Assessment Task Review Activity
Assessment Task Review Activity
Assessment Task Review Activity
Reviewing an existing task
• In pairs, select a task that has already been developed and is intended for use in
your subject.
• Swap and read assessment tasks. As you read the task, use the proforma on the
following page and make notes against the review questions.
Note: You may find the following references useful for amending task instructions.
1. Read the purpose/aim of the assessment task, the assessment design criteria which are being
addressed and the instructions to students on the assessment task. Do these align?
i.e. If students follow the instructions on the task sheet, will the evidence they produce match the aim of
the task and address the relevant assessment design criteria?
2. Highlight the process/operational words provided in the task instructions (e.g. describe, explain,
evaluate). If students follow the instructions on the task sheet, will they be able to demonstrate
evidence of each selected assessment design criterion at a range of levels, including the highest level?
1. List technical terms students will be required to know. Comment on whether students are likely to
understand the terms or not. Is it clear to students what they must include and/or produce in order to be
2. Does the use of diagrams, cues, illustrations or graphics support students in understanding of what is
expected of them?
1. Is the assessment task culturally appropriate, avoids stereotypes, and not discriminating against
groups of students? In what ways may the assessment task be adjusted to cater for students with
special needs?
Adapted from Quality assuring senior assessment instruments: A tool for schools
Queensland Studies Authority
If you met…, what five problem in your show what you mark out the real life Create an about... Draw a model to show
Inventions Key questions would you community, and create learned… size of … (eg an accompaniment for how…(eg an engine; fire
most like to ask? a plan for resolving the Design icons to make… explorer’s boat; the …(ads / stories / extinguisher) works
problem easier to understand Space shuttle…) videos...)
Intrapersonal Interpersonal Picture/Spatial Body/Kinesthetic Musical/Rhythmic Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Math
Investigate all the Analyse the reasons Analyse the reasons Investigate how the Analyse the reasons What really is … (an Investigate….
Analyse factors that could for… for… parts interact in… for… abstract concept such Analyse the reasons
(to think more deeply; influence you in… Analyse an issue / topic Construct a Venn Compare the Investigate … as trust, ambition, for…
to investigate) Analyse the thinking from at least two diagram to compare movements of.. cooperation, racism) ?
Draw up a Sound Map What if...?
Question Key patterns that you use in different perspectives... and contrast… Classify the movements for your school Analyse the reasons Play 20 Questio ns
Commonality Key …(various situations / Investigate the needs How many other ways of… Conduct research on for...
Conduct experiments to
Reverse Key problems) of… could…? How many other ways this issue, and present Compare and contrast
prove your hypothesis
Brick Wall Key Develop a ‘process How might … (a group, Use a visual flow chart could…? your findings in a series different … (genre /
folio’ that outlines how characters / storylines / Separate … from … (eg
Ridiculous Key organisation, team, to represent … (a Conduct research on of songs / raps fact from opinion)
you complete your family) respond to…? maths operation / a this issue, and present Compare and contrast responses / attitudes /
different learning tasks beliefs / theories) Create a table to
Analyse the feelings social dynamics issue / your findings in a series different types of music
Compile a notebook of a storyline…) show…
of… during… of mimes / a short play used in ads / movies /
your responses to… sitcoms…
Design a personal Design positive games Develop an innovative Make an unusual… Create jingles / songs Design a strategy to.. Design a set of criteria
Design action plan to… for groups to… webpage to help others to judge…
Create a freeze frame Make an unusual…
(to create How would you solve Design key questions Redraw… to improve... to… remember…(scientific / Write a dialogue Design a better
new ideas / the complex problem for a group discussion Design an all-new Design an object (eg a maths formulae…) between...(a torch and experiment...
perspectives) of…? about… boardgame for… toy / a tool...) for… Create original sounds a candle; an animate Create estimates for...
Brainstorming Key Challenge your beliefs Design a set of criteria Re-design cartoons / Design a set of criteria as background for… and an inanimate Design a new code
Matrix Key on… by…. for... book covers / computer for... Rewrite known songs, object; …) for…
Improvements Key How could you Design a team solution graphics … In teams of …(4 / 5 / 6), and add / delete issues Create an argument to Use a word matrix or
improve…? to... Develop a visual design a roleplay to / scenes / characters in persuade people to… story grid for creative
BAR Key order to …
Map out your own… Plan a campaign to metaphor that show how… (laser Write a proposal to writing ideas
Prediction Key
(eg career plan / challenge people’s represents… beams / convince…
Inventions Key learning journey) over thinking on… photosynthesis) works Create limericks for…
the next few years
Evaluate the success of Which of the Develop criteria for Which is the best Which is the best Which one is most Rate … ( a series of
Evaluate your personal goals two…would be best evaluating book covers performance? Explain performance? Explain effective? … (state the choices) from most to
(to determine Which stage of your life for…? / computer graphics / why. why. choices) least effective. Justify
quality of was the Play games designed icons / websites Which of the … Review a musical Have a pros and cons your choices.
amusing; exciting...) options) answers.
NB. Only use this matrix after you have clarified your culminating activity / assessment task / core task, and your outcomes. The activities that you generate with this matrix
must be in context. This matrix must not be used in isolation.
Developed by Tony Ryan. []
Process/Operational Words Used in Tasks
Process/operational words are specific about the cognitive process required by a student within a given
genre/text type. Nonetheless, some variation occurs across different learning areas (eg explain in
History and Physics can vary).
Glossary of Terms Prepared by the NSW Board of Studies for HSC Students 2002
Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of: narrate a series of events or
Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications