Design of Beams

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CHAPTER 3 Stresses in Beams

1. Bending Stress (Fb –allowable) (fb – actual)

DESIGN OF BEAMS 2. Shearing Stress (Fv – allowable) (fv – actual)
3. Deflection – (all and act)
Design Procedure
Definition of a Beam 1. Compute the loads the beam will be
required to support and make a
A beam is a bar subject to forces or couples that lie dimensioned sketch to show the loads and
in a plane containing the longitudinal section of the their locations.
bar. According to determinacy, a beam may be 2. Determine the maximum bending moment
determinate or indeterminate. and compute the required section modulus.
A beam cross section with an adequate
Types of beams based on their functions section modulus may be selected.
1. Joist – these are closely spaced beam Obviously many different sizes may meet this
supporting the floors and roofs of buildings requirement but the most practical have
2. Lintels – are beams over openings in widths ranging from ½ to 1/3 the depth.
masonry walls such as windows and doors 3. Investigate the beam selected in step 2 for
3. Spandrel beams – theses beams supports horizontal shear.
the exterior walls of the building 4. Investigate the beam for deflection to
4. Floor beams – these are larger beams found check that the computed deflection does
in many bridges perpendicular to the not exceed the prescribed limit.
roadway of the bridge. 5. When a cross section that satisfies these
5. Stringers – these are beams in the floor requirements has been determined, the
bridges which are running parallel to the bearing length is established. The bearing
roadway area must be large enough so that the
6. Girder – these are larger beams into which allowable compressive stress perpendicular
smaller beams are framed. to the grain will not be exceeded.

Types of beams based on their supports Example 1

A simple beam has a span of 15 ft with
A. Statically Determinate Beams concentrated loads of 3200 lb placed at each third
Statically determinate beams are those beams in point of the span. There is also a uniformly
which the reactions of the supports may be distributed load 200lb/ft (including an allowance for
determined by the use of the equations of static the beam weight) extending over the entire span.
equilibrium. Deflection is limited to 1/360 of the span. Design the
 Cantilever beam beam using Agoho 80% grade.
 Simple Beam
 Overhanging beam Example 2
A simple beam has a span of 12 ft and supports a
B. Statically Indeterminate Beams concentrated load of 6 kips from the left support. In
If the number of reactions exerted upon a beam addition there is a uniformly distributed load of 1 k/ft
exceeds the number of equations in static (including an allowance for the beam weight) over
equilibrium, the beam is said to be statically the entire span. If deflection is limited to 1/360 of
indeterminate. In order to solve the reactions of the the span, design the beam using the following
beam, the static equations must be supplemented values: Fb = 1600 psi, Fv = 105 psi,, Fc = 375 psi and
by equations based upon the elastic deformations E = 1, 600, 000 psi.
of the beam.
 Propped beam Investigation
 Fixed restrained beam
 Continuous beam Example 3
A simply supported beam carrying a uniform load
Types of Loading has a span of 9m. The beam has an adequate
lateral supports. Allowable stresses:
Loads applied to the beam may consist of a Fb = 12.40 MPa, Deflection = 1/360 of the span
concentrated load (load applied at a point), E = 13000 MPa.
uniform load, uniformly varying load, or an applied a. Compute the depth of the beam so that
couple or moment when the allowable stress of 12.40 MPa is
reached the deflection of the beam is 1/360
of span.
b. If the width of the beam is 300 mm, how construction. The nominal sizes commonly used for
much total uniform load can it safely moderate loads are 2 x 8, 2 x 10 & 2 x 12.
c. Compute the shearing stress of the beam Design of Joists
due to this uniform load.
Example 1
Example 4 Determine the joist size required at a spacing of 16
A 100 mm x 250 mm wooden beam 3.60 m long in to carry a live load of 40 psf on a span of 14 ft.
was designed to carry a uniform load of w kN/m at The floor and ceiling construction is as shown in
the left end and increasing to 3w KN/m at the right figure. The wood specified for the joists is Douglas fir
end of the simply supported beam. Neglecting the larch, No. 2 grade.
weight of the beam: From Table 20-1
Fb = 12.4 MPA, Fv = 1.2 MPa, deflection = 25 mm Wood Flooring 2.5 psf
a. Compute the value of w if flexural stress ¾ in plywood decking 2.25
prevails. Joist & Bridging 2.75
b. Compute the value of w if shearing stress ½ in dry ceiling 2.5
prevails Total Dead Load 10.0 psf
c. Compute the value of w if deflection
prevails Example 2
d. Compute the value of w if all stresses will be Floor joist similar to those in Example 1 must carry in
considered. addition to the flooring, a partition wall that is
perpendicular to the joists and 4ft from one end of
Example 4 the joist span. Investigate the joists designed in
Four 50 mm x 200 mm section is to be framed to Example 1 to see if they are adequate for this
carry a maximum shear on a cantilever span of 4m. additional loading. The partition has a total weight
Neglect the weight of the beam. Allowable shear of 120lb/ft of its length.
stress is 0.70 MPa.
a. Compute the safe Ceiling Joist
concentrated load that Ceilings are constructed in a number of ways; three
the beam could carry common ones are construction of lath and plaster,
at a distance of 1.5m of gypsum plasterboard (drywall) and modular
from the fixed support if panels attached to as suspended framework.
the beam is arranged
as shown: Design of Rafters
b. Compute the safe Rafters are comparatively small, closely
concentrated load that spaced beams that support the load on
the beam could carry
sloping roofs. The span of the rafter is measured
at a distance of 1.5m
along its horizontal projection. The dead load
from the fixed support
if the beam is to be supported consists of the weight of the
arranged as shown: rafters, the sheathing, and the roof covering.
c. Determine the
maximum bending Investigation of Joists
stress and the
maximum deflection. 1. Wooden joists are used to support a
floor load of 6.95 KPa exclusive of its
own weight. The joist will have an
effective span of 4.25 m and be placed
at 0.40 m on center. Weight of wood is
Joists – are comparatively small, closely spaced 7.5 KN/m3.
beams that support the subfloor in wood a. Design the wooded joists so as
not to exceed the allowable
bending stress of 10.35 MPa.
b. Design the wooden joists so as
not to exceed the allowable
shearing stress of 0.85 MPa
section. Solid columns of circular cross section
are also considered simple solid columns, but
c. Design the wooden joists so as they are used less frequently. A spaced
not to exceed the allowable
column is an assembly of two or more pieces
deflection of 10mm E= 12135
MPa. with their longitudinal axes parallel and
separated at the ends and middle points of
2. Timber joists of 75 mm x 300 mm are their length by blocking. Two other types are
placed on spacing of 0.40 m on centers built-up columns with mechanical fastenings
and their end rest upon steel beams of and glued-laminated columns. The studs in
150 mm flange width and on 4.25 m on light wood framing are also columns.
centers. Compute the maximum
allowable working load per sq.m. that Buckling Factors Ke:
the joists could carry including the
weight of joists and floor so that it will not
a. Allowable bending stress of 12
b. Allowable shearing stress of 0.83
c. Allowable deflection which is
1/360 of span and E = 11030 MPa.

3. A wooden joist in a loading platform is

4m. It has a simple support at one end
and a point 1.0m from the other end. Effective column Length Le = KeL
The supports are 3 m apart and the joist Allowable unit stress in MPa of cross-sectional
overhangs 1.0m. The joists carry a load area of square or rectangular simple solid
of 1200N/m including its own weight. columns.
Design the joist.
a. Not to exceed Fb=13.2 MPa a. Short Columns
When Le/d = 11 or less
b. Not to exceed Fv = 0.65MPa.
F’c = Fc
c. Not to exceed the Allowable b. Intermediate Columns
deflection = 20 mm and E = When Le/d > 11 but less than K
12300 MPa.

CHAPTER 3 [ ( ) ]
DESIGN OF COLUMNS c. Long column
d. Le/d > K
Wood Columns

A column is a compression member, the length

of which is several times greater than its least
Fc = allowable compressive stress parallel to the
lateral dimension. The term column is generally grain
applied to relatively heavy vertical members E = modulus of elasticity of wood
and the term strut is given to smaller Le = effective length column
d = least dimension of the column
compression members not necessarily in a
vertical position. The type of wood column
used most frequently is the simple solid
column, which consists of a single piece of
wood that is square or rectangular in cross
For round sections

D = diameter of column
d = equivalent square section

Example 1
A timber column 7.0 m long and is laterally
supported at a point 3m from the bottom carries an
axial load of 260 KN. If the allowable compressive
stress parallel to the grain is 10.34 MPa and modulus
of elasticity of wood is 13,800 MPa.
a. Compute the max.limit of the slenderness
ratio which would indicate its limit between
a long column and an intermediate column.
b. What size of the column should be used?

Example 2
An old Apitong post 200 mm x 300 mm x 4.25 m
long has been previously design with allowable
compressive stress of 9.56 MPa and a modulus of
elasticity of 7310 MPa. It is designed to substitute the
old post with a Yakal post of the same length as the
old post. Allowable compressive stress for Yakal is
15.8 MPa with modulus of elasticity of 9780 MPa.
a. What is the capacity of Apitong
b. What size of Yakal post is required to
replace Apitong
c. What is the percentage increase in the
capacity of the ne post to the old post.

Example 3
A steel beam is used as a girder with 7.3m span
carrying a total uniform load of 145 KN/m including
its own weight.
Properties of steel
E = 200 GPa Ix = 723 x 106 mm4
Properties of wood
Fc = 10.35 MPa E = 13790 MPa
a. What is the deflection at midspan
b. What would be the reaction at the midspan
support if it is planned to underpin at the
midspan by using wooden post so as to reduce
the deflection to 12.7 mm
c. What is the size of the square wooden post if it
has a height of 3m.

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