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Software Requirements


Point Of Communication Sale System
Version <1.0>
Prepared by
Group Name:

Mohammed Al-zyout 320100107058

Mahmoud Almomani 320110107073

Mohammed Shlool 320100107026

Anas Hammad 320110107060

Instructor: Dr. Murad Alaqtash

Course: Software Engineering
SRS for Point Of Communication Sale System Page II

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................................II
1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................1
1.2 PRODUCT SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................1
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................2
1.4 REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...................................................................................................2
2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................................3
2.1 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY .........................................................................................................................3
2.2 END USERS AND CHARACTERISTICS .........................................................................................................3
2.3 SYSTEM STAKEHOLDERS ...........................................................................................................................4
2.4 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................................4
3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................................4
3.1 USER INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................................4
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................5
3.3 USE CASE DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................................6
4 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................6
4.1 SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................7
5 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................................9
APPENDIX A - GROUP LOG ................................................................................................................................. 10
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1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
A POCSS (Point Of Communication Sale System) is a computer system typically used to manage
the communication sales in the mobile shop. It includes hardware components such as a computer, a
bar code scanner, a printer and also software to manage the operation of the mobile shop.

The most basic function of a POCSS is to handle communication sales. When a customer arrives
at a POCSS counter with a product to purchase, the cashier will start a new sale transaction. When
the barcode of a product is read by the POCSS, it will retrieve the name and price of this product
from the backend catalogue system and interact with inventory system to deduce the stock amount
of this product. When the sale transaction is over, the customer can pay in cash, or check. After the
payment is successful, a receipt will be printed.
Note that for promotion, the supermarket frequently issue gift coupons. The customer can use the
coupons for a better price when purchasing goods.

Another function of a POCSS is to handle returns…

A user must log in to use the POCSS. The users of a POCSS are the employees of the mobile shop
include cashiers and administrator. Administrator can access the system management functions of
the POCSS including user management and security configuration that cashiers can’t do.

1.2 Product Scope

POCSS help the mobile shop's owners by store the following information with every purchase
made by customers: a unique transaction number assigned to every transaction, the items purchased
and their prices, the date and time of the transaction, discounts applied to the transaction (if any),
and the total price of all the items bought.

For the database of items, the system will only store information about the products offered in the
supermarket. The product type may be devices or accessories, the system shall be able to store the
unique product identification number, the product name, product type, the price the item was
bought, and the selling price, for each item in the database.

In generating reports on sales, the system can shows detailed reports on the sales made on a daily,
weekly, monthly, or cumulative basis. The user can view this report any time he wishes. To do so,
he or she must input a specific day (for daily), a starting day for a week (for weekly), or a month
(for monthly). All transactions are stored by the system for future reference. Each transaction has
the items purchased, the discounts applied, and the prices.
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1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

1.3.1 Definitions

 Administrator: System administrator who is given specific permission for managing and
controlling the system.
 Mobile shop's owner: Someone who has a supermarket and wants his supermarket to be a
part the application.
 Stakeholder: Any person who has interaction with the system who is not a developer.
 Sale: commercial transaction between customer and retailer, where customer buys a number
of products from the retailer.
 Sale transaction: commercial transaction between customer and retailer.
 Product Record: descriptor of physical products with same bar code.
 Product: physical product.

1.3.2 Acronyms

POCSS – Point Of Communication Sale System

GUI – Graphical user interface
SRS – Software Requirements Specification document
UCD – Use Case Diagram

1.4 References and Acknowledgments

(1) ANSI/IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications

(2) ANSI/IEEE Std 1233-1996, IEEE Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications


(4) srs_example_2010_group2
SRS for Point Of Communication Sale System Page 3

2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Functionality

2.1.1 Transactions Module

The Transactions Module provides facilities for the cashier to record and manage customer orders.
Including Add order, Cancel order, and Bill out.

2.1.2 Administration Module

The Administration Module provides facilities for the administrator to manage the menu and item
details. Including Add item, Edit item, Delete item, and Create new account.

2.1.3 Reports Module

The reports module provides facilities for the administrator to view sales report, view transactions
log, and track cashier performance.

2.2 End Users and Characteristics

There are two types of user that interact with the system: Administrators and Cashier.
Describe the characteristics of each user

2.2.1 Administrator

The administrator is one of the two users of the system. In this case, the administrator is the
operations manager of the shop. However, there can be more than one administrator. Other users
can also become administrators provided that they are qualified and authorized.
Administrators can access the administration module and the reports module. They are
permitted to add new item, edit and update item details. Moreover, they are also allowed to
generate sales and cashier performance reports.

2.2.2 Cashier

The cashier is the second user of the system. The cashiers are responsible for the transactions
made with the customers. Thus, they are limited to accessing transaction module only. They can
view, add, edit and cancel orders. They use the system for every transaction created.
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2.3 System Stakeholders

The stakeholders in this system:-
1. Administrators.
2. Shop's owners.
3. Customers.
4. Cashier.

2.4 Operating Environment

The Environment of this software :
Operating system : win(7,xp,2000,NT)
Version 1.0

3 Specific Requirements
3.1 User Interface
Show below
SRS for Point Of Communication Sale System Page 5

3.2 Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Retrieve name and price of good

Name retrieve name and price of good
Input Barcode
Output Name and price of product
Action Access backend catalogue system and given barcode find and
retrieve product description
Pre-condition Valid barcode (consistent with standard + corresponding product
Post-condition Price and name of product available

3.2.2 Handle payment cash

Name Handle payment cash
Input Amount to be paid, cash received
Output Change to be given
Action If result ok, Add amount to be paid to total amount of cash
Pre condition Cash received >= amount to be paid
Post condition Amount of cash (after payment) = amount of cash (before payment) +
amount to be paid

3.2.3 Deduce stock amount

Name deduce stock amount
Input Barcode
Output Stock amount after this sale
Action Deduce one from stock amount of product
Pre-condition Valid code, at least one product in stock
Post-condition Product.stockAmount_after == Product.stockAmount_before -1

3.2.4 Handle coupon

Name Handle coupon
Input Coupon (id of coupon, id of promotion, id of product)
Output Discounted price for product
Action Read bar code on coupon , find id of coupon, retrieve name of promotion and
id of product, verify that promotion is still valid, verify that product is
available, retrieve discount rate
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3.3 Use Case Diagram

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4 Non-functional Requirements
4.1 Software Quality Attributes
4.1.1 Reliability

The following requirements describe the expected reliability of the Operational Interface
4.1.1-R1 The Operational Interface shall have a Mean Time Between Failures of no less than 7 days

4.1.2 Availability

The following requirements indicate the expected availability of the Operational Interface.
4.1.2-R1 The system shall be available 99.5% of the time

4.1.3 Security

The software system needs a robust security mechanism in place so that unauthorized users are
not allowed access to parts of the system.
All users of the system must be uniquely identified. This could be done by using a user name and
associated password scheme that would authenticate and authorize the user access to the system
and, if applicable, grant the user access to restricted or controlled parts of the system. If a user
cannot be identified, he/she will be given “anonymous” access with read-only capabilities. In order
to monitor all past access to the system, all attempts to access the system must be logged.
4.1.3-R1 All users of the system shall login using some form of unique identification (e.g., username and password)
4.1.3-R2 All login attempts shall be done so in a secure manner (e.g., encrypted passwords)
4.1.3-R3 Each user shall either be trusted or not trusted.

4.1.4 Maintainability

The following requirements increase the maintainability of the Operational Interface software.

4.1.4-R1 All source code and development related documents shall be controlled under a version control system
4.1.4-R2 All source code shall adhere to an agreed upon and well-defined set of coding standards for each
development language used.
4.1.4-R3 A standard naming convention for classes, variables and packages shall be agreed upon and adhered to.

4.1.5 Portability Hardware Operating Systems

Since the software must run on several popular hardware platforms and the goal is to achieve a
reasonable level of platform independence The system shall be compatible with the Microsoft Windows Operating System (NT, 2000, XP or greater).
SRS for Point Of Communication Sale System Page 8
4.1.6 Usability

The system’s user interface intuitive, easy to use and provide an overall positive user experience.
It do what the user expects it to do, Tell the user of its current state, and when something goes
wrong it explain the problem in a meaningful context that is understandable by the user and
guidance toward correcting the problem.

4.1.7 Training

The system will facilitate training of new operators with the system by having a feature that
simulates the Operational Interface.
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5 Other Requirements
5.1 Database
Has been the use of a database in order to save the information and data shop it (Sql database)
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Appendix A - Group Log

first day: the project have been identified
Second Day: The project was to understand and define requirements
Third day: we defined the Functional Requirements and non-functional requirements.
Fourth day: Completed Project

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