AS/NZS 61439.1:2016
Engineers Australia
National Electrical and Communications Association
National Electrical Switchboard Manufacturers Association
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board
This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR AS/NZS 61439.1:2014.
AS/NZS 61439.1:2016
© Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written
permission of the publisher, unless otherwise permitted under the Copyright Act 1968
(Australia) or the Copyright Act 1994 (New Zealand).
Jointly published by SAI Global Limited under licence from Standards Australia Limited,
GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001 and by Standards New Zealand, PO Box 10729,
Wellington 6011.
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee EL-006, Industrial Switchgear and Controlgear, to supersede AS/NZS 3439.1:2012 five
years from the date of publication.
The AS/NZS 61439 series will supersede the AS/NZS 3439 series five years from the date of
publication. During this period, low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies may comply with
either series. After five years it is anticipated that the AS/NZS 3439 series will be withdrawn.
The objective of this Standard is to harmonize as far as practicable all rules and requirements of a
general nature applicable to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies (ASSEMBLIES), in
order to obtain uniformity of requirements and verification for ASSEMBLIES, and avoid the need for
verification to other Standards.
This Standard is an adoption with national modifications. It has been reproduced from
IEC 61439-1, Ed. 2.0 (2011), Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, Part 1: General
rules and has been varied as indicated to take account of Australian/New Zealand conditions.
This is a free 13 page sample. Access the full version online.
Where tests on the ASSEMBLY have been conducted in accordance with the IEC 60439, IEC 61439
or AS/NZS 3439 series and the test results fulfil the requirements of the relevant part of
AS/NZS 61439, the verification of these requirements need not be repeated (see Clause 10.1).
Variations made to IEC 61439-1:2011 form the Australian/New Zealand variations for the purposes of
the CB scheme for recognition of testing to standards for safety of electrical equipment. These
variations are listed in Appendix ZA for easy reference.
NOTE: This Appendix has been designated ZA instead of the usual ZZ so that other Appendices have the
same designations as those in AS/NZS 3439.1:2002.
This Standard is structured as follows:
(a) Preface.
(b) IEC 61439-1, Ed. 2.0 (2011) (unedited from the contents page to the final clause of the source
(c) Appendix ZA—Australian/New Zealand variations to the source document.
(d) Appendices ZB to ZE contain additional requirements and information referred to from
Appendix ZA.
This second edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the last
edition of IEC 61439-1:
(i) Revision of service conditions in Clause 7.
(ii) Numerous changes regarding verification methods in Clause 10.
(iii) Modification of routine verification in respect of clearances and creepage distances
(see Clause 11.3).
(iv) Adaption of the tables in Annex C and Annex D to the revised requirements and Verification
(v) Revision of the EMC requirements in Annex J.
(vi) Shifting of tables from Annex H to new Annex N.
(vii) New Annex O with guidance on temperature rise verification.
(viii) New Annex P with a verification method for short-circuit withstand strength (integration of the
content of IEC/TR 61117).
(ix) Update of normative references.
(x) General editorial review.
AS/NZS 61439.1:2016 3
NOTE: It should be noted that when a dated reference to IEC 60439-1 is made in another Part of the
IEC 60439 series of assembly standards not yet transferred into the new IEC 61439 series, the superseded
IEC 60439-1 still applies (see also the Introduction below).
In this Standard, terms written in small capitals are defined in Clause 3.
The ‘in some countries’ notes regarding differing national practices are contained in the following
(A) 5.4.
(B) 8.2.2.
(C) 8.3.2.
(D) 8.3.3.
(F) 8.5.5.
(G) 8.6.6.
(H) 8.8.
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(I) 9.2.
(L) Annex L.
(M) Annex M.
As this Standard is reproduced from an International Standard, the following applies:
(1) In the source text ‘this part of IEC 61439’ should read ‘this Australian/New Zealand Standard’.
(2) A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.
References to International Standards should be replaced by references to Australian or
Australian/New Zealand Standards, as follows:
Reference to International Standard Australian/New Zealand Standard
60529 Degrees of protection provided by 60529 Degrees of protection provided by
enclosures (IP Code) enclosures (IP Code)
60865 Short-circuit currents—Calculation 3865 Calculation of the effects of
of effects short-circuit currents
60865-1 Part 1: Definitions and calculation
61180 High-voltage test techniques for 4362 High-voltage test techniques for
(all parts) low-voltage equipment low-voltage equipment
4362.1 Part 1: Definitions, test and
procedure requirements
4362.2 Part 2: Test equipment
60364 Low-voltage electrical installations 3000 Electrical installations (known as the
(all parts) Australian/New Zealand Wiring
60439 Low-voltage switchgear and 3439 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear assemblies (series) controlgear assemblies (series)
AS/NZS 61439.1:2016 4
60695 Fire hazard testing 60695 Fire hazard testing
60695-2-10 Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based 60695.2.10 Part 2.10: Glowing/hot-wire based
test methods—Glow-wire apparatus test methods—Glow-wire apparatus
and common test procedure and common test procedure
60695-2-11 Part 2-11: Glowing/hot-wire based 60695.2.11 Part 2.11: Glowing/hot-wire based
test methods—Glow-wire test methods—Glow-wire
flammability test method for flammability test method for
end-products end-products
60695-11-5 Part 11-5: Test flames— 60695.11.5 Part 11.5: Test flames—
Needle-flame test method— Needle-flame test method—
Apparatus, confirmatory test Apparatus, confirmatory test
arrangement and guidance arrangement and guidance
61000 Electromagnetic compatibility 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility
61000-4-2 Part 4-2: Testing and measurement 61000.4.2 Part 4.2: Testing and measurement
techniques—Electrostatic discharge techniques—Electrostatic discharge
immunity test immunity test
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61000-4-3 Part 4-3: Testing and measurement 61000.4.3 Part 4.3: Testing and measurement
techniques—Radiated, radio techniques—Radiated, radio-
frequency, electromagnetic field frequency, electromagnetic field
immunity test immunity test
61000-4-11 Part 4-11: Testing and 61000.4.11 Part 4.11: Testing and measurement
measurement techniques—Voltage techniques—Voltage dips, short
dips, short interruptions and interruptions and voltage variations
voltage variations immunity tests immunity tests (IEC61000-4-11,
Ed.2.0(2004) MOD)
61000-4-13 Part 4-13: Testing and 61000.4.13 Part 4.13: Testing and measurement
measurement techniques— techniques—Harmonics and
Harmonics and interharmonics interharmonics including mains
including mains signalling at a.c. signalling at a.c. power port, low
power port, low-frequency frequency immunity tests
immunity tests
60947 Low-voltage switchgear and 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear controlgear
60947-1 Part 1: General rules 60947.1 Part :1 General rules
Only normative references that have been adopted as Australian or Australian/New Zealand Standard
have been listed.
The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the application of
the annexes or appendices to which they apply. A ‘normative’ annex or appendix is an integral part of
a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ annex or appendix is only for information and guidance.
–2– 61439-1 © IEC:2011
AS/NZS 61439.1:2016 5
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 8
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 11
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 12
2 Normative references ..................................................................................................... 12
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................... 15
3.1 General terms ....................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Constructional units of ASSEMBLIES ........................................................................ 17
3.3 External design of ASSEMBLIES ............................................................................... 18
3.4 Structural parts of ASSEMBLIES ............................................................................... 18
3.5 Conditions of installation of ASSEMBLIES ................................................................. 20
3.6 Insulation characteristics ....................................................................................... 20
3.7 Protection against electric shock ........................................................................... 23
3.8 Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 25
3.9 Verification ............................................................................................................ 27
3.10 Manufacturer/user ................................................................................................. 28
4 Symbols and abbreviations ............................................................................................. 28
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conductors with regard to thermal stresses due to currents of short duration ........................ 91
Annex C (informative) User information template ................................................................. 92
Annex D (informative) Design verification ............................................................................ 96
Annex E (informative) Rated diversity factor ........................................................................ 97
Annex F (normative) Measurement of clearances and creepage distances ........................ 106
Annex G (normative) Correlation between the nominal voltage of the supply system
and the rated impulse withstand voltage of the equipment .................................................. 111
Annex H (informative) Operating current and power loss of copper conductors .................. 113
Annex I (Void) ..................................................................................................................... 115
Annex J (normative) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).................................................. 116
Annex K (normative) Protection by electrical separation..................................................... 123
Annex L (informative) Clearances and creepage distances for North American region ....... 126
Annex M (informative) North American temperature rise limits ........................................... 127
Annex N (normative) Operating current and power loss of bare copper bars ...................... 128
Annex O (informative) Guidance on temperature rise verification ....................................... 130
Annex P (normative) Verification of the short-circuit withstand strength of busbar
structures by comparison with a tested reference design by calculation .............................. 135
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 139
Figure E.8 – Example graph for the relation between the equivalent RDF and the
parameters at intermittent duty at I 1 = I 2 (no starting overcurrent) ...................................... 105
Figure F.1 – Measurement of ribs ....................................................................................... 110
Figure J.1 – Examples of ports ........................................................................................... 116
Figure O.1 – Temperature rise verification methods ............................................................ 134
Figure P.1 – Tested busbar structure (TS) .......................................................................... 135
Figure P.2 – Non tested busbar structure (NTS) .................................................................. 136
Figure P.3 – Angular busbar configuration with supports at the corners .............................. 138
Table H.2 – Reduction factor k 1 for cables with a permissible conductor temperature
of 70 °C (extract from IEC 60364-5-52:2009, Table B.52.14)............................................... 114
Table J.1 – Tests for EMC immunity for environment A (see J.10.12.1) ............................... 120
Table J.2 – Tests for EMC immunity for environment B (see J.10.12.1) ............................... 121
AS/NZS 61439.1:2016 10
61439-1 © IEC:2011 –7– Page
Table J.3 – Acceptance criteria when electromagnetic disturbances are present ................. 122
Table K.1 – Maximum disconnecting times for TN systems ................................................. 125
Table L.1 – Minimum clearances in air ................................................................................ 126
Table L.2 – Minimum creepage distances ........................................................................... 126
Table M.1 – North American temperature rise limits ............................................................ 127
Table N.1 – Operating current and power loss of bare copper bars with rectangular
cross-section, run horizontally and arranged with their largest face vertical, frequency
50 Hz to 60 Hz (ambient temperature inside the ASSEMBLY : 55 °C, temperature of the
conductor 70 °C) ................................................................................................................. 128
Table N.2 – Factor k 4 for different temperatures of the air inside the ASSEMBLY and/or
for the conductors ............................................................................................................... 129
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AS/NZS 61439.1:2016 11
61439-1 © IEC:2011 – 11 –
The purpose of this standard is to harmonize as far as practicable all rules and requirements
of a general nature applicable to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
(ASSEMBLIES) in order to obtain uniformity of requirements and verification for ASSEMBLIES and
to avoid the need for verification to other standards. All those requirements for the various
ASSEMBLIES standards which can be considered as general have therefore been gathered in
this basic standard together with specific subjects of wide interest and application, e.g.
temperature rise, dielectric properties, etc.
For each type of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly only two main standards
are necessary to determine all requirements and the corresponding methods of verification:
– this basic standard referred to as “Part 1” in the specific standards covering the various
types of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies ;
– the specific ASSEMBLY standard hereinafter also referred to as the relevant ASSEMBLY
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For a general rule to apply to a specific ASSEMBLY standard, it should be explicitly referred to
by quoting the relevant clause or sub-clause number of this standard followed by “Part 1” e.g.
“9.1.3 of Part 1”.
A specific ASSEMBLY standard may not require and hence need not call up a general rule
where it is not applicable, or it may add requirements if the general rule is deemed inadequate
in the particular case but it may not deviate from it unless there is substantial technical
justification detailed in the specific ASSEMBLY standard.
Requirements in this standard that are subject to agreement between the ASSEMBLY
manufacturer and the user are summarised in Annex C (informative). This schedule also
facilitates the supply of information on basic conditions and additional user specifications to
enable proper design, application and utilization of the ASSEMBLY .
For the new re-structured IEC 61439 series, the following parts are envisaged:
This list is not exhaustive; additional Parts may be developed as the need arises.
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