of financial assistance
damages and attorney's fees before the shall not be given to validly
Labor Arbiter. terminated employees, whose offenses are
The Court of Appeals ruled that iniquitous or reflective of some depravity in
petitioner was not entitled to separation pay their moral character. When the employee
because, contrary to the NLRC's finding, she commits an act of dishonesty, depravity, or
"lacked good faith." It noted that petitioner, iniquity, the grant of financial assistance is
from the start, knew and accepted the misplaced compassion. It is tantamount not
company policy on transfers whenever so only to condoning a
required, and could not thus refuse "another patently illegal or dishonest act, but an
valid reassignment by treating it as an endorsement thereof. It will be an insult to
imposition and burden." all the laborers who despite their economic
difficulties, strive to maintain good values
ISSUE: and moral conduct.
Whether petitioner is entitled In fact, in the recent case of Toyota
separation pay by way of financial Motors Philippines, Corp. Workers
assistance. Association (TMPCWA) v. National Labor
Relations Commission, we ruled that
RULING: separation pay shall not be granted to all
NO. Reno Foods, Inc. v. Nagkakaisang employees who are dismissed on any of the
Lakas ng Manggagawa (NLM)-Katipunan 16 four grounds provided in Article 282 of the
explains the propriety of granting separation Labor Code. Such ruling was reiterated and
pay in termination cases in this wise: further explained in Central Philippines
The law is clear. Separation pay is Bandag Retreaders, Inc. v. Diasnes:
only warranted when the cause for To reiterate our ruling in Toyota,
termination is not attributable to the labor adjudicatory officials and the CA must
employee's fault, such as those provided in demur the award of separation pay based on
Articles 283 and 284 of the Labor Code, as social justice when an employee's dismissal
well as in cases of illegal dismissal in which is based on serious misconduct or wilful
reinstatement is no longer feasible. It is not disobedience; gross and habitual neglect of
allowed when an employee is dismissed for duty; fraud or wilful breach of trust; or
just cause, such as serious misconduct. commission of a crime against the person of
xxx xxx xxx the employer or his immediate family —
It is true that there have been grounds under Art. 282 of the Labor Code
instances when the Court awarded financial that sanction dismissals of employees. They
assistance to employees who were must be most judicious and circumspect in
terminated for just causes, on grounds of awarding separation pay or financial
employment, the employer shall not misconduct to justify dismissal, the following
terminate the services of an employee requisites must be present:
except for a just cause or when authorized (a) it must be serious;
by this Title. x x x The just causes are (b) it must relate to the performance
enumerated in Article 282, which provides: of the employee's duties; and
Article 282.Termination by employer. (c) it must show that the employee
- An employer may terminate an has become unfit to continue working for
employment for any of the following causes: the employer.
(a) Serious misconduct or willful The dismissal is also justified as the
disobedience by the employee of the lawful act imputed upon the petitioner qualifies as
orders of his employer or representative in fraud or willful breach by the employee of
connection with his work; the trust reposed in him by his employer or
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the duly authorized representative under Article
employee of his duties; 282 (c) of the Labor Code. While the
(c) Fraud or willful breach by the petitioner contests this ground by denying
employee of the trust reposed in him by his that his position is one of trust and
employer or duly authorized representative; confidence, it is undisputed that at the time
(d) Commission of a crime or offense of his dismissal, he was holding a supervisory
by the employee against the person of his position after he rose from the ranks since
employer or any immediate member of his commencement of his employment with
family or his duly authorized representative; Meralco. As a supervisor with duty and
and power that included testing of service
(e) Other causes analogous to the meters and investigation of violations of
foregoing. contract of customers, his position can be
Significantly, tampering with electric treated as one of trust and confidence,
meters or metering installations of the requiring a high degree of honesty as
Company or the installation of any device, compared with ordinary rank-and-file
with the purpose of defrauding the Company employees.
is classified as an act of dishonesty from We emphasize that dismissal of a
Meralco employees, expressly prohibited dishonest employee is to the best interest
under company rules. It is reasonable that its not only of the management but also of
commission is classified as a severe act of labor. As a measure of self-protection
dishonesty, punishable by dismissal even on against acts inimical to its interest, a
its first commission, given the nature and company has the right to dismiss its erring
gravity of the offense and the fact that it is a employees. An employer cannot be
grave wrong directed against their compelled to continue employing an
employer. employee guilty of acts inimical to the
Article 282 (a) provides that an employer's interest, justifying loss of
employer may terminate an employment confidence in him.
because of an employee's serious DENIED
misconduct, a cause that was present in this
case in view of the petitioner's violation of
his employer's code of conduct. Misconduct 140 ROMEO A. GALANG, Petitioner, v.
is defined as the transgression of some CITYLAND SHAW TOWER, INC. and
established and definite rule of action, a VIRGILIO BALDEMOR, Respondents.
forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, willful in
character, and implies wrongful intent and FACTS:
not mere error in judgment. For serious Romeo Galang was employed by
Gayren Maintenance Services as a janitor.
When his contract with the agency expired, On appeal, the National Labor
he was absorbed by Cityland Shaw Tower. Relations Commission (NLRC) affirmed the
Galang alleged that he was absorbed labor arbiter findings.
as a janitor by Cityland with a promise of After reaching the CA, the appellate
regular employment after the completion of court annulled the NLRC decision and
his six-month probation. He claimed that declared that Galang had been dismissed for
even after the lapse of the period, he a just cause. The CA took exception to the
continued working for Cityland although he conclusion of both the labor arbiter and the
had no idea about his employment status. NLRC that the respondents failed to
He did not know his status for certain until discharge the burden of proving that Galang
he was shown a document on May 21, 2002 had been dismissed for cause. It pointed out
informing him that his employment would that the records are replete with proof that
be terminated effective May 20, 2002. Thus, Galang committed acts justifying the
he filed a complaint for illegal dismissal termination of his employment.
against Cityland and its Building Manager, The CA stressed that prior to the
Virgilio Baldemor. incidents leading to Galang dismissal, he had
Cityland countered that they already committed serious negligence in his
absorbed Galang as a casual employee after work. It referred to the flooding of the 32nd
the expiration of his contract with Gayren floor of the condominium where he was
Maintenance Services. They alleged that assigned, due to his failure to secure tightly
during his employment with them, they the valve filter room. The flooding severely
found him to be remiss in the performance damaged the building elevator, resulting in
of his job and he failed, too, to conduct repair work amounting to P23,952.65. The
himself as a good employee. CA stressed that despite this act of gross
The respondents further alleged that negligence, he still remained in employment
in the face of Galang negative work attitude and it was only "on account of subsequent
and job performance, Cityland charged him events x x x that [the respondents] were
with gross insubordination, harassment of compelled to dismiss him."
his co-employees and conduct unbecoming While the CA had no doubt that
an employee. Galang dismissal was for cause, it
The respondents stressed that nonetheless believed that he was not
Cityland Board of Directors terminated afforded procedural due process for lack of
Galang services, for gross insubordination, notice. Consequently, it awarded Galang
effective May 20, 2002, after a nominal damages of P30,000.00, pursuant to
"comprehensive examination of the the Agabon doctrine.
accusation against complainant."
In a decision dated September 22, ISSUE:
2003, the Labor Arbiter found that Galang Whether or not there was a just cause
had been illegally dismissed because for Galang dismissal based on evidence not
Cityland failed to present evidence to presented before the labor arbiter and the
support Galang dismissal for cause after NLRC.
observance of due process. The LA observed
that the alleged board resolution dismissing HELD:
Galang was unsubstantiated and self- Galang petition is unmeritorious.
serving, and carries no probative value. The There was just cause for the dismissal
LA also noted that there was no proof that - The CA committed no reversible error and
Galang was notified of the charges against neither did it commit grave abuse of
him before he was dismissed. discretion in declaring that Galang had been
dismissed for cause. Contrary to Galang
submission, there is substantial evidence as he had no clear idea what the charges
such relevant evidence that a reasonable were. Thus, the CA committed no error in
mind might accept as adequate to support a sustaining his dismissal and awarding him
conclusion supporting the CA decision. nominal damages as indemnity.
The affidavits executed in 2005, As a final point, Galang posits that
simply amplified the evidence Cityland vis--vis the matter of dismissal for just cause
submitted in 2002, including documents, without due process, the CA "was incorrect
which cited Galang serious negligence in when it retroactively applied the later ruling
causing the flooding of his assigned of the High Court in Agabon v. NLRC,
condominium floor, which resulted in a considering that when this case was filed,
costly repair of the buildingselevator. the applicable doctrine was Serrano."
Additionally, there was Tupasmemo to The Supreme Court disagrees with
Cityland President which "pertains to the this position. As the respondents correctly
case of Romeo Galang xxx for harassment to pointed out, the decision of the NLRC did not
co-janitors, insubordination to Supervisor attain finality as it was brought to the CA on
and conduct unbecoming an employee." a petition for certiorari and was overturned.
Tupas made a report of an incident Galang simply did not have the benefit of any
where Galang took pictures of his co-janitors final arbiter or NLRC decision to which the
whom he considered as suspects in the Serrano ruling could be applied. When the
alleged loss of money (P4,000.00) kept in his CA ruled on the case, this Court had
locker. Tupas called a meeting to investigate abandoned the Serrano doctrine in favor of
the matter. She asked Galang to surrender Agabon. Thus, the CA committed no error in
the pictures, but he refused and harassed applying Agabon to the case.
the janitors and insulted Tupas in front of DENIED
everybody. Tupas also reported that on
several occasions, Galang disobeyed her
orders, often finding fault with his co- 141-142 Armando Ailing vs. Jose B.
employees, and was very hard to deal with. Feliciano
She believed that Galang had been grossly
insubordinate and had committed acts of The Facts
harassment against his co-employees. Thus, Via a letter dated June 2, 2004, 6
he was already a liability to the organization. respondent Wide Wide World Express
In light of the circumstances, the Corporation (WWWEC) offered to employ
Supreme Court found that Galang had petitioner Armando Aliling (Aliling) as
become unfit to continue in employment. Account Executive (Seafreight Sales), with
The evidence supports the view that he the following compensation package: a
continued to exhibit undesirable traits as an monthly salary of PhP 13,000, transportation
employee and as a person, in relation to both allowance of PhP 3,000, clothing allowance
his co-workers and his superiors, particularly of PhP 800, cost of living allowance of PhP
Tupas, her immediate supervisor. 500, each payable on a per month basis and
On the due process - The finding of a a 14 th month pay depending on the
just cause for Galang dismissal profitability and availability of financial
notwithstanding, the Court concurs with the resources of the company. The offer came
CA conclusion that Cityland did not afford with a
Galang the required notice before he was six (6)-month probation period condition
dismissed. As the CA noted, the investigation with this express caveat: Performance during
conference Tupas called to look into the [sic] probationary period shall be made as
janitorscomplaints against Galang, did not basis for confirmation to Regular or
constitute the written notice required by law Permanent Status.
On June 11, 2004, Aliling and tender my resignation effective October 15,
WWWEC inked an Employment Contract7 2004. While WWWEC took no action on his
under the following terms, among others: tender, Aliling nonetheless demanded
Conversion to regular status shall reinstatement and a written apology,
be determined on the basis of work claiming in a subsequent letter dated
performance; and October 1, 200414 to management that San
Employment services may, at any Mateo had forced him to resign.
time, be terminated for just cause or in Lariosas response-letter of October
accordance with the standards defined at 1, 2004, 15 informed Aliling that his case was
the time of engagement. 8 still in the process of being evaluated. On
Training then started. However, October 6, 2004, 16 Lariosa again wrote, this
instead of a Seafreight Sale assignment, time to advise Aliling of the termination of
WWWEC asked Aliling to handle Ground his services effective as of that date owing to
Express (GX), a new company product his non-satisfactory performance during his
launched on June 18, 2004 involving probationary period. Records show that
domestic cargo forwarding service for Luzon. Aliling, for the period indicated, was paid his
Marketing this product and finding daily outstanding salary which consisted of:
contracts for it formed the core of Alilings PhP 4,988.18 (salary for the
new assignment. September 25, 2004 payroll)
Barely a month after, Manuel F. San 1,987.28 (salary for 4 days in October
Mateo III (San Mateo), WWWEC Sales and 2004)
Marketing Director, emailed Aliling9 to PhP 6,975.46 Total
express dissatisfaction with the latters Earlier, however, or on October 4,
performance, thus: 2004, Aliling filed a Complaint 17 for illegal
Armand, dismissal due to forced resignation,
My expectations is [sic] that GX nonpayment of salaries as well as damages
Shuttles should be 80% full by the 3 rd week with the NLRC against WWWEC. Appended
(August 5) after launch (July 15). Pls. make to the complaint was Alilings Affidavit dated
that happen. It has been more than a month November 12, 2004, 18 in which he stated:
since you came in. I am expecting sales to be 5. At the time of my engagement,
pumping in by now. Thanks. Nonong respondents did not make known to me the
Thereafter, in a letter of September standards under which I will qualify as a
25, 2004, 10 Joseph R. Lariosa (Lariosa), regular employee.
Human Resources Manager of WWWEC, Refuting Alilings basic posture,
asked Aliling to report to the Human WWWEC stated in its Position Paper dated
Resources Department to explain his November 22, 2004 19 that, in addition to
absence taken without leave from the letter-offer and employment contract
September 20, 2004. adverted to, WWWEC and Aliling have
Aliling responded two days later. He signed a letter of appointment20 on June 11,
denied being absent on the days in question, 2004 containing the following terms of
attaching to his reply-letter 11 a copy of his engagement:
timesheet12 which showed that he worked Additionally, upon the effectivity of
from September 20 to 24, 2004. Alilings your probation, you and your immediate
explanation came with a query regarding the superior are required to jointly define your
withholding of his salary corresponding to objectives compared with the job
September 11 to 25, 2004. In a separate requirements of the position. Based on the
letter dated September 27, 2004, 13 Aliling pre-agreed objectives, your performance
wrote San Mateo stating: Pursuant to your shall be reviewed on the 3rd month to assess
instruction on September 20, 2004, I hereby your competence and work attitude. The 5
Decision in toto in its Resolution dated May Aliling raises the following issues for
31, 2007. The separate motions for consideration:
reconsideration were also denied by the A. The failure of the Court of Appeals
NLRC in its Resolution dated August 31, to order reinstatement (despite its finding
2007. that petitioner was illegally dismissed from
Therefrom, Aliling went on certiorari employment) is contrary to law and
to the CA, which eventually rendered the applicable jurisprudence.
assailed Decision, the dispositive portion of B. The failure of the Court of Appeals
which reads: to award backwages (even if it did not order
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY reinstatement) is contrary to law and
GRANTED. The assailed Resolutions of applicable jurisprudence.
respondent (Third Division) National Labor C. The failure of the Court of Appeals
Relations Commission are AFFIRMED, with to award moral and exemplary damages
the following (despite its finding that petitioner was
MODIFICATION/CLARIFICATION: dismissed to prevent the acquisition of his
Respondents Wide Wide World Express regular status) is contrary to law and
Corp. and its officers, Jose B. Feliciano, applicable jurisprudence. 25
Manuel F. San Mateo III and Joseph R. In their Comment, 26 respondents
Lariosa, are jointly and severally liable to pay reiterated their position that WWWEC hired
petitioner Armando Aliling: (A) the sum of petitioner on a probationary basis and fired
Forty Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty him before he became a regular employee.
Three & 50/100 (P42,333.50) as the total
money judgment, (B) the sum of Four The Courts Ruling
Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Three & The petition is partly meritorious.
35/100 (P4,233.35) as attorneys fees, and (C) Petitioner is a regular employee
the additional sum equivalent to one-half On a procedural matter, petitioner
(1/2) month of petitioners salary as Aliling argues that WWWEC, not having
separation pay. SO ORDERED. 24 (Emphasis appealed from the judgment of CA which
supplied.) declared Aliling as a regular employee from
The CA anchored its assailed action the time he signed the employment
on the strength of the following premises: (a) contract, is now precluded from questioning
respondents failed to prove that Alilings the appellate courts determination as to the
dismal performance constituted gross and nature of his employment.
habitual neglect necessary to justify his Petitioner errs. The Court has, when
dismissal; (b) not having been informed at a case is on appeal, the authority to review
the time of his engagement of the matters not specifically raised or assigned as
reasonable standards under which he will error if their consideration is necessary in
qualify as a regular employee, Aliling was reaching a just conclusion of the case. We
deemed to have been hired from day one as said as much in Sociedad Europea de
a regular employee; and (c) the strained Financiacion, SA v. Court of Appeals,27 It is
relationship existing between the parties axiomatic that an appeal, once accepted by
argues against the propriety of this Court, throws the entire case open to
reinstatement. review, and that this Court has the authority
Alilings motion for reconsideration to review matters not specifically raised or
was rejected by the CA through the assailed assigned as error by the parties, if their
Resolution dated December 15, 2008. consideration is necessary in arriving at a just
Hence, the instant petition. resolution of the case.
The issue of whether or not
The Issues petitioner was, during the period material, a
probationary or regular employee is of was deemed to have been hired from day
pivotal import. Its resolution is doubtless one as a regular employee.30 (Emphasis
necessary at arriving at a fair and just supplied.)
disposition of the controversy. WWWEC, however, excepts on the
The Labor Arbiter cryptically held in argument that it put Aliling on notice that he
his decision dated April 25, 2006 that: would be evaluated on the 3rd and 5th
Be that as it may, there appears no months of his probationary employment. To
showing that indeed the said September 20, WWWEC, its efforts translate to sufficient
2004 compliance with the requirement that a
Memorandum addressed to complainant probationary worker be apprised of the
was received by him. Moreover, reasonable standards for his regularization.
complainants tasked WWWEC invokes the ensuing holding in
where he was assigned was a new developed Alcira v. National Labor Relations
service. In this regard, it is noted: Commission31 to support its case:
Due process dictates that an Conversely, an employer is deemed
employee be apprised beforehand of the to substantially comply with the rule on
conditions notification
of his employment and of the terms of of standards if he apprises the employee that
advancement therein. Precisely, implicit in he will be subjected to a performance
Article evaluation
281 of the Labor Code is the requirement on a particular date after his hiring. We agree
that reasonable standards be previously with the labor arbiter when he ruled that:
made In the instant case, petitioner cannot
known by the employer to the employee at successfully say that he was never informed
the time of his engagement (Ibid, citing by private respondent of the standards that
Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc. vs. he must satisfy in order to be converted into
NLRC, G.R. No. 132564, October 20, regular status. This rans (sic) counter to the
1999).28 agreement between the parties
From our review, it appears that the that after five months of service the
labor arbiter, and later the NLRC, considered petitioners performance would be
Aliling a probationary employee despite evaluated. It is only but natural that the
finding that he was not informed of the evaluation should be made vis--vis the
reasonable standards by which his performance standards for the job. Private
probationary employment was to be judged. respondent Trifona Mamaradlo speaks of
The CA, on the other hand, citing Cielo v. such standard in her affidavit referring to the
National Labor Relations Commission,29 fact that petitioner did not perform well in
ruled that petitioner was a regular employee his assigned work and his attitude was below
from the outset inasmuch as he was not par compared to the companys standard
informed of the standards by which his required of him. (Emphasis supplied.)
probationary employment would be WWWECs contention is untenable.
measured. The CA wrote: Petitioner was Alcira is cast under a different factual
regularized from the time of the execution of setting. There, the labor arbiter, the NLRC,
the employment contract on June 11, 2004, the CA, and even finally this Court were one
although respondent company had in their findings that the employee
arbitrarily shortened his tenure. As pointed concerned knew, having been duly informed
out, respondent company did not make during his engagement, of the standards for
known the reasonable standards under becoming a regular employee. This is in stark
which he will qualify as a regular employee contrast to the instant case where the
at the time of his engagement. Hence, he element of being informed of the
and Travel Transport, Inc., v. Sarmiento 33 for his continued employment, i.e., that the
has reaffirmed the above ruling, to wit: GX trucks should already be 80% full by
Finally, the CA affirmed the ruling of August 5, 2004. Contrary to respondents
the NLRC and adopted as its own the latter's contention, San Mateos email cannot
factual findings. Long-established is the support their allegation on Aliling being
doctrine that findings of fact of quasi-judicial informed of the standards for his
bodies x x continued employment, such as the sales
x are accorded respect, even finality, if quota, at the time of his engagement. As it
supported by substantial evidence. When were, the email message was sent to Aliling
passed upon more than a month after he signed his
and upheld by the CA, they are binding and employment contract with WWWEC. The
conclusive upon this Court and will not aforequoted Section 6 of the Implementing
normally be Rules of Book VI, Rule VIII-A of the Code
disturbed. Though this doctrine is not specifically requires the employer to inform
without exceptions, the Court finds that the probationary employee of such
none are reasonable standards at the time of his
applicable to the present case. engagement, not at any time later; else, the
WWWEC also cannot validly argue latter shall be considered a regular
that the factual findings being assailed are employee. Thus, pursuant to the explicit
not supported by evidence on record or the provision of Article 281 of the Labor Code,
impugned judgment is based on a Section 6(d) of the Implementing Rules of
misapprehension of facts . Its very own Book VI, Rule VIII-A of the Labor Code and
letter-offer of employment argues against its settled jurisprudence, petitioner Aliling is
above posture. Excerpts of the letter-offer: deemed a regular employee as of June
Additionally, upon the effectivity of 11, 2004, the date of his employment
your probation, you and your immediate contract. Petitioner was illegally dismissed
superior are required to jointly define your To justify fully the dismissal of an employee,
objectives compared with the job the employer must, as a rule, prove that the
requirements of the position. Based on the dismissal was for a just cause and that the
pre-agreed objectives, your performance employee was afforded due process prior to
shall dismissal. As a complementary principle, the
be reviewed on the 3rd month to assess your employer has the onus of proving with clear,
competence and work attitude. The 5th accurate, consistent, and convincing
month Performance Appraisal shall be the evidence the validity of the dismissal. 34
basis in elevating or confirming your WWWEC had failed to discharge its twin
employment status burden in the instant case. First off, the
from Probationary to Regular. attendant circumstances in the instant case
Failure to meet the job requirements aptly show that the issue of petitioners
during the probation stage means that your alleged
services may be terminated without prior failure to achieve his quota, as a ground for
notice and without recourse to separation terminating employment, strikes the Court
pay. (Emphasis supplied.) as a mere afterthought on the part of
Respondents further allege that San WWWEC. Consider: Lariosas letter of
Mateos email dated July 16, 2004 shows that September 25, 2004 already betrayed
the standards for his regularization were management intention to dismiss the
made known to petitioner Aliling at the time petitioner for alleged unauthorized
of his engagement. To recall, in that email absences. Aliling was in fact made to explain
message, San Mateo reminded Aliling of the and h did so satisfactorily. But, lo and
sales quota he ought to meet as a condition behold, WWWEC nonetheless proceeded
with its plan to dismiss the petitioner for We cannot but agree with PEPSI that
non-satisfactory performance, although the gross inefficiency falls within the purview of
corresponding termination letter dated other causes analogous to the foregoing, this
October 6, 2004 did not constitutes, therefore, just cause to
even specifically state Alilings non- terminate an employee under Article 282 of
satisfactory performance, or that Alilings the Labor Code. One is analogous to another
termination was by reason of his failure to if it is susceptible of comparison with the
achieve his set quota. latter either in general or in some specific
What WWWEC considered as the detail; or has a close relationship with the
evidence purportedly showing it gave Aliling latter. Gross inefficiency is closely related to
the chance to explain his inability to reach gross neglect, for both involve specific acts
his quota was a purported September 20, of omission on the part of the employee
2004 memo of San Mateo addressed to the resulting in damage to the employer or to his
latter. However, Aliling denies having business. In Buiser vs. Leogardo, this Court
received such letter and WWWEC has failed ruled that failure to observed prescribed
to refute his contention of non receipt. In net standards to inefficiency may constitute just
effect, WWWEC was at a loss to explain the cause for dismissal. (Emphasis supplied.)
exact just reason for dismissing Aliling. At It did so anew in Leonardo v. National
any event, assuming for argument that the Labor Relations Commission36 on the
petitioner indeed failed to achieve his sales following rationale:
quota, his termination from employment on An employer is entitled to impose
that ground would still be unjustified. Article productivity standards for its workers, and in
282 of the Labor Code considers any of the fact, non compliance may be visited with a
following acts or omission on the part of the penalty even more severe than demotion.
employee as just cause or ground for Thus,
terminating employment: [t]he practice of a company in laying off
(a) Serious misconduct or willful workers because they failed to make the
disobedience by the employee of the lawful work quota has been recognized in this
orders of his employer or representative in jurisdiction. (Philippine American
connection with his work; Embroideries vs. Embroidery and Garment
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the Workers, 26 SCRA 634, 639). In the case at
employee of his duties; bar, the petitioners' failure to meet the sales
(c) Fraud or willful breach by the quota assigned to each of them constitute a
employee of the trust reposed in him by his just cause of their dismissal, regardless of
employer the permanent or probationary status of
or duly authorized representative; their employment. Failure to observe
(d) Commission of a crime or offense prescribed standards of work, or to fulfill
by the employee against the person of his reasonable work assignments due to
employer or any immediate member of his inefficiency may constitute
family or his duly authorized just cause for dismissal. Such inefficiency is
representatives; and understood to mean failure to attain
(e) Other causes analogous to the work goals or work quotas, either by failing
foregoing. (Emphasis supplied) to complete the same within the allotted
In Lim v. National Labor Relations reasonable period, or by producing
Commission,35 the Court considered unsatisfactory results. This management
inefficiency as an analogous just cause for prerogative of requiring standards may be
termination of employment under Article availed of so long as they are
282 of the Labor Code: exercised in good faith for the advancement
charge, present his evidence or rebut the 288 [of the Labor Code] is being charged
evidence presented against him; and against the employees
(c) A written notice [of] termination (2) After serving the first notice, the
served on the employee indicating that upon employees should schedule and conduct a
due consideration of all the circumstance, hearing
grounds have been established to justify his or conference wherein the employees will be
termination. given the opportunity to (1) explain and
In case of termination, the foregoing clarify
notices shall be served on the employees last their defenses to the charge against them;
known address. (2) present evidence in support of their
MGG Marine Services, Inc. v. NLRC38 defenses; and
tersely described the mechanics of what may (3) rebut the evidence presented
be considered a two-part due process against them by the management. During
requirement which includes the two-notice the hearing or conference, the employees
rule, x x x one, of the intention to dismiss, are given the chance to defend themselves
indicating therein his acts or omissions personally, with the
complained against, and two, notice of the assistance of a representative or counsel of
decision to dismiss; and an opportunity to their choice x x x. (3) After determining that
answer and rebut the charges against him, in termination is justified, the employer shall
between such notices. serve the employees a written notice of
King of Kings Transport, Inc. v. termination indicating that: (1) all the
Mamac39 expounded on this procedural circumstances involving the charge against
requirement in this manner: the employees have been considered; and
(1) The first written notice to be (2) grounds have been established to justify
served on the employees should contain the the severance of their employment.
specific (Emphasis in the original.)
causes or grounds for termination against Here, the first and second notice
them, and a directive that the employees are requirements have not been properly
given the opportunity to submit their written observed, thus tainting petitioners dismissal
explanation within a reasonable period. with illegality.
Reasonable The adverted memo dated
opportunity under the Omnibus Rules means September 20, 2004 of WWWEC supposedly
every kind of assistance that management informing Aliling of the likelihood of his
must termination and directing him to account for
accord to the employees to enable them to his failure to meet the expected job
prepare adequately for their defense. This performance would have had constituted
should be construed as a period of at least the charge sheet, sufficient to answer for the
five calendar days from receipt of the notice first notice requirement, but for the fact that
xxxx Moreover, in order to enable the there is no proof such letter had been sent
employees to intelligently prepare their to and received by him. In fact, in his
explanation and defenses, the notice should December 13, 2004 Complainants Reply
contain a detailed narration of the facts and Affidavit, Aliling goes on to tag such
circumstances that will serve as basis for the letter/memorandum as fabrication.
charge against the employees. A general WWWEC did not adduce proof to show that
description of the charge will not suffice. a copy of the letter was duly served upon
Lastly, the notice should specifically mention Aliling. Clearly enough, WWWEC did not
which company rules, if any, are violated comply with the first notice requirement.
and/or which among the grounds under Art. Neither was there compliance with
the imperatives of a hearing or conference.
illegal dismissal, for under Article 279 of the from the grossly unpalatable obligation of
Labor Code and as held in a catena of cases maintaining in its employ a worker it could
an employee who is dismissed without just no longer
cause and without due process is entitled to trust.
backwages and reinstatement or payment of Strained relations must be
separation pay in lieu thereof: demonstrated as a fact, however, to be
Thus, an illegally dismissed employee adequately
is entitled to two reliefs: backwages and supported by evidence substantial evidence
reinstatement. The two reliefs provided are to show that the relationship between the
separate and distinct. In instances where employer and the employee is indeed
reinstatement is no longer feasible because strained as a necessary consequence of the
of strained relations between the employee judicial controversy.
and the employer, separation pay is granted. In the present case, the Labor Arbiter
In effect, an illegally dismissed employee is found that actual animosity existed
entitled to either reinstatement, if viable, or between petitioner Azul and respondent as
separation pay if reinstatement is no longer a result of the filing of the illegal
viable, and backwages. dismissal case. Such finding, especially when
The normal consequences of affirmed by the appellate court as in
respondents illegal dismissal, then, are the case at bar, is binding upon the Court,
reinstatement without loss of seniority consistent with the prevailing rules that
rights, and payment of backwages computed this Court will not try facts anew and that
from the time compensation was withheld findings of facts of quasi-judicial bodies
up to the date of actual reinstatement. are accorded great respect, even finality.
Where reinstatement is no longer viable as (Emphasis supplied.)
an option, separation As the CA correctly observed, To
pay equivalent to one (1) month salary for reinstate petitioner [Aliling] would only
every year of service should b awarded as an create an atmosphere of antagonism and
alternative. The payment of separation pay distrust, more so that he had only a short
is in addition to payment of backwages. x x x stint with respondent company. 42 The
Velasco v. National Labor Relations Court need not belabor the fact that the
Commission emphasizes: patent animosity that had developed
The accepted doctrine is that between employer and employee generated
separation pay may avail in lieu of what may be considered as the arbitrary
reinstatement if reinstatement is no longer dismissal of the petitioner.
practical or in the best interest of the parties. Following the pronouncements of
Separation pay this Court Sagales v. Rustans Commercial
in lieu of reinstatement may likewise be Corporation,43 the computation of
awarded if the employee decides not to be separation pay in lieu of reinstatement
reinstated. (emphasis in the original; italics includes the period for which backwages
supplied) were awarded:
Under the doctrine of strained Thus, in lieu of reinstatement, it is
relations, the payment of separation pay is but proper to award petitioner separation
considered an acceptable alternative to pay
reinstatement when the latter option is no computed at one-month salary for every
longer desirable or viable. On one hand, such year of service, a fraction of at least six (6)
payment liberates the employee from what months considered as one whole year. In the
could be a highly oppressive work computation of separation pay, the
environment. On the other hand, it releases period where backwages are awarded must
the employer be included. (Emphasis supplied.)
the joint and solidary liability of individual Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 101309 is hereby
respondents must be recalled. MODIFIED to read:
Aliling is entitled to Attorneys Fees WHEREFORE, the petition is
and Legal Interest Petitioner Aliling is also PARTIALLY GRANTED. The assailed
entitled to attorneys fees in the amount of Resolutions of
ten percent (10%) of his total monetary respondent (Third Division) National Labor
award, having been forced to litigate in order Relations Commission are AFFIRMED, with
to seek redress of his grievances, pursuant to the
of the Labor Code and following our ruling in Respondent Wide Wide World Express Corp.
Exodus International Construction is liable to pay Armando Aliling the following:
Corporation v. Biscocho,53 to wit: (a) backwages reckoned from October 6,
In Rutaquio v. National Labor 2004 up
Relations Commission, this Court held that: to the finality of this Decision based on a
It is settled that in actions for recovery of salary of PhP 17,300 a month, with interest
wages or where an employee was forced to at 6% per
litigate and, thus, incur expenses to protect annum on the principal amount from
his rights and interest, the award of October 6, 2004 until fully paid; (b) the
attorneys additional sum
fees is legally and morally justifiable. equivalent to one (1) month salary for every
In Producers Bank of the Philippines year of service, with a fraction of at least six
v. Court of Appeals this Court ruled that: (6)
Attorneys fees may be awarded when a months considered as one whole year based
party is compelled to litigate or to incur on the period from June 11, 2004 (date of
expenses employment contract) until the finality of
to protect his interest by reason of an this Decision, as separation pay; (c) PhP
unjustified act of the other party. 30,000 as
While in Lambert Pawnbrokers and Jewelry nominal damages; and (d) Attorneys Fees
Corporation,54 the Court specifically ruled: equivalent to 10% of the total award.
However, the award of attorneys fee is SO ORDERED.
warranted pursuant to Article 111 of the
Code. Ten (10%) percent of the total award 143 Kakampi and Its Members Panuelos vs.
is usually the reasonable amount of Kingspoint Express & Logistics
attorneys fees
awarded. It is settled that where an Facts:
employee was forced to litigate and, thus, Petitioners were former drivers of
incur expenses to protect his rights and the respondent Kingspoint Express, a sole
interest, the award of attorneys fees is proprietorship under the name of Co which
legally and morally justifiable. is engaged in the business of transporting
Finally, legal interest shall be goods.
imposed on the monetary awards herein They were dismissed from service on
granted at the rate of 6% per annum from January 20, 2006 on the grounds of serious
October 6, 2004 (date of termination) until misconduct, dishonesty, loss of trust and
fully paid. confidence and commission of acts inimical
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY to the interest of Kingspoint Express.
GRANTED. The July 3, 2008 Decision of the Kingspoint Express issued separate
Court of notices to explain to the individual
petitioners on January 16, 2006 the charges
addition to the threat they pose to the explaining that he only hid the phone as a
public. practical joke and had every intention of
The existence of a single just cause is returning it to Braga.
enough to order their dismissal and it is now After conducting an investigation,
inconsequential if the other charges against COSMOS found Fermin guilty of stealing
them do not merit their dismissal from Bragas phone in violation of company rules
service. Nonetheless, while Kingspoint and regulations. Consequently, on 2 October
Express had reason to sever their 2003,the company terminated Fermin from
employment relations, this Court finds its employment after 27 years of
supposed observance of the requirements of service,effective on 6 October 2003.
procedural due process pretentious. While Following the dismissal of Fermin
Kingspoint Express required the dismissed from employment, Braga executed an
employees to explain their refusal to submit affidavit, which stated the belief that the
to a drug test, the two (2) days afforded to former had merely pulled a prank without
them to do so cannot qualify as "reasonable any intention of stealing the cellphone, and
opportunity", which the Court construed in withdrew from COSMOS his complaint
King of Kings Transport, Inc. v. Mamacas a against Fermin.
period of at least five (5) calendar days from Meanwhile, Fermin filed a Complaint
receipt of the notice. for Illegal Dismissal, which the Labor Arbiter
Thus, even if Kingspoint Express' (LA) dismissed for lack of merit on the
defective attempt to comply with procedural ground that the act of taking a fellow
due process does not negate the existence of employees cellphone amounted to gross
a just cause for their dismissal, Kingspoint misconduct.Further, the LA likewise took
Express is still liable to indemnify the into consideration Fermins other infractions,
dismissed employees, with the exception of namely: (a) committing acts of disrespect to
Panuelos, Dizon and Dimabayao, who did a superior officer, and (b) sleeping on duty
not appeal the dismissal of their complaints, and abandonment of duty.
with nominal damages in the amount of Fermin filed an appeal with the
P30,000.00. National Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC), which affirmed the ruling of the
LA[and denied Fermins subsequent Motion
144 COSMOS BOTTLING CORP., Petitioner, for Reconsideration.
v. WILSON FERMIN, Respondent; WILSON Thereafter, Fermin filed a Petition for
B. FERMIN,Petitioner, v. COSMOS Certiorari with the Court of Appeals
BOTTLING CORPORATION and CECILIA (CA),which reversed the rulings of the LA and
BAUTISTA, Respondents. the NLRC and awarded him his full
retirement benefits.Although the CA
FACTS: accorded with finality the factual findings of
Wilson B. Fermin (Fermin) was a the lower tribunals as regards Fermins
forklift operator at Cosmos Bottling commission of theft, it nevertheless held
Corporation (COSMOS), where he started his that the penalty of dismissal from service
employment on 27 August 1976.On 16 was improper on the ground that the said
December 2002, he was accused of stealing violation did not amount to serious
the cellphone of his fellow employee, Luis misconduct or wilful disobedience.
Braga (Braga). Fermin was then given a Show COSMOS and Fermin moved for
Cause Memorandum, requiring him to reconsideration, but the CA likewise denied
explain why the cellphone was found inside their motions.Thus, both parties filed the
his locker.In compliance therewith, he present Petitions for Review.
submitted an affidavit the following day,
the first notice, the employers should Petitioners did not go on strike. Art.
schedule and conduct a hearing or 212(o) of the Labor Code defines a strike as
conference wherein the employees will be "any temporary stoppage of work by the
given the opportunity to: (1) explain and concerted action of employees as a result of
clarify their defenses to the charge against any industrial or labor dispute." "Concerted"
them; (2) present evidence in support of is defined as "mutually contrived or
their defenses; and (3) rebut the evidence planned" or "performed in unison." In the
presented against them by the case at bar, the 5 petitioners went on leave
management." for various reasons.Petitioners were in
Petitioners were denied substantive different places on November 7, 2006 to
due process. Clearly, to justify the dismissal attend to their personal needs or affairs.
of an employee on the ground of serious They did not go to the company premises to
misconduct, the employer must first petition Biomedica for their grievance. This
establish that the employee is guilty of shows that there was NO intent to go on
improper conduct, that the employee strike.
violated an existing and valid company rule Dismissal is not the proper penalty.
or regulation, or that the employee is guilty But setting aside from the nonce the facts
of a wrongdoing. In the instant case, established above, the most pivotal
Biomedica failed to even establish that argument against the dismissal of
petitioners indeed violated company rules, petitioners is that the penalty of dismissal
failing to even present a copy of the rules from employment cannot be imposed even
and to prove that petitioners were made if we assume that petitioners went on an
aware of such regulations. illegal strike. It has not been shown that
Petitioners did not stage a mass petitioners are officers of the Union. On this
leave. The term "Mass Leave" has been left issue, the NLRC correctly cited Gold City
undefined by the Labor Code. Plainly, the Integrated Port Service, Inc. v. NLRC,
legislature intended that the terms ordinary wherein We ruled that: "An ordinary striking
sense be used. "Mass" is defined as worker cannot be terminated for mere
"participated in, attended by, or affecting a participation in an illegal strike. There must
large number of individuals; having a large- be proof that he committed illegal acts
scale character." While the term "Leave" is during a strike."
defined as "an authorized absence or The CA is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
vacation from duty or employment usually The NLRC is REINSTATED with
with pay." Thus, the phrase "mass leave" MODIFICATION.
may refer to a simultaneous availment of
authorized leave benefits by a large number
of employees in a company. It is undeniable 146 3RD ALERT SECURITY AND DETECTIVE
that going on leave or absenting ones self SERVICES, INC., Petitioner, v. ROMUALDO
from work for personal reasons when they NAVIA, Respondent.
have leave benefits available is an
employees right. Here, the five (5) FACTS:
petitioners were absent on November 7, Romualdo Navia filed an illegal
2006. The records are bereft of any evidence dismissal case against 3rd Alert. In its
to establish how many workers are November 30, 2005 decision, the Labor
employed in Biomedica. There is no evidence Arbiter issued a decision in favor or 3rd Alert.
on record that 5 employees constitute a The NLRC, after appeal, affirmed the ruling
substantial number of employees of of the Labor Arbiter and on October 19,
Biomedica. 2008, it also denied 3rd Alert motion for
From this ruling, 3rd Alert filed an on reinstatement had been sent to Navia
appeal with the CA (CA-G.R. SP No. 106963) counsel and was received by a certain
with a prayer for the issuance of a temporary "Biznar", the Supreme Court did not see any
restraining order. The CA denied the appeal; grave abuse of discretion.
3rd Alert moved for a motion for Since it was ruled that there had
reconsideration but the motion was also been no notice of reinstatement sent to
denied. Navia or his counsel, as also affirmed by the
In the meantime, on January 29, CA, the Court cannot rule otherwise in the
2009, the NLRC issued an Entry of Judgment absence of any compelling evidence. Time
certifying that the NLRC resolution dated and again, it has been held that this Court is
October 19, 2008 has become final and not a trier of facts. In the absence of any
executory. Thus, Navia filed with the labor attendant grave abuse of discretion, these
arbiter an ex-parte motion for findings are entitled not only to respect, but
recomputation of back wages and an ex- to our final recognition in this appellate
parte motion for execution based on the review.
recomputed back wages. Article 223 of the Labor Code
On November 10, 2009, the labor provides that in case there is an order of
arbiter issued a writ of execution to enforce reinstatement, the employer must admit the
the recomputed monetary awards. 3rd Alert dismissed employee under the same terms
appealed the recomputed amount stated in and conditions, or merely reinstate the
the writ of execution to the NLRC. 3rd Alert employee in the payroll. The order shall be
also alleged that the writ was issued with immediately executory. Thus, 3rd Alert
grave abuse of discretion since there was cannot escape liability by simply invoking
already a notice of reinstatement sent to that Navia did not report for work. The law
Navia. states that the employer must still reinstate
The NLRC dismissed the appeal, the employee in the payroll. Where
ruling that 3rd Alert is guilty of bad faith reinstatement is no longer viable as an
since there was no earnest effort to reinstate option, separation pay equivalent to one (1)
Navia. The NLRC also ruled that there was no month salary for every year of service could
notice or reinstatement sent to Navia be awarded as an alternative.
counsel. A motion for reconsideration was Since the proceedings below indicate
filed, but it was likewise denied. that 3rd Alert failed to adduce additional
3rd Alert filed a petition for certiorari evidence to show that it tried to reinstate
with the CA which found the petition Navia, either physically or in the payroll, it s
without merit because Navia had not been safe to conclude that there was no earnest
reinstated either physically or in the payroll. effort to reinstate Navia.
The CA also denied the motion for It is also noteworthy that 3rd Alert
reconsideration filed by 3rd Alert; hence, resorted to legal tactics to frustrate the
this petition. execution of the labor arbiter order; for
about four (4) years, it evaded the obligation
ISSUE: to reinstate Navia. By so doing, 3rd Alert has
Did the Court of Appeals err in ruling made a mockery of justice. It is thus proper
that the NLRC did not commit any grave to impose treble costs against 3rd Alert for
abuse of discretion? its utter disregard to comply with the writ of
execution. To reiterate, no indication exists
HELD: showing that 3rd Alert exerted any efforts to
After a close examination of the reinstate Navia; worse, 3rd Alert lame
petition and the attached records where 3rd excuse of having sent a notice of
Alert insists that a copy of the manifestation reinstatement to a certain "Biznar" only
compounded the intent to mislead the Whether or not Dakila was illegally
courts. dismissed?
The petition is partly granted.
147 THE NEW PHILIPPINE SKYLANDERS, The issue of illegal dismissal is
INC. and/or JENNIFER M. ENANO-BOTE, premised on the existence of an employer-
Petitioners, v. FRANCISCO N. DAKILA, employee relationship between the parties
Respondent. herein. Records reveal that both the LA and
the NLRC, as affirmed by the CA, have found
FACTS: substantial evidence to show that
Respondent Francisco Dakila (Dakila) respondent Dakila was a regular employee
was employed by The New Philippine who was dismissed without cause.
Skylanders, Inc. (Skylanders) as early as 1987 Following Article 279 of the Labor
and terminated for cause in April 1997 when Code, an employee who is unjustly dismissed
the latter was sold. In May 1997, he was from work is entitled to reinstatement
rehired as consultant by Skylanders under a without loss of seniority rights and other
Contract for Consultancy Services. privileges and to his full backwages
Thereafter, in a letter dated April 19, computed from the time he was illegally
2007, Dakila informed Skylanders of his dismissed. However, considering that
compulsory retirement effective May 2, respondent Dakila was terminated on May 1,
2007 and sought for the payment of his 2007, or one (1) day prior to his compulsory
retirement benefits. His request, however, retirement on May 2, 2007, his
was not acted upon. Instead, he was reinstatement is no longer feasible. His
terminated from service effective May 1, backwages should be computed only for
2007. days prior to his compulsory retirement
Thus, Dakila filed a complaint for which in this case is only a day.
constructive illegal dismissal. He averred Petition is PARTLY GRANTED.
that the consultancy contract was a scheme
to deprive him of the benefits of
regularization, claiming to have assumed 148 NORKIS TRADING CORPO RATION VS.
tasks necessary and desirable in the trade or JOAQUIN B UENAVISTA, ET AL.
business of Skylanders and under their direct
control and supervision. On the contrary, FACTS:
Skylanders argued that Dakila was not their The respondents were hired by
regular employee as he was not required to Norkis Trading, a domestic corporation
observe regular working hours and was free engaged in the business of manufacturing
to adopt means and methods to accomplish and marketing of Yamaha motorcycles and
his task except as to the results of the work multi-purpose vehicles, on separate dates
required of him. Hence, no employer- and for various positions as welders and
employee relationship existed between operators.
them. Although they worked for Norkis
Both the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC Trading as skilled workers assigned in the
ruled that Dakila was illegally dismissed. The operation of industrial and welding
Court of Appeals affirmed the findings of the machines owned and used by Norkis Trading
Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. for its business, they were not treated as
regular employees by Norkis Trading.
ISSUE: Instead, they were regarded by
Norkis Trading as members of Panaghiusa sa
reversing and setting aside the decision and prohibited act, is an arrangement where the
resolution of the NLRC. The CA considered contractor or subcontractor merely recruits,
Regional Director Balanag’s finding in LSED supplies, or places workers to perform a job,
Case No. RO700-9906-CI-CS-168 that work, or service for a principal. In labor-only
PASAKA was engaged in labor-only contracting, the following elements are
contracting. In ruling that the respondents present: (a) the contractor or subcontractor
were illegally dismissed, the CA held that does not have substantial capital or
Norkis Trading’s refusal to accept the investment to actually perform the job,
respondents back to their former positions, work, or service under its own account and
offering them instead to accept a new responsibility; and (b) the employees
assignment as washers of vehicles in its sister recruited, supplied or placed by such
company, was a demotion that amounted to contractor or subcontractor perform
a constructive dismissal. Norkis Trading’s activities which are directly related to the
motion for reconsideration was denied by main business of the principal. These
the CA. Hence, this petition. differentiate it from
permissible or legitimate job contracting or
ISSUES: subcontracting, which refers to an
(1) Whether the CA erred in revering arrangement whereby a principal agrees to
of LA Gutierrez’s and the NLRC’s rulings. put out or farm out with the contractor or
(2) Whether PASAKA is a labor-only subcontractor the performance or
contractor. completion of a specific job, work, or service
(3) Whether the respondents were within a definite or predetermined period,
illegally dismissed by Norkis Trading regardless of whether such job, work, or
service is to be performed or completed
RULING: within or outside the premises of the
Factual findings of labor officials principal. A person is considered engaged in
may be examined by the courts when there legitimate job contracting or subcontracting
is a showing that they were arrived at if the following conditions concur: (a) the
arbitrarily or in disregard of evidence on contractor carries on a distinct and
record. Nonetheless, these findings are not independent business and partakes the
infallible. When there is a showing that they contract work
were arrived at arbitrarily or in disregard of on his account under his own responsibility
the evidence on record, they may be according to his own manner and method,
examined by the courts. The CA can then free from the control and direction of his
grant a petition for certiorari if it finds that employer or principal in all matters
the NLRC, in its assailed decision or connected with the performance of his work
resolution, has made a factual finding that is except as to the results thereof; (b) the
not supported by substantial evidence. It is contractor has substantial capital or
within the jurisdiction of the CA, whose investment; and (c) the agreement between
jurisdiction over labor cases has been the principal and the contractor or
expanded to review the findings of the NLRC. subcontractor assures the contractual
47 This case falls within the exception to the employees’ entitlement to all labor and
general rule that findings of fact of labor occupational safety and health standards,
officials are to be accorded respect and free exercise of the right to self-organization,
finality on appeal. security of tenure, and social welfare
Norkis Trading is the principal benefits. 49 SC emphasized that the
employer of the respondents, considering petitioner’s arguments against the
that PASAKA is a mere labor-only respondents’ claim that PASAKA is a labor-
contractor. Labor-only contracting, a only contractor, which is thus to be regarded
as a mere agent of Norkis Trading for which labor-only contractor. The statute
the respondents rendered service, are establishes this relationship for a
already comprehensive purpose: to prevent a
mooted by the finality of this SC’s circumvention of labor laws. The contractor
Resolutions in G.R. Nos. 180078-79, which is considered merely an agent of the
stems from the CA’s and the DOLE principal employer and the latter is
Secretary’s review of the DOLE Regional responsible to the employees of the labor-
Director’s Order dated August 22, 2000 in only
LSED Case No. RO700-9906-CI-CS-168. contractor as if such employees had been
Applying the doctrine of res judicata, all directly employed by the principal employer.
matters that have been fully resolved with
finality by this Court’s dismissal of the appeal
that stemmed from Regional Director 149 EQUITABLE BANKING CORPORATION
Balanag’s Order in LSED Case No. RO700- (EQUITABLE PCI BANK) vs RICARDO SADAC
9906-CI-CS-168 are already
conclusive between the parties. The rule on FACTS:
conclusiveness of judgment then now Sadac was appointed Vice President
precludes this Court from re-opening the of the Legal Department of PCI Bank and
issues that were already settled with finality subsequently General Counsel thereof. Nine
in G.R. Nos. 180078-79, which effectively lawyers of PCI Banks Legal Department,
affirmed the CA’s findings that PASAKA was accused
engaged in labor-only contracting, and that Sadac of abusive conduct, inter alia, and
Norkis Trading shall be treated as the ultimately, petitioned for a change in
employer of the respondents. leadership of the
Termination of an employment for department. On the ground of lack of
no just or authorized cause amounts to an confidence in Sadac, under the rules of client
illegal dismissal. Where an entity is declared and lawyer
to be a labor-only contractor, the employees relationship, PCI Bank instructed Sadac to
supplied by said contractor to the principal deliver all materials in his custody in all cases
employer become regular employees of the in
latter. Having gained regular status, the which the latter was appearing as its counsel
employees are entitled to security of tenure of record. In reaction thereto, Sadac
and can only be requested for
dismissed for just or authorized causes and a full hearing and formal investigation but
after they had been afforded due process. 66 the same remained unheeded. Sadac filed a
Termination of employment without just or complaint for illegal dismissal with damages
authorized cause and without observing against PCI Bank and individual members of
procedural due process is illegal. the
In claiming that they were illegally Board of Directors thereof. After learning of
dismissed from their employment, the the filing of the complaint, PCI Bank
respondents alleged having been informed terminated the
by PASAKA that they would be transferred, services of Sadac. Finally, Sadac was
upon the behest of Norkis Trading, as removed from his office and ordered
Multicab washers or utility workers to Porta disentitled to any
Coeli, a sister company of Norkis Trading. compensation and other benefits. In this
Norkis. Where labor-only contracting exists, case, the SC already decided that Sadacs
the Labor Code itself establishes an dismissal was
employer-employee relationship between not grounded on any of the causes stated in
the employer and the employees of the Article 282 of the Labor Code and that PCI
In the instant case, based on the facts a quitclaim as they were given their
on record, petitioners failed to accord separation pay. Petitioners still pursued a
respondent substantive and procedural due complaint with the Labor Arbiter for illegal
process.The haphazard manner in the dismissal. They also claim that the illegal
investigation of the missing cash, which was dismissal was done as retaliation for a sexual
left to the determination of the police harassment complaint they filed against one
authorities and the Prosecutor's Office, left of the company managers. The Labor Arbiter
respondent with no choice but to cry found the dismissal to be illegal as the
foul.Administrative investigation was not financial difficulties of Bio Research were
conducted by petitioner Supermarket.On unproven, and that no criteria was
the same day that the missing money was established in selecting the employees to be
reported by respondent to her immediate let go. The LA ordered for payment of
superior, the company already pre-judged backwages and reinstatement, as well as the
her guilt without proper investigation, and subsidiary liability of respondent Ang, for
instantly reported her to the police as the having acted in bad faith. The NLRC, on
suspected thief, which resulted in her appeal, affirmed the findings of the LA. Upon
languishing in jail for two weeks. appeal to the Court of Appeals, the appellate
The due process requirements under court affirmed the finding of illegal dismissal,
the Labor Code are mandatory and may not but upheld the quitclaim executed by the
be replaced with police investigation or petitioners. In addition, the CA found that
court proceedings. An illegally or since there was no proof of bad faith on the
constructively dismissed employee, part of Respondent Ang, he should not be
respondent is entitled to: (1) either held subsidiarily liable. Petitioners question
reinstatement, if viable, or separation pay, if these findings in the Supreme Court.
reinstatement is no longer viable; and (2)
backwages. These two reliefs are separate ISSUES:
and distinct from each other and are Is the quitclaim is valid?
awarded conjunctively. Is Respondent Ang subsidiarily liable
In this case, since respondent was a to petitioners?
probationary employee at the time she was
constructively dismissed by petitioners, she HELD:
is entitled to separation pay and backwages. A quitclaim does not prevent an
Reinstatement of respondent is no longer illegally dismissed employee from instituting
viable considering the circumstances. an illegal dismissal case. And since the CA
DENIED affirmed the findings of illegal dismissal, Bio
Research is indeed liable. Petitioners are
ordered reinstated, with payment of
152 BERNADETH LONDONIO AND JOAN backwages. If not possible, then a payment
CORCORO v. BIO RESEARCH, INC. AND of separation pay of one-half month salary
WILSON Y. ANG for every year served.
The acts of corporate officers, done
FACTS: in behalf of the corporation, are separate
Petitioners were employees of from their personal acts. Absent a showing
respondent Bio Research. They were of bad faith, the ruling of the CA is proper.
subsequently dismissed from employment. Respondent Ang should not have been held
Bio Research claims that due to financial liable for the corporate acts.
difficulties, it was forced to retrench
petitioners in a move towards financial
efficiency. Petitioners were made to execute
requirements to the employees last known What are the legal implications of a
address. situation where an empl oyee is dismissed
Thus, it should be held liable for non- for cause
compliance with the procedural but such dismissal was effected without the
requirements of due employers compliance with the notice
process. requirement
The violation of petitioners right to under the Labor Code.
statutory due process by the private
warrants the payment of indemnity in the
form of nominal damages. The amount of HELD:
such A dismissal for just cause under
damages is addressed to the sound Article 282 implies that the employee
discretion of the court, taking into account concerned has
the relevant committed, or is guilty of, some violation
circumstances. against the employer, i.e. the employee has
committed some serious misconduct, is
guilty of some fraud against the employer,
CORPORATION vs. DARWIN PACOT, Agabon, he has neglected his duties. Thus, it
can be said that the employee himself
FACTS: initiated the
Respondents were earlier hired by JAKA dismissal process.
Foods Processing Corporation until the latter On another breath, a dismissal for an
terminated their employment because the authorized cause under Article 283 does not
corporation was in dire financial straits. It is necessarily imply delinquency or culpability
not on the part of the employee. Instead, the
disputed, however, that the termination was dismissal
effected without JAKA complying with the process is initiated by the employers
requirement under Article 283 of the Labor exercise of his management prerogative, i.e.
Code regarding the service of a written when the
notice upon employer opts to install labor saving devices,
the employees and the Department of Labor when he decides to cease business
and Employment at least one (1) month operations or
before when, as in this case, he undertakes to
the intended date of termination. implement a retrenchment program.
Respondents separately filed complaints for In dismissal for just cause under Article 282,
illegal dismissal the payment of separation pay, as a rule, is
wherein after due proceedings, the Labor not required and a dismissal for authorized
Arbiter rendered a decision declaring the cause under Article 283, the law requires
termination payment
illegal and ordering JAKA and its HRD of separation pay.
Manager to reinstate respondents with full Accordingly, it is wise to hold that: (1)
backwages, if the dismissal is based on a just cause under
and separation pay if reinstatement is not Article 282 but the employer failed to
possible. comply with the notice requirement, the
sanction to be
ISSUE: imposed upon him should be tempered
because the dismissal process was, in effect,
by an act imputable to the employee; and (2)
if the dismissal is based on an authorized
cause 158 NELSON A. CULILI, Petitioner, v.
under Article 283 but the employer failed to EASTERN TELECOMMUNICATIONS
comply with the notice requirement, the PHILIPPINES, INC., SALVADOR HIZON
sanction (President and Chief Executive Officer),
should be stiffer because the dismissal EMILIANO JURADO (Chairman of the
process was initiated by the employers Board), VIRGILIO GARCIA (Vice President)
exercise of his and STELLA GARCIA (Assistant Vice
management prerogative. President), Respondents.
In this case, JAKA was suffering from
serious business losses at the time it FACTS:
terminated Respondent Eastern
respondents employment. It is, therefore, Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. (ETPI)
established that there was ground for is a telecommunications company engaged
respondents mainly in the business of establishing
dismissal, i.e., retrenchment, which is one of commercial telecommunications systems
the authorized causes enumerated under and leasing of international datalines or
Article circuits that pass through the international
283 of the Labor Code. Likewise, it is gateway facility (IGF). The other respondents
established that JAKA failed to comply with are ETPIs officers.
the notice Petitioner Nelson A. Culili was
requirement under the same Article. employed by ETPI as a Technician in its Field
Considering the factual circumstances in the Operations Department in 1981. In 1996,
instant case Culili was promoted to Senior Technician in
and the above ratiocination, we, therefore, the Customer Premises Equipment
deem it proper to fix the indemnity at Management Unit of the Service Quality
P50,000.00. Department.
In all cases of business closure or cessation As a telecommunications company
of operation or undertaking of the employer, and an authorized IGF operator, ETPI was
the required, under RA No. 7925 and EO No. 109,
affected employee is entitled to separation to establish landlines in Metro Manila and
pay. This is consistent with the state policy of certain provinces. However, due to
treating labor as a primary social economic interconnection problems with the PLDT,
force, affording full protection to its rights as poor subscription and cancellation of
well as subscriptions, and other business difficulties,
its welfare. The exception is when the ETPI was forced to halt its roll out of 129,000
closure of business or cessation of landlines already allocated to a number of its
operations is due to employees.
serious business losses or financial In 1998, due to business troubles and
reverses; duly proved, in which case, the losses, ETPI was compelled to implement a
right of affected Right-Sizing Program which consisted of two
employees to separation pay is lost for phases: the first phase involved the
obvious reasons. reduction of ETPIs workforce to only those
employees that were necessary and which
ETPI could sustain; the second phase
entailed a company-wide reorganization
which would result in the transfer, merger,
imposed on her the penalty of dismissal from In the case at bench, the CSC itself
service. found that Lapid was denied due process as
On appeal with the CSC, the she was never formally charged with the
Commission dismissed the respondent’s administrative offenses of Discourtesy in the
appeal for being moot and academic. Course of Official Duties and Grave
Moreover, they ruled that the respondent is Misconduct, for which she was dismissed
a casual employee which means that she is from the service. To somehow remedy the
not entitled to security of tenure. However, situation, the petitioners mentioned in their
the CA reversed the decision of the Memorandum before the CA that there was
Commission by reinstating the respondent in no reason anymore to pursue the
the service until the expiration of her casual administrative charge against Lapid and to
employment. investigate further as this was superseded by
Memorandum dated September 14, 2005
ISSUE: recommending the termination of
Did the CA gravely err in granting the respondent Lapid’s casual employment.
respondent’s petition, in effect, reversing They pointed out that this was precisely the
the CSC’s resolutions. reason why no Formal Charge was issued.
Clearly, the action of petitioners clearly
HELD: violated Lapid’s basic rights as a casual
A new ruling recognizes that casual employee.
employees are covered by the security of Therefore, the petition is denied and
tenure and cannot be terminated within the the respondent is allowed to continue
period of his employment except for cause. rendering services as teller of PCSO and is
Despite this new ruling, it is not the intention also entitled to payment of backwages.
of the Court to make the status of a casual DENIED.
employee at par with that of a regular
employee, who enjoys permanence of
employment. The rule is still that casual 160 Concepcion vs. Minex Import Corp.,
employment will cease automatically at the G.R. No. 153569, January 24, 2012
end of the period unless renewed as stated
in the Plantilla of Casual Employment. Casual Facts:
employees may also be terminated anytime Respondent is engaged in the retail
though subject to certain conditions or of semi-precious stones, selling them in
qualifications. Thus, they may be laid-off kiosks or stalls installed in various shopping
anytime before the expiration of the centers. It employed the petitioner initially
employment period provided any of the as a salesgirl then later on as supervisor.
following occurs:(1) when their services are Working under her supervision were
no longer needed; (2) funds are no longer salesgirls Cristina Calung and Lida Baquilar.
available; (3) the project has already been One day the petitioner and her
completed/finished; or (4) their salesgirls had sales of crystal items totaling
performance are below par. P39,194.50. At the close of business that
Equally important, they are entitled day, they conducted a cashcount of their
to due process especially if they are to be sales proceeds, including those from the
removed for more serious causes or for previous two days and determined their
causes other than the reasons mentioned in total for the three days to be P50,912.00.
CSC Form No. 001. The reason for this is that The petitioner wrapped the amount in a
their termination from the service could plastic bag and deposited it in the drawer of
carry a penalty affecting their rights and the locked wooden cabinet of the kiosk.
future employment in the government.
The following day petitioner phoned The petitioner argued that there was
respondent Vina Mariano to report that the no evidence at all upon which Minex could
P50,912.00 was missing, explaining how she validly dismiss her considering that she had
and her salesgirls had placed the wrapped not yet been found guilty beyond reasonable
amount at the bottom of the cabinet the doubt of the crime of qualified theft.
night before, and how she had found upon
reporting to work that morning that the
contents of the cabinet were in disarray and
the money. Issues:
Later, while the petitioner was giving Whether or not there was valid
a detailed statement on the theft to the ground to terminate the petitioner.
security investigator of Harrison Plaza, Vina
and Sylvia Mariano, her superiors, arrived Ruling:
with a policeman who immediately placed The petitioner’s argument is not
the petitioner under arrest and brought her novel. It has been raised and rejected many
to a police station where she was times before on the basis that neither
investigated her and detained for a day. conviction beyond reasonable doubt for a
Subsequently petitioner filed a case crime against the employer nor acquittal
for illegal dismissal against respondent and after criminal prosecution was
two days later respondent filed a criminal indispensable. Nor was a formal charge in
case for qualified theft against petitioner. court for the acts prejudicial to the interest
The petitioner insisted on her innocence, of the employer a pre-requisite for a valid
reiterating that on the time the alleged crime dismissal. The criminal charges initiated by
took place she, together with her two the company against private respondents
salesgirls, had first counted the cash before and the finding after preliminary
placing it in a plastic bag that she deposited investigation of their prima facieguilt of the
inside the drawer of the cabinet with the offense charged constitute substantial
knowledge of the other salesgirls. One of the evidence ermination based on loss of trust
salesgirls however averred that she had left and confidence.
the petitioner alone because the latter had The Labor Tribunal need not have
still to change her clothes; and that that was gone further as to require private
the first time that the petitioner had ever respondent’s conviction of the crime
asked to be left behind, for they had charged, or inferred innocence on their part
previously left the kiosk together. from their release from detention, which
Respondent Vina declared that the was mainly due to their posting of bail. While
petitioner did not call the office of Minex for there is a valid ground to terminate
the pick-up of the P39,194.50 cash sales on petitioner, respondent however failed to
that faithful day in violation of the standard comply with the requirements of due
operating procedure (SOP) requiring cash process prior to the termination under the
proceeds exceeding P10,000.00 to be implementing rules and regulations of the
reported for pick-up if the amount could not Labor Code.
be In all cases of termination of
deposited in the bank. After the preliminary employment, the following standards of due
investigation, the fiscal rendered a process shall be substantially observed. For
resolution finding probable cause for termination of employment based on just
qualified theft and recommending the filing causes as defined in Article 282 of the Labor
of an information against the petitioner. Code:
Thus, she was charged with qualified theft (i) A written notice served on the
before the Regional Trial Court. employee specifying the ground or grounds
for termination, and giving said employee master. De Gracia left the master’s cabin
reasonable opportunity within which to after a few minutes and was heard shouting
explain his side. very loudly somewhere down the corridors.
(ii) A hearing or conference during The incident was evidenced by the Captain’s
which the employee concerned, with the Report sent on said date.
assistance of counsel if he so desires is given Furthermore, Skippers also claim
opportunity to respond to the charge, that on January 22, 1999, Aprosta, De Gracia,
present his evidence, or rebut the evidence Lata and Daza arrived in the master’s cabin
presented against him. and demanded immediate repatriation
(iii) A written notice of termination because they were not satisfied with the
served on the employee, indicating that ship. De Gracia, et al. threatened that they
upon due consideration of all the may become crazy any moment and
circumstances, grounds have been demanded for all outstanding payments due
established to justify his termination to them. The incident is evidenced by a telex
In this case the respondents of Cosmoship MV Wisdom to skippers but
immediately had her arrested and had conflicting dates.
investigated by the police authorities for De Gracia claims that Skippers failed
qualified theft which constitutes a denial of to remit their respective allotments,
her right to due process of law, consisting in compelling them to vent their grievances
the opportunity to be heard and to defend with the Romanian Seafarers Union. On
herself. In fact, their decision to dismiss her January 28, 1999, the Filipino seafarers were
was already final even before the police unceremoniously discharged and
authority commenced an investigation of immediately repatriated. Upon arrival in the
the theft, the finality being confirmed by no Philippines, they filed a complaint for illegal
less than Sylvia Mariano herself telling the dismissal with the LA.
petitioner during their phone conversation The LA dismissed the seafarers’
following the latter’s release from police complaint as the seafarers’ demand for
custody that she (Sylvia) “no longer wanted immediate repatriation due to the
to see” her. dissatisfaction with the ship is considered a
The fact that the petitioner was the voluntary pre-termination of employment.
only person suspected of being responsible Such act was deemed akin to resignation
for the theft aggravated the denial of due recognized under Article 285 of the LC. The
process. LA gave credence to the telex of the master’s
report that the seafarers indeed demanded
immediate repatriation.
The NLRC agreed with the LA’s
decision. The CA however reversed the LA’s
and the NLRC’s decision. The Court deemed
161 Skippers United Pacific vs. Doza, G.R. the telex message as a self-serving
No. 175558, February 8, 2012 document that does not
satisfy the requirement of substantial
Facts: evidence, or that amount of relevant
Petitioner deployed De Gracia, Lata evidence which a reasonable mind might
and Aprosta to work on board the vessel MV accept as adequate to justify the conclusion
Wisdom Star. On December 3 1998, Skippers that petitioners indeed voluntarily
alleges that De Garcia smelling strongly of demanded their immediate repatriation.
alcohol, went to the cabin of Gabriel Oleszek, Aggrieved, Skippers appeals the case with
MV Wisdom Stars’ Master. Skippers claims the Supreme Court.
that he was rude and shouted noisily to the
from the government offices housed in the Whether or not the dismissal by
condominium. Apparently, the petitioner reason of breach of trust was valid
had been earning additional income for
services that he rendered for the COMELEC. HELD:
Petitioner submitted his written Yes.
report wherein he admitted that he had Labor Law
received additional compensation from the The first requisite for dismissal on the
COMELEC for services which he rendered ground of loss of trust and confidence is that
after his regular working hours and on the employee concerned must be holding a
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. He position of trust and confidence.
explained that the COMELEC had caused the Here, it is indubitable that the
rehabilitation of the 8th floor of the petitioner holds a position of trust and
condominium and that he was tasked by the confidence. The position of Building
former, for a stated compensation, to Administrator, being managerial in nature,
supervise and monitor the rehabilitation. necessarily enjoys the trust and confidence
After investigating the allegations of the employer.
against the petitioner, Atty. Bernardo The second requisite is that there
recommended to Cruz and the PDGCC Board must be an act that would justify the loss of
of Directors the filing of appropriate charges trust and confidence. Loss of trust and
against the petitioner for violation of confidence, to be a valid cause for dismissal,
Republic Act No. 3019 (Anti-Graft and must be based on a willful breach of trust
Corrupt Practices Act) and Republic Act No. and founded on clearly established facts. The
6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards basis for the dismissal must be clearly and
for Public Officials and Employees). convincingly established but proof beyond
Cruz then directed the petitioner to reasonable doubt is not necessary.
turn over all of his accountabilities to PDGCC. PDGCC had established, by clear and
The foregoing was acknowledged by the convincing evidence, the petitioners acts
petitioner in his letter to the PDGCC Board of which justified its loss of trust and
Directors dated November 17, 2006. confidence on the former. On this score, the
Nevertheless, on January 23, 2007, LA keenly observed that:
the petitioner filed a Complaint for Complainants breach of the trust
constructive dismissal with the arbitration reposed in him as Building Administrator is
branch of the National Labor Relations sufficiently supported by the evidence on
Commission (NLRC) in Quezon City against record. Complainants admission that he
PDGCC and Cruz. received remuneration from Commission on
The Labor Arbiter (LA) rendered a Elections (COMELEC) whose office is housed
Decision dismissing the petitioners at respondent Palacio Del Gobernador
complaint, finding that there was substantial Condominium justified his termination of
evidence to conclude that the petitioner had employment. Complainant cannot assert
breached the trust and confidence of that he rendered services to COMELEC only
PDGCC. The NLRC affirmed the LA decision. after office hours as his functions as Building
Petitioner filed a petition for certiorari Coordinator would definitely have favored
before the CA but the same was denied. COMELEC in the performance of his
Undaunted, the petitioner instituted the functions during regular office hours.
instant petition for review on certiorari Likewise, as Building Administrator,
before this Court. his active vigilance in reporting and
informing the respondents as to the expired
ISSUE: license to operate of the EGB Security
Agency and its revoked SEC Certificate of
Registration was his duty and look-out. In the Relying on the finding and Nasipit Lumber
instant case, complainant instead of Company v. NLRC, 257 Phil. 937 (1989),
informing the respondents, kept this Lynvil asserted there was sufficient basis for
information from the knowledge of the valid termination of employment of
respondents and allowed the security respondents based on serious misconduct
agency to render security services to the and/or loss of trust and confidence.
premises of respondents despite its expired
license and revoked SEC Certificate of Issues:
Registration. Whether a finding of the city
What escapes the foregoing prosecutor of probable cause to indict
argument of the petitioner is that he is an employees of qualified theft is sufficient
employee of PDGCC and not of the basis for valid termination for serious
COMELEC. It is undisputed that PDGCC did misconduct and/or loss of trust or
not authorize nor was it informed of the confidence?
services rendered by the petitioner in favor Whether the employees were validly
of the COMELEC. To make matters worse, terminated?
the said services rendered by the petitioner
are, essentially, related to the performance Ruling:
of his duties as a Building Administrator of On the first issue, the Supreme Court
the condominium. ruled in the negative. We ruled that proof
DENIED beyond reasonable doubt of an employee’s
misconduct is not required when loss of
confidence is the ground for dismissal. It is
163 Lynvil Fishing Enterprises vs. Ariola, sufficient if the employer has “some basis”
G.R. No. 181974, February 1, 2012 to lose confidence or that the employer has
reasonable ground to believe or to entertain
Facts: the moral conviction that the employee
Petitioner Lynvil Fishing Enterprises, concerned is responsible for the misconduct
Inc. (Lynvil) is engaged in deep-sea fishing. and that the nature of his participation
Respondents’ services were engaged in therein rendered him absolutely unworthy
various capacities: of the trust and confidence demanded by his
Andres G. Ariola, captain; Jessie D. position.
Alcovendas, chief mate; Jimmy B. Calinao, Lynvil cannot argue that since the
chief engineer; Ismael G. Nubla, cook; Elorde Office of the Prosecutor found probable
Bañez, oiler; and Leopoldo G. Sebullen, cause for theft the Labor Arbiter must follow
bodegero. the finding as a valid reason for the
On Aug. 1, 1998, Lynvil received a termination of respondents’ employment.
report from Ramonito Clarido, one of its The proof required for purposes that differ
employees, that on July 31, 1998, he from one and the other are likewise
witnessed that while on board the company different.
vessel Analyn VIII, respondents conspired On the second question, the Court
with one another and stole eight tubs of stated that nonetheless, even without
“pampano” and “tangigue” fish and reliance on the prosecutor’s finding, we find
delivered them to another vessel. that there was valid cause for respondents’
Petitioner filed a criminal complaint dismissal.
against respondents before the office of the Just cause is required for a valid
City Prosecutor of Malabon City which found dismissal. The Labor Code provides that an
probable cause for indictment of employer may terminate an employment
respondents for the crime of qualified theft. based on fraud or willful breach of the trust
reposed on the employee. Such breach is second, it satisfactorily appears that the
considered willful if it is done intentionally, employer and the employee dealt with each
knowingly, and purposely, without other on more or less equal terms with no
justifiable excuse, as distinguished from an moral dominance exercised by the former or
act done carelessly, thoughtlessly, the latter.
heedlessly or inadvertently. It must also be In the context of the facts that: (1) the
based on substantial evidence and not on respondents were doing tasks necessarily to
the employer’s whims or caprices or Lynvil’s fishing business with positions
suspicions otherwise, the employee would ranging from captain of the vessel to
eternally remain at the mercy of the bodegero; (2) after the end of a trip, they will
employer. Loss of confidence must not be again be hired for another trip with new
indiscriminately used as a shield by the contracts; and (3) this arrangement
employer against a claim that the dismissal continued for more than ten years, the clear
of an employee was arbitrary. And, in order intention is to go around the security of
to constitute a just cause for dismissal, the tenure of the respondents as regular
act complained of must be work-related and employees. And respondents are so by the
shows that the employee concerned is unfit express provisions of the second paragraph
to continue working for the employer. In of Article 280, thus: xxx Provided, That any
addition, loss of confidence as a just cause employee who has rendered
for termination of employment is premised at least one year of service, whether such
on the fact that the employee concerned service is continuous or broken, shall be
holds a position of responsibility, trust and considered a regular employee with respect
confidence or that the employee concerned to the activity in which he is employed and
is entrusted with confidence with respect to his employment shall continue while such
delicate matters, such as the handling or activity exists.
care and protection of the property and Having found that respondents are
assets of the employer. The betrayal regular employees who may be, however,
of this trust is the essence of the offense for dismissed for cause as we have so found in
which an employee is penalized. Breach of this case, there is a need to look into the
trust is present in this case. procedural requirement of due process in
However, Lynvil contends that it Section 2, Rule XXIII, Book V of the Rules
cannot be guilty of illegal dismissal because Implementing the Labor Code. It is required
the private respondents were employed that the employer furnish the employee with
under a fixed-term contract which expired at two written notices: (1) a written notice
the end of the voyage. Contrarily, the private served on the employee specifying the
respondents (employees) contend that they ground or grounds for termination, and
became regular employees by reason of giving to said employee reasonable
their continuous hiring and performance of opportunity within which to explain his side;
tasks necessary and desirable in the usual and (2) a written notice of termination
trade and business of Lynvil. served on the employee indicating that upon
Jurisprudence, laid two conditions due consideration of all the circumstances,
for the validity of a fixed-contract agreement grounds have been established to justify his
between the employer and employee: first, termination. In this case, it is clear that the
the fixed period of employment was employees were not given the final written
knowingly and voluntarily agreed upon by notices of dismissal.
the parties without any force, duress, or The Court ruled that since employees
improper pressure being brought to bear were dismissed for just cause, they were not
upon the employee and absent any other entitle to separation pay and backwages.
circumstances vitiating his consent; or However, they were to be granted nominal
damages for failure of the employer to Petitioners appealed to NLRC. NLRC reversed
comply with statutory due process. the LA’s decision and found respondent to
have been validly dismissed. The NLRC,
however, upheld the LA’s finding that
164 Norkis vs. Buat - GR No. 185255 petitioners are liable to respondent for
unpaid wages. Respondent filed MR. It was
FACTS: denied so he filed with the CA a petition for
Respondent Delfin S. Descallar was certiorari. CA reinstated with modification
assigned at the Iligan City Branch of the decision of the LA. Respondent filed a
petitioner Norkis Distributors, Inc., a motion for clarification as to the awards of
distributor of Yamaha motorcycles. He separation pay and back wages while
became a regular employee and was petitioners filed MR. CA issued a Resolution
promoted as Branch Manager. He acted as stating that as regards respondent’s motion
branch administrator and had supervision for clarification, the separation pay and back
and control of all the employees. wages shall be reckoned from the time
Respondent was also responsible for sales respondent was illegally suspended until
and collection finality of its earlier Decision. The CA likewise
In a memorandum, petitioners denied petitioners’ MR. Hence, petitioners
required respondent to explain in writing filed the present petition.
within 48 hrs why he should not be penalized
or terminated for being absent without ISSUE:
official leave (AWOL) or rendering under- Was the failure of respondent to
time service on certain dates. Respondent reach his monthly sales quota a valid basis
explained that he reported to the office on for loss of trust and confidence?
those dates, but he either went to the bank
or followed-up on prospects. As he was still RULING:
within city limits, he did not file any official NO. Loss of trust and confidence as a
leave or travel record. ground for termination of an employee
Norkis conducted an investigation. under Article 282 of the Labor Code requires
Finding that respondent was not able to that the breach of trust be willful, meaning it
prove that he was really in the branch or on must be done intentionally, knowingly, and
official travel, petitioners suspended him for purposely, without justifiable excuse. The
15 days without pay. According to basic premise for dismissal on the ground of
petitioners, respondent admitted during the loss of confidence is that the employee
investigation that he used company time for concerned holds a position of trust and
his personal affairs, but only for a few hours confidence. It is the breach of this trust that
and not the whole day. results in the employer’s loss of confidence
While respondent was still in the employee.
suspended, Norkis also found that Here, there is no question that as
Respondent committed some inappropriate petitioners’ Branch Manager in Iligan City,
and irregular acts such as unexplained low respondent was holding a position of trust
performance of his branch, missing funds, and confidence. He was responsible for the
unauthorized disbursement of funds, administration of the branch, and exercised
irregular transactions. supervision and control over all the
Petitioners terminated respondent’s employees. He was also incharge of sales
services for loss of trust and confidence and and collection.
gross inefficiency. Respondent filed a In termination cases, the burden of
complaint for illegal suspension and illegal proof rests upon the employer to show that
dismissal. LA favored respondent. the dismissal is for a just and valid cause and
failure to do so would necessarily mean that up to the finality of its decision modifying the
the dismissal was illegal. The quantum of LA’s decision. In view of the modification of
proof required in determining the legality of monetary awards in the Labor Arbiter’s
an employee’s dismissal is only substantial decision, the time frame for the payment of
evidence. CA correctly held that petitioners back wages and separation pay is
failed to discharge this burden. accordingly modified to the finality of the CA
Failure to reach the monthly sales decision.
quota cannot be considered an intentional WHEREFORE, the petition for review
and unjustified act of respondent amounting on certiorari is DENIED.
to a willful breach of trust on his part that
would call for his termination based on loss
of confidence. This is not the willful breach 165 Armando Ailing, Petitioner vs. Jose B.
of trust and confidence contemplated in Feliciano, Manuel F. San Mateo III, et al.,
Article 282(c) of the Labor Code. Low sales Respondents
performance could be attributed to several
factors which are beyond respondent’s FACTS:
control. To be a valid ground for an Via a letter dated June 2, 2004,
employee’s dismissal, loss of trust and respondent Wide Wide World Express
confidence must be based on a willful Corporation (WWWEC) offered to employ
breach. To repeat, a breach is willful if it is petitioner Armando Aliling (Aliling) as
done intentionally, knowingly and “Account Executive (Seafreight Sales),” with
purposely, without justifiable excuse. the following compensation package: a
Petitioners having failed to establish monthly salary of PhP 13,000, transportation
by substantial evidence any valid ground for allowance of PhP 3,000, clothing allowance
terminating respondent’s services, we of PhP 800, cost of living allowance of PhP
uphold the finding of the Labor Arbiter and 500, each payable on a per month basis and
the CA that respondent was illegally a 14th month pay depending on the
dismissed. profitability and availability of financial
An illegally dismissed employee is resources of the company. The offer came
entitled to two reliefs: back wages and with a six (6)-month probation period
reinstatement. The two reliefs provided are condition with this express caveat:
separate and distinct. In instances where “Performance during probationary period
reinstatement is no longer feasible because shall be made as basis for confirmation to
of strained relations between the employee Regular or Permanent Status.”
and the employer, separation pay is granted. On June 11, 2004, Aliling and
The normal consequences of respondent’s WWWEC inked an Employment Contract
illegal dismissal, then, are reinstatement under the following terms, among others:
without loss of seniority rights, and payment Conversion to regular status shall be
of back wages computed from the time determined on the basis of work
compensation was withheld from him up to performance; and
the date of actual reinstatement. Where
reinstatement is no longer viable as an Employment services may, at any
option, separation pay equivalent to one time, be terminated for just cause or in
month salary for every year of service should accordance with the standards defined at
be awarded as an alternative. The payment the time of engagement.
of separation pay is in addition to payment Training then started. However,
of back wages. instead of a Seafreight Sale assignment,
The CA merely clarified the period of WWWEC asked Aliling to handle Ground
payment of back wages and separation pay Express (GX), a new company product
The first requisite for dismissal on the and confidence of Vallota employer so as to
ground of loss of trust and confidence is that constitute a valid cause for dismissal. It must,
the employee concerned must be one thus, be determined whether the alleged
holding a position of trust and confidence. basis for dismissal was based on clearly
There are two (2) classes of positions of established facts.
trust. The first class consists of managerial The act alleged to have caused the
employees. They are defined as those vested loss of trust and confidence of PGAI in
with the powers or prerogatives to lay down Vallota was the presence in his computer
management policies and to hire, transfer hard drive of a folder named "MAA"
suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or allegedly containing files with information
discipline employees or effectively on MAA Mutual Life Philippines, a domestic
recommend such managerial actions. The corporation selling life insurance policies to
second class consists of cashiers, auditors, the buying public, and files relating to PGAI
property custodians, etc. They are defined as internal affairs.
those who in the normal and routine While the law and this Court
exercise of their functions, regularly handle recognize the right of an employer to dismiss
significant amounts of money or property. an employee based on loss of trust and
Xxx confidence, the evidence of the employer
The second requisite is that there must clearly and convincingly establish the
must be an act that would justify the loss of facts upon which the loss of trust and
trust and confidence. Loss of trust and confidence in the employee is based.
confidence to be a valid cause for dismissal To be a valid ground for dismissal,
must be based on a willful breach of trust loss of trust and confidence must be based
and founded on clearly established facts. The on a willful breach of trust and founded on
basis for the dismissal must be clearly and clearly established facts. A breach is willful if
convincingly established but proof beyond it is done intentionally, knowingly and
reasonable doubt is not necessary. purposely, without justifiable excuse, as
Thus, the first question to be distinguished from an act done carelessly,
addressed is whether Vallota held a position thoughtlessly, heedlessly or inadvertently. It
of trust and confidence. Vallota was must rest on substantial grounds and not on
employed by PGAI as a Junior Programmer the employer arbitrariness, whims, caprices
assigned to the EDP Department. Based on or suspicion; otherwise, the employee would
the standards set by previous jurisprudence, remain eternally at the mercy of the
Vallota position as Junior Programmer is employer.Further, in order to constitute a
analogous to the second class of positions of just cause for dismissal, the act complained
trust and confidence. Though he did not of must be work-related and show that the
physically handle money or property, he employee concerned is unfit to continue
became privy to confidential data or working for the employer.Such ground for
information by the nature of his functions. At dismissal has never been intended to afford
a time when the most sensitive of an occasion for abuse because of its
information is found not printed on paper subjective nature.
but stored on hard drives and servers, an In this case, there was no other
employee who handles or has access to data evidence presented to prove fraud in the
in electronic form naturally becomes the manner of securing or obtaining the files
unwilling recipient of confidential found in Vallota computer. In fact, aside
information. from the presence of these files in Vallota
Having addressed the nature of his hard drive, there was no other evidence to
position, the next question is whether the prove any gross misconduct on his part.
act complained of justified the loss of trust There was no proof either that the presence
of such files was part of an attempt to following the Court ruling in the Perez case,
defraud his employer or to use the files for a which was later cited in the recent case of
purpose other than that for which they were Lopez v. Alturas Group of Companies, such
intended. If anything, the presence of the formal hearing became mandatory. After
files reveals some degree of carelessness or PGAI failed to affirmatively respond to such
neglect in his failure to delete them, but it is request, it follows that the hearing
an extremely farfetched conclusion requirement was not complied with and,
bordering on paranoia to state that it is part therefore, Vallota was denied his right to
of a larger conspiracy involving corporate procedural due process.
espionage. Reinstatement and backwages - In
Moreover, contrary to the light of the above discussion, Vallota is
respondentsallegations, the MAA files found entitled to reinstatement and backwages,
in Vallota computer, the prospectus and reckoned from the date he was illegally
corporate profile, are not sensitive dismissed until the finality of this decision in
corporate documents. These are documents accordance with jurisprudence.
routinely made available to the public, and In view of the strained relations
serve as means to inform the public about between Vallota and PGAI, however, it is not
the company and to disseminate in the best interest of the parties, nor is it
information about the products it sells or the advisable or practical to order
services it provides, in order that potential reinstatement. Where reinstatement is no
clients may make a sound and informed longer viable as an option, separation pay
decision whether or not to purchase or avail equivalent to one (1) month salary for every
of such goods and services. year of service should be awarded as an
If anything, the presence of the files alternative. It must be stressed, however,
would merely merit the development of that an illegally dismissed employee is
some suspicion on the part of the employer, entitled to two reliefs: backwages and
but should not amount to a loss of trust and reinstatement, which are separate and
confidence such as to justify the termination distinct. In Golden Ace Builders v. Tagle, it
of his employment. Such act is not of the was written:
same class, degree or gravity as the acts that Thus, an illegally dismissed employee
have been held to be of such character. is entitled to two reliefs: backwages and
While Vallota act or omission may have been reinstatement. The two reliefs provided are
done carelessly, it falls short of the standard separate and distinct. In instances where
required for termination of employment. It reinstatement is no longer feasible because
does not manifest either that the employee of strained relations between the employee
concerned is unfit to continue working for and the employer, separation pay is granted.
his employer. In effect, an illegally dismissed employee is
Procedural due process entitled to either reinstatement, if viable, or
requirements for termination - In this case, separation pay if reinstatement is no longer
the two-notice requirement was complied viable, and backwages.
with. By the petitionersown admission, PGAI The normal consequences of
issued to Vallota a written Notice of Charges respondentsillegal dismissal, then, are
& Preventive Suspension dated November reinstatement without loss of seniority
14, 2005. After an exchange of memoranda, rights, and payment of backwages computed
PGAI then informed Vallota of his dismissal from the time compensation was withheld
in its decision dated December 21, 2005. up to the date of actual reinstatement.
Given, however, that the petitioners Where reinstatement is no longer viable as
expressly requested a conference or a an option, separation pay equivalent to one
convening of a grievance committee, (1) month salary for every year of service
of their employer, noting that it was the In constructive dismissal cases, the
same attitude displayed by them in their employer has the burden of proving that
dealings with their counsel, Atty. Delicana, in the transfer of an employee is for just or
the proceedings before the Labor Arbiter. valid ground, such as genuine business
CA ruled that respondents were necessity. The employer must demonstrate
constructively dismissed since their that the transfer is not unreasonable,
designation from chief bakers to inconvenient, or prejudicial to the
utility/security personnel is undoubtedly a employee and that the transfer does not
demotion in rank which involved “a drastic involve a demotion in rank or a diminution
change in the nature of work resulting to a in salary and other benefits. “If the
demeaning and humiliating work employer fails to overcome this burden of
condition.” Further, respondents could not proof, the employee’s transfer is
be held guilty of abandonment of work as tantamount to unlawful constructive
this was negated by their immediate filing of dismissal.”
complaints to specifically ask for In this case, petitioners insist that the
reinstatement. transfer of respondents was a measure of
self-preservation and was prompted by a
ISSUE: desire to protect the health of the buying
WAS THE TRANSFER/REASSIGNMENT public, claiming that respondents should be
OF RESPONDENTS TO ANOTHER POSITION transferred to a position where they could
WITHOUT DIMINUTION IN PAY AND OTHER not sabotage the business pending
PRIVILEGES TANTAMOUNT TO resolution of their cases. According to
CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL? petitioners, the possibility that respondents
might introduce harmful substances to the
HELD: bread while in the performance of their
The Court of Appeals is correct in duties as chief bakers is not imaginary but
reviewing the findings of the National Labor real as borne out by what Tolores did in one
Relations Commission. ( reinstatement of the bakeshops in Culasi, Antique where he
without loss of seniority rights, full was assigned as baker.
backwages, inclusive of allowances, and This postulation is not well-taken. On
other benefits or their monetary equivalent, the contrary, petitioners failed to satisfy the
computed from the time their compensation burden of proving that the transfer was
was withheld up to the time of their actual based on just or valid ground. Petitioners’
reinstatement, should be granted) bare assertions of imminent threat from the
The transfer/reassignment of respondents respondents are mere accusations which are
constitutes constructive dismissal. not substantiated by any proof. This Court is
We have held that management is proscribed from making conclusions based
free to regulate, according to its own on mere presumptions or suppositions. An
discretion and judgment, all aspects of employee’s fate cannot be justly hinged
employment, including hiring, work upon conjectures and surmises.
assignments, working methods, time, place The act attributed against Tolores
and manner of work, processes to be does not even convince us as he was merely
followed, supervision of workers, working a suspected culprit in the alleged sabotage
regulations, transfer of employees, work for which no investigation took place to
supervision, lay off of workers and discipline, establish his guilt or culpability. Besides,
dismissal and recall of workers. The exercise Reyes still retained Tolores as an employee
of management prerogative, however, is not and chief baker when he could have
absolute as it must be exercised in good faith dismissed him for cause if the allegations
and with due regard to the rights of labor. were indeed found true. In view of these,
barred from entering the property after she, (5) When the findings of fact are
without any notice to her employer, packed conflicting;
her belongings and left the Pangi property. (6) When the Court of Appeals, in
The NLRC affirmed the decision of the Labor making its findings, went beyond the issues
Arbiter. The CA however ruled that of the case and the same is contrary to the
respondent was illegally dismissed by admissions of both appellant and appellee;
Galang. (7) When the findings are contrary to
those of the trial court [in this case the
ISSUES: administrative bodies of Labor Arbiter and
1. Whether or not Malasugui is an NLRC];
employee of Galang. (8) When the findings of fact are
2. Whether or not Malasugui was conclusions without citation of specific
constructively dismissed. evidence on which they are based;
(9) When the facts set forth in the
HELD: petition as well as in the petitioners' main
Court of Appeals decision is and reply briefs are not disputed by the
affirmed. respondents; and
LABOR LAW (10) When the findings of fact of the
All three, Labor Arbiter, the NLRC and Court of Appeals are premised on the
the CA ruled that there was an employer- supposed absence of evidence and
employee relationship between Galang and contradicted by the evidence on record.
Malasugui, therefore, there is no need to Jurisprudence provides that the
routinely undertake the re-examination of burden of proof to show that the dismissal
the evidence presented by the contending was for a just cause is on the employer.
parties for the factual findings of the labor Respondent has been in the employ
officials who have acquired expertise in their of petitioner for six years when the alleged
own fields are accorded respect and even abandonment happened. Being scolded, if it
finality if affirmed on appeal to the Court of were true, is hardly a reason for a gardener
Appeals. of six years to just pack up and leave the
Such principle cannot, however, work premises where she was even allowed
apply to the finding of illegal dismissal to reside, at a time when she was ill and
against Galang. The Labor Arbiter and the needed medical attention. Indeed, the
NLRC both ruled that there was no illegal alleged scolding is itself incredible. The given
dismissal, but the Court of Appeals reversed reason was that respondent failed to show
such findings. When supported by up at her arranged appointment with the
substantial evidence, the findings of fact of radiologist. It is hard to believe that a sick
the CA are conclusive and binding on the gardener, certainly of minimal means, would
parties and are not reviewable by this Court, refuse the offer of medical services. In fact,
unless the case falls under any of the the basic allegation in respondents
following recognized exceptions: complaint for illegal dismissal was that
(1) When the conclusion is a finding petitioners treatment to her became sour
grounded entirely on speculation, surmises especially when she requested that she be
and conjectures; examined by a doctor for her cough. And,
(2) When the inference made is completely belying the petitioners assertion
manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible; that respondent failed to show up at the
(3) Where there is a grave abuse of appointed time with the radiologist are two
discretion; certificates issued by Radiologist Susan R.
(4) When the judgment is based on a Gaspar stating that on 30 January 1999 and
misapprehension of facts; on 1 February 1999 respondent had her
chest x-ray taken at the Radiology Section of - In a memorandum dated May 16,
the Polyclinic Davao. 2002 the Ke-e explained that said transfer
The overt act relied upon by was not a demotion since he was holding the
petitioner is not only a doubtful occurrence position only by mere designation and not
but is, if it did transpire, even consistent with appointment. Meanwhile and in view of
the dismissal from employment posited by Cagalawan’s transfer, Ke-e issued an order
the respondent. The factual appraisal of the recalling the former’s previous designation
Court of Appeals is correct. Petitioner was as Acting Head of the disconnection crew of
displeased after incurring expenses for the Balingasag sub-offi.
respondents medical check-up and, it is - Cagalawan eventually stopped
credible that, thereafter, respondent was reporting for work. On July 1, 2002, he fied a
prevented entry into the work premises. This complaint for constructive dismissal before
is tantamount to constructive dismissal. the Arbitration branch of the NLRC against
Constructive dismissalexists where MORESCO II and its
there is cessation of work because continued offirs, Ke-e and Danilo Subrado, in their
employment is rendered impossible, capacities as General Manager and Board
unreasonable or unlikely, as an offer Chairman, respectively.
involving a demotion in rank and a - In reply, Cagalawan claimed that
diminution in pay. Constructive dismissal is a was transferred because he executed an
dismissal in disguise or an act amounting to Affivit in support of his co-employee Jessie
dismissal but made to appear as if it were Rances, who fied an illegal dismissal case
not. against MORESCO II.
MORESCO II thus fied this petition
170 MISAMIS ORIENTAL II ELECTRIC raising the following issues:
VIRGILIO CAGALAWAN constructively dismissed by the petitioner?
(2) Did the Court of Appeals err in
Facts reversing the NLRC?
- MORESCO II, a rural electric
cooperative, hired Cagalawan as a Ruling
Disconnection Lineman on a probationary The petition has no merit MORESCO
basis. On March 1, 1994 Cagalawan was II’s belated submission of evidence cannot
appointed to the same post this time on a be permitted.
permanent basis. Labor tribunals, such as the NLRC, are
- July 17, 2001, he was designated as not precluded from receiving evidence
Acting Head of the disconnection crew in submitted on appeal as technical rules are
one of the sub-offi in Misamis Oriental. In a not binding in cases submitted before them.
Memorandum, MORESCO II General However, any delay in the submission of
Manager Ke-e evidence should be adequately explained
transferred Cagalawan to another area as a and should adequately prove the allegations
member of the disconnection crew. sought to be proven. In the present case,
- In a letter dated May 15, 2002, MORESCO II did not cite any reason why it
cagalawan assailed his transfer claiming he had failed to fie its position paper or present
was effctively demoted to his position as its cause before the Labor Arbiter despite
head of the disconnection crew to a mere suffient notice and time given to do so. Only
member. He also averted that such transfer after an adverse decision was rendered did it
was inconvenient and prejudicial to him. present its defense and rebut the evidence
of Cagalawan by alleging that his transfer legitimate interests. But this prerogative
was should be exercised
made in response to the letter-request of the without grave abuse of discretion and with
area manager of the Gingoog sub-offi asking due regard to the basic elements of justice
for additional personnel to meet its and fair play, such that if there is a showing
collection quota. To our mind, however, the that the transfer was unnecessary or
belated submission of the said letter- inconvenient and prejudicial to the
request without any valid explanation casts employee, it cannot be upheld.46 Here,
doubt on while we fid that the transfer of Cagalawan
its credibility, specially so when the same is neither entails any demotion in rank since he
not a newly discovered evidence. For one, did not have tenurial security over
the letter-request was dated May 8, 2002 or the position of head of the disconnection
a day before the memorandum for crew, nor result to diminution in pay as this
Cagalawan’s transfer was issued. was not suffiently proven by him, MORESCO
MORESCO II could have easily II’s evidence is nevertheless not enough to
presented the letter in the proceedings show that
before the Labor Arbiter for serious said transfer was required by the exigency of
examination. Why it was not presented at the electric cooperative’s business interest.
the earliest opportunity is a serious question Simply stated, the evidence sought to be
which lends credence to Cagalawan’s theory admitted by MORESCO II is not substantial to
that it may have just prove that there was a genuine business
been fabricated for the purpose of appeal. urgency that necessitated the transfer.
It should also be recalled that after xxx xxxClearly, not only was the delay
Cagalawan received th memorandum for his in the submission of MORESCO II’s evidence
transfer to the Gingoog sub-offi, h not explained, there was also failure on its
immediately questioned the basis thereof part to suffiently support its allegation that
through a letter addressed the transfer of Cagalawan was for a
to Ke-e. If at that time there was already a legitimate purpose. This being the case,
letter- request from the Gingoog area MORESCO II’s plea that its evidence be
manager, Ke-e could have easily referred to admitted in the interest of justice does not
o specifid this in his subsequent deserve any xxx
memorandum of May 16, 2002 WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.
which served as his response to Cagalawan’s The Decision dated July 26, 2005 or the Court
queries about the transfer. However, the of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 84991 and its
said memorandum was silent in this respect. Resolution dated September 6, 2006, are
Nevertheless, Cagalawan, for his AFFIRMED.
part, faithfully complied with t transfer order SO ORDERED.
but with the reservation to contest its
validity precisely because he was not
adequately informed of its real basis. 171 STANDARD ELECTRIC
The rule is that it is within the ambit MANUFACTURING CORPORATION vs
of the employer’s prerogative to transfer an STANDARD ELECTRIC
employee for valid reasons and according to EMPLOYEES UNION-NAFLU-KMU and
the requirement of its business, provided ROGELIO JAVIER,
that the transfer does not result in demotion
in rank or diminution of salary, benefis and FACTS:
other privileges.45 This Court has always Rogelio Javier was employed by the
considered the management’s prerogative Standard Electric Manufacturing
to transfer its employees in pursuit of its Corporation
Whether or not Rufina Soriano was the grievance procedure was ongoing.
illegally suspended. MPH replied and told respondent to report
to his new assignment for the time being,
HELD: without prejudice to the resolution of the
No. Preventive suspension does not grievance involving the transfer. He
in itself prove that the company had adamantly refused to assume his new post at
prejudged that the Seasons Coffee Shop and instead
Soriano was guilty of the charges she was continued to report to his previous
asked to answer and explain. assignment at Rotisserie. Thus, MPH sent
Preventive suspension may be him several memoranda on various dates,
necessary for the protection of the company, requiring him to explain in writing why he
its should not be penalized for the following
operation and assets, pending investigation offenses: serious misconduct; willful
of the alleged malfeasance or misfeasance disobedience of the lawful orders of the
on the employer; gross insubordination; gross and
part of officers or employees of the company habitual neglect of duties; and willful breach
and pending a decision on the part of th e of trust. Despite the notices from MPH,
company. Delada persistently rebuffed orders for him
Hence, considering the very senior to report to
and sensitive character of petitioner’s his new assignment. According to him, since
position as the grievance machinery under their CBA
head of a Department, a line position and had already been initiated, his transfer must
considering the unauthorized transactions be held in abeyance. Thus, on 9 May 2007,
then just MPH initiated administrative proceedings
discovered by the Kingly, the Court belie that against him.
the preventive suspension was an arbitrary
and Issue:
capricious act amounting to bad faith on the Whether MPH retained the authority
part of Kingly. to continue with the administrative case
against Delada for insubordination and
173 Manila Pavilion Hotel vs. Delada, G.R. willful disobedience of the transfer order.
No. 189947, January 25, 2012
Facts: Accordingly, we rule in this case that
Delada was the Union President of MPH did not lose its authority to discipline
the Manila Pavilion Supervisors Association respondent for his continued refusal to
at MPH. He was originally assigned as Head report to his new assignment. In relation to
Waiter of Rotisserie, a fine-dining restaurant this point, we recall our Decision in Allied
operated by petitioner. Pursuant to a Banking Corporation v. Court of Appeals. In
supervisory personnel reorganization Allied Banking Corporation, employer Allied
program, MPH reassigned him as Bank reassigned respondent Galanida from
Head Waiter of Seasons Coffee Shop, its Cebu City branch to its Bacolod and
another restaurant operated by petitioner at Tagbilaran branches. He refused to follow
the same hotel. Respondent declined the the transfer order and instead filed a
inter-outlet transfer and instead asked for a Complaint before the Labor Arbiter for
grievance meeting on the matter, pursuant constructive dismissal. While the case was
to their Collective Bargaining Agreement pending, Allied Bank insisted that he report
(CBA). He also requested his to his new assignment. When he continued
retention as Head Waiter of Rotisserie while to refuse, it directed him to explain in writing
why no disciplinary action should be meted this respect. MPH had the authority to
out to him. Due to his continued refusal to continue with the administrative
report to his new assignment, Allied Bank proceedings for insubordination and willful
eventually terminated his services. When disobedience against Delada and to impose
the issue of whether he could validly refuse on him the penalty of suspension. As a
to obey the transfer orders was brought consequence, petitioner is not liable to pay
before this Court, we ruled thus: The refusal back wages and other benefits for the period
to obey a valid transfer order constitutes corresponding to the penalty of 90-day
willful disobedience of a lawful order of an suspension.
employer. Employees may object to,
negotiate and seek redress against
employers for rules or orders that they 174 VICENTE SY,, vs. HON. COURT OF
regard as unjust or illegal. However, until APPEALS and JAIME SAHOT
and unless these rules or orders are declared
illegal or improper by competent authority, FACTS:
the employees ignore or disobey them at Jaime Sahot started working as a
their peril. For Galanida’s continued refusal truck helper for family-owned trucking
to obey Allied Bank's transfer orders, we business named
hold that the bank dismissed Galanida for Vicente Sy Trucking. In 1965, he became a
just cause in accordance with Article 282(a) truck driver of the same family business,
of the Labor Code. renamed T.
Galanida is thus not entitled to Paulino Trucking Service, later 6B’s Trucking
reinstatement or to separation pay. Corporation in 1985, and thereafter known
(Emphasis supplied, citations omitted). as SBT
It is important to note what the PVA Trucking Corporation since 1994. In April
said on Delada’s defiance of the transfer 1994, Sahot was already 59 years old. He had
order: been
In fact, Delada cannot hide under the legal incurring absences as he was suffering from
cloak of the grievance machinery of the CBA various ailments. Particularly causing him
or the voluntary arbitration proceedings to pain was
disobey a valid order of transfer from the his left thigh, which greatly affected the
management of the hotel. While it is true performance of his task as a driver. He
that Delada’s transfer to Seasons is the inquired about
subject of the grievance his medical and retirement benefits with the
machinery in accordance with the provisions Social Security System (SSS) on April 25,
of their CBA, Delada is expected to comply 1994, but
first with the said lawful directive while discovered that his premium payments had
awaiting th results of the decision in the not been remitted by his employer.
grievance proceedings. This issue falls Sahot had filed a week-long leave as
squarely in the case of Allied Banking he was medically examined and treated for
Corporation vs. Court of Appeals x x x. EOR,
Pursuant to Allied Banking, unless presleyopia, hypertensive retinopathy G II,
the order of MPH is rendered invalid, there HPM, UTI, Osteoarthritis, and heart
is a presumption of the validity of that order. enlargement.
Since the PVA eventually ruled that the On said grounds, Belen Paulino of the SBT
transfer order was a valid exercise of Trucking Service management told him to
management prerogative, we hereby file a
reverse the Decision and the Resolution of formal request for extension of his leave. At
the CA affirming the Decision of the PVA in the end of his week-long absence, Sahot
effected. In the same case of Sevillana vs. I.T. opportunity to answer and to be heard on his
(International) Corp., we ruled: defense. These, the petitioners failed to do,
Since the burden of proving the even
validity of the dismissal of the employee only for record purposes. What
rests on the management did was to threaten the
employer, the latter should likewise bear employee with dismissal,
the burden of showing that the requisites then actually implement the threat when the
for a valid occasion presented itself because of private
dismissal due to a disease have been respondent’s painful left thigh.
complied with. In the absence of the All told, both the substantive and
required procedural aspects of due process were
certification by a competent public health violated.
authority, this Court has ruled against the Clearly, therefore, Sahot’s dismissal is
validity tainted with invalidity.
of the employee’s dismissal. It is therefore
incumbent upon the private respondents to
by the quantum of evidence required by law SECURITY SYSTEM
that petitioner was not dismissed, or if
dismissed, FACTS:
that the dismissal was not illegal; otherwise, Gatus worked at the Central
the dismissal would be unjustified. This Azucarera de Tarlac beginning on January 1,
Court will 1972. He was a covered member of the SSS.
not sanction a dismissal premised on mere He optionally retired from Central Azucarera
conjectures and suspicions, the evidence de Tarlac upon reaching 30 years of service
must be on January 31, 2002, at the age of 62
substantial and not arbitrary and must be years.By the time of his retirement, he held
founded on clearly established facts the position of Tender assigned at the
sufficient to Distillery Cooling Tower.
warrant his separation from work. In Sometime in 1995, he was diagnosed
addition, we must likewise determine if the to be suffering from Coronary Artery Disease
procedural (CAD): Triple Vessel and Unstable Angina. His
aspect of due process had been complied medical records showed him to be
with by the employer. hypertensive for 10 years and a smoker.
From the records, it clearly appears On account of his CAD, he was given
that procedural due process was not by the SSS the following EC/SSS Permanent
observed in Partial Disability (PPD) benefits: (a) 8
the separation of private respondent by the monthly pensions effective September 1,
management of the trucking company. The 1994 and (b) 4 monthly pensions effective
employer is required to furnish an employee January 3, 1997. He became an SSS
with two written notices before the latter is retirement pensioner on February 1, 2002.
dismissed: (1) the notice to apprise the Sometime in 2003, an SSS audit
employee of the particular acts or omissions revealed the need to recover the EC benefits
for which already paid to him on the ground that his
his dismissal is sought, which is the CAD, being attributed to his chronic
equivalent of a charge; and (2) the notice smoking, was not work-related. He was
informing the notified thereof through a letter dated July
employee of his dismissal, to be issued after 31, 2003.
the employee has been given reasonable
Book VI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing way of exception, this Court has allowed
the Labor Code, directs that an employer grants of separation pay to stand as “a
shall not terminate the services of the measure of social justice” where the
employee unless there is a certification by a employee is validly dismissed for causes
competent public health authority that the other than serious misconduct or those
disease is of such nature or at such a stage reflecting on his moral character. [18]
that it cannot be cured within a period of six However, there is no provision in the Labor
(6) months even with proper medical Code which grants separation pay to
treatment. voluntarily resigning employees. In fact, the
On the other hand, the Court agrees rule is that an employee who voluntarily
with the CA in its observation of the resigns from employment is not entitled to
following circumstances as proof that separation pay, except when it is stipulated
respondent did not terminate petitioner's in the employment contract or CBA, or it is
employment: first, the only cause of action sanctioned by established employer practice
in petitioner's original complaint is that he or policy. [19] In the present case, neither
was “offered a very low separation pay”; the abovementioned provisions of the Labor
second, there was no allegation of illegal Code and its implementing rules and
dismissal, both in petitioner's original and regulations nor the exceptions apply
amended complaints and position paper; because petitioner was not dismissed from
and, third, there was no prayer for his employment and there is no evidence to
reinstatement. show that payment of separation pay is
In consonance with the above stipulated in his employment contract or
findings, the Court finds that petitioner was sanctioned by established practice or policy
the one who initiated the severance of his of herein respondent, his employer.
employment relations with respondent. It is Since petitioner was not terminated
evident from the various pleadings filed by from his employment and, instead, is
petitioner that he never intended to return deemed to have resigned therefrom, he is
to his employment with respondent on the not entitled to separation pay under the
ground that his health is failing. Indeed, provisions of the Labor Code. The foregoing
petitioner did not ask for reinstatement. In notwithstanding, this Court, in a number of
fact, he rejected respondent's offer for him cases, has granted financial assistance to
to return to work. separated employees as a measure of social
This is tantamount to resignation. and compassionate justice and as an
Resignation is defined as the voluntary act of equitable concession. Taking into
an employee who finds himself in a situation consideration the factual circumstances
where he believes that personal reasons obtaining in the present case, the Court finds
cannot be that petitioner is entitled to this kind of
sacrificed in favor of the exigency of the assistance.
service and he has no other choice but to In this regard, the Court finds credence in
disassociate himself from his employment. petitioner's contention that he is in the
It may not be amiss to point out at employ of respondent for more than 35
this juncture that aside from Article 284 of years. In the absence of a substantial
the Labor Code, the award of separation pay refutation on the part of respondent, the
is also authorized in the situations dealt with Court agrees with the findings of the Labor
in Article 283 [16] of the same Code and Arbiter and the NLRC that respondent
under Section 4 (b), Rule I, Book VI of the company is not distinct from its
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the predecessors but, in fact, merely continued
said Code[17] where there is illegal dismissal the operation of the latter under the same
and reinstatement is no longer feasible. By owners and the same business venture. The
Court further notes that there is no evidence the higher amount of disability benefits
on record to show that petitioner has any under the Collective Bargaining Agreement
derogatory record during his long years of which respondent entered into with a union
service with respondent and that his of which petitioner was a member. The
employment was severed not by reason of Court of Appeals den ied the petitioner‟s
any infraction on his part but because of his claim. The Supreme Court, in upholding the
failing physical Court of Appeals, held that the burden of
condition. Add to this the willingness of proof rests upon the party who asserts the
respondent to give him financial assistance. affirmative of an issue. And in labor cases,
Hence, based on the foregoing, the Court the quantum of proof necessary is
finds that the award of P50,000.00 to substantial evidence, or such amount of
petitioner as financial assistance is deemed relevant evidence which a reasonable mind
equitable under the circumstances. might accept as adequate to justify a
conclusion. Petitioner had the duty to prove
by substantial evidence his own positive
177 Wilfredo Y. Antiquina v. Magsaysay assertions. He did not discharge this burden
Maritime Corporation and/or Masterbulk of proof when he submitted
Pte., Ltd., G.R. No. 168922. April 13, 2011. photocopied portions of a different CBA
with a different union. Wilfredo Y. Antiquina
Rules of Procedure; liberal construction in v. Magsaysay Maritime Corporation and/or
favor of working class. Masterbulk Pte., Ltd., G.R. No. 168922. April
Petitioner claimed disability benefits 13, 2011. Public office; casual employees.
under a Collective Bargaining Agreement Respondent was a casual teller who was
that the respondent employer entered into dismissed from service by petitioner
with a foreign union. The Court of Appeals without being formally charged. On appeal,
refused to admit the evidence of petitioner the Civil Service Commission (CSC) upheld
showing his membership in the union on the the dismissal and reasoned that respondent
ground that it was submitted only with the was a casual employee, and therefore her
Motion for Reconsideration. The Supreme services may be terminated at any time,
Court, in agreeing to examine the evidence without need of a just cause. Upon review,
belatedly submitted by petitioner, pointed both the Court of Appeals and the Supreme
out that technical rules of procedure shall be Court found that respondent was illegally
liberally construed in favor of the working terminated. The Supreme Court recognized
class in accordance with the demands of its prono uncement in a recent case that
substantial justice. Rules of procedure and “Even a casual or temporary employee
evidence should not be applied in a very rigid enjoys security of tenure and cannot be
and technical sense in labor cases in order dismissed except for cause enumerated in
that technicalities would not stand in the Sec. 22, Rule XIV of the Omnibus Civil Service
way of equitably and completely resolving Rules and Regulations and other pertinent
the rights and obligations of the parties. laws.” However, the Court also went on to
Wilfredo Y. Antiquina v. Magsaysay Maritime state that, despite this new ruling on casual
Corporation and/or Masterbulk Pte., employees, it is not the intention of the
Ltd., G.R. No. 168922. April 13, Court to make the status of a casual
2011. Disability Benefits; entitlement and employee at par with that of a regular
burden of proof. Petitioner suffered a employee, who enjoys permanence of
fractured arm while working on employment. The rule is still that casual
respondent‟s vessel. He filed a complaint for employment will cease automatically at the
permanent disa bility benefits, among end of the period unless renewed. Casual
others. Petitioner claims that he is entitled to employees may also be terminated anytime
benefits, damages and attorney fees before the 2000 POEA-SEC which took effect on 25
the arbitral level of the NLRC. Subsequent to June 2000. Deemed written in the seafarer's
the filing of said complaint, Dr. Vicaldo and contract of employment,the 2000 POEA-SEC
Dr. Saguin of the PGH issued separate like its predecessor was designed primarily
medical certificates both declaring Esguerra for the protection and benefit of Filipino
unfit for work. seamen in the pursuit of their employment
In refutation, CSMSI, Morcilla and on board ocean-going vessels.ection 20-B (3)
CMEGT averred that the tests administered thereof has been interpreted to mean that it
on Esguerra at the Jebel Ali Medical Centre is the company-designated physician who is
revealed that he was in good health; and, entrusted with the task of assessing the
that disregarding the finding that he seaman's disability,whether total or partial,
continued to be fit for work, Esguerra due to either injury or illness, during the
insisted on his repatriation and filed his term of the latter's employment.
complaint without submitting himself to a Concededly, this does not mean that
post-employment medical examination the assessment of said physician is final,
within three (3) working days upon his binding or conclusive on the claimant, the
return. labor tribunal or the courts. Should he be so
The Labor Arbiter, as affirmed by the minded, the seafarer has the prerogative to
NLRC, dismissed the complaint on the request a second opinion and to consult a
ground that Esguerra failed to prove his physician of his choiceregarding his ailment
disability and to submit himself to a post- or injury, in which case the medical report
employment medical examination by a issued by the latter shall be evaluated by the
company-designated physician, pursuant to labor tribunal and the court, based on its
Section 20-B of the POEA SEC. inherent merit.For the seaman claim to
Through a petition for certiorari with prosper, however, it is mandatory that he
the CA, Esguerra received a favorable should be examined by a company-
decision. The CA reversed the NLRC ruling designated physician within three days from
and CSMSI subsequent motion for his repatriation.Failure to comply with this
reconsideration was denied. Hence, this mandatory reporting requirement without
petition. justifiable cause shall result in forfeiture of
the right to claim the compensation and
ISSUE: disability benefits provided under the POEA-
Whether or not the Court of Appeals SEC.
misappreciated the evidence and applied the There is no dispute regarding the fact
POEA Standard Employment Contract of that Esguerra had altogether failed to
1996 instead of the Revised Terms and comply with the above-discussed mandatory
Conditions for Seafarers on Board Ocean- reporting requirement. Beyond his bare
Going vessels, which is part and parcel of the assertion, however, that CSMSI "never gave
Contract of Employment entered into him referrals to continue his medications as
between Esguerra and the petitioner on May recommended by the foreign doctor"
9, 2003? despite his call on 8 July 2003 "to inform
them that he will report the next day in order
HELD: to submit his medical evaluation abroad,"
The petition is impressed with merit. Esguerra did not present any evidence to
Viewed in light of the fact that prove justification for his inability to submit
Esguerra contract of employment was himself to a post-employment medical
executed on 9 May 2003, CSMSI correctly examination by a company-designated
faults the CA for applying POEA physician. If a written notice is required of a
Memorandum Circular No. 055-96 instead of seafarer who is physically incapacitated for
acute bronchial asthma with secondary instead of the provisions of the POEA
infection and lumbosacral muscle strain. Dr. contract in determining Lobustas disability,
C K Lee certified that Lobusta was fit for and in ruling that the mere lapse of 120 days
discharge on May 21, 1998, for repatriation entitles Lobusta to total and permanent
for further treatment. disability benefits.
Upon repatriation, Lobusta was
referred to Metropolitan Hospital. The HELD:
medical coordinator, Dr. Robert Lim, issued No. CA Decision Affirmed.
numerous medical reports regarding Labor Law
Lobustas condition. Upon reexamination by Standard terms of the POEA Standard
the Orthopedic Surgeon on August 11, 1998, Employment Contract agreed upon are
he opined that Lobusta needs surgery, called intended to be read and understood in
decompression laminectomy, which was accordance with Philippine laws,
done on August 30, 1998. particularly, Articles 191 to 193 of the Labor
As the parties failed to reach a Code, as amended, and the applicable
settlement as to the amount to which implementing rules and regulations in case
Lobusta is entitled, Lobusta filed on October of any dispute, claim or grievance.
2, 2000, a complaint for disability/medical Petitioners are mistaken that it is
benefits against petitioners before the only the POEA Standard Employment
National Labor Relations Commission Contract that must be considered in
(NLRC). determining Lobusta's disability. In Palisoc v.
The Labor Arbiter rendered a Easways Marine, Inc., we said that whether
decision ordering petitioners to pay Lobusta the Labor Codes provision on permanent
(a) US$2,060 as medical allowance, (b) total disability applies to seafarers is already
US$20,154 as disability benefits, and (c) 5% a settled matter.
of the awards as attorneys fees. On appeal, In Palisoc, we cited the earlier case of
the NLRC affirmed the LA decision. Remigio v. National Labor Relations
Unsatisfied, Lobusta brought the case to the Commission where we said (1) that the
CA. The CA granted the petition for certiorari standard employment contract for seafarers
of Lobusta and modified the findings of the was formulated by the POEA pursuant to its
NLRC. As aforesaid, the CA declared that mandate under Executive Order No. 247 "to
Lobusta is suffering from permanent total secure the best terms and conditions of
disability and increased the award of employment of Filipino contract workers
disability benefits in his favor to US$60,000. and ensure compliance therewith," and "to
Hence, this petition. promote and protect the well-being of
Petitioners argue that the CA erred in Filipino workers overseas"; (2) that Section
applying the provisions of the Labor Code 29 of the 1996 POEA Standard Employment
instead of the provisions of the POEA Contract itself provides that all rights and
contract in determining Lobustas disability, obligations of the parties to the contract,
and in ruling that the mere lapse of 120 days including the annexes thereof, shall be
entitles Lobusta to total and permanent governed by the laws of the Republic of the
disability benefits. The CA allegedly erred Philippines, international conventions,
also in holding them liable for attorneys fees, treaties and covenants where the Philippines
despite the absence of legal and factual is a signatory; and (3) that even without this
bases. provision, a contract of labor is so impressed
with public interest that the Civil Code
ISSUE: expressly subjects it to the special laws on
Whether or not the CA erred in in labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes
applying the provisions of the Labor Code and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working
conditions, hours of labor and similar been unable to work since 14 May 1998 to
subjects. the present or for more than 120 days." This
Temporary total disability only period is more than eight years, counted
becomes permanent when so declared by until the CA decided the case in August 2006.
the company physician within the periods he On the CA ruling that Lobustas disability is
is allowed to do so, or upon the expiration of permanent since he was unable to work "for
the maximum 240-day medical treatment more than 120 days," we have clarified in
period without a declaration of either fitness Vergara that this "temporary total disability
to work or the existence of a permanent period may be extended up to a maximum of
disability. 240 days."
To be sure, there is one Labor Code Thus, we affirm the award to Lobusta
concept of permanent total disability, as of US$60,000 as permanent total disability
stated in Article 192(c)(1) of the Labor Code, benefits, the maximum award under Section
as amended, and the ECC Rules. We also 30 and 30-A of the 1996 POEA Standard
note that the first paragraph of Section Employment Contract. We also affirm the
20(B)(3) of the 2000 POEA Standard award of US$2,060 as sickness allowance
Employment Contract was lifted verbatim which is not contested and appears to have
from the first paragraph of Section 20(B)(3) been accepted by the parties.
of the 1996 POEA Standard Employment DENIED
Contract, to wit:
Upon sign-off from the vessel for
medical treatment, the seafarer is entitled to 180 Philasia Shipping Agency Corporation,
sickness allowance equivalent to his basic et al. vs. Andres G. Tomacruz. G.R. No.
wage until he is declared fit to work or the 181180, August 15, 2012.
degree of permanent disability has been
assessed by the company-designated Disability benefits; entitlement.
physician, but in no case shall this period Entitlement of seafarers to disability
exceed one hundred twenty (120) days. benefits is governed not only by medical
Applying the foregoing findings but also by contract and by law. By
considerations, we agree with the CA that contract, Department Order No. 4, series of
Lobusta suffered permanent total disability. 2000, of the Department of Labor and
On this point, the NLRC ruling was not in Employment and the parties’ Collective
accord with law and jurisprudence. Bargaining Agreement bind the seafarer and
Upon repatriation, Lobusta was first the employer. By law, the Labor Code
examined by the Pulmonologist and provisions on disability apply with equal
Orthopedic Surgeon on May 22, 1998. The force to seafarers. The seafarer, upon sign-
maximum 240-day (8-month) medical- off from his vessel, must report to the
treatment period expired, but no declaration company-designated physician within three
was made that Lobusta is fit to work. Nor (3) days from arrival for diagnosis and
was there a declaration of the existence of treatment. For the duration of the treatment
Lobustas permanent disability. On February but in no case to exceed 120 days, the
16, 1999, Lobusta was still prescribed seaman is on temporary total disability as he
medications for his lumbosacral pain and is totally unable to work. He receives his
was advised to return for reevaluation. May basic wage during this period until he is
22, 1998 to February 16, 1999 is 264 days or declared fit to work or his temporary
6 days short of 9 months. disability is acknowledged by the company
In fact, the CA has found that Lobusta to be permanent, either partially or totally,
was not able to work again as a seaman and as his condition is defined under the POEA
that his disability is permanent "as he has Standard Employment Contract and by
applicable Philippine laws. If the 120 days intolerable pain on his left foot. Thus, David
initial period is exceeded and no such was repatriated to the Philippines to
declaration is made because the seafarer undergo treatment.
requires further medical attention, then the Immediately after his return to the
temporary total disability period may be country, OSG Manila referred David to the
extended up to a maximum of 240 days, company-designated physician, Dr. Robert
subject to the right of the employer to Lim, who referred him to the Cardinal Santos
declare within this period that a permanent Medical Center for a Magnetic Resonance
partial or total disability already exists. The Imaging (MRI). The pathology report showed
seaman may of course also be declared fit to that David was suffering from malignant
work at any time such declaration is justified fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) in his left thigh.
by his medical condition. Due to his condition, David underwent
From the time Tomacruz was chemotherapy. However, despite several
repatriated on November 18, 2002, he requests, OSG Manila and Michaelmar
submitted himself to the care and treatment refused to shoulder Davids expenses and
of the company-designated physician. When medication.
the company-designated physician made a Hence, David filed a complaint to
declaration on July 25, 2003 that Tomacruz recover his disability benefits. The LA ruled
was already fit to work, 249 days had already in favor of David. The NLRC affirmed the
lapsed from the time he was repatriated. As Decision of the LA. However, the CA ruled
such, his temporary total disability should be against Davids entitlement to the benefits he
deemed total and permanent, pursuant to claimed.
Article 192 (c)(1) of the Labor Code and its
implementing rule. ISSUE:
Whether or not Davids illness is
181-182 JESSIE V. DAVID, represented by compensable?
his wife, MA. THERESA S. DAVID, and
DAVID,Petitioners, v. OSG The petition has merit.
Respondents. In this case, David suffered from
malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) in his
FACTS: left thigh. MFH is not one of the diseases
Petitioner Jessie David (David) enumerated under Sec. 32 of the POEA-SEC.
entered into a six-month Contract of However, Sec. 20(B)(4) of the POEA-SEC
Employment with respondent OSG clearly established a disputable presumption
Shipmanagement Manila, Inc. (OSG Manila), in favor of the compensability of an illness
for and in behalf of its principal Michaelmar suffered by a seafarer during the term of his
Shipping Services, Inc., (Michaelmar) as a contract. This disputable presumption works
Third Officer of the crude tanker M/T in favor of the employee pursuant to the
Raphael. Part of his duties as a Third Officer mandate under Executive Order No. (EO)
of the crude tanker involved overseeing the 247 dated July 21, 1987 under which the
loading, stowage, securing and unloading of POEA-SEC was created: "to secure the best
cargoes. David was also frequently exposed terms and conditions of employment of
to the crude oil that M/T Raphael was Filipino contract workers and ensure
carrying. compliance therewith" and "to promote and
Barely six months into his protect the well-being of Filipino workers
employment, David complained of an overseas." Hence, unless contrary evidence
is presented by the seafarers employer/s, Lata and Daza arrived in the master’s cabin
this disputable presumption stands. and demanded immediate repatriation
David showed that part of his duties because they were not satisfied with the
as a Third Officer of the crude tanker M/T ship. De Gracia, et al. threatened that they
Raphael involved "overseeing the loading, may become crazy any moment and
stowage, securing and unloading of demanded for all outstanding payments due
cargoes." As a necessary corollary, David was to them. The incident is evidenced by a telex
frequently exposed to the crude oil that M/T of Cosmoship MV Wisdom to skippers but
Raphael was carrying. The chemical had conflicting dates.
components of crude oil include, among De Gracia claims that Skippers failed
others, sulphur, vanadium and arsenic to remit their respective allotments,
compounds. Hydrogen sulphide and carbon compelling them to vent their grievances
monoxide may also be encountered, while with the Romanian Seafarers Union. On
benzene is a naturally occurring chemical in January 28, 1999, the Filipino seafarers were
crude oil. It has been regarded that these unceremoniously discharged and
hazardous chemicals can possibly contribute immediately repatriated. Upon arrival in the
to the formation of cancerous masses. Philippines, they filed a complaint for illegal
It is not necessary that the nature of dismissal with the LA.
the employment be the sole and only reason The LA dismissed the seafarers’
for the illness suffered by the seafarer. It is complaint as the seafarers’ demand for
sufficient that there is a reasonable linkage immediate repatriation due to the
between the disease suffered by the dissatisfaction with the ship is considered a
employee and his work to lead a rational voluntary pre-termination of employment.
mind to conclude that his work may have Such act was deemed akin to resignation
contributed to the establishment or, at the recognized under Article 285 of the LC. The
very least, aggravation of any pre-existing LA gave credence to the telex of the master’s
condition he might have had. report that the seafarers indeed demanded
Petition is GRANTED. immediate repatriation.
The NLRC agreed with the LA’s
decision. The CA however reversed the LA’s
183 Skippers United Pacific vs. Doza, G.R. and the NLRC’s decision. The Court deemed
No. 175558, February 8, 2012 the telex message as a self-serving
document that does not
Facts: satisfy the requirement of substantial
Petitioner deployed De Gracia, Lata evidence, or that amount of relevant
and Aprosta to work on board the vessel MV evidence which a reasonable mind might
Wisdom Star. accept as adequate to justify the conclusion
On December 3 1998, Skippers that petitioners indeed voluntarily
alleges that De Garcia smelling strongly of demanded their immediate repatriation.
alcohol, went to the cabin of Gabriel Oleszek, Aggrieved, Skippers appeals the case
MV Wisdom Stars’ Master. Skippers claims with the Supreme Court.
that he was rude and shouted noisily to the
master. De Gracia left the master’s cabin Issue:
after a few minutes and was heard shouting Whether or not the seafarer’s
very loudly somewhere down the corridors. demand for immediate repatriation can be
The incident was evidenced by the Captain’s considered an act of voluntary resignation.
Report sent on said date.
Furthermore, Skippers also claim Ruling:
that on January 22, 1999, Aprosta, De Gracia,
clearance, however, he was informed that was eligible for retirement under the
the costs of his training will be CBA since he had served for more than 25
deducted from his retirement pay, which will years with the same company. It ruled
be computed at the rate of P that the benefis should be computed in
5,000.00 per year of service. The petitioner accordance with both Article 287 of the
argued that his retirement benefis Code and the Retirement Plan of the CBA. It
should be based on the computation stated also ruled that petitioner is under
in Article 287 of the Labor Code, as obligation to reimburse a portion of the
amended by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7641, expense for his training program as
and that the costs of his training captain since it would be grossly unfair for
should not be deducted therefrom. petitioner to reap the fruits of his
PAL refused and argued that training if he would not be made to return
petitioner's retirement pay should be based the said benefis in form of service for
on a reasonable period of time. Both parties
PALALPAP Retirement Plan of 1967 (PAL- fied MR’s. It denied PAL’s MR
ALPAP Retirement Plan) and that he CA: Reversed the decision of the NLRC. It
should reimburse the company with the ruled that retirement pay should be
proportionate costs of his training. Thus, computed in accordance with CBA
on August 27, 1997, the petitioner fied a retirement plan as ruled in PAL v. Airline
complaint for non-payment of Pilots
retirement pay, moral damages, exemplary Association of the Philippines. It denied
damages and attorney’s fees against petitioner’s MR.
LA: On February 6, 1998, the Labor Issues:
Arbiter (LA) rendered the decision for the Should retirement benefis be
payment of retirement benefis to the computed based on Article 287 of the
petitioner for a total of P 4,150,106.20 Labor Code?
saying that the law intended to give bigger
and better benefis to workers under Ruling:
existing laws or CBA agreements and that Petitioner’s retirement pay should be
PAL had no right to withhold the based on the PAL retirement plans. The two
petitioner's retirement benefis due to his retirement schemes are alternative in nature
retirement before the lapse of three such that the retired pilot
years. There was no document showing that can only be entitled to that which provides
the petitioner was required to stay for the superior benefi. Even if there
with the airline for three years after the is an existing CBA but if it provides lesser
training or that he was required to benefis than what is provided in the
reimburse the cost of his training from his Labor Code , the Code will apply to assure
retirement benefis should he retire the retiree of the reasonable amount
earlier than the three year period. The LA of retirement pay. Consistent with the
also dismissed PAL's claim that purpose of the law, the CA correctly held
petitioner's submission of his bid for the that the PAL retirement plan applies because
position created an innominate contract it provides for higher benefis.
du ut facis between him and the company. Under the PAL retirement plan
NLRC: Modifid the decision of the LA. petitioner qualifid for late retirement sine he
Petitioner was only 52 years old when he rendered more than 20 years as pilot and is
opted to retire and therefore was not entitled to receive a lump sum of P
qualifid to receive the benefis offred 125, 000 for his services. He is also entitled
under Article 287 of the Labor Code, but he to equity of the retirement fund
under the Retirement Benefi Plan. This is disability benefits under the Philippine
more compared to what he will receive Overseas Employment Agency Standard
under the Labor Code which is equivalent to Employment Contract (POEA-SEC), in the
at least ½ of his monthly salary for amount of US$60,000.00, which petitioners
every year of service. The benefis under the refused to heed.
PAL retirement plan are to the The petitioners denied respondent's
petitioner’s advantage. claims, contending his injury was self-
It also ruled that the petitioner shall inflicted. They denied that the incinerator
reimburse PAL for his training costs. The exploded and claimed that respondent
court recognized PAL’s right to recoup losses burned himself by pouring paint thinner on
incurred due to pilot training and his overalls and thereafter set himself on
modifid the provision on age limits for pilots fire. They averred that he was led to commit
seeking advanced positions. Pilots such act after he was caught stealing the
57 years old shall be frozen in their position vessels supplies. They also alleged that there
while those 55 years of age that was a flooding incident caused by the
have previously qualifid in the company respondent. All allegations were supported
turbo jet aircraft are permitted to by affidavits and statements executed by
occupy any position in the turbo jet flet. vessel officers and crew members. In
Allowing the petitioner to leave the addition, Antonio Gile (Gile), attested that he
company before he has t fulfiled is saw respondent go to the paint room and
reasonable expectation of service will result there soak his hands in a can full of thinner.
to unjust enrichment since the training gave The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor or
him new skills and increased his petitioners, dismissing respondents
salary. Reason and fairness dictate that he complaint for lack of merit. The Labor Arbiter
must return to PAL a proportionate also held that respondent's injury was self-
costs of training. inflicted and that no incinerator explosion
185 INC SHIPMANAGEMENT, INC., occurred that would have caused the latter's
LIMITED, Petitioners, v. ALEXANDER L. Commission (NLRC) sustained the findings of
MORADAS, Respondent. the Labor Arbiter. It pointed out that
respondents mental or physical fitness was
FACTS: not at issue since respondent was motivated
Alexander L. Moradas (respondent) to inflict injury to himself for reasons related
was employed as wiper for the vessel MV to his impending discharge and not because
Commander (vessel) by petitioner INC of his disposition. The NLRC denied the
Shipmanagement, Inc., for a period of 10 motion for reconsideration filed by the
months. respondent.
On October 13, 2000, respondent The CA rendered a decision holding
claimed that while he was disposing of the that grave abuse of discretion tainted the
garbage in the incinerator room of the NLRC ruling. It found that it was contrary to
vessel, certain chemicals splashed all over human nature and experience for
his body because of an explosion. He was respondent to burn himself. It also pointed
sent to the hospital. The attending physician out that no evidence was presented to show
of St. Luke's Medical Center, Dr. Alegre, that respondent had no business near the
reported that the respondents thermal engine room. The CA denied the motion for
burns were estimated to fully heal within a reconsideration filed by the petitioners.
period of 3 to 4 months. Respondent
demanded for the payment of his full ISSUE:
Did the CA err in finding that the Accordingly, an inspection of the incinerator
NLRC gravely abused its discretion when it after the incident showed that there were
denied respondent's claim for disability unburnt cardboard cartons found inside with
benefits? no sign of explosion and the steel plates
surrounding it were cool to the touch.
Both the LA and the NLRC made a
factual finding that prior to the burning
HELD: incident, respondent was caught pilfering
The prevailing rule under Section the vessels supplies for which he was told
20(B) of the 1996 POEA-SEC on that he was to be relieved from his duties.
compensation and benefits for injury or This adequately supports the reasonable
illness was that an employer shall be liable conclusion that respondent may have
for the injury or illness suffered by a seafarer harbored a grudge against the captain and
during the term of his contract. There was no the chief steward who denied giving him the
need to show that such injury was work- questioned items. At the very least, it was
related except that it must be proven to have natural for him to brood over feelings of
been contracted during the term of the resentment considering his impending
contract. The rule, however, is not absolute dismissal. These incidents shore up the
and the employer may be exempt from theory that he was motivated to commit an
liability if he can successfully prove that the act of sabotage which, however, backfired
cause of the seaman's injury was directly into his own burning.
attributable to his deliberate or willful act as GRANTED
provided under Section 20 (D) thereof, to
wit: D. No compensation shall be payable in
respect of any injury, incapacity, disability or 186 ALPHA SHIP MANAGEMENT
death of the seafarer resulting from his CORPORATION/JUNEL M CHAN and/or
willful or criminal act, provided however, CHUO-KAIUN COMPANY, LIMITED v.
that the employer can prove that such injury, ELEOSIS v.
incapacity, disability or death is directly
attributable to seafarer. FACTS:
Records show that the LA and NLRC Respondent Calo worked for
gave credence to the corroborating petitioners Alpha Ship, Junel M. Chan and
testimonies of the crewmen pointing to their foreign principal, (CKCL) under 7
respondent as the person who deliberately employment contracts. While MV Iris was in
caused the flooding incident. In particular, China, respondent suffered back pain on the
respondent was seen alone in the vicinity of lower part of his lumbar region and urinated
the portside sea chest which cover was with solid particles. On checkup, the doctor
found to have been intentionally removed found him suffering from urinary tract
and thereby caused the flooding. infection and renal colic, and was given
The purported explosion in the antibiotics. When respondent’s condition
incinerator was belied by Gile who also did not improve, he consulted another
claimed that there was no fire in the doctor in Chile and was found to have kidney
incinerator room at the time respondent got problems and urinary tract infection but was
burned. This was corroborated by Bejada declared fit for work on a "light duty" basis.
who testified having ordered an ordinary In Japan, respondent was diagnosed with
seaman that was burning deck waste in the suspected renal and/or ureter calculus and
incinerator early that day to extinguish the was declared "unfit for work”. Respondent
fire with water and close up the incinerator was thus repatriated and was referred by
door because of bad weather conditions. petitioners to Dr. Cruz, the company-
unjustified act or omission. If the delay is suspension period, Axalan resumed teaching
due to the employer’s unjustified refusal, the in the university.
employer may still be required to pay the Axalan filed a complaint against the
salaries notwithstanding the reversal of the University for illegal suspension,
Labor Arbiter’s Decision. constructive dismissal, reinstatement with
backwages and unfair labor practice. The
university moved to dismiss the complaint
188 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE IMMACULATE on the ground of jurisdiction but this was
DAVID, RVM, petitioners, vs. NATIONAL The Labor Arbiter ruled that Axalan's
LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION and suspension amounted to constructive
TEODORA AXALAN, respondents. dismissal, entitling her to reinstatement and
payment of backwages, salary differentials,
FACTS: damages and attorney's fees. The university
Private respondent Axalan is a appealed the decision to the NLRC on the
regular faculty member in the University of subject of jurisdiction but the NLRC upheld
Immaculate Concepcion and also the elected the ruling of the Labor Arbiter and so did the
president of the employees' union. She CA.
attended a seminar in Quezon City on
website development. However, she ISSUE:
received a letter from the Dean asking her to Whether the CA erred in ruling that
explain why she should not be dismissed for Axalan was constructively dismissed.
having been absent without official leave.
She explained that she still held online HELD:
classes while she was away and that she The petition is meritorious.
thought she would not be considered absent LABOR LAW; Constructive dismissals
because of such action. The Dean asked her Constructive dismissal occurs when
to write a letter of apology but she opted not there is cessation of work because continued
to comply, believing she could not be employment is rendered impossible,
deemed absent since she held online classes. unreasonable, or unlikely as when there is a
By then, an ad hoc grievance committee had demotion in rank or diminution in pay or
been created to investigate the AWOL when a clear discrimination, insensibility, or
charge. disdain by an employer becomes unbearable
Thereafter, Axalan attended another to the employee leaving the latter with no
seminar, this time on advanced paralegal other option but to quit.
training. The Dean informed her that her In this case however, there was no
participation in said seminar was the subject cessation of employment relations between
of a second AWOL charge. Axalan explained the parties. It is unrefuted that Axalan
that she sought the approval of the Vice- promptly resumed teaching at the university
President for Academics. However, the Vice- right after the expiration of the suspension
President denied having approved the period. In other words, Axalan never quit.
application for official leave. Hence,Axalan cannot claim that she was left
Meanwhile, the ad hoc grievance with no choice but to quit, a crucial element
committee found Axalan to have incurred in a finding of constructive dismissal.
AWOL on both instances and recommended Thus,Axalan cannot be deemed to have been
that Axalan be suspended without pay for 6 constructively dismissed.
months on each AWOL charge. The Significantly, at the time the Labor
university president approved the Arbiter rendered his Decision on 11 October
recommendation. After the expiration of the 2004, Axalan had already returned to her
teaching job at the university on 1 October subject of their controversy. In the absence
2004. The Labor Arbiters Decision ordering of these factors RTC will not have jurisdiction
the reinstatement of Axalan, who at the time
had already returned to work, is thus absurd. OPINION:
Petition is DENIED. The case at bar is a termination
dispute not an intra-corporate dispute. Not
all conflicts between the stockholders and
189 RENATO REAL VS. SANGU the corporations are classified as intra-
PHILIPPINES, INC AND/OR KIICHI ABE corporate dispute. There are factors to
consider in determining whether the dispute
FACTS: involves corporate matters as to consider
Real was the manager Sangu Phils. them, intra-corporate controversies. The
Inc., which is engaged in providing fact that Real is a stockholder does not
manpower for general services. automatically classifies the case as intra-
Petitioner was dismissed from corporate dispute, therefore Labor arbiter
employment due to alleged gross act of correctly assumed jurisdiction over the case
misconduct and for his participation in
staging strike and barricading the premises
of the respondent company. The Labor 190 PAQUITO V. ANDO VS. ANDRESITO Y.
Arbiter decided in favor of Real and ordered CAMPO ET. AL.
for his reinstatement with full backwages.
On appeal, the NLRC dismissed the case FACTS:
holding that Real is a stockholder and Campo and co-respondents were
corporate officer of the respondent hired by Premier Allied Contracting Services,
company and therefore it is a intra- Inc. (PACSI), an independent labor
corporate dispute over which the Labor contractor headed by Ando as its president.
Arbiter has no jurisdiction. They filed an illegal dismissal case and some
money claims with the NLRC against PACSI.
ISSUE: The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of Campo
Does the complaint constitutes an and his co-respondents. A writ of execution
intra-corporate dispute and thus beyond the of personal property was issued to answer
jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter? for the monetary award.
Ando filed an action for prohibition
LAW: and damages with TRO before the RTC
Art. 217 of the Labor Code on claiming that the property belong to him
Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the and his wife and not to the corporation. RTC
Commission denied the petition holding that it has no
jurisdiction to try and decide the case and
RULING: ruled that the petitioner’s remedy is to file a
This case is not intra-corporate third party complaint with the NLRC Sheriff.
dispute but rather is a termination dispute
and, consequently falls under jurisdiction of
the Labor Arbiter pursuant to Section 217 of ISSUE:
the Labor Code. The better policy to be Did RTC correctly rule that it has no
followed in determining jurisdiction over a jurisdiction over the case?
case should be to consider concurrent
factors such as status or relationship of the LAW:
parties or the nature of the question that is
Whether BBC is exempt from Miguel Barairo (petitioner) was hired
posting an appeal bond. on June 29, 2004 by respondent MST Marine
Services (Phils.) Inc., (MST) for its principal,
HELD: TSM International, Ltd., as Chief Mate of the
Petition denied. vesselMaritina, for a contract period of six
GOCCs NOT EXEMPT FROM POSTING months.He boarded the vessel and
BOND discharged his duties on July 23, 2004, but
Generally, the government and all was relievedon August 28, 2004 ostensibly
the attached agencies with no legal for transfer to another
personality distinct from the former are vessel,Solar.Petitioner thus disembarked in
exempt from posting appeal bonds, whereas Manila on August 29, 2004.
government-owned and controlled Petitioner was later to claim that he
corporations (GOCCs) are not similarly was not paid the promised "stand-by fee" in
exempted except if it is sued in relation to its lieu of salary that he was to receive while
governmental functions. Here, BBC was awaiting transfer to another vessel as in fact
organized as a private corporation, the transfer never materialized.
sequestered in the 1980s and the ownership On October 20, 2004, petitioner
of which was subsequently transferred to signed a new Contract of Employmentfor a
the government. Its primary function is to six-month deployment as Chief Mate in a
engage in commercial radio and television newly-built Japanese vessel, M/THaruna.He
broadcasting. It is therefore clear that BBCs was paid a one-month "standby fee" in
function is commercial or proprietary and connection with theMaritinacontract.
not governmental.As such, BBC is not
cash or surety bond by the employer to be correct this error in its March 21, 2003
the essential and exclusive means by which Resolution By further explaining that it was
an employers appeal may be perfected.The not persuaded by petitioners alleged
word may refers to the perfection of an incapability of posting the required amount
appeal as optional on the part of the of bond for failure to submit financial
defeated party, but not to the compulsory statement, list of sources of income and
posting of an appeal bond, if he desires to other details with respect to the alleged
appeal.The meaning and the intention of the receivership, we still find the hasty denial of
legislature in enacting a statute must be the motion to reduce bond not proper.
determined from the language employed; Notwithstanding petitioner's failure
and where there is no ambiguity in the words to submit its financial statement and list of
used, then there is no room for construction. sources of income and to give more details
(Ramirez v. Court of Appeals,G.R. No. relative to its receivership, it was
182626, December 4, 2009) nevertheless able to show through the
Notably, however, under Section 6, abovementioned SEC Orders that it was
Rule VI of the NLRC's Revised Rules of indeed under a state of receivership.This
Procedure, the bond may be reduced albeit should have been sufficient reason for the
only on meritorious grounds and upon NLRC to not outrightly deny petitioners
posting of a partial bond in a reasonable motion. Here, considering the clear showing
amount in relation to the monetary of petitioners state of receivership, the NLRC
award.Suffice it to state that while said Rules should have conducted such preliminary
allows the Commission to reduce the determination and therein require the
amount of the bond, the exercise of the submission of said documents and other
authority is not a matter of right on the part necessary evidence before proceeding to
of the movant, but lies within the sound resolve the subject motion.
discretion of the NLRC upon a showing of After all, the present case falls under
meritorious grounds. those cases where the bond requirement on
Petitioner attached to its Motion to appeal may be relaxed considering that (1)
Reduce Bond the SEC Orders dated August there was substantial compliance with the
23, 1999 and May 23, 2000. From the said Rules; (2) the surrounding facts and
SEC Orders, it is unmistakable that petitioner circumstances constitute meritorious
was under receivership.And from the tenor grounds to reduce the bond; and (3) the
and contents of said Orders, it is possible petitioner, at the very least, exhibited its
that petitioner has no liquid asset which it willingness and/or good faith by posting a
could use to post the required amount of partial bond during the reglementary period.
bond.Also, it is quite understandable that Thus, it was an error on the part of the NLRC
because of petitioners financial state, it when it denied petitioners Motion to Reduce
cannot raise the amount of more thanP3 Bond and likewise on the part of the CA
million within a period of 10 days from when it affirmed said denial.
receipt of the Labor Arbiters judgment. CA REVERSED
However, the NLRC ignored
petitioners allegations and instead remained
adamant that since the amount of bond is 198 Semblante vs. CA, G.R. No. 196426,
fixed by law, petitioner must post an August 15, 2011
additional bond of more thanP3 million. It is
an utter disregard of the provision of the Facts:
Labor Code and of the NLRC Revised Rules of Petitioners Marticio Semblante and
Procedure allowing the reduction of bond in Dubrick Pilar worked in the Gallera de
meritorious cases.While the NLRC tried to Mandaue owned by the respondents-
spouses Vicente and Maria Luisa Loot. The necessary and indispensable to the usual
petitioners rendered their services as the trade or business of the respondents for a
official massiador and sentenciador in 1993. number of years. It h as ruled that
As the masiador, Semblante calls and takes petitioners were illegally dismissed and are
the bets from the gamecock owners and entitled to their backwages and separation
other bettors and orders the start of the pay. However, the NLRC reversed the Labor
cockfight. He also distributes the winnings Arbiter‘s decision. It held that respondents
after deducting the arriba, or the having no power on the selection and
commission for the cockpit. Meanwhile, as engagement of petitioners and that no
the sentenciador, Pilar oversees the proper separate individual contract with
gaffing of fighting cocks, determines the respondents was ever executed by
fighting cocks' physical condition and petitioners. In its appeal to the CA, the latter
capabilities to continue the cockfight, and ruled in favor for the respondents and held
eventually declares the result of the that referees and
cockfight. As masiador and sentenciador, bet-takers in a cockfight need to have the
Semblante receives PhP2,000 per week or a kind of expertise that is characteristic of the
total of PhP8,000 per month, while Pilar gets game to interpret messages conveyed by
PhP3,500 a mere gestures.
week or PhP14,000 per month. They work Hence, petitioners are akin to
every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and independent contractors who possess
Sunday every week, excluding monthly unique skills , expertise and talent to
derbies and cockfights held on special distinguish them from ordinary employees.
holidays. Their working days start at 1:00 Further, petitioners were not provided by
p.m. and last until 12:00 midnight, or until tools and instrumentalities they needed to
the early hours of the morning perform their work. They only need their
depending on the needs of the cockpit. unique skills and talents in the performance
Petitioners had both been issued employees' of their job as masiador and sentenciador.
identification cards that they wear every
time they report for duty. However on Issue:
November 14,1993, petitioners were denied Whether or not the dismissal of the
entry into the cockpit upon the instructions petitioners is illegal on the ground that that
of respondents and were informed of the they are regular employees of the
termination of their employment effective respondents?
that date.
Respondents denied that petitioners were Ruling:
their employees and alleged that they were Respondents had no part in
associates of respondents‘ independent petitioners' selection and management;
contractor, Tomas Vega. They claimed that petitioners' compensation was paid out of
petitioners have no regular working time or the arriba (which is a percentage deducted
day and they are free to decide for from the total bets), not by petitioners; and
themselves whether to report for work or petitioners performed their functions as
not on any cockfighting day. And the masiador and sentenciador free from the
identification card issued was only to free direction and control of respondents. In the
them from the normal entrance fees and to conduct of their work, petitioners relied
differentiate them from the general public. mainly on their "expertise that is
The Labor Arbiter found that there characteristic of the cockfight gambling,"
exist an employer-employee relationship and were never given by respondents any
between the petitioner and the respondents tool needed for the performance of their
because the latter performed the works work. Respondents, not being petitioners'
actually dismissed petitioner applied for and 200 PAQUITO V. ANDO, Petitioner, v.
was granted a week long leave. Petitioner ANDRESITO Y. CAMPO, ET AL.,,
did not deny this. He merely claimed that he Respondents.
went on leave since he was not given any
work assignment by the Company.However, FACTS:
the leave application form which bore his Petitioner was the president of
signature clearly stated that his reason for PACSI, an independent labor contractor.
going on leave was "to settle [his] personal Respondents were hired by PACSI as pilers or
problem." Indeed, the NLRC gravely abused haulers. They filed a case for illegal dismissal
its discretion in reversing the Labor Arbiters and some money claims with the National
decision on mere conjectures and Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
insubstantial grounds. The Labor Arbiter ruled in
III. We are not unmindful of the rule respondents’ favor. To answer for the
that financial assistance is allowed only in monetary award, NLRC issued a Notice of
instances where the employee is validly Sale on Execution of Personal Property over
dismissed for causes other than serious the property in the name of “Paquito V.
misconduct or those reflecting on his moral Ando x x x married to Erlinda S. Ando.
character. But we must stress that this Court Petitioner then filed an action for
did allow the grant of financial assistance as prohibition and damages with prayer for the
a measure of social justice and exceptional issuance of a temporary restraining order
circumstances, and as an equitable (TRO) before the Regional Trial Court (RTC).
concession.There appears to be no reason Petitioner claimed that the property
why petitioner, who has served respondent belonged to him and his wife, not to the
corporation for more than eight years corporation, and, hence, could not be
without committing any infraction, cannot subject of the execution sale. The RTC
be extended the reasonable financial denied petitioner’s prayer for a TRO, holding
assistance of P18,000.00 as awarded by the that the trial court had no jurisdiction to try
Labor Arbiter on equity considerations. and decide the case. The CA affirmed the RTC
IV. Granting of a TRO by a justice of Order.
the CA even without the concurrence of the Petitioner then filed the present
other associate justices in the division, is petition seeking the nullification of the CA
allowed in cases of extreme urgency. Here, Decision. He argued that there was no
the records of this case would attest to the indication in the body of the Decision that he
urgency of the situation. When the TRO was was solidarily liable with the corporation.
issued, the NLRC Regional Arbitration Branch
No. XI was already in the process of ISSUE:
enforcing the assailed Resolution of the Whether or not the CA erred in
NLRC dated May 9, 2003 as evidenced by its upholding the RTC Decision
issuance of a Notice of Hearingfor a pre-
execution conference which was impelled by
a motion made by petitioner. The pre- HELD:
execution conference was conducted as The petition is meritorious.
scheduled, thus, respondents filed with the LABOR LAW: Execution
Court of Appeals an Urgent Motion for the The power of the NLRC, or the courts,
Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order to execute its judgment extends only to
and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction. properties unquestionably belonging to the
judgment debtor alone. A sheriff, therefore,
has no authority to attach the property of
any person except that of the judgment
validity of respondents dismissal from alenga that, pursuant to the decision of the
employment but ordered Pfizer to pay board of directors of respondent CDC, the p
Velasco wages from the date of the Labor osition of head executive assistant the positi
Arbiters decision ordering her reinstatement on held by petitioner was declared redunda
until November 23, 2005, when the Court of nt. His employment was then terminated. H
Appeals rendered its decision declaring e then filed illegal dismissal case against CD
Velasco's dismissal valid. C and Colayco. The Labor Arbiter ruled in fa
vor of Salenga. When the Decision was rend
ered, CDC was already under the leadership
ISSUE: of Sergio T. Naguiat. He instructed Atty. Mo
Did the CA commit a serious but nina C. Pineda, manager of the Corporate a
reversible error when it ordered Pfizer to nd Legal Services Department and concurre
pay Velasco wages from the date of the nt corporate board secretary, not to appeal
Labor Arbiters decision ordering her the Decision and to so inform the OGCC. Ho
reinstatement until November 23, 2005, wever, two separate appeals were filed bef
when the Court of Appeals rendered its ore LA Darlucio. One from the OGCC on beh
decision declaring Velascos dismissal valid? alf of respondent CDC and Rufo Colayco and
the second from Rufo Colayco.
HELD: Petitioner opposed the two appeals
The order of reinstatement is on the grounds that both appellants had fail
immediately executory. The unjustified ed to observe Rule VI, Sections 4 to 6 of the
refusal of the employer to reinstate a NLRC Rules of Procedure; and that appellant
dismissed employee entitles him to payment s had not been authorized by respondent’s
of his salaries effective from the time the board of directors to represent the corporat
employer failed to reinstate him despite the ion and, thus, they were not the “employer”
issuance of a writ of execution. Unless there whom the Rules referred to.
is a restraining order issued, it is ministerial
upon the Labor Arbiter to implement the ISSUE:
order of reinstatement. In the case at bar, no Whether or not NLRC can entertain
restraining order was granted. PFIZER did an appeal absent a board resolution allowin
not immediately admit respondent back to g it.
work which, according to the law, should
have been done as soon as an order or award HELD:
of reinstatement is handed down by the No. The NLRC had no jurisdiction to
Labor Arbiter without need for the issuance entertain the appeal filed by TimbolRoman
of a writ of execution.Thus, respondent was and former CDC CEO Colayco.
entitled to the wages paid to her under the A corporation can only exercise its p
writ of execution. owers and transact its business through its
board of directors and through its officers a
nd agents when authorized by a board resol
203 ANTONIO P. SALENGA and ution or its bylaws. The power of a corporati
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSIO on to sue and be sued is exercised by the bo
N vs COURT OF APPEALS and CLARK DEVEL ard of directors. The physical acts of the cor
OPMENT CORPORATION poration, like the signing of documents, can
G.R. Nos. 174941, February 1, 2012 be performed only by natural persons duly
authorized for the purpose by corporate byl
FACTS: aws or by a specific act of the board. The pu
President/Chief Executive Officer (CE rpose of verification is to secure an assuranc
O) Rufo Colayco issued an Order informing S e that the allegations in the pleading are tru
e and correct and have been filed in good fa CGI awarded P20,000.00 to Nelson brother.
ith. Merridy Jane is now claiming the $90,000.00
Thus, absent the requisite board res less the P20,000.00 that Nelson brother
olution, neither TimbolRoman nor Atty. Mal received.
lari, who signed the Memorandum of Appea Respondents asserted that the NLRC
l and Joint Affidavit of Declaration allegedly had no jurisdiction over the action on
on behalf of respondent corporation, may b account of the absence of employer-
e considered as the “appellant” and “emplo employee relationship between GCI and
yer” referred to by Rule VI, Sections 4 to 6 o Nelson at the time of the latter death.
f the NLRC Rules of Procedure, which provid Nelson also had no claims against petitioners
es that appeal shall be verified by appellant for sick leave allowance/medical benefit by
himself in accordance with Section 4, Rule 7 reason of the completion of his contract with
of the Rules of Court. The OGCC failed to pr GCI.
oduce any valid authorization from the boar The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of
d of directors despite petitioner Salenga’s re petitioner and ordered respondents to pay
peated demands. And the socalled appeal w P4,621,300.00, the equivalent of
as done against the instructions of then Pre US$90,000.00 less P20,000.00, at the time of
sident/CEO Naguiat not to file an appeal. judgment. The Labor Arbiter also ruled that
the proximate cause of Nelson death was not
204 ESTATE OF NELSON R. DULAY, On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the
represented by his wife MERRIDY JANE P. Labor Arbiter decision as to the grant of
DULAY, Petitioner, v. ABOITIZ JEBSEN death benefits under the CBA but reversed
MARITIME, INC. and GENERAL the latter ruling as to the proximate cause of
CHARTERERS, INC., Respondents. Nelson death.
A special civil action for certiorari was
FACTS: filed with the CA. The appellate court
Since 1986, Nelson Dulay was granted the petition and referred the case to
employed as an ordinary seaman and later as the NCMB for the appropriate resolution of
bosun on contractual basis by General the issue on the matter of the applicable CBA
Charters, Inc,, a subsidiary of Aboitiz Jebsen provision.
Maritime. From September 3, 1999 up to The CA ruled that while the suit filed
July 19, 2000, Nelson was detailed in by Merridy Jane is a money claim, the same
petitionersvessel, the MV Kickapoo Belle. basically involves the interpretation and
At the time of his death on August 13, application of the provisions in the subject
2000, he was a bona fide member of the CBA. As such, jurisdiction belongs to the
AMOSUP, GCI collective bargaining agent. voluntary arbitrator and not the labor
Nelson widow, Merridy Jane, thereafter arbiter.
claimed for death benefits through the
grievance procedure of the CBA between
AMOSUP and GCI. However, on January 29, ISSUE:
2001, the grievance procedure was Whether or not the CA committed
"declared deadlocked" as petitioners error in ruling that the Labor Arbiter has no
refused to grant the benefits sought by the jurisdiction over the case?
On March 5, 2001, Merridy Jane filed HELD:
a complaint with the NLRC against GCI for Petitioner contends that Section 10
death and medical benefits and damages. of Republic Act (R.A.) 8042, otherwise known
Merridy Jane claimed $90,000.00 however, as the Migrant Workers and Overseas
Filipinos Act of 1995, vests jurisdiction on the In any case, the Court agrees with
appropriate branches of the NLRC to petitioner's contention that the CBA is the
entertain disputes regarding the law or contract between the parties.
interpretation of a collective bargaining Upon this Court reading of the
agreement involving migrant or overseas pertinent provisions of the CBA, it is clear
Filipino workers. Petitioner argues that the that the parties really intended to bring to
abovementioned Section amended Article conciliation or voluntary arbitration any
217 (c) of the Labor Code which, in turn, dispute or conflict in the interpretation or
confers jurisdiction upon voluntary application of the provisions of their CBA. It
arbitrators over interpretation or is settled that when the parties have validly
implementation of collective bargaining agreed on a procedure for resolving
agreements and interpretation or grievances and to submit a dispute to
enforcement of company personnel policies. voluntary arbitration then that procedure
It is true that R.A. 8042 is a special should be strictly observed.
law governing overseas Filipino workers. It may not be amiss to point out that
However, there is no specific provision the CBA are in consonance with Rule VII,
thereunder which provides for jurisdiction Section 7 of the present Omnibus Rules and
over disputes or unresolved grievances Regulations Implementing the Migrant
regarding the interpretation or Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995,
implementation of a CBA. Section 10 of R.A. as amended by Republic Act No. 10022,
8042, which is cited by petitioner, simply which states that "[f]or OFWs with collective
speaks, in general, of "claims arising out of bargaining agreements, the case shall be
an employer-employee relationship or by submitted for voluntary arbitration in
virtue of any law or contract involving accordance with Articles 261 and 262 of the
Filipino workers for overseas deployment Labor Code." The Court notes that the said
including claims for actual, moral, exemplary Omnibus Rules and Regulations were
and other forms of damages." promulgated by the Department of Labor
On the other hand, Articles 217(c) and Employment (DOLE) and the
and 261 of the Labor Code are very specific Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and that
in stating that voluntary arbitrators have these departments were mandated to
jurisdiction over cases arising from the consult with the Senate Committee on Labor
interpretation or implementation of and Employment and the House of
collective bargaining agreements. Stated Representatives Committee on Overseas
differently, the instant case involves a Workers Affairs.
situation where the special statute (R.A. In consultation with the counterparts
8042) refers to a subject in general, which of the DOLE in the respective committees of
the general statute (Labor Code) treats in the Senate and the House of
particular. Representatives, as well as the DFA and the
In the present case, the basic issue POEA is that with respect to disputes
raised by Merridy Jane in her complaint filed involving claims of Filipino seafarers wherein
with the NLRC is: which provision of the the parties are covered by a collective
subject CBA applies insofar as death benefits bargaining agreement, the dispute or claim
due to the heirs of Nelson are concerned. should be submitted to the jurisdiction of a
The Court agrees with the CA in holding that voluntary arbitrator or panel of arbitrators.
this issue clearly involves the interpretation It is only in the absence of a collective
or implementation of the said CBA. Thus, the bargaining agreement that parties may opt
specific or special provisions of the Labor to submit the dispute to either the NLRC or
Code govern. to voluntary arbitration. It is elementary that
rules and regulations issued by
administrative bodies to interpret the law claim. The Supreme Court, in upholding the
which they are entrusted to enforce, have Court of Appeals, held that the burden of
the force of law, and are entitled to great proof rests upon the party who asserts the
respect. Such rules and regulations partake affirmative of an issue. And in labor cases,
of the nature of a statute and are just as the quantum of proof necessary is
binding as if they have been written in the substantial evidence, or such amount of
statute itself. relevant evidence which a reasonable mind
DENIED might accept as adequate to justify a
conclusion. Petitioner had the duty to prove
by substantial evidence his own positive
205 Wilfredo Y. Antiquina v. Magsaysay assertions. He did not discharge this burden
Maritime Corporation and/or Masterbulk of proof when he submitted
Pte., Ltd., G.R. No. 168922. April 13, 2011. photocopied portions of a different CBA
with a different union.
Rules of Procedure; liberal construction in Wilfredo Y. Antiquina v.
favor of working class. Magsaysay Maritime Corporation and/or
Petitioner claimed disability benefits Masterbulk Pte., Ltd., G.R. No. 168922. April
under a Collective Bargaining Agreement 13, 2011. Public office; casual employees.
that the respondent employer entered into Respondent was a casual teller who was
with a foreign union. The Court of Appeals dismissed from service by petitioner
refused to admit the evidence of petitioner without being formally charged. On appeal,
showing his membership in the union on the the Civil Service Commission (CSC) upheld
ground that it was submitted only with the the dismissal and reasoned that respondent
Motion for Reconsideration. The Supreme was a casual employee, and therefore her
Court, in agreeing to examine the evidence services may be terminated at any time,
belatedly submitted by petitioner, pointed without need of a just cause. Upon review,
out that technical rules of procedure shall be both the Court of Appeals and the Supreme
liberally construed in favor of the working Court found that respondent was illegally
class in accordance with the demands of terminated. The Supreme Court recognized
substantial justice. Rules of procedure and its prono uncement in a recent case that
evidence should not be applied in a very rigid “Even a casual or temporary employee
and technical sense in labor cases in order enjoys security of tenure and cannot be
that technicalities would not stand in the dismissed except for cause enumerated in
way of equitably and completely resolving Sec. 22, Rule XIV of the Omnibus Civil Service
the rights and obligations of the parties. Rules and Regulations and other pertinent
Wilfredo Y. Antiquina v. Magsaysay Maritime laws.” However, the Court also went on to
Corporation and/or Masterbulk Pte., state that, despite this new ruling on casual
Ltd., G.R. No. 168922. April 13, employees, it is not the intention of the
2011. Disability Benefits; entitlement and Court to make the status of a casual
burden of proof. Petitioner suffered a employee at par with that of a regular
fractured arm while working on employee, who enjoys permanence of
respondent‟s vessel. He filed a complaint for employment. The rule is still that casual
permanent disa bility benefits, among employment will cease automatically at the
others. Petitioner claims that he is entitled to end of the period unless renewed. Casual
the higher amount of disability benefits employees may also be terminated anytime
under the Collective Bargaining Agreement though subject to certain conditions or
which respondent entered into with a union qualifications with reference to the CSC
of which petitioner was a member. The Form No. 001. Thus, they may be laid-off
Court of Appeals den ied the petitioner‟s anytime before the expiration of the
employment period provided any of the petitioner‘s retained legal counsel with
following occurs: (1) when their services are matters pertaining to the prosecution of
no longer needed; (2) funds are no longer cases against illegal surface occupants within
available; (3) the project has already been the area covered by the company‘s mineral
completed/finished; or (4) claims. He also tasked to perform liason
their performance are below par. Philippine work with government agencies which he
Charity Sweepstakes Office Board of said his expertise. Respondent is not
Directors and Reynaldo P. Martin v. Marie required to report to its office on a regular
Jean C. Lapid, G.R. No. 191940. April 12, basis, except when occassionally requested
2011. Public office; security of tenure. by the management to discuss the matters
Respondent was a casual teller who, having which needs of his expertise as aconsultant.
been found guilty of „Discourtesy in the He is paid a retainer fee of 3,000Php a month
Course of Official Duties‟ and of „Grave and delivered to him either in his residence
Misconduct‟, was dismissed from service by or in a local restaurant. They have al so
petitioner. On appeal, the Civil Service executed a retainer agreement however was
Commission (CSC) ruled that despite lapses misplaced and can no longer be found. This
in procedural due process committed by kind of arrangement continued on for the
petitioner employer, the dismissal was next 11 years. Since respondent was getting
proper since respondent belonged to the old, he requested petitioner to cause his
category of a casual employee which does registration with the Social Security System
not enjoy security of tenure. Hence, she may but petitioner did not accede to his request
be separated from service at any time, there considering the former only a
being no need to show cause. The Court of retainer/consultant.
Appeals disagreed and declared the Respondent herein, filed a complaint
dismissal illegal. The Supreme Court with SSS against petitioner‘s refusal to cause
affirmed the findings of the Court of Appeals. his registration with the SSS. The Resident
In doing so, the Court relied on Manager of the petitioner issued then a
Section 3(2), Article XIII of the Constitution Memorandum advising respondent that
which guarantees the rights of all workers to within 30 days from receipt thereof,
security of tenure. The Court also recognized petitioner‘s services as a retainer/consultant
its pronouncement in a recent case that will be terminated since his services are no
“Even a casual or temporary employee longer necessary. As a result, respondent
enjoys security of tenure and cannot be filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, unfair
dismissed except for cause enumerated in labor practice, underpayment of wages, non-
Sec. 22, Rule XIV of the Omnibus Civil Service payment of 13th Month pay, vacation pay
Rules and Regulations and other pertinent and sick leave with the NLRC, Regional
laws.” Arbitration Branch and Cordillera
Administrative Region against the petitioner.
The Labor Arbiter rendered a
206 Atok Big Wedge Company vs. Gison, decision in favor of the petitioner ruling that
G.R. No. 169510, August 8, 2011 there is no employer-employee relationship
and dismissed the complaint for lack of
Facts: merit. An appeal was made before the NLRC
The respondent in this case, Jesus P. but same was dismissed and affirmed the
Gison, was engaged as part-time consultant decision of the Labor Arbiter.
of the petitioner, Atok Big Wedge Company A petition for review was filed under
thorugh its then Asst. VP and Acting Resident Rule 65 before the Court of Appeals. The
Manager, Rutillo A. Torres. As a consultant Court of Appeals annuled and has set aside
on retainer basis, the former assisted the the d ecision of NLRC. The CA opined that,
both the Labor Arbiter and NLRC overlooked supported by substantial evidence. Being a
Article 280 of the Labor Code, which question of fact, the determination whether
distinguishes between the two kinds of such a relationship exists between petitioner
employees, i.e., regular and casual and respondent was well within the province
employees. The respondent is deemed a of the
regular employee of the petitioner after the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. Being supported
lapse of one year from his employment. by substantial evidence, such determination
Considering also that the respondent had should have been accorded great weight by
been performing services for the petitioner the CA in resolving the issue. To ascertain the
for the last 11 years en titling him to the existence of an employer-employee
rights and privileges of a regular employee. relationship jurisprudence has invariably
The CA added that although there was an adhered to the four-fold test, to wit: (1) the
agreement between the parties that the selection and engagement of the employee;
employment of the (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of
respondent will be only temporary, it clearly dismissal; and (4) the power to control the
disregarded the same by repeatedly giving employee's conduct, or the so-called
petitioner several tasks to perform. "control test." The so-called "control test" is
Moreover, although the respondent may commonly regarded as the most crucial and
have waived his right to attain a regular determinative indicator of the presence or
status when he agreed to perform these absence of an employer-employee
tasks on a temporary employment status, relationship
still it was the law that recognized and Applying the aforementioned test, an
considered him a regular employee after his employer-employee relationship is
first year of rendering service to petitioner. apparently absent in the case at bar. Among
As such, the waiver is ineffective. other things, respondent was not required to
Petitioner herein posits that CA erred report everyday during regular office hours
in applying Article 280 of the Labor Code in of petitioner. Respondent's monthly retainer
determining whether there exists an fees were paid to him either at his residence
employer-employee relationship. Petitioner or a local restaurant. More importantly,
contends that where the existence of an petitioner did not prescribe the manner in
employer-employee relationship is in which respondent would accomplish any of
dispute, Article 280 of the Labor Code is the tasks in which his expertise as a liaison
inapplicable. The said article only set the officer was needed; respondent was left
distinction between a casual employee from alone and given the freedom to accomplish
a regular employee for purposes of the tasks using his own means and method.
determining the rights Respondent was assigned tasks to perform,
of an employee to be entitled to certain but petitioner did not control the manner
benefits. and methods by which respondent
Issue: performed these tasks. Verily, the absence
Whether or not CA erred in applying of the element of control on the part of the
Article 280? petitioner engenders a conclusion that he is
not an employee of the petitioner.
Ruling: Moreover, the absence of the parties'
Well-entrenched is the doctrine that retainership agreement notwithstanding,
the existence of an employer-employee respondent clearly admitted that petitioner
relationship is ultimately a question of fact hired him in a limited capacity only and that
and that the findings thereon by the Labor there will be no employer-employee
Arbiter and the NLRC shall be accorded not relationship between them.
only respect but even finality when
The Labor Arbiter found the dismissal because (1) they were already employees
to be illegal with respect to nine out of the when they were required to undergo
twelve complainants. Atlanta appealed the apprenticeship and (2) apprenticeship
decision to the NLRC which reversed the agreements were invalid.
illegal dismissal decision with respect to The following considerations support
Sebolino and three others. They moved for the CA ruling.
reconsideration but this was denied. They FBased on company operations at
then brought the case up to the Court of the time material to the case, Costales,
Appeals, which held that Sebolino and the Almoite, Sebolino and Sagun were already
three others were illegally dismiised. rendering service to the company as
The CA ruled that Sebolino and the employees before they were made to
three others were already employees of the undergo apprenticeship. The company itself
company before they entered into the first recognized the respondents status through
and second apprenticeship agreements. For relevant operational records in the case of
example, Sebolino was employed by Atlanta Costales and Almoite, the CPS monthly
on March 3, 2004 then he entered into his report for December 2003 which the NLRC
first apprenticeship agreement with the relied upon and, for Sebolino and Sagun, the
company on March 20, 2004 to August 19, production and work schedule for March 7
2004. The second apprenticeship agreement to 12, 2005 cited by the CA.
was from May 28, 2004 to October 8, 2004. The CA correctly recognized the
However, the CA found the apprenticeship authenticity of the operational documents,
agreements to be void because they were for the failure of Atlanta to raise a challenge
executed in violation of the law and the against these documents before the labor
rules. Therefore, in the first place, there arbiter, the NLRC and the CA itself. The
were no apprenticeship agreements. appellate court, thus, found the said
Also, the positions occupied by the documents sufficientto establish the
respondents machine operator, extruder employment of the respondents before their
operator and scaleman are usually necessary engagement as apprentices.
and desirable in the manufacture of plastic The fact that Sebolino and the three
building materials, the companys main others were already rendering service to the
business. Sebolino and the three others company when they were made to undergo
were, therefore, regular employees whose apprenticeship (as established by the
dismissals were illegal for lack of a just or evidence) renders the apprenticeship
authorized cause and notice. agreements irrelevant as far as the four are
concerned. This reality is highlighted by the
ISSUE: CA finding that the respondents occupied
Whether or not the CA erred in positions such as machine operator,
ruling that Sebolino and three others were scaleman and extruder operator - tasks that
illegally dismissed. are usually necessary and desirable in
Atlantas usual business or trade as
HELD: manufacturer of plastic building materials.
The petition is unmeritorious. These tasks and their nature characterized
LABOR LAW - Illegal dismissals the four as regular employees under Article
The CA committed no reversible 280 of the Labor Code.Thus, when they were
error in nullifying the NLRC decision and in dismissed without just or authorized cause,
affirming the labor arbiters ruling, as it without notice, and without the opportunity
applies toCostales, Almoite, Sebolino and to be heard, their dismissal was illegal under
Sagun. Specifically, the CA correctly ruled the law.
that the four were illegally dismissed
on of respondent, on the ground of the non Furthermore, that the Labor Code’s
submission of the said documents. Petitione provisions on cancellation of union registrat
r prayed that respondent’s Certificate of Cre ion and on reportorial requirements have b
ation of Local/Chapter be cancelled and its een recently amended by Republic Act (R.A.
name be deleted from the list of legitimate l ) No. 9481, An Act Strengthening the Worke
abor organizations. It further requested the rs’ Constitutional Right to SelfOrganization,
suspension of the certification election proc Amending for the Purpose Presidential Decr
eedings. Nevertheless, the certification elec ee No. 442, As Amended, Otherwise Known
tion pushed through and the respondent w as the Labor Code of the Philippines, which
on. says that failure to file financial reports and
The Regional Director of DOLENCR a list of union members shall not be a ground
nd DOLE Secretary both held that constituti for cancellation of union registration but sh
onally guaranteed freedom of association a all subject the erring officers or members to
nd right of workers to selforganization outw suspension, expulsion from membership, o
eighed respondent’s noncompliance with th r any appropriate penalty.
e statutory requirements to maintain its sta
tus as a legitimate labor organization.
210 NELSON A. CULILI, Petitioner, v.
Whether or not the failure to compl PHILIPPINES, INC., SALVADOR HIZON
y with the statutory requirement(filing finan (President and Chief Executive Officer),
cial reports and the list of its members) suffi EMILIANO JURADO (Chairman of the
cient ground for the cancellation of registrat Board), VIRGILIO GARCIA (Vice President)
ion of the respondent as a labor union. and STELLA GARCIA (Assistant Vice
President), Respondents.
No, the noncompliance should not b FACTS:
e a ground for the cancellation. Articles 238 Respondent Eastern
and 239 of the Labor Code provide that failu Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. (ETPI)
re to file financial reports and the list of its is a telecommunications company engaged
members are grounds for the cancellation o mainly in the business of establishing
f Union Organization. However, considerati commercial telecommunications systems
on must be taken of the fundamental rights and leasing of international datalines or
guaranteed by Article XIII, Section 3 of the C circuits that pass through the international
onstitution, i.e., the rights of all workers to s gateway facility (IGF). The other respondents
elforganization, collective bargaining and ne are ETPIs officers.
gotiations, and peaceful concerted activities Petitioner Nelson A. Culili was
. Labor authorities should bear in mind that employed by ETPI as a Technician in its Field
registration confers upon a union the status Operations Department in 1981. In 1996,
of legitimacy and the concomitant right and Culili was promoted to Senior Technician in
privileges granted by law to a legitimate lab the Customer Premises Equipment
or organization, particularly the right to part Management Unit of the Service Quality
icipate in or ask for certification election in Department.
a bargaining unit. Thus, the cancellation of a As a telecommunications company
certificate of registration is the equivalent and an authorized IGF operator, ETPI was
of snuffing out the life of a labor organizatio required, under RA No. 7925 and EO No. 109,
n. For without such registration, it loses as a to establish landlines in Metro Manila and
rule its rights under the Labor Code. certain provinces. However, due to
interconnection problems with the PLDT,
with the employees right to self- reduce its workforce and streamline its
organization. Hence, this petition. organization. ETPI also submitted its old and
new tables of organization and sufficiently
ISSUE: described how limited the functions of the
Whether or not Culili is illegally abolished position of a Senior Technician
dismissed. were and how it decided on whom to absorb
these functions.
The decision of the Court of Appeals Although the Court finds Culilis
is sustained. dismissal was for a lawful cause and not an
LABOR LAW act of unfair labor practice, ETPI, however,
There is redundancy when the was remiss in its duty to observe procedural
service capability of the workforce is greater due process in effecting the termination of
than what is reasonably required to meet the Culili.
demands of the business enterprise. A For termination of employment as
position becomes redundant when it is defined in Article 283 of the Labor Code, the
rendered superfluous by any number of requirement of due process shall be deemed
factors such as over-hiring of workers, complied with upon service of a written
decrease in volume of business, or dropping notice to the employee and the appropriate
a particular product line or service activity Regional Office of the Department of Labor
previously manufactured or undertaken by and Employment at least thirty days before
the enterprise. Soriano, Jr. v. NLRC, G.R. No. effectivity of the termination, specifying the
165594, April 23, 2007 ground or grounds for termination.
This Court also held that the ETPI does not deny its failure to
following evidence may be proffered to provide DOLE with a written notice regarding
substantiate redundancy: the new staffing Culilis termination. It, however, insists that it
pattern, feasibility studies/ proposal on the has complied with the requirement to serve
viability of the newly created positions, job a written notice to Culili as evidenced by his
description and the approval by the admission of having received it and
management of the restructuring. forwarding it to his union president.
In the case at bar, ETPI was upfront The Court of Appeals, in finding that
with its employees about its plan to Culili was not afforded procedural due
implement a Right-Sizing Program. Even in process, held that Culilis dismissal was
the face of initial opposition from and ineffectual, and required ETPI to pay Culili
rejection of the said program by ETEU, ETPI full backwages in accordance with our
patiently negotiated with ETEUs officers to decision in Serrano v. NLRC, 387 Phil. 345
make them understand ETPIs business (2000).
dilemma and its need to reduce its Hence, since it has been established
workforce and streamline its organization. that Culilis termination was due to an
This evidently rules out bad faith on the part authorized cause and cannot be considered
of ETPI. unfair labor practice on the part of ETPI, his
The records show that ETPI had dismissal is valid. However, in view of ETPIs
sufficiently established not only its need to failure to comply with the notice
reduce its workforce and streamline its requirements under the Labor Code, Culili is
organization, but also the existence of entitled to nominal damages in addition to
redundancy in the position of a Senior his separation pay. DENIED.
Technician. ETPI explained how it failed to 211 Barroga vs. Data Center College, G.R.
meet its business targets and the factors that No. 174158, June 27, 2011
caused this, and how this necessitated it to
equivalent to one and a half of his monthly hometown and was in dire need of money
salary for every year of service. Aujero would likewise not qualify as undue pressure
subsequently executed a Deed of Release sufficient to invalidate the quitclaim. Dire
and Quitclaim in Philcomsat’s favor following necessity may be an acceptable ground to
his receipt from the latter of a check in the annul quitclaims if the consideration is
amount of P9,439,327.91. After 3 years, unconscionably low and the employee UST
Aujero filed a complaint for unpaid Law Review, Vol. LVII No. 1, November 2012
retirement benefits claiming that the actual was tricked into accepting it, but is not an
amount of his retirement pay is acceptable ground for annulling the release
P14,015,055.00. Aujero contends that the when it is not shown that the employee has
significantly deficient amount he previously been forced to execute it. While it is the
received was more than an enough reason to Court’s duty to prevent the exploitation of
declare his quitclaim null and void. Aujero employees, it also behooves this Court to
further claimed that he had no choice but to protect the sanctity of contracts that do not
accept the lesser amount as he was in dire contravene our laws.
need of money. The Labor Arbiter (LA) ruled Aujero’s educational background and
in favor of Aujero and directed Philcomsat to employment stature render it improbable
pay the balance of his retirement pay. The LA that he was pressured, intimidated or
maintained that Philcomsat failed to inveigled into signing the subject quitclaim.
substantiate its claim that the amount The Court cannot permit the petitioner to
received by Aujero was a product of relieve himself from the consequences of his
negotiations between the parties. On act, when his knowledge and understanding
appeal, the National Labor Relations thereof is expected. Also, the period of time
Commissions (NLRC) reversed the decision that Aujero allowed to lapse before filing a
of the LA and decided in favor of Philcomsat. complaint to recover the supposed
The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision deficiency in his retirement pay clouds his
of the NLRC. motives, leading to the reasonable
conclusion that his claim of being aggrieved
ISSUE: is a mere afterthought, if not a mere
Whether the quitclaim executed by pretention
the petitioner in Philcomsat’s favor is valid,
thereby foreclosing his right to institute any
claim against Philcomsat 213 SAN MIGUEL FOODS, INCORPORATED
Petition GRANTED. While the law 146206
looks with disfavor upon releases and
quitclaims by employees who are inveigled FACTS:
or pressured into signing them by In the case of San Miguel Corporation
unscrupulous employers seeking to evade Supervisors and Exempt Union v. Laguesma,
their legal responsibilities, a legitimate the Court held that even if they handle
waiver representing a voluntary settlement confidential data regarding technical and
of a laborer's claims should be respected by internal business operations, supervisory
the courts as the law between the parties. employees 3 and 4 and the exempt
Considering Aujero’s claim of fraud and bad employees of petitioner San Miguel Foods,
faith against Philcomsat to be Inc. are not to be considered confidential
unsubstantiated, the Court finds the employees, because the same do not pertain
quitclaim in dispute to be legitimate waiver. to labor relations, particularly, negotiation
That Aujero was all set to return to his and settlement of grievances. Consequently,
and its principal office,and (3) its Arbiter’s Decision. The Office of the
constitution and by-laws the last two Secretary of DOLE held that KML’s legitimacy
requirements having been executed under as a union could not be collaterally attacked.
oath by the proper union officials as borne It declared that any violation of the provision
out by the records. of Article 245 does not ipso facto render the
Petitioner union correctly argues that existence of the labor organization illegal.
its legal personality cannot be collaterally LEGEND filed a Petition for Certiorari
attacked in the certification election with the Court of Appeals , which found no
proceedings. grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
GRANTED. Office of the Secretary of DOLE. LEGEND filed
a Petition for Certiorari with the Court of
Appeals. held that the issue on the
218 LEGEND INTERNATIONAL RESORTS legitimacy of KML as a labor organization has
LIMITED, Petitioner, v. KILUSANG already been settled with finality in Case No.
MANGGAGAWA NG LEGENDA (KML- RO300-0108-CP-001. The March 26, 2002
INDEPENDENT), Respondent. Decision of the Bureau of Labor Relations
upholding the legitimacy of KML as a labor
FACTS: organization had long become final and
KML filed with the Med-Arbitration executory for failure of LEGEND to appeal
Unit of the DOLE, San Fernando, Pampanga, the same.
a Petition for Certification Election. LEGEND
moved to dismiss the petition alleging that ISSUE:
KML is not a legitimate labor organization Whether or not the the CA erred in
because its membership is a mixture of rank denying the petition for certiorari.
and file and supervisory employees in
violation of Article 245 of the Labor Code. HELD:
KML argued that even if 41 of its members The petition is partly meritorious.
are indeed supervisory employees and LABOR LAW: Certification election
therefore excluded from its membership, Records show that (in the
the certification election could still proceed cancellation of registration case) LEGEND
because the required number of the total has timely filed on September 6, 2002 a
rank and file employees necessary for petition forcertiorari before the Court of
certification purposes is still sustained. KML Appeals which was docketed as CA-G.R. SP
also claimed that its legitimacy as a labor No. 72659 assailing the March 26, 2002
union could not be collaterally attacked in Decision of the Bureau of Labor Relations.
the certification election proceedings but However, a certification election may
only through a separate and independent still be conducted during the pendency of
action for cancellation of union registration. the cancellation proceedings. This is because
The Med-Arbiter rendered judgment at the time the petition for certification was
dismissing for lack of merit the petition for filed, the petitioning union is presumed to
certification election. Since Article 245 of the possess the legal personality to file the same.
Labor Code expressly prohibits supervisory There is therefore no basis for LEGEND’s
employees from joining the union of rank assertion that the cancellation of KML’s
and file employees, the Med-Arbiter certificate of registration should retroact to
concluded that KML is not a legitimate labor the time of its issuance or that it effectively
organization. nullified all of KML’s activities, including its
The Office of the Secretary of DOLE filing of the petition for certification election
rendered its Decision granting KML’s appeal and its demand to collectively bargain. Also,
thereby reversing and setting aside the Med- the legitimacy of the legal personality of KML
Did the CA err in expanding the conditions do not affect or impede their
scope of the bargaining unit so as to include commonality of interest. Although they
employees who do not belong to or who are seem separate and distinct from each other,
not based in its Cabuyao or San Fernando the specific tasks of each division are actually
plants? interrelated and there exists mutuality of
interests which warrants the formation of a
HELD: single bargaining unit.
Petitioner contentions are Although Article 245of the Labor
erroneous. In G.R. No. 110399, the Court Code limits the ineligibility to join, form and
explained that the employees of San Miguel assist any labor organization to managerial
Corporation Magnolia Poultry Products employees, jurisprudence has extended this
Plants of Cabuyao, San Fernando, and Otis prohibition to confidential employees or
constitute a single bargaining unit, which is those who by reason of their positions or
not contrary to the one-company, one-union nature of work are required to assist or act
policy. An appropriate bargaining unit is in a fiduciary manner to managerial
defined as a group of employees of a given employees and, hence, are likewise privy to
employer, comprised of all or less than all of sensitive and highly confidential
the entire body of employees, which the records.Confidential employees are thus
collective interest of all the employees, excluded from the rank-and-file bargaining
consistent with equity to the employer, unit. A confidential employee is one
indicate to be best suited to serve the entrusted with confidence on delicate, or
reciprocal rights and duties of the parties with the custody, handling or care and
under the collective bargaining provisions of protection of the employer
the law. property.Confidential employees, such as
The test of grouping is community or accounting personnel, should be excluded
mutuality of interest. This is so because the from the bargaining unit, as their access to
basic test of an asserted bargaining unit confidential information may become the
acceptability is whether or not it is source of undue advantage. The rationale for
fundamentally the combination which will their separate category and disqualification
best assure to all employees the exercise of to join any labor organization is similar to the
their collective bargaining rights. Certainly, inhibition for managerial employees,
there is a mutuality of interest among the because if allowed to be affiliated with a
employees, their functions mesh with one union, the latter might not be assured of
another. One group needs the other in the their loyalty in view of evident conflict of
same way that the company needs them interests and the union can also become
both. There may be differences as to the company-denominated with the presence of
nature of their individual assignments, but managerial employees in the union
the distinctions are not enough to warrant membership. Having access to confidential
the formation of a separate bargaining unit. information, confidential employees may
Thus, the Court affirms the finding of also become the source of undue advantage.
the CA that there should be only one Said employees may act as a spy or spies of
bargaining unit for the employees in either party to a collective bargaining
Cabuyao, San Fernando, and Otisof Magnolia agreement.
Poultry Products Plant involved in "dressed" In this regard, the CA correctly ruled
chicken processing and Magnolia Poultry that the positions of Human Resource
Farms engaged in "live" chicken operations. Assistant and Personnel Assistant belong to
Certain factors, such as specific line of work, the category of confidential employees and,
working conditions, location of work, mode hence, are excluded from the bargaining
of compensation, and other relevant unit, considering their respective positions
and job descriptions. As Human Resource holding that former employees of the Far
Assistant,the scope of one work necessarily East Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC)
involves labor relations, recruitment and "absorbed" by BPI pursuant to the two banks
selection of employees, access to merger. The absorbed employees were
employees' personal files and compensation covered by the Union Shop Clause in the
package, and human resource management. then existing collective bargaining
As regards a Personnel Assistant,one's work agreement (CBA)of BPI with respondent BPI
includes the recording of minutes for Employees Union-Davao Chapter-
management during collective bargaining Federation of Unions in BPI Unibank (the
negotiations, assistance to management Union). Petitioners, despite the August 2010
during grievance meetings and decision moved for a Motion for
administrative investigations, and securing reconsideration of the decision.
legal advice for labor issues from the
petitioner team of lawyers, and ISSUE:
implementation of company programs. May the "absorbed" FEBTC
Therefore, in the discharge of their employees fell within the definition of "new
functions, both gain access to vital labor employees," under the Union Shop Clause,
relations information which outrightly such that they be required to join
disqualifies them from union membership. respondent union or suffer termination
DENIED upon request by the union?
221 BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS v. The court agreed with Justice Brion's
BPI EMPLOYEES UNION-DAVAO CHAPTER- view that it is more in keeping with the
FEDERATION OF UNIONS IN BPI UNIBANK dictates of social justice and the State policy
of according full protection to labor to
FACTS: deem employment contracts as
In 2000, Far East Bank and trust automatically assumed by the surviving
Company (FEBTC) merged with Bank of the corporation in a merger, without break in
Philippine Islands. Petitioner had a Union the continuity of their employment, and
Shop agreement with respondent BPI even in the absence of an express
Employees Union-Davao Chapter- stipulation in the articles of merger or the
Federation of Unions in BPI Unibank (the merger plan.
Union).Pursuant to the merger, respondent By upholding the automatic
requested BPI to terminate the employment assumption of the non-surviving
of those new employees from FEBTC who did corporations existing employment contracts
not join the union. by the surviving corporation in a merger, the
BPI refused to undertake such action Court strengthens judicial protection of the
and brought the controversy before a right to security of tenure of employees
voluntary arbitrator. Although BPI won the affected by a merger and avoid confusion
initial battle at the Voluntary Arbitrator regarding the status of their various
level, BPIs position was rejected by the Court benefits.However, it shall be noted that
of Appeals which ruled that the Voluntary nothing in the Resolution shall impair the
Arbitrators interpretation of the Union Shop right of an employer to terminate the
Clause was at war with the spirit and employment of the absorbed employees for
rationale why the Labor Code allows the a lawful or authorized cause or the right of
existence of such provision. such an employee to resign, retire or
This was followed and affirmation by otherwise sever his employment, whether
the Supreme Court of the CA decision
before or after the merger, subject to or one day before the expiration of the
existing contractual obligations. subject CBA, the Union sent a draft CBA
Although by virtue of the merger BPI proposal to GMC, with a request for counter-
steps into the shoes of FEBTC as a successor proposals from the latter, for the purpose of
employer as if the former had been the renegotiating the existing CBA between the
employer of the latters employees from the parties.In view of GMCs failure to comply
beginning it must be emphasized that, in with said request, theUnioncommenced the
reality, the legal consequences of the merger complaint for unfair labor practice which
only occur at a specific date,i.e.,upon its was dismissed for lack of merit. On appeal,
effectivity which is the date of approval of however, said dismissal was reversed and set
the merger by the SEC.Thus, the court aside in the 30 January 1998 decision
observed in the Decision that BPI and FEBTC rendered by the Fourth Division of the NLRC
stipulated in the Articles of Merger that they in NLRC Case No. V-0112-94. The Supreme
will both continue their respective business Court found GMC guilty of unfair labor
operations until the SEC issues the certificate practice.
of merger and in the event no such Thus, the Union filed a motion for
certificate is issued, they shall hold each issuance of a writ of execution to enforce the
other blameless for the non-consummation claims of the covered employees which it
of the merger. computed in the sum ofP433,786,786.36.
In other words, the obligation of BPI However, GMC opposed said motion on the
to pay the salaries and benefits of the former ground, among other matters, that the
FEBTC employees and its right of discipline bargaining unit no longer exist in view of the
and control over them only arose with the resignation, retrenchment, retirement and
effectivity of the merger.Concomitantly, the separation from service of workers who have
obligation of former FEBTC employees to additionally executed waivers and quitclaims
render service to BPI and their right to acknowledging full settlement of their
receive benefits from the latter also arose claims; that the covered employees have
upon the effectivity of the merger.What is already received salary increases and
material is that all of these legal benefits for the period 1991 to 1993; and,
consequences of the merger took place that aside from the aforesaid supervening
during the life of an existing and valid CBA events which precluded the enforcement
between BPI and the Union wherein they thereof, the decision rendered in the case
have mutually consented to include a Union simply called for the execution of a CBA
Shop Clause. incorporating the Unions proposal, not the
outright computation of benefits
27 October 2005 , the LA rendered a
222 GENERAL MILLING CORPORATION- decision limiting the computation of the
INDEPENDENT LABOR UNION (GMC-ILU), benefits of theUnions CBA proposal to the
Petitioner, v. GENERAL MILLING remaining two years of the duration of the
CORPORATION, Respondent. original CBA or from 1 December 1991 up to
30 November 1993.
FACTS: On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the
On April 28, 1989, GMC and decision of the LA, finding, among other
theUnionentered into a CBA which provided, matters, that the duty to maintain thestatus
among other terms, the latters quoand to continue in full force and effect
representation of the collective bargaining the terms of the existing agreement under
unit for a three-year term made to retroact Article 253 of theLabor Code of the
to 1 December 1988.On 29 November 1991 Philippinesapplies only when the parties
agreed to the terms and conditions of the December 1991 remains in force until a new
CBA, the NLRC upheld the Executive Labor CBA is concluded between the parties?
Arbiters computation on the ground, among
others, that the decision sought to be HELD:
enforced covered only the remaining two CA-G.R. CEB-SP Nos. 02226 and
years of the duration of the original CBA. 02232 are reversed and set aside.
On their petitions before the CA, LABOR LAW
Unions petition (CA-G.R. CEB-SP No. 02226) Article XIV of the imposed CBA
was partially granted on October 10, 2007, provides that (t)his Agreement shall be in full
upon the finding that the parties old CBA was force and effect for a period of five (5) years
superseded by the imposed CBA which from 1 December 1991, provided that sixty
provided a term of five years from 1 (60) days prior to the lapse of the third year
December 1991 and remained in force until of effectivity hereof, the parties shall open
a new CBA is concluded between the parties. negotiations on economic aspect for the
The CA, however, faulted the Union for its fourth and fifth years effectivity of this
hasty and premature filing of its motion for Agreement. Considering that no new CBA
issuance of a writ of execution, instead of had been, in the meantime, agreed upon by
first demanding the enforcement of the GMC and the Union, we find that the CAs
imposed CBA from GMC and, failing the Special Twentieth Division correctly ruled in
same, referring the matter to the grievance CA-G.R. CEB-SP No. 02226 that, pursuant to
machinery or voluntary arbitration provided Article 253 of theLabor Code, the provisions
under the imposed CBA, in accordance with of the imposed CBA continues to have full
Articles 260 and 261 of theLabor Code. force and effect until a new CBA has been
On the other hand, GMCs petition entered into by the parties.Article 253
(CA-G.R. SP No. CEB-SP No. 02232) was mandates the parties to keep thestatus
dismissed for lack of merit on November 16, quoand to continue in full force and effect
2007, finding that both parties were given an the terms and conditions of the existing
opportunity to present their respective agreement during the 60-day period prior to
positions during the pre-execution the expiration of the old CBA and/or until a
conference conducteda quo, the CA ruled new agreement is reached by the parties. In
that the LAs 27 October 2005 order had the same manner that it does not provide for
attained finality insofar as GMC is any exception nor qualification on which
concerned, in view of its failure to perfect an economic provisions of the existing
appeal therefrom by paying the required agreement are to retain its force and
appeal fee and posting the cash or surety effect,the law does not distinguish between
bond in an amount equivalent to the a CBA duly agreed upon by the parties and
benefits computed. The CA likewise held an imposed CBA like the one under
that quitclaims did not extend to the consideration.
benefits provided under the imposed CBA Considering that the 30 January 1998
and that the additional benefits supposedly decision sought to be enforced confined the
received by GMCs employees should not be application of the imposed CBA to the
deducted therefrom, for lack of sufficient remaining two-year duration of the original
evidence to prove the same. CBA, we find that the computation of the
Hence, this petition. benefits due GMCs covered employees was
correctly limited to the period 1 December
ISSUE: 1991 to 30 November 1993 in the 27 October
Whether or not the imposed CBA 2005 order issued by Executive Labor Arbiter
which provided a term of five years from 1 Violeta Ortiz-Bantug and the 20 July 2006
decision rendered by the NLRC in NLRC Case secretaries, probationary employees and the
No. V-000632-2005. employees covered by a separate Collective
Consequently, insofar as the Bargaining Agreement at the Companys Mill
execution of the 30 January 1998 decision is in Lapulapu City. Gauged from the express
concerned, theUnionis out on a limb in language of the foregoing provision, we find
espousing a computation which extends the that Executive Labor ArbiterVioleta Ortiz-
benefits of the imposed CBA beyond the Bantug correctly excluded the following
remaining two-year duration of the original employees fromthe list of 436 employees
CBA.The rule is, after all, settled that an submitted by the Union andthe computation
order of execution which varies the tenor of of the benefitsfor the period 1December
the judgment or exceeds the terms thereof 1991 to 30 November 1993, to wit: (a) 77
is a nullity. Since execution not in harmony employees who were hired or regularized
with the judgment is bereft of validity,it must after 30 November 1993; (b)36 daily paid
conform, more particularly, to that ordained rank and file employees who were covered
or decreed in the dispositive portion of the by a separate CBA; (c) 41
decision sought to be enforced.Considering managerial/supervisory employees; and, (d)
that the decision sought to be enforced 1 employee for whom no salary-rate
pertains to the period 1December 1991 to 30 information was submitted in the premises.
November 1993, it necessarily follows that However, we find that the 234 employees
the computation of benefits under the who had already been separated from GMCs
imposed CBA should be limited to covered employ by the time of the rendition of the 11
employees who were in GMCs employ February 2004 decision in G.R. No. 146728
during said period of time.While it is true should further be added to these excluded
that the provisions of the imposed CBA employees.
extend beyond said remaining two-year The record shows that said 234
duration of the original CBA in view of the employees were union members whose
parties admitted failure to conclude a new employment with GMC ceased as a
CBA, the corresponding computation of the consequence of death, termination due to
benefits accruing in favor of GMCs covered redundancy, termination due to closure of
employees after the term of the original CBA plant, termination for cause, voluntary
was correctly excluded in the aforesaid 27 resignation, separation or dismissal from
October 2005 order issued in RAB VII-06- service as well as retirement. Upon
0475-1992.Rather than the abbreviated pre- compliance with GMCs clearance
execution proceedings before Executive requirements and in consideration of sums
Labor ArbiterVioleta Ortiz-Bantug, the ranging fromP38,980.12 toP631,898.72, due
computation of the same benefits beyond 30 payment and receipt of which were duly
November 1993 should, instead, be acknowledged, it appears that said
threshed out by GMC and theUnionin employees executed deeds of waiver,
accordance with theGrievance Procedure. release and quitclaim.
Article II of the imposed CBA,
relatedly, provides that (t)he employees REMEDIAL LAW
covered by this Agreement are those The conflicting decisions in CA-G.R.
employed as regular monthly paid CEB-SP Nos. 02226 and 02232 would have
employees at the [GMC] offices in Cebu City been, in the first place, avoided had the CA
and Lapulapu City, including cadet consolidated said cases pursuant to Section
engineers, salesmen, veterinarians, field and 3, Rule III of its 2002 Internal Rules (IRCA).
laboratory workers, with the exception of Being intimately and substantially related
managerial employees, supervisory cases, their consolidation should have been
employees, executive and confidential
ordered to avert the possibility of conflicting strike where several prohibited and illegal
decisions in the two cases. acts were committed by its participating
Although rendered on the merits by members.
a court of competent jurisdiction acting On the ground of lack of valid notice
within its authority, neither one of said of strike, ineffective conduct of a strike-vote
decisions can, however, be invoked as law of and commission of prohibited and illegal
the case insofar as the other case is acts, petitioners filed their Petition to
concerned.The doctrine of law of the case Declare the Strike of May 6, 2002 Illegal
means that whatever is once irrevocably before the NLRC. Petitioners prayed, inter
established as the controllinglegal rule or alia, that the officers and members of
decision between the same parties in the respondent KMLMS who participated in the
same case continues to be the law of the illegal strike and who knowingly committed
case,whether correct on general principles prohibited and illegal activities, respectively,
or not, so long as the facts on which such be declared to have lost or forfeited their
decision was predicated continue to be the employment status.
facts of the case before the On the ground of non-compliance
court.Considering that a decision becomes with the strict and mandatory requirements
the law of the case once it attains finality, it for a valid conduct of a strike under Article
is evident that, without having achieved said 263(c), (d) and (f) of the Labor Code and Rule
status, the herein assailed decisions cannot XXII, Book V of the Omnibus Rules
be invoked as the law of the case by either Implementing the Labor Code, LA Aglibut
GMC or theUnion. found the May 6, 2002 strike illegal and
The October 27, 2005 order by the accordingly dismissed all the 14 union
Labor Arbiter is reinstated and modified. officers of KMLMS. LA Aglibut likewise found
27 identified members of KMLMS to have
committed prohibited and illegal acts
223 MAGDALA MULTIPURPOSE & proscribed under Art. 264 of the Labor Code
LIVELIHOOD COOPERATIVE and SANLOR and accordingly declared them to have
MOTORS CORP., vs. KILUSANG forfeited their employment.
MANGGAGAWA NG LGS, MAGDALA Both parties appealed the Decision of
CORPERATIVE (KMLMS) and UNION NLRC affirmed with modification LA
MEMBERS/ STRIKERS Aglibut’s Decision by declaring an additional
seven (7) union members to have forfeited
FACTS: their employment status.
KMLMS filed a notice of strike on Both parties again filed their
March 5, 2002 and conducted its strike-vote respective appeals before the CA. CA
on April 8, 2002. However, KMLMS only affirmed the NLRC decision
acquired legal personality when its Petitioners prayed to SC for a partial
registration as an independent labor modification of the assailed CA Decision by
organization was granted on April 9, 2002 by declaring additional 72 similarly erring
the Department of Labor and Employment. KMLMS members to have lost their
On April 19, 2002, it became officially employment.
affiliated as a local chapter of the
Pambansang Kaisahan ng Manggagawang ISSUE:
Pilipino when its application was granted by Whether or not the CA erred in
the Bureau of Labor Relations. refusing to similarly declare as having lost
On May 6, 2002, KMLMS, now a their employment status the rest of the
legitimate labor organization (LLO), staged a union strikers who have participated in the
Are respondents then entitled to that they actually committed illegal acts
back wages? In G & S Transport Corporation during the strike.
v. Infante, ruled in the negative: with respect Notwithstanding the provision of the
to backwages, the principle of a air day wage Labor Code mandating that the
for a fair day labor remains as the basic reinstatement aspect of the decision be
factor in determining the award thereof.If immediately executory, the LA refused to
there is no work performed by the employee reinstate the dismissed Union members. On
there can be no wage or pay unless, of November 8, 1999, the NLRC affirmed the LA
course, the laborer was able, willing and decision insofar as it declared the strike
ready to work but was illegally locked out, illegal and ordered the Union officers
suspended or dismissed or otherwise dismissed from employment and liable for
illegally prevented from working. x x xIn damages but modified the same by
Philippine Marine Officers Guild v. Compaia considering the Union members to have
aritima, as affirmed in Philippine Diamond been validly dismissed from employment for
Hotel and Resort v. Manila Diamond Hotel committing prohibited and illegal acts.
Employees Union, the Court stressed that for On petition forcertiorari, the CA
this exception to apply, it is required that the annulled the NLRC decision and reinstated
strike be legal, a situation that does not that of the LA. Aggrieved, CASI, the Union
obtain in the case at bar. and the Union officers and members
In fine, we sustain the CA in ruling elevated the matter to the Court.
that respondents who are mere union During the pendency of the cases,
members were illegally dismissed for the affected Union members (who were
participating in the illegal strike conducted ordered reinstated) filed with the LA a
by the Nava group.However, we set aside motion for reinstatement pending appeal
the order for their reinstatement and and the computation of their backwages. But
payment of full backwages. the LA awarded separation pay and other
Petition for review on certiorari is benefits. On appeal, the NLRC denied the
PARTLY GRANTED. Union members claim for separation pay,
accrued wages and other benefits.When
elevated to the CA, the appellate court held
225 C. ALCANTARA & SONS, INC., that reinstatement pending appeal applies
Petitioner, v. COURT OF APPEALS only to illegal dismissal cases under Article
223 of the Labor Code and not to cases under
FACTS: Article 263. Hence, the petition by the Union
These cases were consolidated based and its officers and members in G.R. No.
on the following facts as follows: 179220.
The negotiation between CASI and The Court agreed with the CA on the
the Union on the economic provisions of the illegality of the strike as well as the
CBA ended in a deadlock prompting the termination of the Union officers, but
Union to stage a strike,but the strike was disagreed with the CA insofar as it affirmed
later declared by the LA to be illegal in the reinstatement of the Union members.
violation of the CBAs no strike-no lockout The Court, instead, sustained the dismissal
provision.Consequently, the Union officers not only of the Union officers but also the
were deemed to have forfeited their Union members who, during the illegal
employment with the company and made strike, committed prohibited acts by
them liable for actual damages plus interest threatening, coercing, and intimidating non-
and attorneys fees, while the Union striking employees, officers, suppliers and
members were ordered to be reinstated customers; obstructing the free ingress to
without backwages there being no proof and egress from the company premises; and
resisting and defying the implementation of liable when he knowingly participates in the
the writ of preliminary injunction issued commission of illegal acts during a strike. We
against the strikers. find no reason to reverse the conclusion of
The Court further held that the the Court that CASI presented substantial
terminated Union members, who were evidence to show that the striking Union
ordered reinstated by the LA, should have members committed the following
been immediately reinstated due to the prohibited acts: (a) They threatened,
immediate executory nature of the coerced, and intimidated non-striking
reinstatement aspect of the LA decision. In employees, officers, suppliers and
view, however, of CASIs failure to reinstate customers;(b) They obstructed the free
the dismissed employees, the Court ordered ingress to and egress from the company
CASI to pay the terminated Union members premises; and (c) They resisted and defied
their accrued backwages from the date of the implementation of the writ of
the LA decision until the eventual reversal by preliminary injunction issued against the
the NLRC of the order of reinstatement. In strikers.
addition to the accrued backwages, the The commission of the above
Court awarded separation pay as a form of prohibited acts by the striking Union
financial assistance to the Union members members warrants their dismissal from
equivalent to one-half month salary for employment.
every year of service to the company up to Records show that the LA found the
the date of their termination. strike illegal and sustained the dismissal of
Hence, this motion for partial the Union officers, but ordered the
reconsideration by the petitioner. reinstatement of the striking Union
members for lack of evidence showing that
ISSUE: they committed illegal acts during the illegal
Whether or not the petitioner is liable strike. This decision, however, was later
to pay the accrued wages of the dismissed reversed by the NLRC.Pursuant to Article
employees? 223of the Labor Code and well-established
Whether or not the Court erred in jurisprudence, the decision of the LA
awarding separation pay to the dismissed reinstating a dismissed or separated
union officers and employees? employee, insofar as the reinstatement
HELD: aspect is concerned, shall immediately be
The motion for partial executory, pending appeal.[28]The
reconsideration is partly granted. employee shall either be admitted back to
LABOR LAW work under the same terms and conditions
Article 264 (a) of the Labor Code prevailing prior to his dismissal or
provides for the liabilities of the Union separation, or, at the option of the
officers and members participating in illegal employee, merely reinstated in the payroll.
strikes and/or committing illegal acts. Thus, It is obligatory on the part of the employer to
the said provision sanctions the dismissal of reinstate and pay the wages of the dismissed
a Union officer who knowingly participates employee during the period of appeal until
in an illegal strike or who knowingly reversal by the higher court.If the employer
participates in the commission of illegal acts fails to exercise the option of re-admitting
during a lawful strike. In this case, the Union the employee to work or to reinstate him in
officers were in clear breach of the above the payroll, the employer must pay the
provision of law when they knowingly employees salaries during the period
participated in the illegal strike. between the LAs order of reinstatement
As to the Union members, the same pending appeal and the resolution of the
provision of law provides that a member is higher court overturning that of the LA.
gateway facility (IGF). The other respondents retirement package to the one hundred two
are ETPIs officers. (102) employees who qualified for the
Petitioner Nelson A. Culili was program. Of all the employees who qualified
employed by ETPI as a Technician in its Field to avail of the program, only Culili rejected
Operations Department in 1981. In 1996, the offer.
Culili was promoted to Senior Technician in Among the departments abolished
the Customer Premises Equipment was the Service Quality Department. The
Management Unit of the Service Quality functions of the Customer Premises
Department. Equipment Management Unit, Culilis unit,
As a telecommunications company were absorbed by the Business and
and an authorized IGF operator, ETPI was Consumer Accounts Department. As a result,
required, under RA No. 7925 and EO No. 109, Culilis position was abolished due to
to establish landlines in Metro Manila and redundancy and his functions were absorbed
certain provinces. However, due to by the Business and Consumer Accounts
interconnection problems with the PLDT, Department.
poor subscription and cancellation of ETPI, through its Assistant Vice
subscriptions, and other business difficulties, President Stella Garcia, informed Culili of his
ETPI was forced to halt its roll out of 129,000 termination from employment effective
landlines already allocated to a number of its April 8, 1999.
employees. Culili alleged that neither he nor the
In 1998, due to business troubles and DOLE were formally notified of his
losses, ETPI was compelled to implement a termination. Culili believed that ETPI had
Right-Sizing Program which consisted of two already decided to dismiss him even prior to
phases: the first phase involved the the March 8, 1999 letter. Moreover, Culili
reduction of ETPIs workforce to only those asserted that ETPI had contracted out the
employees that were necessary and which services he used to perform to a labor-only
ETPI could sustain; the second phase contractor which not only proved that his
entailed a company-wide reorganization functions had not become unnecessary, but
which would result in the transfer, merger, which also violated their Collective
absorption or abolition of certain Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the Labor
departments of ETPI. Code. Aside from these, Culili also alleged
As part of the first phase, ETPI that he was discriminated against when ETPI
offered to its employees who had rendered offered some of his co-employees an
at least fifteen years of service, the Special additional benefit in the form of motorcycles
Retirement Program, which consisted of the to induce them to avail of the Special
option to voluntarily retire at an earlier age Retirement Program, while he was not.
and a retirement package equivalent to two ETPI denied singling Culili out for
and a half (2) months salary for every year of termination. ETPI claimed that because
service. This offer was initially rejected by there was no more work for Culili, it was
the Eastern Telecommunications Employees constrained to serve a final notice of
Union (ETEU), ETPIs duly recognized termination to Culili, which Culili ignored.
bargaining agent, which threatened to stage Thus, on March 26, 1999, ETPI tendered to
a strike. ETPI explained to ETEU the exact Culili his final pay check of P859,033.99
details of the Right-Sizing Program and the consisting of his basic salary, leaves, 13th
Special Retirement Program and after month pay and separation pay. ETPI claimed
consultations with ETEUs members, ETEU that Culili refused to accept his termination
agreed to the implementation of both and continued to report for work.
programs. Thus, ETPI re-offered the Special Culili filed a complaint against ETPI
Retirement Program and the corresponding and its officers for illegal dismissal, unfair
labor practice, and money claims before the rejection of the said program by ETEU, ETPI
Labor Arbiter. patiently negotiated with ETEUs officers to
The Labor Arbiter found ETPI guilty of make them understand ETPIs business
illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice. dilemma and its need to reduce its
On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the workforce and streamline its organization.
Labor Arbiters decision but modified the This evidently rules out bad faith on the part
amount of moral and exemplary damages of ETPI.
awarded. The records show that ETPI had
The Court of Appeals found that sufficiently established not only its need to
Culilis position was validly abolished due to reduce its workforce and streamline its
redundancy. It further held that ETPI cannot organization, but also the existence of
be held guilty of unfair labor practice as mere redundancy in the position of a Senior
contracting out of services being performed Technician. ETPI explained how it failed to
by union members does not per se amount meet its business targets and the factors that
to unfair labor practice unless it interferes caused this, and how this necessitated it to
with the employees right to self- reduce its workforce and streamline its
organization. Hence, this petition. organization. ETPI also submitted its old and
new tables of organization and sufficiently
ISSUE: described how limited the functions of the
Whether or not Culili is illegally abolished position of a Senior Technician
dismissed. were and how it decided on whom to absorb
these functions.
The decision of the Court of Appeals Although the Court finds Culilis
is sustained. dismissal was for a lawful cause and not an
LABOR LAW act of unfair labor practice, ETPI, however,
There is redundancy when the was remiss in its duty to observe procedural
service capability of the workforce is greater due process in effecting the termination of
than what is reasonably required to meet the Culili.
demands of the business enterprise. A For termination of employment as
position becomes redundant when it is defined in Article 283 of the Labor Code, the
rendered superfluous by any number of requirement of due process shall be deemed
factors such as over-hiring of workers, complied with upon service of a written
decrease in volume of business, or dropping notice to the employee and the appropriate
a particular product line or service activity Regional Office of the Department of Labor
previously manufactured or undertaken by and Employment at least thirty days before
the enterprise. Soriano, Jr. v. NLRC, G.R. No. effectivity of the termination, specifying the
165594, April 23, 2007 ground or grounds for termination.
This Court also held that the ETPI does not deny its failure to
following evidence may be proffered to provide DOLE with a written notice regarding
substantiate redundancy: the new staffing Culilis termination. It, however, insists that it
pattern, feasibility studies/ proposal on the has complied with the requirement to serve
viability of the newly created positions, job a written notice to Culili as evidenced by his
description and the approval by the admission of having received it and
management of the restructuring. forwarding it to his union president.
In the case at bar, ETPI was upfront The Court of Appeals, in finding that
with its employees about its plan to Culili was not afforded procedural due
implement a Right-Sizing Program. Even in process, held that Culilis dismissal was
the face of initial opposition from and ineffectual, and required ETPI to pay Culili
Whether or not corporate officers
are solidarily and personally liable in a case
for illegaldismissal and unfair labor practice
A corporation, being a juridical
entity, may act only through its directors,