40 Elumbaring Vs Elumbaring PDF
40 Elumbaring Vs Elumbaring PDF
40 Elumbaring Vs Elumbaring PDF
"2. The court erred in refusing the admission of the VOL. 12, JANUARY 5, 1909. 387
stubbooks and the duplicate of the affidavit, Elumbaring vs. Elumbaring.
Exhibits B and C, on account of the mere fact that
these documents say Banonong and the complaint
a testigo de asistencia of legal age, who is in the enjoyment
says Sulangon.
of all his civil rights and who can read and write correctly."
"3. The court erred in rendering its decision on the Article 9 of said decree is as follows:
ground that there was no evidence of the fact that "In the places where no escribanos reales or notaries
Timoteo Carreon was the owner of this land at the public may exist, and it is impracticable to appoint ad
time he sold it to the plaintiff. interim officials, as provided in the preceding article, they
"4. The court erred in resting its decision on the shall be substituted in the exercise of the judicial authority
allegation that, in an action for eviction, the by testigos de asistencia, in accordance with the laws and
plaintiff must not base his claim upon the provisions now in force."
insufficiency of the title of the defendant but on the The contention of the defendant is that article 9 of said
validity of his own title." decree permits a justice of the peace, assisted by witnesses,
to perform the duties of a notary public when there are no
During the trial of the cause it was clearly proved that the notaries public or clerks of courts in the district. A -careful
plaintiff had been in the possession of the land in question reading of said decree, however, will show clearly that this
at least from on or about the 3d day of September, 1896 to contention of the appellant is not tenable. Articles 1, 2, 3, 4
1903 or 1904, and that on or about the latter date the and 5 of said decree relate to justices of the peace and their
defendant had forcibly taken possession of the same. duties, together with the gobernadorcillos, in relation to
The plaintiff attempted to show that upon the 3d day of the duties of the judges of the Courts of First Instance,
September, 1896, he had purchased the land in question during the absence or inability of said judge.
from one Timoteo Carreon and had actually delivered to Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 of said decree relate to the clerks of
the said vendor a carabao and some rice in payment the Courts of First Instance and notaries public and
therefor. To support this claim the plaintiff offered in persons who may be substituted for them in their absence
evidence a certified copy of a deed or conveyance of the said and before others are appointed. The phrase, therefore,
land, executed and delivered by the said Carreon before the "they shall be substituted in the exercise of the judicial
justice of the peace of the pueblo of Dapitan (Exhibit A). authority" has no relation whatever to the substitution of a
The defendant objected to the admission of this document justice of the peace in the place of a notary public or of a
in evidence upon the ground that the same had not been clerk of the Court of First Instance, but refers to the
duly identified. The lower court sustained the objection. substitution of witnesses of assistance f or notaries public
The appellant assigns this ruling as one of the errors and clerks of Courts of First Instance during the absence of
committed by the lower court. the latter and before the appointment of other notaries
To demonstrate that the lower court committed an error public and clerks of the courts.
in rejecting this document, the appellant in this court cites Courts of justices of the peace are courts of special and
articles 3 and 9 of the Real Decreto del Rey de España de 29 limited jurisdiction and have no authority except that
expressly imposed by law. Upon this question the error in not admitting the tax receipts which he offered in
jurisprudence of Spain and of the United States is the evidence. Tax receipts are no evidence of the right of
same. Justices of the peace were not expressly authorized ownership nor of the right of possession of land.
by law to take the acknowledgment of documents of this
VOL. 12, JANUARY 5, 1909. 391
Lubrico vs. Arbado.
Elumbaring vs. Elumbaring.