Final Synopsis Report (Thesis) Prateek
Final Synopsis Report (Thesis) Prateek
Final Synopsis Report (Thesis) Prateek
Submitted By:
Prateek Vajpayee
National Institute of Fashion Technology(NIFT)
1.1 Introduction
NIFT is the pioneering institute of fashion education in the country and has been in the vanguard
of providing professional human resource to the textile and apparel industry.It was made a
statutory institute in 2006 by an act of the Indian Parliament with the president of India as visitor
and has full fledged campuses al across the country NIFT has also been working as a knowledge
service provided to the Union and State government in the area of designdevelopement and
positioning of hand looms and handicrafts..
Master in design(2yr)
17 th centre in India
Inter State Bus Terminal(ISBT)
1.1 Introduction
To achive the desired transportation balance and for the system to be efficient,it is essential t o
provide organized facilities in the system.As transportation is concerened with the movement
between origin and destination involves the movement of peopleand goods,there is need for an
access point in the system for use.To achive design and to come up with the prototype design for
a bus terminal for future and urban scenario whew space will become precious commodity and
high bus trip will have to support from small size.
Aim of the project is to provide organized transportation facility for easy movement of people.
1.3 Scope
Proposed bus terminal would mainly be a transitbus terminal for neighbouring states Uttar
Pradesh,Jharkhand buses potential bus trip per day
1.4 Objective
The objective of the project is to construction multistoried buildingaccomodating both stateof art
bus terminus and business commercial activities.
Site Detail :
1.1 Introduction
India Loves sports and if cricket is not more than a religion,it is not lesser as well.The craze for
cricket can be seen in each part of India and Indians are not just followers,they are lovers
instead.An international Cricket Stadium is not a child play rather a million dollar projects with
many essential requirements
Aim of the project is to provide a whole new experience of playing cricket within the state.
1.3.Site Detail
Seating Capacity:45,000