LEAF CC 2 - 1 Vendor Reader Specification Rev A PDF

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​APPLICATION NOTE: LEAF Cc (Custom Crypto version 2.1) 
How to read a LEAF card with a RFID Reader interface 

May 2018. Released version   


1. General information 
This document is intended to provide a definition of the data structure for LEAF 2.1, in order to allow any reader vendor to read 
the LEAF Cc (Custom crypto) credential 
● The NXP DESFire EV2 chip is used for LEAF Cc. Both 4K and 8K memory sizes are used for the LEAF card 
● Every LEAF Cc card is configured into the full AES 128-bit encryption mode.  
● The card comes with an advanced access control data structure (ACD), with security features that include digital 
signatures, unique badge ID / site code sets, and tiered security access privileges 
2. Access Control Application on a LEAF Cc card 
● LEAF Cc Access Control App is located in App ​F51CDB File 2​. This application is loaded with the Access Control 
Data (defined in table 1 below) and protected by the end-user custom keys. 
● Additional applications can be added to the card by the end-user, b​ut an authentication with the end-user custom 
card Master key Kmcc is required. 
● LEAF Cc allows for 8 different types of RFID reader devices to indepedently read the ACD,, as this application is 
protected by 8 read keys and one read/write master key.   
● Encryption AES (communication fully enciphered) 
● Read Access Rights via 8 keys (K1 .. K8) 
● Application master key K0: Read/Write Access 
● The Data is contained in File 2 of all four Access control Applications and is defined in Table 1.  

Field Name  Field Type  Length  Value range and/or (example) 

Version – Major  Binary  1  0x02 

Version – Minor  Binary  1  0x01 

Customer / Site Code  BCD  5  0 … 9,999,999,999 

Credential ID  BCD  8  0 … 9,999,999,999,999,999 

Access Data Format  Binary  1  0 .. 255 

Access Data Bit  Binary  1  1 .. 128 (for example 0x1A for 26-bit output) 

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Access Reader Data  Binary  16  Right justified array of bit stream data. Example (hexadecimal): 
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 55 00 FF 
Corresponding Wiegand bit stream output for ​Access Data Bit Length​ 26-bit:  
11 0101 0101 0000 0000 1111 1111 

Externally Printed  BCD  8  0 .. 9,999,999,999,999,999 


Order Data  BCD  5  0 .. 9,999,999,999 

10 digits:  
- Vendor ID 4 most significant digit 
- Least significant 6-digits: up to the vendor  

Reissue code  BCD  1  0 

Reserved Future Use  Binary  9  0 

Secure Issuance  Binary  8  System 8-byte CMAC signature (using key Ksi) 
Digital Signature 

Reader Digital  Binary  80   02 01 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K1 and file data 
Signatures  (8x10)  02 02 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K2 and file data 
  02 03 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K3 and file data 
02 04 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K4 and file data 
02 05 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K5 and file data 
02 06 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K6 and file data 
02 07 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K7 and file data 
02 08 + 8-byte CMAC signature based on K8 and file data 

​Table 1: Structure of the ACD (EV2 File 0x02) 

3. Keys 
Table 2 below describes the LEAF key nomenclature and the functions assigned to each key. 
​ pplication  LEAF Key  Key usage  Application ID and Desfire EV2  Access rights 
name  Key Assignment/name 

Card level  Km  Card Master Key  PICC master key  Card Master 

Ksicc  Custom System CMAC signature  Ksicc is used to compute and  Not Applicable. This key is known by the 
LEAF Cc  key  verify the Secure Issuance  card issuer and used to verify the card’s 
Digital Signature of the ACD  authenticity of the issuance  

Kc1 through Kc8  Custom Access Control Application  8 Read-only Keys for app  A total of 8 custom (end-user owned) 
Read Keys  F51CDB (​(K1 through K8)  read-only keys.  

​Table 2 : LEAF Key nomenclature and function 

4. Key Diversification 
All keys are 16-byte AES keys and are diversified for each card using the card UID. The key diversification is defined in 
Application Note (per Application Note AN10957.pdf) section 4.5. Additionally, a key diversification tool can be used by 
developers to verify the computation of the key diversification (and the intermediary steps). This tool can be found at 

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Custom Crypto Keys (Cc)  Key Function 

Kmcc  Km Card Master Key 

Kawcc  LEAF Cc Access Control Application Master Key 

Ksicc  Leaf Cc System CMAC Signature Key 

Kc4  The 8 LEAF Cc(Custom Crypto) read keys of the Custom Access control application 

Table 3: Custom Keys for LEAF Cc 

5. LEAF Cc Reader Compatibility 
Every Desfire compatible reader or RFID device can also securely read the LEAF card when encoded with custom 
keys (Cc) . The end-user can decide which reader vendor may read their card, by sharing the appropriate key 
information. No affiliation with the LEAF program is necessary for these vendors. If a vendor can read an EV2 card, 
they can read the LEAF Cc card!!! For example, the user could ask a vendor to read the Access Control Data 
Application by sharing Kc7 with one vendor and Kc2 with another vendor. The vendors do not need to collaborate 
with each other. 
Section intentionally left blank 

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A set of test keys for LEAF Cc is suggested below. These keys may be used for any necessary testing between vendors and 
Custom Crypto Keys (Cc)  Test Key Value 

Kmcc  A0010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kawcc  A1010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Ksicc  A2010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kc1  DB010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kc2  DB020101 01010101 01010101 01010101 
Kc3  DB030101 01010101 01010101 01010101 
Kc4  DB040101 01010101 01010101 01010101 
Kc5  DB050101 01010101 01010101 01010101 
Kc6  DB060101 01010101 01010101 01010101 
Kc7  DB070101 01010101 01010101 01010101 
Kc8  DB080101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

APPVKcc  E1010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

OCPSKcc  E1020101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kcw  C2000101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kcr1  C2010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kcr2  C2020101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Kcr3  C2030101 01010101 01010101 01010101 

Table 4: LEAF Cc Test keys 

APPENDIX B: Modified CMAC Generation 
The CMAC signature discussed throughout this document references the AN10957.pdf application note. In this application 
note, section 5 titled Digital Signature / Originality Check, describes the generation of the digital signature using a CMAC 
calculation. This Leaf IP application follows this method with one exception. The diversification described in Step 2:  
Step 2 : Create Div Input Div Constant 1 + UID + Padding 
has been changed to: 
Step 2 : Create Div Input Div Constant 0x88 + UID + 0x88 + UID + Padding 
All other steps remain the same. 

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