Value Education PDF
Value Education PDF
Value Education PDF
1.1 Need for Value Education
All human beings continuously aspire for a happy life, a fulfilling and successful life, and the
purpose of education is to provide adequate competence to actualize this aspiration.
For this, first of all it is essential to understand- what is really VALUABLE for human being,
and, what is really conducive to a happy and fulfilling life? - this is the VALUE domain.
Then, it is essential to know- How to actualize it? How to make it happen? – this is the
domain of ‘SKILLS’.
Hence there is an essential complementarity between ‘VALUES’ and ‘SKILLS’ for the
success of any human endeavor.
The subject which enables us to understand ‘What is Valuable’ for human happiness is called
‘Value Education’ (VE)
Thus, VE enables us to understand our needs and visualize our goals correctly and also
indicate the direction for their fulfillment. It also helps to remove our confusions and
contradictions and bring harmony at all levels.
The present education system has become largely skill-based. The prime emphasis is on
science and technology. However, science and technology can only help to provide the
means to achieve what is considered valuable. It is NOT within the scope of science and
technology to provide the competence of deciding what really is valuable.
VE is a crucial missing link in the present education system. Because of this deficiency, most
of our efforts may prove to be counterproductive and serious crises at the individual, societal
and environmental level are manifesting.
Hence there is a strong need to rectify this situation!
In order for any course to qualify for Value Education, the following guidelines for the content
of the course are important:
Universal: It needs to be applicable to all human beings irrespective of cast, creed,
nationalities, religion, etc. for all times and space.
Rational: It has to appeal to human reasoning.
Natural and verifiable: It has to naturally acceptable to the human being who goes
through the course and there needs to be every provision in nature for its fulfillment. It
needs to be verifiable and experientially verifiable, and not based on dogmas, beliefs or
All encompassing: It needs to be cover all dimensions (realization, thought, behavior
and work) & levels (individual, family, society, nature & existence) of human life and
Leading to harmony: The Value Education ultimately is targeted to promote harmony
within the individual, harmony among human beings and harmony with nature.