Electrostatics (S.C.Q.) E

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Q.1 The electric field inside a sphere which carries a

charge density proportional to the distance from
the origin  = r ( is a constant) is:
 r3 r2
(A) (B)
4 0 4 0 Q Q 2Q
(A) L (B) L (C) L (D) zero
r 2 m 2m m
(C) (D) None of these [B]
8Q.5 An infinitely long non-conducting wire carrying
8Q.2 At a point in space, the electric field points uniform linear charge density  C/m lying along
towards north. In the region surrounding this y-axis has a circular bent in xz plane and a
point, the rate of change of potential will be semicircular bent in xy plane of radius R as
zero along – shown in figure. Electric field at the centre of
(A) North circular bends is -
(B) South
(C) North-South
(D) East-West

8Q.3 A particle of mass 1 kg and charge 1 µC is

projected towards another point charge 1 µC
fixed at origin as shown in figure. The
minimum initial velocity of projection required
for the particle to move along a trajectory k k
having minimum distance from fixed charge (A) 2 2 (B) 5
equal to 2 mm is -
k 2 k
(C) 2 (D)
Q.6 A non-conducting disc of radius R = 1m and
uniform positive surface charge density  =
2 8.85 µC/m2 is placed on the ground with its axis
(A) m/s (B) 3 2 m/s
3 vertical. A particle of mass m = 0.1 kg and
positive charge q = 4 µC is dropped along the
3 axis of the disc from a height H with zero initial
(C) m/s (D) 2 3 m/s
2 velocity. Height H so that the particle can just
reach the disc is- (take g = 10 m/s2)

Q.4 Electric field E = – x î – y ĵ is present in the
(A) 4/3 m (B) 12 m (C) 28/3m (D) 14 m
xy plane. A small bead (mass m) carrying charge –
Q which can freely slide on an inextensible taut
non-conducting thread is projected along the Q.7 A uniformly charged finite rod is placed along
thread from point A(–L, 0) to reach at other end 
B (0, L) of the thread as shown. Neglecting effect x-axis, as shown. At point P, angle  which E
of gravity, minimum velocity of projection makes with x is -
required is-
2 in equilibrium on a rough inclined plane in the
(A) 45º (B) tan–1   presence of uniform vertical electric field E =
 3 
(C) tan–1  
 (D) None of these
 2 

3mg mg
Q.8 Four equal positive point charges are fixed at (A) (B) (C)
2q 2q
the vertices of a square of side L. Z-axis is 3mg 3mg
perpendicular to the plane of the square. The (D)
2q 4q
point Z = 0 is the point where the diagonals of
the square intersect each other. The plot of
electric field due to the four charges, as one Q.11 A non conducting ring of radius R has
moves on the Z-axis is - uniformly distributed positive charge Q. A small
part of the ring of length d is removed (d << R).
The electric field at the centre of the ring will
now be -
(A) directed towards the gap, inversely
(A) (B) proportional to R3
(B) directed towards the gap, inversely
proportional to R2
(C) directed away from the gap, inversely
proportional to R
(D) directed towards the gap, inversely
proportional to R
(C) (D)

Q.12 The electric field and electric potential at a point

are E and V respectively, then –
(A) If E = 0, V must be zero
Q.9 Two point charges +Q each have been placed at (B) If V = 0, E must be zero
the positions (–a, 0, 0) and (a, 0, 0). The locus
(C) If E  0, V may be zero
of the points where – Q charge can be placed
such that the electrostatic potential energy of the (D) If V  0, E cannot be zero
system can become equal to zero is - Q. 13 Electric charges are distributed in a small
(A) (Y – a)2 + Z2 = 5a2
volume. The flux of the electric field through a
(B) (Y – a)2 + Z2 = 27a2
spherical surface of radius 20 cm surrounding
(C) Y2 + Z2 = 12a2
the total charge is 50 V-m. The flux over a
(D) Y2 + Z2 = 15a2
concentric sphere of radius 40 cm will be –
Q.10 A wheel having mass m has charges + q and
– q on diametrically opposite points. It remains (A) 25 V-m (B) 50 V-m
(C) 100 V-m (D) 200 V-m
Q. 14 A long cylindrical volume contains a uniformly Q. 19 A solid, uncharged conducting sphere of radius

distributed charge of density  = 8.85 × 10–10 3a contains a concentric hollowed spherical

C/m3. cavity of radius a.

Electric field intensity at a point inside the

cylindrical volume at a distance 0.1 m from its
axis is –
(A) 5 V/m (B) 10 V/m
(C) 50 V/m (D) 100 V/m
A point charge +Q is placed at the center of the
Q. 15 20 J of work has to be done against an existing
spheres. Taking V = 0 at r , the potential at
electric field to take a charge of – 0.1 C from A position r = 2a from the centre is –
to B, then potential difference VB – VA is – KQ KQ
(A) (B)
(A) 20 V (B) 120 V a 2a
(C) – 80 V (D) – 200 V KQ 2KQ
(C) (D)
3a 3a
Q. 16 A non-conducting sheet of large surface area and
thickness d = 10 cm contains uniform charge Q.20 Four equal positive charges each +Q are placed

distribution of density 17.7 × 10–9 C/m3. Electric at corners of a square of side length L. A charge

field intensity at a point inside the plate, at a particle having negative charge –q1 is placed at
centre of square and the system of these five
distance x = 2 cm from one of the outer surfaces is
charges becomes in equilibrium –
(A) 30 V/m (B) 60 V/m
(A) The presence of –q1 charge makes the
(C) 120 V/m (D) 180 V/m
electric potential energy of system negative

Q. 17 A uniform electric field E = a î + b ĵ , (B) The presence of – q1 charge cannot makes
the electric potential energy negative
intersects a surface of area A. What is the flux
(C) The presence of – q1 charge makes the
through this area if the surface lies in the yz
electric potential energy zero
plane –
(D) All of the above can possible
(A) aA (B) 0

(C) bA (D) A a 2  b 2 Q.21 A charged soap bubble having surface charge

Q. 18 A solid sphere of radius R is charged uniformly. density and radius r. If pressure inside soap
At what distance from its surface is the bubble and pressure outside it is same then the

electrostatic potential half of the potential at the surface tension for soap bubble is-

centre ? 2R 2R

(A) T = (B) T 
8 0 4 0
(A) R (B)
2 2R 2R
(C) T  (D) T 
2 0 0
(C) (D) 2R
Q.22 A ring of radius R is marked in six equal parts Q. 25 The electric potential decreases uniformly from
and these parts are charged uniformly with a 120 V to 80 V as one moves on the x-axis from
charge of magnitude Q but positive and x = – 1 cm to x = +1 cm. Then the electric field
negative alternately as shown. Then the electric at origin -
field at centre of ring will be – (A) may be equal to 20 V/cm
(B) may be equal to 30 V/cm
(C) may be equal to 100 V/cm
(D) All of the above are possible

Q.26 Consider a solid cube of uniform charge density

of insulating material. What is the ratio of the
electrostatic potential at a corner to that at the
k 3Q centre. (Take the potential to be zero at infinity,
(A) where  =
r R as usual )
2 k 3Q 1 1
(B) where  = (A) (B)
r R 1 2
3k 3Q 1 1
(C) where  = (C) (D)
r R 4 9
(D) None of these
Q.27 A thin conducting plate is inserted in half way
Q.23 Three wires AB, BC, CD of equal length  are
between the plates of a parallel plates capacitor
charged uniformly with linear charge density  of capacitance C.
and are placed as shown. P is a point which lies at
a distance  from the wire BC on its perpendicular
bisector. Then the electric field at P is –

What does the value of capacitance, if both the

plate of capacitor is connected by conducting
wire ?
(A) C (B) 2C
(C) 3C (D) 4C

2k 2k Q.28 A conducting shell of radius R carries charge

(A) ( 2 5  1) (B) ( 5  1) –Q. A point charge +Q is placed at the centre of
5 5
shell. The electric field E varies with distance r
k (from the centre of the shell) as :
(C) ( 2 5  3) (D) None of these

Q. 24 The electric potential at a certain distant point (A) (B)

from a point charge is 600 volts and the electric

field is 200 N/C. Then work done in moving a
point charge of 1 µC from the given point to a
point at a distance 9 m from the point charge (C) (D)
will be -
(A) 0.2 mJ (B) – 0.2 mJ
(C) 0.4 mJ (D) – 0.4 mJ
*Q.29 Electric lines of force are as shown in the
figure . Then potential at point P :

(A) is zero (B) is not zero (A) ( î + ĵ )V/m (B) ( î – ĵ )V/m

(C) may be zero also (D) is not defined (C) (– î + ĵ )V/m (D) (– î – ĵ )V/m
Q. 30 An insulating solid sphere of radius 'R' is
charged in a non-uniform manner such that
A Q. 33 A small charged ball is hovering in the state of
volume charge density  = , where A is a
r equilibrium at a height h over a large horizontal.
positive constant and r the distance from centre.
Electric field strength at any inside point at uniformly charged dielectric plate. What would
distance r1 is - be the acceleration of the ball if a disc of radius
1 4A 1 A
(A) (B) r = 0.00lh is removed from the plate directly
40 r1 4  0 r1
underneath the ball ?
(C) (D) 2 2
 0 2 0 g r g h
(A)   (B)  
Q.31 The figure shows a charge q placed inside a 2 h 2 r
cavity in an uncharged conductor. Now if an
external electric field is switched on then : gr 
(C)   (D)

 
4 r 

(A) only induced charge on outer surface will Q.34 A conducting shell of radius R carries charge
redistribute. – Q. A point charge +Q is placed at the centre.
(B) only induced charge on inner surface will
redistribute The electric field E varies with distance r (from
(C) Both induced charge on outer and inner the center of the shell) as-
surface will redistribute.
(D) force on charge q placed inside the cavity
will change (A) (B)

*Q.32 The grid (each square of 1m × 1m), represents a

region in space containing a uniform electric
field. If potentials at point O, A, B, C, D, E, F, (C) (D)
G, H are respectively 0, –1, –2, 1, 2, 0, –1, 1
and 0 volts. find the electric field intensity. Q.35 A positive point charge is placed at P in front of an
earthed metal sheet S. Q & R are two points
between P & S as shown in figure. If the electric
field strength at Q & R are respectively EQ & ER
and potential at Q & R are respectively VQ & VR .
charge Q on each are suspended by two
insulating strings at equal length L metre, from
a hook fixed to a stand. The whole set-up is
taken in a satellite into space where there is no
gravity. Then the angle  between two strings
and tension in each string is –
(A) EQ > ER (B) EQ < ER
(C) VQ > VR (D) VQ < VR
Q.36 Consider a solid cube of uniform charge density
of insulating material. What is the ratio of the
electrostatic potential at a corner to that at the
centre. (Take the potential to be zero at infinity,
as usual ) kq 2 kq 2
(A) 0, (B) ,
1 1 L2 2L2
(A) (B)
1 2
1 1 kq 2  kq 2
(C) (D) (C) , (D) ,
4 9 4L2 2 2L2
Q.37 Four charges are placed in a straight line with Q.40 Two balls A and B having equal charges are
magnitude and separation as shown in the placed at a fixed distance experience a force F.
diagram. What should be the value of q0 such A similar uncharged ball after touching one of
that + 10C charge is in equilibrium ? them is placed at the middle point between the
two balls. The force experienced by this ball is –
(A) F/2 (B) F
(C) 2F (D) 4F
(A) – 80 µC (B) + 40 µC Q.41 Two point charges placed at a
(C) + 80 µC (D) – 20 µC distance r in air exert a force F on each other.
The value of distance R at which they
Q.38 Two identical small balls, each of mass m and experience force 4F when placed in a medium
having charge q are suspended by two light of dielectric constant K = 16 is -
inelastic insulating threads each of length  (A) r (B) r/8
from the same fixed point support. If the
(C) r/4 (D) r/2
distance (d) between two balls is very less than
Q.42 Three charge +4q, Q and q are placed in a
, then d is equal to-
1/ 3 straight line of length  at point distance 0, /2
 2kq 2 
(A)   (B)
 mg  and  respectively. What should be the value of
 
Q in order to make the net force on q to be zero ?
 2kq 2  (A) – q (B) –2 q
 
 mg 
  (C) –q/2 (D) 4q
 2
kq  
(C)  
(D) none of
 2mg  Q.43 A proton and an electron are placed in a uniform
these electric field.
(A) The electric forces acting on them will be
bQ.39Two small balls having equal positive (B) The magnitudes of the forces will be equal
(C) Their accelerations will be equal (C) 36 m (D) 144 m
(D) The magnitudes of acceleration will be equal Q.49 A charge of 5 C is given a displacement of
0.5 m, the work done in the process is 10 J. The
Q.44 A charged water drop of radius 0.1 µm is in
equilibrium in an electric field. If charge on it is potential difference between the two points will
equal to charge on an electron, then intensity of be -
electric field will be : (g = 10 m/s2 and density of (A) 2 V (B) 0.25 V
water = 1000 kg/m3) (C) 1 V (D) 25 V
(A) 1.61 N/C (B) 26.2 N/C
(C) 262 N/C (C) 1610 N/C
Q.50 When a charge of 3 coulomb is placed in a
Q.45 Four charges q, 2q, – 4q and 2q are placed in uniform electric field it experiences a force of
order at the four corners of a square of side b. 3000 Newton. The potential difference between
two points separated by a distance of 1 cm
The net field at the centre of the square is –
along field with in this field is -
q (A) 10 volt (B) 90 volt
(A) from + q to – 4q
2 0 b 2 (C) 1000 volt (D) 3000 volt
Q.51 12 J of work has to be done against an existing
5q electric field to take a charge of 0.01 C. from A to
(B) from + q to – 4q
20 b 2 B. How much is the potential difference VB – VA?
10q (A) 1200 V (B) – 120 V
(C) from + q to – 4q (C) 1250 V (D) – 1200 V
2 0 b 2
Q.52 A particle of mass 2 g and charge 1 µC is held
20q at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface at a
(D) from – 4q to + q distance of 1 m form a fixed charge 1 mC. If the
2 0 b 2
particle is released it will be repelled. The speed
Q.46 Point charges q, – q, 2Q and Q are placed in of the particle when it is at distance of 10 m
order at the corners A, B, C, D, of a square of from the fixed charge is -
side 2b. If the field at the midpoint CD is zero, (A) 100 m/s (B) 90 m/s
q (C) 60 m/s (D) 45 m/s
then is - Q.53 Six charges of magnitude + q and – q are fixed at
the corners of a regular hexagon of edge length a
(A) 1 (B) 2 as shown in the figure. The electrostatic interaction
2 2 5 5 energy of the charged particles is :
(C) (D)
5 2
Q.47 Figure represents a square carrying charges +q,
+q, –q, – q at its four corners as shown. Then
the potential will be zero at points -

q2  3 15  q2
(A)  –  (B)
 0 a  8 4  0 a
(A) A, B, C, P and Q
(B) A, B and C  3 9
 – 
(C) A, P, C and Q  2 4 
(D) P, B and Q
q 2  3 – 15  q2
Q.48 At a certain distance from a point charge the (C)   (D)
0 a  4 2   0 a
electric field is 500 V/m and the potential is
 3 15 
3000 V. What is the distance ?  – 
(A) 6 m (B) 12 m  2 8 
marked. Electric field in the space between
Q.54 Let   V0  be   the   potential   at   the   origin   in   an these equipotential lines are respectively -

^ ^
electric field    
E = Ex i + Ey j . The potential
at the point (x,y) is ­
(A) V0 – xEx – yEy

(B) V0 + xEx + yEy

(C) xEx + yEy – V0
(A) + 100 î – 200 ĵ V/m

(D ( x 2  y2 ) E 2x  E 2y –V0 (B) – 100 î + 200 ĵ V/m

(C) + 200 î + 100 ĵ V/m
*Q.55 A uniform electric field pointing in positive
(D) – 200 î – 100 ĵ V/m
x-direction exists in a region. Let A be the
origin, B be the point on the x-axis at x = +1 cm Q.59 The linear charge density on upper half of a
and C be the point on the y-axis at y = + 1 cm. segment of ring is  and at lower half it is –. The
Then the potential at the points A, B and C
direction of electric field at centre O of ring is :
satisfy -
(A) VA > VB (B) VA < VC
(C) VA < VB (D) VA > VC

Q.56 At any point ( x, 0, 0) the electric potential V is

 1000 1500 500 

    volt , then electric
 x x2 x3 
(A) along OA (B) along OB
field intensity at x = 1 m is (C) along OC (D) along OD
(A) 5500  ĵ  k̂  V/m (B) 5500 î V/m Q.60 The arc AB with the centre C and the infinitely

5500 ˆ

j  k̂ V / m (D)
long wire having linear charge density  are
lying in the same plane. The minimum amount
 î  k̂  V / m of work to be done to move a point charge q 0

from point A to B through a circular path AB of

 radius a is equal to –
Q.57 Charge Q is given a displacement r  a î  bˆj

in an electric field E  E1î  E 2 ĵ . The work
done is
(A) Q(E1a + E2b)
(B) Q (E1a ) 2  (E 2 b) 2

(C) Q(E1 + E2) a 2  b2

(D) Q E12  E 22 a 2  b2 q 02 2 q0 

(A) loge   (B) loge
Q.58 Figure below shows two equipotential lines in 2 0 3 2 0
xy-plane for an electric field. The scales are
 
q0  2 Z Z
(C) loge   (D) q0  / 2 0 (C) V0 + (D) V0 –
2 0 3 2 0 2 0

Q.65 Five balls numbered 1 to 5 are suspended using

Q.61 A charge Q is uniformly distributed over the
surface of two conducting spheres of radii R separate threads, Pairs (1, 2), (2, 4), (4, 1) shows

and r (R > r). Then potential at common centre electrostatics attraction, while pairs (2, 3) and
of these spheres. Assume surface charge (4, 5) show repulsion therefore ball 1 must be -
densities are equal or same for both spheres - (A) Positively charged
kQ( R  r ) kQ( R  r ) (B) Negative charged
(A) (B)
Rr (R 2  r 2 )
(C) Neutral or made of metal
kQ  1 1
(C) (D) kQ   (D) Made of metal
2 2
R r R r

Q.66 Find the electric force on 2µC charge placed at

Q.62 A hollow spherical conductor of radius R is
the common centre of two equilateral triangles
given a charge Q. Work done in moving a
each of side 10 cm. as shown in figure. Electric
charge q from its centre to surface is -
charge on A, B, C, D, E and F points are
Qq Qq + 2µC, +2µC, +2µC, –2µC, –2µC and –2µC
(A) (B)
4 0 R 2  0 R respectively -
(C) (D) Zero
 0 R

Q.63 A hollow charged metal sphere has radius r. If

the potential difference between its surface and
a point at a distance 3r from the centre is V, then
electric field intensity at distance 3 r from the
centre is -
(A) (B) (A) 64.8 N (B) 21.6 N
3r 4r
(C) Zero (D) 43.2 N
(C) (D)
6r 2r Q.67 If a positively charged pendulum is oscillating

Q.64 The electric potential due to an infinite sheet of in a uniform electric field as shown in fig. Its
time period as compared to that when it was
positive charge density at a point located at a
perpendicular distance Z from the sheet is :

(Assume V0 to be the potential at the surface of


(A) V0 (B) V0 – 
(A) Will increase
(B) Will decrease
(C) Will not change
(D) Will first increase then decrease
(A) E/2 (B) E/4
Q.68 A thin conducting ring of radius r has an electric
(C) 2E (D) E
charge + Q. If a point charge q is placed at the
centre of the ring, then tension of the wire of Q.71 In a certain charge distribution, all points having
zero potential can be joined by a circle S. Points
ring will be -
inside S have positive potential, and points outside
Qq Qq S have negative potential. A positive charge,
(A) 2 2   (B)
8 0 r 4 0 r 2 Which is free to move, is placed inside S.
(A) It will remain in equilibrium
Qq 2 (B) It can move inside S but it cannot cross S
(C) (D)
4 2 0 r 2 (C) It must cross S at some time
(D) It may move, but will ultimately return to its
Qq starting point
2 2
4 0 r
Q.69 A circular ring carries a uniformly distributed Q.72 Two metal spheres (radii r1 and r2 with r1 < r2)
positive charge and lies in x-y plane with centre are far apart. Their combined charge is Q. They
at origin of coordinate system . If at a point are then connected by a thin wire -
(0,0,z) electric field is E, which of the following (A) Their common potential would be
graphs is correct -
Q  r1  r2 
 
4 0  r1r2 
(B) The ratio of surface charge densities on the

two spheres will be 1 = r1r2

(C) The ratio of the charge densities on the two

spheres will be q1 / q2 = r2 /r1

(D)None of these

Q.73 A solid conducting sphere having a charge Q is

surrounded by an uncharged concentric
Q.70 E is electric field intensity in region of
conducting hollow spherical shell. Let the
intersection of two sphere whose centres are
potential difference between the surface of the
fixed. Both spheres are uniformly charged by
solid sphere and that of the outer surface of the
unlike charge with volume density  and –. If
hollow shell be V. If the shell is now given a
Ratio between the radius of sphere (r 1 : r2) is charge of 3Q the new potential difference
doubled then new value of electric field between the same two surfaces is
intensity -
(A) V (B) 2V Q.78 Three concentric spherical metallic shells, A, B
(C) 4V (D) -2V and C of radii a, b and c (a < b < c) have charge
densities , – and respectively. If the shells
a and c are at the same potential. then the
Q.74 n small drops of mercury of the same size are
relation between the a, b and c is -
charged to V volts each. If they coalesce to form (A) a + b + c = 0 (B) a – c = b
a single large drop, then potential of large drop (C) a + b = c (D) a = b – c
will be -
Q.79 A and B are two concentric spheres. If A is
(A) V/n (B) Vn
given a charge Q while B is earthed as shown in
(C) Vn1/3 (D) Vn2/3 figure.

Q.75 A half ring of radius R has a charge of  per unit

length. The potential at the centre of the half
ring is -
 
(A) k (B) k
R R

(C) k (D) k
R (A) The charge density of A and B are same
(B) The field inside and outside A is zero
Q.76 A solid sphere of radius R is charged uniformly.
(C) The field between A and B is not zero
The electrostatic potential V is plotted as a
(D) The field inside and outside B is zero
function of distance r from the centre of the
Q.80 A circular ring carries a uniformly distributed
sphere. Which of the following best represents
the resulting curve ? positive charge and lies in x - y plane with
centre at origin of coordinate system. If at a
(A) (B) (0, 0, z) electric potential is V, which of the
following is correct ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(C) (D)

Q.77 An infinite layer of charge has a surface charge

density of ''C/m2 . The separation between
two equi-potential surfaces , whose potential
differs by V volt is - Q.81 The potential field depends on x and y
V 2 0 V coordinates as V = (x2 – y2). Corresponding
(A) (B)
0  electric field lines in x-y plane as shown in Fig -
0 V 2 0
(C) (D)
 V
(C) pE (D) Zero
Q.85 Two identical thin rings, each of radius R, are
coaxially placed a distance R apart. If Q1 and Q2
are respectively the charges uniformly spread on
the two rings, the work done in moving a charge
q from the centre of one ring to that of the other
(A) Zero
q (Q1  Q 2 )( 2  1)
4 2  0 R
q 2 (Q1  Q 2 )
Q.82 A uniform electric field of 400 V/m is directed (C)
4 0 R
at 45º above the x-axis as shown in figure. The
q (Q1 / Q 2 )( 2  1)
potential difference VA – VB is given by– (D)
4 2  0 R
Q.86 A particle having mass m and charge (–q)
moves along an ellipse around a fixed charge Q
such that its maximum and minimum distances
from the fixed charge are r1 and r2 respectively.
The angular momentum L of this particle is –

(A) 0 V (B) 4V mr1r2 Qq

(A) (B)
(C) 6.4V (D) 2.8V 2 0 (r1  r2 )
mr1r2 Qq
2  0 (r1  r2 )
Q.83 Point charge (q) moves from point (P) to point
(S) along the path PQRS as shown in fig. in a 1 mr1r2 Qq
uniform electric field E. Pointing co-parallel to (C) (D)
2  0 (r1  r2 )
the positive direction of the x-axis. The co-
ordinates of the points P,Q,R and S are (a, b, 0), m(r1  r2 )Qq
(2a, 0, 0), (a, -b, 0) and (0, 0, 0) respectively.
The work done by the field in the above process 2 0
is given by the expression

Q.87 A point particle of mass (M) is attached to one

end of a massless rigid non-conducting rod of
length L. Another point particle of same mass is
attached to the other end of the rod. The two
particles carry charges +q and -q respectively.
This arrangement is held in a region of uniform
(A) q E q (B) –q E a
electric field (E). Such that the rod makes a
(C) q E a (D) qE [( 2a ) 2  ( b) 2 ]
small angle ( 5º) with the field direction the
Q.84 The work done in deflecting a dipole through minimum time needed for the rod to become
180° from field direction is - parallel to the field after it is set free –
(A) pE (B) 2pE
(A) 2 (B) (A) (– î – 2 ĵ) (B) (î  2 ĵ)
2qE y3 2 y3
ML (C) (  î  2ˆj) (D) None of these
 3

(C) (D) 4
2 2qE 2qE Q.92 A charged particle having some mass is resting
Q.88 10C charge is uniformly distributed over a in equilibrium at a height H above the centre of
thin ring of radius 1m. A particle a uniformly charged non-conducting horizontal
ring of radius R. The force of gravity acts
(mass = 0.9 gm, charge –1C)is placed on the
downwards. The equilibrium of the particle will
axis of ring. It is displaced towards centre of
be stable.
ring , then time period of SHM of particle-
(A) For all values of H
(A) 0.6 sec (B) 0.2 sec.
(C) 0.3 sec. (D) 0.4 sec. (B) Only if H >
Q.89 Electric charge q, q and –2q are placed at the (C) Only if H <
corners of an equilateral triangle ABC of side L.
The magnitude of electric dipole moment of the (D) Only if H = ]
system is -
(A)qL (B) 2qL Q.93 A bullet of mass m and charge q is fired towards
(C) ( 3 ) qL (D) 4qL a solid uniformly charged sphere of radius R
and total charge +q. If it strikes the surface of
Q.90 A cone made of insulating material has a total sphere with speed u, find the minimum speed u
so that it can penetrate through the sphere.
charge Q spread uniformly over its sloping
(Neglect all resistance forces or friction acting
surface. Calculate the energy required to take a on bullet except electrostatics forces)
test charge q from infinity to apex A of cone.
The slant length is L.

q q
(A) (B)
2 0 mR 4 0 mR
Qq 2Qq
(A) (B) q 3q
2 0 L  0 L (C) (D)
8 0 mR 4 0 mR
4Qq Qq
(C) (D)
 0 L  0 L
Q.94 In space of horizontal EF (E = (mg)/q) exist as
Q.91 A dipole is placed at origin of coordinate system
as shown in figure, find the electric field at shown in figure and a mass m attached at the
point P (0, y). end of a light rod. If mass m is released from
the position shown in figure find the angular
velocity of the rod when it passes through the
bottom most position-
g 2g (A) (ln 2) /2  ln
(A) (B)
  C) (3ln 2) / 2 (D) None of these

3g 5g
(C) (D)
  Q.97 Find the force experienced by the semicircular
Q.95 The diagram shows a small bead of mass m rod of radius R charged with a charge q, placed
as shown in figure. The line of charge with
carrying charge q. The bead can freely move on
linear charge density  is passing through its
the smooth fixed ring placed on a smooth centre and perpendicular to the plane of rod-
horizontal plane. In the same plane a charge +Q
has also been fixed as shown. The potential at
the point P due to +Q is V. The velocity with
which the bead should projected from the point
P so that it can complete a circle should be
greater than-

q q
(A) 2 (B) 2
2  0 R  0R
q q
(C) 2 (D)
4  0 R 4 0 R

*Q.98 4 charges are placed each at a distance ‘a’ from

6qV qV
(A) (B) origin. The dipole moment of configuration is-
m m

(C) (D) None of these

Q.96 The diagram shows three infinitely long (A) 2qaĵ (B) 3qaĵ
uniform line charges placed on the X, Y and Z
axis. The work done in moving a unit positive (C) 2aq [ î  ĵ] (D) None of these
charge from (1, 1, 1) to (0, 1, 1) is equal to-
Q.99 Three concentric conducting spherical shells
have radius r, 2r and 3r and Q1, Q2 and Q3 are
final charges respectively. Innermost and
outermost shells are already earthed as shown in field in time t1 A proton of mass mp. also
figure. Choose the wrong statement. initially at rest, takes time t 2 to move through an
equal distance in this uniform electric field.
Neglecting the effect of gravity, the ratio t2/ t1 is
nearly equal to – [IIT-JEE 1997]
(A) 1 (B) (mp/me)1/2
(C) (me / mp)1/2 (D) 1836

*Q.103 A non- conducting ring of radius 0.5 m carries a

total charge of 1.11 × 10–10C distributed non
uniformly on its circumference producing an
Q 2 electric field E everywhere in space. The value
(A) Q1 + Q3 = – Q2 (B) Q1   0

4 of the integral   E.d ( = 0 being

 

centre of the ring) in volts is – [IIT-

Q3 Q 3 1 JEE 1997]
(C) 3 (D)  (A) + 2 (B) –1
Q1 Q2 3
(C) – 2 (D) zero
*Q.104 A charge + q is fixed at each of the point x = x 0,
x = 3x0, x = 5 x0, .......ad inf. on the x-axis , and
Q.100 Two point charges +q and –q are held fixed at
charges –q is fixed at each of the point x = 2x0,
(–d, 0) and (d, 0) respectively of a (x, y)
x = 4x0, x = 6 x0,........ad inf. Here x0 is a
coordinate system, then – [IIT-JEE 1995]
positive constant. Take the electric potential at a
 point due to a charge Q at a distance r from it to
(A) The electric field E at all points on the
be Q / ( 40r). Then the potential at the origin
x-axis has the same direction
due to the above system of charges is
(B) 
E at all points on the Y-axis is along î [IIT-JEE 98]
(A) 0 (B)
8 0 x 0 In 2
(C) Work has to be done in bringing a test
charge from infinity to the origin q ln 2
(C)  (D)
(D) The dipole moment is 2qd directed along
4 0  x 0

î Q.105 Three charges Q, +q and +q are placed at the

vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle as
shown in figure. The net electrostatics energy of
Q.101 A metallic solid sphere is sphere is placed in a the configuration is zero if Q is equal to –
uniform electric field. The lines of force follow [IIT-JEE 2000]
the path(s) shown in figure as [IIT-JEE 1996]

(A) 1 (B) 2
q 2q
(C) 3 (D) 4 (A) (B)
1 2 2 2
Q.102 An electron of mass me, initially at rest, moves (C) –2q (D) +q
through a certain distance in a uniform electric
Q.106 Three positive charges of equal value q are
placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle.
The resulting lines of force should be sketched
as in – [IIT-JEE 2001]

(A) (B)

*Q.111 Three large charged sheets having surface

charge density as shown in the figure. The
sheets are placed parallel to XY plane. Then
(C) (D) electric field at point P
[IIT-JEE 2005]

Q.108 Two equal point charges are fixed at x = – a and

x = + a on the x-axis. Another point charge Q is
placed at the origin. The change in the electrical
potential energy of Q, when it is displaced by a
small distance x along the x-axis, is
approximately proportional to -[IIT-JEE 2002]  4 ^ 4 ^
(A) x (B) x2 (A) k (B) k
(C) x 3 (D) 1 / x
0 0
Q.109 Six charges of equal magnitude are placed at six 2 ^ 2 ^
corners of a regular hexagon. Find arrangement (C) k (D)  k
the charges in order PQRSTU which produce 0 0
double electric field as compared to electric
filed produce by single charges +q at R q q
Q.112 Consider a system of three charges ,
3 3
[IIT-JEE 2003] 2q
and – placed at points A, B and C,
respectively, as shown in the figure. Take O to
be the centre of the circle of radius R and angle
CAB = 60°.
Figure :
[IIT-JEE 2008]
(A) +++- - - (B) + - + - + -
(C) - + + - + - (D) - + + + - -

Q.110 A metallic shell has a point charge ‘q’ kept

inside its cavity. Which one of the following
diagrams correctly represents the electric lines
of forces -
[IIT-JEE 2003]
(A)The electric field at point O is
80 R 2
directed along the negative x-axis
(B) The potential energy of the system is zero
(C) The magnitude of the force between the
charges at C and B is
540 R 2 qa
(A) ( y 3 – y 30 ) (B)
q m 0 v 02
(D) The potential at point O is
120 R

Q.113 Three concentric metallic spherical shells of qa

( y 3 – y 30 )
radii R, 2R, 3R are given charges Q 1, Q2, Q3 3m 0 v 02

respectively. It is found that the surface charge

qa ( y 3 – y 30 ) qa ( y 3 – y 30 )
densities on the outer surfaces of the shells are (C) (D)
5m 0 v 02 2m 0 v 02
equal. Then, the ratio of the charges given to
the shells, Q1 : Q2 : Q3 is- [IIT-JEE 2009]

(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (B) 1 : 3 : 5
(C) 1 : 4 : 9 (D) 1 : 8 : 18

Q.116 A uniformly charged and infinitely long line

Q.114 Under the influence of the Coulomb field of
having a linear charge density '' is placed at a
charge +Q, a charge –q is moving around it in normal distance y from a point O. Consider a
sphere of radius R with O as centre and R > y.
an elliptical orbital. Find out the correct
Electric flux through the surface of the sphere
statement(s). [IIT-JEE 2009] is-
(A) zero (B)
(A) The angular momentum of the charge – q is 0
(B) The linear momentum of the charge –q is 2 R 2  y 2  R 2  y2
(C) (D)
constant 0 0
(C) The angular velocity of the charge –q is Sol. [C]
constant q in
(D) The linear speed of the charge –q is constant Electric flux  E.dS 
 0 qin is the charge
enclosed by the Gaussian-surface which, in the
Q.115 In an insulating medium (K = 1) volumetric present case, is the surface of given sphere. As
charge density varies with y-coordinates shown, length AB of the line lies inside the
according to the law  = a.y. A particle of mass sphere.
m having positive charge q is at point A(0, y 0)

and projected with velocity v  v 0 î as shown
in figure. At y = 0 electric field is zero. Neglect
the gravity and frictional resistance, the slope of
trajectory of the particle as a function of y (E is
only along y-axis) is -
In OO'A R2 = y2 + (O'A)2
 O'A = R 2  y2 Q Q
(C) – (1 + 2 2 ) (D) (1 + 2 2 )
and AB = 2 R 2
y 2 2 2
Charge on length AB = 2 R 2  y2 ×
2 R 2  y2 Q.120 In figure, magnitude of force experienced by Q
 electric flux = S
E.dS 
0 is –

Q.117 A point charge + Q is placed at the centroid of

an equilateral triangle. When a second charge
+Q is placed at a vertex of the triangle, the
magnitude of the electrostatic force on the
central charge is 4N. What is the magnitude of
the net force on the central charge when a third
charge +Q is placed at another vertex of the
triangle ? 1 qQ 2 1 qQ
(A) (B)
(A) Zero (B) 4 N  0 a 2 4 0 a 2
(C) 4 2 N (D) 8 N
1 qQ 2 1 qQ
Sol. [B] (C) (D)
4 0 a 2  0 a 2

Q.121 A regular polygon has 20 sides. Equal charges,

each Q, are placed at 19 vertices of the polygon
and a charge q is placed at the centre of
polygon. If the distance of each vertex from the
centre is 'a', net force experienced by q is –

FNet = 1 20Qq 1 Qq
4 2  4 2  2  4 2 cos120 (A) (B)
4 0 a 2 4 0 a 2
= 4N
1 19Qq
Q.118 Four charges are arranged at the corners of a (C) (D) zero [B]
4 0 a 2
square ABCD as shown in figure. The force on
a charge kept at the centre O is – Q.122 Four point charges, each +q, are fixed at the
corners of a square of side ‘a’. Another point
charge q0 is placed at a height ‘h’ vertically
above the centre of square, assuming the square
to be in a horizontal plane. Magnitude of force
experienced by q0 is –
1 qq 0
4 0 ( h  a 2 / 2)

(A) zero qq 0
(B) along diagonal AC (B)
4 0 ( h  a 2 / 2) 3 / 2
(C) along diagonal BD
(D) perpendicular to the side AB [A] 1 qq 0 h
 0 (h  a 2 / 2) 3 / 2

Q.119 Four charges each equal to – Q are placed at the (D) zero [C]
four corners of a square and a charge q at its
centre. If the system is in equilibrium the value Q.123 Two particles A and B having equal charges are
of q is – placed at a distance d apart. A third charged
Q Q particle placed on the perpendicular bisector at a
(A) – (1 + 2 2 ) (B) (1 + 2 2 )
4 4
distance x will experience the maximum (D) each sphere has 75 µC charge [A]
Coulomb's force when –
(A) x = d/ 2 (B) x = d/2 Q.129 If a body is charged by rubbing it, its weight -
(C) x = d/2 2 (D) x = d/3 2 (A) always decreases slightly
[C] (B) always increases slightly
(C) may increase slightly or may decrease
Q.124 Correct statement is - slightly
(A) Induction affect the charge not charge (D) remains precisely the same [C]
(B) After conduction between two conductors,
Q.130 The ratio of electric force to gravitational force
their potential becomes equal
of interaction between proton & electron -
(C) After conduction between two conductors
their charges becomes equal (A) 1 × 1036 (B) 2 × 1039
(D) Moving charge does not produce electric (C) 3 × 1040 (D) 4 × 1042 [B]
field [B]
Q.131 Three charges each of 5 × 10 –6 coulombs are
Q.125 Force between two point charges in air is F, if placed at three corners of an equilateral triangle
one third separation is filled by medium (r = 4), of side 10 cm. The force exerted on another
then force between charges becomes - charge of 1µC placed at the centre of the
3 4 triangle in Newton will be-
(A) F (B) F
4 3 (A) 13.5 (B) 4.5
9 (C) 6.75 (D) zero [D]
(C) F (D) None of these [C]
Q.132 Two identical charges repel each other with a
Q.126 What is relative strength of weak force with force of 2.5 N when placed 3 m apart. The
respect to nuclear force ? magnitude of each charge is -
(A) 10–25 (B) 1025
(A) 40 µC (B) 50 µC
(C) 1014 (D) None of these
(C) 50 µC (D) None of these [B]

Q.133 The force between two point charges in vacuum

Q.127 8 Amp current is passed through a wire for
is 10 N. If a copper plate is introduced between
10 minutes. Calculate charge passed through
the two charges, then force between them will -
wire - (A) become zero (B) remain the same
(A) 4800 esu (B) 480 ab C (C) become 20 N (D) become 40 N [A]
(C) 480 C (D) 80 C [B]
Q.134 Two small balls having equal positive charges
Q (coulomb) on each are suspended by two
Q.128 Two metal spheres of radius R and 2R having insulating strings of equal length L (metre) from
charges 100 C & 50 µC respectively are a hook fixed to a stand. The whole set up is
taken in a satellite into space where there is no
touched with each other then- gravity (state of weightlessness). The angle
(A) 50 µC charges moves from small to big between the two strings is -
sphere (A) 0 (B) /2
(C)  (D) None of these [C]
(B) 50 µC charges moves from big to small
(C) no conduction takes place
Q.135 Four charges are arranged at the corners of a
square ABCD as shown in figure. The force on Q.140 If mass of an electron is m e and mass of a
the charge kept at the centre O is – proton is mp and if 2000 electrons are
transferred from one sphere A to another
identical sphere B, then the difference in the
masses of the two spheres will become -
(A) 1000 me (B) 2000 me
(C) 4000 me (D) 2000 mp [C]

(A) zero
Q.141 Three charges, each q coulomb are placed as
(B) along the diagonal AC
shown in the figure. Then the net force on the
(C) along the diagonal BD
(D) perpendicular to side AB [C] charge placed at the origin is –

Q.136 The charge Q is placed at each of the two

opposite corners of a square. A charge q is
placed at each of the other two opposite corners.
If charges q are fixed, then for equilibrium of Q,
it is required that-
(A) q = (B) q = –
2 2 2 2
(C) q = – (D) q = –2 2 Q [B] (A) q2/40d2 (B) 3q 2 /40d2
(C) 2 3 q2/40d2 (D) None of these
Q.137 Two identical metallic spheres A and B carry [A]
charges +Q and –2Q respectively. The force
between them is F Newton, when they are
Q.142 The dimensions of relative permittivity of a
separated by a distance d in air. The spheres are
allowed to touch each other and are moved back medium are -
to their initial positions. The force between (A) M–1L–3T4A2 (B) ML3T –4A–2
them now is - (C) MLT –3A2 (D) None of these
(A) F/2 (B) F/4 [D]
(C) F/8 (D) zero [C]
Q.143 If the force between two charges when placed in
Q.138 Two point charges –Q and + 2Q are placed at a medium of air and then in oil is 25 Newton and
distance R apart. Where should a third point 5 Newton respectively, then the dielectric
constant of the oil is -
charge be placed so that it is in equilibrium -
(A) 5 (B) 5
(A) at a point on the right of charge +2Q (C) 52 (D) 1/5 [B]
(B) at a point on the left of charge –Q Q.144 Mark the correct statement. If point charge is
(C) between –Q and + 2Q located inside a spherical Gaussian surface
(D) at a point on a line perpendicular to the line away from its centre :
joining –Q and + 2Q [B] (A) the electric flux is positive for part of the
surface and negative at some places
Q.139 Two equal and opposite charges are placed at a (B) total flux depends on the radius
certain distance, the force between them is F. If (C) total flux through the surface is zero
25% of one charge is transferred to other, then (D) there is no point on the surface which has
the force between them is - zero flux. [D]
(A) F (B) 9F/16
(C) 15F/16 (D) 4F/5 [B]
Q.145 The electric field due to a uniformly charged Q.148 In a region of space the electric field is given by
sphere of radius R as a function of the distance
from its centre is represented graphically by :

E  i8  j4  k2
(A) (B) . The electric flux through a surface of

area of 100 units in x-y plane is :

(A) 800 units (B) 300 units
(C) (D) (C) 400 units (D) 1500 units [B]

Q.149 In the adjoining figure, the electric field lines

for charges q1 and q2 are shown. Identify the
Q.146 Three charges are placed at the vertices of an sign of the charges :
equilateral triangle of side a as shown in the
figure. The force experienced by the charge
placed at the vertex A in a direction normal to
BC is :

(A) both negative

(B) upper charge is negative and lower is
2 2
Q Q positive
(A) 2 (B) 2
4 0 a 2 0 a (C) both positive
2 2
(C) – Q (40a ) (D) zero [D]
(D) upper charge is positive and lower is
negative [A]
Q.147 A charge q is located at the centre of a cube the
electric flux through any face is :
Q.150 A sphere of radius R has a uniform distribution
4q q
(A) (B) of electric charge in its volume. At a distance x
6( 4 0 ) 6( 4 0 )
from its centre for x < R, the electric field is
q 2q
(C) (D) [A] directly proportional to :
6( 4 0 ) 6( 4 0 )
(A) 1/x2 (B) 1/x
(C) x (D) x2 [C]

Q.151 The electric field inside a spherical shell of

uniform surface charge density is :
(A) zero
(B) constant less than zero
(C) directly proportional to distance from the (A)
(D) none of the above [A]

Q.152 The electric field strength due to a ring of radius

R at a distance x from its centre on the axis of
the ring carrying charge Q is given by :
1 Qx
40 ( R 2  x 2 ) 3 / 2
At what distance from the centre will the (D) [B]
electric field be maximum ?
(A) x = R (B) x = R/2
(C) x = R/ 2 (D) x = 2 R [C]
Q.156 Four equal charges q are placed at four corners
Q.153 The electric field at the centre of a uniformly of a cube of side 'a' each. Work done in carrying
charged ring is zero. What is the electric field at a charge – q from its centre to infinity is –
the centre of a half ring if the charge on it be Q
2 2q 2
and its radius be R ? (A) zero (B)
 0 a
1 Q 1 Q
(A) (B) 2q 2
4 0 R 2 4 0 R 2 (C) (D)
 0 a
1 2Q 1 2Q
(C) (D) [C]
4 0 R 2 4 0 R 2
Q.154 For the isolated charged conductor shown in 2 0 a

figure, the potentials at points A, B, C and D are

VA, VB, VC and VD respectively. Then – Q.157 A thin spherical conducting shell of radius R
has charge q. Another charge Q is placed at the
centre of the shell. The electrostatic potential at
a point P at a distance R/2 from the centre of the
shell is –
(A) VA = VB > VC > VD (B) VD > VC > VB = VA 4 0 R
(C) VD > VC > VB > VA (D) VD =VC=VB= VA (q  Q ) 2
[D] (B)
Q.155 An uncharged metal sphere is placed between 4 0 R
two equal and oppositely charged metal plates. 2Q 2q
(C) –
The nature of lines of force will be – 4 0 R 4 0 R
2Q q (B) + 200 V m–1, + 100 V m–1
(D) +
4 0 R 4 0 R (C) – 100 V m–1, + 200 V m–1
[D] (D) – 200 V m–1, – 100 V m–1 [C]

Q.158 Two concentric spheres are of radii r1 and r2. Q. 161 Three charges Q, + q, and +q are placed at the
The outer sphere is given a charge q. The charge vertices of a right-angled isosceles triangle as
q on the inner sphere will be : (inner sphere is shown in the figure. The net electrostatic energy
grounded) of the configuration is zero if Q is equal to -

(A) q (B) – q
(C) – q (D) zero [C]
r2 q  2q
(A) (B)
1 2 2 2

Q.159 Electric field strength due to a dipole at a point on (C) – 2q (D) + q [B]

the axial line of dipole is –

(A) from positive charge to negative charge Q. 162 An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30º with

(B) from negative charge to positive charge an electric field of intensity 2 × 10 5 N/C. It

(C) along the equatorial line experiences a torque equal to 4 N-m. Calculate the

(D) at an angle to the axial line [B] charge on the dipole if the dipole length is 2 cm -
(A) 8 mC (B) 4 mC

Q.160 The figure shows two equipotential lines in (C) 9 C (D) 2 mC [D]

XY-plane for an electric field. The scales are Q. 163 Two identical charges are placed at the two
marked. The X-component Ex and Y-component corners of an equilateral triangle. The potential
Ey of the electric field in the space between energy of the system is U. The work done in
these equipotential lines are respectively – bringing an identical charge from infinity to the
third vertex is -
(A) U (B) 2U
(C) 3U (D) 4U [B]

Q. 164 The magnitude of electric intensity at a distance

x from a charge q is E. An identical charge is
placed at a distance 2x from it. Then the
magnitude of the force it experiences is -
(A) + 100 V m–1, – 200 V m–1
(A) qE (B) 2qE
qE qE (A) 18.08 × 103 N/C (B) 9.04 × 103 N/C
(C) (D) [D]
2 4 (C) 4.52 × 103 N/C (D) 2.26 × 103 N/C
Q. 165 A body of mass 1 g and carrying a charge 10 C Q.169 What is the radius of the imaginary concentric
passes from two points P and Q. P and Q are at sphere that divides the electrostatic field of a
metal sphere of a radius 20 cm & a charge of
electric potentials 600 V and 0 V respectively.
8 C in two regions of identical energy -
The velocity of the body at Q is 20 cm/s. Its (A) 30 cm (B) 40 cm
velocity in m/s at p is - (C) 60 cm (D) 80 cm [B]
Sol. Energy between shell 1 & 2 = energy behind
(A) 0.028 (B) 0.0 56
shell 2.
(C) 0.56 (D) 5. 6 energy between
r b 2
[A] 1  KQ 
shell 1 & 2 =  2
0 
 r 2 

 4r 2 dr
Q. 166 Force between two identical charges placed at a r a

distance of r in vacuum is F. Now a slab of

dielectric of dielectric constant 4 is inserted
between these two charges. If the thickness of
the slab is r/2, then the force between the
charges will become -
3 b
(A) F (B) F 0 K 2Q 2  1 0 K 2Q 2
5 =  4  r  =
2  a 2
4 F
(C) F (D) [C] 1 1 
9 4 a  b
 
r  2
Q. 167 Two point charges q1 and q2 (= q1/2) are placed 1  KQ 
at points A (0, 1) and B(1, 0) as shown in the
Energy beyond shell 2 =  0
2  r 2 
r b
figure. The electric field vector at point P(1, 1) 4r2dr
makes an angle  with the x-axis, then the angle 1 1
= 0 K 2Q 2 × 4  
 is - 2 b
1 1 1 
 0 K 2Q 2 × 4   
2 a b
1 1
= 0 K 2Q 2 × 4  
2 b
1 2

a b
b = 2a
a = 20 cm
1 1
(A) tan–1   (B) tan–1   b = 40 cm
2 4
(C) tan–1(1) (D) tan–1(0) [A] Q.170 What is the ratio of the electrostatic potentials
at one corner and in the centre point of a
Q. 168 A spherical volume contains a uniformly
uniformly charged cube of conductor. (The
distributed charge of density 2 C/m3. The
potential is considered 0 at infinity) -
electric field intensity at a point inside the
(A) 2 : 1
volume at a distance 3.0 cm from the centre is -
(B) 4 : 1
(C) 1 : 2
(D) Information is not enough to give answer 6q 2
(A) (B) zero
[D] 4 0a 2
Sol. As we know conductor are equipotential,
7q 2
 Ratio of potential is 1 : 1. (C) (D)
2 0a 2

*Q.171 Two point like charges Q1 and Q2 of whose q2  3 

strength are equal in absolute value of are 2 
 3
4 0 a  2 
placed at a certain distance from each other.
Assuming the field strength to be positive in the [B]
positive direction of x-axis, the signs of the Q.173 Six charges are placed at the vertices of a
charges Q1 and Q2 for the graphs (field strength regular hexagon as shown in the figure. The
versus distance) shown in Fig. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are: electric field on the line passing through point O
and perpendicular to the plane of the figure at a
distance of x (>> a) from O is:

Qa 2Qa
(A) 3 (B)
 0 x  0 x 3
(A) Q1 positive; Q2 negative; both positive; Q 1
negative; Q2 positive; both negative 3Qa
(C) (D) Zero [A]
(B) Q1 negative; Q2 positive; Q1 positive; Q2  0 x 3
negative; both positive; both negative Q.174 Two charges 9e and 3e are placed at a distance r.
(C) Q1 positive, Q2 negative; both negative; Q1 The distance of the point where the electric field
negative; Q2 positive; both positive intensity will be zero is:
(D) both positive; Q1 positive, Q2 negative; Q1 (A) r /(1  3 ) from 3e charge
negative, Q2 positive; both negative [B] (B) r /(1  3 ) from 9e charge
(C) r /(1  3 ) from 3e charge
*Q.172 Given figure shows as arrangement of six foxed
(D) r /[1  (1 / 3 )] from 3e charge [A]
charged particles. The net electrostatic force F
acting on charge +q at the origin due to other Q.175 The work done in taking a unit positive charge
charges is: from P to A is WA and from P to B is WB. Then:

(A) WA > WB (C) WA < WB

(C) WA = WB (D) WA + WB = 0 [C]
Q.176 Three identical charges, each of 12 C are d 3 ( c   o ) d 3 ( c   o )
placed at the vertices of a triangle ABC as (A) g (B) g
3E 2E
shown in the figure. If
AB + AC = 12 cm and AB. AC = 32 cm 2, the d 3 ( c   o ) d 3 ( c   o )
(C) g (D) g
potential energy of the charge at A is: 6E 12E
Q.180 Through the exact centre of two fixed protons, an
-particle passes, moving on the line perpendicular
to the line joining protons. If the distance between
two protons is b then the maximum force
(A) 1.53 J (B) 5.31 J experienced by the -particle is–
(C) 3.15 J (D) 1.35 J [D] 4e 2 8e 2
Q.177 Two charges q1 and q2 are placed 30 cm apart, (A) (B)
3 3 0 b 2 3 0 b 2
as shown in the figure. A third charge q 3 is
moved along the arc of a circle of radius 40 cm 8e 2 4e 2
(C) (D) [C]
from C to D. The change in the potential energy 3 3 0 b 2 3 0 b 2
Q.181 Identical charges –q each placed at 8 corners of
a cube of side  then the electrostatic potential
q3 energy of a charge
of the system is k, where k is -
4 0 + q placed at centre of cube is -
8q 2  8 2q 2
(A) (B)
3 0  3 0 
4q 2  4q 2
(C) (D) [D]
3 0  3 0 
Q.182 A very thin disc is uniformly charged with
surface charge density  > 0. Then the electric
(A) 8q1 (B) 6q1 (C) 8q2 (D) 6q2 field intensity on the axis at the point from
Sol. [C] which the disc is seen at an solid angle  is -

U1 =
kq1q 3 kq1q 2 kq 2 q 3
   
0.4 0.3 0.5 (A) (B)
20 40
kq q kq q kq q
U2  1 2  2 3  1 3
0 .3 0 .1 0 .4  
(C) (D) [B]
 q3  0 80
U = 8 kq2 q3 = 8q2    k = 8q2

 4 0  Q.183 A ring of radius 0.1 m is made out of a thin
metallic wire of area of cross-section 10 –6 m2.
Q.178 On a semicircular ring of radius R charge Q is The ring has a uniform charge of  Coulomb.
uniformly distributed over it. The force on a Then the change in radius of the ring when a
point charge q placed at the centre of semicircle charge of 10–8 C is placed at the centre of the
is – ring (Young's modulus of metal is 2 × 1011
Qq Qq N/m2) -
(A) 2 (B) (A) 25.5 × 10–2m (B) 2.25 × 10–3m
2 0 R 4 0 R 2 (C) 0.25 × 10–7m (D) 2.25 × 10–13m [B]
Qq Qq Q.184 In an insulating medium (K = 1) volumetric
(C) 2 2 (D) [C]
2 0 R 4 0 R 2
2 charge density varies with y-coordinates
according to the law  = a.y. A particle of mass
Q.179 A copper ball of diameter d is immersed in an
m having positive charge q is at point A(0, y 0)
oil of density o. There is a homogeneous 
electric field E directed vertically upwards such and projected with velocity v  v 0 î as shown
that the copper ball is suspended in the oil. If in figure. At y = 0 electric field is zero. Neglect
density of copper is c then the charge on the the gravity and fractional resistance, the slope of
ball is –
trajectory of the particle as a function of y (E is vy v
only along y-axis) is - Slope = =
vx v0
Q.185 When the separation between two charges is
increased, the electric potential energy of the
charges –
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remains the same
qa (D) may increase or decrease [D]
(A) ( y 3 – y 30 )
m 0 v 02 Q.186 A charge q is placed at the centre of a line
qa joining the two equal and like point charges Q.
(B) ( y 3 – y 30 ) This system will remain in equilibrium if value
3m 0 v 02 of q is -
(A) Q/2 (B) – Q/4
qa ( y 3 – y 30 ) (C) Q/4 (D) – Q/2 [B]
5m 0 v 02
*Q.187 The variation of potential with distance R from
qa ( y – y 30 )
fixed point is shown in figure. The electric field
(D) [B]
2m 0 v 02 at R = 5m is -

Gauss law,
(E + dE) A – EA = (A) 2.5 V/m (B) –2.5 V/m
dy ay dy (C) 2/5 V/m (D) – 2/5 V/m
dE = =
0 0 Sol. [A]
y 05
Slope = 6  4  2.5  E = – (slope) = + 2.5

dEy =
0 0
Ey =
2 0 Q.188 Two equal and oppositely charged metal plates
E is not present along x-axis have densities ± . These are separated by a
distance d. Then, the field outside these plates is
qE qay 2
a= =  2
m 2 m 0 (A) (B)
0 0
dv qay 2 
v =
dy 2 m 0 (C) (D) zero [D]
2 0
qa Q.189 A ring of radius R carries a uniformly
 y
vdv  dy
2 m 0 distributed charge + Q. A point charge – q is
placed on the axis of the ring at a distance 2R
v = calculated from the centre of the ring and released from
rest, the particle -
(A) executes a simple harmonic motion (SHM) (D) none of the above [A]
along the axis of the ring
(B) moves to the centre of the ring and remains
at rest there Q.193 The force between two charged metallic spheres
(C) executes oscillatory motion but not SHM
is F when the separation between their centres is
(D) moves through the centre of the ring to
infinity along the axis. [C] d. Now the charge on one of the spheres is
halved and the distance between the two spheres
reduced in such a manner that the force between
Q.190 For a uniformly charged non conducting sphere
the spheres remains F. Then the new distance is
of radius R which of following shows a correct
graph between the electric field intensity and (A) d/2 (B) d/4
the distance from the centre of sphere – (C) d/ 2 (D) 2d [C]

Q.194 Two charges 4q and q are placed 30 cm apart.

At what point the value of electric field will be
(A) (B)
zero -

(A) 10 cm away from q and between the charges

(B) 20 cm away from q and between the charges

(C) (D) (C) 10 cm away from q and outside the line
joining the charges
[A] (D) 10 cm away from 4q and outside the line

Q.191 Three equal charges are placed at the three joining them [A]
corners of an equilateral triangle as shown in the
figure. The statement which is true for electric
potential V and the field intensity E at the centre Q.195 The electric field intensity on the surface of a
of the triangle is- charged conductor is -

(A) zero

(B) directed normally to the surface

(C) directed tangentially to the surface

(A) V = 0, E = 0 (B) V = 0, E 0 (D) directed along 45º to the surface [B]
(C) V  0, E = 0 (D) V  0, E  0 [C]
Q.196 In Millikan's oil drop experiment which of the
Q.192 The electric potential at a point in an electric following charges can be present on the oil drops-
81 (A) 2e, 1.6 × 10–19 C
field is given by V = volt, where r is the (B) 1.6 × 10–19 C, 2.5e
magnitude of the position vector of that point. (C) 1.5e, e
Then the electric field at a point whose position (D) 0, 0.25 times charges equal to that on
-particle [A]

vector is r = î  ĵ  k̂ metre is - Q.197 Two circles are drawn with centers at a charge +
(A) 9 3 ( î  ĵ  k̂ ) volt /m Q. Now a small test charge q is taken from
point A to point D along the path ABCD. If the
(B) 3( î  ĵ  k̂ ) volt/m radii of the circles are a and b, then the amount
of work done is -
(C) 81( î  ĵ  k̂ ) volt /m
(A) P (B) Q
(C) R (D) S [A]

1 1 Q.200 Four equal positive charges each +Q are placed

(A) kqQ  – 
a b at corners of a square of side length L. A charge
1 1
(B) kqQ    particle having negative charge –q1 is placed at
a b
(C) zero centre of square and the system of these five
(D) none of the above [C]
charges becomes in equilibrium –
Q.198 Three concentric spherical shells A,B,C have (A) The presence of –q1 charge makes the
radii a, b, c respectively. The surface charge
densities on A and B are respectively + and electric potential energy of system negative
–. If C is earthed, then the surface charge (B) The presence of – q1 charge cannot makes the
density on C will be -
electric potential energy of system negative

(C) The presence of – q1 charge makes the

electric potential energy zero

(D) All of the above can possible [C]

Q.201 A charged soap bubble having surface charge

density and radius r. If pressure inside soap
( b – a )
(A) zero (B) bubble and pressure outside it is same then the
surface tension for soap bubble is-
 b2 – a 2 
(C)   2

 (D)  [C] 2R 2R
 c  (A) T = (B) T 
8 0 4 0

*Q.199 The electric field in a region surroounding the 2R 2R

(C) T  (D) T  [A]
2 0 0
origin is uniform and along the x-axis. A small
circle is drawn with the centre at the origin
Q.202 A ring of radius R is marked in six equal parts
cutting the axes at points P, Q, R, S having and these parts are charged uniformly with a
coordinates (a, 0); (0, a); (–a, 0); (0, –a) charge of magnitude Q but positive and
respectively as shown in figure. Then the negative alternately as shown. Then the electric
potential is minimum at - field at centre of ring will be –
(C) may be equal to 100 V/cm
(D) All of the above are possible [D]

Q.206 Seven identical charge particles are placed on

the vertices of a cube of edge , then the
magnitude of electric field at centre of cube is -
Kq 4Kq
k 3Q (A) (B)
(A) where  = 2 32
r R
2 k 3Q (C) (D) None of these [B]
(B) where  = 32
r R
3k 3Q Q.207 The minimum value of µ for which small block
(C) where  =
r R B of mass m remain at rest on horizontal is:
[D] (Block A is fixed and small block has identical
(D) None of these charge q and separation is r)

Q.203 Three wires AB, BC, CD of equal length  are

charged uniformly with linear charge density 
and are placed as shown. P is a point which lies at Kq 2 Kq 2
(A) (B)
a distance  from the wire BC on its perpendicular 2mgr 2 mgr 2
bisector. Then the electric field at P is – 2Kq 2
(C) (D) None of
mgr 2
these [B]

Q.208 Two identical point charges each q of mass m

are connected by a insulating string of length 2
and the system is rotated about an axis passing
2k 2k
(A) ( 2 5  1) (B) ( 5  1) through mid point of string and perpendicular to
5 5 its length as shown. Then neglecting gravity,
k tension in the string is: (Assume only coulombic
(C) ( 2 5  3) (D) None of these [A]
5 force between the charges)

Q. 204 The electric potential at a certain distant point

from a point charge is 600 volts and the electric
field is 200 N/C. Then work done in moving a
point charge of 1 µC from the given point to a
point at a distance 9 m from the point charge
will be - Kq 2 Kq 2
(A) 0.2 mJ (B) – 0.2 mJ (A) – m2 (B) + m2
2 2
(C) 0.4 mJ (D) – 0.4 mJ [D]
Kq 2 Kq 2
(C) – m2 (D) + m2 [D]
Q. 205 The electric potential decreases uniformly from 42 42
120 V to 80 V as one moves on the x-axis from
Q. 209 Two electrons are placed at a distance r from
x = – 1 cm to x = +1 cm. Then the electric field
at origin - each other and a third point charge q is placed at
(A) may be equal to 20 V/cm
the mid point of the line joining electron, then -
(B) may be equal to 30 V/cm
(A)for any value of q system of charges are in Q.212 A point charge q is placed at origin. Let EA ,

equilibrium  
EB and EC be the electric fields at three
(B) for only negative value of q system of
points A(1, 2, 3), B(1, 1, –1) and C(2, 2, 2) due
charges are in equilibrium
to charge q. Then -
(C) for only positive value of q system of  
(A) EA is perpendicular to EB
charges are in equilibrium
 
(B) EA is parallel to EB
(D)None of the above is correct [D]

| E B|
(C) 
Q.210 The electric field at the centre of square of side
| EC |
 by the system of given charges will be - (D) None of these [A]
Q.213 A particle A of mass m and charge q moves
directly towards a fixed point charge q. The speed
of A is v when it is far away from the fixed point
charge. Then the minimum separation between the
particles is proportional to -
(A) q2 (B)
2Kq 2 2 Kq 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) All of these [D]
2 2 m

2 Kq Q.214 A positive point charge is placed at P in front of an

(C) (D) None of
2 earthed metal sheet S. Q & R are two points between
these [B] P & S as shown in figure. If the electric field strength
at Q & R are respectively EQ & ER and potential at Q
Q.211 The magnitude of electric field at the centre O & R are respectively VQ & VR . Then-

of regular hexagon produced by the system of

charges will be -

(A) EQ = ER (B) EQ < ER

(C) VQ > VR (D) VQ < VR [C]
Q. 215 A small charged ball is hovering in the state of
equilibrium at a height h over a large horizontal
uniformly charged dielectric plate. What would
be the instantaneous acceleration of the ball if a
Kq 2 Kq disc of radius r = 0.001 h is removed from the
(A) (B)
2 2 plate directly underneath the ball –
Kq g r g  h 2
(C) (2+ 2 ) (D) None of these [D] (A)   (B)  
2 2 h 2 r
g  r 2 g  h 2
(C)   (D)   [A]
4 h 4 r
Sol. Equilibrium mg = qE 2 2r
VA – VB =
4 0 r  r dr

2 2r
= ln
4 0 r
= ln 2
4 0
Q.217 A charge Q is given to a spherical shell of radius
R, the work done to distribute charge Q on the
surface of sphere is –
Q2 Q2
(A) (B)
8  0 R 4  0 R
Now,  × r2 charged disc is removed as r is Q2
(C) (D) none of these [A]
very less we can treat disc as a point charge 15  0 R
Q q Sol. Work done = self electric potential energy of
 Unbalanced acceleration = ×
4 0 h 2 m
Q =  × r 2 system =
8 0 R
q= Q.218 In the given fig. the charge appears on the
sphere is –
Putting in acceleration expression
g r
a=  
2 h

Q.216 A infinitely long line of charge of linear charge

density . The potential difference between two
points A and B as shown in fig. is –

(A) q (B)
(C) – (D) zero [C]

 
(A) n 2 (B) – n 2 Sol.
2 0 2 0
 
(C) n 2 (D) – n 2 [A]
4 0 4 0
  The net potential on the surface of earthed
Sol. VA – VB = – 
E . dr conductor is zero.
q1 q
r V =  0
2 4 0 r 40 d
VA – VB = –  4
2r 0r
q1 q
40 r 40 d
qr = 4N
  q1 = –
Q.219 Two identical charges experience a force F. If
Q.223 A particle of mass m & charge q is thrown from
half of the charge is transferred from one to
a point in space where uniform gravitational
another and separation is reduced to half. The field & electric field are present. The particle –
new force between them is :
(A) F/2 (B) (3/4) F
(C) 2F (D) 3F [D]

Q.220 Two particles of masses in the ratio 1 : 2 with

charges in the ratio 1 :1 are placed in a uniform (1) may follow a straight line
electric field and allowed to move for some time (2) may follow a circular path
the ratio of their kinetic energies will be : (3) may follow a parabolic path
(A) 1 & 2 are correct
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 8 : 1
(B) 1 & 3 are correct
(C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 4 [A] (C) 2 & 3 are correct
(D) all these are correct [B]
Q.221 A point charge is brought in an electric field. Q.224 Three identical charges are placed at corners of
The electric field at a nearby point : an equilateral triangle of side l. If force between
(A) will increase if the charge is positive any two charges is F, the work required to
double the dimensions of triangle is –
(B) will decrease if the charge is negative
(C) may increase if the charge is positive (A) – 3 Fl (B) 3 Fl

(D) may decrease if the charge is negative [C] (C) (–3/2) Fl (D) (3/2) Fl [C]

Q.225 A positive point charge + Q is held at rest at

Q.222 A point charge + Q is placed at the centroid of
an equilateral triangle. When a second charge point A. Another negative point charge, – q,
+Q is placed at a vertex of the triangle, the whose mass is M, moves at a constant velocity
magnitude of the electrostatic force on the v in a circular orbit of radius b around A.
central charge is 4N. What is the magnitude of Compute the work done required to increase the
the net force on the central charge when a third radius of revolution of – q from b to 2b -
charge +Q is placed at another vertex of the
triangle ? KqQ KqQ
(A) (B)
(A) Zero (B) 4 N 4b 2b
(C) 4 2 N (D) 8 N [B] – KqQ – KqQ
(C) (D) [A]
Sol. 2b 4b

Q.226 An electric dipole has the magnitude of its

charge as q and its dipole moment is p. It is
placed in a uniform electric field E. If its dipole
moment is along the direction of the field, the
force on it and its potential energy are
respectively -
(A) 2 qE and minimum (B) qE and pE
(C) zero and minimum (D) qE and maximum
FNet = 4 2  4 2  2  4 2 cos120
[C] r =(a2 + d2)1/2 at angle 180 – 2 

Q.227 Electrons are caused to fall through a potential 1

Enet = 2EA cos (180 – ) = 2EAcos(90 – )
difference of 1500 volt. If they were initially at 2
rest, their final speed is -
2kq d
= 2EA sin =
(A) 4.6 × 107 m/s (B) 2.3 × 107 m/s r 2  r
2 9
(C) 0.23 × 10 m/s (D) 5.1 × 10 m/s [B]
= in – z direction.
(a  d 2 ) 3 / 2

Q.228 Two thin spherical shells made of metal are at a

large distance apart. One of radius 10 cm carries
a charge of +0.5 µC and the other of radius 20
Q.230 Electric charges q, q and – 2q are placed at the
cm carries a charge of +0.7 µC. The charge on
corners of an equilateral triangle of side 'a'. The
each, when they are connected by a suitable
magnitude of electric dipole moment of the
conducting wire is respectively -
system is -
(A) 0.4 and 0.8 µC (B) +0.425 and +0.85
(A) qa (B) 2qa
(C) 3 qa (D) 4qa [C]
(C) +0.5 and +0.7 µC (D) +0.6 and +0.6 µC
Q.231 Two similar metal spheres are charged 10 and –
20 units of electricity. They are then brought in
Q.229 Two point charges q and –q are at positions (0, contact and again separated to the original
0, d) and (0, 0, –d) respectively. What is the
position. The ratio of the forces between the
electric field at (a, 0, 0) ?
spheres before and after the contact is -
(A) k̂ (B) (A) – 8 : 3 (B) 1 : 2
4 0 (d 2  a 2 ) 3 / 2
(C) 4 : 1 (D) – 8 : 1 [D]

4 0 (d 2  a 2 ) 3 / 2
Q.232 A long string with charge per unit length 
2qd passes through a cube of length . The
(C) k̂ (D)
4 0 (d 2  a 2 ) 3 / 2
maximum flux through the cube will be -
qd  2
2 2 3/ 2
k̂ (A) (B)
4 0 (d  a ) 0 0
Sol. [C] 2
(C) (D)
0 0


Q.233 A solid metallic sphere is placed in a uniform

electric field. Which of the curves shown in the
figure represent the lines of force correctly ?
d d
(A) x = (B) x =
2 2
d d
(C) x = (D) x = [C]
2 2 2 3
(A) (a) (B) (b)
(C) (c) (D) (d) [D]
Q.239 Two particles having positive charges + Q and
+ 2Q are fixed at equal distance x from centre
Q.234 Dipole is placed parallel to the electric field. If of an conducting sphere having zero net charge
W is the work done in rotating the dipole by and radius r as shown. Initially the switch S is
60º, then work done in rotating it by 180º is - open. After the switch S is closed, the net
(A) 2W (B) 3W charge flowing out of sphere is -
(C) 4W (D) [C]
Q.235 A charged oil drop is suspended in uniform field
of 3 × 104 V/m so that it neither falls nor rises.
The charge of the drop will be (Take the mass
of the charge = 9.9 × 10–15 kg and g = 10 m/s2) -
Qr 2Qr
(A) 3.3 × 10–18 C (B) 3.2 × 10–18 C (A) (B)
x x
(C) 1.6 × 10–18 C (D) 4.8 × 10–18 C [A]
3Qr 6Qr
(C) (D) [C]
x x
Q.236 The potential in a region is given by V=10– 7x Sol. Initially the potential at centre of sphere is
volt where x is in metres. The magnitude and
1 Q 1 2Q 1 3Q
direction of the electric field at x = 3 m is - VC =  
4 0 x 4 0 x 4 0 x
(A) – 11 N/C in the positive x-direction
(B) 11 N/C in the positive x-direction After the sphere grounded, potential at centre
(C) 7 N/C in the negative x-direction becomes zero. Let the net charge on sphere
(D) 7 N/C in the positive x-direction [D] finally be q.
Q.237 Point charges +4q, – q and + 4q kept on the x- 1 q 1 3Q
 + = 0 or q =
axis at point x = 0, x = a and x = 2a respectively 4 0 r 4 0 x
(A) Only – q is in stable equilibrium
(B) None of the charges are in equilibrium
(C) All the charges are in unstable equilibrium The charge flowing out of sphere is
(D) All the charges are in stable equilibrium
Q.240 Figure shows three circular arcs, each of radius

Q.238 Two equal charges are separated by a distance R and total charge as indicated. The net electric

d. A third charge placed on a perpendicular potential at the centre of curvature is -

bisector at x distance from the centre will

experience maximum coulomb force when -
(B) maximum at mean position and minimum
at extreme position
(C) uniform throughout the motion
(D) both maximum and minimum at mean
position [D]
Sol. The velocity is maximum at mean position.
Hence the magnetic force on block is maximum,
at its mean position.
(A) (B) The magnetic force on the block while it crosses
2  0 R
the mean position towards right and left is as
4 0 R

2Q Q
(C) (D)
 0 R  0 R
Sol. V = V1 + V2 + V3

1 Q 1   2Q  1  3Q  Hence normal reaction is maximum in case-1 and

= .  
4 0 R 4 0  R  4 0  R 
 
minimum in case-2. Hence correct option is D.
1  2Q  Q
= . Let P ( r )  r be the charge density
4 0  R  Q.242
R 4
distribution for a solid sphere of radius R and
Q.241 A spring of spring constant 'K' is fixed at one total charge Q. For a point ‘p’ inside the sphere
end has a small block of mass m and charge q is at distance r1 from the centre of the sphere, the
attached at the other end. The block rests over a magnitude of electric field is – [AIEEE-2009]
smooth horizontal surface. A uniform and Q
(A) 0 (B)
constant magnetic field B exists normal to the 4 0 r12
plane of paper as shown in figure. An electric
 Q r12 Q r12
field E  E 0 î (E0 is a positive constant) is (C) (D) [C]
4 0 R 4 3 0 R 4
switched on at t = 0 sec. The block moves on
horizontal surface without ever lifting off the
surface. Then the normal reaction acting on the Sol. P(r) = r
R 4
block is -

From Gauss law

(A) maximum at extreme position and

minimum at mean position
 E.ds =
q en
=  VdV
0 0 Since net force on charge Q is zero (Placed at
corner A).
Qr 4r 2 dr KQ 2  kQq 
= 
R 4
/ 0
( 2a ) 2
+  2

 =0
a2 

Q r14 kQ 2 – 2k Q q
E.4r = 2
4   =
R 4 4 2a 2
0  = –2 2
E= Ans (3) So option (1) is correct.
4 0 R 4

Q.243 Two points P and Q are maintained at the Q.245 An isolated and charged spherical soap bubble
potentials of 10V and –4V, respectively. The has a radius 'r' and the pressure inside is
work done in moving 100 electrons from P to Q atmospheric. If 'T' is the surface tension of soap
is . [AIEEE-2009] solution, then charge on drop is -
(A) – 9.60 × 10 J 2rT
(A) 2 (B) 8 r
(B) 9.60 × 10 –17
J 0
(C) – 2.24 × 10–16 J
(D) 2.24 × 10–16 J [D] 2rT 0
Sol. W = q (V)
= q (Vf – Vi) (C) 8  r rT 0 (D) 8  r
= – 100 × 1.6 × 10 (– 4 – 10)
= 1.6 × 14 × 10 –17 4T
Sol. Inside pressure must be greater than
= 2.24 × 10–4 J
outside pressure in bubble. This excess pressure
Q.244 A charge Q is placed at each of the opposite
corners of a square. A charge q is placed at is provided by charge on bubble.
each of the other two corners. If the net
electrical force on Q is zero, then Q/ q equals – 4T 2
[AIEEE-2009] =
r 2 0
(A)  2 2 (B) – 1
1 4T Q2  Q 
(C) 1 (D)  [A] = …   
2 r 2 4
16 r  2 0  4r 2 

Sol. Q = 8r 2rT 0

Q.246 Calculate the net force acting on the charge

present at the origin -

kqq1 kqq1 kqq1

(A) 2
 2 (B) 2 +
a 2a 2a 2
kqq1  1 kqq1  1 
(C) 2
 2  (D)   2 Force due to (1), (2), (4) & (5) will cancel each
a  2 a2  2 
other. Only force due to charge (3) will not get
Sol. kqq 0
cancelled, hence FNet = .

Q.248 The position of the point where net electric field

will be zero -

(A) (1+ a)m from 4Q

F" = 2 F (B) a/2 m from – Q
2 kqq1 (C) 1m from 4Q
F" =
a (D) Neutral point not possible [A]
kq1q kq1q
F' = 2 =
( 2a ) 2a 2 Sol.

 FNet = F" – F'

kqq1  1 x=
 2 
= 4Q  Q
a  2
Q.247 Calculate the net force acting on q0 - 1
x= =1m
2 1
Q.249 Calculate the tension in the thread during
equilibrium condition -

kqq 0 kqq 0
(A) (B)
2a 2
(a / 2) 2
kqq 0
(C) zero (D)
a2 (A) 8.8 N (B) 8.8 × 102 N
(C) 8.8 × 10–4 N (D) 8.8 × 10–3 N [C]
Sol. Q.251 A charge –q is placed at (0, 0, – z) where z << a.
On releasing –q from this position -

during equilibrium
T cos  = mg (A) –q will move towards z = – 

T sin  = qE (B) –q will move towards z = 

(C) –q will move to and fro about the origin
T = ( mg) 2  (qE ) 2
(D) –q will remain stationary at (0, 0, – z) [C]
T =
Sol. –q will experience a restoring force and will
6 2 8 4 2
(80  10  10 )  ( 2  10  2  10 ) perform SHM.
T= 64  10 8  16  10 8
Q.252 Two identical charges of value Q each are
T= 80  10 8 = 8.8 × 10 N placed at (–a, 0) and (a, 0). The co-ordinates of
the points where net electric field is zero and
Q.250 Four point positive charges of same
maximum are respectively -
magnitude(Q) are placed at the corners of a
(A) (0, 0), (0, 0)
square. Find the electric field at the centre of the
(B) (0, a/ 2 ), (0, 0)
square -
(C) (0, 0), (0, a/ 2 )

(D) (a/ 2 , 0), (0, a/ 2 )


4kQ 4kQ
(A) (B)
a 2 (a / 2 ) 2

(C) 0 (D) [C]
( 2a ) 2
Sol. Net electric field will be zero at origin.
At any co-ordinate (0, y) ENet = 2E cos 2/2
ENet = 0 (a  y 2 ) 3 / 2

For maximum electric field =0
Solving y = ± a/ 2 Q.255 The time period of SHM performed by the
simple pendulum -
Q.253 Which of the following diagram is correct ?


(A) T = 2 / g

(B) T = 2
g  qE / m

(C) T = 2
g  (qE / m) 2

(D) None [C]

Sol. T = 2
g eff


(D) [D]

Q.256 In the adjoining figure the electric field lines for

Sol. Due to induction correct answer is option (D). charges q1 and q2 are shown. Identify the sign of
the charges -

Q.254 In any conductor -

(i) All the free electrons are on the surface
(ii) All the positive ions are at the surface
(iii) All the excess charge and the free electrons
in the conductor is at the surface of
conductor (A) both negative
(iv) All the excess charge and the positive ions (B) upper charge is negative and lower is
are at the surface
(C) both positive
(A) only (i) is correct (D) upper charge is positive and lower is
(B) (i) & (iv) are correct negative [A]
(C) all the above are correct Sol. Field lines terminate into negative charge.
(D) none of the above is correct [D]
Q.257 Two particles of masses m and 2m and charges 3  2kq 2
FR =
2q and 2q are placed in a uniform electric field a2
E and allowed to move for the same time. The
Q.259 In MKS system of units 0 equals -
ratio of kinetic energies will be - (A) 9 × 109 N-m2/C2
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 8 : 1 1
(B) C2 / N  m2
(C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 4 [A] 9  10 9
Sol. 1
(C) C2 / N  m 2
4  9  109
(D) 1 C2/N-m2 [C]
1 N – m2
= 9 ×109
40 (coul.) 2
KE A 1 / 2 m A v 2A
= 1
KE B 1 / 2 m B v 2B  0 = (coul)2/N–m2.
4  9  109
vA = uA + aAt Q.260 If an object has a net charge of –1 coulomb, the
2qE number of excess electrons it possesses is -
vA = t
m (A) 1.6 × 10–19 (B) 6.25 × 1018
(C) 6.25 × 1020 (D) 6.25 × 1017 [B]
vB = t Sol.
2m q = ne
q 1
1 m(2qEt ) 2  n = = = 6.25× 1018(In
KE A 2 m e 1.6  10 –19
 
KE B 1 2m(2qEt ) 2 excess)
2 2m Q.261 Two metallic spheres of same mass are given
equal and opposite charges; then -
Q.258 Find the net force on –2q - (A) the mass of positively charged sphere
(B) the mass of both spheres remains the same
(C) the mass of negatively charged sphere
(D) the mass of both spheres increases [C]
Sol. Mass of positively charged sphere decreases
where as negatively charged sphere increases.
3kq 2 2 3kq 2
(A) (B) Q.262 Two small identical spheres having charges
a2 a2 + 10µC and –90µC attract each other with a
(C) zero (D) none [B] force of F newton. If they are kept in contact
and then separated by the same distance, the
new force between them is -
(A) F/6 (B) 16F
(C) 16F/9 (D) 9F [C]
k (10)(90)
Sol. F= ........(i)
charge on each when contact is made
10  (–90)
FR = 2F cos /2 = 2 F cos 60/2 = 3 F q1 = q 2 = = –40µC
k (40)( 40)
 New force F =
F 40  40 16
 = =
F 10  90 9
 F F
Q.263 If two like charges of magnitude 1 × 10–9
coulomb and 9 ×10–9 coulomb are separated by
a distance of 1 meter, then the point on the line
Q.265 Four equal charges, each +q are placed on the
joining the charges, where the force experienced
four corners of a square of side a. Then the
by a charge placed at that point is zero, is -
coulomb force experienced by one charge due
(A) 0.25 m from the charge 1 × 10–9 coul
(B) 0.75 m from the charge 9 × 10–9 coul  1 
to the rest of three is -  K  
(C) both A and B  4  0 
(D) at all points on the line joining the charges
(A) ( 2 2  1) Kq 2 / 2a 2 (B)
[C] 2 2
3Kq /a
2 2
(C) 2 2 Kq /a (D) zero [A]
kq 2
F12 = F14 =
 Force on charge q is zero
Resultant of F12 & F14
 F21 = F23
2 2
kqq 1 kqq 2 = F12  F14
or =
x2 (1 – x ) 2 = 2
F12 2
 F12

1 10 –9 9  10 –9 = F12 2
or 2
= 2
x (1 – x )
1 3
or =
x 1– x
or 1 – x = 3x
or x = 0.25 m from 1 × 10–9C
 From 9 × 10–9C, distance
= 1 – 0.25
= 0.75

Q.264 Three charges each of 5 × 10–6 coulomb are

placed at three corners of an equilateral triangle
of side
10 cm. The force exerted on another charge of
1µC placed at the centre of the triangle in  Net force on
newton will be - charge q is
(A) 13.5 (B) 4.5
F = F12 2 + F13
(C) 6.75 (D) zero [D]
Sol. Zero kq 2 kq 2
= 2 +
a2 (a 2 ) 2
Q.266 Two balls with equal charges are in a vessel Q.268 In nature, the electric charge of any system is
with ice at –10ºC at a distance of 25 cm from always equal to -
each other. On forming water at 0ºC, the balls
are brought nearer to 5 cm for the interaction (A) half integral multiple of the least amount of
between them to be same. If the dielectric charge
constant of water at 0ºC is 80, the dielectric (B) zero
constant of ice at –10ºC is -
(C) square of the least amount of charge
(A) 40 (B) 3.2
(C) 20 (D) 6.4 [B] (D) integral multiple of the least amount of
charge [D]
Sol. (–10ºC ice) (0ºC water) Sol. Charge is quantized
k1 k 2  80 q   ne
q1 q 2 q1 q2
r1  25cm r2  5cm *Q.269 Charge Q, is divided into two parts which are
Given Fice = Fwater then kept some distance apart. The force
between them will be maximum if the two parts
1 q1q 2 1 q1q 2
= are having the charge -
40 k1r12 40 k 2 r22
(A) Q/2 each
 k1r12 = k2r22 (B) Q/4 and 3Q/4
2 (C) Q/3 and 2Q/3
 r2 
 k1 = k2 .  
(D) e and (Q – e), where e = electronic charge
 r1 
 5 
= 80 ×   = 3.2 Sol. Let charges are q & (Q –q)
 25 

Q.267 Two unlike charges of the same magnitude Q

are placed at a distance d. The intensity of the
electric field at the middle point in the line kq (Q – q ) k
force F = 2 = 2 (qQ – q2)
joining the two charge is - r r
8Q For maximum force
(A) zero (B)
4 0 d 2 dF
6Q 4Q
(C) (D) [B] k
4 0 d 2 4 0 d 2  [Q – 2q] = 0
 q
 Charge of other part
kQ kQ
8Q Q Q
ENet = E1 + E2 =  d 
+ d
= =Q– =
    4 0 d 2 2 2
2 2
Q.270 Some point charges are placed on the
circumference of circle at equal distance. (See
fig.) The direction of electric field at centre O (A) the body has 6.25 × 106 excess of electrons
will be along - (B) the body has 625 × 106 excess of electrons
(C) the body has 6.25 × 10 6 deficiency of
(D) the body has 6.25 × 103 deficiency of
Q.274 Two conducting spheres of radii r1 and r2 have
equal surface charge density. The ratio of their
charges is –

(A) OA (B) OB (A) ( r12 / r22 ) (B) ( r22 / r12 )

(C) OC (D) OD [A] (C) (r1/r2) (D) (r2/r1) [A]

Sol. Since magnitude of each charges are same and Q.275 Two metallic spheres of same mass are given
situated at equal distance from centre O so all equal and opposite charges, then –
charge will produce same magnitude of electric (A) the mass of positively charged sphere
field at centre. increases
(B) the mass of both remains the same
(C) the mass of negatively charged sphere
(D) the mass of both spheres increases [C]

Q.276 Unit of dielectric constant of a medium is –

(A) coulomb/Newton-metre
(B) Newton-metre2/coulomb2
(C) coulomb2/(Newton-metre)2
Q.271 In MKS system of units 0 equals –
(D) none of the above [D]
(A) 9 × 109 N-m2/C2
(B) C2/N-m2 Q.277 Two point charges exert force of F Newton
9  109
when separated by a distance of 10 cm in air.
(C) C2/N-m2 The distance for which the force between them
4  9  10 9
(D) 1 C2/N-m2 [C] will be same if the medium between them has r
= 4, is –
Q.272 If an object has a net charge of –1 coulomb, the (A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm
number of excess electrons it possesses is – (C) 5 cm (D) 2.5 cm [C]

(A) 1.6 × 10–19 (B) 6.25 × 1018

Q.278 The force between two charges situated in air is
(C) 6.25 × 1020 (D) 6.25 × 1017 [B]
F. The force between the same charges if the

Q.273 If a body has a charge of 10–12 coulomb – distance between them is reduced to half and
they are situated in a medium having dielectric (C) –Q/4 (D) –Q/2 [C]
constant 4 is – Q.283 The electric charge in uniform motion produces-
(A) F/4 (B) 4F (A) an electric field only
(C) 16F (D) F [D] (B) a magnetic field only
(C) both electric and magnetic fields
Q.279 Two small identical spheres having charges +10 (D) neither electric nor magnetic fields [C]
C and –90 C attract each other with a force of
F Newton. If they are kept in contact and then Q.284 A body can be negatively charged by –

separated by the same distance, the new force (A) giving excess of electrons to it

between them is – (B) removing some electrons from it

(A) F/6 (B) 16F (C) giving some protons to it

(C) 16F/9 (D) F/16 [C] (D) removing some neutrons from it [A]

Q.280 If two like charges of magnitude 1 × 10–9 Q.285 Two balls with equal charges are in a vessel
with ice at –10ºC at a distance of 25 cm from
coulomb and 9 × 10–9 coulomb are separated by
each other. On forming water at 0ºC, the balls
a distance of 1 metre, then the point on the line are brought nearer to 5 cm for the interaction
joining the charges, where the force experienced between them to be same. If the dielectric
by a charge placed at that point is zero, is – constant of water at 0ºC is 80, the dielectric
constant of ice at –10ºC is –
(A) 0.25 m from the charge 1 × 10–9 coulomb
(A) 40 (B) 3.2
(B) 0.75 m from the charge 9 × 10–9 coulomb (C) 20 (D) 6.4 [B]
(C) both A and B
(D) at all points on the line joining the charges *Q.286 Two metal spheres of same mass are suspended
from a common point by light insulating string.
The length of each string is same. The spheres
are given electric charges +q on one end and
Q.281 Four equal charges, each +q are placed at the
+4q on the other. Which of the following
four corners of a square of side a . Then the diagrams best shows the resulting positions of
coulomb force experienced by one charge due spheres ?

to the rest of three is – (k = )
4 0
(A) (B)
(A) ( 2 2 +1)kq2/ 2a2 (B) 3 kq2/ a2

(C) 2 2 kq2/a2 (D) zero [A]

Q.282 A charge q is placed at the mid-point of the line

joining two equal charges Q. The system of (C) (D)

three charges will be in equilibrium when q has

the [D]
value –
(A) Q/4 (B) Q/2
Q.287 Three identical charges are placed at the 4Q Q
(A) (B)
vertices of an equilateral triangle. The force 5 5
experienced by each charge (if k = 1/40) is – 3Q 5Q
(C) (D) [A]
q2 kq 2 5 4
(A) 2k (B)
r2 2r 2
Q.291 A small positively charged ball of mass m is
q2 kq 2
(C) 3k (D) [C] suspended by an insulating thread of negligible
r2 2r 2
mass. Another positively charged small ball is

Q.288 Two charges placed in air repel each other by a moved very slowly from a large distance until it

force of 10–4 N. When oil is introduced between is in the original position of the first ball. As a
the charges, the force becomes 2.5 × 10–5 N. The result, the first ball rises by h. How much work
dielectric constant of oil is – has been done ?
(A) 2.5 (B) 0.25 (A) mgh (B) 2 mgh
(C) 2.0 (D) 4.0 [D] (C) 3 mgh (D) 4 mgh [C]

Q.289 Four point +ve charges of same magnitude (Q)

are placed at four corners of a rigid square
frame as shown in figure. The plane of the
frame is perpendicular to z-axis. If a –ve point
charge is placed at a distance z away from the
above frame
(z << L). Then –

Equilibrium condition
mg 
 … (1)
F x
where, F= … (2)
ABD and CAE are similar triangle
:= h : x … (3)
(A) –ve charge oscillates along the z-axis
By using equations (1), (2) & (3)
(B) it moves away from the frame we can calculate x
(C) it moves slowly towards the frame and stays kqQ
 Eelectro = = 2 mgh
in the plane of the frame x
Total work done = 2 mgh + mgh = 3 mgh
(D) it passes through the frame only once [A]
Q.292 Two mutually perpendicular infinitely long
Q.290 Charge Q is distributed to two different metallic lines of charge having charge per unit length as
spheres having radius R and 2R such that both 1 and 2 are located in air at a distance "a" from
each other. The force of interaction between
spheres have equal surface charge density, then them is –
charge on larger sphere is –
 1 2 1 2
(A) (B)
4 0 2a 0
 1 2 1 2
(C) (D) [C]
2 0 4a 0

Fe sin   mg sin 2
then net force will be directed towards vertex
i.e. initial equilibrium position
sin   mg sin 2
 2  1
dF = .dy d = diameter of sphere and  is very small
2 0 a 2  y 2
dFx = dF cos  × mg × 2
and Fx =  dF
2 mgd 2
Q  = 9.8 × 10–8 C
Q.293 A little charged bead is inside the hollow Kq
frictionless sphere manufactured from the
insulating material. Sphere has a diameter of Q.294 In a uniform electric field -
50 cm. The mass of the bead is 90 mg, its (A) all points are at the same potential
charge is 0.5 C. What minimum charge must (B) no two points can have the same potential
carry an object at the bottom of the sphere to (C) pairs of points separated by the same
distance must have the same difference in
keep hold the charged bead at the vertex of the
sphere in stable equilibrium ?
(D) None of these [D]
(A) 4.9 × 10–8 C (B) 9.8 × 10–8 C
(C) 19.6 × 10–8 C (D) 30.2 × 10–8 C [B]
Q.295 Two uniformly long charged wires with linear
densities  and 3 are placed along X and Y
axis respectively. Determined the slope of
electric field at any point on the line y = 3 x.

(A) 3 3 (B)
3 2
(C) (D) 3 [C]
3 3
Let give small displacement to q. The
equilibrium will be stable if net force after
giving displacement will be in direction of
position of equilibrium
3  q

E = 2  x î + 2  x 3 ĵ 1 2 2
0 0 = 2 × .  a 5  . =
4 0  2  5
Ey 1 1  
Slope = = ÷3=
Ex 3 3 3
4 q2

Q.296 Four charges + q each are located at the vertices 5 5 0 a2

of square ABCD of side a as shown in figure.

Q.297 Three charges each of +q, are placed at the
Find the electric field E at the midpoint of side
vertices of an equilateral triangle. The charge
BC -
needed at the centre of the triangle for the
charges to be in equilibrium is –
(A) (B) – 3q
(C) 3q (D) – 3q

2 2 Sol.
4 a 4 q
(A) (B)
5 5 0 q 5 5 0 a 2
(C) 0 (D) none of the above

Sol. E = E1 +E2 + E3 + E4
The component of E2 and E3 along the line will
cancel each other then F =
E = E1 + E4 2
 FAC  ( 2FAB , FAC ) cos 30º
The component perpendicular to BC will added
q2 3q 2
= 111 =
2 2
a 5
AP = AB2  BP 2 = a 2    =
2 2 Fcenter =
a 5 AB CD 2
DP = cos  = = = F + Fcenter = 0
2 AP DP 5
3q 2 3qQ
= + =0
 2
3qQ 3q 2
= 2
 2
q 3q 2
 Q=– =–
3 2
 EP = E1 cos + E4 cos
Q.298 Two identical balls each having a density 1.6
gcm–3 are suspended from a common point by
two insulating strings of equal length. Both the
balls have equal mass and charge. In
equilibrium each string makes an angle 30°
with vertical. Now both the balls are immersed
in a liquid of density 0.8 gcm –3, but the angle
does not change. The dielectric constant of the
liquid is -
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4 [B]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
In the liquid,
Fe' = e and W' = W – up thrust Sol.
Applying Lami's theorem,
In Vacuum, =
sin(90  30)
sin(180  30)
W Fe Electric field
or =
cos 30 sin 30 r < r1, E = 0
………..(1) Q
W' Fe ' r1 < r < r1 + d, E =
In liquid = ……...(2) 4 0 r 2 1
cos 30 sin 30
W Fe W r1 + d < r < r2, E =
 = ' or K = 4 0  2 r 2
W' Fe W  up thrust
r > r2, E = 0
s 1.6
= = =2  (B) and (D) is wrong
s    1.6  0.8
Potential can be find out by integrating
Q.299 Two concentric conducting spheres of radii r1
i.e. V =   E.dr = 0
and r2 (r1 < r2) carry electric charges of + Q and 

– Q respectively. The region between the sphere Q.300 Two charges of –4C and +4C are placed at
is filled with two insulating layers of dielectric points A (1,0,4) and B (2, –1,5) located in an
constant 1 and 2 and width d1 and d2 
electric field E = 0.20 î V/cm. The torque
respectively. Variation of potential and electric acting on the dipole is -
field with radial distance from O is given. Select (A) 8 × 10–5 N-m
the correct one. (assume Vat r2 = 0)
(B) 8/ 2 × 10 N-m
(C) 8 2 × 10 N-m
(D) 2 2 × 10–5 N-m [C]
Sol.     
 = p × E = q (2 a ) × E

Here 2 
a = (2 – 1) î + (– 1–0) ĵ + (5 – 4) k̂
= î – ĵ + k̂

E = 0.20 î V/cm = 20 î V/m

  –6
 = (4 × 10 )  î – ĵ  k̂   20 î 

= 8 × 10–5 k̂  ĵ 
Magnitude of torque  = 8 –5
2 × 10 N-m

Q.301 Two charges are brought near -

(A) The P.E. of system of charge increases
(B) The P.E. of system of charge decreases
(C) The P.E. of system of charge may increase
(D) The P.E. of system of charge remain
Sol. [C]

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