CPD Report

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The key takeaways are that CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is mandatory for renewing professional licenses for teachers and other professionals in the Philippines according to Republic Act 10912. CPD involves acquiring additional knowledge, skills and ethical values through various formal and informal learning activities over the course of one's career.

The goals of CPD are to continuously improve the quality and competence of professionals, provide support for lifelong learning, and deliver quality CPD programs aligned with national and global standards.

Professional teachers in the Philippines are required to complete 45 credit units of CPD every three years for renewing their PRC license.


Jordan Plains, U-Site, Barangay Kaligayahan,

Novaliches,Quezon City


1ST SEMESTER A.Y. 2018-2019

CPD (RA 10912)

Carlota S. Palana and Che Lesaca Lopez Mendoza
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Education

CPD - Republic Act No. 10912

An Act mandating and strengthening the continuing professional

development program for all regulated professions, creating the continuing
professional development council, and appropriating funds therefore and
for other related purposes.

Article 1 Section 1
TITLE: This act shall be known as the “Continuing Professional
Development “Act of 2016

Section 2 - Declaration of Policy – It is declared the policy of the State

to promote and upgrade the practice of profession in the country. The State
shall institute measures that will continuously improve the competence of
the professionals in accordance with the international standards of practice.

Section 3 - Definition of Terms:

a. Accreditation - refers to the formal o official approval granted to a
person ; a program or an organization , upon meeting essential
requirements of achievements standards , including qualification or
unit(s ) of qualifications.
b. b.) AIPO / APO
c. c. ) ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework or AQRF
d. d. ) ASEAN Mutual Arrangement or ASEAN MRA
e. e.) Competence- ability to extend s beyond the possession of
knowledge and skills which include cognitive, functional, personal and
ethical competence.
f. f.) CPD – refers to the inculcation of advance knowledge, skills and
ethical values in a post- licensure specialization or in inter- or multi-
disciplinary field of study, for assimilation into professional practice,
self-directed research and/or lifelong learning.
g. g. ) CPD COUNCIL-
h. h.) CPD Credit Units- refers to the value of an amount of leaning that
can be transferred to a qualification achieved from formal, informal,
non-formal leaning setting.

What is CPD for Teachers?

• CPD (CPD for Teachers) - is a mandatory requirement by PRC in the
renewal of professional license under Section 10 of R.A. 10912.
• The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) – released the revised
guidelines on the requirement for CPD.
• Continuing Professional Development for Teachers and for all
registered and licensed professionals.
• This was fully implemented on March 2017. After the effectivity of the
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 10912.

Goals of CPD
• The overarching goals of the CPD shall be the promotion of the
general welfare and interest of the public in the course of delivering
professional services. Towards this end, CPD programs shall strive to:
• Continuously improve the quality of the country’s reservoir of
registered professionals by updating them on the latest
scientific/technological/ethical and other applicable trends in the local
and global practice of the professions;
• Provide support to lifelong learning in the enhancement of
competencies of Filipino professionals towards delivery of quality and
ethical services both locally and global; and
• . Deliver quality continuing professional development (CPD) activities
aligned with the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) to national
relevance and global comparability and competitiveness.
What is the Required CPD Units for Professional Teachers?
• CPD Credit Units- refers to the value of an amount of leaning that can
be transferred to a qualification achieved from formal, informal, non-
formal learning setting, wherein credits can be accumulated to
predetermined levels for the award of a qualification.
• Professional Teachers are required to complete 45 Credit Units for the
renewal of PRC License.
• ALL registered and licensed professionals shall complete the required
units every three (3) years as specified in Annex “A” (Credit Units
Required per Profession) or as specified in their Professional
Regulatory Law or as provided by the PRB and the Commission that
maybe issued.
• Credits units may be earned by professionals who participate in CPD
Programs that emanate from the PRB for the development of the
• Any excess credit units earned shall NOT be carried over to the next
three-year period except credit units earned for doctorate and
master’s degrees or specialty trainings which shall only be credited
once during the compliance period.

Nature of CPD UNITS

• The CPD Programs consist of activities that range from structured to
non-structured activities, which have learning process and outcomes.
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
1 . Formal Learning.
(Academic courses leading to award of bachelor's degree,
master and doctorate)
• 2. Non-formal learning
(With structure but not leading to conferment of degrees, ex. lectures
/ seminars given during conventions
3. Informal learning
(Learning from daily activities)
4. Self-directed learning
(Learning resulting from a needs assessment with the learning
himself setting goals/objectives, learning resources and conduct of
learning activities, discussion of what was learned, attested to by a
superior or supervisor, head of institution, agency, etc.
5. Online learning activities
(Internet-based, may be interactive, modular, with assessment of
learning outcomes)
6. Professional Work Experience
(what we do in our workplace, identify problems, craft a course of
action, implement it, document it and have it attested to, showing
impact or consequence, etc.)
• Seminars
• Workshops
• Technical Lectures
• Subject Matter Meetings
• Non-degree training lectures and Scientific meetings
• Modules
• Tours and Visits

Benefits of CPD
• Builds Confidence and credibility, you can see your progression
through your learning.
• Potential to earn more.
• Potential to career progression, promotion.
• Continually updating your skill set shows flexibility and adaptability
• Demonstrate a productive and proactive approach to your career.
• Encourages reflection on your learning experiences.
• Encourages focus and planning in addressing skills and knowledge

Barriers to CPD
• Time
• Money / funding / budget
• Employer (and Team) support
• Personal Commitments – family, pets, partner etc.
• Low morale in the workplace
• Outlook and attitude
• Lack of opportunity

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