PagliarelloBeddoes StressRelaxati
PagliarelloBeddoes StressRelaxati
PagliarelloBeddoes StressRelaxati
4 209
2 authors, including:
Jonathan Beddoes
University of Manitoba
All content following this page was uploaded by Jonathan Beddoes on 11 August 2015.
The manuscript was received on 5 October 2008 and was accepted after revision for publication on 19 January 2009.
DOI: 10.1243/03093247JSA476
Hooke’s law s 5 Eee, where E is Young’s modulus and the yield stress are necessary to avoid anelastic-
s is the stress, into equation (1) and differentiating associated transient behaviour during the initial
with respect to time provide stages of stress relaxation [9, 10]. The short time
required for stress relaxation tests, compared with
dep 1 ds creep tests, allows multiple relaxation tests to be
~{ ð2Þ
dt E dt undertaken on a single sample, with the resulting
creep strength predicted insensitive to thermal and
relating the stress rate during a stress relaxation test mechanical history [9]. An alternative stress relaxa-
to the plastic or creep strain rate. Such stress tion method is the ‘multiple hardening–relaxation’
relaxation tests have been referred to as self- test in which the strain is increased in a stepwise
programmed variable-stress creep tests [3], with manner with a time interval at each step during
the benefit that a wide range of creep strain rates, which relaxation occurs [5].
corresponding to a range of applied stresses, occur In this paper the stress relaxation behaviour of 21–
in a relatively short time. Combining this short test 4N, a manganese-stabilized austenitic stainless steel,
time with the fact that the total strain is constant and is investigated in terms of the metallurgical state, the
the accumulated plastic strain is minimal offers the application of multiple strain levels during ‘stepped’
possibility to undertake several relaxation events on stress relaxation testing, the strain level during
one sample without any significant change in the isostrain stress relaxation tests, and the correspon-
metallurgical state. dence with results from constant-load creep tests.
Stress relaxation results have been used to esti- The purpose is to evaluate the potential to reduce
mate the creep properties of various elevated- the testing time required to characterize the creep
temperature alloys [4–8]. The creep rupture life for behaviour of elevated-temperature structural mate-
industrial gas turbine blades can be estimated within rials by using stress relaxation methods.
a factor of 3 via stress relaxation testing [4]. For a
nickel superalloy gas turbine disc material the creep
curves were computed from stress relaxation tests 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL
[5], albeit for creep rupture lives of less than 10 h. PROCEDURE
Likewise, for a Cr–Mo–V steam turbine rotor steel,
stress relaxation tests accurately predicted creep Material for this study was cut from hot-rolled 21–4N
strain rates of about 1024 h21 at 137 MPa, but at bars of 22 mm diameter with the composition listed
100 MPa the strain rate discrepancy is nearly an in Table 1 as determined by optical emission
order of magnitude [6]. Regardless of the accuracy spectroscopy for the major elements. Three heat-
with which stress relaxation tests predict creep strain treated conditions were prepared according to the
rates, relatively short-duration (about 1 day) stress thermal profiles of Table 2. The microstructure
relaxation tests revealed the deterioration of the resulting from the standard (Std) heat treatment
temperature capability of one group of superalloy has been described in reference [11], and those for
blades [4], a result that would probably require creep the normal grain boundary (NGB) and serrated grain
tests of much longer duration. boundary (SGB) heat treatments have been de-
Differences in stress relaxation test methodology scribed in reference [12].
exist. The amount of pre-strain prior to stress All specimens for tensile, creep, and stress relaxa-
relaxation varies from as low as 0.2 per cent [6, 7, tion tests were machined to a straight gauge length
9] prior to yielding, to in excess of 1.0 per cent [5–9] of 40.6 mm and diameter of 6.3 mm. Grooves were
after yielding. For a directionally solidified nickel machined into specimen shoulders for attachment
superalloy loaded parallel to the directional struc- of a high-temperature extensometer with a strain
ture the stress necessary for a relaxation strain rate accuracy of at least ¡161024 equipped with a linear
of 1029 s21 was considerably lower for a pre-strain of variable-differential transducer (LVDT). For all me-
0.2 per cent than for pre-strains of 0.4–1.5 per cent chanical testing, the temperature from thermocou-
[7]. In contrast, for Cr–Mo–V steel the stress ples attached to the specimen shoulders was con-
necessary for a relaxation strain rate of 1029 s21 trolled to ¡1 uC. The yield and ultimate tensile
was lower at higher pre-strains of 0.8 per cent and 1 strengths were determined at 700 uC with a loading
per cent than for pre-strains of 0.2–0.6 per cent [6], strain rate of 1.761023 s21.
with the higher pre-strains correlating better with Creep testing was conducted in Satec M3 creep
creep rupture data. This concurs with the conclusion frames at a constant load and temperature, corre-
that pre-strains greater than those corresponding to sponding to an initial stress of 196–300 MPa at
*Also contains 0.21 wt% Cu, 0.089 wt% V, 0.035 wt% Co, 0.029 wt% W, and 0.020 wt% Nb.
*FC, furnace cool (6 uC/min); WQ, water quench; AC, air cool.
700 uC. The creep load was applied all at once via a to control continuously the cross-head to ensure
motorized drawhead, with strain measurement in- that constant strain was maintained.
itiated prior to loading. During and immediately
after loading, strain data were recorded every
second, with this time interval gradually increasing 3 RESULTS
to a maximum of 30 min as the test proceeded.
Stress relaxation tests were conducted in Satec Since limited elevated-temperature tensile data are
DLF-20 stress relaxation frames of 98 kN capacity available for 21–4N, samples of the NGB and SGB
equipped with load cells and mechanically driven conditions were tensile tested at 700 uC with the
cross-heads capable of controlled loading or main- results listed in Table 3, as are reference values for
taining a constant strain level. Two types of stress the Std condition at 650 uC and 760 uC [11]. The
relaxation test were undertaken. Stepped stress modification of the heat treatment between the NGB
relaxation tests at 700 uC consisted in loading to a and SGB conditions causes minimal change in
strain level for a period of time (usually 1000 s), tensile properties. The proportional limit in Table 3
followed by stepwise increases in the strain, with is the lowest stress at which the stress–strain
each step 0.5 per cent strain at a strain rate of about response deviates from a linear Hooke’s law relation-
4.361025 s21. These stepped tests are similar to the ship. Young’s modulus E is estimated from the
multiple hardening–relaxation tests reported in average stiffness measured during the elastic portion
reference [5]. The second type of test, namely iso- of the stress–strain response during loading for
strain stress relaxation tests, at 700 uC or 538 uC isostrain stress relaxation tests, consistent with
involved loading at a strain rate of about 1.56 previous stress relaxation testing [3, 7, 9, 10]. The
1023 s21 to a single strain level of 0.3 per cent, 1.0 per number of such tests included in each estimate of
cent, 1.5 per cent, 2.0 per cent, or 2.5 per cent for 20– Young’s modulus is given in parentheses in Table 3.
28 h. Throughout all tests, displacement and load Data for the elevated-temperature Young’s modulus
data were recorded every second from the LVDT- of manganese-stabilized austenitic steel are not
equipped extensometer and a load cell. During stress readily available. Young’s modulus estimated at
relaxation periods the extensometer signal was used 700 uC in Table 3 is below the range 138–147 GPa
*The number of tests included in each estimate of Young’s modulus is given in parentheses.
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