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Socratic Seminar Poems Atlantis

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Name__________________ Squadron___________ 

Socratic Seminar Poetry: ​Essential Question 

How does this poet use language to convey the central idea and theme?  
Step 1: First reading (Homework) 


What I Read  What I Think  What I Wonder 

Yo No Tengo Soledad by Gabriela Mistral 

What I Read  What I Think  What I Wonder 

Step 2: Analysis (Classwork) 
  “Mother to Son”  “Yo No Tengo Soledad” 
(How does the poet feel 
about the subject?)   
Word choice     
(identify two to three 
words that represent the   
(What are the strongest 
images the poet presents?)   
(Is the poem free verse or 
does it have a rhyme   
scheme? Is it set up a 
certain way on the page?) 
What is a message to the 
the poem that you have   
seen in other poems?   
How did this poem make 
you feel?   
Can you relate to any other 
works that you have read   
in class?   
Step 3: Socratic Seminar on poems with focus on essential question 
Socratic Seminar Poetry: ​Essential Question 
How does this poet use language to convey the central idea and theme?  
Potential Questions to ask during the Socratic Seminar:  
❏ What do you think this line means?  
❏ What is the speaker’s attitude in this line? 
❏ What effect does ______ (poetic device-TWISTER elements) create? 
❏ What is the poet saying about ____?  
❏ How does ________ poem compare to ________ poem? 
❏ What did you like about the poem? 
❏ How did the poem make you feel?  
❏ Which words or phrase did you like?  
❏ What words or phrases need clarification?  
❏ What surprised you?  
❏ What do you think the poem is about?  
❏ What might this poem be saying? How can we define poetry? 
Questions I will ask: 
  Questions  My notes/answers from text 
Step 4: Goal setting 
My Goal for this Socratic Seminar: 
Socratic Seminar Rubric  
Cognitive  Level 4  Level 3  Level 2  Level 1 
Skill  Advanced   Proficient  Approaching  Developing 
Textual  Identifies multiple  Identifies a major  Identifies a  Attempts to 
Analysis:  themes/central  theme/central idea  theme/central idea  identify a 
Theme/Central Idea --  ideas and provides  in a text and  in a text and  theme/central idea 
themes/central ideas 
an accurate analysis  provides an  provides a limited  in a text but does 
and explaining how  of development  explanation of how  explanation of how  not fully 
they develop and  and interaction with  that theme/central  that theme/central  comprehend text 
interact in a text  
each other and with  idea is developed   idea is developed  
supporting ideas  
Speaking &  Comes to  Comes to  Prepares some  Prepares brief, 
Listening:  discussions with  discussions having  notes with  unspecific notes 
responses and  read and  connections to  with some 
Preparation -​ - 
Entering a discussion or  evidence; explicitly  researched material  highlight key areas.  connections to 
presentation with  draws on texts to  for  References some  highlight talking 
high-quality evidence 
(notes, research,  stimulate a  teacher-provided  ideas from notes in  points.  
connections, questions)  thoughtful,  questions; draws on  discussion. 
well-reasoned  texts to stimulate a 
exchange of ideas.   well-reasoned 
exchange of ideas. 
Speaking &  Expresses original  Expresses original  Expresses ideas  Expresses some 
Listening:  ideas clearly and  ideas clearly;  clearly and  ideas and makes 
persuasively. Builds  connects to the  connects to the  some connection to 
new pathways of  ideas of others and  ideas of others.  the ideas of others. 
ontribution  discussion that are  builds new  Attempts to move  Questions show 
-- ​Communicating  clearly connected  pathways of  discussion forward  limited 
ideas and contributing 
to discussion through  to the ideas of  discussion through  by asking and  comprehension and 
questioning,  others through  questions.  responding to  interest in topic. 
connecting, and 
probing   questioning.  Attempts to  questions. 
Propels  deepen discussion 
conversations by  by building on the 
relating to broader  responses of others. 
Post Socratic Seminar: 
Self Reflection 
1. What did you do to meet your goal during this Socratic Seminar? Use evidence!  
2. What is one comment you wanted to make but did not get the chance to during 
today’s Socratic Seminar?  
3. What is one “take-away” that you have about the poem that you discussed? (i.e. 
What will you remember about the poem after today?)  

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