Office Network

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Details of IAS Officers presently working under this Administration ( as on 16.04.

Sl. Name of the Officer Work Allocation
1. Shri Anindo Majumdar 1.Home
Chief Secretary 2.Vigilance(CVO)
(AGMUT:1985) 3.Parliamentary Affairs
4. Prosecution
5.Policy matters of all departments
6.Chairman-PMB & ANIIDCO
7.Chairman, Khadi Board
2. Shri Vikram Dev Dutt 1. Finance/Excise
Pr.Secretary 2. Health
(AGMUT:1993) 3. Urban Development
4. Revenue/DM/RR
5. Plg/Stat & Eco
3. Shri Sanjeev Khirwar 1.Shipping
Comm-cum-Secretary 2.Civil Aviation
(AGMUT:1994) 3.PWD
(under transfer) 4.Power
4. Ms. Ankita Mishra Bundela, On Foreign Training for 01 year w.e.f
Secretary 28.08.2017.
(AGMUT: 2001)
5. Shri Ajay Kumar Singla, 1. Secretary to Lt.Governor
Secretary (AGMUT:2005) 2. RC, New Delhi
6. Shri Udit Prakash Rai, 1.Deputy Commissioner(SA)
(AGMUT:2007) 2.Secretary(RD & Panchayat)
7. Shri Yashpal Garg (AGMUT MD, ANIIDCO
8. Shri Ramesh Verma 1.Secretary(Agri/Fy/AH&VS)
Secretary (AGMUT:2009) 2.Secretary(OL)
9. Shri Sandip J Jacques 1.Secretary(Personnel/Vigilance/IP&T)
Secretary (AGMUT:2009) 2. Special Resident Commissioner, New
Delhi/OSD(Tourism) at Andaman Bhavan,
10. Smti Neha Bansal 1.Secretary(Transport)
(AGMUT:2010) 2.Secretary(Arts & Culture)
3. Secretary(Industries)
11. Ms.Nitika Pawar On leave
12. Shri Arava Gopi Krishna 1. Secretary(Lab & Emp)
(AGMUT:2012) 2. Secy-cum-Registrar(Coop)
3. Secretary(Education/Sports)
13. Ms.Kriti Garg DC, N&M Andaman
14. Ms.Monica Priyadarshini 1.Mission Director, National Health Mission, ANI
(AGMUT:2014) 2. Mission Director,National AYUSH
3. Spl. Secretary(Health & Medical Education),
4. Special Secretary(DM&RR), A&NAdmn.
15. Shri Awanish Kumar DC, Car Nicobar
16. Shri Suneel Anchipaka Secretary, PBMC
Posting Profile of DANICS Officers, A&N Administration (as on 16.04.2018)

S. Name of the Officer Present Posting

I Junior Administrative Grade-I
1. Smti Shashi Kaushal (1990) 1.CEO, Zilla Parishad, South Andaman
2. Smti Geetika Sharma (1996) Director(Social Welfare)/
(under transfer) Director(Arts & Culture)
3. Shri R.Chandramohan (1997) Special Resident Commissioner, Kolkata
II Junior Administrative Grade-II
4. Shri Som Naidu (2004) 1.Joint Secy-cum- Dir(RD/Panch)
2.OSD(Monitoring Cell), O/o CS
3. CEO, Zilla Parishad, N&MA
III Selection Grade
5. Shri Govind Ram (2004) 1.Director(Disaster Management)
6. Shri Navlendra Kumar Singh, 1.Director(Transport)
(2006) 2.Secretary, UTCPCR
IV Entry Grade
7. Shri Vinod Kumar V.K (2004) Joint Secretary to LG, Raj Niwas
8. Shri Kuldeep Singh Thakur Joint Resident Commissioner, New
(2007), Delhi
9. Shri Arun Kumar Jha (2011), 1. AC(Tribal Welfare)
(under transfer) 2. Executive Secretary, AAJVS
10 Shri Babu Lal Meena(2012) 1. GM, ANIIDCO
(under transfer) 2. Supdt.District Jail, Port Blair
11 Shri T.N.Meena (2012) 1. Information/Publicity Officer
(under transfer) 2. DRCS(HQ), Port Blair

12 Shri Shubhankar Ghosh, 1. Director(Education)-cum- State

Project Director, SSA/RMSA
2. Jt.Secretary(Hr.Edn)
3. Director(Sports)
13 Shri Mukesh Rajora 1. AC/SDM(South Andaman)
2. AC(RR & DM)
14 Dr.Mohd.Rehan Raza (2012) 1. Asst.Commr(HQ), SA
(under transfer) 2. OSD(ANIIMS)
3. ADM(SA)
15 Shri Rajesh Choudhary 1.Assistant Commissioner(Sett.)
(under transfer) 2. CEO/Dy.CEO, ANI

16 Shri Sudhakar Jt.Secy(Fin/Plg/Rev)

(under transfer)
17 Shri Mahesh Kumar Gupta AC(HQ), Mayabunder
18 Shri Praveer Kumar Singh OSD to Lt.Governor, A&N Island
19 Shri Ajit Singh Thakur Deputy Director(SW)

20 Shri Nishant Bodh Assistant Commissioner, Nancowry

21 Shri Ranjeet Kumar Singh Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay
22 Shri Atish Kumar AC(HQ), Car Nicobar/
Deputy Registrar of Coop.Societies, Car
Nicobar/Project Officer,ITDP,Car
23 Shri Piyush Rohankar AC, Middle Andaman, Rangat
24 Shri Shailendra Kumar Singh DRCS, Mayabunder/AC, Diglipur
25 Shri Alok Kumar Directorate of IP&T
26 Shri Dhole Aom Kashinathrao Employment Officer
27 Shri Kamlesh Kumar Asst.Commissioner(FS)/CALF/
28 Shri Vinay Kumar Jindal Deputy Director(Tourism)

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