JAMB Use of English Past Questions 1984-2004 PDF
JAMB Use of English Past Questions 1984-2004 PDF
JAMB Use of English Past Questions 1984-2004 PDF
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Questions And Answers
Use of English 1983
COMPREHENSION building on such a small space as we have
C. the gateway to the university is being rebuilt
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it. D. major part of the project should be completed in the
next few weeks.
The approach to the University is being restructured E. visitors should be debarred from using the gates in
to ease the flow of traffic, give better security and provide an the meantime.
appropriate introduction to a seat of higher learning. The Works
and Services Complex is also under construction , and we intend 5. Which of these is NOT among the reasons given by the
to move into the completed {major}part of it within the next few author for enumerating the examples of the current
weeks. development?
All these projects are being executed with an eye to A. to show that we are capable of executing approved
aesthetics, for we recognize the important influence of a beautiful projects.
and healthy environment on its inhabitants and feel that a cluster B. to convince the Government that we can be trusted
of buildings on a small space such as we have , should be so with task.
well designed as to have a beneficial psychological and C. the inconvenience currently being experienced will
sociological effect on all members of the community. go on indefinitely.
I have gone to these lengths to itemize these examples of D. we are fully aware of the inconveniences being caused
current development for two main reason. Firstly , to advise you but we do not want you to complain.
that the road diversions and other physical inconveniences E. we have the capacity to complete worthy projects
currently being experienced will be on the increase because of within the scheduled time.
intense development activity. We therefore appeal to you to
bear with us in full knowledge and consolation that such II
inconveniences are temporary and will soon yield final tangible Is work for prisoners a privilege to save them from the
results. Secondly, to demonstrate our capacity for executing demoralizing effects and misery of endless unoccupied hours?
approved projects with dispatch, and to assure Government Is it something added to a prison sentence to make it harder and
that we are up to the task. Indeed, I can assure Government that more unpleasant, or something, which should have a positive
its ability to disburse funds to us will be more than matched by value as part of a system of rehabilitation?
our capacity to collect and expend them on executing various Those magistrates who clung to sentences of hard labour
worthy projects in record time. doubtless looked upon strenuous work as an additional
punishment. This point of view is widely accepted as right and
1. From the passage we can gather that proper, but it ignores the fact that unwillingness to work is often
A. there is not muchconsideration for the health of one of the immediate causes of criminality. To send prisoners
the inhabitants. back to the outside world, more than ever convinced that labour
B. there is deliberate effort to inconvenience the is an evil to be avoided, is to confirm them in their old way of
people life.
C. buildings are put up anyhow It has been said that the purpose of prison work in a
D. projects are carried out without approval programme of rehabilitation is twofold: training for work and
E. the inconveniences suffered by the inhabitants training by work. The prisoner, that is to say, needs to be trained
will be for a while. in habits of industry; but over and above this, he will gain
immeasurably if it is possible to rouse in him the consciousness
2. Unless it can be shown that the money voted for projects of self-mastery and of purpose that the completion of any
can be spent on them in good time. worthwhile piece of work can give to the doer. He may find a
A. the development activity will not be intense. pride of achievement in something more satisfying, and more
B. it will not be easy to convince the Government of socially desirable, than crime. But these things can only come
our executive ability when the work itself has a purpose and demands an effort.
C. it will not be difficult to ask Government for funds
D. our final results will be unreliable. 6. According to the author, some magistrates sentence
E. the road diversions and other inconveniences prisoners to hard labour because.
will continue. A. some prisoners are unwilling to work.
B. work is a privilege
3. An eye to aesthetics in this passage means C. prisoners need to learn a trade
A. regard for space. B. beneficial psychological effects D. it is an additional punishment
C. regard for health D. consideration for beauty E. it is a means of rehabilitation.
E. a cluster of buildings.
7. Which of these is NOT the purpose of work in a programme
4. In this passage the author tries to explain why of rehabilitation?
A. it is necessary to establish the Works and Services A. training the prisoners to have satisfaction in work.
Complex in the University. B. developing in them a pride in a sense of achievement.
B. beauty should not be taken into consideration when C. developing in them more satisfaction in work than in crime.
D. helping them to accelerate their reform and discharge. 12. The ‘Save the Children Fund’ in Malawi helps needy
E. training them for work and by work. children by
A. finding families which are willing to adopt the
8. The author thinks that strenuous work in prison. children
A. is a privilege for the prisoners B. finding sponsors for the children’s education and
B. may do more harm than good by opening nutrition centers
C. is part of their punishment C. giving loans and scholarships to students who
D. is a right and proper thing cannot afford to continue their education
E. should be an additional punishment. D. running institutions which give free food
E. clothing and lodging poor children without parents.
9. What the author is trying to put across in this passage is that
A. crime does not pay 13. Samuel Mpetechula was able to graduate from Chancellor
B. prisoners should be made to work hard because
C. work is more desirable than crime A. of the financial assistance given to him by his sponsors
D. life in prison is one of misery. B. his uncle paid his education fees.
E. work in prison without a purpose is bad. C. he was able to win a scholarship to the university
D. the SCF subsidized his educational expenses
10. Demoralizing in this passage means E. of the assistance given to him by the Australian
A. deforming B. reforming C. agonizing Government.
D. destructive E. corrupting.
In questions 14 and 15 choose the meaning which best fits the
underlined phrases taken from the passage.
The Save the Children Fund (SCF) was first started in 14. Combat malnutrition means
London on 19th May, 1919 by an English woman --- named Miss A. struggle against the easing of the wrong type of food
Jebb. It is now a worldwide organization, dedicated to helping B. fight ill health caused by over-feeding
needy children everywhere. The SCF of Malawi was formed in C. wipe out ignorance
1953, under the patronage of His Excellency the Life President D. fight to wipe out ill health caused by lack of food
Ngawazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda. E. fight against hunger.
‘Our job in Malawi is to give those unfortunate children
15. Deprived of means
the rights that they are deprived of through no fault of theirs.
A. spared B. prevented from getting C. robbed of
These are internationally recognized as the ten rights of children
D. unable to take. E. snatched from.
and include protection, care, food and accommodation, and
relief’, a spokesman for the Fund explained.
One of those who benefited from the help of the Fund is
At the time of the troubles in Ireland, a priest said, ‘Man
Samuel Mpetechula, a graduate of Chancellor. His sponsorship
is half beast.’ A diplomat replied, ‘Yes. And the beast is the half
started in 1967. The SCF of Malawi found him sponsors. They
I like the best.’ The priest meant that few beasts behave as badly
were Mr. and Mrs. Sutton of Australia who paid his school fees
as man when man makes up his mind to behave badly. If you
and continued to help him financially throughout his University
look at the folly and cruelty of today’s world, it is hard to disagree
with the diplomat or the priest. But human nature can be changed.
Mr. Mpetechula said, ‘They even built a house for me at
Anybody, if that is what they most want to do, can change the
home and looked after my family while I was a student. They
most difficult person they know. The art of changing people has
were really helpful to me, and the thought that there were these
been lost in the modern world. That is why the modern world
sponsors caring for me from thousands of kilometers away from
has lost its way.
here was an encouragement for me to work hard at college’.
There are two ways of looking at human nature. One is to
Another important function of the work of the SCF is in
make the best of it as it is and assume that it is the raw material of
the field of nutrition. With the help of the Australian Government,
life which cannot be altered. That is what most people in the free
the SCF established two nutrition rehabilitation centers for
world do today. In these circumstances, if you expect the worst,
children; one at Mpemba and another in Mulanje. ‘The object of
you are seldom disappointed. Faith today has become irrelevant
the centre’, explained Mr. Petre Chimbe, the Executive Secretary
to the everyday needs of so many people in positions of
of the Fund, ‘is to combat malnutrition in children, by giving
responsibility because they do not expect faith to change men.
them the proper food.’
Another way of dealing with human nature is to exploit
11. In Malawi, the ‘Save the Children Fund’ was formed it. All materialists, whether of the right or the left, do this. All
A by an English woman named Miss Jebb in 1919 over the world vanity, fear, ambition, lust and greed are used to
B. in 1919 under the patronage of His Excellency the control the life of men; and if the control breaks down, man does
Life President Ngawazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda not hesitate to use force, or to destroy life. The end, he says,
C. under the patronage of His Excellency the Life President justifies the means and men are only of value in so far as they are
Ngawazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda in 1953 a means towards the achievement of his ambition. If they cannot
D. in 1953 by a group of social workers headed by Dr. be bribed or forced to play their part, then they must be liquidated.
16. The priest meant that
E. none of the above.
A. man is both beast and human
B. man could be sores than a beast if he wants to
C. he liked beasts more than man A. was the cook of a trader B .
D. he liked both man and beast worked for a priest
E. really, a man cannot be a beast. C. worked for the speaker’s mother D. was a rich man
E. was a handsome man
17. The modern world has lost its way because
A. it no longer believes in God 22. Which of the following was NOT a quality of Zacharia’s
B. ambition has made people greedy character?
C. people are no longer interested in one another A. Vanity B. Lack of respect for others
D. the technique of influencing people is no more C. Humility D. Arrogance E. Insubordination
E. people are just too selfish.
23. The girls were apparently attracted to Zacharia by
A. wealth
18. What most people do in the free world today is to B. the life of the towns
A. leave other people alone C. the appearance of the young men
B. assume that human nature is bad D. the fact that the young men spoke strange dialects
C. accept human nature as it is since it is immutable. E. food.
D. attempt to change the world E. leave the world as it is.
24. From the passage we can conclude that the young girls
19. Faith today is by and large irrelevant because were
A. nobody thinks it can alter human nature A. attractive B. religious C. modern
B. most people do not believe in God D. easily led E. indifferent
C. being in a position of responsibility nullifies the
importance of faith 25. The speaker’s mother considered that
D. responsible people need not bother about faith A. things were not as good as they used to be
E. the faithful are very few in the world anyway. B. women were foolish
C. the world was corrupt
20. Materialists can be found D. the love of money was the root of all evil
A. in capitalist countries E. it was necessary for attitudes to change.
B. in communist countries
C. in less developed countries LEXIS AND STRUCTURE
D. among people who do not have neighbours.
E. all over the world. In Questions 26 to 34 choose the option nearest in meaning to
the underlined.
Typical Zacharia! Devil-may care and irrevererant as ever. 26. The story has to be taken with a grain of salt. This means
No doubt he was just the same when he was cook to a Greek that
trader in the town. In fact, I suspect that to him the Reverend A. you need some salt to listen to the story.
Father is just another sort of trader. Conceited ass, thinking B. there is no salt in the story.
himself superior to the Father! And in what is he superior? C. the story is questionable
Success with women, perhaps? Zacharia knows that they all D. the story is true
admire him and is always striving for still more admiration. He E. you have too much salt in the story.
dresses sharply and walks in a haughty manner that suits his
tallness. And then he feeds his pride on the swarms of girls who 27. It is usually hard to change the course of action when
run after him. It’s maddening to think how little you need to one crosses the Rubicon. The underlined expression, as
attract them. I remember my mother coming home from market in used in this sentence, means to
the town, after selling her vegetables and cocoa. How indignant A. pass through a place called Rubicon
she was: ‘It’s so shameful,’ she cried, ‘our best-looking and B. cross a river called Rubicon
most respectable girls go to town and throw themselves at C. cross a bridge called Rubicon
strangers as ugly as sin, speaking the most outlandish tongues. D. pass a special test
Men I can scarely look at without shuddering! And why? Just E. be irrevocably committed.
money! Money! Ah, what a world! And my father replied in a
buried voice, ‘It’s the times!’ ‘The times!’ shouted mother, ‘can 28. The saleman tried to pull the wool over my eyes. This
you imagine my child Ann with creatures like those?’ implies that the salesman tried to
But perhaps the girls who chase Zacharia aren’t drawn A. force me to buy his goods
by his tallness or his leather shoes. Perhaps they’re only after B. offer me cotton wool
childish things, a bit of bread or a pot of jam, knowing that he’s C. make me buy his wool
a cook. My father often says women are like children in their D. dupe me
desires. And after all, I too can boast a little. Plenty of women E. cover my eyes with wool.
turn to look at me, especially when I’m dressed all in white! But
I’m not vain enough to fuss over a little thing like that. Not like 29. Ijeoma counted her chickens before they were hatched.
Zacharia, who doesn’t know women are simply children. This means that Ijeoma
A. regarded each egg as a chicken
21. Zacharia B. hatched the eggs prematurely
C. assumed that her expectations had already been B. by with one another
realized C. through with one another
D. protected her eggs from breaking D. off from each other E. on with each other.
E. insured the eggs.
39. The school Board has placed an order for…
30. Solo has resigned his job with the Textile Mills. He doesn’t A. all the furnitures and equipments required in the new
seem to worry about getting another job. His plans are schools
still quite in the air. This means that his plans are B. all the furniture and equipment required in the new
A. airmailed B. air tight C. uncertain schools
D. certain E. airborne. C. all of the furniture and equipments required in the new
31. Ike is head over heels in love with Ngozi. This means that E. many of the furnitures and equipments required in the
A. Ike is friendly with Ngozi. new schools.
B. Ike is trying to fall in love with Ngozi.
C. Ngozi fell on Ike’s heel and both of them fell in love 40. On his way back the boy ran into a long procession of
D. Ike is madly in love with Ngozi. men, women and children in…
E. none of the above. A. white beautiful exceedingly flowing gowns.
B. exceedingly flowing white beautiful gowns.
32. The legislator has decided to play second fiddle after he C. exceedingly beautiful white flowing gowns
had been walked out of the Assembly for violating basic D. white flowing exceedingly beautiful gowns
procedure of the House. This means that the legislator E. flowing exceedingly white beautiful gowns.
has decided to
A. oppose every motion in the House 41. The proprietors should be blamed for such a deplorable
B. support every motion in the House condition in the nursery schools,…
C. condemn every motion A. isn’t it? B. shouldn’t they? C. should they?
D. support the lead given by others D. is it? E. shouldn’t it?
E. become active in the house.
42. I could not believe that our team… the match after being
33. Old customs die hard. This implies that old customs in the lead for most of the match.
A. cause a lot of hardship and death A. to lose B. lost C. will be losing
B. must be stopped D. losing E. loosen.
C. never die out
D. cause hardship for younger people 43. The Head of Department is away to Murtala Mohammed
E. tend to last for a long time. Airport and has asked Dr. Haruna to stand ... for him
A. out B. in C. on D. across E. about.
34. The convict said he was tire of leading a dog’s life. To
lead a dog’s life means to live 44. The Commission was set up to enquire …. the general
A. carelessly B. in disgrace C. in solitude conditions of child abuse in such institutions.
D. in misery E. in poverty. A. at B. from C. after D. before E. into.
In Questions 35 to 70 choose the expression or word which best 45. We hold that the nation, both in its public and private
completes each sentence. sectors… the best consultancy service and advice in all
its endeavours.
35. After the initial confusion, the Manager’s suggestion A. deserve B. is deserving C. deservers
brought.... to the depressed investors. D. are deserving E. richly deserve.
A. a glitter of hope. B. a glimmer of hope.
C. a sparkle of hope D. a raise of hope 46. The situation has deteriorated sharply, and relations
E. a shower of hope. between the two countries may soon be…
A. removed B. broken C. withdrawn D. eliminated
36. The farmer has brought the insecticide because he was E. deferred.
bent on … the insects in his farm.
A. exterminating B. estimating C. extenuating 47. One of the old men… round the lawn three times every
D. extinguishing E. exemplifying. evening.
A. use to run B. are use to run C. is used to running
37. The young lady decided to… D. are used to run E. are used to running.
A. do away with the many advices given by her relatives
B. reject all the advices given by her relatives 48. The problems of Nigeria’s worsening economy seem to
C. reject all the advice given by her relations have… an immediate solution.
D. take to all the advices given by her relations A defined B. defied C. rejected
E. eject all the advices given by her relatives D. rewarded E. retained.
38. Two ministers found it very difficult to get…in the Cabinet
A. through with each other
49. This conference is designed to enable delegates… E. was used to traveling.
their personal interests with specialists in various 62. I wish I … your age.
fields. A. to be B. were C. to have been D. would
A. to discuss about B. discussing C. to be E. could be.
discuss D. for discussing E. by discussing.
63. I am looking forward to… you
50. The car owner does not think about the… of his vehicle and A. seeing B. see C. have seen D. will see E. be see.
the other payments involved in owning it.
A. transportation. B. depreciation C. calculation 64. I can’t offer you another loan. I have… moneyleft in myaccount.
D. appreciation E. association. A. a few B. a little C. little D. few E. some
51. The very moment she … her folly, she will come back to 65. I told you you would miss the bus. You … left home earlier.
apologize. A. can’t have B. must have C. will have
A. realized B. is realizing C. will realize D. should have E. had to have.
D. has realized E. realizes.
66. I always prefer the theatre… the cinema.
52. The lazy candidates suggested that it… A. than B. then C. on top of D. before E. to.
A. is time we do away with JAMB
B. was time we do away with JAMB 67. He acts... he were a manager.
C. is time we did away with JAMB A. like B. such as C. such D. as E. as if.
D. was time we did away with JAMB
E. is time we are done away with JAMB. 68. Don’t … the teacher that he… that!
A. tell, said B. say, tells C. talk, spoke.
53. I do not want the light in my room… when I am asleep. D. speak, talked E. tell, told.
A. turned off B. turn off C. to run out
D. turned out. E. turned in. 69. He is very tired. He really is.. staying up late.
A. getting used to B. not used to C. got used to
54. I have applied for… on the campus and I am almost certain D. used to E. being used to.
I shall get it.
A. acommodation B. accommondation 70. He has only ordered some lettuce and tea. He ... on a diet.
C. accommodation D. accomoddation. He is a bit too fat.
E. accommodation. A. can’t be B. needn’t be C. must be
D. mustn’t be E. shouldn’t be.
55. The dead body of the armed robber has … in the street
for three days.
A. laid B. lain C. layed D. lied E. lay. In Questions 71 to 74 choose the option nearest in meaning to
the underlined.
56. Candidates who are not accustomed to… fast will find it
difficult to finish this paper. 71. Had she known he was a high-way robber she would not
A. write B. have written C. be writing have married him. This means
D. writing E. having written. A. she married him before she knew he was a robber.
B. she knew he was a robber when she married him
57. Do you mind… another minute or two? C. she did not marry him because she was a robber.
A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. she refused to marry the man when she knew he was
D. having awaited. E. being awaited. a robber.
E. she was a robber marrying a highway robber.
58. We shall offer a good job to a … to register guests in the
Central Hotel. 72. Jide is being forced to go to Lagos tomorrow. This means
A. waiter B. watchman C. cashier that Jide …
D. receptionist E. cleaner. A. will go to Lagos B. must go to Lagos
C. wishes to go to Lagos D. is going to Lagos
59. I’ve lived… this street… ten years. E. goes to Lagos.
A. at, since B. for, during C. on, for D. on, from 73. It is sheer fantasy to believe that there could never be a
E. in, for. miscalculation by any nation that has atomic weapons.
Fantasy here means
60. North Africa is … than Northern Europe. A. dream B. hope C. nonsense D. joke E. stupidity.
A. hotter B. more hot C. more hotter D. the hottest
E. hot. 74. The ingenious scheme of the robber broke down because
of the efficiency of the police officer. Ingenious here means
61. I… a lot when I was a student A. suspicious. B. ambitious. C. deceitful D. clever
A. used traveling B. was used to E. stupid.
C. used to travel D. used travel In Questions 75 to 77 select the wrongly spelt word.
88. He used to play tennis, but he doesn’t…
75. A. disappointed B. embarassed C. equipped A. as of now B. any longer C. again
D. rhythm E. restaurant. D. presently E. since.
78. There is not… sense in what that politician has just said. 91. The mechanic said that he… mend my car before Saturday.
A. many B. plenty C. lot of D. much E. big. A. can’t B. couldn’t C. can’t be able to
D. couldn’t be able to E. won’t be able to.
79. He… the book to the library last week.
A has returned B. had returned C. was returning 92. There was a fire in the market last week which resulted…
D. returned E. was to be returning.. a terrible destruction of property.
A. in B. to C. from D. into E. with.
80. The candidate made… at the village square a day before
the elections. 93. At the end of the month we… each other for five years.
A. a sermon B. an address C. a eulogy A. would know B. should have known
D. a lecture E. a speech. C. should be knowing D. would have been knowing
E. used to know.
81. The policeman was sent to.. the allegation made by the man.
A. investigate B. examine C. probe D. enquire E. observe. 94. The body is sensitive to changes in velocity which, if
too sudden, …
In Questions 82 to 86 which of the options expresses the same A. consciousness may be lost
idea as the one in quotes? B. it may lose consciousness
C. one may become unconscious
82. ‘To be in the red’ is to be D. may cause loss of consciousness
A. in debt B. rich C. a socialist D. red E. dressed in red. E. may lose consciousness.
83. ‘To beat down the price’ is to Each of Questions 95 to 100 consists of a sentence with a phrase
A. flog the price B. reduce the price C. beat the salesman or word underlined. Select the option that best expresses the
D. attack the seller E. control the price. meaning of the phrase or word underlined.
84. To ask after a friend’ is to 95. The thought of his admission to the University keyed
A. ask questions about the friend Olu up to a state of great excitement.
B. inquire about the friend’s welfare A stimulated Olu B. ushered Olu C. opened Olu
C. go after the friend D. frightened Olu E. allowed Olu.
D. like the friend
E. take after the friend. 96. After a careful review of Adamu’s last examination result, the
Principal concluded that his performance left much to be desired.
85. ‘An open secret’ means A was very unsatisfactory B. was very satisfactory
A. a fact that is very secret B. an open matter C. was extremely desirable D. was very brilliant
C. a secret known to everybody D. a confidential matter E. was extremely commendable.
E. a secret told in the open air.
97. The President stood his ground because the Committee
86. ‘To put something aside’ is to members would not be persuaded to arrive at a
A. put it by one’s side compromise on the issue being debated.
B. put it in a side pocket for future use A. yielded his position B. shifted his position
C. keep something for some special purpose C. maintained his position D. defended his position
D. keep in safety E. resisted his position.
E. protect it.
98. The take home pay of many workers is such that they
In Questions 87 to 94 choose the phrase or word which best can hardly make both ends meet
completes the meaning of each sentence. A. live an honest life B. finish their schedule of work
C. keep two jobs at a time D. live within their income
87. One of the… during the football match led to fight E. live on both ends.
between the teams.
A. incidence B. incidences
C. incidents D. occasions E. linesmen.
99. When kerosene was poured on the fire, the effect 100. It was interesting to observe the likeness between
was instantaneous. the pupil and his teacher.
A. momentary B. momentous C. amazing A. similarity B. relationship C. fondness
D. terrifying E. immediate. D. affection E. affinity.
III 15. Which of the following represents the writer’s view about
African art in relation to European Art?
Every artist’s work, unless he be a hermit, creating solely A. The African artist is influenced by his society, but the
for his own satisfaction and with no need of sales, is to some European artist is not
extent ‘socially conditioned’; he depends upon the approval of B. In both African and European art there is a blend of
his patrons. Social conditioning is of course part of the field of tradition and individual creativity
study of the social anthropologist, yet I am not aware that the C. African art is tribal, but European art is not
social conditioning of artists has ever been seriously studied. D. Although traditional influences can be seen in
That such study is needed for the proper appraisal of traditional European art, they are much less strong than they are
African art is evident enough when we note the ingenuous in African art
assumption, current in many writings on the subject, that the E. African artists are more imitative than European artists.
carver’s hand is so closely controlled by the custom of centuries
that the credit for any creative imagination which is apparent in IV
his work is due not to him but to the long succession of his
predecessors. One day, Alan, a friend of mine, who likes country life,
Of course, there is an element of trust in this view of the was fishing in a river, when he caught a trout. He tried to pull the
tribal artist as copyist, but it is hardly more valid for the African fish in but it slipped off the hook, flew over his head and landed
than for the European artist. In both cases the work of art is the in a field behind him.
outcome of a dialectic between the informing tradition and the Alan put down his rod, went through the gate and started
individual genius of the artist, and in both the relative strength searching for his trout. Some people, obviously from the city,
of these two forces may vary almost infinitely. To assess the were having a picnic in the field. One of the men shouted ‘What
personal ingredient in an African carving is no easy matter, on earth are you doing?’ Thinking that it was a stupid question
especially if one is confronted with a rare or unique piece in an because they could see how he was dressed, Alan replied
unfamiliar style; but the considerations involved are much the ‘Fishing’.
same as those employed in European art criticism. ‘Don’t be silly, the fish are down in the river’, answered
the man. ‘Fish don’t live in fields!’ He turned to his friends,
11. Most artists are strongly influenced by the laughing, thinking that he had made a good joke.
A. desire for self-expression. B. need to sell their works ‘Oh, but they do’, said Alan. ‘They jump out of the river
C. tastes and wishes of the society to look for flies and I catch them with my hands. ‘At that moment
D. creative imagination E. opinions of critics. he found his trout in the grass and picked it up and showed it to
the picnickers. He put it in his basket and bent down, as if he
12. A social anthropologist is someone who was hunting for another one. The picnickers, no longer laughing,
A. studies only social conditioning spent the rest of the day searching the field.
B. is interested in art and artists
C. studies social conditions and other things 16. Why did the fish land in the field?
D. is interested in the community E. studies the origins of man. A it had wings B. it was a flying fish
C. it was looking for food D. Alan pulled too hard.
13. It would be useful to study the social conditioning of E. it fell off the hook.
artist because
A. we know that African art is entirely influenced by 17. The picnickers were
tradition. A. farmers B. from the nearby village C. tourists
B. traditional art arises from the customs of the people D. people from the city E. anglers like him.
C. an artist’s predecessors solely determine the nature
of his work 18. Where was Alan looking for his fish? He was looking for
D. we do not know the extent to which an artist is the fish
influenced by his society A. in the grass, B. down in the river
E. we do not know very much about how an artist’s C. in front of the gate D. in his basket
creative imagination works. E. among the picnickers.
14. ‘The work of art is the outcome of a dialectic between 19. Alan made the picnickers believe that fish jump out of
the informing tradition and the individual genius of the the river to look for flies by
artist’ means that A. telling a story.
A. the artist is influenced both by the society and by B. finding his trout and showing it to them
his own creative imagination C. taking them down to the river
D. watching how trout catch flies
E. picking up a fish and looking for more. A. try to breed cocoons which would produce more silk
B. determine the survival rate of silkworms
20. ‘He laughs best who laughs last’ (proverb). It is true of C. find out the most suitable areas and conditions for
this story because rearing silkworms
A. the picnickers were enjoying themselves D. search for better method of rearing silk worms
B. finally he found his fish E. find out how cocoons become silkworms.
C. Alan played a good trick on the picnickers
D. fishing is a pastime 25. Choose the meaning which best fits the underlined phrase
E. Alan likes country life. from the passage. Closely guarded secret
A. Carefully hidden from the knowledge of others
V B. Secretly processed business with armed guards
In1973 a Japanese sericulturist arrived in Malawi with a C. Carefully hidden from the view of strangers
batch of 40,000 silkworm eggs. They were taken to the Bvumbwe D. Scarcely known
Agricultural Research Station in Thyolo District. In this station, E. Unknown.
work is being done to determine favourable silkworm rearing
conditions and areas where mulberry trees, whose leaves the LEXIS AND STRUCTURE
worms feed on, could grow well. According to researchers, the
silkworms – which eventually develop into cocoons from which In Questions 26 to 38 choose the option nearest in meaning to
raw silk is produced – do well in areas with warm climatic the underlined.
Silk is one of the strongest of fibres. In fact, for thousands 26. The meeting was cancelled because of the convocation.
of years, silk fabrics have been regarded as the most beautiful A. brought up B. called off C. broken off
and durable materials woven by man. Many people call silk the D. dropped out E. phased out.
‘cloth of kings and queens’.
The weaving of silk originated in China. An old Chinese 27. Our town is so small that we are always meeting our
book, believed to be written by Confucius, tells us that the wife schoolmates accidentally.
of Emperor Huang-ti was the first person to make fabrics of silk. A coming across B. falling into C. knocking up
Around 2640 B.C., Emperor Huang-ti asked his wife Hsi Ling- D. running up E. running into.
shih to study the worms that were destroying the mulberry trees
in his garden. The Empress took some of the cocoons into the 28. Can you give a good explanation for your behaviour?
palace to see what they were made of. She dropped one of the A. account for B. call for C. clear up
cocoons into a bowl of boiling water and was amazed to see a D. make up E. give up.
cobweb-like tangle separate itself from the cocoon. She picked
up the gauzy mass and found that one of the threads could be 29. Be careful! We are approaching the crossroads.
unwound almost without end from the cocoon. His Ling-shih A. look up B. watch out C. look up
had discovered silk. She was delighted with the discovery and D. hold up E. look in.
even wove a ceremonial robe for the Emperor out of the cocoon
threads. After that, the officials in the Emperor’s court wore 30. Thousands of students are candidates for the examination
brightly dyed silk robes on important occasions. but only very few pass.
People in other countries regarded the new fibres as A. come into B. call for C. go into D. enter for
something rare and beautiful. A few traders went to China to E. turn up for.
learn about making cloth from silk, but the Chinese kept their silk
worms a closely guarded secret. 31. He went through fire before he qualified as a doctor.
A. had a fire accident B. made a lot of fire
21. Sericulture is C. suffered a lot D. underwent some purification
A. carried out only in China E. required a lot of fire.
B. the breeding of silkworms for the production for silk
C. the research done on silkworms 32. Osyaku started playing football because he thought it
D. the making of cloth from the cocoons of silkworms would develop him physically.
E. the breeding of silkworms in Malawi. A. took up football B. picked up football
C. returned to football D. took up with football
22. It is implied in this passage that silk was discovered E. put in for football.
A. after years of hard work and research by the Empress
B. by accident 33. Once I have finished all my homework I am permitted to
C. in the search for a more durable fibre for making cloth. watch television.
D. after some experiments carried out by the Japanese A. I can watch television at anytime.
sericulturist B. I can only watch television after doing my homework.
E. by design. C. Television comes first, then homework second.
D. I can only finish my homework after permission to
23. According to sericulturists, silkworms watch television
A. cannot survive in a warm climate E. after watching television I finished my homework.
B. may be reared on any tree
C. do well in areas with a warm climate 34. For all he cared, the game was as good as lost.
D. produce the longest threads when they are fed leaves A. He did not care if the game was lost
from the top of the mulberry tree B. He could not care less if the game was lost.
E. are destroyed by heat. C. He was almost certain that the game would be lost.
D. He was afraid the game would be lost.
24. The work carried out at the Agricultural Research E. The game was very good, and he cared very much
Station in Malawi on the silkworm eggs was to about losing it.
35. A basic objective in this respect is the attainment of D. the factory would be shut if the employees did not
self sufficiency in food in about a decade. increase their output
A. Food will soon be sufficient for every body E. the factory was closed because the employees did
B. Mass production of food not work hard enough.
C. We should aim at producing food for sale and
consumption in ten years. In questions 43 to 60 choose the expression or word which best
D. We should be able to feed ourselves in five years. completes each sentence.
E. Our aim is to provide enough food for our needs in
ten years. 43. The student who went home without an exeat has
apologized… his misconduct
36. In their desire to impress their friends and relatives, many A. on B. at C. to D. for E. about.
young workers bite off more than they can chew in terms
of financial obligations. 44. The man has atoned... his sins.
A. have more money than sense A. upon B. on C. for D. at E. against.
B. eat more than they can digest property
C. spend too much money on food 45. The Headmaster was interviewed in connection.. the
D. care too much for their relatives expansion project.
E. take on more responsibility than they can afford. A. to B. with C. for D. about E. at.
37. All the efforts made to settle the quarrel were futile. 46. What do you want me to do now? I’m…. withdrawing
A. successful B. wicked C. reasonable and keeping quiet.
D. remarkable E. fruitless. A. for B. with C. up D. off E. on.
38. The new inspector decided that the culprits should be 47. I am looking …. seeing your family.
brought to book. A. ahead at B. forward to C. forward on
A. should have their names recorded in a book D. for to E. ahead to.
B. should be brought before him to show whether they
could read or not 48. These folktales have been handed… from generation to
C. should be booked generation.
D. should be jailed E. should be made to answer for their A. into B. over C. down D. up E. across.
49. John arrived at the airport on time but he could not get…
In questions 39 and 40 select the word oppoisite in meaning to the plane.
that underlined. A. into B. over C. in D. to enter E. to.
39. The long straight trunk of the tree is ideal for round wood 50. The young lovers first met… the University of Ibadan
uses like railway sleepers, rafters and fence posts. Havana Night dance.
A. best B. perfect C. most unsuitable A. in B. at C. in course of D. on E. inside.
D. satisfactory E. poor.
51. I have not seen my housemaster… the beginning of this
40. A book on style without abundant examples seems to me as session.
ineffectual as a book on biology without abundant illustrations. A. from B. in C. for D. at E. since.
A. useless B. difficult C. interesting D. satisfactory
E. attractive. 52. The Chairman of the State School Board has advised
students to desist… blackmailing college authorities.
In questions 41 to 42 choose the expression which best A. from B. in C. on D. against E. by.
completes each sentence.
53. The most stupid boy in the class passed the examination
41. My uncle told me, ‘I have a large house and you are welcome contrary.. the expectation of many people.
to the protection it offers’. My uncle told me that… A. upon B. from C. on D. to E. with.
A. he had a large house, and you are welcome to the
protection it offers 54. The Principal remarked that it was the high standard of
B. he have a large house, and I was welcome to the discipline that was instrumental…. the high percentage
protection it offered. of passes in the school.
C. He had a large house and he was welcomed to the A. upon B. to C. with D. on E. in.
protection it offers
D. he had a large house, and I was welcome to the 55. She wounded the man… the back with her knitting needle.
protection it offered. A. on B. in C. at D. by E. upon.
E. he has a large house, and I am welcome to the
protection it offers. 56. It took the father many days to get… the untimely death
of his son
42. The manager said that unless the employees worked A. off B. over C. by D. through E. across
harder the factory would have to be closed. The
manager said that… 57. While the worshippers closed their eyes in prayer, a
A. the employees were not working hard, and so the thief made… with the collection.
factory would be closed A. out B. away C. up D. by E. through
B. the employees should not close early so that they
could produce more. 58. There is no doubt that every lady takes great pride…
C. the factory was not productive because the her appearance.
employees were lazy A. with B. in C. at D. on E. about.
74. The government suffered a.. .. when they lost two by –
59. If you keep playing with this door handle, it will get… elections.
A. loose B. lose C. lost D. loosing E. loosed. A. check B. set-back C. hindrance D. disturbance
E. recession.
60. ‘Have you given the patient his medicine?’ The doctor
asked the nurse. 75. Our Literature Master said that he would show us a film
A. if you have given the patient his medicine. on Macbeth. The film will …
B. had you given the patient his medicines? A. worth seeing B. worth seeing it C. be worth to see
C. have you given the patient his medicine? D. be worth seeing E. be worthy seeing.
D. if she had given the patient his medicine.
E. if the patient is given his medicine. 76. The driver of that lorry… lost his life during the collision.
A. barely B. hardly C. nearly D. closely E. narrowly.
From the alternatives provided in questions 61 to 100 select the
one which most appropriately completes the sentence. 77. The principal went to buy some… for the physics laboratory.
61. I was seriously disappointed when the… between the A. equipment B. pieces of equipments C. equipments
two teams ended in a goaless draw. D. items of equipments E. list of equipment.
A. march B. marsh C. match D. mash E. martch.
78. Wherever the leader went people struggled to catch a… of him.
62. Children’s clothes have to be strong to stand … rough use. A. look B. view C. glimpse D. portrait E. picture.
A. with B. in through C. in for D. up to E. up for.
79. The…. in an attempt to please the workers promised to
63. Shall I make the cheque… you or to your firm? provide ... for them as soon as possible.
A. in for B. up with C. in with D. up for E. out to A. committee/accommodation
B. committee/acommodation
64. The hotel... is at Wurno Road. C. committee/accomodation
A. which I am staying. B. in where I am staying D. committee/acommoddation
C that I am staying D. at which I am staying E. committee/accomondation.
E. I stay.
80. I meant… a pencil but there was no one…. them.
65. …the main points of the lecture given by the Director of A. buying/selling B. to buy/to sell C. buying/to sell
the Institute. D. buy/to sell E. to buy/selling.
A. Those were B. That was C. There were
D. This was E. That is. 81. Mrs. Okoro ... in this school since 1975.
A. taught B. is teaching C. was teaching D. teaches
66. I am sure that my mother will not find out. She is so… E. has been teaching
that she will accept anything I tell her.
A. credible B. credulous C. creditable 82. The Governor has... to the people on many occasions.
D. incredible E. incredulous. A. broadcast B. been broadcast C. broadcasted
D. being broadcast E. been broadcasted.
67. The boys are very naughty. They have started fighting
again, ... 83. Paulina arrived late, she… the right route.
A. haven’t they? B. isn’t it? C. not so? A. cannot have taken B. could not have taking
D. have they? E. is it? C. cannot take. D. could not had taken
E. could not have taken.
68. If only I ... insured! But I wasn’t. Now, I have to pay a lot
of money. 84. …the medicine, he asked his daughter to take it according
A. am B. have been C. had been D. would be E. was to be. to the doctor’s prescription.
A. Having to buy B. Having bought
69. Do you mind if I wait for the reply? I’d rather you… again C. Having been bought D. Having being bought
tomorrow. E. Having buy.
A. called B. will call C. can call D. call E. were calling.
85. It was a funny episode, so I ...
70. Olu: How do you want the money in cash or in traveller’s A. can’t help to laugh. B. couldn’t help laugh
cheques? Ali: Beg your pardon? Olu: I was asking you C. couldn’t help laughing D. couldn’t help to laugh
how ... the money? E. can’t help laughing.
A. do you want B. you want C. you wanted
D. you are wanting E. did you want. 86. By the end of this year I… twenty books
A. read B. would have read C. will read
71. The young man looked carefully at the long document, D. have read E. am reading.
but he couldn’t make ... what it meant.
A. up B. out C. off D. through E. do. 87. Leonard: We went to a hotel and had a very good dinner
for N1.00 Geoffrey: You… a very good dinner if you
72. The students haven’t come back from the library, … only paid N1.00.
A. isn’t it? B. have they? C. is it? D. had they? A. must have had B. needn’t have had
E. haven’t they? C. couldn’t have had D. had to have E. have had.
73. Give me a minute to think. I can’t remember the answer… 88. Evelyn: I’ve submitted eight copies. Joseph:
A. out of hand B. ahead C. offhand D. to hand You…eight. Three would have been enough.
E. off head
A. can’t have submitted B. couldn’t have submited 94. Had he known that it would rain, he... his umbrella with him.
C. didn’t need to submitted D. needn’t have submitted A. would have taking B. was going to take
E. must have submitted. C. would be taking D. would have taken E. would take.
89. The present wanton display of riches… morals in our society. 95. Omeime was taking his dog for a walk when the dog
A. will be affecting B. are affecting C. is affecting suddenly… from its chain and escaped
D. was affecting E. had been affecting. A. broke through B. broke lose C. broke even.
D. broke loose E. broke away.
90. The market women… profit ranges from thirty to fifty
percent are making… difficult for the ordinary people 96. After we have taken our share, we shall give… to them.
A. for who/to live B. for whom/lives A. their B. their’s C. theirs D. there E. there’s.
C. by whose/living D. whose/life
E. whose/leaving. 97. I was still sleeping when the national news … this morning.
A. were broadcast B. were broadcasted C. was broadcast
91. Town authorities have put up a railing in front of the exits… D. was broadcasted E. were being broadcasted.
people… out of the stadium and ... straight across the road.
A. prevent/rush/dashing B. preventing/rushing/to dash 98. Each of the contestants… a chance to win.
C. to prevent/rushing/dashing D. to prevent/rush/dash A. has B. have C. get D. gets E. take
E. to prevent/to rush/dash.
99. I gave the book to the library attendant… I think works
92. Someone… the radio cassette since 6p.m I wish he … in the evenings.
turn it off. A. whom B. whose C. which D. who E. of whom.
A. has been playing/would B. is playing/would
C. played/will D. has played/should E. plays/will. 100. The politicians are responsible for the… events have
taken in this country.
93. If the armed robbers… caught, they would have been lynched. A. course B. curse C. coarse D. cause E. corse.
A. would be B. have been C. are D. were E. had been.
COMPREHENSION PASSAGE means getting what you want. If you choose to term it
question of semantics. ‘privileges’, it suits me. It is all a
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow. 1. Which of the following is NOT implied in the expression:
‘One naira per meal is a privilege in this country?
PASSAGE I A. Nowhere in this country is food sold for one naira.
B. The price per meal at the Sports Club Cafeteria is one naira.
Obi: Let’s go to the Sports Club Cafeteria. One naira per meal C. It is rare for anybody to feed satisfactorily with one
is a privilege in this country And God knows that I am naira in any hotel in the country
too broke to afford anything more. D. Obi cannot afford more than one naira for one meal
Olu: Got a membership identity card? Don’t forget the place is E. Ordinarily, one naira cannot buy much in the country.
for bona fide members only.
Obi: Forget it. There are other types of identity cards, 2. The conversation about identity cards suggests that
remember. Just flash something before the eyes of those A. without an identity card, no one can be allowed to
men at the gate, provided it looks like an identity card. eat in the Sports Club Cafeteria
Olu: Ee... eh, I see. That is why the place is always congested. I B. without an identity card, no one can be allowedinto
don’t think it is even worth the trouble. I can’t stand a queue. the Sports Club
Obi: That shouldn’t bother you. You don’t have to join the C. there is thorough checking of identity cards at the
queue. Just walk straight to the serving point without Sports Club gate
fear and be sure you shout your order. D. bona fide members of the Club do not have to carry
Olu: But only V.I.Ps have the right to break queues. identity cards
Obi: Sure, but V.I.Ps don’t wear badges on their faces. Pose E. a club member can afford to forget his membership card
man, pose. After all, this is Nigeria.
Olu: You mean there are many impostors here? 3. The conversation about queues in the passage reveals that
Obi: Certainly, and many people with privileges too. If you A. everybody at the Club Cafeteria queues
want to get along, you must pose, and to get along B. club members can always break a queue at the Cafeteria
C. people always break queues in the Cafeteria on the
pretext that they are V.IPs 10. Teresa would say she had eaten already no matter how
D. only people who are capable of posing can break hungry she might be so that
queues A. Ntanya would eat to his satisfaction
E. there is nothing wrong in breaking queues. B. Ntanya would say ‘Thank you mother’
C. she could cook again
4. The conversation about privileges shows that D. she could watch his eat
A. an impostor is one who claims privileges E. every bolus would go down her own throat.
B. to get along must always imply making claims to privileges
C. it is always easy to recognize V.I.Ps in Nigeria, PASSAGE III
because they are always laying claim to privileges Mathematics is the language in which the Book of Nature
D. there are many impostors laying claim to privileges in is written: Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. it is
Nigeria universally agreed that Mathematics is the backbone of Science
E. ‘semantics’ means calling to get along’ ‘privileges’. and Technology. For without Mathematics the engineer is but
an artist or a scultptor. He can build his bridge, attest ot its form
5. From the whole conversation, it is clear that Obi and Olu are and beauty, but without Mathematics he cannot guarantee its
A. irresponsible B. selfish C. privileged reliability to serve the purpose for which it is built. Mathematics
D. ‘go-getters’ E. epitomes of the Nigeria society. is indeed the science of sciences. It is also art of all arts. It is
right, legitimate and defensible to consider Mathematics as an
PASSAGE II Art. The poet, the musician, the artist and the mathematician
Days passed fast for Ntanya and Teresa. They could have a lot in common. Fundamental to all their studies and works
hardly notice the land getting brown all over Kachawanga again, is their common interest in the logical study of related concepts
since neither of them hardly noticed any more the sun come up and objects to form patterns which will produce beauty, harmony
and go down. Ntanya would work very hard in the field hauling and logical order. Thus the poet arranges words to produce a
in the last harvest and Teresa would stay at home washing, pattern called poetry: the musician arranges sounds to produce
cooking and waiting, waiting for him to come home. She would a pattern called music: the artist arranges colours to produce a
cook his meal with extra care and when there was little meat she pattern called painting and the mathematician arranges abstract
would only give bits to the children and not even touch it herself ideas into a pattern, using symbols, to produce equations. Each
but use only the smell to get her food down and reserve the of these patterns - the poem, the music, the painting and the
whole chunk for her husband. When Ntanya would come home equation must stand up to the test of some order, harmony and
with sweat on his brows she would put the wooden tray on a beauty. So if Mathematics is not an art what is art?
stool for him and sit down by him watching him eat with great
satisfaction: every bolus that went down ntanya’s throat would 11. The views expressed in this passage belong to
also go down her own throat. When Ntanya would insist on A. JAMB B. artists C. mathematicians D. the poet
sharing the food with her she would always say she had eaten E. the author of the passage.
already no matter how hungry she might be. Ntanya would then
eat and drink to his satisfaction and always rest a while in the 12. The expression ‘Mathematics is the queen of the
sun after saying ‘Thank you mother’. Sciences’ contians
(Taken from Peter K. Palangyo’s novel: Dying in the sun) A. a contradiction B. an analogy C. an irony
D. a lie E. nonsense
6. Bolus in the passage means
A. Adam’s apple B. throat pill C. liquid 13. ‘Mathematics’ is written with a capital M in this passage because
D. piece of meat E. large morsel. A. the writer is a mathematician
B. the writer does not know how to use punctuation correctly
7. Ntanya and Teresa could hardly notice the land getting C. the writer wants to distinguish between a concept
brown because and a subject
A. they were on their honeymoon D. it is the normal way of writing about the sciences
B. they had just got married E. the writer is confused.
C. they hardly notice the sun
D. the sun did not come up 14. The last sentence of the passage , ‘So if Mathematics
E. Ntanya worked very hard in the field. is not an art what is art?’ is a
A. questions posed for the reader to answer
8. Teresa gave only bits of meat to the children because B. statement put in the form of a question
A. they would get more from Ntanya C. question combined with a statement
B. she cooked it with extra care D. mathematical equation stated in words
C. they were young E. pattern which illustrates beauty, harmony and order
D. she kept most of it for her husband in language.
E. she could not afford meat.
15. Mathematics can be considered as a form of art because
9. Ntanya said ‘Thank you mother’ to A. its main principle is made use of by the arts
A. his mother B. his wife C. his aunt B. it involves drawing of figures
D. Teresa’s mother E. his grand-mother C. it is a form of Fine Arts
D. it is a type of Graphic Arts the last drop of moisture out of the earth. The family sat down in
E. it also involves a study of beauty, harmony and order. despair, waiting and waiting. Their hopes had run so high; the
goats had started producing milk, which they had eagerly poured
PASSAGE IV on their porridge, now they ate plain porridge with no milk. It
My good people: I come before you this evening as a was impossible to plant corn, maize, pumpkin and water-melon
man whose honesty and intergrity have been questioned. Now, seeds in the dry earth. They sat the whole day in the shadow of
the usual political thing to do when charges are levelled against the huts and even stopped thinking, for the rain had fled away.
you is either to ignore them or to deny them without giving Only the children were quite happy in their little girl world. They
details. But before I answer any of your questions, let me state carried on with their game of making house like their mother and
categorically that I have not touched a kobo of the N50,000 we chattered to each other in light, soft tones. They made children
contributed. Every kobo of it has been used in defraying political from sticks around which they tied rags, and scolded them
campaign expenses. severely in an exact imitation of their own mother. Their voices
As a matter of fact, during one of my meet-the-press could be heard scolding all day long: ‘You stupid thing, when I
conferences, Tony Agiwa accosted me and said, ‘Honourable send you to draw water, why do you spill half of it out of the
Senator, what about this fund we hear about?’ I told him there bucket?’ ‘You stupid thing! Can’t you mind the porridge pot
was no secret about the fund and that he should meet Abu O. without letting the porridge burn?’ Then, they would beat the
Abu to get details of the fund. I told him, ‘You will find that the rag-dolls on their bottoms with severe expressions.
purpose of the fund was primarily to defray political expenses.’ The adults paid no attention to this; their nerves were
In answer to another one of his questions, I said that neither stretched to breaking point waiting for the rain to fall out of the
contributors to this fund, nor contributors to any of my sky. Nothing was important, beyond that. All their animals had
campaigns had ever received any special consideration that he been sold during the bad years to purchase food, and of all their
would not have received as an ordinary constituent. And I can herd only two goats were left. It was the women of the family
say that never, since I became a Senator, have I made a telephone who finally broke down under the strain of waiting for rain.
call for them to an agency or have I gone down to an agency on (Taken from Bessie Head’s The collector of Treasures)
their behalf. Records will show that, and these records are in the
hands of the Administrator. 21. The evidence that the family hopes had run high is that the
A. land was ready for planting
16. The author is B. earth was alive with insects singing
A. exonerating himself from allegations of embezzlement C. goats had started producing milk
B. ignoring the allegations of embezzlement D. family ate porridge
C. taking part in a political campaign C. family had corn and maize seeds.
D. demonstrating that he is a Senator
E. trying to implicate Abu O. Abu, a fellow politician. 22. ‘The adults paid no attention to this’ refers to
A. the children scolding the rag-dolls
17. Constituent in the passage means B. the plain porridge C. the burnt porridge
A. a section of his constituency D. their breaking nerves E. the land.
B. his entire constituency
C. his campaigner 23. The family sat down in despair because
D. a person having voting rights where he is living A. the land was ready and ploughed
E. a supporter B. they ate plain porridge with no milk
C. the sun danced dizzily in the sky
18. Accosted in the passage means D. the land was covered in a haze of mist
A. grossly insulted B. greeted C. fought with E. it was impossible to plant seeds.
D. forced E. went and spoke to
24. All their animals had been sold in order to
19. It appears that the N50,000 A. avoid despair B. buy food C. induce rain
A. has been spent C. save animal food E. make the children happy.
B. has been paid into the government treasury
C. will soon be paid into the government treasury 25. ‘Game of making house’ means
D. has been saved by Abu O. Abu A. building a house with sand
E. will be used for future campaigns. B. being happy in the house
C. playing in the house
20. Abu O. Abu is portrayed as D. imitating running a home like adults
A. a corrupt politician B. the administrator of the fund E. playing hide-and-seek in the house
C. an ordinarytaxpayer D. a government official E. a citizen
29. He is loved for his altruism. 41. The new employee is so humble and friendly that he will
A. benevolence B. sincerity C. selfishness soon make himself popular.
D. selflessness E. kindness. A. welcomed and accepted B. hated
C. estranged D. rejected E. a personal friend.
30. The Military Governor upheld the decision of his cabinet.
A. held up B. undercut C. maintained D. abolished 42. He took exception to Ezenwa’s remark.
E. reversed. A. was delighted at B. was excited by
C. got demoralized by D. objected to
31. Many untrustworthy students give evasive answers to E. was perplexed by.
questions which they fully understand.
A. direct B. outspoken C. simple D. truthful E. clever. 43. Kelechi hardly ever falls sick.
A. most often B. very seldom C. sometimes
32. The deafening noise of the two jet planes which flew D. frequently E. occasionally
across our compound yesterday made people fear that
an assault on the country might be imminent. 44. The gallant soldiers met their Waterloo at Philippi
A. impending B. ahead C. remote D. eminent E. threatening A. victory B. trouble C. defeat
D. happiest period E. enemy
33. Disgruntled people are indifferent to any plans to rid the
society of evil. 45. It is futile trying to make bricks without straw.
A. different from B. diffident about C. in agreement with A. fertile B. important C. fragile
D. interested in E. opposed to. D. vain E. bad
34. The severity of the harmattan helped me to complete my 46. The ceiling of my bed-room fell in and knocked me out.
writing assignment in record time because I had no choice A. made me unconscious B. removed me
but to lock myself indoors. C. flattened me D. killed me E. frightened me.
A. warmth B. mildness C. moderation D. leniency
E. gentility. 47. In May 1978 the rain fell incessantly and made life drab.
A. at intervals B. recurrently C. repeatedly
35. The increase in transport fares deterred our club from D. concurrently E. continuously
planning an excursion this year.
A. deferred B. irritated C. impelled D. restricted 48. Little Ugochi has a bicycle which is in marvelous
E. encouraged condition.
A. need of a tune up B. excellent C. questionable
36. This card entitles you to attend the film show. D. unstable E. working
A. disqualifies B. discourages C. disenchants
D. proclaims E. satisfies 49. The lecturer maintained his usual good humour in spite
of the cat-calls and the rude behaviour of his students
37. This is an abridged edition of Oliver Twist A. provoked B. obtained C. kept D. lost
A. reprinted B. enlarged C. outdated D. extinct E. improved.
E. banned
In Questions 38 to 71 choose the option nearest in meaning to 50. The class as a whole will have a lecture on scarce
the underlined word or phrase. commodities tomorrow
38. Victor will not attend the dinner party tonight: he is afraid A. argument B. deliberation C. dispute
of his own shadow. D. conference E. talk
A. not in the mood B. attending another party
C. scared of imaginary things 51. Many states practise the ideals of democracy.
D. unhappy with his assigned role
A. government by elections
E. unable to forget his fears.
B. government by representatives
C. government by civilians
39. Telling Ali to break his habit of coming to work late is like
D. government by all the people
knocking your head against a brick wall.
E. oligarchy
A trying the impossible B. asking him to beat you up
A. afloat B. on top of a plank C. above suspicion
52. He lost his voice momentarily. D. raised above a board E. the chairman of a board
A. in a moment B. in a split second
C. for a brief period of time D. without delay 65. It is sheer foolhardiness for unarmed policemen to pursue
E. instantly. armed robbers.
A. nonsense B. bravery C. foolishness
53. The corrupt official had to leave the public service willy D. stupidity E. foolish risk taking
A. unprepared B. reluctantly C. willingly 66. Bankole was a man given to much wine.
D. compulsorily E. by retirement A. pushed to B. taken over by C. addicted to
D. forced to E. afflicted by
54. I am yet to write the penultimate paragraph of my essay.
A. last but one B. third to the last C. second 67. The officer refused to be taken in by the private.
D. concluding E. introductory A. won over B. drawn in C. overtaken
D. deceive E. Involved
55. One hindrance to an orderly economic development of
the country is large-scale fraud and corruption. 68. The principal advised the boy to come to grips with
A. difficulty B. element C. reason himself if he wanted to do well at the end of his course.
D. obstacle E. ritual A. criticize himself B. master his difficulties
C. learn to be obedient D. behave himself
56. Stephen was blamed for leaving his door ajar during the E. fight with himself
heavy rainfall.
A. unlocked B. unbolted C. open D. keyless E. locked 69. The judge came down heavily on the accused person in
his judgement.
57. If people don’t want to play the game according to the A. crashed heavily B. fell down heading
rule, that is their business. C. descended upon heavily D. imposed a stiff penalty
A. their business will suffer B. it is not their fault E. crash landed on.
C. they should blame others for it
D. other people will take over their business 70. Employees have been urged to desist from witch-hunting
E. they will have themselves to blame. and character assassination.
A. commanded to stop hunting witches
58. Nigeria, like most other African countries is predominantly B. ordered to stop assassinating witches
agricultural. C. entreated not to accuse individuals unjustly and maliciously
A. mainly B. certainly C. entirely D. undoubtedly D. informed to resist witch hunters and character assassins
E. superficially E. urged to desist from barbaric acts.
59. Despite increasingly punitive laws against hemp 71. The government should stop white elephant projects.
smoking, it is still rising at an alarming rate. A. projects in which white men kill elephants
A. devastating B. exemplary C. barbaric B. projects in which white elephants are used
D. severe E. satisfactory C. projects for painting some elephants white
D. high cost projects with low utility values
60. The Senate postponed the meeting indefinitely. E. low cost projects with high utility values.
A. for a short time B. for six months C. definitely
D. without fixing a date E. for several months 72. Mary goes to school.. bus.
A. in B. on C. with D. through E. by
61. You have been asked to change your laissez-faire attitude
to work. 73. The loud noise in the neighbourhood attracted people
A. stupid B. carefree C. careful D. serious who stared… the thief.
E. responsible A. at B. about C. with D. on E. over
62. Since his father’s death, Osita has not been able to cope 74. The students unrest resulted… the expulsion of the
with the tasks of a family head. ringleaders
A. perform adequately B. tolerate C. accept A. to B. in C. from D. with E. by
D. assess properly E. manage
75. The lawyer insisted.. the full payment of his charge.
63. My spell in the university was an unmitigated disaster A. with B. in C. for D. at E. on
A. an unavoidable B. a painful C. a regrettable
D. an unqualified E. an unfortunate 76. Little children are usually afraid ... thunder.
A. about B. for C. of D. with E. at
64. To be above board is to be
77. On the orders of the steward, the cook rushed… the
market 91. The old politicians were discredited because they tried
A. to B. at C. for D. in E. against to… the people’s ignorance.
A. cash in on B. catch in with C. catch in on
78. The principal advised that we pursue this case cautiously, D. cash in with E. cash in by
otherwise we are bound to be taken… by Ada’s lies.
A. away B. out C. in D. off E. on 92. The plane overshot the… in a minor accident.
A. railway B. hangar C. tarmac D. runway E. road
79. I am very sorry… to attend the meeting yesterday.
A. for failure B. in failing C. to having failed 93. That single… was enough to spoil a whole life time of
D. to fail E. for failing good living.
A. occurence B. ocurence C. occurrence
80. When you are faced with an examination of this nature D. occurrense E. ocurrence.
endeavour to keep your mind... the job and not be
distracted for one moment. 94. The thief ran… luck when the policeman running after
A. at B. in C. for D. on E. to him caught up with him and knocked him down.
A. into B. with C. of D. out of E. off
81. It all depended on what…
A. does he want B. he wants C. he does want 95. Whilst the thief was... the passengers, he kept apologizing
D. he wanted E. did he want for the inconvenience he was causing them
A. robbing B. rubbing C. robing D. rubing E. robbed.
82. Samuel: Would you please come here, John? John: No.
I’m busy… in my farm. 96. Your brigade would be the better for it, if you desisted ...
A. I am working B. I’m working C. I am to work rumor-mongering, observed the Chief of Staff
D. I shall have worked E. I go to work A. from B. away C. into D. away from E. on
83. My colleagues… before I arrived. 97. The court ordered the lorry driver to pay for the ... to my car.
A. started writing B. wrote C. had started writing A. damages B. heavy damages C. destruction
D. have written E. have been writing D. many damages E. damage
84. After the team had conceded two goals, their 98. Journalists always collect and publish ...
enthusiasm… A. informations B. an information C. some informations
A. was beginning to wane B. was waning D. information E. much informations.
C. began to wane D. had begun to wane E. had been waning
99. I have received the answer scripts of Peter and John.
85. The Government… the initial value of the hotel complex What about ...?
at ten million Naira. A. Ngozi B. Ngozi’s own C. Ngozis D. Ngozis’ E. Ngozi’s
A. costed B. had cost C. had valued
D. had constructed E. has costed 100. He received a pat ... the back for his brilliant success in
the examination.
86. James... reminding that not all that glitters is gold. A. by B. at C. in D. on E. for
A. needs B. need C. needing D. needs to E. need to
88. The boy thought that driving a car was not… dangerous
than riding a bicyle.
A. so very B. particularly C. very D. any more E. any
89. I do not want… from such a friend as Jimoh.
A. any more advices B. no more advice C. any advices
D. no advice E. any advice
90. Very few students have satisfactory... these days
becausethe student population has increased
A. acommondation B. accomodation C. accommodation
D. acommoddation E. acommodation.
Use of English 1986
25. … no other institution or place so readily comes to mind 41. Olu promised to look out for her next time he is in town.
as museums means that museum are A. watch for B. visit C. greet D. take care of.
A. always ready to enter the mind
B. a ready example 42. Thompson was a prosecution witness at the court hearing.
C. recalled with great difficulty A. false B. reliable C. government D. trial
D. remembered with hesitancy.
43. The beggar’s takings snow-balled every hour
LEXIS AND STRUCTURE A. grew B. turned white C. grew into a ball
D. turned into snow.
In questions 26 to 35 choose the option opposite in meaning to
the word(s) underlined 44. His attempts were nipped in the bud.
A. unsuccessful B. cut short C. frustrated D. disqualified.
26. Mr. Jack was most flexible in his instructions. 45. The preacher has made good his promise to visit some of
A. rigid B. correct C. stiff D. upright. his converts today
A. fulfilled B. abided by C. seen to D. accepted.
27. The University has offered temporary accommodation
to its staff. 46. What it! You could be followed said the robber.
A. popular B. permanent C. recognized D. regular. A. Look around B. Be sober C. Be vigilant D. Look out.
28. Mary complained that she slept on the coarse floor. 47. Look at the tell-tale signs of battering on her
A. smooth B. rough C. bad D. harsh. A. confirming looks B. suspicious marks
C. revealing marks. D. signifying marks.
29. Jim was one of the spectators at the concert.
A. ushers B. judges C. guests D. performers. 48. The armed robbers who raided passengers on the
Expressway came to grief when they had a shoot out
30. The Governor declined to give audience to the journalist with the police today.
A. ignored B. accepted C. forgot D. rejected. A. came to a bad end B. became grieved
C. encountered grief D. came to a dead.
31. The debtor’s husband is liable for his wife’s debts
A. unanswerable B. responsible 49. Many of the workers hired for firing the furnace had
C. unquestionable D. accountable. themselves fired as a result of the unfortunate accident.
A. got themselves burned accidentally
32. The lotion recommended by the doctor soothed Okon’s B. jumped into the fire themselves
aching tooth C. got themselves sacked form their jobs.
A. calmed B. extracted C. excited D. worsened. D. were sacked from their jobs.
33. The sun cast its shadow on the wall. 50. The new educational system look off this school year.
A. reflection B. rays C. resemblance D. substance. A. went off B. continued C. began D. resumed.
51. We will surely buy this idea of introducing an entirely 63. The accounts clerk was jailed because he cooked the
new product books.
A. pay for B. accept C. trade in D. barter. A. set fire to the account books
B. sold the books in his office to get money for food
52. This year’s harvest is surplus. C. falsified the accounts to his advantage
A. enough for our need B. limitless D. destroyed the account books by cooking them.
C. more than enough D. plenty.
64. The task was Herculean.
53. Many candidates new apply to read Law because it is a A. irregular B. related to Hercules
lucrative profession. C. stimulating D. demanding.
A. brings plenty of profit
B. brings high prestige 65. The story is rather hard to believe.
C. brings quick money A. incedulous B. incredible C. superstitious D. untenable
D. brings plenty of knowledge.
66. It is advisable to administer the test in the morning when
54. The pressman said that his interview with the President students are fresh.
was off the record. A. perform B. set C. undertake D. give.
A. not written on government record books
B. not intended for publication 67. He broke his mallet ostensibly trying to maintain order
C. not taped although he was actually enjoying the commotion.
D. written elsewhere other than in government records. A. apparently B. carelessly C. angrily D accidentally.
55. She realised that she was up against stiff competition In question 68 to 100 choose the word(s) or phrase which best
when a new large departmental store was opened next to fills the gap(s)
her small provisions shop.
A. next to B. standing next to 68. Jibril found that thieves had entered his house in his
C. opposed to D. faced with. absence. He went to the police to report the …
A. break out B. break up C. break in D. break into
56. Finally, I assured him that I would not go back on my word
A. return to a place 69. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his
B. return to a certain world which reading counsel…. Before sentence was passed.
C. re-use my word A. begged for mercy B. made a please for mitigation
D. fail to keep my promise. C. made an ovation D. made a plea for Migation.
57. Everybody respects the team leader. 70. Four persons accused of currency… are being held by
A. looks up for B. looks up on the security agents
C. looks up to D. looks up at. A. traficking B. traviking C. trafficking D. traffiking.
58. The driver, on seeing the traffic warden, was hesitant to 71. You had to stand in the corridor all the way? Poor you I
start the engine. don’t suppose you enjoyed the journey…?
A. slow B. unable C. anxious D. reluctant. A. don’t you B. did you C. didn’t you D. don’t I.
59. He likes to call attention to unimportant matters. 72. ‘I m sorry I can’t give you any of the oranges, I have …
A. dubious B. incidental C. trivial D. simple. Left’,
A. few B. little C. only a little D. a few.
60. The speaker took his audience down memory lane
before he went to the topic of his lecture. 73. No wonder those plants are dying. They… any water
A. took his audience a journey through a street for ages!
called Memory Lane. A. didn’t have B. hadn’t C. haven’t had D. haven’t
B. recalled events from the past
C. told a late about a place called Memory Lane 74. Darling, do send the children to bed. I can’t … their
D. gave an outline of his lecture. noise any longer’, he said to his wife.
A. make do with B. make up C. deal with D. put up with.
61. The new religious leader hands out an olive branch.
A. sues for peace 75. My wife and I met… on a shop going to Liberia.
B. gives out branches of the olive tree. A. ourselves B. one another C. each other D. ourself.
C. challenges his opponents to a fight
D. blesses his congregation. 76. … yet about the Principal?
A. Are there any news B. Are there some news
62. Though a brilliant student, Binta lost her tongue when C. Is there any news D. Is their any news.
she was asked to give the vote of thanks at the end of the
Governor’s visit to her school. 77. I am… to another week’s holiday this year after such a
A. became dumb. tedious job.
B. became deaf and dumb A. due B. qualified C. looking D. entitled.
C. said nothing because she was shy
D. forgot her native language. 78. I can quickly recite the National Anthem… Now
A. off head B. off by heart C. at hand D. off hand.
79. The committee was frustrated because the Chief A. leaped B. leap C. leapt D. leaping.
withheld his …
A. accent B. access C. assent D. ascent. 91. A number of doctors are not so well disposed to … In
government hospitals these days…they?
80. Gone are the days when the … Enjoy patronage. A. working/do B. work/are C. working/are D. work/aren’t.
A. would B. will C. used to D. could.
92. The only set of loud speakers available… To be
81. He did not attend the final burial… connected according to the instruction.
A. rite B. rights C. rites D. right A. is B. are C. were D. have
82. The officer was compelled to… the suspect’s car. 93. We later on discovered that some members… another
A. seize B. cease C. sieze D. sease. meeting before the one advertised.
A. were holding B. have held C. have been holding
83. He missed the point because he took the statement … D. had held.
A. literally B. literarily C. literacy D. uniliterally. 94. He decided to wait for the bus because he had
A. too many luggage B. many luggages
84. Their high … was an advantage C. a lot of luggage D. plenty luggages
A. moral B. morality C. morale D. morals
95. Thank you for the party, we really….
5. The brave officer ….the time bomb A. enjoyed ourselves B. enjoyed
A. diffused B. devused C. defused D. difused. C. enjoyed very much D. enjoyed to much
86. A number of suspects were paraded… the victim of the 96. We were trying to study for the examinations lastnight
robbery. when the lights…
A. in front of B. before C. for D. to A. were taken away B. came off C. quenched D. went off.
87. If you want peace, you … Prepared for war.
A. had better B. have better C. had better got 97. When he had arranged the furniture, he… the picture
D. had better get. on the wall.
A. hanged B. hung C. hang D. hunged.
88. If only we… We could have overcome the difficulty.
A. had persevered B. have persevered 98. I forgot to bring a pen with me. Would you please…me yours?
C. had persevere D. persevered. A. borrow B. loan C. provide D. lend.
89. We are gradually … to the end of the programme this 99. If you are going to the market, may I…please?
afternoon, remarked the chairman of the wedding A. follow you B. come with you C. come by you
reception. D. come as your second
A. arriving B. getting C. approaching D. going.
100. Wada said that two of his chickens … eggs yesterday
90. We saw him… Over a wall as the police approached morning.
A. layed B. lied C. laid D. lai
C OMPR EHENSION From the evidences of these obituaries and In memoriam, every
dead Nigerian must have been something of a saint while alive.
This would explain why the death of most Nigerians is attributed
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that to the evil machinations of the wicked. Only very few people in
follow our country die natural death, and even when they do, the
obituaries etc. always give the impression that such deaths
PASSAGE I constitute the saddest loss to befall the deceased’s family. And
that is why writers of these obituaries and their allied
advertisements are experts on ‘mortuary stylistics’. This
There are one or two things this country can teach ‘mortuary stylistics’, the study in the art of eulogizing the dead
others, one of which is the art of writing obituaries. One suspects and making their loss sound so heart breaking, is one of the
that the reason why some of our newspapers still manage to commodities we can export to other countries.
break even is because of the great amount of revenue they derive
from obituaries. It is not unusual for about one quarter of the 1. The tone of this passage is
volume of an average daily to be constituted of obituaries and A. angry B. satirical C. non-commital D. pleasant.
in memoriam alone. One possible explanation for this, it has
been argued, is that Nigerians value their dead greatly. And 2. Mortuary ‘stylistics’ as used in the passage refers to the
there is a saying amongst us that you do not say evil things A. art of writing obituaries B. text of obituaries
against the dead. This is obviously the philosophy behind the C. study of obituaries D. art of eulogizing the dead.
large dose of encomiums with which our dead are bestowed.
3. ‘One suspects that the reason why some of our PASSAGE III
newspapers still manage to break even …’ Suggests that Manager: Mr. Mbu, I would not describe you as an inefficient worker,
some Nigerian newspapers I therefore find it difficult to understand why the Conference
A. would be running at a loss but for obituaries Room is so untidy, in spite of the fact that I had reminded
B. are patronized only because they specialize in you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
obituaries Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the
C. derive all their revenue from obituaries place before the meeting.
D. invest huge revenue in obituaries. Manager: Are you trying to hold the cleaner responsible
for the untidy condition of the room?
4. Obituaries are very popular in Nigeria because Secretary: Partly, Sir, I gave him an instruction which he
A. evil things are not said against the dead failed to carry out. It is certainly my intention
B. every dead Nigerian must have lived a saintly life to make a formal complaint against him for
C. only very few Nigerians die natural deaths dereliction of duty.
D. Nigerians value their dead greatly. Manager: And would you wash your hands off any
PASSAGE II blame after that? Do you think that just making
‘You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you a formal complaint against the cleaner absolves
think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come you of all blame? When do you consider an
back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of assignment as properly executed: when the
planting? Do you want to grow this year’s crops in the prison execution is properly supervised or not? Was
house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your it sufficient for you to give instructions to the
elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo, cleaner without ensuring that he actually
and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He carried them out?
has come. When suffering knocks at your door and you say Secretary: Sir, I do not see what else I could have done,
there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he short of doing the job myself. The cleaner is a
has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before six-footer and I could not have intimidated
any of you’re here was old enough to tie a cloth between the him physically.
legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Manager : I see, I await your formal complaint against
Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you
darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I allowed a board meeting to take place in an
know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will untidy Conference Room.
happen. The white man has power which comes from the true 11. The relationship between the manager and his secretary,
God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach as revealed in the passage, could be said to be
every eighth day. …. A. strained B. charged C. personal D. cordial.
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this
was a meeting of an age group, that they had not assembled to 12. ‘I would not describe you as an inefficient worker…’
join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they Suggests that the manager
called their new religion. A. is quite pleased with the level of diligence of his
‘We are talking about the white man’s road, ‘said a voice secretary.
above the others. B. has had cause in the past to complain against his
‘Yes, we are talking about the white man’s road. But secretary
when the roof and the walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not C. is dissatisfied with the level of performance of his
left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the secretary
new road – they are all part of the same thing. The white man D. is non-commital over the efficiency of his secretary.
has a gun, a matchet, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He
does not fight with one weapon alone’. 13. It would appear that the manager feels that the secretary
(Taken form Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God)
A. should have, if possible, personally cleaned the
Conference Room.
6. The dominant subject of this passage is the B. should have ensured that someone else cleaned
A. white man’s road B. new religion the Conference Room
C. white man’s influence D. white man’s weapons. C. should have ensured that the cleaner did his job
D. is a coward
7. According to the passage, the people of Umuaro and Okperi
A. are friends B. are only acquaintances 14. The secretary’s attitude seems to be
C. are no friends D. can never be enemies. A. Manager Sir, you employed this huge and
recalcitrant cleaner and I am not going to do his job for him.
8. ‘There is no escape from the white man’ in the passage B. ‘It is not the duty o f a secretary to enforce the
means that the instructions he gives to his junior workers’
A. white man will send the people to prison C. ‘I am a secretary by profession, not a cleaner
B. white man can kill all the people with his gun D. ‘It is not terribly important how tidy the
C. people are only trying to run away from the white Conference Room is for the meeting.
D. people must accept the white man. 15. The last comment by the manager suggests that he
A. is going to hold the secretary responsible for
9. ‘Passes by your ears’ in the passage means what has happened
A. piercing through your ears. B. is likely to reprimand both the secretary and
B. listening eagerly the cleaner for dereliction of duty
C. making no impression C. will punish the cleaner but warn the secretary
D. accepting as the truth. D. will warn the cleaner and punish he secretary.
10. Unachukwu’s speech in this passage shows that he PASSAGE IV
A. is a coward B. wants his people to suffer Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a
C. loves the white man D. is wise with experience. source of warmth and as a means of light. Before he discovered
less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it, and
whenever he went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him.
His discovery that the firebrand, from which the torch may well
have developed, could be used for illumination was probably D. not to be compared to any other recording system.
incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.
Lamps, too, probably developed by accident. Early LEXIS AND STRUCTURE
man may have had his first conception of a lamp while watching
a twig or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from roasting In questions 26 to 32 choose the option opposite in meaning to
carcass. All he had to do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat the word(s) in italics
and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps, which were made of
hollowed stones or sea-shell, have persisted in identical form up 26. The house-wife was hard up before the end of each month.
to quite recent times. A. upset B. penniless C. borrowing D. in no need.
16. Primitive man carried a firebrand during his journeys 27. The retired General became a hard-nosed officer after
mainly for fighting the war.
A. illumination B. cooking of food A. tough B. weak C. indifferent D. bed-ridden.
C. flame preservation D. warmth.
28. The Lions lost the match because their goalkeeper was
17. According to the passage, the torch probably developed in a haze most of the time.
from a A. indisposed B. confused C. alert D. sleeping.
A. firebrand B. twig C. lamp D. fibre.
29. Unless we see the evils clearly, contending against them
18. Primitive man was least concerned with fire as a is like fighting the air.
A. means of cooking B. source of warmth A. avoiding B. struggling with C. combating D. repelling.
C. source of light D. means of travelling
30. The explosive growth of world population has not been
19. One way early man made a lamp was by putting a lighted caused by a sudden increase in human fertility.
reed in a A. fantastic B. gradual C. combustible D. dangerous.
A. hollowed stone B. sea shell C. vessel D. molten fat.
31. It is generally believed that misers are not loved by many.
20. Primitive man preserved fire because A. spendthrifts B. spenders C. hoarders D. savers
A. he used it for illumination during his travels
B. his method of making fire was laborious 32. My brother’s primary school foundation was solid and
C. he wanted to discover how to make a lamp this influenced his secondary education.
D. he wanted to develop the torch. A. sound B. sordid C. shaky D. weak.
PASSAGE V In questions 33 to 55 choose the option nearest in meaning to
Developments in electronic science have transformed the the word(s) or phrase(s) in italics.
art of record keeping in the modern age. Traditionally, records of
events were kept only in people’s minds. It depended very 33. ‘It is very difficult to know who is entitled to essential
much on the retentive power of the human memory. This was commodities these days’, observed the mobbed NNSC
extremely dangerous as people either forgot events wholly or in official.
part, or deliberately falsified details to suit their various interests. A. qualified for B. disqualified from C. eligible D. worthyof
Interminable arguments were thus the order of the day. Even
writing which replaced mental recording was not entirely free 34. ‘This is a miniaturized version of your house’ remarked
from these shortcomings as untruths could be written as true the Architect.
records either willingly or inadvertently. With the advent of the
electronic memory, however, these dangers have been largely A. compressed B. abridged C. decreased D. smaller.
overcome. Recordings on audio and video cassettes now show
not only what happened, but also who did or said what including 35. It is claimed that there is an extinct volcano near Pankshin
how and when. A. extinguished B. inactive C. dead D. disused.
21. The author believes that electronic recording is 36. Bola has sonorous voice.
A. superior only to mental recording A. high-pitched B. beautiful C. strong D. throaty.
B. inferior to both mental recording and writing
C. superior to both mental recording and writing 37. Some workers went on rampage at a trade-fair.
D. inferior to only writing. A. turned violent B. robber C. were angry
D. demonstrated.
22. The writer believes that the art of record keeping has
A. improved over the years 38. We have to identify the protagonists of the new movement.
B. endangered the art of writing A. enemies B. leading figures C. opponents D. Believers
C. changed human memory
D. overcome all the problems facing it. 39. My nephew came in stealthily through the back gate.
A. briskly B. boldly C. wearily D. quietly.
23. How many stages of development did the writer mention
while discussing the art of record keeping? 40. The distance is not more than twenty kilometres as the
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five crow flies.
A. by the longest route B. by the shortest route
24. According to the author, human memory is unreliable C. by air D. by the fastest means.
because people.
A. die and we forget what they said. 41. Your extreme patience sometimes infuriates me.
B. forget events or tell lies A. impresses B. annoys C. frustrates D. amuses.
C. do not always know when events happened
D. do not always know who did what and when. 42. I cannot understand how he suddenly became
audacious contrary to his nature.
25. From the passage, we gather that writing is almost A. proud B. bold C. rude D. hostile.
A. as unreliable as human memory
B. as reliable as electronic memory 43. His has been a life of make-belief
C. more reliable than electronic recording A. faith B. fantasy C. grandeur D. religion
44. Our teacher seldom comes late to school.
A. very often B. always C. frequently D. hardly ever. 62. One would wish …missed that opportunity to be
45. At the age of 80, Musa wished he could put the clock back. present at the graduation hall.
A. stop the clock B. put down the clock A. to have not B. for having not C. to having
C. go back in time D. have more time. D. not to have.
46. The Director left his secret file to the Secretary in good faith 63. The ceremony was rounded…very late.
A. with proof B. in anxiety C. in anticipation D. in trust. A. up B. off C. of D. out.
47. The Chief approached the issue with convincing d 64. My…brother intends to get married in December.
isinterestedness A. senior B. elder C. older D. oldest.
A. lack of interest B. lack of personal interest
C. inability to be interested D. unwillingness. 65. The…Affairs Officer is expecting all of us in the dining
48. Nothing irritates the clerk more, than being assigned A. Student B. Student’s C. Students D. Students’
miscellaneous duties.
A. classified B. confidential C. unscheduled D. assorted 66. Many a candidate… to realise the difference between
written and spoken English.
49. It is of fundamental importance that one sleeps properly. A. fails B. fail C. have failed D. is failing.
A. undisputed B. basic C. special D. least.
67. Chinyere has not really described the Cabinet as
50. I know you’ve been eaves-dropping all along irresponsible; she only… it in her speech
A. dropping gently B. paying attention A. alluded to B. implied C. applied D. suggested.
C. listening secretly D. dropping all the leaves.
68. …at 9.30 for more news, said the announcer
51. She showed an affected interest in the game. A. Switch on B. Tune in C. Hook on D. Channel in .
A. real B. pretended C. concerned D. slight.
69. The way that big boy bullied his sister with relish makes
52. I would not like you to do the work piecemeal me think he could be a …
A. at meal time B. bit by bit C. badly D. as a masterpiece. A. bully B. sadist C. pugilist D. tyrant.
53. I think I’ll like to reiterate the points earlier made. 70. All… well with Peter.
A. withdraw B. change C. challenge D. repeat. A. are not B. have not been C. were not D. is not.
54. The sudden death of the King put paid to the ambition 71. One... so if she had thought it necessary.
of the Minister. A. would have said B. would say C. may have said
A. encouraged B. rewarded C. benefited D. terminated. D. could say.
72. We have done three quarters of the journey already, we
55. The man insisted on having no strings attached to the … as well see the end of it.
agreement A. can B. might C. could D. may
A. financial obligations B. documents C. conditions
D. moral obligations. 73. My little daughter has … sight, hence, she now wears
In questions 56 to 100 choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which A. dimunitive B blurred C. painful D. defective.
best fills the gap(s).
74. Bassey’s evidence led… Okon being imprisoned for
56. I was….hearing distance of the speaker. life. A. at B. into C. in D. to
A. on B. at C. within D. in
75. My boss is usually a charming man but… he can be very
57. Peter was such a skilfull boxer that he was not afraid to irritable.
take…anybody A. atimes B. at times C. those times D. with times.
A. to B. upon C. on D. in.
76. We surely ought to have an…arrangement in case
58. Owing to the constant harassment of the populace by somebody discovers the present strategy.
armed robbers, all night guards have been instructed to A. alternate B. alternating C. alternative D. alternant.
shoot…every moving things
A. at sight B. by sight C. in sight D. off sight. 77. The nurse kept apologizing to mothers as she stuck her
needle… every baby at the clinic
59. My wife and I were to celebrate our silver wedding A. in B. onto C. on to D. into .
anniversary last Sunday. Unfortunately on that ….day,
my father-in-law died mysteriously. 78. One of the ladies who … in the premises … been asked
A. fruitless B. faithful C. futile D. fateful to withdraw
A. sells/have B. sell/have C. sells/has D. sell/has
60. The first graduation ceremony of the university was
attended by men from all….of life. 79. A Tale of Two Cities…the…we are studying for the
A. works B. areas C. walks D. parts. examination.
A. are/novels B. was/novel C. were/novels D. is/novel.
61. …guests enjoyed Joy’s birthday party
A. The whole B. All the C. Every D. Those very
80. We must not take with us the feelings of inadequacy 90. The quarrel has got to a stage where someone has to…
…experienced during our preparations for the debate. A. interrupt B. interfere C. intrude D. intervene.
A. that were B. those were C. that was D. that is.
91. The villages looked…their leader for good examples.
81. Omogbai reported that the examinations…before he A. up to B. on to C. up at D. forward to
arrived in the hall.
A. started B. have started C. had started D. are started. 92. The hunter brought home…antelope
A. alive B. a life C. alive D. a living.
82. In my opinion, neither the players nor the coach … praise
for the result of the match. 93. Do not take my books out of this office unless you… my
A. deserves B. deserve C. are deserving D. is deserving. permission to do so.
A. get B. have C. had got D. are having.
83. No one has said anything yet, but I think I … be getting
a salary increase next month. 94. The man insisted on giving unsolicited…
A. must B. can C. would D. may A. advice B. advices D. advise D. advises.
84. Student: Excuse me sir, must we complete the 95. Cultural patterns are modified as they are … from one
assignment before lunch? generation to the next.
Teacher: No you… A. transported B. transposed C. translated D. transmitted.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t
96. We discovered at the end of last term that we had to read
85. During the demonstration, the mobile police were … books before we could confidentlysit for our final examination.
instructed to break… the students’ defense line. A. more of many B. very many more
A. off B. open C. through D. down. C. very much more D. more very many.
86. Roli failed because the examination was …difficult for her 97. Chinedu took his umbrella with him in case it…
A. so B. very C. highly D. too. A. rain B. rained C. would rain D. is raining.
87. My brother does not have a flair… Mathematics. 98. The train was too slow so I decided to… at the next stop.
A. for B. in C. at D. of A. get by B. get bye C. get off D. get of.
88. The poor little kid has been down…fever these few days. 99. Dapo has made good use of some useful … on the
A. with B. from C. in D. for chemical composition of chalk.
A. information B. piece of information
89. He did not stop to ask himself why…such thing. C. informations D. pieces of information.
A. should he do B. he should do
C. should he have done D. did he do. 100. Tonye said that he was going to bed because he was…
to do any more work.
A. tired out B. very tired C. too tired D. extremely tired.
26. Our government is making determined efforts to eradicate 41. The preacher is under a cloud among the congregation.
illiteracy. A. out of favour B. under observation
A. compulsory B. ineffective C. innocent D. unreliable. C. under weather D. confused
27. Makerere University has a large intake of students 42. The politician played to the gallery to win the election.
each year. A. obeyed the people
A. rejection B. product C. output D. turn-out. B. sang a good song for the people
28. Florence flogged the girl reluctantly. C. went to the gallery
A. eagerly B. calmly C. furiously D. laboriously D. went out of his way to appeal to the taste of the
29. Sola’s car is badly damaged; he has to look for an expert 43. The hefty warder came in and all the prisoners snuffed
mechanic to fix it. out their cigarettes.
A. uneducated B. amateurish C. awkward D. unscientific. A. extinguished B. put out C. squeezed D. put down
30. Coastal plains are often very densely populated. 44. The popularity of the slogan is beginning to wane.
A. weakly B. badly C. rarely D. sparsely A. wear B. slide C. thin out D. decline
31. Wilfred was a mindless criminal. 45. The policeman looked at the face of robber and saw
A. strong B. mindful C. feeling D. memorable. tell-tale sign of a dyed-in-the-wool convict.
A. hardened B. remorseless C. heady D. hardhearted
32. The judge blamed the plaintiff for misleading the court.
46. ‘Marcus bears watching;’ remarked Emperor Nero.
A. defendant B. complainant C. accused D. prosecution.
A. deserves B. needs C. favours D. enjoys
33. The thieves vandalized the vault’s lock. 47. The senior perfect had to carry the can because he refused
A. repaired B. arranged C. serviced D. actuated. to identify the culprit
A. dispose the can of refuse
B. accept responsibility
C. be made one of the scape-goats C. honest completely
D. bear the brunt D. completely honestly
48. The senator had the habit of setting the cat among the 60. The suspect defrauded his … victims of large sums of
pigeons whenever matters concerning his constituency money.
came up for debate A. unsuspected B. unsuspecting
A. illuminating issues that are not clear C. unexpecting D. unexpected
B. monopolizing the discussion
C. making frequent interruptions in the nature of 61. The … of the participating countries will hold a pre-
points of correction conference on the eve of the conference.
D. introducing elements of controversy and confusion A. Auditor Generals B. Auditor General
C. Auditors General D. Auditors Generals
49. Adah has not been regular at lectures because she has
been off colour. 62. The drummers struck their drums with great efforts, and
A. gloomy B. trying to hider her bleached skin the surging crowds of dancers … the grounds around
C. slightly sick D. upset the palace.
A. strutted/thumped B. kicked/stamped
50. When the man lost his two sons in a motor accident, he C. thumped/licked D. stroke/thumped
cracked up.
A. became broken-hearted 63. The chairman’s laughter was with no … to ridicule the
B. became inconsolable applicant.
C. became slightly daranged A. intention B. intend C. intendment D. intent
D. became temperamental
64. The water is not good for drinking; it’s been …. by the
51. The news of his performance in the sessional dead rabbit.
examination has made Okechukwu crestfallen. A. contaminated B. infested C. spoilt D. diseased
A. highly irritable B. dejected C. elated D. pompous
65. The austerity of the times has made people to be more
52. The man rebuked his son severely, but his words seem … in their spending
to have cut no ice. A. watchful B. circumspect C. miserly D. hesitant
A. been unconvincing
B. had no effect 66. Are you sure he prefers a horse ride … a walk?
C. not cooled the boy’s temper A. than to take B. to taking C. instead of take D. than
D. added insult to injury
67. … to your request, we have decided to provide the
53. The urban environment tends to form the nucleus of a necessary information
common dialect A. As regards B. With regards C. With regard D. Regarding
A. setting B. respository C. cell D. core
68. The price of everything seems to have … up in the last
54. I shall be with you presently few months.
A. now B. in a moment A. climbed B. shot C. risen D. flared
C. at present D. for the time being
69. Just to convince you about my commitment to the project.
55. The builder’s taste reflected superflous grandeur I shall … at the office before I leave for Kano tomorrow.
A. excellent B. superlative C. expensive D. too much A. put up an appearance B. put in an appearance
C. put up appearance D. put an appearance
In question 56-100 choose the word(s) or phras which best fills
the gap(s). 70. There was a ... of steps.
A. stair B. height C. flight D. climb.
56. The child’s recent training has not been very effective,
he is likely to … to his old habits. 71. Many young men of nowadays do not know how to
A. revert B. convert C. reverse D. revise properly …. their clothes.
A. press B. iron C. smoothen D. stretch.
57. The students went on whispering in … of the teacher.
A. dishonour B. disagreement 72. The dancers were all in … before their departure.
C. defiance D. disobedience A. good spirits B. good spirit C. high spirit D. high spirits
73. Ebun … the edge of the cliff after his shoes had failed to
58. You can never find Okwu; he is a very … person.
A. delusive B. elusive C. illusive D. disceptive
A. fell down B. fell off C. fell away D. fell from.
59. You could see that: Akpan did not give theevidence … 74. That old lady prefers … bread … clothes
A. honestly completely A. to bake/than making B. to bake/to making
B. complete honestly
C. baking/to making D. baking/than to make A. to worry B. for worrying
C. worrying D. to have worried
75. I wonder how much …
A. cost these earrings 89. If you don’t want to … your car to robber, then don’t
B. do these earrings cost travel in the night.
C. are these earrings costing A. loose B. loss C. lose D. lost
D. these earrings cost.
90. The beautiful plan made for the expansion of the
76. The college authorities have … the students to end the business fell … as soon as the manager died.
strike. A. down B. out C. in D. through
A. called for B. called on C. called D. called at.
91. The events reported in the newspaper did not happen
77. I have been trying to locate you … years ago; they …
A. since five days B. five days now A. are of recent B. had happened recently
C. since five days now D. for five days. C. are recent D. recently happened
78. The host insisted on … what he called ‘a little gift.’ 92. There is no point getting upset by problems; I take them …
A. me to accept B. me accepting A. in my stride
C. my accepting D. my acceptance. B. on the spur of the moment
C. by leaps and bounds
79. The whole class looked forward to … Kainji Dam at D. in a jiffy.
A. visiting B. visit C. be visiting D. a visit 93. There is no need to stand … ceremony in matters of this
80. A government spokesman announced that efforts … the A. by B. to C. on D. for
release of the hostages are continuing.
A. to obtain B. in obtaining C. for obtaining 94. The driver will … all the students interested in going to
D. of obtaining Lagos tomorrow at 7.am outside the main buildings.
A. lift B. lift up C. pick D. pick up.
81. I know you think I’m talking nonsense, Shehu, but …
you’ll realize that I was right. 95. What bothered me about the lecture was the speaker …
A. at one time B. on time C. in time D. at times too many irrelevant words.
A. slighted B. sighted C. sited D. cited.
82. The Inspector of Education who made several trips on
the bad roads returned yesterday completely … by fever. 96. The students were suspended because they were …
A. brought down B. put down A. indisciplined B. undisciplined
C. worn down D. worn off C. undiscipled D. disciplinary
83. The vice principal asked the students to always … their 97. We heard the … of brakes which was followed by a
answers only from the textbooks recommended for the crashing noise.
course. A. screaming B. screeching
A. look out B. search out C. look up D. bring up. C. scrapping D. streaking
84. I know that your friend will not accept the proposal … 98. I had not given the question a thought before; my answer
A. and you neither B. and neither you came …
C. neither do you D. neither will you. A. momentarily B. in an instant
C. on the spur of the moment
85. Mark is a very handsome fellow who informs me that he D. just like that
has … for pretty girls.
A. a heart B. a lip C. an eye D. a check. 99. The small girl is … than her elder sister.
A. more cleverer B. very cleverer
86. Wale Agun, in creating his characters, draws freely … C. much cleverer D. much more cleverer.
his experience in life.
A. by B. in C. on D. of 100. … are good friends.
A. He and I B. I and him C. I and he D. He and me
87. When I have an appointment with someone, I hate …
A. to be keeping B. for being
C. being kept D. in being kept.
88. It’s no good … about the result until you have sat for the
Use of English 1989
PASSAGE V 28. The girl is very intelligent, but her jokes are rather outrageous.
The evidence given so far demonstrates that a nuclear A. offensive B. courageous C. pleasant D. unwholesome.
exchange in the Northern Hemisphere would have an
unavoidable global aftermath making the continued existence of 29. We cannot but talk about his invaluable contributions
mankind impossible anywhere. It is also very improbable that a to the affairs of the society.
nuclear exchange would be confined exclusively to the vicinity A. worthless B. costly C. unrecognized D. incalculable.
of the industrialized states. Current developments indicate that
a nuclear disaster would be carried into the territories of the 30. This average fertility figure, of course, conceals wide
developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These individual variations among the people
developments include the preparations being made by aggressive A. attracts B. covers C. exposes D. concludes
forces for the armed seizure of the Middle East oilfields, the
nuclear missile deployment in the south of Western Europe, the 31. Men living in an extended family know that they have to be
establishment of military bases for the Rapid Development of responsible for the welfare of some other person’s children.
Forces in North Africa and the Indian Ocean, and the tensions A. extensive B. nuclear C. neutral D. contracted.
in the South Atlantic and the Caribbean. 32. The appearance of the pall-bearers was extremely fascinating
A. magnetic B. unorganized C. interesting D. repulsive.
21. A suitable title for the passage is
A. preparation for Nuclear War on the Third 33. Many miners protested against the order to march into
World Countries the coal pits.
B. Possible Effects of Nuclear War on Third A. strut B. amble C. trudge D. ramble
World Countries 34. The hasty action will bring nothing but discredit to them
C. Strategies for a Nuclear Confrontation A. honour B. shame C. reward D. disgrace
D. The Merits and Demerits of Nuclear Exchange
35. The man’s health has deteriorated in the hospital
22. ‘Aggressive’ in the passage means A. collapsed B. improved C. worsened D. revived.
A. militant B. dissident C. reactionary D. revolutionary.
In question 36 to 65, choose the option nearest in meaning to A. quota B. grain C. evidence D. statement
the word(s) or phrase(s) in italics.
51. The case was thrown out because the court lacked
36. The boss made a clean sweep of all the old hands in the office jurisdiction
A. completely got rid B. cleanly swept the office A. jurors to help the judge B. authority
C. made a quick change D. made an adjustment. C. prosecutors D. appellate powers.
37. Her anxiety was apparent to everyone present at the 52. The chief will launch the fund-raising appeal.
ceremony A. make a speech at B. eat his afternoon meal during
A. real B. visible C. transparent D. unknown C. travel by boat to D. start off.
38. Our experience on board the aircraft is nothing to write
home about. 53. Sade has been employed. But she is unhappy because
A. not remarkable B. not unpleasant it is a run of the mill job.
C. nobody’s business D. not a home affair. A. a boring B. an exciting C. a tiring D. an ordinary
39. The rampage was organized and directed by the 54. I would like to believe that this brilliant performance of
militant ones among the students. yours is not just a flash in the pan.
A. soldiers B. rebellious ones C. belligerent ones A. repeated occurrence B. normal happening
D. commandoes. C. flashy happening D. chance occurrence
40. The governor advised his people to get off the beaten 55. As the wedding day approached, the bride began to
tracks in their approach to community matters. develop cold feet.
A. use the old roads A. fall sick B. feel cold C. be reluctant
B. make the tracks better D. become aggressive
C. find new ways
D. avoid beating about the bush. 56. I told my brother to get the matter off his chest as soon
as possible.
41. It was their custom to keep an open house on Sundays. A. give serious thought to the matter
A. welcome all visitors B. say what he has been anxious to say
B. keep the shutters open C. make a brief comment
C. leave the house open D. state his points clearly.
D. expose the whole house.
57. He has a big heart, but he is inept at following a witty
42. The president made a passionate appeal for calm. conversation.
A. inflamed B. disturbing C. intense D. lively A. large B. huge C. warm D. fragile
43. Mali stole the day’s takings from the bakery 58. The clerk refused to answer for the mistakes made by
A. receipts B. collections C. contributions D. offerings. the manager and his assistants.
A. reply to B. give an answer
44. You do not need to stutter in order to show your excitement C. accept responsibility for D. account for
A. jump about B. shout C. sob D. stammer
59. Most of his observations were wide off the mark
45. What embarrasses me is the stealthy way in which the A. comprehensible B. irrelevant C. pertinent
new servant goes about his duties in this house D. unacceptable.
A. indolent B. furtive C. boisterous D. agile
60. I didn’t think she could be so easily taken in by his pretences.
46. I have never been accustomed to seeing my brother in A. flattered B. deceived C. overcome D. blackmailed.
such a pensive mood
A. merry B. infuriated C. thoughtful D. hostile 61. Do you have the same aversion as I do for war films?
A. bitterness B. dislike C. criticism D. preference
47. The administrator’s apathy was soon noticed by all his
subordinates 62. His summary of the meeting was brief and to the point.
A. indifference B. kindness C. concern D. inefficiency A. precise B. accurate C. exact D. crucial
48. The way he handled the whole issue was rather despicable 63. The minister hit on a plan to retain his post after many
A. disturbing B. likeable C. contemptible D. frustrating months of lobbying.
A. drew up a plan B. discovered a plan
49. The authenticity of the reporter’s claims should be C. selected a plan D. designed a plan
established before taking further actions on the matter
A. facts B. source C. evidence D. genuineness 64. My friend will hate his uncle forever because he left
him in the lurch in his hour of need.
50. After careful investigation, the police found no iota of A abandoned him B. punished him
truth in Ibrahim’s allegations. C. disinherited him D. despised him
A. make up B. make do C. make out D. make good.
65. Our school prefect is too officious and we all hate him
because of his behaviour. 81. ‘Leave me alone’ blurted the angry customer. ‘I cant …
A. efficient B. efficacious C. over-zealous D. active with your price hikes’.
A. make do B. put up C. deal D. make up.
In question 66 to 100, choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which
best fill(s) the gap(s). 82. The committee was disgusted … the way the office was
being run.
66. When I met Amadi yesterday it was the first time I … him A. at B. by C. with D. over.
for six months.
A. had seen B. saw C. have seen D. have been seeing. 83. Many a man … done without milk in … tea these days.
A. had/their B. has/his C. have/their D. had/his.
67. A student’s natural ability should be a … factor in his
choosing a course of study at the university 84. The … car is the center of attraction.
A. determined B. determining C. determinant A. small racing light-green
D. determinate B. racing small light-green
C. small light-green racing
68. Many unrelated issues were touched upon in the … of D. light-green small racing.
the discussion
A. cause B. course C. coarse D. curse. 85. If I had not finished my assignment, I would not … the
opportunity to go with the group
69. The traveller had to run … in order to … the train. A. have been given B. be given C. be giving
A. first/catch B. fast/cash C. fast/catch D. first/cash. D. have been giving.
70. When the driver lost control of his vehicle, the 86. You had better … what the doctor recommended this
pedestrians began to run for … morning
A. their dear lives B. their dear life C. dear lives D. dear life. A. done B. do C. did D. be doing.
71. My uncle is one of the … of the society. 87. … with him for two years, I cannot guarantee his good
A. elitists B. elites C. elite D. elitist behaviour.
A. To work B. Having worked C. To have worked
72. The new singlet factory is built on the … of Aba township D. By working.
A. outstretch B. outskates C. outskirts D. outskirt
88. This is the kind of stew …
73. If Kaka hadn’t tried to stand up in the boat, he … into A. which its taste I do not like
the lake. B. which I do not like the taste of it
A. wouldn’t have fallen B. will not have fell C. of which taste I do not like
C. will not have fallen D. wouldn’t have fell. D. the taste of which I do not like.
74. The soldiers were sufficiently equipped with … 89. … is always superior to any other in town.
A. arms and ammunition B. arms and ammunitions A. There’s B. Theirs C. Their’s D. There.
C. arm and ammunitions D. arm and ammunitions.
90. I looked for you all over the campus but I could not … you
75. My younger brother is going to the stream with … boys. A. find B. see C. meet D. catch.
A. two other little B. other little two C. two little other
D. other two little. 91. The manager was angry with Dauda for … seeds of
discord among the workers.
76. Okoro intends to wear his … dress to the zoo this afternoon. A. planting B. sewing C. cultivating D. sowing
A. white cotton new B. white new cotton 92. The government has provided new … for the local
C. new white cotton D. cotton white new government polls.
A. guard lines B. guide lines C. guardlines D. guidelines.
77. Sociologists are concerned with the problem of man in …
A. a society B. the society C. society D. some society. 93. Tsado and his wife are always fighting. The … to be
drawn from this is that they are not happy together.
78. The contractors were short … cash even before the A. reference B. inference C. difference D. deference
project was completed.
A. in B. for C. with D. of 94. The teacher invited Akpan and … to his office
A. myself B. me C. I D. himself.
79. The judge acquitted the accused … all the eight counts.
A. of B. on C. from D. upon 95. One of the rioters who … arrested yesterday … released.
A. was/had been B. were/have been C. was/have been
80. If we go hunting this week-end, we’ll have to … with D. were/has been.
scratch meals and sleep in a hut in the forest.
96. Although I am watching television, I … what you are A. mature/mature B. matured/mature
saying C. mature/matured D. matured/matured.
A. am hearing B. can hear C. have heard D. was hearing
99. Our manager has instructed that … of customers must
97. Because of the …he did to my car, I am going to sue him be barred from our bank.
for … A. those type B. that type C. that types D. this types.
A. damage/damages B. damages/damage
C. damages/damages D. damage/damage 100. He regarded the betrayal of his friend as a stab…the back
A. on B. at C. in D. from
98. He was not a very … student when I first met him but
the years … his character ultimate.
35. The difference between the experimental procedures was 52. The secretary was advised to put on a cheerful disposition
imperceptible to me. whenever the manager arrives.
A. negligible B. significant C. obvious D. obscure A. a good dress B. a smiling face C. a happy look
D. good make-up.
36. His antipathy to religious ideas makes him unpopular
A. remedy B. consciousness C. hostility D. receptiveness. 53. The cereal is fortified with multi-vitamins.
A. enriched B. prepared C. endowed D. mixed.
In each of questions 37 to 55, choose the option nearest in
meaning to the word or phrase in italics. 54. The lawyer told the court some unsavoury details about
the case.
37. The boss told the man to let sleeping dogs lie. A. unworthy B. unintelligible C. unpleasant
A. not to look for trouble D. uninteresting.
B. not to disturb other people
C. let the dogs sleep well 55. The professor’s thesis was the precursor of nuclear
D. let the trouble begin. studies.
A. preliminary B. climax C. developer D. forerunner.
38. The fact that Ruth has inherited her late husband’s house
is cold comfort to her In each of questions 56 to 100, choose the word(s) or phrase(s)
A. appropriate comfort B. inadequate comfort which best fill(s) the gap(s).
C. no comfort at all D. wet comfort
56. Why do you worry about such … Matters?
39. The headmaster decided to make good his promise to A. insignificant B. significant C. non-significant
the students. D. unsignificant.
A. fulfill B. improve C. complete D. realize
57. It was difficult to … a man walking on the moon two centuries
40. The advertisement served as a smoke-screen for the A. contrive B. perceive C. conceive D. imagine
activities of the company 58. This section of the test will … questions on set passages
A. a camouflage B. a protection C. an enhancement A. consist B. comprise of C. contain D. carry
D. an exchange.
59. Animals in …. behave differently from animals living in
41. My plans are still up in the air. the natural habitat.
A. being publicized B. uncertain C. uncovered A. prison B. bondage C. captivity D. slavery.
D. unprotected.
60. After months of tedious climbing, the team reached the
42. The judge always takes a hardline on such issues … of the mountain
A. complex stand B. simple stand A. end B. summit C. height D. terminal.
C. uncompromising stand D. difficult stand.
61. After Jerry had made the bed, he … on it.
43. The case was dismissed for want of evidence. A. layed B. laid C. lied D. lay
A. for want of facts B. for want of opinions
C. for insufficient discussions D. for lack of proof. 62. Knowledge of figures of speech as well as of idioms and
lexical items………. In this section.
44. That team has become indomitable quite recently. A. is tested B. have been tested C. are tested
A. incorrigible B. disobedient C. unconquerable D. unruly. D. were tested.
63. The buildings damaged by the rainstorm ……….. schools,
45. The flock suddenly became restive after midday. hospitals and private houses.
A. quiet B. submissive C. disorderly D. fidgety A. included B. include C. were included D. was including.
64. I would have been off to see Biola at Festac Town by
46. Your reaction underscores the point I was making. the time you … tomorrow.
A. reveals B. proves wrong C. emphasizes D. justifies. A. returned B. return C. are returning D. would return
47. What he received from the visitor was invaluable 65. The lecturer said that we … be able to finish the next
A. priceless B. worthless C. valueless D. costly. chapter this evening.
A. must B. can C. shall D. should.
48. The potential resources of the university should be
fully exploited. 66. If you want a successful marriage, you … pray for it.
A. important B. latent C. effective D. abundant. A. have better B. better C. had better D. would
49. Tom’s aberrant behaviour attracted attention.
A. rascally B. selfish C. heady D. abnormal 67. I could have agreed with your action if I … not … you
promise to increase he worker’s salaries.
50. A number of people impersonating tax-officials were A. have/heard B. had/heard C. were/haring D. was/hearing.
arraigned before the Chief Magistrate this morning.
A. arranged B. paraded C. moved D. brought. 68. The chemistry teacher seized the girl’s comic … during
the laboratory work.
A. which she had been reading 86. The answers to the questions were discussed … the
B. which she has been reading students.
C. which she had read A. between B. by C. for D. to
D. which she is reading. 87. I can always depend … my father for my survival.
A. on B. in C. upon D. by
69. He … during the whole of last month.
A. was sick B. has been sick C. had been sick D. had sicken. 88. The point … the story is that he is the man’s son.
A. in B. of C. off D. around
70. Ladies and gentlemen, our guest speaker, Dr. Oni …
also a resident doctor at the teaching hospital. 89. The Director is … pains to ensure the success of the
A. who is B. which is C. who was D. is programme.
A. in B. at C. on D. having
71. We are not surprised he was not elected; every one of
his constituents … that he is unreliable. 90. Bola broke … when he heard the news of the arrest of his
A. know B. knows C. will know D. do know twin brother.
A. up B. off C. away D. down
72. I have the … of meeting him.
A. previlege B. privilege C. previledge D. priviledge 91. Yemi said ‘I’m coming’ to her friend Biola who … Was
waiting for her instead of saying …
73. The pastor said ‘lay … your hearts to God’. A. wait for me in a moment B. I will come
A. bier B. bear C. bare D. bar C. I’ll be with you in a moment D. I’ll come now.
74. Now, I am used … Bread without butter. 92. ‘Be that as…we are determined to get to the root of the
A. to eat B. in eating C. of eating D. to eating. matter!’ shouted the officer.
A. you like B. it may C. it would D. it might
75. Dan and Tina met on the ship and greeted …
A. one another B. themselves C. each other D. 93. When the farmers were found guilty of unlawful
theirselves. assembly and procession, their lawyer… before the
sentence was passed.
76. One can no longer take for granted today what … A. begged for mercy B. made a plea for mitigation
enjoyed in the University some years ago, can …? C. made an overture D. made a plea for litigation
A. you/you B. one/one C. he/he D. one/you
94. My price for the pair of shoes is fifty naira. I cannot …
77. Attention has shifted to the teaching of Science anything less than that.
nowadays … the usefulness of the Arts. A. bear with B. settle for C. agree with D. tolerate.
A. in spite of B. not minding C. oblivious to D. forgetting.
95. Aishatu: Could you please give this book to Aminu?
78. … to help him, being the only person in the vicinity. Chidi: Certainly, I … him on something, so it wont be …
A. It was not possible B. There was no one A. I’ll see/anything B. I’ll be seeing/any worry
C. He had nobody D. No person was around. C. I’ll be seeing/any bother D. I can see/any serious.
79. I heard that Kayode’s car was stolen last night. It … be 96. The company representative in Nigeria is a …
true because I saw him… it, this morning. A. smart little Japanese B. little smart Japanese
A. should not/driving B. should not/drive C. smart Japanese little D. little Japanese smart.
C. cannot/drive D. cannot/driving.
97. The shipping company advertised for … accountants.
80. The competitor who … earlier on has started … again A. two young, but highly competent, Nigerian
A. fainted/to run B. had fainted/to run B. young, but highly competent two Nigerian
C. fainted/running D. fainted/on running. C. two Nigerian, young, but highly competent
D. highly competent, but young, two Nigerian.
81. A number of teachers in secondary schools are not so
well disposed to … these days, … they? A. teach/aren’t 98. Let’s have a cup of coffee, …
B. teaching/are C. teach/do D. teach/are A. shall we? B. will we? C. should we? D. could we?
82. If it had rained, we would have had to postpone the 99. No matter to whom I ... nobody in the crowd had a clue
concert. It didn’t rain, so … to what was going out.
A. we won’t have to B. we would have had to A. discussed B. asked C. turned D. contacted
C. we wouldn’t have to D. we didn’t have to.
100. Olu, Akpan and Ovbiagele’s ... make people to believe
83. … all probability, the train will arrive today. that they belong to the same school of thought.
A. In B. Under C. For D. By A. philosophy B. philosophys C. philosophies
D. philososphy’s.
84. We cannot explain his objection … the new law.
A. for B. with C. at D. to.
34. If Garba had listened to advice, he would not have had 47. The girl that my brother introduced to us last week is
to be rushed to the hospital. pretty… ill-mannered.
A. deliberately desired to be rushed A. and B. but also C. as well as D. respectable.
B. was in position to have prevented the need
to be rushed 48. The police report was … to that of the eye witness.
C. was rushed against his wish A. contrary B. inconsistent C. different D. congruent
D. was given a cheque, but preferred to go.
49. The African extended family system gives security to
35. Aduke: Ngozi, let’s visit the market. Ngozi: if you insist, Aduke ... members.
A. is very willing to accompany Aduke A. his B. her C. its D. their.
B. must accompany Aduke
C. is not keen on going with Aduke 50. I know I … read more, but I am tired.
D. is pretending not to be interested in going with Aduke. A. may B. ought to C. would D. could
36. The new leader hands out an olive branch. 51. Insects can become … to insecticides.
A. sues for peace A. immunized B. resistant C. reticent D. immobilized.
B. gives out branches of the olive tree
C. challenges his opponents to a fight 52. The council chairman … the tension between the villagers
D. blesses his supporters. and the tax collectors.
A. dispersed B. defused C. diffused D. disputed.
37. When you go to a foreign country to study, you will
discover that life there is not a bed of roses. 53. If I had been told of the matter earlier, I … there so late.
A. as pleasant as one thought A. would not go B. should not go
B. a bed with roses C. will not have gone. D. would not have gone.
C. an unmitigated disappointment
D. as expected. 54. Each of the candidates that came late … to complete …
A. have/this form B. are having/these forms
38. Because our representative is immature and biased, he C. have/these forms D. has/this form.
takes a jaundiced view of our problems.
A. hazy B. unclear C. prejudiced D. bleak. 55. I wanted to avail myself … the opportunity of listening
to the lecture, but the lecturer failed to turn up
39. The president has sent his regrets. He is unable to attend A. with B. for C. of D. at.
the meeting.
A. explanation B. anxieties C. unhappiness D. apologies. 56. I would have been surprised if … you the orange.
A. plucked B. have plucked C. had plucked D. did pluck.
40. The woman acted courageously when she was attacked
by thieves 57. On getting to the seashore, …
A. shyly B. fearlessly C. timidly D. carelessly. A. it was empty
B. nobody was there
41. We all have both good and bad characteristics. Either C. people had deserted the place
is, however, easily manifested in times of crisis. D. he found nobody there.
A. demanded B. highlighted C. submerged. D. determined.
58. Little did Tunde realize that his frequent unwarranted
In each questions 42 to 100, chose the word(s) or phrase(s) reports about me were working …my advantage.
which best fills(s) the gaps. A. in B. to C. for D. against.
42. The sea waves continue to … the cliff on the west 59. The Board has been having … series of meeting lately.
coast constantly. A. some B. a C. a lot of D. many.
A. impair B. rub C. knock D. erode.
60. … I know, nobody has leopards in this area.
A. So far as B. In as much as C. Provided D. Even as.
43. The college bus was travelling at a high … when the
accident occurred. 61. … him in the crowd, I would have told you at once.
A. velocity B. acceleration C. rapidity D. speed. A. If I will see B. If I saw C. Had I seen D. Should I see.
62. Inyang has always been shy to speak … A. aquired B. acquired C. acquared D. aqcuired
A. in public B. publicly C. in the public D. with the public.
79. The story on the lost jewel was quite …
63. … his uncle helped him or not, he would still not be able A. unbelievable B. unbeliveable C. unbelieveable
to do it. D. unbelivable
A. Although B. If C. Whether D. Since.
80. The patient is suffering from …
64. I have only three tubers of yam … in the store, I cannot A. reumatism B. rheumantism C. rhuematism D. rheumatism.
afford to give you any more.
A. still B. outstanding C. left D. remainder 81. The attitude of my students to … baffles me
A. pronunciation B. pronouncation C. pronunceation
65. Before the bill could be settled, Chuwang … all the money. D. pronounceation
A. has spent B. will have spent C. had spent D. will spent.
82. When we got to the president’s house, we were told
66. Either the chief of the leader of the farmers … to be held that he … two days earlier.
responsible for the revolt. A. may have left B. left C. had left D. has left.
A. were B. are C. is D. have.
83. Atuk, without giving any hint as to what he intended
67. We must observe that most of the support by other states to do, went and … himself.
… only marginal returns. A . hung B. hang C. hanged D. hunged
A. have yielded B. yield C. has yielded D. have yield.
84. Provided you … to the market very soon, we shall be
68. She asked me whether I … the letter for her. able to eat early enough.
A. minded to post B. mind to post C. minded posing A. shall go B. would go C. went D. go
D. minded to posting.
85. He … by now; I can hear all the people shouting:
69. The effort made by the principal to get the students to A. would have arrived B. must have arrived
be serious in their studies … C. had arrived D. should have arrived
A. are appreciated B. will appreciate C. is to appreciate
D. is appreciated. 86. By the time the plane reaches Harare, it … in the air for
twelve hours.
70. How I wish I … my mother’s advice. A. has been B. would be C. would have been D. should
A. had heeded B. have heeded C. heed D. will heed. be
71. Only observers from the Ministry of Works … allowed 87. If only Adoyi … what was good for him he could easily
into the conference room. have avoided the tragedy.
A. is B. are C. have D. been. A. has known B. have known C. knew D. had known.
88. We saw Ifueko … an egg on the wall.
72. A panel set up to probe the organization’s activities … A. smashed B. smash C. smashing D. smashes.
yet to sit
A. are B. is C. will D. would. 89. Many streets in the town … in need of lights at night.
A. stand B. stood C. have stood D. are standing.
73. The school will … for Easter in another six weeks.
A. break off B. break away C. break out D. break 90. I did not enjoy the party. If you had invited Tariere, it …
up. better organized.
A. had been B. would have been C. would be D. could be
74. His power supply was … from the main because he did
not pay his electricity bill. 91. Sibi … novels since she came home
A. blown out B. cut off C. put off D. put out. A. is reading B. had been reading C. has read
D. has been reading.
75. When you’ve finished using the telephone, please hang
… A. down B. up C. off D. on. 92. Asabe is overdue for retirement as she … in this college
since 1954.
76. I do not intend to stay for long at the function. I only want A. is teaching B. has been teaching C. taught D. was teaching.
to …
A. put in an appearance B. put up appearance 93. The boy who stole mango was given … by an eye witness.
C. show up appearance D. keep up appearance. A. out B. in C. away D. up.
94. After listening to the statements form the two students,
77. The man rose to an important position as a result of …
the headmaster realized that it was a trivial argument
hard work.
that ... a serious quarrel between them.
A. sheer B. cheer C. share D. shear.
A. touched in B. drew in C. touched off D. brought up.
78. Ebun Ojo … international fame as an actress
95. Mr. and Mrs. Akoka were sad and disappointed … the 98. The spokesman confirmed that the government would
performance of their son. not give … to the demands of the trade union leaders.
A. about B. for C. at D. over. A. up B. into C. onto D. in.
96. When the transformer blew up, Saka threw himself down 99. Many students have joined the … movement.
… his stomach. A. revivalists’ B. revival C. revivalist D. revivalist’s.
A. at B. over C. to D. on.
100. If they had not all jumped out of the car just in time,
97. I ran … an old friend of mine on Broad Street and they …
brought him home. A. might have been perished
A. into B. to C. over D. across. B. will have perished
C. were all going to perish
D. would have perished.
In each of questions 26 to 36, choose the option opposite in 44. Everybody complained of a lean harvest last year
meaning to the word in italics. A. surplus B. abundant C. poor D. thin.
26. Ojo’s response infuriated his wife 45. He is very modest in his demands
A. annoyed B. pleased C. surprised D. confused. A. honest B. bogus C. extravagant D. humble.
27. He accepted a mundane task without hesitation. 46. The patient disregarded the advice of the doctor
A. great B. lowly C. menial D. moderate A. ignored B. disobeyed C. questioned D. respected.
28. It is a unique opportunity for her to demonstrate the 47. The newly elected leader has pledged to ensure better
reality of her faith life for the citizens
A. strange B. usual C. golden D. unusual A. vowed B. agreed C. undertaken D. undertaking.
29. Her identification with the king is publicly known 48. Statesmen are revered for their objectivity
A. hatred B. disassociation C. relationship D. intimacy A. referred B. respected C. remembered D. rejected.
49. He has been advised to keep his head, the confusion
30. The economic situation in the country is obviously gloomy
A. encouraging B. moody C. unknown D. regrettable A. avoid being beaten or insulted
B. keep calm
31. One wonders if the situation will improve C. save his head
A. brighten B diminish C disintegrate D worsen D. prevent being beheaded.
32. Language teachers believe that grammar exercises 50. The police ran the criminal to earth
stretch the mind A. jailed him B. knocked him down
A. expand B. ruin C. enrich D. restrict C. discovered him D. buried him
33. These two books are identical 51. Garba always puts his shoulder to the wheel.
A. alike B. similar C. different D. equal A. sits with his shoulders straight when he is driving
B. works energetically at the task in hand
34. The doctor tried to alleviate his patients pain
C. performs tasks assigned him grudgingly
D. holds the steering wheel firmly when he is driving. 70. On his … [A. assumption B. ascension C. acceptance
D. appointment] of office, the new president announced
52. He reneged on the agreement between him and his employees. some drastic measures.
A. kept B. failed to keep C. failed to approve
D. failed to sign. 71. The … was filed … [A. suit/in B. case/in C. suit/at
D. case/at] in Ilorin Magistrate Court.
53. He is credulous
A. credible B. creditable C. gullible D. fallible 72. The plaintiff … [A. asked B. begged C. demanded of
D. prayed] the court to restrain the defendants from
54. The company has gone under further action.
A. suffered some loss B. broken up
C. become broke D. become bankrupt. 73. My experience in Lagos last week was … [A. something
to excite B. nothing to explain at home C. nothing
In each questions 55 to 95, fill each gap with the appropriate to write home D. something to celebrate] about.
option from list following the gap.
74. … [A. Had I seen B. Have I seen C. Should I see
55. Many people believe that nuclear power will solve our D. If I saw] him around, I would have informed you.
energy problems … [A. Indeed B. But C. However
D. On the contrary].This has not been proved to be true. 75. Ahmed is one of the boys who always … [A. does B.
would do C. do D. done] good work.
56. … [A. Conclusively B. To conclude C. In conclusion
D. The conclusion], sign post words are useful to readers. 76. I sent … [A. a parcel of B. a flash of C. an item of
D. number of) news to the press yesterday.
57. Every programming language and software package …
[A. have its B. have their C. has its D. has their] 77. The University has a large collection of sporting … [A.
limitations. equipment B. equipments C. costumes D. aids].
58. A programme of good exercise may help a person 78. He keeps his … [ A. surroundings B. surrounding
fight … [A. out B. at C. with D. off] cold. C. premise D. environments] clean always.
59. Baba and … [A. him B. his C. he D. he’s] participated 79. She has a set of gold … [A. earing B. earings C. earrings
in the tournament. D. ear-ring].
60. It was … [A. they B. them C. those D. theirs] who 80. I have stopped writing letters of application because I …
fought the civil war. [A. have heard B. had heard C. heard D. hear] that
all the vacancies are filled.
61. The physicians have more people in … waiting rooms
than … [A. his/he B. there/they C. their/they D. them/ 81. A survey of opinions on how pupils feel about their
they] have ever had. teachers … [A. has been B. have been C. are being D. is
been] carried out.
62. Before mechanization, workers … [A. wring B. wrung
C. wrang D. wringed] water out of fabrics with their hands. 82. The police are looking for … [ A. two big cars black
B. two cars big black C. two big black cars D. two
63. Four engineers … [A. worked B. are working C. had black big cars].
worked D. have been working] on this system since March.
83. Adaobi is contemptuous … [A. to B. at C. for D.
64. Having worked all night, the security man … [A. had felt of] dishonest people.
B. felt C. is feeling D. has felt] a sense of accomplishment.
84. My goats are grazing … [A. on B. in C. at D. into] the field.
65. Three quarters of the Physics class … [A. improve B.
improves C. are improving D. is improving] dramatically. 85. It … [A. would be B. would have been C. would had
been D. will be] easier if he told us himself.
66. A number of students … [A. is B. has C. have D. do]
missed the opportunity to re-register. 86. Our principal and chairman of the occasion … [A. has
B. having C. have D. had] just arrived.
67. It seems to be a well thought … [A. over B. out C. off
87. From 7 a.m to 9 a.m, he … [A. is kept busy serving B.
D. into] scheme.
keeps busy to serve C. is busied serving D. kept
68. Adekunle is prepared for a…[A. show-off B. show-
down C. show-out D. show up] with his opponent busy to serve] hot chocolate, often not having time for
following his defeat last season. his own breakfast.
88. One of the … [A. school of thought suggest s B.
69. Tosin refused to be … [A. sad B. placated C. schools of thought suggest C. school of thoughts
frustrated D. indifferent] though he has written the same suggested D. schools of thought suggests] selective
examination three times. marking of errors
89. You avoid facing … [A. at B. up C. up to D. on to] the 96. People may not pick flowers in this park.
reality of life. A. People can pick flowers in this park.
B. People may not wish to pick flowers in this park.
90. In … [A. a more deeper sense B. a much deeper C. People are prohibited from picking flowers in this park.
sense C. a most deeper sense D. much more deeper D. People cannot pick flowers from this park.
sense] we, as politicians, are identified with the masses.
97. Tom ought not to have told me.
91. In addition, their comments are vague and abstract, … A. Tom did not tell me but he should.
[A. which students find it B. and students find it C. B. Perhaps Tom was wrong to have told me.
so students find them D. but students find them] C. Tom told me but it was wrong of him.
difficult to interpret. D. It was necessary for Tom not to tell me.
92. We are … to receive your letter and to know that you 98. He can’t be swimming all day.
are … [A. happy/in good health B. grateful/sound C. A. It’s possible he is not swimming now.
pleased /all well D. appreciative/swimming in good B. It’s very likely he is swimming now.
health]. C. He does not have the ability to swim all day.
D. He would not like to swim all day
93. People who live by … [A. each other know B. one
another know C. oneself knows D. themselves know] 99. Bolade would make a mess of cooking the rice.
what loneliness is like. A. It was typical of Bolade to make a mess of things.
B. Bolade cannot cook.
94. It has been confirmed that the election … [A. will be B. C. Bolade will not cook the rice well.
is being C. has been D. have being] held in July. D. Bolade does not like cooking rice.
95. The choice to go to the university or not is … [A. yours’ 100. If I were the captain, I would have led the team to victory.
B. your C. yours D. your’s]. A. I was not the captain but I led the team to victory.
B. I was not the captain but I did not lead the team
In each of questions 96 to 100, select the option (A to D) that to victory.
best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. C. I was not the captain and I did not lead the
team to victory.
D. I was the captain and I led the team to victory.
Did you ever pause to think that eating and mating may 30. Whoever would have thought that he would lose the
be…16...[A. interlinked B. intertwined C. interposed D. presidential election?
intermingled] to the extent of becoming targets for a planned A. Everyone believed that he would lose the
international political strategy? If by an accident of geography, election
you happen to live in a region of Africa, Asia or Latin America
that is one of the …17…[A. receivers B. receptors C. recipients B. It was commonly believed that he would win
D. obtainers] of foreign ‘aid’, then pay…18… [A. hid B. heed the election.
C. attention D. cognizance] to an insight provided by Josne de C. He was supposed to lose the election.
Castro, a Brazilian sociologist and a former president of the United D. No one believed that he would win th
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O). election.
The United States imposes birth control, not to help
the poor countries ---- no one believes any more in its 31. It’s wonderful that Musa is already out of hospital.
‘disinterested’ aid programme ---- but because that is its strategic, A. The fact that Musa is out of hospital causes
defence…19…[A. aim B. problem C. method D. policy]. We great wonder
must…20…[A. realize B. recognize C. reckon D. discern] that
the pill is North America’s best guarantee of continuing the B. The fact that Musa is out of hospital is a miracle.
domination of the Third world. If ever the Third world achieves C. It is surprising that Musa is out of hospital
normal development, Washington’s ‘Roman Empire’ will...21…[A. D. It is very pleasing that Musa is out of hospital.
be dissolved B. be dismembered C. disintegrate D. disappear].
These views were …22… [A. confirmed B. affirmed 32. You could have heard the sound if you weren’t asleep.
C. established D. reaffirmed] about a decade later, when R.T. A. You were not asleep so you heard the sound.
Ravenholt of the United States Office of Population stated that B. You were asleep so you did not hear the sound.
the United States was seeking to provide the means by which C. You heard the sound though you were asleep.
one quarter of the world’s fertile women can be…23…[A. D. You did not hear the sound though you were
fertilized B. impregnated C. sterilized D. childless] not asleep.
These two statements are indicative of the…24…[A.
conflict B. convergence C. collision D. collusion] of interests 33. Had Aminu been a dull student, his failure wouldn’t
of multinational pharmaceutical corporations, defence strategist have surprised anybody.
and food politicians. Whether or not population planning is
a…25...[A. ploy B. style C. desire D. scheme]of the ruling elite for A. Aminu failed and it surprised everybody since
finding a scapegoat for its ineptitude is debatable. However, it is he was dull.
evident that there exists an inextricable link between food aid B. Aminu was not a dull student and so
and population planning policies. everybody was surprised that he failed
C. Because Aminu was a dull student, everybody
In each of questions 26 to 35 select the option that best explains was surprised that he failed.
the information conveyed in the sentence.
D. Aminu had been a dull student, and so nobody
26. Between you and me, I would say that the equipment was surprised that he failed
has outlived its usefulness. 34. The president of the club said that he would cross the
A. I believe that the equipment is no longer useful bridge on getting there.
to either of us. A. He was waiting for an opportunity to take a
B. I believe that the equipment continues to be decision.
useful to either you or me. B. When he got to the river he would build a
C. My idea of the usefulness of the equipment bridge across it
should remain known only to the two of us. C. He would take a decision at the appropriate time.
D. My idea of the usefulness of the equipment is D. When he got to the river he would cross at the bridge.
shared by both of us. 35. His refusal to helps us, dealt a deathblow to our plans.
A. Because he did not help, our plans did not
27. Emeka wished he had started school early materialize.
A. Emeka started school early as he wished. B. He helped and our plans materialized
B. Emeka regretted starting school early C. He blew our plans to pieces
C. Emeka regretted not starting school early D. He supported our plans so it worked
In each of questions 51 to 64, choose the most appropriate option
In each of questions 36 to 50, choose the most appropriate option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase(s) in italics.
opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics.
51. Ator led a dog’s life for the twenty years he stayed in theUnited
36. It is entirely up to you to make a profession of your faith. Kingdom.
A. confess your belief A. lived a dirty life B. was promiscuous
B. turn your faith into a business C. was domesticated D. led an unhappy and troubled life
C. deny your faith
D. loudly proclaim your religion. 52. The chief’s brother was a complete nonentity.
A. upstart B. vagabond C. riff-raff
37. He won the election because he was able to carry his
D. person of inexperience
people with him.
A. alienate his people 53. The principal warned us against burning the candle at
B. go out with the people both ends.
C. have the support of the people A. being careless with candles
D. fail to provide the people with transport. B. wearing ourselves out
C. being too generous
38. They often quarreled before leaving the house but made
D. disloyalty
it up by the time they returned home
A. added it up B. reconciled 54. Biola decided to give the task everything he had.
C. fell out D.compounded the problem A. all his money B. all his time C. complete attention
D. complete attendance
39. The effect of rising prices has snowballed considerably.
A. risen B. decreased C. frozen D. grown. 55. The result of the election would have been different if
some people had not been disfranchised.
40 The economic situation is responsible for the recent
A. disfavoured B. banned from contesting
discord in many families.
C. allowed to rig D. prevented from voting.
A. division B. resourcefulness C. harmony D. suffering
56. We enjoy the story but it sounds larger than life.
41. The college was worried about Tunji’s garrulous tendencies
A. too long and unsubstantiated
A. reticent B. loquacious C. quarrelsome D.
B. a little watery and lifeless
C. completely untrue
D. somewhat unusual
42. We have found that cassava is a sine qua non item in
our industry.
57. Olu might visit London next summer.
A. useful B. indispensable C. useless D. dispensable
A. could B. will C. should D. can
43. Science may be a complicated area of learning, but its
58. General Murtala Muhammed excelled in deeds of prowess.
teaching needs to be demystified.
A. simplified B. twisted C. made difficult D. distorted
A. warfare B. politics C. courage D. eloquence.
44. Surveying the sky in the quiet of the night gives me an
59. The teacher’s face broke into an incredulous smile when
ethereal feeling.
he heard Adamu’s reason for coming late.
A. human B. earthly C. mundane D. commonplace
A. irritating B. artificial C. unbelieving D. irresponsible
45. The awareness of mortality has always imposed some 60. Recreation is important in contemporary civilization.
restraint on man’s excesses. A. Leisure B. Treasure C. Freedom D. Pleasure
A. celestiality B. eternity C. continuity D. inestitence
61. He won most of his fights because of his unorthodox style.
A. crude B. dishonest C. aggressive D. unconventional
46. The decision we have taken is irrevocable.
A. responsible B. irresponsible C. reversible D. irreversible 62. Jide says he read in the papers that our uncle has been
47. The lawyer pointed out a discrepancy in the two stories. declared a persona non grata by the French government.
A. similarity B. gap C. falsehood D. difference A. unwelcome guest B. impersonator
C. ungrateful person D. unofficial guest
48. Their high level of dishonesty has made that department
infamous in the entire secretariat.
63. The Vice Chancellor, who is stickler for rules, refused the
A. reputable B. notorious C. unpopular D. acceptable
request by the students for the semester to be rescheduled.
49. When Uche wouldn’t come to quickly enough, the A. a puritan B. a pedantist C. a disciplinarian D. an idealist
principal rushed him to the hospital
A. revive B. pass out C. arrive D. come up 64. The town looked deserted but we moved in with some
50. The governor’s action is out of tune with the
A. confidence B. surprise C. hesitation D. fear
declarations of his party.
A. in disagreement B. in line C. out of touch D. in touch.
In each of question 65 to 100 fill each gap with the most
appropriate option from the list following the gap. 84. The vermin on his body … [A. makes the lunatic look
B. make the lunatic look C. makes the lunatic to
65. I have no respect for individuals who are too...[A. compliance look D. make the lunatic to look] hideous.
B. compliant C. compliable D. complicated].
85. Do you think all … [A. these informations are B. this
66 The policemen who were to keep watch connived… information are C. this information is D. these
[A. with B. at C.to D.for] the robber’s escape. information are] not enough to help the investigator?
67. Kaka is … [A. not only anxious B. anxious not only 86. Do you prefer… [A. going on foot to taking B. to go
C. not only that she is anxious D. anxious] to acquire on foot to taking C. going on foot than taking
knowledge but also eager to display it. D. to go on foot than to take] my rickety car?
68. Wodu will not come… [A. after B. provided C. unless 87. No sooner… [A. did we set out when the rain had started
D. because] she is asked. B. had we set out than the rain started C. were we setting
out than the rain started D. we had set out when the
69. You must forbid… [A. he’s B. that he is C. him for rain started] to fall.
D. his] coming.
88. The company was charged with a … [A. negligence
70. Oche should leave for New York on Friday…[A. all the B. violation C. disregard D. breach] of contract.
things B. all other things C. other things D. other
things all] being equal. 89. The army ran short of … [A. arm and ammunitions
B. arms and ammunitions C. arms and ammunition
71. The woman warned her daughter not to … [A. move D. arm and ammunition].
B. be moving C. be keeping company D. keep
company] with bad boys. 90. The helpless … [A. require B. requires C. does require
D. do requires] our sympathy.
72. Ali is crying because his mother was killed in a…[A. motor
B. traffic C. motor vehicle D. road] accident. 91. My brother got married to a woman with…[A. gorgeous
B. exquisite C. decent D. attractive] manners.
73. Otopkpa is not very bold. He’s not … [A. cut up for
B. cut for C. cut off for D. cut out for] a rough life. 92. The thief we caught yesterday was … [A. disguised
B. concealed C. masked D. veiled] as an official of the
74. Some of the food … [A. is B. are C. were D. have] spoilt. company.
93. The carpenter asked for ten packets of… [A. fifteen-
75. They spent the last holiday with their… [A. sister-in-laws centimetre B. fifteen centimetres’ C. fifteen-
B. sisters-in-law C. sisters-in-laws D. sisters-inlaws] centimetres D. fifteen-centimetres’] nails.
76. You should not need … [A. to tell B. telling C. tell 94. The President refused to shake… [A. hand B. hands
D. to have been told] twice. C. a hand D. his hand] with the visiting Prime Minister.
77. The … [A. story’s length B. length of the story 95. The trader complained that he… [A. had been B. has
C. story length D. stories length] discouraged me from been C. was being D. is being] robbed.
reading it.
96. How can we believe this witness when no one will …
78. When the teacher asked him to join the queue outside, [A. collate B. correlate C. collaborate D.
he considered it … [A. an attack B. an insolence corroborate] his story?
C. an affront D. a disrespect] to his dignity.
97. The journalist’s unpopular views made him the subject
79. When he joined the staff of the school, he had various of much… [A. admiration B. derision C. a
duties … [A. detailed B. assigned C. prescribed dmonition D. suspicion].
D. enlisted] to him.
98. Idubor has gone to see his mechanic because his car
80. The secretary was blamed … [A. for B. about C. over engine needs to be tuned … [A. in B. off C. up D. on].
D. on] the untidy state of the office.
99. I was so anxious to arrive early for the lecture that I …
81. After a long talk with the police, Baba confessed his guilt [A. forgot B. left C. dropped D. abandoned] my
and so the other boys with whom he was accused were … notes in the car.
[A. vindicated B. consoled C. convinced D. exonerated.]
100. Good schools don’t just teach their students, they …
82. You think she hasn’t got any friends? Of course she’s got [A. inform B. instruct C. educate D. coach] them.
… [A. many more B. quite much C. quite a few D. few]
LEXIS AND STRUCTURE 35. In a sentence, there must always be concord between a
subject and its verb.
In each of questions 27 to 30, select the option that best explains A. breach B. departure C. disagreement D. dispute
the information conveyed in the sentence.
36. As soon as the headmaster appeared, the chanting resumed.
27. Had he come that day, the problem would still not have A. Immediately B. Much later C. Soon after D. Almost
been solved. as.
A. He came that day, but the problem was not
solved. 37. In the course of the debate, the speakers were advised
B. He did not come that day, but the problem was to summarize their points.
solved. A. argue B. develop C. round off D. round up
C. He did not come that day, and the problem
was not solved. 38 The elderly often fulminate against the apparent indolence
D. He did not come that day, but his presence of the young generation.
would not have solved the problem. A. protest bitterly about
B. complain seriously about
28. He is now the megaphone of the people’s oppressors. C. promote vigorously
A. He now speaks on behalf of the oppressors. D. commend warmly
B. He now carries the megaphone when the
oppressors speak. 39. We should discourage further investment in existing
C. He is now the oppressor with the loudest factories.
voice. A. productive B.prosperous C. prospective
D. He is the oppressor who now speaks with D. precious
40. Nigeria is gradually experiencing economic recession
29. Here is Mr. Pam the tailor. A. birth B. discovery C. recovery D. destruction.
A. He is the only person known as Mr. Pam, and
he is a tailor. In each of questions 41 to 55, choose the most appropriate
B. He is one of those known as Mr. Pam, and he option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
is a tailor.
C. He is the only tailor, and he is Mr. Pam. 41. We could not put up with his terrible disposition
D. He is one of many tailors, and he is Mr. Pam. A. exterminate B. tolerate C. control D. deal with
30. One of the guarantors shall sign here. 42. She was taken aback by his attitude.
A. It is desirable that one of the guarantors sign A. delayed B. dragged aback C. surprised
here. D. overwhelmed
B. It is reasonable that one of the guarantors
signs here. 43. Many would argue that the achievement commensurate
C. It is obligatory that one of the guarantors with the effort.
signs here. A. unexpected in the light of
D. It is advisable that one of the guarantors signs B. funny compared with
here. C. proportional to
D. the wrong excuse for.
44. They show no finesse in dealing with strangers. In each of questions 56 to 100 fill the gap(s) with the most
A. boldness B. kindness C. tact D. love appropriate option from the list following the gap(s).
45. As a matter of fact, we have been trying to step up 56. When I was in the secondary school, my parents were
production. active members of the … [A. Parents-Teachers
A. maximize B. decrease C. suspend D. increase Association B. Parents’-Teachers’ Association
C. Parent- Teacher Association
D. Parent’s Teacher’s Association.]
46. Ojo used to play tennis everyday.
A. is familiar with playing 57. The pen which you have just picked up is…[A. Charle’s
B. has to play B. Charles’ C. Charless’ D. Charles’s].
C. was in the habit of playing
D. was made to play. 58. It is clear to me that you won’t visit Okoro this holiday,
will you?…[A. Yes, I won’t B. Yes, I will visit C. No,I
47. In his own story, he confirmed that they had been on his won’t D. No,I will not visit]
tail for quite sometime.
A. closely following and watching him 59. Sa’adatu as well as the maids…[A. like plantain chips
B. searching for him B. are liking plantain chips C. is liking plantain
C. giving him a tail chips sD. likes plantain chips].
D. tagging him a talebearer
60. Measles…[A. is B. are C. were D. was] no longer
48. I am surprised to learn that Badmus is an agnostic. impossible to manage these days.
A. someone that believes in God
B. someone who antagonizes God 61. People dislike Jobe because he is a… [A. trickery B.
C. someone who is nonchalant about the tricking C. trickful D. tricky] young man.
existence of God
D. someone who does not believe in the existence 62. If the boys arrived early enough, the match…[A. would
of God. have been played B. will be played C. will have to be
played D. would be played]
49. Although the manager is busy right now, he will soon
be with you presently. 63. There are…[A. appendexes B. appendix C. appendices
A. Immediately B. soon C. without delay D. appendixes] on spelling and pronunciation at the
D. right away end of the book.
50. The governor’s wife, in characteristically simple attire, 64. She usually works hard; but…[A. at times B. atimes C.
walked into the hall unnoticed. attimes D. at time] she could be very lazy.
A. eccentrically B. typically C. consistently
D. intrinsically 65. The police… [A. says they are B. say it is C. say they
are D. says it is] happy about the dwindling crime rate
51. After my husband’s popular election, we had to keep
open house throughout the weekend. 66. The keepers themselves are sometimes… [A. stinged
A. entertain every caller B. stang C. stung D. sting] by the bees.
B. keep all doors open
C. relax security 67. I now realize I…[A. had met B. have met C. met
D. give a party D. meet] you before.
68. The patient was… [A. operated on B. Operated C.
52. Our new Vice-Chancellor has stepped off on the wrong operated for D. operated with] by a group of surgeons
foot. last week.
A. injured his foot while entering his office
B. started off badly 69. The old man couldn’t help…[A. to laugh B. that he
C. made a costly mistake laughed C. laughing D. in laughing] at his grandson’s
D. stepped on the wrong toes. babbling.
53. The corporate existence of any nation is in jeopardy if 70. A range of options…[A. were made B. is made C. are
her leaders pay lip service to her unity. made D. was made] available to the political parties
A. do not promptly pay their taxes. during the recently concluded elections.
B. want to break up the country
C. do not dialogue-regularly over her unity 71. He claimed that Mr. Okoli’s utterance was tantamount
D. are insincere about the problems of her unity to defamation of character, so he sued for…[A. damage
B. some damage C. a damage D. damages].
54. Much to her chagrin, the bridegroom did not turn up
for the wedding 72. I don’t think he can… [A. can’t be B. isn’t it C. can
A. wonder B. surprise C. disappointment D. depression he D. don’t I ]?
55. Ngozi’s countenance is less gloomy: it would appear as 73. The handset was faulty and so it was impossible to…[A
if she is relatively out of the woods. get at B. get over to C. get through to D. get on to]
A. free from difficulties B. just from the forest them by phone.
C. in good condition of health D. out of wants
74. To be extravagant is to be… [A. rich B. luxurious C. 88. My friend…[A. never saw B. did not see C. had not
careless D. wasteful]. seen D. had never seen] me for many years when I met
him last week.
75. The president of the union…[A. would have left B. is
about leaving C. was leaving D. has left] for the airport 89. School buildings that… in 1950…[A. were build/are
by the time the riot started. B. were built/are C. were built/is D. are built/are] now
76. Until his recent experience. Onimisi used to pride himself 90. Sixty percent of the unskilled workers…[A. are retain
…[A. on B. by C. about D. for] his fearlessness. B. is retained C. were retained D. are retained] yearly
by the company.
77. The trader…[A. exhibited B. displayed C. spread D.
demonstrated] his wares at the trade fair. 91. Defects like…in government’s development plans…
[A. this/calls B. these/calls C. this/call D. these/call]
78. Based on the facts before me. I have no alternative…[A. for extra vigilance.
but b. than C. as D. only] to terminate your appointment.
92. Most of his personal….[A. affects was B. affects were
79. Despite the pressure of work during the week, I shall C. effect was D. effects were] stolen.
endeavour to…[A. put up an appearance B. put up
appearance C. put in an appearance D. put on an 93. Tokyo is one of the most developed… [A. electronics
appearance] at your wedding. centre B. electronic centre C. electronics centres
D. electronic centres] of the world.
80. The expected guest eventually arrived…[A. in
company with B. in company of C. by company of D. 94. The director is to liaise… The management… [A. with/
accompanied with] his wife. in B. in/on C. with/on D. on/with] corporate matters.
81. When we visited him, he offered us a variety of…[A. 95. Some motorists …[A. shuttle along B. shuttle from
hot B. local C. hard D. soft] drinks such as whisky and C. shuttle to D. shuttle between] Sokoto and Kano.
96. …[A. Since the cold war is over B. with the cold war
82. The exercise will be easily accomplished by the team if over C. the cold war over D. That the cold war is over],
members had their…[A. pull/resources together B. we can now start meaningful development.
pool/resources together C. pull/resources D. pool/
resources]. 97. My…is for you to refuse the…[A. advise/advice
B. advice/advice C. advice/advise D. advise/advise]
83. I have decided to…[A. abandon B. give up C. discard of the wicked.
D. jettison] drinking alcohol for health reasons.
98. Go straight down the hill and take the third… [A. bend
84. I would like to … [A. accompany B. follow C. e scort B. branch C. junction D. turning] on the left. You can’t
D. join] my father to Kaduna. miss it
85. One…[A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. need not D. dares not] 99. I hereby declare and…[A. inform B. confirm C.
be too careful these days; times are uncertain and walls affirm D. conform] that, to the best of my knowledge,
have ears. this statement is true in all respects
86. I shall never be so tired…[A. as not to be able B. that I
shan’t be able C. and so be unable D. such that I will 100. A citizen in a democracy can…[A. turn up B. bring out
be unable] to write to you. C. bring up D. turn to] the law if he or she wants to correct
an injustice.
87. As you have been here before,…[A. it were better you
B. it is you who will C. you’d better D. you would
better] lead the way.
Use of English 1995
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow. would arrange for my family to join me. Other financial problems
at home would be taken care of by my regular remittances. Would
PASSAGE I I then never think of going back home in future? Not until the
Whenever I have had to ask myself the question why I situation in the country improved considerably, I would answer.
have not left this country for good, many answers rush to my And who did I expect to carry on with the task of national
mind, each striving to be recognized as being the most cogent. I rehabilitation when the likes f me are all out of the country?
am reminded of the popular slogan that this country belongs to Those who messed up the country in the first place, I would
us all’, for which reason every Nigerian must join hands in trying argue. And so on. This dialogue of self has been going on for
to salvage it. I try to dismiss the argument by reasoning that it is the last ten years or so; meanwhile, I am yet to leave the country.
foolhardy attempting to lend a helping hand where one’s services When I wonder how many people share my kind of
are apparently not required. Then I am reminded that if I left the mental experience, realize that we must be very few. For not
country in a hurry just because of our political instability and many have the slightest opportunity of absconding from the
economic hardships, my commitments to my family at home would country; they do not have the place to run to, nor do they have
suffer. I reply by saying that as soon as I got settled abroad, I the means of escape. Even among the elite who consider this
possibility, the uncertainty of a future outside their fatherland reduce mortality rate and improve living conditions. In the field
intimidates. And so we all end up staying and mumbling. of electronics, the invention of the computer is a remarkable
1. To leave the country ‘for good’ means leaving the achievement. The use of computers in economic activities,
country education, administration and business has helped to reduce
A. unexpectedly the exertion of human energy as more activities can be carried
B. for better opportunities out faster and more effectively.
C. permanently However, in spite of the laudable contributions and
D. now that things are not very good lofty accomplishments of technology, it has, nevertheless,
succeeded in introducing several anomalies and, in some cases,
2. The expression ‘each striving to be recognized as being reduced the value attached to human life. In our age, social life
the most cogent’ means each has been greatly altered by technological changes such as the
A. trying to prove its superiority invention of nuclear energy. Those who support the invention
B. determined to prove that it is the most of nuclear energy claim that the only way to maintain peace is to
acceptable be battle-ready. Humanity is greatly threatened and terrorized
C. resolved not to be dislodged by the invention of the nuclear warhead. People now live in
D. attempting to show that it is the brightest. dread of the hour, as no one knows when a conflict may arise
between nations, which may lead to the use of the nuclear bomb
3. The writer’s argument that it is foolhardy to offer one’s assumed to possess the capacity of wiping out humanity within
services where such are apparently not required implies the twinkling of an eye.
that in Nigeria
A. the authorities do not solicit for the services 6. The phrase ‘For nearly a century’ implies that the events
of the citizens described happened
B. mediocrity is the order of the day A. after the present century
C. the authorities are indifferent to offers of help B. before the present century
from the citizens C. at a time that includes the present century
D. to offer to serve the country is dangerous. D. before the development of science and
4. The writer’s posture as to who caused the problems in
his country can be described as 7. The words ‘conjectures’ and ‘hypotheses’ mean
A. indifferent B. unpatriotic A. guess-work B. prediction
C. self-righteousness D. logical. D. understanding D. conclusion
5. The last paragraph of the passage reveals that 8. The inventors of nuclear energy justify the need for it
A. the writer is a member of the elite which alone by saying that it will
indulges in this king of thinking A. make people fear war and thus create peace
B. people in the country only end up arguing B. enable wars to be fought more effectively
among themselves, while nobody does C. provide a balance of power between war and
anything about the situation peace
C. the majority of citizens in the country do not D. balanced society in the world.
possess the ability to argue the way the writer
does 9. The conclusion one can draw from the passage is that the
D. deciding to leave the country is as bad as direction of the development of science and technology
deciding to stay. A. has continued to be of benefit to humanity
B. leaves nothing more to be invented or
PASSAGE II discovered
The development of science and technology in this C. may lead man back to the early periods
century had led men into many inventions and discoveries. For D. has assumed some negative dimensions.
nearly a century, men were content with the use of railways,
carriages and cars. Another chapter opened when steamships 10. The title that best reflects the contents of the passage is
and airplanes were invented. Thus, through technology, man A. Man, Science and the Environment
conquered the land, the water and the airspace. But there was B. Technology in the Service of Man
one area left unconquered by man: outer space. In fact, outer C. Science and Technology through the
space --- planets, stars and the galaxies --- was known only Centuries
through magnifying lenses. Thus, man operated on mere D. Science, Technology and Human Existence.
conjectures as far as knowledge of these things was concerned.
Consequently, there was no scientific certainty, only hypotheses. PASSAGE III
But today, man has penetrated outer space.
Standard English refers to the authoritative and correct
It is true that science and technology have developed
tremendously in this century. In the field of engineering, for usage of the language, the medium of expression for government
example, the automobile has been invented as a means of easier, and education. Its opposite is a dialectal variant of the language,
more comfortable and faster movement from one place to another. that is, accepted and recognized words, expressions and
Apart from that, methods and instruments for diagnosing structures peculiar to a smaller group of language users who are
diseases and promoting hygiene and sanitation have helped to generally set apart from standard usage by cultural group or
geographical region. For example, Nigerian, American, Irish and [A. produces B. records C. determines D. decides] the type of
British English differ from one another in many respects and person one is. But it is important to realize that good food …24…
each is identifiable, yet in every case the standard variety [A. lends B. gives C. makes D. rewards] one …25…[A.
approaches a single and hypothetical classification known as immunization B. immunity C. release D. retreat] from diseases.
international English. As one moves towards informality and
away from the observance of strict rules, emphasis falls on the LEXIS AND STRUCTURE
differences between dialects. In addition to American English
being distinguishable from British English, it is also true that In each of questions 26 to 30, select the option that best explains
British English is not uniform within the United Kingdom. The the information conveyed in the sentence.
level of formality is determined by education and aspiration,
while dialects vary from region to region. 26. Most of the time, their presence is a menace.
[The Department of English, Obafemi Awolowo A. Their presence is always meaningful
University, IIe-Ife: Theuse of English Text (1980)] B. Their presence is seldom a bother
C. Their presence is usually of great concern
11. The author refers to standard English as D. Their presence is frequently a threat.
A. a dialectal variant of language
B. an authoritative style of usage 27. My son, who is in the U.S.A., is studying Engineering.
C. the orthodox and accurate usage of the A. My only son is in the U.S.A. studying
language Engineering.
D. the accepted and recognized words, B. One of my sons is in the U.S.A. studying
expressions and structures, peculiar to a Engineering.
smaller group of language users. C. My sons are in the U.S.A. but only one is
studying Engineering.
12. One characteristic of a dialect as mentioned in the passage is D. Only my son is in the U.S.A. studying
A. informality Engineering.
B. possession of various forms
C. distinction from British English 28. I was one of those who actively believed in his
D. restricted area of usage. development programmes.
A. I was part of those who renounced the
13. According to the author, Nigerian, American, Irish and programmes.
British English can be regarded as B. I was the originator of the programmes.
A. registers B. standards C. I was one of the people who embraced the
C. styles D. languages. programmes.
D. I was one of the great number who developed
14. According to the passage, international English is his programmes actively.
A. a kind of arbitrary classification
B. an imaginary classification 29. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind
C. an informal standard exceedingly small.
D. a recognized formal standard. A. God has a mill where every material in life is
thoroughly ground.
15. The observance of strict rules is a feature of B. God may seem slow in action, but He
A. formality B. dialects adequately rewards every bit of injustice.
C. languages D. unconventionality C. The world is like a food factory where God
takes His time in grinding all raw materials
Use the passage below to answer question 16 to 25. The passage properly.
has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, D. Even though God is never in a hurry, He
four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option achievesall things.
for each gap.
30. People are not interested in who rules
Many Nigerians are yet to appreciate the importance of A. People who rule are not interested in the ruled
…16…[A. consuming B. eating C. swallowing D. taking] good B. The rulers are not indifferent about the people
food. The major reason for this lack of …17… [A. awareness B. C. People are indifferent about the rulers
seriousness C. sense of responsibility D. determination] is to D. People are not ruled by the people they are
be …18…[A. seen B. acknowledged C. discovered D. interested in.
found] in the pattern of spending ...19... [A. recurring B. usual
C. frequent D. common] among the people of this country. This In each of questions 31 to 50, choose the most appropriate
pattern is characterized by lack of …20…[A. thinking B. saving option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
C. planning D. controlling], which is evident in the wasteful
spending habit of Nigerians, a good number of whom are quite 31. Good students can easily identify spurious arguments.
…21… [A. arrogant B. stingy C. crazy D. extravagant] when A. genuine B. interesting C. false D. illogical.
it comes to buying clothes. This …22… [ A. desire B.
anticipation C. aversion D. regret] for expensive clothes has
been brought about by the belief that it is appearance that …23…
32. Eze’s skin now looks flabby as a result of his changed 47. The video tape recorder was made obsolete by the
circumstances. introduction of the satellite dish.
A. neat B. firm C. weak D. oily. A. antiquated B. useless C. fashionable D. functional.
33. He and his lieutenants have been accused of remaining 48. Segun is somebody who always follows his own inclinations.
intransigent. A. impulses B. aversions C. dispositions
A. rigid B. stubborn C. compromising D. popular. D. deviations
34. In the opinion of most observers, it was a disinterested 49. The poor man is compelled to languish in his poverty-
decision. stricken situation.
A. neutral B. impartial C. biased D. candid. A. luxuriate in B. deteriorate in C. suffer in D. laugh at
35. We watched in wonder as she rattled away in the esoteric 50. The engineers have been urged to make a prototype of
language. the long-awaited Nigeria car.
A. inscrutable B. familiar C. secret D. obscure. A. specimen B. original C. copy D. drawing.
36. She was asked to swallow her pride and get busy. In each of the questions 51 to 67, choose the most appropriate
A. be more realistic B. eat up her own pride option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
C. be more insistent C. be less proud.
51. The young man’s behaviour showed that he was at the
37. Many species in creation have mutated over the years top of the tree.
into new forms of life. A. at the highest position in his profession
A. stabilized B. manifested B. confused
C. transformed D. standardized. C. at a point of preparedness to show good example
D. arrogant.
38. His textile business deals are in gross.
A. wholesale B. imported C. retailed D. exported. 52. The chairman’s reaction was a storm in a tea cup.
A. suitable for the occasion
39. The government is initiating new effective programmes B. less serious than it appeared to be
to boost production. C. more serious than necessary
A. ending/enhance B. reviewing/renew D. greatly diminished in scope.
C. rearranging/increase D. terminating/reduce.
53. Do this job while I am away, but take your time.
40. The culprit unwittingly subjected himself to great A. be careful B. be thorough C. be fast
humiliation. D. don’t be in a hurry.
A. cunningly B. curiously C. foolishly D. subtly
54. The judge took issue with the counsel who complained
41. The masses are controlled by the whims and caprices of double standards.
of their rulers. A. agreed with B. argued with C. criticized
A. wish B. parochialism D. supported.
C. will power D. level-headedness
55. I shuddered in revulsion as I watched the snake slowly
42. In his quest for solidarity, the party leader undertook a swallow the struggling rat.
nation-wide tour. A. was fascinated B. was repelled C. was interested
A. unity B. resistance C. mobilization D. re-organization D. was distressed.
43. Our party is wielding potent political power. 56. At that point, the speaker went off at a tangent.
A. assuming B. renouncing C. restoring A. started to run away like a mad person
D. reappraising. B. took a lashing out at the audience
C. began to discuss unrelated matters
44. The ruler expects full allegiance from his subjects at D. chose to recall previous decision.
all times.
A. obedience B. homage C. disloyalty D. disapproval. 57. The enemy interestingly proved a real bulwark on that
memorable day.
45. In spite of many days of fasting, Musa is still fastidious A. protecting force B. source of trouble
about his food. C. troubleshooter D. tribulation.
A. particular B. undecided C. indifferent D. unmindful.
58. It was evident to whoever listened to his speech that
46. The leader called for concerted efforts in order to get he also had an axe to grind.
over the problems. A. an account to settle with someone
A. combined B. definite C. disparate D. isolated. B. a tool or something to sharpen
C. a bone to pick with someone
D. a personal objective to achieve.
59. He might be compelled to make a momentous decision. 73. The teacher with his wife … [A. were B. were to be
A. a voluntary B. a spontaneous C. an important C. are D. was] here.
D. an involuntary.
74. … [A. if he did this B. if he could do this C. if he were
60. The Principal advised the students to bear with him in doing this D. if he had done this] he would have been
their present situation since every cloud has a silver lining. convicted.
A. every school has its problem
B. every bad situation has something good 75. What saved her was that she … [A. had clinged B.
C. good things always bring problems clung C. clinged D. clang] to the side of the boas.
D. difficulties often bring good things.
76. She has been here … [A. since B. for C. from D. in] the
61. Uche’s mother advised him to talk very little because past three years.
still waters run deep.
A. his enemies may be listening 77. He was … weak [A. so/that B. too/that C. very/that
B. there is no pride in talking too much D. so/when] he could not climb the stairs.
C. there is wisdom in silence
D. talking too much could lead him into trouble. 78. The hospital can now boast of more … [A. women
doctor B. woman doctors C. women doctors
62. Akin made such a dog’s breakfast of his home work. D. woman’s doctors].
A. an excellent job B. a brilliant attempt C. a mess
D. a poor performance. 79. He is one of those who … [A. teachers B. is teaching.
C. are teaching D. teach] in my school.
63. The confuses student found himself in a spot
A. in a particular place 80. The director, no less than his workers … [A. is B. are
B. in a normal situation C. were D. ought] to blame.
C. in a pleasant situation
D. in a difficult situation. 81. The principal asked me … [ A. what is my name
B. what was my name C. what my name was D. what
64. The man who gave the closing remarks at the party my name should be].
spoke tongue in cheek.
A. ironically B. wisely C. profusely D. eloquently. 82. He did not explain what happened … [A. either B. never
C. neither D. rather] did she.
65. New companies in the country always put up classified
advertisements in the dailies 83. Did the boy enjoy …[A. each other B. one another
A. secret B. small C. outrageous D. expensive C. themselves D. theirselves] when they went on
66. The Doctor insisted on giving all of us prophylactic drugs. 84. It’s time the room … [A. is redecorated B. was been
A. curative B. preventive C. routine D. special. redecorated C. is being redecorated D. has been
redecorated] it looks awful.
67. The delegates to the Constitutional Conference have
mooted that funding of universities be transferred to 85. Her mother said to her ‘I …[A. would rather you
states where they are located. cooked B. would rather you cook. C. would rather
A. said B. agreed C. proposed D. legislated. you not cook D. would rather you have cooked] the
dinner now.
In each of question 68 to 100, fill the gap (s) with the most
appropriate option from the list following the gaps (s) 86. The driver of the car admitted … [A. to not have B. not
having C. to not having D. not to have] a licence.
68. The workers suffered a lot, toiling … [A. in B. under
C. underneath D. inside] the sun. 87. The panel’s … [A. credit B. credence C. credibility
D. credulity] was stretched to the limit by what they
69. Either Ekaete or you … [A. was B. are C. has D. is] to go. heard.
70. She has the … [A. elision B. illusion C. delusion 88. The poor man was pleased to find…[A. a rubber old
D. allusion] of being intelligent when in fact she is not. discarded B. an old discarded rubber C. a discarded
rubber old D. an old rubber discarded] type
71. … [A. A 90-year-old B. A 90-year-old C. A 90-
year-old D. 90-year-old] women was attacked by a 89. The minister can’t come today because he has … [A. a
group of bandits. former B. a preceding C. a prior D. an advance]
72. He was angry with me … [A. on B. for C. of D. at]
being treated nonchalantly. 90. The policemen pointed out a …[A. discrepancy B.
discord C. distinction D. disagreement] between Mr.
Ogene’s two account of the incident.
91. The …[A. cite B. sight C. site D. side] engineer was 96. The fact that Olu was able to guess correctly some of
unhappy with the shoddy work done by the contractors. the questions that were asked, made him … [A. have
the edge on B. obtain a edge over C. have an edge
92. During the examination, a student … [A. requested B. over D. obtain the edge with] the other candidates.
requested for C. requests for D. request] more answer
sheets. 97. This is to congratulate you on your success in the last
examination and to wish you … [A. more grease to
93. It was an … moment for us to be [A. opportune/ your elbow B. more power to your elbow C. some
privileged B. opportune/privileged C. opportune/ grease on your elbow D. some power to your elbow].
privileged D. opportuned/opportune] to welcome the 98. One ot the vice …[A. president acts B. president acts
new Vice-Chancellor. C. president’s acts D. presidents acts] in an interim
94. You must study hard this semester in order to avoid
being made … [A. an object of B. an object for C. a 99. The development is to be carried to the ... [A. grass
subject for D. an subject with] ridicule. root B. grassroots C. grassroots D. grass-root] level.
95. One of the three candidates contesting the union 100. A very popular rules is at the … [A. helms of affair B.
election was obliged to …[A. step down B. stand down helm of affair C. reaim of affair D. helm of affairs].
C. step out D. stand out] in favour of his friend.
7. One of the reasons why theatre is unpopular in modern 11. It is important for Universities to be independent so
Africa is that it that they can
A. is regarded as not being of much use A. attract funds from industries
B. only deals with cultural and tradition B. determine their goals
C. lacks scientific and academic bases C. be left to expand without any hindrance
D. is always funny and looked down upon. D. carry out effective research.
8. In the passage the terms ‘theatre’ and ‘drama’ are used 12. The writer advocates for multiple sources of university
A. differently B. concurrently C. interchangeable funding in order to
D. sparingly. A. enhance university autonomy
B. reduce dependence on government
9. One of the arguments in the passage is that academic C. ensure that the numerous needs of the
playwrights universities are met
A. express themselves only in foreign languages D. maintain acceptable levels of infrastructural
B. serve as a catalyst in the society’s appreciation development.
of theatre
C. work against the common man’s appreciation 13. The expression ‘intricate issues of special concern’
of theatre means
D. make theatre popular in traditional societies. A. important policy statements
B. interwoven topics of significance
10. By the expression ‘climb down’, the author implies that C. complex matters requiring careful thought
modern playwrights should D. knotty problems that concern everybody.
A. be simplistic in the use if language
B. not move on 14. The word ‘diversified’ as used in the passage means A.
C. use language that is most appreciated by the people differentiated B. varied C. diffused D. widened.
D. wait for the community to catch up with them
15. The source of university funding emphasized in the
passage is
A. government B. industry A. Bassey is very strong
C. the general public D. student B. Bassey is very brave
C. Bassey is determined
D. Bassey is unsympathetic
In each of questions 31 to 50 choose the most appropriate option
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
following each gap, for option are provided. Choose the most
appropriate option for each gap. 31. He gave a painstaking account of his account of his
encounter with the ghost of his father
In today’s society, few people at home need feel…16…[A. A. sordid B. fearful C. half- hearted D. tender-hearted.
estranged B. discouraged C. bad D. intrigued] from other people
and … 17…[A. cut out B. off C. cut away D. cut down] from the 32. Bala was put off by Lanre’s conquettish behaviour
world about them. Telephone, television, car, common, social towards him.
and educational …18…[A. interest B. associations C. interests A. unfriendly advantage
C. activity D. escapapades] with other parents, all keep married B. inviting and friendly advances
couples in living …19…[A. contact B. contract C. activity D. C. quarrel some attitude
together] with the rest of the community. If a person D. interesting attitude.
feels…20…[A. deprived B. isolated C. neglected D. cheated], it
may be that he of she has allowed himself of herself to become 33. Since mortality is the lot of man argued the preacher,
so. we must all accept death with equanimity.
The person who…21…[A. administers B. runs C. orders A. concern B. uncertainty C. serenity D. anxiety.
D. arranges] the home is the master of the immediate environment
and is free to plan the daily…22…[A. chores B. timetable C. 34. We admire the minister’s passionate and dynamic
organization D. routing] to allow for time off, or for reading, or characteristics.
cultural or social activities, much more so than the worker in a A. cruel and passive
factory of office. In fact, in the case of a full-time housewife and B. kind and forceful
mother, if she uses her time to good effect, she could C. passive and charmless
develop…23…[A. mentally B. physically C. economically D. D. charmless and cruel.
intelligently] by reading or home study as well as enrich herself
with the ameliorating experience denied to a working woman, 35. I was advised to stay away from cities that are ravaged
namely loving daily contact with her children …24…[A. Bearing by crime.
B. Dressing up C. Washing up D. Bringing up] children is A. spoilt by B. free from C. suffering from D. haven of.
regarded by many people as a rewarding…25…[A. activity B.
experience C. promotion D. engagement] and a labour of love. 36. You can use lethal means if necessary to stop
dangerous characters from molesting innocent citizens
LEXIS AND STRUCTURE A. fatal B. cruel C. harmless D. soft
In each of questions 26 to 30, select the option that best explains 37. His intention was not actually to punish the villagers,
the information conveyed in the sentence. and in any case he is now making moves to pacify them
A. placate B. ridicule C. appease D. annoy.
26. The stadium had a capacity crowd in spite of the
weather. 38. If you are really keen on immediate results, you just
A. The weather favoured the crowd at the have to adopt this pragmatic approach
stadium. B. The crowd defied the weather to fill A. practical B. unrealistic C. opportunistic D. sensible.
the stadium. C. The stadium was not filled because
of the weather. D. The crowd loved the weather at the 39. My friend was reduced to beggary by various ill-
stadium. advised business deals.
A. affluence B. penury C. influence D. poverty.
27. Imona couldn’t have attended lectures yesterday.
A. It was possible that Imona attended lectures 40. Measures were taken to authenticate the number of
yesterday. the booklets received.
B. It was possible that Imona didn’t attend lecturer A. reaffirm B. discredit C. discountenance D. count
C. It was impossible that Imona attended lectures 41. He urged other progressives in the country to join forces
yesterday. with his association
D. It was impossible that Imona didn’t attend A. radicals B. conservatives C. pessimists D. activists
lectures yesterday.
42. Adama’s father simply condoned her bad habits instead
28. The conference is biennial. of punishing her appropriately
A. The conference is held twice every year. A. opposed B. blamed C. accepted D. forbade.
B. The conference is held twice every two years
C. The conference is held once every other year. 43. The undesirable elements who perpetuate these vices
D. The conference lasts for two years. are never detected.
A. aggravate B. overlook C. discontinue D. encourage.
29. Only two ministers survived the recent cabinet reshuffle.
A. In the recent changes in government, 44. Some travellers unwittingly render themselves open
only twoministers were sacked. prey to questionable character.
B. In the recent changes in government, all but A. genuinely B. wholesomely C. knowingly
two ministers remained alive. D. inadvertently.
C. In the recent changes in government, all but
two ministers retained their posts. 45. His father is a shrewd businessman
D. In the recent changes in government, all but A. gullible B. orderly C. reliable D. resourceful.
two ministers were sacked.
30. Bassey is as hard as nail
46. Many people have raised the issued about the need for
an equitable distribution of our wealth 62. You don’t have to agree with our producers.
A. a fair B. an even C. an unjust D. an undue. A. shouldn’t disagree B. must not agree
C. may disagree if you don’t wish
47. The pastor decided to exorcise the evil spirit as the D. may not disagree if you don’t wish.
afflicted member of his congregation cried for help.
A. expel B. dive C. invite D. charm. 63. The new Vice-Chancellor’s immediate concern was to
tide over the major difficulties of the moment
48. He mumbled a few words at the trial and then cried A. temporarily accommodate
A. shouted B. murmured C. charm D. invite. B. permanently handle
C. decisively solve
49. There are many areas of convergence between male D. pretend to solve.
and female behaviour.
A. concomitance B. concordance C. incompatibility 64. The minister’s anger was aggravated by the news of
D. incomparability. the disaster.
A. abated B. magnified C. intensifies D. impeded.
50. The greenhouse effect is beginning to abate in Europe
A. intensify B. extenuate C. surface D. ameliorate 65. The lawyer gave evasive answers to all the questions.
A. Unintelligent B. ineffective
In each of questions 51 to 70 choose the option nearest in C. unreliable D.
meaning to the word(s) or phase in italics. equivocal.
51. Adebayo’s plans for the future are in the air. 66. Their strength is their staggering capacity to
A. suspended B. uncertain C. empty D. floating reproduce.
A. unstable mutiplying power
52. The group of performers thrilled the audience with its B. unreliable attacking power
peculiar choreography. C. qualitative multiplying power
A. form of dancing B. art of theatrics D. overwhelming multiplying power.
C. type of costuming D. mode of singing
67. The sales were lively; the upset price in each case was
53. Our local paper is noted for its incisive editorials on fair.
local politics. A. price that was the highest in the sales
A. sarcastic B. penetrating C. decisive D. destructive. B. price that upset every other buyer
C. highest amount for a bidder to offer
54. The criminal didn’t bat an eyelid when the judge D. lowest selling price of each item.
pronounced the sentence.
A. displayed no understanding whatsoever 68. The cleaner resigned from his job which he said had
B. didn’t shed a single tear become a trivial round.
C. moved none of his eyelids A. unrewarding B. too routine
D. showed no emotion or surprise. C. rather degrading D. unattractive
55. The rally was attended only by people who were 69. The island becomes more enchanting at night
apolitical. A. attractive B. delightful C. accommodating D. livery
A. full of political fervour
B. antagonistic to politicians 70. For a long time, the robber defied police warnings as if
C. new-breed politicians he was inculnerable.
D. not interested in politics. A. perfectly justifiable B. difficult to catch
C. impossible to harm D. indifferent to danger.
56. Smilling broadly, she explained why she always took
exception to being referred to as his wife In each of questions 71 to 100 fill each gap with the most
A. objected to appropriate option from the list following the gap.
B. preferred very much
C. felt specially honoured by 71. He was…[A. assisted B. duped C. cajoled D.
D. liked nothing excepts. encouraged] by the trickster.
57. In those days an ordinary school drop-out would come 72. When the soldiers saw that resistance was…[A.
around putting on airs. inadequate B. inefficient C. futile D. successful] they
A. trying to impress people stopped fighting.
B. trying to oppress people
C. wearing flashy clother 73. you should read all the…[A. brochures B. prospectuses
D. dresses in light materials. C. tickets D. handouts] carefully before you decide
where to go on holiday.
58. Many Nigerian have inured themselves to hardship
A. subjected B. submitted C. accustomed D. endeared. 74. The Emir and conqueror of the enemy territories…[A.
arrives B. are to arrive C. arrive D, are arriving] next
59. There are many venal judges in our law courts today week.
A. Qualified B. professional C. corrupt D. honest.
75. We ought to have visited the Governor…[A. isn’t it B.
60. He is bound to exposes himself by his nefarious oughtn’t we C. shouldn’t we D. haven’t we]?
A. kind B. disreputable C. despicable D. nocturnal. 76. He didn’t sense Obi’s presence in the room did he? …
[A. yes, he did B. No, he did C. yes, he didn’t D. No, he
61. In this house, children are supposed to be in bed by ten didn’t].
A. just before B. not before C. about D. not later than.
77. You can stay here…[A. as long B. so long C. in as 89. The protesters unable to pull down the status …[A. wrenched
much D. for as long ] as you are quiet. B. pushed C. towed D. burnt] it from its fixtures.
78. Where … buses … [A. does these/go B. do this/goes 90. …[A. there’s B. theres’ C. theirs’ D. their’s] been no
C. do these/go D. does these/ goes]? officail reaction to your request yet.
79. Ours…[A. are a resource B. is a resource C. are 91. His looks portend that … [A. some news B. a new C. news
resources D. is a resourced] based venture. D. the news] would be unpleasant.
80. Wale: do you know where my chemistry book is? Tom: 92. By January 1999 I … [A. should have been B. would be
[A. Toyin is with it B. it is with Toyin C. Toyin has it C. can be D. must be] ten years in the service of this
D. Toyin lent it]. institution.
81. The accident occurred when the driver of the car…[A. 93. The accused is optimistic of regaining his freedom
reversed towards B. reversed into C. reversed to D. because there is no witness to [A. correct B. challenge
reversed back into] the lorry. C. corroborate D. contradicts] his story.
82. …[A. Has it been that you asked me B. Had it been 94. Don’t … [A. prevaricate B. predicate C. precipitate
that you asked me C. if you have asked me. D. if you D. be pejorative] said the leader I want a decision now.
had asked me] I would have helped you.
95. Most of the missing jewelry were…[A. found B. taken
83. Those men helped Dupe and … [A. myself B. I C. me C. kept D. recovered] by the police.
D. we].
96. All the cattle on Lamidi’s farm… [A. is tick free B. are
84. The principal warned the students not to take the … tick-free C. is ticks-free D. are ticks-free].
[A. law into their B. laws into their C. law into
their own D. laws into their own] hands. 97. He saw the play and so … [A. was she B. had she
C. should she D. did she].
85. I had hardly… [A. lay B. lied C. lain D. laid] down
to sleep when I heard the gunshot.
98. The … [A. fragrance B. scent C. aroma D. smell]
86. My shoes are worn out; I must see my… [ A. grocer of what she was cooking filled the whole company.
B. tanner C. cobbler D. hosier].
99. I hope I have not … [A. invaded B. encroached
87. Kunle was annoyed for arriving late… [A. also Kemi’s C. intruded D. trespassed] too much on your time.
rather insolent manner B. also that Kemi’s insolent
manner C. and Kemi’s rather insolent manner 100. The exercise presented us with a lot of problems but
also D. and Kemi is also insolent which] put him later it was all … [A. plain B. smooth C. rough
out of temper. D. tough] sailing.
88. A sterile range of mountains, broken at intervals by
deep ravines…[A. enclose B. encloses C. cover
D. covers] almost the whole of this small state.
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that layer of blanket intercedes between the heat of the sun and the
follow inhabitants of the city.
Compared to what obtains in most other Nigerian cities,
PASSAGE I the inhabitants of Jos are openly warm. They are relaxed, and
Those who have visited the city of Jos in Nigeria attest there is the absence of that suffocating feeling, with which a
to its uniqueness. The first striking thing to notice, perhaps, is place likes Lagos is associated, of a people madly rushing to
the benevolence of the climate. It will be no exaggeration to say their graves. The groceries operating at all nooks and crannies
that in no other Nigerian city does one feel so much at peace, so of the city give the impression of a great abundance of a variety
relaxed, with the climate as in Jos. When people say that Jos is of food items. It is almost as if some unseen hands are responsible
cool, the remark is always a compliment, referring to the cool, for the presence of these varieties of edible items. The truth of
serene feeling of being at peace with nature, which one course is that, in Jos, people - civil servants, farmers and traders
experiences in the city. This feeling is topographically symbolized – are socially well-disposed to the influx of the new settlers and
by the surrounding rocky hills, which adorn the horizon from novel ideas and this ensures an apparent high degree of self-
every angle of the city. These hills remind you of castles, excepts sufficiency. You may be hungry in Jos, but you need not be
that whereas castles are man-made, the hills of Jos are natural angry.
edifices in which the master mason who had delicately laid those If other parts of Nigeria had been like Jos, surely the
stones one upon another is no other than God Himself. The sun colonialists would never have left the country without a good
of Jos shines without malice, and even in February and March, fight. Many monuments abound in the city, which tell tales of
when it is scorching hot in most parts of Nigeria, the heat of Jos the Whiteman’s love for this city of solid minerals.
dances charmingly on the surface of the skin, as if afraid of
hurting the organs beneath. It is as if from above a soft protective
1. The presence of a wide variety of edible items in Jos of life and of living in general. Fulfillment is probably the
suggests that embracing word; more ‘fulfillment’ more satisfaction and less
A. the inhabitants are great farmers and frustration for more Homo sapiens. Man wants more varied and
B. the soil is extremely fertile and receptive fuller achievement in the society as opposed to drabness and
C. there is a high influx of traders and farmers shrinkages. We want more knowledge and more interest as
from other places against ignorance and apathy. Then would we know that the
D. it rains all the year round in the city and its spatial environment is not as small as we think.
2. The benevolence of Jos climate is reflected in the 6. The theme of the passage is
A. feeling of peace and harmony with nature A. population explosion and development in medicine
which the city evokes B. man in a deprived world
B. cold climate of the city which makes people C. development in medicine and hygiene
always dress warmly D. population and the need for qualitative development.
C. fact that the inhabitants of Jos do not need to
work hard
D. average life-span of the inhabitants of Jos, 7. Population explosion is as a result of
which is high. A. cut down in death rates and birth rates
B. lack of birth control and child welfare
3. One distinctive ecological feature symbolizing the close C. development in environmental sanitation
intimacy between Jos and nature, is the D. imbalance between death control and birth
A. bright horizon adorning the city from every angle control.
B. rocky hills standing at various points of the city
like castles
C. sun which shines over Jos with benevolence 8. According to the passage, population explosion has
D. clouds which spread a blanket of protection brought man up against the ecological facts of
between the sun and the earth. A. man’s inhumanity to man, hunger and deprivation
B. pressing hard on the little available space
4. The last paragragh of the passage suggests that
A. the colonialists left Jos only after a fight C. little leeway of man’s colonization of people
B. the colonialists left Jos reluctantly D. squalid African villages.
C. Jos could not contain the many colonialists
D. Nigeria’s independence forced many 9. According to the passage, the main purpose of human
colonialists out of Jos. existences is
A. for procreation
5. ‘The heat of Jos dances caressingly on the surface of
the skin as if afraid to hurt the organs beneath’ this B. to provide cannon-fodder
means in Jos it is C. to live perpetually in penury
A. never hot B. always cold C. never uncomfortable D. to live a life of fulfillment.
D. always warm.
10. ‘Little leeway’ can be replaced with
PASSAGE II A. not much extra space B. no extra space
Population has at last made the grade and emerged as a
world problem. Unfortunately, most of those who speak or write C. plenty of space D. scarcely any space.
about it persist in thinking of it in terms of a race between human
numbers and world resources especially of food - a kind of PASSAGE III
competition between production and reproduction. There is another interesting fact about eye movement.
Certainly, the statistics churned out are important If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading
revealing that indeed, there is a population explosion. But the
you will notice that from time to time the reader goes back and
real explosion is a twentieth century phenomenon, due primarily
looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he
to the spectacular development in medicine and hygiene. This
regresses to an earlier part of the text probably because he
has drastically cut down death rates without any corresponding
realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he
reduction in birth rates; death control without birth control.
comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one
World population we are told has more than doubled since 1900
time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is a fact a
and will certainly reach well over 5½ billion and possibly 7 billion
very necessary activity in efficient reading.
by the magical year 2000.
There are several different kinds of fault in reading,
The population has brought us up against a number of
which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners. The
tough ecological facts. Man is at last pressing hard on his spatial
most common one is that most people read more slowly than
environment - there is little leeway left for his colonization of
they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read of
new areas of the world’s surface…
course; it depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the
What are people for? Surely people do not exist just to
language is, how unfamiliar the material is and so on. But most
provided ‘ bomb-fodder’ for an atomic bonfire or ‘religious fodder’
people read everything at the same slow speed and do not seem
for rival religion sects or ‘cannon-fodder’ for rival national armies
to realise that they can read faster or slower as required. Other
or rival political parties or even consumer-fodder’ for profit
people say the words to themselves or move their lips - these
making systems. It cannot be their aim just to eat, drink and be
habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed,
merry and to hell with posterity nor to live out their
which is of course much slower than reading speed. Another
undernourished lives in some squalid Asian or African village.
habit which can slow you down is following the line with your
Man’s dominant aim must be to increase in quality-quality
finger, or with a pen.
of human personality, of achievement, of inner experience, quality
If you want to be able to read faster the secret is simply On the day of the mention and the motion, the court
to practise under timed conditions. This means that you should became alive as early as 8.30 a.m as the …22…[A. presiding
give yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding judge B. court clerk C. justice D. prosecutor] was known for
then check your time when you have finished. Students who his punctuality. He would sit at exactly 9 a.m . The plaintiffs and
have practised fast reading even for only an hour a week, have their counsel were the first to come into the court room, then
shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten came the defence counsel. At the dot of the hour, three bangs
weeks’ duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading were heard, immediately after which the court clerk announced
with less comprehension - in fact students usually show small the presence of the judge.
increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase in In no time the court clerk read out the case and both
speed. counsels announced their …23…[A. presence B. appearances
[Wallace, M.C: Study Skills in English, C.U.P. 1980]
C. arrivals D.interests] . The counsel to the plaintiffs moved his
motion relying on a six- paragraph …24…[A. oath B. affidavit C.
11. The expression ‘There is no rate at which people ought presentation D. arguments ] which contained the facts of the
to read of course... is used to case. In response, the defence counsel argued on the premise of
A. justify regression in reading an eigth- paragraph …25…[A. counter affidavit B. declaration
B. condemn slow reading habits C. submission D. summons]. The motion was granted according
C. justify a variety of reading speeds to the merit of the argument of the first lawyer.
D. recommend regression in reading.
12. According to the passage, the reader regresses so that In each of questions 26 to 35, select the option that best explains
he can the information conveyed in the sentence .
A. look again at what he has read before
B. appreciate what he is reading 26. If I left the country, I would arrange for my family to join me.
C. make sense of what he is reading A. He left the country and his family joined him
D. remember what he is reading. B. In the event of his leaving the country, his
family would join him.
C. He did not leave the country and his family
13. For effective reading, the writer implies that speaking did not join him.
speed is D. He may not leave the country.
A. normal B. inadequate C. necessary D. significant
27. A state of mutual hatred existed for years between the
14. The word ‘exaggerated’ as used in the passage, means two villages of Umuna and Ogboma .
A. pronounced B. problematic C. falsified A. Umuna hated Ogboma.
D. compounded B. Ogboma hated Umuna.
C. Ogboma and Umuna hated themselves
D. Umuna and Ogboma hated each other.
15. The writer implies that when you read unfamiliar material,
your reading speed will be 28. The painting in the museum was beautifully faked.
A. faster B. regular C. irregular D. slower. A. The painting was a good deceptive replica.
B. The painting was well-framed and displayed.
PASSAGE IV C. The painting was deceptively decorated in
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately the museum.
following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most D. The painting was carefully hung in museum.
appropriate option for each gap.
29. Ade: Do you mind if I sit down here? Bola: well, yes I
do actually.
On the 21st of June 1994, the Director – General received A. Bola is reluctantly granting the request.
in his office a visitor, the first of its kind in his life. Even though B. Bola is willingly accepting the request.
he really could not make any meaning out of his name, the C. Bola is certainly rejecting the request.
visitor’s second statement that he was a court …16… [A. bailiff D. Bola is objecting to the request.
B. messenger C. litigant D. clerk] readily gave the Director -
General a clear picture of the man’s purpose. He immediately 30. The President held forth for several minutes on the need
gave to the Director- General two sets of papers. The first was a for patriotism.
…17… [A. writ of summons B. subpoena C. call notice D. letter] A. The President was silent for some minutes
which was to notify the Director- General that he and the agency when patriotism was being discussed.
he represented were being sued for …18…[A. battery B. slander B. The President whispered a few things about
C. libel D. contempt] and that he should seek the services of a patriotism.
C. The President spent time saying a few
lawyer who would appear for him on the 6th of July when the things about patriots.
case was for mention. D. The President gave a rather long speech on
The second paper was on a motion of …19…[ A. the importance of patriotism.
summons B. order C. decision D. interlocutory injunction]
which, if granted by the court would restrain the Director – 31. The slide in the price of gold in the world market has left
General or the …20…[A.defender B. defedant C. litigant D. the industry reeling.
prosecution] from publishing further anything on the staff of A. The gradual fall in gold price is making the
the ministry or the …21…[A. witness B. exhibits C. plaintiffs industry unstable.
D. perjurer]. The motion was also slated for 6 th July. B. The stability in gold price is making the
industry stagnant.
41. ‘The Lions of Cameroun’ is really an indomitable
C. The decline in gold price is making the team A. a powerful B. a prominent C. a weak
industry redundant. D. a cowardly
D. The increase in gold price is making the
industry to boom.
42. To almost everyone in the little village, Ada’s behaviour
32. Fabricated statements published as truths amount to an was most odious
abuse of press freedom. A. repulsive B. difficult C. attractive D. charming.
A. To make known what is not true is
aggressive to press freedom. 43. Aduma was so vociferous during the meeting of the
B. Publishing formulated untruths is misused congregation that he succeeded in incurring the wrath
press freedom. of the chairman.
C. Unplanned publicized untruths are a misuse
of the freedom of the press. A. anger B. admiration C. displeasure D. sympathy.
D. Press freedom is based on published 44. It was an inopportune moment for you to make that
untruths. suggestion.
A. an ideal B. a wrong C. an exact D. a sad .
33. The expected guests arrived at the eleventh hour.
A. The guests arrived at the last minute. 45. He devoted too much time to the peripheral aspects
B. The guests arrived a 11 o’ clock. A. unimportant B. superficial C. minor D. main.
C. The guests arrived at the expected time.
D. The guests arrived eleven hours behind
schedule. 46. The climate of Nigeria is an enervating one
A. a weakening B. an energy sapping
34. After addressing the court for two hours, the defence C. an invigorating D. a sluggish.
counsel rested her case.
A. The defence counsel was tired after speaking 47. The girl’s idiosyncrasy was a passion for bread and butter.
for two hours, so she took a break. A. stupid outburst B. general tendency
B. The judge adjourned the defence counsel’s C. singular characteristic D. occupational calling.
after listening for two hours.
C. The defence counsel concluded her defence 48. Once he has decided that something needs doing, my
after speaking for two hours. brother is very unswerving of purpose.
D. The judge advised the defence counsel to A. erratic B. tenacious C. stubborn D. simple.
rest after two hours of address.
49. Those were the days of the fallacy that some languages
35. Benjamin exclaimed, ‘If it is Napoleon who said it, it must are primitive while others are not
be right.’ A. argument B. excuse C. misconception D. truth
A. Benjamin never believes what Napoleon says.
B. Benjamin does not know what is right unless 50. She is immune to the flattery of young men.
Napoleon says it. A. resistant B. susceptible C. insensible
C. Napoleon always says what Benjamin believes D. unresponsive
to be right.
D. Benjamin thinks that Napoleon always says 51. Events in South Africa indicate a kind of political
the right thing. renascence. A. rejuvenation B. decline C. turbulence
D. upheaval.
In each of questions 36 to 53, choose the most appropriate
option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. 52. If we must live together as one people, we must learn to
tolerate disparate dispositions.
36. The chairman’s verdict redressed the injustice meted out A. converging B. accommodating C. conflicting
by the secretary. D. opposing.
A. corrected B. restored C . aggravated D. addressed
53. The presidential aspirant warned of the political
37. Uche could not travel last December because of the catastrophe that would follow if the election were
severity of the harmattan. rigged.
A. cold B. mildness C. warmth D. moderation A. problem B. turmoil C. success
38. Traveling in the night can be an ordeal.
A. a great exercise B. a great fear In each of questions 54 to 73, choose the option nearest in
C. a great endurance meaning to the word (s) or phrases in italics
D. moderation
39. Mrs. Kofi is very provocative in her style of dressing. 54. The material in the book is presented within an
A. modest B. happy C. angry D. beautiful. eclectic framework.
40. Akoso thought that her father was very callous. A. simple B. a broad C. a restricted D. clumsy.
A. indifferent B. compassionate C. wicked 55. Ohiokhen had a brainwave as to how she could deal
D. careless. with the problem.
A. an imagination B. a desire C. a headache
D. anidea.
67. In my view, the play didn’t come off.
56. Surely, Ahmed is a ball of fire. A. succeed B. fail C. attract applause
D. take place
A. quarrelsome person B. a hot-headed activist
C. a fiery speaker or writer D. a very energetic person. 68. When the chips are down, we will know those who
have the courage to stand.
57. This time, she will be competing with a dark horse. A. When we get to a crisis point
A. a weak and low- spirited person B. In the final analysis
B. a person about whom little is known C. When the blocks are lowered
C. an unpopular candidate D. When we get to the end of the road.
D. a person as strong as a horse.
69. She said boxing is in fact her pet aversion.
A. something she likes very much
58. In answer to the question as to how life is treating him, B. something she dislikes very much
the stranger said ‘it never rains but it pours’. C. a hobby she loves to pursue
A. the blessings of life shower on him like heavy rain D. one thing she can’t miss
B. he is contented with his improved fortunes
C. things are getting decidedly worse 70. The gateman does his work perfunctorily.
D. his financial status is deteriorating. A. without commitment
B. with speed
59. After many years of struggle as a trader he struck C. grudgingly
gold A. became quite rich B. won a D. ethusiastically
big contract C. became a gold miner
D. became a goldsmith. 71. Members of the panel were working at cross purposes.
A. in harmony
60. One significant characteristics of the jet age is that it B. in disunity
encourages people to cut corners. C. for selfish purpose
A. not to face all problems D. for selfless purposes
B. to want to become rich quickly
C. to want to avoid necessary hardships 72. The young man who distributed political pamphlets on
D. not to do the proper thing at the right time. campus was promptly repudiated.
A. disowned B. arrested C. warned D. killed
61. Any student found guilty of examination malpractice
should be allowed to stew in his own juice. 73. Adayi is a die-hard criminal.
A. taste a repeat of the examination A. hard to kill B. hard to arrest
B. suffer the consequences of his action C. remorseless D. resentless
C. bear the burnt of the disgrace
D. forfeit the opportunity of further education. In each of questions 74 to 100, fill each gap with the most
appropriate option from the list following the gap.
62. The lady who won the beauty contest had a good
gait 74. In moments of serious economic hardship, many people
A. stature B. figure C. elegance D. carriage. are…[A. concerned B. inclined C. disposed D. propensed]
to turn to God.
63. It would need a high flyer to make a first class
degree in the university. 75. We cannot all wear expensive shoes in situation of …
A. a smart performer [A. divergent demand and supply B. uneven wear
B. an outright genius and tear C.differing purchasing power D.
C. an outstanding scholar unpredictable national income].
D. an unmitigated swot.
76. That center-forward was … [A. in an off-side position
64. What you will find in the book is a bird’s eye view of B. very well positioned C. a brilliant player D. the
the subject. captain of the team]; consequently the goal was not
A. a detailed account disallowed.
B. a balanced discussion
C. a biased treatment 77. AIDS is … [A. too much a deadly B. very deadly C.
D. a general survey. so deadly a D. such deadly a] disease that it kills
slowly but surely.
65. Hers was a chequered career
A. an interesting and successful career 78. We had a dull evening because … [A. hardly the talk
B. a career full of sorrow and tears had begun when the lights went off B. hardly had
C. a bright and memorable career the talk begun when the lights went off C. the talk
D. a career full of ups and downs. had hardly begun when the lights had gone out D.
the lights had hardly gone out when the talk began].
66. If experience is anything to go by, this action will prove
a political minefield. 79. Soyinka’s masterful … [A. evocation B. invocation
A. a sources of political benefits C. convocation D. revocation] of the atmosphere of
B. a way out of political trouble his childhood helped to make his book, Ake, an outright
C. a causes for political joy success.
D. an invitation to political problems
80. Students will always blame their teachers when
examination results are unfavourable … [A. won’t they 90. The judge with his son… [A. were B. shall C. is D. are]
B. wouldn’t they C. isn’t it D. can’t they] traveling to Lagos now.
81. Okonkwo is a stubborn man; he will never … [ A. chew 91. A university teacher is an… [A. academic B.
B. spit C. eat D. bite] his words. academics C. academician D. academia].
82. Kindly … me your book because my friend has … 92. The adventurers ran into many … [A. dear B. dears
[A. borrow/borrowed B. borrow/lent C. lend/lent C. deers D. deer].
D. lend/borrowed] mine.
83. Three-quarters of the church … [A. were B. was C. 93. The argument between the two neighbours degenerated
is D. are] painted by members the previous day. into …[A. a free to all B. a free fight C. a flee
for all D. a free for all fight].
84. Two young boys have been caught with parts of the 94. The class … [A. comprised of B. comprises of
stolen machine but …[A. neither of them has B. C. comprise D. comprises] more girls than boys this
neither of them have C. none of them has D. none session.
of them have] admitted stealing it.
95. The tourist bought … [A. a brown small Nigerian
85. Watching carefully, I could see the fish … [A. doting earthen pot B. a small brown Nigerian earthen pot
B. crawling C. diving D. darting] along the C. an earthen brown small Nigerian pot D. a
bottom. Nigerian small brown earthen pot].
86. Emeka is now a … student but it took him years to … 96. I have already… [A. hanged B. hunged C. hang
[A. matured/mature B. mature/mature C. mature/ D. hung] the picture on the sitting room wall.
matured D. matured/ matured].
87. The rebels will soon fight back. We have been informed 97. Most of us will attend the conference … [A. holding
… their… [A. of/predicament B. about/indulgence B. held C. being held D. to hold] at Ibadan later this
C. on/rearmament D. as for/advancement]. years.
88. Ali was honest and quiet as a schoolboy, but too much 98. I shall work hard so that I can … [A. secure B. make
drinking has now changed his … and … [A. C. receive D. grab] a distinction in English.
temperature/injured B. character/tightened
C. temperament/loosened D. innocence/worsened] 99. The baby was rather … [A. much more troublesome
his tongue. B. much too troublesome C. so much troublesome
D. very much troublesome] than I could bear.
89. The hospital was closed … because there were no beds
to put patients ... [A. again/upon B. off/on C. 100. Students were forbidden …[A. from joining B. in
down/ at D. up/in]. joining C. to join D. on joining] any secret society.
4. The expression, standard of living in developed 9. From the passage, it is obvious that
countries will plummet, means A. there is a hierarchy of rights
A. the economy of rich nations will stagnate B. all men possess the right to equal political affiliations
B. economic life will improve in rich nations C. there is deprivation in the society
C. purchasing power will decline sharply in rich D. the negro in America are champions of equality.
D. people in developed nations will experience boom. 10. A suitable title for the passage is
A. Democracy
5. Fossil fuels are used in the passage include B. Discrimination
A. wood, kerosene and natural gas C. Equality
B. oil, coal and natural gas D. Freedom
C. lignite, butane and charcoal
D. wood, coal and oil.
In many places in the world today, the poor are getting
PASSAGE II poorer while the rich are getting richer, and the programmes of
When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the America Declaration development planning and foreign aid appear to be unable to
of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’, he was not reverse this trend. Nearly all the developing countries have a
seeking to describe men’s endowments, but their political and modern sector, where the patterns of living and working are
legal rights. He was not saying that men do not differ from one similar to those in developed countries. But they also have a
another in the powers and dimensions of their bodies, minds non-modern sector, where the patterns of living and working are
and characters. He was asserting that, despite variations and not only unsatisfactory, but in many cases are even getting
differences, they all possessed the right to equal political and worse.
legal treatment. We must, however, ask of what real value are What is the typical condition of the poor in developing
political and legal equality to a man who has no bread to eat, no countries? Their work opportunities are so limited that they
clothes to wear, no roof to shelter him, no chance to earn a cannot work their way out of their situation. They are
livelihood? What we understand as democratic society must underemployed, or totally unemployed; when they do find
provide for its citizen’s minimum status as a member of that occasional work, their productivity is extremely low. Some of
society, that keeps him from becoming a beggar, outcast or outlaw them have land, but often too little land. Many have no land,
and that offers him some protection in his deprivation, losses and no prospect of ever getting any. There is no hope for them
and fears. in the rural areas and so, they drift into the big cities. But there is
In our time, the nations of the democratic world have no work for them in the big cities either -- and of course no
installed elaborate systems of social security and welfare, ranging housing. All the same, they flock into the cities because their
from compensation for industrial accidents to subsidized chances of finding some work appear to be greater there than in
housing, unemployment insurance, old age pensions, to provide the villages – where they are nil. Rural unemployment, then,
against the characteristic losses and disasters of human life. produces mass-migration into the cities; rural unemployment
The evolving status of the Negro in America is becomes urban unemployment.
attracting the attention of the champions of equality. Much has The problem can be stated quite simply: what can be
been written on the wrongs, injustices and inequalities of the done to promote economic growth outside the big cities, in the
coloured citizen of the USA and much remains to be said, because small towns and villages, which still contain 80 to 90% of the
the history of this struggle for human rights is still unfolding. total population? The primary need is work places, literally
[John Coghlan] millions of workplaces.
6. It could be deduced from the passage that 11. The expression ‘work their way out of their situation’
A. citizens have equal political and legal treatment in America means.
B. the nations of the democratic world have no political A. walk from one village to another
and legal hierarchy B. migrate from village to city
C. democratic nations are expanding the provision of C. work their way out of their village
social welfare. D. change their circumstances.
D. equality obliterates differences and variations among
races and nations. 12. Where are the rich getting richer and the poor poorer?
A. In nearly all developing countries.
7. According to the passage, a democratic nation is one which B. In a majority of countries in the world.
C. In developing countries with modern sectors. D. Horizon, clarity of the troubled spots and certainty
D. In countries with non-modern sectors. are remarkably noted.
13. Underemployment among the villagers refers to 27. The crowd in the hall is intimidating.
A. lack of sufficient land for everyone A. The crowd is frightening. B. The crowd is angry
B. low productivity when working C. The crowd is overwhelming. D. The crowd is
C. fewer people for many jobs riotous.
D. more people for fewer jobs.
28. The manager said that the new loaf was the last word in
14. The gap between the rich and the poor widens because there bakery.
A. are no jobs in the rural areas A. The loaf was the best ever baked.
B. are no employment opportunities in the city B. The loaf was the last to be baked.
C. is no work in the village and the city C. The loaf was the worst to have been baked.
D. is low growth rate in productivity. D. The loaf was the last in the baker’s directory.
15. Migration to the city among villagers is caused by 29. Hundreds of used items will go under the hammer during
A. attractions of the city the weekend.
B. low productivity in the village A. Unserviceable goods will be publicly destroyed at
C. inadequate job opportunities in the village the weekend.
D. shortage of land for cultivation. B. Impounded household items will be sold to the public
before the weekend.
PASSAGE IV C. Damaged items will be sold next weekend.
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately D. Many old items will be auctioned this weekend.
following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most
appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks. 30. The reformists say elections cannot be free and fair unless
a number of constitutional changes are effected.
Publishing is a fast growing business in Nigeria and there are A. Reformation depends on constitutional changes.
therefore, many publishing houses all over the country. When B. Free and fair elections depend on law reforms.
…16… (A. an article B. an essay C. a book D. a manuscript) is C. Free and fair elections are the primary concern of
submitted by an author, the publisher sends it …17… (A. an the reformists.
assessor B. an evaluator C. a checker d. an examiner) to know D. Effecting constitutional changes is dependent on
if it is actually publishable. This step is important because the electoral reforms.
publisher wants to make sure that the book catches the…18…
(A. market B. audience C. students D. shops) when it is In each of questions 31 to 49, choose the option opposite in
eventually published. In a good publishing house, there is meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
…19… (A. an error-proof B. an editorial C. lithographic
D. an evaluation) section which is concerned with …20… 31. After the surgical operation, the doctor gave the
(A. proof-reading B. reading over C.scanning over D. skimming indication that Mr. Idogo will pull through.
over) the manuscript and correcting both the spelling and typing A. be maimed B. survive C. die D. be revived.
errors. After this, the manuscript is …21… (A. typewritten B.
typeset C. double-spaced D. single-spaced) in readiness for 32. His cruelty to his mother defies logical explanation.
…22… (A. photocopying B. xeroxing C. filming D. printing). A. demands B. offers C. projects D. precludes.
The printed…23… (A. items B. bulletin C. copies D. specimen)
are then stored in the warehouse and a few of them may be sent 33. The tennis player surreptitiously swapped rackets after
to the author as …24… (A. complementary B. complimentary the first set.
C. acknowledgement D. sample) copies. Since it is not just the A. openly retained B. overtly exchanged.
aim of the publisher to offset the cost of production but also to C. quietly surrendered D. violently swung
make some gains, there is a strong marketing division which
promotes sales. A certain percentage of the cover price of the 34. They attacked all regulations designed to emasculate
book is paid to the author as …25.. (A. royalty B. honorarium student militancy.
C. dividend D. interest) A. condone B. isolate C. punish D. strengthen
LEXIS AND STRUCTURE 35. There is no point dissipating energy on a useless argument.
In each of questions 26 – 30, select the option that best explains A. destroying B. conserving C. marshalling D. storing
the information conveyed in the sentence. Each question carries
2 marks. 36. The secretary runs down anybody that does not sing his praises.
A. hates B. pleases C. honours D. discredits
26. The horizon may not be clear now, but the troubled spots
have certainly been noted. 37. Everyone, including the Principal, believed that he was a
A. The horizon is dependent on the troubled spots. very assiduous student.
B. Clarity of the horizon is dependent on the perception A. assertive B. industrious C. aggressive D. casual
of the troubled spots.
38. The dancing troupe put up a flawless performance.
C. The troubled spots are more perceptible than the horizon.
A. an interesting B. an imperfect C. a satisfactory atmosphere is restive.
D. a careless A. quiet B. chaotic C. restless D. tense
39. My brother married a loquacious woman. 55. When he found himself in a difficult situation, he tried to
A. quiet B. noisy C. talkative D. beautiful double-talk his way through.
A. talk to two people to help him.
40. My eldest brother is now faced with the vicissitudes of B. mix up issues to sound nervous
married life. C. mix up facts to confuse people
A. amazement B. sweetness C. amiability D. D. talk twice to gain sympathy
stability 56. Mr. Dzokoto plays the piano with great dexterity.
41. My father’s advice to me was quite invaluable. A. wisdom B. power C. force D. skill
A. useless B. useful C. helpful D. unsolicited 57. Amina said she married a doting husband.
42. The Minister has finally been dropped from the present A. a loving B. a fun-loving C. an uncaring D. a nagging
cabinet because of his ignoble act. 58. Adamu woke up with a start and took to his heels, claiming
A. criminal B. ignorant C. honourable D. selfish that something was on his trail.
43. There is much indifference in his behaviour A. in his food B. giving him the chase
A. concern B. nonchalance C. willingness D. inconsistency C. hiding near the bed D. staring at him
59. The man preaches egalitarianism without matching it
44. Most warring countries end up in a state of satiation. up with action.
A. hunger B. thirst C. danger D. famine A. salvation B. dedication C. kindness D. equality
45. The officer asked for a more temperate assessment of 60. The prosecutor was accused of obstructing justice.
the matter. A. hindering B. retarding C. impending D. interrupting
A. extreme B. moderate C. radical D. human 61. The Federal Government approved a new salary
46. The lecturers were advised to carry out a cursory survey structure
of Nigerian languages. as an incentive for the Nigerian workers.
A. detailed study B. careful teaching A. a reward B. an encouragement C. a package
C. careful description D. partial consideration D. an advance
47. Musa hates Hadiza for her constant bellicose behaviour. 62. Before embarking on his current research, the professor
A. violent B. gentle C. meek D. troublesome carried out a feasibility study of the area.
48. Abdul is fond of his teacher though he sometimes A. thorough B. perfectibility C. complete D.
makes practicability
derogatory remarks about him. 63. It was a spending spree for all of us when daddy hit the
A. unpleasant B. complimentary C. expressive jackpot.
D. inconsiderate A. cashed his cheque B. received his salary
49. Orinya balances the pail on her head with accustomed C. found money in a pot D. won a lot of money
ease. 64. All the accident victims are bleeding profusely.
A. convincing B. surprising C. unwary D. A. slowly B. excessively C. diffusely D. clearly
In questions 65 to 89, fill each gap with the most appropriate
In each of questions 50 to 64, choose the option nearest in option from the list provided.
meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
65. It was late when we decided to get…. the train
50. They have tried to circumvent the restriction on the A. off B. down C. out of D. out from
importation of the commodities.
A. bypass B. confront C. oppose D. challenge 66. The accident was due to … driving by the defendant.
A. negligence B. negligible C. negligent D. neglectable
51. It was surprising how we took to the stranger at once.
A. talked so long with B. introduced ourselves to 67. My friend and I have been quarrelling since yesterday
C. formed a liking for D. started fighting and we haven’t… yet.
52. The government is not opening up to the unions in the A. made it out B. made out C. made it D. made it
negotiations; it must have something up its sleeve. up
A. be nursing a hidden agenda 68. He is so credulous… my story about the ghost.
B. be hoping to trap them A. to believe B. that he believes
C. be hiding a last minute package C. in order to believe D. since he believes
D. be intending to dissolve the unions
69. The group never felt strong enough to act in the open;
53. The College Officer insisted that I show him my hostility was the hallmark of their resistance.
credentials A. covert B. overt C. vicious D. erratic
before I could be registered.
A. papers B. qualifications C. testimonials D. identities 70. The freed robber expressed his gratitude in a… prayer
of thanksgiving.
54. Even though there is no obvious riot on the campus, the
A. spurious B. spasmodic C. spontaneous D. sporadic 88. Aggrieved persons are free to seek… in the court of law.
A. reparation B. redress C. consolation D. acquittal
71. He boasts so much about his high scores and he... at
the efforts of others. 89. After two years of courtship, Jide is finally… Ngozi next
A. scorns B. sneers C. grins D. smiles Sunday.
A. being married to B. marrying C. married to
72. The visitor was very uncomfortable because of his… nose.
D. being married by
A. runny B. running C. watery D. flowing
In questions 90 and 91, identify the word that has a different
73. Although the Officer wanted a… report on the matter, he
stress pattern from the others.
got… account.
A. truthful/an uninteresting B. factual/an unpleasant 90. A. Interlocutor B. Opportunity
C. genuine/a ridiculous D. painstaking/a half-hearted C. Ambiguity D. Actualization
74. Immediately I entered the house, I could …. the smell of
91. A. Interrupt B. Contribute
gas from the kitchen.
C. Harmattan D. Entertain
A. feel B. hear C. detect D. smell
In each of questions 92 to 94, the word in capital letters has an
75. I am… admission to the university this year.
emphatic stress. Choose the option that best fits the expression
A. seeking on B. seeking for C. seeking at D. seeking
in the sentence.
76. Some robbers are on the prowl, we must be …
92. The fire destroyed MANY lives.
A. alert B. at alert C. on the alert D. for alert
A. Did the fire destroy the village?
77. Mrs. Ojo was one of … in my village. B. Did the fire destroy some houses?
A. the first two enlightened young ladies C. Did the fire destroy any lives?
B. the two first enlightened young ladies D. Did the fire spare any lives?
C. the two first young enlightened ladies
93. The accused hasn’t even been TRIED yet.
D. the first two young enlightened ladies.
A. Was the accused sentenced to life imprisonment?
78. My friend’s car has… to a halt. B. Has the suspect been apprehended?
A. grinded B. grounded C. ground D. grind C. Why hasn’t the accused been tried yet?
D. Was the accused handed over to the police?
79. By twelve midnight, we will be… en route for Britain.
94. The electricity in OUR premises comes from a generator.
A. airbourned B. airborne C. air borned D.
A. Is the electricity in your compound supplied by a
80. The old man’s speech has become completely… B. Is the electricity in your neighbour’s premises
A. uncomprehensible B. uncomprehensive supplied by a generator?
C. incomprehensive D. incomprehensible C. Does the electricity in your premises come from NEPA?
D. Does everybody in your street receive electricity
81. His chances in the games… seriously jeopardized. from generators?
A. have been B. has been C. have being D. has being
In each of questions 95 to 97, choose from the options the word
82. We found it difficult to identify him as the crowd was… that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the
around him. letter(s) underlined.
A. head to head B. head above head
C. shoulder from shoulder D. shoulder to shoulder 95. Rust
A. loud B. touch C. bought D. march
83. The Principal expressed his… when the students broke
the rules… and he didn’t know how to stop them.
96. Research
A. anger/everyday B. frustration/time and again
A. disturb B. comfort C. affair D. carry
C. disappointment/understandably
D. powerlessness/occasionally
97. Plateau
84. They were all behaving like a bunch of… children. A. wanted B. below C. holiday D. haunted.
A. querulous B. querulous C. querrullous D.
quarrelous In each of questions 98 to 100, choose the word that does not
have the same vowel sound as the others.
85. Our economic programme is… commitment to Nigeria’s
economic growth.
98. A. deep B. lease C. meet D. lace
A. deeply root in B. root in deep C. rooted in a
99. A. loot B. boot C. rout D. route
D. deeply rooted in deep
86. You would be well… to listen to what the teachers says. 100. A. sun B. shun C. son D. short
A. informed B. advised C. reminded D. warned
3. From the passage, it can be inferred that since 1985 6. Which of the following statements can be implied from
A. more black males between the ages of 15 and 19 the passage?
havebeen killing one another with guns. A. People catch more colds in winter.
B. more black males between the ages of 15 and 19 B. The origin of colds is inconclusive.
have been getting killed by guns. C. People catch more colds in warm weather.
C. more white than black males have been getting D. People catch cols equally in warm and cold weather.
by guns. 7. A rare disease can be more easily dealt with than the
D. more black than white males have been killing one common cold because
another with guns. A. medical experts are fed up with the rampant cases of
4. The writer says ‘the firearms figures are rising’ because common colds
A. more teenagers are now getting killed by firearms B. people easily develop resistance to the common colds
C. a dequate research exists to uncover facts bout such
rare diseases C. behave shamelessly like a drunkard
D. common colds are easily not he province of the D. move with care and self-control.
orthodox medical experts.
13. The analogy between young men and sick people is that
8. According to the writer, some widely held beliefs about A. they are easily swayed by emotions
the common colds are: B. they are easily controlled by hunger and thirst
A. inevitable B. irreconcilable C. fallacious D. C. their emotions are active but short-lived
societal D. they are apt to give way to anger.
9. From the information in the passage, there is evidence. 14. According to the passage, young men are
A. against the theory that the common cold is infectious A. violent when they have sexual desires
B. for the theory that the common cold is indeed B. active and restive until they satisfy their desires
infectious C. indignant and fickle in satisfying their sexual desires
C. that old people are immune against the common D. hot-tempered when they are hungry or thirsty.
D. that medical reports are silent on facts about common 15. The writer says that young people are optimistic in
colds. their
dealings with people because they are.
10. The Cirencester volunteers kept a record of their colds A. steadfast B. courageous C. discreet
through D. reckless.
A. the British Medical Journal B. morbidity rates
C. temperature recordings. D. personal diaries. PASSAGE IV
PASSAGE III The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately
Young men have strong passions, and tend to gratify following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most
them indiscriminately. Of the bodily desires, it is the sexual by appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
which they are most swayed and in which they show absence of
self-control. They are changeable and fickle in their desires, With the most profound respect to the members of the
which are violent while they last, but quickly over: their impulses Senate, I do not think that it is within the competence of that
are keen but not deep-rooted, and are like sick people’s attacks …16…(A. executive B. judicial C. administrative D. legislative)
of hunger and thirst. They are hot-tempered and quick-tempered, body to pass a motion to …17… (A. enforce B. nullify C. modify
and apt to give way to their anger; bad temper often gets the D. order) the executive action of the President. The Senate is
better of them, for owing to their love of honour they cannot …18…(A. a wing B. a portion C. an anchor D. an arm) of the
bear being slighted, and are indignant if they imagine themselves National Assembly. But it is not by itself alone the National
unfairly treated. While they love honour, they love victory still Assembly. One can imagine the confusion, which would be
more, for youth is eager for superiority over others, and victory created if the …19…(A. House of Representatives B. Judiciary
is one form of this. They love both more than they love money, C. National Assembly D. Executive Council) were to take a
which indeed they love very little, not having yet learnt what it view diametrically opposed to that reflected in the Senate
means to be without it. They look at the good side rather than resolution. The strongest objection to the action of the Senate
the bad, not having yet witnessed many instances of in passing the resolution is the fact that it constituted itself
wickedness. They trust others readily, because they have not the…20… (A. litigant B. defendant C. plaintiff D. attorney) as
yet been cheated. They are sanguine; nature warms their blood well as the judge of the constitutionality of the action of the
as though with excess of wine; and besides that, they have as President. The function of the Senate is to …21… (A. enact
yet met with few disappointments. Their lives are mainly spent B. create C. compose D. annul) laws. But the Senate has no
not in memory but in expectation, for youth has a long future authority or …22… (A. might B. power C. dynamism D.
before it and a short past behind it: on the first day of one’s life strength) to control the President in the exercise of his …23…
one has nothing at all to remember, and can only look forward. (A. official B. authoritative C. judicial D. executive) powers. It
They are easily cheated owing to the sanguine disposition just cannot by a mere resolution or motion give any directive to the
mentioned. Their hot tempers and hopeful dispositions make President regarding the exercise of his powers nor can it undo
them more courageous than older men are; the hot temper what the President has done in the exercise of those powers.
prevents fear, and the hopeful disposition creates confidence; The only way in which the exercise of the powers of the President
we cannot feel fear so long as we are feeling angry, and any can be…24… (A. modified B. standardized C. regulated D.
expectation of good makes us confident. ordered) is by …25…(A. an Act B. a Decree C. a motion D. a
Aristole’s Youth and Old-Age, p. 197
bill) of the National Assembly.
11. The expression, ‘not in memory but in expectation’, as Adapted from The Guardian of July 8, 1999, p. 8
used in the passage, implies LEXIS, STRUCTURE AND ORAL FORMS
A. innocence, not experience B. future, not present
C. past, not present D. hopelessness, not hopefulness. (Questions 26 to 62 carry 1 mark each.)
12. The statement, ‘nature warms their blood as though with In each of the questions 26 to 30, choose the option that has the
excess of wine’, as used in the text, means same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters
A. act with considerable confidence and trust. underlined.
B. respond with suspicion and alertness
26. boat 39. A. integral B. intimate
A. board B. bought C. discourse D. accelerate
C. go D. glory
40. A. navigate B. envelop
27. air C. legislate D. liberate
A. heir B. her
C. hear D. fire In each of questions 41 to 62, fill each gap with the most
appropriate option from the list provided.
28. pleasure
A. pliable B. pleat 41. Without our relentless campaigns, we might … sure of
C. plenary D. jeopardy victory in the race for the National Assembly.
A. never have been B. have never be
29. thunder C. never had been D. be never
A. prefer B. differ
C. confer D. defer
42. We are all hungry; we … anything to eat since morning.
30. tear (noun) A. didn’t have B. hadn’t had C. haven’t had
A. dare B. care D. never had
C. here D. wear
43. To check desertification in the arid zones, … trees
In questions 31 and 32, choose from the options the word that should
has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the be planted.
letters underlined. A. drought-proof B. drought-resisting
C. drought-effective D. drought-resistant
31. thought
A. theatre B. taught 44. The loquacious young lad reeled off all the names of
C. weather D. fate the
32. caliph A. off head B. offhand C. at heart D. at hand
A. presently B. perhaps
C. powerful D. opponent 45. I like the character that played the role of a political…at
the last convention of our party.
In each of questions 33 to 36, select the word that has the same A. thorncoat B. torncoat C. turncoat D. turnedcoat
pattern of stress as the given word.
46. All the traders in the market saw the woman buy... the
33. ENORMOUS imported suits.
A. interest B. solution A. up B. off C. over D. out
C. stupidly D. character
47. The man declared his intention from the …
34. HONOUR A. outset B. inset C. onset D. offset
A. hotel B. hyena
C. human D. humane 48. The Team Manager told us that the race could only be
won by the…
35. QUALITY A. flat-footed B. bare-footed C. swift-footed
A. guarantee B. accepted D. fore-footed
C. bachelor D. relation
49. The Governor rejected the bill and withheld his…
36. EDUCATION A. accent B. assent C. access D. ascent
A. duplicity B. economics
C. elaborate D. conjectural 50. The new school is not provided with … for science
In questions 37 and 38, identify the word that has the stress on A. enough equipment B. equipments
the second syllable. C. an equipment D. enough equipments
37. A. reproduce B. always
C. result D. understand 51. Much as I would love to visit him, I’m afraid ...
A. I won’t B. I can’t C. I can’t be able D. of visiting him
38. A. tomato B. photograph
C. yesterday D. tranquil 52. Ilesa witnessed the largest ... of writers at any convention
in recent times.
In questions 39 and 40, identify the word that has a different A. turn-around B. turnover C. turn-out D. turn-on
stress pattern from the others. 53. The warring factions need words of…
A. advise B. adverse C. advises D. advice
54. The politicians were… by the press. A. The politician’s rude remarks were heavily criticized.
A. marooned B. ridiculed C. eclipsed D. ostracized B. The politician’s provocative remarks were heavily
55. There are many … to her personality. C. The politician’s bombastic remarks were heavily
A. moods B. styles C. facets D. faces criticized.
D. The politician’s tribalistic remarks were heavily
56. There are several… in the farmyard.
A. sheep B. ewe C. lamb D. goat (Questions 68 to 100 carry 1 mark each)
57. Audu fought with his… brother. In each of questions 68 to 84, choose the option nearest in
A. senior B. older C. bigger D. elder meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
58. The Dark Continent was an… for Africa. 68. The Governor told the chief that he was only on a routine tour.
A. normal and regular visit B. unplanned encounter
A. abuse B. enigma C. eclectic D. epithet C. surprise and impromptu check D. working visit and homage.
59. He arrived… to see his family leave for the countryside. 69. The boy was told that he would need several more
A. in time B. timely C. late D. with time. pints
of blood if he was to survive.
60. You can travel on your own, A. many B. much C. some D. plenty
A. isn’t it B. wouldn’t you. C. can’t you D. shouldn’t
70. The Principal told the teacher to stop browbeating the
you. children.
A. pampering B. bullying C. deceiving D.
61. Our culture does not allow one to … when an elderly caning
person is speaking.
A. cut of B. cut off C. cut in D. cut on 71. Some actions of the Nigerian youth have alienated them
from those who were sympathetic to their cause.
62. Raffle draws like gambling often end in a… for me. A. endeared/kindly B. confronted/ill disposed
C. separated/opposed D. estranged/well disposed.
A. lost B. loss C. loose D. lose
72. The essay topic is nebulous.
In each of questions 63 to 67, select the option that best explains A. vague B. incorrect C. distinct D. clear
the information conveyed in the sentence. Each question carries
2 marks. 73. The man was able to persuade his willful and obstinate
daughter to follow the career he chose for her.
63. If he were here it could be more fun. A. intelligent but arrogant B. unyielding and obdurate
A. He did not show up and so the occasion lacked much fun. C. obscure and odious D. hardworking and intelligent
B. He was being expected to supply more fun.
C. There was no fun because he was not present. 74. Mr. Okon has been described as an eagle-eyed editor.
A. a short-sighted B. a clear-sighted
D. He was expected but did not show up to liven up the C. a long-sighted D. a quick-sighted.
75. Inspite of her grim situation, the young widow smiled
64. Though he is our elected representative, he often takes dutifully at the visitor’s pleasantries.
a rather jaundiced view of our problems. A. unkind comments B. sad stories
A. He takes a rather hazy view of our problems. C. condolence messages D. jocular remarks
B. He takes an unfavourable position concerning our
problems. 76. I have always believed that my mother is a very
C. He takes a rather forceful view of our problems. impassioned woman.
D. He takes a sickly view of our problems. A. emotive B. impartial C. impassive D. emotional
65. When I visited James I only gave him a congratulatory 77. The party gathering was thrown into a state of euphoria
card on account of his promotion. after the election result was announced.
A. The only person I visited was James and nobody A. pleasure B. sadness C. excitement D. confusion
B. It was only James that I gave a congratulatory card to. 78. The family discussed the crime committed and resolved
C. All I gave James when I visited him was a to nail the lie to the counter.
congratulatory card. A. expose it publicly. B. bury it in a coffin.
C. defer action on it D. seek more advice.
D. All I did when I visited James was given a
79. My father was at the apogee of his career when he was
congratulatory card. retired.
A. terminal point B. highest point
66. The events of last Friday show that there is no love lost C. least productive stage D. redundant stage
between the Principal and the Vice-Principal. 80. Though David’s condition is serious, his life is not in
A. They like each other B. They work independently. immediate danger.
C. They cannot part company D. They dislike each A. nasty B. hypertensive C. dangerous D. grave
other. 81. That punch by the young boxer proved to be fatal.
A. effective B. hard C. deadly D. belated.
67. The politician’s inflammatoryremarks were heavilycriticized.
82. The presence of the security men in the area will provide
a moment of respite for the residents. unfathomable lightness.
A. soothing relaxation B. enduring reprieve A invigorating B. irresistible C. predictable
C. lasting security D. temporary relief D. impressive
83. It is time for all concerned to first pick to pieces the strike 94. I’m not interested in buying that shirt. I think it is
action before proffering solutions. overpriced.
A. embrace joyfully B. critically analyse A. too expensive B. overrated C. priceless D. cheap
C. stop abruptly D. commend highly 95. Despite his laxity in other matters, Ojo’s father drew the
84. The new ruler is big-hearted in his dealings with the line at truancy.
people A. favoured B. rejected. C. Emphasized D. Ignored.
A. generous B. cruel C. soft D. proud 96. The string was taut.
A. loose B. firm C. stretched D. tight
In each of questions 85 to 100, choose the option opposite in 97. Hypertension is a debilitating disease that everyone
meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. should prevent.
A. a mortal B. an enervating C. an energizing
85. The teacher announced that the class would be making D. a horrible
a fleeting visit to the zoo. 98. The Permanent Secretary left his job under a cloud.
A. routine B. brief C. long D. guided A. on a cloudy day B. with a clear record
86. The project is designed to alleviate poverty in the C. in disgrace D. on a sunny day
country. 99. We intend to make the reception a diurnal event.
A. tackle B. exacerbate C. eradicate D. assuage A. a nightly B. a weekly C. a short D. an annual
87. Civil engineering is predominantly a male profession. 100. It is surprising that this politician has now turned
A. absolutely B. essentially C. generally renegade.
D. seldom A. militant B. corrupt C. loyal D. quiet
88. The officer said that he knew nothing to the detriment
the applicant.
A. damage B. disfavour C. advantage D. Read passages I & II carefully and answer the questions that
background follow. Each question carries 3 marks.
89. When the driver applied the brakes, they acted up PASSAGE I
A. failed B. responded well C. were sluggish The emergence of a standard dialect produces
D. jammed thephenomenon known as “accent” which is quite different from
90. The striking workers have vowed not to return to work dialect. In the process of learning a foreign language, it is normal
until the decision is rescinded. to transfer the patterns of an indigenous language to those of
A. changed B. dismissed C. implemented the foreign language. With time, however, those of form and
D. incorporated most of those of orthography and phonology gradually get
91. It is rare for a leader and his deputy to see eye to eye. eliminated. This is because these can easily be identified and
A. disagree B. respect each other corrected. They are easy to correct because they do not involve
C. be of one mind D. reproach each other patterns of muscular movement. It is also necessary to correct
92. Common sense requires that one should be decorous at them because otherwise they could seriously impair intelligibility.
formal gatherings. With phonetic patterns, on the other hand, there is a
A. courteous B. impolite C. incurious D. careful
93. The diminutive figure bounces over the track with
great deal of intelligibility tolerance because muscular patterns Members of a language community control at least two
are involved, thus making corrections difficult when observed. dialects and use both dialects in different situations. In the rural
Besides, phonetic patterns do not impair intelligibility much. areas, the native dialect is used in most situations since there is
Hence the transference of phonetic habits from one language to less movement. Therefore, rural dwellers tend to be parochial
another is both easier to tolerate and more difficult to avoid and maintain the homogeneity of their dialect. In the urban
than transference at the lexico-grammatical level. It follows that community, on the other hand, there is more demand on the
a speaker who is learning a second dialect does so with an standard dialect than on the rural one. This is because people
accent since the muscles of his speech organs would have from different regions converge here. In order to ensure mutual
crystallized in response to the phonetics of his native language intelligibility resulting from the pressure of communication, a
which he learnt first. The speaker therefore speaks the second great deal of demand is made on the standard dialect which now
dialect with the phonetic features of his native dialect. The becomes the lingua franca amongst them.
learning of a standard language is simply the learning of a second
dialect – that which has been standardized. 1. Members of a language community control at least two
dialects because
A. the convergence of people from disparate overwhelmed by intense feelings of joy, love and peace. Despite
regions his attitude, though, he somehow reunites with his physical
results in the pressure of communication. body and lives.
B. there is little demand for the indigenous Adapted from Moody, R. A. (1975) Life after Life
C. they want a lingua franca which is produced 6. The NDE man appears to be a spectator in the flurry of
by mutual intelligibility. activities around him because
D. they are made up of both rural and urban A. his new ‘body’ would not allow him to
dwellers. participate.
B. he is moving rapidly through a long dark
2. According to the passage, tunnel.
A. a foreign language produces the transference C. he can only watch as the events unfold
of the correct patterns of dialect features. D. he is now a dead man.
B. speech organs are shaped by indigenous languages.
C. a lingua franca is the consequence of a standard 7. According to the passage, scientific evidence has made
dialect. it possible
D. mutual intelligibility is the consequence of the A. to make conjectures about what happens after
pressure of communication. death
B. to know a little about what happens in the
3. An appropriate title for this passage is world of the dead
A. The Emergence of a Standard Language C. for one to experience the sensation of dying
B. The Phenomenon of Accent and living again
C. The Quest for a Lingua Franca D. for the dead to return and tell their experiences.
D. Members of a Language Community
8. The expression as he reaches the point of greatest
4. The word those, as used in the passage, refers to physical distress, as used in the passage, means when
A. indigenous languages A. the man’s system finally collapses
B. forms of orthography and phonology B. the sick man finally stops breathing
C. foreign languages C. his doctor is ready to pronounce him dead
D. patterns of an indigenous language. D. his condition seems to get worse.
5. Phonetic patterns allow for intelligibility tolerance because 9. A suitable title for the passage is
A. transference is both difficult to avoid and easy to A. A Glimpse into the World of the Dead
tolerate B. Visions of an Afterlife
B. they are involved and difficult to avoid C. Research into the Lives of the Dead
C. they give rise to the phenomenon of accent D. The Sensation of Death and the Afterlife.
which is easy to tolerate
D. they involve muscular patterns which later 10. That the man was shown a panoramic instantaneous
crystallize. playback of the major events of his life suggests that
A. he needs to be entertained to take his mind
PASSAGE II away from the noise around him
It is possible to have a glimpse of life after death. Man B. he needs to see the difference between his
has always believed in an afterlife, but only today do we have past life and his new life
scientific reports of people who seem to have experienced the C. there are video machines in the world beyond
sensation of dying but lived to tell about it. Ongoing research is D. he has to assess his deeds in life.
documenting hundreds of cases each year of the near –death
experience (NDE), and scientists think they are finding a clearly PASSAGE III
identifiable pattern: usually a man is dying and, as he reaches
the point of greatest physical distress, he hears himself The passage below has gaps numbered 11 to 20. Immediately
pronounced dead by his doctor. He begins to hear an following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most
uncomfortable noise, a loud ringing or buzzing, and at the same appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
time feels himself moving very rapidly through a long dark tunnel.
After this he suddenly finds himself outside of his own physical Before any detailed analysis begins, the first thing to do
body, but still in the immediate physical environment, and he with the raw data is to check through the field record books and
sees his own body from a distance, as though he is a spectator. questionnaires for any …11.. (A. mistakes B. events C. records
He watches the resuscitation attempt from this unusual vantage D. odds), inconsistencies and incompleteness. In some cases, it
point and is in a state of emotional upheaval. may be possible to correct any discovered shortcomings. When
After a while, he collects himself and becomes it is not possible to carry out these …12… (A. plans B.
accustomed to his odd condition. He notices that he still had a corrections C. expectations D. possibilities), a visit to the field
‘body’, but one of a very different nature and with very different may even be necessary. It should however be realized that it is
powers from the physical body he has left behind. Soon after, not very often that a revisit is possible.
things begin to happen. Others come to meet and to help him.
In most scientific…13… (A. questionnaires B. data C.
He glimpses the spirits of relatives and friends who have already
died, and a loving, warm spirit of a kind he has never encountered experiments D. conclusions) such revisits are clearly impossible.
before- a being of light – appears before him. This being asks This is true of many surveys too. A road traffic survey…14.. (A.
him a question, nonverbally – to make him evaluate his life – and classified B. precoded C. conducted D. experimented) to find
helps him along by showing him a panoramic instantaneous out the amount and frequency of daily traffic between two towns
playback of the major events of his life. Then he finds that he cannot be expected to be ...15... (A. observed B. produced C.
must go back to the earth that the time for his death has not yet undertaken D. reproducible). There is no way of going back
come. At this point he resists, for by now he is taken up with his to check whether the number of vehicles reported for any
experiences in the afterlife and does not want to return. He is
particular hour is correct or not. With open-ended questions the 22. The writer uses the expression unless mechanically
…16…(A. method B. responses C. errors D. conclusions) have minded to refer to
to be classified into relatively small number of groups. The A. town authorities laying down tramlines
process of classifying answers and of sometimes identifying B. coachmen and grooms who chose to become
them by number and letter is called…17.. (A. encoding B. mechanics
recording C. coding D. recoding). When closed-ended C. coachmen and grooms adaptable to the new
questions are used, it is possible to code all the possible answers technology
D. those amenable to change and development.
before they are actually received. This is called…18.. (A. recoding
B. coding C. precoding D. encoding). What is done, a check 23. The statement By 1910, the motor car was plainly
through the answers for proper classification, numbering and conquering the highway means that
lettering is still called for at this stage. This whole process of A. highway codes for motor cars came into effect by
checking through questionnaires and notebooks is called …19.. 1910
(A. listing B. posting C. editing D. auditing). Collected data will B. by 1910 motor cars became a common sight
eventually have to be used in drawing …20.. (A. analogies B. on the highways
examples C. references D. conclusions) and writing a report C. the motor car was invented in 1910
about the population from which it came. D. by 1910 many people knew how to drive
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that 24. From the passage, it is obvious that
follow. Each question carries 3 marks. A. the motorcar and the lorry came to displace
the train traffic
PASSAGE IV B. motorcars were mere luxuries which many
By 1910, the motorcar was plainly conquering the people
highway. The private car was now part of every rich man’s tried desperately to acquire
establishment, although its prices made it as yet an impossible C. the motorcar was invented before the express
luxury for most of the middle class. But for the adventuresome trains
youth, there was the motorcycle, a fearsome invention producing D. the train was the fastest means of transport
accidents and ear –splitting noises. Already, the dignified beforethe motorcar and the lorry.
carriages and smart pony-traps were beginning to disappear 25. One of the following statements can be deducted from
from the roads, and coachmen and grooms, unless mechanically the passage.
minded, were finding it more difficult to make a living. A. Significant improvement occurred in road transport since
The roads, which had gone to sleep since the coming of the advent of motorcars, lorries and motorcycles.
the railway, now awoke to feverish activity. Cars and motorcycles B. People no longer used trains with the advent of
dashed along them at speeds which rivaled those of the express cars and lorries.
trains, and the lorry began to appear. Therefore, the road system C. Society would be better off without the chaotic volume
was compelled to adapt itself to a volume and speed of traffic for and speed of motor cars, lorries and motorcycles.
which it had never been intended. Its complete adaptation was D. Human society was static without the express
impossible; but the road surface was easily transformed and, speed of cars and motorcycles.
during the early years of the century, the dustiness and
greasiness of the highways were lessened by tar-spraying. To LEXIS, STRUCTURE AND ORAL FORMS
widen and straighten the roads and get rid of blind corners and
every steep gradient were tasks which had scarcely been tackled (Questions 26 to 80 carry 1 mark each.)
before 1914. The situation was worst of all in towns where not
only was any large scheme of road widening usually out of the In questions 26 and 27, identify the word that has a different
question, but also where crowding and danger were all too stress pattern from the others.
frequently increased by the short-sighted eagerness of town
authorities in laying down tramlines. 26. A. administrative B. circulation
Yet it was not only the road system that was in need of C. temperamental D. consideration
readjustment; the nervous system of those who used and dwelt
by the roads suffered. The noises caused by the conversion of 27. A. classroom B. programme
the roads into speedways called for a corresponding tightening C. brother D. July
up of the nerves; and, especially in the towns, the pedestrians
who wished to preserve life and limb was compelled to keep his In each of questions 28 to 31, choose the word that does not
attention continually on the stretch, to practise himself in have the same vowel sound as the others.
estimates of the speed of approaching vehicles and to run or
jump for his life if he ventured off the pavement. 28. A. bale B. plait
Adapted from Rachel Carson: The Advent of the Motor Car C. saint D. gate
33. The weather is probably… appealing for people who 52. The Company Director showed the contractor a …
live in Jos… (A. no less/than B. more/as C. as much/as (A. photocopy B. photograph C. prototype D. microfilm)
D. at least as/but) for foreigners. of the proposed office complex.
34. Ado tried to … (A. recall B. obliterate C. eulogize 53. Had he considered his public image carefully, he …
D. obstruct) all memory of his dead father. (A. would have stood down B. might have stood
aside C. should have stepped down D. would have
35. This imposing edifice … (A. had costed B. costed stepped aside) for his opponent in the election.
C. cost D. have cost) a fortune to build.
36. Three quarters of the hostel… been painted and three 54. The editor was not happy that the Nigerian press was
quarters of the students … (A. has/has B. have/has hemmed … (A. up B. across C. in D. over)
C. have/have D. has/have) moved in.
55. More… (A. energy B. power C. effort D. grease) to
37. They let him go in … (A. respect B. regard C. disregard your elbow as you campaign for press freedom!
D. consideration) of his age.
56. A child that shows mature characteristics at an early
38. …(A. While B. By chance C. Should D. Should in age may be described as … (A. precocious B.
case) you come early to the new house, clean up my ingenuous C. premature D. preconceived).
In questions 57 and 58, identify the word that has the stress on
39. These villagers… (A. used B. are used C. were used the first syllable.
D. use) to grow rice.
57. A. misread B. resign
40. When Ajike met her… (A. strange B. loving C. caring C. competent D. compel
D. estranged) husband at the party, she felt like
reconciling with him. 58. A. resist B. intact
C. confirm D. salon
41. He does not seem to know how to solve the problem, …
(A. does not he B. does he C. does he not D. doesn’t he)? In each of questions 59 to 62, choose from the options the word
that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by
42. Some scientists are trying to… (A. imitate B. implicate the letter(s) underlined.
C. replicate D. fabricate) human beings in their
laboratories. 59. Past
A. pasture B. castle
43. A wide range of options…. (A. is B. was C. were D. are) C. wrestle D. preached.
made available to the political parties during the recently
concluded elections. 60. Church
A. feature B. chauffeur
44. The meeting was called to…(A. re-present B. reconstitute
C. ocean D. machine
C. reconcile D. recommend) divergent views on the
subject of a national conference.
61. Sure
45. The police came early enough to…(A. detonate B. insulate A. charlatan B. church
C. diffuse D. defuse) the bomb planted by the rioters. C. cheer D. cheap
48. I do not think any sane person would have acted in such 63. Amina’s performance in the examination surpassed my
a … (A. rational B. cruel C. secret D. composed) manner. expectations.
A. amazed everyone B. lacked merit
49. Neither Agbo nor his parents… (A. has attended B. attend C. was extraordinary good D. was disappointing
C. attends D. attended) the meetings now.
64. As these boys never act in public, the police are now
50. Modern dancing has become rather scientific and so worried about their covert activities.
requires … (A. a rapping voice. B. bizarre costuming A. evil B. open C. cryptic D. ignoble
C. immense instrumentation D. some choreographic
65. The town was all agog at his unexpected return.
A. unexcited B. excited C. on fire D. surprised C. How will they get to Abuja?
D. Did they fly to Jos?
66. Some equatorial areas have a sultry climate.
A. a hot B. an inclement C. a temperate D. a stable 80. My neighbour BRUISED his thigh while playing
67. The journalist’s write-up contained a plethora of detail. A. Did your neighbour fracture his thigh while
A. simplicity B. shortage C. complexity playing football?
D. spectrum B. Did your neighbour break his leg while playing
68. In the latter part of his life, the famous soldier showed C. Did your neighbour play football yesterday?
signs of youthfulness. D. Was your neighbour involved in an accident?
A. bravery B. vitality C. energy D. senility
In each of questions 81 to 85, select the option that best explains
69. It is inconceivable that the rat devoured the cat. the information conveyed in the sentence. Each question carries
A. contestable B. credible C. incomprehensible 2 marks.
D. unimaginable
81. Adawo is an imp.
70. Ali wondered why the principal was ambivalent about A. Adawo behaves badly.
the students’ future. B. Adawo behaves decently.
A. inconsiderate B. decisive C. anxious C. Adawo behaves differently.
D. ambitious D. Adawo behaves queerly.
71. The teacher taught the rudiments of Chemistry to the 82. The solution lies in choosing between various negative
first grade. alternatives.
A. elements B. fundamentals C. basics A. The solution lies in choosing between the
D. stupidity positive and the negative.
B. The solutions are many.
72. In his naivety, he believed all the stories his friend told C. The solution can be found in one of the
him. negative options.
A. artlessness B. friendliness C. incredulity D. The solution is a negative one.
D. stupidity
83. You must not attend the end-of-year party.
73. Updating the Board’s brochure is an arduous task. A. You do not have to decide whether to attend
A. a regular B. an annual C. a difficult D. an easy the party or not.
B. You have to decide whether to attend the party or
74. The lecture seemed interminable. not.
A. brief B. interesting C. boring D. unending C. It is necessary that you do not attend the party.
D. It is necessary that you attend the party.
75. Had I known about their plan much earlier, I would have
nipped it in the bud. 84. The man reasoned that there ought to be a limit to sycophancy.
A. promoted it B. squashed it C. initiated it D. stopped it A. Sycophants need not talk all the time.
B. There can be no favour beyond a reasonable
76. What a harmless thought he has! point.
A. pleasant B. perfect C. pernicious D. pertinent C. Sycophants should know when to grant
people’s request.
77. There is much apathy towards reading among students D. People should know when not to use flattery.
nowadays. 85. Oche’s chief idiosyncrasy is a passion for pounded
A. indecision B. enthusiasm C. indifference yam.
D. disinclination A. Oche hates pounded yam.
B. Oche’s chief hates pounded yam.
In each of questions 78 to 80, the word in capital letters has an C. Oche’s chief likes pounded yam.
emphatic stress. Choose the option that best fits the expression D. Oche has a penchant for pounded yam.
in the sentence. (Questions 86 to 100 carry 1 mark each.)
78. YOUR sister should come with us tomorrow. In each of questions 86 to 100, choose the option nearest in
A. Should your brother come with us tomorrow? meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
B. Should our brother come with us tomorrow? 86. The professor discussed a number of abstruse topics.
C. Should Ado’s sister come with us tomorrow? A. irrelevant B. useful C. esoteric D. relevant.
D. Should my sister come with us tomorrow? 87. Tade became timorous when she was asked to give the
valedictory speech.
79. They FLEW to Abuja. A. excited B. aggressive C. nervous D. happy
A. Where did they fly to? 88. The men were tardy in offering help.
B. Did they go to Abuja by road?
A. generous B. quick C. brave D. slow 98. Art lies in cherishing the initiative and creative power
89. Ugo has often been described as belligerent. of each person.
A. attractive B. combative C. innocent D. patient A. gift B. strength C. potential D. mind
90. The coalescence of the groups created additional
problems. 99. As the triumphant rebels were returning to their base,
A. union B. fighting C. proscription they met with a serious reverse.
D. disbandment A. an enemy B. an army C. a victory D. a defeat
91. Funmi is just being facetious about her marrying a soldier.
A. unfaithful B. serious C. crazy D. unserious 100. The Conference Centre caters for transients only.
92. The village girl wore sumptuous clothes. A. permanent guests B. professionals C. novices
A. loose-fitting B. cheap C. faded-looking D. expensive D. temporary guests
93. Any chief executive of an organization would find
radical changes blocked at every turn. COMPREHENSION
A. ideas B. innovations C. developments
D. suggestions Read passages I, II & III carefully and answer the questions
94. I cannot understand why Ali should serve in that that follow. Each question carries 3 marks.
moribund administration.
A. crumbling B. purposeless C. prodigal PASSAGE I
D. oppressive If our thought is to be clear and we are to succeed in
95. Bose was angry because her friend called her a pilferer. communicating it to other people, we must have some method of
A. liar B. hypocrite C. criminal D. thief fixing the meaning of the words we use. When we use a word
96. While the hooligans exchanged blows, we looked on whose meaning is not certain, we may well be asked to define it.
complacently. There is a useful traditional device for doing this by indicating
A. questioningly B. sorrowfully C. dejectedly the class to which whatever is indicated by the term belongs,
D. contentedly. and also the particular property which distinguishes it from all
97. The player kept on gamely to the end of the match. other members of the same class. Thus we may define a whale as
A. courageously B. skillfully. C. amateurishly a marine animal that spouts’. ‘Marine animal’ in this definition
D. stubbornly indicates the general class to which the whale belongs, and
‘spouts’ indicates the particular property that distinguishes
29. These… must have … 47. The members of the other team agree… (A. on B. by C. to
A. analysis/attracted B. analyses/attract D. with) all the terms of the contract.
C. analyses/attracted D. analysis/attract) the World
Bank officials. 48. One advantage of the English language in Nigeria is that
it puts everyone… a common…(A. in/advantage B. in/
30. The highly appreciative audience clapped… hands and standing C. on/footing D. at/equality).
showered … (A. its/encomiums B. its/invectives C. their/
encomiums D. their/invectives) on the lecturer. 49. If one perseveres, … (A. she B. they C. one D. he) will
surely succeed.
31. The members elected Baba … (A. to be a chairman B.
chairman C. their chairman D. to become chairman) of 50. … a motor can be harmful … (A. To ride/with B. To ride/
the committee. for C. Riding/to D. Riding/for) your health.
32. The officer described the comment as … (A. dangerous In each of questions 51 to 53, choose the option that has a
B. sad C. ludicious D. libellous) because it was very different vowel sound from the others.
51. A. mere B. weird C. hear D. tear (verb).
33. The new manager was responsible for the … (A. uplifting
B. lifting C. uplift D. upliftment) of the organization. 52. A. does B. son C. flood D. world
34. He is… Kaduna… (A. at/in B. at/for C. in/on D. for/in) 53. A. cough B. rough C. rot D. dog
an official assignment.
In each of questions 54 to 56, choose the option that has the
35. The future of the company is… though many seem … same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s)
(A. promising/nostalgic B. dicy/unsatisfied underlined.
C. okay/optimistic D. rosy/pessimistic) about it.
54. preached
36. The army officer said that more… (A. geurrilas A. lotion B. castle C. question D. past
B. guerrilas C. geurrillas D. guerrillas) would be
needed to prosecute the war. 55. business
A. eyes B. grace C. rice D. sink
37. The quality of your questions which… always attracted
attention… (A. has/have B. have/have C. has/has 56. cough
D. have/ has) never been in doubt. A. thoroughly B. of C. trophy D. though
38. Despite all preparations, the wedding did not… In each of questions 57 and 58, choose the word that has a
(A. come on B. come up C. come along D. come off). different stress pattern from the others.
39. Didn’t … (A. somebody B. someone C. anyone D. everyone) 57. A. convenient B. contribute C. embarrass D.
draw your attention to the entry requirements? madam
58. A. suffer B. blackboard C. success D. calendar
40. You are free to solicit… (A. financial B. by financial C. f
or financial D. a financial) support from the Board. In each of questions 59 to 73, choose
41. As election day draws near, the party looks… because the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
many of its members have… (A. cheerless/cross-
carpeted from B. cheerful/moved to C. vulnerable/ 59. I wonder what will be left of his essay when the extraneous
defected to D. successful/declared for) other parties. material is deleted.
A. main B. relevant C. erroneous D. superfluous
42. Ali has been cured of his amnesia; he no longer suffers
from… (A. rounds of anxiety B. bouts of malaria C. 60. Tortoises need cool climates and must have places
pains in his arms D. loss of memory). where they can hibernate.
A. sleep deeply B. relax C. reproduce D. hide at night
43. By this time next year, I… (A. will have been B. would
have been C. could have been D. will be) twenty years 61. They are considered to be legal luminaries.
old. A. experts B. practitioners C. directors D. powers
44. The operations of the bank… not… (A. do/cover B. 62. Practising medicine is not as lucrative as many people
did/covered C. does/cover D. does/covered) cottage think.
and small-scale industries. A. know B. assume C. consider D. understand
63. The manager made disparaging remarks about the retiring C His rise to fame was only temporary.
officer. D. He became successful very suddenly.
A. parochial B. cynical C. derogatory D. rude 78. The politician was pilloried by the press for his
inflammatory remarks.
64. The teacher’s apparent nonchalant attitude was misconstrued A. The politician was closely questioned by the
by his students. press for his remarks.
A. condoned B. misquoted C. misinterpreted B. The politician was criticized by the press for
D. misrepresented. his remarks.
C. The politician was ridiculed by the press for
65. Let us not indulge in recrimination. his remarks.
A. unfounded allegation B. counter-accusation D. The politician was snubbed by the press for
C. accusation D. indictment. his remarks.
66. Teachers of music believe in its therapeutic effect. 79. Audu was taken bad in the middle of the night.
A. lyrical B. healing C. sound D. rhythmic A. He was ill B. He was caught. C. He was drunk
D. He was robbed.
67. The man outran his wife when they heard the eerie sound.
A. hissing B. harsh C. scary D. loud 80. After the successful operation, he recovered by leaps
and bounds.
68. His success may be described as a pyrrhic victory. A. His well-bound wounds aided his recovery.
A. a deserving victory B. costly C. indecisive B. He did a lot of keep-fit exercises.
D. an easy victory C. He used to jog regularly.
D. He got well very rapidly.
69. The Executive Secretary has just assumed office.
A. resumed work B. been sworn in C. started work (Questions 81 to 100 carry 1 mark each.)
D. returned
In each of questions 81 to 85, the word in capital letters has the
70. The warring tribes have been told to parley with each emphatic stress. Choose the option that best fits the expression
other. in the sentence.
A. hold talks B. observe a truce C. suspend hostilities
D. sign a treaty. 81. The university has been TEMPORARILY closed.
A. Has the university been permanently open?
71. He is a stringer for a newspaper. B. Has the campus been permanently closed?
A. a financier of B. a reporter for C. an editor of C. Has the college been temporarily closed?
D. a freelancer for D. Has the university been permanently closed?
72. Adigun’s jokes are always puerile. 82. The king RAN to the palace.
A. entertaining B. empty C. childish D. amusing A. Where did the king run to?
B. Did the queen run to the palace?
73. I wish the commander were less adamant about his C. Did the king walk to the palace?
proposed reprisal attack on the enemy. D. Who ran to the palace?
A. unyielding about/retaliatory
B. tolerant of /surprise 83. He travelled ONLY 20 kilometres before his car stopped.
C. sentimental about/rehearsed A. Did he travel only 20 kilometres after his car
D. supportive of /retributive stopped?
B. Did he travel exactly 20 kilometres before his car
In each of questions 74 and 75, identify the word that has the stopped?
stress on the first syllable. C. Did he travel more than 20 kilometres before
his car stopped?
74. A. comment B. dismiss D. Did you walk only 20 kilometres before the
C. intact D. confuse vehicle stopped?
75. A. commute B. import (verb)
C. intend D. export (noun) 84. The man BOUGHT the newspaper.
A. What did the man buy?
In each of questions 76 to 80, select the option that best explains B. Is this the newspaper which the man bought?
the information conveyed in the sentence. Each question carries C. Who bought the newspaper?
2 marks. D. Did the man read the newspaper?
76. The organization is constantly in a state of flux. 85. My UNCLE retired from the police.
A. The organization is moribund. A. Did your brother retire from the police?
B. The organization is experiencing good times. B. Did your brother resign from the police?
C. The organization is facing a difficult period. C. Did your uncle retire from the army?
D. There are periodic changes in the D. Did your sister resign from the police?
In each of questions 86 to 100, choose the option opposite in
77. His meteoric rise to fame surprised everyone. meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
A. People were amazed at his rapid success.
B. He rose to the top quite unexpectedly. 86. The Governor’s visit is an unprecedented event in the
history of he social club.
A. an unnecessary B. a momentous C. a perfect 96. The President gave another extemporaneous speech
D. an insignificant last
87. He gave an unsatisfactory excuse but the boss swallowed A. fascinating B. unfavourable C. unprepared D. planned.
it hook, line and sinker.
A. completely B. with a pinch of salt. C. entirely 97. The witness averred that she had seen Dosun at the
D. without mincing words. scene of the crime.
A. confirmed B. argued C. affirmed D. denied
88. The principal took exception to the ignoble role the
teacher played in the matter. 98. The workers suddenly became restive.
A. dishonourable B. extraordinary C. honourable A. fidgety B. calm C. disorderly D. submissive
D. embarrassing
99. The athlete has unexpectedly become indomitable.
89. The hardline posture of the labour leader has not helped A. unruly B. unconquerable C. weak D. disoriented.
A. imposing B. difficult C. compromising 100. He is notorious for his drunkenness.
D. uncompromising A. known B. renowned C. popular D. well known
90. The high cost of living these days calls for a lot of
frugality. Read passages, I, II and III carefully and answer the questions
A. economy B. recklessness C. prudence D. that follow. Each question carries 3 marks.
91. The evidence the leader gave was incontrovertible.
A. logical B. indubitable C. practicable D. contestable PASSAGE I
When man evolved a conscience, his basic relationship
92. Tunde’s reaction underscores the point I was making. with the other animals began to change. Until then, they were
A. contradicts B. justifies C. summarizes D. emphasizes broadly divided into those which ate him when they got the
chance, those which he ate when he got the chance, and a third
93. Everyone admired the manager’s adroit handling of group which competed with him for food, or was otherwise a
the nuisance to him in the business of keeping alive.
crises in he company. In the primitive situation, man was, therefore, basically
A. clever B. clumsy C. skilful D. tactless against Nature but, as the battle was progressively won,
conscience crept in; the awareness of responsibility, and a failure
94. The chairman’s conduct redounds to the image of the
to meet it, produced feelings of guilt. Those who live in cities
A. contributes to B. detracts from C. assists in D. reflects on. and need no longer do battle against Nature are nowadays most
95. Her phlegmatic temperament endears her to her friends. actively for Nature.
A. cold B. stoic C. lively D. irritable.
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately 29. The manager paid us in hard currency.
following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most A. We were paid in new notes.
appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks. B. We were paid in foreign currency.
C. We were paid in dollars and pound sterling.
A prepared speech is not easy to deliver, especially if it D. We were paid in a strong and stable currency.
is not written by the presenter. A …16… (A. document B. free
C. manuscript D. quantum) delivery is one in which the speech 30. If he went to London, he would see the Queen.
has been written out word for word and is read to ...17... (A. a A. When he goes to London, he will see the
gathering B. a conference C. a congregation D. an audience). Queen.
B. He did not go to London and did not see the
Queen. 47. The party supporters vilified the Chairman for the role
C. He did not see the Queen when he went to he played in the crisis that rocked the party.
London. A. elected. B. challenged C. condemned D. impeached
D. He would like to see the Queen when he goes
to London. 48. The company is to shed three thousand staff this year.
A. demote B. lay off C. throw up D. placate
(Questions 31 to 100 carry 1 mark each.)
49. There was a glut of oil on the market.
In each of questions 31 to 45, choose the option opposite in A. a variety of B. an accumulation of
meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. C. an abundance of D. an increase in
31. Only those who are gullible fall victim to his trickery. 50. A few years ago, nobody would have believed that the
A. saucy B. devastated C. courteous D. astute economy would turn around.
A. deteriorate B. improve C. stagnate D. change
32. He is well known for his inordinate ambition.
A. excessive B. passionate C. moderate D. sound 51. Before announcing his retirement, Ochima resolved to
settle on account with the bank.
33. Students could be timid. A. pay back all he owes B. close his account with
A. friendly B. bold C. covetous D. pugnacious C. retire his loans from D. get back at
34. The witness decided to conceal the evidence. 52. The boys knew that a storm was imminent.
A. divulge B. hide C. destroy D. pugnacious A. possible B. impending C. threatening
D. encroaching
35. The members of the congregation were inspired by the
sermon. 53. The nurse was in favour of voluntary euthanasia.
A. bewitched B. enthralled C. disenchanted D. disorientated A. a painless death B. a simple operation C. a
sleeping pill D. a major operation
36. Agbenu was ecstatic about her result.
A. dispassionate B. sad C. pessimistic D. mad 54. The cynics feared that the nation’s nascent democracy
would fail.
37. The labour leader’s recalcitrant stance was applauded. A. pessimists B. delinquents C. critics D.
A. stubborn B. flexible C. uncompromising D. well- illusionists
55. The essence of governance is to seek the good and
38. A cool bath in a hot weather can be truly invigorating. well-being of the majority of the people.
A. devastating B. unpalatable C. debilitating D. disgusting A. importance B. goal C. characteristic D. secret
39. I am loath to do the assignment. 56. From what she said, one may infer that she does not like
A. willing B. unwilling C. waiting D. dying the course.
A. suppose B. realize C. deduce D. agree
40. Toyin is married to an impatient, self-centered man.
A. a fretful B. a tolerant C. an edgy D. a tolerable 57. He shared his room with a person whose behaviour
was quite nauseating.
41. Gregarious animals can be found in the zoo. A. disrespectful B. disgraceful C. discouraging
A. Various B. Wild C. Lonely D. Tame D. disgusting
42. The doctor examined the patient painstakingly. 58. The carpenter built a commodious wardrobe.
A. perfunctorily B. professionally C. painfully D. carefully A. gigantic B. small C. spacious D. wide
59. Publishing as a business venture has become a hot
43. The company has continued to monopolize the potato in Nigeria.
distribution of the products. A. unpleasant B. profitable C. unacceptable
A. centralize B. specialize C. liberalize D. regularize D. expensive
44. A conservative estimate put the number of missing 60. The man’s story sounded plausible to his audience.
persons at forty. A. fantastic B. credulous C. credible D. entertaining
A. A rough B. An accurate C. A primitive D. An incorrect
In each of questions 61 to 85, fill each gap with the most
45. The agency has sworn to deal with all the apostles of appropriate option from the list provided.
A. proponents B. protagonists C. apostates D. opponents. 61. ‘I can’t stand people prying into my private life’, Ladi
said. ‘...,’ (A. Me neither B. Me too C. I also D. Likewise
In each of questions 46 to 60, choose the option nearest in myself) agreed Agbenu .
meaning to word(s) or phrase in italics.
62. The sergeant spoke to me in a … (A. coerce B. coarse
46. The leader has the unstinting support of his party. C. course D. causal) manner.
A. unsparing B. laudable C. uninspiring D. cautious.
63. The reason why he was not offered admission was … 83. It was a free-for-all and the students were blamed for
(A. because B. that C. when D. owning to) his results taking the law… (A. into their hands B. in their hands
could not be found. C. into their own hands D. in their own hands).
64. Adika… (A. receive B. receives C. has received D. had 84. Ali plays… (A. their B. some C. a D. the)violin with
received) a message from the club regularly. remarkable skill.
65. Three quarters of the people in the village … killed but 85. The candidate’s charisma should be a…
only half of their huts … ( A. were/was B. were/were C. (A. determinable B. determining C. determinant
was/was) affected. D. determinate) factor in winning the election.
66. If you saw the photograph of the man, … (A. can In each of questions 86 to 88, choose the option that has the
B. will C. would D. could) you be able to identify him? same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s)
67. It is bad to take… (A. someone else’s B. someone’s else
C. someone’s else’s D. someone elses’) property without 86. colonel
permission. A. gaol B. colony
C. golden D. girl
68. As Obande does not know anyone in this city, he hopes
that some kind… (A. men B. individuals C. man D. 87. tend
inhabitants) will put him up for the night. A. jeopardy B. turned
C. earned D. caned
69. Be careful not to… (A lose B. loose C. loss D. lost) this
money. 88. market
A. get B. mortgage
70. How is the new editor… (A. pushing B. going C. getting C. enter D. bachelor
D. moving) on with his work?
In each of questions 89 to 91, choose the option that has a
71. Nowadays, many graduates are not well disposed to different vowel sound from the others.
teaching,… (A. do they? B. they are? C. aren’t they?
D. are they?) 89. A dear B. fair
C. bear D. there
72. The armed robbers went into the house and robbed the
three… (A. women’s occupants B. women occupants 90. A. hope B. cost
C. woman occupants D. woman’s occupants). C. coast D. won’t
73. It is often… that inflation… (A. say/resulted B. said/ 91. A. naught B. north
result C. said/results D. say/result) from too much C. spot D. law
money chasing very few goods.
In each of questions 92 to 94, choose the option that has the
74. If you would do me this favour, I … (A. will B. shall same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s)
C. would D. should) be very grateful. underlined.
92. concrete
75. I have the … (A. privilege B. priviledge C. privelege A. attend B. anxious
D. previlege) of meeting the President. C. concern D. consider
76. My classmate,… (A. that B. whose C. whom D. which)
I haven’t seen for years, wrote to me last week. 93. chalet
A. college B. chemical
77. Four weeks… (A. has been B. are C. were D. is) enough C. chairman D. champagne
for the police to conclude their investigation.
94. teeth
78. The woman is one of the … (A. elitists B. elites C. elite A. though B. taught
D. elitist) of the society. C. thought D. tank
79. The doctor asked the patient what … (A. is the problem In each of questions 95 and 96, choose the option that has a
B. the problem was C. the problem is D. is your different consonant sound from the others.
95. A. shoe B. ocean
80. He put… (A. a white dozen eggs B. dozen white eggs C. chef D. chief
C. a dozen white eggs D. white dozen eggs) in a basket.
81. Idakwo ran… (A. lest he almost B. lest he will C. lest he 96. A. laugh B. off
should. D. lest he may) miss the train. C. wife D. of
In each of questions 97 and 98, choose the option that has the
82. Course … (A. material B. materials C. material’s same stress pattern as the given word.
D. materials’) writers are to reflect local colour.
97. cement.
B. Are these the pressmen that the President spoke
A. employ (noun) B. interest to?
C. perfect (adjective) D. include C. Did the President speak to the press?
D. Did the President write to the press?
98. typist
A. rebel (verb) B. superb
C. refuse (noun) D. propose
In each of questions 99 and 100, the word in capital letters has COMPREHENSION
the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the sentence
relates. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that
follow. Each Question carries 3 marks.
99. My MOTHER served rice and fresh fish stew for dinner.
A. What of kind of meal did your mother serve for PASSAGE I
B. Did your mother serve rice and fresh fish stew for If, once in a lifetime, you see a blue moon, don’t think
lunch? your eyes are playing tricks on you. It’s caused by dust in our
C. What kind of stew did your mother serve for dinner? upper atmosphere; ice crystals are what make you see rings
D. Who served rice and fresh fish stew for dinner? round the moon.
Over the centuries, magical powers have been attributed
100. The President SPOKE to the press. to the moon. It has been said to bring on lunacy, affect the
A. Who spoke to the press? growth of plants, eyes of cats, spots of panthers, functions of
women and activities of ghosts. France once had a law against
cutting timber except during a waning moon. The moon, and to
Read passages III and IV carefully and answer the questions 19. Which of the following statements captures the family’s
that follow. Each question carries 3 marks. approach to housework?
A. No job was reserved for anyone on the basis
PASSAGE III of gender.
We knew early in our life that the atmosphere in our B. Their mother did the cooking and cleaning
home was different from that in many other homes, where willingly.
husbands and wives quarrel and where there was drunkenness, C. The boys were not allowed to do girls work.
laziness or indifference – things we never saw in our family. We D. The water needed was provided by everyone.
chafed and grumbled at the strictness of my father’s regime. We
went to hide whenever we broke the rules too visibly. We knew, 20. A suitable title for the passage is
nevertheless, that our parents wanted good things for us. Some A. A Village Life B. The Unusual Parent
of these, such as the insistence on our going to school and C. The Problem of Water D. An Experience in Early life.
never missing a day, we accepted readily enough, although, like
most other children, we occasionally yielded to the temptation
to play truant. However, in other cases such as their effort to PASSAGE IV
keep us out of contact with the difficult life – the drinking and A Wolf, seeing a Lamb drinking from a river, wanted to find a
fighting and beer-brewing and gambling – their failure was pretext for devouring him. He stood higher up the stream and
inevitable. They could not keep us insulated. By the time we accused the lamb of muddying the water so that he could not
moved about, we were already seeing things with their eyes and drink. The lamb said that he drank only with tip of his tongue,
judging things by the standards we had absorbed from them. and that in any case he was standing lower down the river, and
It was borne in on me and my brother at a very early could not possibly disturb the water higher up. When this excuse
age that our father was an uncommon man. For one thing, in failed him, the wolf said: ‘Well, last year you insulted my father.’
most African families, work around the home was women’s work. ‘I wasn’t even born then,’ replied the lamb.
So we were vastly impressed by the fact that whenever my mother ‘You are good at finding answers, ‘said the wolf, ‘but
was away, my father could and did do all her jobs – cooking, what do you mean by taking up so much of the path where I am
cleaning and looking after us. We lived in this way in a community walking? The lamb, frightened at the wolf’s angry tone and
in which housework was regarded as being beneath male dignity. terrible aspect, told him, with all due submission, that he could
Even in families which, like ours, produced boy after boy – our not conceive how his walking on such a wide path could
sister came fifth – it simply meant that the mother carried a greater occasion him inconvenience. ‘What!’ exclaimed the wolf,
and greater burden of work. In our family, nevertheless, the boys seemingly in great anger and indignation. ‘You are as impudent
did girl’s work and my father did it with us. as your father who seized me by the throat last year, and caused
One of the prime chores of life in the family was fetching me to be kept in a cage for three months.’
water from the pump down the street, some two hundred metres ‘If you will believe me,’ said the lamb, ‘my parents are
from our door. Since the pump was not unlocked until six in the poor simple creatures who live entirely by green stuff; we are
morning and there was always crowding, a system had developed none of us hunters of your species.’ ‘Ah! I see it’s no use talking
whereby you got out before dawn, placed your twenty-litre tin to you, ‘said the wolf, drawing up close to him. ‘It runs in the
in line, and then went home, returning later to take your place. blood of your family to hate us wolves, and therefore, as we
Often, of course, tins would be moved back in line and others have come so conveniently together, I’ll just pay off a few of
moved ahead. This could be corrected if none of those in front your forefathers’ scores before we part. ‘So saying, he leapt at
were too big a challenge. the lamb from behind and garroted him.
When taps were substituted for the pumps, the first one
installed was nearly a kilometre away from our house and we 21. The charges levelled against the lamb are
had to make the treck with the water tins balanced on our heads A. pollution, insolence, obstruction and
-- and indignity because this was the way girls, not proud males, aggression.
carried their burdens. All the children in the neibghbourhood B. exuberance, pollution, wickedness and
knew we did women’s work and I can still hear their derisive stubbornness
C. garrulity, loquacity, pride and arrogance
D. greed, wandering, insolence and disrespect. 31. The poor widow who could not buy the clothes was
22. From the way the story ended, it can be concluded that the … her wool into… (A. making/tailoring B. to spin/
A. wolf and the lamb parted amicably yards
B. lamb did not survive the encounter C. spinning/yarn D. to spill/clothes) yesterday.
C. wolf had encountered the lamb’s parents
D. lamb offended the wolf quite seriously. 32. … (A. Referring to B. With reference to
C. Due to D. Owning to) his illness,
23. Which of the following aptly describes the moral of the story? Muhammad could not come to school.
A. No matter how highly placed he is in society,
the unmindful lawbreaker will always meet his 33. You may not have heard the last word on the matter, …
nemesis. (A. have you B. may you have C. haven’t you D. mayn’t
B. The law is weak in defence of the poor against have you)?
the rich and mighty.
C. The sins of the forefathers are visited upon 34. Agbo says he is not afraid of … (A. no one B. nothing
the children no matter how long it takes. C. nobody D. anybody)
D. If you have made up your mind to hang your
dog, any rope will do for the purpose. 35. The city… as a federal capital only … (A. existed/over
B. has existed/for C. was existing/from D. is existing
24. The expression when this excuse failed him suggests in) the last twenty years.
that the
A. lamb was prepared for the charges levelled against 36. He not only looked after the children when their parents
him died, … (A. also he B. also C. but also D. but he)
B. wolf was uncertain of the charges levelled sponsored their education to university.
againstthe lamb
C. wolf only made up the charges levelled against 37. After so many trials, the experiment… (A. paid up
the lamb B. paid off C. paid out D. paid for).
D. lamb was more intelligent than the wolf.
38. His supporters rallied round him in moments of…
25. The expression angry tone and terrible aspect refers (A. criticism B. disillusionment C. acrimony D. crisis)
to the wolf’s
A. towering size and thunderous voice 39. One needs to exemplify or … (A. declare B. demonstrate
B. harsh voice and menacing posture C. satisfy D. supply) the aspect of the subject being
C. sonorous voice and overbearing attitude discussed.
D. loud voice and fretting movement.
40. Actually, he forgot the one to…(A. whomever B. who
LEXIS, STRUCTURE AND ORAL FORMS C. whoever D. whom) the job was given.
(Questions 26 to 59 carry I mark each.) 41. The police claim that a number of stolen cars… (A. is
In each of questions 26 and 27, choose the option that has the being B. has being C. have been D. has been)
same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) recovered.
42. The storm… (A. did B. wrecked C. made D. wreaked)
26. bear havoc on several buildings in the village.
A. rare B. fear
C. beer D. steer 43. People dislike Mariam because she is… (A trickful B.
27. nine tricky C. a tricker D. trickish)
A. click B. gill
C. pint D. pin 44. The chairman refused to shake … (A. hands. B. his
hand C. hand D. his hands) with the secretary.
In each of the questions 28 and 29, choose the appropriate
stress pattern from the options. The syllables are written in 45. Ali goes to the stadium regularly, but he.. (A. didn’t go
capital letters. B. hasn’t been C. haven’t been D. hadn’t been) to the
28. expostulate church for months.
A. exPOStulate B. exposTUlate
C. expostuLATE D. EXpostulate 46. No teacher of honour would subject his student to any
form of … (A. harrassment B. harrasment C.
29. sufficiency harassement D. harassment).
A. sufficienCY B. suffiCIENcy
C. sufFIciency D. SUFficiency 47. The interpreter was wrong because he gave the
congregation a… (A. unilateral B. literary C. literal
In each of questions 30 to 54, choose the option that best D. lateral) translation of the pastor’s statement.
completes the gap(s)
48. Each of the houses… (A. have got B. has C. have D.
30. He isn’t coming home, is he? …(A. No B. Why C. Yes D. were given) a new look.
Now), he isn’t.
49. The reporter said that the Honourable Speaker… (A. is to
be B. will have been C. might have been D. may have 61. In many countries, democracy is ostensibly being
being) impeached. practiced.
A. Many countries have effective democracy.
50. It is … (A. their’s B. theirs’ C. theirs D. their) B. Democracy is indeed being practiced in many
responsibility to look after their parents in old age. countries.
C. Democracy is apparently practiced in many
51. I shall find time for my…when I get.. (A. pastime/ countries.
through B. pass-time/over C. passtime/through D. D. Many countries have democracy in practise.
past-time/over) with this difficult assignment.
62. Adamu’s father is a key figure in that ministry.
52. All God’s prophets were given the great… (A A. Adamu’s father’s position is essential in the
commition B. comission C. commission D. ministry.
commision) to preach salvation to people. B. The ministry trusts Adamu’s father as a central
53. Each producer is able to place a price on his product by C. Adamu’s father is a figurehead in the ministry.
considering its… (A assessment B. choice C. D. Adamu’s father keeps the key to the ministry.
judgement D. worth)
63. Everyone was ready to play the devil’s advocate in the
54. The minister addressed the workers to boost their… (A. impeachment controversy.
mural B. morale C. morality D. moral). A. Everyone was willing to fight for the
defenceless citizens no matter the
In each of questions 55 to 57, choose the option that has the consequences.
same consonant sound as the one presented by the letter(s) B. Everyone was willing to defend an unpopular
underlined. point of view concerning the impeachment.
C. Everyone was willing to speak against the
55. caused impeachment to encourage discussion on it.
A. realized, B. frost D. Everyone was willing to be an evil genius in
C. released D. chanced the controversy.
In each of questions 60 to 64, select the option that best explains In each of questions 69 to 83, choose the option nearest in
the information conveyed in the sentence. Each question carries meaning to the word or phrase in italics.
2 marks.
69. The presence of the captain makes the sailors ill at
60. The investigators stated clearly that they had reached a ease.
dead end in their scrutiny of suspects in the murder A. impatient B. easily ill
case. C. uncomfortable D. sickly
A. The end had come for the suspects in the murder
case. 70. Ibro shows enough liberality with his meager income.
B. There was no further progress in the A. insensitivity B. prodigality
investigation of the murder suspects. C. frugality D. generosity
C. The investigators did not know what to do
with suspects’ murder. 71. It is a misnomer to call three thousand naira a living
D. The investigators had evidence to sentence wage.
the suspects to death in the end. A. a wrong description
B. an incontrovertible assertion
C. an appropriate term A. calmed B. confused C. refreshed D. helped
D. a mishmash
87. We found a shady place for the display.
72. The press described the efforts of the government in A. an enclosed B. a stuffy C. an open D. an unsafe
pejorative terms.
A. superlative B. palpable 88. The player writhed in pain after the fall
C. critical D. contemptible. A. cried out B. remained still C. walked out
D. shook violently
73. The town was in such a turmoil that the dance was
called 89. The ship was imperilled by high winds.
off. A. saved B. deceived C. destroyed D. piloted
A. state of darkness B. state of confusion
C. rainy state D. mourning state 90. The team got an ecstatic welcome from the crowd.
A. a joyous B. an unexpected C. an expected D. a cold
74. The festivals create in the people a feeling of pride in
their cultural heritage. 91. Sailors are unusually dauntless in their exploits.
A. legacy B. possession A. excited B. ruthless C. frightened D. selfless
C. history D. heirloom
92. Beauty queens sometimes wear outlandish dresses.
75. Okonkwo manages his household with a heavy hand. A. familiar B. flashy C. beautiful D. attractive
A. using the cane on every occasion
B. without tolerating weaknesses 93. My father’s presentation was rather casual.
C. like a powerful dictator. A. divisive B. vital C. informal D. formal
D. like a heavyweight champion. 94. The Flying Eagles put up a plucky defence against their
76. In spite of constant financial support from his father, opponents
Udenyi treats his studies with considerable levity. A. weak B. Strong C. careless D. tactful
A. lassitude B. wastefulness
C. enthusiasm D. seriousness 95. The journalist said he was working freelance.
A. satisfactorily B. without a pay C. dependently
77. The school’s badge is the insignia of office for all the D. tirelessly
prefects in the school.
A. seal B. recognition C. power D. symbol 96. The injured man is determined to get back at his assailant.
A. visit B. forgive C. identify D. attack
78. Funnily enough, the priest prayed for the robber who 97. The dictator wanted tractable men in his cabinet.
shot him. A. tough B. intelligent C. unruly D. reliable
A. timidly B. fearlessly
C. unexpectedly D. disappointingly 98. After the war, the victors became increasingly
79. The mottled skin of a person with HIV indicates an A. treacherous B. arrogant C. vociferous
advanced stage of its development. D. friendly
A. pimply B. scaly C. brown D. spotted
99. The potency of the drug has been acknowledged.
80. The prosecutor was fully able to substantiate the A. action B. inefficacy C. power D. loss
A. expatiate on B. weaken C. prove D. dismiss 100. The man who scared the girl was a bit deranged.
81. The manager’s knowledge of the strike is of the utmost A. crazy B. amorous C. dangerous D. sane
A. basic B. genuine C. standard D. paramount