Using Constructivist Teaching Strategies To Enhance
Using Constructivist Teaching Strategies To Enhance
Using Constructivist Teaching Strategies To Enhance
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040211
Department of Secondary Education, Jacksonville State University, USA
Curriculum and Instruction, Jacksonville State University, USA
Copyright © 2016 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Over the past decades many teaching strategies expressing concern over the education of students with
have been proposed by various educators to improve special needs. School officials are calling on states to
education of all students including students with special transform post-secondary educator preparation in order to
needs. No single one of these proposed teaching strategies better serve all learners, including those with special needs.
meets the needs of all students. The new Every Student Recently, a bipartisan group of lawmakers voted 85 to 12 to
Succeeds Act, successor to No Child Left behind Law, which approve large-scale sweeping legislative changes successor
transfers oversight from federal level back to states, could be to No Child Left behind Law to the Every Student Succeeds
a benefactor for constructivism and special education. Act. These sweeping changes would not only end a
Educators are also optimistic that the new Every Student controversial federal policy which has governed education
Succeeds Act will be better for vulnerable students in special for more than a decade, but will become a benefactor for
education because it will introduce more flexibility in how special education and student-centered teaching strategies.
individual states carry out evaluation of students and This article addresses how the new Every Student Succeeds
teachers. In addition, it will provide more flexibility on Act affects special education as well as being a benefactor to
testing and adapt the curriculum to student’s needs. It would student-centered teaching strategies. In addition, this article
further reduce time and energy for students preparing for proposes that the large-scale education changes would
standardized tests or statewide exams. It will also end benefits constructivism than before. The article furthermore
“Adequate Yearly Progress”-a measure that required schools proposes that the sweeping changes will put to an end the
to show test score gains. Constructivist teaching philosophy “teacher-shoptalk”: lessons that are predominantly textbooks
is all about accepting student autonomy where student oriented the devaluing of all students thinking, tests that
thinking drives the lessons, where dialogue, inquiry, and drive curriculum testing, and overemphasize curriculum
puzzlement are valued and assessing student learning is in mastery. It is time for the lawmakers to begin to make a
the context of teaching. It helps teachers to draw on new difference in how students learn by encouraging
ideas as they make decisions about which teaching student-to-student interaction, initiating lessons that foster
techniques are most appropriate for all students to learn. cooperative learning, and providing opportunities for
Now is the time to revisit the great debate of constructivism students to be exposed to interdisciplinary curriculum.
versus teacher-centered instruction and special education. However, students must understand that they are ultimately
Time has come to effectively explore our educational system responsible for their own learning within a learning
and examine the core unit of the whole enterprise, the atmosphere that includes all the aforementioned strategies
textbook, the classroom, a setting that is often dominated by (Duke, Harper, & Johnston, 2013[1]; Tracey & Morrow,
teacher talk and students listen. 2012[2]; Hashim & Kasbolah, 2012[3]; Ultanir, 2012[4];
Keywords Constructivist Teaching Strategies, Student Brown, 2003[5]; Hakverdi-Can, & Sonmez, 2012[6].
with Special Needs, Academic Outcomes, Students with Every student receives and processes information in
Learning Disabilities, Positive Learning, Policy Makers, different ways: Some learn by listening and sharing ideas,
Indirect Instruction, Every Student Succeeds Act some learn by thinking through ideas, some learn by testing
theories, some learn by synthesizing content and context, and
some learn by reasoning logically and intuitively. Learning
disabilities are a group of disorders manifested by difficulties
in acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing,
1. Introduction reasoning, mathematical abilities or of social skills (National
Institute for Literacy, 2002, p. 2) [7]. These disorders are
American politicians, educators and lobbyists have been presumed to exist due to a central nervous system
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 392-398, 2016 393
dysfunction. Legislators, policy makers, school principals, them with the tool to implement this model in their
counselors and post-secondary educators believe that the classrooms. All educators should encourage students to
time has come to reform our current teaching strategy for all come to class with expectancy and excitement, essentially to
students, including students with special needs. The concept learn by doing. Critiques of constructivism think that the
of constructivism has extended beyond research and into the model is old wine in the new bottle of education or a weak
American classroom. It has also been the subject of present concept that does not provide students with lifelong learning.
exploration by academics (Jia, 2010; [8] Bay, Bagceci & This paper asserts that constructivism is new wine in a new
Cetin, 2012 [9]; Brandon & All, 2010 [10]; Steele, 2005 bottle; every post-secondary educator must be encouraged to
[11]). One of the most unique and challenging issues that jump on this bandwagon to provide all students with a unique
parents, teachers, school administrators, politicians, and and life-long learning experience. Teachers must come
philosophers have debated is how to enhance the academic together to understand the idea that knowledge is constructed
learning experience and opportunities for all students (Steele, by individuals differently and is a product of the human mind.
2005 [11]; Brandon & All, 2010 [10]; Snowman, McCown, All learners need teaching strategies which arouse the unique
& Biehler, 2009 [12]; Sultan, Woods, & Koo, 2011 [13]; interest and curiosity to learn. The use of real-life
Ultanir, 2012 [4]; Koh, Chai & Tsai, 2014[14]. applications and asking stimulating open-ended questions
Misconceptions on how students construct knowledge and enhance the learning experience for all students. Today, the
how teachers should deliver instruction in our nation’s challenges of teaching a diverse student population are at the
schools currently exist. These include lessons dominated by forefront of all education initiatives nationwide. The use of
expository methodology in which the teacher is the expert. constructivist teaching model can help teachers meet some
Using the expository teaching, students are viewed as “blank learning challenges of our students with special needs and
slate” onto which information is etched by the teacher. The therefore bridge the achievement gap in the 21st century. It is
teacher plays videos to wipe away instructional time, assigns the most effective teaching strategy that works well in an
meaningless tasks for lessons which are predominantly inclusive classroom, as learning begins with students
textbook oriented. Moreover they discredit student thinking, understanding of a subject and is developed by participation
and overemphasize curriculum mastery. These strategies are in the realistic and meaningful learning experiences
not helping students construct meaning in the classroom (Snowman, et., 2009 [12]; Ultanir, 2012 [4]; Koh, Chai &
because students are not viewed as thinkers with emerging Tsai, 2014[14]; Hashim & Kasbolah, 2012[3]; Sultan,
theories about the world they live. It is time educators begin Woods, & Koo, 2011 [13].
to make a difference in how students learn by encouraging
student-to-student interaction, curricular activities rely
heavily on primary sources of data and manipulative 2. Legislative Changes and Special
materials, initiating lessons that foster cooperative learning, Education
and providing opportunities for students to be exposed to
interdisciplinary curriculum. Students would then be The current legislative act that revises No Child Left
responsible for their own learning within an environment behind Law is a breakthrough to special education and
that includes all the aforementioned teaching methods. constructivism. The sweeping changes would affect how
This article calls for all educators including teachers of schools are judged, and would eliminate a deadline for
students with special needs to begin to make important academic proficiency and streamline students’ annual testing
paradigm shifts in the way they teach and care about students regime if administered correctly. It can end controversial
learning. Teachers must abandon the old traditional teaching federal policy that has governed education for decades and
model in which curriculum is presented part to whole, with restore much control to local districts and schools. The
emphasis on basic skills. In the constructivist classroom, successor to No Child Left behind Act would end the
curriculum is presented whole to part with emphasis on big expository methodology view of teaching and learning,
concepts. These best teaching practices influence and which claimed that knowledge, is discovered through the
enhance how students think, act, demonstrate, and exhibit manipulation of objects or acquired from others when
knowledge. In the constructivist classroom, simple or learners listen to what teachers say. Now is the time to
complex curricular activities serve to bolster relevance in revisit the long standing debate of constructivism versus
students and teachers generally behave in an interactive teacher-centered instruction for special education. The new
manner, mediating the environment for students learning. Every Student Succeeds Act will be better for vulnerable
Constructivist instructions are practical in nature; focus on students in special education because it provides more
real-life applications that might be used to refocus the flexibility on testing. It also ends “Adequate Yearly
process of educational reform. This method of instruction Progress” a measure that required schools to show test score
suggests new norms, culture of teaching, and structures for gains. Preschool development grants for low-income
classroom practices in the 21st century education. children and an arts education fund are included. Experts
Furthermore, this article will acquaint educators with the claimed that Arts education is more construcvist than
philosophical roots of the constructivist model and enable practicing for the high stakes test (Koh, Chai & Tsai,
394 Using Constructivist Teaching Strategies to Enhance Academic Outcomes of Students with Special Needs
2014[14]; Sultan, Woods, & Koo, 2011 [13].The new Every experience something new, we internalize it through our past
Student Succeeds Act will stop the practice of putting experience or knowledge constructions we have previously
multiple student subgroups (students with disabilities and established” (Crowther, 1997, p. 3; [19] Steele, 2005 [11]).
low-income students, for example) into “supersubgroup”-a The primary job of a teacher is to enable children to think
practice that can mask inequities. Every Student Succeeds out-of the-box by making their own connections that result in
Act gives schools more local control over curriculum that valid internalized meanings unique to them. In this case, the
individual districts will now move toward more teacher leads the children through exploratory activities that
constructivist teaching methods versus teaching to the test enable them to investigate on their own and come to their
(Kirp, D. L. 2015[37]. own conclusions as to what is happening in the immediate
ce/timestopics/subjects/n/no_child_left_behind_act/ environment (Martin, 2003; [20] Von Glasersfeld, 1989
ml [15]). Penner (2001) [21] argues that, “learning activities
must begin by considering the role of student current
knowledge, how knowledge is constructed, and the role of
3. Constructivist Teaching Model the activities in building knowledge” (p. 3). In other words,
individuals construct their own new understandings through
In very simple terms, people construct their own the interactions of their existing experiences with whatever
understandings of the world in which they live. Teachers they come into contact with, making learning a social
constantly search for new strategies to help them understand activity which engages the teacher as facilitator, mentor, and
and connect to their past or present experiences. As a co-explorer who encourages learners to question, challenge
function of conventional wisdom, we know that some people and formulate their own ideas and conclusions (Ultanir, 2012;
are good, some are bad, some are more complex than others, [4] Brooks & Brooks, 1993; [18]).
etc. These are all lessons from reflection and interactions The general consensus among educators is that what a
with people. person knows is not a function of detached observation but
Constructivism is a teaching model not a theory. rather created through interaction with their world view and
Essentially, it is a model or metaphor of how people learn or that knowledge and reality are subjective in nature (Fosnot,
how learning takes place (Von Glasersfeld, 1989 [15]; 1989; [22] Larson & Keiper, 2007; [23] Brooks & Brooks,
Cobern, 1995; [16]). It justifies the putting together of new 1993; [18] Bransfor, Brown & Cocking, 2000; [24]
ideas by interpreting new experiences in light of prior Snowman, et al., 2009 [12]). A typical constructive
knowledge so that the new ideas come to make sense to the classroom environment is tasks oriented and designed to
learner (Cobern, 1995 [16]). The strengths of constructivism enhance hands-on and minds-on learning for all students
lie in the construction of knowledge and what that means for similar to those encountered in the real world. This type of
students and teachers. Since knowledge cannot be learning environment should focus on authentic tasks similar
transferred from one individual to another like a commodity, to what people see in every day practice similar to on-the-job
the role of the teacher as knowledge giver in the classroom experiences that would benefit all students (Cognition and
becomes moot. Educators must accept the fact that Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1990; Larson & Keiper,
knowledge is constructed in action and must be constructed 2007 [23].
by individual knowers; instruction must be A constructivist teacher would have his or her classroom
student-dominated where teachers function as facilitators. focus on real life problem solving, problem-based learning
Baker & Piburn (1997) [17] further claim that knowledge is (PBL), independent investigation, and the pursuit of personal
built in social contexts; pedagogy must encourage interests, simulation, discussion collaborative learning,
student-to-student interactions and collaboration. It is a think-pair share, and the utilization of higher-order thinking
well-known fact that knowledge construction is strongly skills. Research studies in cognition, authentic learning, and
influenced by prior experience and learners make sense of student engagement support claims that student-centered
the world by synthesizing new experiences into what they teaching is a beneficial teaching strategy for all students,
have previously come to understand in their daily life including students with special needs (Brooks & Brooks,
(Brooks & Brooks, 1993; [18] Ultanir, 2012; [4] Steele, 2005 1993; [18] Larson & Keiper, 2007 [23].
[11]. In other words each learner must construct meaning for
oneself and that the only learning that can take place is that
which is connected to the individual’s already-existing 4. Evidence Supporting Constructivism
knowledge, experiences, or conceptualizations (Von
Glasersfeld, 1989[15]). This implies that learning involves Learners will be able to control their own learning. Some
negotiation and interpretation. According to Von Glasersfeld, educators are extremely optimistic that the new Every
(1989[15]), what children learn is not a copy of what they Student Succeeds Act will open a new door for special
observe in their immediate environments but comes from the education and students with special needs. The power and
result of their own thinking, reflection and processing sanctity of the curriculum and the subordination of students
information (Von Glasersfeld, 1989; [15] Steele, 2005; [11]). own emerging concepts are profound concerns of
A constructivist teaching model suggests that “as we constructivism. Many students struggle to understand
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 392-398, 2016 395
concepts in isolation, to learn parts without seeing wholes, to reform Act that will results in increased learning.
make connections where they see only disparity, and to Educators must come to realize that knowledge cannot be
accept as reality what their perceptions question. For smart passed intact from a teacher or book to a learner, nor is it
students, success in school has very little to do with true simply discovered in the real world. All students must
understanding, and much to do with coverage of the construct new knowledge for themselves. Instruction guided
curriculum. In most schools, the curriculum is held as by the constructivist learning method enhances student
absolute, and teachers are not allowed to make changes even engagement learning. This view of knowledge construction
when students do not clearly understand important concepts. in action is called constructivism. In the constructive
The current new Every Student Succeeds Act will make sure perspective, new knowledge is always based on the prior or
that teachers are not reticent to adapting the curriculum to existing knowledge that learners bring to learning situations.
students’ needs; the school responsibility is to view Students take in information from many sources, but in
transcripts of those students who have difficulty building their own knowledge, they connect information to
understanding the unchanged curriculum as slow or disabled. prior knowledge and experiences, organize it, and construct
These students can be removed from the mainstream classes, meaning for them. What learners already know influences
provide remedial instruction, or differentiate the instruction. what they attend to, how they organize input, and how they
In many school districts throughout the nation, students are able to integrate new constructions to expand their
spend a good deal of time preparing for standardized tests or knowledge bases (Brooks, & Brooks, 1999 [18]. The new
statewide exams. The debate that frames the current Every Every Student Succeeds Act passed by the U.S. legislations
Student Succeeds Act will end all the helpless testing. We this year is an attempting to improve the civil rights of
must set standards for our own professional practice and free students with special needs.
students from the anti-intellectual training that occurs under All learners are different in many ways. Watts and Pope
the banner of test preparation. The current Every Student (1989) [25], emphasized that persons differ from each other
Succeeds Act calls on educators, school teachers and in their ways of construction of knowledge; meaning
education professionals to adopt student-centered teaching individuals interpret the world around them differently
strategy and successfully prepare students for their lives by through their own world view rather than being a passive
understanding and honoring the dynamics of learning. In recipient of another individual’s knowledge or thinking. The
addition, education professionals must recognize that for rationales of adopting constructivist model to enhance
students, schooling must be a time of curiosity, exploration, education of all students are twofold: first, this model allows
and inquiry, and memorizing information must be educators to learn about their own learners, which gives rise
subordinated to learning how to find information to solve
to better tailored activities promoting learning by doing
real life problems (Brooks, & Brooks, 1999[18]. Students
(Watts & Pope, 1989 [25]). Secondly, the learner has the
experiencing difficulty understanding the lesson or who do
opportunity to think and rethink about their own creativity.
not comply with directions might need the teacher to make
Teachers must enable students to think critically. As a
sure directions are clear, concrete, use fewer words, increase
student’s ideas change, their knowledge increases. The
wait time for full compliance. Teachers must physically
teacher facilitates this change by interacting with students in
show students directions, ask the students to repeat it by
positive ways such as asking questions, building appropriate
using Say See Do teaching strategy, so that the student
knows what is required to do. These are different ways challenges and experiences, and offering new ways of
constructivist teachers can help all students understand and thinking. (Watts & Pope, 1989 [25]). Steele (2005) [11]
increase their full participation and mask inequities in the states that students with special needs will benefit most from
classroom (Koh, Chai & Tsai, 2014[14]; Sultan, Woods, & the constructivist model because of their difficulty in
Koo, 2011 [13]; Von Glasersfeld, Watson (2001) [15]; adapting from the classroom to more interactive settings
Battenfeld & Crowford (2015[39]. according to Snowman, et al., 2009 [12].
/opinion/item/34080-every-student-Succeeds-act-still-leaves Teachers should encourage students to express their
-most-vulnerable-kids-behind problems and then facilitate ways to aid students with
This truth lies at the heart of the constructivist approach to solutions to their problems by using what they already know
education. This shift in teaching will enable teachers to to go beyond what they already think. When educators work
develop and implement best classroom practices and with students with special needs, guided discovery learning
negotiate the lesson to make sure that students construct (GDL) becomes very effective. The goal of GDL is to teach
knowledge. Individual students will construct meaning students to be independent problem solvers, to learn the
differently. Every Student Succeeds Act values all students generic steps to scientific inquiry and engage in logical
and encourages learners to control their own learning. This thinking. (McLeskey, Rosenberg & Westling, 2010 [26]).
new legislative act is capable of shifting our priorities from Von Glasersfeld (1989) [15] “described knowledge as
ensuring that all students learn the same concepts to ensuring something actively built up from within by a thinking person,
that teachers carefully analyze students’ understandings of and social interactions among students as learners is the core
the concepts to customize their teaching approaches is of building knowledge as individuals” (Von Glasersfeld,
important step in the new every Student Succeeds education 1989) [15]. In support of Von Glasersfeld, Watson (2001)
396 Using Constructivist Teaching Strategies to Enhance Academic Outcomes of Students with Special Needs
[15] stated that student learning is a shared social activity, students make connections to the real world. Since more
and should be part and parcel of classroom instruction. teachers do not have constructivist backgrounds more
Furthermore, according to Watson, the constructivist model teacher extensive training and professional development on
encourages all students, including special needs to develop a how to teach using constructivist methods are needed.
sense of autonomy and initiative they might not otherwise Students, parents and teachers are part of the Every Student
develop in an expository classroom. Educators should Succeeds Act. There is no doubt that constructivism has a
encourage students to express their ideas to visualize the place in the American classroom as well as absolute flaws
relationships between ideas and big concepts, and by doing and professional development training for teachers and
so, develop problem solving skills. The major responsibility administrators are needed. All educators must be trained on
for today’s educators should focus on providing a realistic the constructivist teaching methods in order to make Every
learning environment for their students by modeling, through Student Success Act a success. A balanced approach to these
experimentation, leading questions and scaffolding to elicit recommendations is to put the student first. Teachers must
student’s knowledge. make sure that students are taught necessary skills, more
problem-based instructions and how to help students build
on prior knowledge. Administrators must equally make
5. Evidence against Constructivism funding available to train teachers across all school districts
and encourage the support of non-teaching staff to make
Several theorists including teachers and administrators constructivist teaching a reality, no matter one’s opinion on
have rebelled against constructivism. Some called it constructivism.
propaganda, disastrous fad, teaching strategies with low For those students with neurological-based behavior
intellectualism, colorful and jazzy drill and practice ways of (NBB), such as Learning Disability (LD), Attention-Deficit
instruction (Hayes, 2012[27]; Mayer, 2004[28]; Kirschner et Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHA), Sensory Integration
al., 2006[29]; Clements & Batista, 2009[30]. In addition, Dysfunction (SID), Bipolar Disorder (BD), Fetal Alcohol
some advocates explained failures not because of the Spectrum Disorder (FAS), etc., in which the brain’s
methods is at fault, but because these educational methods informational processing capability has been compromised,
require a great deal of expertise and have not always been teachers must remain positive. Positive attitudes can greatly
implemented well in actual classroom and this doesn’t refute improve the quality of service a teacher provides to students
the message, only the implementation (Clements & Batista, with NBB and their families. Teachers must use fewer words
2009 [30]; Marzano, 2011[31]; Tobias & Duffy, 2009[32]. and tell students what to do to fix mistakes. Stand close to the
Those who argued against constructivist teaching fail to students and congratulate them when they begin to comply.
understand it roots and principle. Constructivist methods The shifting of interaction maybe difficult for NBB students,
were simply developed because the nation recognized that and Rees and Skimore (2008[35] found acquired brain injury
our students were not being educated to live in our new students could Succeeds at one task while ignoring another;
information society, this is why the new Every Student they could also Succeeds at completing a task, but would not
Succeeds Act would make sure that our students are understand why or contribute to their learning in terms of
educated to their full potential. Constructivist teaching and building concepts. Educators dealing with these students
learning are based on students constructing their own must comply with them by making directions clear, provide
knowledge and understanding through their own activity. By concrete, and consistent feedback. Using fewer words,
doing so, they can make connections between the new increasing wait time for compliance, physically showing
knowledge and previous activity. Those in support of directions, and asking the student to repeat the directions and
constructivist approach say that students perform higher than show the teacher what they are required to do. These are
those students who were taught using the traditional methods. ways teachers can help students with NBB increase their
Also, those students who taught using constructivist methods participation in the classroom and enjoy school (Watson,
were able to answer standard procedural questions 2001[36]; U. S. Congress. (1988 [38].
conceptual questions and critical questions outperform those
who were taught using direct instruction (Kain,2003[33];
Boaler, 2001[34]; Kirschner, 2014[29]; Rowman & 7. Conclusions
Littlefeld, 2015[40]. Retrieved from: http://betrayed-whyed In summary, constructivism is a model of how students
ncreased-special.html learn and how learning takes place. The student is always
active when learning takes place. The central focus is that
knowledge is constructed by individual knower’s; therefore,
6. Recommendations instruction must be student centered. In addition, knowledge
is built in social contexts; pedagogy must encourage
This paper makes many recommendations for those who student-to-student interactions. Furthermore, knowledge
opposed constructivist principle. They should make all construction is strongly influenced by prior experience;
efforts to relay the necessary information and then help students must be treated as individuals. No one’s knowledge
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 392-398, 2016 397
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