FAXstf Pro Manual
FAXstf Pro Manual
FAXstf Pro Manual
Getting Started
Sending a Fax
Sending a QuickFax
Group Faxing
Modem Status
Legal Notices
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Welcome to FAXstf Pro!
Getting Started For answers to specific questions, type a word or phrase in the box above. To
explore what you can do with FAXstf Pro or FAXstf Server, click a topic on the left.
The FAXstf Pro
Sending a Fax
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status
Fax History
Multiple Users
Legal Notices
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Getting Started
FAXstf Overview After the initial installation of FAXstf Pro a setup assistant will open automatically
and guide you through the setup of FAXstf Pro. The steps outlined in the setup
Getting Started assistant are also listed below:
Note that FAXstf must be registered to obtain product support and product
FAXstf Overview Welcome to FAXstf X Pro - the easiest way to put powerful fax management at your
fingertips! FAXstf X Pro has been engineered exclusively for users who need
Getting Started advanced intuitive features to send and receive faxes.
Fax History
Quick Fax
Multiple Users Send a short 1 page fax directly from the FAXstf Pro application. No need to launch
another application. Preview your completed Quick Fax before sending it.
Auto Print of received faxes
Legal Notices Automatically send faxes that you receive directly to the printer of your choice.
Fax Schedule
Faxes can be scheduled to be sent at a later date.
Modem Detection
Not familiar with modems? FAXstf Pro will auto-detect and configure any Class 1
USB modem that also supports OS X.
Location Support
Create custom settings for different locations so faxing from the road is as easy as
faxing from the office.
Fax History
FAXstf Pro tracks the history of each fax. Quickly know to whom you have sent any
fax as well as the minute details of the fax transmission.
Customizable Browser
The folder structure of FAXstf Pro application is fully customizable so you can
easily create archives for your important faxes.
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : About the FAXstf Pro Application
FAXstf Overview The FAXstf Pro application is the central location where you manage your fax
documents and configure all FAXstf Pro preferences. You can also fax directly from
Getting Started the FAXstf Pro application via Quick Fax or by forwarding an archived fax. The
FAXstf Pro application supports advanced features such as creation of custom
The FAXstf Pro cover pages, auto-emailing of received faxes, auto-printing of received faxes, and
Application AppleScript support. These options can be configured in the Preferences.
Sending a Fax
Creating custom Cover Pages and Page Headers
Sending a QuickFax The FAXstf Pro application utilizes a built-in cover page editor. You can use this
editor to create new custom cover pages or you can also manually create cover
Modem Status pages using the TextEdit application located in the Applications folder. Cover
pages can be created in the built-in editor using an existing cover page as a
Fax History template or you can start from a blank canvas.
Multiple Users Show me how to create cover pages in the FAXstf Pro application.
Managing Faxes and Folders
Legal Notices There are many options available for managing your faxes. The most commonly-
used options are available in the button bar of the FAXstf Pro application. All
More Help Topics… options for managing faxes and folders are available in the Fax and Fax Folders
Viewing a fax
Printing a fax
Deleting a fax
Renaming a fax
Forwarding a fax
Emailing a fax
Moving faxes
Reviewing a fax's history
Creating fax folders
Deleting fax folders
Renaming fax folders
Exporting faxes
Importing faxes
Modem Setup
Fax Settings
My Information
Cover Page
Quick Fax
You can send a short one-page fax directly from the FAXstf Pro application.
Fax History
Fax Activity Log
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Sending a Fax
FAXstf Overview Using FAXstf you can send any document as a fax using a fax modem and
telephone line from virtually any document-based application running in OS X. You
Getting Started can not send a fax from an application running in the Classic layer. To create and
send a fax or to schedule a fax to be sent at a later date, follow these simple steps:
The FAXstf Pro
1. With the document you want to fax open in an application, select Print from
Sending a Fax the File menu. Notice that the default Print button in the right corner of the
sheet changes to Fax.
Sending a QuickFax 2. In the Print sheet select Fax Print in the Printer popup menu.
3. Select Fax Options from the printer options menu if not already displayed
Modem Status by default.
4. In the Send To tab select the fax destination(s) from the list. If the
Fax History destination does not exist you can add it from the Quick Address area. You
can also drag destinations into this list from Microsoft Entourage or Palm
Multiple Users Desktop.
5. Select the appropriate location from the Current Location popup menu
FAQ below the destinations list.
6. In the Cover Page tab select the Page Header and Cover Page that you want
Legal Notices to use. Enter the note that you want to appear on the cover page.
7. In the Quality tab select the fax quality and tone that you want to use. The
More Help Topics… highest quality is used by default.
8. In the Schedule tab you can set the send time of the fax if you wish to send
it at a later date. You can also elect to save this fax as a draft by clicking
the Save as Draft radio button. Do not modify these settings if you wish to
send this fax immediately.
9. Click the Fax button.
The fax will now be sent using the information that you have provided. The fax will
reside in the Out box of the FAXstf Pro application until it has been sent. Once
sent, it will be moved to the Sent folder. You can check for errors or transmission
details using the Fax History feature.
Helpful Information:
What is a draft?
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Sending a QuickFax
FAXstf Overview A short 1 page fax can be sent directly from the FAXstf application. To send a
Quick Fax, follow these instructions:
Getting Started
The FAXstf Pro 1. Click the Quick Fax button in the button bar or select New Quick Fax from
Application the File menu.
2. In the Quick Fax window select the fax destination from the list of
Sending a Fax destinations. If the fax destination does not exist, click the Quick Address
button and add it. You can also address a Quick Fax using vCard's from
Sending a QuickFax Microsoft Entourage or Palm Desktop. Click here for more information
about using these address books.
Modem Status 3. Select your current location and the template to use for this Quick Fax.
4. Enter a quick note.
Fax History 5. Click the Preview button to see what your Quick Fax will look like when it is
Multiple Users 6. Click the Send button.
FAQ Note that you can also save this Quick Fax as a draft for later use rather than fax it
immediately. To save the Quick Fax as a draft follow the steps above and click the
Legal Notices Save As Draft button rather than the Send button. The Quick Fax will be saved to
the Drafts folder of the FAXstf application.
More Help Topics…
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Faxing to a Group
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro is capable of sending a single fax to multiple destinations. Simply select
every user in the destinations list that you want to receive the fax. To send a fax to
Getting Started a OS X Address Book group, the group must already exist in the Mac OS X Address
Book. When addressing the fax simply click the checkbox next to the group name
The FAXstf Pro in the destinations list.
To exclude someone in a group first check the checkbox next to the group name,
Sending a Fax then click the turn down arrow to the left of the group name and uncheck anyone's
name in the group to whom you do not want to send the fax.
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status For help in creating groups in the Mac OS X Address Book, launch the Address Book
and select Address Book Help from the Help menu.
Fax History
Helpful Information:
Multiple Users
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Modem Status Messages
FAXstf Overview The Modem Status window will show you at any time as much information as
possible about the current status of every fax modem in use. When not sending or
Getting Started receiving a fax, messages about the current state of the modem are displayed
under the name of the modem in the window. Likewise, while sending or receiving
The FAXstf Pro a fax messages about the progress of the current fax transmission will be
Application displayed under the name of the modem. Below is a list of the messages that are
commonly displayed.
Sending a Fax
Idle: The modem will not recognize inbound calls because the port
Legal Notices is closed. You are still able to send faxes in this state.
More Help Topics… Modem Not Configured: FAXstf Pro is aware of a modem but the
modem has not been configured for faxing. To configure the
modem open the FAXstf Preferences window, click the Modem Setup
button, then click the Reset Modem button followed by the Apply
Now button.
Sending Fax Page x of y: The current progress of the fax you are
Receiving Fax Page x: The number of pages that you have received
so far.
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Fax History
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro tracks the individual history of all faxes on a document-by-document
basis. This feature allows you to know every fax destination to which any fax was
Getting Started sent, exactly when it was faxed, the results of all transmissions, and even the
minute details of the fax such as the transmission speed, remote station message,
The FAXstf Pro and fax resolution. A post-processing that occurred to a received fax such as auto-
Application print or auto-email forwarding is also noted here.
Sending a Fax To view the history of any fax document that you have created or received simply
click the fax to select it and then click the Fax History button in the button bar of
Sending a QuickFax the FAXstf Pro application.The Overview tab of the Fax History sheet displays the
details of the last fax transmission. The Log File tab displays the entire history of
Modem Status
this fax document.Helpful Information:
Fax History
How do I see a consolidated record of every fax that I have sent or
Multiple Users received?
Legal Notices
FAXstf Pro Help : Software License Agreement and Legal
Help Topics
This software contains trade secrets and proprietary know-how belonging to the
Manufacturer and it is being made available to you in strict confidence. Any use or
disclosure of this program, or its algorithms, protocols, or interfaces, other than in strict
accordance with this license agreement, may be actionable as a violation of the
Manufacturer's trade secret rights.
This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use
of the Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding
such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding
unless in writing and signed by the Manufacturer.
Version 20050421
“FAXstf” and the Smith Micro logo are trademarks of Smith Micro Software, Inc.
Revision: CAK101607
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : FAXstf Modem Status
FAXstf Overview You can easily see the current status of any fax-capable modem connected to your
machine using the FAXstf Modem Status window. To see the status window select
Getting Started Show Status from the Window menu of the FAXstf Pro application. The name of the
modem and it's current status are displayed. You can also click the Show Modem
The FAXstf Pro Status button in the button bar of the application if you have added it.
Sending a Fax To stop a fax transmission simply click the Stop button.
Sending a QuickFax To see more details about the current fax transmission click the Show Details down
arrow of the window. This will display elapsed time, name of the remote fax device,
Modem Status the remote station message, and the message log. Below is a brief description of
these items:
Fax History
Multiple Users Elapsed Time: The amount of time that has passed since FAXstf
began sending or received the fax.
Speed: The speed of the current fax transmission.
Legal Notices
More Help Topics… Name: When sending a fax the name of the person you selected to
receive the fax will appear here. When receiving a fax if the remote
station message matches the fax number of any person in your Mac
OS X Address Book, the name of that person will be displayed here.
Phone Number: When sending a fax the fax number of the person
you selected to receive the fax will appear here. When receiving a
fax the station message of the remote fax device is displayed here.
Helpful Information:
Tell me more about the messages that are displayed in the Modem
Status window.
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Multiple FAXstf Pro Users
FAXstf Overview Multiple users with login accounts on the same machine can use FAXstf Pro. After
installation and setup of FAXstf Pro, each user should login as they normally do. On
Getting Started the initial launch of FAXstf Pro you will be prompted by a registration window for
your serial number. Once the correct serial number has been entered you can
The FAXstf Pro register yourself as a FAXstf Pro user and configure the software.
Sending a Fax FAXstf Preferences such as Fax Settings, Location preferences, your contact info
and cover page preferences are unique to each user. Note, however, that modem
Sending a QuickFax settings are global. Any changes made in the Modem Setup panel of the FAXstf
Preferences will be effective for all users logged into that machine.
Modem Status
Routing Received Faxes to other UsersWhen multiple people are using FAXstf Pro
Fax History on the same machine, each user has a drop box under the System In Box. All faxes
are received into the System In Box where they can be routed to other users. When
Multiple Users faxes are received the current user will only be able to view the first page of the fax
(to determine its owner). When it is determined to whom the fax belongs, it can be
FAQ dropped into the appropriate user's drop box. The fax will then be visible in that
persons In Box when he next logs in.
Legal Notices
More Help Topics… If you accidentally drop a fax onto the wrong
persons drop box you can simply undo it by
selecting Undo Fax Drop from the Edit menu.
Helpful Information:
Tell me more about working with faxes within the FAXstf Pro
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Frequently Asked Questions
FAXstf Overview This information has been provided to help quickly answer your questions
regarding FAXstf Pro and FAXstf Server. A list of help topics for FAXstf Pro can be
Getting Started found here. If you are having trouble finding the answer to your question, try
typing your question into the Ask a Question field above.
The FAXstf Pro
This FAQ addresses questions for the FAXstf Pro and FAXstf
Server products. Select your product:
Sending a Fax
FAXstf Pro FAXstf Server
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status
FAXstf Pro Questions:
Fax History Q) Can I use the built in fax capabilities of Mac OS X 10.3 and newer and FAXstf Pro
Multiple Users
FAQ A) No. To use FAXstf Pro in Mac OS X 10.3 and newer you must
disable the fax reception capability of the OS in the Print & Fax
Legal Notices panel of the System Preferences. More…
A) Faxes in the Out box can not be moved or deleted until all fax
retries have been exhausted. For example, if you have your
preferences set to retry every fax 3 times, the fax in the Out box
can not be moved until the 3rd attempt. Although, you can force-
delete any fax in the FAXstf Pro application at any time using
Option-Delete key combination.
A) Yes. FAXstf Pro fully supports Panther (OS X 10.3) and newer.
Multiple logged in users on the same machine can fast-switch
between user accounts with no problems. More…
A) No. If you share your printer drivers in Printer Setup Utility other
Panther users will be able to see your fax printer driver but will not
be able to use your machine to remotely send a fax. Our network
fax product, FAXstf X Server, does support true client-server
network faxing. Visit www.smithmicro.com for more information.
Q) My Apple Internal Modem may not be generating calling tones when sending a
fax. How do I make sure that it does?
A) Add "T^" to the dial prefix in the Locations tab of the Modem
Setup preferences panel.
Q) I do not see FAXstf Pro as a choice when attempting to add Fax Print to the
Printer Setup Utility.
A) The modem must be a Class 1 fax modem and also must support
Mac OS X 10.2 and later. Consult your modem's documentation for
this information. More…
A) Select Print from the File menu then select FaxPrint as your
printer. Finally, select Fax Options from the options popup menu in
the print dialog. Select the destinations you want, enter a cover
page note, and click Print. More…
Q) Will my modem settings in FAXstf Pro effect my modem settings for connecting
to the Internet?
A) No. All modem settings in FAXstf Pro are specific to the fax
capabilities of the modem. These settings have no effect on
connecting to the Internet.
Q) Why don't I see Fax Print in the list of printers in the print window when I select
Print from the File menu?
Q) Two people share my machine. Do I need to install FAXstf Pro for each user?
A) No. After FAXstf Pro has been installed each user simply needs to
log in to his account and launch the FAXstf Pro application, then
configure the preferences. More…
A) Faxes that encountered an error are denoted with a red gel dot.
Click on the fax and click the Fax History button in the button bar.
You will see the error code and description of the error in the Fax
History. More…
A) Yes. Select the fax and then click the Send button. You will notice
that all of the initial settings of this fax such as destination, cover
page, page header, cover page note, and quality have been saved
from the last time the fax was sent.
Q) I have received a multi-page fax but I can only see the first page. Why can't I
view the other pages?
A) If multiple users are using FAXstf Pro, all faxes are received into
the System In Box. Only the first page can be viewed to determine
who the fax was meant for. From here the fax should be routed to
the appropriate users drop box. The user that receives the fax in his
drop box will be able to view and print all pages of the fax. More…
A) Yes. Simply click the fax once to select it and click the Email
button in the button bar. You can also export the fax as a PDF file
and then manually attach it to an email.
A) Yes. You can create custom cover page and page headers from
the built-in editor in the FAXstf Pro application or from the TextEdit
application. More…
Q) Exactly what is the vacuum cleaner attachment with the bristles used for?
Back to Top
Q) After checking my firewall I still can not connect to the my server machine. What
other troubleshooting steps should I take?
A) If using a firewall, verify your ports settings are correct (read the
question above). Also, verify that Personal Web Sharing is turned on
in the System Preferences of the FAXstf Server machine. Once
turned on, click the Check Network Server button in the Network
preferences panel of the FAXstf client machine. In extreme cases
you may need to restart the FAXstf Server machine to restart Apache.
Q) Why do the cover pages I have added to the FAXstf Servers Network Cover Pages
page appear to be blank?
A) Uncheck the 'Use local bonjour fax server' checkbox, then enter
the IP address of the FAXstf Server machine in the Network Fax
Server address field.
Q) After sending a fax via a FAXstf server, how do I check the status of the fax?
A) As a FAXstf client you can always check the status of any fax by
selecting it in the Out box and then clicking the Fax History button.
The status of the fax will be updated automatically but you can also
force a status update by clicking the Get Network Faxes button,
then clicking the Fax History button. The Get Network Faxes button
will download any faxes you have received on the server and will
also update the status of any faxes that you have sent.
Q) Can one FAXstf Server machine act as a client to another FAXstf Server machine?
Q) My FAXstf Client machine also has an Apple internal modem. Can I use this to
send faxes?
A) Yes, you can purchase a FAXstf Pro upgrade serial number from
Smith Micro. Visit smithmicro.com/mac. Once the new serial
number has been applied, the FAXstf Pro application will allow the
use of the local internal modem in addition to its network fax client
Back to Top
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : More Help Topics…
FAXstf Overview Below is list of help topics available for FAXstf Pro. If you can't find what you are
looking for, try using the Ask a Question field above.
Getting Started
The FAXstf Pro You can also browse our support resources at www.smithmicro.com.
Sending a QuickFax
Sending a Fax Network Fax
Modem Status
Cover Pages Using External USB Modems
Fax History
Saving a Draft Fax Importing Faxes
Legal Notices
Sending a Quick Fax Automatic Fax Retries
More Help Topics…
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : The FAXstf Pro Preferences
FAXstf Overview You can adjust the settings of FAXstf Pro in the FAXstf Pro Preferences. To access
the preferences, select Preferences from the FAXstf Pro menu. In the preferences
Getting Started dialog the follow buttons will appear in the button bar:
Fax History Location to edit: Select the location that you wish to modify. Select
New Location to create a new location.
Multiple Users
FAQ Location name: The name that will appear in the current location
popup menus.
Legal Notices
Modem Setup Tab:
More Help Topics…
Modem Setup
The Modem Setup panel is only available in FAXstf Pro and FAXstf Server installs.
This panel is not available in the FAXstf Client install. This is where you can
customize the behavior of all fax capable modems that you are using. Below are
the options available in the Modem Settings and Advanced tabs.
Basic Tab:
Advanced Tab:
Information Tab:
The Network panel is only available in FAXstf Client installs. This panel is not
available in the FAXstf Pro and FAXstf Server installs. This panel is where you
specify the FAXstf server that you want to use to send and receive faxes. This panel
is only applicable if you are using FAXstf Pro as a client in a FAXstf Server/client
environment. If you are not using a FAXstf Server, this preference panel will have
no effect on the behavior of FAXstf.
Account Tab:
Locations Tab:
Fax Settings
This is where you can configure the behavior of the FAXstf Pro application.
System Tab:
Technical Tab:
My Information
This panel contains all of your personal contact information. This information is
used in your cover pages and page headers.
Cover Page
This panel is where you create, add, delete, and preview cover pages and page
headers. The Cover Pages and Page Headers tabs are very similar. In both tabs, the
item that is bolded is the default and will always be the chosen cover page or page
header when sending a fax unless another cover page or page header is selected at
that time.
In the Cover Pages tab the cover page that is selected will appear in the thumbnail
view. To preview a cover page, simply click the Preview button to open a preview
window. In the Page Headers tab the page header that is selected is automatically
displayed in the preview window.
Helpful Information
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Creating FAXstf Pro Cover Pages
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro allows you to create your own cover pages and page headers for
professional looking faxes. Cover pages and page headers can be create in two
Getting Started ways. You can use the TextEdit application, located in the Applications folder, or
you can use the built it cover page editor. Cover pages and page headers that you
The FAXstf Pro create in TextEdit need to be RTF (Rich Text Format) or RTFD (an RTF file
Application containing graphics) format. The TextEdit application creates RTF and RTFD files by
default. Note that RTF files created in Microsoft Word are not currently supported
Sending a Fax by FAXstf Pro.
Sending a QuickFax
The sender and recipient information used in the cover page is added through the
Modem Status use of meta tags, which are shown below. When creating a cover page, use any of
the meta tags below where you want the corresponding information to appear on
Fax History the cover page. For example, anywhere the <<Sender:Email>> tag appears on the
cover page, your email address will appear when the fax is actually sent. Note that
Multiple Users when adding meta tags to a cover page they must appear exactly as they do below.
No spaces can be used in the tags.
Any text that you add to the cover page will appear as normal text. Graphics such
Legal Notices as a company logo can also be added by pasting in the graphic at the desired
location on the page.
More Help Topics…
The information used in the sender meta tags comes from the information entered
in the My Info panel of the FAXstf Pro preferences. The information used in the
recipient meta tags comes from that persons vCard in the OS X Address Book.
Helpful Tips:
● Make sure to use a 1 inch margin at the top, bottom, left, and right sides of
your cover page.
● Remember that the contact info used to populate a meta tag in the cover
page may be much longer than the meta tag itself.
● Click the Show Ruler button to help you adjust the spacing of objects on
the cover page canvas.
To preview your new cover page, simply select the cover page in the list of cover
pages and click the Preview button. You can remove this cover page at any time be
selecting it and clicking the Delete button.
Below is a list of all available meta tags that FAXstf will populate with the correct
contact information when the cover page is images as a fax:
Helpful Information:
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Using External USB Modems
Getting Started
FAXstf Pro supports the Apple Internal Modem and the Apple External USB Modem
The FAXstf Pro and is configured for use with these modems by default. FAXstf Pro can also use
Application any Class 1 fax capable USB modem that supports Mac OS X. Note that not all USB
modems support OS X. Contact your modem's manufacturer for information about
Sending a Fax Mac OS X support.
Sending a QuickFax To use an external USB modem with FAXstf Pro, simply connect the modem to any
built-in USB port on your machine and turn it on. FAXstf Pro will then automatically
Modem Status detect the new modem and initialize it.
Fax History
At this point you can now change the setting of the modem if desired. To do this,
Multiple Users open the FAXstf Pro Preferences window and click the Modem Setup button in the
button bar. In the Modem Setup window select the new modem in the Modem
FAQ popup menu. Click the Apply Now button when finished.
To enable or disable any fax modem open the FAXstf Preferences and click the
Modem Setup button. Select the modem that you want to enable or disable from
Select Modem popup menu. Select the desired modem state in the Current State
popup menu.
If multiple modems are active, faxes will be sent and received by modems on an
availability basis. You can quickly check the current state of any fax modem by
viewing the Modem Status window. The text "Waiting For Call" will appear under the
name of each modem that is ready to send or receive a fax. To open the Modem
Status window select Show Modem Status from the Window menu of the FAXstf Pro
Helpful Information:
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Exporting Faxes
FAXstf Overview Faxes that you have created or received can be easily exported from the FAXstf
application as PDF, TIFF, or Fax files. To export a fax, follow these instructions:
Getting Started
The FAXstf Pro 1. Click on any fax in the FAXstf application to select it.Under the File menu
Application go to Export Fax.Select Export as PDF, Export as TIFF, or Export as Fax from
the submenu.Enter a name and select a location for the exported file.
Sending a Fax 2. Click the Save button.
Sending a QuickFax Note that exporting a fax will not remove the original from the FAXstf Pro
application. Exporting a fax as PDF or TIFF will produce a single file at the specified
Modem Status location. However, exporting a fax as a FAXstf fax will produce a fax bundle at the
specified location. This is because FAXstf stores faxes internally as bundles. Fax
Fax History bundles can not be viewed in any application other than FAXstf. Exporting as Fax
allows you to backup a fax and all data associated with it such as the entire fax
Multiple Users history for that fax.Helpful Information:
How do I get my exported faxes back into the FAXstf application?
Legal Notices
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : FAXstf Pro Address Book Support
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro utilizes the Mac OS X Address Book, Microsoft Entourage 10.1 or
newer, and Palm Desktop 4.1 or newer for addressing faxes. Any vCard in the Mac
Getting Started OS X Address Book that contains a fax number will appear automatically in the list
of destinations when addressing a fax. These fax destinations will also appear in
The FAXstf Pro
the destinations list of Quick Fax.
Sending a Fax To address a fax using Microsoft Entourage or Palm Desktop, simply drag any
vCard that contains a fax number from one of these address books into the
Sending a QuickFax destinations list in the FAXstf printer driver or Quick Fax.
Modem Status When sending a Quick Fax or a fax from an application you can also add a
temporary destination to the list of destinations. Note that any fax destination
Fax History added to the list in this manner will be added to the Mac OS X Address Book.
Multiple Users
Legal Notices
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Automatic Fax Retries
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro supports automatic retries of unsuccessful faxes on a location-by-
location basis. You can elect to have an unsuccessful fax retried from one to six
Getting Started times with an interval of one to fifteen minutes between retries.
Legal Notices
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : About the Fax Activity Log
FAXstf Overview To view the Fax Activity Log select Show Fax Activity Log from the Window menu of
the FAXstf Pro application.
Getting Started
The FAXstf Pro The Fax Activity Log is a record of every fax that has been sent or received on your
Application machine. Various FAXstf system events are also recorded here. You can filter the
contents of the Fax Activity Log table by date and/or event type using the controls
Sending a Fax at the top of the window. The Fax Activity Log is preformatted so that you can save
it as a tab-delimited text file that can then be imported into a database or
Sending a QuickFax spreadsheet for accounting purposes. To save the Fax Activity Log as a tab
delimited text file click the Save As File button.To clear all records from the Fax
Modem Status Activity Log click the Clear button. Note that this can not be undone. Helpful
Fax History
How do I see the history for each individual fax?
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Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Manual Send and Receive
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro supports manual sending and receiving of faxes. Please note that the
Apple internal modem is not capable of manual send because you must be able to
Getting Started connect a telephone handset to the modem for dialing purposes.
Sending a Fax You may wish to manually receive a fax if you have one telephone line used for fax
and voice. To manually receive an inbound fax, follow these steps.
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status 1. Select Manual Receive from the Fax menu or click the Manual Receive
button in the button bar of the FAXstf Pro application
Fax History 2. In the Manual Receive window select the modem with which you want to
receive the fax
Multiple Users 3. Click the Receive button
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To manually send a fax, follow these steps:
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1. Select the fax in the FAXstf Pro application to manually send
2. Select Manual Send from the Fax menu
3. In the Manual Send window select the modem with which you want to send
the fax
4. Click the Send button
5. Dial the phone number using a telephone connected to the Line port of the
6. When you hear fax tones from the remote fax device, click the OK button
7. When instructed, hang up the phone and click the Connect button
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Working with FAXstf Pro Faxes
FAXstf Overview The most commonly-used actions when working with faxes you have created or
received are View, Print, and Delete. Note that double-clicking on a fax document
Getting Started will have different results based on the folder in which the fax resides.
Forwarding a Fax
Legal Notices To forward a fax, simply click the fax once to select it and then select Forward Fax
from the Fax menu. A sheet will appear containing Send To, Cover Page, Quality,
More Help Topics… and Schedule tabs. This is the same interface you experience(d) when faxing a
document from an application. Simply click the checkbox next to the name of the
desired fax destination, select a cover page and/or page header, and click the Send
button. You can also click Save As Draft to save your changes to the fax to be sent
at a later time.
Emailing a Fax
To email a fax, simply click the fax once to select it and then click the Email button
in the button bar or select Email Fax from the Fax menu. A sheet will appear
containing To:, Cc:, Bcc:, and Subject fields as well as a text box for a note. If you
click the pull-down arrow of the To, Cc, or Bcc fields you will automatically have
access to all email addresses stored in your Mac OS X Address Book. You can also
manually enter an email address here. Once addressed, click the Send button. An
email will be sent to all addresses specified with the PDF fax file as an attachment.
Deleting a Fax
To delete a fax, simply click the fax once to select it and then click the Delete
button in the button bar or push the Delete key on the keyboard. You can also
select Delete from the Fax menu. The fax is then moved to the Trash folder in the
FAXstf Pro application and will remain there until the Trash is emptied. To empty
the trash, select Empty Trash from the Fax Folders menu.
Renaming a Fax
To rename a fax, simply click the fax once to select it and then select Rename Fax
from the Fax menu. Enter the desired name in the dialog, then click OK.
Moving a Fax
To move a fax to a different folder within the FAXstf Pro application simply click
and drag the fax to the desired folder, then drop it. If you inadvertently move a fax
to the wrong folder, simply select Undo from the Edit menu and the fax will be
automatically moved back to the original location.
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Working with FAXstf Pro Fax Folders
FAXstf Overview In addition to the standard fax folders present in the FAXstf Pro application, you
can also create, rename, and delete your own folders.
Getting Started
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Importing Faxes
FAXstf Overview Faxes that you have exported from the FAXstf Pro application can be imported back
into FAXstf Pro. To import a fax, simply select Import Fax from the File menu and
Getting Started then select the fax bundle to import.
FAXstf Pro Help : FAXstf Pro and Mac OS X 10.3 and
Help Topics
FAXstf Overview FAXstf Pro fully supports Panther, Tiger, and Leopard including all of the powerful
additions to the OS such as Fast User Switching, Expose, Spaces, and more.
Getting Started However, the limited built-in fax capabilities of the OS can create competition for
the modem resulting in loss of communication with the modem. If this occurs the
The FAXstf Pro modem is no longer usable by any application running on the Mac and the machine
Application must be restarted to power-cycle and reset the modem.
Sending a Fax
To use FAXstf Pro on Mac OS X 10.3 and newer you must disable automatic
Sending a QuickFax fax reception in the Print & Fax panel of the System Preferences. To disable the
built-in fax reception capabilities of the OS, follow these steps:
Modem Status
1. Open the System Preferences (available under the Apple Menu).
Fax History 2. Click the Print & Fax button in the Hardware row.
3. Click the Faxing tab at the top of the Print & Fax panel.
Multiple Users 4. Uncheck "Receive faxes on this computer".
5. Select Quit System Preferences from the System Preferences menu.
Legal Notices Please note that by default Panther and Tiger add fax capability
to all print dialogs. This button is not associated with FAXstf
More Help Topics… Pro. To make it as easy as possible to send a fax with FAXstf on
Mac OS X, when the FAXstf printer driver named Fax Print is
selected as the current printer, FAXstf Pro removes the OS's Fax
button and renames the default Print button in the right corner
of the dialog to Fax.
Q) How can I tell if the fax capabilities of Mac OS X has control of my modem?
A) If FAXstf Pro can not access the modem for faxing because the
OS or another application has taken control of the modem the
Modem Status window of FAXstf Pro will display "In Use By Another
Process". You can access the Modem Status window by selecting
"Modem Status" from the Window menu of the FAXstf Pro
application. Below is an example of this. If this occurs, verify that
the fax reception capability of Mac OS X has been disabled by
following the steps above.
Printer Sharing
Although Mac OS X 10.3 and newer supports printer sharing across a network, the
FAXstf print driver (Fax Print) can not be shared. Attempting to use the shared Fax
Print printer driver from another machine on the network will result in an error
dialog. FAXstf Server provides true client-server network fax capabilities. Check
www.smithmicro.com for more information about FAXstf Server.
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Using a Dial Prefix or Suffix
FAXstf Overview You can specify a dial prefix and/or suffix to be used when dialing any fax number
on a location-by-location basis. To set the dial prefix and/or suffix, open the
Getting Started FAXstf Pro Preferences, click the Locations button, and enter exactly what you want
to be dialed in the appropriate fields.
The FAXstf Pro
Application You can have a separate dial prefix and/or suffix for every location you have
Sending a Fax
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status
Fax History
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Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : About Draft Faxes
FAXstf Overview A draft fax can be used as a template if you frequently send the same fax out but
to different fax destinations or if you want to use a different cover page each time.
Getting Started Draft faxes are faxes that do not have a send time assigned to them. These faxes
may or may not be addressed. All draft faxes are stored in the Drafts folder of the
The FAXstf Pro FAXstf Pro application.
Sending a Fax To save a document as an addressed draft from the Print window, select Save as
Draft in the Schedule tab after addressing the fax. More…To save a document as an
Sending a QuickFax unaddressed draft from the Print window, click the Print button with no
destinations selected in the list of the Send To tab. More…
Modem Status
To save a Quick Fax as a draft simply click the Save As Draft button at the bottom
Fax History
of the Quick Fax window. The Quick Fax can be addresses or not addressed. Any
text in the note field will also be saved with the fax.
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Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Thanks for buying FAXstf Pro!
FAXstf Overview All of us at the Smith Micro Mac Division would like to thank you for buying FAXstf
Pro! We appreciate your support and look forward to providing many more great
Getting Started Mac products for OS X.
Sending a Fax
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status
Fax History
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Robert Elliott
Chad Krause
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Serial Logging
FAXstf Overview For troubleshooting purposes FAXstf Pro will allow you to create a log of all serial
input/output and inter-process communication. This information is useful in
Getting Started investigating problems such as repeated fax failures. Do not leave logging turned
on for an extended period of time because it will adversely affect the performance
The FAXstf Pro of all fax operations as well as generate very large log files on your hard drive.
Sending a Fax To enable logging, open the FAXstf Pro preferences and click the Fax Settings
button. In the Fax Settings panel, check the "Log all FAXstf Pro activity" checkbox.
Sending a QuickFax
Once this box is checked, a log file will be created on the root of your hard drive.
Modem Status This file will contain all serial input/output information from all fax transmissions
since logging was enabled. If a Smith Micro support representative has requested
Fax History that you create and send a log of a fax transmission failure, please compress this
file and attach it to your Incident Report.
Multiple Users
Note that FAXstf Pro will continue to log data until you turn
Legal Notices logging off in the FAXstf Pro Preferences.
1. Open the FAXstf Pro Preferences and click the Fax Settings button in the
button bar
2. Check the "Log all FAXstf Pro activity" checkbox.
3. Click the Apply Now button, then close the preferences window.
4. Attempt to send or receive the fax.
5. Once the attempted transmission is complete return to the Fax Settings
panel of the preferences.
6. Uncheck the "Log all FAXstf Pro activity" checkbox, then click Apply Now
7. Navigate to the root of your hard drive to find the serial log.
It is important that you turn off logging before you attach the
serial log to an email or attach it to an Incident Report. Failure
to do this could result in an incomplete log which decreases
the likely hood of successful troubleshooting.
Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Contacting Smith Micro Software, Inc.
FAXstf Overview There are several options available too access Help Resources for FAXstf X Pro.
Smith Micro maintains a list of frequently asked questions as well as an online
Getting Started knowledge base. We recommend browsing these resources before contacting
technical support for help.
The FAXstf Pro
Application If you have not yet searched the Frequently Asked Questions installed with the
product, please do so before contacting technical support for help.
Sending a Fax
Sending a QuickFax You must register FAXstf X Pro to receive technical support.
If you have not yet registered FAXstf X Pro, select Product
Modem Status Registration… from the FAXstf Pro menu. You can find Help
with the registration process here.
Fax History
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reasons we recommend that you use the web-based form of the
Ask A Question link above.
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Help Topics FAXstf Pro Help : Cover Page Layout Example
Sending a Fax
Sending a QuickFax
Modem Status
Fax History
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