SNG and LPG Systems Overview PDF
SNG and LPG Systems Overview PDF
SNG and LPG Systems Overview PDF
Disclaimer of Responsibility: Ely Energy Inc. does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the
accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process described herein. Ely Energy
Inc. assumes no liability for the misuse, abuse, or incorrect application of data presented. This Handbook does not pur-
port to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection
with installation, operation, maintenance or training. Should further information be desired or should particular prob-
lems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the readers purposes the matter should be referred to Ely Energy Inc.
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
History & Abstract
Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG), plays a niche role, yet a critical role in meeting the energy
needs of nations around the world. SNG is a term that describes a variety of “manufactured
gases”. In our language, SNG is a blend of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and air that provides a
direct replacement for natural gas.
This handbook provides basic information and describes concepts and equipment com-
mon to the SNG industry. Our presentation is intended to assist personnel who are involved
with SNG systems and equipment.
equipment and service providers in the world. Our commitment is to optimize our avail-
able resource base to make every project successful. We provide a variety of SNG energy
services including:
■ SNG Backup Systems: Allow the industrial natural gas customer to change from a
FIRM to an INTERRUPTIBLE Natural Gas rate structure. The savings will often
pay for an installation within 6 mo. or less, up to 4 years.
■ SNG Peak Shaving Systems of NG: SNG is used by both NG Companies and
Industrial Clients to augment their NG demand during peak demand periods.
■ SNG Base-Load Systems: Provide SNG in regions where NG is currently not avail-
able. SNG provides a bridge fuel or a long-term solution for an energy need.
The Company
We can be contacted at fax (918) 254-5412 (USA) or at our e-mail:
Our telephone switchboard is at (918) 250-6601. Touch ‘0’ for the Operator to direct your
call. Or visit us on the Internet at Our physical address is 11385 East
60th Place South, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 (U.S.A.). 3
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
The purpose of this handbook is to provide information on the properties of LPG and
basic operation of an SNG system. This includes basic safety and operational information.
Any training must be conducted by a technician trained in the properties of LPG and the
application of LPG equipment to “real life” scenarios.
Handbook Includes:
• An overview of LPG and SNG systems
• An introduction to the basic properties of LPG and how those properties impact
the operation of an SNG system
• An introduction to applicable codes and standards used to design, manufacture,
and maintain safe operation of an SNG system
• Theory of operation of major subsystems of an SNG system
• Basic maintenance requirements
• How to recognize non-standard operating and emergency situations
Note: A “tie-in” point to the existing natural gas piping is another subsystem. Almost
always, this point is just downstream of the existing service regulator/meter at the natural gas
entrance to the plant.
Optional components may also be associated with an SNG system (examples include):
• Methanol injector system located at the TTU to inject methanol into the storage tanks
to remove water which may be in the LPG.
• SNG metering system usually located at the outlet of the SNG blender to provide an
accurate measurement of the SNG used.
• A ‘Gas Quality Instrument’ to ensure the SNG has the proper energy content to repli-
cate the energy valve of the natural gas.
• Flare Stack allows testing the LPG air system at any time without running it into the
plant or to ensure the SNG mix is good prior to sending it into the plant.
• Natural Gas peak shaving configurations allow SNG to augment the flow rate of natu-
ral gas either by pressure or ratio control.
• Remote monitoring system to provide annunciation of key safety limits and the abil-
ity to adjust flow rates from a remote location. 5
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
A normal TTU off-loads a 9000 gallon (34m3) transport in about 1 hr and 15 minutes.
This rate of off-loading is based on using a 2" liquid line and 1 ¼" vapor line with valving
sized for the pipe. Liquid is extracted from the transport via the larger diameter line. The
smaller diameter line prevents a vacuum forming in the truck by allowing the pressures to
equalize between the truck and the storage tank.
A common cause of accidental spills of LPG is a pull-away at an LPG transfer area. The
term “pull-away” refers to an accident caused by a bulk truck moving away from the trans-
fer point with the transfer hoses still connected to the TTU. A pull-away could break a
hose, or in a severe case, pull out the piping network. In either case, a pull-away would cre-
ate a large LPG spill and possibly result in a fire. To avoid these problems the TTU design
incorporates a robust steel bulkhead set in a massive concrete foundation. The TTU utilizes
shear fittings that “break away” in a designed fashion in the event of an accidental truck
pull-away. The TTU is protected by large steel or concrete posts to prevent vehicles from
colliding with the critical piping.
Industry studies prove a point of failure can be predicted and that a specific pull-away
force can be determined at which the piping will rupture in a “clean break.” These studies
have resulted in designs and connections using Schedule 80 pipe nipples and couplings. An
example of a TTU bulkhead is shown on the opposite page.
The TTU is designed to cause a predictable shear failure by utilizing forged steel pipe
couplings welded vertically into a reinforced steel channel member and mounted onto two
legs. The TTU is set into a hole approximately 4ft by 4ft filled with concrete. This design
protects the structural integrity of plant piping and equipment should a pull-away occur
from any angle or position.
Force applied to the vertical pipe nipples above the horizontal bulkheads channel results
in deformation of the pipe nipple threads. The threads continue to deform as more force is
applied until the pipe nipple pulls out of the coupling. Automatic valves on the tank side
of the TTU will then immediately shutdown the flow of LPG from the piping system. A
pull-away force can be selected that would be greater than any force expected in normal
operations and smaller than that which might cause hose rupture or which could pull out
the valves from the vehicle tank. Testing indicates a 2-inch hose requires almost 8000 lb. to
break (or pull off certain fittings); a 3-inch hose requires about 11,000 lb. to failure.
There are several additional desirable features of this vertical coupling breakaway system.
Tests show that nipples pulled out completely will result in sudden release of LPG. This
will cause slugging of the system’s excess flow valves. Additionally, if the pullout nipple is
mounted above the coupling, the released LPG will go straight up. This is the most desirable
direction for safe dissipation of the LPG. The most important attribute of this system is that
the pulling force can come from any direction without compromising the design. 7
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
According to NFPA 58, during the LPG transfer process, at least one qualified and
trained person must remain in attendance from the time connections are made from the
truck to the TTU, until the valves are closed and the transfer hoses are disconnected.
Without direct control as provided by the person delivering LPG, it is difficult to insure
all steps are properly and safely completed. Often SNG system owners leave all transfer
responsibility with the LPG supplier. Since most accidents happen during LPG transfer, a
greater role should be taken by the SNG system owner.
Filling Cylinders
This brief training overview does not include sufficient detail to instruct the readers to
become fully competent to perform full inspections of cylinders prior to filling. However,
all operators are expected to follow the procedures and set aside all suspect cylinders for fur-
ther inspection by your LPG supplier or cylinder supplier. 9
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Check the retest date on each cylinder and be aware of the inspection periods and type
of retests required for various DOT cylinders. Note that relief valves in forklift cylinders
must be replaced 12 years after manufacturer and every 10 years thereafter. You must also
confirm that all cylinders are fitted with an OPD (overfill prevention device).
Check containers to be filled for visual evidence of damage to valving or to the container
walls from any of the following:
• Fire damage. If there is evidence that the protective coating has been burned off
any portion of the cylinder surface, or the cylinder body is warped or distorted,
it must be assumed that the cylinder has been overheated and must be removed
from service. Check with your cylinder supplier.
• Dents. Dents are deformations caused by the cylinder coming in contact with
a blunt object in such a way that the thickness of the metal is not materially
impaired. Some dents which do not include a weld or are not sharp or defined
may be tolerated. Check with your cylinder supplier.
• Cuts, Gouges and Digs. Cuts, gouges, and digs are deformation caused by contact
with a sharp object in such a way as to cut into or upset the metal of the cylin-
der, decreasing the wall thickness at that point and raising the stresses in the
material. Refer all gouged cylinders to your cylinder supplier.
• Corrosion. Corrosion or pitting involves the loss of wall thickness by corrosive
action. Refer these cylinders to your supplier.
• Leaks. Permanently remove ALL cylinders with leaks, other than leaks at fittings
which can be tightened, from service.
• Neck Flange or Foot Ring Defects. Check both areas for damage along with damage
to valves or gauges.
• Markings. Code requires labels on each cylinder, indicating LPG as the contents.
When filling by volume, open then close the fixed liquid level gauge to be sure vapor vents
from the bleeder orifice. If no vapor escapes, the orifice may be blocked and must be reopened
before the gauge will operate properly. Do not attempt to fill a cylinder by volume if the
fixed level gauge is damaged or inoperable.
Connect the filler hose and follow your written instructions to operate your filling equip-
ment. Open the fixed liquid level gauge and fill until a white mist appears.
When filling by weight set the container on the scale and set the scale for the tare weight of
the cylinder plus the weight of the LPG plus the weight of the hose and fittings. When fin-
ished filling, verify weight to insure cylinder is not overfilled.
The amount of LPG storage to have on site is based on the maximum time desired between
LPG fills. Since LPG liquid (propane) contains 91,500 Btu/Gallon, there are about 11 gallons
required for every one million BTU’s (1 MMBTU) required by the facility. Note also that
one MMBTU = 1 decatherm as 10 therms x 100,000 BTU/therm = 1,000,000 BTU.
Example: A factory uses a maximum of 800 Decatherms, or 800 MMBTU per day. The equivalent LPG
consumption would be 800 x 11 or 8,800 gallons/day. When selecting the appropriate size of your
storage tanks, consider:
• Average daily consumption of LPG.
• The logistics of LPG deliveries.
• LPG tanks cannot be filled completely; assume 85% usable.
• Larger standard size tanks come in 18,000 US gallons [67m3], 30,000 [112m3] and 60,000
[224m3] sizes.
According to code, LPG storage tanks are required to have specific fittings. These fittings include:
• Relief valve(s)
• Excess flow and shutoff valves on vapor opening
• Back check and shutoff valves on liquid inlet openings
• Internal valve
• Fixed liquid level gauge
• Variable liquid level gauge
• Pressure gauge
• Temperature gauge
Simplified depiction of
a typical LPG storage
vessel with appropriate
trim components. 11
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
The available storage of LPG is about 85% of the total water gallon capacity of a tank.
This filling technique provides for approximately 15% vapor space to allow for liquid
expansion and “boil off” of the LPG.
Tanks are typically, but not always, rated for a maximum operating pressure of 250
psig. If rated at 250 psig, the “burst” or “design” pressure is 4 times the operating pressure
or 1000 psig. The point is, they do not break apart for any reason except for fire or similar
catastrophic events.
• Pressure in an LPG storage tank is related to temperature. That temperature is
normally at or near the ambient temperature of the outside air. The corresponding
pressure is called equilibrium pressure.
• For propane at 0oF, the pressure is 24 psig. At 110oF, the pressure is 197 psig.
The tanks pressure relief valves are generally designed to relieve at 250 psig. The
release valves are located on the top of the storage tanks.
• Tanks are required to be painted silver or white — only. These colors reflect
sunlight and keep the tank as cool as possible. In most parts of the world, it
is rare that the ambient temperature ever gets high enough to cause the relief
valves to discharge. However, regions such as the Middle East and Southeast
Asia are exceptions.
• Tanks are normally installed to provide at least 3 feet from the belly of the tank to
the ground. This allows the tank to provide enough hydraulic head to the feed the
LPG to the pumps.
• Pressure in the tank is generated by the LPG boiling off in the same way that
water boils at 212oF. When water boils steam is created and if the steam is
contained, as with a tea kettle, pressure builds. With our tea kettle, the pitch
increases as the temperature climbs (above the 212oF due to the confining pres-
sure) and this increase in pressure is heard as a higher pitch. In the same way,
propane creates higher and higher pressures as its temperature rises above its
boiling point of -44°F.
Note: The boiling point of propane is –44oF! Thus, if the outside air temperature was say,
-45°F (very cold), propane would simply flow onto the ground and remain as a liquid — no
vapor. We could carry propane with an open bucket.
At 100oF, if liquid propane leaks out of the pipe, it will immediately boil and become
vapor and dissipate into the atmosphere. A cooling effect occurs when LPG vaporizes and
this is the reason why a storage tank cannot normally be used as a vaporizer. If you contin-
ually remove vapor via a vapor line on the top of a storage tank, you are relieving pressure
from the tank. But the tank will stay at equilibrium, so this results in LPG boiling (vapor-
izing) to restore the tank back into equilibrium. Obviously, this boiling requires heat and
this heat comes from the available ambient temperature of the LPG. The result is the tem-
perature of the LPG will be reduced as heat, or energy is extracted. This result in a lower
vapor pressure in the tank which also reduces the rate at which the LPG can boil or vaporize.
Over time, the LPG temperature continues to drop so low that there is little vapor avail-
able to be fed to the vapor consuming process. The solution to this problem, of course, is to
have an LPG vaporizer installed.
It should be noted that any significant leak in an LPG system usually results in ice for-
mation at the point of the leak. The ice is created because of the cooling effect of the LPG
vapor as it hits the atmosphere which contains moisture. Another way to find leaks is to see if
there are any flies hovering around the tank or piping. For some reason flies love the stuff!
The level of the liquid LPG in a tank is usually measured by one of two available
• A “Magnetel” gauge consists of a float on a long arm installed internal to the
storage tank. The float rides up and down on the surface of the liquid LPG as
the level changes. A pointer on the face of the gauge indicates the percentage of
liquid LPG in the tank.
• Another type is a “rotary” gauge or so called “Spit Gage”. This is a long tube
inside the liquid you can manually rotate through the LPG liquid surface. A
small hole on the face of this gauge allows the LPG to “spit” out when the end
of the arm inside the tank hits the surface. At this point you simply look at the
indicator dial to estimate the % full of the tank.
An 85% outage gauge should be mounted on every tank at the 85% full level.
Normally, during the filling process this needle type valve is opened by the person
filling the tank to ensure the tank isn’t over filled. If liquid LPG gets to this level,
there is a small release of liquid indicating that the tank is full.
Moving the pointer on the Rotary dial causes the end of the tube to rotate until it contacts liquid in the tank. At that point,
discharge from the bleed orifice turns from LPG vapor to liquid. The rotary gauge dial provides the volume percentage of
liquid in the tank. 13
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
There are two common misconceptions regarding the maximum fill volume of LPG tanks:
• If you never fill over 85% you will be safe.
• The colder it is, the more LPG you can safely put in the tank.
Both are wrong! The 85% figure is wrong because it only applies when the liquid tempera-
ture is above 35°F. The second myth is wrong because if you overfill when it is cold, and then
the temperature rises — you will over pressurize the tank and the relief valves will relieve.
Steel integrity: Properly paint the tank and rest it on felt pads in the concrete saddles.
Otherwise, rust will “pit” the tank surface and eventually threaten the tank integrity. Pitting
also reduces potential resale value of a tank.
Connections: The greatest risk points with a tank are its penetration points. These points
are where LPG, either liquid or vapor, enter or exit the tank. Typically there are three bot-
tom connections to an LPG tank. These include: a) liquid LPG into the tank from the
TTU, liquid LPG out of the tank to the vaporizer or process, and LPG a bidirectional flow
of vapor into and out of the tank (In the case of vapor, one pipe accomplishes this.)
Protect Penetrations into the Tank — Several techniques and components are used:
• The connections must be 6,000 psig steel fittings welded to the tank accord-
ing to ASME and DOT standards. (Both NPT and flanged connections are
• The vapor connection is protected using an excess flow valve and isolation valve.
The liquid inlet is protected using an inline back check valve or a combination
internal/excess flow valve with remote shut off. The liquid outlet opening is protected
by the combination internal/excess flow valve with remote shut-off.
• Another means of protection for piping susceptible to damage due to tank set-
tling, or expansion / contraction is use of a “swing” joint. A swing joint consists
of two 90 degree bends in transition piping. Another option would be to use a
stainless steel braided flex connector rated for LPG service. Either method satisfies
NFPA 58 and 59 code requirements for pipe protection. All LPG piping must be
Schedule 80 if screwed (i.e. with NPT connections) or Schedule 40 if welded.
On the left are two LPG rated stainless steel braided flex connectors, from the tank valving to the tank systems headers.
On the right, conventional swing joints at 90° are built into the system piping to accept expansion and contraction. 15
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
LPG Pumps
The LPG pumping system is a critical link in an LPG or SNG system. Faulty motors,
leaks in the pump seals or problems with the back pressure regulator can cause the entire
system to go down. That is why nearly all installations utilize a “duplex” pump design. Two
pumps are provided in parallel with either pump available for immediate use. See the dia-
gram below for basic pump components and operation.
The pump and its controls ensure LPG is delivered at the proper pressure and flow. The
pumping system and its associated piping and valves are part of an overall system specially
designed for the application. It should not be changed in any way unless the designer is well
experienced in LPG pumping systems.
Pumps installed at Venturi type SNG Blending systems increase the LPG pressure to
provide the required motive pressure to the venturi. This allows the venturi to properly
mix the correct air to LPG ratio to create the SNG. Any pressure created above the desired
pressure set point is relieved back to the LPG storage tank. To protect the pump and the
downstream piping from excessive pressure in the event the primary control valve failed, a
secondary relief valve or bypass is used.
During warm or hot weather, exercise caution with an LPG pump. The high ambi-
ent temperatures could allow the pump to develop very high pressures downstream. If the
tank pressure is sufficient, a standby system might be operated without a pump during very
warm temperatures.
LPG Vaporizers
An LPG vaporizer heats liquid LPG to the vapor phase. This helps ensure that only
vapor is delivered to the gas supply system or to an SNG Blender. In a small capacity LPG
only system, it is possible to obtain vapor directly from the vapor space of the storage tank.
This process is called natural vaporization. The energy required to vaporize the liquid
LPG comes from the sun as energy is transmitted through the wetted walls of the tank.
Various factors limit the amount of vapor that can be created in this way, including the size
of the tank, the temperature difference between the liquid LPG and the ambient air and
the degree of fill of the tank.
A vaporizer is engineered to convert liquid LPG to the vapor phase. If the vaporizer is
part of an SNG system, this vapor will then be diluted with air to provide a fuel that is
interchangeable with natural gas.
In a Waterbath vaporizer, the vaporization process works as follows:
• Liquid LPG is pumped into inlet of a waterbath vaporizer’s process coil.
• The process coil is immersed in a solution of heated water and glycol. This
waterbath solution is typically heated to 180o to 200oF [80o to 93oC] by a gas
fired burner which also utilizes the LPG vapor it is creating as its own fuel.
• As the liquid LPG passes through the process coil, it is heated to its boiling
point, vaporized and then super-heated in the last section of the coil.
• Vapor leaves the process coil by passing through a liquid float switch assembly. 17
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
the liquid LPG is piped through a water/glycol solution. This prevents freeze ups in the win-
ter — just like with your automobile radiator. The waterbath is heated to approximately
160 to 200oF depending on the LPG composition. The LPG vapor exits the vaporizer with
a minimum of approximately 20°F of superheat. The vaporizer’s gas fired burner uses the
vaporized LPG as its fuel source. During start-up, even on very cold days, there is gener-
ally sufficient vapor coming from the LPG process coil to satisfy the burner, allowing it to
begin the process of heating the water/glycol solution.
Other types of vaporizers include steam fired vaporizers and electric vaporizers. Direct
fired vaporizers, which are very uncommon, heat LPG in a metal container heated directly
by flame impingement on the bottom of the container. This type vaporizer has a poor safety
record and a greater potential for leaks and fires than other type vaporizers. Such units are
considered dangerous and are not recommended by Ely Energy.
There are a number of basic safety limits on a typical gas fired waterbath vaporizer.
These usually include:
• Low waterbath level cutoff switch
• High waterbath temperature switch
• Low and high gas pressure switch to burner
• Liquid LPG carry over switch
• Safety relief valve for high pressure LPG in the coil (set for 250 psig)
Typical AQUA-GAS® WB-H Series vaporizer with Optional Maintenance House installed in Peru.
SNG Blenders
The purpose of an SNG blender is to blend air with LPG vapor from a vaporizer in the
correct ratio to create a gas interchangeable with natural gas. As you know, natural gas has
a BTU content of approximately 1000 BTU/Ft3. Undiluted propane vapor has a BTU
content of about 2520 Btu/Ft3. However, a mixture of about 45% air and 55% propane
vapor results in SNG with a BTU content of around 1420 Btu/Ft3 and a specific gravity
of 1.31. So — our SNG has a BTU/ft3 content of 1420 versus natural gas at 1000 — Why
are they so different?
Types of blenders: 19
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Venturi Blending
Venturi blenders use the kinetic energy in the LPG vapor stream to create the desired
mixture. The theory of operation is similar to a typical atmospheric burner.
Due to the First Law of Thermodynamics (“Conservation of Energy”) kinetic energy must
come from some place — it does not just “occur”.
If you look up the First Law of Thermodynamics in a reference book you will learn that
energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can be converted from one form
to another. For example, potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy. But, total energy
remains constant.
In a venturi, kinetic energy increases as the LPG is accelerated. The “pressure”
(i.e., energy) is reduced — and hence total energy again remains constant.
The venturi creates “negative pressure” in the venturi chamber. Consequently, the atmo-
spheric pressure is “greater” than the pressure in venturi housing. Air flows as we would
expect, from the higher pressure zone (atmosphere) to the lower pressure zone (into the ven-
turi housing) — to mix with the LPG.
This is a simple explanation, but it describes the principle.
From the previous example it should also be apparent that the 1most energy the atmo-
spheric pressure can contribute is about (1) atmosphere or (14.7 PSIG). You will also notice
that as the SNG pressure gets higher — the inlet pressure to our venturi (the pressure from
our pumpset) must also increase! There are limits on what LPG pressures are feasible based
on vaporization and pumping.
If we want to increase SNG pressure above these pressures with a venturi — we must
increase the available air pressure above atmospheric pressure. This requires use of an air
compressor or blower.
Technically – this depends on elevation, etc. but for sake of this discussion, this is adequate.
1 21
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Venturi Blending
2. The Pressure Regulator controls the undiluted LPG vapor pressure to the
Venturi Nozzle.
3. As SNG from the Surge Tank is consumed by the downstream gas consuming
equipment, the SNG pressure in the Surge Tank drops. The Pressure Control
Switch senses the pressure of the SNG Surge Tank dropping and energizes the
Solenoid Valve allowing LPG vapor at a regulated pressure to be fed through
the venturi Nozzle and then through the Venturi Chamber.
4. The LPG Vapor passes through the Plenum Chamber between the Nozzle and
the Venturi throat at a high velocity. A negative pressure is created and this
inspirates the required volume of air throughout the Venturi throat into the
expansion section (diffuser) of the Venturi where the velocity of the mixed gases
are converted to static pressure.
5. Air entering the Plenum Chamber passes through the Inlet Back Check Valve.
6. SNG leaving the Venturi passes through the manual shut off valve and into the
SNG Surge tank.
7. When pressure in SNG Surge Tank rises to its set point, the Pressure Control
Switch opens, thus deenergizing the Solenoid Valve which then closes.
8. The Inlet Ball Check Valve in the venturi housing prevents escape of SNG back
to the atmosphere.
9. Safety limits include a High/Low SNG Pressure Limit Switch, Low Input
Pressure Limit Switch and the Low Water Temperature Limit Switch on the
vaporizer. Any of these devices will de-energize the Solenoid Valve on the vapor
discharge side of the vaporizer and shut down the SNG system.
Proportional Blending
The AFC™ proportional mixer provides SNG mixtures at pressures from 13 PSIG to over
150 PSIG in a capacity range from 38 million BTU/HR to 2000 million BTU/HR)
AFC™ stands for Active Flow Control. The AFC™ can use both ‘feed forward’ and ‘feed-
back’ control for fast response and unparalleled accuracy. In conventional ‘feedback only’
control systems the response to an error can only be identified and corrected after the event
occurs. For example, with a mixing valve type system, a gas quality problem is identified
by a calorimeter after the problem occurs. Then a correction is attempted. This slow reac-
tion coupled with multiple correction attempts then causes more control oscillations and
creates further unstable gas quality outputs. The AFC™ feed forward control design elimi-
nates the problem!
When the AFC™ is started, the LPG flow meter sends a flow value to the control system.
The control system responds instantaneously and pre-determines the approximate required
position of the air flow control valve relative to the LPG vapor flow rate. Within seconds,
the actual measured air flow rate is compared with the calculated flow rate and the control
system makes the necessary fine adjustments. The AFC™ is now on line. Perfect gas — no
wild swings and no “bad gas” typical of old conventional mixing valve systems.
The AFC™’s Automatic Load Tracking option allows pressures and flow parameters to be
pre-set in the Control System. Mixing with intelligence, the AFC™ automatically closes the
mixed gas outlet valve and then automatically reopens it at a lower down stream pressure! No
manual steps are required and the concern of “turndown” is eliminated. The Flow Schematic
illustrates the basic operation of the AFC™ Blender. LPG vapor and compressed air enter
the AFC™ in parallel streams. Flow
meters instantaneously and continu-
ously send flow data to the Control
System. The Control System pro-
vides both feed forward and feedback
control. The feed forward control
constantly calculates the required air
to achieve the desired mixing ratio
and adjusts the airflow control valve
accordingly. Simultaneously, the
feedback control loop compares the
actual valve (i.e. Wobbe, BTU/SCF,
KCAL/Nm3, etc.) of the mixed gas
with the desired set-point value and
makes any necessary fine adjust-
ments. These small adjustments
compensate for any errors inherently
associated with instrumentation. 23
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Proportional Blending
The Human Machine Interface (HMI) is a simple Touch Screen Panel provided with the sys-
tem. A single cable connects with HMI to the AFC™ J-box. Installation couldn’t be easier!
Modern gas blenders such as the AFC™ Blender have no moving parts. The design uses
highly accurate flow meters and a sophisticated but simple to use Human Machine Interface
(HMI). However, there is another type of mixer – the piston, or floating orifice type.
Even today piston type mixers are still sometimes used, especially outside the USA and
Europe. The old fashioned piston mixing valve design date from the late 1940’s. The basic
mixing valve design utilized a piston, a sleeve and some type of cast or fabricated valve
body. The air and LPG vapor enter the “mixing chamber” through “ports” cut in the valve
bodies. Depending on the manufacturer, the sleeve (i.e. cylinder to the piston) either used
rotational movement or is stationary. As for the piston, it had either vertical movement, or
a combination of both vertical and rotational depending on the design.
Mixing valve type mixers were “ported” to admit gas and air at the relative proportions
required at a flow rate. The piston moved vertically inside the sleeve – sometimes by a dia-
gram located below the piston that senses the line pressure. Rotation of the sleeve (or the
piston in other designs), allowed the proportions of gas and air to change as the exposure
of the port inlet increased or decreased in size. This rather primitive method of ratio adjust-
ment formed their basis of their mixing control.
Like any piston and cylinder design, this style of mixing was a totally mechanical process.
However, contamination from the LPG, for example the C5’s, oils and so called heavy ends
made this difficult and potentially dangerous. LPG is laden with contaminants. Dirt and
heavy ends from the LPG built up and on occasion effectively “locked” the mixer. When
that occurred, the cylinder and piston stuck together! Some gas utilities reported perform-
ing maintenance on their old mixing valves every day or 3-4 times a week!
It is also important to understand that LPG-air mixing valves were typically slaved
blenders. That means the air and gas side of the system were pneumatically “slaved” to each
other. The performance of one side dictated
the performance of the other. Consequently,
they did not maintain the same mixing ratio
at all flow rates. This resulted in substantial
gas quality variations depending on flow rate.
Sleeve and piston type blenders operating at
lower flow rates tended to produce lean (lower
Wobbe values) mixtures compared to the
Wobbe at higher flow rates. This was poten-
tially dangerous with negative impact on
end users of the gas. The calorific value devi-
ated dramatically from set value when flow
dropped below 15 % of their rated capacity. 25
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
At lower flow rates (e.g. 10%) the mixing ratio could go out of control!
Auto-Ratio-Control, a standard function on most modern mixers, is not standard on
the old piston type mixer. For the pistons types, the Auto-Ratio-control is an option. The
option typically involves adding an awkward and sometimes problematic servo motor to
rotate the piston or sleeve in an attempt to control the Wobbe. With this design, the servo
motor receives a signal from a gas quality instrument and attempts to adjust the output of
the gas quality by rotating the port on the mixer. This type control is inferior in response
time and accuracy.
Piston to sleeve faces must also be machined (often by hand) to as precise to its original
shape in order to operate properly. Care must also be taken regarding corrosion problems
that might severely affect piston-sleeve faces. Carbon dioxide can readily cause an acid to
form in presence of water or humidity in both the LPG vapor or air supply. Given the qual-
ity of most LPG, avoiding a build up from paraffin’s and bituminous ends is impossible. This
type build up leads to sticking of the piston in the sleeve. Several documented cases occurred
where the vertical shaft for piston rotation and adjusting the gas air ratio have broken from
the torque of the Auto-Ratio-Control systems. The piston gets locked by the impurities, but
the Auto-ratio controller continues to rotate the shaft – finally the shaft simply breaks.
If you encounter this type of a mixer at a location, we strongly suggest you attempt to
contact the manufacturer. As about half the US manufacturers of this design are now out
of business, you may encounter difficulty. Feel fee to contact Ely Energy service with ques-
tions. Most important – be cautious and do NOT operate the device if you lack knowledge
or experience.
Inoperable old style piston blending system that was removed from service in 2003.
The connection of any SNG system to a natural gas distribution line (i.e., tie-in) is made
downstream from the client’s metering and pressure regulating equipment. There are two
choices in selecting the pressure at which the SNG is delivered.
If the SNG mixture is delivered at a pressure below the natural gas delivery pressure, the
natural gas system must be isolated with a valve in order to use the SNG.
If the SNG is delivered at a pressure above the natural gas delivery pressure, the SNG
will automatically replace the natural gas in the distribution system. This happens because
either the check valve installed in the natural gas piping or the utility’s regulator stops the
flow of natural gas. In this case, no valves need be closed at the connection between the
SNG and natural gas piping.
An additional advantage of this arrangement is that if the SNG system shuts down for
any reason, the natural gas will automatically begin to flow when the SNG pressure falls
below the natural gas delivery pressure. 27
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Properties of LPG
LPG is different from the liquids and gases people typically encoutner. These unique
properties can be dangerous if not understood. Caution is required! The following proper-
ties must be understood in order to avoid unsafe actions regarding an LPG system.
LPG is stored in pressure vessels. Unlike water, LPG boils at a temperature well below
common ambient temperatures. This means that anytime LPG liquid is released from a
pipe or container and exposed to common atmospheric pressure and temperature, the liq-
uid will boil and convert instantly to vapor.
When LPG liquid is released, the conversion from liquid to vapor refrigerates the air
it comes in contact. A white cloud often forms. This white cloud is actually frozen water
vapor in the air; this is not LPG liquid or LPG vapor. The cloud’s presence can indicate the
approximate location of the vapor cloud. However, do not rely on the presence or lack of a
cloud to judge the potential danger from LPG in the vicinity.
We describe the mixture of air and LPG needed for combustion in terms of flamma-
bility limits. A flammability limit is simply the percentage of LPG needed in an LPG/air
mixture to support combustion. Normally, this value is given in both upper and lower lim-
its of flammability. The upper limit is the percentage of gas in the richest (most gas rich)
mixture that will support combustion. The lower limit is the percentage of gas in the lean-
est (least gas rich) mixture that will support combustion. Refer to the following table for
limits of flammability of LPG.
LPG is both odorless and colorless. Because of its hazard as a flammable material, safety
codes require an odorant be added to LPG sufficient to be detectable at 20% of its lower
flammability limit. The presence of the odorant suggests the presence of LPG, but does not
indicate its concentration. If LPG has passed through soil or placed in a new container or
pipe, the odorant could be significantly stripped from the LPG.
When checking for possible leaks from underground piping, a detector sensitive to LPG
must be used. Never rely only on your sense of smell! Substantial underground leaks can
develop with little or no odor apparent. 29
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Codes and standards have been developed to promote safety in the operation of many
activities. Plumbing, electrical and building codes are a few examples. For LPG equipment,
the primary resource is the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 58 (NFPA 58). NFPA
58 covers the storage and handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases and references a number
of other codes or standards. The three major components of the code are:
• Equipment design
• Equipment installation
• Operating procedures
EEI recommends reviewing NFPA 58 and maintaining a copy at each facility with LPG
equipment as a reference. NFPA also publishes a ‘Handbook’ in conjunction with Pamphlet
58. The handbook includes many descriptive passages to help interpret the code and is also
a recommended reference.
5 Storage of Portable Containers Includes scope, general provisions, storage, and fire
Awaiting Use or Resale protection
6 Vehicular Transportation Includes scope, transportation modes and parking and
of LP-Gas garaging vehicles
7 Buildings or Structures Housing Includes scope, separate and attached structures
LP-Gas Distribution Facilities
8 Engine Fuel Systems Application, general purpose and industrial vehicles,
engine installation and garaging of vehicles
9 Refrigerated Storage Containers, impoundment and locating aboveground
10 Marine Shipping and Receiving Piers, pipelines, and actions prior to transfer
Safety Valves
There are a number of types of safety valves used on LPG systems 31
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
may prevent the operator from closing the manual shutoff valves upstream from the break
in the hose.
Three ingredients needed to start and sustain combustion are: fuel, oxygen, and an igni-
tion source. All three must be present in the proper proportions for combustion to occur.
The combustible molecules in LPG are hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are chemical com-
pounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon atoms. The oxygen needed to burn LPG vapor
is obtained from the air. Air is made up of 20% oxygen, 79% nitrogen, and about 1% of
other miscellaneous gases. The ignition source must provide enough heat to the mixture of
fuel and oxygen to raise the temperature of the LPG to its ignition temperature, which is
between 920 oF — 1,120oF.
Combustion Ratio
The combustion ratio is the ratio of air to fuel. A ‘perfect’ ratio exists when all of the
hydrogen and carbon combine with air and no oxygen or fuel is left over during combus-
tion! This is called the stoichiometric ratio. For LPG the stoichiometric ratio is 23.9:1 and
for Natural Gas 9.6:1.
LPG will burn anytime at a ratio of 2.15% to 9.6% LPG in air exists. However, for proper
combustion in appliances, a ratio approaching the stoichiometric ratio is required.
When LPG and air burn in the correct ratio, complete combustion occurs. Since LPG
is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon, water vapor and carbon dioxide are combustion
by-products. 33
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Operating Manuals
Receiving LPG
The most important aspect of receiving LPG is knowing in advance if you have suffi-
cient tank capacity to accept the anticipated load.
Some LPG dealers use their vehicles to transport ammonia during the summer and LPG
during the winter. Contamination of LPG by ammonia is possible. If you suspect the pres-
ence of ammonia, test by wetting a piece of red litmus paper in distilled water and exposing
to LPG vapor for 30 seconds. A blue color indicates the presence of ammonia. 35
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
An SNG standby system creates a mixture of LPG and air compatible with natural gas.
When a compatible mixture is created, it will be difficult for the untrained observer to deter-
mine whether an appliance is burning natural gas or SNG. With the higher carbon content,
SNG will tend to have slightly more yellow in its flame.
Appliances burning natural gas must be tuned to create proper combustion. With nat-
ural gas, the limits of flammability range from 5% to 15%. The limits of flammability of
LPG are 2.15% to 9.6%. As a result, a natural gas appliance can be out of tune and still
burn, but when supplied with a perfect SNG mixture can be out of tune.
The best method to handle apparent combustion problems is to first tune the appliance
on natural gas. Then switch fuels to SNG for confirmation. Most combustion problems can
be addressed in this manner. If problems still exist, it is possible that the mixture generated
by the SNG system does not have the correct Wobbe index. It is either too lean or too rich.
When the mixture is too lean, appliance burners will flash back or pop. A rich mixture will
appear yellow or with sooting. The SNG must be adjusted to provide the optimum com-
bustion match with natural gas.
One appliance which seems to have more problems than most is the high intensity infra-
red heaters. These devices mix all the air required for combustion at the burner rather than
depending on secondary air for complete combustion. They operate at the edge of the capa-
bility of the burner Venturi to entrain the correct amount of air. As a result they are very
sensitive to the delivered gas pressure and the plant air pressure. Proper operation by infra-
red heaters may require individual adjustment of gas pressure and air shutter.
• Leaks. Leaks are probably the most common SNG system problem. Leaks in gas
lines and components impact safety, operational capability and plant econom-
ics. An air leak of sufficient volume can impact measuring or controlling loops
and may compromise safety of the system.
• Water in LPG. Water is a contaminant in LPG. It can seriously interfere with the
proper operation of pumps and regulators. If water is suspected, a ‘freeze off’
test can be performed to determine the presence of water. In cold climates, if
water is present in concentrations of more than a few parts per million, cor-
rective action must be taken. Larger concentrations can result in liquid water
collecting in low points in the system. The remedy for water in the LPG is addi-
tion of methyl alcohol (methanol). The easiest method to introduce methanol is
to request its inclusion from your LPG supplier in your next LPG order. Add a
maximum of 20 gallons of methanol to an 18,000 gallon tank and a maximum
The most common accident is a truck pulling away from an unloading station without
disconnecting the hoses.
• Upgrade your TTU to current code.
• Use LPG vendors with trained drivers.
Hose break
• Check hoses at frequent intervals for damage and leaks.
Non-Standard Situations
A “non-standard” situation exists when equipment is not operating within its normal
parameters. A hazard thus exists which is easily controlled or self controlling. This hazard is
limited in scope and can be controlled without endangering lives or significant property. 37
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Large liquid or vapor discharges at truck unload area (no fire involved).
1. Notify appropriate supervisor or personnel.
2. Assist any person in the plant to move away from the hazardous area.
3. If possible shutdown all operating electrical equipment by tripping main breaker.
4. When safe to do so, isolate the LPG source feeding the leak.
Because LPG is flammable, everyone involved with its handling must know and follow
fire prevention rules. An LPG fire is one hazard that everyone wants to avoid. Any fire, large
or small, has the potential to destroy property and take human lives. As a result, general fire
prevention rules and general fire precautions in the event of a LPG leak, spill, or discharge,
are topics that must be considered everyday when working with LPG. The only way to reduce
this chance is to be aware of fire hazards and always follow fire prevention rules.
Emergency Procedures
Definition of Emergency Incident
An emergency manual cannot possibly address every situation arising and it is therefore
incumbent on each employee to become familiar with:
• Physical and chemical properties of LPG.
• Safety procedures and equipment.
• Current codes and standards.
• Operating procedures for all installed equipment.
As is the case with all potentially hazardous facilities, public safety must be given the greatest
consideration. The important point to remember about LPG fires is the only effective way to
put out a LPG fire is to cut off the supply of gas to the flame. If the flame is extinguished
before the gas supply is cut off, the gas can spread to a much larger area. If the fire then
reignites, it can easily create a much more serious problem. If the gas cannot be turned off
without personal injury then let it burn until fire-fighting personnel arrive at the scene. The
main concern in any fire caused by or involving LPG should be to prevent injury.
If the fire is at the loading bulkhead, go to the nearest remote emergency shutoff valve
control that is upwind and away from the fire and close the emergency shutoff valve. Remember:
Do not move to an area downwind of a leak or fire or into any area where you may become trapped
or have no upwind escape route.
If there is a small fire caused by another flammable material, extinguish the flame with
a dry chemical fire extinguisher. Remember to approach the fire from upwind.
• Be familiar with equipment when running and when not running. Note the
typical temperatures and pressures shown on gauges.
• Listen for leaks and other unusual sounds
• Look for visible damage
Thank You
Thanks for taking the time to read this booklet and for being interested. When we can
help — call us. We’re dedicated to serving your needs. 39
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 41
LPG and SNG Systems Overview
Dew Point Data for SNG with 100% Butane Blended with Air
L-Temperature (C)
L-Pressure (bar_g)
FOR REFERENCE ONLY – not for design use! Contact Ely Engineering
Dew Point Data for LPG with 33% Propane and 67% Butane Blended with Air
L-Temperature (C)
L-Pressure (bar_g)
FOR REFERENCE ONLY – not for design use! Contact Ely Engineering 43
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 45
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 47
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 49
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 51
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 53
LPG and SNG Systems Overview 55
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