7.2 Academic Audit
7.2 Academic Audit
7.2 Academic Audit
2 Academic Audit and actions taken thereof during the period of Assessment (10)
• Assessment shall be based on conduct and actions taken in relation to Continuous Improvement (10)
Assessment criteria, frequency, conduct mechanism, action plan, implementation and effectiveness
Assessment shall be based on conduct and actions taken in relation to continuous improvement
Review of Syllabus Coverage by HoD for every fortnight and by Principal for every month.
Review of course-wise implementation of action plan submitted by previous teachers for better
CO/PO/PSO attainments for every semester.
Inter departmental academic audit will be done by a committee constituted by Principal at the end of
every academic year.
Stock verification and monitoring the working condition of all equipment in laboratories by a
committee constituted by Principal at the end of every academic year.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC):
At the end of the academic year activities organized by each department will be reviewed by IQAC for
further improvement.
Result Analysis of both semesters
Review of feedback on guest lectures/ workshops/ seminars/ industrial Visits/ Industrial
Training/ Internships
d. NSS Activities
e. NCC Activities
f. Programs on Ethics
Review of feedback on guest lectures/ workshops/ This item is discussed in Governing Body (GB) &
seminars/ industrial Visits/ Industrial Training/ Academic Council (AC) and suggestions given by
Internships and review of participation of students in Hon’ble members of GB & AC are implemented to
Co-curricular/ Extra-curricular activities, status is enhance both quantity and quality of the events.
provided in
Review of quality o projects done by students Curricular projects done by the students are evaluated
by project evaluation committee and best projects
(usually two) from each department are nominated as
best and second best projects by considering following
Originality of the work
Use of latest technologies.
Cost involved
Average package