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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Development of

World Class Oceanarium at Mamallapuram (Chennai), India on
PPP Mode

Department of Fisheries
Administrative Office Building, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 006. TamilNadu, INDIA.
PH: 044-24336311, 24321927 / 044-24335585 (Fax)

Department of Fisheries September

Page 12014
Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

Expression of Interest (EOI) Sheet

Development of World class Oceanarium at

1. Name of the Project
Mamallapuram on PPP Mode, India.
19th September 2014 (document can be
2. Date of Issue of REOI document downloaded from,

3. Last date for receipt of REOI document 20th October 2014

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


1. ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

2. ABBREVIATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

3. INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

3.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND & BRIEF DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

3.2 OBJECTIVE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

3.3 PROJECT SITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6

3.4 PROJECT INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

3.5 LAND AVAILABILITY, DESIGN NORMS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATION ----------------------------------------------- 7

4. BIDDING PROCEDURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

5. SELECTION PROCESS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

6. CHECKLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14


ANNEXURE I-FORMAT FOR LETTER OF APPLICATION ................................................................................... 15

ANNEXURE II- DETAILS OF THE BIDDER......................................................................................................... 16
ANNEXURE III-FORMAT FOR ESTABLISHING EXPERIENCE ............................................................................ 17
ANNEXURE V- BRIEF UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT & COMMENTS ..................................................... 19
ANNEXURE VI- PROJECT INFORMATION MEMORANDUM............................................................................... 20

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


Department of Fisheries (DOF) having its office at DMS Complex, Teynampet, Chenani-600006
(Tamilnadu) India invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from the interested Bidders/Consortium, for
“Development of World class Oceanarium at Mamallapuram on PPP Mode” (hereinafter referred to
as “Project”).

This expression of interest is for design, finance, construction, operation and maintenance of a world-
class Oceanarium by the selected Bidder/ Consortium. DoF is looking for a suitable technical and
financially capable Bidders/ Consortium having substantial experience in planning, designing,
development, operation and maintenance of Oceanarium.


Development of World class Oceanarium at Mamallapuram on DBFOT basis

Item Date and Time Venue

Issue of EOI Document 19th September 2014 Department of Fisheries, Chennai

Pre-Submission Meeting
6th October 2014 at 11:30 Hrs. Department of Fisheries, Chennai
& Site Visit
Last date for submission
20th October 2014 at 16:00 Hrs. Department of Fisheries, Chennai
of EOI (EOI Due Date)

Opening of EOI 20th October 2014 at 16:30 Hrs. Department of Fisheries, Chennai

EOI Document issued to M/s:


The Commissioner of Fisheries

Department of Fisheries

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


DBFOT : Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer

PPP : Public Private Partnership

REOI : Request for Expression of Interest

MoU : Memorandum of Understanding

DoF : Department of Fisheries

VGF : Viability Gap Funding

CRZ : Costal Regulation Zone

FSI : Floor Space Index

PIM : Project Information Memorandum

LM : Lead Member

TN : Government of Tamilnadu

RFQ : Request for Qualification

RFP : Request for Proposal

Sq. Mts. : Square Meters

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


3.1 Project Background & Brief Description

The Government of Tamil Nadu, in an effort to augment the Tourism potential of Mamallapuram has
embarked on a unique and novel concept of developing an Oceanarium near Mamallapuram in PPP
mode. Apart from promoting tourism, the proposed project is envisaged to provide facilities for
propagating awareness about marine environment and biodiversity.

The Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that a world-class Oceanarium with state of the art
facility will come up at a cost of about Rs 253 Crores at Mamallapuram through State Fisheries
Department under PPP mode. The Public Private Partnership project will highlight the marine tropical

3.2 Objective
Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) are invited from reputed Developers, Oceanarium/Aquarium
operators, companies and consortia to develop a world class Oceanariumat Mamallapuram.

3.3 Project Site

For details related to Project site, land information the Bidders shall refer to the Project Information
Memorandum (PIM) in the Annexure VI.

3.4 Project Information

The proposal is to establish an Oceanarium in the 15 acres nominated site at Mahabalipuram in PPP
mode. The Oceanarium apart from its commercial and educational supremacy will have alliances with
the Universities and Marine Biology Research Centers to undertake marine biological research projects
in collaboration with similar reputed centers around the world. Oceanarium is a massive center for
marine education and entertainment whereas aquarium is one or few standalone tanks in display with
fresh or marine water exhibits.
The meticulously created SeaWorld will have thousands of marine species, collected from the Ocean,
moving amidst corals and reef just like they live in Ocean for all to see. The creation will include an
artificial ocean enabling people to walk under the water through an acrylic tunnel, directly experiencing
the unique wonders available at the bottom of the ocean, without getting wet.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

The Oceanarium concept is a revolutionary Tourism and Educational attraction, which draws on our
natural human curiosity for other forms of animal life, rarely seen by the general public. Historically, the
viewing of marine life has almost been exclusively confined to Oceanariums, in which viewers circulate
around the edges of the tank looking through windows. The Oceanarium concept proposed renders this
style of viewing marine life as very basic. The difference lies in the submerged winding acrylic tunnel,
which takes the public on a fascinating tour with views in all directions. The tunnel creates an impression
of walking on the seabed and the visitor becomes part of the marine environment.

The Oceanarium is a complex adventure providing visitors, of all ages with entertainment, enjoyment and
education. Each facility has a number of entertainment and educational attractions, which transform short
visits in to memorable occasions. As this facility will become a “MUST SEE” for all visitors and locals to
the place of establishment. This attraction mentally and visually removes the viewing public from their
everyday environment and transports them to the bottom of the ocean. The transformation is started at
the moment of entry into the main exhibition lobby. Strategic and suitable displays, exhibits, touch pools;
Oceanarium, dangerous creatures and marine artifacts entice the visitor through the pre-determined
route on the journey to the main Oceanarium tank of thousands of marine animals and plants with its
submerged acrylic tunnel. The proposed SEAWORLD Complex shall incorporate a large Oceanarium of
many millions of litres of processed water surrounding the walk - through acrylic tunnel. Within the tank a
complete marine ecosystem shall be established where the rockwork and general layout of the tank
reflects ocean conditions, giving visitors a clear understanding of the marine environment.

Tourism is not the only sector that benefits from the Oceanarium. All Underwater Worlds have a strong
educational emphasis and are staffed by fully qualified educational officers. Today there is an increasing
need to protect and care for our environment. All visitors to the Underwater World will add greatly to the
pleasure and education of the locals and tourists alike. India in general and Tamil Nadu in particular, will
benefit from the development of Oceanarium first in our India through their unique powers, intriguing
educational programs and shared scientific information.

3.5 Land Availability, Design Norms and Project Specification

3.5.1 15 acres of land which we could use only 8 acres for construction and the balance 7 acres we may use for the
purpose for which no construction is required. In other words, as per Costal Regulation Zone Act, we cannot
do any civil construction upto 200m from HTL of Ocean and so we may use the 7 acres that falls in CRZ1

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Zone (200m from HTL of Ocean) only for fish stocking, game fishing, laser show, Amphi Theatre, Turtle Park
etc that do not require civil construction above the ground.
3.5.2 The balance 8 acres is available for construction up to 9m ie Ground plus 1st floors being the proposed
Oceanarium and the land falls under CRZIII Category and there the permanent structure allowed is up to two
floors ie., 9m height.
3.5.3 The project comes under Tourism/Education/Special Building Category being an “Ocean Park” that requires
Ocean front and seashore facilities.
3.5.4 The Government has proposed the following facilities as minimum facilities to be established in
thisMamallapuram Oceanarium.

3.5.5 Indoor Facilities in Air-conditioned Building:(in CRZ-III area of 8 acres)

1. Tunnel Aquarium with the length of 150m minimum of which non-acrylic tunnel is 25m+25m and acrylic tunnel
is 100m with 270° and 360° viewing and the acrylic portion should be with possible moving walkway.
2. Small Tank Display:50nos minimum
3. Wall Mounted Display including displays in the non-acrylic tunnel is 60 nos minimum in different size
according to space availability
4. Cylindrical Tank should be five numbers with a very huge one in the center of the aquarium lobby going upto
9m height
5. Touch Pool five
6. Provision for swimming with shark, scuba diving and feeding.
7. Big Souvenir Shop-2
8. Special Effect Multimedia Theater with 300 seating capacity for showing wonders of Ocean and other marine
based educational movies. Will also have tie-up with National Geography and Discovery Channels for regular
adventurous underwater shows.
9. Educational Class room of 100 seating capacity with provision to have Audio Visual Show
10. Cafeteria in two or three places
11. Food Court and Fish Food Restaurant
12. Underwater Restaurant with 60 seating capacity
13. Underwater Accommodations:6 rooms minimum
14. Community Center for seminar and symposia and other social and commercial functions with 1000 seating
15. Provision for 130 Cr ie 21 million Marine Biotechnology Research and Development Center out of the fund
received from MoES, Govt of India.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

3.5.6 In the outdoor Area of CRZ-III of 8 acres:

i. Seal Stadium with 2000 seating capacity and its support facilities
ii. Penguin Park with 50 birds and its support facilities
iii. Cultural Food Court
iv. Musical Fountain
v. Indoor Aquarium Sales Center
vi. Heavy Vehicle Parking

3.5.7 In CRZ-III of 7acres:

i. Fish Stocking and Seasoning Tanks

ii. Game Fishing Tanks
iii. Lazar show
iv. Amphi Theatre
v. Turtle Park
vi. All Terrain Scooter and Cars

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

4.1 Prospective Bidders
4.1.1 The Prospective Bidder may be a single entity or consortium of members not exceeding three (3)
(referred to as “Bidding Consortium”) coming together to develop the Project on PPP Mode. Thus the
term used “Bidder” hereafter would therefore apply to both a single entity and a consortium. The
purchaser of this EOI document should be the single bidding entity or any one of the members of the
Bidding Consortium.

4.1.2 The EOI document submitted by a Consortium should comply with the following additional
(i) Number of members in a consortium should be limited to 3 (three);
(ii) The EOI should contain the information required for each member of the consortium;
(iii) The EOI should include a description of the roles and responsibilities of individual
members of the consortium.

4.1.3 Any business entity which has been barred by International Councils, Government of India,
Government of Tamilnadu or any other State Governments or any of their agencies from
participating in similar projects, and if the bar subsists as on the EOI due date, would not be eligible
to submit a EoI, either individually or as member of a Consortium

4.2 Number of EOI

An individual member applying as a sole Bidder cannot at the same time be member of any consortium
applying for this project. Further, a member of a particular consortium cannot be a member of any other
Consortium applying for this project. Any member who submits or participates in more than one bid for
this project will be disqualified and will also lead to disqualification of the Consortium of which it is a
4.3 Site Visit
DoF has arranged site visit for prospective bidders on 6th October 2014. Bidders are advised to inform
DoF 2 days in advance on their availability for the site visit.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

4.4 Pre-Submission Meeting

 Pre-SubmissionMeeting will be held on 6th October 2014 with the Interested Bidder for discussion
on development envisaged by the DoF. Bidders are invited to give their suggestions and
recommendation on the scope identified by DoF to be developed.
 Considering the suggestion and recommendation made by the prospective bidders, RFQ cum RFP
document shall be modified accordingly.
 Amendment and modification in the RFQ cum RFP document shall be solely at the discretion of the
4.5 EOI Preparation Cost
The Bidder shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation of its EOI and its
participation in the bidding process. DoF shall not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

The EOI document & amendment(s) if any, can be downloaded from website

4.6 Contents of EOI document
The EOI Document comprises the contents as listed in the Table of Contents of this document and
checklist for Submission given below.

4.7 Clarifications/Communication sought by Bidder

A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification/communication on the EOI document may seek
clarifications in writing to:
The Commissioner of Fisheries
Department of Fisheries;
DMS Complex,
Teynampet, Chennai-600006.
Tamilnadu, India.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


4.8 Language
The EOI and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the English language.
Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder with the EOI may be in any other
language provided that they are accompanied by appropriate translations of the pertinent passages in
the English language. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be
considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the EOI, the English language translation
shall prevail. It should be noted if any foreign document is not accompanied by an English version duly
authenticated will be liable for rejection.
4.9 Currency
The currency for the purpose of the EOI shall be the Indian Rupee (INR)
4.10 Format and Signing of EOI
4.10.1 Bidders would provide all the information as per this EOI Document and in the specified formats.
DoF reserves the right to reject any EOI that is not in the specified formats.
4.10.2 The EOI should contain all the required and relevant information in the formats prescribed and as
shown in the Check List.
4.10.3 The EOI shall be typed or printed and the Bidder shall initial each page. All the alterations,
omissions, additions, or any other amendments made to the EOI shall be initialed by the person(s)
signing the EOI.
4.11 Sealing and Marking of EOI
4.11.1 The envelope shall indicate the name, address and contact phone number of the Bidder (or the
Lead Member in case of a Consortium).
4.11.2 The envelope shall clearly bear the following identification:
“REOI for Development of World class Oceanarium at Mamallapuramon PPP Mode”.

4.11.3 The envelope shall be addressed to:

The Commissioner of Fisheries;
Department of Fisheries;
DMS Complex,
Tamilnadu, India.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

4.12 EOI Due Date

4.12.1 EOI should be submitted on or before the EOI due date as set out in the Detailed Tendering
Program, at the address provided in Clause 4.11.3 in the manner and form as detailed in this EOI
Document. EOI submitted by either facsimile transmission or telex or e-mail will not be acceptable.
4.13 Late EOI
Any EOI received after the due time and date will be returned unopened to the Bidder.
(D) Evaluation of EOI
4.14 DoF would open the EOI on the due date for EOI document submissions as given in the Detailed
Tendering Program.
4.15 DoF would subsequently examine and evaluate EOI in accordance with the criteria set out in Clause
4.16 DoF reserves the right to reject any Proposal, if:
(a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered; or
(b) a material concealment is detected; or
(c) the Bidder does not respond promptly and thoroughly to requests for supplemental information
required for the evaluation of the Proposal.
4.17 Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the short-
listed Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. DoF will
treat all information submitted as part of EOI in confidence and would require all those who have
access to such material to treat the same in confidence. DoF will not divulge any such information
unless it is directed to do so by any authority that has the power under law to require its disclosure.

4.18 Clarifications Sought by DoF

To assist in the process of evaluation of EOI, DoF may, at its sole discretion, ask any Bidder for
clarification on its Proposal. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by
facsimile. No change in the substance of the EOI would be permitted by way of such clarifications.


 DoF may, for any reason, modify the Expression of Interest (EOI) by amendment (s) at any
time before the deadline for submission of applications.

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 All prospective bidders should check the website (, regularly to keep themselves informed. All such amendments shall be
binding on them and this Expression of Interest along with the amendment(s) shall constitute
the complete Expression of Interest.

Selection of developer will be on the basis of competitive bidding process in response to Request for
Qualification (RFQ) and Request for Proposal (RFP) to be invited by DoF subsequently. The EOI shall not be
used to either shortlist or disqualify tenderers and any entity which has not submitted an EOI, shall also be
allowed to participate in the RFQ stage as per terms and conditions in TN Tender Transparency Act 2012

The EOI shall accompany the following:

1. Letter of Expression of Interest (EOI). It should also indicate the address for correspondence viz.

email, fax, Telephone, Postal Address etc.

2. Each page of EOI document duly signed by the Authorized Person is to be returned

acknowledging the terms and conditions thereof.

3. Letter of Application duly signed by the Authorized person on the letterhead.

4. Details of Bidder along with the Incorporation and commencement of business certificate

attested by the Authorized Person.

5. The details about bidders’ technical expertise are to be provided in the Annexure III with

supporting documents. Along with the list of project experience the bidder should submit concept

prepared for any one of the government approved project along with the EOI

6. The details about bidder’s financial capability are to be provided in the Annexure IV along with

the auditor certificates.

7. A brief note on bidders understanding of the project concept as well as their views and inputs on

improving the project concept and its respective shall be provided on Annexure V.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

8. The bidders shall also provide inputs on feasibility of the proposed concept considering the

project location, project cost & other factor in Annexure-V.


[On the Letter Head of the Bidder (in case of Single Bidder) or Lead Member
(in case of a Consortium)]

The Commissioner of Fisheries
Department of Fisheries,
DMS Complex,
Chennai-600006 (Tamilnadu, India)

Subject: Selection of Successful Bidder for Development of World class Oceanarium at
Mamallapuram on DBFOT basis.
Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of _________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the
Bidder"), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the pre-qualification requirements and information
provided, the undersigned hereby express our interest to develop Oceanarium at Mamallapuram on

We confirm that we have examined the terms and conditions published in the EOI ad and accordingly
submitting the proposal for the captioned project.

(In case of Consortium add the following paragraph)

This proposal is submitted on behalf of a Consortium compromising ………………………..( the name of each
consortium member )……………..and of which (Insert the name of lead member of Consortium) has agreed
to act as lead member.
We are enclosing our EOI in Original with the details as per the requirements of the document for your

The undersigned hereby also declares that the statements made and the information provided in the EOI is
complete, true and correct in every detail and unconditional.

Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Authorized Signatory)
(Name, Title and Address of the Bidder)

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


1. (a) Name
(b) Country of Incorporation
(c) Address of the corporate headquarters and its branch office (s), if any, in India
(d) Date of incorporation and / or commencement of business

2. Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business and proposed roles and
responsibilities in this Project.
3. Name, Designation, Address and Phone Nos. of Authorized Signatory of the Bidder:
(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Company:
(d) Address:
(e) Telephone No:
(f) E-mail Address:
(g) Fax No:

4. Details of individual (s) who will serve as the point of contact / communication for DoF within the
(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Address:
(d) Telephone No.
(e) E-mail address:
(f) Fax No.
5. In case of Consortium:
(a) The information above (1-4) should be provided by all the Members of the Consortium.
(b) Information regarding role of each Member should be provided as per table below
S. No Name of the Member Role of the Member

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


1. Experience in Construction/Operation and Maintenance of the Eligible Projects during last 5 years

Sl. No Project Name Location Area developed Date of commencement Remarks

of the project
(please specify whether
constructed/running/operation &


1. In support of the experience claimed interested Bidders shall provide necessary documentary proofs.
2. Please provide a concept plan (Soft Copy in PDF format) of any one of the approved project from the
above listed experience (Presentation can also be submitted if available).

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


1. Tangible Net worth:

Financial Year Tangible Net worth

( Crs)

As per latest accounts

2. Average Annual Turnover:

Financial Year Annual Turnover * Adjusted Annual Average Turnover


(Rs. In Crs)




* The turnover of the earlier years will be increased at 8% p.a. to equalize with turnover of FY 2013-14.

1. In support of the experience claimed interested Bidders shall provide necessary documentary proofs.
2. To be signed and stamped by the Statutory Auditor

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014


The proposal is to establish an Oceanarium in the 15 acres nominated site at Mamallapuram in PPP mode. The
Oceanarium apart from its commercial and educational supremacy will have alliances with the Universities and
Marine Biology Research Centers to undertake marine biological research projects in collaboration with similar
reputed centers around the world.
Historically, the viewing of marine life has almost been exclusively confined to Aquarium, in which viewers
circulate around the edges of the tank looking through windows. The proposed Oceanarium concept renders this
style of viewing marine life as very basic. The difference lies in the submerged winding acrylic tunnel, which takes
the public on a fascinating tour with views in all directions. The tunnel creates an impression of walking on the
seabed and the visitor becomes part of the marine environment.
The meticulously created Oceanarium will have thousands of marine species, collected from the Ocean,
acclimatized and which will move amidst corals and reef just like they are in natural habitat in Ocean. The
Oceanarium concept is an innovative Educational and Tourism attraction, which draws our natural human
curiosity for other forms of animal life, rarely seen by the general public.
The Oceanarium is a complex adventure, providing visitors of all ages with entertainment, enjoyment and
education. Each facility has a number of entertainment and educational attractions, which transform short visits in
to memorable occasions and such facility will become a “MUST SEE” for all national and international visitors.
Strategic and suitable displays, exhibits, touch pools,deep ocean creatures and marine artifacts entice the visitor
through the pre-determined route on the journey to the main Oceanarium tank having thousands of marine
animals and plants with its submerged acrylic tunnel. Within the tank a complete marine ecosystem shall be
established where the rockwork and general layout of the tank reflects ocean conditions, giving visitors a clear
understanding of the marine environment.
Tourism is not the only sector that benefits from the Oceanarium. All Oceanarium have a strong educational
emphasis and are staffed by fully qualified educational officers. Today there is an increasing need to conserve
and manage of marine resources for which awareness creation is essential. India in general and Tamil Nadu in
particular, will benefit from the development of Oceanarium as this project is first of its kind in India.


 The project location is at Mamallapuram which itself is a historical center for tourism. This tourist

place recorded tourist visitation of 68 lakhsincluding 5 lakh foreign tourists in 2013 as per the data

collected from Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation, Government of Tamilnadu.

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

 As the Oceanarium is to be located nearer to Mamallapuram, it is expected that 1/3 of the existing

footfalls might visit this facility

 India’s 1/3 of the population is students that account 40 Crore all over the country. The population in

Southern States like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and undivided Andhra Pradesh is 25 Crore and

the student’s population is around 8 Crore. The population in Chennai Metropolitan Area is around 1

Cr and the student’s population alone is 40 lakhs. The presence of such student and tourist footfalls

would definitely make this unique tourist attraction a viable option.

 Andaman and Nicobar Islands are very rich with aquarium fishes and it is very easy to transport them

to Oceanarium by sea without incurring the cost of flying them from abroad.

 Water required for the Oceanarium could be sourced from Ocean directly to LSS and Portable Water

Treatment plant

 Unskilled Labors to Senior Scientist required for operating the project could be sourced easily in and

around the project location as Chennai Metropolitan City is just 50km away from here.

 The land area is flat and empty and there is no resettlement issue involved in the land as it has been

well protected and maintained by Government.

 There is no plantation and deforestation issue involved in this piece of land as it fully a clean and

virgin land.


Mode of Selection : Competitive Bidding

Cost of the Project:

 INR.253 Crores ( Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty Three Crores)

Land Availability and Design Norms:

 Land falls under Coastal Regulation Zone III and permanent structure allowed is only upto two floors
with a maximum height restriction of 9meters.As per Coastal Regulation Zone Act, we cannot do
any civil construction up to 200m from High Tide Line (HTL) of Ocean. Out of 15 acres of land, 7

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Request for Expression of Interest for Establishment of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram in PPP Mode 2014

acres fall within 200 meters from High Tide Line and balance 8 acres fall between 200 – 500 meters
from High Tide Line.
 Hence, we could use only 8 acres for Oceanarium construction and the balance 7 acres we may use
for the purpose for which no construction is required. In other words, we may use the 7 acres land
only for fish stocking, game fishing, laser show, Amphi Theatre, Turtle Park etc that do not require
civil construction above the ground.
A:Indoor Facilities in an Air-conditioned Building :( in CRZ-III area of 8 acres)
 Aquarium Tunnel Length should be 150m minimum of which non-acrylic tunnel is 25m+25m
and acrylic tunnel is 100m with 270° and 360° viewing and 100m moving walkway minimum.
 Small Tank Display: 50nos.
 Wall Mounted Display including displays in the non-acrylic tunnel is 60 nos in different size
according to space availability.
 Cylindrical Tank should be five numbers with a very huge one in the center of the aquarium
lobby going up to 9m height.
 Touch Pool five.
 Provision for swimming with shark, scuba diving and feeding and other veterinary activities.
 Big Souvenir Shop-2.
 Special Effect Multimedia Theater with 300 seating capacity for showing wonders of Ocean
and other marine based educational movies. Will also have tie-up with National Geography
and Discovery Channels for regular adventurous shows.
 Educational Class room of 100 seating capacity with provision to have Audio Visual Show
 Cafeteria in two or three places
 Underwater Restaurant with 60 seating capacity
 Underwater Accommodation(rooms):6nos
 Community Center for seminar and symposia and other social and commercial functions with
1000 seating capacity.
 Food Court including seafood courts
 Provision for 130 Cr ie., 21 million Marine Biotechnology Research and Development Center
out of the fund received from MoES, Govt of India.

B. In the outdoor Area of CRZ-III of 8 acres:

 Seal Stadium with 2000 seating capacity and its support facilities
 Penguin Park with 50 birds and its support facilities
 Cultural Food Court

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 Musical Fountain

C. In CRZ-III of 7 acres:
 Fish Stocking and Seasoning Tanks
 Game Fishing Tanks
 Lazar show
 Amphi Theatre
 Turtle Park
 All Terrain Scooter and Cars
Commissioner of Fisheries

Department of Fisheries Page 23

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